Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 13, 1905, Page 10, Image 10
10 1905. frTE OMATTA DAILY HEE: TltTRSPAY, .TFLY 13. WESTERN UNION FEARS VAN Bif Corporation Gett Injunction to Prefect Heaniogs Collecting Ttzei. ACTION IS TAKEN JUST IN TIME Dlscarted at Itefosal to Pay Small Bam, City Treasurer Wm Pre parlaa; to Clone Offices, Fore lac Parmeat. Judge Troup ho Issued a temporary or dr restraining City Treasurer Hennlngs from attempting to collect 1190.33 current taxes dus from tho Western Union Tele graph company. The company already has paid 192, or tha tax assessed on Its personal property, but balks on the remainder, which Is assessed at l.5f0, representing the gross state bus iness done by the local office during the year ending September 15, 1"4. It Is held by the company that this part of OffFmrnt Is Illegal. Another rase, based on llie same lines, haa been decided in Its fnvor by the supreme court, but not until after the 19 assessment was made. Thn entertaining part of the petition Is that which relates how the company fears Treasurer Hennlngs may descend upon It and tako possession of Its personal prop erty under a distress warrant. Inasmuch as Mr. Hennlngs has threatened to do this very thing, and put the Western Vnlon out of business In Omaha until It paid up. Aa a matter of fact the treasurer had con templated doing this, being disgusted at the refusal of so large a corporation o ray uch a comparatively small tax. He was scheming to turn the trick In some way for several days before the injunction waa served. Although the supreme court has ruled against the assessment of telegraph compa nies on their gross state recolpts, city of ficers are confident an assessment upon the franchise, determined by computing the value of the stocks and bonds and basing the local assessment upon the lines of wire In Omaha, will yield larger returns than the other method. It is probable an at tempt will be made to correct the 1906 as aessment in this way. PUTS PRICE ON WIFE'S LOVE Husband Kara Another Man for Ten Thousand Dollars for Alien ated Affections, John C. Rabbe Is asking $10,000 damages from John H. Maack In the district court for the alleged destruction and alienation of his wife's affection for him. Rabbe de clares he has been dishonored and dis graced. He asserts that he has been de prived of the "comfort, fellowship, society and assistance- of his wife In domestic af fairs" by reason of the machinations of the other man. The plalntlfT'a petition has been filed. 2 r- - A Co'. Fancy I Suits ! 70 Per Ct off R.-P. & Co'. nen'a Fancy EXTRA SPCEIALS in our Semi-Annual Clearing Sale A &X!u Walking Skirts $2.98 All our new and up-to-date polf and walk ing skirts that have been selling as high as. $i;.0) each the novelty mohairs, novelty suitings, mixed cloths, plain colors, etc in light and medium weights pleated ef fects, many with 39 and 53 O gore effects every garment Jrfy .... T mw full size Tnursuay, a spe cial at AH Children's $2-$3 White Dresses 98c Hundreds of the dainty little summer dresses in ages 2 to 14 charmingly trimmed with laces and embroideries, Kustor Brown styles, Kus sian etc. piques, India linons, India lawns, etc. worth as high as $3.00 each second floor, at J Ladies $3.50 Shirt Waist Suits Made with neiv pleated 2 waists and skirts the coolest dressiest suits OR for outing and summer, at m.JrJ m 4 EXTRA BASEMENT SPECIALS Linen Jack- I Ladies' Sat- Ladies' $1 Ladies' f 2 et Suits 15(1 I eenPot-if f I WaisU-Tff- i I. wn wi i . i r m-mrrn ' nXUII W F,THF,H FORKC49T Thnradar Fair. ro) i inr iWUM UJ 1111 11 A uKtEN TRADING STAMP """'V, 1 L. 0 MAIN FLOOR a BiaaiBBaHaaaaisBaaaaHBaBaaBMaaiBaBiMBaMaaaiaH H I B H fl b ii vy m m j t ISO worth 18 A and 17, at- a 41 V. VJ vr w'th $1 at...". "MS, Wash Khlrt Wslst Suits at 98c I.lfe insurance. For twenty-five centa you can now Insure yourself and family against any bad results from an attack of colic or dlarrhoae during the summer monthi. That la the price of a bottle of' Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Plarrhoae Remedy, a' medicine that has never been known to fall. Buy It now, it may save life. tXASeilBU FA.HICM. Wash Laces at 2c, 5c, 7c All widths of fine English torchon, etc, white, ecru and the new 2-toned effects Normandy and French vals, also fine Cluny bands and inserting?! big bargain tales filled with thousands of yards of these beauti ful laces, worth up to 2oc yard, at 2C-5C-75C Clearing Sale of Ladies' Neckwear 1 NO. 4635-OTRV8 ENGLISH SAILOR BUIT Bites b to i I ears. For the accommodation of reader of The Bee these patterns, which usually retail at from X to H cents each, will be furnished at the nominal price of 10 cants. . A supply Is now kept at our office, so those who wish any pattern may get it either by eall lug or enclosing 10 cents, addressed ,,It- lern Department, uee. Omaha." r 1 OREXEL'S Big July Shoe Sale CONTINUES ALL THIS WEEK. Ilundreds of people have already taken advantage of our Big July Sale of Men's, Women's and Children's ' TAN SHOES AND OXFORDS The sale will continue all this week and you can't af ford to miss this great chance to get Tan Shoes at less than factory cost. Broken lots of Women's, Misses' and Children's Shoes on the table at $1.00 worth up to 4.00. Drexel Shoe Co., 1419 Farnam St. Ilundreds of new and dainty styles of summer neckwear in embroidered and lace edges, stocks, tabbed neckwear the prettiest turn over collars, some all "Q 4 flQ "f QIC linen Buster Brown collars, etc il - I II "I o all the very new styles, at Ribbons 5 5c, 10c, 15c All Silk Ribbons, in widths up to six inches all plain and fancy colors, including new stripes and plaids every dainty color suitable for neck wear, belt ribbons, trimmings, etc., etc., at yard , 5c-10c-15c Millinery Clearance Ladles' Untriramad Hata-allthe very latest shapes turban, sailors, etc. in the most popular straws all ready to trim at .... All Our Wings and Feathers for trimming hats widest variety of shades right up to 1 f data and stylish worth up to 50o, at 1 1 if aoh All Our Rowers that have been selling up to 7 60 a bunch all varieties, ail col ors, at bunch 25c 10c -3 ' Street and Trimmed Hats many new ideas fresh and clean for every-day summer M wear and outing C Ladies' Street and Trimmed Flats- pretty and dressy hats nillans. soft braids, etc. special for clearing sale at 1.98 Advance Notice! Grand Sale Imported If Plates and Cups and Saucers. On Sale Saturday at Brandeis. The most beautiful array of artistic decorated plates ever shown In 5 the country at a special sale. All the samples and surplus stork of New York's greatest importer. Thousands have admired them in our window. They are worth as high as $3.00. Saturday the prices are 10c, 15c, 2S)c, 40c 5 See the ri 1 1 riaica 111 the Window Li Sseeme riue aiii ml GtTjS Display i Special Announcement to Omaha Men HirsIrWickwire & Co.'s Splendid $20 and $25 Stimmer Stiits at $10 On Sale Saturday at Brandeis. a Every man in Omaha who has worn this fine clothing realizes the importance of this sale. We se cured hundreds of MEN'S HAND TAILORED and FITTED SUMMER SUITS, the overstock from the well known factory of IIIRSH, WICK WIRE & CO., 341 FRANKLIN ST., CHICAGO. We were particularly fortunate in securing this great surplus stock. This clothing is to be compared only to tailor made clothing most of it is HAND MADE CLOTHING, the very highest class suits made. ON SATURDAY WE OFFER YOUR CHOICE OF THESE $17.50 to $25 STYLISH SUITS at $10. MILLINERY A Special Tuscan Polo, quite recently Introduced and having its first outing on State Street, Chicago, now. Kasily a $4 value, 1 CIQ our price to introduce, for Thursday l0 Trimmed Hats Trimmed Hats " All early summer trimmed hats, previously offered at $7..V) each, to be closed f An out Thursday, at I.UU All early summer trimmed hats, previously offered at $12.!"0 each, will be sncrl- l Afl flced Thursday at. each UU Duck Outing Hats, prodigious values, Jt C new, fresh, clrnn goods, each TtC Cloth and Duck Caps, all sizes and "IP styles, up from DC Mrs. Sinclair In charge. I frif Speaking: of Watches Would ray w rarry a nice Una. up-to-date makes and hisps. rtr arents we nave tne thin mouel uon laca and hunting ?, gold and sold oiled. In Ladies' atrht-a have a handsome line, nubby patterns, bold Dpen fare and nuntin 'ne. ir you are thinking of watch sre us. Look for tha name. S. W. LINDSAV, Jeweler, iUI Iouala Suaab A GREAT THURSDAY SALE Ladies' House Gowns and Wrappers Every gown and wrapper thnt is marked from $1.25 to $5.50 this sale in cludes all our fine dimity, lawn, batiste and percale, trim- dQ nied In ruffles, lace, embroidery and velvet this offer Is tlC only for Thursday take your choice of all these gowns at J Ladies' Silk Dresses and Shirt Waist Suits Every garment that had been fl'O.OO, $22.f0 $25.00, $ 27.50, f (0.00 and $32.50, now on sale at 13.50 Ladies' Belt Sale 45c Our entire stock of Silk, Sntln, Leather Velvet and Metal Belts, including those elegant Dresden Silk and Damassa Satin with Jew eled buckles worth up to $4.50 each divided into two lots Thursday at 05c and Ladies' Lisle Vests Fine French rib, silk tape, low neck, no sleeves, pure white purchased direct from the mills last week regular 25c qual ityThursday -. ...... Ribbon Sale Elegant New Ribbons up to eight Inches wide plain and fancy value from fifty cents to ninety -five cents on sale Thursday at per yard 10c 25c One Hour Sales Very Special, m. 36-inch Irish Linen worth 60c a yard, Thurs day 10 to 11... 10 to 11 a. fine white for dresses, 25c From 3 to 4 p. m. Two hundred pieces Fancy Or gandies and Fancy Lawns worth 15c a yard, Thursday 3 to 4 p." m 3c 49c Sale of Dresser Scarfs and Shams About 50 dozen Dresser Scarfs and Fillow Shams, made of Armalch llpen with two and four rows of drawn work they are well made and worth 75c and t5c each Thursday only.. Thirty ($3.00) Green Trading Stamps with each piece. Turkish and ITuck Towels bleached and unbleached extra 4 1 large and extra heavy worth eighteen cents Thursday i&Q He 15c 25c Pillow Slips Another 100 dozen Fearless of All Competition Brand heavy muslin all sizes worth fifteen cents Thursday each Another Big Wash Goods Cut All of our Arnold's Voiles, Cotton Foulards, Satines, Irish Dimities, Crash and Linen Suitings worth from 25c to 49c Thursday per yard All of our fine Silk Mulls, Silk Crepes, White Dotted Swiss and White Embroidered Muslins worth up to l5c Thursday Four Times Green Trading Stamps With All DOROTHY DODD OXFORDS Tans, browns, champagnes, chocolates, vici kid. etc. All styles, all sizes, all widths. We must close out all Dorothy Dodd Oxfords during July. For One Day Only, We Will Give One hundred (10) Green Trading Stamps with 1 PA every pair of Dorothy Dodd Oxfords f3 One hundred and twenty ($12) Green Trading 7 AA Stamps with every pair Dorothy Dodd OxfordsUU Dorothy Dodd Section, Halo Floor. BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY Headquarters for the finest Values irt Teas. Twenty 0f2.OO) Green Stamps with one pound of Tea Trading 38c Forty ($4.00) Green Trading Stamps with one pound of tea, Lflt I vw Sixty ($0.00) Green Trading Stamps with one pound of J As Tea, at Ol 18 Pounds of Oran- AA ulated Hugar ... sVlU H at Wztch for Our Gnat Mid-Summer Fur Sale mm THB RELIABLE ITORB. Watch for Oir Great Mid-Summer Fur Sale Great Clearing Sale Bargain ln " Ladies Sult HANDSOME WASH SUITS In fine Swisses and lawns. trimmed with tucks, laces and emhroia- A H erli worth mi in 1M rLnrlnir sale urlce.. T"IJ $4.00 WASH SPITS, In black and white polka dot ma terials, prettily tucked and enioromery n i) trimmed I'lpiirliiir rnilo tirice ..MT' $, WASH Sl ITS, In tans, with tucked waists and skirt-a small lot while they last, inurs- lKf day choice M Ov SILK SHIRT WAIST SUITS, in black, blues and browns, nil newest styles, good value at A fifl regular rrlce. l.K..rf clearing sale price. . .1UUU WOMKN S WASH SKIUTS worth $3.00 JO clearing sale price 1TT $.0O ACCOKDKOX n.EATBD SKIRTS ln all colors sale price $5.(iO. $tU0 AND $7.00 WALKING AND DRESS SKIRTS sale price 175 STYLISH CRAYENETTE COATS-in tans and grays, worth up to $10, at, choice CHILDREN'S WASH DRESSES in crent vartetv of stvles. worth to $4.00, in two lots at clearing sale price, $1.40 and.. ...... WOMEN'S WAISTS worth up to one dollar choice WOMEN'S TWO DOLLAR AND A HALF WAISTS at WOMEN'S FOUR DOLLAR WAISTS, In black and white fit WOMEN'S THREE DOLLAR WAISTS " ' at , , WOMEN'S FINE DRESSING SACQUES AT HALE FROM 8 TILL 9 A. M. WOMEN'S DRESSING SACQUES at FROM 0 TILL 10 A. M.-ONE DOLLAR WRAPPERS, ' choice FROM 8:30 TILL 0:30 WOMEN'S LONG KIMONAS at hiuji v:w i il,li iuu-jiui..uuk: s uingiiam DRESSES m t - 49c SiX Special Hour Sales h 0ar Furnishing Goods Dept. m 2.98 2.98 5.00 SPECIAL IN HARDWARE THURSDAY. Forty (MOO) Green Trading Stamps with 6 and 7-Inch Butcher AGr Knives, extra grade CJfc Ten 1 00) Oreen Trading; fz Stamps with 1 qt. covered pail...,Jw Twenty (J2.0ii) Green Trading Stamps with Screen toor Hinges, l2r per pair IV T n (11.00) Green Trading Cr Stamps with Garden Trowel Ol Forty ($4 00 Oreen Trading Stamps with refrigerator Ian, OUP galvanized, 6c and aOfc Forty (4.0o) Green Trading Stamps with D handled Square Point Shovel; regular price ti&e, Alir Sale price 'VC Forty i$4.ii0) Green Trading Stamps with I handled Spade; regu- JQp lar price 65c, sale price tzrK Forty ($t.0O Green Trading Stamps with Grass Scythe, fkHc Me, 7&o and uo" Forty ilt.oo) Green Trading Stamps with (irass tlooks, IUn $).i, 40c, Abe, 28: and Thirty (I3.oo Green Trading OQp Ktamns with 1'otato IJlcer aaw LATEST, LIGHTEST, NEATEST, CHEAPEST LEATHER BOUND MATTING SUITCASES, $3.50, $3.75. 54 00. Convenient to carry, nice to look at and are made to last. We carry a full line of Grips, Suitcases anl Trunks of our own manufacture. Send for catalogue. Prices right. WE DO REPAIRING. Omaha Trunk IT..-. 79c 35c 1.00 ..i.98 1.45 PRICE. 35c 49c 65c HVERY ONE OF THESE FROM A TILL lO A. M. LADIE8' FAST BUACK HOSE-With double hel and solo, regular 15c qualities, for this hour at, per pair FKOM 11 A. M TILL 12 M FOUR P1.Y LINEN COLLARS For men ana dovs. ait sizes and best styles, 15c qualities, at rttnn n Tin. a nt LADIES' FINE CAMBRIC DRAWERS wun aeep lawn rumes, lace and embroidery trimmed, 6oc value, at KO DEALERS SUPPLIED DURING BARGAINS OF RARE MERIT. ' 111) 5c men ,2ic VERS 19c . 11 A. M. ItmiiKD HOPE just KltM lO TILI CHILDR EN'H HKAVY They come in nil sizes: the thing for everyday wear, 16c quality, at, pair KHOM It TILL LADIES' CHEMISK. Corset Covers, daintily latest styles, regular $l.oo values, at FltOM 4 TILL A l M. 75c to $.S0 Negligee and Pleated Bosom BhlrtH, In very newest patterns, all sizes, choice THESE SALES OR AT THESE PRICES. a r. m. DRAWERS trimmed. 5c and 39c 35c Groceries! Groceries! H,'t;;srf,CM 18 lbs. Best Cane Granulated Sugar for 11.00 10 Bars Swift s Pride. Beat 'Em All or Whlto Paris Laundry Soap 2fic 4 lbs. Best Bulk Laundry- Starch 15c Morgan's Sapojlo, per bar 5c I'earline, per package 2c 1-lb. Cans Eagle Lye 70 Potted Ham. Deviled Ham or Potted Tongue, per can 2-lb. Package Breakfast Oatmeal 5c 1- lb. Cans Fancy Alaaka Salmon 9c 2- lb. Cans Fancy Sweet Sugar Corn 5c 1-lb. Jars Pure Fruit Preserves 7Vc Oil or Mustard Sardines, per can 4c Xcelo, Malta Vita, or Egg-O-See, per package TO The. Best Soda Crackers, per lb 6o The Best Fancy Crisp Glngersnaps, per lb 4ic FRUIT! FRUIT!! FRUITI!! Large Baskets FVincy Ripe Tomatoes... .200 Fancy California Peaches, per doz 10c Quart boxes Fancy Ripe Plums . 6c Large baskets fancy California Plums.. 25c Fancy large. Juicy Lemons, per dos 15c Pure Colorado Honey, per rack ;0a Soft shell English Walnuts, per lb lOo HAYDEN BROS, lemeinnibeir that it is always cheapest to get the best that can be had. Do not let anyone convince you that the article they offer for sale is JUST AS GOOD as some other. Buy the best always. The name "Eclipse'' speaks for itself when talking of Gas Ranges. E7PI IDOE? HAD OTniffT rn LULIruL UHO OIUVC bU. g Rockford, Illinois. B The children can't keep posted on the life and works of Buster Brown unless you get the Sunday Bee for them every week. Factory. 1209 Farnam St. I PU V ' ---H A.k for a ' QUALITY IS OUR MOTTO I jglj - .... . ft'r lAi'iL I I i - . Shratler's ) Fig Powder Given Away Sherman & Mct'onucll are glviujj free aamplei of the only laxative tliui cure and prevents APPENDICITIS The bHt renu'ily fi r constipation which cauae of. fensive breath, ili Ich and lilotche. Ix, you want the rosy theeka an 1 hrlgbt eyea of perf,.c:t healU Sherman & McConnell Drug Company tUiteuiU and Dodfo BtrecU. -