Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 08, 1905, Page 6, Image 6
THIS OMAHA DAILY IlEE: SATURDAY. JULY 8, 1903. Tim Omaha Daily Bee. E. HOSE WATER, EDITOR. rtBLISHED EVERT MORNINO. 1 TERMS OF HCBHCRirTION. Tslly Hee (without Hunrtay), one year.. .$4 no iMIly Iim and Punriay, one year .) .Illustrated Hp. one year Iff) Sunday Bee. nn year ISA fraturf.'ay lie, one year I f) .Twentieth Century Farmer, on year.... l.U UELIVEKKD T CARRIER. Tnlly Bee (without Sunday), per rty.... c Tnlly Hw! (without Sundav), per wek...o lily Bee (Including Bunnsv). per wrk..l"c Kvealng Urn (without Bundav). per week "o Evening Bee (Including Sunday), per week 12o Sunday Bee, per copy Complaint of Irregularities In delivery Should bo addressed to City Circulation De partment. OFFICES. Oronha The Bee Building. ' Podth Omaha City Hall building, Twenty fifth and M streets. . Cotinoll Bluffs 10 Pearl street. Chicago 1MB Cnlty building. New York Homo Life Insurance building. Washington 5nl Fourteenth atreet. CORRESPONDENCE. Communications relating to news and edi torial matter should h addressed: Omaha Bee, Editorial Iepartment. REMITTANCES. ' Remit by draft, express or postal order, rayable to The Bee Publishing Company, inly 2-cent stamps received In payment of tnall accounts. Personal checks, ejeept on Omaha or eastern exchanges, not accepted. THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY. STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. State of Nebraska, Douglas County, as.: C. C. hosewater, secretary of The Be Publishing Comtmrvy, being duly worn, says that the, actual nonilxT of full and complete conies of The jmny. Morning, Evening and Kund.'iy Bee printed during the .month of June, i:, was as follows 1 1 sn.Hfin ZW.MOO 1 81.14(1 4 JHl.iMO 6 2H.."HH , Slt.ttUO ' 7 M.S Sn,lMM i :M),ioo 10 ."M.SIO H 2D..KIO 12 2W.T10 .It W,7W 14 W,T(K 14 ,f)SO 1. 17. m. 19. 20. zi. sn.ftfto 82.1 HO Si1,R(M ie,nso iBft.THO so.ono "2 2),(IHO 2j ao.4io 24 31,aM 25 ao.aM 2fi sm,7:io 27 2,T30 2 SD.T.V) 20 21,T!H 80 Jfl,7n ' Total i Less unsold copies ,44 ' Net total sales T)ally average C. C. 81)4,1 M JM.H3 ROSE WATER, Secretary. Subscribed In my presence and sworn to before me this 7th day of July 1906. ; (Seal) M. D. HUNGATE. . Notary Publl' WHEN Ol"T OF TOWK, Subscribers leaving; the pity tem porarily should have The Bee mailed to them. It la better than a dally letter from home. Ad dress will be chanced as often as requested. .The Omaha Hnwelling dervishes are .very mnd over tbe verdict that's very .evident f The cnll for the republican state con tention Is out and the democrats may 'proceed to follow at a safe dlntauc. Those life guardsmen who revolted at Moscow must have been confused as to whose life they were expected to guard. Bankrupt Capitalist Devlin is on the official bond of the state treasurer of "Kenans. Is Nebraska history repeating Itself across the. ixji-der? . For years Omaha had been clamoring jfor an Auditorium, but now that it has an Auditorium there, appears to bo no very urgent demand for It.'- Judge Dill, who resigned an Income of $300,000 to accept a Judicial office ut $3,000, might not have done so Bad he not first told talt-a out of school. Our Omaha Auditorium will not be the scene of. a .flower show this year. All Omaha has been a grand flower show since the foliage came out in the spring. i That Delaware natural gas company . which has been declared an outlaw la doubtless sorry it 'tried to break prece ' dents by organizing outside of New Jer sey. In the objection to being classed with i rreeldent Roosevelt one can see Mr. Bryan's determination to keep open an opportunity for a democratic campaign fin 1908. r Now that the Kansas relincry law has been declared unconstitutional a num- 'ber of struggling colleges may feel more encouraged to send representatives to ' Rockefeller. The Frank Murphy liequcst to the ( Oilman public library will come Into play in due time, even If we have to wait until the next legislature shall amend the charter to authorize its use. ; If there is any discussion as to the ''tactical orbit" of any of Togo's ships 'in the late battle In the Sea of Japan, ' the press censors are keeping the mat "ter dark. It is left to Topeku courts to decide whether deposits made in the First Na tional Bank of Topcka after it was known to be in a falling condition come out of the bank or out of the men who took tho money. A French socialist leader has been barred from delivering an address at Berlin. As it is the French socialists who are most bitterly opposed to war With Cfiuiany the real desire of the kaiser may be in conflict with tbe atti tude of the Berlin police. Tbe statistics of the number of killed sad maimed In the annual celebration of the glorious Fourth looks like re turns from oue of tbe Manchurian bat tlefield. And yet the number of acci dental fatalities is said to be lower this year than any previous year during tbe past decade. Since Chairman honts says ideal sanitary conditions will be secured on tbe Isthmus before the real work of the Canal begins, it would seem as if the consulting engineers called to meet in .Washington. In September, should give place to an international conference of ajmitary eiperta. THE BLACK St A SITUATION. Iteports regarding the Itlnck sea situ ation continue to be more or less of the nature of rumor and consequently con flicting, but there Is aufUclent that may be regarded as trustworthy to show that It Is a very serious sltuutlon, from which the government is certain to experience a great deal of trouble before order is restored. The routineers who seized the most powerful battleship In the Itlaok sea squadron have been instru mental In arousing a revolutionary spirit throughout that region which appenrs to have grown Into formidable proportions and is very likely to go on spreading. It strikingly demonstrates how general Is the popular hontHIty to the govern ment and how easy It la to call it Into activity. A like spirit haa been "found to exist throughout the naval force, otherwise short work would undoubtedly have been made with the mutineers. Hut for the fear of a general mutiny the Potemklne might have been captured or sunk within forty-eight hours after it waa turned into a pirate ship. A the situation is now represented, the naval force in tbe Black sea seems to be practically lost to the er-ar. while there Is open or Incipient rebellion In a dozen cities which is steadily extending. It la indeed an ugly state of affairs for Nicholas and the bureaucrats upon whom he has relied. What remains of autocratic authority lies in the army and the church. Thns far the array has been found reliable, though there have been a few isolated algna to the contrary, and as long as this continues to be the case the czar will be secure on his throne, for a loyal army can keep him there. As to the church there Is no dan ger of any impairment of its fealty to the sovereign, who is the head of the church as well as the state. If disloy alty should arise In the church then, in deed, the throne would be in peril. It has been remarked that the Russian government does not really need the Black sea fleet at this time and can re main unmoved by its revolt as long as the array remains loyal. The chief dan ger from the Black sea Incident lies in its moral effect upon the army. The church can be depended upon to exert all of Its powerful Influence to bind the army to the throne, but there are ele ments in the army which it may not be able to control. Its influence will be confined to those who are Russians. Those who are not are very liable to le affected by the growing spirit of revolt. The autocracy is confronted by condi tions that threaten its existence as never before. What it will do to overcome them remains to be seen, but obviously the first essential thing Is to make peace with Japan, which would enable the' gov ernment to withdraw its armies from the far east, and this should be promptly followed by some real concession to the people, not merely bare promises. ISTHMIAN COXDITIUKSI- A few duys ago a steamship arrived at New York from - Colon and the canal zone having on board oue yellow fever victim, three suspected crises of the dis ease and sixty-one passengers who left the isthmus because of the bad condi tions there. One of the passengers stated that the situation Is serious, a number of diseases, Including yellow fever, being prevalent. He said that what is called the deud train runs from Colon to a cemetery a mile and a half from the town always once and some times as often as fourteen times a day. There Is bo much yellow fever about that ten graves are kept always ready for cases of emergeucy. There is a lack of nurses In the hospitals and the num ber la diminishing from departures, so that within the next two or three months there will be very few left. It la fur ther reported that the canal forces are working 00 per cent short of men. Amer icans in the canal zone are all hurrying back to the states. While tills is not an altogether un looked for condition, it naturally sug gests the question whether the commis sion has taken all the precautions which might have been adopted. In view of the fact that there has been from the outset more or less friction among the commissioners, It Is quite reasonable to assume that the work of sanitation has not received that careful attention which should have been given It. Some prog ress has been made, but it seems very evident that tin's most necessary work Is a good deal short of what it might be If adequate effort had been made. The present comi'Msslon appears to be fully alive to the requirements of the situation j and has announced a policy which if strictly carried out will avert a recur rence of the very bad conditions now re ported. As the Resident of the commis sion well says, the creation of sound un derlying conditions is now vastly more important than the moving of dirt. That this view is seriously held is shown in the statement that Governor Magoon has assigned to this work a considerable per centage of the employes on the isthmus. The clerical force Is at present insuf ficient and difficulty is found in getting men to fake such positions. The reports coming from there will Increase the dif ficulty and undoubtedly the government will find trouble In securing any kind of In Ixi r until it can give th moat satis factory assurance that the danger from disease has been as far as possible re moved and that provision has been made for rendering life In the canal zone en durable. The policy outlined by the commission contemplates this and while the carrying of It out may for a time retard canal construction work, it is manifestly the thing of primary Impor tance. That it Is entirely practicable is not to be doubted. hat was accom plished In Cuba In the matter of sanita tion, with the most beneficial results, can be done in Panama, probably in a good deal less time and at much less Coot. There is reason to believe that the preseut commission will work harmoni ously and prosecute the great task be fore tt with energy and vigor. Just now Its most urgent duty Is to provide those conditions which will give greater safety to life on the Isthmus. HOHELLS YlSDICATIoy. When 1L B. Howell rushed into court the day before election last November with a eharge of criminal libel against the editor of The Bee it was presumed that his sole aim was to make an Im pressive public denial to offset the effect upon Omaha voters of the publication in which he was represented as a stool-1 pigeon of the water company in engi neering the compulsory water works bill through the legislature. Having been triumphantly elected as member of the Water board, Howell was In position to claim a popular vindica tion, although as a matter of fact his election was encompassed by a rotten deal with the democrats in which the votes of the Howell contingent of repub licans were pledged to the democratic candidate for congress In exchange for the solid democratic vote for Howell, with an Incidental distribution of elec tric light boodle in exchange for his own opposition and that of the Fontanelle . braves to the bond proposition by which Omaha was to acquire a municipal light-1 lng plant Howell was, moreover, in position also to seek vindication by a civil damage libel suit even if the Jury should have awarded him only $5. But Howell would have no vindica tion that did not consign the editor of The Bee to the penitentiary for at least one year. Manifestly Howell counted on personnl prejudice and party rancor to vindicate him by a verdict of "guilty." The Fontanelle governor's signal failure to secure a vindication at the hands of a Jury of twelve good men and true, after a -full and fair trial, leaves him in a lamentable predicament. The trial has established and re-established these facts beyond a reasonable doubt: 1. That Howell has no regard for his word of honor. 2. That Howell Is either afflicted with a defective memory when on the wit ness stand or unfortunate lu conflicting with all other witnesses who testify on the same subject 3. That tbe Omaha Water company favored Howell's compulsory purchase bill and that Alonzo B. Hunt their su perintendent and political manager, was urgently requested to absent himself from the state while the bill was pend ing before the legislature and urgently requested to come back jmjj put the three appraiser clause of the bill Into effect through the city council as soon as the bill hnd passed. v '4. That Howell, although claiming to hate resided In Omaha for the greater part of seventeen years, and although he had drawn more than $7,.rO0 out of the city and state treasuries as a city engl; neer and secretary of Irrigation, has never paid one penny of personal taxes. 5. Also that while claiming to be a civil engineer, he has never been ad mitted to membership In any society of civil engineers this by his own testi mony. When the Kansas City Real Estate exchange sent a list of questions re garding Omnha real estate values to the Omaha exchange, the Omaha exchange estimated the population of Omaha nt 115,000, but the Kansas City exchange placed these figures as against Kansas City, Argentine, Arniourdale and Inde pendence, with an aggregate population of 345,000. With greater propriety the Omaha exebnnge could, have placed the population of Omaha, South Omahn, Council Bluffs and Dundee at 173,000, which in reality constitutes Greater Omaha, Hobson, the hero of the Merrimac, is quoted as saying that Omaha should acquire its water plant as speedily as possible. In this respect nobody In Omaha disagrees with Captain Hobson, but Captain Hobson has not indicated how the works are to be procured and at what price. Possibly it will be Hob son's choice when we get to voting the bonds. The suppression of bookmaking on horse racing has been followed by book- making on automobile races. The auto scorcher is a bird tht can outfly the fastest equine thnt has ever hoofed it on a race track, and It does not matter much to the man who beta whether he bets on the speed of a horse or of a gasoline motor. The receipt Just this week by the treasurer of South Omaha of checks to cover taxes levied against one of tbe railroads for the years 1802, 1893 and 1894, again goes to controvert the claim set up by tbe railroad tax bureaucrats that tbe railroads always pay their taxes promptly. In the reduced collections of the in ternal revenue office for the Nebraska district compared with a year ago, It la refreshing to note that the receipts from the tax on beer are on the Increase side of the page, giving room for bopo that Omaha may still be as famous as Mil waukee. That a man on the witness stand may refuse to answer questions which tend to criminate himself is a recognized rule; but his refusal may easily be taken as probable cause . for believing that there Is something criminal which he wants to cover up. A logical conclusion of the land fraud cases would be to cause tbe land se cured by tbe parties to the fraud to re vert to the government Such a con clusion would not only make land grab blng odious but unprofitable. The governor of Colorado says he will start suit to enforce the terms of the constitution of that state. Every one should be pleased to learn that one Colorado official still remembers that tbe state has an organic law. The figures of relative real estate values In Omaha and Kansas City, in dicating that building ' sites of corre- sponding grade in Kansas City are worth twice what they are here, only foresiiadows how much money Is going to le made ont of loveotmcut In Otnahn realty within the next five years, by which time Omaha will have passed far beyond the point occupied by Kansas City today. Now that German insurance officials have started after the New York life in surance companies the people of this country may secure some valuable in formation as to how supervision super vises In the Fatherland. Hard to Forsret. Pt. Louis Globe-Democrat, Mr. Cleveland warns the country to re member "Insidious Influences." We hare never been able to forg-et them since 1893-97. Irrlslstlble rathns. Washington Post. Members of the senate may place their own construction' on John M. Thurston's plea In mitigation for Senator Mitchell on the ground that he had served twenty-five years in the United States senate. Favored Visitors. ChtlaKO Record-Herald. Oaynor ana Green are Still In Canada, although, according to our extradition treaties, they have no right to be there. It must be remembered, however, that Oaynor and Green took a lot of money over with them. Pass Him 1 P. Chicago Inter Ocean. Talking about building the Panama canal, has the American engineer who under stands thoroughly the efficiency and appre ciates the poteptlallty of the American wheelbarrow been given a chance to show what he can doT Common Essentials. Boston Globe. Commander Peary Isn't exactly begging for food, but he says that he cannot make his trip to And the north pole unless (30,000 worth of supplies are contributed before he starts. Courage and confidence are all light, but corned beef and sardines also are essential. Time for Tears. Baltimore American. Tho Beef Trust will object to Indictment on the ground that It was already forbidden by the law to do things It Is charged with doing. The childlike assumption that it would never do anything forbidden by the law Is so touching In its beautiful simpli city that it Is enough to make strong men weep. Diplomatic Ardor Chilled. Bprlngfleld Republican. The president ends a grotesque lltt'.a dip lomatic farce by authorizing the governor of the canal zone, Charles B. Magoon, to serve also as United States minister plen ipotentiary and envoy extraordinary to the republic of Panama. This action will close such droll ohapters as those in which John Barrett, O. G. D. our greatest diplomat saved the Integrity and the entity of the Panama republic every few days by threat ening to put the Panama army In the lock up. The appointment of Mr. Magoon to the place may be, however, a somewhat scath ing commentary by the president upon the value of Minister Barrett's late services at the Isthmus. Pmlnfnl Sid of War. Boston Transcript. One of the results" of the war between Japan and Russia ought to be an interna tional conference to settle once and for all the spelling ,of Russian .names. It would be a boon not only appreciated by newspaper readers but bj the . students of history. Take, for example, the Russian battleship which has been terrorising Odessa. The newspapers vary In their spelling of Its name from Potemkln to Potemklne. The Statesmen's Tear Book gives It In full as Knlai Potemkln Tavrlchesky, and we now think we have it on authority. Just as we are resting In this comfortable belief comes Mr. Philip W. Sergeant, the English his torical writer, and an authority on Russia, and gives the name of the eminent Russian as Patlomkln, and his title as Taurlshefsky. Who shall agree when the exponents of phonetics disagree? WESTEHX CAL1, FOR TRADE. Move fnr More Open Doors in the Markets of the World. Philadelphia Ledger. There must be some vitality In the reci procity Idea when business men can delib erately concert on the brink of summer to begin serious agitation of the whole question. The manufacturers of Chicago, of the middle west and of the northwest are beginning to demand a "further exten sion of our foreign trade and the holding of that which we have won." The call for this new national reciprocity convention to be held In Chicago on August 15, Is issued by representatives of the Chicago Board of Trade, the Illinois Manufacturers' association, the Millers' National Federa tion, the National Association of Agricul tural Implement and Vehicle Manufacturers and many other bodies. The sponsors of the convention announce that they propose to call upon their sen titers and representatives in congress "to exercise their political power, regardless of party, In behalf of fairer trade relations with Kurope, as well as with the orient. The movement looks formidable because the millers of the northwest, with whom are allied the transcontinental railroads, are enlisted in the effort to take down the bars, and also because the agricultural Im plement makers, a vast Interest, are lend ing their support. Tbe whole of New Eng land Is also In the mood to trade with Canada if the Maine farmers, who fear some competition with their handful of hay and beans, can be placated, and there is a general desire among manufacturers and producers to sell more goods abroad to such as will buy them; but those who expect results from this agitation should call to mind the fate which befell the Kasson reciprocity treaties In the senate. Every body wanted reciprocity, but nobody wanted the kind of reciprocity which Mr. Kasson had provided. A manufacturer of cheap brummagem Jewelry In Providence killed the French treaty because a few gewgaws might find their way to America; a few knit goods men and the like stopped the progress of th German treaty, and so on. Everybody wanted reciprocity If it meant the sale of more goods; nobody wanted any sort of reciprocity If It meant the chance that any other nation should sell any more goods to us. A little local Interest in Kala masoo la sufficient to hold up a treaty as long as a senator exerts his might. The convention is not going to bring about reciprocity. 8)tie rude, aggressive nation like Germany, for instance, will open our doors sooner or later. The German emperor and his Reichstag will denounce our tariffs and shut us out of the German market, and then our senate will begin to act because the people will wake up. We paid absolutely no attention to the squirming of ths Chinese who begged and prayed, solicited and appealed to this gov ernment for fair treatment of Xhe excepted classes of Chinamen at our porta of entry under the treaty stipulations, but the In slant the Chinese began to boycott our goods our president acted for us with com mendable alacrity and promptitude. When the Germans touch the pocket nerve more heavily, even ths senate will Jump. rotmrAi. diuft. Philadelphia is sounding the depths of political decay and the population Is hold ing Its noetrils. Senator Alger of Michigan announces that he will retire to private life with the close of his term as United States senator In 1907. Poor health is given as the reason for his decision. Political prophets are not highly esteemed. but there la no ground for flouting the Ohio democratic prophet who prophecies that Ms party will get as badly walloped this year as It did last year. Governor Hoch of Kansas? Is giving the state a "John" administration. That is the first name of the bank commissioner, lire stock commissioner, state accountant, state grain Inspector, secretary of the Board of Control, regent of the agricultural collrge. state agent at Washington, member of the Hutchinson reformatory board, one mem ber of the grain commission, assistant state grain inspector, state architect and the governor's private secretary. Vncle Shelby Cullom of Illinois does not Intend letting political grass grow around his senatorial brogans. There are several aspiring senatorial candidates m the field, the most prominent being former Governor Yates, a fact Which causes Uncle Shelby to shorten his summer vacation and get busy with his fences. A series of fraternal calls on various communities will be undertaken right away, and wherever a hostile trail Is struck there will be something doing. As Is usual In such cases the retirement of Israel Dunham, republican boss of Phil adelphia, from the office of state Insurance commissioner, Is explained on the ground that he needs a rest. The explanation is as good as any that could be offered. Dun ham does need & rest from the Philadelphia mess, but the prospect of getting a rest is slim. The explanation , failed to add that Dunham drew $17,000 a year from an office the work of which was performed by a deputy. It Is said In Washington that John R. Mc Lean, who recently resigned as the Ohio member of the democratic national com mittee., is npt unlikely to be found In the republican ranks Inside a few years. Mr. McLean has for years been frankly Identi fied with Washington, where he lives and has his largest business Interests, rather than with Cincinnati, where, however, he haa maintained his legal residence and continued to own the Cincinnati Enquirer. Mr. McLean, who Is worth several millions and reputed the richest man In Washing ton, is now In Europe recuperating after a sharp Illness last winter. "THE LEVEL OF EXPEJSSE." Hew Phrase Meanlns; Much In Practical Application. Plttsbnrg Gaiette. A new catch phrase has been coined which should be as popular as "the simple life" or the "new thought." This phrase la "the level of expense." It represents that keeping of one's expenditures of all kinds In a correct ratio one to the other. The woman who has ascertained her proper level of expense will not be paying an in ordinately high rent, as compared with her Income, merely for the sake of a good local ity. She will not purchase a velvet gown and sable furs, even though she has the money to pay for them, because those things do not accord with her house, her furniture and her usual style of dress. She has found a way to proportion her Income so that all she has and does may seem In keeping. There la in this a wisdom which the student of domestic economy will do well to ponder over. One of the most usual inequalities to be observed In the American home Is that of clothes and the table. Many families will strain a point to garb themselves In the most extravagant of apparel, though they will live on fare so meager that they would not Invite' a friend to partake of It. Then. on the other hand, there are people who spend quantities of money on Imported gro ceries, choice meats and fine wines who go out looking positively shabby. Neither of these have found the proper level of ex pense. There are thosevwho love to be known as lavish entertainers, and who ex tend a beautiful and costly hospitality much more widely than Is demanded of them by ordinary social custom, yet their private table will be poor, often Inadequate to the real needs of the appetite. These are follies which have no real excuse. As for personal expenses, women must plan for themselves how to make them pro portionately equal. The eternal fitness of things plays a large part In helping us to keep our own level of expense, since it will tell us that fine lingerie and a cheap ready made suit are Incongruous, and also fine dresses with cheap lingerie. The bill for perfumes, powders, unguents and tonics may be out of all proportion to other bills, and must be reduced to that level of ex pense which the Income makes for each of us. The bargain counter Is a serious tempter into extravagance, since a fine article at a low price Is something which few women can resist, and afterward one finds it alto gether unsuitable and out of place with one's other belongings. It Is not always easy to find the level of expense, or, having round It, to keep It. There are no rules, no formula by which It may be sought. To attain it successfully one must do as told by the little girl at school, "Just begin, and then stay begun." SECRETARY HITCHCOCK. Effective Work in RnnnlnsT Down Public tMMtH Grabbers. New York Sun. No one except the Hon. Ethan Allen Hitchcock can tell what pressure was brought to bear on the secretary of the Interior to Induce him to "let up" on United States Senator John Hippie Mitch ell when that distinguished person waa found to be Involved in the Oregon land frauds. Mr. Hitchcock will not tell. He is not that kind of man. Senator Mitchell he adopted that name when It became convenient years ago for John Hippie to disappear was the valuable accomplice of a band of land pirates who sought to make their for tunes by robbing the government of the United States, that Is the people of America. Just as many otherwise thor oughly respectable persons regard evasion of the customs and Internal revenue laws as at least Justlllable, many others think it no harm to rob the government of land. Mr. Hlpple-Mltchell entered the employ of a party of such lawbreakers and aided their schemes by his professional advice and official influence. He did it with his eyes open, knowing that he was violating the law and rendering himself liable to fine and imprisonment. He counted on his wealth, his office, his great political influence to protect him from punishment. He counted without Secretary Hitchcock, however. He looked to find an easy going tolerant, not too Inquisitive figurehead In the Interior department. Instead, he found a aulct. thorough, stiff-necked, honest man. who remembered nothing except his oath of office when the prosecution of thieves, big or little, became necessary Hlpple-Mltchell must have been surprised when he sounded the full depths of Ethan Allen Hitchcock's conception of a federal ofileeholoer's duty. Secretary Hitchcock has not attitudinized for the benefit of his reputation or to In crease his popularity, where be saw a wrong he righted it as a matter of course. The fact that he would be first to dis claim special credit for doing his work thoroughly, intelligently and effectively does not alter the other fact that he has earned the gratitude of the public by the manner In which he U performing tu duties ot his office, OTHER I.AJDS TIIAS orR. The Cossarks seom more and more to be the one body of troops In the Russian em pire in whlrh the government can place complete reliance. The sailors are dead. captured or In revolt and In many regi ments the men are uncertain; but the Cos sacks, now as always, seem willing and anxious to do the dirty work of the autoc racy by shooting down Russians at home though they failed lamentably to lire up to their picture paper reputations while serv ing In Manchuria against something be sides women, children and unarmed work men. One of the first surprises of the first land campaign was the collapse of the Cos sacks as a military force when used against the Japanese, and a striking feature of what is almost etYll war at home Is their effectiveness when confronting Russians; a not mysterious fact when It Is recalled that the Cossacks are not really soldiers and only nominally Russians. They are a people apart, who delight in venting their savagery anywhere and everywhere, in St. Petersburg as well as Mukden. The emigration statistics for Ireland for the year 1904 fMm1'.h melancholy reading. in that they show how Ireland continues to lose some of the best of Its population. Last year 36,902 natives of Ireland, a num ber equivalent to 8 i per 1,000 of the popu lation, left their homes, the vast majority to go to the United States or Canada. The total of 86.902 s a slight falling off as compnred with several recent years, and Is, Indeed, the smallest aggregate since 1S98. Rut, unfortunately, the outward flow has continued, for since 1R50 no fewer than 3.997.(nS of the Irish people have left their native land. A large proportion of these are among the flower of the race, and It is almost an axiom in Irish history that the energetlo and enterprising go, while the more helpless remain. How the provinces have lost may be briefly stated: Munster l snsiet Connaught eVn.T41 Ulster 1.121.S71 Iielnster 6S9.110 Unclassified 110.739 Total 8J97.91S This total Is equivalent to 74.T per cent of the average population. In his recent article on the present condi tion of the French army, Lieutenant- Colonel Plcquart says that the remark of Marshal Moltke, "Every thing money can give the French army possesses, as for the rest we have the right to make certain res ervations," is still applicable. He declares that France has an excellent artillery, that the French rifle is as good as any, that in case of mobilization French Industry could come effectively to the rescue of the mili tary administration, that French fortresses are redoubtable, and that the scheme of railway concentration is good. Moreover, thus far, in spite of the greater population of Germany, its effectives are not so far In excess of those of France as might be Imagined. Both have 24,000 officers under arms, and as for non-oommlssloned officers and soldiers, Germany has 000,000, while France has B50,000. For the moment there fore, the disparity in numbers la not alarm ing. He goes on to say that the weakness of the French military system lies not In the soldier, but In the command. Little change has been made during the last thirty years in the mode of obtaining the French officer. There Is still a great lack of homogeneity, owing to diversity of ori gin and the political and religious dissen sions that agitate the country. The great fact which inspires confidence in the future and In this Germany does not share Is that France possesses an indefinite capac ity for the production of such leaders as it might require In case of a long war. This, he says. Is not the case in countries where command is the privilege of a caste and where an abyss separates soldier and the officer. ' " Madagascar has a silk producing spider which is taken favorable notice of In. a recent special report from United States Consul Hunt, at Tamatavl. The full grown female of the species at maturity Is about two and one-half inches long, while the male reaches only one-sixth of that size. They abound in the Island, and the fiber they produce has been long known to the natives, though little use has been made of It. At the Paris exposition of 1900 a piece of spider silk fabric eighteen yards Ion and eighteen Inches wide waa exhibited, being woven of 100,000 yards of spun thread of twenty-four strands, and for its manu facture 26,000 spiders were required. These were procured by offering the natives so much a hundred; this brought them in In basketfuls, mostly dead, so It was found necessary for the winding off machines to go to fhe spiders instead oY calling In the spiders to the fllatorles. The cloth was of a shimmering golden yellow color, the ex position nowhere presenting a greater curi osity. There seems a prospect of making the fiber commercially available, and ex pert attention has for some time been ad dressed to the subject, with results which are said to be encouraging and satis factory. The latest Russian census sets at rest many of the curious things printed In the newspapers of other countries, as for In stance the statement widely circulated here that all but 20,000,000 of the 115,000.000 sub jects of the csar were "conquered" races, reluctant in their national allegiance. The purely Russian population Is almost ex actly 84,000.000. More Interesting than even the distribution of the races In this huge Babylonia Is the distribution of the classes. There are 96.914,(44 peasants, 13.586,392 burg hers, 1,230,169 hereditary noblemen, 630,119 personal noblemen and officials, 688,437 ecclesiastics. 242,927 hereditary and personal honorary clttsens, 281,179 merchants and (01,600 foreigners. Assuming that all wealth rowning, Eftng & Co CLOTHING FURNISHINGS. AND BATS "The day will come," said Beau Bruinmel, "when It will not be necessary to be stralght-laced to b e becomingly dressed In sum mer." Filteenth and j Douglas Sis. Broadway al llad fctrert NFAV They All Come Back for "20th Century Si '33 oap TOR HARDWOOD, FLOORS When Once Used. It is the Peer of all Cleaning Soaps. It contains no lye and is abeo lutely non-injurious. For carpet, rugs, hardwood floors, furniture, "curtains, dainty draperies, window gloss, dish washing, aa well ag for scrubbing and all the rough work or anything that water will not injure. . It not only cleans, but brightens and im proves everything washed with It Lightens labor and is pleas ant to use, as it does not injure the hands, but keeps them soft and white. It is a. woman's ablest assistant during housecleaning time- ALL DEALERS 10 CENTS Absolutely Pur. No Ly. HOFFHEIMER. SOAP 0. CHICAGO. comes from the farm, every seven peasants In Russia carry a townsman on' their backs. One man In every' 100 Is a noble man, one In every fifty either a nobleman, official or holder of some honorary title, one In every 2oo an ecclesiastic, one in every E00 a merchant. "There Is, Indeed, a healthy number of noblemen In the czar's domain. There are at least 200,000 able bodied noblemen In Russia, i w The Swedish army, on a peace basis, numbers about 32,000 men. There Is, In ad dition, an organized militia proportioned to the population, which Is about 6,000,000. Norway has only a mllltla, which haa been organised to the extent of about 82,000 men. A war. however, would bring practically the entire male population of both .coun tries, capable of bearing arms. Into the field. The rival armies would be quite large enough to make the struggle a very aerlous one. RIPPLES OP MIRTII. ; "Is he resting quietly T" asked the phy slclan. "No," said the watcher. "He's, snoring to beat the band." Chicago Tribune. Mr. Jawback I'm going out at the end of this act to get a breath of f m ah. alrv,, . ' Mrs. Jawback Well, dot bring U In hero with you If It's the same kind of a breath you got when you went oat before. Cleveland Leader. "Who was the originator of the folding bed?" said the furniture man. "Lasarus." replied his son. "History ears that 'he folded his bed and walked away " Detroit Free Press. Robinson Crusoe had Just discovered the footprints. "Hurrah!" he exclaimed: "I shall adver tise this as a summer resort, where men actually come on Friday." Feeling his fortune was made, he recon noUered with a light heart. Phlladelphl "Have you ever saved anything for a rainy day?" bawled the stern parent. Why, certainly, fathor," replied the Ir responsible, cheerfully. "I'm well Insured against a time like that I've saved aa um brella!" Louisville Courier-Journal. Kllaon Oaylord's wife used to be awfully stout, and now she is quite thin. What caused the change, I wonderf MarloW-tnvoice. This Isn't the same wKe. Country Life. . DAI). May Kelly In Llpplncotfa ' Some Boys they call their dad papa. Oh, gee! That makes me mad. It sounds so stiff and like a book" You bet I call mine dad. And he's a ripper, too, you bet The boys all wish they had A father that would laugh and Joke. And love them like my dad. Of course, sometimes, when all the bills Come In he's mighty mad; And then we sit as still as mice And hear him Jaw, poor dad. It's always over soon, and then Tou bet we all feel glad. And then we all climb on his lanJ And hug and kiss our dad., - - "You can't have kids and money, too." He says, and so he's glad The good Lord made him poor.' or alaa He mightn't been our dad. I don't want to be president, Uke every little tad! When I'm grown un. I'd rather be A nice man Just like dad. Summer Suggestions The .Vacation Season 8uggests"all'.: sorts of Holiday Wearables that'ara to be found at our store as for ex' ample: Feather weight Outing Suits, Iseat Negligee Shirts, .: Novelties in Neckwear, Fancy Ilose, J '. Kathing Suits, Underwear that fits, . Belts and Caps. We are very glad, to attend ' promptly and carefully to all en quiries by mail. . i OMAHA V YORK firtory, C?T Ssjxi j