Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 12, 1905, Page 2, Image 2
TnE OMAIIA DAILY HEE: WEDNESDAY, JULY 12. 1005. Telephone 6P4. n Bust wo close Satur days at 1 o'rlork. Wednesday morning we will soil all our Fine Colored and White Linen Suitings at one-half price in the new blue, light blue, navy, pink, new shade of grren, crenni, white, natural, light "rind dark brown and tan shades. All our PV; Linen Bulling In this sals at Mc ysrd. ' All our 4Sc Llnn Suiting In this Kale at Wc yard. All our 25c Linen Suiting la this sale at 17Hc yard. , All our 31c Linen Suiting In this sale at 13c yard. Special Sale of White Madras for Ladies' Waists and Men's Shirts All our BOc White Madras In this sale at All our BOc White Silk Jacquards In this 25c yard. sale at 2Sc yard." All our 25c White Walstlng In this sale at The above goods on sale at our Linen ISc yard. ' Department. Special Sale of Suspender Belts . Wednesday we will sell Combination are very popular. Washable Suspender Belts at special prices. All 11.3 and $1.00 Belts, Wednesday, 75c They are made of fine quality,' white pique each. and pretty embroidery inserting. These All 12.00 and $1.75 Belts, Wednesday, $1.00 belts have straps over the shoulders and each. THOMPSON PFI nFNLf'JQ Y. M. C A. Building, Cornet Sixteenth and Dougl Strata JAPS LAND MANY TROOPS Twehfl Thouind Men Are Now on the Island of Sakhalin. ADMIRAL TELLS OF TAKING A CAPE Kataokl Reports to Toklo Execution of Plan lor First Captor of Russian Territory Dur ing; fke War. i NIKOLAIEVSK, Asiatic Russia, July 11. The Japanese have already landed over U.90O troops at Korsakovsk, Island of Sakhalin. Kataoka Takes Capo otoro. TOKIO, July 11.-1 p. m. The Navy de partment has received the following report from Admiral Kataoka: Two cruisers and four torpedo boats left Karasakorsk on July 10, with soldiers on board fur the purpose of landing and occu pying Cape Notoro. After some bombardment -the place was taken. The lighthouse and buildings were left undestroyed. four prisoners were taken. Cape Notoro Is the most southerly point of Sakhalin Island on La Perouse Btralts, directly facing Cape Soya on the Japanese coast. It commands the straits. BAPTISTS GATHER IN LONDON Delegates from All Countries Except Java and Palestine Are In Attendance. LONDON, July,..U.-eBieter hall was the aseii this afternoon of,, another world gathering of Chili liana when the Congress of Boptlsts, Including representatives, from very country In the world, excepting Palestine and Java, was opened by Judge Illllls, president of the Baptist Union of a -eat Britain Slid Ireland. The great hall was clouded to overflowing, those present including 500 American delegates and nearly I, 000 vIMtlnn Americans. The president welcomed tho trlous delegations to Eng land, eliciting among the replies from the American delegations remarks by Rev, E. C. Morris, for the National Baptist conven tion; Rev. C. L. Law, for the Southern r.uptlst convention; Rev. L. A. CrandalL, for the regular Baptists of the north; Rev. II. P. Glddons and Rev. D. E. Thompson ot Canada, P.ev. A. Trevlno of Mexico and Rev, J. Washington of the West Indies. The congiess will cpnttnue In session until July IS. YENEZl EI.A MAKES CONTHACT Approves Kew Plan of Settling with Government Bond Holders. CARACAS, July U. The Veneauelan con gress has accepted the contract signed June 7 In London by the representatives of Veneiuela and ot the Dlsconto Gessell chaft, representing the German bondhold ers, and the council of fnielgn bondholders, representing the British bondholders, for the settlement of the outstanding obliga tions ot Veneiuela. The contract provides for the Issue of 3 per cent bonds to the amount of 132,049,925 bolivars, gold, redeemable within forty even years. Fla-htlnaT In Warsaw. WAR8AW, Russian Poland. July 11.- Three bloody encounters between troops OLD PEOPLE AND THEHl TROUBLES 01 J Teople bave more of the tiaina, aches and diacoiuforU of life than do the young. This it perfectly natural, be cause their blood is not so vigorous, nor their powers of resistance so great, ana troubles that a younger, healthy constitu tion could resist often afflict them. Paring the elrll war I ootitraoted Ca tarrh and suffered with it alTeeta for xuany yeara. I tried various remedies and doctors, but with no good result. One day I found one of your pamphlets and read it carefully. I decided 8. S. 8, waa the medioiae I was in need of and I began its use at onot. My health was dreadful, and as I waa getting along In years, I had moat of the paiaa and all. meats inoident to that time ot life; but after taking this groat remedy tor awhile I began to improve and soon found ruy elf a strong, well man. I am now more than 75 years of age, but my health is good, because I take an occasional bottle of B, S. S. Hethiug equals it ea a tonl; and blood purifier, and I recommend it to those needing such a medicine. Tordyoe, Ark. L. 8. LOUiJUDOE. Rheumatic pains, sleepless nights, fickle appetites, etc., are not imaginary with old people, as is sometimes thought. They need a medicine that will supply their blood with its lost vigor and build up and strengthen their constitutions. S. S, S. is the ideal remedy for Old Peo ple. It is made entirely from roots, herbs and barks, and does not Injure the system in the least as do those medicines containing mineral ingredients. & S. 8. is gentls in lis action, purifying the blood of all poisons and relieving old age of its discomforts b y supplying a ro bust, healthy PURELY VEGETABLE. constitution. It is the greatest of all tonics for increasing the appetite, toning up the stomach, promoting tne di gestion and building up the entire system. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta. 6. kzJ Bn, July 11. 116. Special Sole of fine Linen Suitings at Half Price All our fcre Linen Suiting In this sale at 12Hc yard. All our 20c Linen Suiting In this sale at 10c yard. All our l!c Linen Suiting In this sale at 9V4c yard. Al our 15c Linen Suiting In this sale at 74o yard. and striking shoemakers. In which about twenty persons were killed or wounded, oc curred today. Thes trlkers were march ing through the city, from house to house, demanding the lowering of rents by 20 per cent. Many proprietors out of fear com piled with the demands of the strikers. NEBRASKA CROP CONDITIONS Yield of Wheat Good and Quality Ex cellent , Where Harvest Is In Fro(M, United States Department of Agriculture, cllmato and crop bulletin of the weather bureau, Nebraska section, for the week ending July 11: The last week has been cold with about normal rainfall. The mean dally tempera ture has averaged degrees below normal. The winte,- wheat harvest, although re tarded some by the showers, has on the whole progressed nicely. A little threshing has been done In southeastern counties, the yield being good and the quality excellent. Bprlng wheat Jias Improved somewhat in condition. Early oats are rlpealng and the harvest has begun in southeastern counties The heads are well tilled, but the stand thin and the straw short. Late oats promise a better crop. Considerable hay was damaged by rain. The wild or prairie hay crop will be heavy, especially in northern ana western -counties. Corn hits grown fairly well, la healthy and in good condition, but needs higher tem perature. Cultivation lias been retarded ty rain, and only a small part of the crop has been laid by. The second crop of alfalfa is about ready to cut. WEEKLY RKPOHT Oil CROPS Temperature Conditions Generally Favorable to Corn and Wheat WASHINGTON. July ll.-The weather bureau's weekly bulletin summarises crop conditions as follows: In the district east of the Rocky mouu- tains temperature conditions were generally invurauie. inuuKn coot in inn jviiMkuuri vai- I ley. over much the Kreater Dart oi the country from tne eouth AUantio ulf cot and the Dakota, excessive rainfall greatly I hindered th iiitu-utinn f r..r.. mi iriwuni i it rn iui.a ra,ri,. m .......i j rapid growth of weeds and in plaoea In- jui eu nay and harvested grain. There was iiiocuiniiv no rain in inbw England, only iight showers on the lmmediata middle I iimnti,, nn u .7.r: "" "" miu una r-acinc coast remons in central and northern California and Dortlons of 1 vJarr,eandau,rlidgWtaheh'.af,te0rn twSE The corn crop has experienced a week of yery lavorauie conditions for growth except friri. ' V.L..,"V.f wnere ,l of insutncleiit hcut and lack of sunuhiue. w line rains have Interfered with cuiUva- Ii. . ,l ele,n'- wop is In a fairly good atata of cultivation and 1 is largely laid by except in the more north- erly districts. Winter wheat harvest oon- ii-?. VniifiL, 1?"!LeKriL d'L'rl"' J! has extensively Interfered with threshing anu lias caused damage to araln in shock andcent'ral valley.."" The normal he" on the north Pacific coast during the latter pari or tne weeK probably cauxod damage to tne Wheat crop In Washington. In portions ot South Dakota and Mlnne sola spring wheat on low lands has suf tered irom overflows, but elsewhere In the spring wheat region the crop is in promising condition. Rust oontlnues In Bouth liakota and Minnesota, though not materially Increasing, and Is beginning tu appear in North Lakota. Spring wneat continues promising in the north Pacific mast although exrxised to trvlna hent conditions during the latter part of the weca. Both standing and harvested oats have ,,rr.,r.,i r.i,i.i,i. trf.m u.t wliioh has caused lodging, hindered har- vesting and Injured oats In stack or shock. am.-,., ,..u.- With but few exceptions a light apple crop is indicated. In New England and portions of middle Atlantic states much hay has been secured In good condition. but In the central valleys hayiug has progressed under disadvantages and con slderable hay has been damaged. On the Pacific coast tlie weather haa been very favorable for haying. Preliminary returns to the chief of the bureau of statistics of the iMtpartment of Agriculture show the acreage of corn nlanted to be about acres, an In crease of about Z.OKO.uD acres, or 2.3 per cent on tne area piamea iasi year. The average condition of the growing crop on July 1 was 7.3. as compared with SM on July 1. 19u4. 79.4 at the corresponding date of 1903, and a ten-year average of 87.6. ... a .nUlihai re sat the The average condition of wl on July 1, was 2.7. as compared last montn, ib.i on juiy l, iwm; corresponding date In 1903, and a ten-year average of hS. The average condition on July l ot spring and winter wheat combined, was So. 8. as compared with MB oi July 1, l and bQ at the corresponding date In 19u3. The amount of wheat remaining In the hands of farmers on July 1 is estimated at Sbout 24,tf7,OiiO bu., equivalent to about 4.4 ter cent of the crop of last year. The average condition of the oat crop on July 1 was $3.1, as compared with 921 last month, sal on juiy i, in; m i at tne cor responding date In 19ul, and a tea-year averaKe of 83.3. The average condition of barley on July 1 was VI 3. against W 7 one month age; W S on July 1, lH: win at tne corresponding date In and a len-ytir average or li t The average condition or winter rye on July i was Kl 7, aa compared with bk on July 1. 1"4; fc0.3 at the corresponding dale In and a ten-year average or sa 1. The average condition of spring rye on Julv 1 waa KJ0. aa compared with 80.8 on July 1, I1: t 3 at the corresponding date In 1903. and a ten-year average or Kl. i. The average .of Max is greater than that of last year by about 12.uo acres, or A. J per cent, aua tne conaition on juiy i was 32 T. The acreage of rice la less than that of last year by about 172.000 acres, or -IS per cent, and the condition on July 1 asalnst M ! one year ago. Tli acreage of potatreB. rxiiudlnr sweet potatoes. Is leas than that of last year by about ly.uuo acres, or . per cent. 1 lie average condition cn July 1 waa 81 1 ss cim pared with MS on July 1. lttM; Ml at the corresponding date In 1(03, and a ten-year average of 1 1. The acreage ot tobarco Is less than that of last year by about acres, or (T per cent. The average condition on July 1 n IT? 4, against K6 3 one year ago. The report also Includes fruits and various minor crops, which lll be published in da tall In the Crop Reporter. Coaat Cassia! Sails. NEW YORK. July 11 Count Casslnl. the retiring Russian ambassador to the United Stales, emled today for iireinea On Ltia kaiser YYUuelni ii. ELKS ElECT NEW OFFICERS Bosert W, Brown of Louisville, Ky., ii (hsRen Grand Exalted Baler. TOTAL MEMBERSHIP IS OVER 200.000 Seven Lodsee Pass tho Ono Thousand Mark Moses R. O'Brien of Omaha Member of Committee on Distribution. BUFFALO, N. Y., July ll.-The following grand lodge officers were elected at the annual reunion of the Benevolent and Pro tective Order of Elks today: Grand exulted ruler, Robert W. Brown, Louisville, Ky. T Grand esteemed leading knight, C. F. Tomlinson, Winston, N. C. Grand esteemed loyal knight, Charles W. Kauffmann, Hohoken, N. J. Grand esteemed lecturing knight, Edward Mclaughlin. Huston. Grand secretary, Fred C. Robinson, Du buque, la. Grand treasurer, John K. Tener, Char lerol, Pa. Grand Tyler, W. W. McClelland, Pitts burg, Pa. Grand trustee for three years, John D. O'Shea, Lynn, Mass. Grand trustee for one year, Dr. W. H. Havlland, Butte, Mont. All but Mr. Kaufmann and Dr. Havlland were elected by acclamation. All opposition to Mr. O Shea was withdrawn before the convention opened. The only contest worthy of note was for the office of short term trustee. Cal L. Klngsley of Waterloo, la., and Mayor Charles C. Schmidt of Wheeling. W. Va., opposed Dr. Havlland. Welcome to the Delegates. The grand lodge session opened in the Teck theater at 11 o'clock in the morning. There were 1,201 delegates present. The Rev. Dr. Walter Buckner, grand chaplain, delivered the Invocation. Singing by a male chorus followed. Exalted Ruler W. H. Tlcknor of Buffalo lodge then Introduced Julius Mayer, attorney general of New York. He represented Governor Higglns, who was unable to be present. Mayor Knight delivered an address of welcome on behalf of the city and Mr. Tlcknor de livered an address of welcome on btlialf of the Buffalo Elks. Retiring Grand Ex alted Ruler W. J. O'Brien responded. A recess was taken until 2:30 this afternoon, when the meeting went Into executive ses sion. Retiring Grand Exalted, Ruler O'Brien's report was warmly applauded. It covered a canvass of the situation looking Into the welfare of Elkdom generally. The reports of the grand secretary and the grand treas urer were referred without being read. The report of the board of governors recom mending the abandonment of the Elk's home at Bedford City, Va., was turned over to the grand trustees. The report of the grand trustees on the same subject recom mended turning the control of the home over to the governors. Report of tho Secretary, The report ot General Secretary Fred C. Robinson contained the following: The success of the past tear has exceeded aH expectations and. has been most grati fying. Fifty-three new lodges nave been added to the long list and those lodges already in existence have been materially strengthened by large accessions in mem bership. We have made ar. Increase of 2iSSS In membership, giving us today oS lodges and a total memoersnip oi suu.uw. With "quantity" of membership Is coming quality." The successful year Just passed Is the lesult of the harmony now existing throughout our wide domain. Last year there were six lodges with a membership of over l.oiio; now we nave seven sucn louges. Tiilsvllle droDDed ueiow tne inousana mark, while Cincinnati and Hpokane were added to the list The numerical strengin of the seven lodges is: Brooklyn, No. 23, z.uop: new nun, a., '7 vt- 4. 1.185, lhlladlph.a. No. 2, 1,14, Chicago, No. 4, 1,078; Spokane. No. 238. 1.01., Cincln na.i rn D. i.uzu. The cash on hand May $1, was $116,902; ih. infol assets. 21H9.273: the liabilities only 14.866. The total surplus was $14.917, against $16.l92 in 1W4. The financial staiemeni oi me orunu . . . Duti,,. vtrm loage oeiievuicui, .uc. .v..- ... . . ,v, anA ,..,. , Inhn k- prtKiiu-u j " - Tnnnr. of Charlerol. Pa., says that cash on ,th? sum Is distributed in four funds; the gen- eral fund, containing &4,6X&; tne nome tuna containing $12,290; the emergency fund, con Ulnlng $4,048 and the reserve fund contain bag $40,000. During the year $10,000 has been added to "rl"S l" . . the reserve fund, the per capita tax ot ten cents, paid by the entire nembershlp. now over 3CO.0O0, for the maintenance of the Elk home at Bedford City, Va.. for Indigent r.iu. has been Dald. and id.hju worm oi P" dJoln,ng U" h h" PUr I cnasea. Omaha Man on Committee All reports were referred to a committe nn rti.trlhutlon composed of Moses B. O'Brien of Omaha, Neb.; Joseph E. Bell of Indianapolis. Ind., and David Wlsen- feld of Baltimore, Md. The place of the noxt convention will be named tomorrow. Denver, ianaa ana At I .. . . . . v... lantlo City nave m. cnw.i i. ....... I The band contest was held today. The . ,,nn,-. tu.n.1 of the state of Jalisco. I " , , , ti.. lleiico, won um v.. Fifty-fourth Regiment band of Rochester I won MCOnd prise, and the Second Brigade d of p,ttBburg Was third. In class is, Dornng s juuuary osna won first prize; the Wheeler A Wilson band of Bridgeport, Conn., won second prise; Rob inson's Fifth Regiment band of Paterson, N. J-. third. The crowd on the streets tonight Is greater and more on pleasure bent than the one of last night. The main street is blase of light through the entire busi ness section. Alleged Criminal btvea Bond. BORTON. July 11. C. C. May. former president of the Big Bend National bank of Davenport. Wash., under Indictment of the district court of Washington charged with district court or wHsninjrmn cnargea witn misapplying 3115.000 or the funds of the bank ! "J returns to the comptrol- ler of tne ourrency' appeared before United av:"3&Q J I 1 1 1 1 S emi or rsd Jfm ra.a ims m M - H4 X ' t.flUrt W Mfahn Is k 1 . r ,.i m4 mm, tfcu rwmtt fray MSI Swi7'-SM IMS- Kmln Mrtgf tt4 A facsimile Is here presented of the building permit Issued by the city of Omaha, to J. L. Brandeia Sons In the sum ot 36SO.00O for the erection of their seven story department store home, covering the north half of the block from Sixteenth, to Seventeenth siding on Douglas street. As The Bee has said, this is the largest single building per mit ever Issued in Omaha. This permit brings the total amount Involved In build ing permits issued In Omaha thus far this year up la t3.6uO,OuO and etber building oi- I Plates Judge Dodge todsy and furnlehel ball of 5.) as security for his aprranee at the September term of the 1'nlled 6tates district court at Taeoma, Wash. CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS (Continued from First Page.) atallatlon of an are lamp at Twenty-ninth and Nicholas streets. The pay of Inspectors on paving nd Curbing work was fixed at $3 a day. Balances' In Funds. Comptroller Lnbeck submitted the fol lowing statement of condition of depart ment funds payable from general fund: Appro Department. .V'SatT'?j, Mayor $ .( Council MOO."? Comptroller -'!u-JS C lerk i Balance. $ 1.CM.S7 3.RH80 6.71.80 l.iW'.ti 12 t; e .S4i 6 333.01 OIH 86 2.17.41 I,.06 77.75 1.172.76 l.VUM 787.75 C63.&3 Treasurer Tax commissioner 1J-?J1. 5 Engineer wS'6,5 Ial : Electrical J.M.M Building Inspector " Holler Inspector i2?"!S Plumbing Inspector 'i'iS UceiiHe Inspector rii! 25 Gas Inspector . " Weights and measures... 1-i"' Advisory board . S? i Hoard of Public Works.. l."- Street department S!MIC Maintaining city hall.... l-?'55 Market master 1-XS Police court J -60-l Emergency hospital rfv'Ui 11.62S.10 ,. U (WO. 00 1.RM.06 34 42 6,000.00 41.00 1.K22.66 1.21.70 1. tfig 6 2. .t.00 l.&ilU.OO 2.o"'.00 7.KH.61 6,12.93 premium on official bonds J-w.u0 Advertising, ............... ;.V-VV Removing dead animals. Feeding prisoners., 100? Compiling annual reports 5,w.w Compllg city ordinances J.Sw-OO Ak-Sar-Ben Illumination 3.W000 Asphalt plant IJ. Grading various sirens. ,. Half cost grading ana miscellaneous items.... h,wi.i Total ...... 338.087.M n2,72.67 City's Cash Account. The statement of cash counted by comptroller July 8 Is as follows: -..iT i .,..,, 1 11,343.(1 for deposit! lU.3Wl.0U Balances In banks, city funds Commercial Nat. bank.ti:O.00t).42 First National Dank.... Merchants Nat. bank 136.814.80 W,4'i6 0 33J.369.49 Tl.3sl.7V Ifoi 319 67 Nebraska Nat. bank. Omaha Nat. bank t'nion National bank U. 8. National bank. Vminlaa Hrni N. V 60.040. 27 i,na.i-u a Tin In nre In hanks, school funds- Commercial Nat. bank.. $12,li 8 First National DanK.... Merchants Nat. bank... Omaha National bank.. IT a U.llnnnl kink 78.40 ifountse Bros.. N. Y.... 17.324.75-$ 29,703.63 Total $1,116,220.29 Police relief fund . Union National bank.... 1,165.76 $3,825.76 OmaPhaalNatlonal bank.. $2,000.00-$ 2.000.00 Total funds on hand.. ..$1,282,991.'" LAWSON'S VOICE IMPROVES Will Fill Date at the Missouri Val ley Chautauqua Aecordlng; to Program. MISSOURI VALLEY, la., July 11. (Spe cial Telegram.) J. S. McGavren, president of the Chautauqua association, has re cevled a telegram from Edward McSweeney, secretary for Thomas Law son, saying: Mr. Law-son's' voice Is greatly Improved. He will keep his engagement with you. The present Chautauqua has been the most successful ever held In western Iowa. Among the speakers have been Governor Folk, W. J. Bryan,- F. O. Smith of Cin cinnati, Dr. Cadman of Brooklyn and Com mander Hobson,, the, latter delivering one of the best addresses, ever heard on Chau tauqua grounds. This telegram was received yesterday afternoon: - FA1RBURT, baJJu!y 11. F. W.. Jud son, Commercial ituo, umana, rseD. : vn account of plans already ' made, Mr. Law son regrets - exceedingly that he cannot make arrangements to aldress you. He greatlv eppreclates your courtesy. EDWARD MSWEENBY. Secretary. HYMENEAL Hntf-Koatakr. Deputy Sheriff Joe Hug will be married Wednesday morning to Miss Agnes Kout sky. The ceremony will be performed at a nuptial mass at St. Wenceslaus church on South Fourteenth street at 9 a. m., and will be followed by a reception at the residence of the bride on South Twentieth avenue. Mr. Hug, who is to be away for a few days on a wedding trip, was dis tributing cigars to all the people about the court house Tuesday morning. Both bride and groom are well known to a large cir cle of acquaintances In Omaha, and their wedding will be somewhat of an event In St. Wenceslaus parish. Itnward-Roherts. Monday evening Miss Alice Roberts waa married to John Howard at the home of the bride, 3447 South Twentieth street. Mr. Howard Is one of the foremen of the Globe laundry and the bride la a resident of the south part of the city. DEATH RECORD. Simeon 8. Barker. DAVID CITY. Neb.. July 11. (Special.) Simeon S. Barker, the oldest cltlsen ot David City, died at an early hour Sunday morning at the residence of his son, W. W. Barker. The funeral services were held yesterday afternoon from St. Luke's Meth odist Episcopal church. Rev. J. 8. W. Dean, j pastor of the church, preaching the sermon. I The services at the cemetery were con ducted by the Masona. Mrs. Ella Col man. A private dispatch from Cleveland, O., tells of the death of Mrs. Ella Colman, mother of Mrs. Edward Rosewater of Omaha. The deceased was In her eighty eighth year and succumbed to the ailments of old age. Mrs. Rosewater, who Is at Bemus Point, N. T., will return to Cleve' land to ! ni u. " Omaha. land to attend the funeral qn Thursday, Rosewater will also go on front BUILDINO INSPECTOR. BUILDlNQ PERMIT . 12 .7 ktek. k I 9 skk. efe.JlTrt t XJ4 KwiSm, mn i nJii mkt tvStlaa, viS mmltm to S ;' M ntMM af IM m mm in ready Is projected which will send It over tne Ihree-mllllort mark. South Omaha, comparatively, is keeping pace In this tre mendous building campaign which has been persistently and steadily forging onward In Omaha for so long. The two cities are keeping employed every building tradesman who can or will work and can be secured it is no Doom, tor booms are apasmodlo; It simply is an unprecedented and tnevltabl growm. aestined to make this natural gateway to the great west the splendid rasirotKjus it was Intended to trt, SZ? Nwt n"a SUIT AGAINST REAPER TRUST Rodney B. Swift, a Stockholder, Files a Bill for an Aoconntinr. WANTS VOTING TRUST SET ASIDE Complaint Alleges that Company Ac cepted Illegal Rebates from Railroads Amoantlasr to Five Mlllloaa. CHICAGO, July 11. Another attack was made this afternoon upon the Interna tional Harvester company by Rodney B. Swift, formerly head of the experimental department of the McCormlck branch of the harvester company. Swift's connec tion with the company was severed several months ago and suit commenced against him by the officials of the company, who alleged that he-had defrauded them In the sale of a patent In his bill died this after noon. Swift, aa a stockholder, demands an accounting from the company and demands that the court force the company to cease taking rebates from railroad companies and also compel the company to return to the railroads moneys, said by Swift to have been Illegally exacted from the railroads In the past Swift declares that up to September 30, 1902, the McCormlck branch of the harvester company alone forced the railroads to pay It through rebates and the operation of the Illinois Northern road a sum In excess of 33,000,000. t'p to the same date, the money received in rebates by the Piano branch of the harvester company through the agency of the Chi cago, West Pullman Southern railroad amounted to 3500,000. Since September 30, 19"i2, it Is declared that nine other railroad companies have been making payments of rebates to the International Harvear company under the guise of an alleged division of freight rates with the Illinois Northern company. Swift asserts that the alleged illegal re bates made to the International company since 1902 amount to more thar 31,000,000. Details of Organisation. Swift goes Into the details of the or ganisation of the International Harvester company, declaring that shortly after Its formation an arrangement was made be tween President Cyrus H. McCormlck, Charles Deerlng, George W. Perkins and William C. Lane to the effect that all the stock of the international company should be put in the charge of the first three men as trustees for voting purposes until 1902. Swift demands that the voting agreement be terminated by the court. It Is further declared In the bill that the business of the International Harvester company Is of an extremely profitable na ture. He asserts that harvesting ma chines can be produced and delivered by the company for 357. The company re celves 3 for them from agents, who In turn, sell them for 3125. Swift says that all his demands for an examination of the company's books have been refused. It Is further declared that the unlawful course of the directors of the corporation has damaged the harvester company to the extent of $6,000,000, which amotrht Swift demands that the directors pay to tho company. Demands of Injunction. The injunction demanded by Swift asks that the court prevent the purchase by the company of any manufacturing plants when the purpose ot the purchase Is in whole or In part the suppression of com petition; use of any money or property by the International ; Harvester company for the defeat, of the enactment of any law by ' any legislative body In the . United States or elsewhere, or for corruptly in fluencing elections, or the work of taxing bodies; combination with the Plymouth Cordage company for monopoly of the binder twine trade of the United States. No time, has been set for the hearing of the case In court. INVESTIGATINGASPHALT CASE President Appoints Chicago Man to Visit Venesnela and Make Full Report. CHICAGO. July 11. William J. Calhoun Of Chicago has been selected by Presldont Roosevelt to act as a special commissioner to visit Veneiuela and determine the equity Of the asphalt company's claims and other vexed questions. Mr. Calhoun, aside from being a lawyer ot distinction, is not with out experience in tasks of diplomatics deli cacy such aa the present one must be, for he went to Cuba for President McKlnley a mission of somewhat similar import before the Spanish-American war. When the report of the appointment waa brought to Mr. Calhoun he refused to dis cuss the matter, but did not deny It. From other sources It Is ascertained, however, that the matter has been settled and that an official announcement may be expected from Washington soon. Mr. Calhoun was a member of the Interstate Commerce com mission from 1HB8 to 1900. Mr. Calhoun Is preparing to leave for Washington early next week. He has Just returned to Chicago from Oyster Hav where he was in conference with President Roosevelt. OYSTER BAY, U I., July U.-Judge Wil liam J. Calhoun of Chicago has been ap- poimeu vy rrwiueni xiooseveit to be a special commissioner to Veneiuela. Judge Calhoun will make a thorougia- Investiga tion Into the conditions In Venezuela, so far as they relate to the United States and Its interests. CLUB IN PROSPEROUS STATE Commercial Body's Acconat Shows I'p on tho Right Side ot tho ledger. The report of Commissioner E. J. Me- Vann at the meeting of the Commercial club executive committee Tuesday shows the financial affairs ot the club in a pros perous condition. For the first six months of this year receipts from dues and Initia tion fees were 38,440, and 3&.3O0 was ex pended for administration and rental, leav ing a net cash balance over and above ex penses of 33.140, which has been applied on the club debt. The receipts from the cafe and billiard room are not Included In this account. Ten delegates from the Commercial club will be appointed to the Tranamlsslsslppt Commercial congress, which msets at Port land. A formal invitation to attend was re ceived by the club. SALOON KEEPER IS HELD UP Renters Seen re Hay's Receipts from Cash Register for Their Even, lag's Work. Two masked men armed with revolvers entered the saloon of Peter Christiansen, Thirty-second and B streets. South Omaha, last night at 10 o'clock, and after the order "Hands up" took 361. 38 from the cash regis ter. The proprleter and two men who were In the saloon were then marched a block down the street and told to return slowly to the saloon. The robbers then disap peared In the darknsss. Cossacks Hr. on Crowd. BYELOBTOK. Russia, July 11. Cossacks today dispersed crowds in the streets. Some Abolli g "THE QUEEN Bottled only at the Neuenahr, and Only with its OYER EIGHT THOUSAND A DAY That ii Amount Must Be Baited to Com plete Y. M. 0. A. Fund. WEDNESDAY IS TO BE BANNER DAY Separate Fund Mill lie Kept for Women Who Want to Help Erect the Nerr Bnlldlng. Total up to yesterday 32.2!6 Total for Tuesday 4.416 largest gifts Tuesday: Nebraska Telephone Co 1.000 Street Railway Co 1.000 J. A. Munro 500 Eight thousand four hundred and twenty Ave dollars must bo subscribed to the build ing fund of the Young Men's Christian as sociation each day this week In order to reach the 3100.000 mark set at the beginning pf the campaign and to secure the 310.000 conditional subscription of Guy C. Barton. The sum of 312100 wss yet to secure after 35.9 had been pledged Monday. The Nebraska Telephone company and the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company Tuesday put their shoulders to the wheel and pushed the fund ahead to the tune of 31,000 each. This sort of strong co-operation on the part of the big corporations stimulates the hopes and efforts of the men soliciting the money and Increases the belief that when Saturday night rolls around the J100.OO will be complete. The Merchants' National bank Monday afternoon gave 3500. Wedncsdny ought to be high day, say tho hustlers, 'and they are planning to work early and late and bring In at least 312.000. If that can be done, they feel the absolute success of the campaign is assured. Monday evening a "women's" fund for the new building was started, when a well known woman came to a member of one of the committees soliciting funds and put her name down for a goodly sum. Care for Her Boys. "I have boys,' 'she said, and I have much Interest In the erection of the new build ing. Not that my boys will be directly in terested in'lt; they may not. But whether they become members of the association or not, all boys are Interested In each other, and I should prefer to have my boys as sociate with those over whom the associa tion Influence is extended. I want to do my Bhare for the association and I hope that thefund I am starting will grow Into considerable proportions before the end of the week." The Incident led to a decision to keep a separate subscription list for women. At the end of the week they "Will be given credit for the amount of money they have given, just as various-business groups of men will be' given credit. A stranger came to the association build ing Monday night and asked lp do snown through. After he had seen the place he pulled out en old tobacco pouch from his pocket and, taking a dollar from it. handed it to one of the assistant secretaries, with the remark: "I'm a farmer from South Dakota. This new building you're going to put up Is a good thing and I want you to take this dollar for It." Monday the young men's committee turned in $1.60. H. A. Stone's committee is In the lead with 32.6X9 and F. I. Erion s committee Is second with 32,370. TIES LAID FW TEN MILES Progress Is Delnit Made, Says Her, on Omaha-Lincoln Intraurban Electric Road. Peter E. Her says: "Grading has been completed and ties are being laid for the lnterurban road ten miles out of Lincoln. Ralls have been (hipped and are on the way. I have positive assurance that a gang of men will be set to work between here and Sarpy -City within a month. This is to follow out the plan of working from both termini to a central point. Conditions gen erally regarding the road are satisfactory and before long I look to see the rate of construction greatly accelerated." Available Supply ot Grain. NEW YORK, July 11. Special cable and telegraphic communications received by Bradstree.ts show the following changes in available supplies as compared with last account: . Wheat t'nlted States and Canada, esst of Rockies, decreased. bu.; afloat for and In Europe, decrease, l.lmi.OOO bu.; total supply, decreased, 2.437.000 bu. Corn United States and Canada, east of Rockies, Increased, 473.000 bu. Oats United Ststes and Canada, east of Rockies. Increased. S8,i10 bu. The leading decreiisrs. reported this week re aiS.rmo bu. Ill Manitoba. 12L'.0iiU bu. at the Chicago private elevators, and 90,000 bu. at Port Huron. Storks held at ron worm increased G5.0U0 bu. Western Military Academy vl9m- mm wW iimm d if Made in all styles for men I j I who seek the maximum of j . ii wear st the minimum of cost, til ll FAST COLOR FABRICS (Ii 1 1 DssW bsvt tkrat 1 1 IV st $1.00 or $123 VYi OLUCTT.PCABOOVal OO. Ifj tA UMfiTstftiMtrtmint J 7 nans Or OF TABLE WATERS. ( Apollinaris Spring, Germany, Own Natural Gas. OVER $500,000 In Savings Accounts, representing 0,500 jKMiple. Every should linve Home money saved, and our facilities are clearly to your ad vantage. Oldest and Strongest Sav ings Bank In Nebraska. City Savings Bank, 16th and Douglas Sts, SB Only $10 For a Cure! Dr. Brannman makes a nominal too for the crowds of people who ar seeking; his services. All persons a p plylnK before August 1 will bo treated for glO until cured, medicine Included. This does not mean flO month, but flO for a complete cn re no farther charges will be made. Every case accepted this month un der a positive guarantee to pure, or money refunded. A startling list l cures here In Omaha. ELECTRICITY fines deafness and head noises permanently by applying It to the ears. A mild rurront Is passed through the ears, reducing all In flammation, relieving all shrunken and thickened conditions of the ear drums. It almi acts as a great nerve tonic, restoring and reviving every nerve fiber to a healthy condition. COXM'I.TATION IS FREE. Free Trial Treatment at Office. DEAFMISC, HKAtl MUSKS. A well known railroad engineer on tha U. P., cured of deafness, head noises and catarrh, says: "I have len troubled with catarrh of the head and throat, was hnwk Ing and spitting, nose stopped up, would take cold easily. I had constant iioIhcs In my head, which would almost drive me frantic, my ears would stop up, my' hear ing whs bad, worse some days than others. I could see I was rapidly getting deaf. A friend of mine told me of Dr. Ilranarnan curing so many, so I went to him; his new system convinced me he could cure me, which has been done. I am now free from head noises, my hearing Is perfect, my head Is free and clear to make a long story short, I am cured completely. I recommend Dr. Hranaman to all railroad men who are deaf. WENCET, FRANTA. 221:7 S. Eleventh 81." Home Treatment as Effective as Of fice Treatment. Write tor Home Treatment Symptom Blanks and Boole of Testimonials. ' G.M. BRANAMAN, M. D. RIO Xrw York l ife DlaVAa OMAHA. XEB. Office Ilours-9 a. m. to dp. m. ; even ings, Wednesdays and Saturdays, 7 to 8 p. in.; Sundays. 10 a. m. to 13 m. Tha qnly high grsde Baking Powdaf rnada at a moderate prloe. elumef ! sssi a - ss , r TO look wll take crs I complexion. Do sots slehily pimples. blckhJi X IrecUlct to blemish your 1 urkia. T J . Derma-Royale ill remove these like stagie. Curat fcritm ana I tiur. Usd with lHHA-ROYAU Insure. J7 Derma-Royale ll.St' , JV,, Portraits and testimonials sent os raanssL THE DEPMA-ROYALG CO.. Cincinnati, a raraaas, Osaaaa. anal all draaglsts. AMl'SEHL.VTI. DEAFNESS Potvdor 9) BOYD'S I. T'poVtio. I This Afternoon Tonight Qt The Belle of Richmond. Dl? Thurs., balance of Week, A Mother's SecrlOoe. Unn! Prices, 10-15-ttc IlGGrt Mats., 10c any seat. NOVELTY FAMILY THEATRE 140M lloualas Street. Clayson Female Orchestra, The Har old tiislers, Illustrated Bongs, The Jat-ksoris In a Musirai Fantasina, Neff and Miller. 'The Krenrh Nobleman." 4 -PERFORMANCES DAILY 4 Admission lu Cents. v SCHOOLS AKD COLLEGES. P? WENTWORTH Jtf MILITARY ACADEMY Otdsst sn IsrraM la MliliUs West. A I LgllNKTON, MO. nth year. New fireproof buildings. Modern equipment. liellghtful locution. Number limited. Strong faculty. Trorougb. mili tary and aadaiplo department. Local references. tot Albert M. Jackaon, AJI, rrosldoat anots wars &r4 t I