Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 12, 1905, Page 4, Image 4

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JULY 12. 1903,
TitE Omaha Daily Bee.
Pally Be (althout Sunday I, one year.. .14 W
J'sily Bee n4 Buhflay, one year 6 n
Illustrated Bee. on year 5
Fundsy B. on year 2 5
Psttirrisy IW-e, n yesr 1 -W
"iirentleth Century Frmr, on year.... l.W
rlly pee (without ftunrtavi, per copy.... In
Iily Bee (without Huntley). ir wk...l
I tally Be (including Btinrfsy), pr week..l7o
Kvenlng Be (without 8unisy, per week Jo
Evening Be (Including Sunday), per
week 12c
Sunday Bee, pfr copv to
Complaint of Irregularities In delivery
should he addressed to City Circulation De
partment. OFFICES.
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Houth Omaha City Hall building. Twentjr
flfth and M streets.
Council Bluff 10 Pearl street
Chlcago-1B40 Inlty building.
New tork Vti Horns Llf Insurance
Washington 601 Fourteenth street.
Communications relatlnir to new and edi
torial matter should be addressed: Omaha
Be. Editorial Department.
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payable to Th Be Publishing Company.
Only t-cent stamp received in payment of
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State of Nebraska, Douglas County, .:
C. C. Koaewater, crtary of Th Be
Publishing Company, being duly worn,
ay that th actual number of full and
complete cople of Th I tally, Morning,
Evening and fiundny Be printed during thd
month of June, lauG, was a follow:
l so.aso
I sro.noo
t a 1,140
I sn.eao
10 RH.810
II 21,fWH
14 sit.roo
15 SB.880
Lena unsold copies..
17 8,180
1 Xe.BSO
20 ao.Two
21 jto.eso
23 Xft.OOO
2J 8O,40
u ai.aoo
25 80,300
27 ,T30
2 XO.T50
to a,7oo
. 0,044
Net total saUa WM.lOO
Dally avrag ao,oa
Subscribed In my presence and sworn to
befoie ma th's 7U day of July, 1905.
(Seal) M. B. HUNQATE.
Notary Public.
Sabserlber leaTlaa; th city tem
porarily nhoald hm-m The Bee
mailed to taeaa. It la better than
dally letter from home. Ad
dress will he changed as often mi
The boating season In and around
Omaha has reached its climax.
The reigning King Ak-Sar-Ben is al
ways the greatest of the dynnsty.
Those clocks that go at the rate of
$1,000 a tick ought to be in great de
mand. It Is to be noted that Bristol's report
on the Panama railroad contained no
Kentucky lnaiaU on maintaining its
right to the name of "dark and bloody
ground. '
Lord Roberts says the British army is
not fit for war. This should make Rus
sia feel better, if misery still loves com
pany. . Traffic on the inter urban between
Omaha and Homer, Omaha and Beatrice
and Omaha and Hastings is still In sus
pense. Not to be out of fashion, the State
Board of Health is in a deadlock. Won't
some sympathetic doctor prescribe for
the ailment?
"Tom" Lawson Is getting about as
much pleasure out of "frenzied oratory"
as be did out of "Frenzied Finance"
until be started to write.
. That national school for botel cooks
may be all right, but it will never bo
fully appreciated until it has graduates
in every household kitchen.
Whether the so-called "elevator trust"
suits bring relief to the farmers, they are
sure to bring a measure of relief to the
lawyers who have gotten next.
Russian revolutionists are demonstrat
ing that they can kill officers easier than
they can operate warships another evi
dence that practice makes perfect
Prof. Mills would have the public un
derstand that higher education works no
physical hardship upon women who are
physically able to stand the strain.
. The only advantage South Omaha ros
senses over Omaha is that it can rrder
fire hydrants "to beat the band" with
out the risk of colliding with an injunc
tion. Wool thieves are said to be operating
la Wyoming. If the "rustlers" Lara
turned their attention to the sheepmen
the cowboys will probably lose Interest
In the fight.
Who says Omaha is not a most salu
brious summer resort? While the peo
ple are boiling In New England and
round Oyster Bay, Omaha is enjoying
May weather in July.
King Edward has settled the Astor
family dispute while President Roose
velt was arranging for peace between
Russia and Japan, and who can say
which mediator bad the hardest Job?
If the good people of Omaha ex
perience any atmospheric disturbances
about this time, they may rest assured
in the explanation that Tom Lawson
of Boston la at large at no great dis
tance. The sultan of Morocco la to be per
mitted to outline the objects of the pro
posed conference of the powers on the
subject of bis country, but the powers
will reserve the right to fill la the out
line to suit themselves.
The wide spread distrust and misap
prehension among policy holders of
American life insurance companies by
reason of the recent disclosures of spec
ulation and peculation In the Equitable
of New York emphasizes the imperative
necessity of efflcleut government super
vision of insurance companies, both
state aud national.
More people are vitally interested in
the safe and honest management of life
and Are insurance companies than of any
other institutions, not excepting the na
tional, state and savings banks. More
than 10,000,000 policy holders are con
tributing more than $400,000,000 an
nually toward the fund that is held In
trust for their families by the life in
surance companies. More than 12,000,000
home owners are contributing constantly
toward the fund held in trust by fire in
surance companies to protect them and
their families from loss by fire.
To surround these institutions by all
the safeguards that can be devised Is
the undoubted function of government.
While all the states that have granted
charters to insurance companies exercise
more or less supervision over them, pub
lic sentiment Is rapidly crystallizing in
favor of national regulation and super
vision. In the language of Walter Well-
It I not alone In Equitable that the "In
side crowd" have run things to suit them
selves, took their rakeoff and perpetrated
their reign through the proxy system. It
Is not alone In Equitable that men have
sat as director upstairs and voted to de
posit company funds In this or that trust
company and then gone downstairs and sat
as director In the trust company and voted
to lend the money which came from up
stairs to outside corporations or specu
lators in which they are shareholders.
Mr. Wellman might have added truth
fully that it Is not alone in Equitable
that directors have made millions out of
purchase and sales of bonds and other
These impositions of insurance trus
tees upon policy holders could not have
been perpetrated had there been pub
licity exacted by law In all Investments
of life Insurance funds. Even volun
tary publicity would go far toward pre
venting further Insurance scandals and
restoring popular confidence In insur
ance management Reorganization alone
will not do it. What every life and fire
insurance company should be required
to do Is to take the public into its confi
dence on broad lines.
1. Each company should be required
at least twice a year to publish in news
papers of general circulation statements
covering every Item of their assets and
2. Every insurance company contem
plating investing insurance funds should
be required before making the invest
ment to Invite proposals a reasonable
time prior to their purchase for securi
ties that would be acceptable to Its man
agers and after making the award to
publish to whom it was made and at
what rate the securities were purchased.
The same course should be pursued in
the, sale of securities and an equal
measure of publicity should be given to
investments In real estate and loans
npon real estate so that policy holders
and the public generally should be con
stantly kept Informed concerning the
financial transactions and financial con
dition of each company.
When such publicity is supplemented
by governmental regulations similar to
those now in force in Germany and
other European countries with regard
to Investments of insurance funds and
periodic inspections of the books and
securities of each insurance company by
experts are enforced the American peo
ple will feel secure In Investing their
savings and earnings with insurance
companies and not until then.
It Is manifestly important that the
crop reports of the government should
be as nearly accurate as possible. For
several years these reports have been
subjected to more or less criticism and
their trustworthiness questioned. A
n.ovement has bten started by New York
grain and cotton brokers and other busi
ness men interested, the purpose of which
is to create sentiment throughout the
country favorable fo the discontinuance
of all crop reports by the government.
It is stated that the strongest opponents
of the present system are In the ranks of
the cotton men, who assert that at best
the government reports are only esti
mates and that they are of no real ben
efit to the farmers of the country. One
of the persons engaged in organizing the
movement looking to the discontinuance
of government crop reports expressed the
opinion that the cost of these reports is
out of all proportion to any possible ben
efits which they confer upon the public.
He declared that these reports of the
condition of the growing crops and of
their yield at the close of the season are
frequently so very erroneous as to bo
greatly misleading. When the reports
re very different from the consensus of
the best public opinion they cause wild
fluctuations in prices not because Intel
ligent people believe them, but on ac
count of the influences which they think
they may exert on other people and In
other markets.
Unquestionably there Is some Justifica
tion for this view and it may be
strengthened by the disclosures as to the
leakage of cotton crop information.
which has quite naturally directed atten
tion to the whole matter of crop report'
ing by the government One Washing
ton dispatch aay that these disclosures
complete the destruction of public confi
dence in the government's crop reports,
that in the opinion of many persons the
Department of Agriculture might Just as
well "shut up shop," aud that the elabo
rate plan of the secretary to safeguard
information in future will do little to
ward restoring confidence. While the
tendency of the cotton statistics scandal
will certainly be to discredit the bureau
Involved In the opinion of great many.
it is doubtful if the movement for dls
continuance of crop reports will meet
with general approval. These reports
re not wholly valueless and the means
to be adopted by the secretary of agricul
ture to safeguard them in future should
do much toward restoring confidence in
this branch of the department's work.
That It is by no means an easy matter to
obtain accurate crop statistics Is well
understood, but we lielieve it can Ih con
fidently asserted that the efforts of the
department in this direction have for the
most part been wisely directed and that
there should not be sweeping condemna
tion because of occasional errors In the
statistics, absolute accuracy being hardly
As to the leakage of cotton crop sta
tistics, of course the matter should be
most thoroughly investigated and doubt
less this will be done. We give no cre
dence to reports that Secretary Wilson is
disposed to adopt a course of conceal
ment lest other officials than the dis
missed assistant statistician should be
implicated. Even if the secretary of ag
riculture were disposed to let Investiga
tion stop it Is not likely that the presi
dent would be satisfied to have this done.
The bureau of statistics must be thor
oughly investigated and we do not doubt
will be.
The Japanese have undoubtedly got a
firm bold upon the island of Sakhalin
and will retain it They are reported to
have landed a large force there, which
has met with no resistance, and there is
not the slightest probability that Russia
will make any effort to regain control of
the island. It is an important conquest
for Japan, not only from a military point
of view, but as well for Its valuable re
sources. A Russian newspaper said of
Sakhalin that it is another Alaska and
estimated the value of its resources at
thousands of millions of dollars. Allow
ing for some exaggeration it is still cer
tain that in taking the island Japan has
made one of the most important moves
of the war, the effect of which upon
peace negotiations will be very great
Geographically the island is one of the
Japanese group and. Japan regarded the
southern part of it as hers until 1875,
when it was acquired by Russia in an
exchange that was really forced upon
Japan against her will. It is described
as a rather inhospitable region, the
weather there even in summer being se
verely cold, but the island is said to be
perhaps the finest fishing ground in the
world and also exceedingly rich In coal,
while gold and other metals are believed
to exist there. Only a small portion of
the country is suited for agriculture,
though the interior is filled with forest
covered mountains. Nothing has been
done by Russia for the development of
the island, the population of which is
only about 20,000. . The enterprising Jap
anese will doubtless make the best use
of its resources and Improve its advan
tages for military purposes.
Referring to the dismissal of Holmes,
assistant statistician of the Department
of Agriculture, and the exposure of cer
tain brokers with whom he worked in
collusion, an eastern paper remarks that
exposure and disgrace, after the game
has been played with profit, are an in
adequate penalty. There will be very
general concurrence in this view. It is
stated that Holmes made a fortune of at
least half a million dollars by selling ad
vance information on cotton and other,
crop statistics to brokers and speculat
ors, while the men who paid for the in
formation made millions.
So flagrant a conspiracy as this de
serves severe punishment and if it shall
be decided by the legal department of
the government that there is no law to
which Holmes and his fellow conspira
tors are amenable it will be the duty of
congress to enact a law which will apply
to such a case. Not only would it be en
tirely Just to deprive Holmes of bis ill-
gotten wealth, but he ought also to serve
a term In prison, so thut his disgrace
would be made complete. As the New
York Tribune says, offenses of this sort
deserve the severest punishment "The
spirit which prompts such breaches of
trust either In public or In private life
cannot be compromised with. It is the
most destructive force against which our
present political and social order has to
war, and we should make an example of
each and every offender who turns a
trust to private gain." It will indeed be
unfortunate if Holmes connot be ade
quately punished for bis flagrant offense.
The Water board has now been in ex
istence two years and the nearest we
have got to rate reduction and the
acquisition of the water works Is that
the affidavits of the Water board and
the affidavits of the water company
have been spread at large on the rec
ords of the federal court. In the mean
time the lawyers on both sides are milk
ing the cow, while the poor taxpayer
Is tugging away at the tall end and the
When the state assessment board was
in session the railroad tax agents in
sisted that the railroad taxes in Ne
braska were excessive in comparison
with railroad taxes in Iowa. When the
railroad assessment board is in session
in Iowa some of the same tax agents
are making frantic' efforts to get a re
duction because assessments in Iowa
are much higher than they are in Ne
braska. The people of Ashland need not har
bor any ill will toward Omaha because
of ex-Postmaster Crowe's frenzied ef
fort to make a stake, or even a beef
steak out of bis franchise for a moon
shine electric railroad across the Win
nebago reservation.
The prosecution- of the automobile
scorcher is contrary to the bill of rights.
All men have an inalienable right to
life, liberty and the pursuit of happi
ness, even when they risk their necks
In the pursuit.
A Chicago broker complains that the
government wheat statistics cannot be
relied upon, but a careful perusal of bis
statement would show that it is unre
liable chiefly because It does not bear
out his predictions. The case Is not un
usual and Secretary Wilson will prob
ably wind np the cotton affair before
taking cognizance of the Chicago complaint.
And now we are told that Mayor
Brown was the spontaneous and unani
mous choice of the democracy of the
First district as 'its candidate for con
gress. What of Will Maupln? Was not
he Induced to present himself spontan
eously also, and was be not Just as capa
ble and deserving as the only spontan
eous Brown.
People working for an improvement in
teaching the "three R'e" in the public
schools might succeed better If they
could show how the teachers could
thereby increase their salaries or lessen
their labor.
South Omaha will have a city tax
rate of only 8 mills for the coming year.
But this Is exclusive of the school levy.
And then, too. South Omaha has no
Water board drawing salaries for doing
The story that C. M. Schwab Is to con
struct a number of modern wharves for
Russia would Indicate that the czar does
not Intend to go out of business as a
naval power despite recent disappoint
ments. v Stretch to the Limit.
Baltimore American.
The youth who has been enabled to enter
the Naval academy by the assistance of a
mechanical stretching machine has Intro
duced a new feature Into prospective war.
It may happen that In future the greatest
naval victory may be due to the greatest
stretching machine.
A Familiar Story.
Springfield Republican.
"Loaning too largely to one borrower"
such is the explanation of the large Kansas
bank failure. It If quite a familiar story.
The national bank law has undertaken to
prevent insolvencies from this cause. There
Is some reason for believing the law has
been violated in this case. ,
Troth Without Trlmmlnars.
Brooklyn Eagle.
It will take oma of the Kansans who
listened to Jerome a long time to forget
some of the things he said. For Instance:
"Despicable a man as Is John D. Rocke
feller, you have , only to look at your own
country crossroads to find men In a smaller
way doing exactly as he has done. This
Is business and business Is war. This is
commerce, this Is competition, it Is war and
strife. I do not say that this Is moral; It
is Immoral. But don't tell me that If the
men at the crossroads had more power they
would not use It to their own advantage, cr
that they would use It any more gently
than Rockefeller uses it."
Powder Trast Gets Busy.
Philadelphia Press.
The cartridge companies have Just put
the price up on the army a full half over a
fair profit. The ordnance department finds
itself paying IC .50 for what 'should cost
about $30 on uniform bids by all the com
panies. The powder companies, including
the DuPont, entered a trust a little over
a year ago, destroyed competition and are
selling the navy cordite for the navy's big
guns at a profit out of proportion to the
risk and cost of manufacture. Each branch
of the service la plundered; but while
those who sell to the government combine
nothing can Induce army and navy officers
to act together In securing lower prices.
A Day of Heat.
Leslie s Weekly.
It has taken two alleged "soulless" cor
porations, and railroad corporations at that,
to set shining examples before the country
recently of Insistence on high moral stand
ards in business, regardless of the 4Ucalivn
of profit. On of these was the Wabash
road, which has excluded liquor selling
from Its eating houses, and the other, and
still more recent Instance, is that of the
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul system,
which has decided that Sunday shall be
made a day of rest for all Its employes, so
far as that Is possible without Interfering
with the absolute necessities of traffic.
Sunday excursion trains have been discon
tinued and freight crewa have been In
structed to reach headquarters, so far as
possible, on Saturday night, so that they
may have Sunday for rest. One practical
result of the action of both these companies
will be to lessen the liability to accidents
on their lines- result that will be appre
ciated by their patrons, no matter what
their Individual views on the subject of
liquor selling .and Sunday desecration
may be.
Latest Poblle I tteraace of th Worst
Washington Post
The prominent and unquestionably in
fluential part borne by Mr. Bryan In th
presidential campaign of 1904, his strenu
ous effort prior to the assembling of th
national convention to prevent the nom
ination of Judg Parker, or, falling In
that, to insure his defeat by th electors;
hi great and successful labors as a mem
ber of the convention to give th candi
date and party a fatal handicap all this
eems to afford a strong asauranc that
the twlc defeated will be profoundly inter
ested In the latest public utterances of
the once and worst defeated candidate.
There wer everal point In Judge Par
ker's Fourth of July address to Tammany
that were as squarely opposed to Bryanlsm
as the gold standard Is to 16 to 1, but In
the following paragraph the hit at Bryan
is so palpable, so obviously and refresh
ingly pat that the reader will scarcely be
able to repress a suspicion that It was,
with deliberate Intent, constructed for and
accurately aimed at the proposition which,
from present Indications, Mr. Bryan In
tends to "paramount" In the platform that
be Is preparing for 1908:
"Because greed, left to run riot, has pro
duced some bad conditions In cities and In
great corporations, w ar advised to run
headlong Into municipal or government
ownership and operation. This policy Is
advocated In spit of th fact that. In
other countries and In surroundings far
mors favorable for these experiments than
our own, they hav uniformly Interfered
with development and curbed Initiative. In
other words, th only alternative thu pre
sented for th curbing of greed 1 that of
rushing wildly Into all th perils of over
government." That comes much nearer being a com
munication to Mr. Bryan than anything
else that has emanated from Judge Parker
since, at the close of the Nebraska states
man's stumping tour In Indiana, the Judge
wired him a graceful and grateful acknowl
edgment of his eminent services. As to the
real value of those services. It is logically,
eloquently, and convincingly set forth lu
the official returns of the voting In In
diana, which shows that the dlsrlples of
Mr. Bryan concluded that loyalty to him
and his ambition required them either to
ty away from the polls or vole for
Matter of Interest Gleaned from the
Army and r Realster.
Colonel R H. Crotdff, Judge advocat",
and member of the general staff of the
army, has been appointed chief of the
first division of the general staff, a post
tlon he occupied before he went to Man
churia a the senior military attache rep
resenting this government with the Japa
nese army in the field. An order has been
Issued from the office of chief of staff an
nounclng the composition of the chief of
staff and the special committees thereof.
Attached to the office of the chief of staff
will be Captain Ilutcheson and Captain
Mlchle. the latter the secretary of th
general taff, succeeding Lieutenant Colo
nel Alvord. In th first division will be
Colonel Crowder, Lieutenant Colonel
Kerr and Miller, Majors Mallory and Ker-
nan and Captains MrRae, Q. W. Read
Ninth cavalry, recently assigned to the
general Staff, and March. With the seo
end division will be Major Beach and Cap
tains Hale, Mulr. Menoher, Rhodes and
Nolan, the present composition of the
military information division. With the
third division will be IJeitenant Colonel
Wotherspoon, Majors Goethals, Mann, Ma
comb, Harrison, Reber and Oalllard and
Captains Lynch, Dlckman, Thompson (who
Is now the disbursing officer on duty with
the Taft party en route to the Philippines,
Wright, Ramsey and Cloman. On the spe
cial committees Major General J. C. Bates,
Major Mann, Major Mallory, Major Ker
nan. Captain Hale and Captain Ramsey
will look After Infantry affairs; Lieutenant
Colonel Kerr, Major Beach, Captain Pick
man, 'Captain Hutcheson, Captain Mlchle
and Captain Rhodes will have to do with
cavalry affairs, while the artillery sub
jects will be referred to the chief of ar
tillery. Major Macomb, Major Harrison,
Captain Weaver and Captain March.
An Important work which has been un
dertaken by the general staff of the army
Is that of preparing a manual of the
saber and a manual of the bay
onet. This Is rendered necessnry by the
adoption, on the advice of the general
staff, of a practical saber and a bayonet
of similar merit. Hitherto the manuals
relating to the saber and bayonet have
been very exacting and required a large
amount of practice, which no one could
hope to undertake without the aid of a
fencing master. There wa too much of
th fancy work In the manipulation of
both Instruments, and It has now been
decided that In the revised manuals there
shall be nothing that Is not "practical and
at the same time of the most simple char
acter. It Is realized by the experts that
the saber and bayonet are Instruments of
utility which will have a very practical
value on the field of battle. It has been
decided, therefore, that the provisions of
the new manuals shall be limited to work
which will be acquired by a reasonable
amount of soldierly skill under officers of
practical ability In the use of the wea
pon. This is an Important step, and It
Is in the line of the policy which the gen
eral staff has very properly committed It
self to by the adoption of a saber and
bayonet of use. The new manuals will
be unhampered by technical rule which
do not In any sense improve the efficiency
of the weapons.
The annual reports of the inspector
general of the army will touch with some
particularity on the subject of desertions
In the army. There Is a reviving Interest
In the subject, not because there Is any in
crease wrth mentioning in the percentage
of desertions, to much as the possibility,
which now exists, that the department 1
on the right track of keeping these Illegal
separations from the service In check
There is no problem which Is so vexatious
in every way as this one of desertions,
and It is all the more exasperating because
it ha engaged the attention of many alert
and penetrative and ingenious minds for
many year without much result one way
or another. The numerous propositions to
help the situation have proved of little or no
avail. Men have gone on deserting In sub
lime indl.ference to the many advantages
which have been given them to leave the
service in a lawful manner and with equal
contempt for the provision for entertain
ment made by an Indulgent government.
Not even the restoration of the post can
teen effected the change for the better and
mat Is saying a good deal. It la believed
that, under the system of recruiting at
the general depots, there will be an Im
provement In the situation and If such
proves to be the result after a thorough
trial of the plan, it is destined to be even
more faithfully applied by the establish
ment of a depot or two on the Pacific
coast.- Lieutenant General Chaffee takes a
special and personal Interest in the matter
and has given instructions, which have
been carried out by Inspector General Bur
ton In his regular Inspection of th de
pots, for the guidance of the commissioned
officers and ct the members of th non
commissioned force stationed at the de
pot. General Chaffee require that a cer
tain amount of kindness of tone, without
any Indication of softness or lack of disci
pline, shall be employed whenever possible.
It remains to be seen whether this fine
graduation of bearing can be effected by
all of the people in authority. But General
Chaffee believes it can be done to the end
that the recruit may not become tired
of the service before they hav really
become accustomed to Its rule and regu
lations and know fully Its benefits. It Is
believed that much can be accomplished as
a means of stopping desertion by taking
Initial steps In th early days of a man's
The War department will take occasion
on the first opportunity after th conven
ing of congress to suggest that provision
be made for giving officers and men of th
regular establishment one month's pay In
advance prior to their departure for the
Philippines, on the occasions when they
are under orders to the Islands. Ther has
been nothing In the way of a decision
which will give more Individual embarrass
ment than this ruling of the comptroller
that the law under which army paymaster
hav been giving a month' pay to soldiers
and officers when they went through San
Francisco, In advance of the date when
It was due, did not apply to the regular
but only to volunteers, of which there Is,
of course, none In th service now. Alto
gether, the decision operates as a veritable
hardship, ahirh will not b removed by
the notice which has been sent out to
those most directly interested. It will
compel many people to get money where
and how they can, because nearly every
one about to go to the Islands is found
without the ready funds to meet the de
mands on account of the trip. Of course,
there is no appeal, from the comptroller
ruling. It must remain with all It blight
ing effect, and th only remedy will be In
getting congress to change the law and
extend tho privileges of the old statute to
those of the regular establishment. There
Is Just as much reason to do the favor of
advancement In one case as In the other,
and there can be no political reason ad
vanced for the discrimination. The ques
tion of restoration of the privilege will be
touched upon In the annual report of th
paymaster general of the army and will
probably be the subject of a special com
munication to he military committees from
the secretary of war. ,
A niatlBSTalshed Groap.
Chicago Record-Herald.
Taken all lu all, President Roosevelt's
cabinet Is truly a cabinet of service, and
one the nation my well b proud to ao-knowled-.
You walk with
her, you rock her,
you give her sugar,
you try al! kinds
of things!
But she coughs
all through the long
night, just the same !
No need spending another
night this way. Just a dose
or two of Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral will soothe
throat, quiet the cough, insure a good night's rest.
Ask your doctor about the wisdom of your
keeping this remedy in the house, ready for these
night coughs of the children. Doctors have the
formula. They know all about this medicine.
Mad ky Hi. t. C. Ivor . lwU. Has.
aim uiBOiran r
ATTS'S Hint noos-Fw t ir.
After President Roosevelt has stopped the
slaughter In Manchuria, he may find time
to again take up the great American rail
road wreck question and stop the slaughter
Tho gentlemen on the shady Side of life
are fully avenged. On the landing of Dr.
Osier In England a London paper referred
to him as "Prof. Osier, late of the Chi
cago university."
Tom Lawson puts out the bluff that he
Is wllllag to be hanged if the Standard Oil
company disproves any of his statements.
Surely the Standard would not Imperil
Tommy' wind while It shares In the wool
he bring to market.
There was a time when Senator Elklns
of West Virginia was a hustling young
freight agent In New Mexico. His office
was a boxcar and his principal troubles
were In making his receipts of freight tally
with his bills of lading.
There must be big profits In the food
business, and yet the wholesale adultera
tion Is shown by the fact that the New
Tork Health department, during a recent
week confiscated 1,091.291 pounds of more
or less poisoned foodstuffs.
President Loubet has finished his sixth
year In the French presidency and declares
he will not eek re-election. He prefer
to pass hi time In agricultural pursuits at
Drome or in retirement In Paris, where hi
son, Paul, Is already looking for an apart
ment for him. The presidential election
takes place next January.
Charlie Barr, captain of oup defenders on
this aide of the Atlantlo for years and
winner of the international race across the
Atlantlo with the Atlantlo, has Juat re
turned to Yankeedom. He I 13,000 richer
than when he started on the record-breaking
race from Sandy Hook.
In rewarding a poor girl of the Black
mountains of , yorth Carolina for her
bravery and presence of mind In saving
heavy train from terrible disaster, the
Southern railway has chosen a college edu
cation and other benefits of good living
as an expression of gratitude. Some cor
porations hav a head and an intellect.
"Big Tim" Sullivan, the New York con
gressman, sailed for Europe th other day
and his popularity was shown by the fact
that 600 of his followers assembled at the
dock to see him off. When he reached his
stateroom he found It half filled with
flower. He ordered that the entire lot be
taken ashore and distributed among the
hospitals. Mr. Sullivan was In rather a
bad humor because of a report that he was
to travel with a valet. "They call me 'Big
Tim,' " he growled. "Don't they think I'm
big enough to dress myself?" It was Tim
who said on occasion that "a common
congressman don't cut no more lc In
Washington than a cigar sign."
Restrleted Naturalisation Oao of the
Proposed Remedies.
Leslie's Weekly.
No system, however effectively adminis
tered, can perfectly sift and separate at
the gateway of th country all of the de
fective from the good. Therefore, the
examination and Inspection should con
tinue beyond the Immigration station. The
laws should be amended so as to empower
the Immigration authorities to compulsorlly
deport any alien Immigrant to th port
from whence he cam whenever he be
come a public charge, and, in th discre
tions of the courts, before or after serving
sentence, when he becomes a criminal,
this period of probation to continue until
he becomes a full-fledged citizen of the
United State. Existing laws now authop-
se such deportation, but limit the tim of
its exercise to on or two years after
arrival. Nearly all European countries
exercise this tight, and there I no moral
or treaty obligation which will prevent us
from doing the Sams.
Th absurdity of bestowing citizenship
Conviction Follows Trial
When bnvinp Ioom coffee or anything your grocer happens
to hav in his bin, how do you know what you are
getting ? Soma queer stories about coffee that is sold in bulk,
could be told, if the people who handle it (grocers), cared to
speak out
Could any amount of mere talk hare persuaded millions of
housekeepers to use
Lion Coffee,
the leader of all package coffees for over quarter
of a century, if they had not found it superior to all other brands in
Purity Strength, Flavor and Uniformity ?
This pepvlar iti mi HON COFFEE
sea k mmm mmly tm laJkercal sisrlt Tsrr
la mm atreo gr prami of Merit thsaa cn
Uan1 mm lacrcaalaaj npvlaxiry.
If the verdict ol BULLIONS OF
HOUSEKEEPERS does not convince
yon of the merlta ol LION COFFEE,
tt coats yon bat trine to buy n
package. It la tho easiest way to
convince yourself, and to make
LION COrrei la sold ealy la 1 lb. m14 petktgas,
aad ratchet yoa a fan o4 da M whmu U lad ou
tm. try.
Lfuo-hasd oa vry park.
& ttun Lloa-aesdt fur vtloabki pramhuM
AYVB'S pnx-er mssttMrlei.
ATXK'8 AOBS CBU-fet nalana sj if
Indiscriminately after five years' residence
is now painfully evident, for It Is only In
exceptional Instances that Judges scemlnply
appreciate the responsibility of maku'C
citizens. Every immigrant, on landing,
should be furnished with a descriptive
statement corresponding to the registry on
tries of the Inspection clerks, which shmild
be required a necessary documentary vi
dence in the naturalisation prorec.liim.
This statement could be recorded In the
office of the clerk of the district cmrt
In which the Immigrant takes up his resi
dence, and the original records at the im
migration station could be drawn upon fnr
verification should loss of document or
other cause make this necessary. Thin
process would Involve additional clerinU
machinery and cause some trouble, but
the end In view, the guarding of the
-If st
vital and essential feature of our clt
hip the purification of naturalization nrl
the ballot-box Is worth the expense and
Jabor Involved.
"The trouble In that we eat too fust,"
said the man who w-orrles about health
"That' right," observed the man who
worries about money. "Some of us cnt
so fast that our Income can't keep up with
our grocery bills." Washington Star.
"He's got a good deal on his hands."
"I thought he devoted all of his time to
hts automobile."
"So he does, and you ought to see his
hands since he's been taking care of It."
Cleveland Transcript.
"Did he really tell you you ought to get
$50 out of that horse?"
"Well. I suppose that's what he meant;
he's rather slangy, you know."
"Why, what did he say?"
"He said I ought to be able to get fifty
bone out of It." Philadelphia Press.
"The wasp Is a disputatious creature, to
be ure," observed the professor, "but It
always carries Its point." Chicago Tribune,
Friend Wa that African
: potentate you
met very severe upon the criminal In his
Explorer Oh, yes; sometime he would
cut oft a hand, sometimes a head and In
particularly aggravated caae he would
make them wear the clothe the missionary
societies send them. Brooklyn Life.
"I've been here almost a week, and you
haven't called upon me," she chlded, as
they met on the avenue. "Don't you
realize mat time niesr
"I hadn't noticed it lately," he replied;
"I've spent all of this week In a dentist
chair." Detroit Free Press.
What Meredith Might Hove Said.
He may live without book what is
knowledge but grieving?
He may, live without hope what Is hope
but deceiving?
He may live without love that Is passion
But man cannot live without some adver
tising. We may live without poetry, music and
art; 1
We may live without conscience, and llvo
without heart:
We may live without friends; we may livo "
without fads.
But civilized man cannot live without ad.
Solomon Such.
St. Louis Republic.
Derned If I ain't good an' tired.
Shoe all full o' sand.
Neck Is redder 'n a beet.
Neck an' wrist all tanned.
Never walked so dad blamed much
Since Mandy was a kid.
If you don't think I'm daffy
Jes' listen what I did.
Had a whole day off to loaf.
Not a lick to do.
An' I felt o kind o frisky-Ilk
I went crazy through an' through.
Sneaked out good an' early
While the dew wus on the grass,
A-thlnkln', "Dern my button.
i m going to aeicn some oas
An Ilk a not some rrapple.
An' silver uerch an' such:
What I leave In that pesky slough
Won't b so crackln' much."
Well, here I am, back agin.
Red as Simpson' barn.
An' I kin tell you how I feel
With Jes" one word that's "Darn."
What did I catch? Well, say.
You're a nosey guy. you are;
If you look In the kitchen there you'll And
A catfish an' a gar.
Ohla Cr-
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