Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 11, 1905, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
Moroccan Settlement Looked Upan as Com
promlie Between France and Germany.
Besult Will Strengtien Position of the
Empire Eyerywhere.
Beading of the Report Is Applauded in
Chamber of Deputies.
German and French Legations Will
Be Recalled and Both Conn,
trie Will Join la Ad
mire to saltan.
BERLIN. July 10. The agreement between
France and Germany on the subject of
Morocco, which will be made public In
both Paris and Berlin today cannot be re
garded here as a diplomatic success of the
first Importance over both Great Iirltlan
and France, although It Is expressed In
terms of great moderation, the agreement
being referred to as "an accord based upon
& full appreciation and recognition of each,
government's rights and alms."
Yet officially the Issue Is considered a
triumph for Emporer William and Prince
von Btie.low that will strengthen Germany's
diplomancy everywhere on the continent.
The attitude of the American government
toward the Moroccan controversy was al
together satisfactory to Germany. Precisely
what part President Roosevelt took In for
warding the settlement Is not made public
In Berlin, but It Is appreciated that the
Influences he exerted at Paris and Iondon
contributed towards the settlement.
The documents covering the Franco-German
Moroccan agreement are three In
number, all dated July s. The first Pre
mier Rouvler wrote to Prince von Radolln,
the German ambassador at Paris, saying
that the French government, through the
discussions that had taken place between
the representatives of both countries In
Tarls and Berlin, had reached the convic
tion that as the. conference proposed by
the sultan of Morocco was directed to
ward no aim opposed to the Interests of
France In Morocco, nor to Its dotlneo
rights, nor In opposition to Its treaties or
engagements, France gave Its assent to the
conference on these fundamental principles,
the sovereignty and Independence of the
ultan. the Integrity of his kingdom, the
usual economic freedom, the necessity for
police and financial reforms and their In
troduction for a short period on the bnsls
of an International agreement and the
ackuowledgement of the fact that Franc
had special Interests In having order rule
In Morocco because of the long frontier
between Algeria and. Morocco and) the re
sulting neighborly relations. i
Prince von Radolln replied that ills gov
ernment authorized him to confirm his
oral representations that the proposed con
ference would not follow alms in opposi
tion to French Interests, continuing to the
end of the note In the precise language
used b- M. Rouvler.
The third document Is a Joint declaration,
signed by M. Rouvler and Prince von
Radolln, that the two governments had
agreed to recall their legations at Tangier
as soon as the conference meets at Fes
and to Jointly advise the sultan to prepare
a program to be laid before the inter
national conference in accordance set
forth In the letters exchanged between
M. Rouvler and Prince von Radolln.
M. Rouvler followed the reading of the
note with a detailed explanation of the
negotiations. He declared that the under
standing now reached letween Germany
biiu i a ii i l i. ... iui Mini unm iiit i nr.. 1 1 1 1 , i
principles, fully recognizing the special In
terests of France. He added:
"The accord thus realized leaves Intact
the arrangements France had previously
concluded with other powers.
Homier Reports on Matter.
PARIS, July 10 Premier Rouvler sub
mitted to the Chamber of Deputies today
the notes exchanged between him and
Prince von Radolln constituting the
Franco-German agreement relative to Mo
rocco. Great Interest attached to the state
ment, owing'' Uj toe feeling that the agree
ment had averted a situation recently In
volving the possibilities of war.
The declarations made In the notes and
the formal assurances from the leprcscu
tatlves of the fiwinan government permit
me to atnrm that Germany does not ques
tion accords with Great Hiittan and Spain.
How could it be otherwise since it Is evi
dent that accords between the two powers
are not matters for discussion with a third
power. The chamber can felicitate Itself
on the happy result of the negotiations
between France and Germany, thanks to
the sincere efforts of both governments.
M. Rouvler's statement was rapturously
applauded on both sides of the chamber.
The tcxi of the three notes fully con
firms the general impression relative to
the lines of the negotiations. Germany's
contention for a conference receives the
final wdherence of France, but Premier
Rouvler has secured the safeguards which
he Insisted at the preliminary conference
. . . T . I , Tin I ..I I n . , .. 1 . . . 1 '
wun inm-e """"'. "" """"'""-
able. The most Important of these safe-
guards Is that the conference shall not
convey any prejudice to the Anglo-French
or Franco-Spanish ententes. While Ger
many does not specifically assent to these
agreements she formally withhold dis
sent. This Is considered an Important
gain for France ovr the ambiguous posi
tion Germany heretofore occupied, and as
both the Anglo-French and Franco-Spanish
ententes recognize France's privileged posi
tion In Morocco. France emerges from the
negotiations with this provided position
till intact
Morocco Remains Independent.
Both countries agree as to the sover
eignty of the sultan, the Independence of
Morocco and the open door alihout in
equality. This has always been the policy
ff both governments, so neither can claim
victory In this respect. At the same time
U give a new lease of existence to
Morocco und apprsrs to put an end to the
prospective break-up of the sultan's tot
tering mouaichy and Its subdivision among
the European powers. On the other hand,
the agreement recognises Fiance's special
Inlciest In the country, due to the geo
graphical proximity of Algiers, and Its
right theithy to police the frontier and
ii.a.iit.Jn peace and order. It Hill re
ma. as lor thi sultan to arrange the pro
gram ..f the conference. Olfictals believe
that this will not be an easy tank, as the
Franco-German agreement so fully circum
scribes tho conference that It will be dif
ficult to find questions rcnuUulnf open for
tjetarm I nation.
'nlrmklnt on I. lea at Bottom
if Harbor of Knatenkl,
K CNK I, P.outuanla, July 10. The
am that the battleship Knlaz
Pol le sailed with Rear Admiral Kru
ger udron yesterday evening turns out
to :orrect. Before leaving the Knlaz
Potenikine the mutineers opened the sea
cocks and flooded Its hold. It Is now lying
on the bottom, but, It is expected, will be
raised In time to go to Sevastopol July 12.
8T. PETERSBURG. July 10. Negotia
tions between Russia and Roumanla on the
question of the surrender of the crew of
the Knlaz roteniklne are In progress. Rus
sia Is disposed to Insist on the surrender
of the men not as political prisoners, to
which Roumanla would object, but as crim
inals guilty of murder and theft. There
were several Hundred thousand roubles on
board the battleship, which the crew di
vided when they left the ship. The Rou
manian govtrnment is somewhat embar
rassed by the fact that It promised the
mutineers If tl ey surrendered they would
be treated as d serters.
ODESSA, July 10. The authorities here
have been Informed that the Knlaz Fotem-
klne has sailed from KustenJI. Roumanla.
for Sehastopol. The question of Insurance
on property lost by Are In the harbor dur
ing the recent disturbances Is occasioning
serious disputes between the Russian and
the foreign Insurance companies. The for
eign corporations declare that they will
make claims afeainst the Russian govern
ment. The claimants number about too
and the totat losses are now estimated at,(mo.
SKHASTOPOL, July 10. The Russian tor
pedo boat No. 2B7, which declined to sur
render to the Roumanian government with
the Knlaz Pntomklne. declaring that It had
not mutinied, but had been forced to fol
low the mutinous battleship, arrived here
today. The members of Its crew were ar
rested and placed on board the transport
Prout. Tomorrow will be observed on board
the fleet as a day of mourning for the ofrl
cers nnd sailors slain during the mutiny
on board the Knlaz Potemklne. There will
be requiems on all the ships.
Agent of Word line at Santiago
Seised hy Eight Men While
Dining; with Family.
SANTIAGO DE CUBA, July 10,-Jullan
Cendayo, a wealthy American banker and
agent of the Ward line, while dining with
his family last night at his home across
the bay, was attacked by eight bandits
who covered the members of the family
with firearms and searched the house. The
bandits preser ted a written demand for
$30,000 and seized Mr. Cendoya as a host
age until the amount should lie paid. Af
ter purleylng Mr. Cendoya agreed to pay
12,000 and the bandits withdrew. This
morning Mr. Cendoya came to the city
and secured the money which he turned
over to the bandits at a rendezvous in the
According to reports the bandits are all
Spaniards. One of them has been recog'
nlzed as a boatman who was formerly en
gaged In the work of salvage on Admiral
Cervera's battleships.
Mr. Cendoya has demanded the protec
tion of the Cuban government as well as
that of the American consul, Rosa E. Hol
llday. Ills family is prostrated.
Rural guards are pursuing the outlaws.
Firing; Sqund at Execution Tnrna
Guna on Ofltcera and Killa
LONDON, July U.-The Morning Post
from private sources gives an account of
the recent outbreak at Libnu, according
to which the flist naval mutiny led to
twenty-three men being condemned to
death. The attempt to carry out the sen
tences of death provoked still more seri
ous signs of mutiny, whereupon the port
commander ordered the executions to be
stopped and applied to St. Petersburg for
Instructions. The government replied that
all the mutineers must be shot, and a
shooting party was formed, but when the
order to fire was given the firing squad
turned and fired on the officers Instead of
on the condemned mutineers and a dozen
officers fell dead. Other troops. Including
Cossacks, the account says, were sum
moned and a serious conflict developed. In
which between twenty and thirty Cossacks
were killed before the mutiny was quelled.
Statement by Examiner that De
positors will Be paid la Full
Aasrta and I.labillt lea.
ST. LOUIS. July 10 Immediately upon
taking charge of the People's United
States bank, former Judge Selden P.
Spencer today appointed a receiver by the
St. Louis county circuit court, sent tele
graphic orders to the depositories of the
bank In other cities, about fifty In number,
directing them to discontinue the Issuance
of money order checks and to report at
once the amount of money on hand credited
to the People's bank.
Judge Spencer then took up the investi
gation of the bank's financial condition,
and, assisted by several experts, made a
hurried search of the Institution's books
and tonight Issued a statement of llablll-
tics and assets as follows:
i Loans and discount's."....'..,
1,01,1S.1 .12
l.oKI.Uoti U6
1G 7A1 AC
I ilonds ami stocks
1' riled .Slates bonds
Cash und clue from hanks ...
lUilliliug and furniture aid
ture account
Totals $2.tK.4.7.0
Capital $2..Vm.m
DtiHjsits 219.7tS.u3
Totals $2.6H,74S.u3
Included In the loans and discounts are
the following Items, considered of doubtful
value or litble to shrinkage by the re-
An unsecured note given by Iewis and
the old directors tor IU'i,.f7. 4.1, represent
ing liio promotion ami organization
penses of the bunk; a loan of $in.0u0.
cured ny stock ot the l,rwls 1
company; a loan of $,.l.t'.y, secured by
I stock of the University Heights Realty!
company. Hie balance of lrw . ,M U made
up of smaller miscellaneous loans, many
l mem cm uoira rnuui ru oy ce WIS.
State Bank Examiner R. M Cook to
night declared the affairs of the Peoples
United States hank were In no very com
plicated condition. He said:
According to an examination I made of
the asMcia and liabilities, 1 believe the re
reiver now would be able to pay ail the
depositors In full and have enough left
to -ay the stockholders tf per cent of
their stock.
Judge Sprncer, the receiver, places
more liberal estimate on the bank's ability to the International convention of the go
to pay the stockholders. He stated that. ciety In this city. Iowa was a close second,
allowing for shrinkage in the collateral, 1 Moat of the delegates left Denver today on
the stockholders might receive 75 cents on 1 excursions to places of interest In the
Uts dollar.
It Becommendi that the Panama Bailroad
Be Doable Tracked.
Facilities at Terminals Should Be
Enlarged and Contracts with
Steamship Companies
WASHINGTON, July lO.-The report of
Joseph L. Brlstow, who was appointed a
special commissioner to investigate trade
conditions and other matter's affecting the
Panama Railroad and 8teamshlp company,
was made public today. The report dis
closes from several points of view the
question of what policy should be pursued
by the government In the management
of the railroad and makes a number of Im
portant recommendations. Among these
are the continuance of the railroad as a
commercial line with Improved facilities
for handling commerce. Including double
tracking and re-equlpplng the line with
modern rolling stock, the enlargement of
Its port facilities, the retention of the
steamship line between New York and
Colon; that the contracts with the Pacific
Mall Steamship company and the South
American llres be cancelled, and the ports
of Colon and Panama be opened to the use
of all steamships lines on equal terms; and
in certain contingencies the establishment
by the railroad of steamship lines between
Colon and gulf ports and Fanama and
I'nlted States Pacific coast ports. It Is
also recommended that In traffic connec
tions American steamship lines be favored
as far as consistent with the treaty obliga
tions of the United States.
Mr. Brlstow spent several months In his
Investigation, visiting the isthmus of Pan
ama, Important ports on the western const
of Central America, the Isthmus of Te
huantepec. Mexico, und the Pacific coast
of the United States. His report reviews
the entire history of the railroad and dis
cusses allegations thnt Its local freight and
passenger charges were excessive and Its
traffic contracts with steamship lines mo
nopolistic. Naval Office for Nebraska Man.
Official announcement was made at the
Navy department today of the twenty-four
successful candidates In the examination
for assistant paymasters recently held at
the Navy department, Washington, and the
navy yard at Mare island. For the first
time the merit system was adopted in
making designations for this examination.
Of the two thousand applicants ninety-eight
were granted permission to take the ex
amination. Seventy-three appeared before
the board, seventeen of whom failed physic
ally. The twenty-four successful candidates
represent fifteen states and Include the fol
lowing: Kmery Day Stanley, Nebraska;
Brant Z. Mayer, Iowa; Rudolph Wilson,
California; John Jacob Luchslnger, 'Jr.,
Another examination will be held early
'in January to fill the remaining seven
vacancies and the four additional vacancies
which will occur in the meantime.
Vacancies on General Staff.
The acting secretary of war has con
vened a board of general officers of the
army to meet In this city on July 17 to
recommend details to the general staff
of the army to (111 existing and prospective
vacancies. There are now two vacancies
on the staff icoused by the detachment of
Brigadier General Taskar H. Bliss, who
has been ordered to the Philippines, and
Lieutenant Colonel Benjamin Alvard, who
has been transferred to the military secre
tary's department. Officers detailed to the
board are Major General John C. Bates,
Brigadier General Frederick D. Grant,
Brigadier General J. Franklin Bell, Briga
dier General Albert Mills and Brigadier
General Samuel N. Mills.
Knaacll Succeeds Bowen.
Formal announcement was made at the
8tate department today of the appoint
ment of William W. Russell of Maryland
as minister to Venezuela, where he suc
ceeds Mr. BoWen. Mr. Russell was for
merly secretary of legation at Caracas and
was sent from there to Bogota as minister
to Colombia, where he has been relieved
by Mr. Barrett.
Excited Opening; on w Orleans Ex
chance with Active Quotations
Advancing Rapidly.
NEW ORLEANS. July 10 With prices
bounding upward, there was an excited
opening of the cotton market here today.
the quotations going beyond 11 cents for
. , , , . ,
the active pos lions. Immediately after the
opening the advance ran as high as 65
points October selling at 11.32 cents. Various
causes contributed to the advance, tho
chief factor, however, being exceedingly I
bullish weather reports. Heavy rains and
In some Instances floods were reported from
sections of the cotton belt. There was also
a belief In the minds of brokers that It
the results of the Investigations In the
bureau of statistics of the government In
dicated anything It was that the bad state
of the crop had been concealed.
NEW YORK, July 10. An advance of
more than $2 a bale was recorded In the
j cotton market here today on reports of
heavy rains In the west, private advices of
crop damage and the belief that the June
acreage report of the bureau of statistics
had underestimated the percentage de
crease. The movement was accompanied
by great activity and excitement. All op
tions In the local market sold over the
11-eent market during the first few minutes
of trading. October, after opening at lt.fi5c,
advanced to 11.21c, a little more than $2 a
bale over the closing figures .of Saturday.
Other months were equally strong and ex-
j l'lted
Son of St. Joseph Railway Mam Dlea
as Result of Fourth of
July Accident.
ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. July 10 Ross Trues
dale. son of a well known railway man
of St. Joseph, died tonight with lockjaw
at a local hospital from the effects of a
I wound In the hand made on July 4 wr,
I flrln toy P',to1' ThU mJ" thrM d
and thirteen seriously Injured In this 1-
j clnlty as a result of the celebration here
Iowa Close lecond In Race for Rea-ls.
trattoa at Epworth I.eagu
j DENVER. July lO.-To the Epworth
j league of Illinois was awarded the banner
a ! for the largest registration of deleaates
I Rocky mountains.
Three Kansas Houses Wrecked and
Oae Man Injared, hnt No
Arreats Follow,
IOLA, Kan., July 10 Three saloons In
West street. In the heart of the business
section of Iola, were completely wrecked
by dynamite early today. Much damage
was done to other property In the vicinity
and the loss Is conservatively estimated at
Hoo.OuO. J. E. Thorpe, the owner of one of
the saloons, was Injured, but not seriously.
The dynamite was exploded apparently by
some temperance reformer. No arrests
have been made.
The wrecked saloons were known as the
Red Light, the Blue Front and the Eagle.
There were two distinct explosions, each
of terrific force. Besides demolishing the
three saloons, the explosions damaged the
Palace shoe store, the drug stores of Camp
bell & Burrell and Cowan & Asherman,
across the alley In the rear, and shattered
dozens of plate glass windows In the busi
ness section. The explosions were heard j
at Humbolt, nine miles distant.
Iola Is calm again tonight after a day
of the most Intense excitement the town
has ever experienced as the result of the
blowing up of three saloons here last
night. Conservative estimates of the dam
age resulting from tht explosion which
wrecked the Kagle, the Blue Front and
the Red Light saloons and damaging
other buildings In the Immediate vicinity
place It at $100,000. The mayor has sworn
in a large number of deputies who are
patrolling the streets tonight to preserve
orders. That the outrage was committed
by an Irresponsible was made clear to
night, when a number of letters were re
ceived by a local newspaper from a man
signing the name "C. L. Melville," who Is
In hiding In this vicinity. The tenor of
the letters Indicate that the writer Is In
sane and that he blew up the saloons here
last night.
E. H. Funston, ex-congressman and
father of Brigadier General Frederick
Funston, was arrested here tonight
charged with Inflammatory utterances.
Mr. Funston, In talking of the explosion
which blew up three saloons here last
night, said the occurrence wmild have
been avoided If the officers of the law had
done their duty In enforcing the laws.
Funston resisted the policeman who at
tempted to arrest him and a fight re
sulted In which the policeman struck
Funston, strapped him In his buggy and
took him to jail. Later Funston was re
leased and he swore out a warrant for the
policeman. The policeman charged that
Funston came to town with a revolver and
a rllle, that he bought some cartridges anil
had them in his buggy when arrested.
Funston Is a radical law enforcement man.
His hearing was set for next Saturday.
Nineteenth Annual Meeting; Is in Ses
sion nt Buffalo, with Large
Delegation Present.
BUFFALO, July 10. The nineteenth
annual reunion of the Benevolent and
Protective Order of Elks began here today.
Expectations for a large attendance are
being realized. The rvtiVir of the grand
lodge members ulret-y '.4iero establishes a
new record for that body and many moro
are expected to arrive before the beginning
of the business sessions tomorrow. The
grand lodge members were taken for an ex
cursion on the steamer City of Buffalo to
day. It Is oonceeded that there will be no oppo
sition to the slated advance of last year's
officers one notch higher than the places
they are now holding.
The report of the board of governors of
the National Home for Elks at Bedford
City, Va., has been placed In the hands of
Grand Exalted Ruler O'Brien. Besides
statistics the report discusses several Im
portant questions. The report says:
The present board of governors deems It
advisable to Inform the grand lodge that If j
the present rules of admission are adhered
to It does not seem ndvfsnhle tn rnntinna
the operation of so large a plant for so few
residents, now numtierlng only twenty,
under tne present restrictions or admission.
As a business proposition the men could be
them .nPrpTva,i1rnsmu1onf0r b'
The report recommends more liberal ad
mission rules. The report also says that
the work of the board of governors could
be discharged by the board of grand trus
tees at first hand and the grand lodge
saved the cost of the meetings of the board
of governors.
Politics is already the chief topic among
the members here. Robert W. Brown of
Louisville, chairman of the board of grand
trustees, Is slated for grand exalted ruler.
It Is predicted that there will be no op
position to him. C. F. Tomlln8on of Wlns-
ton, N. C, at present grand esteemed loyal
, . ., . ,.,, , , , , , . .
1 knight. Is slated for grand esteemed lead
" . ., , ....
1 's l U 1,v;ly 'l"." th
1 " . . , . L. - 7" . .
teemed lecturing knight, Fred C. Robinson
of Dubuque, la., grand secretary, and John
K. Tener of Charlerol, Pa., grand treas
urer, are said to be sure of re-election.
Two trustees are to be elected this year,
one In place of John F. O'Shea of Lynn,
Mass., who Is about to end a three-year
term, and another to succeed Dr. W. H.
Havlland of Butte, Mont., who Is about
to end a one-year term.
Denver Is working hard for the next re
union. Atlantic City came along with its
boom today.
white Politicians Alone Named to
Represent Territory In the
Statehood Convention.
MUSKOGEE. I. T., July 10,-The Indians
are worked up over the discovery that the
list of delegates from the Indian Territory
to the statehood convention, which Is to
meet at Oklahoma City on July 12, fails
to disclose the name of a single Indian.
The delegation, It Is asserted, Is made
up almost exclusively of politicians. As a
result the Indian leaders declare that con-
testing delegations will be sent from most
of the districts, and they threaten to hold
a meeting, repudiate the whole thing and
send a delegation to Washington to lobby
against statehood at the next session of
National Bank Authorised to Com
mence Baalneaa at Bloom.
Ington Neb,
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. July 10 (Spectal Tele
gram.) The application of J. B. MeGrew,
R. V. MeGrew, C. 11. Waldo, R. C. Kirk
bride and H. L. MeGrew to organize the
First National bank at Eiloomlngton. Neb.,
with $2o.0ou capital, has been approved
by the comptroller of the currency.
Postmasters appointed Iowa, Rangor,
Marshall county, Robert E. Wblnary, vice
Samuel- Whlnery, resigned. South Dakota,
Fort Bennett. Stanley county, Walter E.
Leunabeir, Vice Herbert Leuuabery, dead.
Ten Deaths from the Heat in the Tenement
Downpour Attnlna the Dlmenalons of
a tlondhnrat nnd Floods
Streets to Level of
NEW TORK, July 10 Ten deaths and
more than two score cases of prostration
resulted from the continuance today of
the wave of Intense heat which reached
this city on Saturday. A grateful breeze
from the sea served In a measure to temper
the torrid temperature and excessive hu
midity, but the suffering, especially In the
swarming tenement house quarters, was
Intense and throughout the day the ambu
lances were kept busy removing sunstruck
patients to the various hospitals.
At 1 o'clock the thermometer registered
S9 degrees, two degrees higher than yester
day, and remained at this point until 3
o'clock, when a heavy thunderstorm with
a deluge of rain descended on Brooklyn,
the lower part of Manhattan and suburban
towns In New Jersey. The storm brought
a startling fall In the mercury, which
dropped eighteen degrees In half an hour,
effectually breaking the hot wave. This
evening the cool breeze continued with
every prospect that It would hold during
the night.
Many Streets Flooded.
The rainstorm almost attained the pro
portions of a cloudburst In the lower sec
tion of Manhnttan, nnd within ten minutes
many of the down town streets were flooded
to the level of the sidewalks.
Broad street In the vicinity of the Stock
exchange was rendered Impassable and
the brokers on the "curb" were compelled
to hasten the close of the market and fly
before the current.
A torrent rushing down Broadway, White
hall street and State street poured Into
the new subway station at South Ferry,
flooding the tracks nearly to the level of
the third rail, and for a time threatening
to Interrupt traffic by short circuiting the
current. The rain ceased within half an
hour, when the flood In the streets rapidly
During the height of the storm the ad
ministration building on Ellis Island, where
there were 2,000 Immigrants, was struck
twice by lightning, but sustained only
trilling damage.
Six Dfnthi In New EnKland.
BOSTON, July 10. The crest of the most
Intense heat wave of the season passed
over New England today, leaving behind
many victims. Up to 9 o'clock tonight six
denths from the heat had been reported
from New England points, while there were
probably ten times as many prostrations,
some of which may result fatally.
As on yesterday, Boston was the hottest
place In New England, the thermometer
reaching !3 at 2 o'clock. From that time
on the murcury gradually receded until It
haj dropped twenty degrees.
Hot Weather Abroad.
Telegrams from prefects of provinces to
the Italian minister of the Interior an
nounce a great number of fatalities due to
the heat, according to a Rome dispatch. In
the province of Alexandria, Piedmont, there
were sixty-eight cases of sunstroke and
twelve deaths. At Palermo, In Sicily,
twenty-eight sunstrokes and five deaths;
at Messina, twelve sunstrokes and two
deaths, and at Barl, eight sunstrokes and
two deaths.
A Berlin dispatch states that the record
breaking heat Is paralyzing all branches of
trade. The schools are all closed and 200,000
persons left the city for cool summer re
sorts. Seven Deaths In I'lttsbnrg.
PITTSBURG, July 10. The Intense heat
was responsible during the last twenty-
! four hours or "even deaths, two of them
I c.a.u d dtrectlv hv the hiirh tptnnprnturM
J a.. j the others by drowning, the result of
I ., , "
' '""7U ""nll,r"' n"N'8 ic-ne in
the rivers. A large number of Drostra-
t.ons are also reported. During a storm
which reduced the temperature materially
In the district this evening, John Huffman
of Sewickley, was killed by lightning.
Author of Frensled Flnanee Throws a
Few Booqaete Likes Way Ilia
Andlences Treat Him.
ST. JOSEPH, July 10. Thomas TV. Law-
son of Boston, of "Frenzied Finance" fame,
passed through St. Joseph tonight enroute
to Falrbury, Neb., from Kansas City. His
private car Ilaslemalre was attached to the
Grand Island train, which arrived at 7:30
A crowd gathered at the station and
watched the "trust buster" eat dinner. He
sat at the head of a brightly lighted table,
around which were the men who were ac
companying him on the trip.
Asked of his Impressions of the west he
What do I think of the west? If I were
after votes or dollars I would tell you.
Then you would say I was gushing. As I
am not 1 will simply say Just what all red
blooded white men think. I don't know
Just how western men weigh out on some
things, but on hearts and souls well, I am
their press agent from now on. It Is not so
much what they say to a man's face, but
they do have a way of throwing up their
hearts to the man on the stage wandering
through a long effort, Just as he Is betting
he won't pull through. It makes me think
they must have a heart under each Bet of
ribs. i
Chicago Cartage Company Handles
Bnalneas of Boycotted Firms .
with New Men.
CHICAGO, July lO.-Equlpped with thirty
wagons, the Chicago Cartage company, with
nonunion drivers, began making deliveries
, .w.-hound enncern. Th.
.... O
i buslnees of the transfer firms will be taken
care of by union drivers.
Five hundred additional teamsters will
go on strike Wednesday if the Chicago
Cartage company, organized by the city
express companies, attempts tomorrow to
deliver goods to the boycotted houses with
nonunion men. This was decided on to
night at a meeting of the teamsters Joint
council after the department store drivers
union had threatened to abandon the strike
unless the union drivers employed by the
city express companies quit work If their
employers made an attempt to work with
nonunion men.
Lick Observatory In Danarr.
SAN JfSE. Cal.. July 10. Forest fires are
threatening the Lick observatory. In which
Ih located the famous Lick telescop". The
corps of professors there have telephoned
here asking that the governor cull out tt.e
militia of Sari Joae to fight the names.
The fire Is now within eight miles of M urit
Hamilton. iion which the observatory Is
located, and the flames are making rapid
progress toward the summit tf LUe oioua-
Fair Tuesday and Wednesday!
Warmer In Eastern Portion Toes-day.
Tempera tore at Omaha Yesterday!
ft a.
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Attorney for Senator Alleges that
Verdict la Defective Because
One Count la Not Proved.
PORTLAND, Oie., July 10. Counsel for
United States Senator John It. Mitchell In
an argument today before Judge Dellaven
In the federal court on a motion for a new
trial In the Senator Mitchell case today
laid great stress on the fact that the gov
ernment did not prove the sixth count of
the Indictment, wherein it Is alleged that
on January 4. lflot. Senator Mitchell re
ceived a sum of money from Kris. It was
argued that Inasmuch as the Jury was In
structed that it could bring a verdict upon
any one or all of the counts the whole ver
dict Is defective and should be set aside
and a new trial allowed.
District Attorney Heney replied that the
government did not from the beginning
of the trial expect to prove this count, and
had Informed the Jury to that effect.
Further, that the Jury had been given to
understand several times that the govern
ment was not attempting to make a case
on this particular count. By reason of
this, argued Mr. Heney, the Jury under
stood perfectly the situation was not
hinged on this point, and thus the rights
of the defendant had not been Injured.
After Judge Bennett bad replied to Mr.
Heney, during which he practically fol
lowed the same lines as former Senator
Thurston, who made the opening argument.
Judge De Haven took the motion under
The first evidence which connected Con
gressman Williamson with the alleged land
frauds, for which he, with Dr. VnnGessner
and Marlon Brlggs, are now being tried,
was Introduced In the United States district
court today This was the testimony of
John 8. Watkins that Mr. Williamson had
entered In a day book which Watkins car
ried numbers of certain sections which
Watkins testified Williamson and VanGess
ner desired the witness to enter on for their
benefit. Little progress was made with the
case today.
Stewards' Association I'lnnnluir
atltntion for Training of
Hotel Employes.
I ii-
CH I C AGO, July 10. Plans for the found
ing of a national school of food cookery
and service were formulated here today at
the annual meeting of the International
Stewards' association. A ways and means
committee was appointed by tho associa
tion to bring the matter before congress
with a view to Becurlng government sup
port for the enterprise of an appropria
tion sufficient at least to pay half of the
expense of establishing the school. Ac
cording to the plans decided upon the
stewards contemplate the establishment of
a school which shall be practically self
supporting and which shall furnish tho
best possible Instruction In the art of
cooking and serving of pure food. A bak
ery, restaurant, butcher shop and laundry
will be run In connection with the school
In order to give pupils training In all
branches of hotel and restaurant work per
taining to food.
The government authorities will be asked
to allow soldiers and sailors connected
with the commissary departments to serve
an apprenticeship in the school in order
to better the mess service In the army
and navy. The estimated cost of establish
ing the school, which is to be located In
Chicago, will be $300,000. Congress Is ex
pected to appropriate $150,000 and the bal
ance necessary will be furnished by the
Stewards' association.
Canal Commission to Contract for
Work, of 2.004) Men for
BOO Day a.
WASHINGTON, July 10 In order to test
the capacity for work of Italians, Chinese
and Japanese and also the contract methoi
of securing and handling laborers, the
Panama Canal commission has decided to
I Import 2.000 men of each nationality for a
600-dny contract, subject to renewal. Pro
posals for furnishing these laborers soon
will be Issued. It Is the object of the com
mission to reduce the amount of this sort
of labor as much as possible by the Intro
duction of modern machinery, but It will be
necessary to secure several thousand addi
tional workmen.
The number of 2.000 was chosen because
of being the approximate capacity of cna
ship at a time. The laborers wilt be fur
nished by contractors and will have to be
delivered before the first of December next.
The government will furnish free hospital
and medical attention, unfurnished quar
ters, fuel for cooking and water. Under a
recent decision of the attorney general, la
borers will work eight hours a day.
This class of laborers going to the Isth
mus will not be entitled to enter the
United States because of an act of the last
congress which made the Immigration laws
of the United States applicable to persons
ccmlng from the canal lone to the United
Annual Convention of Inlon la In
Seaalon at Detroit with
Many Preeent.
DETROIT, July 10. With nearly 200 dele
gates present from ports In all parts of the
country and with Cuba represented by two
delegates, the fourteenth annual conven
tion of the Longshoremen, Marine and
Transport Workers' association opened here
today. Secretary Barter's report showed 1
the association to be In excellent financial
condition, with an Increase of sixty local
unions during the last year.
Movements of (leean Vessels July lO.
At New York Arrived: Vaderland, from
Antwerp; Ryndam, from Rotterdam; Mont
wrrat, from Genoa; Minnehaha, from Im
don. At Glasgow Arrived : Pretorlan. from
Sloi.ireai; aienoma. rrom rew org
At Palermo bailed :
1'd.nnonla. for New
At Boulogne Sailed;
Rhaetl, for New
At Liverpool Arrived :
Canada, from
At Cherbourg ArrlveJ: Kaiser Wllhelm
der Groe. from New Tork.
At Uihra tar Sailed: Koenig Albert, for
New Vork.
Bniiia Wiihea to Suspend Hostilities
Tending Yegetiationi.
Boldiert There May Retire Without Making
Hew General Store Building in Natj Yard
Will Be Used,
Prealdent Will Not Make a Trts
to Washington for Pnrpos
of Receiving tho
ST. PETERSBURG, July 10. Althougu
ten days has elapsed since Russia Informed
President Roosevelt ot Its willingness to
conclude an armistice pending the result of
the Washington conference Japan, so far
as known to the Russian government, has
not deigned to reply to the president's com
munication. When the question of an
armistice was first broached by the presi
dent It Is understood that Japan Indicated
that It would decline to agree to a suspen
sion of hostilities until the plenipotentiaries
met. Rusria agreed In principle to this as
the basis ror negotiation. Since then the
Russian government feels It has given
ample proof of its desire to concludo peace,
and It Is possible it may go a step further.
The Impression here Is that now that the
Japanese have niado a descent on the
Island of Sakhalin, they are determined
to get the Island firmly In their grasp
before the negotiations begin. , This Is an
easy task, as the small Russian force on
the Island Is in no position to contest Us
occupation. In addition to marines and In
fantry the Japanese landed artillery and
cavalry. The latter are moving rapidly
north. The presumption here Is that tha
Russian troops will clear out without fight
Ing. crossing to Alexandrovsk, on the main
land. The Novostl says It considers Sak
halin a second Alaska, worth $10,000,000,000.
It Is possible that Japan might agree to
suspend hostilities In Manchuria, although
the latest reports from there create a
strong Impression that Field Marshal
Oyama Is at last advancing for a decisive
M. Wltte I rged for Knvoy.
The Associated Press has high warrant
for the statement that M. Wltte, president
of the committee of ministers, was strongly
urged on the emperor for head of tha
peace commission. Even Foreign Minister
Lnmsdorff Is said to have Joined In recom
mending his election. The emperor, how
ever, flatly declined .to appoint him. and
after M. Nelidoff, ambassador at Paris,
pleaded illness, his majesty personally
chose M. Muravleff, the ambassador at
Rome. Two of tho five councillors to tha
plenlpotentarles, though, M. Pokotlloff,
minister to China, and M. Shlpoff, director
of the Imperial treasury and former presi
dent of the zemstvos, are distinctly Wltta
M. MuravlelT, while personally considered
a very able and shrewd man, has had little
experience in diplomacy and none In far
eastern affairs, and therefore ha will
probably be compelled to rely largely upon
Baron Rosen, the ambassador at Washing
ton, the other plcnlpotentary, and M.
Pokotlloff, both of whom have the situation
at their finger tips.
The emperor has received from General
Llnevltch another very optlmlstio dispatch
on the military situation, and the section
of the court party still favorable to a
continuation of the war Is making much
of It.
According to gossips of the Imperial en
tourage, the empress Is opposing the con
clusion of peace.
Five Delegates from Rnaala.
Besides the peace plenlpotentarlea there
will be five delegates with the Russian
peace mission. Including three secretaries.
Prince Koudacheff, formerly secretary of
the Russian legation at Toklo, under Baron
Rosen; M. Plancef. who formerly was at
tached to the chancellery of Viceroy of
the far east, and M. Nabouklff of the For
eign office. China. In the request which
she preferred to Russia and Japan to be
represented at the Washington conference,
practically served notice on them that un
less that privilege Is accorded her she will
refuse to be bound by the treaty so far as
It afTects Chinese territory. Russia Is un
derstood to be not averse to China's propo
sition, but Japan declined to agree to it.
Portsmouth Gets Meeting;.
WASHINGTON, July 10. Assistant Sec
retary pierce today announced that tha
plenipotentiaries of Russia and Japan ha4
agreed upon Portsmouth, N. H., as tha
meeting place for the sessions of the peace
conference to be held outside of Washing
ton. The sessions will be held In the gov
ernment navy yard-at Portsmouth In the
new building Just completed there.
Third Assistant Secretary of State Pel roe
lias been specially commissioned by tha
president to make all arrangements for tha
meeting of the plenipotentiaries at Ports
mouth and Is preparing to leave for that
place to confer with the commandant of
the navy yard. The meeting will be held
In the general store house.
Presentation at Oyster Bay.
Orders have been Issued for the May
flower to Join the Dolphin at Oyster Bay
early In August to receive the plenipoten
tiaries. With the envoys aboard the two
vessels, under the escort of a small cruiser,
It will proceed lo Portsmouth. The plenipo
tentiaries will assemble at New York early
In August and be taken to Oyster Bay on
two protected cruisers of the Cleveland
type to pay their respects to the president
and be formally presented by him to each
The selection of Portsmouth was mutually
acceptable to the peace envoys of the bel
ligerents, as besides being a cool and com
fortable place for this season of the year.
It has the advantage of offering a building
on government soli, which Is regarded aa
an Important consideration. This govern
ment, it Is stated, did not In any wise die-
tate as to the selection.
While the sessions will be held in the
navy yard, the plenipotentiaries and their
staffs will live near by In hotels.
It was announced at the Slate depart
ment today that Third Assistant Secretary
Pierce will accompany Baron Rosen, tha
new Russian ambassador to the United
States, w hen lie goes to Oyster Bay to
present bis credentials. An appointment
for the reception at (ter Bay has to
i niado for Thursday.
Quarters Are Adequate.
PORTSMOUTH. N. H., July 10. Rear
Admiral Mede, who la In command of the
navy ard, said that having had no Imlnva
tlun that the peace conferences would be
held at the navy yard, ha could u4 at Uu