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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1905)
GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARRET i'tzij Trad. Dmlops at ConiderVy fitter Prioi, . WHEAT SHOWS A HEALTHIER TONE Corn I Lower, Dne to Heavy Sell la a; -Oata OpV Better, bat Saffer DecllneTh Foreign Market. a v ..v. . 'a OMAHA. July 10, 1906. aiifri?d7.ton chr-torle4 today's f.U,..i y. nd held most of the day about Influent. lB ? mMdle of th0 'oronoon! west T,?i. .VU8t "Voru from the norih Tlf; ilV ? to Rlc- but th bullish ? a. "Port did not last Ion triilS"..1 thZ la,t r,m'18 the close It nUcBVi"Vhe Inln. July closed cirr,b?rCVt8ber " and De- The desire of holders to ell made an easy I?,?.'irt '5? Prlc wre off about ly. at 48i2r TiS ,l8p""'mb" K-c, December r. ' December at 61Sc. Oata suffered a decline after opening So JhZS y"rtT- The close. w. below Sat Siu?r; nr""h'l " 34C. BeptemberVt 81 c and December at tie. Liverpool closed with wheat unchanged to t?rhl?.w'n ?.n1 cortl "'"hanged to ui h'hr-. Berlin and Antwerp were un changed on wheat, Buda Festh a little f .h0d a 111118 low- Offering" erate raln Liverpool were mod- 9pW?',l?hiWh't ,?,up,lay was down about J?.lt itKvf"' ,Kan" -Tty and Bt. Ixuls, July at Winnipeg went up 2u0, due to raJns and manipulations. Deliveries on afte? ni."?Ct at Chicago Saturday were b5,hel" what nd '.0 bushels of iS'im?1 1'r,r'a" of wheat on parage, la 1.400)0 bushels and the increase of corn .KW ' .'" bushels. The world s wneat shipments last week were V0.4s0.0ii0 1.., t.he wpe,t bushels IS&nStZ'?' buhcls. Worlds corn hiPmJa? . 1 81 w.'ek WPr" bushels. verPI nXl -256- bushels and last year 4.04,0O0 bushels. JL-ayM P;,ro fr wheat at Chicago were: 92c for No. 2 red, 11.01 for No 1 lH. A? tXl L" f'ir No "Prlng. At Kan sas City No. 2 hard winter was MflSfiSc, or about 8c lower than Ssturdsv morning. No. 2 red at Bt. Ixiuls was 91!MW Pri mary receipts of wheat were 591,(100 bushels and of corn 65.1,000 bushels. The Michigan ii",f!PE'Tort "-" the total wheat yield 19,000.000 bushels, against 8,0on,noo bush ei last year. September wheat was lower In Minneapolis. From today's Inter Ocean: "Acceptances of corn Saturday were 250,000 bushels and some placed them higher. The price was the highest of the crop 641,iifioc for Illi nois points, equal to 67c for No. 8 yellow In Chicago on through billing. Farmers are too busy harvesting and haying to de llyer corn freely at this season, regardless Of prices. Bales of four loads were made for direct export to Liverpool at the high price." Omaha Cash Hales. "WHEAT No. ( hard, 661. lbs.. 1 car. 93c. Omaha Cash Prices. WHEAT No. 2 hard, 9tV598c; No. 8 hard. 8S(B94c; No. 4 hand, 70,5c; No- "prlng, 96o. CORN No. 2, hMc; No. 3, 62c; No. 4, 61c; no grade, 46fa48c; No. 2 yellow, 63c; No. 3 yellow, 62ttc; No. 2 white, 63c; No. 3 white, B2HC. OATS No. 2 mixed, 80c; No. 8 mixed, 90c; No. 4 mixed, 29ttc; No. 2 white. 31,c; No. 8 white, Softc; No. 4 white, 30c; stand ard, 30c. Carlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 27 623 18S Kansas City 45 4 2 . Minneapolis 171 Omaha 10 82 10 Duluth 24 Bt: Louis 168 71 71 .WEATHER IN THE GRAM BELT Clear and Cool la Missouri Valley and West to Mountains. OMAHA, July 10. The weather is clear and cool In the Mis souri valley and west to the mountains this morning, but the temperature Is rising In the western sections and will rise la the , central valleys tonight and Tuesday. Showers occurred during the lust twenty. ')four hours In the Mississippi, Ohio valleys and southern states, followed by generally ' cloudy this morning. The Missouri river Is falling at all points at and above Plattsmouth, Neb., and will continue to fall steadily. ' Omaha record of temperature and precipi tation compared with the corresponding day of the last three years: 1&V UtAJ 1AM . Airv. JM. 1HW. xm. , Minimum temperature.... M 69 75 M IV ,w .1' .uu Normal temperature for today, 78 degrees . .Ponctency In precipitation since March 1. 6.96 Inches. . I'nclency corresponding- period In 1904, J.33 Inches. J J5e.flclency corresponding period In 1908. 8.86 Inches. "T" Indicates trace of precipitation. L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster, WAnA 1US1KU.T REPORTS. Rain. Inches. Sky. .00 a ear .00 Clear .00 Clear .00 Clear .00 ' Clear .00 Clear .00 Clear .00 Clear .00 Clear .00 Clear .00 Clear .00 Cloudy .00 Clear .00 Clear .00 Clear Uid'lKICT AVERtnrn . No. of Temp.. Rain, rki .ntr?.L etHon- Inches. X-liiMiU, Xil .....a,. 69 Columbus, 0 16 Les Moines, la.. 14 Indianapolis, Qnd. 11 Kansas City. Mo. 19 ' Louisville, Ky... 19 , Minneapolis 27 Omaha, Neb 15 Bt. Louts, Mo 13 70 66 .36 .14 T .44 .04 .43 .00 .00 .64 Local Forecaster. Weather Bureau. St. Lonla General Market. BT. LOUIS. July 10. WHEAT Hlghe r; - No. 2 red, cash, elevator. kUuifctmc- track CORN Lower; No. 3 cash, 65c; track, 6V 'Ci, J.u'y- w,v- December. 46Vc. OATS Lower; No. 2 cash, SiVio: track 13 FLOUK Firmer; red winter patents. J4 T5 flea;! K3.75."Cy '' Kli17 $51oS9ob"r""r: tlmothjr' OOtS 00; prairie. IKON COTTON TIES-9SO. ' ItAOOINri 8Hc. HEMP TVI.NE-So. .ir.R2VI?IONS,-,,orlt' ,'ower; jobbing. 12 8, H Ird. lower; prime steam, Uw .-'jylt.rnu.V,led': a". 'xtra shorts. I 62S; clear ribs. .uifrA.l2W; short cleurs JJ4. Bacon steady boxed, extra shorts', ) liv .7.s7H; short clear. P O U L T R T Steady: chickens, iic 14c; turkeys. 13c; ducks, 8c; geese. daYrv"" QUl6t: cr,amery "HOlc; KGOS-gulet. 104. case count. . ... Receipts. Shipments. wSUrV bKU 100,10 Wheat bu 168.000 74 00 rn. bu 71 OiW -:.hqo O'. bu 76,000 35,(M) Vlslklo Sapaly of Grain. NEW YORK July 10-The visible supply f laln l"fda. July I. as compiled bv ioUows r I,roduca hane, was as Wheat. 13.471.000 bu ; decrease, bu. , Coin, 4,JM.0n bu.; Increase, Mm bu Oats. 7. .() bu. ; 1-u-roase, lwi.on) bu. . Rye. 7S6.uuO bu. : decrease. 13.0u bu Barley, 6u6.00u bu.; decrease. 16,0w) bu. Mllwankeo Grain Market. - MILWAUKEE. July 10-WHEAT-Flrm; HJ, ?-?rtrrn' W-Iltfl-"; No. 3 northern. 1.0791.10; Beptemlxr, 87,0 bid. YB-8eady; No. 1. SJc; BARI'Itr-tliaady; No. 2. 62c; sample, 43 CORN Lower; September, 6640 asked. Dmlnth Grain Market. DULUTH, July 10 WHEAT-To arrive. No. 1 northern, .0; on track. No. 1 north ern. 31 0; No. 3 northern, ll.Ol ; July, $1 09; feptember, new, etfv,c; beptember. old. aio. OATS To arrive and on track, 3o.' Ufirswl Grain Market. LTV-ERPOOU July 10. H EA T Spot foiumal; future, quiet; July, UWJ, - t-2 4 74 64 76 64 73 64 M 64 76 64 74 60 Ti to ''JT'I' December. 6 10V um,Wioi, nrm; American mixed. 6s CHICAGO fiRtl AUD fROVIKIOM Featares of the Tradln atid f leslna Prices nn Board of Trade. rlrnPr ".Tlr? Wry ,rt.. . k, ' "iNwesi. inn market. n.i. i"'"""'. ' rn is off 1HW1V.C. or 7M1BV. rrovllon" ' loss theh.u1r"'lM,u1,"k''t ra,hr lUin. V ouotatlons on September I .w alLnr"" w"" A"' largely to clear ?entlm:nttrth r"' -nd y.ou.hwe7t Hentlment soon became bullish however on w":rro"nedre"n "? T'" 1r tha'Vorth that m.nv Sa? r0, Minneapolis stated South r-uy,..a'!.v,j7" from Minnesota and tlve r,nv.r.-r"im"",,on ho"",' became ac ratfldW5 i;"o'1.a" ? rp"ult Prlr"" "dvanced the dJv I..8.r,f'T,1:r ,h highest point of last half ? -Chd ?l I,,,rlnf chanrirt 1 ' k"",?"l,ln sentiment again nront b"-rl"".ness. Under liberal I mo"t "f the ln was lost. An ?'??.. 1 n" .n P"Ptember at n'atCr. to "f2CK" 1f ,whp2.t and """ were eqJal dee? i"1,"1 The "-mount on passsgs 2 hJ'"'? hhels and the visible ?.lMrl'"."'LS:il''l0fl bushels. Primary i"llrI?'"kwt.r, m-m bushels, compared with h,'i,, i. J.".,' y'"r n- Minneapolis, lMiluth and Chicago reported receipts of 222 "US. Cr" JPar a ,i,n "tr"m weakness was manifested In the corn market. The feature of trading was active selling by prominent bulls. A decline of H'Bls.c In the price of cash corn was one of the chief depressing Influences. The market closed decidedly weak, with prices at the lowest point of the day. Bep i?,"?,r I,T,d a "nde to H'uc lower at pMfifi'ic, sold up to M;ic and then declined to WVc, closing at the bottom. Local re ceipts were 6.3 cars, with 199 of contract grade. Crop damage resulting from excessive, moisture caused a firm tone In the oats market during the first half of the session. Owing to a scarcity or oats In Canada a considerable Improvement In shipping de mand was noted. Iter In the dav the market weakened In svmpathv with the break In corn. September opened Vo higher at SlVSe, sold up to 3!Vcllc and then declined to 81'4c where It closed. Local receipts were 195 cars. Provisions were firm early on moderate covering by shorts. Iater the; market weakened on selling of lard and ribs by packers. At the close September pork was off 15c at fl2.S5. Ijird was down 7c at 37.224. Ribs were off 74&foo at 37.824d7.S5. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 64 cars; corn. 614 cars; oats, 2i3 cars; hogs, 22.000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows Articles.) Open. High. Low. Close. Sat'y. Wheat July Sept. Dec. Corn a July b July a Sept. b Sept. b Dec. Oats July Sept. Iec. May Pork Julv Sept. Oct. Lard July Sept. Oct. Ribs July Sept Oct. I 894904 914 8941 94 894 864-74 884 864 8744 874 87 4 834 87 874 874 674 . S74 654 66 674 5T46Si 674 654 66 574 f4t'4 64 554 654 664 66 (fitS 664 65 65 5G4ia4 49450 60 494 494 S34'54 33H 824 324 S24 3l44rH81Mf 814 14 814 32434 34 33 32 314I&32 3344 334 334t4 834 12 80 12 824 15 624 12 624 12 76 13 024 13 124 12 824 12 5 13 0 12 874 J3 024 7 05 7 10 7 30 7 85 7 234 7 224 7 30 740 740 730 730 786 7 774 7 774 7 624 7 624 7 724 T90 800 7 824 786 7 924 7 96 8 00 7 824 790 No. 1. a Old. bNew. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Steady ; winter patents. 34.301? 4 40 ; straights, 34.00&4.20; spring patents. 3S oog 6.70; straights, t3.75S.0); bakers. 2.4Ki3.30. WHEAT No. 2 spring, tl.iofi'1.16; No. 3 spring. Il.06fil.10; No. 2 red, 924ge34c. CORN No. 3. 664c; No. 2 yellow, 564c OATS No. 2. 33c; No. 2 white, 344C5c; No. 3 white. 8349.Hc. RYE No. 2, 77(&'i8o. BARLEY Good feeding, 4244c: fair to choice malting, 47(g'49c. SEEDS No. 1 flax, tl.26; No. 1 northwest ern, tl.44. Prime timothy, tS-TSiSlO. Clover, contract rade. tl2.26(&13.00. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per hbl., tl2.65 12.7a Lard, per 100 lbs., $7,0247.05. Short ribs sides (loose). t7.6fli7.70. Short clear sides (boxed). t7.757.824. , Fallowing were the receipts and ship ment of flour and grain: ... Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 14.300 13 500 Wheat, bu 25,(CiO 17.500 Corn, bu 426.600 643.6n0 Oats, bu 251.000 163.300 gyV bu.. l.o...) 2,300 Barley, bu 26.400 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was easier; creameries. Ifr619.c; dairies. lelSc. Eggs, easier; at mark, cases Incladed, 13c; firsts, 144c; prime firsts, lttc; extras, ISo. Cheese, firm, 94(8104c. HEW YORK GENERAL MARKET Quotations of the Day on VarUns Commodities. NBW YORK. J ly 10.-FLOUR Receipts. 11,107 bbls.; exports, 7,799 bbls.; market steady but quiet; winter patents, (4 90 (B6.26; winter straights, t4.6m'4.80; Min nesota patents, 16.606.16; winter extras 33.10ra3.65; Minnesota bakers, 13.764.15; win ter low grades, .00&3.55. Rye flour, steady; fair to good, t4.26(j4.80; choice to fancy. t4.60fi4 90. CORN MEAL Steady; fine white and yel low. Il.26-ai.30; coarse, tl.144jl.16; kiln dried. t2.90r3fO. BARLEY Slow; feeding, 484c, c. L f. New York: malting, 4t;fj6.,c, c. 1. t. Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts, 8,000 bu.; sales, 3.800 bu. futures. Spot market steady; No. 2 red, tl-04 In store; No. 2 red. 1, f. o. b. afloat; No. I northern, Duluth, tl.184. f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern, Manitoba, 31.12, f. o. b. afloat. Options Immediately following a lower start occasioned by fine northwest weather rallied and were firm alb day on further reports of rust, rains Ui winter wheat stales and covering. It cloiied 4'ftSc net higher, although a little Under best Klnt owing to late reallxlng. Sales included o. 2 red. May. 24ra&i4c: cloeed at .'4o; July, 9f'ir96c; closed at 864c; September, 91 1-I6(fu24c; closed at 14c; December, 914 jtt.'4c; closed at 92c. CORN Receipts, 108,575 bu.; exports, 180. 282 bu : sales, 480u bu. Soot market steady; No. 1 63c, elevator, and 34e, f. o. b. afloat; No. J yellow, 64c; No. 3 white, ungraded mixed, 64c. Options were weak and trans actions closed 4c lower. July closed at 6-'4c: September closed at 614c. OATS Receipts, "S.IKO bu.; exports, 64.089 bu. Spot market steady; mixed oats, 26 to 32 lbs , 3648364c; natural white, 30 to 32 lbs., 374a3i4c; clipped white, 36 to 40 lbs.. SMT404C H At Dull; shipping, SOgfiSc; good to choice. "5.J8CC. HOPS bteady; state, common to choice, 1!M crop. 23&27c; 19 4 crop, 3W(f22c: olds 1C 612c. Pacific coast, 1904 crop, 23Q2tic; 1503 crop. 19-if-lo; olds, lVfjr"12c. HIDES Bteady; Galveston, 20 to 25 lbs 20c; California. 21 to 25 lbs., 19c; Texas (dry). 24 to 30 lbs.. 184c. LEATHER Quiet ; acid. 4726c. WOOL Firm : domestic fleece. 35S39c PROVISIONS Beef, steady; family, 813 00 frlS.50; mess, ! 6OV11.00; beef hams. 1 (,e 22.60; packet. tl2.0Mil2.&O; city, extra India mesa, $21 .00321. 61). Cut meats, steady pick, led bellies, 38 25(gl0.00; pickled sliouhlei s t5.5n4iH.uD; pickled hams, t!0.25ti l.5o. Ijird' steady; western steamed. 710i;7.25; refined quiet; continent. $7 30: South America, $s: compound. t5 374S5Gi4. Pork, steady; family, $15 6otii.00; short clear. tlS.00ail4.76' mess, $13 5KU14.25. TA LLOW Steady; city ($2 per pkg ). 44o; country (pkgs. free), 44t)44c. POULTRY Alive. Crnc western spring chickens, 17c; fowls. 144c; turkeys, 144). Dressed, firm: western broilers, 17'u20c; fowls lSc; turkeys, 17e. BUTTER Firm; receipt. 1527; street price, exxra creamery. 204i21c: official price, creamery common to extra. Wftjjtc, state dairy, common to extra, lSV'-; renovated common to extra. 134yl74o; western Imitation creamery, common to extra. lcilc CHE ERE State, full cream, small colored and white, fancy. 94c; state, full cream, Mir to choice, dV&e; state, ful) cream, large, colored and white. 4c. EGGS Firm; state. Pennsylvania and near by. fancy selected, white. 225J23C; state, Pennsylvania and near by, choice, 2lw214c; state. Pennsulvanla and near by. mlxrd. extra. 'JOHZle: western extras, KV?iMc; western firsts. 17(tfl84c; soulhernc, 136 loc. Peoria Market. PEORIA. July l-CORNFlrro: No. I yellow, t7c; No. 8, 67c; No. 4, 66c; no grade. 65c. OATS-Strong; Np. 8, white, 834c; No. 4. White. $l'4e WHISKEY On the baais of ll.Vr for fin ished goods. Toledo eed Market. TOLIDO, O.. July 1 SEED Clov 'T. run, i j ; i M'tooer, xa v; tW ls)i prune UmeUgr, li sO. Auut 4like. THE OMAIIA NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Belling to Taku ProE'Ji at 0piing Prici Ctasei Halt in Advance. UNION PACIFIC AND JERSEY CENTRAL SLUMP Fallnre of Expected Increase In Divi dend Rates C'nosea Devllno of Several Points Demand for Time Lonns. v NEW YORK, July 10-The selling to take profits on the opening price In prices of stocks today was of such character as to cause a pause In the operations for the advance and a marked falling off In the volume of the dealings. Not only was the selling to realise of a significant nature, but an Influential element In the specula tion began to give voice to suggestions of an unfavorable character. Such a develop ment awakens the fear In the mind of the wary professional operator that the process of taking profits In a particular In stance has been completed, leaving a specu lative party without motive for fostering a further advance and favorably disposed to operate for a decline, with a view to getting back such holding cheaper. It was broadly asserted totlsy that Information had been received that It had been deter mined to maintain the present dividend rate on the Union Pacific for the period, Instead of increasing It and a section of the recent enthusiasm on that stock al lowed It to be understood that they were selling out their holdings and transferring their Interest to portions of the Indus trial list. There Is no one factor on which the present speculation counts so greatly as on Increases In dividend rates on a num ler of the stocks which have been made active. Today's assertions therefore struck a responsive point. The retention on Sat urday of the recent dividend rate on Cen tral Railroad of New Jersey also disap pointed soma of the recent professed hope of those dealing in Reading. The reaction In those two stocks was sufficient to decide the general tendency of the market. The London market was unsettled by fears of ttouble In the coming Kaffir set tlement. Discounts hardened there under tills Influence and the coming offering of the Japanese loan. Gold also rose In that market on the Paris demand which con tinued In spite or the announcement or the re-establishmentor an entente with Ger many. Exchange here was Inollned to sag and no more gold was taken for export. There was quite an active demand for time loans carrying over the end of the year. The commodities markets continued much unsettled. TI10 cotton report scandal was made the text of some discussion of the adverse effect on capital outlay for the successive developments of the last few months showing the disregard and viola tion of fiduciary obligations In various re lations to the general world of capital. The market closed heavy at partial recoveries. Bonds were Irregular. Tots! sales par value, t3,2t'i0,000. United States new 4a Ad vanced 4 per cent on call. The following were the quotations on the New York Stock exchange: Sales.Hlgh. Low. Close. Adams Ex 843 Amal. Copper 63.000 84 834 834 Am. Car & Foundry. 6,500 364 364 364 do pfd 600 99 9t4 98 Am. Cotton Oil luO 814 814 81H do pfd 89 Am. Ex 226 Am. Hide & L. pfd... 1,200 36 344 344 Am. Ice 26 Am. Unseed Oil 18 do pfd 40 Am. Locomotive 15,300 60 484 494 do pfd 2p0 1124 112 112 Am. Smelt. & Refng. 14,9u0 1174 H674 H4 do pfd 1184 Am. Sugar Refng.... 1,000 1404 1394 140 Am. Tobacco pfd ctf. 100 974 97H Anaconda M. Co... i.. 1.300 1084 107 Atchison 8.100 86 86 7H 1084 864 854 do pfd 2 102H I0214 102 Atlantic Coast Line.. 300 11 161 159 Bait. & Ohio 13,700 1144 1124 1134 do pfd 200 974 974 97 Brooklyn . T 15.400 724 704 70!, Canadian Pacific 8.300 153 1524 1524 Central of N. J 100 201 201 201 Chesapeake & Ohio.. 11,600 644 534 634 Chicago & Alton 600 37 864 36 do pfd 75 Chi. Gt. Western 8.800 204 194 W4 Chicago & N. W 100 2084 2084 208 C, M. & St. P 6,700 I804 1794 1794 Chi. Term. & T 100 18 18 184 do pfd 200 394 89 894 C, C, C. ft Bt. L 874 Colo. Fuel & Iron.... 11. 484 474 74 Colo, ft Southern 274 Z74 274 do 1st pfd 9 . 694 ' 684 694 do 2d pfd 1.510 384 38 874 Consolidated Gas .... 600 189 1884 1884 Corn Products 200 104 104 104 do pfd 100 484 484 484 Delaware ft Hudson. 1,300 191 1904 190 D. . L. ft W 300 390 890 888 Den. ft Rio Grande... 800 324 314 32 do pfd W4 Distillers' Securities 414 Erie 27.3i0 474 474 474 do 1st pfd 6.400 834 824 834 do 2d pfd 9.8m) 73 72 72H General Electrlo 100 1784 1784 1774 Hocking Valley 89 Illinois Central 8,300 168 1674 1674 International Paper.. 800 194 194 1 do pfd 784 International Pump 28 do pfd 81 Iowa Central 264 do pfd 614 K. C. Southern 200 264 264 264 do pfd 800 664 654 f4 Iouls. & Nashville... 800 160 1494 1494 Manhattan L 164 Met. Securities 500 884 83 834 Met. St. Ry 4.900 1294 128 1284 Mex. Central 1,700 224 214 Minn. & St. L. 64 M.. St. P. ft 8. S. M 122 do pfd 159 Missouri Paclflo 2,100 1004 994 994 M., K. ft T 100 29 29 284 do prd 600 65 644 644 National Lead 1,000 464 46 45 N. R, R. of Mex. pfd 864 N. Y. Central 2.800 1484 1474 1484 N. Y., O. & W. 1.800 53 624 24 Norfolk & Western.. 2.500 864 854 854 do pfd 914 North American 1.200 994 99 984 Pacific Mall 300 44 434 43 Pennsylvania 27,800 1434 1424 1424 People's Gas 800 1054 1064 1054 P., C. C. & 8t. L 76 Pressed Steel Car.... 1.600 404 394 404 do pfd 600 95 844 944 Pullman Palace Car 240 Reading 106.300 1084 104 11174 do 1st pfd 800 95 944 84 do 2d pfd 1,7"0 96 . 94 934 Republic Steel 8.800 21 204 204 do pfd f 814 81 814 Rock Island Co 600 814 814 814 do pfd 6M 704 764 74 Rubber Goods 0 344 84 84 do pfd 100 104 104- 104 St. L. & S. F 2d pfd. 700 64 68 68 Bt. Louis S. W 23 do pfd 62 Southern Pacific 8.400 664 644 644 do pfd SH 117 1174 1174 Southern Railway ... 11,200 344'. 3.'!4 334 do pfd COO 9x4 9x4 884 Tenn. Coal ft Iron.... 13,610 924 904 904 Texas ft Pacific 300 34 4 34'4 344 T., St. L. ft W 100 4 384 88 do pfd 2") 674 67 67 Union Pacific 66.400 130 1284 K94 do pfd 96 V. fl. Ex 1224 U. 8. leather ' 12 do pfd 1094 U. 8. Realty loo 904 904 89 U. S. Rubber l.Soo 44 424 424 do pfd 400 1104 109 is U 8 Steel 135.300 35 34 844 do pfd 70.1-0 1"24 1014 KivJ Va -Carolina Chein... 7) 864 sr.4 StlV do pfd "1,700 K 1074 1084 Wabash 1914 do pfd ,. 100 854 894 8S4 TVells-Fargo F,x 240 Westlnghouse Elec 165 WeMern Union 800 834 88 96 W. ft L. E m Wis. Central 100 144 44 234 ' do pfd 100 614 614 614 Northern Pacific 1,700 19 189 180 Total sales for the day. 698,300 shares. Foreign Financial. LONDON. July 10 Supplies of money were scarcer In the market today, owing ti continued repayments to the Bank of England and the requirements of the next few days for Stock exchange transactions, the new Japanese loan and several calls on recent Issues of bonds. Trading on the Block exchange ujned with prices fairly steady, the market Inactive and the ten dency uncertain. Mining accounts absorbed attention and consols were a fraction higher. Americans opened firm. The move ments mostly were above parity, but busi ness was light ami prices elosed Irregular. Russians were dull. Japanese were, fairly steady. Ksfflrs rallied. Japanese Imperial 6s cf 19"4 were quoted at U3. BERLIN. July 10. On the Bourse today the gmeral tendency of prices was towards flrmner. PARIS. July 10-Prlres on the Bourse to d.iy were firm on the Franco-German set tlement cf the Moroccsn dispute. Russian Imperial 4s were quoted at 56 50 and Rus sian bnd rt 4 st tr. FT PETERSBURG. July lO.-Tradtng on the Poune litliy was quiet. Inperial s Wete unchanged. Tank uf Crrntnny Sgitrnirnt. CKP.llX. Julv 10-The wklv .it..ncn Of II Tirl. rl .l .1 -1-" T , the f.,,', ,nv -hang'es: Cash In 7hW H,. i cre.ise. t,7u,Cvt) marks, treasury noua! tie- DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, JULY 11. 100.'. crease, 80.000 marks; other securities. In crease, 9,l",non msrks; notes In circulation, decrease, 116,660.000 maiks. Hew l'ork Money Market. NEW YORK. July 10-MONKY On call, steady at 2v4i24 per cent; closing bid. ;4 per cent; offered at "4 per Oct; time loans, firm: sixty dsvs. 8 pr cent! nmety days, SV per cent; six months. S4I&4 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 414 per cent. I STERLING EXCHANGE - Basv. with actual business In bankers' hills at tl t.f 4 8X96 for demand and at $4 for sixty-day bills; posted rates, $1 86 and $4.88; commercial bills, $4 85. SILVER Bar, 684c; Mexican dollars, 454c. BONDS Government, firm; railroad. Ir regular. Closing quotations on bonds we're: V. B. rtf. ta res. lH Japan . rut 101H 4o coupes 1M tf0 21 series M V. to, rt !"' 4, ctfi do coupon let L. a N, unl. H V. 8. nev 4s. rtf...."-4 Manhattan e. 4a. liut .104 . 71 . 1 M4 ion. do coupon Mn. Central 4a.. 1. 8. oM 4a, rof.. K'4 do lrt lnc .104 Mlun A si I- 4a do aoupon Am. Tobacro 4a, cifa.'"414 at., K. & T. 4a... da a. atfa HAS do ta Atchlaon sn. 4a KM N. R. R. of M. c. 4a. u do SdJ. 4a Ml N. V. r. .. l4a 0 Aiiamic 1.. 1 . a i" f. . j. t. . s. 08.... Hal. Ohio 4a No. Parllc 4a 104 7 103 S do iwa HI do ! Cantral of CM. aa. do lat Ino do Sd Inr Ch. A Ohio 4i. Chicago A A. .ll" N. A W. c. 4a... . H411. g L. rfita. 4a . 84 Pnn. oonv. JW 1"4 .ltiS Koadlng gen. 4a 101 'a 1 ' fi. u a 1. si. c. . .114 C. u A Q. tl. 4.....101V, tit. L. A 8. r. It 4a. ta O, R. 1. a P. 4a.... S HI.' U . W. c. 4a. .. l , . IWS4 .. ,. n ..n ..ltiV .. M ,.10614 ,.1JH . o ,. 71 .. M .. Mk, ,. 4, do cnl. (to 4S Seaboard A. L. 4a. CCO. 4 tl. U I 4a.. Id! go. Pacific 4a Chicago Tcr. 4a Ma do 1st ctfa , Colorado slid. 4a.... CoJo. A 80. 4a Colo. Ind. ta, sat A. do set B Cubs 6a, ctfa. I. A R. O. 4at LHatlllaraf . (a.... tna pridV Han 4a ... do fen. 4a , 7fi So Rallva ta 98 Tuaa A P. U I&H I , St. L. A W. 4a 74 Inlon Pacific 4a.... 107 I do con. 4a 10 V. s. Steel Id (a... i Wabaah la 101 I do deb. R M Wcttcrn Md. 4a.... 11! W. A I.. E J. ... r. W. A D. C. 1 Uocklnt V'al. 4ia....l08VWia. Central 4a.., -tjiierea. t Boston Stocks and flonds.' BOSTON, July lO.-Call loans. ag34 per cent; time loans, 34ii44 per cent. Otflclal HuviouuiiB oiuirvB mm iroiius were; Atchlaon adj. 4t...... M venture la 1. - UttU. aii..-. 4U -iscx. cantral 4a.,.,. 7 At. blaon , Amalgamated ... 14 f 445 IflUj II 4 a 10 48N, t Uk H2 1(X 714 117 II V I04j 10 ..... 10 110 American Zlno . Atlantic do Dfd 102 Boaton A Albany. ...26d Hlngham 'I A Hecla.... ..entenntnl . 'osper Kango . . ai W,it Boatoi A Maine.. Boaton Klarated . KUchtHirg pld-.. H,iii-,n 1 antral ..1MI 1V. N ., N. H. .A H.,.20 Pera Marquatts .... t'nlon Paclflo 1I9L Amer. Arga. Cham... It do pfd (1 Amor. Pneu. Tuba.... 4 Amer. Sugar 14 do pld lit Anwr. T. A T.......lav '.ioiiiLnton Coal . ranallu rnnbr ile Rorale je. Mining ... hiaan hawk Jilt. C. A C... .d Dominion ... Asior. Woolan Jlli-. iia.,la do pfd ....IMti Parrot . Dnmlalnn 1 JV a ai i t.,in- a.aiton Elec. I1I0....H6 Oaneral Electric 174 Maaa. Electrlo It do pfd 4i Maaa. Uaa 46 I cited Prult lotlt United Shoe Mach.... 47k to pfd m C. 8. gtael do ptd ....ldl Westing, common ... 81 Bid. "Asked. Shannon ........ Tamarack Trlnltjr United copper . U. g. Mining... i'. a. on Utah ;... 'tctotia A'inona Volverlns London Stock Market. LONDON, July 10. Closing quotations on stocks were: Conaola, money n 1-14 V. T. Central 163 . Mlt-ll Norfolk A W 8 ... 6 do pfd at ... Ir Ontario A W 64 ...104-V Pennevlvanle 71a. 40 account Anaconda . . Aaehlaon ... do pfd Baltimore A Ohio 116 Hand Mlnea Canadian PaclBc 16S Reading 66 Chea. A Ohla .. 66 do let prd 4 .. 21 do 24 pfd 4K ..166 Southern Hallway ... 66 .. 181 do pfd 100 .. 111 Southern Pacific 47 .. ' Inlon Pacific 13.14 .. 46i do pfd loo .. 86 jU. 8. Steel 16 .. 74 ' do pM 104 ..1TIW VlttJNh to Chicago Ot. W.... C. 61. A St. P.... DeDeera lJcnver A R. O.... do pfd Erie do lat pfd do Id pfd Illlnola Central Louisville A Naah... .163 . da pM 41 11., K. A T to gpanalh 4a 1 SILVER Bar. firm, i7 3-16d per ounce. MONEY 14&14 per rent. The rate of diacount in the open market for short bills Is 11 13-16 per cent; for three months' bills, lU-ltigl4 per cent. New York. Mining; Stocks. NEW YORK. July 10.Closlng quotations on mining stocks were; Adams Con Allca Brasc. , , Brunswick Con . Comatock Tunnel Con. Cal. A Va. Horn Silver Iron tllver LeadvtUe Coa .. dLflttle Chief ... I 400 476 ..... 1 11 61 to (0 ....1K .... 66 ...-a :::. : ....176 ....ioe .... 4 Ontario Opals rhoenls. Potoal ffavaga Rterra Nevada 'amall llopaa .. Standard Asseosment paid. Treasury Rtntement. WASHINGTON, July 10,-Today's state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund exclusive of the tl50,000.u0 gold reserve In the division of redemption shows: Available cash balance, $li9,110,5Jo; gold, $70,6u9,261. ( Bank Clearings. OMAHA, July 10. Bank clearings for to day were tl, 658, 464.67, and for the corre sponding date last year 11,832,612.68. Motnl Market. NEW YORK. July 10.-METALS There was a strong advance In the London tin market with spot closing at 142 6s and futures at 140 2s 6d. The local market while quiet was strong, In sympathy wltii spot, quoted at $31. 15i 31.46. Copper also waa higher In the London market, closin at 66 2a 6d for spot and 66 6s for futures. The local market is showing a somewhat steadier tone, owing to recent large sales to China, and some dealer are taking higher prices. Bo far. however, there seems to be no basis for any change in the figures recently quoted, and lake and electroltlc stand at $16.00 and casting at $14.76. Lead was unchanged at 13 10a In Ixmdon and at $4.50184.60 in the New York market. Spelter was unchanged at 24 2s fid In Lon don, but ruled firmer at $5.866.40 locally. Iron closed at 49s 4d In Glasgow and at 46a 6d In Mlddlesboro. Locally iron was un changed. No. 1 foundry, northern, Is quoted at tl8.B16.50; No. 3 foundry, north ern. $16.60t8fl 00: No. 1 foundry, southern $15.25ifil5.75; No. 1 foundry, southern, soft, tl5 26(16.00; No. 2 foundry, $14.75315.25. BT. LOUIS. July 10. -METALS Lead, firm at t4.50&4.674: spelter, firm at t5.174. ' Wool Market. I1NTYIV .Tul v 1ft U-fWll Tk. at the wool sales today amounted to 13.3'A) bales. Americana bought fine merinos largely and also a good supply of New Duum vvairs ana new Zealand light, greasy cross-breds; also several parcels of super- jiraay victoria ana a lew or the finest Tasmania combings at la 4d. The sales win De ciosea Maturuay, July 15. Today s sales In rietall td,.v a.,,K r.i. bales; scoured, Bd&ls 104d; greasy, 'twi'jli Is 2W1. OueenaUnd I "i.. Ilu. -..,.,; i ! dra5s; greasy, i'.wi'd'ls Id. ' Victoria,' !; scoured, is Hu'uls ua; greasy, 64dls 4d. South Australia, 400 bales; scoured, Is ldtls 84d; greasy, 9dfils 14d. West Australia, 100 bale; greasy, 74lld Tasmania. 6"0 bales; scoured, 104dfls S'd rreasv. 9U41a IA . Zau. a-..i bales; scoured, 9d61s 104,1; greasy, 64dif) Is 4A4d. fVlkland Islands, 2u0 bales; greasy, ST. TOT'Ta Ti,i ifivrrwT a,-A... dlum grades, combing and clothing, "2M'( light fine, llii'-Tc; tine. 1822c; tub "mhcu, a- yut. Cotton Market. TCFMV VOR W Tlir in rv-vrwwT a . - - - - -, a u. .' DIRIl closed fiulet at an advance of 40 points; middling upland, 11.80c; middling gulf 11.56c; sales. 13,8u bales. LIVERPOOI- -Iniv 10 rv-T-Tv-vj c . limited demand; prices 12 points hiather' Aroerlenn m.l.lll. f.i, a , ' i . . , . , , B guuu mia- dllng. 6.15d; middling. 5 99d; low middling Hie sales of the day were 5,0iO bales, of wiiiuu w were tor speculation and export nd Included 4,100 American. ST. LOUIS July lo.-COTTON-Flrm. 40 lusher: mirlHIInir 1 1 Li 1.. - 1 1 receipts. W bales; shipments, 416 bales; i.rii,, ou,o"i uaies. NEW ORLEANS. July 10 COTTON Steady: sales I Kvfi hale,- -,,.., u e - 1.. l,,rdlnary. 94c; low middling. lOWo; middling, llc; gdod middling. 11 7-16o; mid dling fa r. If4c; recslpta, t.un4 bales; stock. 64,tkfc bales. Iitsr and Molnsses. NFW TflBV T,.lu u steady: fair refined, 84c; centrifugal. 96 t 4T 41 atlakai1 aL4T lllu am A: aa aa , , , A ( a . .1 a quiet; No. 6, 4. few; No. 7. 4.75o; No. 8, itte: if A jTaea ta. , M r . . .. ' No. 12. 4 4c; No. 13. 4 3)c; No. 14. 4.35c; con- '. ar, . jV-JU. 1U. nnn fVil 11 al 4F.iv 10c: crudhed, Hoc; powdered. 6 6)c; mnu- lala.1 & ...... .,,,.a E d , ........ - , . U ... U.WH . unr tr a i . . , i .. . y. . ..... , irW irttiia open kettle, good to choice, 2VHc. rr-w I'ltLt 3. July 10. SUGAR KreM.1v. , . n, n n. t 1 .... .. j . ..a.i i iii, iiuiil aeiTia'ac: r.nlrlfn.ul a,hl... J II ..".-' .T . l 44u44u; seconds, 84840. . MuijiBiiui-isoriitnai; open kettle. SYKL'P Nominal, fx. Elttln Baxter Market. ELGIN III.. July 1$ BUTTER Firm and unohsjined today at luC Bale for Ue week, fcsj.uuo lbs. OMAHA LIVE STOCI MARKET Eeef Btten Eell Fnlly Bteady ui& Cowi Stronger. HOG TRADE SLOW, BUT PRICES HIGHER Receipts Today Consisted of Sprlnsj Lambs anal Tenrllnns, Which Sold at Prices rally Steady vrltk tbo (lose ot Lost Week. SOUTH OMAHA. July 10, 19t. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs Sheep. Official Monday 4.2J6 5.JS8 2.7'D Same day lat Week 1,822 4.4H7 8.361 Same day week before... J.2So 6 687 6,Z.6 Same three weeks ago..4.6-S ,t7 3.A3 Same four weeks ago.... 2.271 8,6:3 1.40J Same day last year I. bib 8,316 10,4-4 RKdalPTS KOR THE TEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to dste, comparing with last year: 1905. 1904 Inc. Dec. Cattle 443. 467.893 23,667 o 1,347.871 1.412.6..9 64.788 Sheep 767,643 rjO.563 37,080 The following table shows the average price of hone at Scuth Omaha for the last pveral days, with comparisons; Date. I 1906. 1904.1903.1902.1901.1900.1899. i 14I 4 81 I t 4 871 6 01, 4 911 6 94 186! 1 14 7 XJ 6 31 7 26 6 a 7 33 t 9a 7 4i a i, 7 4J; 5 M I I 6 891 7 69 6 9.x 7 67l 6 Vi 7 61 i iZ 4 89 8 64 4 6 $ U I I W 6 03 6 0.1 3 64 4 941 8 71 4 9.4, 3 6J 6 00 3 64 1 1 ti B17 t 1W 3 68 n 23 6 20 4 92 6 97 1 16 94 14 '4 a, 6 in f 12! 6 274i 6 81 41 6 21 : 6 18 I 6 2241 6 29 I 6 00, 6 ssi 6 07. 6 061 6 831 6 12 6 671 6 16 6 671 ( 70 6 14 S 10 6 7 6.'i 6 81 6 Oil 8 04 7 66 6 87J 6 11 1 65 5 041 6 661 s U; a 6 89 6 82 4 V., 3 68 3 68 8 73 a 3 78 5 08 5 66 7 61! i 13 6 601 7 C4: 6 18 6 S6 7 64 I 5 60 7 62; 6 01 a 4 92 5 74 6 Ul 6 25V 6 26, 7 64 6 73, 5 0S 8 78 6 791 6 16, 3 S3 I 5 111 3 81 6 83: I 3 86 6 83; 6 13 6 86 6 13 3 90 6 24Ui 5 26i 6 65 5 254 6 19i 6 481 7 75 I 6 16l 5 39i 7 82i 5 15, 5 44 6 32 7 80, 7 83 Indicates Sunday Holiday. The official number- of cars of stock biought in today by each road was: Cattle.Hogs.Sh'p.H's's. C. M. St. r. Ry 6 2 Mo. Pac. Ry 6 Union Pac. System .... 43 14 6 16 F.. E. & M. V. R. R.... 79 83 3 1 C, St. P., M. & O. Ry.. 7 3 13. & M. Ry 39 13 6 C, B. A Q. Ry 3 1 C, R. 1. & P., east.... .. 1 C, R. I. & P., west.. 13 2 Illinois Central 8 Chi. Great Western .... 2 1 Total receipts 197 S3 9 23 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of heud 'ndlcated: Cattle. Hog?. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 641 ' 852 2f5 Swift and Company .... 913 1,2:2 tv-9 Cudahy Packing Co 1,171 1J8 360 Armour & Co 671 641 1.493 Vansant & Co. .. 3 I -chimin & (.'o 141 Hill & Son 101 Huston ox Underwood .. 39 Hamilton & Rothchlld... 80 L. F. Huss 69 J. B. Root & Co 142 Key Packing Co 123 Cook lacking Co 190 Independent Packing Co 157 ..... Other Buyers 179 Total 4.050 4,973 2,697 CATTLE Receipts today were fairly lib eral for a Monday, the offerings exceeding last Monday s receipts by about 118 cars and show an Increase of about eighty cars as compared with the same day last year. The general quality of the onenngs was good. The market on beef steers opened up in good shape today. There were some very good cattle on sale, and this fact, coupled with a fair demand, made trading fairly active. Buyers were out early anil while there Was no excitement the cattle were picked up right along and a fair clear ance was maun in good season. Salesmen found no difficulty in disposing of their holdings at good steady prices,- while there were some sales made that looked even stronger. Stuff showing grass was, as usual, hard to move at the prices, as were some of the common kinds, but anything desirable sold well and moved freely as noted above. There was only a fair supply of cows and heifers on sale today, and there waa a good strong tone to the trading. Buyers evidently wanted supplies of this kind and went right after the cattle. The market all through was fairly active and a clear ance was made In good season. On desir able kinds the market was stronger, while good grassy cows showed the same ad vance. The poor, grassy and commoner kinds, however, were not wanted and ruled lust about steady with Saturday and In some cases looked lower. The market on she stuff Is in a satisfactory condition here, being a fair demand for anything good. There was a fair run of bulls, veal calves and stags and prices were In about the same notches as at the close of last week, the market being steady. Stockers and feeders were In better de mand today and there was a bigger supply than there has been for some days. There was a fair demand for the good kinds and the market ruled generally stronger. Rep resenlatlve sales: BEEF STEERS. Juno 16.. June 1(.. June 1;.. June 18.. June 19.. June 3i. . June 21.. June $2.. June .4.. June 6.. June 26.. June 27.. June 28.. June 29.. June 30.. July 1... July 2... July 8... "July 4.. July 6... July 6... July 7... July 8... July 9... July 10.. No, AT. FT. No. At. Fr. 1 1040 t M 40 Hit 4 M 1 - I 40 U 113 4 16 4 1027 I 60 1 1170 4 86 I Ml I 61 40 1.14 4 fit 27 11SS t 74 40 11S7 4 116 610 I IS 16 7 4 10 1 1130 4 00 II 1217 4 0 1 1S0 4 00 16 1047 4 0 J4 Ilk 4 09 11 00 4 10 J7 1116 4 00 31 12HI 4 S 6 171 4 00 II 1330 4 16 4 6 4 13 SI 1431 4 15 84 121 4 M 10 1131 4 16 t 16'10 4 16 80 1871 4 15 1 171 4 16 II 1144 4 16 4 1130 4 10 II 1!4 4 M tO 1104 4 60 1 1142 i 00 4 1071 4 60 t4 1.1M t 00 14 1171 4 66 II 1271 I 00 4 1176 I 60 W 1!6 6 00 I 7I 4 (0 10 1M7 6 05 II 1106 4 0 17 1171 6 05 to 1270 4 40 41 126 ( 06 10 Ill) 4 10 11 .1235 6 04 10 105 4 46 21 1266 10 I fH 4 45 107 1321 5 05 40 1234 4 70 14 1..48 t 10 11 12" 4 75 118 137S I 10 6 1410 4 76 47 ltje i 10 14 1131 4 75 II 1141 6 10 1 8.'.0 75 41 1241 i II 14 1256 4 15 27 1371 4 16 14 12W1 4 71 40 1301 I 16 162 1IJ 4 M 13. 12l I (0 It 12ui 4 10 IT 1481 i 20 20 1213 4 80 20 1387 t 20 2 1131 I 80 K IS1T I 26 6 1084 4 40 74 1471 I t5 9 11 4 K 69 1414 I SO STEERS AND COWS. 12 021 4 25 1 1061 4 60 10 124 4 34 II 1131 4 40 38 1 4 It 20 010 4 10 16 ....1081 4 40 It 1411 I II 41 u 4 45 COWS. 1 170 1 40 1 154 I 10 1 160 t 00 1 1160 I 10 I I0 t 10 10 120 8 2S 4 126 t II I lilt I 24 12 824 t M 1 1030 I St 10 18? 10 t t0 I 16 4. 440 I 24 1 1140 I 25 1 460 t II II HI S 15 4 10U4 I 15 1 7H1 I 11 IT 131 IM 1 7G6 I 24 1 110 I 16 I If6 I 40 1 K)0 I (6 II lint 10 10 131 t 40 ' 11 Ml t 6 I IM t 60 10 til I 10 1 M0 I 40 1 114 I 10 141 I 60 I lout I 60 1 1140 I 40 1071 $ II 1 1024 t 10 1 1110 I 43 3 ' I 1 t 1021 I 70 I 71 1 1110 76 1 410 t 16 I till I 71 1 Mi I 44 16 1062 I g 1 100 I 86 1 170 t IS I..... too I M 1 1041 4 00 1 4W I 00 II 1116 4 OS 4 2I t 00 1 12.0 4 00 4 47 I 04 1 Hul 4 00 4 416 I 00 1 070 I II 4 Ml I 00 4 10S 4 u 4 MO I W I IU64 4 II 4. M IS I 1K0 4 14 1 1120 I 00 1 1110 4 t4 11 181 t 06 4 ...1174 4 u il lat I 14 t ...11)0 4 40 HEIFERS. 1 w I 60 I no 1 T4 1 6M I 70 13 t.6 I Tl 40 74 I II t ii 7 1 720 I 25 1 tj 4 u 1 416 I M 14 u,t 4 u IM IU II 174 4 64 1 4 I 40 1 IM (It M M III , BULLS. . l...r. 1214 I M 1 100 1 a 1 I M 1 14M I at 1 !-'' I 60 1 1464 I 15 1 170 I 1 1 nio I 66 1 I 0 1 142 I 40 t " T4 1 1420 $ ao ' 1 .." I H 1 a.' I U l.......'.....US I Tl 1 hH I U40 I SO I u.e , a,, l... 630 I SO STAGS AND BULLS. 1 uao Tl CALVES. 1 44 4 t m I 15 I a... l' 4 40 1 I ,i 1 1V 4 44 1 M J w IS I 13 t"t 6 11 FEF.DI R6v Ifc7 3 t" - 1 n T-l I 10 I 7 '. 4 I 7 4? I 76 4 I to 7?S I e H t I at Ill iai 40 I n H6 4 0 180 IM II 1071 I 66 HOUS Receipts today were moderate, but seemed about equal to the demand. Ruyers did not seem overly anxious for supplies and the trade was slow. Kncour asitig reports from eastern points and the light receipts here gave sellers sn oppor tunity to push prices upward and the mar ket wss In better shape than st the close of lsst week. On the opening tr-idlng was a little slow, but buyers and sellers soon pot togethrr and most of the stuff was plrked up In fair season. Teslrble llsht and butcher weltfhts were In fair demand and commanded the liest prices The gen eral market was about 2Si3c higher thnn Saturday, the bulk of the hogs selling at $n.30m6 3a. with the long string at $5 J.'1. itepresenisiive sales: No. at. Sk. Ft No. t. 8k. Pt. Mi 184 ... I 3?4 T4 240 4 I 32H 1 121 ISO t 3?i. II 2M 140 I t74 70 Ill 40 I 10 46 27t 120 I 10 I 174 140 30 ISO 4 80 TO 232 loo I 10 2 2T ... I 10 44 IM 40 I l: 74 184 80 I 321, T3. 241 140 I 2'i 71 2!0 140 I KVf 70 IJ4 160 I 31 70 246 40 t 12H IT Ill ... I 121 .45 IV) ISO I 3:4, 01 tll ... I '2 3 iu ... 11:1, 44 IM SO I 32L, II 230 40 t t: 61 821 ... I J.'ia 43 t'6 40 I 12 174 40 t 32V 78 IM 10 I 13 L, 86 HI 140 I JI Tt 3.14 160 I 121a, 24J ... I S2a 18 Ml ... I S2, 71 1.14 ... t 31k, 4 4 40 6 S2k (2 233 140 I SI'. 71 Ml 40 4 H't 2 Ml ... Hi), Tl 211 80 I 31 'a 74 221 40 t 224 f 241 10 I IJi, 63 21 ... I 32VJ 71 189 40 t 3.8 It 114 Kl i 36 14 19 40 t 35 4f. 2.(3 40 I 15 44 203 10 I 35 44 244 40 I 35 H 2't ... I 33 84 2.4 an I 35 T4 Ill 40 I 36 44 170 an I 35 4 186 80 t 35 tl ivt 40 6 36 88 181 40 t 35 17 221 ... t 16 78 too ... 6 35 210 ... I 321, 71 ne iin a t 8 221 440 t 3-u. 73 179 So H 11 7 tl-3 ... 6 Si 87 184 230 I 95 "1 !16 130 6 S'.'i. 84 til ... t IS t 234 80 I 33V, T8 211 ... I 36 241 120 1 121 T4 183 40 I 37V4 '2 210 80 6 3H, til 143 ... '171, SHFf;p Nine cars constituted the re ceipts In the sheep division today and the quality of the offerings whs very good. The arrivals weie all rangers from Wyoming and Idaho. There have been verv few spring lamhs coming to this point of lain, hardly enough to make a fair test of the market hni . v. ..... - .kinn,n,.i was received and their sale proved inr tins Kind or sturr are well in line with other markets. The msrkot was In a satisfactory condition, ruling generally steady with the close of last week. There In a. ennil .1 .. r. n .1 u . . n . . , j , .. " ,"-.. urniniiu nnr KT nillllllia; O.-IIH- ble. either sheep or lamhs. Three iloulile "'' i johiiu yearlings sola at in.'ju, wnue. three doubles of Wyoming spring lambs brought $7.25. Quotations: Good to choice spring lamhs, $i.i857 28; fair to good spring lambs, $i;.7o'oj 7.00; good to choice yearlings, ii. Ootid. 26; fair to good yearllwrs. $6.76'iMi.0O; good to choice wethers, $6.00016.00; fair to good wethers. 14 Firi fin o-,i,4 i,ni,a A.Aa $4.6'6.oO; fulr to good ewes. $4.204i4.50. Reu- resentatlve sales: No. 4v. pr, a5 Wyoming lambs ..... 64 6 00 60 Wyoming cull lambs 64 6 00 6 western wethers 133 6 75 3o2 Wyoming spring lambs 02 7 25 141 Wyoming spring lambs 1 7 25 4o9 Wyoming spring lunibs fi2 7 i5 4 Idaho cull ewes 97 2 60 8 Idaho yearlings 98 4 75 25 Idaho yearlings M 4 75 37 Idaho ewes im 4 75 260 Idaho yeurllxigs 91 6 90 CIIICAUO LIVE STOCK M A It K RT Cattle Steady Hoars Are rive Cents . Higher Sheep and I.ambs Hlarber. CHICAGO, July 10 CATTLE Receipts. 21,000 head, including 1,000 Texans. Mar ket steady; good to prime steers, $5.6"Xj4i.&0; poor to medium. $3.75?l6.3fi: stockers and feeders, $2.60f!W.36; cows, $2.964.W.; hrifers, $2.26B6.00; canners, $1.60ua.t0; bulls, j.0O"(f 4.U0; calves, $3 0.50; Texas fed steers, $4.26i&.00. HOGS- Reeelnts. 34.000 hour! eoilnioi.t for tomorrow, 21.000 head. Market 5c higher; mixed and butchers. $5.46iii6.60; good to cholco heavy, $5.fUVg6.80; rough heavy, $3.16a54u; light, $6.406.60; bulk of sales, $6.tiKa5 75. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1S.000 head. Market for sheep, 101160 higher; for lambs, 16c higher; good to choice weth ers, $5.3fiif.76; fair to choice mixed, $4,601$ 6.26; western sheep, $4.75'iil5 76; native lambs, $5.0OQ8.l6; western lambs, $ti.0OyU15. St. I.onls Lire Stack Market. ST. LOUIS, July 10. CATTLE Receipts, 6.5O0 head, Including 4,000 Texans. Market steady; native shipping and export steers, $4.36'6.50; dressed beef and butcher steers, $3.oj5.15; steers under 1.000 pounds, $3.26tf 4.10; stockers and feeders, $2.2oig3.75; cows and heifers, $2.0066.00; canners, $1,604(2.15; bulls, $2.604f4.0o; calves, $3.0H'U).00; Texas and Indian steers, $2.60'(j4.75; cows and heifers, $2.00fT3.5o. HOGS-Receipts, 2,500 head; higher. Pigs and lights, $5.4oiU5.70; packers, $5.006.76; butchers' and best heavy, $6.60'Sa.75. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2.000 head; market steady; native muttons, $4 00 (6.00; lambs, $5.018337.00; culls and bucks, $2.5oii3.00; stockers, $3.00igo.85; Texans, $3.75 G4.75. Kansas City 1.1 ve Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. July 10.-CATT1.E-Re-celpts, lti.OOO head, including 8,000 head southerns; fed steers steady; others steady to Km lower; choice export and dress-d beef steers, $5,004)6.75; fair to good, tt.Sn 6.00: western fed steers, $4.064i5.6O; stockers and feeders. $3,004)4.60; southern steers, $3(W 64.60; southern cows, $2.16ij3.76; oows, $2.4t"4.50; native heifers. $2.26aj.30; bulls, $J.ii3.75; calves, $3.OO'u5.50. HOGS Receipts, 6.000 head; market strong to 5c higher: top, $5.50; bulk of sales, $5.42V,1(5.474; heavy, $5.40415.46;. packers, $5.41:V,'fj.6ii; pigs and lights, $5.4V?5.GO. SHEEP AND LAMHS-Recelpts, 5.000 head; market strong to 10c higher; native lambs. $0.0114(7.60; western lamhs, KOf 7.60; fed ewes and yearlings, $4.85'i6.5o; Tex. is clipped sheep, $4,604(6.40; stockers and feed ers, $2.504i3.75. Stock In Right. Receipts of live stock at the six principal estern market; yesterday: wes cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 4,225 6.2.S8 2,700 SuO 2,2iiO 16.000 6.l,(i0 6 0"0 2,6.3 2,948 105 5 600 2.6141 2.0.l 21,000 S4.OU0 18,000 South Omaha Sioux City .... Kansas Cltr . St. Joseph .... Bt. Louis Chicago Totals .64,164 61,936 27.806 St. Joseph Live Stock Market. 8T. JOSEPH, July 10.-CATTI.ERe-celpts, 2.6111 head; steady to strong; na tives. $S.76inS.S0; cows and heifers, $1.500 4.60; stockers. and feeders, $2.76414.40. HOGS Receipts, 2,948 head: 6c higher; light. $S.42V4it).47W: maximum and heavy. $5.4016 45: bulk, $.v4?V5.47H. SHEEP AND LAMUS-ltecelpts, 105 head; market steady. Sloax ( Ity Live Stock. Market. 8IOLX CITY, la.. July 10-(Speclal Tele grum.) CATTLE Receipts. 800 head; mar ket Steady; stockers weak: beeves, $3 '(J 6.40; cows, bulls and mixed, $2 5o4.50; stock ers and feeders, $2.7V3.86; calves and year lings, $ 75o3 75. HOtit-Heclpts, 2.200 head; market 5c higher, selling at $5,274)5.40; bulk of sales $5.aV4l6.35. Oils and Rostn. KF.W TflBK Jnlir 1fl-lir ro.. a steady: prime crud7 nominal; prime yellow,' Ti-r. xviruieuiii, quiet; renneo isw York, $6.90; Philadelphia and Baltimore, $085; prime, in bulk, $13.96. Turpentine, easier at 61Htit2c. ROSIN Steady; strained, common to good, $3 KgS 56. OIL CITY. Pa., July lO.-OiL-Credlt bal ances, $127; certlflcales, ho bid; shipments, 63.534 bbls.; average, 61.080 bbls.; runs, 93 hat bbls.; average. 64,748 bbls.; shipments. Limn. 61'JJ5 bbls.; average, 46,940 bhls. ; runs, Lima 73,924 bbls.; average, 46.13 bbls. Dry Good Market. KEW . YORK. July 10 D RYGOODS Market has advanced In many directions. The advance Is regarded In some quarters as beyond the point warranted by condi tions, but agents declare that with the present rampant market on cotton the movement Is natural. Buyers appear to be awaiting developments, and although many are In the market, the volume of business is not large. Philadelphia Prodace Market. PHILADELPHIA. July 10.-BUTTER-Flrm; extra western creamery, nifcc. EGGS Plrm with light supply of good Storks: western fresh. 17c at mark. CHEESE Easier; liberal olTerimts; New York full creauu, SVttluo, domestic Swiss. 11&14C. Evaporated Apples aad Dried Kralts. NF7W YORK. July 10. -EVAPORATED APPLES Market firm, but - demand is light. Common to good sre quoted st 4V:iiHo; prune, ; choice, eVic, and fancy at 7c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Prunes show twuiues at reports ot ciup dumage. t 140 6 o 4 1 M la It STOC K MIS AM 10 T7 1 13 t f 'l 14. 1 671 t 76 14 I IM I 78 It 1 40 I 71 It at I 76 I 0 1 3 oe tt t 141 I 00 II II 144 I 30 21 1 4" I 60 4 S H 1 I Taa 1 M 41 14 Ion I M 44 Fpot quote, rl'ins r.ince from :V t,i Ac. se cerning i.t Br.'ide, the InUde avli-es tMn Kti fOX' .ulntv ii I'wln firm at re eit fli.:iri-F t'liot c are 11 I'tcd st l,:l'y; ex tra choice at lie .in! fsncv nt l.'H'ISe. rearh are i, nrl-n nart'd. with -hore quote.l ill l'.il'i',r; cxtn choice, p VMir. and fancy at ll.'ulic. Raisin are finitnarly offered at rc.'i-ni prl.-r. loc niucjit.. an- -i note I at 4i, "(ii'.',c : s.-c,I. d ralslna, Mti"sc: London lnvirs. lloOflll.V OM AH A AVIUM US 41. U. M AttRF.T. Condition of Trade and Qaotatleas staple and Faner I'rorlsee. EiCS Rrrclpis. fair; market quiet: cuncllid stork, i:ul.:isr. I.lVr; !'ti,TK tl.-ns. S',c: roosters, 6c, turkeys. ll'ul.V : dm Km r xi'iiiik cmcKcna, i...iiic. "I' I IhK-M hi m; 13Vil4c; choice to f.incv packing stork. dairy, l.ylkoj ti. aiinry. 2i-nJ!c: Mints. :.'c hi UAit Siano.tril gianuiated, $8 21 tet cwt ; cuoes per out., cut loaf, $. a per cut ; No. 0 rtra C, $MJ per cwt.; io. iu e xtra c, 40 W) per cwt.; 10. IS yel low, 45 75 per cwt : XXXX powdered. $ii 99 per cwt.; bur powdei-eit, $ 40 per CWLJ easle tablets. $7 ! per cw t. FRESH HSU -Trout. 4le; halibut, lloj buffalo (drrSsedl, Jc; pickerel ( dressed), o; white bass (ilreeH-il 1. I?c; MunflHh, ec; tH'rca tscalcd and dressed), Sc; pike, 10c; out fish. :-c: red siiaj'iier. ldc; salmon, ltc; in apples, 12c; tel. loc, bulllieads. 11c; blsck bass. 20c; Manitoba whltellr.h tdressed), 10c; Lako Su perior whltchsh tilrcssrdl, l"c; frog les, per dor. 3fcc; lobster., green, 27c; boiled lobsters, .Yc; s!ind too. 45c; blueflsh, 8c. HAY-Prices quoted bv Omaha Wholesale ll.iv Dealers' nsi-oclf.ilon: Choice. J7.00; No. I. $fl 60; No. t, tii.00; coarse. $5.00. Thess are for huy of tood color and qual ity URAN-Per 'oy. $16.00. TROPICAL FRUIT. ORANGES St. .Michaels, alt ali-s, $4.3: extra fsuicy .Mcdiurranean sweets, all sizes, tT-.b, Fcediings, all sues, $3.60; Valen cia, all HIZeS, Jl.aO. LEMONS I.ktiinnlera, extra fancv. 174, I8 and 300 slaes, $5 :i; fancy, 27U, M and ;tr) sixes, $4.ii; choice. $3.50; 3n0 and 3is) sizes. $1 .60; '.'10 size, $3.26; 240 slm, $3.6n. DATES Per box of 30 1-lb pKBS... $100; Hallowe en, In 7n-lb. boxes, per lb, 60, FIGS California, per 10-11). carton, Ric: l!i.;..)i tud Sinyina. four-crown, 12c; flvu crown, l?o. HA NAN AS Per medium-sized bunch, $1.71 i5" .; jumbos. $2. 60n3.1t). P1NFMTI.ES liorlda. Tier crate ot 21 SO and 30 sizes. $1 60. FRl liS aSD MELONS. APRlCu is (.alliurmu, per 4-basket crate. $1.10. P l.U MS California lia, per 4-backet crate. $1 io'fll.35. PLACJ1KS Texas cllnus, per 4-basket crate, sw; Texas freestones. $i.ii0; Califor nia free stone, ht 26-lb. box, $1.10. Cii i-.vim:.--t.,n;ioi nn.. -.Utk. per 8-lb, box. $1.6ti; white, pi-r 8-in hot, i 6 : Mis souri, box of 24 (lis., $2.0t'i2.26. STRAWBERRIES Home gniwn, per 34 Ut. case, $1.76iu2.tO; Denver, per cose ot ; i -II I . . 42.00. CRANHERR1ES Jerseys, per crate. $1 6. GOOSEbEUKIEH-Hox of 24 qtr. iiuu CANTAIX3UPES Texas, per crate, $3.00 04.60; California, per crate, ponies, $3 O01 standards. $4.00. WA TKKMFLONS Alabama Sweets, 26ci) 30c each; crated, ivc per lb. RASFPERIUES-Ked, box of 24 pts. $2.60: black, box of 24 pis., $2.00. HLA( KlIKHHIKS-t'use of 24 qts. 12 09. TURNIPS New, per dor, 20c CARROTS New , per dm., 20c. WAX 11EAN8 Pei Vj-bu. box, iTic; string beans, p. r oox, 76c; bu. box wax or string, $1.60. I'OTAauES Home-Krown, In sacks, per bu., 36c; Colorado, per bu., 45c; new pota toes, per bu., 660. PEANtj Navy, per bu.. $2.00. CAI'L1FIX)V'ER Home iiuwii, per orate of 1 dor, F'Jc. CI CL.MHEKS Per doz.. 45c. PEAS New. ,ei hu box, $1.00. TOMATOES Tennessee, per 4-baskct crate, $1.00. SPINACH Per bu.. 6O0. CA R HAG E Homo grown, lr crates, per lb.. 2Hc ONIONS New, per dor bunches, 16c; Bermudas, per crate of about bo lbs., $1.25, RADISHES Hot house or southern, per dox , ye. LETT JCE Hot house, per dor, S500c; head lettuce, per 4I0X.. 75c. LEETS-New. per dor. 30o. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Swiss, ne, joc; Wisconsin brick, 14c; Wisconsin llmberger, 15c; twins, 1-Vjo; young Americas, 12Hc Is UTS v ulnuiu, .No. 1 soft shells, nest crop, Tier lb.. 15c; hard sheik, per lb., 13c: No. 2 soft shells, per lb., 12c; No. 3 hard shells, per lb., 12u; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb., 7c; roasted peanuts per lb., 8c; Chill walnuts, fier lb., 12f(,13a,o,; almonds, soft shell, per b., 17c; hard shell, per lb., 15c; ahellbum hickory nuts, per bu., $1.75; 1 'rge hickory nuts, per ou., i.ou. lilDEb ISO. 1 Hreen. 80; No. 2 green, No. 2 salted, 8c; 3 veal calf. 9c: dr ic; no. 1 salted, 9c; No. 1 veal calf, 10c; No. saitet hides salted, 7ri4c; sheep pelts, 26c4j$1.00; horse hlilaii tl taWtit Afl Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. July 10 WHEAT July, Sl'sc; Si-ptembiT, 79c; December, 79Vjc. Cash, No. 2 hard, 9.T?i 9t'.Uc : No 3. vuic; No. 4. 76'y!Kc; No. 2, red, 80cfto7c; No. 8, e.'l 84c; No. 4, 8u4j82o. CORN July, tic; September, 49ic: 'De cember. 43'4'j43,c; cash. No. 2, nilxed, 64- 64i-4c; No. 3, 63V54c; No. 2, white, 65V.c; No. 3. 65c. OATS No. 2, white. 84ft344c; No. 1, mixed. 3:'4c. EGGS Steady; fresh Missouri and Kan sas, 12c; loss off cases included. Cast) count, 10c; southerns, 6c. RYE No. 2, 1. unlnal, 6.Vfj4iSe. HAY Steady; . lioiee timothy, $9.5O4jT0.OO; choice prairie $7.75. BUTTER Steady; creamery, HWic; packing. 14c. Reneipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 1.H.400 2R.00 Corn, bu 89.0uO $1 :) Oats, bu 13.000 3.1 REAL ESTATE TRAXSFKR). Deeils filed for record July 10, as furnished by the Midland Guarantee Trust com pany, bonded .abstracter, 1814 i'uriittia street for The Bee: . J. H. Devlne et al. to Mary 8. Doo ley. lot 6, block 60. South Omaha. ..$ 4M V. Altes and wife to W. C. Renter, lots 18 and 19, block 35, Albright's Choice 1... 1 W. R. Jones and wife to W. C. Reu- ' ter, same property $00 Clenimle D. Smith and husband to O. F. Morrison, lot 1, block 10, Plain view . 2.500 F. W. Perkins and wife to C. M. Pull man, lot 2, block 10, Improvement association , 475 N llle Green et al. to L. J. F(ter, lot 12. block 14, Carthage 1,000 V. II. I-aedcrlck et al. to O. B. Force, lpts 1 and 3. block 3. Hillside No. 1... 800 W. C. Norrls to J. D. Wear, part of lot 8. Bluff View JGJ Crelghton University to Martha M. Ish. part of lot ti, block 88. City.,.. 1 W. P. l.vnch to Omaha Mercantile company, lot 2, block 10i West Omaha ,. , J V. Morln and wife to Harriet L. Mc Manus, lot 17, block 2, Koster's 30 Elsonore Flare company to Catherine C. McGinn, lot 4o. Hensonhurst 44) A. Swensun and wife to C. E. Hufner, lot , block K Halcvon Heights 250 O. Meyer and wife to F. W, Meyer, patt ,f lot 12, block 8. Omaha View. 70 L. M. Sister to A. Redgwlck. part of lot 37. Hurr Oak 514) J. F. Robert et al. to P. Dundee, part of lot , block 18. South Omaha f. E. F. Hall to Catherine Hlggtns, lot 6. block 1. Poppleton Park l,87i J M. McMahan to J. E Oibbops, lots 5. t and 9 Rosellnd Place 504 Florence Grape Fruit company to N. Larson, part of nwl4 nw, l-l- 13 , t. N. Larson to If. Petersen, same. 414) M. L Helnsman et al. Xo O. W. Kurz, lot 8. block , Clifton HIM . W. H. Arthur et. al. to Elisabeth M. Shahan, tnxlot 7. 17-16-13 1800 Ellzalieth M. Shshnn to O. Borsch. part taxlot 7, 17-lti-13 Bame to F. W. Troxler, part same ... 730 W. L Hennenhnfer to C. J. 6chults part lots 18 and 14, block t, ftt-yniour addition 1 500 F W. Csrmichsel to C. O. Talniage. "lot 23. block 99, Dundee 7,' N. Pearsen and wife to Anna E Boyce. part lot 4. bhwk 1, Kirkwood.. 1,30 B. Johnston to F. U Town, lot 8. block 8. Spring Ike Park 650 South Omaha ljind company to An. Ionia Moloiepsiy, lot , block 314, South Omaha , jqj Edwards-Wood Co. tlaeerporatad "Una Otnc: Filth (! Rbrt Slrt)sli ST. PALL, niMN. C EALBRS IN Stocks, Grain, 'Provisions aaaswaaaaaaaaaaM.. Ship Your (irnhi to Us Branch OBtee, 11U.11I If oar 41 f Trad RlJai, Oaaasiat, . Telcaktaa SiJ ,14 Exrhasge Bhlg.. South Omaha Belt 'Ptione iia. iaiditilut 'tkua 1