Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 11, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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During July serf Aagmt
we clost Siturdift tt
one o 'dock
We lo not know of any other Ptore in Omaha who would even attempt to quote such extraor
dinary low priors on really high elnss garments such as we are selling. Ladies who have attended
our pales in the past know we deliver the goods and ell exactly as we advertise absolutely ONE
HALF THICK. Make it a poin t to come and secure Kome of these wonderful bargains. There are
Short Coat Suits, Long Coat Su its, Short Separate Coats and Long Separate Coats.
All our Wash Fults (mat and skirt) reg
ularly will at $7 50, Tuesday's clearing sale
price I?. 75.
All our I.lnen Bulls (coat and skirt) regu
larly sold at $12.M, Tucsdsy'i clearing sain
price M.25.
All our fine, tailor made Linen Suits regu
larly sold at Ho 00, Tuesday's clearing sals
price $7.60.
Without regard to quality we have re
duced the price on Wash Goods, such that
It will pay you to lay them aside until next
2Sc Egyptian Tissues, Tuesday lOo yard.
Y. M. C. A. Building, Corner Sixteenth
time tell what arrangements would be
made for their accomodation.
The new general store building Just com
pleted la the largest and most Impooslng of
any In 'he yard, being four atorlcs In
height and of ample dimensions. It Is of
brick and brown stone, and at present la
nut occupied. Admiral Meade said that It
could readily be furnished for the needs of
the conference.
The location of the navy yard Is one of
fering all the advantages of a northern
summer resort. It occupies an island In
the l'lscataruia river, almost In the ocean.
Its view commands the wide mouth of the
fiver which la the boundary between Maine
and New Hampshire, and forms Ports
mouth barbor. The shores are picturesque,
dotted here and there with cottages and
farm houses, while a number of hotels on
either the Maine or New Hampshire shore
are easily accessible.
Army Informed of Mutiny.
SIPINGHAI, Manchuria, July 10-The
news, of the mutiny In the Black sea
reached the Russian forces through Japa
nese, who fired night shells charged with
proclamations conveying the Information
Into the Russian advanced positions, scat
tering the proclamations broadcast.
Rain Is falling in torrents and all activity
at the front has ceasef.
MnrarlelT to Hall July 2a.
ROME, July 10.-M. Muravleff, who will
act as peace plenipotentiary for Russia at
Washington, will. It is learned In official
circles, sail for the United States July 2U
from Cherbourg on board the North Ger
man Lloyd steamer Kaiser Wilhelm der
. Japs Occupy- Ksratiksrik.
TOKIO, July 10. X p. m.-The following
report has been received from the Japanese
army headquarters on Sakhalin Island;
Our army, without much 'resistance, oc
cupied Kai asakursk early on J uiy g. The
enemy burned the town and retired to posi
tions elgut miles north, where they re
sumed resistance,
We dlslouged them and are now In pur
suit. At 11 a. m. on July 8, the enemy had
retreated to a point twenty-two miles north
ot Karasagorsk.
We captured two 12-centlmeter guns, two
12-pounaers and also an amount ot ammu
nition. We suffered no loss.
The announcement of the landing of a
Japanese force at Sakhalin Island and the
occupation of Karasakorsk, followed by
the northern flight of the garrison, has
been received with great satisfaction by
the Japanese. The landing of the army at
Sakhalin marks the first entry of the
Japanese upon Russian territory proper.
The Japanese have expressed themselves
pleased to be again in possession of the
Island, declaring tluit they have lung felt
that the bargain under whlcA they relln
qulshed the place forty years ago was un
satisfactory. The Japanese express belief
that they will speedily, control the entire
Island, as they regard the garrison there
a being Incapable of serious resistance
and are confident that it will certainly be
Lines Oat of Jtevr Orleans Announce
Lower Rates on Coffee to fir
fcraska ana Iowa Points.
NEW ORLEANS, July 10,-The eastern
railroad lines about a week ago announced
a cut on shipments of coffee from New
York to points in Iowa, Nebraska and
Kansas. This action puts the roads en
tcrliig New Orleans practically out of
business as far as carrying coffee was con
cerned. All the local roads and their
western connections tuday announced rates
fully meeting the eastern cut and putting
New Orleans coffee shipments on equal
Urma with those of New York to the
points designated.
The diseases of lummer are
numerous and can only be avoided
by careful attention to diet and
the regular and judicious use of
Duffy 'a Pure Malt Whiskey.
Hot, sultry days and breathless nights are
now at band, and thousands of men,
women and children are suffering from the
exhausting heat. Doctors everywhere are
alarmed at the unusually large numbers of
deaths from diarrhoea, dysentery, cholera
morbus, chills, typhoid and other fevers,
due to impure water, the consumption ot
unripe fruit and vegetables, and other
In the treatment and cur of these sum
mer complaints It has been shown by med
ical aclanc that the only aura remedy lies
In the regular and Judicious use of Duffy's
Pur Malt Whiskey, which drives the poi
sonous germs from the system, renews and
bullda up the wasted nerves and tissues,
enriches the Impoverished blood and gives
new strength and vitality to every organ ot
the body.
Duffy's Pure' Malt Whiskey
is a form of food already digested, as It agrees with the most delicate stomach. It
makes the old young and the young strong. Duffy's Is an absolutely rure distillation
of malt without fusel oil. and Is the only whiskey recognixtd by the Government as
Cal'TION W hen you ask for Dar's be mmn you get the Brnulne. Look
for the trade mark, tho -VIA Chemist," on tho label, and bo rvrtaln tho seal
over tho cork la unbroken. All draagUts mmd grectn, direct, SI a. kot
AH of Our Linen Suits, Separate Linen Coats, Cot
ton Shirt Waist Suits on Sale Tuesday
at One-Half Regular Price.
All our Linen Coats, regularly sold at
IS.50, fl0 5O, $12..V, Tuesday's clearing sale
prices $4.25. 15 25 and $6.23.
We have nine Separate Coats In mer
cerized and linen fabrics, areordeon
pleated stylos. These coats are worth up
to $10.00 Tuesday's clearing sale price $3.00
Price Reductions on Wash Goods
lc Lawns, Tuesday Be per yard.
75c Suitings. Tuesday 25c per yard.
20c Tissue Voiles. Tuesday 10c yard.
lc Suitings, Tuesday Be per yard.
2Se Organdies. Tuesday lSe per yard.
$1.00 French Voiles. Tuesday 26c per yard.
Subject of Leak in Agriciltnral Depart
ment Considered by Attorney General.
Head of Department Says He Has
No Fear of Libel Pults Grow
ing Out of Ills
OYSTER BAY, L. L, July 10. It la re
garded here as not unlikely that criminal
prosecution may result from the investiga
tion of the cotton report leak in the De
partment of Agriculture. While no decision
to Institute criminal prosecutions is now
had, the subject is being considered
by Attorney General Moody, who later will
take the matter up with the president.
Secretary Wilson Stands Firm.
WASHINGTON, July 10. That Secretary
Wilson Intends to take no step backward
In his report on the cotton leak investiga
tion was evidenced today by his statement
that he Is not afraid of a libel suit which
might be saved against him by Mr. Price
or others mentioned In the report. In fact,
he said, he would welcome such action be
cause it might be the means of developing
some facts not already uncovered and
which it was desirable to know.
'This Is a quarrel among gamblers," he
said, "brought about by the dissatisfaction
of some of them In not getting what they
thought was their due. I have nothing to
take back. As the head of an executive
department of the government it was my
duty and my right to give the 'public the
result ot the Investigation by the secret
agents Into the charges which had been
filed, leading up to the dismissal ot Mr.
The secretary added that he had given
consideration to Mr. Price's request as pre
sented through his attorney, William M.
Ivans of New Yorlc, "to withdraw the un
just, offensive and unsustalned charges and
implications," and had reached the deter
mination to' take no further action in the
matter. He said he would not communi
cate with Mr. Price or his attorney in any
way. ,
Statement by Solicitor McCabe.
In view of the discussion that has taken
place regarding the circumstances attend
ing the reference by Secretary Wilson to
the United States attorney ot the cotton
leak report for advice as to whether or
not criminal action against Assistant Sta
tistician Holmes would Ho Solicitor McCabe
of the Department of Agriculture today
gave out the following statement:
About 10 a. m., Friday, July 7, under in
structions from the secretary of agricul
ture, 1 callej ujon Mr. Reach, United States
attorney for the District of Columbia, tak
ing with me the secret service operative
who had made the investigation in the
reported leakage on the cotton crop re
port. The secretary Instructed me to place
all the evidence In the possession of the
department and the original report of the
secret service operative In the hands of
Mr. Beach and to request that ollkial to
advise the secretary whether, in his opinion,
a criminal action would lie against any of
the parties named in the evidence or in the
report, i carried out the instructions of
the secretary, and further told him that
the secretary desired to have his opinion
on the mutter as soon as posxlble, and
asked whether it would handicap him in
his efforts to maintain a prosecution if the
secretary gave a reort of the investiga
tion to the nwpir men pending Mr.
Reach's determination of the matter. Mr.
Iteach replied that he aid not want one
word to be made public until he had time
to go over the matter and satisfy himself
as to whether or not, an offense had been
committed and a prosecution could be main
tained. Upon my suggestion Mr. Beach railed up
the secretary of agriculture by telephone
and advised him of the fact that he did
not want publicity at that time and that
Bp. July 10. 1906.
We have twelve pretty Cotton Shirt
Waist Suits three In blink lawn, a few In
white ground lawn with small black spots,
three Shirt Wnlst Suits In blue chambray.
These suits sold regularly at $6.50. Tues
day's clearing sale price $3.25.
We shall continue our grent clearing sale
of all our Wash Skirts, " Prllllantlne and
Cloth Separate Skirts, at one-half price.
ISc Voile Suitings, Tuesday 10c yard.
BOc Pique Suitings, Tuesday 25c per yard.
15c Splash Suitings, Tuesday Be yard.
15c Voile Suitings, Tuesday 5c yard.
Co Mohair Novelties, Tuesday 13c yard.
and Douglas Sts.
he would communicate with the secretary
as snon as possible. On Friday afternonn
between 2 nnd 3 o'clock Mr. Heach called
upon the secretary In Verson and returned
ail the papers and stated that a prosecu
tion would not lie. The whole question
was presented to Mr. Reach; that Is,
whether an offense fignlnst the law had
been committed nnd whether In hlfc opinion
a criminal prosecution could be maintained.
United States District Attorney Beach,
when shown the statement of Mr. McCabe,
derllned to add anything to the statement
heretofore given out by htm.
Vinona Made Sf rgesnt to Succeed
Gibbons and Oilier Business
Only business of a routine nature was
transacted by the Fire And Police board
ut the regular meeting lust night, the most
important being the appointment of Patrol
Conductor Vanous to the rank of sergeant,
to fill the vacancy left by Sergeant John
Gibbons, who Is compelled to take an In
definite leave of absence on account of 111
health. Officer Vanous was unanimously
chosen to fill the vacancy after a letter of
recommendation was read to the board
from Chief of Police Donahue.
Sergeant Vanous has been on the Omaha
police force for eighteen years and his np
polntment to the sergeantcy Is considered
one of the best that could be made. In
spnaklng of the uppolntment after the
board meeting Chief Donahue said: "Mr.
Vanous has proven himself to be a most
efficient officer. I doubt If another man
could be appointed to the position that
could meet with more general approbation."
Sergeant Vanous will assume the duties of
the office at once.
A complaint was filed against Plpeman
Greenman of engine house No. 4 for re
porting to the station forty-three minutes
late. Greenman stated that his family was
away, and having been on Ms regular day
off he overslept. On account of his pre
vious eoort record on the department he
was let off without a fine.
Charges were also preferred against Fire
man Harry Trimble for not responding to
an alarm turned In from Fifth and Jones
at 2 a. m. July 9. This was put over until
the next meeting. A communication was
read from Dr. W. R. Hobbs, stating that
Fireman A. H. Jackson's family was con
fined to their home with scarlet fever and
he was therefore unable to report for
A charge was preferred against Fire
man August Callahan for returning to
quarters In an Intoxicated condition. Cal
lahan sent in his resignation, but it wns
not accepted by the board, and he was
formally dismissed.
A communication was read from Con
structing Quartermaster Zellnsky asking
that a fire alarm box be put In at Fort
Omaha. He stated In his letter that on
account of the extensive building being
done on the old Fort grounds an alarm box
was much needed. The box will be in
stalled. A resolution was drawn and read by
Member Thomas proposing that each mem
ber of the fire department give 1 per cent
of his monthly salary to the Fireman's
Relief association. The resolution was
adopted. This is to be until further no
tice by the board.
The committee appointed at the previous
meeting to investigate the need of chairs
at the various fire houses was Instructed
to purchase 100 chairs for this purpose.
Worral's Lawyers Kscapo Trap Set
for Them In Grain llearlu;
Notices have been served for the Worral
Grain company to take the depositions of
some twenty or more witnesses at Platts
Center on July 13, in the case against the
Omaha Elevator company and others. It
was finally discovered that the defendants
secured an order to take the depositions
of T. D. Worral and C. T. Peavey of the
Worral Grain company here in Omaha
Wednesday. Not to be outdone by the de
fendants, Jefferls and Howell, attorneys
for the Worral Grain company, culled off
the taking of depositions at Platte Center
and secured a court order to take depoKl
turns here In Omaha. The order states
that the defendants will take notice that
on Thursday, July 13, the plaintiff will take
the depositions of H. U. Miller, A. 11.
Bewsher. F. a. Cowglll, E. P. Peck, T. J.
Buchanan, 8. J. Brown, F. A. Howard, N.
B. Updike. C. L. Babcock. F. J. Campbell.
John Bwearlnger, E. 8. Westbrooke, C. J.
1-ane, John Kuhn and E. F. Thompson.
sundry witnesses to be used as evidence
on the trial ot the case, before competent
authority in the Bee building, beginning
Thursday, July 13, and continuing from
day to day until all ot said depositions are
It will be observed that among the wit
nesses required to give depositions are a
number of local grain men, railroaders and
others of more or less prominence.
Site for Clarkson Hospital.
The Clarkson Memorial hospital trustees
have purchased a site for the proponed new
hospital building. It Is situated at Twenty-
first and Howard streets and has a large
frontage on Twenty-first. When Howard
atreet is oined from Twentieth to Twerily-
wun ii win B.wj nave ironiage on How
ara sirrei. i ue sue inciuaes two pieces.
one iixijj reel, nought from Judge Neville
lor tir.'Mi. ana me other exl feel, bought
irom me rsational Uf Insurance company
for I2.UU. On the tract is an elirht-r.......
dwelling, which will be used as boms for
Secretary of Ha?y Talks on Pnri'.y in
Administration of Government.
Dnty ot People in fmy More Atten
tion to l'nl I ilea I Affairs and
Place Honest Men
In Office.
BALTIMORE, Md., July 10 At the con
vention of the Young People's Boclety ot
Christian Endeavor this afternoon the prin
cipal address was delivered by Charles J.
Bonaparte, secretary of the navy.
Secretary Bonaparte said in part:
Many yrnrs ago a story was told of a
well known proiessionsl politician in this
uty, now dead, who. on his return from
church on timulay was met by a news
paper reporter, who remarked to him In
suustance: "Mr. A., I do not understand
how so regular an attendant at church as
you are can be alo so great an adept 'In
stuffing ballot boxes, tlxlng' Juries and
witnesses and 'plugging corporations.
Mr. U.," replied the statesman; "1 never
mix up polities and religion.'
Of late years the American people has
shown a disposition sufficiently pialn lo
be widely remarked to act upon a different
principle. Bo many of our clttscns are
beginning to "mix up" a good deal of
what my late fellow townsman would cull
religion'' with what he would call
politics," and the result of the mixture
Is so uriialatable und unwholesome to those
of his ways of thinking and acting that a
few words as to toe real nature, causes
and consequences of the phenomon may
be tlmeiy and not without Interest.
In truth, the 'mixing up of politics and
religion,' to which my deceased friend re
ferred, constitutes one feature of a very
notable popular movement, in progress for
some thirty years throughout our country.
After the civil war and the period of re
construction, the American people found
time to "take stock.'" We were reminded
by our tax bills that we had a government,
a fact our busy, prosperous fathers could
more than half forget during the two gen
erations space of steady Internal colonisa
tion, and, with this reminder, came a
growing measure of doubt and anxiety aa
to the practical merits. In sober truths and
in not fourth of July oratory, or an
branches, national, state and municipal, of
that government under which we lived.
Kvlls ot Easily Corrected.
As always happens, it proved easier to
recognize evils man to discover remedies;
and, in like accord witu all human ex
perience, our search for the latter was
nampered by the profter of all sorts of
wonaerful nostrums, warranted by tnejr
respective advocates to usher in a golden
age. Rut, with that plain, hard, common
sense, that distaste for sound and frotii
that craving for facts and distrust of ideas
and theories which have ever been the
portion of Kngllsii speaking folk, the peo
ple of our union have finally gained a
lalrly clear 'nsiglit into the nature of our
Ills and are grauually but Bieauny learn
Inir what mpriii'iiit. will hfll tltein.
The underlying evil in the administration
of our public aitalrs is simply dishonesty;
our public offices are too often hold by dis
honest men, too often gained by dishonest
means, too often used for dishonest" ends.
Of couise, I. do not mean that all or u
majority, or even any large number of our
officials will take public moneys or fraud
ulently waste public property, or in any
way cause penitential lea to yawn
for them. (Such incidents are, in
deed, much mure frequent than they
should be, but It may be doubled
whether the proportion of downright
thieves among the peoples servants Is
larger than among thomi of private mas
ters. The great bulk of Americans In pub
lic employ wish and intend to do their
duty, but a grave and mischievous, though
very common Infusion of Idetis as to what
Is their duty makes the best of them
sometimes fail to do It and permits the
worst often to neglect It with Impunity.
The error Is rooted In a inlstaKen and
Immoral theory as to the nature of the
position they hold. In law and morals
ullke, a public nfltce belongs to the people;
Its duties are fixed by the people's laws;
its Bularles Is paid with the people s money.
While, however, few deny flatly and
openly the truth of the doctrine thus laid
down. It is practically contradicted every
day and in all parts of the union; for
seventy-five years we have permitted our
public offices to be treated as mere loot,
and in a political warfare, not as trusts
belonging . to- tle.jaeople, out aa "spoils,
belonging to the'lotors."
Moreover, sinew tie ' peculary value of
many offices can be largely Increased by
adopting latltutlnarlan views as to certain
linen of official conduct, an absence of
prejudice is soon cultivated against "tips,
"sugar." the "plugging" of corporations
and other practices with conventional and
euphemistic .nanifs which cloak such bald
terms as extortion and bribery. Three
years ago, during a public hearing before
our state senate as to corrupt practice
act advocated by the Baltimore Reform
lfiigue on whoHe behalf 1 appeared. Ii was
nn.niv iAt...l iv one of the most exper
ienced politicians of the state, without
dissent from any one, that certain wealthy
corporations habitually contributed liber
ally to the campaign funds of "both the
leading parties in return for an implied.
If not an express pledge that they should
dictate leglstlalion affecting them In cast)
of the success of either; and the fact that
the bill In question made criminal any
contribution for a political purpose by a
corporation was universally admitted to
have been the principal reason of Us
1'ubllo Offl.ce Private "Graft."
Civil service reform, in fact, applies a
caustic to the very ulcer In our politics, In
the application of morality and common
sense to the choice of public servants. The
typical American politician, as developed
by the spoils system of polities, earns his
living, by holding, when he can get it. a
public oiflce In return for past or expected
party works; to get rid of him and his work
we must thoroughly eradicate from our
own minds and those of our fellow citizens
the absurd and wicked notion that offices
are "spoils." This must be our first step
If we would purify our politics, and so long
a step that it will go far to render needless
any further steps In the work of purlllca-
tlTo understand, Indeed, how the spirit of
Christianity or anything else can operate
to purify our politics we must first define
what we mean by "purity," and what we
mean by politics.
Politics Is simply a Greek word, natur
alized In English and meaning originally
"city affairs. It Is true that its signi
ficance has widened wun tune ano hh
rhuiiges In human society; the ancient
Greek knew no "country' as we use the
term, except or oeyona nis cnj , uu
name for lis affairs means, for an Ameri
can of today those of his state or nation
n. 1 Nevertheless, every umii won
tereata himself actively in un buuu
ment of his city, wno tries 10 netuiu
for It a aufndrnt police lorce anu m.
partment. well paved streets Judicious reg-
Ulanon lor me puuiiv. " - h-,r' ,
thee are entrusted to pub ic v.r,
such nmn Is engaged fn "P"t "j, lS
the Oreek sense of the word, a ' politician.
1 is true that wnen we ui
Curious That a Tired Preacher Should
Have Such Desire.
A minister speaks of the curious effect
of Grape-Nut food on him and how it has
relieved him.
You will doubtless understand how the
sufferliMJ with indigestion wun wuicn i
used to be troubled made my work an
almost unendurable burden, and why It
was that after my Babbath duties naa Deen
nerformed. sleep was a stranger to my pil
low till noarly dayligni.
"I had to be very careful as to what I
ate. and even with all my care I expert
.niwd Dolgnant physical distress after
meals, and my food never satisfied me.
"Six months have elapsed since 1 began
to use Grape-Nuts food, and the benefits
I have derived from it are very definite.
I no longer suffer from Indigestion, and
begun to improve from the time Grape-
Nuts appeared on our table. I find that by
eating a dish of it after my Sabbath work
Is done, (and I always do so now) my
nerves are quieted and rest and refreshing
aleep are Insured me. I feel that I could
not possibly do without Orape-Nuts food,
now that I know its value. It ia invariably
on our table we feel that we need it to
complete the meal and our children will
eat Grape-Nuts when they cannot be per
suaded to touch anything else." Name
given by Postum Co.. Battle Creek. Mich.
There's a reason.
Read the famous little book, "Tho Road
,,..v....r n,l .Hh all. low
...U.4irKra In .flr)ll ri'llUir. !
KOOU HU KII1K wiu.t., " , ,
taxes and a dwindling debt; who does what
he can to enforce the law, punish crime
and safeguard the order, g.wid morals and
i... r .i nommim tV. BO Iur
ii rf 18 Dri 11 v 'l iMif- -i
clan" we do pot tisuilly mean such a
man. and when w-e sjvsk of "wlltics ' we
do hot first think of such work.
Mast C hang' Idea.
Hut If we mean by politics the trade of
living ot. the laxpayeis and getting rich
at their cost It is us.lrss to consider how
this occupation can be "puntlcd." for It
cannot be purified at all; one might as w.-ll
discuss h w to purtry policy playing or the
' green goods" business, bunco steering or
the fllm-fiam game. Politics thus under
stood can never 1k "pure" except as pure
and unadulterated rascality.
Between the good nnd had men In politics
there Is and should lx a warfare without
truce or quarter, for whoever would now
do good In any form to his followmen
finds the degradation of our political life
a hindrance In his task. If he would pro
tect the public health, wisely relieve want,
train youth, shelter the unfortunate, sup
press vice or punish crime, he must deal
with "the boss" and "ring" and, to do
his allotted work well, must sooner or later
sweep them from his path. He cannot,
however, much as he would, let them nlone,
for thev will not. Indeed they cannot, let
him alone. Could he and those like minded
with him attain full success, their power
and prosperity were denied, for It would
then have no victims whereon to prey. By
the very law of their being they are th
natural enemies of every one who would
lead others to a higher, purer and healthier
life. Men like them have made their trad"
so dangerous, so odious, so noisome, thnl
agnlnst it everv force In our midst that
makes for righteousness must be directed
tomorrow as It should t today.
Conference of Pastors.
A pastor's conference wns held at the
Central Presbyterian church, which was
led by Rev. William B. Blederwolf of Mon
tlcello, Ind., who delivered an address.
ft needs no sunerior Insluht to assert that
the demnnd of the hour Is for an evangelis
tic church. The church of God has been
victorious Just In so far as It has been
evangelistic; this has been and always
will be the secret of Its power This has
been Christ's Ideal for the church. A
church that Is not evangelistic owes tho
World an apology for Its existence.
The church to be evangelistic must be
Sure in doctrine, it must be faithful In
isclpllne. It must be democratic In spirit,
it must be philanthropic. Hut when all
this has been said, It must still further
be an aggressive, up-to-date church. There
are too many members In our churches
who are living In the xxtll Psalm, where it
says, "Lord, make me to lie down." It Is
very hard to get some members to do
anything to try Is like trying to drag a
cat backwards bv the tall over the carpet,
but there are whole hosts of them who
would willingly work if the work were
simply given them to do.
Closing; Session.
The closing sessions of the Christian En
deavor convention was held tonight In
Armory hall, under the leadership of tho
treasurer, William Shaw of Roston. Fully
15,000 people attended the meeting. The de
votional exercises were conducted by Rev.
F. S. Hatch of India, after which Secretary
Voght read a letter from President Francis
E. Clark, thanking the members for their
sympathy in his illness.
Rev. Howard B. Grose, D. D., of New
York, vice chairman of the I'nlted Society
of Christian Endeavor, offered prayer for
President Clark's speedy and complete re
covery. The anthem, eenu irai iny
Light," was rendered by the full convention
chorus, under the direction of R. A. Harris,
and then John Willis Bacr, assistant secre
tary of the Presbyterian Board of Home
Missions and secretary of the World's
Christian Endeavor union, read the annual
address of the president. Rev. Francis E.
Clark. D. D.
The general resolutions, which were very
comprehensive, were adopted by a rising
vote. The roll call of states which fol
lowed was responded to by personal repre
sentatives of forty-two states and terri
tories of the United States and twelve of
foreign countries, amid much waving of
banners and cheering.
"The last word" was said by Rev. James
L. Hill, In substitution for President Clark.
Then, singing the hymn, "God Be with You
Till We Meet Again," the vast audience
filed out of the arniry and the twenty-second
International Christian Endeavor con
vention was at an end.
Alleged Murderer of Governor Goebel
In Custody of the Vnlted
States Marshal.
CINCINNATI. July 10 In the custody
of the I'nlted States marshal, under orders
of United States Judge Cochran, who last
week assumed Jurisdiction in his case,
Caleb Powers, charged with complicity In
the murder of William Goebel at Frankfort,
In the winter of liWO, was tonight lodged In
the Newport Jail, across the river from
this city, where he will be held pending
a decision of the various legal points aris
ing out of his transfer from state to federal
Jurisdiction. When Powers arrived at tho
Newport Jail at 7:50 tonight a controversy
arose between Jailer Ploeger and Mayor
Helmbold as to what cell the prisoner
should occupy. The mayor Insisted that
the cell specially prepared for Powers was
not the proper place. Ploeger and Mayor
Helmbold finally came to blows and the
latter was knocked down. During the fight
between the mayor and the Jailer the furni
ture in the cell prepared for Powers was
confiscated by unknown persons. Subse
quently Powers was placed in another cell,
with other prisoners, where he vlll remain
until Jailer Ploeger can secure other quar
ters for him.
For five years Powers has been In prison.
He has been tried four times and sentenced
to death three times, but as he walked Into
the Jail he expressed hope of his ultimate
acquittal of the charge entered against him
He was the only one of those charged with
conspiracy to murder William Qoebel to
be convicted and sentenced to death. His
fight for life has been remarkable and the
attorneys today expressed tho belief thit
three more years may pass before the end
of the present legal complication will make
possible the trlnl In the federal courts for
which he had applied five weeks ago at
Ixmdon, Ky.
On instructions from Vnlted States Dls
trlct Attorney Tlnsley, warrants were
sworn out late tonight for the arrenl of
Mayor Helmbold for Interfering with
United States officers.
Uraadraother's Legal Fight for Child
Contested by Little One's
Pa rest.
On a petition for habeas corpus by Tucy
Morrissey, the grandmother, Cecelia Mor-
rlssey, aged S, was brought Into Judge
Vlnsonhaler's court Monday afternoon by
Deputy Sheriff Nave. Accomanylng her
was her mother, Mrs. Winifred Morrissey,
who was alleged by the petition to be an
unfit person to have the care of her child.
It was further set out In the petition that
when Matt Morrissey, the father, died,
April IS last, he requested that the grand
mother be given the care of Cecelia.
Mrs. Winifred Morrissey and her friends
deny point blank the allegations of the
petition for the possession of the child.
Mrs. Morrissey is a nest and reputabls
appearing young woman, who seemed al
together surprised by the proceeding that
brought her Into court with her little
daughter. Her friends assert that the
grandmother has no good grounds for try
ing to get the custody of the child and
that the move In the county court is simply
to make trouble for the young mother.
Judge Vlnsonhaler set the habeas corpus
case for hearing on Wednesday, July It,
at 10 a. m.s and the mother promised to be
present at the time with her child.
Frank Currle. a eattleman of Crawford,
Is at the M. -reliant.
Peter Janen of Jnns.-n. Neb., was In the
rliy yesierduy on buslnens.
Attorney General Norrls Itrown of Un
coin Is registered at the Her Grand.
E. J. Cornish, president of the Carter
White Lead works. Is at home from a visit
CoDgref-ional Committee Will Aa-ocat
Larger Appropriation! for Works.
Dr. Frank rovrell of Tody Talks
About the Shoshone Ditch and
How Cody Has Doubled
Its Population.
Dr. Franklin Powell of Cody, Wyo., who
has been the partner of Colonel W. F. Cody
In various enterprises for many years, is
in Omaha for a few days on business. He
Is staying at the Merchants.
"Advices from Colonel Cody are to the
effect that the show has never been a
greater success anywhere than It Is In Eu
rope this year," says the doctor. "The
present stand Is Paris, and a cablegram I
received today said that It had been neces-
sary to put In 8,ouo extra seats to accommo
date the crowds. People have been turned
away at every performance.
"Out In Wyoming we hnve Just had a
visit from the special congressional com
mittee, composed of Senators Newlands,
DuBols and others, which was appointed
to Investigate the progress and prospects
of the various Irrigation projects started
by the government. The people were
greatly pleased In Big Horn county to hear
from the committeemen, that in their opin
ion the amount appropriated for irrigation
work Is altogether too small and that they
will recommend large Increases. The Sho
shone Irrigation project, In which I am In
terested, was pronounced to be the second
best enterprise of Its kind yet undertaken.
When completed, a lake eight miles wide
by ten long will confine the waters of the
Shoshone, and will water about 50,0n0 acres.
This has cost already about a quarter of
a million dollars. At one point the canal
is cut through 8'X feet of solid granite. It
will take a lot of money to finish the
project, but I think it will be well
worth it.
Land Sharks Mho Med.
"Land sharks started tho story sometime
ago that the extensions of the Burlington
and Northwestern railroads, south nnd
north, respectively, had been abandoned.
This is not true and was promptly denied
by rnllway officials. Tho Northwestern
has already done a large amount of grad
ing north from Casper,- and only today I
have the assurance of General Fassenger
Agent Wakcley that the Burlington line
is going straight through to Lander as
planned. The people who started the false
report hoped to Induce settlers to sell
cheaply. They have been disappointed.
"A year ago the town of Cody claimed
Boo persons nnd did not hnve them. A
recent census shows more than 1,000, actual
count, and the surrounding territory has
been settling up at a proportionate rate.
"We now have an every other day ser
vice to Cody, and I am assured by the
Burlington people that after the 15th of this
month the service will be dally. This, of
course, reflects the increase In population
and business. The congressional commit
teemen had no hesitancy In saying that
with the working out of the various
schemes the population of Wyoming would
be doubled in a few years."
Crews of French and British War
ships Join In Festivities
In France.
BREST, July 10. A British squadron ar
rived here at noon today for a series of
naval festivities, In which the French and
British sailors will participate.
Much significance Is attached to the visit
as being the first fraternizing of these
navies for many years and as visible evi
dence of the strength behind the Anglo-
French understanding.
Mr. and Mrs. George II. Griffin of 2015
Ohio street announce that their daughter,
I.aura, will bo married July 19 to Ben A.
Redman of 2010 Ohio street. After the
nuptials tho bride and groom expect to go
to Bait Lake City and Portland on a honey
moon trip,
Wallace S. Hhn and Miss Eva Robblns
of 2027 Center street were united in mar
riage at the bride's home Monday evening.
Rev. D. W. McGregor, pastor of the South
Tenth Street Methodist church, performed
the ceremony.
General Hlackmar 111 at Boise.
BOISE, Ida.. July 10. Commander-in-Chief
W. W. Hlackmar of the Grand Army
of the Republic, who arrived here tonight,
is 111. The doctor Is unable to determine
whether the Illness will he serious, but
states that it is unlikely that Mr. Black-
A Skin of Beauty la joy Foravor.
T. Felix Oouraud Oriental
Cream or Magical Beeutlfler.
KtmoTM Tin, Plmpln,
Freckle luuth J-.tcUiil
But, sod feklo Dlarwi.
Mid r rry
on DMuty, Md (!
Bm detection. It
bu Mood IM teit
of 67 and
U o bnrraieM wi
lute It Co be .we It
ll properly mail.
Aooept so oouuior
fttt of luiiiar
ntro. Pt. L. A.
Pavrt Mid tl s
isdy of llie haul.
too (s pnlleolit
"Ai you lvllea
11fi.n.'a r- I iv. I f. '.T .
T (II lb
Ulo prprmiioni." i or nit t.y all druniu nnd Fu
Uvodi Drain Is the United stales, Canada and Europe.
FEBO. T. HOPKINS, Prop.. 37 Great Jones Srrcet. In Tori
sn k i sr
Lie mm Bin! foe it
that it is always cheapest to get the best
that can be had. Do not let anyone
convince you that the article they offer
for sale is JUST AS GOOD as some
other. Buy the best always.- The name
"Eclipse' speaks for itself when talking
of Gas Ranges.
Rockford, lllinoi
mar will be able to be out tomorrow to
prti tlclpate In the program arranged in hH
.Announcements of the Theaters.
"The Helle of Richmond," which thn
Ferris Stork company Is now presenting at
the Boyd theater. Is one of th" most at
tractive plays dt the sort ever written. It
has the peculiar and distinct advantage,
that it gives everybody in the company a
good chance. It will continue the bill
until after Wednesday evening, with the
regular mat litre on Wednesday. For tho
last half of the week "A Mother s Sacri
fice." A comedy drama by Harry McKee.
will bo offered.
Anna A'bon has filed s suit ,iilnt the
street rnllway company for U.i. tor al
leged pers ml tnluilcs sustained at the
corner of Twenty-fourth nnd M MreetH,
South Omaha, on June 2 of this y-
Judge IViy will have up for argumeit
this morning the esse of Stat" igalnit
Henry K. Dally, agent, for f.illr. to
equip certain apartment houses vlth firrt
escapes. Attorney Frank f'rawfi I, er
Dally, will nttack the const It ut intm iiy if
the liw requiring fire escapes on build
ings of over two stories, and County At
torney Bin hn ugh will represent Deputy
Labor ( ommlssloner Burt Bush, who irmda
ihs complaint.
Why Ruin Your Hands,
Spoil Your Clothes,
and Temper
It docs twice the work in half
the time.
Silk sofa pilloM-s, rugs, car
pets, woodwork nnd furniture
of nil kinds, euarael, lace cur
tains, the most delicate fabrics
all are cleaned in a wonderful
way without injury by "20th
Century Soap."
Leaves your hands Boft,
6mooth, white and velvety.
IIousewiveR, insist on getting
"20th Century Soap."
It will relieve you of a world of
work and trouble.
For Sale by All Good Dealers lOo
Absolutely Purs. No Ly.
Delicate enough for the softest
tkin, and yet efficacious in removing
any stain. Keeps the 6kin In perfect
eondition. In the bath gives all the
desirable after-effects of a Turkish
bath. It should be on every wash
Qth PC'8 1 5tW&
rtj The Belle of HlchmoudL
O A Mother's Sacrifice.
... , Trices, 10-15-260.
WPPlf Sunday, Wednesday, Pat'd'y
llbuPt Mats., 10c any seat.
Ioualas Street.
Clayson Female Orchestra, The Har
old Bisters, Illustrated Songs, The
Jaeksous In a Muslral Fantasma. Neff
and Miller, "The Frneh Nobleman."
Admission 10 Cents.
Take a delightful
on the three-deck
Leaves foot of Douglas street every
afternoon at 2:1E for Florence and at 8 : Ut
fur a fifteen mile cruise down the river.
Cool breezes and a good time.
Honnd Trip Fare JiO seats.
vuf mnn isi nui'feti ter, S3, x ,
I to Wellvllla," la each package.
to the company a vUut at TvtiuiQ,