Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 07, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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C!Ter Work in Box Sends the Indians
Away Losers on Series.
Champion lilt at Right Tim In
llrat Two Innings nil Land
Victory lr a borrow
Three out of four Isn't so bad, and that
Is what the 2 to 1 victory of the Champs
over the Sioux at Vinton street park
Thursday made the record on the last
series. War Sanders did the slabwork for
Pa and right well did he do his stunt, for
he had them all going from the beginning.
He allowed but three hits and did not pass
a man to first and struck out six of the
Poo. Pa s pitchers are all working bully
end when they come hack for a good long
scries on the home grounds, a climb In
the ln.ddi.-r may be expected. Martin also
tipped Into the limelight for a day and
brought Ilrown home by a three-sacker
that looked as if It would clear the right
field fence near the Illinois Central sign.
The story of tho runs Is a short one.
fcut tho play for these was fast and many
a fan missed a good game of ball by not
being at the park. Weed Joggled with
Thiers first ball until the latter was
perched on first base to be sacrificed, as
only this combination knows how, to sec
ond by Carter. Tjqlan flew out to Nobllt
and Welch hit a corking single to left
field, while all of the fielders were laying
for him to hit the ball the other way.
and Thlel scored. It was one, two. three
for the Soo for six straight Innings, ex
cept In tho fifth, when Weed hit tho first
bull pitched, for a double.
Won It In the Second.
Tho Chumps made another in the second
Inning when Ilrown walked on four wide
ones and was sacrificed to second by
Slugger mil, who hns forgotten to shig In
the lact two games, and scored on Mar
tin's triple to right. Freese hit the ball
to second on a sort of a half bunt and
Weed threw it home to catch Martin, but
Martin did not come home and both were
safe. The best that Sandy could do was
to hit to the pitcher and Thlel walked.
Carter hit a grounder to Sheehan, who
touched third and the fun was over. But
Omaha did not need the runs that might
have been made In this Inning, for tho
800 could score but a singleton and that
In the seventh.
Carney's athletes walked right Into San
ders at the beginning of the lucky seventh
and seemed to think that they were going
to have a regular picnic, and It looked
for a time as if they would, but Sandy
settled down and the chance was passed.
O'Hara singled and ao did Pulsifer. Weed
truck out and Koblit reached first on
A; Deliciouj
At all
firtft-claM Juls
or caicr.
tcep a case.
Oxier fc now!
. iStor z.
Brewing Co.
Frown's error and the bases were filled.
Newton flew out to Thlel, giving O'Hara
a Chance to score on the throw In, and
Btarnngle flew nut to Carter, saving the
day for the ring Ftrs. For the other
two remaining Innings the Soo were re
tired as fast as they came to feat and
they returned to the city a sorry looking
pes Molnea Today.
Pi s Moines will be here this afternoon
with llrman trfing and the other youttis.
and as It is ladles day there is sure to
he a big gathering of the women and fans.
Attendance, 3K Score:
AB. R. If. O. A. K.
TMn1 If 3 1 0 2 0 9
Carter, rf 3 0 0 6
Imlan. ss 4 0 1
Welch, cf ! 0 1
Frown, lb S 1
Prhlpke, 3h 3 0
Martin, 2b S 0
Freese, c 8
Sanders, p S 0
0 0
0 10
1 0 0
0 0 1
0 S i 0
t t t 0
1 0
0 0 2 0
Splendid Showing of the Box Artists for the
Champions Up to Date.
Totals t i 27 T 1
AB. R. H. O. A. E.
Pheehan, 3b 4 0 0 2 2 1
O'Hara. If 4 110 0 0
Pulsifer. rf 4 0 1 S 0 0
Wend. 2b 4 0 1 3 2 1
Nobllt. cf 3 0 0 2 0 0
Newton, ss 3 0 0 1 J 0
Starnngle. lb 3 0 0 10 1 0
RaerwBld, e J n 0 8 J 0
Cadwallader. p S 0 0 J) J J
Total 31 1 8 24 5 1
Omaha 1 1 0 " 0 0 0 0 -!
Sioux Cltv 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 fr-1
Two-base hit: Weed. Three-base hit:
Martin. Hase on balls: Off Sanders, 0;
off Cadwallader. 4. Double play: Cad
wallader. Weed and Starnagle. Struck out:
By Sanders, 8; by Cadwallader.l. Lft on
bases: Omaha, 7; Sioux City, 3. Sacrifice
hits: Carter, Welch, Schlpke. Time of
game: 1:20. Umpire: Mace.
t'ut Fielding Gam.
DENVER. July 6 With Engle opposing
Stlmmel Denver had little difficulty dis
posing of Colorado Springs by a score
of 3 to 1. Bunched hitting, good base run
ning and superb and errorless fielding ac
counts lor the local's victory.
The fielding sensation was contributed
bv Shortstop Hoelskoetter of Denver in
the third, when he brought down Hador s
high bounding hit over second and retired
the runner at first. A running catch by
I'errlne near the right field bleachers, a
catch by Belden and stops by Bader and
Knabe completed the fust fielding pro
gram. Kendall, with three singles and a
base on balls led the batters. Denver
scored In the first with two out on Ran
dalls hit and stenl and Belilen-s three
baggen, The last two runs came In the
fourth. Perrlne opened with a hit to cen
ter and while Blake was throwing the ball
scampered in to second. Hoelskoetter s hit
brought In the run. Everltt forced Hoels
koetter. Evervone was safe on Lucia s
slow bunt, which Mott fielded to second
and Engle's single brought Everltt home.
Colorado Springs tallied In the fifth with
two out. Bader hit for two bases. Stlm
mel raised a Texas leaguer, v.-hlch Hoels
koetter tried to take away from Belden.
The ball dropped safe for a hit and a
.... . 1 1 1 with annth.r H 1 1
score, nuize iouov.-,. ...... .......... .....
With two on bases and two out Cook hit
over second. Hoelskoetter got the ball and
had Mitze easy at second, but took the
Cook out on a very close play, shutting
on 1 no lasi cn.m:e wi v.,
DENVER COLORADO nrKl.iun. n M n A E.
MrHal.. cf... oVl' 0 OMIUe. jf 0 10 10
Hirtir I, lb.,0 0 I I uinnn. 11. ' " J
Randall rf... 1 I 1 0 OBI.k.. cf ... 0 0 f JO
P.rrl'nY lb.'..' 1 1 0 0, ib..O 01! 0 0
F.v.rltt, lb... 1 1 11 0 0 Messltt. C... MM
l.nrl.. e 0 0 I 0 Itadnr. M 1 1 0
EDgl., p 0 1 0 t 0 Btlmmell. p.,0 1 1 1 1
Totali I I 27 14 I Total! 1 24 15 5
Denver 1 0020000 -3
Colorado Springs ....0 0001000 0-1
Stolen bases: Hartiell, Randall. Three
base hit: Belden. Bases on balls: Oft
Engle, 2; off Stlmmell, 2. Struck out: By
Engle, 6. Left on bases: Denver, 6; Colo
rado Springs, 4. First base on errors: Den
ver, 1. Two-base hits: Perrlne, Bader.
Time: 1:30. Umpire: Burns.
Dra Molnea Better In Mad.
DE8 MOINES, July 6. On a diamond
covered with mud and water Des Moines
took the last of the double aeries from
St. Joseph today by a score of 6 to !.
St. Joseph out-hit the Underwriters, but
Des Moines' hit came opportunely and
the luck, which had all been with St. Jo
seph In the first three Innings, suddenly
turned. A base on balls to Qulllin, a single
by Zinran and Liebhart's sacrifice coupled
with Rossman'a floundering In the mud In
his effort to pick up Ketchem'a grounder,
gave the Jobbers one score In the second.
In the third Andrews' single, Noyes' sac
rltlce and Qulllln's single added another.
Des Moines scored two In the fifth on
Caffyn's single. Andrews' wild throw to
first on Shugart's grounder. Town's sacri
fice and Lelneld's hard drive Into center
field Two more came in the seventh on
Shugart's single. Towne's grounder to
Ouillln who tried but failed to catch
Shugar't at third; Leineld's single and Ho
grlever'a long fly to Fleming, who doubled
Leineld at third. Attendance. 600. Score:
R.H.O.A B. R.H.O.A.E.
Ginley, cf.... 0 110 0 Colllm. rf....O 110 0
Horlvtr. lb 0 0 0 1 0 KMchem, cf..O 0 1 0 0
U,. H 0 0 1 J IS.hlli, Jb.... 0 till
Rnmn. lb.. 0 0 11 1 Andrw, Sb..t 114 1
Wakefield, rf. 0 V 1 1 J. jd....w 1 u 1
Caffvn if 1 I 1 0 0 Fleming. If.. 0 0 I 1 0
ch.,.. lh... 15 4 OQulllln. u... 1 114 0
Tomie, c 1 0 5 1 0 Zinran. e 0 I 5 1 0
Letneld, p.... 1 I 1 a 9-
Total! I t 27 11 1 Totala I 14 It 1
Des Moines 0 0 0 0 8 0 1 0 6
St. Joseph 1 u 1 u u u u u v z
Sfnlon base: Ganley. Two-base hits:
Quilliii, Qanley. Double plays: Fleming to
Zinran to Anurewe, Diiugnii j hubbiiiuh.
First base on balls: Off Lelfield, 2; off
Llebhardt, 1. Struck out: By Lelfield, 4; by
Llebhardt, 3. Passed ball: Zinran, 1. Time:
1:20. Umpire: Caruthers.
Standing of the Tenma.
Played. Won. Lost. Pet.
Des Moines .' 60 41 19 . 6S3
Denver 64 39 26 . 6)
Sioux City 1 a 2 .6,4
Omaha 60 32 28 . 5.13
Colorado RnrinES 62 19 43 .3"
St. Joseph i
Games today: Des Moines at Omaha.
Colorado Springs at Denver, St. Joseph at
Sioux City.
Omaha's pitchers are surely doing a
fine Job of work Just now, and If you don't
believe It. analyze the figures that are
here given. Aftr you have assimilated
the fact that In the sixty-three games the
team has played It has won thirty-two,
lost tsenty-elght and has tied three; that
2.116 opponents have been at bat against
Omaha pitchers and have registered 467
hits, with a batting average of .221; con
sider that In these games Omaha ha had
l.Mfl men at bat. eighty less than the
opposition, and has made 439 hits, only
twenty-six less than the opposition, with
a batting average of .227. This shows up
pretty pood for the Omaha pitchers, for
It surely takes work in the box to hold
the team as high In the race as It Is,
when It Is making such a weak showing at
bat. Sanders continues to be the stingy
boy, for, while he has been hit harder
than any of the others In the twelve games
he has pitched, he has Issued but twenty
six passes. McCloskey has given out
twenty-one and hit six men In fifteen
games. Jack Pflester Insists on holding
the strike-out record, with in" In fifteen
games, or nearly seven to the game. While
Jack has allowed but a trifle over six hits
to the game, he has walked forty-four men
and hit six, a total of fifty gifts. Mc
Closkey Is holding out well on the strike
out line, too, for he has whiffed seventy
two men In fifteen games, an average of a
little less than Ave to the game. Quick has
had the hardest bump of any, getting hit
for twenty-two safeties at Denver on June
6. He turned around on the lth, the next
time he faced the Denver bunch, and shut
them out with only six hits. Unlucky
IJebhardt got off easier than any of them
on opponents' batting average, but he
didn't break his record of not winning a
game In an Omaha uniform. Companion
Justified his disposal by giving out twenty
nine bases on balls in four games, eight
more than McCloskey has Issued In four
teen. Besides this. Companion hit two
batters and made two wild pitches. Quick
has only hit one batter, and Sanders has
not hit any. The figures for the season,
up to and Including yesterday'a game, are:
. 3
: ?
? ;
3 f
: 8
n ?
Pflester M 9 i .600 487 4li 95 103 44 3 6H .95
Sanders 6 6 . 646 413 48 loo 2R 26 0 2 8 .242
Quick 8 7 .5.13 4M 56 115 39 46 1 1 7i .238
McCloskey 7 7 .600 6no 46 110 72 21 6 1 7 .20
Companion 2 2 .600 140 22 33 22 29 2 2 84 .2.16
Llebhardt 0 1 .... 72 14 7 11 117 .194
Totals 32 28 . 533 2,116 223 467 268 177 18 7H .221
McCloskey, Sanders and Llebhardt each officiated In a tie game for Omaha; San
ders and Llebhardt against Des Moines and McClOBkey against St. Joseph.
been victories and three of the defeats have
been credited to the Sioux, who have been
the toughest customer Omaha has en
countered, with the exception of Denver.
Des Moines lost but six games during tho
round and three of these went to Omaha.
Here Is the record for the second round:
Played. Won. Lost. Pet.
Des Moines 31 25 6 .80S
Denver 34 23 11 .679
Omaha 31 17 14 .59
Sioux City 34 16 18 .471
Colorado Springs 34 11 23 . 324
St. Joseph 34 7 27 .206
Just to show what a change has been
made in a year the standing of the teams
on July 7, 1904, Is here reproduced for pur
poses of comparison:
Played. Won. Lost. Pet.
Denver 62 39 23 . 628
Colorado Springs 56 33 23 . 5W
Des Moines 67 33 34 .493
Omaha 63 31 32 . 492
St. Joseph 60 27 33 . 460
Sioux City 60 21 S .350
Corrldon'a Pltehln Enables Phila
delphia to Shut Oat Boston.
BOSTON, July 6. Corridon pitched a
great game for Philadelphia today and won
additional applause by his fearless handling
of hard-hit drives. Young was also ef
fective. Both teams fielded perfectly for
eight Innings, but Abbatlchlo threw high
to tne piate in me niiim ami iwu 1 mi
ners scored, by which Philadelphia won.
Attendance, 1.6S5. Score:
Thomai. cf.'..o'l'l 0 0 Ab'tlchlo, ss. 0 0 1 0 1
Uleason. ZD...U 1 a a 9 lennej, 10... v a n v
Courtney, ao. 1 w a 1 v uoiau. n w
Tltua, rf 1 1 1 0 0 Delehanty, If. 0 1 1 t
Maiea. If 0 110 IWolnrt n, lb 0 1 0 1 0
- 1.. ...... . . 1 1 . . . A tt
manpneis, id w via 1 vMnntu, c....v a m v
Kroner, aa... 0 0 1 5 0 Raymer. 2b..O 0 110
Doom, c 0 1 4 1 0 Moran, c 0 0 1 1 0
Corridon, p... 0 10 0 Young, p 0 0 0 1 J)
Total! 1 1 17 II 0 Totala 0 62 11 1
Branstleld out for Interference.
Philadelphia 0 0000000 22
Boston 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0
Two-base hits: Dooin, Tenney. Sacrifice
hits: Courtney, Delehanty, Magee, Tenney.
Double plays: Kruger to Uleason to
Bransneia; ueienanty 10 AODaucnio; uica
son to Kruger to Branstleld. First base on
balls: Off Corridon, 1; oft Young. 3. Hit
by pitched ball: By Corridon, Wolverton,
Baymer. Struck out: By Corridon. 3; by
Young, 8. Time: 1:41. Umpire: Klem.
Pittsburg- Defeats Chicago.
CHICAGO, July 6. Pittsburg's fielding
was ragged today, but by hard hitting they
won easily. Attendance, 4,3i0. Score;
R.H.O.A.E. R.H.O.A.E.
Clymar. cf.... 1 110 0 Slagle. cf 0 1 1 0 0
Clarke, If.... 1 110 tl Schulte. If 0 110 1
Leach, cf 0 1 1 0 0 Maloney, rf.. 0 1 1 0 (I
Wagner, aa... 1 111 1 Chance, lb... 1 0110
Howard, lb..O 111 1 Tinker, aa....l 0040
Brain, lb 1 1 0 1 1 Evera, 2b 0 0 5 1 0
Rltchey, lb..O 112 1 Caaey. Jb.... 0 10 0 1
Canach. C....0 111 2 Kling. c 0 1110
PuUllppe. p..O 1 1 1 OReuloach. p.. 0 0 0 0 0
Totala 5 11 2 10 ToUla 1 7 17 10 1
Schulte out; hit by batted ball.
Pittsburg 0 1 0 0 1 1 2 0 05
Chicago 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 02
Left on bases: Chicago, 3; Pittsburg. 8.
Two-base hit: Clarke. Three-base hit:
Leach. Home run: Brain. Sacrifice hits:
Brain, Schulte. Struck out: By Keulbach,
7; by Phllllppe, 8. Passed ball: Kllng.
First base on balls: Off Keulbach, 2; off
Phllllppe, 2. Wild pitch: Keulbach. Hit
by pitched ball: Howard. Time; 2:06.
Umpire: O'Day.
Cincinnati Beat St. 1. 00 Is.
CINCINNATI. July 6. Brown was hit
hard In the first Inning, when the Cincin
nati scored enough runs to win the game.
Ewlng was highly effective alter the first
Inning, not a man reaching third. Attend
ance, 1,700. Score:
R.H.O.A.E. R.H.O.A.E.
Huggtna, 2b.. 1 0 12 0 Clarke, rf.... 1 110 0
Barry, lb 1 10 0 Shanuon, lf..O 1100
Odwell, If ... . 0 1 4 0 0 8 moot, cf....O 1000
Seymour, cf . . 1 110 1 Orady. lb....O 0 11 1 1
Corcoran, aa.. 1115 0 Arndt, 2b 0 114 0
Seybrlng, rf . 1 2 0 0 0 Sha, aa 0 114 1
Stelnfeldt, lb 0 1 1 0 1 Burke. 3b 0 0 0 0 0
Street, c 0 0 4 0 Zearfoaa. c... 0 1 5 0 0
Ewlng, p 0 0 0 1 0 Brown, p 0 0 110
authority on base ball. He says it Is a ball.
Now the fans have put the matter up to
Harry Pulllam, president of the National
league, and Ban Johnson, president of the
Anjerlcan league and their rulings are be
ing anxiously awaited. Base balldom in
Sioux City Is all worked up over the question.
IIow the Account Between the Teams
Stands Sow.
Yesterday's games finished the second
round of the championship schedule of the
Wentern league, and with two-fifths of the
season gone the account between the teams
stands thus:
Des Moines
Ploux City
Colorado Springs
St. Josepn .
10 10 41
35 .5.1
32 .533
18 5.
3 6 2 1
Lost 19 26 28 28 43 43 1R4 ....
Des Moines. Omaha, Denver and Colo
rado Springs nave bettered their percentage
during this round, while 8loux City and St.
Joseph have loat. At the closo of the first
round on May 31 the standing of the teams
Played. Won. Lost. Pet
Wc use our own
L.ilJi ('V.,ri our business; yon
''"'k'xJ H know w,, rs iolau
'.." V-' Consultation Pres.
tired. Method new, wlthuut pain or loss
pa. P3iscN irTsr?,
Kir. In mouth, tonguo. throat, hair and
p- brow a falling out) dippjr completely
nak, Ninons. Men fa-,
nrous debllt. early decline, lack of vigor
tad strength.
UBINART, Kidney and Bladder Troubles,
reak Back, Burning Urine. Frequency of
Trinatlng. urlua iiigU Colorsd or with
lllky tsrdlraant on standing.
Treatment by mall 14 ytars OIP St'C
4at ttt ll sb4 Ixtug.ks. Oualaa. fcskv
Sioux City .
Des Moines
St. Joseph
Colorado Springs 28
Des Moines has made a decided runaway
of it during this second round, going even
faster than Sioux City did during the first.
Denver has played much better and Omaha
and tVlorado Springs have each shown a
marked Improvement. Sioux City slumped
over 2u0 points and so did St. Joseph.
Omaha has been doing much better of late.
Nine out of the last thirteen games have
There la
no lurb t&lna;
paying the same
price and getting the
same qualltj. At
your tobac
Totals I 17 1 1 Totala 1 t 24 11 J
Cincinnati 8 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 -6
St. Louis 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01
Two-base hit: Corcoran. Three-base
hit: Sebrlng. Stolen bases: Sebring Hi,
Odwell, Stelnfeldt. Seymour. Double play;
Corcoran to Barry. First base on balls:
Off Brown. 1. Sacrifice hits: Shannon,
Barry. Struck out; By Ewlng, 4; by
Brown, 4. Time: 1:S7. Umpire: Baus
wlne. New York Wins In First.
NEW YORK, July 8. New York easily
won from Brooklyn today, taking a com
manding lead In the first Inning. Wiltse
at all times was master of the situation
and the visitors could do nothing with tils
pitching. Attendance, 3,200. Score:
R.H.O.A B. k.H.O.A.B.
Browne. rf...l 110 0 Dobba. cf 0 0 4 0 1
bon I in. cf.... 1 I 1 0 0 Luroley. rf...O 110 1
MrUann, Ik.. I 111 0 I Burl. !.... 0 10 0
Menea. It ... 1 1 0 0 0 Ueteler, 16...0 I
Dahlea. aa...O 14 1 OHall. If 0 0 10 0
Devlin, lb ... 0 0 0 0 0 babb. aa 1 0 1 1
Gilbert. lb...O 114 0 Malay, 2b.... 0 lilt
ijowerman. c. 0 1 4 1 brrgen, o 0 0 4 0 a
Wlluw. p 1 1 1 4 tJjn, p 0 0 0 4 0
to 5 In favor of Tmerlck. The diamond was
In good condition and the attendance large.
Totala 1 11 17 11 t Touts 1 1 14 10 4
New York 4 0 1 0 0 2 0 1 g
Brooklyn 0 1000000 0-1
Two-base hit: Lumley. Three-base hits:
Browne, Mertes, OilberL Sacrifice hits:
Devlin. Wiltse. Stolen bases: McGann (3,
Dahlen (2i, Devlin, Gilbert, Gesxler. Babb.
Left on bases: New York, k; Brooklyn. 2.
First base on errors: New 'York, 1. First
base on balls: Off Wiltse, 8; off Eason, 4.
Struck out: By Wiltse, 2; by taaon, 4.
Time: 2 00. Umpire: Johnstone.
Standing; of the Teams.
Played. Won. list. Pet.
New York 72 62 20 .722
Pittsburg 72 45 27 . 6J5
Philadelphia 9 41 28 .64
Chicago 72 42 30 .63
Cincinnati 70 37 . 33 .6.9
St. Louis 71 26 46 .ibi
Boston 70 21 - 49 ,3"0
Brooklyn 72 21 61 .292
Games today: Brooklyn at New York.
Philadelphia at Boston. Pittsburg at Chi
cago, St. Louis at Cincinnati.
Cosnlakey Calls It a Ball.
BIOUX CITY. Ia.. July . (Special )
Charles Coinlskey, president of the Chicago
club of the American league, rules againkt
Jack Carney, manager of the Sioux Cl:y
club, and Herman Long, manager of the
Des Moines club, on the question whether
a pitched ball which hits in front of the
home plate and bounces over the plate be
tween the knees and the shoulders of the
batter should be called a ball or a strike.
Carney and Long maintained such a ball Is
a strike, but Comlskey declares It la a
ball. Another letter has been received from
Jack Kyder. base ball editor of the Cincin
nati Cnqulrer. generally regarded aa aa
Chlcngo and Cleveland Again Tie for
First Place.
CLEVELAND, July 6 Chicago defeated
Cleveland today, the two teams being
again tied for first place. Bernhard pitched
a strong game, but Donahue's home run
with two on bases gave Chicago a winning
lead In the first Inning. Attendance, 3,081.
H.H.O.A.E. R.H.O.A.E.
Jonea. rf 1 0 I 0 0 Jarkaon. If... 1 0 1 1 0
Holmea, If... 1 1 0 0 0 Bay. rf 0 0 2 0 0
Iavl. aa 1 2 1 1 1 Flirk. rf 1 1 0 0 0
Donnhue. lb.. 1 1 12 J D Kahl. 2b 0 1 0 t I
Green, rf 0 2 1 0 0 Bradley. Sb..O 1110
McFarland, c. 0 1 4 1 0 Turner, aa....O 1 1 4 0
Inindon. 2b... 0 0 4 4 0 Storall. lb...O 0 14 1 0
Tiinnfhlll. lb 0 0 1 1 0 Bemla. e 0 1 4 0 0
Allrock, p....O 0 0 1 0 Bernhard, p..O 0 0 4 0
acarr 0 0 0 0 0
Totala 7 10 If 11 1
Totals 1 7 17 17 1
Batted for Bernhard in ninth.
Chicago 3 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 27
Cleveland 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 02
First base on errors: Cleveland, 1; Chi
cago, 1. Two-base hits: Flick, Bradley,
Holmes. Home run: Donohue. Sacrifice
hit: Holmes. Stolen basi;: Green. First
base on balls: On" Bernhard, 4; Atrock,
2. Left on basas: Cleveland, 7: Chicago,
8. Struck out: Bernahrd, 4; Altrock, 8.
Wild pitch: Bernhard. Time: l:33i Um
pire: Connolly.
Detroit Wins In the Ninth.
DETROIT. Mich.. July .-Detrolt won
the worst played game of the season from
St. Louis today In the ninth on a baae on
balls, a sacrifice and Lindsay's hit. Both
pitchers were effective, but poorly sup
ported. Detroit today sold Hickman to
Washington, where,. iie Is to play the out
field. Attendance,' XwO. Score:
R.H.O.A.E. ' R.H.O.A.E.
Cooler cf ...0 1 1 0 1 Rork'flcld, lb 1 1 1 0 I
O'Leary, aa... 0 0 4 1 Stone, If 0 0 5 0 0
M.mtyre. if.. 110 0 V'anZandt, cf. 0 0 0 0 0
Crawford, rf.. 0 0 18 0 Frlak. rf 1 0 0 0 0
Coughlln, lb. 1112 2 Wallace, as... 1 1 1 4 1
Schaefer. 2b.. 1 1 4 I 0 Koehler. lb.O 111 0 V
Lindsay, lb.O 1 5 0 2 Oleaaon, tb..O 0 0 10
Doran, c 0 0 1 ORoth, e 0 1 1 1
Kllllan, p....l 0 0 1 OSutboff. p....O 1 0 5
Totala 4 4 2T 12 I Totala 1 525 12 I
One out when winning run was made.
Detroit ..0 1001100 14
St. Louis 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 03
Two-base hit: Cooley. Sacrifice hits:
Stone, Schaefer. Stolen bases: Wallace,
Koehler, Gleason, Rockenfield. First base
on balls: Off Kllllan, 6; oft Sudhoff, 1. Left
on bases: Detroit, 6; St. Louts, 9. Struck
out: by Kllllan, 6; by Sudhoff, 2. Wild
pitch: Kllllan. Time: 1:60. Umpire:
Philadelphia Beats Boston.
PHILADELPHIA. July 6. Hard hitting
enabled Philadelphia to, win a well played
game from Boston today. Winters retired
In ;he third after the home team had
made four singles and a triple. Attend
ance, 5,336. Score
H.H.O.A.E. R.H.O.A.E.
Hartiel. 1I...1 14 1 0 selbach. rt...O 10 0 0
Hoffman cf .l 111 0 Parent, aa 0 1120
Davla, lb 0 1 7 0 0 Burkett, it... I 0 111
L.Croaa, 3b. .,1 lit OCnlllna, 3b... 1 1111
Seybold, rt...l 1 1 0 I) Stahl. cf 1 1 4 0 0
Murphy. 2b... 0 3 1 4 0 Freeman, lb.. 0 1 T 0 0
M.Croaa, aa... 0 16 1 0 Perrla, 2b 1 0 110
8chrecUL C....0 0 6 0 0 McGovern, c. 0 1 6 1 0
Coakley. D...1 10 0 1 Wlntera. p 0 10 0 0
Tanneblll, p. 0 0 0 1 0
Totals 1 11 17 10 1
Totala 4 11 14 10 1
Philadelphia 1 0 4 0 1 1 0 0 7
Boston 0 8 1 0 0 1 0 0 04
Left on bases: Boston. 9: Philadelphia
7. Stolen bases: Hartxel (2). Two-base
hit: Davla. Three-base hits: Hoffman
Coakley. Sacrifice hit: Bey bold. Double
plays: L. Cross to M. Cross; Tannehlll
to Parent to Freeman. Hits: Off Winters.
6 In two ana one-tnlrd Innings; off Tanne
hlll, 6 In six and two-thirds Innings.
Struck out: By Coakley, 4; by Winters. 1:
by Tannehlll, i. Firs,, base on balls: Off
Coakley, 2; Winters, 1; Tannehlll, 1. Hit
by pltcnea Dan: M. cross. Time: 1:55.
Umpires: O'Loughlln and McCarthy.
Standing of the Teams.
Played. Won. Lost. Pet.
Cleveland 63 40 23 .635
Chicago b3 40 23 .636
Philauelphla 64 39 25 .6n
Detroit 66 32 U .492
Boston 59 28 31 .475
New York 60 26 34 .433
Washington 63 23 40 . 366
St. Louis 65 23 42 .3o4
Games today: Chicago at Detroit, Cleve
land at St. Louis, New York at Washing
ton, Boston at Philadelphia.
Dee Moines Here Friday,
Des Moines will be here for a postponed
game Friday at Vinton street park with
pas athletes and a warm game may be
expected. It will be McCloskey's day to
oblige and the ancient Undertakers will be
given a touch of high life. By the new
train schedule the teams are able to play
In Omaha one day and In the mountain
towns the next. These trains have been
Inaugurated since the base ball schedule
was made out. so that now an extra travel
day Is not needed. Friday will be ladles'
day. The lineup:
Omaha. Position. Des Moines.
Brown First Rossman
Martin Second Shugart
Schlpke Third McNlchola
Dolan Short Long
Theil ...Left Caffyn
Welch Center Ganley
Carter Bight Hogriever
Gonding Catch Wakefield
Freese Catch ...t Towne
Pnester pitch Manske
McCloskey Pitch Lelfield
Wulck Pitch Chapptle
Sanders pitch Morrison
Dissolves Base Ball lajaactlon.
HARRISBI RO. Pa.. July 8 Judge Welas
today dissolved the temporary Injunction
which had been granted by the Dauphin
county court, restraining Pitcher Wiltse
and Outfielder Hayden from playing with
the 1 rk Trl-State base ball team. The
two players Jumped their Baltimore con
tracts and the management of the latter
organisation sought to prevent them play
ing with the York team.
Deeatnr Beats Oakland.
DECATUR. Neb., July -i8peelal Tele-
fram.) Oakland played Decatur today,
core, 13 to 1 in favor of Decatur. Bat
teries: Decatur. Page and Matney: Oak
land. Coburn, Sharp and Sposken. Umpire:
W. K Lewis.
Enaerlck Defeats Battle Creek.
BATTLE CREEK. Neb., July -(Special
.) The ball game played here Tuesday
by the Battle Creek and Emerick teams
(or (ur f ioo resulted ia a score of I
Milwaukee hnts Ont Kansas City In
Brilliant Contest.
MILWAUKEE. July . tloodwln pitched
a splendlu game and received errorless
and at times brilliant support. The field
ing of Clark, Robinson. O'Neill and Hemp,
hill was the feature outside of Goodwin's
pitching. Attendance, 1.2iO. Score:
H.H.O.A.E. R.H.O.A E.
R own ton. aa. I 1 0 1 0 Caatrn. rf 0 0 1 0 0
O Nelll It 0 110 C I'onahue. aa . 0 114 1
H-mphill, rf. 1 1 2 0 0 Maafey, lb... 0 0 110
Bateman, lb.. 0 0 4 0 0 Butler, c 0 0 10 0 0
Berllle. C.... 0 2 11 0 0 Franta, 1B....0 0 0 1 0
C lark, lb 0 0 11 0 Nauru, It 0 0 10 0
O Brlen, lb .. 0 0 4 0 0 Bonner, 86...0 1110
MTh'en'y, lb 0 0 0 1 0 ( harlea, rf...O 0 10 1
Goodwin, p... 0 1 0 1 0 Eela. p 0 0 0 1 0
Totala I in I I Totala 0 1 24 10 1
Milwaukee 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 '2
Kansas City 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Two-base hit: Bonner. Stolen base: Rob
inson. First base on balls: Oft tloodwln,
1; oft Eels. 1 Hit by pitched ball: Rob
inson. 8truck out: By Goodwin, 1; by
Eels, 2. Double play: Bonner to Massey
to Butler. Sacrifice hit: Massey. Left on
bases: Milwaukee, 7; Kansas City, 4. Time:
1:16. Umpire: King.
Minneapolis Beats St. Pnnl.
ST. PAUL, Minn., July 6-St. Paul could
not hit Graham today when men were on
bases. The visitors got most of their runs
by timely hitting with two men out. Car
ney started to rltch for St. Paul, but
passed three men In the first two Innings
and Minneapolis began to hit him In the
se-ond. Slagle finished the game. Attend
ance, 2,340. Score:
R.H.O.A.E. R.H.O.A.E.
Jo iea, cf 2 2 4 1 0 Oeler. rf 1 110 1
D Sullivan, rf 0 1 0 1 0 Hemphill, rf. 0 1 1 0 0
rreeman, lb.. 1 I II 0 0 W heeler, 3b.. 0 10 10
Coulter If.... 1 110 0 O'Brien, aa... 0 10 11
Varahall, c... 0 1 0 0 Flourney. If.. 0 110 0
Oremlns'r, lb 1 1 1 0 0 Nonnan, lb.O 0 14 1 0
Fox, 2b 0 1110 Marlon, 2b... 114 12
Oyler. aa 1116 0 J. Sullivan, c. 0 I 1 1 0
Graham, p.... 1 1 0 1 0 Carney, p.... 0 0 0 0 0
Slagle, p 0 0 1 4 0
Totals 1 11 17 11 0
Totala 2 11 27 14 4
Minneapolis 0 8 0 0 2 2 0 0 0-7
St. Paul 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 12
Two-base hits: Graham, Coulter, Jones.
Stolen bases: Jones (21, Graham. Double
plays: Single to Noonan; Wheeler to
Marion to Noonan. Hits: OH Carney, 3 in
two Innings; off Slagle, 9 In seven Innings.
First base on balls: Off Carney. 3: off Sia-
gle. 2; off Graham. 3. Struck out: By
Graham, 6; by Slagle, 1. Sacrifice hits:
rox, urannin. Left on bases: St. Paul, 13;
Minneapolis, ". Time: 2:00. Umpires:
Kane and HaskelL
Games Postponed.
At Columbus Toledo-Columbus
postponed; rain.
At Louisville IndianaDolls-Loulsvllle
postponed; rain.
Standing; of the Teams.
Played. Won. Lost.
72 46 26
74 45
73 44
71 35
72 35
75 34
72 26
71 25
St. Paul
Kansas City
No games today.
Portsmouth Beats Stors.
PORTSMOUTH. Ia.. Julv 6. (Snerlnl A
The Portsmouth team defeated tne Stor
urewing company team 01 umana on ihe
Fourth of July In what is so far this seu
son the fastest game seen at Portsmouth.
The Storx team played a good, snappy
game, but was out of luck. Score
Portsmouth ....0 0000111 3 4 3
Storx 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 02 6 3
Batteries: Portsmouth, Lelne and Batty;
Storz, Newstrom and Fairbrother.
Too Wet at Marshall toirn.
MAR8HALLTOWN, Ia., July 6,-(Speclal
Telegram.) The Marshalltown-Fort Dodge
game In the Iowa league was postponed
on account of wet grounds.
Roseland Wins Two,
ROSELAND, Neb., July 6. (Special.)
Roseland and Kenesaw played ball here
July 4. Result: Roseland, 7; Kenesaw, 6.
Boys' game: Roseland. 18; Kenesaw, 3.
Indians Have a Snap.
UNIONTOWN. Pa., July 6 (Special Tele,
gram.) Greene's Nebraska Indians won as
they pleased today. Oliver never had a
look in. Score: Indians, 11; Oliver, L
. Elgin Beats Creston.
ELGIN, Neb.. July 6. (Special.) Creston
lost to Elgin, 10 to 2. Score:
Elgin 0 112 2 11 210
Creston 1 01000002
ond. Young pat third, Miss Terrace fourth.
Time: 2.11.
2 25 trot: May won, Klnsio second,
le Allerton third, Hugh Wynne fourth.
Time: 2.20V
California Girl Mill Meet Miss
Dnnilaa for Championship.
IINPON. July .-Mlss May Putton of
Pasadena. Cal.. today emerged victorious
from the big e-itry for the premier women's
tennis honor of all England, defeating by
rntiitpn wnvk throughout all the aspi
rants for the championship now held by
Miss I. K. Douglas, who on Saturdav next
will meet Miss Sutton. A battle royal Is
expected as the Englishwoman Is a re
markably fast player and a good general,
while Miss Sutton throughout the tourna
ment exhibited form never equalled at
Wlmbeldon. That Miss Sutton's triumph
was most popular when she defeated In
two straight sets Miss C. Wilson, who
played beautiful tennis, and only after a
hard fight. The atcctators rose in a body
and cheered the American again and again.
Today's match proved to he the hardest
Miss Sutton had yet struck. There were
four duce games In both sets. The Amer
ican was tired at the commencement of
the second set and the Kentish champion
seemed to be winning, when Miss Sutton
rallied and ultimately won. She plaved a
magnificent back line game and her drives
kept her opponent from getting near the
net. Miss Sutton's victory was verv popu
lar. An enormous gallery witnessed the
match and stood up on the stands and
roundly cheered the young American win
ner. In tho women's open doubles. Misses
Thompson and Longhurst beat Mioses Sut
ton and Morton. 3. -
In the doubles today the Britishers, fl It.
Smith and Frank I... Rlselv. defeated the
Australl-tns, Norman Brooks and Waltr
Dunlop. thus eliminating all but Ensllsh
men from the men's all-England champion-Ship.
I.eandera Detent Helalana.
HENLEY, England. July -The Ian
ders ho yeatcrdav d'feated the Vespers
of Philadelphia, ra , bv n length, totl ly
won the final bent In the contest for the
grand challennrp cup. defeating the Bel
gian crew by two and a half lenRths In the
splendid time of ft minutes and W seconds.
Eaton asnln carried off the l-adlrs' plate,
defeating Christ's college, Cambridge, bjr
five lengths. Time: 7.02.
Sporting: Brevities.
Thomas will soon be In the game again.
Outfielder Charles Frlsbee has been re
leased by Des Moines at bis request.
George Davis of the Chicago White Stock.
Ings Is the champion run-getter of the two
big leagues to date.
To date Waddell has landed twelve out of
fourteen games and Plttlnger has won nine
out of ten, six victories nnd one defeat
being his record on the last trip.
St. Iiuls has exchanged Pave Brain to
Pittsburg for McBrlde. McBrlde was with
St. liOuls the last season nnd has been
utility msn for Pittsburg this year.
At the meeting of the Omaha Rod and
Gun club, held Wednesday night, it was
decided to go ahead with the building of
the club house and bids will be asked at
once for a house to cost In tho neighbor
hood of $3,000.
M JF P I i"
R r FtrVv .Js0
Hit lT Jt
Fill your plans to the brim.
It Is wholesome, refreshing, apetizing.
Pure malt, pure spring water, perfect brerw
leg make
lath A nnnrlaa Tel. 1M1.
Co. Bluffs Headquarters
has Main Street Tel. W.
Jetter Brewing Co.
Telephone Krnnber 8,Souu Omaba
Sew York Team Five Points Ahead of
Englishmen on First Day.
BISLEY, England. July 6. The American
team of riflemen trom the Seventh regi
ment of New York waa five points to tne
good after remarkably close shooting at the
duo and two-yard ranges on tne nisi day of
the contest for the Sir Howard Vincent
shield against the Queen's Westminster vol
unteers. This lead was secured at the bo
yard range, the score at tfuo yards being
even at 3t9.
Captain Robert McLean said to a repre
sentative of the Associated Press that he
was satisfied with the result and was con
fident that the team would hold its own
at the long ranges 80O and l.uuu yards to
morrow. When the Americans left the 6u0-yard
range with a five-point lead they received
a round of hearty cheers from the on
lookers. The Americans made 49 and the
Westminsters 46 bull's-eyes at SOU range.
The competition was one of the closest
ever witnessed at Bidsley and the keenest
Interest was taken In It as the day's shoot
ing was closing. The Westminsters fired
quicker than the visitors and finished fif
teen minutes before the Americans. Bec
chus, one of the" Westminster reserves, led
the scoring. At 600 yards he scored 11
bull's-eyes and 4 lnners, being but four
short of the possible score.
Stevens of the visitors, at 500 yards, hit
the bull's-eye twelve times, but he had
two lnners and one magpie at ft"), and his
score fel Ho 69. spoiling a good beginning.
The next highest to Becchus for the
Westminsters was Mansfield, also a reserve
man. frail led the visitors, with 134.
After the shooting the teams were enter
tained at tea by the Westminsters, the
alters nana piaying ounng tne runcnon.
The teams, eight on each side, fired fif
teen shots earh at SOO and 600 yards.
The Americans were five points ahead
at the end of the 500-yard range shooting,
the scores being: Americans, 392: West
minsters, 387. Both teams were tied at 3t9
for the 600 yards
Vassalo Wins Mile Event from Cash
Day II.
DENVER. July . Overland Park results:
First race, one mile: Vassalo won, Cash
Dav II second. Loves Labor third. Time:
Second race, four and a half furlongs:
Atoka won, Limb of the Law second
Annie Marie third. Time: 0:5414.
Third race, six furlongs: Jack MeOInn
won, Tlburon second, Lansing R third.
Time: 1:15.
Fourth race, five furlongs: Flying Fox
won, David Boland second, Ishlana third.
Time: 1:001.
Fifth race, seven furlongs: Dora I won.
I.lbby Candid second. Montezuma third.
Time: l:Vi.
Sixth race, seven furlongs: Max Bee
won, Myrtle H second, Nuptial third. Time:
1 29.
Through Tourist Sleepers
to the Northwest
The Burlington is now running through Pullman
tourist sleepers daily between Omaha and Spokane,
Wash., leaving Omaha at 11:10 T. M.
This through sleeper service will be found very con
venient by those using the Burlington-Northern racinc
direct Northwest line between the Missouri Valley and
Puget Soundfither going to or returning from the Port
land Exposition; no tour of the Coast is complete unless it
includes the Shasta route and the Puget Sound country.
For full information, tickets, berths, etc., apply to
J. B. REYNOLDS, C. P. & T. A.
1502 Farnam St., Omaha
South and Southeast, one fare plus $2.00.
Hot Springs, Ark., daily
St. Louis, Mo., daily
Chautauqua, N. Y., July 28th
Detroit, Mich., Aug 13th and 14th
Pittsburg, ra., Aug. 17th and 18th .
Richmond, Va., Sept. 8th to 11th inclusive ....
Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 14th to 16th inclusive
i ( i
Some of the teams bowling In the hnndi- i
cap tournament last night had a good :
chance to pull Inside the cash prizes, but :
the weather was too warm for high scores !
and all of them fell below their expecta
tions. The teams scheduled for tonight are Me-
Cague and McKelvey, Sutton and Nelson, I
Encell and O'Hern, Sprague and Kahousky. :
The scores: j
1 J $ 4 6 Tot. H p. Tot I
Forscutt 171 177 173 17S 2?5 7 0 'l
Brunke Ju3 136 1 87 1 79 l;' 8x7 10 W7
Totals 374 311 3'iO 3S4 407 1.8n8 10 1.818 '
1 2 8 4 8 Tot H'p. Tot. j
jvioiyneaux im i& zir. tKl (W g,,..
Heft 161 139 179 218 120- 823 00 83
Totals J61 293 392 420 2H9-lT7K 120 1.875
1 J 3 4 5 Tot. H p. Tot.
Chumlea 1K3 143 1IS5 115 1S4-- 7S0 60 830
Tonneman ..178 1 193 172 2o8 937 10 647
Long limits, stop overs and other features offered in con
nection with the above rates.
All agents can sell you through tickets and route you
All tickets reading over the Wabash from Chicago east
are optional with passenger via lake or rail, either or both
Call at Wabash City office, 1601 Farnam street, or write
and let me give you all information, maps, descriptive mat
ter, folders, etc.
O. A. P. D. Wabash Ry., Omaha, Nab.
It is cool to-day
in Colorado
Block Signals
Totals 3U 329 34 317 tt 1.717 61
1 i 1 4 I Toi H'p.
nnn i.s i; ir hi ill :g 60
Waleni 199 15 1M 147 148 831 60 8M
Totals T78 338 331 28 129 1,664 100 1,704
Good RaelBat at Marios.
CEDAR RAPIDS, la.. Julv . (Special
Telegram.) The second dav of the Marlon
races was the best ever witnessed here a
fine track, fast time and a good crowd Re
sults: 2:18 pace: Echo Junior won, MIlo second
Lillian Russell third. Annie Woodlock
fourth. Time: 114
MO pac! JJaby Kid. WojiJrney L sec-
All the Way
Ask Geo. C. Cham
bers, Pass. Aft.,
t"9 Equitable Bid,,.,
Ues Moines, la.,
for "A Colorado
Bummer" book.
Why not take your Summer
Outing in Colorado Rockies?
The Santa Fe is arranging some
lowvrate excursions to
Go on the Colorado Flyer, the
train that's as fine as the