Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 11, 1905, Page 4, Image 4

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The Omaiia Daily Klt-
I1ly rv (without fltindavi. one year... MOO
Imllr lee and Hunday, one year ' '
Illimt ri4 llw, on year "
Punditr Be. nn year $"
Saturday I'-ee, onn year 1
Twentieth Ontury Fsrmer, one year.... 1 AI
iHllf Bee (without Hunday). per copy.... 2n
Dally He (without Hundayi, per wk . . 12o
rlly Hee (Including Bunlav, per wk.Iiii
Evening He (without Riindayl. per we-k 7o
Evening Bee (Including Sunday), per
twt '
Sunday FW, per ropy
Complaints of irregularities In delivery
should he addressed to C ity Circulation Le
partment. OFFICES.
Omaha The Hw llulldlng.
rViuth Omiihii-C'lty Hall bull-llnf, Twenty
fifth an1 M street.
Council Muffs is Pearl street.
Chicago IMO fnlty building
New York-li" Home Ufa Insurance
Washington Otl Fourteenth street.
Communications relating to news and edi
torial matter should be addressed: Omaha
Hee, Editorial Department.
Remit by draft. espres or postal order,
payable to The llee Publishing Company.
Only 2-cent stamps received In payment of
mall accounts. 1'ersonal checks, esrept on
Omaha or esstern eiichariges, not accepted.
fltala of Nebraska Itouglas County, ss. :
C. C. Kowwitlcr, secretary of The lle-s
Publishing Company, being duly sworn,
eava that the actual number of full and
complete copies of The Imlly, Morning,
Evening and Hundny H-e printed during tho
month of June, lie, waa aa follow:
l sw.wvo is ai,wM
i ittiMMt n aa.iso
1 8 1,1441 18 SW.IWO
4 in.arn i m,.v
l SHt.fKMI 20 HU.7HO
I iitt.HHO 21 se,Bo
I 23 a,M
I ai,tMM 23 JW.41MI
ao.iso 24 8i,o
10 M.BIO 28 ,
12 Stt.TIO 27 W,73
1,T1H 2d W,7
14.. t 1M.T0 2 JIO.TSO
U , 80 iw.too
Total ...04,
Less unsold copies B,l4i
Net total salsa BU4.1O0
Dally average StO.HO.S
Subscribed In mr presence and aworn to
befote tne th'a 7th day of July, 1906.
(Heal) M. B. HUNOATB,
Notary Public.
abserlbcra leaving; tha city tem
porarily ahoald h The Bee
mailed to then. It Is better than
dally letter from home. Ad
slreaa will bo changed often as
Serretar Buuapurte In evidently of
tiie opinion tuut polltlca xliould not be
gin where morality tndx.
Tboroas W. Lawson bus lout hi voice
In Kansas but be bus not yet lout any
money In the Sunflower state.
Now that Africa bus all been divided
among the powers of Europe, the north
pole will have to be discovered to per
mit expansion.
It Is uot strange thut Rockefeller's
donation to education is not designed
to aid the Chautauqua circle form of
disseminating knowledite.
The mutineers sunk their ship before
surrendering, which shows the advance
ment made by the revolutionists over
the ordinary Hunxlnn sennuin.
The loss of voice by "Tom" Lawson is
calculated to en line an IncreaHed demand
for bis magazine organ. The days of
novelty In advertising have not passed.
One of the problems with which the
l)ouglas. county comralsHloners must
wrestle in the not very distant future
Is the court house tunnel or a new court
The Big Muddy has reached blgb
water mark for 1005, and the oldest in
habitant will now point backward with
pride to the higher levels of the '60s
and 'UOs.
Several prostrations from heat have
been reported In New York. This pluu
of sandwiching In a few summer days in
July Is likely to prove fatal in almost
any place.
Tha organization of an international
combination to control the steel trade
rather punctures another argument of
those who declare that the tariff is the
ole cause of trusts.
Attention of the packing houses pe
riodically flooded out at Kansaa City Is
respectfully called to the demonstration
of South Omaha's complete Immunity
from Missouri river overflows.
For alleged economic reasons the pro
posed special election for the voting of
ewer bonds in South Omaha will be de
ferred until the general election in No
vember. There may also be other rea
sons. The action of the postal authorities in
issuing a fraud order against that St
Louis bank shows a disposition on the
part of the government to confine the
"get-rlcb-qukk" enterprlsea to Wall
China should not be surprised at not
being permitted representation at the
peace conference at Washington. Not
since tha days of Aesop baa the lamb
been permitted to argue with the
It la an 111 wind that blows nobody
good. The Nebraska cigarette law baa
expanded the traffic In Juvenile cigars at
Council Bluffs and correspondingly In
creased the profits of the dealers across
the river.
From remarks dropped by the Ne
bxaska atata paiera tha inference Is
warranted that the literary bureau es
tablished by the railroads In the New
York Ufa building in this city for the
purpose of working the country press
with ready-made articles against tbe pro
posed rate regulating legislation U not
duiug a land ouk-a busluvaa
Not ninny will SR-re with Mr. Yeo
mnna, former rnnmlx-r of the Intfrstste
Commerce Commission, In the opinion
(hnt the l'n ii ma csnsl will never be
built, but a considerable number will 1k
lleve bis statement thst tl.e transcon
tinental railroads are unfriendly to the
enterprise, tliouich there Is prolmbly no
siiiwtfliitisl ground for the tiew that
they control the situation. Mr. Yeo-
mnns Is doubtless In error In asserting
thst the railroads lnfluenctl the adop
tion of the l'ansma route, lecause they
believed that It would be more difflVult
and take longer to build than one at
Nicaragua. There were several very
strong rensons for giving preference to
the Panama route and the notion that
the railroads bud anything to do with
the adoption of that route has, we be
lieve, nothing to support It
It Is doubtless quite natural that the
transcontinental railroads should not
favor an isthmian cannl, but there Is no
evldenee that they are doing or attempt
ing to do anything to Interfere with the
undertaking. It Is difficult to see what
they could do If disposed to actively
antfigonir.e the project. The govern
ment has paid for the canal franchise
and for the territory embraced In the
canal Bone. Congress bns made provi
sion for carrying on the work and has
given the ne-essary authority to the
president of the United States to go on
with the undertaking as vigorously as
possible. Over $.V),fi00,0fl0 have been
expended thus far by the government.
Neither railroad nor any other Influence
will now be allowed to interfere with
the enterprise. The canal will be con
structed, though jx-rhnps the work will
take a longer time and cost more money
than has been estimated. When the
United States government takes hold of
an enterprise it carries it through. In
this case we have given assurance to the
world that this waterway, so important
to commerce, shall be constructed and
the promise will bo fulfilled, at what
ever cost. No congress will refuse any
legislation which may be found neces
sary to accomplish this. The American
people will approve any action that may
be required for the prosecution to com
pletion of this vast undertaking. Cir
cumstances may arise to cause delay.
This Is to be expected, but there is no
renson to apprehend any trouble froiii
railroad Influence.
It Is pertinent In this connection to
note the report that the administration
of officers connected with the construc
tion of the Punnma canal may tie trans
ferred from the War to the State Ie-
partment. An Oyster Itny dispatch of
a few days ago stated that the matter
of the transfer was under consideration
by the president and it was known that
Secretary Taft would be quite willing to
be relieved of the responsibility attend
ant upon the direction of the canal
affairs. There Is no doubt thut at pres
ent the duties of the secretary of war
are somewhat onerous and the new sec
retary of state, Mr. Koot. will undoubt
edly be quite willing to have the super
vision of canal affairs placed in his
hands. It Is noted that Mr. Koot Is
deeply Interested In the canal work and
already hna devoted considerable
thought to It. There Is no lack of in
terest and y,eal regarding the great en
terprise on the part of the admlnlstra
tlou and it is safe to sny that It will be
pushed with nil possible vigor.
The cotton market Is again in the
hands of the speculators and the price
of thut staple is once more booming, the
reduced crop and tbe danger of Injury
from floods giving the bulls their oppor
tunity, which it is needless to say they
are taking full udvantuge of. It is
stated that this year's crop is the lowest
In condition for twenty-live years, ex
cept 1903. Such being the case it Is by
no means improbable thut the price of
cotton will be run up by the speculators
to even higher figures than were reached
last year, making a new record and of
course raising the price of cotton goods
to the consumer. As an eastern paper
remarks, the conditions are Ideal for
speculators and pernicious to consuming
Interests. It is a situation that is quite
beyond remedy, yet it is certainly a pity
that the price boomers and crop re
ducera cantiot leave the cotton Industry
to itself. However, as this Is Impos
Ible, it is a good suggestion that con
suuiers would do well to leave the
speculators to themselves and look to
the facts instead of to market vagaries
for their oplulons.
Meanwhile public Interest in the cot
tnu situation is somewhat sharpened by
the Investigation instituted in the De
partment of Agriculture regarding the
alleged cotton report leak. This has re
sulted in the dismissal of one employe
of tiie department and probably there
will be others. The attorney general is
considering the question of prosecuting
those who may be found to have given
out Information and they certainly
ought to be punished.
In bis address to the Japanese peace
plenipotentiaries the emperor made It
very plulu thut be' desires au ending of
the war. He said Japan wus compelled
to resort to arms, despite a constant
abiding wish fur peace, "uud if in con
sequence of the conciliatory spirit of our
opponent, hostilities could be brought to
an end, nothing wvuld be more satlttfuc
tory thjiu such consummation." lie
counseled the plenipotentiaries to make
every effort to secure the rs-establlsh
ment of peace on a durable basis. This
is regarded aa indicating that Japan's
terms may not he so burd as some have
apprejiendtid and that particularly In re
gard to an Indemnity she will make ber
demand moderate.
Meanwhile Japan does not appear dls
posed to favorably consider the augges
tlou of an armistice pending the meeting
of the peace confereuoe. She is proceed'
ing steadily with her military operations
and there Is every reason to believe
effectively, as shown by the descent on
the bland of SuVbulin. The luteal ad
Ires from St. Petersburg note a strong
mpression there that Oyania Is at hist
ndvsncing for a decisive blow. After
II the great preparations which Jnpan
ihs made for sweeping the Ilusslans out
of Miinchuria, It Is not at all surprising
that she should not Is willing to have
a stisjiension of hostilities Just when she
s ready to strike the blow she hHS ton
getting ready for, and which doubtless
she Ix'lieves to be of most vital impor
tance In rtsX'et to pence negotiations.
Another great victory for Japan would
mean Unit she could have her own way
at Washington and that there would le
little delay In securing peace terms
satisfactory to her. An armistice now
would undoubtedly 1e very much to the
advantage of Russia and Japan cannot
be blamed if she refuses to do what
would manifestly be a benefit to her
enemy. She has been energetically pre-.
paring to deliver a crushing blow and
does not Intend to lose the opportunity
for doing so. The carrying out of her
purpose means the loss of tens of thou
sands of her soldiers nnd those of the
enemy, but a decisive victory will also
mean durable peace and security, to ob
tain which any sacrifice is Justifiable.
It Is not to be doubted that Japan fully
comprehends what the situation re
quires of her.
In his address before the Knife and
Fork club of Kansas City in response to
the toast on "Frenzied Finance and Le
galized Larceny" Thomas W. Luwsou
pronounced all attempts to curb the
power of trusts by legislation as a roar
ing farce and berated the movement for
municipal ownership of public utilities
and government regulation of railroads
as a stupendous blunder.
According to Lawson the Morgans,
Rockefellers, Hills and other captains of
Industry and railroad mngnates control
congress, state legislatures and the
courts by corrupt use of money, and the
only way to combat this glgautlc power
successfully is by forcing theru to the
wall through a general slaughter of their
securities. With tills end in view Law
son advises everybody to sell all the
high-priced stocks in concerns owned
and controlled by the "system," foremost
of which are the stocks in the Steel trust
and its allied corporations and the stocks
In the great trunk Hue railroads.
We apprehend the Amerlcun people,
and especially the Investors In what
might be called "high-grade securities,"
will not blindly follow the advice of tbe
Wall street plunger. Were they to do
so, It would simply mean the greatest
and most disastrous panic this country
has ever seen. Lawson might succeed in
smashing Rockefeller's "system" while
playing the role of Samson, but be
would also carry down with the wreck
hundreds. If not thousands, of banks, life
and fire Insurance companies nnd mer
cantile bouses that are dependent upon
those institutions for their credit.
Lawson's remedy would, moreover, re
move tbe very foundation of credit from
our entire commercial and Industrial fab
ric and throw hundreds of 'thousands of
wage workers out of employment for an
indefinite period, nnd by the time the
country recovered from the shock Rocke
feller and the other captains of Industry
would mnnage to recoup themselves by
bidding in the securities held ns collat
eral in the various banking concerns at a
mere song and resuming business in due
time at the old stand.
The water works problem is like the
13-14-15 puzle. If that part of the plant
located in South Omaha is Included In
the appraisement an allowance will have
to be made to the water company for
the unexpired franchise and contract in
South Omaha, inasmuch as tho original
contract of 1881 did not contemplate a.
new town back of the old one. If South
Omaha is to be excluded, how is the
company to supply Its people with water
after Omaha takes possession of the
Florence pumping station? And if the
water company, after it parts with Its
Omaha plant, cannot servo South
Omaha, what right will Omaha have to
operate its works into South Omaha
through water mains and hydrants that
belong to a private corporation?
According to Governor Folk, the Sua
day dram shop law is enforced In Kan
sas City to the letter. Governor Folk's
statement, however, comes Into collision
with tho reported proceedings of tho
Kansas City Police commission, which
held up forty-eight applications for the
seml-aunuul renewul of licenses lust
Wednesday for alleged violation of the
drain shop law. Thut would seem to
Indicate that the Sunday closing law is
not so.trlctly observed in Kansas City
as the governor bus been led to believe.
Nebruska democrats enjoy the spec
tacle tills year of seeing their state con
rentlon made a side show to the va
cancy campaign In the First district.
Supposo tbe state chairman, voted In
some other congressional district, which
would be poramount?
Admiral Kruger is the real hero of the
Russian navy. Now that be has taken
tha first warship to be captured by the
forces of the czar Bluce tho war began,
Russia may again demand that the Black
sea fleet be released from its landlocked
Should prosecutions follow the re
moval of Assistant Statistician Holmes
of the Agricultural department a new
era of forced economy will probably be
Inaugurated In the lives of a number
of government employes at Wushlngton.
The memtter of Iowa's board which
assessed railroad property are said to
be united on tbe subject Tbe tax bu
reaucrats' for the companies have evi
dently been planning for a summer va
cation early In the year.
While taking little ostensible part In
the discussion of the "Iowa Idea." Sec
retary Wilson .will have to be accounted
a "stand puttei" when It couics to mak-
Ing official statements an the subject of
cotton statistics.
Royal Foresight.
Washington Tost.
Mobllliatlon of Russian troops for the
front has been stopped "a sn evidence of
the cur's ainrore desire for an armistice."
The cxar probably realties thst the smaller
his army the Ws the danger of mutiny.
Vailakrd R surer of War.
rittsburg Dispatch.
When the Stars and Stripes wave from
the flagstaff of a home for confederate
veterans, as happened in Richmond for the
first time this we-k, there Is llttTe room
for the man who does not believe ths war
Is over.
Chained to Oae Chariot.
Springfield Republican.
The Devlin case In Kansas again teaehes
us that banks which become chained to
the chariot of any one person, and most
of all to one who Is mixing up In all serts
of ventures, are those to be svoldedf by
depositors who value their money.
"Are W the Hext Cat."
' Cincinnati Inquirer.
Perhaps It Is Just as well for Russia that
It got so much the worst of the fight it had
with Japan. Great Britain saved Itself,
but If Japan had not succeeded It might
have been obliged to go In and help In
the castlgatlon. As usual. It had somebody
to pull the chestnuts out cf the fire for it.
We're the next cat.
Kllibllna; at tbe Tainted Crib.
Sprlns-fleld Republican. '
Could there have been a happier device
'or keeping the small colleges nuszling at
the tainted corn crib than this gift of 110.-
ono.ont), the income of which Is to be dis
tributed (particularly among the minor col
leges) as there seems to be need for en
dowments, buildings, apparatus, current
expenses, etc. Is a college likely to sneak
out clearly snd boldly when It Is doing its
beat for a bigger share of the fund?
Premature Speculation.
Chicago Chronicle.
It us remember that It Is still three
'ears until the remihliran nation! con
vention assembles and that that body will
invn the nnal say In nomlnatlnr a. candi
date for president. The assumption that
this, that or the other statesman Is al
ready assured of the nomination Is al
together premature not to say precipitate.
Many things mav and nrnhnhlv will hmun
during the next thlrty-slx months. Let us
oe cairn ana sedate.
Germany's Slice of the Melon.
Baltimore American.
German exports to the Unltpd Rinte tnr
the fiscal year ending with the 30th of last
June were 1118.302.000. an increase of tl2.ono .
000 over the previous year, and greater
man lor any one year except 1893, when
there was large special steel exports to
this country. In view of this large trade
it Is a reasonable guess that Germany will
go with caution In Insisting upon special
trade concessions from this country. It Is
quite apparent that the trade bonoflt.
under the present regulations are by no
means one-sided.
Twelve Ilondred Raits Against Rail
road for Violating; Law.
Buffalo Express.
Government agencies whose himlnc. it
la to aid the public In its flirht
being Imposed on with unhealthful food
nave a multiplicity of interests to com
bat One such agency has Just scored a
point In the fight. Secretary Wilson of
the Department 'of A
Attorney George1 McCabe of Utah, has pre
pared about &3oe suits against various
railroads for the recovery of prescribed
fines of $500vln each case on charges of
naving violated the Interstate law that cat
tle shipped from one state to another must
not be kept In cars for more than twenty-
eight hours without being fed and watered
and allowed to rest for five hours. The
law I-as been on the statute book for more
than thirty years, but Is said to have been
generally disregarded because of the diffi
culty of enforcing it.
Mr. McCabe is familiar with the cattle
Industry and Secretary Wilson enlisted his
services recently. In a few months he se
cured evidence which he thought war
ranted him Ifi bringing these suits, and
now. It Is suld, the roads are trying to
eempromlse them and promising to heed
the law closely in future.
It is unquestionably cruel to the cattle
to keep them rattling from town to town
In freight cars for more than twenty-eight
hours at a stretch, but It Is probably worse
for the meat-eating public. The flesh of
animals slaughtered soon after such a long
and fatiguing journey Is said to be much
less healthful than that of animals whose
comfort has been provided for. Bo It Is
ultimately for the people rather than for
the dumb beasts that the law la Important.
It does not speak well for the cattle-carry
ing roads that they waited for these $600
Serrlna; the State Not to Be Measured
by tbe Dollar.
Chicago Chronicle.
As we live In an age of mors or less
humbug. It Is natural that we should hear
a great deal of the self-sacrifice Involved
when a man of affairs accepts a public
office which pays a relatively small salary.
The country Is continually being put In the
attitude of a grateful beneficiary of the ex
alted patriotism of Its public men.
This Is humbug. There is no sacrifice
Involved in the acceptance by a successful
business man or professional man of a dls
tlngulshed official posv Ths honor of hold
ing such a position more than compensates
for any material and financial deprivations
which ths acceptance may Involve. The
talk to tha contrary Is nonsense.
It Is to be noted that all this admiration
for aelf-sacrlflctng public functionaries ap
piles only to officials in the domestic ser
vice. It Is deemed a noteworthy case of
Self-abnegation when a successful lawyer
takes a cabinet place, but when a rich man
goes abroad as a diplomatic representative
of the Vnlted States and spends several
times the amount of his salary In main
taining his country's dignity he is in nine
cases out of ten dubbed a snob and a toad
eater. Nobody sheds tears of pride and
admiration over his sacrifice of his private
fortune In the public service. That sort of
thing Is reserved for the statesman who
serves h' country at bonis Instead of
And there Is too much of It. It has got to
such a puss that when a man of some repu
tation In tho business world takes a pub
lie post the rest of us are expected to knock
our heads against the ground in front of
him and exclaim that here, surely, is the
greatest Instance of patriotism and slf
sacrifice that ever was known.
Instead of conferring honor on Its holder
public office now Is supposed to be honored
by anybody who will give up a certain
financial advantage in order to accept It,
This, of course. Is false, flunkylsb and un
American doctrine. It is the manifestation
of hysteria and money worship combined
The one encouraging thing about It Is
that the men who glfe up private advan
tag to talte public office do not themselves
so about boasting of their sacrince, ta-
cause they do not deem It sacrifice. It Is
not these men. but their fool friends ana
slushy Journalists who continue to shout
wonder. love and praise because nonor ana
patriotism are set above money by a grati
fjUig number ot American ciilsu.
Omaha. Hee.
In defining the position of Kansas In
Its welfare upon the Ptnnd.trd Oil trust.
Governor Hocli mnke the following dec
laration throush the Chicago Tribune :
The fight Ksnsis Is maklna la a flcht
for fslr play a flclit to rct re competi
tion and to relieve a great and growing
Industry from the grap of an indusuial
S e h"pe to prove bv actual demonstra
tion that the Standard Oil company lias
robbed the oil producer on one hand and
the consumer on the other.
Hy encKKlng In this battle as a state
wo hoiif. hrst. to encouraite the location of
Independent re(lnerl s with the assurance
th.-U they will have the protection of the
state; and. second, to enlist other sta'es
and the general government In a batlU
against monopolistic tyranny.
1 ne proposed state refinery Is s mnlv a
means to an end not an end Itself.
The question the people of Kansas and
the people of the whole country must ask
themselves Is, Ooes the end Justify the
means? Will not frentied legislation to
free Kansas from Hie grasp of an indus
trial desjiotlsm strain to the utmost the
powers that a commonwealth may exer
cise under our system of government? Are
we not liable to sap the foundations of
constitutional self-government by rushing
headlong Into state socialism to escape fro.u
monopolistic tyranny? Is not the remedy
applled by the state of Kansas In its effort
to restore competition very much like
sprinkling the potsto vines with parls green
In order to kill the Colorado potato bug?
In the midst of great excitement a cool
head, steady . nerves and clear vision are
the qualities most desired In a popular
leader. In the conflict with gigantic com
binations the country must endeavor to
solve the problems not by spasmodic legis
lation, but by sane and rational super
vision and regulation that will hold water
in the courts and strengthen rather thn
crlpplo the republic.
Congress has a right to rrohihlt com
binations In restraint of trade and assume
supervision over Interstate commerce so
that the rights of the people are safe
guarded. The states have a right also to
prohibit monopolistic combinations and
conspiracies to destroy competition under
severe penalties, but under our constitu
tional form of government neither congress
nor the states can fix the price of com
modities whether they are owned and sold
by Individuals or corporations. Nor can
either congress or any state legislature
legitimately divert money collected by tax
ation for the fabrication of any commodity.
however needful It may be for the people.
In order to break up monopoly by federal
or state competition.
The people of Kansas have a Just griev
ance against the Standard OH company
for pursuing a rcprehenslblo policy of self
aggrandizement. They are righteously re
sentful over the ruinous competition to
which the Independent producers of oil in
Kansas have been subjected at the hands
of the OH trust, but their campaign of
retribution must strike every thoughtful
American as fraught with far-reaching con
sequences. The establishment of a state oil refinery
to throttle the odious oil monopoly which
In the language of Governor Hocli "has
Duty's ( nil Accepted.
Chicago Tribune.
Manifestly Mr. Koot obeys the volco of
duty rather than of lucre.
Congratulations Tendered,
New York Sun.
We also congratulate Mr. Root, for he
Is returning to that field of activity, am
bition and usefulness wherein he properly
Basis of Confidence.
New. York Tribune.
A secretary who accomplished so much in
the War department will be trusted to em
brace every opportunity for service which
the Department pf State may offer.
Qualified Endorsement.
Pittsburg Dispatch.
It Is not possible to give a blank en
dorsement to all of Secretary Root's acts
as a member of the McKlnley and Roose
velt cabinets. But it is certain that tha
sum of his work was for good.
Strong;, Capable Man.
Boston Transcript.
It Is a subject for congratulation that a
strong, capable man, with a familiarity of
our eastern policy, has been found ready
and willing to take up at once the task in
terrupted by the death of Mr. Hay.
Conspicuous Qualities.
Philadelphia Press.
14 hasSnslght, Judgment, unfailing sense
snd the versatility and aptness which
make the rounded man of affairs, Above
all, he has the Intellectual sobriety, grasp
and force which fit 'him for the higher
realm of statesmanship. The country will
have full confidence in his management of
foreign affairs.
A n Intellectual Power.
Boston Globe.
In sheer Intellectual power Mr. Root la
at least the equal of any man who has ap
peared In public Ufa in this generation.
He Is perhaps, also, the most forceful ex
ponent of the new departure In govern
mental policy which the Vnlted States has
pursued since 1R98. To the president he
will be a real adviser, and the influence of
bis strong personality and exceptional
training undoubtedly will be easily distin
guished. Prophets and Prophecies.
Chicago News.
That the political prophets should be In
clined to read a special significance Into
the appointment Is not surprising. The
position of- secretary of state Is one of the
traditional avenues through which men
prominent In American politics approach
the presidency. In filling the office Presi
dent Roosevelt may have had no thought
of the political consequences of his choice,
but that Mr. Root's return to public life
must put him in a place of peculiar and
significant prominence in 194 seems mors
than probable.
Tho Great and Growing! Financial
Btrenath of the West.
New York Commercial.
It is something of more than merely pass
ing significance that the consensus of opin
ion among the bankers in the New York
"financial district" la that no stringency
In the money market may be expected
within the next two or three months In
consequence of crop movement transfers
of currency to the west or south or of any
other conditions that commonly provoke
predictions of "tight money," Forecasts
of Impending stringency help materially to
create such stringency. But there are none
Just now indeed, there Is absolutely noth
ing on which to construct them.
The potent, attention-compelling fact Is
the great and growing financial strength
of the west, and beyond and above that
the very general prosperity of the entire
country. A succession of good crop years
In that vast agricultural section has been
turning cash Into lis banks In a steady
stream throughout a long period, and the
consequent overflow has found convenient
and profitable storage In New York vaults
and other eastern depositories. Were this
to be called for alt at jnce for crop moving
or other needs, that might and no doubt
would advance the rates of Interest hers
February 3D, 16.
robbed the producer on the one hand snd
the consumer on the other." establishes a
precedent that may prov disastrous
eventually to the people of Kansas as well
as to the whoie country.
The people of Kansas, the people of Ne
braska, and. for that matter, the people of
the whole country, have a grievance against
the Reef trjst. against the Orsln Klevator
trust and against the Coal Miners' snd
Coal Feslers' trusts. Meat, bread and fuel
are. If anything, more of a necessity than
kerosene oil. If the tyrannical Standard
Oil octopus can be subdued only by a state
ell refinery why should not also Kansas,
Missouri, Nebraska snd Iowa and all the
cattle raising states of the nest establish
state meat packing houses aJ state stock
yards? And why should they ot also es
tablish state grain elevators, state coal
yards and state coal mines?
If the state Is to refine Its oils, feed and
slaughter Its cattle and handle and ship
grain, it will be equally proper for the state
to establish and operate sugar refineries and
cold storage houses for dairy products,
fruits and poultry.
Other Questions suggest themselves, t'n
der our system of government taxes are
Imposed to defray the expenses Incident to
national and state, county and municipal
government. Can the money collected for
the maintenance of state government and
state Institutions be legitimately diverted
Into Industrial enterprises? Can the money
collected from the taxpayers of one state
for the maintenance of Its government be
legitimately loaned to another state for an
Investment In a state oil refinery? The
state oil refinery bill Is. however, not the
only measure the lawmakers of Kansas
have Incubated that lacks thoughtful con
sideration Amonc the various measures now pend
ing before the Kansas lejflslature for throt
tling the Standard Oil trust are bills to
prohibit the sale of petroleum at a lower
price In one part of Kansas than In an
other part of that state under severe penal
ties. Buch a bill would be rational and
proper as affecting public carriers who
enjoy franchises and are subject to state
and national regulation of their tolls and
exacting equitable treatment for their pa
trons. It Is altogether different, however,
with regard to corporations that enjoy no
special privilege at the hands of the state.
If the state of Kansas can prohibit the
Standard Oil trust from charging less for
Its products In one town of Kansas than
another. It may with equal propriety fix
the price at which it shall sell Its products
or prohibit It from giving away its prod
ucts. If it la so disposed. Carried to its
natural sequence, the state of Kansas
would have the same right to prohibit the
grain elevator companies from paying more
or less In one place than In another fur
grain, prohibit coal dealers from charging
more to one person than to another person,
or prohibit grocers, butchers, bakers and
department stores from underselling their
The new departure in Kansas Illustrates
to what extremes hysterical people will go
when they lose their heads over a grievance
that seems to them Intolerable.
In the east; but not only Is such a call ex
tremely unlikely, but even if it were
probablo the west would only be taking
back Its own; and whatever currency move
ment in that direction may occur it will
almost Inevitably be In small Installments
or "driblets'" that are hardly noticed In
the money market. The west has. In fact,
reached a condition of financial Independ
ence for the most part. As one New York
trust company official puts it, "those west
ern fellows are getting altogether too In
dependent to exactly suit us. They have
reached a stage where they don't require
assistance."' And another local banker says
j of them: "Our cc respondents In the west
have Intimated that they not only have
sufficient money to move the entire crop,
but a trifle more, which they would like
to loan In New York."
And this Is the west whose chief occupa
tion less than a decade ago was the fore
closure of mortgages and the burning of
marketless corn for keeping itself warm!
Was ever industrial and financial meta
morphosis more complete?
Innocent Victims of Monopoly.
Minneapolis Journal.
The railroads have been maintaining all
along that they were the Innocent victims
of the private car lines, helpless to ex
tricate themselves or the shippers from
the grasp of the monopoly. Now It seems
as though two railroads saw a way of get
ting out and perhaps others, If they are
Industrious, will do likewise. The shippers
of the country have never been quite able
to see why the railroads were doing the
collecting fer the private car lines if they
did not have some potent reason for so
doing. If they have not, they will seek to
comply with the commission's order.
Browning, Ming & Co
If .you heard we were giving away
money, wouldn't you come for your
sharel Well', it's just what we
are doing. Notice the cut we
have made on spring and sum
mer suits 2 and 3-piece.
All broken and small lines
odd coats and odd trousers are
now to be had at
'Half Price
"put a good suit
on my lade" mid
Beau Brummel,
"and I am on my
feet again."
$10 Suits $5 $15 Suits $7.50 '
$18 Suits $9 $20 Suits $10
$25 Suits $12.50'
You can save money by spending it at this sale
Filteenth and
Douglas Sts.
Bra4way at Sa4 Mreat NEW
. rr.Rsonai. notfs.
Miss Helen Oould has pure bused grm;-
adjdnlng the navsl branch of tl.e I!rr k
lyn Young Men Christian associate.,
Urn which she will buMd sleeping root-.
and a gymnasium for the snilors.
Iter J. McOhe, former lord high st-
of IsjMln, has arrived In New Yor i
make a rofperatlve study of r-v;r.i r
! methods in this country. pei1e .. -A
York, he will lsi: Hoston. CMiag.i a; ;
As If In protest against the actln-., ,
Colonel Henry Wattereon, who Is 1
nobbing with dukes and such like or- i
ments of the "effete monarchies," the K -
turklans have ordered plush car sea's (. .-.
of their state.
I The Japanese staff had a Fourth of J';
i celebration In honor of Frlgadler (general
1 MacArthur and other Americans. peirg
Japanese, however, they conducted t n
rational manner and nobody was erher
killed or annoyed.
After the cycle came the auto; ;r
the auto we do not know, but sn artniw it
Is quoted as saying: "Aerial navigation
will rival motor car touring In ten ear '
The limited express, the Ferris wheel, the
loop-the-loop are ancient history.
Nicholas F. Hrady, son of the governor r,f
Alaska, attended a sale of condemned Pre
department horses In New York City tv
cently. He purchased the half doxen ani
mals offered for 10 and sent them to his
farm, where they may browse on meadow
grass and other good things for the ret
of their days. Mr. Brady says that he will
continue to buy the faithful servants of
the public because he believes that they
deserve the gratitude of cltlsens.
Theodore 11. Fiice, formerly of Trice,
McCormlck ft Co.. made I75O.0HO In New
York on Monday by the leap In the price
of cotton. Five years ago he was knockei
from the position of "cotton king" within
four days of his wedding and had but $1.0
left of his fortune. He has Just finished
paying eft HOC l.noo of debts and ceased to
work for creditors, when Monday's ad
vance made him the first money he has
possessed for his own since May 24,
Hicks Did the lecture you gave your wife
on "economy" have any effect on her?
Wicks Well, yes; she's economical with
her smiles now. Philadelphia Ledger.
Susie Freddy will be 30 years old tomor
row. Lucia Are you going to give him any
thing? Busie Yes a good, strong hint. Cleve
land Deader.
"Bllgglna Is painfully attentive to his
"Is he then so much In love with her?"
"1 don"t know. H may merely be afraid
of her." Louisville Courier-Journal.
"I wish you wouldn't encourage that ,
young man, my dear. He is ridiculously
"Hut he has expectations."
"What expectations?"
"My little fortune, mamma, dear." Cleve
land Plain Dealer.
"Miss Buto," stammered Mr. "Tlmmld. sit
ting at the other end of the sofa, "would
you consider me bold If I were to er
throw a kiss to you?"
"Hold?" she replied. "I'd consider you
very lazy." Philadelphia Press.
Pat Oi though McCarty was on th' water
Mike He was, but he went on a strike
veaterdnv nut uv Hvmnathv wM hlmAlf
Brooklyn Life.
"Say. Jlmmle, what are you orderln' all
dat beer fur? You can't drink It."
"Of course not. I want de glasses to
t'row at de umpire." Chicago Record
Herald. "No," said Miss Passay, "I don't like
the photos Kamrer made for me. They
make me look like a woman of 40."
"Well," replied MJss Peppery, "you
should have told him not to touch them up
If you didn't want them to look so youth
ful." Philadelphia Press.
cl a
Within a rose clad cottage
Beside a southern sea,
A mother rat a-slnglng
And her song came to me
Upon the scented south wind
The sea gull soared above,
While to her fair-haired baby
She sang this song of love:
"I love you wnon you're laughing,
I love you when you weep;
I love you when you're waking
And I love you when you sleep.
You don't know how I love you,
How you I do sdore,
And every day, you dove, you
I love you more and more."
Within a wind-blown wigwam
By Lake Temagaml,
A mother sat a-slnglng
t'nto her babe one day.
The wild deer bounded by her,
The wild hawk soared above.
While to her brown-skinned baby
She sang this song of love:
. T 1 ...... .,n..u ln ..nLI I
I love vou when vou ween: r
I love you when you're waking '
And I love you when you sleep.
You don't know how I love
How you I do adore.
And every day, you dove. jrWi
I love you mora and more."
ia tbe bill of fare:
1!? YORK