Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 11, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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EitimatM fot City Expenditures for Com
Ing Yen Ifsds fcj Council.
BG1. 'I
Big Muddy Lowers Its Tide Orer Foot in
Twenty-Four Bonn.
I.arse Buffalo Fish Leap the Fall
and Afford Amusement (or
Crowds of Spectators
at Lake.
9 TOn
Iftf of Eight Mill -n III Be Reeded
to Ratine the IT4.HK Dlstrlb-
ted Am Ana; the VarU
Chairman Dworak of the finance commit
tee of the city council handed In a report
to the mayor and council last night show
In? tha amounts necessary to be raised by
taxation for the carrying on of the muni
cipal government for the fiscal year com
mencing August 1.
The salaries of the mayor, treasurer,
deputy treaaurer, tan collector, police Judge,
clerk, deputy clerk, city attorney, assist
ant city aftomey, city engineer and assist
ants, councllmen, city physician. Inspector
and Are and police commissioners will
amount to S2..B0Q. Charity Is marked down
for II .em. rent of city oftlccs, fire halls, etc..
Il.wn, printing and advertising H.o". Jail
and board of prisoners ISiO, elections and
registration- 11, nOA hewlth department S-0O,
supplies for city offices $.im. Insurance $400
and miscellaneous Item lay).
Fire department expenses. Including sala
ries and new fire hall. I20.MO, police depart
ment HS.W) and public lights i5,ro.
For the pnytr.cnt of hydrant rentals 115. OnO
is needed. The sum of I8.0O Is appropriated
for the public library and 11,0(0 Is set aside
for the park fund. Street repairs will cost,
according to the estimate, 17,000. About Is needed to pay Judgments. The
Interest fund cnlla for $44,OvO. This makes
a total of 174. 000.
The entire revenue of the city for the
fiscal year ending July 81 of this year waa
I1S9,499. Of this sum I1W.79I was derived
from taxation. City Treasurer Howe re
ported a balance on hand on July 1 of
The report of the finance committee was
adopted and the levy ordinance and ap
propriation ordinance will be drafted In
accordance with the report. It Is under
stood that the levy will be 8 mills.
A lengthy protest was presort ted against
the paving of Twenty-fourth street. This
protest was referred to the city attorney
and city engineer. The remonstrators pro
tested against the laying of any kind of
pavement on Twenty-fourth street at this
time and the statement was made that
more than 50 per cent of the property own
era had signed the petition.
Fire hydrants were ordered located as
follows: Twelfth and I. Twelfth and J
Nineteenth and II. Fifteenth and J, Six
teenth and J, Seventeenth and I", Twenty-
first and Q, Twenty-fifth and Washington,
Thirty-fourth and V. Thirty-fourth and W,
Thirty-eighth and V, Fortieth and 8, Forty-
second and S, Forty-fourth and S, Thirty
ninth and 1, Thirty-fifth and II, Twenty
seventh and 11, Twenty-eighth and B,
Twenty-ninth and It and Twenty-seventh
and Jefferson streets.
A motion by Klewlt was carried making
Twenty-third street a boulevard from the
city limits on the north to M street.
The lease of the ground occupied by
fire hall No. 3 expires In September and
there Is some talk of the city purchasing
ground and moving the building.
Ten cinder sidewalk ordinances were In
troduced and referred. The new plumbers'
ordinance was passed and also the ordl
nance prohibiting the breaking through of
funeral processions by street cars or vehi
Special meetings will be held during the
week to take up the levy ordinance.
A telegram was received In South Omaha
last night announcing the death Monda)
afternoon of Mrs. John dalney at Craw,
ford, Colo. The deceased was , formerly
Miss Tessie O' Toole and about a year ago
married Dr. John Gainey of this city and
moved to Colorado. Hoth Dr. Oalney and
his wife have hosts of friends here who
have anxiously watched the dally reports
from the bedside of tho sick woman. Dr.
Gainey has started from Colorado for
South Omaha with the body and Is ex
pected to reach here about Thursday. The
arrangements for the funeral will be an
nounced after the ur rival of Dr. CJainey.
Sand Hrlek Scarce.
Local contractors declare that sand
brick sell now for 110 a thousand and are
hard to get. All brick yards In the vicinity
of South Omaha arc working full blast
and at Avery two shifts of men aro work
ing. Owing to the damp weather the brick
do not dry after being molded and this
causes a delay. ' Contractors are now send
ing out of the city for brick, as the supply
here Is not equal to the demand. Owing
to the shortage of the brick crop many
who contemplated building this year are
holding off and only brick work absolutely
Beoessary Is being done here now.
Baatnaaa Dull Again.
South Omaha streets are aguln wearing
a deserted look and merchants are com
plaining about a falling off In trade. It
! certainly the dull season of the year
here as far as trade Is concerned. Very
few Idle men are to be seen on the streets
and the packing houses are working about
the usual hour for the summer season,
but In 'spite of men being at work there
appears to be but little going on In the
mercantile line. Some merchants do not
look for lively times for another month;
then they expect that when the grass cat
tle come In business will be better.
Twenty-third Street Improvements.
For some months an effort has been
made to secure signers to a petition for
1TMI .
IP fx
There is a reason, and the best Kind of a
reason, why Ayer's Hair Vigor makes the hair
grow long and heavy.
It is a hair-food. It feeds the hair and makes
it healthy and strong.
Healthy hair grows, keeps soft and smooth,
does not split at the ends, and never falls out.
Give Ayer's Hair Vigor to your gray hair and
restore to it all the deep, rich color of early life.
Made ky l."J. O. ATr O. . teweU. BUM.
aiM WMuAMtvsre
lTW'l CWIRV rRCTOKAL Fat toiikt. ATIR'S PILI S-For eeestlpatloa.
ia BAkAAraEUXA-fof Ue bW. AtaaVS AGUX CUIta-yet auUaiia sad afM.
the curbing and guttering of Twenty
third street from A street to Missouri
avenue. When this petition was presented
to the city attorney It was found to be
defective and has been returned to those
who presented It for correction. The re
turning of the petition brought to light
some differences of opinion regarding the
Improvements. Some of the property own
ers assert that If the street is to be im
proved It should be put to grade and then
a good substantial pavement should be put
down. Those who favor paving assert
that the cost' of curbing and guttering
would go a long ways towards paying for
the paving and that curbing and guttering
at this time Is a useless expense. Those
who want ths street curbed and guttered
have hopes that In time Twenty-third
street may be declared a boulevard and
they do not propose to stop their efforts
on account of the first petition being de
fective. Knalneer Wooley Resigns. .
E. L. Wooley handed In his resignation
yesterday as assistant city engineer and
left last night for Deadwood, 8. D., where
he goes to work for the McLaughlin Tie
and Lumber company. Mr. Wooley has
been assistant city engineer for about a
year and has made many friends In the
city that will regret his sudden departure.
It was Mr. Wooley's Intention to remain
here until July 15 and he had given notice
to this effect, but a telegram yesterday
caused him to make a rather hurried de
parture. City Engineer Eeal has already
selected an engineer to take the place of
Mr. Wooley and the appointment will be
announced in a few days.
Has Eaalea to Sell.
Mayor KouUky Is In receipt of a letter
from C. T. Chrlstenson, Dixon, 8.. D., stat
ing that he has three young eagles for sale
and suggests that the birds would be nice
pets for the South Omaha parks. The
mayor has . written. In reply that South
Omaha needa to - secure parka before It
ourchases birds or animals. It has been
Suggested to ClirlstenBon that he com
municate with the park board In Omaha
."gardlng his flock of eagles. ,
Bond Cane Attain Deferred.
The city hall bond case was set for
hearing in Judge Sears' court yesterday,
but the case was not called on account of
there being another case on trial. Judge
Sears Intimated that he might get around
to hearing the bond case about Friday.
Attorneys interested seem to think that
the deferring of the case at this time
means that It will go over until the next
term of court. People seem to be losing
Interest In this city hall business, now
that so many legal complications have
arisen and the sale of bonds Is being held
up on account of the pending litigation.
Magic City Gossip.
. Patrick Coyle, formerly of South Omaha,
Is now' at Los Angeles, Cal.
A daughter has been born to Mr. and
Mrs. James Bateman, 1018 North Twenty
third street.
Dr. T. H. Ensor has announced pub
licly that he will be a candidate for mayor
next spring.
The regular monthly meeting of the Ep
wurth league will be held at the First M.
E. church thla evening.
The Armour Packing company secured a
permit yesterday for the big smoke stack
now under course of construction.
In a day or two the city street force
will commence repairing the road to the
dumping grounds on the river bank.
This evening the Junior society of the
Itaptlst church will give a lawn social at
the church grounds. Refreshments will
be served.
Mrs. ,A. T. Everett. Twenty-first and H
streets, left Monday afternoon for Hast
ings, where she will visit her parents fur
a lew weens.
Jesse McCarthy was up from Rellevue
yesterday and he said that out of thirty
acres of potatoes he saved seven bushels
i rum tne nooa.
City officials are not at all pleased with
the stopping of the paving on Twenty
fourth street. Had nut a petition been
presented last night remonstrating against
the paving the ordinance would have been
a "Deep Seated"' Impression.
Question f ExceMivenesi Pirst on Which
Injunction Suit Hinges.
Water Company Claims Board Would
Reduce Hatea to Private Con
sumers So as to Re,
more All Pront.
The hearing upon the motion for a tem
porary Injunction to restrain the Omaha
Water board from enforcing Its order No. 1,
relative to reducing the meter rates to con
sumers, to 25 cents per thousand gallons,
was begun before Judge Munger In the
United States circuit court Monday morn
ing. R. J. Han, attorney for the Omaha Water
company, objected to tho introduction of
two new affidavits by City Engineer Rose
water and A. O. Koenlng, secretary of the
Water board, on the ground that they were
In rebuttal to affidavits filed by the Water
company Saturday and were therefore not
admlssable in evidence.
John L. Webster, attorney for the Water
board, maintained that the two affidavits
were not In rebuttal, but that they con
tained new matter and were explanatory
of previous affidavits.
Judge Munger held that If It developed
that the affidavits were In the form of re
buttal affidavits they could not be admitted,
but If it should develop that they contained
new matter they would be admlssable, but
that he would not pass upon their addressa
bility at thlatime.
Reading; Original Motion.
The entire morning was taken up with
reading the original motion for the In
junction and the affidavits filed by the
Water board and water company. Those
of the water company sought to show
that the rate to mete r consumers of water
as contemplated by order No. 1 of the
Water board 25 cents per 1,000 gallons
was not sufficient to meet the expenses In
cident to delivering water by meters. This
was the tenor of the affidavits filed by A.
B. Hunt, E. M. Fairfield, F. E. Under
wood, H. L. Underwood and other officers
and employes of the Omaha Water com
pany. The affidavits filed by the Water board
were of a character to show that the rate
proposed to be charged by order No. 1
was not excessive and that while the water
company was charging a rate of 35 cents
per l,0u0 gallons to private Omaha consum
ers. It was furnishing water to the South
Omaha stock yards at a rate of 4V4 cents
per 1.000 gallons. Comparisons also were
shown of rates charged by water companies
in other cities, which ran from three-fourths
of a cent to 26 cents per 1,000 gallons, the
approximate average charge being about It
cents per 1,00 gallons In cities of equal
population to Omaha.
Practically all day Monday, Including the
afternoon, was given over to the reading
of affidavits in the case of tho Omaha
Water company against the water board
and the1 city of Omaha In the United States
circuit court.
Mu Barer Reproves Witness.
During the tedious reading of the many
affidavits Judge Munger took occasion to
say In reference to the affidavit of Frank
H. Marshall, chief engineer of the Omaha
Water company, that It was more the na
ture of an argument than a deposition of
"The attorneys will argue this casce, and
not the witnesses," said Judge Munger.
In his affidavit Mr. Marshall states that
the plant of the Omaha Water company Is
worth 16,000,000 and that It could not be
reproduced for even a greater sum. He
dwelt somewhat upon the going value of
the plant, and Insisted that Its value ap
preciated rather than depreciated.
The water board submitted another af
fidavit during the afternoon bearing upon
and explaining certain details not set forth
with sufficient clearness la another af
fidavit. The formal argument on the motion for
the Injunction as prayed for by the water
company will begin thla morning at 9:30
Plus V. for round trip, dully, good for SO
days. Summer is the best time for treat
ment. Ask any ticket agent.
Harry b. Davis, undertaker. TeL 1221
Grand I'loale.
The Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen
will give its first annual picnic at Flatta
mouth, Sunday, July 16. Prises to be given
for the event may be seen In ths windows
of the Nebraska Clothing company. Trains
leave Webster Btreet depot, via Missouri
Pacific, at a. m. Tickets may be procured
from the committee at the depot. Round
trip, II; children under 11 60 cents.
Special Sunday Rates to (J rest West
rat Park, Masslif, Iowa,
Only one fare for the round trip. Tickets
on sale every Sunday to and Including
Sunday, September IT. For furthei Infor
mation apply to B. D. Parkhurst, gt:ieral
agent, 1611 Far nam street, Omaha, Neb.
Bee Want Ads are the Best Business
tS-K. wedding rings. aVdholm, Jeweler.
outat TatB Street Mel tie lata.
Lack of the presence of a full board
of trustees and differences of opinion among
those wtio were present prevented the
awarding of eon tract, for the new Tenth
Street Methodist church last night. An
other meeting will be held Wednesday night
to uka ILe matte .
From 7 o'clock Sunday morning to the
same time Monday the Missouri river went
down l.t feet, making the official measure
ment at this point 14.1 Monday morning,
with a gradual decrease In the volume of
water noted.
Forecaster Welsh believes the crest of the
rise has passed Omaha and looks for a
continual lowering of the lllg Muddy until
It reaches Its normal stage. The river
lowered two feet at Blair on Sunday and
reports from other towns near Omaha In
dicated a fall all along the way.
One of the most Interesting sights at Cut
Oft lake where the water Is rushing In
from the river to the lake Is the movement
of the fish. When the water first began
to come Into the lake there was a fall of
two feet and the buffalo leaped this fall
by the hundred. The larger buffalo did
not have so much trouble, but the smaller
ones would sometimes have to make sev
eral trya before they could make the Jump.
There was considerable apprehension lest
the bass would be the first to leave the
lake by the channels which have been
opened, but this fear seems to have been
groundless. Many of tn smaller bass
have run Into the weeds In the smaller
sloughs around Cut Off, but these will not
be lost.
Chief Game Warden Carter has wired
Deputy Game Warden Plerson to hire men
and to spare no expense to capture all of
the fish In the smaller sloughs and return
them to the larger lake as soon as the
water subsides. The bass are loth to leave
the moss of the lake for the more open
water of the river.
Injury from Gars.
Deputy Game Warden Tlerson says the
most harm that will coma to the fish by
the water from the river running In will
be th large number of gar which have
come In through the channel. These gar
eat the spawn of the game fish, as well as
the younger fish. As soon as the current
subsides so It is possible screens will be
put in to keep the bass from leaving the
Many of the fishermen who were stopped
from spearing the buffalo and carp as they
were leaving the lake are getting around
the law by running the fish Into the high
weeds and catching them with their hands.
The departure of the carp and buffalo
which are now running will be more of a
gain than a loss.
Marketmaster Oerke Is telling what he
and Humphrey Lynch, the brother of Ga3
Inspector Lynch, did Sunday afternoon.
They drove out to East Omaha In a bugy
to observe the high waters. Gerke, who. Is
always thinking about fish, got a pitchfork
and explored some shallow water In a corn
field. He found bass, cat and carp stacked
up In the field like cordwood and after llvo
minutes" lusty work had the buggy full of
them. Then the pair drove Into Omaha and
sold the whole catch for $2.50. Some of the
fish weighed as much as twenty pounds,
according to the marketmaster.
"Nobody should go hungry for fish," s;ys
Gerke. "Fresh ones can be had for the
picking up."
niver Ruins Crops.
NEBRASKA CITT, July 10. (Special).
The Missouri river fell a few Inches last
night, but today Jere has been little or
no change In the stags' of the water. Many
of the farmers living on the Iowa bottoms
left their homes yesterday and today.
Hundreds of acres ofcorn have been de
stroyed and in several places five feet of
water Is flowing over the fields. Water Is
running over the Burlington tracks on the
Nebraska Clty-Nemaha branch and at the
latter place the water has entirely sur
rounded the depot.
nances Into Water and Saves Little
Boy's Pet.
E. A. Balrd, member of the Board of Ed
ucation, contributes a story of the present
flood. Mr. Balrd and several companions
went out to view the high water Sunday
afternoon. They stood for a time near Lar
sen's boat house on the shores of Cut Off
lake, where a big crowd had congregated.
Suddenly everyone's attention centered on
an unfortunate water spaniel, much be
loved by a small boy. The dog fell Into the
water and got caught In the piers under the
old bridge so could neither swim nor
escape. Just as the animal was about to
disappear for the last time a man succeeded
In catching It by the nose. He was unable
to drag the spaniel out, however, and the
crowd held Its breath. All at once a large,
fat man began taking off his clothes and,
throwing the garments into the arms of an
other bystander, said:
"I ain't going to see no dog drown. Here
He dropped into the turgid current and
In a few minutes went under the water.
When he came up again the spaniel was re
leased and the rescuer threw the dog up on
the bank. The audience gave one big cheer
and then turned its head away while the
big man dressed.
Palled Out of Mud and Water at
What might have been a serious accident
was averted by the presence of Henry E.
Tagger of Florence, foreman of the bindery
room of the Bui k ley Printing company,
who hauled two women from the the river
above the water works station at Florence,
on the river road to Pries' lake.
The women, whose names wero not
learned, had driven north on the road and
were returning when they discovered the
water had backed in across the road and
they could not pass without getting their
new rig all mud. In attempting to turn
around on the narrow road the horso
backed the buggy Into the river, carrying
himself and the women Into water that came
nearly to the horse's bark. Tagger had no
difficulty In extricating ons of the women,
but the other was fast under the buggy
and was taken out after considerable work.
It took the combined efforts of many men
two hours to get the horse out of his pre
Submersed In Nasty Mud from the
Water's Recession.
Poundmaster Laughland Bays the city
pound is the dirtiest It ever haa been and
yet he ahould not be blamed for it. The
nauseous and loathsome condition Is due
to the rise In the Missouri, which cut off
the pound at Sixth and Webster streets
from communication with the city. With
the going down of the water several Inches
of mud and evil smelling debris are left.
The dogs were protected by building plat
forms, but only three Inrhee of water cov.
ered the floors. The poundmaster, how
ever, aays he doesn't know how long It will
take to get the pound clean again or Juat
how the thing will be done.
Frightful Loss of Life
results from throat and lung dlseasea. Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption is
a sure cure. Mo and 11 00. For sale by
Hhermaa a McConneU Dru Co.
It is our understanding that a donation of $10,000 is condi
tioned upon the Y. M. C. A. committee raising one hundred
thousand dollars by Saturday night, July 15th. To help this
worthy institution, which has done so much for the youth and
young men of this community, we have decided to give one
tenthofour sales from now up to and includingSaturday, July l.
Ppeeial salt's will be liokl in every department. You will not only get
astounding bargains, but one dollar out of every ten you spend with us,
up to above date, goes to the Young Men's Christian Association fund.
We trust that this voluntary act on our part will be promtply understood,
and that all the friends of this worthy institution will help boost the fund
Thomas Utilpatrick & Co.
Samson Welcome Unusually Big Crcwd o
Knights and Postulants.
Very Successful Session Followed by
a More than Commonly Interesting-
Season of Oratory
and Social Communion.
Every one who was not arrested yester
day for speeding his automobile was out at
the Ak-Sar-Hen den last evening to either
witness the Initiation or be Initiated. A
largo crowd pressed against the royal gates
for admission when the keeper of the por
tals and the royal brew turned the key and
bid all to enter. The attendance was the
largest of any Initiation night this season
and the Initiation crew was the liveliest
bunch of critters seen In this gulch since
the days of Auld Lang Syne and Put Crowe.
Everything went off with snap and ginger
and Attorney Searle nearly lost a wheel
going over the great divide. When he
finally emerged from the bottomless pit he
said he was fully convinced that there Is
really nothing serious In mortality after all.
Major R. S. Wilcox held the gavel last
evening and was surrounded on the speak
ers' platform by Lieutenant Governor Mc
Gilton, Judge Day and Attorney Searle.
Judge Day told a few stories and con
cluded by saying he Is proud of Ak-Sar-Uen
and for what it has done for Omaha and
the state.
Dips Into the Future.
Mr. McGilton was optimistic In his horo
scope of Omaha, saying that It Is no dream
to predict that within the lives of many
now living In Omaha the city will have
reached a population of 400,000, and that
the time Is not far distant when the Ante
lope state will have reached tho 6,000,000
mark and Omaha have a population of 600,
000. After telling the crowd some funny stories
Attorney Searle struck a serious vein and
said he had Just returned from a 200-mlle
trip through the state and could say that
Nebraska will have the finest wheat crop In
its history.
The membership to date, as recorded by
Samson, Is 666. On next Monday evening
the first out-of-town Initiation night will
be observed, the particular guests of honor
to be brought In from Fremont, West
Point and nearby points on the railroad
coaches and sent home In the baggage car.
Strangers Within the Ciatea. .
The away-from-home initiates Initiated
last evening were:
W. C. Sihults, Fremont; T. P. Reld. M. N.
Nelson, Lindsay; James Nevels, Columbus;
J. W. Huhson, Auburn; G. E. Hampton,
Alliance; John L. Lind, Norfolk; W. J.
Woods, W. P. Mohr, Spencer; Dr. J. W.
Brendel, Avoca; W. C. Smith, Uncoln; Wil
liam Kyder, Neliraska City; George C.
Merenslnger, Murdock; J. S. Chase, Seattle;
II. D. Mosley, Eldora. Colo.; C. Slayton.
Sturgls, Kan.; A. P. Bryant, ios Angeles;
Kev. P. S. Smith, Philadelphia; L. J. De
poel. New York City.
One Dollar Saved Hepoirsta Teat Dol
lars Famed.
The average man does not save to exceed
10 per cent of his earnings. He must spend
nine dollars In living expenses for every
dollar saved. That being the case he can
not be too careful about unnecessary ex
penses. Very often a few cents properly In
vested, like buying seeds for his garden,
will save several dollars' outlay later on. It
Is the same In buying Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Dlarrhoae Remedy. It costs
but a few cents, and a bottle of It in the
house often saves a doctor's bill of several
"The Line Iteaatl tul."
Lehigh Valley railroad. Delightful route
to New York, Philadelphia, and Atlantla
coast resorts. Five through trains dally.
Dining cars, a la carte. Connects at Buf
falo and Niagara Falls w.lth all trains from
the west.
For time tables and descriptive matter
address George Eade, Jr., Western Passen
ger Agent, South Clark St.. Chicago, III.
lii.BO (o St. Paul and Minneapolis
and Return Via Clilcasro Great
Western Hallway.
Tickets on sale daily to September 80th,
Final return limit October 31st Also equally
low rates to Minnesota, North Dakota,
Colorado. ITtnh and Wyoming points. Fot
further Information apply to 8. D. Park
hurst. general agent, 1011 Farnam street,
Omaha, Neb.
Removal Notice.
t'ntil our new building Is completed we
will be at 1'7 Harney street.
Tel. 1625. The Hlg Piano House.
Western Krnee Company Mold.
The Western Fence romnanv. which went
into the hands of a receiver March 18.
was sold Munday by the receiver, Thomas
H. McCague, to H. F. Hand of San Fran
cisco, promoter of the Anchor fence. The
The Best Hot Weather Medicine
SALE ten million boxes a year
niK.vfc.ns au. Bunntit bowel TROUBLE
ft. EN
nappy ambition, you no longer enjoy your daily labors or dudes, your nights
are restless and unrefreshlng and each morning you awnken again to the
cheerless realization of your physical Impediments and weaknesses, and you
have ntlther the ambition nor the power to maintain your position among your
fellow men, drHg through a miserable existence, often wishing for death to
end your troubles. In many cases self-abuse, night losses and day drains are
the cause oT your condition, while In others It Is some secret disease. Gonor
rhoea or Contagious Itlood Poison, or frequently the result of neglected or Im
properly treated private diseases, which cause Stricture, Varicocele, Prostatic,
Kidney and Bladder Diseases. These diseases (or symptoms of disease)) cannot
be cured until first their cause Is removed and cored, which lies in the deep
nervous and physical centers. MEN, DON'T DELAY. Don't give up if
others have failed you. Delays are alwavs dangerous tomorrow may be too
late. Come today to the MEN'S THl'E SPECIALISTS and lenfn your true con
dition. Get the right treatment first and bo cured quickly, safely and thor
oughly. For a speedy cure of these diseases that so Insidiously destroy the intel
lect, strength and very manhood, seeure the services of the eminent specialists
connected with the Electro Medical Institute, They will stop these unnntural
drains, with their terrible results, and restore to sound health the pitiable
victim of nervo-sexual debility, brain fatlgi'O and wrecked manhood.
We cure quickly, safely and thoroughly
Stricture, Varicocele, Omissions, Nervo-Sexual Debility,
Impotency, Blood Poison (Syphilis,) Recta!,
Kidney and Urinary Diseases,
and all diseases and weaknesses of men due to Inheritance, evil habits, ex
cesses, self-abuse or the result of specific or private diseases,
POMCIII TUTIflM rorr vou cannot call write lor svmrtom blank.
ItUrlOULI AllUn rnCX. oncc HoursS a. m. to S p. m Sundavs 10 to 1 only.
1308 Farnam St., Between 13th and 14th Ste., Omaha, Neb.
TUB ORIGINAL remedy that
The Rabbit and the Guinea Pi;
Prof. Unna, the world's greatest i
dermatologist (ask your doctor about I
him) was the first to discover the ml- j
croblo and contagious nature of true I
dandruff His discovery was verified
by Dr. Sabourand, of Parte, who do- I
Budea a rabbit with human dandruff
flakes. Also by Lassar and Dlshop. I
kVsi Slwet, 11.04. Stsd a ( is REtPICIDS CO., O-ol. B. 0 strut. Mick far Hi
SHERMAN & McCONMELL DRUC1 CO.. Hpoolal Affantav.
m -
consideration was $.1.90. The patent rights
of the company extend over Nebraska,
Kansis. New Mexico anil I'tah. Others
who bid were C. K. A. Mcl?a, managnr
of the Manitoba Anchor Feme comi.iriy at
Winnipeg; K. A. King, manager of the
Misnurl Anchor Feme company; F. W.
Herbert of Denver and Stockton Heth of
( imaha.
Many of you are suffering from physical weakness and
loss of sexual vigor, your ner' .is system Is being de
pleted and your mind weakened and Impaired. llfe Is
Is not what it should be. Despondency and gloomy fore
bodings have taken the place of brlKht nrospecla and
"kills the Dandruff derm."
who took the dandruff soales from a
student who waa losing his bat r, and her
Ing made a pomade of them with vaseline
ruLbed the same upon a guinea pig and
the pig became bald. Newhro'g Herplolds
Is the ORIGINAL dandruff germ destroy,
or. It kills the mlcrobic growth and per
mtts the hair to grow as nature Intended.
A wonderful hair saver. A delightful
dressing. Stops itching Instantly.
Aik for
"Mutt on Travtl"
'"J?. 'A''-; '::
(.art ill Ban i in I
Treats all forms of
Diseases of
( ) A
H Tears' Experience
U Years In Omaha.
A Medical Export
whose remarkable,
success has never
been excelled.
Varicocele, Hydrocele, blood Poison, Stric
ture, Oleet, Nervous lability, Loss of
Strength and Vitality. '
has permanently cured thousands of cases
of chronic Nervous Rtcutl, Kidney and
llladder and Skin diseases at small cost.
Bavs time and money by dnacrlblng your
caee and write for FKKK IlOOK anf terms
of treatment. Medicine sent In plain pkxs.
Office Hours I a. m. ta : D. m. : Suu
cays, s a. m. to l p. m. oall
or write.
fevA Mi OffWe. Hi
. 1UU bt, OiuLa, fi'jjfc