Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 07, 1905, Page 9, Image 9

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Bluffs Police Think B EofinMred tbt
Kotsr Cm Bobbtr.
Chief Richmond Hot Sanguine, How-
rr, of Beta Able to Apprehend
the Elusive rat, bat Mar
Catch (ompanlniK.
T'at Crowe to the fore again. The elusive
Pat It now suspected of being one of the
two bandit who held up and robbed the
i crew of two motor car last Sunday night.
The elusive Pat 1 ald to have been in
. Council Bluffs Bunday, hence the suspi
cion that he planned and carried out the
holdup In orJer to replenish hi pocket-
book. After the holdup the noted kidnaper
Is said to have left the city on a vaca
Uua '
Chief of Police Richmond gave It a hi
' opinion yesterday that It wa not at all
unlikely but Pat Crowe had a hand In the
holdup, a report have reached police
headquarters that he wa In the city at
the tlm and U not here now. Major Rich
mond admitted that , Crowe might come
( and go In Council Blurts 8 much a he
liked without fear of detection for the
simple trason that there wa not a single
member of the police force who would
f know him, If he nu t hlin facfi to face.
That Tat Crowe ha a number of firm
friends In Council Muffs in well known
to the authorltle and the police have been
Informed that a man answering Crowe'
description wa In a house not far from
the east approach of the motor bridge Sun
day night and left there when a short
thickset man called for him.
Chief Klehmond said last night:
"Of coure this Pat Crowe business ha
become a standing Joke to a great extent,
but nevertheless I feel a certain a I can
be that Crowe wa the man who planned
and earrlod out the robbery Sunday night.
With the reward that the motor company
baa offered It In possible that some evi
dence may be secured to Identify the
bandit, but their capture I another ques
tion. Chief Donahue tell me that In hi
opinion Pat Crowe wa mined tip In the
holdup and thl I the opinion of Detective
Dunn also "
It wa reported late litat night that some
local arreata might be looked for at any
Stranrer Promptly Pinched.
Two strangers giving the names of
Thomas Abernathy and II. C. Marts were
arrested last night for the theft, of a coat
and revolver belonging to William Plowd,
enroute from Nebraska to Harlan, la.,' with
a car of horses.
Plowd left the car for a few minute
at the Milwaukee yards to gut a bucket
of water for his horses and on returning
noticed two men leaving the vicinity of
the c:ir. He missed the coat containing
the revolver and word was telephoned to
the police.
Detective Smith on Main street met
Abernathy with a coat On his arm. He
asked to be directed to a second hand
goods store. Tho officer showed him the
wjir.'Ttr'd"'uim hVsold 'the coat, then
arrested him. The coat proved to be the
one stolen from Plowd. Shortly, after Offi
cer Peterson found the second man, who
gave the1 name of Mnrtx. at the K. C.
restaurant, where he was trying -to sell
the revolver, and placed him under ar
rest. Letters found on Abernathy lead the po
lice to believe that he Is wanted In Chicago.
' .Pnre-ufV Objection of Xo Avail.
To get married first and ask for tho con
sent of the bride's parents after was the
decision reached by Harry B. Bull and
Myrtle ' Pells, a young couple of Neola,
Pottawattamie county, and having de
termined on this course they came to
Council Bluffs yesterday afternoon, se
cured a license and were married by Jus
tloe Gardiner. The ceremony safely per
formed ne telephone wa ' brought Into
requisition ! a the parents of the young
woman at Neola notified.
The groom, whose home I In Illinois, has
for some time been living In, Neola, where
ha is a member of the hone team, and par
ticipated In the recent tournament In this
city. He has quite a - reputation as a
printer, Misa Sella' parents, It Is said,
were opposed to the marriage, but tho
young woman being of lawful age, decide!
to ake the matter Into her own. hands,
and the result was the trip to Council
Bluffs yesterday and the ceremony which
made her M:s Ball.
Real Estate Transfers.
Those transfers were reported to Tha Bee
July ( by the Title, Ouar&nty and Trust
company of Council Bluffs:
Council Bluffs Savings bank to Gcftrge
C, Hsnse. lot 1. Aud. sub., nw'.
tiw lot , Aud sub, na'i, nwyt, .12-
T&-4. w. d M.9M0
Emmet Tlnley and wife to Gllla F.
Carter, lots U una li, block 34. Per
ry's 1st add., w. d 73
J. J Stewurt. executor, to Mary K.
Llttlerield. lot W. block S3. Central
subdlv.. p. d 150
C. ll. flounders and wife to Chicago.
Rcclt Island ft Pacific Uiillwn" com
pany, lot 1. block S3. Fleming ft Davis'
add., d t I
August O. StiM'hiui ami wife to Benja
min Marks, lot 19. block 31, Manawa
PnrX. w. d 1.150
C. nder and wife to Chicago,
Rock Island c Pacific Railway com
pany, lots 15 mid 111, block 42, Rid
dle's subdlv., d 1
Six transfers, total 10.177
i ' 1 i
Hospital Corps In Camp.
Th Council Bluffs detachment of tho
hospital corps of tho I'lfty-slxth regiment,
Iowa National guard, left yesterday morn
ing over the Hock Island to attend the
nnuul encampment at Dc Molno. The
men wore attlrod in khaki uniform and
carried canteens. haversacks. medical
pouches and blanket roll. They met at
Pr. Macrae's office In the Merrlam block
and tnarched to the depot. The members
of tho detachment are Major Donald Ma
crae, . jr.. Sergeants A. E. Lane and M.
F. Warner, Privates Lynn Balrd, Herman
Benjamin. Donald Cowles, Jams Macrae,
Harry Evan. Charle Arnold, Thoma
Hardin, Windsor Aylesworth. James Met
calf, Ray Beardaley. E. Hick accompan
ied the detachment aa cook.
N. T. Plumbing Co. fi. ISO. Night. F6T,
Costs Mora Than Bill.
The defense in the suit of Hafer againct
YoungktR ha moved for a change of venue
from Justice Field court to the court of
en of the Justice of Lewi township at
lfanawa. The case haa been tried talce
Wfor a Jury and each time the Jury has
failed to agree. The amount -Involved la
bout S40 and the cost already amount to
over tl40. Hafer sued Youngtn for a lum
ber bill and later garnished Edward Blake
ley, for whom Youngkln built a residence.
Blskelcy denied owing Youngkln anything.
claiming that the latter had not built tho
house according to contract. Several weeks
have already bcon consumed In the two
trials of the suit and the plaintiff, ia deter
mined to keep on trying t ttnttt a Jvry oaa
be secured which wilt return a verdict one
way or the other.
Tas Marcos Insane.
Morris Marcua, the crippled youth who
was recently arrested for breaking Into a
small candy and cigar store next to the
Revere house and who wa bound over
to the grand Jury some time ago for de
spoiling the shrub In Cock ran park of
their bloom, was yesterday sent to St.
Bernard' hospital for observation by the
commissioners on Insanity. Evidence be
for the board showed that the young man
had suffered for a year or more from
epileptic fit and that he wa not alto
gether mentally responsible. Toung Mar
cus ha been In trouble of one kind or an
other repeatedly for the last year and ha
been arrested on numerous occasions. It
I expected that he will be later committed
to Clarlnda.
Spencer Smith to Help.
Spencer Smith, former member of the
Iowa State Railroad commission, has been
added to the Commercial club committee
appointed to assist the city council In
ecurlng the necessary fact, to lay before
the state executive council In the attempt
to have the assessment of the Union Pa
cific railroad In this city Increased. Mr.
Smith will act as attorney for the Joint
committee and will. It Is expected, make
the showing before tho tate executive
council at Its meeting next week In Pes
Moines. The Joint committee held another
meeting last evening at which. It la un
derstood, the plan of campaign wa mapped
Matter In District Court.
Mr. Lena Bollo began suit for divorce
yesterday from IxjuIs Bollo, to whom she
was married In Carson township March 20, i
She charges him with cruel and In
human treatment and abandoning her In
12. She asks to be awarded the custody
of their four children.
The suit of Louisa Fetierhauken against
Robert Enewald was dismissed.
In the case of Benjamin Douglas against
F. C. and E. II. Lougee, the defendants
yesterday withdrew their motion to sup
press the deposition of Benjamin Douglas.
Mnrrtflge l icenses.
Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to
the following:
Name and Residence.
J I. Lvnch. Omiha
Maud E. Brill, New York City ....
A. Hanneman. Indianapolis, Ind..
Dorothy Davis. Clarlndn. la
Henry B. Ball. Neola. la
Myrtle B. Sells. Neola. la
... 40
Davis sells drugs,
fitockert sell carpets,
numbing and heating. Blxby & Son.
Drs. Woodbury, dentists, 30 Pearl street.
Leffert's Improved torlc lenses give satis
faction. Council Bluffs lodge of Elks will meet In
regular session tonight.
Oet your pictures and frames at Ttor-
1 wick's, 211 So. Main St. Tel. 083.
The city council will meet in adjourned
session thl afternoon nt 3 o'clock.
Woodring-Schmldt Undertaking Co., 236
B'way, successors to Lunkley. Tel $39.
Special attention given to pictures for
wedding gifts. Alexander's, S3.1 B'way.
Duncan. 23 Main St., guarantees to do the
best shoe repair work. Olve him a trial.
Dr. Luella S. Dean, homeopath, diseases
of women and children. Room 3, Brown
Bids. Tel. 1)09. . .
The funeral of the late Alexander Hitter
will bo held Saturday morning at 9 o'clock
from St. Francis Xavler's church and
nunai win tie In 81. Joseph cemetery.
"The King Bee" march and two-step by
Arthur E. Smith Is full of melody and life
and In the opinion of many one of the com
ing successes In musical composition. Pub
lished by Hourlclu Muslo company, Coun
cil Bluffs, la,
J. I. Lynch of Omaha and Miss Maude E.
Brill of New York City were married In
this city esterday noon by Rev. A. E.
But Iff. pastor of Trinity Methodist churcn,
gt his residence. Sir. Lynch Is In the em
ploy of The Omaha Bee.
Charles Faeitler, the high diver at Lake
Maim wa, charged with as.,aultlnr, Constable
Palmer of Justice F ield s court, was taken
into custody yrsterd'iy. He give hull for
his appearance and his hearing was set fur
Saturday morning before Just.ce Field.
Dr. J. M. Harslow of the Hoard of Com
missioners for the Insane left last evening
for Portland, Ore., to attend the meeting
of the American Medical association to be
held there next week. He U on the pro
gram for a paper on "Publlu Care of the
insane "
Dr. and Mrs. F. W. Houghton, who were
severely Injured In a runaway accident
Tuesday night, were both reported to be
greatly Improved yesterday. Dr. Houghton
was able to sit up for a short time and It
Is thought now that he will be a bio to leave
the hospital in a few days.
Missouri Ont of Banks.
SIOUX CITY. la.. July . (Bpeclal Tele
gram.) Both the Missouri and the Big
Sioux rivers are out of their bank In
places and are higher than they have, been
since lfcXl. Residents along the banks of
the Missouri have moved out of their
homes. The Council Oak Boat club house
at Riverside la flooded, and feara were en
tertained that damage might be done to
the Sioux City and Riverside club houses.
It I believed the height of the rise has
been reached.
second Wreck Victim.
CEDAR RAPIDS, la.. July (.(Special
Telegram. I Charles MoCracken of Iowa
City died today, the second death of tho
Intrrurlwn wreck of July 4. Ills chest wa
crushed and head and leg hurt. Two other
are expected to die. The coroner is Investi
gating accident.
Box Car la Derided to Be' Building
I nder the Law.
PIERRE. S. D.. July 6.-Speelal Tele
gram.) In the supreme court today opin
ions were handed down in the following
list of case:
By Corson Stale of South Dakota, de
fendant in error, against Edward Llntner.
In thin case Llntner mil convicted and sen
tenced on a charge of arson and cume to
the supreme court with a plea that he was
not guilty of tne crime charged, as he had
tttirn,l ft hov mr Instead t1 u tiull.linar 'ihA
j COurt doe not sustain hi contention and
affirmed the sentence. Charle E. Gibson.
appePant, against Ethan L. Allen; Penning
ton; irverked. tviwiril iarinrr aiainst
James Rons, appellant; Roberts county: re
versed E. L. H reck man and Arthur
Bpauldlng, appellant, agalnat James Mul
hall et al.; McCuok county; affirmed.
George W. Glover against Manila Gold Min
ing and Milling Company: Lawrence
county: affirmed. Mississippi Lumber and
Coal Company, appellant, against Kelly;
Brown county; reveised. J. C. Hardinan
against C. A. Kelly, appellant; Beadle
county; reversed. L'nlon National Bank of
Omaha, appellant, ugalnst James Hallay
and Richard Lake; Pennington count.1'; re
versed. William Gardner, trustee, against
John C. Haines; Lawrence county; af
firmed. By Fuller Amos N. McLenon against
William A. Fenner and American Bonding
and Trust Company, appellants; Fall River;
affirmed. Abel Odell against Edward Petty,
sheriff; Fall River county; reversed. Wel
lington Jackson, appellant, against John M.
Bailey; Beadle county; arnrmed; Iren)
Prtngle. appellant, agnlnst Charles lan
fleld, sheriff; Pennlr.gton county; affirmed,
lalah Dickinson et af against A. O. Holm,
apiwllanl; Hanson county; reversed.
By Haney E. A. liraeman against Chi
cago. St. I'nul, Minneapolis A Omaha Rail
road Company, appellant; Minnehaha
county; affirmed. Frank R. Jackson and
Harry Jackson, appellant, aguiust Prior
Hill Mining Company) lawrrnct county;
affirmed. Bon Homme County, appellant,
against J A. McLouth; Bon Homme
county; affirmed. John B. Mjran against
W. It. Thomas et al. ; Coddlngton county;
11. H. Porter of Webster waa admitted on
a certificate from Minnesota, and Isaac T.
Jones of Boooaieal tin certificate from Colorado.
rood Firnithed Inmates it Mvunt fleauat
Aijlum Held to Be Adeqmt).
De Molne Paper Think Much
Talked of Man I n Resident
of Shrnnndouh Ready to
Asses the Railroads,
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, July (.-(Special. -tn a
fourteen-page letter the State Board of
Control today answered the complaints of
the Scott county commissioner of Insanity
that the food furnished the patient at the
ML Pleasant hosnltAl was of too tnesrer I
variety. In brief, the letter states to the I
commissioner that the board believe they
did not Investigate sufficiently to gain a
knowledge 'of what the food really wa and
mistook bean soup for a stew of beef and
potatoes, and tliat the evidence they pre
sent of the Insufficient variety of the food
with the exception of one meal In one ward,
"would not be received by any court to
establish any fact, however trivial."
The letter of the Board of Control takes
up carefully the complaint and affidavits of
the commissioners, which state that the
articles of food served "were of excellent
quality and well cooked," and that with
one exception they were "unanimous In
finding the hospital all that could possibly
be asked for." This one exception wa that
the variety was too meager. The board
proceed to show that the commissioner
were present while the patient of one ward
were finishing the noon meal and made no
effort to thorougholy Investigate; and fur
ther states that the meal are not all the
same, as the commissioners seemed to
think, varied each day. The Scott county
commissioners claimed that eggs and milk
should be served each day, and to this the
Board of Control answers that all patients
needing such article are given them and
that all the patients have such articles oc
casionally. In closing the board thanks the
commissioners for making the complaints,
but deplores the fact that the complaints
were made public by the commissioners,
thus causing "unnecessary anxiety to tens
of thousands of people who have relatives
and friends In the hospital."
Rockefeller's Father.
An evening paper here sent a reporter to
Shenandoah today and claims to have lo
cated William A. Rockefeller, father of
John D.. In the person of John M. Phlpp
or that city. According to the story printed
In the local papr this evening John M.
Phlpps of Shenandoah has been a mystery
for twenty-five years. He keeps his own
counsel and rarely talks unless spoken to.
He resembles John D. Rockefeller In ap
pearance and Is worth about 135,000. All
the copies of McClure's magaxlne contain
ing the Tarbell article and picture of Wil
liam A. Rockefeller have been sold that the
dealers In Shenandoah had In stock and
more sent for.
Increase Capital Stock.
Articles of Incorporation were filed with
the secretary of state today by the Inter
urban Railway company of this city In
creasing the capital from 3560,000 to (I.O'jO.OOO.
The Increase Is to take care of the exten
sion being built to Woodward and Boone.
Harrison Comity Loses.
Official figures given out today by the
census department of the state house how
that the population of Harrison county la
23,769. which I 1,738 less than five years ago,
when the population wa 2S.507. Missouri
Valley, the largest city In the county, also
shows a loss, the population being now
3.3r. and five years ago It was 4,010, or 682
Fifty-Sixth In Camp.
The Fifty-sixth regiment went into camp
at the permanent cump grounds south of
the city today. The flrst company to ar
rive was Company F of Algona, which was
ordered to guard duty for the day. Other
companies -arrived at all hour of the day.
The regulnr camp program will begin to
morrow and continue for seven day, when
the Fifty-sixth will be ucceeded by the
Fifty-fifth, which 1 located In the south
west quarter of the state.
Mayor May Stop Flower Fete.
The first annual flower fete planned by
the women of the city may be a small af
fair tomorrow. It was the plan of the
women to beautify the now city hall park
by making numerous flower beds. Mayor
Qeorge Mattcrn said today that if any flow
er are planted In the park they will be
planted In the Iron urns, and that under
no condition will he allow the newly laid
od to be torn up by the women.
Rendy for Assessments.
, The executive council Monday will begin
the hearings on the assessment of the
railroads. Only one road in the state show
a gain In the gross earnings, and that Is
the Great Western. All the other show a
loss. The Burlington 1 the lowest as
sessed and tho Burlington, Cedar Rapids
Northern Is the highest assessed, accord
ing to figures given out by the executive
council today. The percentage of asses-
men l, according to the earnings, as given
oi t by the executive council today Is:
Main Line. Entire Line.
Company. lboS. 18u4.
19 14.
Burlington 67 5
Great Western 84
Milwaukee 79
Northwestern 62
Rock Island (main).. 87
B.. C. K. A N. tH. I.) do
Total Rock lsimd
Illinois Central W
Iowa Central 89
Receiver for Blnok Hill Lint May
Add to the Pending- Litigation.
SIOUX FALLS, 8. D., July (.-(Special
Telegram.) On petition of William C. Coad
of Rapid City, a attorney for Forest O.
Murdock, Judge Carland of the United
States court, In this olty today, appointed
Oeorgo B. Horr of Chicago receiver for the
Dakota. Wyoming 4 Missouri River Rail
road company and the Missouri River A
Northwestern Railroad company. The prop
erty Involved connects Rapid City and Mys
tic In the Black Hills and consist of about
thirty-one mile of railroad.
It wa recently rumored that the Mil
waukee Railroad company would purchase
thl road and utilise It In It extension from
the Missouri river to the Paclfio coast. Liti
gation over thl little railroad already ha
gone through the state court and two ault
are now pending before the United States
supreme court. It Is thought Receiver Horr
will find tt necessary to Institute several
additional suits.
River Falling- .at Vermilion.
VERMILION. 8. D.. July .-(Bpe?lal
Telegram.) The Missouri river is slowly
fulling here tonight. Vermilion river also
I at a standstill. It Is believed the worst
Is over. The big loss will be to farmer
In the Vermilion valley, aa their crops are
Approve RrtnadlaaT Bond.
WASHINGTON, July (.-President Roose
velt ha approved the issue of 1000,000 of
bond by the treasury of Hawaii to refund
the gold bond of the Republic of Hawaii.
Issued under an act of the legislature of
J una It !(.
Die Roanlt oft lajnrlea.
srt'RGia. 8. D . July (.Special Tole-
grin. Thomas Martla. tho maa who waJ
struck on the head Tuesday morning by
a freight engine near Piedmont and had
his entire scalp torn off and an arm broken,
died here this morning. He was uncon
scious when brought here but regained con
sciousness yesterday. His folk live at
Holyoke, Mas., And were notified.
Guide Who Contorted Lewis and
Clark Reproduced la Stone
t Portland,
PORTLAND, Ore.f uly .Sacajawea, the
Indian "bird-woman." who, bearing on her
hack her Infant child, guided the explorer,
Lewis and Clark, through "Old Oregon."
received public recognition for her heroic
service today at the Iwls and Clark
exposition when the handsome bronse
tatue of the Indian woman and her pap
poose wa unveiled. The unveiling exer
cises were on an elaborate scale and were
attended by an assemblage of several thou
sand people. They were conducted by the
Sacajawea Statue association, which claims
In Its membership public-spirited women
throughout Oregon, Washington, Idaho.
Wyoming and Nebraska. The
statue represent the patient work of the
member In securing funds, their object
being to bring one of the most heroic
figures of western history out of an ob
scure niche In history tnto general recogni
tion. The status stands at a prominent
place on Lakevlew terrace, between statues
of Captain Meriwether Lewis and William
It was draped In a huge American flsg
when unveiling ceremonies opened at I p.
m. Invocation was pronounced by Rev.
Anna H. Shaw and "America" wes then
sung by Charles Cutter, an Alaskan In
dian, with a well-trained voice. The speaker
of the day was Miss Susan B. Anthony,
who addressed the assemblage on "Women
In Discovery." recounting the patient, un
faltering deeds of Sacajawea In pointing
out the tiresome, arduous trail to the ex
plorers when hope of reaching their des
tination had been all but lost. Miss An
thony was followed by Mrs. Abigail Scott
Runniway, who spoke eloquently on "Tho
Pioneer Woman."
Orations were delivered by Dr. H. L.
Henderson, grand sachem of Oregon for
the Independent Order of Red Men, and by
T. J. Bell of Tacoma, grand sachem of
Washington. A Sacajawea poem was read
by Mr. O. H. Pettinger of Portland and
the monument wa then unvenea, ir.
Eva Merry Dye, president of the Sacajawea
association, presenting the statue to the
city of Portland. Mayor Harry Lane ac
cepted the statue In a brief speech on be
half of Portland.
The statue was designed by Mis Alice
Cooper of Denver. It represents a hardy
Indian woman with lines of strength, grace
fulness and rugged beauty showing through
a deerskin hunting costume. The pappoose
Is strapped to her back. It will remain on
It present temporary pedestal during the
exposition and then will be given a per
manent place In Portland, probably on the
grounds of the federal building.
Hands Oat Money While Gating; Down
Long, Deep Corridor of Two
Gntllng Cons.
Robert C. Drusedow, residing at 1412 Sher
man avenue, was held up and robbed of
til while returning home at 11:30 -Wednesday
night. Mr. Drusedow wa hastening
to hi bed and board when, while crossing
a vacant lot at Sixteenth and Charles
streets and mentally figuring hlr saving
on the gas bill since his wife left town, he
was accosted by two masked men, who
emerged from a wagon.ofi the lot.
"Hold up your hands,?, was the command
that greeted Mr. Drusedow's ears, while
two revolvers, with musxles ten Inches in
diameter. Instantly Were placed In line with
his face.
Mr. Druandow lost no fime in standing at
attention. The strangers took a card case
and fZl and then backed off Into the dark
ness. .
Mr. Drusedow says his business rela
tions with the two holdup men wore of the
most expeditious sort. The strangers went
at the work In hand without formalities
and took their leave . With a firm "good
Unlike many men who have experienced
the novelty of being held up at the point
of -revolvers. Mr. Drusedow makes no
claim to exhibiting any great amount of
courage at the time.
"I was nearly scared to death," he
frankly admitted Thursday, "and I haven't
gut over it yet. I guess their pistols were
about thirty-two or thirty-eight, but hon
estly, they looked as long as broom handlea
and a big around a cannon. When they
got through with me they told me to 'git,'
and you bet I got. I struck off at a 2:40
gait, and as I rounded the corner I met
two other fellows going In the direction
from which I was comrng. At first I
thought It wa another pair of robbers
thought it wa a 'coming and going game
but I soon found out these men were all
" "Boy, I aald. 'for Ood' sake, don't go
tip there, I have just been held up.' And
you ought to have seen those fellow put
down the street. A badly scared aa I
wa I had to laugh. It waa so funny. They
ran so fast that within a minute after I
had warned them they were away out of
sight and almost out of hearing distance.
"Just aa luck would have It, I had pvt
my watch In the Jeweler's that day ti
have It repaired, so that wa saved,"
Purpose of Ordinance ResjnlrloaT Con
tractors to Get License and
File Bonds.
Assistant City Engineer Craig says the
proposed ordinance requiring artificial stone
sidewalk contractors to take out licenses
and die a bond with the city Is for the
protection of property owners.
"W have found a number of contractors
doing business absolutely regardless of the
specification of the city and without fair
dealing whatever Upward the people that
employ them," says the assistant engineer.
"Bom of these contractor take cement
walk Jobs at 10 cent a square foot when
we know absolutely they can't make a cent
on prices so low. The result I poor work,
which deteriorate aad goes to piece
quickly, leaving the property owner In th
lurch. It would bankrupt tne city to have
aa Inspector on each of the many Job of
work all th time.
"The proposed ordinance require a license
costing t60 a year and the riling of a 12,000
bond to guarantee work fully in accordance
with city specification and the mainte
nance of the walk for five years. Doubtless
thl will result In higher price among th
contractor who hav been doing poor
work, but the property owner will be the
gainer In the end. for he will be assured
of a good walk for five year, and If a
cement sidewalk last that long la good
condition it is all right
"The move, of course, 1 designed to help
out the engineering department a good
deal and reduce th coat of Inspection. It
1 a new departure, not only In thl city,
but in the country, but ,w bellev it to be
a good on and ona that I economical and
proper "
Wsrrssls railed In.
City Treasurer Hennlogs ha Issued a
call for all outatandlng warrant agalnat
th fire and police fund, about 115,000 In all,
announcing that these will draw no Inter
est after July 10. About July U all out
standing warrant agalnat th School fund
nu hn nailed la aad radoamad.
Visdoet Over Q Street Will Hot B Closed
Except for Bepairt,
Railroad Companies Hare Kept Ip
Hepnlrs, bnt Would Sow Have
Street Car Company
Share F.i pease.
Since the report became current that
there wa a possibility of condemning the
Q atreet viaduct resident In the southwest
ern portion of the city have been seeking
Information, but It was very little they se
cured. At the last meeting of the council
City Engineer Beal was Instructed to se
cure the service of a competent bridge
engineer for the purpose of going with him
and Inspecting the bridge to ascertain If It
wa strong enough to carry the weight.
Talking about this matter Thursday aft
ernoon, Mr. Beal said that he had not en
gaged an engineer and did not know that
It was necessary. "About ten years ago a
thorough Inspection of this viaduct wa
made by outside engineers and the bridge
wa declared safe. I do not see the neces
sity for another Inspection at this time, as
all the viaduct needs Is new planking. The
piers and girders are strong, end in my
opinion there Is no necessity for closing the
bridge to traffic," said Mr. Beal. Continu
ing, Mr. Beal said that he would refer the
Inspection matter to the report now on file
concerning the safety of the structure.
The statement Is further made that Q
street Is a county road and therefore must
be kept open to traffic.
For a number of years past the railroad
companies have kept this viaduct In re
pair, although the viaduct la used by th
street car company. So anxious were the
people to have the car line extended out Q
street that when the franchise ordinance
wa granted to the street car company It
wa sttputaod that the company wa not to
be compelled to pay for any repair to th
viaduct. Now the railroad companies as
sert that the wearing out of the bridge Is
due to a great extent to the street cars
running over It and rumor has It that there
Is a desire on the part of the railroads to
have steps taken to compel the street car
company to pay a portion of the cost of
repairs each year. At any rate the bridge
will not be closed except for the purpose of
making repairs.
Kontaky and Adkln Still Flsjnrlnsr.
Mayor Koutsky and President Adklns of
th council are still figuring on the books
to get some Idea of the expenses of last
year. When this point Is reached It will
not be a hard matter to determine the run
ning expenses of the coming fiscal year.
Three Important Items will be eliminated
from thl year's expenses. The cost of the
packing house strike, the purchase of a flro
hall site and the fl.SOO paid to City Engineer
Andrew Rosewater of Omaha for sewer
plans. To offset these expenses there Is a
portion of the scavenger fund held back to
help out on the levy. Then there is the 10
per cent reserve. But with all of the Items
that can b counted It la certain that not
less than $170,000 will be needed to pay the
running expenses of the city for the com
ing fiscal year.
Want Paring Case I'p.
For several months the Missouri avenue
paving case has been held up in the courts
Among city officials there Is a feeling that
before long thl case will be called for
hearing. In case the city should win the
statement Is made that It Will be along
toward the middle of August before work
could commence. The property owner are
complaining about the condition of the
roadway and want the council to hurry up
the paving. If such a thing is possible.
Rock Island Pays Bnck Taxes.
Thursday afternoon City Treasurer Howe
received check from the Rock Island road
paying personal taxes for the years IMS,
IMS and 1?94. The check calls for 11,119.
This Includes nearly )200 In interest on
the deferred payment. At the time these
personal taxes were levied there was some
talk of a protest and the city treasurer
let the matter run along, knowing that
sooner or lter the road would be com
pelled to settle. Receipts were mailed at
once to the Rodt Island officials and the
checks were banked before the closing of
business hours. This payment settles
long drawn out correspondence, which has
resulted in the payment of the taxes along
with Interest.
Gladhlll Purchase Property.
Thomas Gladhlll has purchased from Zack
Cuddlngton the northeast corner of Twenty
fourth and O streets. This purchase wa
mentioned In The Bee a couple of day
ago. Now an Omaha newspaper come
out and make the statement that Mr.
Gladhlll 1 a director and a stockholder
In the Parkers' National, bank and se
cured the property for a bank building.
Regarding this statement, Frank J. Mor
larty, caahler of the Packer' National
bank, said last evening: "Mr. Gladhlll la
neither a director nor a stockholder In
the Packers' National bank. He haa been
looking for an Investment In South Omaha
property for a year or more and haa finally
secured some property. The Packer' Na
tional bank will remain In It present loca
tlon for wmt time to come."
Mr. Hurley' Fine Pnld.
A son of Mrs. Hurley called upon Judge
King Thursday and paid the line assessed
against his mother and secured her release
from the county Jail during the afternoon
Mrs. Hurley had been fined 27 on three
charge of disturbing the peace, and as
she refused to pay her fine she was sent
up to the county Jail for twelve days. It
Is reported that Mrs. Hurley had the money
to pay, but was Just trying to bluff th
Judge. After she had spent one night In
the county Jail he ent word to her fam
ily to secure th money and get ber out
The police sincerely hope that her short
stay In the county Jail will tame her so
that she will not be so troublesome In th
Still Building Fence.
The Union Pacific Railroad company I
till building a fence along the right-of-way.
Thursday post were set from O
street to the present depot, and It will only
be a few days now until the east ld of
the right-of-way through South Omaha 1
entirely fenced in. Gate are being con
structed so as to permit free use of th
city tracks, which are now located et of
th fence, but on railroad property. It ap
pear that no decision has been reached yet
about the location of the proposed new
depot, but the expectation Is that thl mat
ter will soon be decided.
Maglo City Gossip.
The Eastern Star will meet on Saturday
night at Masonic hall.
T. C. Kerr. 216 North Nineteenth street
reports ths birth of a son.
M. W. McNeal. Thirty-sixth and county
line, reports the birth of a daughter.
Charles Allen Is home again after a visit
with his daughter at St. Joseph, Mo.
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Cressey have not gone
to Portland and do not expert to leave un
til about August 1.
Mrs. J.. B. Ashe left Thursday afternoon
for Portland, where she will visit relative
for a month or more.
Mr. and Mrs. E. I,. Howe have returned
from Lake OkoboJI, la., where they visited
friends tor ten days.
Dr. W. S. White wa reported to b very
low yesterday. There appears to be littl
hope of hi reovery.
The city hall sewer Is again out of order,
and. of course, the odor around the biil'd
Ing 1 not agreeable to the city official.
Frank Smith wa sentenced to thirty days
In th county Jan yesteruay by Judge King
for stealing two ham from a car la the
Tho aajoUAnr. toapocto U t be called
upon to make an Inspection of some of the
alleys In the business portion of the city
and order a removal of rubbish.
B. E. Wilcox has sold his home at the
corner of T entv-fourth and J streets to
Chris Chrlstlanson. The dwelling Is being
moved to property on Twenty-third street
between J and K streets.
Defeated Aspirant for Flnlnyson' Job
Refuses to Abide by Action
of Bonrd.
Samuel MacLeod proposes to see whether
Superintendent of Buildings Flnlnyson of
the school district Is to be allowed to en
Joy his MOO a year Increase In the face of
MacLeod offer to take the Job for $1.0
a year ind charge nothing for "horse
Mr. MacLeod waa turned down by the
Board of Education and Mr. Ftnlayson'a
wages boosted from tl.SoO to I! 100 per an
num. Mr. McLeod has confided to friends
that he Intends to hire a lawyer and get a
court Injunction restraining the payment
of Mr. Ftnlayson'a first month's salary un
der the new rate. He says his grounds
will be based on the theory that the school
board Is wasting money, as It could have
the work performed for less money.
Mr. MacLeod served out an unexpired
term as superintendent of buildings once,
but was not retained, and at the first op
portunity another man wa elected to th
place. Since then Mr. Maclod has pined
for the position, and now he proposes to
pine In a legal way. School district officers
say he has about as much chance to win
out In court as Thomas W. Laws. in would
have In securing the price of a meal from
Henry H. Rogers.
Sorrcntlno Will Give Perosv's "Resur
rection of tho Christ at tho
Omaha Auditorium.
Sorrentlno and his Banda Rosea will be
In Omaha either during Ak-Sar-Ben week
or th week beginning September 20. The
Auditorium management have not settled
on th date, but the preference seems to be
for the Ak-Sar-Ben week.
The feature of the performance this year
will be a concert Illustrating Perosa's
"Resurrection of the Christ." the music of
which was recently played In the Vatican
by the order of the pope. The new pre
sentation 1 the conception of Sorrentlno,
and It will be given for the first time early
In September at Minneapolis. The scene
are being painted In New York. The con
cert begins with house and stage, darkened
and dawn creeps gradually ovjt Mary at
the Saviour's tomb. The angel rolling away
the stone, Christ on tho way to Emmaus,
the Ijtst Supper and the ascension scene
all will b pictured. The performance
lasts an hour.
That Is What Dybnll Adrocnt
Expense of Grading
Th council probably will establish a new
rule regarding the cost of grading alleys at
an early meeting. Says Councilman Dyball:
"It has-been customary' where property
owners demand the grading of an alley to
order it done by resolution, charging one-
half of the cost to abutting property own
ers and the other half to the general fund
of the city. Many resolutions of this kind
have gone through this summer and coun
cllmen Are Just waking up to the fact that
there Is no Jtjstlce In paying for part of the
Improvement out of the general fund. The
abutting property owners are only person
posalbly benefited. The old resolution
will be rescinded and hereafter those who
want alleys graded so that they can b
used will have to stand all the cost. It 1
optional with the council whether they
do this or not, and I. for one. will Insist
upon it every time in the future. Our
general fund Is email enough a It I."
Little Tot Loses Footaccar and Mother
Get Off Without Ob.
serving It.
Something very unusual took place on a
Farnam street car the other day. So far a
known none of the company' rule wa
broken and It Is not likely they provide for
this contingency. It caused more smile
and chuckles, however, than anything ha
on that car or Its associate cars for a long
time and the good feeling among the pas
sengers lasted all day. Some noticed th
thing when they got on and some when
they left, but all saw It and laughed in an
amused and half-tender sort of way.
The cause of the humor was a small ob
ject on the rear platform. It hung on the
bit of rope hanging from the bell cord
which th conductor pull to stop and start
th car. It wa a tiny baby' hoe that
some youngster had kicked oft In the car
and whose mother never noted the loss.
Mayor Well Poke Fun at Metropolis
Over the Hill Cut Off
Mayor George F. Woli of Fremont la hav
ing a big laugh at the exense of Omaha,
while at the sam time he la uttering yells
of Joy at the thought that the Great North
ern will build through his city. Mr. Wola
haa written a member of the Omaha Com
mercial club, enclosing a newspaper car
toon which represents Small Boy Fremont
receiving a trig box of candy at tha hands
of Uncle Jim Hill, while Big Brother
Omaha stand digging hi list into hi
sorrowing eye. Ia th appended note tha
Fremont mayor says:
"I feel sorry for you, poor boy, but W
are the People thl time. Don't cry too
hard, for vou might get some of the candy
later on in a roundabout way. All good
things come to him who waits with pa
tience. In the meantime, w will take care
ot the Great Northern. With good cheer.
Tint a Case Reported to Federal
Officials at Thl Fourth ot
July Season.
There Is almost Invariably a greater or
less amount of counterfeit money put In
circulation about the Fourth ot July, par
ticularly at th park and resorts, but thus
far thl year not a case of passing or re
ceiving a counterfeit coin haa been re
ported. Captain John Webb of the secret
service department of the government aald:
"W generally look for the appearance
of counterfeit money, generally of the
smaller coin denominations, about this time,
and the proporletors ot the resorts were
asked to keep a close watch on the coun
terfeit. I hav made diligent inquiry
sine th Fourth, but have yet to hear of
a single case of bad money being put In cir
culation In this vicinity."
Corps 1 Seen la th Missouri
and Step Takes to He
ro v r It,
A floating body wa not:c-d In th Mis
souri river Thursday morning by an engine
crew while crossing th Union Paclfio
bridge. Th office ot th chief of polio
wa immediately notltlod and th tnforma-
tlon forwarded to Tlattsmouth. wher tt I
believed the body will be recovered. As
yet the identity or sex a! the body I unknown.
Pen Plctnre of the Strenuous Life
Seen In Brand Sew West
em Town.
tn Harper's Magasine Philip Verrlll
Mlghels gives a vivid picture of western
mining camp as he saw tt on the night of
his arrival. "It was twilight when we cam
In sight of the brand-new mining ramp,
built In a natural amphitheater, formed by
the square-cut table mountains. It was a
thickly studded constellation of tents, with
straggling domicile and dugout scattered
about over a space of ten square miles. In
their whiteness and squareness the tent
resembled countless dice at rest where th
toss of fate and chance had left them to
grasp at a foothold.
"The Srkness closed In as we drove Into
town. Our teamster swung his animals at
once Into a large corral, where hundreds of
mules, n dosen cows, scores of men, great
dusty wagons and riles and heaps of ba
gage, lumber, cases, rolls of bedding, gaunt
Iron boilers and domestic necessities were)
mixed In hopeless confusion.
"I pah' hint my fare and told him I would
willingly pay him more could he manage to
provide me with a 6x1 accommodation In
his blankets for the night. He knew men
were walking the streets for lack of bed
In the town, and, being a large-hearted
teamster, he agreed to take me in, pro
vided there was space sufficient under
" 'I sleep 'most anywheres In this cor
ral,' he said. 'There's a tent over here that
we may get In If there ain't too many beda
there now."
"In the semi-darkness we stumbled over
to the tent, which he entered. A second
later he let out a horrlhlo whoop. He had
bumped Into something alive. It waa
merely a cow. She had gone Inside In
search either for newa from home or hay
In the mattresses. She came out hurriedly,
bowling the writer aside In her haste. Then
a match was lighted. Its wavering light re
vesting nine rough beds In th tent, all on
the ground. In a space so limited that
many were, perforce, rolled up In order to
squeete Into the space. But I could come
here and bunk In with th teamster If noth
ing more Inviting could be found. He
seemed to believe there was room.
"A final storm of the day now broke be
fore I could make my way from the strewn
corral. In Nevada the rarest disturbance
known Is a storm of thunder and rain. But
tonight above the brow of the somber
mountains raged a mighty war of . ele
ments, terrific snd ominous. Out of clouds
as black as felt stabbed three-pronged
lightning strokes, vicious and awful. A
sudden wind hurled dust and rain and hall
together In a tempest on the town. Tha
street was ablase with light from a score
of saloons and gambling halls. Muslo arose
from these thronged abodes of carelessness.
It swept In Interrupted gushes on the storm,
laughing out Its frivolity against the stern,
deep roar of thunder from th MIL To m
It wa threat and portent, fearful and ma
jestic, that the gods were sounding."
Declare They Are Disgraceful and
Lay Blame on Bullying; of
Paving? Contractor.
"I hope the asphalt plant will get to do
ing business quick," say Mayor Moore.
"I drive every evening and my observation
permits me to make the statement with a
perfectly clear conscience that tha atreet
of this city would be considered a disgrac
by any 10.000 population town In th land.
Some of the pavement are simply awful.
W have been balked and bullied by paving
contractors long enough, and I am heartily
glad that the matter of repairing la now
In the hands of the city, and, what la bet
ter. In the hands ot the engineering depart
ment. If the pavement ar not kept In
good shape from now on we know wher
to look to place the blame."
Retailer of Nebraska Will Hold Con.
vrntlon Before Puro Food
Show Closes.
August 23 and 24 are th date of th
fifth annual convention of th Nebraska
Retail Merchants' association, which will b
held In Omaha. These date ar th laal
two daya of tha pure food ahow and ar tn
the week of buyer' low rate to Omaha on
all the railroad. About 2.000 merchants
ar member of th association.
Vacation for German Ambassador.
NEW YORK. Julv R Tlarnn Hnelr
Sternburg, the German ambassador at
Washington, and hi wife sailed today on
the steamshlu Bremen. II 1 on a three-
month vacation.
Private Alex W. Henderson.
Tenth cavalry, Fort Robinson,, haa been or-
urreu iranaiorrea 10 in nospitai Corp.
Contract Surgeon W. H. Ramsey, U, S3.
A.. I acting chief surgeon of th Depart
ment Of the Missouri until a Mrnnnanl
f ppolntment Is made.
Second Lieutenant Charle C. Finch.
Eleventh Infantry. Fort 1. A. Rusaell,
yo., has been granted leave of absence
for two months to date from July IS.
Bergeant Daniel C. Donovan, hospital
corps. Fort Niobrara, has been ordered to
report for duty at th office of the chief
urgeon. Department of the Missouri.
Lieutenant George C. iJiwrason, Twenty
fifth Infantry, Fort Niobrara, has been de
tailed as inspector of beef rattle at th
Rosebud Indian agency for the year ending
June 30, 190.
Brigadier General Wlnt, commanding th
Northern Military division, departed Wed
nesday evening for St. Louis, accompanied
by Lieutenant C. C. Allen, aide-de-camp.
They will return Friday evening.
Major Homer M. Wheeler, Eleventh ear
airy, Fort De Moines, has been detailed
to tske temporary charge of the recruiting
station at Des Moines to relieve Major .
a. Galbralth of the Inspector general s do
liartment. The following enlisted men hav been
ordered honorably discharged from th
army, pursuant to instructions from tho
War department Corporal Frank Nixon,
Company O. and First Sergeant J. O.
Sloan, Company l. Eleventh infantry. Fort -D.
A. Russell, Wyo.
A board of officers consisting of Major
D. L. Howell, Captain James M. Arraamlth
and Second Lieutenant J. M. Cummins,
Eighteenth Infantry, has been ordered to
meet at Fort Leavenworth to examine into
and pass upon the qusllficatlons of Quar
termaster Sergeant Charles A. Stuart,
Eighteenth Infantry, for the position of
post quartermaster sergeant United Slate
The commanding officer of the recruiting
rendesvuus at Jefferson Iiarracks has beel
ordered to send seventy cevalry recruits
available at that station to Fort Walla
Walla, Want) , for assignment to tha Fourth
cavalry; eleven cavalry recruits available
for and willing to serve In the field artil
lery branch to Fort Sill, Okl., and four to
Fort Leavenworth, Kan., for assignment
to field batteries at those post.
The portion of the general court-martial
sentences relating to confinement hav
been remitted by direction of Brigadier
General Wlnt In the following cases John
W. Snyder, late private Troop G, i.levent
cavalry: Frank McCarthy, late private
Troop G, Eleventh cavalry; Charle Ma
ey, late private Company K, Twenty
ninth Infantry; Alonso Canton, late private
Bevl nth battery field artillery, and William
B. Paris, lute private Company 1, Twenty
fifth Infantry.
Bergeant Shelby O. Cox, hospital corps,
now temporarily on duty In the office of
the chief surgeon at department headquar
ters, this city, has been relieved from that
duly and will proceed to Fort Omaha, re
porting on arrival to the commanding offi
cer of the nmii of United Slates trooua
at that post for duty. Privates Willis Ksut
and William (. Wagner, hospital corps, at
Fort Meade, 8. D., are also ordered to re
port to Fort Omaha tor duly wil Us
vllal deiarUDol Uisra,