Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 11, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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EouriVi Men Take the Tint Game by a
Bcore of Three to Two.
. Champion Land Three Oat of the
Poor Game of the Serlee
with Dill Everltt'a
Moan talneers.
DENVER, July 10. Denver and Omaha
broke even on their second double-header
of the present series thin afternoon, Omaha
taking the, first contest 3 to 2, and Inning
tha second 9 to 3. WhPn Denver threat
ened to win out In the seventh Inning: of
the first fame, Rourke sent In Pfeister to
relieve Sanders and the big south-paw
saved the game. Vollendorf pitched Rood
ball for Denver, but wan poorly supported.
Rchauh had the Champions cursing In
the second content, while McCloakey wan
easy from start to finish.
In the first game Omaha scored In the
first on Carter's hit. Dolan'a sacrifice and
fllsler's Inexcusable drop of the ball when
Carter wan being run up and down the line
from third home. The second tally came
In the fifth. With two out, Thlel and Car
ter walked, and Dolan'a hit scored the
former. The last run waa scored In tha
eventh on hits by Freese and Carter.
Denver tallied two In the seventh on
a three-bagger by Perrlne, Hoelskoetter'
fly to Welch, Everett'a three-bagger, a
fielder's choice and Vollendorf'a single.
At the opening of the second game
Omaha scored two on hits by Thlel and
Welch and errors by Hoelskoetter and
McGllvray. The third and last run came
In the third jn Hoelskorttcr's error,
Lucia's bad throw and Welch' single.
Denver scored two In the first on Dolan's
error and Hartzell's homer. Two hard hit
balls got sway from Shlpke In succession
In the fourth and with HoeLskoctter's home
run tallied three. Three more fame In the
next Inning on hits by Hartzell, McGll
vray, Perrlne and Hoelskoetter, aided by
.Welch's error. The cnls' ninth run was
aeored in the sixth on Welch's error off
Hartzell, which was good for the circuit.
AH. R. H. O. A. E
Thlel. If 2 10 2 10
Carter, rf 4 1 2 3 0 0
Dolin, ss 4 0 12 4 0
Welch, cf S O 0 4 0 0
Thomas, lb 3 0 0 G 0 0
Schlpke, 3b 4 0 2 2 4 0
Martin. 2b 4 0 0 4 4 0
Freese, c 4 0 16 10
Sanders, p 3 110 10
Pflestcr, p 1 0 0 0 0 0
Totala 32 3 7 27 15 0
MeHnle, cf 4
Martzell, 3b 4
McOMvrnv, rf 3
Belden. If 4
Perrlne, 2b 4
Hoelskoetter, ss 4
Kverltt, lb 3
Lucia 1
Slsler, c 4
Vollendorf, p 3
An R. It. O. A.
0 0 3 0 0
0 3 2 2 0
0 0 10 0
0 1 2 0 0
1 2 3 2 0
0 13 10
0 17 0 1
0 0 0 0 0
114 2 1
0 12 3 0
Totals 34 2 10 27 10 2
Batted for Everltt In ninth.
Omaha 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 03
Denver 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 02
Stolen bases: Perrlne, Thirl, Carter.
Dolan. Welch. Three-base hits: Perrlne,
Everltt. Rases on balls: Off Vollendorf, 6.
Struck out: By Vollendorf, 4; by Sanders,
J; by Pflester, 1. Left on bases: Omaha, 8;
Denver, ft. Sacrifice hits: McfJilvrav. Thlel.
First base on error: Omaha. 1. Two-base I
hits: Belden, Hartzell. Wild pitch: Vol
lendorf. Double play: Schlpke to Martin
to Dolan. Time: l:4o. Umpire: Burns.
Score second game:
AB. R. H. O. A. K
McHale, cf 4 1 0 0 0 0
Hartzell. 3b 4 3 3 3 0 1
McGllvray, rf 4 112 0 1
Belden, If 4 1110 0
Perrlne. 2h 3 2 2 3 8 1
Hoelskoetter, ss 4 112 7 2
E-verttt, lb 3 0 0 8 0 0
Lucia, c 4 0 0 8 2 1
Bchaub, p 3 0 2 0 1 0
Totala 33 9 10 27 13 6
AB. R. H. O. A. E.
Thlel. If 5 1 2 2 0 1
Carter, rf 4 1 0 0 0 0
Dolan. ss 3 1 0 2 5 1
Welch, cf 4 0 2 0 0 1
Thomas, lb 4 0 1 10 1 0
Schlpke, 8b 4 0 1 0 2 0
Martin. 2b 4 0 0 6 2 0
Gonding. c 4 0 0 5 2 0
McCloskey, p 4 0 0 0 2 0
Totals 3ft 3 6 24 14 8
Denver 2 0 0 3 3 1 0 0' 9
Omaha 201000000 S
Stolen base: Perrlne. Three-base hit:
Thomas. First base on halls: Off McClos
key. 2. Struck out: Bv Bchaub, 8; by
McCloskey, 3. Left on bases: Denver, 3;
Omaha, 7. First base on errors: Denver. 1;
Omaha, 5. Sacrifice hit: Dolan. Home
runs: Hartzell t2), Hoelskoetter. Hit with
pitched hall: Perrlne. Double plays: Per
rlne to Hoelskoetter to Kverltt, Gonding to
Martin. Time: 1:20. V'mplre: Burns.
Dumb rlay Loses Game.
ST. JOSEPH, July 10. Sioux City took
today's game from St. Joseph, 4 to 2. A
lack of team work on the part of the locals
waa mainly responsible, although the visi
tors successfully bunched singles at ad
vantageous periods.
Ctdllns and Newton hit in the first, net
ting the first run. Weed, however, on two
rank fumbles in the third, handed St.
Joseph the game. However, the locals,
with a lead of one run. pulled off u brace of
dumb plays which again turned the tide to
the visitors. Nobllt and O'Hani. in the
fourth, hit and tied the score. Stainatjle
again In the seventh hit for three bases
and stole home when Newlln made second.
Nobllt hit In the ninth and scored on Qull
lln's fumble of Pulslfer's slow drive. The
g.tme proved featureless. Attendance, 160.
R H O A K. H H.O.A.B.
filllm rf ...l I 0 0 0 KMrham, rf .l 1 I
FM'hin. 2h . 0 1 4 S B H. tills. Ik . . . 1 III
2b 0 0 I 1 I gulllln. .0 0 4 1 1
Newton. M. .. 0 1 1 I II Allflr.!, .1h., 0 0 0
NiMit. rf 2 110 Inuilii. lh..O III
Pul.lfr. lb.. 0 0 lo Flemlns. lf..O 1 4 t
nHara. If.... t I 0 Nira. rf 0 I
8'arnafla t.. 1 I Zlnran. e I I
Nrwlln, p 0 0 0 I t Jonea, p 0 8 0 I
Tntala 4 I 27 II I Totala I T 17 1
Ploux MtV 1001001104
St. Joseph 002 0000002
Earned runs: Sioux City, 2. Three-base
hit: Starnasle. Stolen bases: Nobllt,
PulUfer. Ixiuulns. Double play: Newton
to Weed to PuMfer. Klrst base on balls;
Off Newlln. 2; off Jones, 1. Hit with pitched
ball: Noves. Strurk out: By Jones, 3;
by Newlln, 4. Sacrifice lilt: yulllin. Left
on bases: 8t. Joseph, l'i; Sioux. City, 7.
Time: 1:25. 1'mplre: Carruther.
1)1 ride at the Springs.
phan and Underwriters broke open an
other double hill at the ball yard today
and the Joys and sorrows of extra enter
tainment were shared alike by the top
notcbers and the tailender. The Spring
took the first battle by to 7, whlie Des
Moines turned the tables In the second
round and won. 9 to 3. The first game was
a piettv exhibition, barring the wlidness
itf the pitchers Hester started In to twirl,
but lie could not locate the plate In the
third, and alter passing three men, abdi
cated In favor of Swormstedt. Sworm
stedt s debut turned the tide and the Mil
lionaire kept in the lead throughout the
contest. The locals made two In the first
round on three triples by Pennell, Blake
and Knabe. Four more came In the sec
ond on four single and a double by
The Springs started the second game In
a spirited manner, but they could not .keep
their winning streak of two games. A pass,
a double and a single aeored a pair In the
opening. The lola made their last run
In the rtfth on Wake's hit and steal, Flske'a
error of Knabe grounder and a poor
throw to second.
lies Moines did not get started In the
second game until the third inning, when
they made three runs on three singles and
Caffyn's triple. Two errors and swo lngle
scored two In the fourth. Another block
of two came In the fifth on two hits, a sac
rifice and Bader s error. Oanley's single
and a field play, a sacrifice and an out
scored one In the sixth and another waa
made In the seventh on Shugart's triple
and an out. Rossman hit for three bases
In the eighth, but was caught at the plate
trying to stretch it into a home run. At
tendance. Too Score:
R.H.O.A E. R.H.O.A.K.
Pennell. rf... 1 I 0 OOanley, rf....J 10 0 0
Took. If 0 1 4 0 0 Hogrlevar. rf 0 1 4 0 0
Blake, of I 1 1 1 OLntif. 0 I I I 0
Knahe. 2b.... 1 1 I 4 0 lb. I 1 10 0 0 1D..1 1 0 1 Caffyn, If.... 10 0 0
Molt, Sb 1 1 I 2 0 Shusart. 2b.. 0 1 t I 1
Mine, c 0 2 1 0 0 r'tuke, 3b 0 1 I I I
Darter, as 0 2 4 I I Town, c I 0 t 0 0
Heater, p 0 0 0 0 1 Lelfleld. p.... 0 0 0 4 0
Sw'rmaudt. pOOllO T T " 77 "7
Totals J 17 11 I
Totala 11 27 11 I
Colorado Springs... 204100020 t
Dcs Moines O2300002O-7
Stolen bases: Ganley, Knabe, Bader.
Three-base hits: Pennell, Blake. Knabe.
First base on balls: Off Leltleld, 4; off
Hester, .1; Swormstedt, 5. Struck out:
Bv Leltield. 7; by Hester, 1; by Sworm
stedt, 1. I-cft on bases: Colorado Springs,
7; Des Moines, 8. Sacrifice hits: Cook.
Fchrlver, Bader. Earned runs: Colorado
Springs. 3: Des Moines. 1. Two-base hits:
Mitze (2), Ganlev. Bader. Wild pitches: By
Lelfleld, 2. Double play: Bader to Schrlver
to Blake to Mote. Time: 2:15. Umpire:
Score, second game:
R.H.O.A.E. R.H.O.A.E.
Oanlev. cf.... 2 2 2 0 0 Panned, rf...O 0 1 0 0
Hoarlerer. rf. 1 2 0 0 0 1'nnk. If I 1 0 1 0
hunt, m I 1 6 2 OWikf, cf I 1110
KnMman. lb. 1 1 11 0 0 Knab. 2b.... 0 112 1
Caltyn If 0 1 4 0 0Schrlvr. lb..O 1111
bhugart. !b... 2 2 1 0 2 Molt. 3b 0 10 11
FlKko. 3b 0 0 14 1 Mftnllt. C....0 0 6 1 0
Wakrflold c. 1 0 2 I 1 Hancr. m 0 0 t I 2
Morrison.' p.. 1 2 0 1 0 Stlmmall, p.O 1 1 I 0
Totala 12 27 12 4 Totala I 7 24 14 6
Des Moines 0 0 3 2 2 1 1 0
Colorado Springs ...20100000 0-3
Stolen bases: Hogrlever, Wakefield, Blake,
Knabe. Three-buse hits: Long, Shugart,
Rossmnn. First base on balls: On Mor
rison 2; off Stlmmell, 3. Struck out: By
Morrison, 2: by Stlmmell, 1. Left on bases:
Colo ado Springs, 5; Des Moines. 6. Sacri
fice hits: Long, Caffyn, Flake. Earned
runs: Colorado Springs, 1; Des Moines, 6.
Two-base hits: Blake, Stlmmell. Hit by
pitched ball: Shugart. Double plays: Mott
to Knabe to Schrlver, Long to Rossman.
Time: 1:45. Umpire: Mace.
Standing; of the Trams.
Played. Won. Ijoat. Pet.
Des Molne 5 44 21 .077
Denver 70 42 28 .6X
Sioux City 5 38 27 .5S5
Omaha 65 35 30 . 638
Colorado Springs 68 21 47 .309
St. Joseph 65 19 46 .292
Games today: Omaha at Colorado
Springs; Des Moines at Denver; Sioux City
at St. Joseph.
Corona Janlora Win.
The Corona Juniors added two more to
their long list of victories by defeating
the Clean ". uppers and the Superiors, in
the first game the Juniors batted and
fielded like leaguers, making a total of
thirteen hits, which netted nine runs. At
kins for the Juniors distinguished himself
by pitching both games, striking out twelve
of the Clippers and allowing but five hits,
which netted them three runs. Batteries:
Juniors, Atkins and Houska; Clippers,
Bunny, Rlsley and Yellow.
In the afternoon a crowd of more than
20i) people saw the Corona Juniors and the
Superiors play a fast game on the grounds
at Twenty-fourth and Vinton, resulting In
a score of 8 to 1 for the Junior. Clark
started to pitch for the Superiors, but the
Juniors were too much for him and he re
tired In favor of Cedrel. Atkins, for the
Juniors, was an enigma with men on bases
ond slruck out nine of the Superiors. In
ability to hit Atklna and the fast fielding
of the Juniors, not making an error, lost
the game for the Superiors. Score:
R.H.O.A.E. R.H.O.A.E.
Atklna, aa... 1 111 0 Horal aa ...0 0111
Newala, cf .. 1 1 I 0 0 Hotchen, If.. 0 I 1 1
Rrln'txr, lb. 0 I 1 I 0 Tracy, lb.... 1 11 0 0
Intnan, lb... till 0 Cany, c 01110
Hrodbeck, If. 0 1 1 1 0 Clark, pArf.. 0 0 0 1
llr g anC, rf 1 I 1 0 Ol'tdrel, prf. 0 14 11
Hr'('nU., 2b 0 1 I I 0 Llpp. rf 1 0 1
llounka. 0... 1 2 I 1 OLrplnakr. 2b. 0 1 1 I 1
Atklna F., p. 1 1 1 1 0 Brown, lb.... 11111
Totala .... 13 27 12 0 Totals 1 I 17 11 4
Coronas 10201200 06
Superiors 00000000 11
Struck out: By Atkins, 9; by Cedrel, 8.
Two-base hits: Houska, Reinschrlber,
s. -a, -w w " a. . mm J aTiwbv- -a m m
Tracy, Cedrel, Frown. Pane on balls: Off
Atkins, 1 Hit by pitched ball: Newsie.
Colombaa Wins from Kansas City la
the Tenth Isnlsi,
KANSAS C1TT. Mo, July 10 Wrlgley
two-base hit In the tenth Inning, followed
by Pierce's slsshlng single, won today
game for Columbus, For six Innings It was
a pitcher battle, with the runs, hit and
errors for esch side stsndlng at two, four
and one. Attendance, 350. Score:
R.H.O.A.E, R. H.O.A.B
Pickering, cf. 0 1 I 0 0 ratrn. rf.... 0 0 0 0 4
Parla, rf 1110 1 Donahue, aa.. 12 110
Conaalton. I! t I I I Marary, lb... 0 0 I 1 0
Kinm. lb....O 1 II 4 SuiIm, a 0 111
Hul.wltt. 2b. 1 1 I 0 Hill, rf 0 110
Wrl!r. sa.. 1 14 1 0 Nance, It 0 I 1
Parbrau lb..l 1 0 I 0 Fonnar. lb...O t 1 4 1
Pierce, e 1 4 I Franta, lb ... 1111
Dornar, p.... I labell, a 0 0 11
Totals I I 10 14 1 Totala I 10 11 I
Columbus 000110000 13
Kansas City 100001000 02
Earned runs: Columbus, 2; Kansas City,
1. Two-base hits: Butler, Wrlgley, Bar
beau. Sacrifice hits: Bonner, Davis, Con
galton, Klhm, Pierce. Stolen bases: Pick
ering, Hulnwltt, Barbeau. Double play:
Nance to Butler. First base on balls: Oft
Dorner, 4. Struck out: By Isbell, 6; by
Dnrner, 4. Wild pitch: Dorner. Hit by
pitcher: Klhm. Left on bases: Kansas
Citv, 7; Columbus, 4. Time: 1:62. Umpire:
Minneapolis Wins Close Game.
MINNEAPOLIS. July lO.-Mlnneapolls
won a close game from Indianapolis today,
8 to 2. Fox's fielding waa a feature. At
tendance. 1,500. Score:
R.H.O.A.E. R.H.O.A.E.
Jonaa. rt 1 I 0 Carr, lb 0 1
Sulltraa, rf.. 1 0 Moras, a.... I I I 0
Fraaman, lb. 1 11 0 Mccreary, cf. 1 1 I
Coultar, If.... 1 1 Frtal. rf 4 110 0
Graham, aa... 1 11 I Thonay, lf.... 14 1
Gremtni'r, lb 1 I 0 Farrall, lb... 41
Foi, lb 1 1 I 0 Robartaon, lb 14
Schmoteb, a. 1 I 0 Wa.rar. a.... 4 11
Btorall. p.. 4 10 4 1 Raldy, p 0 0 110
Totals 8 I 27 10 t ToUls 1 I 24 11
Minneapolis 0 i 0 0 0 1(0 0 8
Indianapolis 0010001002
Three-base hit: Fox. Tw-o-base hit:
Graham, Friel. Sacrifice hits: Sullivan,
Gremlnger, Graham. Stolen base: Graham.
First base on balls: Off Stovall, 3; off
Reidy, 3. Struck out: By Stovall, 2. Wild
pitch: Stovall. Hit with pitched ball: By
Stovall, 1. Left On bases: Minneapolis, 7;
Indianapolis, . Time: l:3u. Umpires:
Gl fiord and Haskell.
Lonlsvllle Wins from St. Panl.
ST. PAUL, July 10. O'Brien' errors,
Ferguson's wild pitch and timely hitting
by the opposing team lost the game for
St. Paul today. Kenna was knocked out of
the box In the seventh Inning, Stecher tak
ing his place and holding the locals safe
for the rest of the game. Attendance, 4J3.
R.H.O.A.E. R.H.O.A.E.
Woodruff, If.. 0 1 I 1 OO.Irr, lb 0 1 I 6 0
Sullivan, lb.. I 111 0 Hemphill, rf. 1 1 1 0 0
Clay, cf 0 1 0 0 0 Wheeler, lb..l 114 0
Kerwln, rt .1 111 OO'Brlan, aa. . . 1 2114
Braahear, lb. 114 10 Flournoy, If. 1 I I 0 0
Scott, lb 1 110 0 Keller. lb....O 0 16 1 0
Shaw, c 1 0 4 1 0 Carney. rf....O 0 0 0 0
Quintan, aa... 0 116 0 Noonan, c... 0 110 0
Kenna, p 0 1 1 0 0 Ferguaon, p.. 0 10 6 0
Stecher p....O 001
Totala I 11 27 17 4
Totala I 11 27 II
Louisville 0 1 20080006
St. Paul 000000230-6
Two-base hits: Noonan, Wheeler, O'Brien,
Sullivan, Clay, Bras hear. Stolen bases:
Kerwln (2), Urashear, Hemphill. Double
play: Sullivan to Brashear to Scott. HKs:
Off Kenna, 9 In seven and one-third In
nings; off Stecher, 2 In one and two-thirds
Innings. First base on balls: Off Kenna, 8;
off Stecher, 1; off Ferguson, 1. Wild pitch:
Ferguson. Sacrifice hits: Qulnlan, Shaw.
Left on bases: St. Paul, 5; Louisville, 9.
Time: 1:30. Umpire: Kane.
Postponed Game.
At Milwaukee Milwaukee-Toledo game
postponed; rain.
Standing; of the Teams.
Played. Won. Lost. Pet.
Minneapolis 79 49 27 .646
Columbus 77 47 30 .610
Milwaukee 75 45 30 .6o0
Indianapolis 73 36 37 .493
St. Paul 76 36 40 . 474
Louisville 78 36 42 .462
Kansas City 74 27 47 . 3tS
Toledo 73 26 47 . 36b
Games today: Columbus at Kansas City.
Toledo at Milwaukee, Indianapolis at Min
neapolis, Louisville .t St. Paul.
Chlcawo Defeats Plttsbnrgf by Bunch
ing; Hl'ta.
PITTSBURG, July 10. Chicago won by
making five hits off Case In the third and
fourth Innings. Welmer's excellent sup
port In the outfield saved him from de
feat. While Pittsburg was at bat In the
ninth, the game was called baok to the
eighth Inning on account of darkness. At
tendance, i.S:j.. Score:
R.H.O.A.E. R.H.O.A.E.
Slagla. cf.... 1 2 2 0 0 Clymer, rf... 0 110 0
Srhulta, U.... 0 0 4 0 0 Clark., K....0 0 0 0 0
Malonay, rf..O 110 0 Beaumont, cf 0 1 I 0 0
Hofman lb..0 1 11 0 0 Wanner. aa...O 1110
Tinker, aa.... 0 Oil 0 Howard, lb..l I 11 0 0
Erara, lb....l 10 1 0 Brain, lb 0 0 0 4 0
Caaay, lb 0 41 ORItrhay, lb... 0 2120
Kilns, e 0 111 OCarlach, O....0 0110
Walmer, p.... 2 0 0 2 0 Caaa, p 0 0 0 0 0
Hllilr brand, p 0 0 0 1 4
ToUls 4 1 24 11 0
ToUla 1 I 14 12 4
Chicago 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 04
Pittsburg 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 01
Two-hase hits: Howard, Hofman. Dou
ble plays: Carrlsch and Howard. Bases
on balls: Off Case 1; off "HUdebrand 2; off
Welmer I. 3truck out: By HUdebrand 2.
Wild pitch: Case. Hits: Off Case 7 In 4
innings; off HUdebrand none in 4 innings.
Time: 2:00. Umpire: Bauswlne.
Boston Beats Philadelphia.
B08TON, July 10. Although they were
outbatted, the local players managed to
defeat Philadelphia by 8 to 2 today by
bunching their safe drlvea. Attendance
l,4t. Score:
R.H.O.A.E. R.H.O.A.E.
Ab'tlcblo, ss. 1 1 I 4 OThomaa, ef . 1 14 0 0
Tenner, lb... 0 I 11 1 OGleaaon. lb..O 114 0
Dolan, rf 1 1 1 0 0 Courtney, lb. 0 0 1 1 0
Delebanty If 0 4 1 0 0 THue. rt 0 1 0 0 0
WoWert'D.' lb 1 4 0 1 0 Masee, If 12 10 0
Cannell, cf... 0 0 I 4 1 Br.n.neld. lb 0 1 14 0 0
Raymer. lb..O Oil 0 Kruger, aa.,,4 lilt
Moras, c 0 1 4 0 0 Abbott, e 0 1 S 1 1
Young, p 4 0 4 4 0 Corrldoo, p.. 1 0 6 4
- Dooln 0 4 0 0
Touli 16 27 12 1
Totala...... 2 10 24 II I
Batted for Corrldon In the ninth.
Boston 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 3
Philadelphia 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0-2
Two-base hit: Moran, Abbatlchlo.
Stolen bases: Tenney. Sacrlflo hit: Can
nell. Double play: Raymer to Abbatlchlo
to Tenney. First base on balls: Oft Cor
rldon 2; oft Young 1. Hit by pitched ball:
Wolverton, Dolan. Struck out: By Young
5. Wild pitch: Young. Time of game:
1:40. Umpire: Klem.
Game Postponed.
At New York New York-Brooklyn game
at Brooklyn postponed; rain.
Standing; of the Teams.
Played. Won. Lost. Pet
New York 73 62 21 .712
Pittsburg 75 46 29 .613
Philadelphia 72 43 29 . 697
Chicago 75 44 31 .667
Cincinnati 73 38 35 .61
St. Louis 74 27 47 .36
Brooklyn 71 22 61 ,31
Boston 73 22 61 .3ul
Game today: Pittsburg at Brooklyn,
Cincinnati at Boston, Chicago at New
York, St Louis at Philadelphia.
Fremont Takes a Pair,
FREMONT. Neb., July 10. (Speclal.)-The
Fremont ball team added two more vic
tories to Its record yesterday afternoon,
defeating both Hooper and Scribner. In
the Hooper game Fremont had a swatfest
In the fifth, and, aided by loose playing,
run In nine scores. In the Scribner game
the Fremonter started In heavy, but Black
steadied down and the game waa close.
Score: R HE.
Fremont 0 0 I 1 f 0 0 0 ft 11 it 7
Hooper 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 8
Struck out: By Prlmley, 11; by Russ, S.
Batteries: Fremont, Prlmley and Shea;
Hooper, Russ. Cook and Plaster.
Score, second game: R H E
Fremont 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 ( 4
Scribner 1 0 ft 0 0 0 0 0 01 4 i
Struck out: By Leach. ; by Black, 6.
Batteries: Fremont. Leach and Shea;
Scribner, Black and Dwyer.
Dynamiters Win as Vanal.
The Dynamltera defeated the commission
men Sunday morning by a score of 27 to 11
The game was exciting until the seventh
Inning, when the Dynamltera landed on the
ball In a terrific manner, knocking three
pitchers out of th box. From then on
the Dynamiters simply toyed with their
opponent. Score:
R. H. B.
Dynamiter .107800 10 6 27 35 3
Coin. men... 03101220 211 10 i
Batteries Dynamiters, Massel brother;
Commission men, Foley, McCauleff, Haw.
klna and Drummle.
Coal Not Locate Ball.
GRAND ISLAND. Neb. July 10. Bp.
cial Telegram.) North Platte could do
nothing wllii Farmer Lew In today, whll
' 5 P
Our brewery is as clean as your kitchen.
We clean every tub, vat, tank or barrel -
pipe and pump every time we use it. We wash
every bottle four times, by machinery.
The very air is filtered.
A it fur tkt Brrwrrf BttlHnr.
Sm ikmt tk trk sr trrwn it (rmndtd
That is one reason
for purity.
Phone 018
Jos. Schiltz Brewing Co.
719 So. 9th St., Omaha
me Deer
That Made Milwaukee Faifious
It errors were sandwiched with several
timely Orand Island hits. Score: R.H.E.
North Platte.... 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 02 8 6
Grand Island... 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 8 4 7 3
Batteries: Ballev and Short: Lewln and
0 0
Detroit la I'nable to Hit Cbesbro
Gets Shut Oat.
DETROIT, Mich., July 10. Chesbro
master of the situation this afternoon
not only shut out Detroit, but not
of the locals got to second and only
to first. Attendance, 1,600. Score:
R.H.O.A.E. R.H.O.
Conroy, If.... 1 1 4 0 0 Barratt. cf...O 0 1
Klrr. rf 1 10 4 OO'Laary, aa..O 0 I
Elbarfald. aa. 0 0 1 I 1 Mrlntrra, U..0 1 I
Wllllama. 2b. 0 1 I 3 0 Crawford, rf. 0 0 1
Chaaa. lb.... 1 I 12 0 OCoushlln, Jb. 0 0 1
Taagar, lb... 4 10 1 OSrhacfar, Sb .O 0 4
Fulti. cf 0 0 14 OLIndaay, lb.. 0 1 I
McGuIre, c... 0 Oil ODoran, c 0 0 I
Cneabro. p....O 0 0 1 OKIIIIan, P....0 0 1
Totals I I 27 12 1 Totala 0 2 17 16 I
New York 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 18
Detroit 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Two-base hit: Conroy. Three-base hit:
Williams. Sacrifice hits: Elberfeld, Yeager
(2). Stolen base: Chase. First base on
balls: Off Klllian. 1. Left on bases: De
troit, 2; New York, 6. Struck out: By
Klllian, 3; by Chesbro, 6. Time: 1:36. Um
pire: Connolly,
Cleveland Loses to Philadelphia.
CLEVELAND. O., July 10 Philadelphia
won the first of the scries from Cleveland.
Joss pitched a strong game except In the
first Inning, when two doubles and two
singles netted three run. Attendance,
4,600. Score:
R.H.O.A.E. R.H.O.A.E.
Hartaal, If 1 110 0 Jackaon, If... 1 114 4
Hoffman, cf.. I 1 I 4 0 Bar, cf 4 I 1 0 0
Harl,. lb 1110 Fllrk. rt 114 4
L.Croaa. lb... 1 111 0 Kahl, lb 0 0111
Hrybold, rf... 0 110 0 Bradlay, lb..O 1110
Murphr. lb... 0 111 0 Turner, sa.... 1 8110
M.t'roaa, aa..O 0 10 0 Stovall, lb...O 1 10 4 I
gchreck. e... 4 16 10 Buelow, c... 0 0 111
Coakler. p.... 10 114 Joaa, p 0 0 4 1
Uamla 4 0 4 4 4
Totala 4 10 27 11 4 Vlnaon 4 4 0 4 4
Totala t 10 27 U 4
Batted for Buelow In ninth.
Batted for Joss In ninth.
Philadelphia 30000000 86
Cleveland 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0-8
First base on errors: Philadelphia, 3.
Two-base hits: Turner, Stovall, Flick,
Bradley, Davis, Hoffman, Seybold. Sacri
fice hits: Bay (2). Stolen base: Hansel.
Hit with ball: By Coakley, 1. Left on
bases: Cleveland, 7; Philadelphia, 6. Time:
1:40. Umpires: Kelly and Connor.
Games Postponed.
At St. Louis Washington-St. Louis game
postponed on account of wet ground.
At Chicago Chicago-Boston game post
poned; rain.
Standing; f the Team.
Played. Won. Lost. Pet.
Chicago 65 41 24 . 631
Cleveland .'. tig 42 26 .618
Philadelphia 67 41 26 . 612 ',
Detroit 68 33 35 . 4
Boston 62 29 33 . 468 1
New York 64 80 34 . 460 I
St. Louis 6D 26 44 . 362
Washington 67 23 44 . 843 I
Games today: Boston at Chicago, New
York at Detroit, Philadelphia at Cleveland, I
vt asiungion at si. j-oui.
Dayton Man Wins All Haces at St.
Panl Carnival.
ST. PACL, Minn.. July 10. Earl Kiser
came oft with first honors a an automobile
driver, defeating all the experts who took
part in the last series of automobile car
nival races at Hamllne track today. He
won the final heat of the Inter-city cham-
fdonshlp and captured both the five-mile
nvltatlon and ttie five-mile 'open events.
Webb Jay, In the final heat of the latter
race, was In the lead until the middle of
the last lap, when his steam gave out,
causing him to retire. The heat wa run
In 4:61.
The fastest time of the day was made
In two special mile dashes, flying start,
when Barney Ohlfleld went the distance
In 65 seconds flat, and Ktser In 66H seconds.
Eleven thousand people witnessed the
Pender Wins a. Pair.
PETs'DER. Neb., July 10. (Special.) Pen
der won two hotly contested games before
the largest crowd of the season. Score:
Pender 2 1 1 0 2 8 0 0 010
Emerson 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 04
Batteries: Pender, Anderson and Bhlnger;
Emerson, Jensen, Campbell and Berber.
Umpire: G. Wredmann.
Score, second game:
Pender 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 23
Thurston 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 02
Batteries: Pender, C. Wledmann and
Kelso; Thurston, Johnson and Godsey. Um
pire: Jensen.
The features of the gamea waa Pender'
heavy batting and Anderson's pitching,
striking out twelve men.
A summer's outing in Colorado is just as possible for
you as for anyone.
Colorado is not far away.
The rates are lower this year than last and you can
find good board for as little as $S a week; from that up
to $30 for luxury.
Think it over.
Fast through trains on the Rock Island take you in
standard or tourist Pullmans or free reclining chair cars
(electric lighted and cooled by electric fans) direct to
Denver, Colorado Springs or Pueblo.
Full information and beautifully illustrated 80-page book free
at this office.
mim F. P. RUTHERFORD, D. P. A.,
a i w . j a
i n ' v " h
I1 l I
Thomas W. Lawson will deliver an address at the Valley Park
Chautauqua Wednesday. July 12th, at 3 P. M.
Papllllon Wins a Hot One.
PAPIULION. Neb., July 10 Special.)
The Joe Huffy hall team of South Omaha
waa defeated here yesterday by the pa
pllllon team. The game was one of the
best seen here this year. Up to the last
half of the ninth the score was a tie, 3 to
3, when, with two men out and two men
on bases, Beadle got a three-bagger. Ruff,
who waa In the box for the locals, struck
out eleven men and was touched for but
three hits. Holbrook of the Duffy's struck
out but five and waa pounded for eleven
safe ones. Score:
Papllllon 7 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 5
Joe Duffya A 102000 0-3
Batteries: Papllllon, Ruff and Bates;
Duffy's, Holbrook and Bohnner.
Boataera Lrss Games.
At Memphis Memphis. 4; Birmingham, 1.
At I.lttle Rock Little Rock-Naahvllls
game postponed on aocount rain.
At Shreveport Shreveport. 2; Atlanta. 1.
At New Orleans New Orleana, 8; Mont
gomery, 3.
Albany Defeats Clarlaaall.
ALBANY, N. v.. July 10 The Albany
State league tain defeated Cincinnati bare
km Li
$1.20 Round Trip
Special coaches at Union Station 11:30 a. m.f returning 10
o'clock same evening.
Missouri Valley is the only place Mr. Lawson will visit in this
part of the country.
"Spend a Day Under the Trees"
today before 4f0 persons. Both Hahn and
Chech were hit hard and opportunely.
Mock kept the hits scattered and received
fine auplKirt. Score: R.H.E-
Albany 1 O 1 0 1 0 0 1 1-5 10 1
Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0-8 8 1
( hea.nia.ters at Ostend.
OSTKND. Belgium. July 10 The chesa
masters engaged in the International cheas
tournament started the twentieth round.
Marorsy and Sehlelter drew; Janowskl won
frum Bum and tied Manxiy In iwlula won
to date; Tarasch defeated Blackburn;
Marco won from Alapiu, and Ieonhardt
from Tauhenlmus.
Kearney, Welshrod and Zulesky. Umpire
Kearney Take the a-'lrat.
HASTINGS, Neb., July 10 (Special Tele
gram ) Keurney took the first game from
Hastings today by a score of 7 to 2. Hast
ings secured Its two scores In the last of
the ninth after two men were out by Harms
knocking a two-bagger, which waa followed
by Jenkins with another two-hase hit.
Batteries; floating, itueggs aad Poitst;
Silver Creek a Winner.
BILVFR CRKKK, Neb.. July 10. 8d
rlal ) Silver Creek d. f.nted Chapman In
an Interesting game of ball here. Score:
Silver Creek 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 8 3
C hapman 0 0 10 8 0 0 0 08 &
Batteries: Chapman. Laub and CrandaU;
Silver Creek, 8. C. Fuiecy and guana.