THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY. JULY 8. 1003. OMUIt WE4TDER roRErJT-liiriln Pair. IT) rmi Grcin Trading Stamp Booth on Main Floor S- Saturday Must Mark Ai Epoch in Our July Clearance Sale Ladies' Summer Vests 20c for 7c Thin seems mnrrrloun, bnt It is what we are doing. One hundred dozen regular lXc Summer Vet; on sale Saturday at C LADIES' BUN BONNETS All our 25c and 35c qualities, lC Ladies' Under-Muslin Specials for Saturday. Corset Covers and Drawers, New Gowns, extra value, Cft at............ tDC I at 70c and JUC $2 Corsets. Our '.ick is too heavy in three of the best models of the R & G. Corset. Regular prices are $2.50, $3.50 and $4.50; on sals Saturday at 1 Discount Sale of New Ladies Tailor-Made Linen Suits. In white and colors only a few; colors blues, Resedn, natural linen and 'white; trimmed In self and fancy colors; styles are loose back, half fitted back, short blouse Jacket, coffee Jacket and Redlngote; skirts are cut in the latest styles all on sale Saturday at 25 per cen: off: "Sinclair" Millinery for Saturday A ROUSING CLOSING-OUT SALE Of Ladies' nml Misses' Rtreet Hats. All ready to wear and every one right for present wear values run as , PA high as .o.()0 Saturday your choice for. . . Ladies' and Misses. Trimmed Hats ' A variety of styles all good goods up-to-date in every thread and stitch values that run up to $0.50 sacrificed f AA Saturday at, each . U U , Values that run up to ?10.00, sacrificed Saturday at, PA ' each fD3 MID-SUMMER HATS! MID-SUMMER HATS! Fresh, new, sweet creations, each with the "Sinclair" touch of individuality, including Trimmed Effects and Ducks, Milans, Chips, Lingeries, etc. All in Light Shades ideal for July. SUrEMOK STYLES. 'WAY DOWN rUICES. Visit the Great West's Greatest Millinery. MRS. SINCLAIR IN CHARGE. U4.50 Suits at... 25 $13.50 Suits at. . ., I Per $12.50 Suits at... Cent ?10.50 Suits at. .. J Off 1 25 ! Per I Cent 5.50 Suits at. . . J Off f 7.50 Suits at. $ 6.95 Suits at July Neckwear Sale for Saturday Only. Ture Linen Collar and CufT Sets, In plain and coloi-s, nothing in this lot less than 75c some worth $1.50. All lace fancy stocks In creams and whites, rgulnr 3!c nnd 50c values; fine assorted line of linen and pique stocks and turnovers, fancy lace and embroidery trimmed J gf worth up to 75c ALL GO SATURDAY; SPECIAL, EACH sJrW Ladies' Fine Neckwear at a Bargain. Four dozen , Ladles' Ties to go at less than cost Crepe de Chine, extra heavy taffeta, fancy silk embroidered and all linen with real f" lace ends, values In this lot worth up to $3.00 each; nothing less than $1.00; special Saturday only, each o-rvw Continued Sale of Face Veilings. Fine Net Mesh Velllnxs In plain and fancy dots, in all the newest shades and patterns; not a piece in this lot worth less than 25c a yard and some worth 50c and 75c; ALL GO AT ONE PRICE JO SATURDAY, YARD mwrw - G'ove Sale for Saturday. Now is the time to purchase 75c and $1.00 values at cheap prices long and short silk gloves and extra quality of long lace niltts; whites P and blacks and a few assorted colors all in this lot go at one J II (J price for Saturday; Special, pair Shoes! Shoes! Shoes! Shoes! July Clearance Sale. Misses' and Children's White Canvas and Linen Ox- 7Qp fords,. former price $1.00, now Men's aaid Boys' Canvas Shoes, former price $1.25 QQ n and 1.50, now ...VOL Men's Tan Russia Calf and Chocolate Vici Kid, hand Q Z welt Oxfords, former price ?3.00, now Ladies'. Vici Kid, patent tip, hand-turned Oxfords Af and Marlowe Princess, former price $2.50, now ZJ Ladies'. Dorothy Dodd Chocolate Vici COURT. J AA TIES, now UU Misses' and Children's Tan and Black Oxfords . worth $2.00 now ' leat- Double Green Trading Stamps on all purchases until noon Saturday. Austrian China. Dinner Set. Fretty Pink Spray Decorations and Gold Traced, special Saturday only, f f qq a 116.00 set for Double Green Trading- Stamps on all Dlnnerware sales Saturday. GLASS TUMBLKR-Special, regular table slro, beet blown glass and pretty neat decorations, Saturday six for ..-' None delivered. l-plnt Glass Jug. good clear crystal, a 25c value, Saturday, 10C ArtClcaringstorSaturday SIX EXTRAORDINARY SPECIALS Pig Table of Sheet Picture, all sires, very suitable to refit your old Ri frames. July sale price JS i "u.' h im.rwiMU'aa.BiiTK, Metal Frames, the flpct of gold rlstlne In every ui-tn-1te share and finish tor phot -s, two ninrvelous values, 'JtL at So and Ilia; Pyrojrraphy Cut Our new 1!fi Outfit 1 a good f fit 13 nil value, will soil at I.IJV Nut Ttowls, some handsome new JUp designs. Sue value for OW 35c 4fk- values, for U"d Saturday otilv. ?0 t'FNT Dlsi'Ot'NT ON PFM N ANT MOl 1,1'lNliS FOH I'lCTL- UK Fit A Ml NO. S IKK t'FNT MSrolNT ON- AM. FUXMF.l) riCTl RKS IN OVU G VI. I.KIUKs A good opportunity to sdd a fine Art picture to the liome 2nd Floor. Bennett's Big Grocery Saturday's Interesting List of Money Savers and Extra. Green Trading Stamp Specials. Extra Clerks to Avoid Waiting. Fifty (Ifi.Wo Green Tradlr Stamrs with three pounds finest Java and fl Mocha Coffee I.W Forty (MO") Green Trading Stamps with sack Pride of Uennett's Flour, j g-j Thirty ($.T0r) Green Trading 8tamps . with pound Tea (any kind) ut7w Fifty (15.00) Green Trading Stamps S. with 6 lbs. splendid Jnpnn Rlce....t Twenty (t2) Green Trading Stamps Ofr with can Cream of Chocolate V7k Twenty ($2.00) Green Trading Stamps with pound New York Full Cream Ollr Cheese Twenty (1210) Green Trading Stamps with pound Full Cream Brick tr Cheese A limited quantity MacLaren's (E Imperial Cheese, Jar iJv each HAVILAND CHINA Seven patterns we must close out; one-third off the already low prices. Plates, at 25c I carB Bnd 8aucr"- 25c Close-Out Prices on Some Odd Dark Blue Dinner Ware. 80e Plates. 15c 2ntPlR,eB Cups and Saucers, OC,-, I Fruit Saucers, two for I at Platters, Bowls. Sugars all at one-half regular prices. Our odd table of white ware Is always full of bargains. Plates, at, each, 8c, 7c C-, I Fruit Saucers, and OWl each Butter Pads, Or I Vegetable Dishes, each " I 25c, 20c, 18c and. Worth Double. 10c . 5c SECOND FM)OR. ..3c 15c :2. m SOLID OLD SFKOTACLKS Ofl EYE-;LASSKS, with finest Import ed Ipiis, rpKulnr $8.00 k Ofr speclul 00 SOUIi liOUl SPECTACLES Oil EYEGLASSES, rlmloss, with finest imported lens, regular $7.00 4 n(r Hpeotneles i-CO 15 year Oold Filled S)ectneleB or Eye plaMscs, fiueHt Imported lens O f( reRuhir $."..()(). speclnl u.UU 10 year gold filled spectncles or Eye glasses, finest quality -t fo lens ,VO Genuine Flutlna Spectacles or Eye Klasses, with first quality J All 50e Spectacles, Saturday in only .....1"C MAIN FLOOR. Closing Out Hammocks Fifty ($5.00) Green Trading Stamps with hammocks Helling for $2.48, $1.08, $1.48, $1.25 QQ nnd ...... ZOC Fifty i$5.00) Green Trading Stamps with hammocks up f sa from Z.JU Roller Skates at a. Sacrifice Roller Skates, for Boys or Girls, M up from T9C Forty ($4.00) Green Trading Stamps with each pair. All Base Ball Goods at Cut Price Gloves and Mitts, q up from IOC Sporting Goods Dept Main Floor Bennett's Great Meat Section The choicest on the market. We sell as we advertise. Nothing short. A few of our many specials for Saturday. Chickens, Chickens. Choice Fresh Dressed Spring Chickens, each, .at Fresh Dressed Young O Hoosters, pound OiC Choice No. 1 Steer Sirloin Steak, pound Choice Fresh Small Pork Ixiliis, pound . . . . , Fresh Leaf Lard, fourteen pounds for VEAL, VEAL. Veal Shoulder Roast, four pounds for Si. . . Veal Stew, six pounds for x I2c 81c 1.00 25c 25c Good things to 'eljt' at our Delicatessen Counter. All kinds of cooked meats and sausages ready to eat. Fresh shipment dally from Welsel & Co., Milwaukee. HAMS. HAMS. Your choice of No. 1 Sugar Cured Hams, Cudahy's -or Swift's brands, average weight 10 to 12 pounds, every ham guaranteed, on sale at, per f t pound Thirty ($3) Green Trading Stamps with each hat. Basement. Twenty (J2.0O) Green Trading Stamps with gallon Duffy's Pure Cider A.c Vinegar OW Twenty ($2.00) Green Trading Stamps with five cans Genessee Corn, 50C Twenty OHM) Green Trading Stamps with Ave cans Brockport New iork file Tomatoes, very fancy VJWW Twenty ($2 00) Green Tiadlng Stamps with three pound can Burnliam s 2(lC Clam Chowder Twenty (2.00) Green Trading Stamps with pound Bennetts Capitol Baking OAr. Powder w Twenty (J2.00) Green Trading Stamps 'lfr, with can Huckln s Soups OUW Ten tH.OO) Green Trading Stamps s. with two puckagts Uuato "OC Twenty (2.00) Green Trading Stamps with can Diamond "S" Fruits, 2HC Ten. (ii.00) Green Trading ' Stamps with bottle Bennett's Capitol Ex- IMr -tracts IOW Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with bottle Gedney's Chill Sauce. 20C Ten (ll.ooj Green' Trading "stamps with two packages Graham Crack- OCr era, at Thirty ($3.00) Green Trading Stamps with three cans Itocky Mountain Cream "uv Ten (11.00) Green Trading Stamps -with three pkgn. Iemon Snaps 1CJW Ten (J1.00) Gr-en Trading Stamps 01r with can Gay'a Island Clams Ten ($1,001 Green Trading Stamps with can Marshall's Kippered OPlr Herring tJt CLOTHING SECTION JULY CLEARING SALE Coats and Trousers 120.00 ones at )$15.00 ones at , $10.00 ones at 8.00 ones at 11.75 . 9.75 .........6.75 4.75 SWEET CARNATIONS Several thousand swaet scented beautiful carnations, as long i lr- as the supply lasts, dozen ,IvW They are expected to arrive about nine o'clock. BUTTER, BUTTER SEVERAL THOUSAND POUNDS OF BENNETT'S CAPITOL, CKEAM-ERY-THE FINEST EVER, 11- ONE LB. BRICKS, (full weight). Just received from our country ship pers a large quantity of strictly fresh eggs, which we place AA.c' on sale Saturday, dozen FREE, FREE, FREE Fresh . Ice cold Buttermilk, free to everybodyvat Butter vcounter. BENNETT'S CANDY SECTION Chocolate Creams, vanilla flavor- f ed, pound IC Five (50c) Green Trading Stamps with package pure Sugar Stick Ifl Candy 1UC Five (50c) Green Trading Stamps with Bon Bon Box, fj Ailed JC Fine stripe tropical worsteds half silk lined, fine plain blue serge, mottled grey, grey plaid homespun. Dutchess Trousers 10c a button, $1.00 a rip. Men's and Young Men's and Feg Top Trousers. $U0 Bine Serge Trousers and Fancy Worsteds 4,00 $5.00 Blue Serge Trousers and Fancy Worsteds .3. 00 CleHinCC (H00 Trousers at ....-.,.... 3.00 o t $3.00 Trouser at 2.00 jiiC )?2.00 Trousers at 1.00 Odd Fail's (Boys' all wool Trousers, worth $2.... 1.00 Blue Serge Suits i Men's nnd Young Men's. Despite the scarcity and advance, we have them. $20.00 Suits 11.11 $15.00 Suits 8.88. .112.50 Suits 6.66 17.50 Suits 4.44 As long as they Inst, you can buy them. Some of the lots are getting low. Watch them drop out one by one. 3.95 Children's and Boys' Suits, : to 1(1, choice of any suit up to $7.50 at One hundred (J10.001 Green Trading Stamps. v Furnishing Goods Section. Just received an advance shipment of Shirts that ordinarily we would have received for fall, but owing to our big shirt business we had these shipped as soon as manufactured. White Stripe Pique Bosom, with check loily, of all colors. Fifty ($5.00) Green Trading Stamps. These goods would sell for $1.50 on 100 Broadway, New York. See sixteenth street window.. : l.UU Fancy Underwear, twenty ($2.00) Green Trading Stamps, odds from the 50c line, colors black, blue and pink, at, garment JOC India Crepe Underwear, worth $1.00 n garment, twenty ($2.00) Green Trading Stamps, at 50c Saturday Specials in Hat Section Lot 1. Men's fine Braid Sailor, $2.00 hat, to close Lot 2. Men's fine Braid Sailor, $1.5ahat, to close Lot 3. Men's Senuett Straw Sailor, $1.00 hat, to close... Lot 4. Y'ouug Men's Maniin Straw (telescope shape) $2.00 hat, to close. Lot 5. Y'ouug Men's Forto HI can Straw (telescope shape) $1.50 hat, to close Lot 0. Men's line Braid Manila Straw, $1.50 hat. to close 1.38 08o 75c 1.38 -98o 08o $15.00 Hats 8.88 $10.00 Hats ..' 6.66 $7. 50 Hats , 4.44 Bargain Square ktraw Hats Soiled, good for fishing, outing and country hats, worth up to $1.00, at. Boys' Black and White 50c Shirts 10c 25o Pearl Crush Hats, worth up to $1.00, at.. Fifty ($5.00) Green Trading Stamps. 50c APPRAISERS COME AND GO Uaad. llTord and Bentonberg Proceed with Valuation of Water WoTki. WATER BOARD GOES INTO FEOERAl COURT CoTcraor Boyd 8y TbU Cho. mm Moat FeMlbl Method ol Bringing APPI'" Final Head. i Th Water board reaorted to on In tinctlon imt aa the moat feasible nethod of bringing this appraisement ,o a. head. Our desire and idea la to , nave the- court determine what la to be gppralaed. We feel that " the entire ayatem, outside as well aa within Omaha, Is taken In now, later It will have to go to the courts (ur final set tlement and It will facilitate matters U that Question can be settled now. Xx-Qovernor Boyd, member of the Water board It la not denied that the appraisers were brought out here at this time so this Injunction could be served on them. They will return to Chicago to night ' Engineers Mead. Alvord and Benienberg, the Omaha water works appralaers, ar rived Friday morning from Chicago and went to Florence under the guidance of As sistant City Engineer Craig to Inspect the pumping station rlprapplng during high water In the Missouri and announced thut they had no Idea when their final report fixing the value of the plant would be made. They returned to Chicago last night, however, an injunction b- lng obtained In the meantime by the water board to re tard their action. "Can you auy whether i it will be a ques- BABTS TERRIBLE SORE E'.Jj Rat With Humor, Caosed Uctsld Agony. Doctor Did Ko 6oti Mother Discourage!. CUTICURA CURED AT ONCE My child was very delicate baby. A terrible sore and humor broke oat on his body, looking like raw flesh, and causing the child untold agony. My physician prescribed rarions rem edies, none of which helped at all. I became discouraged and took the matter into tny own hands, and tried Cuticum Soap and Cuticura Ointment nmh almost immediate success, lie lore the second week had passed the ' gorencss was gone, not leaving a trace of anything. Mrs. Jeannctte H. Block, a3i K.ocXlg bU, Jiocbe.tcr, i. V? tlon of weeks or of months?" was asked Chairman Mead. "It would not be worth while to express an opinion," responded Mr. Mead. "Tho appraisers have worked on the case Just aa often and aa rapidly as their other du ties permitted. We feel we have made sub stantial progress, but I don't know aa I can estimate what proportion of the work we have finished. . We are out here now at the request of the Water board, eg' that the latter may submit certain matters. These Include an Inspection of the riprap protection to the pumping station at Flor ence; what else I do not know. As to how long we will remain here and just what we will do remains to b Btrmlned at the direction of the Water board. There ! no possibility of a report being made before we leave." ' Aa to Thoxe Affidavits. When attention was called to the fact that Engineers Cooley, Williams, Ritchie and others had made affidavits In the fed eral court giving estimates of the value of the plant, the response was: "The way the case was presented to us," replied Mr. Mead, "meant that a tremen dous inuM of testimony, schedules, maps, etc., was brought before us for considera tion. Following out the method in which the case was given to us, we have to take Into consideration and determine the value of every separate Item. This makes the task very difficult and requiring minute care and time. We have no desire to hold back the report any longer than necessary, but wish to make the appraisement In the most painstaking manner possible." "Do you know how the engineers who made the affidavits arrived at their con- ciusionsT ' asked Appraiser Benzenberg. A negative answer wus given. "Well," con tinued the engineer, "you can make an esti mate of the value of the plain and so can any pther person. Would that estimate be worth anything?" Appraiser Alvord added- "We are loaded down with an overwhelming mass of evi dence and detail and we are trvlna to assimilate It as best we know how." cago, St. Faul, Minneapolis & Omaha rail way lying east of the teservolr at Flor ence, and for the west twenty-five acres of the south half of the northwest quarter of section 7, township 15, range 13; for cer tain lots In Armstrong's addition, and also the Poppleton avenue pumping station, and for the plant as a going concern and for any 'property outside the city of Omaha, except such part of the works at Florence and the connections therewith to the por tion of the plant in the city of Omaha, The order also directs that the appraisers shall not fix the value of the water works as of a date prior to the final submission of said appraisement to the defendants, the Water board and city of Omaha, Jan uary 3, 19"6. Any report of appraisement made before the final hearing and disposi tion of the motion for an Injunction which includes the estimate of the value of the water company's properties herein men tioned shall contain the values of each of said properties separate and distinct by themselves, and until the hearing and disposition of the motion the said defend ants are restrained from further consider ing the vulues of the water company's property described In tho restraining order at the expense of any parties to this suit. The order Is made returnable July 30. The necessary subpoenas and sum monses were served on the water com pany and defendants named by United States Marshal Matthews Friday afternoon. $8,606.99, at 7 per cent interest from De cember 1, lfl(4. The suit is for compensation and commissions alleged to be due plaintiff while acting as manager of the publishing company In Omaha and elsewhere. The case is transferred from the district court of Douglas county. RAISE OF RATES DEFENDED Recent Advance of Royal Arcanum Finds Champion In Grand Council Officer. Unit for Salary. John J. Byrne has brought suit In the United States circuit court against the publishing firm of P. F. Collier & Co. tor WATER BOARD GECTI IXJI CTIOX Restrains Appraisers from larladlna; System OnUldo of Omaha. Judge Mungr issued a restraining order Friday afternoon upon the application '-f the Omaha Water board to prevent lncljd lng In the appraisement anything outsldi of Omaha. It directs Daniel W. Mead, John W. Alvord and George H. Benien berg and the Omaha Water company be restrained until further hearing from re turning an appraisement, of the value of the property of the Omaha Water com pany in a gross sum which shall Include the value of the pipe systems and connections lying and situated in the municipalities of South Omaha, Benson, East Omaha, Flor ence and Dundee, and from considering the their estimate or award for ur on account of government lots 1 I ar.d i. In the city of Omaha, and for certain streets and alleys owned and used by the water cum par.y at what la known as the Burt street pumping station, right-of-way vt the Chi- "On and OfflikcaCoat" COAT SHIRTS Suited to every figure, and every occasion. Designs exclusive. FAST COLOR FABRICS $1J0 and up. CLUETT, PtAOOOY ft CO., iAsatar maker o shists smisna IS WOSLS. A union meeting of the various council of the Royal Arcanum order was held inursaay night at Royal Arcanum hall. Sixteenth and Harney streets, to listen to an address by Special Deputy Supreme Regent E. Lindsay Grler of Pittsburg on the subject of the change in the Insurance rates of the Royal Arcanum recently pub lished. Mr. Qrler's address was explana tory of the action of the supreme council In raising the rates, attempting to show that it was essential to the best Interests of secure Insurance and that the members were not assessed in excess of the ,.,i,ui cost of the risk. The actual cost of Insur ance at the minimum age now In the Ar canum under the new rate was about W per thousand, while that of the old-line companies at the lowest figure was $11. He held It was not the purpose of the new ruling to drive out the old men of the Arcanum, but simply to equalize the rate, requiring them to iuv hut a ..., portion of the burden, which had hitherto been thrown largely uDon the vmm. members. Mr. Grler has been vlsitin the .! a.. canum lodges throughout the state In the interest of the increased rate and explain ing the same. He departed for Boston Friday afternoon. Bee Want Ads Produce Results. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. recent" hL""0" h" recovPre'1 tr hi ll. F. Leher nnd wife of Albion. Neb., are guests at the Millard. ' 8 A. Diamond of Kansas City and A. OrandUmer eUUe re a' Ult ,,.Mvr' 'Dd .Mr"' p- 8- Parks of Idaho Falls. Idaho; A. B. Patterson of Baker t ity. Ore JdinardC' Kt,;k'n of Salt Utke are at 'he Among the Nehraskart registered at the FaV.1, ar c- A- I'h'mond of Lincoln, A. V. Parker of Hartingtnn. J. V. Wlsen stene of Columbus, Charles T. Neal of Lincoln and J. M. Dixon of Fremont. Misses Julia anr: Tess Butler of Ottawa III., have arrived In Omaha, to sp-nd two week visiting their couln. Miss Margaret Butler of California street. They nill afterward go on to Denver to spend a few weehs. John J Murphy. Miss Claudle Hurd. both of Nehgh. A. 11. Campbell of Falrbury. Miss eiibbs of Logan, fa.. F. M. Hall of Ha.stiniis and Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Lii'lmts ton of Burwell. Nib., are aim-ng the guests at the Murray. E. L. Myers a merchant of Newport, Neb.. E. I Hall, a mining engineer of Wnver. Charles E. Phrader of Nebraska City. G. E. Masno of (J rand Inland and O. H. Thony, a banker of St. Ldwards. Neb., are on the Merchants hotel n-glslvr, stopping in the city for a law daya. RECENT COMPANY WILL STAY choa Factory People Deny Intention of Eemoring to Blair. PRESIDENT WILLIAMS MAKES A STATEMENT Willing; to Consider Offers from Any Community, bnt Has Made Ko Overtures and is SatlsBed In Omaha. Blair Is very much stirred up over the prospects for the removal of the Regent Shoe company's factory from Omaha to that city. The report reached here last night that the Regent company had made a proposition to the Blair Commercial club for the location of the factory, nnd the club hod appointed committees to investi gate the company's standing In Omaha and to canvass for subscriptions. The Blair Pilot yesterday published an article re garding the matter. The truth of these reports are dented by O. B. Williams, president of the Regent company, who says the company has made no proposition to the Blair Commercial club. H. Q. Harte, vice president of the company, makes the same statement. Advices from Blair say the Omaha com pany has proposed that If the people of Blair will furnish 150,000 the company will put In a like amount and build at Blair a plant with a capacity of 600 pairs a day; also that If Blair does not accept the proposition the company will go to some other town, as It wishes to get away from the entanglements of union labor In Omaha. Mas Made No Proposition. "The company has made no proposition to Blair." said Mr. Williams, "and we are not considering the matter. I can easily explain how the report got started. Two weeks ago 1 was In Blair and members of the Commercial club came to me and asked me If the company would consider a propo sition to remove to Blair. I told them that any offer of theirs would receive considera tion. Since then I have not heard from them. "About a year ago, at the time of the consolidation of the Richardson Shoe com pany and the Williams Shoe company Into the Regent Shoe company, Blair people opened negotiations with us. but we were unable to arrive at any satisfactory con clusions with them. "Union labor Is all right, and we are not trying to get out of Omaha on that account. We are not opening negotiations with any town On the other hand, I will say that we are always ready to consider the propo sitions which any town may make. All that has passed between me and Blair has pansed unofficially and tho company has neither made nor received an offer." The Regent company's factory Is located at 1 North Twenty-fourth street. It has beeu running a lltU mora than a year, since the Richardson company came hero from Davenport, la., and Joined forces With the Williams company, which was at that time solely n Jobbing firm. The Rich ardson people said they came to Omaha to get Into a larger town and to get the ad vantage of better freight rates. SPOKANE SENDS0UT BOOMER Representative of Chamber of Com merce Cornea to Middle West to Advert Ue City. R. C. Rohrabacher, representing the Chamber of Commerce of Spokane, Waali.. who is visiting the principal cities and towns of the middle west for the purpose of advertising the advantages of Spokane as a point of Interest to tourists enrouto to and from the Port lurid exposition, Is In Omaha. He says: "Hpokane is a city of 70,000 populntion'and we -are the center of an area of about 150. 000 square miles, embracing parts of Wash ington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana and Brit ish Columbia, which is nearly one-half of the original Oregon territory. This area Is the only part of the United States acquired by discovery. The resources tributary to Spokane are as varied aa they are ex tensive. Including agriculture, lumbering and mining gold, lead, silver and copper. There is certainly no Bectlon of tho coun try where the farmers are In more pros perous condition than they are In eastern Washington, and all forms of Industry and enterprise are thriving in an equal meas ure. Spokane Is destined to become a great manufacturing point, having a developed water-power second In volume only to Ni agara. It Is the greatest railway center of the Pacific northwest at the present time. The climate is not surpassed any where In the west. Being east of the Cas cade range, the excessive precipitation ex perienced by the coast cities Is avoided, and altitude and consequent rarity of the atmosphere render the- summer tempera ture less oppressive than the thermometer would Indicate. "As a place of Interest to visitors, Spo kane has no apologies to make to the pub lic. The city has excellent hotels and theaters; has the best restaurant west of New York City, beautiful parks and drive ways, Is surrounded by gems of mountain lakes and rivers fairly teeming with trout and bass, and Is within easy reach of big game in the adjacent mountains. "The people of Spokane are making a particular effort to Induce visitors to the Lewis and Clark exposition to stop off and see their city and are spending thousands of dollars without hope of any other return than will be received In the Interest and good will of all who accept their Invitation." Wonderful Bargain Offer Ladles Suits-Shirt Waist Suits-Shirt Waists-Skirts-Silk Waists-Millinery Space does not permit us to publish all of the Bargains we offer but the reduction is the same on all lines Come early. Buy for Cash or on Credit as you Choose ladies' S8 Salts nw $3.29 Udiea' SIO Suits asw $6.98 UiUt' Ifcl.t Silts now iOAi Ladies' S3 tUf S .B Ladies' S3 Mils $1.73 Take two-thirds off the price of any trimmed hst In the store. MEN'S SUITS AT COST Big bsrgains in Men's and Boys'' Suits. Don't buy till you see them. Men's SIO Suits saw S7.87 Men's $12 Sails nsw S9.38 Men's S13 Sails now 411.42 Boys' Sri Suits now $4.23 Men's $2 lists now $.CO Ycur Credit is always Good Here. 1508 Dodge Street 1 Rosen ccei