Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 08, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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Telephone 4.
Marina; July unit
.4n(i,t w f lose Wat-
nrdnra at
Our Rmii-nDiiual pale of wparate Drops Bkirta nnd separate Street Skirts will bepin tomorrow,
, Saturday, July S, at 8 o'clock. There are about 800 garments, consisting of Wash Skirts in white
and colored linen and different wash materials, Voiles, Tanamas, Brilliantines, CloUi, Shepard
Checks md Fancy Mixtures, also all our handsome Black Silk Taffeta Skirts. There is nearly all
frizes from 35 length up to 43. Every skirt will be sold at exactly ONE-HALF their regular value.
Remember we close at 1 o'clock and advise you to come earlj-, so as to have plenty of time to
make your selection.
New nnd vry stylish plaited skirts In
nhppnurd plnM wool materials, rosjularly
old at 15.50 clearing nil price, 12.75. "
Fancy cloih check, mixed plaited skirts,
regularly sokl at .10 clearing sal price,
Extra (In cloth skirts. In fancy checks,
refrutarly sold at 17.60 clearing sal price,
All our brllllftntlne and fancy mixed
skirts, regularly sold at IS.50 clearing sale
price, M 25.
Al! our very handsome Panama brll
liantlne and serge skirts, regularly sold at
110 SO-clearIng solo price, $5.25.
Wash Goods Special for Saturday Morning, 5c Per Yard
TUI.s special lot Include 2.V Organdies, 15c Suitings, 15c Voiles, 15c Batistes, 10c Lawns, 10c Suitings. Como
Saturday morning and secure some of these barcalns.
Mosquito Netting at 25c per bolt. V e offer a limited quantity of best quality "McLean's" Mosquito Netting.
Bolts contain 8 yards In length and the (roods are 1 yards wide. Trice for Saturday only, 25c per bolt.
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT Extraordinary Silk Sale Monday. Colored 811k. Crepe de Chine and Bungalow Silk
Novelty. Now displayed In our Sixteenth street window. See Sunday'g papers for further particulars. All go at S'Jc
Y. M. C. A. Building, Corner Sixteenth and Douglas Sts.
has been reached money-making can never
stnnd on the snmo plane with other and
nobler farms of effort. The roll of Ameri
can worthies numbers men like Washington
and Lincoln, Orant and Farragut. Haw
thorne and Poe, Fulton and Morse. 8t.
1 Oaudens and MncMonnles; It numbers
t statesmen and soldiers, men of letters, art
i Ists sculptors, men of science, Inventors,
t explorers, roadmnkers. bridge builders,
philanthropists, moral leaders In grent re
forms; it numbers men who have deserved
well In any one of countless fields of ac
tivity; hut of rich men It numbers onlv
those who have used their riches aright,
who have treated wealth not as an end, but
as a means, who have shown good con
duct In acquiring It and not merely lavish
generosity In disposing of It.
Thrice fortunate are you to whom' It Is
given to lives of resolute endeavor
for the achievement of lofty Ideals, and,
furthermore, to Instill, both by your lives
and by your teachings, these Ideals Into
the minds of those who In the next genera
tion will, as the men and women of that
generation, determine the position which
this nation will hold In - the history of
Response by Miss Blake.
Responses to the president's address were
made by John R. Kirk, president of the
State Normal school of Klrksvllle, Mo.,
and Miss Kathertne Devereaux Blake,
principal of public school No 8, New York
City! Miss Blake's response was a notable
effort. 8he pronounced an eloquent eulogy
on tto president, concluding with these
He Is a greater teacher than any among
.' ua. We are teachers of children; he Is a
teacher of men, a teaeher of nations. Hd
Is not only the president of the United
States, but also the best loved man in all
the world-
'' As the president shook hands with Miss
Blak at the conclusion' of her address
the audience rose to Its'eet and cheered
for nearly a minute. It had been the presi
dent's Intention to mak another address
outside the auditorium, but his time was
o Short he 'could stop only long enough
on the Ocean driveway to greet the crowd
which, had assembled and to express his
pleasure at the reception accorded to him.
He left Immediately for Oyster Bay.
Ofllce (or Omaha Man.
Among th offlcwa elected by the several
divisions for the ensuing year were the
Business Section Second vice president,
W. H. Wagner, Los Angeles, Cal.
Department of Science Instruction Irest
'dent. H. A. Renter, Omaha, Neb.
Library Department President, J. N.
Wllkins. Emporia, Kan.
Physical Education Secretary, Miss Mae
Long, Mason City la.
Kindergarten Department President,
Mary C. May, Bnlt lAke City; vice presi
dent. Efrner E Brown, Berkeley, Cal.
Department of Secondary Education Sec
retary, 1'hllo M. Buck. 8t. Louis.
Capital f Russia Ma? Be Transferred
to Ancient Capital of
ST. PETERSBURG. July T. Emperor
Nicholas Is going to Moscow. In this con
nection th Llstolc prints a rumor that his
majesty has decided to transfer the capital
took to Moscow. Such a transfer has been
seriously agitated time after time on the
ground that the true heart of Russia beats
I under the shadow of the holy Kremlin and
not at th showy capital on the banks of
th Neva. The last general agitation for
th transfer was afloat bef or the assassi
nation of Alexander II.
Finds Yellow Fever Mosqaltos.
LIMA. Peru. July 7. Dr. Barton, the
bacteriologist of the Quadaloupo hospital at
Callao, has Informed the local Hoard of
Callao and Mtraflores a number of mos
quitoes of th kind which produce malaria
ana yeiiow lever inieciion.
Boys', Wash Suits
Arjts 3 to 9
About 200 little suits at big
reduction in pries Saturday.
Suits worth up to 1.75 I fin
will sell for IsllU
Suits worth tip to $ 1.05 IP
will sell for IsZJ
Suits worth up to $3.00 t AtZ
will soil for IT"J
Girls Aprons
Ages 2 to 10
I French Gingham Aprons,
blue or pink checks.
1.V Aprons
at ........
$1.15 Aprons
. . Write (or Catatogae.
Douglas St. 'Paeae 1701.
Grotx. July Special of Dress Skirts and
Walking Skirts All on Special Sale Sat
urday Morning at One-Hatlf Price.
All our black voile skirts, silk lined drop
skirts, regularly sold at $1160 clearing
sale price, $.2S.
All our rr stylish black silk taffeta
skirts, all new models, regularly sold at
$18.00 clearing sale price, $7.60.
All our beautiful black voile skirts, un
Uned, regularly sold at $18.00 clearing sale
price. $7.60.
All our verv highest novelties. In black
and champagne colored vollas, regularly
sold at $25.00 clearing sale price, $12.50.
All our French voile skirts, elegant
styles with beautiful silk drop skirts,
EejresentatiTB of tional Eeciprooity
Confereno Calls on Him.
Politics In National Guard Said to Be
Raining Discipline Two Cliques
VfltU Two Regiments In
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, July 7. (Special. )-W. E.
Skinner of the Union stock yards of Chi
cago, and connected with the National
reciprocity conference which is to be held
In Chicago August 15 and 1ft, is In the city
today and made a personal call on Gov
ernor Cummins to Invite him to be present
at the conference and deliver an address.
The Corn Belt Meat Producers' association
of this state Joins with fourteen other or
ganisations In the call for. the convention.
Governor Cummins assured Mr. Skinner
that he would be present and participate.
At his hotel this evening Mr. Skinner
said: "If I should talk all night I could
not tell more of the purpose of the con
ference than Is contained In the call. This
s a decidedly Important affair. W aro
today face to face with a new and prohibi
tive German tariff designed to keep out
every pound of American breadstuff and
meat products. Retaliation has been tried
at tremendous cost td our producers and
manufacturers and Is a failure. In calling
this conference we stand on the broad plat
form enunciated by President McKinley In
his lust speech at Buffalo. We care not
whether the future of our trade be safe
guarded by means, of direct reciprocity
treaties or under the provisions of a fairly
drawn maximum and minimum tariff law
under which the government could directly
negotiate advantageous International agree
ments, but th situation demands at once
that In some form ther be established th
principle of conceding something to such
nations aa will concede valuable trade re
lations with ua."
Carroll Shows a Growth.
But for the Increase In the population of
the city of Carroll the county of that name
would show a loss this year. The official
figures given out by the census depart
ment today show that Carroll county gained
zis in population In five years. The city of
Carroll gained Ml. showing that the county
wun tne exception of Carroll lost In popu
lation. The population of Carroll county is
now 20.636 and the population of Carroll city
s.ns. This makes seven counties out of
thirty-two that show a gain in population.
More Cattle at State Fair.
The cattle exhibit at the State fair this
this year, according to all Indications, will
be larger than last year, and last year's
exhibit set the record. It la a serious propo
sition with the dlreotors to find space for
the exhibits. The National Association of
Polled Durham today notified Becretary
Simpson that It had appropriated enough
toward the premiums to make them as
large In that class as for the Jerseys and
Holstelns. This Is th first year premiums
have been offered for Polled Durham.
Jesse Crawford Paroled.
Governor Cummins has Issued a parole
for Jesse Crawford, who with Orlando P.
Wllkins held up th Dallas County Savings
bank ten years ago. Crawford was a boy
of It and Wllkins was a relative and an
escaped convict from th penitentiary at
Stillwater, Minn. Crawford was captured
and forced to set fir to a barn In which
Wllkins hid. As Wllkins emerged he was
Shot dead by on of the posse of farmers.
During the bank holdup Hon. S. M. Leach,
cashier of the bank, was shot in th shoul
der, but recovered.
Polities ia n Gnard.
Th round robin that was passed1 around
at th encampment of th Fifty-third and
Fifty-fifth regiments last year to secure
the removal of Adjutant General Byers
seems likely to have set a precedent for the
National Guard. Officers say the discipline
of the guard has been destroyed. The
Firty-sixth, now In camp. Is complaining
that the adjutant general's office has not
carried out Its promises to fix up the
grounds. There is talk of another round
robin to be sent to the governor. Th guard
Is split Into two factions and has been for
some years, th Fifty-sixth and Fifty.
fourth being In on faction and the other
two regiments In th other faction.
Th rain today somewhat spoiled the
program, but the regular maneuvers of th
morning hour were carried out.
UchtalasT Hits t'onrt Hons.
In th thunder storm today lightning
struck th derrica being used in th ereo
tkn of the tower on the new court house
and John Hooper, a workman who was on
It, fell to the roof twenty feet below. He
was stunned for a time, but 11 Is believed
will recover.
Child la Hart by Fall.
MENU), 1., July T (Special ) The lit
tle daughter of Mr. and Mia. F. E. Faylors,
living south of town, fell from a horse
abovt.l. o'clock, breaking boiA pones of
hor left forearm. About lore weks ago
regularly sold at $27.50 clearing sale price,
$13.75. ,
Linen skirts, regularly sold at $3.50 clear
ing sale price, $1.75.
All our wash skirts, regularly sold at
$3.00 clearing- sale price, $1.50.
We wish to say to our customers that
these skirts are all strictly new and of the
very latest designs. This great sale pre
sents an opportunity to save money which
is not ofun presented. Do not forget to
come early as Saturday Is a short working
day at our store.
her 7-year-old brother fell from the same
horse, breaking his collarbone.
Reports from I'p Bad River Indicate
Several Lives Have Been
PIERRE. 8. D.. July 7. (Special Tele
gram.) A report was brought In from up
Bad river from Bovine this morning of
the death by drowning In the flood of Joe
Branek, who was washed away when try
lng to save some horses. He came from
southern Hand county and his relatives
have been notified. At the time the mes
senger left the body had not been recov
Alt told about a dosen --ther people have
not yet been located and the actual loss of
life cannot be determined for several days
Three-quarters of an Inch of rain fell
here In about fifteen minutes tills evening
and It is feared the Northwestern track
east of here Is cut again. Lightning struck
a barn at the Indian school, tearing an
end off. If the rain extended west It will
affect Bad river again.
' High Water at Huron.
HURON, &!., July 7. (Special.) Hevy
rains continue almost daily In this sec
tion of ;he state. - Since the 1st of June
more than a foot of water has fallen, four
Inches of which has fallen during the last
five days. Thursday evening one and a
half inches fell in thirty minutes. The
lightning was terrlMo and some hall fell,
but so far no damage from theso la re
ported. Basements and cellars are again
flooded, and Iowa street, from First to
Ninth, Is under from one to four feet of
water. The Jim river la eight feet above
Its average depth and creeks and lakes
have overreached their banks, while ra
vines and low places are veritable lakes.
Many bridges have been carried away or
damaged, and the Northwestern and Great
Northern railways are experiencing diffi
culty in operating trains because of wash
outs and soft roadbeds. Some -damage to
wheat and small grain on low lands will
result, and corn cannot be worked because
of excessive moisture. Country roads are
almost Impassible.
Lightning- Causes Damage.
HURON, S. D.t July 7.-(Speclal.)-Soma
damage has resulted In this (Beadle) county
from wind and lightning during the hea-y
storms of the last ten days. Lightning
caused the death of twelve head of rattle
for Frank Branstead of Grant township.
The home of Frank Wilson, In the' time
township, was also damaged by lightning.
Charles Miner of Clifton township lost
cattle by lightning, and Walter Ilateman
and Charles Rhodes, both of Pearl Creek
township, are losers; the former's barn was
blown from Its foundation And .he tatter's
barn was struck by lightning. The barn of
George Barrett of Liberty township was
also blown from its foundation and Uidly
Deputy Warden selected.
SIOUX FALLS, 8. D., July 7. (Special.)
The deadlock over the appointment ot a
deputy warden of the Sioux Falls peni
tentiary has been broken by the selection
of W. H. Martin, for some years chief of
the Stoux Falls police department, to the
position. The new warden of the peni
tentiary, H. T. Parmley. originally favored
the appointment of Henry Peterson, a
fcrmer deputy warden, but the State Board
of Charities and Corrections would not con
firm th appointment.
Grand exalted Raler and Other
Officials are Now Preseat
at Buffalo.
BUFFALO, July 7. The advance guard
of th Elks are arriving here for next
week's reunion of that order. Among to
day's arrivals were Grand Exalted Ruler
William J. O'Brien of Baltimore. Past
Grand Exalted Ruler Jost-ph T. Fanning of
Indianapolis, Grand Becretary Fred T. Rob
inson of Dubuque, Ia., and Grand Trustee
B. F. McNulty of Austin. Tex.
According to the grand secretary the or
der now has fe6 lodges, with a membership
of 300,040, a gain ot 60.000 members during
th last year. Fifty -Ave new lodges wore
Installed during the y?ar.
I and .Uk .11 ... .1-..
There's an
sir way .
Food Coffee
Gitket Containing Body of Hero Beits in
Mortuary Chapel on Wharf.
Residents of French rort Tarn Oat
to Honor Memory of John Pant
Jones and American
CHERBOl'RO, July 7. The funeral train
bearing the body of Admiral Paul Jones
and 600 American sailors and marines ar
rived here from Paris at 7:30 a. m. An
enormous crowd surrounded the railroad
station and witnessed the removal of the
body to a mortuary chapel erected on the
wharf of the American steamship line. The
chapel was beautifully decorated with
palms, flags snd escutcheons from the
naval arsenal.'
The American consul, H. J. E. Halnne
vllle, and many French officers took part
In the ceremonies. The American sailors
and marines were drawn up In battalion
front facing the Twenty-f.itn regiment of
French infantry. The body was borne be
tween the saluting French and American
forces to a catafalque, where It was cov
ered with flags and flowers, the band of the
United States flagship Brooklyn playing the
national anthem. The townspeople th-n
defiled before the coffin, respectfully uncov
ering as they did so. '
The ceremony ot transferring the body of
the admiral on board the Brooklyn will
take place at noon tomorrow and the squad
ron will sail at 5 o'clock In the evenlt.g or
the United States.
Onawa and Dakota City Both Re
port Flpod Stages la
th- River.
ONAWA, la.. July 7. (Speelal.)-The Mis
souri river has raised considerably south
west and west of Onawa. Hardy Moor
head, who lives three miles southwest of
town, reports the Missouri four miles wide
there, it having overflowed the low lands,
which were mostly "made" lands. In this
vicinity the river had cut Into the Iowa
side very much In former years, but about
two years ago suddenly changed Its chan
nel and veered to the Nebraska side, leav
ing a lot of sandbars that are now covered
with water. The Missouri, however, at this
point Is yet ten feet below the main bank
of the river. The waters from the Mis
souri have backed up into Gard lake and
now cover the Jewell road grade, two and
a half miles south of Onawa. The Little
Sioux and West Fork rivers are both very
high and reports from above are not en
couraging. The Little Sioux Is bank full
at Otd In Woodbury county.
DAKOTA CITY, Neb., July 7.-(Speclal.)
The Missouri river Is on a rampage here,
being at the highest stage it has been for
several years, and still on the rise. At
this point It lacks about four feet of being
out of Its banks, but along Walker's
island. In this county. It has gone out of
Us banks and several hundred acres of
farm land are already Inundated. In some
places the water Is from four to six feet
deep and people have had to move out of
their houses and take their stock to safety.
The rise In water is the result of the
flood at Pierre, S. D., a few days ago.
Crystal lake, which for years has been
very low, will again, be filled with water
by the overflow from the river.
SIOUX CITY. Ia.. July L The Blr Bloux
Ttvrr lr hlghe-tnin4 It has been In twenty;
years ana general alarm exists along Jts
banks for fifty miles above Bloux City.' At
Riverside Park here three of the four ex
pensive boat club houses are under water.
Thousands of aires of crops have been
ruined by the overflow, the river varying
from a half mlla to three miles In width.
Houses have been seen floating ' down
stream, but np deaths have been reported
as yet, though families have been driven
Chief of Korean of City Property De
posed by Mayor of Phila
delphia. PHILADELPHIA. July 7. George H.
Plerie, chief of 4 he bureau of city prop
erty, resigned today at the request of
Mayor Weaver. The resignation will taka
effect at once.
. Wilbur Flak Bandera.
HELENA, Mont., July 7. Wilbur Flsk
Sanders, on of Montana's most Illustrious
citizens, civil war veteran, pioneer, lawyer,
leader of the vigilantes and former United
States senator, died here today aged 72
years. He was a native of New York and
served during the civil war under General
Sherman until Incapacitated. He came to
Montana to recuperate and at once as
sumed a prominent position as prosecutor
In the public trials for the vigilantes,
which body restored law and order In the
then highly disorderly gold country. He
was elected one of Montana's United States
senators and has been prominently Identi.
fied with every public movement In the
state for forty years. He suffered many
years from cancerous afflictions.
8. Neve.
DAKOTA CITY. Neb., July 7.-(Speclal.)
B. Neve died at his home In South Sioux
City yesterday afternoon as the result of
overheat. Mr. Neve Is a watch repairer,
and besides having a business at South
Sioux City visits Homer and this place
weekly. While returning from Homer last
Saturday on his bicycle he became over
heated, being taken with a vomiting spell
upon his arrival home, and he gradually
grew worse Until his sudden death Wednes
day afternoon. He leaves a wife and three
children. The deceased, with his family.
removed to South Bloux City from Blaii
about six years ago. Interment will be In
the cemetery at this place tomorrow.
Haas C. Thompson.
Hans C. Thompson of Davenport, Ia..
brother-in-law of Mrs. M. A. Nagle of 606
South Thirteenth street, died Thursday.
Mr. Thompson was shot in the back July 4
while standing in his dooryard, but It Is
not known definitely who fired the shot
or whether It was accidental or Intentional.
Mr. Thompson was employed as a book
keeper In a Davenport bank. He formerly
resided In Omaha, where he was married
to Miss Carrie Lange.
Prof. Northaasjel.
VIENNA, July 7. Prof. Nothnagel. the
well known clinical authority, died today
of apoplexy.
Offlre for Prof. Woleott.
SANDUSKY. O.. July 7. Among the of
ficers electxd today by the members of the
American Mlcroeoopioal society were: First
vice president, A. M. Holmes of Denver;
secretary. R. H. Woloott of the University
of Nebraska: member of th executive com
mittee, M. J. LI rod of the University of
Potatoes and Gold for Preacher.
CLEVELAND, July 7.--A basket of pota
toes, in each one of which was imbedded
a five-dollar gold piece, was presented here
to Rev. Charles A. Eaton of the Euclid
Avenue Baptiat church, of which John T.
Rockefeller U a member. Mr. Rockefeller
attended the presentation and Is said to
have been the donor.
Tfcreo Miners Die.
BLUE FIELDS, W. Vs., July 7.-Thre
more victims of the explosion In the mine
of the Tide Water Coal and Coke compujf
have died, making th death list five.
"The Public Should
fs t m ti x
I k
ONE of the most wonderful events In
the history of medicine Is the multi
tude of endorsements which Peruna
Is receiving as a catarrh cure from, men
of national importance.
The most distinguished men of the United
States have no hesitation In lending their
Influence to assist In letting the public
know of the merits of Peruna.
A Prominent Judge Heartily En
dorses Pe-rn-na.
Hon Dewltt C. Nclles, Topeka, Kan., for
eight years District Attorney for the North
western quarter of Kansas, and at present
Judge of the District Court In the Seven
teenth Judicial District, writes the
following letter to the Peruna Medicine
Company concerning the famous catarrh
remedy, Peruna:
"As I am particularly liable to catch cold,
which at once settles In catarrh and se
riously affects my hearing, I am Indeed
pleased with the help I have found In
using Peruna.
"After a severe attack, a bottle never
fails to restore me fully to health, and I
find that by using it occasionally It keeps
me In good 'condition and prevents me
from catching cold.
"It Is a fine tonic and I accord It my
hearty endorsement."
Catarrh is a result of chang(ble climate.
Peruna is a result of long and careful
Iowa Man atlsfled to Leave Son on
Farm Near Scotia at
GRAND ISLAND, Neb., July 7. (Special
Telegram) Fred White, the fatTTer of Vir
gil White, returned today from Scotia and
went on to his home in Iowa.
It is understood that he now is fully
aware qfa the fict,s leading1 to his son's
departure irom-Des Moines, and he states
that he is satisfied to have his son remain
on the farm near Scotia for the present.
Indications Are Jodie Will Grant the
TECUM8EH, Neb.. July 7. (Special Tele
gram.) In all probability Charles M. Cham
berlain, cashier of the defunct Chamber
lain Banking house ot this city. Is going to
be given a new trial on tho charge of em
bezzlement, wliereln a Jury in the district
court here last week found him guilty.
This afternoon and evening was devoted
to the argument of -a motion for a new
trial and the examination of Jurors, the
case coming before Judge Paul Jessen of
Nebraska City, who sat last week. The
defense alleged misconduct on the part of
certain Jurors, errors In the Instructions to
the Jury and the failure of evidence to
show that Chamberlain misapplied the
13,600 of the bank's money to his own bene
fit. After examining the Jurors aa to the
elleged misconduct the case was argued by
H. F. Rose of Lincoln for Chamberlain and
by County Attorney J. C. Moore and O. A.
Adams of Llnooln for the state.
Tonight Judge Jessen announced that he
would withhold his declslor until t o'clock
In the morning, but In all probability a new
trial would have to be granted on the
ground of the motion wherein It stated
that th evidence was Insufficient to show
that - Chamberlain misappropriated the
bank's funds.
Farmer Is Assaulted.
NEBRASKA CITY, July 7 (Special.)
Miller Gibson, who resides across the river,
was terribly assaulted late yesterday after
noon by two men, Camden and Qrandstaff.
' 1
Nearly 100 Pianos Disposed
of in Five Days.
NOW the BEST TIME to BUY a High Grade
Instrument and Save from $75.00 to $200.00
Thlg beautiful stock of brand new, latest model,
personally selected, Steinway grands and uprights,
cr , ... xt MaeHmsn McPhall. A H Chase.
Kuruman, Reed A Sons, Schmoller A Mueller and many other makes of tha high
est class must be
Reducid One-Half or Go to the Storage House
Customers with reliable salaried positions or owning property, may purchase)
any piano in the house for Immediate delivery this wee with
and a small weekly or monthly payment thereafter.
EVEHY IN8THUMENT MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES and no deviation. The cut prices can
be bad only ,y pena, or wrtuen reque.t and they po-itively WILL NOT UE ACCEPTED AF.
TLIOt'TF-WVNAC'L'STOMERS abould come to our store to make their selection, tb time Is
too short to hold instruments for convspondeuce and these prices bold GOOD ONLY on pianos In
stock. I'lano player, new organs, uaed upright pianos, seoond baud square pianos and organs t
prices you never knew before.
Schmoller & Mueller, 1313 Farnam St., Omaha
on. .Jf
iy?:n - f.f
SU f It M M
l t C f ' Ct t . S 1 - '. ti
" 5 4V IMr vo ...,.. j, a ?h y
wsw.'- rl
base Sharp, ex-Governor of Kansas, In ft letter
from 1227 I etreet, N. E., Washington, D C, writes:
'lean earnottly recommend your Per una aa aa
excellent tonic It reputation aa a cure tor ca
tarrh la tlrmy established by my Mends, who have
been benefited by Ita use, and the public should
Jinowoi Its great curative qualities. "Isaac Sharp.
The Mngnlflceut State Cnpltol Kulldlng of Topekn
Cnred By Pe-rn-na After Suffering
For Seven Years.
Mr. John, I Slusser, 24t N. Chandler
street, Topeka, Kan., member Modern
Woodmen of America and Deputy Inspector
Mystic Shrine, Masonic Lodge, writes:
"I have been afflicted nearly seven years
with kidney and bladder trouble and occa
sionally gall stones, which caused me In
tense suffering and made It almost Im
possible for me to attend to my every-day
"I spent more than a hundred dollars In
doctoring and found that It was only a
waste of money, but six dollars worth of
Peruna made me a well man.
"I feel It my duty to give due praise to
the medicine which made such a blessed
change In my life."
The remedy that cures catarrh must aim
directly at the depressed nerve centers.
This Is what Peruna does.
Nearly one-hnlf the people are In
some way affected by ontnrrh. There
fore It Is almost a natlonnl enrse, and
It Is of national Import that the peo
ple should know of Peruna.
Catarrh enters the system through the
nerve centers and affects the mucous mem
branes. Peruna enables the nerve centers'
to repel and expel the catarrh from the
Catarrh Is an American disease. Peruna
Is an American remedy.
The men struck Gibson on the head with
some blunt Instrument m'hlch rendered him
unconscious, ln which condition he re
mained for several hours. He was taken
to St. Mary's hospital for treatment. The
cause of the assault Is not known. Both
men have made their escape and the offi
cers have notified the authorities In the
nearby towns to apprehend the men If they
come their way. Gibson's condition is very
little changed since yesterday. The physi
cians say he will recover.
Otto Merschelm Bow Another Man
with His Sweetheart.
OSCEOLA, Neb., July 7.-(Speclal.)-Coroner
Shaw, Sheriff Hartman and County
Attorney Frank Mills have Just returned
from the home of Laurance Marquis, where
they held an Inquest on the body of Otto
Merschelm, who committed suicide by tak
ing morphine. It seems that the young
man, who was about 21 years old, had gone
to Stromsburg on the Fourth of July and
saw his sweetheart with another young
man. He took It so to heart that he went
to his home, got the girl's photograph,
wrote on the back of It. "Bury this with
me," and then took the doze of morphine.
He lived about four miles from Osceola.
Medical Student Passes Away and la
to Be Bnrled at Klkhorn.
BURWELL, Neb., July 7. (Special Tele
gramsRobert L. Livingston, the young
man who was shot sixteen miles northwest
of here, last Sunday morning, died Wed
nesday at 6 o'clock p. m. He was a student
of Crelghton Medical college of Omaha and
belonged to the class of 1908.
The accident was caused by a shotgun.
The charge entered the left leg, Just below
the pelvis, and went upward, shattering
the pelvic bones and entering the abdomen.
The funeral will be held Saturday morn
ing at Elkhorn, Neb at 9:30 a. m.
Working; on Great Northern.
DAKOTA CITY. Neb., July 7. (Special.)
W. J. Jones, who has the contract for
grading the north first three miles of the
Sioux City-Lincoln connection of the Great
Northern railway, arrived in this place
yesterday with a gang of men and teams
of Kansas
Know Its Great1
Ji .? 8
Every Trace of Catarrh Removed
Mr. Dan Cnnfleld, av.9 Van Buren street,
Topeka, Kan., member Boiler Maker's
Union, writes:
"I have been a sufferer with catarth for
a long time and it finally settled In my
"I grew thin and pale, was nauseated at
the sight of food, and felt that unless I
could obtain relief soon that I would have
to go away for my health.
"My cousin had used Peruna for a cold
and catarrh of the head, and had been
cured, so I began using It.
"My restoration to health was llow, but
sure, prfid at the end of seven months I
was once more In good health, without a
trace of catarrh In my system, thanks to
Peruna." ,
Catan-h Is a systemic disease and curable
only by systemic treament.
A remedy that cures catarrh roust aim
directly at the depressed nerve centers.
This Is what Peruna does.
Peruna Immediately lnvlgorstes the nerv
centers which give vitality to the mucous
membranes. Then the catarrh disappears.
If you do not derive prompt and satis
factory sesults from , the use of Peruna,
write at once to Dr. Hartman, President
of The Hartman Snnltarlum, Columbus,
r.hio nnrt he will Klve you the benefit of
his valuable advice gratis,
ence strictly confidential.
All correspond-
nnd this morning commenced work on th
Ous Bartel farm, which adjoins this place
r. , north. Jones' contract takes him
through this place and about a mile south
and extends north to the present Great
Northern tracks. The Wesley gang of
graders has been at work near Homer now
for about two weeks and has don quit
an amount of grading. Nine carloads of
horses, mules and equipment for grading
passed through this place over the Omaha
road enroute , from Alberta. Canada, to
Lyons to work on the new lne near that
place, where there are sever al; cuts to make.
Falrbury Chuutauoon Sueressfnl.
.,dtit-ov Koh . July 7. (Special.) Ths
second day of the Chautauqua meeting was
full of Interest and the attendance was
good Miss Vawters cooking demonstra
tions and the "round table" conducted by
Mrs. Rondebush occupied the morning. Th
principal feature of the afternoon was an
admirable lecture on "Thomas Jefferson
by Dr Dana C. Johnson. In the evening
Mr Newens rendered "his monologue 'A
Singular Life" to an appreciative sudlence
Petltt s cornet band enlivened the exercises
and vocal concerts In the afternoon snd
evening were given by th. Adelphlus snd
Miss Dench.
Trouble on Police Foreo.
NEBRASKA CITY. July 7 -(SpecuU )
Yesterday afternoon Chief of Police rorter
J Hand resigned and Henry Katzenste n
.nnolnted to succeed him. Katzenstein
j ,..r t,n hours and resigned ana.
Joseph Bridges was appointed by Mayor
.! Mr. Kressen was
Kressen. c - ,
elected mayor about a year ago thhos
been trouble In the police force and many
changes have been made. Bridges I. the
flfth man that ha. been chief of the pollc.
since Mayor Kressen was elected. Hand
reined to accept a position with the Pull
man Car company. .
Jury to Try Congressman.
PORTLAND, Ore.. July 7.-A Jury to pass
upon the Innocence or guilt of Congress
man J N. Williamson. Indicted In connec
I?.m with the frauds in this state, was se
lected today. '
No Imll t-' Green and Gaynor.
MONTREAL. ' July TrPPllcatlon - tor
hall for Messrs. Qavnor and Greene was
ref used today by Judge Oulmet . of . tha
court of King's bench. . .