Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 07, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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Telephone M.
During July and
August Wo Cloae
Saturday at
I O'clock.
Friday mrtrning we will place on special sale all our $3.75
White Embroidered Bhirt Waist patterns at f 1.97 each.
AIbo all of our $2.50 White Embroidered Waist patterns at
f 1.28 each.
Dressing Sacques
Figured lawn sacques, dainty patterns,
made with fitted back, loose front, turn
over collar, 11.00 each.
White lawn sacques. made with tucked
back, loose fror.t, neck and sleeves finish
ed with lawn ruffles, 1100 each.
White lawn sacques, made with tucked
back, full front, neatiy finished with hem
stitched ruffles, 11.25 ench.
K"nona of white lawn, trimmed with
bands of embroidery, each.
Kimnnas of white lawn, daintily finished
with lace Inserting, 11.75 each.
Bacques of dainty figured lawns at 11.25,
11.60 and $175 each.
Warner's and Redfern Corsets
How to select a corset.
Shape Is the first requisite no woman
can be graceful In a poorly fitted corset.
To look well or wear well corsets. must be
comfortable. There are three distinct
types of figures, stout or fleshy, medium
and slender. In each type three styles, long,
medium and short waisted. To which of
800 Beautiful Skirts
Y. ML C A, BuUdlng, Corner Sixteenth and DougUs Stmt
(Continued from First Page.)
procedod to the Esplanade of the Invalldes.
The crowds which lined the route un
covered the'.r heads respectfully as the
casket, covered with flags and flowers,
On reaching the Invalldes the body was
placed on a high structure, where It was
surrounded by French and American offi
cers, while the American and French naval
and military forces filed slowly by, render
ing military honors to the dead.
- Following the review the body was placed
In a mortuary chapel, where the French
and Amerlcun marines guard until the de
parture of the train for Cherbourg at 10
o'clock tonight.
Mr. McCormlck gave a dinner tonight at
the embassy In honor of the visiting Amer
ican officials. . The guests Included Premier
Rouvler and other members of the cabinet.
(Tenth International Meeting; of
Society Is Tailed to Order
In Denver. (
' DENVER, July 6. The seventh Interna
tional convention of the Epworth league
was opened today with three simultaneous
meetings which ae4 to (he utmost the
capacity of Coliseum hail, 1 Trinity Meth
odist Episcopal church and Central Pres
byterian church, the largest auditoriums In
this city. Fully 20,000 delegates and vis
itors have been attraoted Irf Denver by the
convention. '
With a single change the program was
carried out to the letter today. Bishop
Isaac W,' Joyce of Minneapolis was slated
to preside at 'one of the. Opening meetings,
but owlg' to sickness he was unable to be
present. The chairmen atthese meetings
were Bishop Joseph Berry of Buffalo, N.
Y. ; Dr. Stephen 3. Herben 'of Chicago, edi
tor of the Epworth Herald", and Rev. Mol
vln Mylor of Quebec. Canada.
Governor .-Jesse F. McDonald, Mayor
Robert " "W. 8peer, Congressman Robert
Bonynge anl others' mad welcoming ad
dresses,, and response Were given by Rev.
H. D. Atcti-son, D. D., of Dubuque, la.;
Rev. If, M. Dubose, U ;t., of Nashville.
Tenn.; Rev, O. F. Saitoh. Ph. B., of Ot
tawa, Qnt.j Rev. W. S. Matthews. D. D.
of Berkeley. Cal.; -Rer. A. F. Watklns,
D. D., of Jackson, Miss.; Rev. 8. D. Chown,
D. D., of Toronto. Ont.; Rev. A. E. Craig,
D. D.. of Ottumwa, la.; Rev. T. N. Ivey.
D. D., of Raleigh, N. C, and Rev. L
Towell of Toronto, Ont.
At the afternoon meetings addresses on
"Evangelism, the Supreme Need of the
Hour," wore made by Rev. Dr. J. F. Stout
of St. Paul, Rev. Dr. John Handley of
Long Branch, N. J., and Rev. Dr. John
Stansfield of Indianapolis. "Young Life In
the Church" was discussed by Hev. Dr.
W, T. Q. Brown of Kingston, Ont., and
Rev. Dr. W. F. Packard of Hannibal, Mo.
Rev. Dr. Fred Wlnslow Adams, Schenec
tady, N. Y.; Rev. Richard Hnbba. Btrath
roy, Ont., and Rev. Dr. J. II. Young of 8t.
Louis spoke on "Soul Winners, Their
Equipment and Work."
The principal speakers at the evening
session were Rev. Mark Ouy Pearse of
London. England; Prof. A. F. Knutson of
MeadvlUe, Pa., and Rev. Dr. W. A. Quail
of Chicago.
"Methodists need a great awakening,
something to arouse them to a lasting
sense of the vast duties as Christiana,"
"Arnold" Knit Baby
Wash Cloths
So smooth, so soft, is this de
lightful cloth that baby
hardly feels his daily ablu
tions. The fabric is of soft
knitted cotton and of fine
texture, and highly absorb
ent. It readily soaks up the
water and discharges it as
freely as a sponge.' Not only
has it no harsh or irritating
features, but it is very,
cleansing. Size 0x9, and the
price is 7c each.
Write for 'tnlogue.
Bee, July , ItoS.
Embroidered Shirt
Waist Patterns
$1.28 and $1.97 Each
these three styles does your figure belong!
Just allow our corset fitters to help you
select your model and see how much Im
proved jour figure will be.
Redfern corsets are boned with genuine
whalebone and are excellent In shape.
Warner's are boned with "Rust-Proof"
steels. Trices 11.00 to $7.00 each.
New Embroideries
The prettiest edgings and Insertlngs of
the season arrived this week. Many la
dles have been waiting for them and we
wish to say you will be delighted with the
dainty, pretty new patterns we show.
Nainsook edgings and Insertlngs, all
widths from 1 to I Inches wide, from 16c
to 25c per yard.
Beautiful Swiss Inserting from 10c to
Soc per yard.
Corset cover embroideries, excellent val
ues from 40c tc $1.00 yard.
Btrap embroideries, something new and
desirable for corset cover straps, 25c and
$0c yard.
New minings for collars, etc., 60c, 60c,
t5c, 75c and $1.00 per yard.
said Bishop Joseph F. Berry, president of
the Epworth league, today. "Our church,
as well as other churches, Is so permeated
with the spirit of commercialism that the
spirit of Christ Is crowded Into the back
ground. "Thirst for wealth and social position
seems to have a strong hold on the minds
of our young people, and heroic measures
are necessary to keep them from being
swept away on the great wave of commer
cialism. I am optimistic, however, and am
hopeful for the future."
The league has now about 1,060,000 mem
bers, Bishop Berry said, and Is constantly
"Annie Grant" of Chleaa-o Said to
Have Stolen Jewelry In
LONDON, July 6. "Annie Grant" of Chi
cago, claiming to be an actress, waa com
mitted today at a police court to stand trial
at the Old Bailey oh the charge of stealing
a pearl necklace worth $10,000 from Chris
tie's auction rooms. The woman, whose
real name Is thought to be Annie Gleeson,
according to the prosecuting counsel, vis
ited Christie's, Inspected the necklace anl
secured a duplicate of Imitation pearls
which on a second visit she substituted for
the genuine while the attendant's back was
The prisoner obtained a continental pass
port at the American embassy six months
ago In the name of Annie M. Grant of Chi
Statna of Affairs In Earope May Have
Effect on Men at Horiolnla.
HONOLULU, July C Included In ;he
crew and officers pf the wrecked Norwegian
vessels Balamls and Victor, brought here
by the schooner Matthew Turner, are
twenty-six Norwegians who were greatly
surprised to learn of the separation of their
country from Sweden and who were in
doubt as to what consul to call on for m
ststance. William Photenhaur, acting con
sul for Norway and Sweden, la without offi
cial notice of the severance of the relations
between the two countries and he will send
the men home If they do not secure em
ployment here.- ' '
The local Japanese presa says that the
Toklo government has issued a new order
which went Into effect July 1, increasing
the number of Immigrants per steamer to
Hawaii from 100 to 400. Half of the number
may be laborers, the other half women anl
Craft with Crew of Thirteen noes
Down Off Coaat of Tnnla.
FERRY VILLE. Tunis. July . A French
submarine boat, with a crew of thirteen on
board, foundered here today.
The commander and two men were hurled
In the air just before the submarine sank.
The dlvera say that the men entombed In
the submarine boat at the bottom of
Blserta bay reply to their calls.
PARIS. July . A dispatch received
from Ferryvllle Indicates that the crew of
the submarine boat which foundered there
today has been saved.
nerelopln Canadian Northwest.
VICTORIA. B. C. July 6.-The Canadian
Pacific Railroad company, which recently
purchased the Esquimau ft Uanlmo rail
way system between Victoria and Welling
ton, today announced that survey parties
would at once be placed In the field, looking
to the extension of the line to the north of
Vancouver Island. J. S. Dennis, land com
misaloner of the Canadian Pacific railroad.
said survey parties would also be sent to
locate the agricultural lands of Vauoouver
island, clear them and make them ready
to be placed on the market.
Philippine Telephone Concession.
MANILA, July . The Philippine com
mission has passed an act granting Sabtn
Glass of San Francisco a franchise to con
struct telephone and telegraph systems
throughout the Islands.
Railroad Mast Respond to the Got
eminent Bill at Kansas
City Aagnat 1.
KANSAS CITT. July 1-Judge John Phil
lips, in the United States district court
here, today set August 1 as the date upon
which the Atchison, Topeka A, Santa Fe
railroad may file Its pleadings In the con
tempt suit brought recently upon behalf
of the government, which alleged that that
company had violated the court injunction
Issued March , 19(4, restraining It from
departing from ' the fixed schedules of
freight rates.
On August 1 the court probably sot a
day later on when arguments In the case
will be beard.
Majeatle's Englae Disabled.
NEW YORK. July I. The White Star
line steamer Majestic, from Queens' own,
which waa due to port yesterday, passed
Fire island at II is) p. m. The marine ob
server at that point reported that the
learner appeared to be running at half
speed. A wlreleea message from Captain
lUyrS stated that the Majustlo'a starboard
engine waa disabled and the steaiuer is
iKakluf yvrX wliU vuif eae ecgiae.
Popular Bummer F.esorU Not Desired for
Meeting of Peace Plenipotentiaries.
Those from Interned Transport Lena
Ask Same PrUllesea as Those
Accorded fallora of En
unlst at Manila,
WASHINGTON. July 6.-Whlle the place
for the hot weather sessions of the peace
plenipotentiaries has not been selected, it
Is learned that Portland, Me., Is being re
garded very favorably. Bur Harbor, New
port and other well known resorts have
been considered, but are objectionable on
account of the crowds and the social at
tentions which would be shown the mom-
be rs of the conference. In Portland, or Its
Immediate vicinity, It Is felt could be ob
tained the desired retirement, while at the
same time affording a cool climate.
In an authoritative quarter it was
learned today that In addition to those al
reidy selected Mr. Pokotlloff. Russian min
ister to China, hns been ordered to tho
United States In connection with the peace
Russian Reqneit Release.
VALLEJO, Cal., July 6. More than .00
members of the crew of the Russian cruiser
Lena, which In Interned at the Mare Island
navy yard, have made a demand upon Com
mander Gentlier, in charge of the vessel,
that they be accorded the same privileges
as those granted the enlisted men on .'he'ilan ships Interned at Manila; that Is,
that all of the crew except enough men to
man the ship be parolled and allowed to re
turn to their homes In Russia. Commander
Genther told the men that he would com
municate their wishes to the State depart
ment at Washington.
Japan Closes Deal for Loan.
LONDON, July 6. The negotiations for
the Japanese loan of $150,000,0u0, with the
tobacco monopoly as security, were practi
cally completed this morning and terma will
be signed this afternoon. The Issue price
will be 90, the interest per cent and the
loan, which will be equally divided between
New York, London and Germany, will run
for twenty years. The Issuing houses in
New York will be Kuhn, Loeb & Co., the
National City bank and the National Bank
of Commerce In London; the Hong Kong
Shanghai Banking corporation, the Yo
kohama Specie bank and Parr's bank, and
In Germany thirteen .houses In different
cities will 1hbu the bonds. Tho prospectus
will be out July 11.
Mikado Says Farewell to Komnra.
TOKIO, July 6. The emperor gave a faro-
well audience and lunch to Baron Komura,
envoy from Japan to the approaching peace
conference at Washington, and the staff of
the Japanese Peace commission today.
The emperor delivered an address today
to the pence plenipotentiaries as follows:
The president of the United States helnr
grieved to learn that the war between Rus
sia and Japan had not leen brought to a
close after the la use of l.iore than a vnar.
and being Impressed with the urgent need,
In the Interest of pence end humanity, of
terminating me conmct, nns suggested that
the two governments oppilnt plenipoten
tiaries and cause them to n.eet together to
negotiate peace.
We were compelled, contrary to our ex
pectation, to resort to arms despite our
constant abiding wish for peace, and If in
consequence of the conciliatory spirit of
our opponent hostilities could be brought
to an end, nothing would be more satisfac
tory than such consummation.
Accordingly, we at once accept, the sug
gestion of the president of th United
States and we hereby charge you with the
mission or negotiating ana (Occluding
pence. You should devote Yourselves with
all of your power to discharge your-mission
and make every effort to secure the re
establlshment of peace on a durable basis.
Criticise Maravleff'a Appointment.
ST. PETERSBURG, July 6.-M. Mur-
avleff will arrive here Sunday. He will
receive special instructions from the em
peror end consult with the various min
isters and will leave with his suite for
Washington probably about July 20. But
the date Is not absolutely fixed.
Russia has not yet received indications
of Japan's attitude toward an armistice.
The Slovo today severely criticises the se
lection of M. Muravleff as one of the Rus
sian peace plenipotentiaries, declaring that
he has neither the ability nor the tempera
ment to conduct great negotiations. His
rise to the position of minister of Justice,
the paper affirms, was not due to his
faithfulness to the ideals of Justice, but
rather devotion to the arbitrary methods
which are execrated throughout Russia.
The Slovo recalls "the deplorable Incidents
which marked M. Muravlefrs connection
with the Hartman affair In Paris and The
Hague conference," as reasons for express
ing the opinion that negotiations under
his direction are sure to be accompanied
by many disappointments.
It is generally understood here that M.
Muravleff's selection was extremely dis
tasteful to Foreign Minister Lamsdorff and
that it was the emperor's personal act.
Among the liberals a story Is being in
dustriously circulated and believed that
Japan at the Washington peace conference
will demand that the treaty of peace, if
concluded, shall be submitted for the rati
fication of the Russian people In order
to insure Its observance in case of a change
of government.
(Continued from First Page.)
Lewis Nixon built are at Sevastopol com
pleted and might be used. Mr. Nixon him
self has not been heard from and telegrams
dispatched to him remain unanswered. This
does not indicate cause for alarm so far aa
he personally is concerned, but la probably
due to the censorship. However. It tends
to confirm the extreme gravity of the situa
tion. Telegrams from the Caucasus, .where a
state bordering on anarchy nas existed for
a month, says the news of mutiny on board
the Kntas Potemklne made an electric Im
pression and was the signal for a general
movement with which troops and police are
absolutely powerless to cope. Railroad
traffic in all directions has ceased and the
people are fleeing on horseback and all
kinds of.vehlclee over the mountain roads
and trails.
Almost consternation prevails In official
circles here.
Life Guardsmen In Revolt.
BERLIN, July 6, A correspondent at
Kattowlts. Silesia, says he learns from an
altogether reliable source that sixteen men
were designated In each company of the
Lithuania Life Guard regiment in Warsaw
to go to Manchuria June 3 and that day
the men so designated refused to go, and
their comrades refused to make them do so.
The colonel of the Lithuania regiment sent
to another life guard regiment, named the
St. Petersburg, for help, but the men re
fused to obey orders, which was also the
case with a third life guard regiment, the
Kexholm. The colonel of the Lithuania
regiment then applied to the military com
mander of Warsaw. Lieutenant General
Komaroff, who sent a detachment of Cos
sacks to the Mokotow camp. Some of the
mutineers fired on the Cossacks, who re
turned the fire, fourteen altogether being
killed before those who resisted were ar
rested. t'ronetadt Strikers Win.
CRON8TADT, July 1 The dock labor
ers' strike here ha been settled, the com
paaie reducing the hours of work to
nine per day and Increasing the men'e
wages 10 per cent.
Rlotlnar at Bakn.
ST. PETERSBURG, July fl.-The situa
tion at Baku Is so serious that the oil
men have telegraphed to the minister of
the Interior for permission to organise
a mllltla In self defense.
Speaker at Baltimore Tell of
Progress Made with the
Yoana" People.
BALTIMORE,' July 6. The second day's
session of the twenty-second International
Christian Endeavor's convention was pre
sided over by the Rev. George B. Stewart
of Auburn, N. V.
William Bhaw of Boston, delivered the
following address, upon "What Christian
Endeavors Hare Done." saying In part:
Twenty-five years' ago the ruling Idea In
the church Was that children should be
seen and not heard. The result was that
few were seen, and none were heard.
Twenty-five years of Christian Endeavor
has revealed to the church that It Is out of
the young people that the Kingdom of
Heaven Is to be made.
This week over Mi.iicO Christian Endeavor
prayer meetings will be held, and tens of
thousands mure by societies that belong,
and ought to be. In our fellowship. Twonty
flve years ago the church that had a well
organised young people's society was the
exception. Todnv the church that does not
have such a society is a curiosity.
Christian Endeavor made 'he prayer
meeting the heart of the movement, and
has laid great emphasis on testimony and
prayer, bb it outtht: for without prnyer and
testimony the church would die. Tho mnr
tyrs and confessors rank together.
Through its system of committee work It
offers opportunity for training In service
to every member.
Through the executive commit! it gives
to the pastor a cabinet by wiin'h he enn
touch and direct every line of work In
which the young people are engaged.
Twenty-five years ago a small percentage
of the churches had mission circles com
posed of (tlrls or young women. Now we
have thousands of our brightest and best
young men vying with the young women
in their Interest and enthusiasm for mis
sions. Tens of thousands of missionary
committees are nt work, and thousands of
mission study classes are conducted.
Lust year tne gifts or tne young people,
to missions reported to the Presbyterian
general assembly amounted to $184. OXI, and
this Is a sample of the new missionary
asset that hns been developed. Iss than
10,000 societies reporting to the United so
ciety the actual amounts contributed for
beneficence for a period of five years gave
a total of 12.1S7.00O. Not a penny of this
was Riven to the United society or used In
Christian Endeavor work, but every dollar
was a contribution to the missionary and
philanthropic work of the church.
Mrs. Kate L. Hause of St. Louis, field
secretary of Missouri Christian Endeav
orers, spoke on the call for superintend
ents and was heartily applauded.
During the afternoon there was a con
ference In the Associate Congregational
church of the officers of all state and local
Christian Endeavor unions, under the
leadership of General Secretary von Ogden
Vogt, at which the following subjects were
"The Federation of Unions."
"Independent Unions."
"Flnnnclnsr I.ocM Enterprises."
"General Problems."
The afternoon session' of the convention
was devoted to a. "Junior and Intermediate
rally," presided over by Rev. Dr. Ira
Landrlth, president of Belmont college,
Nashville, Tenn. The program Included a
"welcome song" by the Baltimore Junior
choir with a chorus of 1,600 voices; prayer
by Rev. Alexander Esler. Toronto, Canada;
"The Story of Christian Endeavor"; a
cantata by the Jilnibr choir; "A Mace
donian Junior." by . lira. Tsilka and Eleut
cha, and an address by Rev. C. H. Tin
dale of New York Oh "Life Preservers."
"The Brotherhood of Christian En.
deavor" was the JtOynote of the two big
meetings tonight, one held In Armory hall
and the other In' the, Lyceum. Both were
largely attended. la the absence of the
president. Re v. .Jr. . , Clark. Rev. Ira
Landrlth, V. .,. president of Belmont col
lege, Nashville, Tenn., presided and Intro
duced the many speakers from many lands.
Bishop Alexander . Walters, D. D., and
Bishop B. W. Arnett, D. D., spoke on be
half of "The Negro Race."
For "The American Indian," Stephen
Jones, travelling Young Men s Christian as
sociation secretary, spoke.' Rev. J. A.
McAllister brought Porto Rico's first greet
ing to a Christian Endeavor convention
and told of the rapid growth of religion
and Americanism in that Island. Jamaica's
words of brotherhood were given utterance
to by John E. Randall and Rev. Edward
J. Hewett, president of the Jamaica Chris
tian Endeavor union.
Rev. Henry G. C. HallocJt. Ph. D. spoke
on behalf of China. Rev. J. Edward Kntpp
spoke for Japan. Jlro Abratanl, also rep
resenting Japan, was greeted with tre
mendous applause and waving of flags,
handkerchiefs, fang' and hats.
Canada's representative was Rev. Alex
ander Esler, M. A.,' while for India the
speakers were Rev.. F. 8.. Hatch, Rev. R.
A. Hume and Miss Dora Mohlnle Maya
Das, the latter with her sister, afterwards
singing an Indian hymn. Rev. Mr. Hume
nominated the city of Calcutta. India, as
the" meeting place of the Christian En
deavor convention of 1W9, a proposition
that was applauded.
At the conference this afternoon of offi
cers of all states and local Christian En
deavor unions, numbering 1.500 from all
parts of the country, a plan was unan
imously endorsed for the celebration of
the twenty-fifth anniversary of Christian
Endeaver by a gift of 26 cents from each
present and past Endeavorer to a fund for
the erection of an international headquar
ters building.
Darned by Lightning;.
OSCHOLA. Neb., July 6. (Special.) Dur
ing a terrific thunder and lightning storm
on Tuesday evening the barn belonging to
G. P. Jackson, north of Bhelby, was struck
and burned to the ground with all Its con
tents. Mr. Jackson had no insurance on
the barn, which was a fine one. He had
$400 Insurance on the horses, four of them.
In the Polk and Butler Fire Insurance com
pany. The loss will amount to over $1,000.
Tennessee Wholesale Hoase.
NASHVILLE, Tenn.. July 6.-The whole
sale grocery house of Phillips, Webb A Co.
was totally destroyed by fire today. The
loss Is about $160,000. George Rogers, a fire-
I man, waa dangerously hurt by falling four
stories through an elevator shaft. This Is
the third serious fire in, Nashville In ten
days, the combined losses aggregating
Death of Mrs. W. A. Kearney.
Mrs. W. A, Kearney died yesterday at
Stanton at the home of her daughter. Mrs.
Kearney waa 70 years of age. Her death
waa due to a fall. She was the mother
of four" children, one of whom Is George
Kearney of this city.
Indiana Bank, rails.
HAGERSTOWN, Ind., July ".-President
Mason of the Commercial bank today is
sued a statement that the bank would not
again open for business, and It is ex
pected a receiver will be named. Mr.
Mason said an examination of the bank s
affairs had disclosed a deficiency of assets
and a confused condition of the books.
John Hownutn, the caahter. committed sui
cide July S The bank was a private Insti
tution owned by Mr. Bowman and Mr.
Mason as partners, the business having
been transacted entirely by the late cashier.
The deposits were $10C.0uO.
Illinois Karse'a Long; Sleep.
PEORIA. 111. July e.-Nellle Koobs of
Pekln. a nurite at the Bartonvllle asylum.
Is lying In a profound slumber, from which
she cannot be aroueed. The unnatural sleep
lKn Monday and continued fur thirty
hours. A period tf ftlful sljmler followed.
Yesterday the girl again sank Into a coma
like slate and is lying aa one dead. Dr.
Zeller. superintendent of the asylum, pro
nouuees her slate as puullng. but un
doubtedly due to a slate el Interrupted
Kidim Capitalist Declared ft Bankrupt j
federal Coirt in Toptka.
Santa Fa Road Troposea Plan to
Keep Mines Open Money Is
Part of the De
posit a.
TOPEKA, Kan., July C. J. Devlin to
night filed In the United States district
court voluntary petition In bankruptcy.
This action was decided upon at a lengthy
conference this afternoon between Mr.
Devlin and his attorneys. Mr. Devlin was
In favor of the move because It would
centralize the handling of all his properties
and make easier the settlement of all
his creditors, the prlnclptt", one of which
is the First National bank.
Judge Pollock granted the petition and
announced he would appoint a receiver
for tho property tomorrow.
The statement of Devlin's liabilities Is
given as follows:
To the Flntt National bank of Topeka,
Kan., about $1,200,000.
Central National bank of Topeka, about
American National bank of Kansas City,
about $2f3.000.
National Bank of Commerce of Kansas
City, about $200,000.
Corn Exchnnue National bank of Chi
cago, about $150,000.
Continents! National bank of Chicago,
about $15o,0ii0.
Central Trust company of Chicago, about
Bank of Topeka, Topeka, Kan., about
Union National bank of Kansas City,
about $!,0oo.
Hlrsch. St. IOuls, about $R.O00.
Mtrchnnts National bank of Topeka,
about $5,000.
Long Brothers, Kansas City, about $4.flno.
Southwestern Fuel company, Topeka,
Fourth National bank of St. Louis, about
First National bank of Toluea, 111., the
Spring Valley National bank of Spring
Valley, III., and two national banks in
the city of New York, whose names the
petitioner do not know, amounts not
The petition then names the various
properties owned by Mr. Devlin and says
that the property Is In such shape that It
must be taken In Immediate charge by the
Santa Fe Iload Will Help.
The Santa Fe railroad is preparing to
lend aid to all the Devlin companies until
such a time as a final settlement can bo
made. This step Is being considered by
the company as the best method of pro
lecting itself from loss. All the Bnnta Fe
mines In Kansas are being operated by
Devlin, and It Is necessary to keep the
mines running In order that the road may
be supplied with coal.
W. B. Jansen, assistant to President
Ripley, came to Topeka today to confer
with the Devlin attorneys and creditors
with a view to keeping the mines running.
Mr. Jansen said that he was In Topeka
with authority to close the deal and make
arrangements for the continuance of the
Devlin mines in operation. It Is under
stood that the proposition is to have the
railroad company assume a part of the
payroll due Saturday.
Money Part of Deposits.
T. J. Bradley, receiver of the failed First
National bank, said today that the money
placed for deposits In two or three days
before the Institution closed would become
part of the regular deposits, and could
not be considered as preferred. This money
was, it-'was stated, at the time of the
failure set aside by the bank officials to
avoid criminal proceedings against them
for accepting deposits when the bank was
In a falling condition. If this money finally
Is made part of the regular deposits It is
argued that the officials will be subject
for prosecution.
There was a better feeling about the
state house today, following the discovery
that the state holds the bond of a surety
company for $250,000 to Insure It against
loss of money on deposit In the bank
on process of collection. This means that
at least one-half of the state's money In
the bank at least Is safe. Governor Hoch
was quoted today aa saying that within
two weeks he wnuld require State Treas
urer Kelly to procure a new bond in place
of that signed by C. J. Devlin.
So More Deaths Reported,
Several People Are Not Ac
counted For.
PIERRE, 8. D., July 6 (Speclal.)-No
further deaths are known for certain In
the Bad river flood, although several are
not yet accounted for. All streams In the
western part of the state were flooded and
damaged property. Fort Pierre Is be
ginning to recover from the effect of the
storm and Is busy supplying relief and
planning rebuilding.
Reports coming In from the Cheyenne
river country show very high water at
Leslie and some property loss, but none
Immediately at the town. Rugees from
all along the Bad river whose property
was wiped out by the flood are getting
Into Fort Pierre, and all are relating
steles of narrow escapes and hardships
while camping out in the hills with little
food or protection. These tiave to be
cared for with those from the town who
are homeless, and to ass:st In that the
tents and blankets belonging to troop B
of this city were this evening sent over
to help relieve the distress.
A benefit entertainment Is being given
In this city tonight for relief funds. A
party who consisted of Mrs. Douglas
Lowe and Misses Edna Lowe and Georgia
Hague, who started to drive up to the
Bad river valley Sunday, have not been
located and fears are being entertained
by their friends that they were caught In
the flood and lost.
VERMILION. S. D.. July .-(Special
Telegram.) The Missouri river is still ris
ing here and is out of Its banks in A few
places. A rise of another foot means great
loss to many farmers and stock Is being
driven to the uplands. Farm land on the
bottoms along Vermilion river valley from
here to CentervlUe is covered with water
and the crop loss Is great. The Vermilion
Is spreading rapidly today southeast of the
city on the farming district.
One Allesed Hlshwayman Is Killed
and Two Others Wounded
In Illinois.
EAST ST. LOU18, 111.. July .In a battle
between five negroes, believed to be high
waymen, and four police officers early to
day, one negro was killed, another probably
fatally wounded and a third was shot
through the left arm. None of the officers
waa injured.
Ambassador and Premier Confer Over
Agreement C oncerning Morocco
PARIS, July 8. Prince Radolln. the
German ambassador, and Premier Rouvler
conferred this evening concerning the
agreement regarding the Moroccan confer
ence. This agreement it la expected wlU
be eloeed at another meeting Baturdajr.
A special meeting of the Omsha Woman's
club Is called for Monday. July 10, at t
o'clock In tho club parlors In the First
Congregational church for the purpose of
suspending article Iv of the bylaws for a
limited time that old members may be rein
stated at the regulsr annual dues of $3.
The required number of names. Including
those of the president and secretary, are
appended to the call. The request for this
meeting has come from the art department
and It has been thought host to extend
the privilege to all old club members If It is
granted at all.
An Informal reception will be held at the
rooms of the Young Women's Christian as
sociation next Friday evening at o'clock
In honor of Miss Flora Tlcknor, who re
signs her position as extension secretary of
the association and returns to her home In
Munsey, Ind., August 1, to be married the
latter part of September to Mr. D. Burr
Jones. They will leave Immediately for
San Francisco to sail about October 1 for
the Philippines, where Mr. Jones Is doing
special work as army and navy secretary
of the Young Men's Christian association.
Mr. Jones wns formerly connected with
the boys' department of the local Young
Men's Christian association.
Miss Mnrgnret O'Connell, former exten
sion secretary, was In Omnha Monday, en
route to the Epworth league convention at
Denver. Miss Helen Woodsmnll, former
physical director, also spent a part of last
week In the city.
A shower has been planned at the asso
ciation rooms for Saturday evening, June 15,
for Miss Tlcknor. The affair Is being got
ten up by some of the members and all
the members are Invited to attend.
Inspired by the success of the St. Louli
Aid In taking care of young women and
girls coming to the city during the exposi
tion, eleven organisations of Portland have
associated themselves In a Travelers' Aid
to do a similar work In that city. Among
the organizations Interested are the Port
land Woman's club, the Women's Christian
Temperance union. City Federation of
Clubs, Council of Jewish Women, College
Alumnae assoclntlon and a number of
church aid societies. Tho nssoclatlon has
been In operation for the past four months
perfecting Its methods of safeguarding
young women, and especial attention will
be given to the protection of women on the
Immediate grounds of the expontlon and
for this purpose the assocliih 1 hns estab
lished headqunrters In one of the big build
ings. At St. Louis 1,000 girls were stranded
within the exposition gates Inst summer In
spite of all the efforts to protect them at
the station and on the trains. The Port
land association Is supplying all the dis
trict west of the Mississippi with pamphlets
and posters calling attention to Its work,
and the Exposition Travelers' Aid commit
tee, which reconvened this spring at the
request of the western association, ts doing
the same work In all the states east of the
Mississippi. Last year the latter organiza
tion distributed Its pamphlets all over the
United States. Factories and department
stores are being especially remembered
with circular letters, as it is thought that a
large per cent of the girls who would go
unchaperoned might be reached in this
A class of 200 young women, the largest
In the history of the school, was graduated
from Vassar this year, and It Is said that
two-thirds of them are already engaged.
This fact recently occasioned an outburst
from a Now York educator, "who' pointed
out that higher education is not necessary
to women because they "will marry." But
this sort of argument sounds rather flat
nowadays, when so much Is expected of
women, not only out In the world, but as
mothers In the homes.
Committee of Cltlsens to Solicit
Fnnds for Y. M. C. A. la
Seventy-five business men are ready to
start out Friday on their campaign for
raising their share of the fund for the
new building of the Young Men's Christian
association. The citizens' committee, pre
sided over by II. H. Baldrlge, met Thurs
day noon In the rooms of the Commercial
club and prepared for action. Talks were
made by Mr. Baldrlge, F. L. Willis, C. 8.
Ward and B. C Wade. The work was di
vided according to branches of business
and committees were appointed to see
men In the various lines. A meeting of the
citizens' committee will be held each day
at noon In the Commercial club rooms
and the subcommittee chairmen will report
to Chairman Baldrlge.
Following Is a partial list of the com:
mlttees and their chairmen: Railroads,
Captain Palmer; grain men, Nathan Mjr
rlam; miscellaneous corporations, E. .Rose
water; railroad headquarters, John Steele;
banks and bank officials, II. J. Penfold;
central retail district, 1L K. Burket;
lawyers, Charles A. Ooss; real estate.
Charles George; fire Insurance agencies,
George Dodson; printers, Charles Wlllselm;
packing houses, G. M. Hitchcock; army
hendquurtcis, Clement Chase; live stock
men, Mr. Zimmerman.
H. A. Stone's division of the young men's
committee has gone ahead of F. L. Erlon's
committee, the former having secured
$1,580 and the latter $1,507. Mr. Stone got
his committee hard at work Wednesday
while Mr. Erlon was out of the city, safe
In the thought that no other committee
could overtnke his. As a result Mr. Erlon
lost his lead fr the first time. J. H. Wal
lace's committee is third with $1,135.
Snch Is Statement of Man Who Makes
Serious Charge Against
There la a suit for divorce now pending
in the district court of Douglas county In
which Lena D. Nelson asks for a separa
tion from Elon A., and' also for alimony
and the custody of the youngest child, a
boy. Now cornea the father with an
answer and cross-petition In which he
denies the charges of cruelty and desertion
tet up by his wife. He asserts In his cross
petlton allegations against the wife that
are quite serious, if true, and also sets up
that she Is suffering from an incurable
hereditary dlaeaae. He alleges the child is
afflicted in the same way as the mother,
and asks that the boy be left with him.
He charges that he was inveigled into mar
riage by relatives of Mrs. Nelson, and
frfet In quality.
Moderate) In price).
Is accorded the smallest customer as
well as the largest In this Institution
for saving. AVe take pa'ria to explain
matters to any Interested Inquirer.
We pay 4 per cent Interest, com
pounding that semi-annually, and
money deposited the first ten days of
the month draws Interest from the
1st. Ask freely, In person or by mall.
If you desire to know more.
City Savings Bank
1 6th and Douglas Sts.
among other things, says ho was Induced
to marry her on a statement that her health
would be saved by marriage "with a
healthy, strong man." The parties are
understood to have a rather prominent
place in Chicago society and have relatives
who stand high in Omuha.
Judge Sutton hns granted a divorce to Allla
Waldron from Robert, on the ground of
non-support. She Is allowed to resume
her maiden name of Offut.
Clara C. Jackson Is suIiik Wilbur R,, for
divorce, on the ground of non-support and
abandonment. They were married at Ster
ling, Colo., In March 1S8.
Edward Riley, Colored, la Seised with
Hemorrhage While (Helling
Drinks In Saloon.
Edward Riley, colored bartender at the
saloon of L. Levi, Eleventh and Capitol
avenue, was seized with a hemorrhage of
the lungs about 1:30 Thursday afternoon
and died in less than twenty minutes.
Riley wns performing his duties at the
saloon as usual and while standing behind
the bar fell forward on the floor with blood
pouring from his mouth, He was taken
outside the saloon by bystanders and Dr.
H. A. Wlgton and Police Surgeon Langdon
were called, working over the dying man
until ho expired.
Riley had been employed at Ievl's saloon
for about four years, and lived alone In a
room over tho place. He has no family.
Riley passed through the explosion of the
saloon when tho place was wrecked by a
flashlight photographer's outfit about two
months ago when the photographer was
Cot oner Bralley was notified and took
charge of the remains, which were removed
to the morgue. Riley had been a sufferer
from tuberculosis for a number of years.
American Klectrlclana Successful.
NEW YORK, July (I American Interest
have obtained a contract for the electrifica
tion of an Italian railroad and have also
closed contracts for electrical equipment to
be Installed in Japan. The value of these
contracts is about $2,000,000. The Jnpan con
tracts are for equipment for the Kanazaw.t
Electric Light company. A large hydro
electric plnnt Is to be built at Kanasawa.
The complete plant will be shipped orer .
land by way of the Puclflc coast.. ,,
Wedding on Steamboat.
The much talked of wedding on the ex
cursion steamer occurred yesterday after
noon, when, with the assistance of Justice
Bachman. Miss Dnlsy Delmore of 1311 Case
street, became Mrs. T. J. Gallagher. The
management of the steamer presented the
couple with the passenger receipts for the
trip, which amounted to $134, as a wedding
present. Mr. Gallacher is a telegraph op
erator and his bride is a stenographer.
lawyer Patrick Will Appeal.
NEW YORK, Julv 6. It is announced
that Albert T. Patrick, who Is awaiting
execution for the muider of William Marsh
Rice, the Texas multl-mllllonalre. has In
structed his counsel, David B. Hill, to take
his case to the United States supreme
court. The execution of Patrick Is set for
the week commencing August 7 and the
appeal will act as a temporary stay.
Millionaire Commits Snlclde.
WIN STEAD, Conn.. July . The body of
Wlnthrop Turney, the millionaire owner of
a mine In Sonoro, Mex , was found today In
a tiHstura in tha town of Colebrook. There
V. (IB a uuiir. nvuuu .,. ...o .,. .... ...... .....
nana ciaspeo a revolver. ji is ui'piin'ii
that dspondeney due to poor health led
him to commit suicide. He was forty vesis
old and a graduate of Yale, class pf 1SSS.
TO look mil Uks care of your
complexion. Do not si low un
sightly pimples. bUckhMds, tnn,
or freckles to blemish your (kin.
will remove these like augtc
Cures Eciems and Tttter. -
Soap, a perfect skin. itPj
Insured. liy
Derma-Royale' .nr
Portraits and testimonials sent on request.
THE DEPMA-R0YALE CO.. Cincinnati. 0.
r sale sr tfeataai DrusT Co., ICth aa
Varnam. Omaha, and all dmaa-lste.
r ( r it
Tonight Balance of Week
PRICES 1(V, 16o and 250.
MATINEEH-Any Beat 10c.
at 1:30. 7:30, 8. So and 9:30.
i.-i..irn Marina La erne. Jen Clar
ion, "Zaasibar," and Hates A ttraest.
All soats lv cents mo mure, u.n.
Omaha vs. Des Moines
Cam Called ?.8.
Take a delightful
on the three-deck
rii fuot of Douglas street
afternoon at 1 IS for Florence and at
for a fifteen mlie cruise down the river.
Cool breesea and a good time.
Haund 1rlg fr'atr 14 aeata.