THE OMATIA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY. JULY R. 1003. 10 $18.00 Male' Ladle' $19.00 Craven ette Coata at 5 JFol SSI. tOll THURSDAY A HUGE SALE OF LADIES' CRAVENETTE TOURIST AND RAIN COATS Actually the greatest Cravenette bar gain in the history of Brandeis' pales. ENTIRE SURPLUS STOCK FROM MEYER-VESSEL & CO., NEW YORK Stylish rain coats ar" always correct and always useful this time we ne selling cravemtted coats at the lowest price ever quoted anywhere on stylisd storm coats. $15 Cravenette Coats for $5.00 Long coats iu oxford, olive, gray, tan and novelty some, with shirred backs some trimmed collar and cuffs all belted backs fancy buckles Perfectly shower proof, splendid for traveling-, easily worth SIS.OO. at V fW jj yjM 1J lul JI ' OMAHA 'WEATHER RETORT jfc J Jyf Thindar Fair an Warmer. : a Two Genuine Bargains Ladle Waists. '69c Pret tily trimmed, sheer white Swiss and lawn waists new styles fresh A and crisp, at UaC -Sheer White Waists Ladies' Royal WtJsts at 95 e The newest style, care fully made and fitted Royal waists prettily t m pleated regular $1.50 ftf and2 values, at NOW GOING ON-OUR GREAT Semi-Annual Linen Sale Bigger bargains than ever before offered in Omaha, everything In linens at one-third to one-half less than real value. 17-ineh Brown Linen m 17-lnch Cotton Twill rVnuh th Klf kind ' at vnril . t f ............. Crash Tnwellnir. th 7c kind, at, ynrd 3lc 24 bargain tables of Fanny Linen Dollies, Center Pieces. Scarfs, Lunch Cloths, Tray Cloths, etc., at half their usual price. One big bargain square of Table Linen remnants. In all grades and lengths. These remnants muHt be Closed out and will go quick If the low prices we have made on them wil do It- One bl? bargain square of Linen, Cotton and Turkish Towels at one half their value. Now is the time to lay In a supply of towels. One big bargain square of Bed Spreads, both Crocheted and Mar seilles, fringed and hemmed. Prices from 49o and up; worth double. The very finest quality of Belfast Linen Double Satin Damask rat tern Tablecloths and Napkins ever brought to Omaha. $12 and $16 Cloths for s no each C7.0 feah0th.'..f.0.' 3.98 Thirty-cent Bleached Table Damask goesat-a yard low .5.98 Our big lot of all linen Table Damask, mostly 2 yards wide and worth up to ii.zs, go crip $12.00 Napkins for dosen $8 Napkins for r no dozen llivO All Table Damask at at- yard at greatly cut prices. To The Housekeepers Have you given sufficent thought to household economics? Did it ever occur to you that EFFICIENCY is the most important item to be considered? If you use the Eclipse Gas Range your troubles will be over for it is one of the most perfect gas stoves on the market. Write to Eclipse Gas Stove Company Rockford, Illinois I A large corner room with a vault new hardwood floor newly deco rated together with a smaller room next to it if desired. The only large room vacant in The Bee Building so don't procrastinate. Teachers and Students Can make $5.00 a day during vaca tion months. No investment required. Work dignified and pleasant. Write for particulars. :: :: THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER OMAHA, NEBRASKA Second Bay of the Gret July Clearance Sale We will continue our great silk sale of fine China and Foulard Silk, worth 60c yard, at, yard We will continue our great wash goods sale of Fancy Lawns, at, yard All of our Tub Suitings about 200 pieces left worth up to 25c yard, this sale, yard Silk Gloves Cheap 19c 31c 10c All of our Black and White Silk Gloves and Silk Mitts, in elbow and extra lengths, worth up to (1.00, this sale, pair. .......... ..50c Face Veilings 15c. Another big lot of fine Fancy Mesh Veilings, in all colors, with dots and plain mesh, worth to 50c yard, sale price yard Fancy Collars Very Cheap All of our Fancy Embroidered Fagot Stitch Linen Cape Collars, Silk Fringed Collars, Silk with Renlssance Edging, Fancy Flque with Teneriffe lnsertlngs a big lot of fine collars, some a little CO mussed, worth up to $3.50, for each JUC TIIREE FOR ONE IS WHAT YOU GET FROM THE 48c BARGAIN CIRCLE IN THE LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S READY-TO-WEAR SECTION. PETTICOATS, WALKING SKIRTS, WAISTS, DRESSES. WRAFFERS, BONNETS SELLING PRICES WERE FROM 40 75c to $2.00 EVERY ARTICLE NOW AT fOC Ladies' Coeds White Linen Box Style, marked from $5.00 to Ladies Wash Dresses 2.95 Ladles Wash Dresses, all our stock from $7.50 to $3.50, now 5.95, 2.95, 1.95 Ladies Waists Our new, elegant Geisha Waists, these sold at $2.00, $2.25, $2.50 and $2.75, now .. .. 1.75 Millinery! Millinery! July clearance sale of late spring and early summer millinery. Trices unheard of when quality is considered. Children's Play HatstJ All styles, sizes and materials, properly made and warranted to give wear and satisfaction former prices wr$1.50, $1 and 50c these prices now reduced to 50c, 25c and 15c Children's Trimmed Hats Beautiful conceptions for pretty little heads former prices m f were $3.50, $2.50 and $1.50 Thursday in this July clearance fllf sale these prices are reduced to $1.50, $1.00 and, . .'. J Ladies' and Misses Trimmed Hats A prodigality of styles andmaterials prices cut exactly in two and some of them have two-thirds of their former prices chopped off three price specials for Thursday $2.50, $1.50 and f Mrs. Sinclair in Charge .75. Bennett's Big Grocery Our Teas are very superior bought direct from the im porters. Thursday specials: Twenty ($2) Green Trading Stamps with pound Tea. Ot Forty ($4) Green Trading Stamps with LRo pound Tea .01 Sixty ($6) Green Trading Stamps with pound Tea JOC Samples served free at Tea Section. Sale Books SXKX Fiction, 45c $1.50 Copyright beautifully illus trated, special . . . 35c Standard Books, hand somely bound in cloth, special. . . , Alger Books for boys, cloth Ilenty Books for boys, cloth , Ilarkaway Books for boys, cloth . . Elsie Books for girlf, cloth , Book Stalls Main Floor. 15c 15c 10c 15c 59c Boys and Girls Out of School wanted to act as Bennett's traveling salesmen and saleswomen throughout the city. Extra Green Trading Stamps to the consumer and 25c for each order (printed combination) to the little salesperson. Apply Advertising Department, third floor. LOW RATES VIA UNION PACIFIC $15.00 $17.50 $30.50 $45.00 $50.00 $55.00 $56.00 $75.00 mom OMAHA Ta Colorado mn4 llaturn August 12. 13, 16. To Colorado and Ratura Every day. lo beptember So. To Salt Laka City and OCdan and Return Every day, to September JO. To Portland, Orofon, and Ratura ' Every day, to September iw. Ta an Pranalaoo or koa Anialoa and Ratura August , 7. . , 10, 11, 12. U. It To Yollowatono Park . ' Through, including rail and stage, dally until September 1 To California, Raturnlnt via Portland July 6. 7, . Iu. 11. 12. 11, . H- To Yollowatono Park la fork for Va d&yi ng rail, sua and hotels Inquire at CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1324; FAR NAM ST 't'nona sio. Kranish & Bach Selling at reduced prices to mak room, as our stock of fine pianos is too large for the summer business. We have decided to make a big cut on our high grade pianos. There fore you can buy a fine plnno as cheap as the cheaper ones, in ma hogany, In burl walnut, In butter hut in Circassian walnut, on easy payments. Among the big stock of cheaper pianos you will find new up-to-date pianos reduced to $135, $105, $185, on small monthly payments. You save $50 buying of this rella- Ej ble piano house. Your money is safe. You get what you pay for. rianos Tuned; Fianos Rented, Repaired, Boxed and Shipped. A. Hospe Co. 1513 Douglas Street. Women's Tan Oxfords Did you ever notice how much cooler a tan oxford Is than a black one? Nothing you can put on your feet will give you the real comfort and satisfaction as a pair of tan low shoes. Our Gibson tie Is the most popular style of women's low shoes shown In Omaha this season, made In Russia Calf and dark brown kid high or medium Military heel welt sole price $3.60. Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam St. Omaha's l'p-to-Dto Show Hons. ASK FOR OUR FREE CATALOGUE. 5 .00 Is From Omaha via Rock Island System CALIFORNIA and return Via Portland in one direc tion. July 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 25, 26, 27; August 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 29, 30, 31. Return limit ninety days. Liberal stopovers and low rates for side rides. Two routes Through New Mexico Through Colorado. Dining car service and re clining chair cars both ways. F. P. RUTHERFORD, D. P. A. Mii Farnam St Omaha, Neb. Watch for Special Bargain Events Friday THE HKI.ItSLR STORK. Rousing Specials in All Departments V, JULY CLEARING SALE OF WOMEN'S GARMENTS July 6th will begin the greatest clearing s;il- nf women's readv- -wear garments ever known in Omaha. I-'omiht sHliug price if. " y :t taken into consideration in the marking of these garment Q e are determined not to carry any spring or summer goods into . to not our new department this fall, them. Compare them. 5.00 HANDSOME CRAVENETTKS In the npw- ert styles and of very lu'st maiorlnls they sold at $15 0", $1S art and .v0il our cloniiin sale price $fi.m ACCORDEON I'LKATKD SKIRTS ninde of R II wool hrnrlcttns. In all colors -wonderful bargain at, our f Ijri clfarlig sale price t,zfCf WOMEN'S I.AWN SI'lTS-ln tans, with plonfed skirt, not the cheap kind, but rcKiilnr $3.fn qualities choice r" Thursday $1S 50 and $:" 00 PTI.K PIURT WAIST Sl'ITS--ln all colors and latest styles our clearing sale price HANDSOME SILK REDINttOTES In colors and blRck Rold at $15. "O, $lvri and $.i) 0O our clearing sale Q QD WOMEN' S $2 00 AND $2 5'1 WAISTS go In our great clearing sale at ()Ur choice -rOC WOMEN'S $.1.00 WAISTS-clear Ing sale price , 10.00 1.45 Head each item earefullv. !ee PRETTY WASH Fl'ITS that sold St $') ami $(".00. Iu this clcmiug sale 2 C) WOMEN'S WRAPrKHS In great variety of colors, well liiadi , $1 50 QMr values at "OW DRESSING SAQl'EH an Immense line worth up to $.'. all In one great lot for this clearing sale at f fl choice I.VIW FROM s Til. I. ! A. M Women's Waists worth up to $1 00 at FROM 9 TIM. 10 A. M Women's Wrap pers. $100 value lli. choice 4VC FROM s TIM. A. M. Women's long Ktmonus r.i t snap at UOw FROM ! : Tlt.l. n .30 A. M.-Chlldrenls (tlnKhani Presse. Iu pinks, blues and cadets, at FROM lo A. M. TIM. 12. M. Women's Silk, l'nl rsklrts. regular $S O ()U i 35c value, for this hour at, choice.... Great Grocery Inventory Sale Interesting Prices for Shrewd Buyers 9 pounds best Cane Granulated Sugar 50c 10 bars Swift's Pride. Beat 'Em All or White Paris laundry Soap... 2Sfi 10 pounds b"St White Oornmeal 10c 4 pounds best Pearl Tapioca, Sago, nancy or ranna loc 10 pounds best Rolled Oatmeal 2iii 5 pounds choice Japan Rice 19c Fancy Japan lea for Ice tea, pound.. 2.1c OH or Mustard Sardines, per can 4c 1-pound cans ancy Aiasna salmon.... vc Morgan's Sapollo, per bar Be Pesrline. per package ? On Time Yeast, per package 2o 1-pound cans Eagle Lye "o PEACHES. PEACHES. TEACHES. The balance of car goes on sale Thurs day. Large boxes Fancy California Cling Peaches, per box S.ic Larg boxes Fancy Yellow Crawford Freestone Peaches, per box $1.15 Large. Juicy Lemons, per dozen 15a HAYDEW BROS. VIA THE ONLY DOUBLE TRACK RAILWAY FROM OMAHA. ST. PAUL AND BACK $12.50 CHICAGO AND BACK $20.00 DULUTII AND BACK $16.50 ASBURY PARK AND BACK, via New York June 28 to July 1 $34.10 NIAGARA FALLS AND BACK, July 7 to 9 $26.75 The wonderful scenic route to the Port land Exposition, via Banft, through the Canadian Rockies and Selkirks to Van couver, returning via Salt Lake. . Lowest rates named and berths secured via Steamers on the Great Lakes from Du luth or Chicago. DEADWOOD AND BACK $18.75 DAKOTA nOT SPRINGS AND BACK $16.40 MANKATO AND BACK (Lake Washington). $10.50 ONAWA AND BACK (Blue Lake much bass this season) ,...$2.75 BALTIMORE AND BACK $32.25 (Special party, through cars, on sale July 1 to 3.) "THE BEST OF EVERYTHING" NORTHWESTERN LINE CITY OFFICES 1401-1403 FARIIAM STREET, OMAHA. ai'tttaW..!. s THE NOBBIEST OUT Genuine niattlnc suit canes the llnest quality; leather bound. Just the thing for traveling; very light weight aud extremely neat. Prices J3.50, 13.75 sad $4.00. OMAHA TRUNK FACTORY, 1209 FARNAM ST. Before You Go Put one or two of our Souvenir Spoons In your pocket for the friends you visit this summer and while you are In the store leave your watch and let us put It In order for you. Iook for the name. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler, 1514 Douglas Street niTPIITT BTATR VPTICBtVi mi V H. L RAMACCIOTTI. D. V. S..Ask for a CITY VETERINARIAN. Offlca and Infirmary, 2Sth and Maaon Sta. OMAHA. NEB. Telephone 13. QUALITY IS OUR MOTTO I BEST BECAU8EToVar. l.OT Paying lor MM "."1. -.,maf Ial I HELP TO ADVERTISE OMAHA. laiara, T. UUI,