The Omaha Daily Bee The Bee's Sunday Mtgnine Features Out-top Those of All Competitors. The Best Foreign News Service will be found In THE SUNDAY BU. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 8, 1005 TWELVE PAGES. SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS. J FLEET GOES TO SEA Bnigian Squadron Searching for Mutineers . Beacbei NoYorossiyik. -SHIPS LEAVE THERE FOR THE SOUTH Kniai Potemkine Leaves Theedoeia Eefore Ebipi of Eunia Beach Fort. EXCITEMENT , "REVAILS AT YALTA Fear that the Renegade Ship Will Bom ; bard the City. TORPEDO BOATS MAY NOW IE IN PURSUIT Report Dlaaarrees to Direction Tikri hy Revolutionists' War. hip and Crew May Take to the Moaatalna. NOVOROSBIY8K. Russia. July 7. Th. Black sea fleet arrived here tonight and will sail southward. The authorities have placarded the town recommending the peo ple not to go on the atresia anould the Knlas Potemklne appuar. Novorossiysk la at the head of Noros- alyak bay on the northeast coast of th Black aea. Kalaa Potemklae Leaves Theodosla. BT. PETERSBURG, July 7.-12:40 p. m. The KntHX Potemklne escaped from Theo doala before the Black aea fleet arrived there from Subastopol, and aa the fleet did not put Into Theodoala It la presumed th warenlpB are In pureult of the Kniaa Po temklne. The advlcea received by the Ad miralty, however, are meager and moat confiding. It la conaldered possible that "ensign ar.d quartermaster" Alexleft who commanda the Kniaa Potemklne waa ad vlaed of tr fleet'a coming and left Theo doaia. At any rate It la clear that It cornea irorn a uriusn amp wnicn u suo jequently released and then Bailed away. The reporta aa to the direction taken by the Knlai Potemklne do not agree. Ad miral Wlrenlua, chief of the general atari: of the nAvy, Informed the Associated Presa that one report said that it had Bailed westward In the direction of Livadla, rala- l:.g the auapiclon that It was the Intention lta crew to bombard the emperor's Bummer palace. Another rumor waa that when the Kniai Potemklne waa last seen It waa beaded southeast aa If bound for the Caucaaua littoral. This subsequently waa supplemented by a report from Scbasto poi 'hat the Knlai Potemklne had put Into Tuapse, halt way to Potl and had been captured In aome mysterious faahlon by aoldlein.. The torpedo boat deatroyer Smeltllvy, manned by a crew of officers and blue jackets, who volunteered to sink the mut ineer reached Theodoala several hours after the Knlai .Potemklne had departed and after hurriedly coaling, the Smeltllvy put to sea preaumably In pursuit of the rebel tauUeattp. Reports current tnduy tend to confirm the advlcea of the Associated Presa from Mos cow July t to the effect that the emperor ia prepared to go to the Kremlin and Issue a manifesto summoning representatives of the people. Official Report from Theodoala. Official reporta received at the ministry of the Interior from the governor of Sim feropol, who Ir In command of TheodoRla, Crimea, furnish aome interesting particu lar of recent eventa there. According to theae reports the Kniai Potemklne did not aucceed In procuring coa' at Theodosla and It left that port ahort of coal and water, but It had on board salt meat and flour sufficient for three weeks. The gov ernor says he supplied the mutineers with provisions because the populace pleaded that only In that way could he save the city from destruction. The governor aaya that when the torpedo boat In the handa of the mutineers tried 4Lt) come In shore yesterday morning for a t T,arlev the troona fired on them thirty sailors being killed or wounded. Upon the return of th boats to the battleship the latter Instead of exacting vengeance by shelling the city weighed anchor and steamed away. The governor expressed the opinion that the career of the Knlai Potemklne will be soon ended. He said that a Bailor who Jumped overboard and swam ashore dur ing the night reports that a state border ing on anarchy exists on board the battle ship. There la much drunkenness, the men reeling about the decks, and there are many wounded men In the sick bay. Typhus has broken out on the Kniaa Potem king. Over half the crew, together with petty offirera, are In favor of surrendering and throwing themselves on the mercy of the authorities, but they are powerless before the mutineers, who had all the arms. The ringleaders consist of sixty-five sail ors and two civilians who came aboard at Odessa. The chief boatswain occuplea the admiral's cabin and Is virtually In com mand of the ship, with "Ensign and Quar termaster" Alexleff, the only man on board who la capable of navigating the vessel. Alexleff. according to the sailors' story. Is under duress. It should be noted that the governor's story conflicts with the report of the As sociated Press correspondent who visited the Knlas Potemklne and said everything on board waa In ship ahape. Tries to Calm the People. The government la seriously trying to calm the country by distributing every where coplea of Prince Troubetskoy'a Zemetvo addreaa. with the emperor'a re sponse. A million copies have ben printed and systematically spread by the provincial governors In the cities and country. Be sides, the emperor hue personally commis sioned Count Ignatleff, who is the head of the religious toleration commission, to tour the countiy, address the people aud pacify them in his name. The count made a speech at Elizabeth today to a large as semblage consisting of provincial function aries, semstvolsts. land owners and mer chants. He urged tbe people to have con fidence tn the coming reforma, to co-operate with the authorities and not make the task of hla majesty more difficult. Probably Ho a ail for Batouui. According to the latest reporta the Knlas Potepiklne haa escaped Its pursuers and Is still at large In the Black sea, with the torpedo boat deatroyer Bmetelvy and the Black sea fleet hot on Its trail. There Is little doubt that It Is headed for Putl or Batouiu, but no dispatches from either place had been received up to 1 o'clock this morning. Advices received by the As sociated Presa Indicate that the tenalon la Increasing In the Caucaaua. where the tur t ulcnl elements are excited over the reporta regarding the condition of tbe fleet, lucre s- lu tt the fear that tbe arrival of the Kniaa Potemklne at a Caucasian port wilt have the effect of pouring oil on the bit .ordering (tame. X toMtit waa throws at Tlfiia todan LAWSGN AND JEROME TALK Copper Kiss Makes a 'horn Reply to Jrata A boat Ilia Writings. I KNSA8 CITY. Mo.. July 7.-Thomas W. Law son of Boston and William Travars Jerome, district attorney of New York, were the principal speakers at a dinner lilven by the Knife and Fork club In this city tonight. In the course of his speech Mr. Jerome spoke Jestingly of Mr. Uwnin and his writings. At the outset of his vpeech Mr. Law son addressed himself directly to Mr. Jerome In a most Impassioned manner because of the latter a references to him. Mr. Law son aaid In rait: , My story Is a simple one. I take the theme. "Truth; the Wrongs of the Ameri can People and Those Who Committed Them." 1 came here to lay at your feet in my simple way the magic kernel of truth. It was not given to nie to do things, Mr. Jerome, as It has been given to you. It la my misfortune and your good fortune that you do tilings and 1 can only talk. I would rather be you and have your po sition than to be the president of the 'lilted Htatea or John I). Rockefeller with $fmO,oi.j,iiuM. I ran bring only my simple 'J' of truth anil I am sorry that I can- 1o more. I have as much respect for V honesty, ability and honest inten- air. Jerome, as any man lias, mil I ' going to ajtologize to you or to any- t for my efforts in trtng to tell the A people nboui Irenzied finance. Th i of the west Bent for me, 1 am hen am not going to apologize. Mr.' Jeroi people of New York are going to iH i second term, and it Is your good t ..if. and my misfortune that you and not i cii put fifty-two directors of the Equitable Life Assurance Boclely In stripes and you will do It. It ia your opportunity to drag the Equitable directors Into prison and you arc going to do it. I am sorry, Mr. Jerome, that you did not see nt to give me a sendoff here tonight, when I am In the most emlwrraHsIng position I ever experi enced in my life, tour words struck to the heart on .this, the first occasion tu my life, when I ever addressed a large bodv of niv American fe low rltizon 1 nis country lias lieen enjoying wonueriui prosperity during the Inst thirty years, You can tell the country is prosperous If tho people have a balance over the cost of necessities and luxuries of life. But the people have not got the balance, not withstanding prosperity. We began to won der where the bain nee went. It must have either gone to the banks, shorter hours of labor must have prevailed, or the neces sities or life were more expensive. we And that none of these explanations was the true one. But men like Kockefeller accumulated IROO.OOU.OOO in a comparatively short time. Here Is where our surplus goes, 8. S. McClure and E. T. Ridgway, the New York magazine publishers, also spoke. POWERS TO FEDERAL COURT Jadge Cochran Takes Jurisdiction of Case of the Alleged Ken tucky Murderer. MAY8VILLE, Ky., July 7. Caleb Powers Is to be tried in the United States courts for complicity In the murder of William Ooebel at Frankfort. This was settled here today, when United States District Judge Cochran announced that he would take Jurisdiction in the case, as had been re quested by attorneys for Powers. Judge Cochran's opinion holds that the prosecution against Caleb Powers pending In the Scott county court has been removed to the United' States circuit court for the eastern district 'of Kentucky by the re moval proceedings taken In Powers' behalf under section 641, 'United Btates Revised Statutes, and sustains hla motion for a writ of habeas corpus to transfer his cus tody from that of the state of Kentucky to that of the United States. The ground upon which the court makes Its finding Is that from the petition of the removal and the transcript of the record In the state court It appears defendant haa been and Is denied the equal protection of the laws by the Scott county circuit court and cannot enforce his rights thereto In the court of appeals because of section 2S1 of the criminal code as construed by that court. The court further holds that the decision of the state courts against the validity of the Taylor pardon, is not a good ground for removal, as It feels bound by that de cision as to the validity of the pardon and the validity thereof Is not secured by the equal protection of the last clause of the fourteenth amendment. The largest crowd ever assembled In tho court house here was present to hear the reading of the petition. It required about three hours to finish It. PICKETS AGAIN GO ON DUTY Chlraaro Department Store Drivers Will Plnce Watehea Around Buelaeea Honnea Today. CHICAGO, July 7. Alarmed over the large number of desertions from their ranks and the Increasing demoralization among their members, the department store drivers have decided to resume picketing tomorrow at all of the department stores Involved in the strike. The union's entire force. comprising over 600 men, will be required to do picket duty. The plan waa brought to the attention of the teamsters' Joint council tonight, and received the formal ratification of that body. Not since President Roosevelt's visit has picketing to any noticeable extent been in i ff ect. borne mystery Is supposed to surround the exact purpose of the picketing revival. Union leaders were not disposed to discuss the plan at length. Those who did talk professed to know that It was with a view to obtaining Information as to the condi tion of business. Some said the pickets were to be posted to discover how many strlkera were returning to work. None would admit that picketing would be re sumed with other than a peaceful extent. The first houses to be surrounded, It is said, will be the State street department stores. WESTERN MATTERS AT CAPITAL Major Robinson Detailed tor Recruit ing Service at Dea Molaea. (Froit a Staff Correapondent.) WASHINGTON, July I. (Special Tele gram.) Major Daniel Roblnaon, U. 8. A., retired, la detailed for general recruiting service at Dea Moinea, relieving Major H. W. Wheeler, Eleventh cavalry, from tem porary duty at ttiat place. Iowa postmaster appointed: Berkley, Charlea Etnire, vice F. II. Carter, resigned; Littleton, Ell E. Arnold, vice John C. Felts, removed. The Farmera' National bank of York, Neb., has been authorised to begin business with $j0,o00 capital; Charles A. McCloud, president; Charles A. Bchrandt, vice presi dent; A! B. Christian, cashier. The comptroller of the currency haa ap proved the conversion of the Bank of Groton, S. D , Into the First National bank of Groton. with 1-S.UiO capital. The secretary of the Interior has awarded the contract for the construction of a pile bridge across the North Platte liver In connection with an Irrigation project to J. F. Caspr of Camper, YY)'o.t at bia bid of MERiT RULE IN THE ARMY Promotions Will Be Based Solely on the Berriee Becord of Officers, OUTSIDE INFLUENCES ARE BARRED Any Attempt to Influence Executive by Other Means Will Exclude Applicant from Consid eration. OYSTER BAY, N. Y., July 7. An Import ant order was Issued tonight by President Roosevelt announcing ,the policy hereafter to be followed by the administration In the making of appointments or promotions In the military branch of the government. The president orders that if any officer of the army or navy hereafter shall solicit In fluences aside from the records of his serv ice on file In the War or Navy departments, In order to obtain promotion or assignment, he shall be debarred thereby from the ad vancement or detail which he Is seeking. Teit of the Order. The text of the order follows: THE WHITE HOUSE. July 7, 1905 The congress of the I nlted States, by appro priate legislative enactments, has made the nistter of assignments, transfers and de tails In the army the subject of formal statutory regulations. Executive regula tions In furthersnce of these statutes have been adopted, the operation of which has been to place upon record In the War de partment full and detailed Information In respect to the character, capacity, military services and general attslnments of all officers composing the military establish ment. The records so obtained fully set forth the relative merits of otficers of all grades of rank in the several branches Of the line and staff, and enable all vacancies which occur in the military service to be filled after a careful comparison of the records of those officers who are eligible under the law for particular assignments or details. A similar legislative policy exists In re sjiect to the navy, and the records of the Navy department furnish evidence of the character, service and ability of all officers of the navy, founded upon the official re ports of those officers whose duty It is to make them. These reports are sufficiently specific to enable the department to de termine the position which each officer is fitted to hold, without the intervention or requests or otherwise from outside the navy. One Exception to the Rule. It is therefore announced that In future appointments, details, transfers and assign menis in the army and navy, the executive will lie guided by the official records of the War and Navy departments, respectively, to the exciuslon of other sources of influ ence or Information; but in case an officer has performed any special at of bravery or courage, or rendered specially efficient service, of which there is no record, or only a partial record. In the War or Navy di' partment, the testimony of any person who was an eye witness of the same may be submitted for consideration. Should It be discovered that since the publication of this order an officer of the army or navy has sought recommendation or support from sources outside of those named above, this fact will debar him from obtaining the particular advancement, as signment or detail which he has by such means attempted to secure, and that the fact that he lias sought such Influence will be noted on his official record. THEODORE ROOSEVELT. LEAK IN COTTON REPORT E. S. Holmes, Associate Statistician, Accused of Selling; Informs- -'tlon t6 ' Brokers. " " : WASHINGTON, July 8 The Post today says that as a result of the Investigation of the charges Involving the cotton statis tics of the Department of Agriculture, the removal of Edwin 8. Holmes, associate statistician, who was suspended some days ago, will be announced by Secretary Wilson today In Connection with the report of secret service agents. "There is the best authority," the Post says, "for the- statement that the report will show that the charges of Richard Cheatham of Atlanta, secretary of the Southern Cotton association, that figures relative to the cotton crop were not only manipulated for the purpose of affecting the market at different times, were sus tained, but that they were given out In ad vance for use In a speculative way by a broker In New York. "The secret service agents found that Holmes had grown Immensely wealthy In a few years. While receiving a small gov ernment salary. It Is alleged, that he Is building a large apartment house In Wash ington; that he conducts a millinery store In New York In partnership with one Moses Haff; that he owns real estate In cities outside of Washington, and a large farm In a northwestern state." CREDITORS WILL GET LITTLE Quarter Million of Inseeured "Claims with Leas Than Three Thou.' sand to Pay. CHICAGO. July 7.-(8peclal Telegram.) Louis M. Spencer, a life Insurance and bond agent, with offices at 204 Dearborn street, today filed a voluntary petition In bank ruptcy. He places his liabilities at $357, 645.02 and his assets at $2,600. Spencer, In his petition, places the secured claims against him at JS6.9S0.S7 and tbe unsecured claims at $270,654.65. The petition shows a long list of creditors with small claims. Among the heaviest of the claims Is that of the Northwestern Life Insurance com pany of Minneapolis, amounting to $17,962.(7. Several Omaha parties are reported to be among the creditors. OFFICIAL GRAFTER SENTENCED Former BulldlnaT Inapeetor of Mil. waukee GtTen Term In Penl. tentlary After Appeal. MILWAUKEE. July 7. Michael Dunn, ex-city building Inspector and former Bher lff of Milwaukee county, waa today sen tenced by Juuge Vlnje of Superior to on year and six months In state prison. Dunn was convicted about a year ago of accepting a bribe of $1,5") while city build neieuiuiB n uuuo ui i.ifM wuuB city DUlld- lng inspector from . the Pabst Brewing compander a .pedal building privilege y permit. The case was appealed to the supreme court for a new trial, which was denied. FINDER OF HOMESTAKE DEAD Moae Mannel Aeeldentally Killed by Explosion of Gasolla la Montana Mlae. HELENA. Mont , July 7 -Moaes Manuel, a well-to-do Helena mining man, who dis covered the Homestake mine In Dead wood, S. D., lost his life today tn the Minnesota mine near Corbln, fifteen miles south of Helena. He deacended alone Into a shaft to examine the pumpa, carrying a candle which ignited gas that had neaped from a gaaollne tank. An explosion resulted, caus ing the shaft to cave In. Rescuing partlea are digging for the body. Iowa Olrl Dlea la Denver. DENVER, July T.-Mlaa Hattie Hill, a delegate to th Epworth lragun convention, from Pumner, la . died of heart failure in ner room at a notei una arternoon. arter retiring from th trusieashlp baa never tn returning from an excursion on una at lam I . . . - tuoualaut ro4a. CREDITORS TO CONDUCT MINES Santa Fe Railroad Will o Manage Property of the Devlin F.stat e. TOFEKA, Kan.. July 7. "The Atchison, fopeka ft Santa Fe railway will not take part In the management of the coal mines which were Involved In' the failure of C. J. Devlin," said Clifford Misted, attorney for the road, today. "The creditors will ad vance money to carry on the mines and the payment of the miners In the southern Kansas coal field for a time. The Santa Fe Is Interested only tn seeing that the coal Is furnished them as before. "The sum of 140.000 will be advanced by I the creditors. The Illinois miners have Just been paid off and nothing will be due for two weeks to come. We hope with tho appointment of a receiver that the mines will become successfully established again." Cyrus Leland of Troy. Kan., and J. E. Hurley, general manager of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe system, were today ap pointed temporary receivers of the proper ties of C. J. Devlin, placed In Voluntary bankruptcy on Thursday night. A bond of 1:50.000 will be required. Mr. Hurley'B appointment was made at the request of the Santa Fe Railroad com pany through Its representative. They will be tn charge until the directors elect trus tees. "I named two men," said Judge Pollock. "because I, felt that there was more work than one could do. I khink the appoint ments will be generally considered satis factory." Mr. Leland formerly was republican na tional committeeman for Kansas. From a reliable source today it Is learned that the total value of the properties turned over by Mr. Devlin to the defunct First National bank Is approximately II,- 281.600, an encumbrance bf 10l,28(i, leaving a clear value of $1,180,334. This Is In Topeka real estate, southern Kansas coal fields, Illinois coal fields and bonds and stocks In corporations. The same Informant atates that the total amount of deposits accepted on Friday and Saturday, after the bank knew its falling condition, was Ifil.ono. Soon after he was appointed Mr. Leland filed a surety company bond for I2W.00O and Immediately arranged with a local capital ist to borrow $50,000 to , meet the payroll In the various Devlin mines tomorrow. This action Insures the payment of the miners and other Devlin employes tomorrow, so that It Is practically certain that there will be no cessation In carrying on the vast Devlin business. Governor Hoch and Attorney General Coleman are preparing to bring criminal proceedings against State Treasurer Thomas T. Kelly unless he secures a new bond to repair the old one made Invalid by the failure of C. J. Devlin. The state has $547,000 tied up in the First National. Governor Hoch says Kelly must furnish a new bond to secure this. Kelly says he cannot do so. The governor has not set any particular time for the bond to be filed other than It must be done at once. OMAHA MAY BE IN CONTEST Delegates to Epvrorth I.eauoe Con-yen. tlon May A alt for Meet, ins; In lfH7. t "DEN VER. ' July' I. 'i pviM-orUls ci Metho dist workers who are attending the sev enth International convention of the Ep worth league were astir soon after " sun. rise today and the morning watch meeting In Trinity church at 6:30 a. m. was large and spirited. ' Departmental conferences and summer assemblies and schools occu pied the remainder of the forenoon, and were followed by numerous noonday meet ings for prayer and exhortation, some of them being held in the streets. There were three mass meetings at which noted preachers discussed the following subjects: "Sabbath, Shall It Be Sacred or Secular?" "Our Foreign Population" and "The Churchless Masses." There Is tqbe no election of officers this year and delegates who are fond of church politics are devoting their attention to the contest over the location for the next bien nial International conference, to be held tn 1P07. Boston. Kansas City, Columbus, O., Omaha, Nashville, Dallas and Birmingham, Ala., are candidates for the honor. The board of control makes the selection. Iowa delegates have started a movement to se cure the convention in 1911 for Dcs Moines. The board of control has referred the se lection of a meeting place for the next bi ennial convention to the executive commit tee, which may defer Its announcement for six months. Columbus, O., and Birming ham, Ala., are said to be the leading candi dates. The great aim of the convention la to broaden and make more effective the work of evangelism. The keynote at today's meetings was Individual work In the uplift ing of the world. Throughout the addresses there rang the battle cry of the Epworth lans, "Look up, live up, evangelize." Tho necessity of constant personal attention to missionary work was dwelt upon. "The very fumes of burning tobacco are an Incentive to Immoral and pernicious conduct," said Robert L. Reamy of Balti more In his address at the Central Presby terian church today. "Tobacco smoke should be shunned, and those who must use the weed should do all In their power to keep the fumes from other people. A smoke laden room Is more harmful by far than the smokers Imagine, and It Inspires a spirit In those who Inhale the smoke which Is the doorstep to sin." BIG JUDGMENT IN MINE CASE St. Lools Corporation Given a Deere Against Kngllah Syndicate for $10(1,000. HELENA, Mont., July 7. On of the largeat Judgmenta ever returned by a Jury tn the United Statea courts In Montana was rendered today In the damage suit of the St. I-ouls Mining and Milling com pany against the Montana Mining and Mill- i : r- ,i w ,ng "P"' a" En l8n corporation own- ta 5, '"'n-TT 8 D5U'" L!m"n 1,ne at, Mary- villa. The Jury found for the complainant . .., ti( w. ,. u. II , . quia, v ww. -.ti uiyuiii for $000,000, the value of crea alleged to have been Illegally extracted from the St. Louis ground by the defendant, raising the apex theory. The defendant will appeal the rase to the circuit court. This Is the second time the case has been tried, the complain ants getting Judgment for $.3,000 before. Neither aide was satisfied and both ap pealed, getting a new trial. CLEVELAND NOT TO RETIRE Former Preslaeat Seta at Reat Rumor Regarding Hla Count In Equitable. NEW YORK, July 7 in relation to a report that Urover Cleveland was consid ering rettrlng from the trusteeship of the Equitable Life Assurance society, Mr. Cleveland authorized the following state ment: "Nr'hlng nas occurred thus far to dis satisfy me In th least, and th Idea of 111 my mino.- IUY'S SUCCESSOR IS NAMED President Isinli Official Notice of the Appointment of Ilihu Boot. WILL ASSUME OFFICE IN TWO WEEKS Closing; t'p Private Daslnesa Will Re. quire Time and He Will Go to Washington In September. OYSTER BAY. L. 1.. July 7. Official an nouncement was made here today that EUhu Root haa been appointed secretary of state. The announcement was made today on the authority of President Roosevelt In the following statement given out by Seoretary Loeb; Ellhu Root has accepted the tender by the president of the secretaryship of state. He will take the oath of olflce in a oouple of weeks, but It will necessarily be some little time before he closes up his business affairs. He will not go to Washington per manently until some time In September. Frsldent Roosevelt Is much gratified at Mr. Root's acceptance and is deeply sensi ble of the personal sacrifices made by Mr. Root in again taking upon him the burdens and duties of a member of the cabinet. The decision of Mr. Root was reached finally on the president's special during the return of the party from Cleveland. For personal reasons entertained both by the president and by Mr. Root It was deemed desirable not to announce the decision pub licly until the president had reached Saga more Hill. It was determined therefore that the official statement of the president's tender and Mr. Root's decision to accept It would be made today. It Is the Intention of Mr. Root to assume the duties of secretary of state practically at once, although it will be perhaps two weeks before he formally will take the oath of office. His professional Interests are so large that he will have to devote consider able time to make a satisfactory arrange ment of them before he goes to Washing ton to take permanent charge of the State department. When he takes active charge of the de partment he will give up entirely his law practice. Tribute to Hay and Root. President Roosevelt paid an eloquent tribute to the life and services of John Hay In his address before the National Educa tlonal association at Ocean Grove today. He followed this tribute with an estimate of the personal sacrifice Ellhu Root had made In becoming Secretary Hay's sue cessor tn office. The example of these two men, not entirely unique, as the president Indicated in references he made to other members of his cabinet, enabled him to point a most effective moral. At the conclusion of his prepared address the president put aside his notes and with manifest earnestness and feeling spoke aa follows to the great audience: In closing I want to speak to you of how certain things, some of which have happened and some of which have been suggested to me by what has happened In the past week, emphasise what I have said to you as to the Importance to this country of having within Us limits men who put the realization of high ideals above any form of aaoney making.- .. Ulttun wek into counter baa Inst great, ctntesman, who was also a great man of letters, a man who occupied a necullar and unloue position tn our country a man of whose existence we could each of us be croud, for the United btates as whole was better because John Hay lived. John Hay entered the public service as a vouna man just come ot age. as tne secre tary of President Lincoln. He served In the war and was a member of the Loyal Tslon. He was trusted bv and was in tlmate with Lincoln as hardly any other man was. He then went on rendering service after service, and was always able this was one of his great advantages and great merits, at any moment to go to pri vate life, unless he could continue in public life on his own terms. He went on render lng service after service to the country until as the climax of his career he served as secretary of state, under two successive administrations, and, by what he did and hr what he was. contributed In no small degree to achieving for this republic the respect or tne nations ot manKina. Burn servtu aa that could rot have bten ren dered save by a man who had before him ideals aa far apart aa the poles from those ideals which have In them any taint of what la base or sordid. Now. I wished to secure as John Hay's successor the man whom I regarded as of sll the men in the country that one nest fitted to be such a one's successor. In ask ing him to accept tne position or secretary nt state I was asking him to submit to a very great pecuniary sacrifice and I never even tnougnt or tnai nspeci or ine question, for I knew he would not either. I knew that whatever other considerations he had to weieh for ann against taxing tne posi tton, the considering of how It would affect his personal ' fortune would not be taken Into account by Elihu Root, and he has accepted.' I am not speaking of Hay and Root as olltarv exceutl'ms. On the contrary I am speaking of them as typical of a large class of men In punuc me. President Roosevelt'B reference to both Mr. Hay and Mr. Root were received with tremendous applause, his statement that the latter had accepted the office of secre tary of state, a fact of which many t his auditors were not aware, bringing the audience to Its feet, cheering. OMAHA BOY DROWNS AT FAIR Falls In Deep I -a We on th Expos! tlon Grounds at Port, land. PORTLAND, Ore., July -7. (Special Tele gram.) Frank Sltera, aged 17, whose home Is In Omaha and who was attracted to Portland by the exposition, was drowned late last night In Guild's lake, a deep art! flcial body of water on the grounds. He was attempting to land at a bridge, grasp ing a railing with one hand and holding mandolin In the other. His boat flew back and he fell In. Two launch loads of people were near by when he rose tq the surface, but shadows on the water made it difficult to see. Bitera, since coming from Omaha, haa been working at the Bismarck cafe, an ex position restaurant. Coroner Flnley haa the remains, but tonight had not received In structions from the parents In Omaha, to whom he wired. ATTEMPT TO WRECK OVERLAND laloa Paclfle Trala Stop la Tim to Avoid Striking; Obatrue tloaa on Track. LARAMIE, Wyo., July T. An attempt was made early today to wreck passenger train No. 1, the westbound Overland Lim ited on the Union Pacific. Only the watchfulness of the engineer and fireman, both of whom saw an ob struction on the track at the unit time, and prompt action on the part of the former In applying the air brakes, prevented a disaster. As It was, the flyer was stopped Just aa the nose of the pilot touched the obstruction, which consisted of Ilea, big stones and old timbers. CHEYENNE, Wyo., July 7. Union Pa cific officials here de y absolutely that any attempt was made to wreck the Overland Limited, but admit that the train was stopped to remov aa Iron bar that lay track NEBRASKA WEATHER FORECAST Showers anil Thunderatorma Saturday and Sunday. Temperature at Omaha Yeaterdayi Hour. . Dea. Hour. near. B a. m 14 1 p. m TH 6 a. m 4 S p. m . . . . . TR T a. m 4 It p. m T.I a a. ni (tx 4 p. n Tl a. m AS 6p.m.....'. Ta 10 a. m Tl 41 p. m T4 11 a. m TS T p. m T4 12 ru T4 S p. m TH 9 p. m TO HIGH WATER IN MINNEAPOLIS Great Log Jam Menaces All Bridies In the City Pumping; Station Closed. MINNEAPOLIS. July T.-Wlth the water standing at thirteen feet two Inches a cur rent began moving through the mighty log Jam at Camden In North Minneapolis- today and expert logging men now believe the Jam will not break. Should It do so the rush of the pent-up waters and the Immense mass of logs, now estimated at nearly 150,000.000 feet, will In all probability tear out every bridge in Minneapolis and destroy hundreds of houses along the Mis sissippi flats. The Camden Place pumping station, which up to about a month ago was the main source of water supply for the city of Min neapolis, was closed this evening, the rising waters finally putting out the. fires. The log Jam Is said to be the greatest ever known. It stretches for thousands of feet up the river, piled high In the air In places and almost completely blocking the upper river. So solid has the tremendous mass of logs become under the pressure of the current and the constantly Increasing number of logs that up to last night all ef forts to move It proved futile. Now tho efforts are being directed toward prevent ing the mass going out at once, and today a crew of twelve expert Jam workers was put to work trying to alleviate this danger. ELEVEN LOSE THEIR LIVES Boat Containing- Fifteen I.oai Drivers Is Overturned 5ear Chippewa Falls, Wis. MILWAUKEE. July 7. A Sentinel spe cial from Chippewa Falls, "Wis., says: An accident occurred today at Little Falls dam, by which eleven men lost, their lives by drowning. They are: LOUIS OOKEY. SAUL BRACHETT. MAX RILLARD. OLE HORNE. JOK PELOQUIN. ANDREW CAONON. OSCAR BOt QUEST. BERT LARRY. BY BON FERGUSON. ADOLPH TOT'TANT. PATRICK LEIDAN. A crew of seventy-four men had been Bent out by the Chippewa Lumber and Boom company under Kenneth McLeod to break log Jam below the falls. A crew of fifteen men stsrted In an over loaded boat for the center of the stream and as It touched the lower end of the Jam three men Jumped and landed safely on the logs. , The other twelve, however, were carried swiftly away Into the wild rapids, where the boat capsized, throwing alt Into the water.. They were all good swimmers, but the watet waa too swift, and only one suc ceeded In saving himself. He was a 17-year-old boy. Eddie Martin of Chippewa Falls. RUNAWAY GIRL IS CAPTURED Mia Florence Smith of Central City, Neb., Tires of Seminary Life. LOO A N 8 PORT, Ind.. July 7-(Speclal Telegram.) A young woman whom the police believe ts Florence Smith, daughter of the superintendent of the schools at Central City, Neb.f was taken Into custody tonight on Instructions from the chief of police, who sent a description of Miss Smith, together with the Information that she ran away from the Deaconess seminary at Aurora, III., June 27. She was placed In Jail, despite the denial of her Identity. The prisoner gave the jiame of Mabel Underwood and her residence as Des Moines, Ia. The police are also seeking Miss Smith's companion. Miss Tlllle Eckert of Aurora, whom they declare Is In thlB city. News of the runaway was suppressed at Aurora until the arrival of A. G. Smith, the girl's father, here today. BIG DEAL AT LOS ANGELES Henry E. Huntington Buys Holdings Of Redondo Improvement Com. pany on tho Beach. LOS ANGELES. Cat.. July 7. A large deal In beach property has been consum mated, It Is said, whereby for a considera tion, which Is not made public, but which Is known to amount Into the hundreds of thousands of dollars, Henry E. Huntington ha purchased outright the holdings of th Redondo Improvement company, the corporation which established the beach resort. Th effect of the deal ts that Hunt ington has practically purchased the town of Redondo. Th tract held by the Redondo Improve ment company consists of 1,000 acres and nearly the entire holding remains Intact. Redondo Is situated eighteen miles from Los Angeles and has two electrlo and one steam railroad to that city. LIBRARIANS ELECT OFFICERS J. L. Wyer of Lincoln, Ken., Choaen Secretary of the American Aseoclatloa. PORTLAND, Ore., July 7 The American Library association closed Its convention today. Officers elected were as follows: President, Frank P. Hill, Brooklyn public library; vice president, C. W. Andrews, Chicago; second vice president, Caroline 11. Gartland, Dover, N. H.; secretary, J. L. Wyer, Lincoln, Neb.; treasurer, G. A Jones, Salem, Mass.; recorder, II. E. Hayes, New York City; trustee of endowment fund, Alexander Mallland, New York City. Movemeat of Oeean Vessels July T, At London Arrived; Samaritan, from Montreal. At Genoa Arrived: Campania, from Bos ton. At IJverpool Bailed: Arabic, for Boston. At Naples Arrived: Koenlgen Ixjuise, from New York; Canoplc, from Boston. Balled: Italia, for Bostoa. At Hamburg Balled: Armenia, for New York. Arrived: 1'atrtcla, from New York. At Glasgow Sailed: Numldlaii, for New York. At Maraelllea Arrived: Roma, from New York. At Havre Arrived: Hudson, from New York. At IJverpool Arrived: Carpathla, from New York. At Plymouth Arrived: Prlnzeaa Alice, from New Yora: Hamburg, from New York. At Queenatown Arrived: Campania, from New York. At Dover nailed; Deutachland. for New I York. DUTIES OF THE RICH President Booserelt TalXi to Teacher' Convention 01 Thii Topic, MONEY-GETTING NOT REAL GREATNESS Conduct While Acquiring Wealth Stand ard of Future Judgment. HIGH MISSION OF THE SCHOOLMASTERS They Are Depended Upon to Form Ideal of Fiture Citiiens. OTHER SECTIONS ELECT OFFICERS Prof. H. A. Senter of the Omaha Hlk) School Fleeted President of Department Science In. atructlon. ASBURY PARK, N. J., July 7 A crow of 30.000 persons which turned out to wel come President Roosevelt made Friday, the closing of the National Educational associa tion convention, the most Impressive of all the great educational meetings. The duties of the rich was the subject matter of th speech which the president delivered to th educators. "After a certain point has been reached," he said, "money making can never again stand on the same Bjane with other and nobler forms of effort. The roll of Amer ican worthies numbers of rich men only those who have used their riches aright, who have shown good conduct tn acquiring It and not merely lavish generosity tn dis posing of It." Although .tills was the last day of th convention the president found 12,000 dele gates, nearly all school teachers, waiting to hear his speech, which was made In Ocean Grove auditorium. The presidential train arrived at the depot at I o'clock and It took thirty-flv minutes to -make the trip from there through the welcoming people until th mo ment when the cheering subsided and the president b"gan to siicak . from the Ocean Grove auditorium platform. Several pretty receptions marked the trip from the depot to the auditorium. Outside the depot the Indian band from Carlisle school was In waiting and fell Into line Im mediately before the president's carriage. In the carriage with the president rode Governor Edward C. Stokes of New Jer-, sey. A military escort, consisting of the Second troop of cavalry, under Captain Ed ward Field and the Third regiment, com manded by Captain John Matcher, .accom panied the carriage. As the- carriage turned Into Main street It passed a wagon filled with negroes, who began to cheer. In response the president waved his hand at the delighted negroes. When the presi dent entered tho auditorium thousands mounted chairs and cheered htm. The President's Address. As Boon as quiet had been restored h began to spoak. He said: I am glad to !.ave the chance of greeting the National Educational association; lor In all this democratic land there is no mora enutne)y 'democratic association than llila. L ia truly democratic, because hor each member meets every other member as hla peer without regard to whether he is the president of one of th great universities or the newest recruit to that high and hon orable profession which has in its charge, the upbringing and training of those boys and girls who in a few short years will themselves be settling the destinies of this nation. It is not too much to say that the most characteristic work of the republic is that done by the. educators, for whatever our shortcomings as a :!"lon may be, wo have at least firmly grasped the fact that we cannot do our part in the difficult and all-Important work of self-government, that we cannot rule and govern oui solves, un less we approach the task with developed minds and trained characters. You teach ers make the whole world your debtor. If you did not do your work well this republic would not endure beyond the span of the generation. Moreover, as an incident to your avowed work, you render some well nigh unbelievable services to the country.' For Instance, you render to the republio the prime, the vital service of amalgamat ing into one homogenous bodv the ch.Mren alike of those who are born here and of those who come here from so many differ ent lands abroad. You furnish a common training and common ideals for the chil dren of all the mixed peoples who are here being fused into oni nationality. It is In no small degree due to you and your ef forts that we are one Deonlo Instead of a group of Jarring peoples. Character More Than Coin. Moreover, where altogether too much prominence is given to ihe mere posnes slon of wealth, the country Is under heavy obligations tn such a body aa this, which substitutes for th ideul of accumulating money the Infinitely loftier, nonmaterial lstlc ideal of devotion to work worth doing simply for that work's sake. I do not in the least underestimate the need of having material pronprriiy hb inn imsis or OUT Civ ilization, but I most earnestly Insist that If our civilization does not build a lofty superstructure on this basis we can never rank among the retl'y great peoples. A certain amount of money Is of course a necessary thing, aa much for the nation aa for the individual; and there are few move menta In which I more thoroughly bellev than In the movement to secure better re muneration for our teachers. But, after all, the service you render Is Incalculable, be cause of the very fact that by your live you show that you believe Ideals to b worth aacrlflce. and that you are aulendldlv eager to do nonremuneratlve work If this work la of good to your fellow-men. Harm that Cornea Through Wealth. To furnish In your Uvea such a realized high Ideal Is to do a great service to th country. The chief harm done by the men of swollen fortune to the community is not the harm that the dumagogue la apt to depict as springing from their actions, but the fact that their success sets up a false standard, and so serves as a bad example for the reat of ua. If we did not our Helves attach an exaggerated Importance to the rich man who Is distinguished only by hla riches, this rich man would have a most insignificant Influence over us. It la generally our own fault If he does damage to us, for he damages us chiefly by arjua Ing our envy or by rendering ua sour and discontented. In liis actual business rela tions he Is much more spt to benefit than harm the rest of us, and though It Is emi nently right to take whatever steps are necessary in order to prevent the excep tional members of his class from doing harm. It ia wicked folly to let ourselves be drawn into any attack upon the man of wealth merely as such. Moreover, such an attack ts in itself an exceptionally crooked and ugly tribute to wealth, and thereto! e the proof of an exceptionally ugly and crooked state of mind In the man making the attack. Venomous envy of wealth Is simply another form of the spirit, which In one of Its manifestations takes the snap of cringing servility toward wealth, and In another the shape of brulal arrogance on the part of certain men of wealth. Each one of these states of rnlnd. whether It be hatred, servility or arroxance. Is In reality closely akin to the other two; for each of them springs from a fantastically twisted and exaggerated Idea of the importance of wealth aa compared to other tiling. The clamor of the demagoKue against .wealth, the snobbery of the social columns of the newspapers wnicn oem wnn me aoings or the wealthy, aud the misconduct of those men of wealth who act with brutal disre gard of the rights of others, seem super ficially to have relation; yet In reality they spring from shortcomings which are fundamentally the same, an.i one of these aliortcomlnga la the failure to have proper Ideals. Opportunity of th Teacher. This failure must be remedied In larft part by the acth ns of you and your fellow teachers,' fellow educators throughout this lb ml By your Uvea, no less than by your teachinaa. you aimw that while you regard wealth aa a good tiling, you regard other things aa aliil better. It la abso lutely necessary to earn a certain amount of money; It la a man's fist duty to thn dependent upon him to earn enough for their support, but after a certain point