Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 12, 1905, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
Conflict Between City and County Offioiali
at Newport, Ky.
Tormer Object! te Coa forte Placed in Cell
by Prisoner's Friends.
learly Entire Folioe Toroe ii Called
Into Aotion.
Mayor Is Charted with Contemp.
of Federal Court anil Jailer
with Assault and Bat
tery. CINCINNATI. Julr 11 Jailer Pfloeger
and three other men are out on ball after
being arrested by order of Mayor Helm
bold of Newport, Ky ; Policemen Fllnn and
Ratlcan are out on bond, having been ar
retted charged with resisting United States
officers In the discharge of their duty, and
the mayor himself wan today bound over
to appear Thursday to answer to a charge
of resisting United Slates officers, having
surrendered himself today on learning thai
u warrant was out for his arrest.
These were among tha results of an at
tempt of some of the friends of Caleb
Powers, former secretary of state of Ken
tucky, under Indictment for complicity In
the murder of William Ooebel, to furnish
the cell which the prisoner was to occupy
1.1th more comforts than usually fall to
the lot of Inmates of the Newport Jail.
Mayor's Teeth Knocked Out.
During the fight which followed when the
Jailer refused to obey the mayor s orders
to place Powers In a cell other than that
prepared for him the 1iuyor's front teeth
were knocked out. revolvers were drawn
and almost the entire police force of New
port was called into action.
The Jailer claims that the order of United
States Judge Cochran when that official
assumed JurlHdlctlon In the Powers' case
and committed Powers to the Newport Jail,
gave direct control over tha prisoner to the
Jailer and that the mayor had no right
or authority In the matter. The charge
against the Jailer and three men arrested
Is asnault and battery and resisting an
officer. The warrants against the mayor
and the two policemen were Issued by the
Lnited states commissioner after a con
sultation with the district attorney, who
first directed tha United States marshal
and ths Jailer to take Powers to his cell
and try to leave him there. This was re
sisted by the two policemen, acting under
orders from Mayor Helmbold, and the war
rants were then Issued by the commis
Jailer I'nder Arrest.
Jailer Pflocger, his two assistants, Charles
Wilson and William Fisher, together with
fc John Aderc appearedjg. police court to an
swer to charges of assault and battery pre
ferred by the mayor. Continuance until
Friday ww granted. Powers has been r'
moved to a better cell.
United States District Judge Cochran of
ths eastern district of Kentucky today dl
reeled the issuance of warrants charging
:ontempt of federal court against Mayor
Helmbold of Newport and Policemen Ratl
can and Fllnn as a result of their actions
in connection with the commitment of
Caleb Powers to the Newport Jail last
Strong- Evidence Connecting; Oregon
Congressman with Fraudulent
Land Entries.
PORTLAND, Ore., July 11. Aside from
the testimony of three witnesses, Wllford J
Crans, George M. Gaylord and Christian
Feuerhelm, to the effect that they had met
sod conversed with Congressman William
son relative to filing on timber Rinds and
that the congressman had written the num
ber of their claims for thegi, a letter read
by District Attorney Heney to show the re
latlons between Dr. Van Gessner and Chris
tlan Feurhelm and the knowledge of the
defendant, was the most Interesting piece
of testimony at the trial of Congressman
Williamson today. The letter of Van Ueas
ner to Feurhelm, which was dated March
12 last, advised Feurhelm to go to The
Dalies land office and relinquish his tlm
ber elalrt:. Van Gessner wrote that he
would have to give up all his timber claim:
to avoid getting into troublo, owing to tha
activity Of Attorney General Moody.
The witnesses. Crane, Gaylord and Feur
helm, testiried to Williamson's knowledge
of their purpose of taking np land for un
lawful purposes. They told of conversa
tions in which the congressman took part
of meetings In the woods, of his writing
down tha numbers of pieces of land upon
which they were to file and his participa
tion In a conference In Van Gessners
office, where the contents ol a newspaper
article relating to the land frauds were dis
cussed. Tte goverrment dragged from the un
willing witnesses admission of their own
guilt In perjuring themselves, the admis
sion being made that there was an agree
ment between them and Williamson, Van
Gesanel- and Biggs that they would receive
$JU0 upon final proof, or a bonus of $75. for
perjuring themselves and violating ths land
laws of ths nation.
tola (Kenans) Police Searching; for
' Man Who They Aecuae at Blow
las; Ip Three Saloons.
IOLA. KaV. July 11 C. L Melvin. ths
temperance fanatic whom the police charge
with destroying three local saloons with
dynamite and causing damage estimated
at IhA'.Oou, is still at large despite the fact
that Sheriff Richardson has formed a posse
to capture hlin. Melvin Is believed to have
a great quantity of dynamite that has dis
appeared from a local cement works, and
it is feared that he will cause further
Today Mrs. Melvin received a letter from
her husband la which he said that twenty
three years ago he had been told "In a
vision by God Himself." that hs was to
"strlks ths ruin power a blow from ths
effects of which It would never recover."
"All ths Intervening years," says Melvin
In the letter, "1 have nurtured that pur
pose, or command. Don't expect me horns
for I am in this fight to a finish."
Talk ol Lyarhlan.
MI HKOOEK, I. T.. July U.-Sam Morrow,
a negro, h bean placed In Jail here
charged with having assaulted and then
shot and killed Mary Coleman, a 16-year-old
whits girl. There Is much excitement
eud talk of lynching.
Thinks It Ally Lost Llttl
Settlement of Moroccan
PARIS. July 11. The council of ministers
today went over the results of the Franco-Gernian-Moroccan
agreement and prepared
a program for submission to parliament
preparatory to the summer recess. Premier
Rotivler and Prince Von Rndolin nre now
discussing the preliminaries of the pro
gram to be recommended to the sultan of
Morocco and the time and place for hold
ing the conference on Morocco.
It Is expected that Italy, Spain, Austria
Hungary, the United States and the other
powers will follow the course of France
In attending the conference.
ST. PETERSBURG. July ll.-The papers
here generally consider that France's
mlcable agreement with Germany on the
bjeet of Morocco was wise, contending
' '. France Instead of suffering, secures
ict recognition by Germany of her In-
in Morocco. The Novoe Vremya
V 's that the situation between the
t 4, ntnes was not dissimilar to the
slu which existed between Russia and
Japa ire the war and commends
Frani ompt appreciation of her ln-
defenm Mtion.
Fran e paper says, "did not hesi
tate to rt ihe minister who was drug-
lug the cv .iitry into war."
M. Vandam, a writer on the staff of the
Novoe Vremya, Is publishing a series of
articles piling abuse on the United 8tates,
attempting to show that the United States
is Russia's regular enemy; that Japan Is
her pupil and a great mistake was made
when Russia agreed to the peace negotia
tions tukiug place in Washington, "where
he American government can pull the
The article displays gTOSs Ignorance of
many elementary facts and the Novoe
Vremya does not endorse them editorially.
Nevertheless, it Is pointed out that such
publications unfortunately are creating a
false impression of the United States' role,
Authorities Investigate the Trouble
Between Troops and
HAVANA, July 11. Two deaths have re
sulted from the conflicts last night between
Cuban artillerymen and civilians. Captain
Portundo of the artillery, who received
a bullet wound In the Intestines, died this
evening. Of the score of persons reported
Injured most of them sustained slight con
tusions, Inflicted by pollcernen's clubs. .
The body of the policeman. Amparo Her
nandez, was escorted to the cemetery by
100 policemen and the Municipal band, fol
lowed by government and city officials.
The first conflict occurred between artll
lerymen and policemen and the toughs who
Infest the locality. Then the company of
soldiers who were sent to restore order
mutinied and fired upon the police. Gen
eral Freye and Rado, secretary of the in
terlor, are rigidly inquiring Into the identity
of the official who ordered the company of
artillerymen to that district and are also
endeavoring to find out who la responsible
for the lack of discipline. The lieutenant In
commend of the artillerymen says he was
ordered to en train by telephone message
from some artillery captain who had pre
viously arrived at the police station to In
vestigate the participation of their men in
the first conflict. The captains, however,
deny that they ordered any troops to the
scene of the disturbance.
General Rodriguez and other Cuban mili
tary men are ashamed of the lack of disci
pline shown by the manner In which twenty-five
soldiers under orders were so easily
excited into attack of the police. The
soldiers have long persisted In regarding
the police as their rivals.
Resident of Japan Sentenced to Ten
Years' Imprisonment for
Being Spy.
TOKIO. July 11. The Judgment in the
case of Captain A. F. Bougoln, the French
resident who was sentenced yesterday to
ten years Imprisonment at hard labor on
ths charge of being a Russian spy, declcres
the accused was engaged In searching for
and reporting artllery secrets.
Additional Information concerning ths
cargoes of transports was reported by let
ter. The Judgment reiterates that Bougoin
sent his interpreter, Makl, to ascertain the
movements of troops and that Makl con
fessed his guilt.
The Judgment declared that the informa
tion conveyed by counts two and three re
lated to the northward movement of the
Investing army of Port Arthur after the
capitulation of that fortress and previous
to the battle of Mukden. The decision de-
clares that therefore the information con
stituted an important military secret.
Will Not File Bill la Bankruptcy
Proceedings Today In Chi
cago Court.
CHICAGO, July 11. Attorneys for cred
itors of the First National Bank of Topeka,
which failed July 3, appeared today before
Judge S. H. Bethea in the United States
district court neTe and announced post
ponir.ient of a proposed attempt to institute
federal bankrupt proceedings here against
Charles J. Devlin, who owns two-thirds of
tho stock of the Topeka bank.
Judge Bethea had previously announced
that bankruptcy would not be considered
by him unless a showing was made that
Devlin has property within the Jurisdiction
of the federal court of this district. It is
stated that Devlin owns property in a num
ber of Illinois counties and that efforts
will be made to obtain the appointment of
the same receivers for this property as for
the property In Kansas.
WASHlvOTON. July U. Acting Comp
troller of the Currency Kane has about de
cided on the appointment of Bank Exam
iner J. T. Bradley au permanent receiver,
of the First National bank of Topeka.
which Closed Its doors July S. Mr. Bradley
Is the temporary receiver. Conflicting In-
terests had brought out at least a dozen
candidates tor the place.
TUf lka, ivas.. juiy ji. The principal
difficulty whlcn is facing the receivers of
the Devlin bankruptcy case is the attempt
on the part of the Illinois creditors of Mr
Devlin to have a trust company In Chicago
appointed as receiver of ths Illinois prop-
ertles. Crus Lelaud and J. E. Hurley,
who have been appointed receivers of the
Kansas aid Missouri properties, are com
batting this attempt.
A conference was held today by Cyrus
Leland and J. E. Hurley, receivers in
bankruptcy and their attorneys, Clifford
Hlsted ami A. A. Hurd, regarding tha
effect of placing' the properties in Illinois
of C, J. Devlin under the one receivership.
Reclamation Bertioe Plana On Three
Hundred and Eight Feet High.
Expected to Furnish Water for the
Irrigation of One Hundred and
Sixty Thousand Acres
of Land.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, July 11. (Special Tele
gramsJust below the Junction of tne
north and south forks of the Shoshone river
In northern Wyoming, in a solid granite
canyon with periendlcular walls several
hundred feet in height, engineers of the
reclamation service propose to construct
the highest dam In the world, with a total
height of 9 feet above bed rock, a bot
tom width of sixty-five feet and top width
of ISO feet. This mammoth structure will
create a reservoir with a storage capacity
of 530.0(10 acre feet. All details of con
struction have been carefully worked out,
and now the secretary of the Interior Is
advertising for bids for constructing the
This work Is of special Interest because
of the unusual engineering features neces
sitated by the natural conditions of the
canyon. In order to obtain a bed rock
foundation the dam will have to be con
structed sixty-eight feet below the bed
of the river. In order to provide for a
spillway to allow excessive floods to pass
the dam a tunnel will be constructed
around the dam through the solid granite
of the mountains to discharge Into the
canyon Beveral hundred feet below the
dam. This tunnel will have a capacity of
26,01)0 cubic feet per second, sufficient to
carry the largest floods of the stream.
There will be two outlet tunnels, each
three and a half miles long, one taking
Its supply directly from the reservoir for
a high line canal covering 70,000 acres of
high land in the upper valley, and the
other, diverting the water from the river
sixteen miles below the dam for the low
line canal to supply the remaining portion.
The canals will decrease in slie with the
distance from the tunnels as distributing
ditches are taken out. It is probable that
about 25,000 acres of land on the south
side of the river, now belonging to the
state under the terms of the Carey act,
will be acquired and Included In this pro
ject. The soil is very productive, and hay,
wheat, oats, barley and hardier vegetables
can be produced abundantly with an ample
water supply.
The secretary of the Interior set aside
$4,000,000 from the reclamation fund with
which to initiate this work, and It is esti
mated that 160.000 acres of public land
on the north side of the river can be re
claimed. '
Mew National Bank Authorised to
Transact Business at
Kverly, la.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, July 11. (Special Tele
gram.) The First National bank of Everly,
la., has been authorised to begin business
with $25,000 capital. A. W. Sleeper, presl
dent; Peter Ketelsen, vice president; Lewis
Scharnberg, cashier.
Rural carriers appointed: Nebraska
Clatonlc route 1; Charles F. Krusc, car
rier; Christopher H. Pfelfer, substitute.
Elk Creek, route 1; Frank P. Snyder, car
rier; Harry D. Snyder, substitute. Smith
field, route 1; John T. Glenn, carrier; Pat
rick Glenn, substitute. Virginia, route 1;
Walter S. McGaffey, carrier; John Mosher,
substitute. Iowa Belmond, route 2; George
II. Peterson, carrier; S. C. McBrlde, sub'
Rural routes, ordered established Septem
ber 16: Iowa Wlttemore, Kossuth county,
route 2; population, 540; houses, 108. South
Dakota Desmet, Kingsbury county, route
2; population, 636; houses, 107. Mitchell
Davison county, routes and 3; population
1,030; houses, 206.
Bids were opened In the office of the
supervising architect of the treasury to
day for installing the electric wiring sys
tem for the new public building at Lincoln
Neb. There were nine bidders, the lowest
being McMaster & Fletcher, Columbus, O.
at 14,300.
Will Confer with President Before
New Engineer Goes to the
the Isthmus.
WASHINGTON July U.-Chalrman
Shouts of the Panama Canal commission,
and Mr. Stevens, the newly appointed
chief engineer, are in Washington. Both
expect to leave here tomorrow night and
will be received by the president at Oyster
Bay Friday. They will leave for Panama
July 18, and Mr. Stevens' family will follow
him In the fall. Mr. Stevens Is now con
sidering the question of filling the vacan
cies In the engineering corps, and will fam
iliarise himself with the available matter
here before he Inspects the forces at
Panama. No plans will be made, however,
until he reaches the isthmus.
Grand Jury Returns Sixty-Seven Ad
ditional Indictments Against
Twenty-Klve Officials.
MILWAUKEE. July 11. Sixty-seven In
dictments against twenty-five individuals,
most of whom are former county officials,
were handed down by the Milwaukee
county grand Jury late today in the munic
ipal court. The probing of the Jury still
goes on, the terms not expiring until Sep
tember 1. Today's batch of true bills,
added to the thirty-eight returned ten
days ago, makes a total of 106 thus far,
with the expectation that further probing
will result in many more Indictments being
brought in later on. Today's list contains
twenty out of the twenty-one names re
turned in the last batch, there being but
five new names not before reported. Nearly
nil of the Indictments charge bribery in ths
sura of $50. the amounts. It Is alleged, hav-
ing been paid to present or former county
j officials In connection with the awarding of
i COunty contracts for the erection of an
i addition to the county hospital several
years ago. Many of the indictments are
the result of confessions of Otto Setae!, Jr.,
and Edward F Strauss, former members
. of the county board.
Fred C. Schultx. a newspaper reporter, is
indicted on one count, charged wltn offering
a bribe or Vm to Herman J. fomertng, a
member of the state assembly In 1901, to
vote against the primary election bill.
Pomerlng Is Indicted, charged with accept
ing the bribe.
Frlrk Goes te Europe.
NEW YORK. July 11 H. C. Frick and
Mrs. Frlck sailed today for Bremen on
the steamer Kaiser Wlihelm H.
Wilson Turns Over so Department of
Justice Report on Cotton
WASHINGTON. July 11 Acting Attorney
General Hoyt received from Secretary of
Agriculture Wilson the papers In the cot
ton Investigation. Subsequently the papers
were placed In the hands of United States
District Attorney Morgan H. Reach, who
will probe Into the whole subject and make
a thorough Inquiry, embracing every do
tall connected with the compilation of the
statistics Involved. Mr. Beach declined to
say anything on the subject when asked
tonight, but It is understood that the in
vestigation which he will conduct will
begin in earnest tomorrow and will cover
both the legal and administrative features
of the Incident. District Attorney Beach
had already examined ths report and will
now take active direction of the next pro
ceedings looking to prosecutions of the
guilty parties. ;
Mr. Hoyt stated today that he had been
urged by Secretary Wilson to probe the
matter to the bottom anl to use any means
at his command to get ft, the true condition
and to bring all guilty ierons to trial. Mr.
Hoyt and Mr. Beach hv already been In
communication and It will be determined i
whether there is any statute whereby a
criminal prosecution may be . directed
against Edwin 8. Holmes, the former asso
ciate statistician of ths Department of
Agriculture, who was dtomtssed, It Is al
leged, because he "JugglM" figures In the
government crop estimates and furnished
advance information to New Vork brokers
and against any others that may be found
In case criminal prosecution Is not pos
sible, some other way to reach the guilty
parties Is to be sought.
The new system of preparing the monthly
crop report, devised sines the cotton Inves
tigation began, was put In force today. The
report will be made public late this afternoon
and Secretary . Wilson believes that the
steps taken to safeguard the figures are
well-nigh perfect. Early In the day As
sistant Secretary Hays, Chief Statistician
Hyde and several experts of the depart
ment were placed In a room under lock and
key and they will not be permitted to
come out until t o'clock In the afternoon.
The telephones in the room have been
disconnected and a careful scrutiny will be
kept of the windows to avoid the possi
bility of a leak through private signals.
No communications of any sort have
been received from Mr. Price or his at
torney and the secretary believes that so
far as the cotton investigation report Is
concerned it is a closed Incident.
Seventy-Fifth Annual Convention of
Institute Is Now In Session
at Portland.
PORTLAND, Me., July 11. The seventy
fifth annual convention of the American
Institute of Instruction began here today
In the city hall. Many of the subjects to
be treated affect Important branches of
public education.
Among those who have come to partici
pate in the convention , are President
Charles W. Eliot of, Harvard university!
J. W. Olsen. state superintendent of schools
of Minnesota, and President Carroll D.
Wright of Clark college, as well as repre
sentatives of the allied Interests, Including
Mrs. Frederick Scoff of Philadelphia, pres
ident of the National Congress of Mothers;
Miss Eva Perry Moore of St. Louis, presi
dent of the National Association of Col
legiate Alumni, and Mrs. Olivet of Goshen,
Ind.. of the educational committee of the
General Federation of Woman's clubs. A
general meeting and two -department ses
sions were held today.
Arthur D. Call, principal of the second
north school of Hartford, Conn., addressed
the general session on "Present Notions
About Ethical Instruction In Our Publlo
Schools." He said he had put to at least
five of the prominent educators of every
state, territory and dependency of the
United States the question, "Do you be
lieve that direct and definite Instruction
In ethics Is desirable In our public schools?"
Answers, he says, were as follows: Eight
per cent gave it up; 33 per cent said no;
67 per cent said yes.
Mr. Call declared that he was more con
vinced than ever of the supreme value to
society of sane, healthy, enthusiastically,
ethically-minded teachers.
Arthur H. Chamberlain, professor of ed
ucation of Throop Polytechnlcal institute
of Pasadena, Cal., spoke on "Motive and
Content of the Elementary Curriculum."
St. Ganden'a Design to Commemorate
Inauguration Placed In Hands
of Executive.
OYSTER BAY, N. Y., July 11. President
Roosevelt today received the St. Gaudena
medal, designed and executed to commem
orate his inauguration to the presidency.
It is of gold and is about three Inches in
diameter. On its face the medal bears a
relief bust of the president, the view being
a sharp profile.
Around the likeness Is the Inscription,
"Theodore Roosevelt, President of the
United States," and to the right of the
bust Is the Latin phrase, "Acqum Culque."
On the reverse side In relief is an Amer
ican eagle perched on a crag. Around It
Is the inscription, "Washington, D. C,
March iv, MCMV, E Plurlbu Unum."
Vice President Fairbanks was presented
with one of the medals in gold, while Sec
retary Loeb and each member of the in
augural committee received a medal of the
same design in brojixe.
No official visitors were received by the
president during the day. It is expected
that Senator Knox of Pennsylvania will ba
an overnight guest of the president at
Sagamore Hill.
Iowa Girls for Japan.
MARSHALLTOWN, la., July 11. Bpe
clal.) Miss Inea Tabor, a Marshall county
girl, has left for Toklo, Japan, to enter
the Toklo Girls' Mission school as a
At Colorado Springs she will be Joined
by Miss Alice Lewis of Ookaloosa, and
after a short visit with a brother at Colo
rado Springs they will sail from San Fran
cisco on July 22 and should reach their
destination about August .
Burglars at Missouri Valley.
MISSOURI VALLEY. Ia., July 11. (Spe
cial.) While Tailor A. Myers and his fam-
lly were at the show thieves entered their
home on First street and carried off a
gold watch. Jewelry, etc. From some
burglar tools left on the ground as they
fled they are supposed to be experts.
. Farmer Kills Himself.
AVOCA. Ia.. July 11. -( Special.) Mllo
Millls, a farmer living near Shelby, on ths
Charles Bchmldt, Jr., farm, killed himself
last night at his home by taking a dose
of strychnine In a glass of beer. Unre
quited lore ia said to be ths cause.
Connty Will Be Asked to Join in the Pur
chase of Voting Machines,
Date Named When Heceptlon Will Be
Held and People'Aaked to Take
a Look Over the Sew
The city council last night formally re
solved to buy, In conjunction with the
county, a sufficient number of United
States Standard voting machines to equip
Omaha, the contract to be prepared after
a special committee of three confers with
the county commissioners and arranges
the proportion of expense and the amount
of the annual Installments, which are to be
based on the estimated saving In election
expenses. The machines will cost $t'H)
apiece and will have room for forty candi
dates. This particular machine was prac
tically approved by the council last sum
mer and hag Just been officially approved
by the state voting machine commission. It
is now on exhibition at the city hall.
Now that the municipal asphalt plant,
the first actual experiment of the city In
the ownership of public utilities, la 1n
working order. Councilman Nicholson, who
carried the Innovation through the council,
thinks a public Inspection Is In order. By
a resolution adopted last night an Invita
tion Is given the public to call and see
what the thing Is like on the afternoon of
Wednesday, July 19. between the hours of
2 and 6 o'clock. During this time city hall
offices will be closed so that officers and
employes can form the receiving lines.
Hose for Street Brla-ade.
A large part of the time of the session
was used talking about awarding a con
tract for 500 feet of rubber hose for the
street dopartment for flushing pavements.
Councilmen Evans, Back, Dyball and
Schroeder again reversed themselves by re
jecting a report from the committee on
buildings and property recommending
Maltese Cross hose. After a variety of mo
tions and amendments the matter was
recommended for the second time, to be
taken up at the general committee meeting
Monday, with the understanding that the
contract' will be given to one of the four
other firms making bids. The Maltese
Cross people did not present a sample and
this was held to technically bar their pro
posal. President Zlmman made an effort to
have immediate action taken, but failed.
Councilman Back's resolution of a week
ago requiring heads of departments to
secure permission from the council before
leaving the city or reporting to the city
clerk In emergencies was rescinded upon
the motion of President Zlmman, who said
that In his opinion departmental heads are
accountable only to the mayor. He said
his experience in the mayor's chair, had
shown him that city officers never go away
without consulting the mayor first and
arranging to keep in touch with him. Also
that departmental heads make it a business
to stay at home and attend to the city's
affairs and are not making the side trips
which the resolution seemed to. imply. , .
Water Bill Goes to Board.
City Attorney Breen recommended that
the water hydrant rent bill for the first
half of the year be referred to the Water
board, which, he said, under the new
charter has entire Jurisdiction over such
matters as well as all others pertaining to
water. His advice was followed by the
council. The Water board has no funds
available to meet the $47,000 claim, which
may be seized by it as another club to
f6rce along the appraisement.
Economy Again Enjoined.
Comptroller Lobeck again called atten
tion to the depleted condition of the gen
eral fund due to Increases in salaries of
officers by the charter, the mayor's illness
and the large amount of grading and re
pairing of unpaved streets. He said that
while the saving from the abolition of the
tax commissioner's office may cover the
increases, only the practice of the most
rigid economy will enable the city to get
through the year without overlapping on
the general fund. President Zlmman spoke
in favor of cutting off repairs and grading
on unpaved streets, saying that no money
at all Is available at the present time for
the purpose. One order was given for
putting Bancroft street for a block north
of Nineteenth street in condition, however,
because Councilman Hoye said It is dan
A pet proposition of the Park board,
that of the condemnation of a strip of
property through J. G. Megeath's land
south of Hanscom park, so as to make a
direct connection from the Southeast boule
vard to the park, was put to sleep by
placing the recommendation of the board on
file. Mr. Megeath, who gave part of the
land for the park, Is very much opposed
to the scheme. He has refused to donate
the properly and promised to resist con
demnation proceedings.
Johnston's Sytem Jarred.
Thomas Johnston, president of the Clifton
Hill Improvement club, sent In a letter
telling what happened to him and a certain
wooden sidewalk near his home at 4140
Burdette street a few evenings ago. After
speaking of his sorrow and regret at hav
ing to call the matter to mind, he says:
"While no bones were broken, the Jar to
my whole system Is beyond description. In
fact It Is the hardest proposition I ever
experienced." He refers to a physician
for an adequate recital of his Injuries,
As the result of bids opened in the city
engineer's office contracts for sewers were
directed awarded as follows: District 307,
Hickory street from Sixth to Ninth, James
Jensen, $1.41)0.41; district 308, Davenport
street. Forty-first to Saddle creek, John F.
Daley, $l,496.SO; district 3"9. Dodge, Forty
first to Saddle creek. Forty-first, Forty
second. Forty-third and Forty-third ave
nue from Dodge to Davenport John F.
Daley. $4,119.18; district 310, Seventeenth
street, Central boulevard to B street, John
F. Daley, $1,076 61. These are the low pro
posals in each Instance out of two or three
Zlmman's Paving Ordinance Passes.
President Zlmman's ordinance for the
protection of paving and sidewalks and
detailing how corporations and private
parties destroying or mutilating pavements
shall file bonds and make deposits to
cover the costs of repairs, all of which
are to be made by the city, and prescrib-
i inlr a complete regulation for long exist
ing evils of this character was passed by
I unanimous vote. It Is designed to save
oaa from this cause in the future,
The ordinance defining new lines for
voting precincts was Introduced. It will
probably be amended at the next meet
ing so as to doulile the size of precincts
In point of voting .population In order to
permit the economical use of voting ma
chines. Councilman Schroeder directed the In-
(Continued en Second Page.)
Fa I
Wednesday and Thursday.
Temperature at Omnhn Yesterdayi
Hour. Desx. Honr. Pea.
K a. m AM 1 p. m 73
a. m fVT 2 p. m T2
T a. m M S p. m..... 78
ft a. in M 4 p. m 72
n a. m 04 R p. m 72
Irt a, m (let fl p. m T'l
11 a. m .AM 7 p. m 73
13 m To p. m 71
9 p. m ..... .
Club Organised nnd Officered for the
New Division on the
South Side.
Some fifty or more republicans of the
new Tenth ward assembled at Metzs hall
on Soutli Thirteenth street, near William.
Tuesday night and effected an organiza
tion of the Tenth Ward Republican club.
Fred Behm was made temporary chair
man of the meeting and Bert C. Miner
temporary secretary. The question of a
permanent organization was at once taken
up and C. E. Foster. Sam Scott and B. C.
Miner were placed in nomination for presi
dent. Mr. Miner subsequently withdrew
his name and the ballot resulted In the
election of Mr. Foster as president. Sam
Scott was elected vice president by ac
clamation. Frank Kaspar, Jr., was unani
mously elected secretary and B. C. Miner
similarly elected treasurer.
C. E. Foster. B. C. Miner and Fred Behm,
sr., were made a committee of three to
prepare a constitution and bylaws for the
club, to report at the next meeting, which
was set for Tuesday evening, July 15.
After some discussion as to the proper
name of the club It was decided to call it
the Tenth Ward Republican club.
The president was authorized to appoint
three committees of five members each to
be known as the executive, finance and
speakers committees, and to report their
names at the next meeting.
Short addresses were mndo by E. F.
Bralley, candldnte for renomlnatton as
coroner; W. M. McKay, candldnte for
coroner; Constable Ed Simpson; George W.
Roberts, candldato for county surveyor; J.
H. Berger, Fred Kaspar, sr., Fred Behm,
Sam Scott, Frank Bandhauer and Ed Peter
son. A vote of thanks was tendered Mr. Kas
par for the free use of the hall for the
meeting. The club will hold Its meetings at
this same hall In the future.
Gasoline Thrown on Bonfire Explodes
and Envelopes Child In
A drop of gasoline falling from a bottle
to the flames of a bonfire near Eleventh
and Capitol avenue Tuesday afternoon at
4 o'clock, caught fire to the clothing of
Vetta Schrodman, a 4-year-old girl, living
at 209 North Eleventh street, and she re
ceived Injuries from which she died at 9:50
o'clock last night at the Clarkson hos
pital. The child was playing on the street when
one of her companions came up with a
bottle of gasoline The tlclirodman child
started oft with her companion and In
passing a bonfire in the alley near Daven
port street a drop fell to the flames and
immediately caught to the clothing of the
child and she was horribly burned.
Montgomery Logan, a young colored man,
was passing and heard the child's screams
and ran to her assistance. He wrapped
his coat around the child's body, but could
not put the flames out before she was
fatally burned. The girl's rescuer put the
child In an express wagon standing nearby
and took her to the police station where
Surgeon Willis administered all relief pos
sible, after which she was taken to the
Clarkson hospital, where she died. Logan
was severely burned on the right hand.
Police Surgeon Willis dressed his burns
Sixty Thouannd Dollars Needed to
Proceed with the New
The board of trustees of the Methodist
hospital met last night to discuss ways
and means for the raising of sufficient
funds to complete the new hospital building
under course of construction at Thirty
eighth and Cuming streets. No action was
taken whereby the funds could be raised
Immediately other than to pursue the
course that has been under way for several
months, soliciting for subscriptions from
societies throughout the state which are
Interested in the work.
About $00,000 is needed to finish the work
and there Is practically no money in tho
At the meeting of the board Tuesday
evening Governor Mickey was present as
a member of the board and expressed his
appreciation of the work done by the
deaconesses in raising the amount already
secured. '
It Is hoped by those Immediately con
cerned that the needed funds will be se
cured In the near future and enable the
work of building to proceed.
Norwegians Would Have Son-ln-Law
of British King for
LONDON, July 11. The Associated Pres
Is in a position to confirm the report that
sn offer of the Norwegian throne has bo-m
made to King Edward's son-in-law, Prln.-.e
Charles of Denmark. The matter is still
under consideration. It Is understood that
King Edward and the British government
are favorable to the project, but much de
pends on King Oscar's attitude on the sub
ject. Consultations are now going on.
Prince Charles' mother was a daughter of
the late king of Sweden.
It la understood that Prince Charles of
Denmark will be willing to accept the
crown of Norway If King Christian and the
Danish government consent. Some of the
members of the royal family are In favor
of his acceptance of the crown, but King
Christian I believed to be opposed to It,
No decision will be given out before hla
majesty returns from Gmunden, Austria,
next week.
Movements of Ocean Vessels July 11.
At New York Sailed: Kslser Wlihelm II.
for Bremen; Slavonia, for Trieste; Caronla,
for Antwerp. Arrived: Frederick der
Grosse, from Bremen; Prlnz Adelbert, from
At Bremen Arrived: Hanover, from
New York.
At Indon Arrived: Mesaba, from New
At O'le-nstown Arrived : Oceanic, from
New York.
At Pe, In-t-Sailed: Nspolitan Prince, for
Baltimore; Kaiser Wlihelm der Grosse,
from New York.
At Liverpool Sailed: Carpatbla, for New
York, via Qusenstowa,
General Oonnt Bhonfaloff Aasasiinated at
Moscow While Eeceiring Petitions.
Former Minister Bkot by Man Aiaing
Clemency for Murteror.
Man it Under Arrest, but Hai Not Yet
Been Identified.
situation Throughout the Caocaai
Region Is Still Critical Busi
ness Is Suspended at
MOSCOW, July 11. Major General Count
Shouvaloft, prefect of police here, and for
merly attached to the ministry of the In
terior, was assassinated this morning while
receiving petitions. One of the petltloneri
drew a revolver and fired Ave times at
the prefect, who fell dead. The assassin
was arrested.
The assassin, who wss dressed as a
peasant, has not yet been identified. He
was recently arrested as a political suspect.
but escaped from the police station before
his examination.
The assassin waited In the anteroom of
the prefecture and, entering the audience
room, he advancod toward Count Bhuvaloft,
firing five shots at close range. The bullets
passed through the body of the prefect.
Tlflla I'nder Martial Un.
ST. PETERSBURG, July 11. Martial law
has been proclaimed in the town and the
district of Tiflis, Caucasia.
The assassination of Prefect of Police
Count Shuvuioff of Moscow today is con
sidered to be a purely political crime, as
the count was not yet 40 years old and
was regarded as being of the best type of
the Russian official. He came from one
of the most famous families In Russia.
The count was a son of Count Peter
Shuvaloff, the statesman, who represented
Russia at the Berlin conference, was for
merly colonel of the guard regiment known
as the St. I'etersburg, and was one of the
emperor's personal friends. As prefect of
Odessa, when he succeeded General Zeleno,
who was extremely severe, Count Shuv
aloff earned tho esteem of all by his firm
but lenient course, making himself par
ticularly popular with the students. The
impressing exists here that the count was
killed for' preserving order.
The semstvoists will not be allowed to
meet at Moscow July 19, although this act
Is simply in execution of the orders of the
governor general. Issued previous to the
assassination of the prefect of police.
Try to Catch Mutineers.
The government will commence regular
proceedings for the extradition of the crew
of the Knlas Potemkine tva ordinary crim
inals. In the diplomatic exchanges on the
subject the Russian Foreign office pointed
out that Roumania's promise te give the
mutineers an asylum was made before
Roumanla had been apprised of the other
crimes .committed by the Russian sailors.
Besides, tho Foreign office reminded Rou
manla that according to the Roumanian
law deserters are extraditable.
The final session of the committee of
ministers for the discussion of the Bou
ligin reform project occurred today. The
project will now go Immediately to the
Tlflla Is anlet.
TIFLIS, Caucasia, July 11. The street
are occupied by troops, but the city hae
been quiet since the proclamation Of mar
tial law. The Official Gazette has rssumed
The situation through the Caucasus con
tinues critical. The people are In a great
state of agitation.
Business Suspended at Batoum.
BATOUM, Caucasia, July 11. Buslnesi
here is at a standstill. The shops anc
banks, with the exception of the Imperial
bank, are closed. '
Schwab to Build Wharves.
NEW YORK, July 11. A Bt. Petersburl
dispatch to the World says that the Navy
department, having resolved to build
powerful new navy, has Instructed Charlei
M. Schwab to make plans for new wharves,
giving the exact time In which the work
can be completed.
Issues Circular Telling; Officials and
Employes of Equitable to
Be silent,
NEW YORK. July 11. Chairman Morton
of the Equitable Life Assurance society.
In a circular letter warns all officials and
employes of the society not to discuss pub
licly the society's affairs.
"In the future, when there is anything
to be said I will Bay It," Is the concluding
statement of Mr. Morton's letter.
Chairman Morton announced this after
noon that he Intended to retain the services
of Second Vice President Gage E. Tarbell.
"Mr. Tarbell and I have agreed to work
together for the present," said Mr. Mor
ton. "He will have a chance to demon
strate his usefulness to the society along
the lines of his special work and then If
we do not agree later, why one or ths
other of us will leave the society."
Mr. Morton also said that the resigna
tion of Archibald C. Haynea, local agent
of the Equitable, will not be accepted. He
added that he expects Mr. Haynes to with
draw the resignation which already has
been presented to the chairman to take
effect January 1 next.
Santa Fe Thinks It Possible to Main
tain Forty-Flte-Hour Sched
ule to Coast.
KANSAS CITY, July 11. The Scott spe
cial on the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe
railway, racing for a record between Los
Angeles and Chicago, reached Argentine,
Kan., in the west bottoms, at 1:37 this
morning and departed for the north at 1:40.
The train was due here at 6.30, and was
thus an hour and fifty-three minutes ahead
of its schedule.
After leaving Argentine one of the liveli
est clips on the trip was maintained, tha
special covering the Zll miles between Kan
sas City and Fort Madison, Ia., in four
hours and nine minutes. This, according to
Hanta Fe officials, beats all records for the
CHICAGO. July 11. The Scott special cn
the Santa Fe railway reached Chicago to
day from Los Angeles, Cal., at 11.64 a. m.,
six minute ahead of the fastest eaUmsUa.