THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TI1FHPDAY. JULY f. 1003. 7 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Ebons Tail to Cover and Market Decline.. PRICES SUFFER Crn I Firm Liverpool, Are l.arg Below the Wheat A BIG FALLING OFF on the tretith a Ihoaah HecrlDta e Oaie Fall Satnrdar, OMAHA. July B. WZ. WtiMt came down with a dull I hurl tr.rta r Un the strength of rum repurie the opening: bids were about higher limn Hatardxyi Prplemher. new, 7c, September, old, 3,c. OA lb lo airivu Hnd on track, IHICAUU (.R, AMI I'ROYlHiOS climb, dui mere was iul demand from en., its and little caan demand and me inar f.t iH-ttan to fall off. It waa Influenced also py a drop in Minnn m,1is taumd by thu svart-ity ut shorts. Krum Mc tne July .n d, lined to 'c. A little buying en Hiied and It went up to tlio tloon to )',,c. hfptemrHT closed at Si'Vus,' and Deeeill UIT at Dita'ilfl'ikC. A good undertone In corn developed early In scKHlon and jirlues all day were a llttlu Ijetter than yesterday. Receipts at various marsets have been large for a few days, but the Liverpool market la coming strong and traders do not look lor any Immediate ue'-.llne. July closed at -i. tu, nl.i jnty at bw, September at ito'.tn, old Si ptnmber at 'i-'. iJeLiiiiber at 4bc and ulu lAcemtxr at .'ilVtC. Oats opened higher and held strong most o the session, but at the end declined a lit He below Saturday. July dosed at 3-VeC, September at 31Hc and December at 3Jc. Liverpool closed unchanged to d lower on wheat and IfolUd hlguer on corn. The increase of w heat on passage is 1.848, ni) LuKtiels, of corn on passage 2,4.11, (Ml ImshWa. The world s shlpmuiils for the week were 13.ln4.Ouu bushels of wheat, against 10.il2,iai6 bushels the week before and 7,312.Xio bushels last year. Corn ship ments were 4.:&i,CM) bushels, against 3 2!. ( bushels the week before and J.HTtt.iM) bushelH last year. Snow, at St. l'aul, saya the spring crop is almost as late as last car and he thinks the situation Is bad. Primary receipts of wheat today were lifia.&s) bushels, as compared with 21,731 bushels last week and MT..9.15 bushels a year ago. Baltimore received 1CV) bush els new wheat this morning. At Chicago cash wheat was 9.'!fWc for No. 2 red, l.ii6 for No. 2 hard winter, Kic for No. 3 hard winter and tl.05 for No. 3 spring. From today s Record-Herald: "The grain trade everywhere Is now scanning the weather closely; clear skies and intl.l tem peratures are desirable In the spring -ft heat states of the northwest, where thu Mieat Plant now has plenty nf moisture on the low lands, (lenerally speaking, however, the conservative and responsible portion of the whest trade believe that June rains will do for the spring wheat what May rains niu ior ine winter Wheat crop, pro vided seasonable conditions are maintained to harvest. Spring wheat, however, ap pears to bo a week or ten days later than Inst year, while winter wheat was shout that mucii earlier than a year ago. Heavy and gen eral rainfall In the winter wheat belt, if steadily continued, would delay the thresn Ing and marketing of the new grain which producers In general seem willing to sell around current prlcen. The movement of new wheat has already reached liberal pro portions at St. t.ouls. Kansas City and Baltimore, and It Is showing a rapid In crease here. Bids sent out from all centers have been steadily reduced for several days without checking the offerings." Omaha Cash "ales, WHEAT No. 2 northern, blM lbs.. 1 car, f 1.02 CORN No. 3, 1 car, 60c; No. 3, 1 car, OATS No. 3 white, 1 car, 30Hc; No. 4 white, 1 car. 3ni;e. Omaha t ash Prices. WHEAT No. 2 hard. 97cfi$1.00; No. t hard, SnWc; No. 4 hard, iii'aiOc; No. I spring, Sc. CORN-No. 2. 6H4?: No. . 60f?60Uc; No. 4, 4K4;o; no grade, 4.'t!fi47c; No. 2 yellow. So; No 3 yellow, 5u'c; No. 2 white, 61c; No. 1 white, 5()Hc. OATS No. 2 mixed, 2!)Hci No. 3 mixed, 2flo; No. 4 mixed. 2SVK; No. 2 white, 30c; No. 2 white, ao'fcc; No. 4 white. 'c; stan dard, 304c. , Carlo Receipts. St. Louis figures are for five days, the others for six days: Wheat. Corn. Chicago .' 68 1,B6S Kansas City to 62 Minneapolis 397 Omaha 10 Jf3 j iuurn 4H St. Louis ,236 1S8 1 76 Minneapolis Grain Quotations. The range of prices paid In Minneapolis, as reported by the Kdwards-Wood com pany, 110-111 Board of Trade building, was; r estore of the Iradlna and luring 1'rlcea an Hoard of Trade. CHICAGO, July a. An official report de claring spring swwri wneal to be in excel lent ci nun ton iiiiw u extienie w tannins in the maiKet lure today. At tne ciose the neptcmiwr delivery was many 4 cents beiuw tne htguest nguies ut the us), or iu.v onwn lumpaieu wun ratur Oay a nni quotations, loin is up tav. Outs aie ou rrovlsions sho a iu-s ot loo to .Ijc. No signs of weakness were In evidence lu the wneal mat set at trie opening Oil tne contrary sentiment was decuieuiy bun Isn, Initial quotations on repiemoei being up Sc to at Ipk; to M'ai.. 1 ue mat hi t was Intiuemeu aimosi exclusively iy mo situatK'ii sui i uunmii spring mwn wneat, continued rams in the nortnwest bema construed as altogether untavoraole toi the proper devnopni-nl ot the crup. A nutnler ot bearish in, tors were apparently ignored aitogetner by tne majority ot trau ii s. U,wer caoies and a liueiai Increase In world s shipments constituted tne priii cipal elements ot a tiearisn nature, for the first tew minutes of trading snorts and commission houses were active bucis. email longs who saw considerable piohis In sight sold in suttlclent volume to cause a loss ot most of tne opening gain. Later I the bulls were further encourageu to with- Ihoid onerlngs by reports made by two prominent crop experts asserting that spring wneat had been seiiousiy ilamaged uy rust, low am tne middle ot a session a crop report given out by tne weather bureau al Washington almost Hatly con tradicting the damage reiKjrts caused a se vere slump In prices. According to the government report the condition of spring sown wheat in excellent, little damage comparatively having been done by rust. L'nuer general profit taking the September option dropped to 7Vu7Sc. Sentiment continued bearish the remainder of the day, the market closing weak with September at S7!'r75iC Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to lztl.WM) bushels. The amount on passage Increased l,o4,u4) bush els and the visible supply decreased 1.114.041 bushels, i'rlmary receipts were Whj.wj bush els compared with 3c4.ik bushels a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago re- fiorted receipts of 4' 6 cars against bo curs asl week and fWI cars a year ago. Notwithstanding a number of bearish ln fliieiices the corn market was firm through out the entire session. Shorts were active buyers. Higher prices at Liverpool formed the main bullish factor. I'rlmary receipts were large, world shipments showed a liberal Increase and crop reports were bear ish. The market closed firm In spile ot the weakness of wheat. September opened Vc higher at 647c, sold between 64U,,n and 6b'c and closed at 65ti561ir.. Local receipts were 1.65 cars, with 6H7 of contract grado. Fluctuations in wheat were the con trolling Influences In the oats' market. Early in the day the market was quite firm, but following the break in wheat prices re acted considerably. Bearish reports con cerning the new crop furnished additional cause for profit taking late in the ses sion. September opened Vc to c higher at 310 to Sl'c, sold between 31c and 2Vu and closed at 31Vic. Local receipts were 4tK) cars. I'rovlHlons were weak under moderate selling of lard by packers. An Increase In stocks or lard for the monin was an im portant factor bearing on the weakness. Another raeior was a noenne oi oc in mu prlco of live hogs. At the clos-j September pork was oft 2nc at 112.82. Lard was down 15c at 17.32ft. Rlba were l&Gliftc lower at J7.80. . . . i Estimated receipts for tomorrow: vt neai. 43 cars; corn, 936 cars; oats, li cars; nogs. .00 head. The leading futures range as follows: NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Volume of Dealings ii Large and Earl Prices Are Higher. LATE IN SESSION THE MARKET SELLS OFF although the cheapness of money Induces Investments. Consols were Stanly. Amer lesna opened featureless pending the re ceipt of New York s running There wre rxiiislonnl sllsht changes. New York. On tario Western snd Norfolk West ern were firm. Frlci-s Improxel during the Inst hour nnd closed firm. llussUns re lapsed a trifle. Jianese were favored meat Resumption of (iold Export Mo"- Folloned by Rash to Sell Bond Market Steady. 81.1 ArtlcleB. Open. High. Low. Close.l M dy. Oots. 460 21 Wheat July bept. Dec. Corn tJuly JJuly tBept. Sept. tUeo. Oats- July Sept. Dec. Pork July Sept. Oct. Lard- July Sept. Oct. Ribs- July Sept. Oct. Artlcles.l Open. High.l Low. Close. Mon'y Wheat I I 1 July... 1 08 1 08H 1 07S 1 OS 1 08 Sept... SHs,,, MS KVsi M Dec....!jlfi: WSI OOvJ ME1TUER IN THK BELT Showers in Central Valley Clear Throughout the Weat. Showers' occurred In the central valleys last night and the weather continues gen erally cloudy throughout the upper valleys this morning. 'i he weather Is clear throughout that west and will be generally fair In the central valleys tonight and 1 hursday. The temperature Is slightly below nor mal In the central valleys this morning and no decided nor Important change Is ex pected during tonight or Thursday. Omaha record ot temperature and preclpl tatlon compared with the corresponding (lay o the iast tnrea years: 1906. 1904. 1903. 190?. Minimum temperature.... 62 61 61 63 Precipitation 06 .46 .00 T Normal temperature for today, 76 oe trees. Deficiency In precipitation iince March 1. a w inches. Deficiency corresponding period In 1904, X.22 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period In 1903, 1.03 inches. OMAHA DISTRICT REPORTS. Temo. Rain. Stations. Max. Mln. Inches. Sky. Ashland. Neb., Auburn, Neb..., Columbus, Neb. Falrbury, Neb.. Fairmont. Neb.. Or. Island, Neb. Hartlngton, Neb. SO . Oakdale, Neb Omaha, Neb Tekamah, Neb... Carroll, la Sibley, la Storm Lake, la.. Stoux City, la.. 60 63 6S 6 67 62 BO 66 62 62 6 66 64 60 .20 .40 .04 .10 T T .10 .05 .05 .10 .60 .00 T .02 Clear Cloudy Clear Pt. cloudy clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Clear rt. cloudy i iouay Clear DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. of Temu. Rain. Centrsl. Stations. Max. Mln. Inches. Chicago, III Columbus, O Dea Moines, la... Indianapolis, Ind. Kansas City, Mo. Louisville, Ky... Minneapolis Omaha, Neb St. Louis, Mo... 26 7 s 64 .20 17 M 64 .06 IS 7S 60 .04 11 8J 64 .01 19 M 62 .13 19 M 66 .20 25 74 6 .la 14 2 63 .13 12 80 64 T Local Forecaster. L. A. WELSH. Weather Bureau. St. Loale General Market. ST. LOUIS, July 6 WHEAT Futures, lower; cash, higher; No. 2 red casn, ele vator. 93Vc; track, 94!ff'96c; J'b'. Wise. HentamKar kite- No. 1 hard. il.OMrn.06. CORN Higher; No. cajh. 6tc; July, KiWe- nuMmhtr. 47c: track. 64fWc OA TS Frig bar I No. 1 cash, 3!Wc; track, S3SA34c; Julv. 31Hc; September, &0c; No, '1 mTiltai ai-iiSUi- FLOUR Steady; red winter patents $4 90 (; extra fancy and tralght, t BUsw clear1M.90,(T4.00. SEED Timothy, steady, $2.40. COR WMV'AI steady. 12.50. BRAN Steady i sacked, east track, 730 74c HAT Steady; timothy, S8.004M3.00; prairie, (6 liS 60. IRON COTTON TIES 99c HAOniNO ve. H IT M P T WI K U8UC. PROVISIONS Pork, lower; Jobbing, $12.6. Lard, lower; prime steam. 6.6u. I)rv mult meats, steady: boxed extra shorts, $7 624; clear rlba, $7.75; abort clears, $S liacon. steady: boxed extra shorts, $g.SiVi c ear r bs H.B'H: short clear. W K7"A POULTRY Steady; chickens. c; springs, 14c; turkeys, Uc; duvks, rlOc; geese, BUTTER Unchanged; creamery, 160'21c dairy, 16) 17c FVins jitaadv at lOUc. case count. itecelpis. enipmenis Flour, bbls.... Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oats, bu lH.Oirt .,2..iii ,.1K9 (HO .. T7,0u0 7.:H") 4.UW i.'.UiO 62,0Ut Pearla Market. PV:ORIA. July $. CORN Firm ; No. ellow. 6f;c:. No. t. ic; No. , 64c; no iS'nfJtUo OATS Steady; No. 3 white, t'g32Hc; No white. 32Vc. Dalath Grata Market. DULUTH. July I WH EAT To arrive Nr. t northern. $1 ll1. On track: No. 1 northern. $1.11: No. 1 northern, $1 Dp- semeitr ro. i, mc; so. , s-c. jui, i.w NEW TORK. July S -In spite of a relapse In ptlces lt In the day. there was no mis taking the aggressive strength of the forces behind today's continued speculation In stocks The volume of dealings rose well over Monday's umxpeetedly large total. As to how far the stimulated advance in prices has succeeded in attracting an outside de mand estimates and opinions vary. There was evidence of some extension jf Interest in the market In the character of the busi ness done by commission houses when trad ing began, and It was evident that there was some feeling of this demand to take profits by those who have been bulng pre viously. Support was not abandoned until the gold export announcement. The mar ket was plainly under the influence still of the organised speculative forces which have conducted the present advance from Its In ception. It was believed, In fact, that there had been some influential recruits to the ranks of the market leaders. The large congestion of the dealings In special stocks, the orderly manner in which operations were shifted from one quarter to another and the skill displayed in the selection of stocks In these movements with a view to Influence sentiment and to help selling to advantage of stocks previously advanced, left no room for doubt of the continued control of the market by organized leader ship. The trouble precipitated amongst a chain of western banks by the Topeka bank failure Is of a kind which would upset the stock market In some of Its moods, but It seems to have been totally disregarded by the present market and this notwithstand ing the widespread discussion given to the great volume of bank loans outstanding nd the Importance of the maintenance of perfect confidence In their quality. Much more Importance was attached In the view of the nctive speculative party to the relax ing tone of the money market as an evl- ence of the release of further accumula tion for July disbursements. The bond market still showed little effect from anv demand for Investment. There was. how ever, some activity In new Issues of bonds convertable Into those stocks which have been made active In the present movement. These stocks still sell considerably under the prices at which the conversion privilege ror tne Drums would prompt an exchange but the movement In the stocks prompts some speculative demand for the bonds. The resumption ' the srold exnort move ment late In the c". y discouraged the flag ging efforts to keep up prices. The definite announcement offering of a one-third In stallment of $no.O0O.ntio of n new Japanese loan, the withdrawal on the 15th of kov- ernment deposits and the persistence of the i nns nemann tor goin cloud the rgture of the money market. The rush to sell on the gold announcement shook the market badlv and left remnants of gains In onlv a few er the strongest stocks. Losses of 1 to points resulted for some of the leading BlOf'KS Bonds were steadv. Total snles nnr vnlu,i.i. i nnea states -s declined s per eeiu on enil. The following was the range of prices un uio .ew j or tock exenanrr: Sales. High. Low. Close. Sew York Money Mnrkrt, NEW YORK. July 6.-MONEY On call. steady at rri-N per cent; closing bid, I per cent; offered at per cent, time loans, steady; sixty and ninety days, I per cent; six months, aiuo per cent PRIME MERCANTILE. I'Al'c.K-o'V" v per cent. artual business in hankers bills at $4 v.ij 4 f7 for demand and at H N i -. i"r slxtv-dav bills; posted rates, ana $4s. commercial bills, 14 .Un"-,. SILVER Bar, Sb'V; .Mexican nonius. ....,.... HON US-uovernmcni, easj ; steady. Closing quotations oh bonds were: V. 8. rrf. 2i reg. do coupon V 8. it, rrf do coupon do coupon I', s. old 4. res do coupon rt .W Juran ctf ...lub do K, ftd rrlrs... ...loS do 44. rtfl ...i4 L. & N'. unl. 4t..., ...132 .Mu!,iitn c. K l ...12H Hex. Ventral ... ...lot I do lt inc ...KH Vlnn. A St. L. 4. Am. Tobacco 4, i-tfs. 75, M., K. & T. ll do 6s, ctfft AtchUnn 'n. 4s. do adj. Atlantic C. L 4 bal. Ohio 4a. . do 3Sti Ontral ot tia. Lm du lat Inc do 2d Inc Chfta. A uhlo 4a vhlcaxo A A. .. V. U. & Q n. 4a.. C, K. I. A P. 4a . C. R. I. & P. c. i,a VCC. A St. L. ( 4a Vhlraao Trr. 4a Colorado Mid. 4s Volo. A So. 4s Colo. Ind. 6l, al A do act i Tuba 6a, rtla U. K. (1. 4a 'turners' Sac. (a... na prior lien 4a.. do gen. 4a F. W. A D. C. la.. Hocklnf Val. 44b.. Uttered. Hi i do 2a ..113"4i N. R. R. of M. c. .. Ms N- y. r. g. .. ..ions n. j. r. i ... . ,U6 No. Pacift, 4a .. do 3s .AU-t S. W. c 4a.... .. o i. L. rfdg 4s . . 114 Penn. conv. s. . ..10k Heading gen. 4s.. ..SO Pt. Li. A 1. M. c. ..liuvt Si. L. A 8 r. (g .. 2 Pt. I.. 8. V. c. 4s M Seaboard A. L. 4s lOin, 8o. Paelflc 4a ?'-. Railway ls 75 W Trias & i". la ... M T , 81. I. V.'. 73'4 I n Ion Pacific 4s . . 72 do conv. 4a lnH V. 8. 8:eel 2d (a., lwt Wabasti Is to I do deb. It PUsi Western Md. 4a .. Di'a W'. L. K. 4.... I'.IV.Iais. Ventral 4a... liD-V, I .loo . m . 1H .lrtJH .1"4 .... ,1 .... 23 . ... ....101 w1 4s. 11 Va !, ....1J. .... 77H .... ....1"4 lol-S (,.!., 4s. ! US 11 :s 130 4' 4 si 4 M OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Beceiptt Heary and Frici Tea to Tifteea Lower. HOGS GENERALLY FIVE CENTS LOWER Receipts of Sheep nnd Lambs err l.laht and .Not early Kiinal to Demand with I'ricra strong and Trade Active. 80LTH OMAHA, Receipts were: Vnttle. Olnciai Monday l.lCii Otlicial ednesday b.Via July 5. 1S. Hogs. Bncei: 4.4J7 ,010 KM liberal run of hogs at most every place but tils There were only a few oer a hundred cars here this morning, wnli n was a small lull for the middle ol the week. bi.L very fair considering that yes terday was a holiday and that shlppna have learned Irom past experience lii look out for ho'udas. Owing to the unf: orable Bdvlies from other selling points, the mar ket here opened up slow and was generally &c lower thin Monday Light hints, which, as usual, were In the best demind and which did not sell as much of as did heavy weights, went largely at F ?;d.t as against $Y27i"77f,..'r 4 on Mond iy Heavy hogs sold verv largely at $:.2i'irS.:,.. as nKainst $R.TMS I7' the (list of the week Hcsulcs being lower the market was siow snd It was lnte before a clearance was effected, the close being weak at the de cline noted above. Itrprrsi n'ntlve sales- krt lfc lower Ptockers steady. Feecs tt,ii, l'"1 t'is. tmlls and mixed t.'fil.V Htm-kers and feeders $.t iti 4 m. I'alies an.l e u lins 7.''tiS ... IU'VjjS K.i iipts S ''' I.e. i, I mniket c o,.r seMing at $.V:ifi :. I'ulk of sales ?5 L'. va -o. . Ionia Ihr PT. I.OV1P. July Three days this week Three days last week., twill im das wcea beloie. rvalue tmee weeks ago. bamo lour Wttaa nu.. bame days last year... nutit io t un me. lo... 1.1.44, l..l X.M'l 1 u.ill l.M'63 oi.ocd oa..U . li'i oi,i4 a.s:u li.llSJ ia.'-vj 4.i& 14.1MJ 10,410 iw I'Ali.. 'i he lullowing table snows tho receipts ot cattle, hogs and sncep ut boutn omaiia (or the year to oaie, compared wim lust year; 105. linn. Ino. Deo. Cattle 4W.WS 4:. 1 tii t,b: Hogs l,3a.',oos l.o.s.loS booJO bheep i44,4oo ol,(i4 4o,i4- 'Hie following tauie shows the average price ot nogs at South Omaha tor me laoi oeveiai u.i, wltli cumparisuus; Late. ,,1!,5. ,14. .IKtiS. ,1902. ,l!Jl. ,1S1. inr-utflV, cSVusw w a lOBWi-gS o4'4i 327 'ZZKIiZi 31Tt,4l.T 32 13 60 13 00 12 86 7 2P 1 4o 7 50 7 66 7 96 7 6 94 m 90-.I 91 4 STW" " oiH'OH 5" 11 5 bo Mi 49'A 32 12 AO 13 00 12 85 7 25 7 46 7 Mhk 7 65 7 95 7 95 65HI 66 boVa 55117 54 4 i 66Hi 54 :556H 49s 81" 12 62H 12 774 12 8:vs 7 15 7 321 7 40 7 60 7 80 7 85 4ilHl 32H 314 12 62HI 12 82WI 12 85 7 15 7 22i 7 40 7 60 7 80 7 86 91 8-'a 9V 6o 49 32H oJ'. 12 75 13 OJV, Vi Oo 7 27,4 7 474 7 62 7 7$ 7 2Vi 8 00 No. 2. tOld. JNew. Pash nuotatinna were as follows: v'l.nrH-Rav: winter natents. M.30IS4.40: straiahts. $4.00(u4.2o: spring patents, Io.OItJ i.70; straights. J. iDfno.w; oasers, j.tro.oo. WH rjA I xno. a spring,, io. o, U.AiVril.lO: No. 2 red. 93u94c. t'OUN No. z, 6t'4tx')c; iNO. x yeuow, on 67Ho. OA To ISO. z, 32"c; nn. i wnue, aowsj' 344c; No. 1 white. 32Vl33ic T VC. My. ".1, BARLEY Onod feeding, CS44c; fair to choice malting. 47(l4c. SEEHS-No. l nax. i.2&; no. nortnwest- ern, $1.43. Timothy, prime, a.2b(B3u. tjiover contract grade. $12.26al3.00. PROVISIONS Mesa pork, per bbl., J12.65 12.60. 1ard, pe" 100 lbs., $7.15. Short ribs sides tioose). , n'tf i.iv; snort clear siues t boxed). $7.764T7.7Vi. Receipts ana snipmenis tor ine aay were as follows: Receipts. Bhipments Flour, bbls.. Wheat, bu... Corn, bu Oats, bu Rye, bu Barley, bu.. 29.510 30,0i 0 ...1.4MS,2) ... 463.300 2,0"0 ... 70,400 21 IK l.6,AN) 33o.5iiO 2.300 5.uO0 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market waa easy: creameries, lwiiLOo dairies, 16318a. Lggs, steady, at mark, cases Included, 13c; firsts, 14c; prime firsts lOVsc;. extras, 17Hc Cheese, easy, 9451040. Iloston Mocks and Uonds. BOSTON, July 6. Call loans. 3',,'a4 per cent; time loans, 3'4ii44) per cent. Ulllciai qujtatiuns on stocks and bonds were: Atchison adj. 4a.... do 4a Mei Central 4a.... Atcblaun do pfd flustnn A Albany... 'Boston at Malna... Hostun Klevated . . Fltihburg pfd Mexican Central ... N. Y., N. H. & H. 'Per Marquette .. I'nloll Paclnc Amur. Arge. Chem. do Dfd Amor. 1'neu. Tube.. Amr. bugar do ptd Amer. T. A T Amer. Woolen ..... do Dfd "Edison Elec. lllu Oeneral Electric. ... Masa. Electric do pfd Mssa. Ilaa I'nlted Fruit United Bboa Macli.. do pfd V. B. titcol do pfd Weatlng common . 'JJiU AskacJ. . 94 Adtenlure , ..loS Alloues .. t , Amalnamated . . . 4 American Zinc ..lo:a Atlantic . .2.o biiigUam ..17o ,i'al. & Hecla.. ItteiHenalsl ..145 'Ciiper Hange . .. Jl'i Paly West . .l Duminlon foal .. 9 FranKlln ..lll Oranby .. 14 Isle H"vle ... .. V4 Mass. Mining . . . a 1 Michigan ..1311 Mohawk ..137 I M, int. C. & C. Old Dominion . .. 17 N OKceola ..104 Parrot ..216 . .179V, Shannon . . ld1 Tamarack .. DJ Trinity . . 444 fritted Copper ..lot V. s Mining .. .. lHVi V. F. Oil .. 31 I tab . . ii Ictorla ..100 Winona .. a 1 Volverlna . 4 . t7'l . 13 . . U 2' .4b . m . . It .. 7i, . M'a . a . ti'Vt . 7 A, . 13', . 4M . S- , . 24ta ,. it .. ilH . .100 .. 7H ..116 .. ,. 22 .. !, ,. lo .. 4,t'.a .. 11 .. MVi . .10 Juno June J una j une J u ue j une J une J una j une j une June J une June J une J une Juiy July J my J uiy lli.. I 5 19, 4 811 & 981 6 86; 4 891 lt..2 1 4 8l ul 7 Hi I l 6 u j 4 ki, 94 1 mi 6 Ji 1 1.. 1 4 : 9, 7 oi 0 R 6 0J 19.. I 6 18, 1 6 in, I all I w, i M if.., o la , 6 U"Jt B , 1 4 Hl 11 Jl..,bm ,ifi, , 7 to; o i, 4 i f 6 UTki t 06 6 831 5 89, 6 00 8 t lKiai li 'l T Mi 8 i .,.' -0.1 1 a lo, a a, 1 1 0.1 6 Vj 6 li, .. 6 7 1 6 7l J 611 i 6 W, 3 60 it .1 oi, 5 14, a j, 0.1 0 in vi UJ is.. I 6 6 10 ; 7 oi, a 1 6 11, 8 06 a iiv a 4H, 6 &.; 1 ao.. 6 18 1 0 t 5 6b 7 t',li 1 6 0l 3 bo 5 22 a Ui 6 6", J 1.4, 6 SI', I iJ . i o 7 h4 6 i. 4 92i . . ' ' ' - :-' i :- z .' t ,., a 7a I a au, I 0-1 o 111 o v., .0 5 26, I t4, 5 i4i 5 Wi i 18 3.. I No. as . 7 . . . 70.. to . Hi 1.., s. . m.. 47.. ti . ., 7. , 70.. 77.. ST., .. a.. 74.. 17.. :. . t . 7S 77. is 0 WI 7 78 14 1 7S 44 71 7J F.a (o 74 ii. 74 2J 12 it ai AT. J."4 .... I' ... I4i . ... 27S . . . . td 17 .... 314 tf .... tso 2 t.,5 a, lf. tl . . . . J40 2SS !M ISO 14 (11 til S7 .... 144 160 127 211 lot 1M 114 I4t 112 I"f. 14J :'7 14 M 1.1 164 13 2 J M 167 tun 233 210 .140 tt :.i 1J0 21 192 Sk 1M II 4" l' h0 40 0 i tl S !! i II I l. w, 5 12S 2S i t f 124 1 :ij 6 t:v t 12 6 12 t t 25 t 16 I ti. t It I SS t 16 6 16 I 16 t :s t :s 6 26 I ti t 26 I ! 4 2i 25 I IS 5 IS I 25 t 16 B f. 15 II 15 6 I 15 6 16 t 16 s a;. S 15 5 25 6 26 5 26 6 25 5 26 t 25 IS No. 57. . . .. 71 . . . 6 . .. it... 4 . . S .. 74... 77... 1. .. 71 . . 1"... 4 71 l 77 70 4 47 IT 74 HO 7: i 17 74 70 65 14 10 l s s 11 J 7 71 44 16. . . 25 . 2lt 2 13 :.' 4I ,IH IM 111 2.17 .326 . . 2"? . 5'.'4 . 24 .231 .lit ..114 ..127 .2-4 . m ..l.ll . !(. .212 . 141 . .11S . 117 . JI .264 . . 2.'l .2.0 . .14 . 211 . 7 . .1H .144 . 1 ..Ill ..2M 110 221 2,'D 2" 224 iti 33Vs 1.200 1,400 6,9rO lm dlv 14, 5o0 4'K) I.811O 2,2H) 3.300 8,400 100 100 IB. 200 4iXl 12,(KJ 91 J 30,300 IS 404 4Ml 11-- 119 1194 141 97 UH 86', 102 164 114 73i 1527 204 64 37 V9 zi NEW YORK GEXEHAL MARKET anotatlona of the Day on Varleas Comaaodltlea. NEW YORK. July 5. FLeOUR-Receipts 31.833 bbls.; exports, 3,833 bbls.; market firm, but quiet; winter patents, a.onjo.ia winter straights, 4.6ijj4.8o; Minnesota pat rnu. If, fiiVtTl26i winter extras. S3.10ijo.65 Minnesota bakers, S3.754f4.1o; winter low grades. $3.0083.5u. Rye flour, steady; fair to oo4. 4. 26114 60; cnoice to tancy, rt 84 i. (HiRK'MKAlj-Flnn: fine white and yel low, tl 2MI1.30; coarse, i.Mrai io; Kiin-ariea u.mji.w. ... . . n a Hi.b.i sisaav: ieeniiia. sou. c. 1. New York: malting, 4u62c, c. 1. f. Buffalo. w 11 i:a L-iteciiiin. 44.j du. bpoi mur fcet easv: No red. 11.07 In elevator and $1 06V f. o. b. and afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, I1.2H4 f. o. b. and afloat. Options u..,a it nrHf sirnnaer. on reooris 01 neuvv rains In the northwest and bullish private advices, but turned weak on tne weekly crop bulletin. Thla failed to confirm dam age report and caused heavy unloading, under which prices broke Sc a bushel, clos ing 1 Wll -C net -lower; juiy. o-ti -n.--. closed at 96"4ic; September. 914ri47c, closed st 92c; Iecemner,.9it.aj4'4C. ciosea ai i-c; No. 1 nard Aiannooa, n ii 1. o. o. mm af)""t- . . . CORN Receipts, 5o4.7iw nu.; exports, im.. 638 bu. Spot mnrket steady; No. 2, 62.c in elevator and .'4c f. o. b. and afloat; No. 2 vellow, 63c; No. I white, 63c. Option mar ket was quiet all flay, but steadier, with the west closing c net nifrner; juiy, r,i- ftHc. closed at me; September closed at 6mc; Pecember closed at bijc. OATS4 Keceiprs. ini.r on. nn roitiaiei Arm' mixed. Srt to 13 lbs. i"4rfl7e: natural white. 30 to 3J lbs.. 37408Hc; clipped white, 34 to 40 lbs., S8'ff41c. HAT vtnet; spring, o'turoc; gooa to Choice. 751 SOr. rlOPS Wlllet: Btsre. common to cnoire. 19ir4 crop, 23nei ISOB crep. zoar;c: 01,1s. 10 illte. 7elflo coast. i:si crop, so'irjnc; i.s.j oron. ifVfMlc: olds. 10frl2c. 1IIPK8 Quiet; Galveston. JO to 2.' lbs,. J0c; CHllforrla. 21 26 lbs., 19c; Texas (drv, ?4 to W ins., lc. T KATHKR4Ht early: acid. 24'5f26c. FPOVI8IONS Beef, steadv; family. tl3M T14 00; mesa. Ill exvftn 50; beef hams. ?1 fvd 22 50; packet l!.60frl3 on; city, extra India mess $2? OOfr"? 50. Cut meats, quiet: pickled bellies 2S(t'10.00: pickled shoulders. f.Y6"f 6 00' nlckled hams, 10 2T,aiO 50 T.ard, barely steadv; western steamed. $7 40; refined, steadv: continent. 7 4K: South America. 19 00 compound. S S-Witt).?!!. Pork. Irres-uisr- famllv. tirt sivwigna; ahort clear, 114.00 fi14 tr- mess. 113 50fl4 25. TAI-IvOW-Steady ; city, ic; country, 44 7-4 v. r PICE T'nsettled: domestic, fair to extra, 3U.rUc- Japan nominal. pi'TTKR firm. Receipts ftwn dsv. 'frjaS; state dslry. common to extra, HUjw rw: renovated, common to extra, 3tyt 17Ue. cwfF'Jf-ftteadv. unchanged. FflOt fHrm. unebsnged. P O IT I. T R T A'tve. Irreenlar: western nrtng rMrk". lmc: fowls. lSVc: tnr keva 13"" ' Dreased. Irrefnilar: western beotlers. Vt?V: fowls, Vtfll4c: lurkeys. IS fllTc I.laerpool Grata Market. ITVERPOOU Ju'y 6. WHKAT Foot, nominal; futurea. steady; Julv. fisll,d; ttepteniber, Hailed: December. a lod. CORN Knot, ateady; American mLxed. Ks 14 Kittim-s, steady, July, 44 UVjd, Bep t ember, u 10a. Adams Express Amal Copper 40,0n0 Am. Car & Foundry. 1.2:") do pfd 2iu Am. Cotton Oil 1,400 do pfd American KxDress Am. II. & L,., pfd.... 200 38 Am. ice securities. Am. Unseed Oil ... do pfd Am. Locomotive do pfd Am. 8. & 11., ex au pin Am. Sugar Refining.. Am. Tob., pfd. ccrtlf. Anac. Mining Co Atchison do pfd Atlantic Coast I.lne Baltimore & Ohio. do pfd : Brooklyn Rap. Tran. 40.300 uanauian i'aclflc 26,100 Central of N. J 100 Chesapeake Ohio.. 9,5nO Chicago & Alton.. do nld Chicago U. W Chicago & N. W.. C, Al. & Bt. Prul.. Chicago T. & f 1,300 do pfd 3.6110 C, C, C. & St. L,.... 300 Colo. Fuel & Iron 30.3oO Colorado & Southern. 9u0 do 1st pfd t do nd pfd 3'K) Consolidated Oaa.... 9"0 Corn Products 300 do pfd 200 Delaware & Hudson. 2"0 D., U Ac W., ex. div. 600 Den. & Rio Grande. 200 do pfd 200 Distillers' Securities. 1,300 trie 49.9i) do 1st pfd 7.500 do 2nd pfd 8.1110 General Electric .... 1,500 Hocking Valley Illinois Central 6,2oO International Paper. 6,u"0 do pfd 811O International Pump.. 100 do pfd 100 Iowa Central 3oO do pfd 6o0 K. C. Southern 600 do pfd fH) Louisville & Nash.. 6.1 Manhattan 1j loo Metro. Securities.... 6,610 Metro. St. Ry 16,600 Mexican Central 1,300 Minn. & St. Louis M.. St. P. & S. S. M do pfd 100 Missouri Pncino 6,000 M., K. & T 600 do pfd 3,700 National Lead ; 2.900 N. R. R. of Mex. pfd 600 New York Central.... 9.000 N. Y. Ont. & West. 6.900 Norfolk & Western. 7.100 do pfd 100 North American .... 00 Pacific Mall 1.300 Pennsylvania 69,1.0 People's Oas 11,200 P.. C. C. & St. Ixmls Pressed Steel Car... 1,2.") do pfd 200 Pullman Pal. Car Reading 171.800 do 1st pfd 600 do 2nd ptd 1.K.W) Repuhlle Steel 6.R.") do pfd.. ofd 3.6OO Rock Island Co 13.700 do pfd 1.5O0 Rubber Goods '. 100 do pfd St. I.. A 8. F., 2d pfd St. Louis S. W 3") do pfd 100 Southern Pacific .... 30.2'iO do pfd aoo Southern Railway 4.5ftO do pfd mo Tenn. Coal & Iron.. 29SOO Texas Pacific 1.1. ,0 T.. St. Louis & West. M0 do pfd So) I'nlon Pacific 144,1.10 do pfd T. 8. Express t'. 8. leather do pfd I'. 8. Realty lT. S Rubber do pfd V. S. Steel do pfd Vlr-Cneo. Chemical do pfd Wnbash do pfd Wells Fariro Exr... Westlnghouse Elec. Western I'nlon Wheeling Jk L E Wisconsin Central.. B'V do pfd Northern Pacific 1.S00 82 35v; 98 32'.4, 38 is" 40 484 112, 1174 1194 1394 974 1074 814 1024 104 113V4 714 1511 204 634 So 79 20i 212 - 210 180H 1784 19V 424 98 "4 27: 584 S74 191 V 114 60 1904 380 31 874 444 47-' 93 74 108H 204 794 29 SO 284 27 674 15u4 1644 844 131 22H 184 4U' 974 464 274 684 37 191 10 49;, 1904 380 314 874 44 4ii4 82 72 177 lrti" 194 79 29 80 274 62 24 66 148 166'i 62 12H4 21 160 100 29 ft SO 1494 63 804 9(1 100 44 1434 1064 H 94 10s" 92 92 204 814 s4 77 334 244 62 M 117 33 98 9? 34 Jf.'i 67 130 160 99 29 64 474 344 1464 52 864 93 994 44 141 lu6 39 94 1034 92 91 19 8,14 81 76 334 24 6L 44 1174 32 97 RS a4 s 67 128 100 12 12 400 t.000 4.V) R3.oo K.300 7.200 1.100 9.10 100 '?00 2C0 91 41 10k 33 U, 101 N, 374 10S 20 40 1' 93 24 904 41 K'8 S- 9 S 107 19 40 Kvi" 93 13 24a 81 Sii 98Vi -'! 91 225 37 26 18 40 44 111 117 119 1394 974 1074 81 101 102 11J 8 1 714 161 2U2 63 80 4 20" 212 1784 ISss 41 ls4 45 274 68 S7 190 104 48 190 379 304 84 4 4t4 1 179 91 lb7 2. Ai 791.; 24 274 61 4 26. 664 1484 lot) 93 1284 22 64 123 160 99 29 644 47 36 147 62 864 94 99 43 141 106', 75 39 93 237 1"44 924 11". 79 81 764 84 10fl 67 23 62 64 97 84 S4 s4 67 1 974 122 124 lo4 SS 41 10K4 9 SR 1"7 19 r4 167 Ml 4 IS 61 4 1S5 London Stock Market. LONDON, July 6. Closing quotations on stocks were. to Ml N. T. Central 15S .. 9ol Norfolk & W .. SVa do pfd 9 .. 871a Ontario & W 6S4 ..106 (Pennsylvania 73'a ..1171 Hand Mines H ..166' Heading 61t .. 6uSa t do 1st pfd 47 .. luV do Id pfd 47 ..183 Southern Hallway ... 33 S .. 16H do pld 1104 .. 3l Southern Pacific 7 .. WVl'tilon Pacific M3 .. 4H do pfd loo .. Hit V- hleel 34H ..76 do pfd loin . .171 '4 Wabash 20't ..154 do pfd 42 ... 314 Rpanlsh 4a 'H dull, 27d per ounce. cent. The rate of discount-in the open market for short bills Ih 1 11-Hlfil 13-16 per cent; for three months' bills, li 113-16 per cent. Console, money ... d account Anaconda Alchiaon do pfd Biltimora A Onto. Canadian Paclaa .. thea. A Ohio Chlcajo Ot. W C. M. A St. P.... LleBeera D. A H. 0 do pfd Krle do IK pfd do 2d pfd Illinois Central ... Louis. A Naeh M., K. AT SILVER Bar, MONEY 1 per 'Indicates Sunday. The official number of cars of stock tmniKht 111 Lodav ov cHen road was: Cattle. Hog s. Sheep. H'r's. c, m. & st. r. iiy.... 8 WalmKli 1 Missouri l.tciuc 1 L. 1'. System 75 L. At N. W. Ky 2 p., E. & .VI. . lty...B9 C, bl. P., M. t 0 4a 11. ot .1. 14 y 03 C, tt. dc W Kv 6 C, ii. 1. ot 1'., cast... 0 C, i. i. V P., west. U Illinois Central o Chicago Ut. Western. 4 lo 0 16,) 4.) 0 40 .20 INI 1.0 too In rr. t 2; t :i I 2.', S IS S 25 . S : ( is 5 26 6 25 5 15 I L-5 15 6 IS I 15 I IS I 21 5 II I 26 I 16 I 16 6 t li S 15 t IS I 16 I 15 I 26 I 15 S J7l4j S !7, S S7H I 11 H I t! I7 S 17 t 17', I I74 5 17 6 17 ' 5 17 17 6 17 6 17 S 271, 5 17,, I 27., 6 27 V, S 27V, S 27., 5 27, 6 17V, 27', sight, tncU Market. -CATTLE -H. oelp's. . lies.l. liH-lii.litig 6.5. head 1 exults; 1 market lower; native shipping snd export J4 ;iif dressed le,-f ami hutclier steers, S .1 ;. (,; ..: steers ui'.l. r l.o."1 pounds. 1.7. 25 .j 4 8.'-; stock- r ar.d feeders. . ...j i.i', os and h.'if. i s I.' . ",!. e:mn rs. 10: bulls, : etivrs. nr. I icimn steers. lin.l helters. K ' 'u.l..'. iiiii:i n, ,. h is i, bend: !,. nlars un l lishts. li". ' u f, .V ; packers. It -tif 50: but. KMEEP AND .A MHS-Recelpts hend: O'S'ket lower, native mill tons. l :.; iHtiii'S. 2 7." 110. Ot'; Mockers, fl4.75. gt. Joseph l.lae M4ck Market. PT. JOSEPH. Julv 6 --CA T TLE -Recelpts. 2 Sis In n, I; niiitkcl active and steady; na tives, tl 7." 'f 5 5: cow s and heifers, 1.5ivJ) 45.1 inockeis and feeders. 2.7.Vii4 50. ll'ot?S Hicelpts, g.r-f head; market weak to 5c lower: light. i ctJ4t' 6-' i medium and heavv, 5.;'4i5 374. SHV.KP AND LAMPS -Receipts, head, market steady to 15c higher. $1 50 t..r5 ; $2 5osj4 75; cows market packers. hers and best heavy. $i 4.,$ 8. On.) 14) culls and bucks. $3..'u3 50, Texan, 13 is 1.957 29 3 34 13 19 Total rcceints ....273 107 2 9 The disposition of tne day's receipts was as follows, each buver purchasing jsne num ber of head Indicated: Omaha l acking v.o 832 Switt and Company 1,193 (.uoaiiy pacKing -o l,:-i Armour ot Co 76i an bunt & Co Li Carey At lienlon 47 Ixibman & co 30 Hill At Huntzinger 00 iiumliton At Kotusclilld 2 Sol Dcgan 7 S. At o 262 other buyers 00 981 2,021 2,288 642 Bank Clearings. OMAHA. July 5. Bank clearings for day were $2,067,968.42 and for sponding date last year i,iJj,id the to- corre- Xew York Mining; Stocks. NEW YORK. July 6 Closing quotations on mining stocks were: Adama Cos Alice Hreeca Brunswick Cos ... f'oiualo, a Tunuel Con. Cat A Va.. Horn Silver Iron Silrer Leadrllle Coa .... Offered. . JO . so . v .. I . t .11 .176 .100 . Utile Chief ... Ontarla Orhir Phoenll Pornal isee Sierra Nevada. ISinall Hopes .. standard ..CI .. i .. i .. 44 .. 10 .. is ..ui Foreign Financial. IjONDON. July 6 Money was In quiet demand In the market today, being affected py tne d.sirioution or aivmends on funds. payments In the consul market and re payments to the Pa nk of England. Dis counts were easy In consequence of the abundance, of money. On the stock ex change business was quiet. There wus an lndiaDositiuo to advance prices materially, OMAHA WlrOLESAT.n MARKET. Condition of Trade and Quotations oa Staple and Faaor Produce. EGGS Receipts, fair; market quiet; pandled stock, 12o. LIVE POULTRV Hens, 84'89c; roosters, 5c; turkeys, 12"616c; ducks, 8c; spring cnicaens, is to ids., liaioc. BUTTER Market firm; packing stock. 13c; choice to fancy dairy, T7(i,18c; creamery, iJ-U-'lc; prints, 22c. SUUAK Standard granulated, it zi per cwt.; cubes. $7.00 per cwt.; cut loat, $1.4. per cwt.; No. 6 evtra C, v,.V per cwt.; No. 10 extra C, $5 95 per cwt.; No. 15 yel low, $6.75 per cwt.; XXXX powdered, $6 W per cwt.; bar powdered, $7.40 per cwt.; eagle tablets, $7.95 per cwt. ERESH FISH Trout. 9c; bailout, llo; buffalo (dressed), 3c; pickerel (dresved), 80; white bass (dressed), 12c; sunllsn, tc: percn (scaled and dressed), 8c; pike, 10c; cathsh, 16c; red snapper. 10c; salmon, loc; crapples. 12c; eel, loc; bullheads. 110: black bass. 200; Manitoba whlteflsh (dressed), loc; Lake Su perior whitensh (dressed), 12c; frog legs, per aoz., dtc; lODSiers, green, c; ouncu lobsters, 30c; shad roe. 45c; blucftsh, 8c. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Hay Dealers' association: Choice, $7.00: No. 1, $6.50; No. t, $6.00; oarse, $5.00. Thasa prices are for liay ot good color ana quality. BRAN Per ton. $15.00. TROPICAL, FRUIT. ORANGES St. Michaels, all sizes, $4.25: extra fancy Mediterranean sweets, all sizes, $3.75; seedlings, all sizes, $3.50; Valen cia, an sizes, t.a. LEMONS LMiionlera, etra fancy, 270, 300 and 360 sizes $l,.AVud.75'. fancy, i,t, 300 and 360 sizes, $4.25; 270" elz", '3.50; 3u0 and 860 sizes, $4.50; 210 size, $2.76; 24u size, $3 25. DAirJa Per box of 30 1-lu pkgs.. t..M; Hallowe'en. In 7o-lb. boxes, per lb, 6a. FIGS California, per 10-lb. carton, liil 85c: Imported Smyrna, four-crown, 12c; flvo crovn. 12a BANANAS Per medium-sized bunch, $1.75 62 25; iumbos. $2.EOviS.00. PINEAPPLES Florida, per crate of 24. 80 and 36 sizes. $3.2; 42 size. $3.00. FRUITS Ah'U MELONS. APRICOTS California, per 4-baaket crate. 1110. fiuiia t-auiornia, per a-uaaxet crato. $1.10. rtAtriM lexus ciinxa, per i-tiaskel crate, 80c; 'iexas freestones, $i.uo; Califor nia, ter 26-lb- box. 9oa. CHtltf.lto California. 'Jlack. per 8-lb. box. $1.60: white, per S-io. oos, Ji.fc; Mis souri, box of 24 qts., ,2.u,4j2.i5. STRAWBERRIES Home grown, per 24 qf case, $l.i5a2.U0; Denver, per case of 24-qts.. 2.00. CRA N HEKRIE Jerseys, per crate, ll M. GOOSEbEkKIES-Box of 24 qts., $2.o0. CANTALOUPES Texas, per crate, $3.00 64. On; California, per cruie, $i.WKjti.uo. WATERMELONS Alabama sweets, 25& $0o each; crated, lc .er lb. RASPBERRI ES Red, box of 24 pts, $2.50; bluck, box of 24 pts., $2.00. BLACK BERRIES Case of 24 qts . $2 0tt TURNIPS-New. poi .!., 2oC. CARROTS New, per aox., 250. PARSNIPS Old, per bu.. 400. WAX BEANS Per -bu. bo,, 75oj string beans, per 4-bu. Cox, 76c; bu. box wax or String. S2.00r2.2fi. POTA I'OES Home-grown, In sacks, per bu., 36c; Colorado, per bu., 45c; new pota toes, per bu., 60c. BEANS Navy, pr bu., $2.00. CAULlFlAJWKH Home grown, per crate of 1 dot., F0c. CUCUMBERS Per doz.. 45c. PEAS New, per bu. box, $1.00. TOMATOES Texas, per 4-baake.t crate, 11. lu. 6PINACH-Per bu.. 50c. CAHU AGE Home grown, lu crates, per lb.. 2c ONIONS New, per doz. bunches, 15c; Bermudas, per crate of about 60 lbs., $1 25. RADISHES Hot house or southern, per dos . ran. LETTUCE Hot bouse, per doz., $5(0406; bead letture. per doz.. 75c bEETS New. per doz.. 30c. MISCELLANEOUS CHEESE Swiss, tieW, lie; Wisconsin brick, 14c; Wisconsin Innberger, lie; twins. 13& 14c: oung Americas, 14c. NUTS-Walnuta. No. 1 soft ''hells, new crop, er lb., 15c; hard shells, per lb., 13c; No. 2 soft shells, per lb., lie; No. I hard shells, per lb, 12u; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb., loc, peanuts, per lb., 7c; roasted peanuts, per lb., sc; Oiill walnuts per lb., l'iU'kc; almonds, soft shell, per lb., 17c; hard shell, per lb., 15c; shellbaik hickory nuts, per bj., $1.75; lrge hickory nut, per bu., $1.60. , HIDES No. 1 green, lc; No. I geen, 7c; No. 1 salted, 9c; No. 2 salted, sc. No. 1 veal calf, luo; Nj $ veal calf. c; dry salted. 7tl4c; alieej vclig. fccujl.vv, fcujs li'Uss. l.(e.3.00. Total 4.670 7.387 642 CA11LE it seemed like a Monday up lu thu came vaiun tma morning, oniy mere was a larger run tnan lias been usual on the first uay of the week of late, "tiu cars being reported 111. Of tins numoer twenty-eight cars were trom the California lange. Uencrul conditions were Just tne reverse of what they were Monday. In stead of the receipts being light and selleis having the best 01 it, tne receipts today were neavy, not only here, but at every other point, and conuitions were decidedly aKiilnst the man with cattle tor sale. Beef Bleers constituted a very large pro portion of all tho u-tttle In the yards. The markut. owing to conditions prevailing as noted above, was slow to open and It was late In the torenoon before uuyers got out Into tho varus and still later before they sot ready to do business. When they did make a move to do somuthlng their bids were so much lower that sellers were back ward about letting go, so that the trade was slow all the morning and It was well alopg toward midday liefore very much business had been transacted. Aside from a few sales made early of cattle that buy ers lust happened to want ior immediate use the market could sately be quoted as ltKfi 15c lower than Monday. In other words they took off what they put on Monday. There were probably about twenty-five cars of cows and heifers in the yards, but the market on that kind of cattle shared In the dullness prevailing In the steer mar ket. The market was sateiy iuc lower. which wined out the advance made the first of the week, leaving prices no better ilian thev were last week. Onlv a few stockers and feeders were In cluded among the day s arrivals, but. usual, at this season, there was no very urgent demand, so that the market did not preneht any especially new features. As to prices the weakness prevailing In the fat cattle market would naturally be reflected In the feeder market to a greater or less degree. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. At. fr. No. A. Pr. J 170 I 75 S 1H7 4 80 10 1114 I 43 116 4 SO 11 Ul 1 W 41) 1271 4 10 S luoO 4 .5 17 1144 4 SO II k8 4 -i ii li! 4 10 I 1003 4 SO 10 1107 4 86 17 1074 4 30 ID 13H4 4 U 44 :-3 4 SS Si 1170 4 85 18 lool 4 40 44 108D 4 80 to 737 4 40 S 1114 4 83 It U6 4 SO II 1041 4 86 28 1130 4 60 18 IKS 4 8S - IS 1"V5 4 40 1 1268 4 aS 14 109 4 SO 1 128 4 DO 16 12o3 4 So SO .- 1241 4 W II 1137 4 66 7 133 7 4 W) SU 1"11 4 65 77 1265 4 0 4 11,32 4 65 20 1236 4 M) i lu:5 4 65 24 1413 4 15 24 1173 4 10 62 1314 4 t tl 1261 4 70 III 12i,a S 00 Si 1132 4 70 1 12S1 S (10 ID 1200 4 70 33 134 I 00 40 1171 4 70 13 12D4 6 00 lu 1081 4 70 18 13D0 S 06 Jd lo0 4 10 ID 14S1 6 05 22 1024 4 10 65 1318 I 06 lii DS3 4 10 17 Ilu8 t 10 42 11 -'J 4 75 20 1322 I 10 21 1U33 4 75 II 1330 I 10 11 10D4 4 76 21 1361 t 10 U 1 4 75 64 1I7S 6 10 IK 1161 4 75 74 12D4 ( 10 18 1322 4 75 ID 1272 6 10 22 lout 4 76 21 1347 t 16 0 11D3 4 so 44 1470 S IS 21 1070 4 80 11 1454 t 15 J, 1220 4 80 47 1417 6 16 40 110 4 So 60 14D1 I 40 71 124D 4 10 BTEEKti AND COWS. I S76 4 10 17 7 4 SO 8 611 4 10 10 648 4 60 S 4 25 67 77 1 4 SO t 1044 4 15 4 1441 $ IS COW8. i i 00 1 O0 I 7S I S60 I 10 1 list I 75 1 30 I 10 Iu70 I 76 1 1160 1 16 S 1044 I SO 1 D20 I 40 t S70 I 85 1 1120 t 40 4 1(0 I al t 1118 2 SO 1 111S I IS 1 1100 t SO 18 1036 I IS 1 1040 t 75 4 l-t I DO 40 DuS I K0 12M I (0 36 Dei 1 SO 7 St,7 3 SO 1 10.K) I Oo 1 U.iO 4 00 1 1030 I 00 1 DiO 4 00 1 1110 I 00 I 36 4 00 14 1044 I IS 1 1170 4 fro 3 1040 I 16 S 10..4 4 00 1 'j0 1 26 1 164 4 00 17 836 I 36 1 1140 4 10 2 D00 I 40 1 12.10 4 10 1 11K, I 40 1131 4 16 II D5 I 70 1 106O 4 16 18 D;2 I 75 I Dlt 4 16 1 1230 I 16 1 146 0 4 IS 1 1176 I 75 4 ,..1267 4 85 4 loJ I 76 HEIFERS. 14 622 I 33 1 660 4 00 Du6 I 15 4 171 4 00 1 620 1 60 1 0 4 10 14 687 1 Si 4 627 4 2S 1U 808 i 76 I a.',0 4 25 1 4M I kS 1 12'M 4 35 1 6sl I 76 1 W kl J 6i6 I 75 BULLS. 1 1470 I 50 1 1S70 I SO t 1260 1 60 1 14M) I 50 1 155s I 6l 1 1,130 I 60 J 1270 I 76 4 1071 SO 1 1180 I IB 1 127u 60 1 i740 I 00 1 1U20 I IS J 11,10 I 00 1 1H0 I SO 1 1440 t 00 1 17mi 00 t 1171 S 00 1 1840 4 00 1 1310 1 25 1 14u0 4 30 1 1650 126 I a(,0 4 60 I Into I 35 STAGS. 1 1060 I 25 CuvS AND HEIFERS. 10 e ! I 50 11 1SI 8 10 CALVES. I Jis) 4 50 1 130 I 26 10 171 4 50 10 174 I 60 1 10 S 2:, 1 liw SO 1 120 S 25 STOCK EKS AND FEEDER. l 4J 1 46 4 SI6 I 70 1 Dll 1 "0 II 148 t 70 63 416 I lo ta lit i. Ut D4S 3 10 17. 71 71 67 74 76 74 214 12 1'HI M IDS 7D ?) 10 201 SHEEP With only two cars there was not room for very much market, but buyers took what there was without hesitation, paving what looked like a good, strong price. In fact the mar ket would luive to be described rs strong and active, the demand being good and far In excess of the supply. The two curs re ceived this morning were a plain kind of Idaho yearlings, not very good, but they sold readily at $5 35. The sheep mnrket at this point Is In a very healthv condition at the present time. The demand Is of very reasonable propor tions, while the receipts continue light owing to the fact that It Is still early to expect much of a run from the northern ranges. No spring Iambi, are coming to this mar ket, but If there were any they would un doubtedly sell lower owing to the way tho market Is breaking In the east. Ouotntlons: Good to choice nnrlng Inmhs. $7.'fi7.50: fair to good spring lambs. $.7rVff 00; good to choice yearlings, $i.oi(ir .fin; fair to good yearlings, $6.7.Vu6.00; good to choice wethers. $4.75i6 25; fair to good wethers. Z4no.u4.7ft: Rood to choice $4.5f((T3.0O; fair to good ewes, $4.20.60. resentatlve snles: No. Av western ewes and sheen 78 530 Idaho yearlings 77 Stock In laht. Receipts of live stock at the six principal western miirkct.i ycsterd.iy: cuttle. Jiogs. oneep. South Omaha Pionx City Kansas City St. Joseph St. Louis Chicago 1.S22 4.4.1,- .) 30 ll.Ul l,l,l) 2.33S 8,567 v , 9.0) 27'.m 33.i is) 3,361 4.000 1.957 S.oO 18.000 Totnl .50.960 68.604 35,318 Kansas City tiraln and rroalalona. The range of prices paid In Kansas City, as repotted bv the Edwards-Wood com pany, llo-lll Hoard of Trade, was: Articles. Wheat Julv... Sept . . . Dec... Corn Julv... Sept... Dec... Oil t s Sept... Pork Julv... Sept... Iwir.l July... Ribs Julv... Sept . . . ewes Rep- Pr 4 00 6 35 Open. 1 High. I i I I M'oARV 84 I 82Hi-1''! 8JI 82 S 82 V I I 49 V 4M 4V 4W, 43S 43V Sot,' soij I 12 o 12 r.o 12 91 12 95 7 17 7 17 7 47 7 47 7 62 7 62 7 85 7 85 Low. I Close.l Mon'y 78- 4'.eV 7;, 4J... 30 12 42 12 67 7 12 7 30 7 57 7 77 82 V 7:"i 9',' I 49V 4N 4.C. 80 12 42 12 R7 7 12 7 30 7 57 7 77 83H 60-v, 1A 8V 43- 3.VH 12 62 12 90 7 42 7 67 7 80 KANSAS CITY. July R. WHEAT Higher: July. 82c; September. 79V'7Vc; December, 79'V'i 79c. Cash: No. I hnrd, 95cC(ttl.01'i; No. 3. 9i?!9e; No. 4, 75i6f.'So; No. 2 red, '.Hwuto; No. 3. ni-airvi-c; 4. 757rS5c OKIN limner; JUiy, one; sip 48i,c: December, 4;(ve. Cash: No. 2 mixed, 6Uiii2c; No 3. 5ern52c; No. i wnue. 04c; No. 3, 62'1iS3'40. OATS-Ateadv; No. 2 white, 3233V4C; No. 2 mixed. S'lbSoV. . . EviGS-Steady ; Missouri nnd Kansas, new No. 2 whltewo'od cases Included, 12c; case count, lie; cases returned, t" less.; choice timothy, $9 50. RYE Steadv at OOiifiSc. BUTTER Steady ; creamery, lnHtjlRHc; CHICAGO LIVE KTOCK MARKET Cattle Ten to Fifteen Cents Lower Hon Five Cents I.ovrer. CHICAGO, July 6. CATTLE Receipts, ,000 head; market l'W15c lower; good to prime. $5.5fi6 25; poor to medium. H.R(Kd) t.;m; stockers ana teeners, 30: cows $3.00ii'4.50; heifers, $3.5(HjT6.10; ennncrs, $1.50 3110: bull. $2.0oj4.0: calves, $3.00ff .25. HOGS Receipts, head: estimated for tomorrow, 25,000 head; market 6c lower; mixed and butchers, $5.35'i6.60; good to choice heavy, $5.50gn.60; rough heavy $5.0Oi)6.35; light, $o.40&5.60; bulk ot sales IG.47Cyiiri.55. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 18.000 head: market for sheep strong; Iambs steady; good to choice wethers. $4. lotfio.bO; fair to choice mixed. $3.6"u5.2o: western sheep, $3.75(05.60: native lambs, Including spring lambs, $4.6(KS8.26; western lambs, $4.75417.60. Knnsaa City Live Stork Market. KANSAS CITY, July 6. CATTLE; Re ceipts. 11,000 head. Including 6,000 head southerns; beef steers 51i10c lower; other natives steady to 10c lower; southerns steady; choice export and dressed beef steers, $5.iVkj6.76; fair to good. $4.25'S6.oO western fed steers, $4 25(926; stockers and feeders, $2.754.3fi; southern steers, $2.75yi 4. 60- southern cows, $2.254j3.RO- native1 cows, $22oSj4.60; native heifers. $3.25Q5.00; bulls, $2.2,Vii3.75; calves, $3.00i(S.25. HOGS Receipts, li.tmj nean; market 00 lower; top. $5 42'; bulk of sales. $5.35'qv 40; heavy. $5. 30-3 6. 37 V4: packers, $5.35S0.42'; pigs and light. $5.30fj5.4?V4 Iifc.fc.t' AIS U J-iAAiria Keceipis, ,IJ head; sheep strong; lambs I0ji5c higher; native lambs, $6 504)7.40; western fed lambs. $5.76ti.50; fed ewes and yearlings, $4 3,V, 6 76: Texas clipped yearlings. $4.75iv5.i); Texas clipped sheep, $4.25tiH.i5; stockers and feeders, $2.5of'3.75. packing, 14c. Wheat, bu .... Corn, bu Oats, bu Receipts. 127 200 ....118.401) .... $1,000 Shipments. 5O.4O0 7R.1 10,000 Coffee NEW YORK. July Market. 5 COFFEE Futures opened Irregular at unclinnged prlcea to an advance of 2i points In response to higher European cables. Offerings, however, were relatively light and the market ruled gen erally firm, closing steady at net 15S25 points higher. Sales were reported of 73. 5'") bags Including September at g.65rA.HiV; December, 6 95Vi7.1o; February. 7.10c; March. 7 2v,i7.3iic; April. 7.26fi7 4ic; May, 7.3(Q.7.40 Spot Rio, steady; No. 7' Invoice, 7vc. Sloox City SIOUX CITY. Live Slock Market. la., July S (Special Tele gram) CATTLE Receipts, SoO head, mar- Vlalhle Supply of Grain. NEW YORK, July S Tho visible supply of grain Saturday. July 1, as compiled by the New York Produce exchange la follows: Wheat 14.228,00 bu.; decrease, 1,160,000 bu. Corn 3.570.000 bu.; Increase, 662,000 bu. Oats 7,700,000 bu.; Increase, 4O7.O0O bis. Hve 880,000 bu.; decrease, 29,000 bu. Barley 870,000 bu.; decrease, 8,000 bit. Edwards-Wood Co. (Incerpo rated nain Office: Fifth aad Robert Strstti 5T. PAUL. niNN. DEALERS IN Stocks, Grain, Provision; Ship Your Grain to Us Ornneh Office, llO-lll Board of Trade Did.. Omaha, Neb. Telephone 8B14. 212-214 Exchange Bldg.. South Omaha. Ben 'Phone 216. Independent 'Phone $1,250,000 CINCINNATI, HAMILTON & DAYTON RAILWAY COMPANY Refunding Mortgage 4 Per Cent Gold Bonds Dattd July 1, 1904 Du July 1, 1954 lntrjt Payable) January 1 and July 1 UNITED STATES MORTGAGE & TRUST CO,, New York, Trustea $1,000 Coupon Bond, with prlvilaf of Raclatarlng tha Principal and Interest, or Principal only. (Total Issue $25,000,000, of which $15,023,000 are Reserved for Prior. Liens.) These bonds are secured by direct mortgnjfp, subjwt to $15,023,0(10 prlot liens, on the entire railroad property and leases of tho C. II. & I). Hallway (.'oro puny, consisting of approximately l.fKiO miles of road. The lxinds are further retired by a first lien on $I1,Min,00o par value if Tere Marquette common gtoek which alone cont more thau the. entire amount of tho outstanding Refunding Bonds; and the dividends on same more than oovt the Interest on the actual ii mount of Refunding Ronds now issued. Of the underlying bonds f 2,fi(ir,i0n will mature In October of this year, and $2.72S,(nx) will mature six years hence and bo refunded under this mortgage. The mortgage will bo closed when the $1,477,000 of bonds reserved for betterments are token down, and no further bonds can then be issued, except for the purpose of retiring underlying bonds. These Refunding Bonds underlie an Issue of $50.0iio,000 lionds since authorized. The O. II. &. D. System, Including the Tort? Marquette, comprises nome 4.IHH) miles of railroad consisting of a trunk line from Buffalo via Detroit to Chicago, Cincinnati and Indianapolis, with traffic connections to St. Louis. The C. II. & P. Hallway Company has paid , per cent dividends upon Its preferred stock uninterruptedly for the past ten years, and the earnings of tho two companies, operating Independently, for their last respective flscul years, were reported as follows: C. H & D. June JO. 1V04. Qroa $8,271, ISI Op. Expense, Taxes 6,061,72 Pare Marquette. December il, IVOJ. $11,356,436 7,889.274 Net Interest, Etc. . . . Net Surplus. .$2,210,425 . 1.421,897 .$ 788,525 $ 3,467,162 1,850,484 $ 1,016,678 HOGS Weakness waa market thla luurulnif t the -feature of the eUl pulIUel, WUb a (These are the last available figures of the I'ere Marquette It. R. afl tha books were not cJosed on December 31, l'.'Ol, the figures being carried ou for a period of eighteen months Instead of a year lu order to make the fiscal year of this road correspond with that of the Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton which ends June 3Dtli.) Application will ba mad In dua course to Hat . thasa bonds on tha New York Stock Exchange Special Circular I'pon Application. Price 95 and Interest, Yielding About 4.25 Mason, Lewis & Company, Bankers MONADNOCK DUILDINC, CHICAGO