Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 06, 1905, Image 1
r The Omaha Daily Bee. For News Quality and Quantity The Bee Greatly Excels. Omaha's Preferred Advertising Medium is The Bee. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1S71. OMAHA, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 6, 1905 TEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY TH1IEE CENTS. DEVLIN IS BANKRUPT Kansas City Creditors File Petition in Federal Court at Topeka. WISH TO SET ASIDE RECENT TRANSFERS Action Will Eaduoe A ne'e of Topeka Bank Many Tbotianda, KANSAS FUNDS ARE ON DEPOSIT Treasurer Kelley Contends that the Bute ii a- Preferred Creditor. TWO ILLINOIS BANKS GO DOWN IN WRECK Concerns Near Mine Ottp' 1 by Mls onrl Capitalist Clf. , 'elr Doort and Are In It "V of Comptroller, V v TOPKKA. Kan., July S.-AfTairs failure of the First National bank ass a different phase today, when Kansas creditors petitioned the United States q trlct court to declare Charles J. Devlin . bankrupt. The petition was made return able on July JO and its effect Is to prevent any further attachments of Devlin property and to set aside real estate valued at I700,0"0 which Mr. Devlin on Monday had transferred to the failed bank. Today's action thua reduces tha batik's assets at least temporarily to Just that extent. The action does not affect the life insurance, which ia in Mrs. Devlin's name and which she insists bs left among; the assets of the bank. Mr. Devlin's business associates declare that he la far from being a bankrupt and till Insist that tha bank will be enabled to pay dollar for dollar. Receiver Bradley, who began delving into the books of the bank today, announced that it would be ten days before he could make a statement of Its condition. Ho unnounced that it was doubtful that the state, which had 1500,000 in the bank, would be considered a preferred creditor. Qovernor Hoch stated later that the executive council would to morrow consider the action of State Treas urer Kelly In placing so much of the state's money In one bank. Will Get Money Dnck. Receiver Bradley tonight announced that ' the people who made deposits in the First National bank last Friday and Saturday would receive ail their money as soon as the proper arrangements could be made. These deposits were kept separate by the bank officials and will not be considered with tha regular business of the lnstltu tiou. A secret meeting of attorneys and others representing different Devlin interests was held here tonight. It was intimated that some sort of statement would be made to morrow. Allegations la Petition. The petition was filed on behalf of Thomas Llghtfoot, John A. Long and the Dong Brothers' Grocery company of Kan sas City, Mo. The claims of the petition ing VreflitoriwjBrrifate about SS.0OO. The petitioners represent that when Mr. Devlin assigned his property to the First National bank of Topeka on July 3 he was then Insolvent and that such transfer was made with the intent to make the failed bank a preferred creditor. The petition will prevent the running of further attach ments on the Devlin property. It is made returnable on July 20. in the meantime Mr. Devlin may file a confession of bank ruptcy or Ale an answer denying the acts of bankruptcy and asu for a trial by Jury. The trustee in bankruptcy who will be elected by he creditors will have power to take charge of the affairs and convert ing the assets Into cash, apportion the pro ceeds equally among the creditors. Mate Fonda In Bank, Tha status of the toOO.OfiO of state funds In the First National bank is causing much discussion anion?; state officials, a former member of the Kansas supreme court, talking today of the contention of State Treasurer T. T. Kelly, that the money is safe, because the state would be considered a preferred creditor, said: The contention of Mr. Kelly Is partly correct, that Is If it can be clearly shown that the money was in the bank for col lection alone. But it may be difficult to show this, especially since the bankruptcy proceedings riled today. Treasurer Kel)y contends that aa the state'ai money was left at the bank simply in tha ordinary course of collections, and not aa a deposit upon which interest was drawn, it therefore became a trust fund, which is bound to be considered a pre ferred claim. May Sell Property. When the First Nationul bunk of To peka, which was controlled by C. J. Devlin, failed on July 3 It was known that tho Devlin estate owed both the Spring Valley National bunk of Spring Valley, 111., and the First National bank of Toluea, 111., which closed their doors today, and the suspension of the latter institutions . was expected to follow as a natural result. Just what amounts the Devlin estate ones to the two Illinois banks, is not known, but it Is stated that they became Involved in loaning money to build the Toluca, Mar quette and Northern railroad, a small coal carrying road which Mr. Devlin was con structing to his mining property in that tate. This road connects with the Atchi son, Topeka & Santa Fe, the Illinois Cen tral, the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul, the Chicago & Alton and the Indiana, 1111 nola & Iowa railroads. Negotiations are already In progress, it is said, to sell this railroad property which is considered a valuable asset. Creditors llo Not Meet. Runs on Topeka banks, which started on Monday following the failure of the First National bank, had apparently stopped when the Institutions opened for business today. A small crowd tiaLhered about the First National bank, but there was no ex citement. All banks at which depositors had withdrawn money on Monday had fur ther fortified themselves over the holiday of yesterday and at each bank the officials stated they were in better shape than ever to meet ul demands. Receiver Bradley of the First National bunk Went to work early today on the boks of that concern, but no staten.ent was available for publication regarding its condition and none was expected for some time yet. C. B. Oleed and C. J. Hlsted were in the city ar.d held conferences with the bank officials In an endeavor to arrive at tha trus state of affairs of the failed bank. Koodver Bradley said today that It would ba ten, days In-Cure a statement of tho thank's assets and liabilities oo.ild be made public. He stated further that he did think the rt.its would be a preferred credi tor, but would have to take 'A chances with other depositors in the settlement. Tomorrow Robert Lyons, an uc couniaut, connected with the comptroller department at Washington, will reach To- 'ConUnued on Beoond Page.) RUSSIA DESIREST0 STOP WAR Only Pride Manria In War of Formal Bequest for an Armln-lee. ST. PETERSBURG, July o.-Th" situatljn regarding the armistice is as '"Hows: "Russia has formally signified to Presi dent Roosevelt its desire for a Instl'o not only by the a point mrnt of plen tnoter.taiies who will be accompanied by eminent experts fully empowered to con clude ,i treaty subject only to the ratiuc.r tlon of the respective governments, but as a final step has Indicated Its readiness to suspend hostilities. It I ns avoided formally asking for an armistice as a matter of pride." Hut tinder the circumstances Russia could hardly go farther than she has. Japan, so far as Known, lias not yet In dicated her attitude or if she has Russia up to this afternoon has not been so In formed. In diplomat!,' circles the most earnest hope is expressed that Japan will consent both for the sake of avoiding further bloodshed In Manchuria and per haps In order to prevent a catastrophe in Russia which may shake the Romanoff's throne and appal the world by Its hor rors. An eminent ambassador of a great Kuropean power said to the Associated "If Japan declines it may prove to ho a misfortune for the whole world. Tho position of Russia Is critical. ilio em peror, crushed by the defeats In the far east and with almost civil war at home, has bowed his head to the inevitable. Ho wants peace and Japan has the tiroofs in her possession. Japan has vindicated her power before the world and has won the admiration of the world. Nothing be omes a victor so much as n broad spirit magnanimity, if Japan still Insists 111 tumbling the emperor's head into the dust and forcing a useless battle, which will result In the loss of tens of thousands of lives, she may produce a cataclysm of anarchy greater than that of the French revolution, which will leave her no gov ernment to negi tiate with, besides threat ening the peace of Europe. The usual precedents for the conclusion of a war are reversed In this case. An armistice generally precedes the agreement on the time and place for making negotiations. Now that the Hteps which usually follow a suspension of hostilities have been ar ranged why should Japan simply because she enjoys the advantage of the military situation Inflict and defeat with Its ac companying slaughter? Nothing would be gained by it and much might be lost." CANAL EMPLOYES DISSATISFIED Two Returning; Tell of Disease nnil Shortsue of Workmen on Isthmus. NEW YORK. July 6. George J. Mnclock of Louisville, Ky., superintendent of a dock at Chrlstobal, was among the passengers on the Advance, which arrived here from Panama today. Mr. Maclock sale'. Things are very bad at the Isthmus. The diseases prevalent are measles, black measles, smallpox, yellow fever. Chagies fever and malaria and there was one en so of bubonic plague. The dead trains run from Colon to Monkey Hill cemetery, a mile and a half south of Colon, always once and sometimes as many as fourteen times a day, and It sometimes has as many as four coltins aboard. In fact there is so much yellow fever about that they keep open graves always ready for cases of emergency. The working clerical force on the Isth mus Is about S per cent short, lino dis trict superintendent I know has work for seventeen clerks and has so far only live. The government seems lo be delaying the paying oft of the men. Forty-one men were waiting for their money to cutch tho steamer, but only six got it in time to sail. Miss A. A. Robinson of New York, who had been a hospital nurse on the Isthmus, also returned on the Advance. She said she had been about a year In the Isthmus and was very glad to be back again. "The supply of nurses." she said, "Is beginning to fall off and by fall the hospital at Pan ama will be very short-handed. None of those who are leaving now will return to Panama and many others will leave as soon as possible. The pay, considering the conditions that prevail. Is not suf liclent. Sickness there Is Increasing and conditions generally becoming worse." INDICTED PACKERS GIVE BOND Three Corporation and Thirteen Individuals Appear In Court In Chicago, CHICAGO, July 5 Bonds were furnished today by throe of the packing companies and thirteen of the Individual packers In dicted by the federal grand Jury last Friday. Four of the Indicted packers are still absent from Chicago, but United States District Attorney Morrison an nounced tonight that these absentees would be given ample lime in which to sign bonds. The bonds signed today were for J5.0U0 each. The corporations furnishing the bonds were Armour A Co., Swift and Company- and the Fairbanks Canning company. The Individual bonds were for Arthur Meeker, general manager of Ar mour & Co.; Patrick A. Valentine, treas urer of Armour & Co.; Louis F. Swift, president of Swift and Company; Ed ward Swift, vice president of Swift and Company; Lawrence A. Carlton, treasurer of Swift and Company; Robert McManus, general counsel for Swift and Company; Arthur F. Ivans, attorney for Swift and Company; Ira X. Morris, secretary of the Fairbanks Canning company; J. Ogden Ar mour, president of Armour & Co.; Charles W. Armour, president of the Armour Pack ing company; Samuel McRobcrts, assist ant treasurer of Armour & Co.; Thomas J. Connors, general superintendent of Ar mour & Co, and Charles H. Swift, di rector of Swift and Company. MAY VOTE TO RETURN TO WORK Chicago Department Store Drivers to Take a Secret llallot Today Strike Benefits Cease. CHICAGO, July 5 A referendum vote ' on the question of declaring off the team sters' strike so far aa it applies to the de partment stores will be taken tomorrow night by members of the Department Store Drivers' union. The vote, which will be j by secret ballot, will be taken at the ' request of a large number of the depart j mcnt store drivers, who have wearied of : the Btrlfe and have rebelled against the I union leaders because of their failure to , furnish strike benefits. i The lumber drivers, who also have been j denied strike benefits, continued their agl j tatlou today In favor of a prompt settle ment. WOMAN SUFFRAGISTS ADJOURN Movement to F.nllst Workingtur u In the Cause Address by Habbl 11 1 rich. PORTLAND. Ore., July 5. The National Woman's Suffrage association convention end'd tonight. Many resolutions and re ports were considered and an address was delivered by Rabbi Emll G. Hlrsch of Chi cago in the afternoon. v Mrs. Florence Kelly, in her report on industrial Problems Affecting Women and Children," today made the strong point that the weakness of the suflrage movement has been that It has not enlisted the active support of the worklngman and urged that the two great forces Join hands. Mrs. Maud Wood Park, president of the Mis souri Suffrage league, and Mrs. Charlotte Perkins Oilman wera the speakers tonight TORNADO IN NORTHERN TEXAS Manj Houses Destroyed by Storm in Vioinity of Nacona. VICTIMS ESTIMATED AT SIXTY Fourteen Bodies Are Reeorered at .arona and Ten at Mon. tatjne Dsmssc by Hall Hears-. DALLAS, Tex., July 6. A special to the News from Nacona, Tex., says that a tornado and thunderstorm passed a few miles west and south of here this after noon, killing fourteen persons and Injur ing many others and destroying a number of houses. The latest reports from the storm swept district give the following casualties; Deud: MRS. C. C. SHACK LEFORD MINNIE SHACKLEFURD, daughter of H. . Shackleford. MRS. S. L. TLMBLESON and three chil dren. MRS. MARY LESTER and four children. t.ALEM WHITE. MRS. IRA WILLIAMS. FRANK EAKiN. son of Sam Eakin; killed by lightning. Injured; James Simpson. Miss Alice Simpson. Moore; arm broken. Hohbs; fatally. C. R. Christian and family. J. M. Steward and family. C. H. Williams; leg broken. Miss Nannie Austin; seriously. J. J. Woodson. Frank Woodson; seriously. Mrs. Jesse. R. C. Shackleford and wife. C. Z. Shackleford; Injured about head. Four of his children also received serious injuries. A child of Mrs. Mary Lester is believed to be fatally Injured. Many farm houses were swept entirely aw.-.y. The Baptist and Methodist churches at Belcher were considerably damaged. The Methodist church at Montague Is reported a wreck and the court house dam aged, also other churches there. The Dixie school house, six miles south of here, was entirely blown away. Hailstones as large as hens' eggs fell here, breaking out. many window glass. Reports of the work of the tornado are still coming in. The num ber of killed and Injured probably will reach sixty. Ten Dead In Montaaue. MONTAGUE, Tex., July 5. Ten people are dead as a result of a tornado that passed over Montague this afternoon. They are; MISS SADIE EARL, daughter of A. P. Earl. HI'RKE EARL, his son. HA B V OF LAWRENCE PILLOW. TOM I. IN SON FAMILY, consisting of husband, wife and four children. Fatally injured: Clalbourne White, 45 years of age. Houses totally demolished: J. F. Clark's drug store; D. Y. Lunn's grocery store and offices; old bank building, occupied by O. L. Alcorn, real estate agent; store of Rowe Hardware company; fifteen dwellings. The tornado lasted perhaps thirty min utes. Hundreds of head of stock In this vicinity were killed outright by the wind. The number of Injured Is unknown. Dead Rntlmated at Forts " FORT WORTH, Tex., July 5. A tornado which struck Texas lr. the upper edge of Montague county, coming from the north east and swinging far to the southeast, this afternoon caused the loss. It Is believed, of forty lives, Injured a large number of people and did untold damage to growing cropi and cattle. Fortunately the tornado missed the small towns In the section through which It swept, but It zlg-zagged In such a way as to take In the homes of many farmers and stock raisers In the section. At Jacksboro the force of the wind was terrific. The Baptist church and twenty other buildings were blown off their founda tions and a number of buildings totally destroyed. Mrs. Travis Calhoun was seriously In jured. Travis Calhoun, Mrs. Thomas Horton and Henry Wesser and family were also Injured. At Montague no lives were lost in the town, but In the country there was great loss of life reported. The wires are down In all directions and it is difficult to get particulars. Ten persons are known to be dead In the neighborhood and unconfirmed reports are to the effect I that the list will go as high as forty. Most of those killed lived on Salt creek, along j which the tornado swept with special force. At Nacona the tornado passed a few miles to the south and latest lists give the ( dead at fourteen and the injured at forty l one. A reliable man at Nacona, who has ' been over the scene, says that reports were being received of the dead when he left there and he places the loss of life at sixty. Owing to the widely separated homes and ; the fact that in many Instances whole faml ; lies were wiped out, detall.i and names are hard to et. InEW LOAN BY THE JAPANESE Bonds to Boar Four and One-Half Per Cent Interest and Secured on Tobacco Monopoly. NEW YORK, July 5.-Semi-offlclaI de tails concerning the latest Japanese loan of $150,000,000 were made public today. The bonds will bear Interest at 4i per cent and will be secured by a second Hen upon the tobacco monopoly. The syndicate underwriting the loan con sists of Barr's bank, limited, of London, the Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking cor poration and the Yokohama Specie bank. ! limited, with whom are associated Kuhn, j Loeb oi Co. of this city and the Deutsche j aiiuciic iiim o xJt-iiui. i lie iNailonal Aslasche hiink of Berlin. The N merce, both of New York City, will assist Kuhn, Loeb & Co. in the flotation In this country. The loan will be divided Into three equal parts, London, Berlin and New York each taking $50,0u0,ou0. The Subscription price probably will be the same as the previous I loan, which was 87V An interesting fea 1 ture is Germany's direct participation In I the loan. The Japanese government prac I tlcally pledges Itself not to draw upon the subscriptions received here before Octo btr 31. In the event of peace resulting from the coming negotiations between Russia and Japan the proceeds of this loan will be applied to the refunding of Japans In ternal debt. If not it will go Into the coun try's war credit. WRECK ON GREAT NORTHERN Passenger Train Goes Through Brldce In Xorth DakotaAll Cars Burned. GREAT FALLS, Mont., July S Great Northern passenger train No. S, west bound, was wrecked at Springbrook, N. D., tonight. All penger cars were burned. Several persons were Injured, but so far as learned no on was killed. PRESIDENT EN ROUTE HOME Durlnn the Aft. Extended I F.lll noon He Holds aa nferenee with i Root. PITTSBURG, July S. The president's train arrived here u a special from Cleve land at 8:50 p. m., exactly on schedule time, and at 9 o'clock left for the east ts the second section of No. 6. At the station quite a large crowd had gathered to greet the president, but no formal reception was given him. After repeated calls for a speech the president came to the rear plat form of his car and said: My friends. I should not be expected to make a speech on this occasion, as I nm returning from the funeral of Mr. Hay. who was a friend of nil the people and for whom 1 had a deep affection. President Roosevelt passed the afternoon and evening after leaving Cleveland In In formal conferences with his cabinet officers and friends on board his special train. At 1:15 p. m. the train drew out of the Union station at Cleveland and ran to Wheelock Siding, seventeen miles east of Cleveland, where it remained until 3:45, when the trip to Oyster Bay was resumed. During the run to Wheeler and the brief stay there luncheon was served, the president having as his personal guests Ellhu Root, Paul Morton, Charles Emory Smith, Secretary Shaw, Attorney General Moody, Postmaster General Cortelyou and Dr. Rixey. Durtng the afternoon the president took up some Important matters with the members of his cabinet Individually. The president talked long and earnestly with former Secretary Root, who has been almost constantly with him since he Joined him In Jersey City yesterday afternoon. It Is yet 'oo eariy to m$.ke any announcement regarding the succiisorshlp to Secretary Hay, but It is know that the subject was considered informally by the president to day. It Is not unlikely the president may authorize a statement in the near future regarding the appointment, but he has not indicated yet, at least not for publication, who his choice may be for secretary of state. The members of the cabinet who are with the president will leave the special train at Philadelphia at 7 o'clock tomorrow morning and return directly to Washington. The president will reach Oyster Bay at 11 a. m. tomorrow. Secretary Metcalf left the party at Cleve land to go to Utlca, N. Y., whore he will Join his wife and from there go to Oakland, C'al., by way of tha Canadian Pacific, for a short vacation. DUNNE EXPLAINS HIS PLAN Mayor of Chlraao Outlines Scheme for Municipal Control of Traction Lines. CHICAGO, July 6 Mayor Edward F. Dunne told the city council tonight his plans for municipal ownership of traction properties. It was not municipal owner ship absolutely, but, as the mayor ex plained, the nearest thing possible undor existing conditions, and he asked the alder men to consider It carefully. Absolute mu nicipal ownership and operation, the mayor said, he does not consider practical Just now. The plan which tho mayor ofTer?3 pro vides for the lncTrpjt-!-ri t a company, managed by five men who command the confidence of the people of Chicago. To this company Is to be granted a twenty year franchise covering the streets In which the rights of the old companies al ready have expired or soon will expire. It Is to be stocked to the amount neces sary to establish a street car system In these streets, roughly estimated at 240 miles. No bonds ore to be sold. The stock is to be deposited with a trust company which the five directors ore to select, so as to prevent a purchase of it and subsequent control by outside inter ests. The stock Is to be sold at popular sub scription. At any time the city may elect It can take over the property on an appraised valuation. PRICE OF WHEAT GOES OFF Chicago and w York Markets Show Decline In the September Option. CHICAGO, July 5.-After selling within a 4-cent range here today, wheat for Sep tember delivery closed at a net decline of cents, compared with Saturday's finpl figures. The wide fluctuation in price was due almost wholly to conflicting reports as to the condition of the spring sown crop. At the start the market was decidedly strong s.s a result of influential buying brought out by damage reports from pri vate sources, initial quotations of Sep tember were up to 1H cents at igjH4 cents. Later a sharp break In prices oc curred, September dropping to 87V4 cents. An official report asserting that spring wheat is in excellent condition was the occasion for the severe decline. NEW YORK. July 6.-The New York wheat market broke 3V cents a bushel to day, September selling from 94" to 91 cents. It was due to overloaded conditions in the trade meeting a weekly government report that failed to confirm previous ad vices as to northwest damage. DEATH F0LL0WSAN EXPLOSION West Virginia Miners Die as Result of Accident Where Dust Accumulates. BLUEFIELD, W. Vs., July 5-By an explosion in the Tidewater coal mine at Vivian, twenty miles west of this city, to day, nine miners all of whom were Italians, were Injured and two of them died later In the hospital, while three more are In a precarious condition with slight chances of recovery. All of the men were bi ned tadly. The dead are Lee Mozzllle and An tonio Bupltomio. The explosion occurred at about 8 30 o'clock this morning. Mine officials claim that the explosion was caused by a very heavy shock in robbing the pockets and that dust Ignited. The Tidewater mine Is located about two miles from Vivian, W. Va., and employs 200 men. Pool Sellers Cases Continued. ST. LOUIS. July 5 The cases of Georgs Ehrlieh and Max Gumperts. eharaed wuh I violation of the ami-pool selling law at ueimar race iracis, wnicn were set for hear ing today In the circuit court at Clayton were continued until July 24 on account of an Injury suffered by County Prosecuting Attorney Johnson yesterday. Bishop PpaldlusT Better. PEORIA, 111., July 8 Bishop Spalding left today for his summer home at Leba non. Ky., where he will remain until autumn. His health has vastly Improved and his only tfouhle now is with his arm He will be the guest of his sister. firand Jury to Probe F.iultable. NEW YORK. July 5. Remarks made bv Judge Warren B Foster to membei s of the July giand Jury when they were sum moned today leads to the belief that the Investigation of the Equitable Life so ciety is about to bs taken up by District Attorney Jerome. CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Another Effort to Compel Disturbers to Repair Pavements. ORDINANCE AND RESOLUTION OFFERED First Provides New Plan for Issuance of Permits anil second Instructs City Attorney to sne for Out. stundlun; Claims. Measures towards protecting the pave ments and requiring public service cor porations and individuals to pay for re pairs were Introduced In the council last night by President 7-lmman in the shape of an ordinance and a resolution. The ordinance is a long one and arranges new proceedure for corporations, plumbing firms and other persons when they wish to tear tip paements. The whole matter is placed In charge of the engineering department, which is to make all repairs and charge the cost to the corporation or person caus ing the disturbance. When the engineer gives out the permit he Is to issue, also, an estimate of the cost of repairs and an amount covering the same must be de posited Immediately with the c!y treas urer and placed to the credit of the gut tering and paving fund. In the case of the street railway company, when It re pairs or relay tracks, all paving repairs outside the rails are to be made by the city and charged to the company monthly and collected under penalty of refusal of future permits to alter tracks. Bonds are to be given by companies or persons taking out permits and the regu lations apply to alleys and sidewalks as well as streets. If paving sinks over a fill or ditch It must be restored by the ones holding the permit. Regulations are made for the doing of work. Installing valve and meter boxes and filing plans of the same with the city engineer. Poles of all kinds come under the head of the ordi nance and when abandoned must be re moved and the ground filled. A schedule of prices for the basing of estimates is provided and a penalty affixed of from 1100 to W0 fine and not to exceed thirty days' Imprisonment. Golns; Bark for Dsmsgra, The resolution was adopted and is re troactive and commands the engineer, In view of tho early operation of the muni cipal asphalt repair plant, to check up all damage to paving done by public fran- cliised corporations and in particular the street railway company, and make a re port to the council. Ho Is requested to go Into detail and not to overlook anything, but specially the damage done by tho traction company In relaying and repair ing tracks. The bills are to go back as far as possible and the city clerk Is di rected to notify each corporation, and all five are named, of the bills standing against it, as soon as the amounts are turned In. If payment Is not made within ten days the attorney Is instructed to begin suit against the companies to re cover on their bonds guaranteeing the restoration of paving. The ordinance was read the first and second times and referred to the committee on Judiciary." the Ret tha Official Paper. The Bee bad no difficulty In again cap turing the contract and designation as the official paper of the city. The World Herald and Dally News submitted the full legal prices, or 50 cents per square of ten unleaded nonpareil lines, and 30 cents for each subsequent insertion, whereas The Bee quoted prices much lower, proposing to make the first Insertion for 37V4 cents a square, the second for 2414. third for 22 cents and a cent less for each subsequent insertion down to the tenth at 12 cents, this price to govern if more insertions are re quired. The contract was awarded to The Bee upon the immediate report of tho Judiciary committee and is for one year. Proprietor Hitchcock of the World-Herald remarked sorrowfully that he did not ex pect to get the city advertising anyway, but Intimated that he quoted the full legal limit merely for form's sake. Councilman Back had a resolution adopted which forbids heads of depart ments to leave the city without permis sion from the council. In emergencies they are expected to report to the city clerk, who will Inform the council at the next meeting where the missing depart mental head has gone. Start on w Paving:, New paving may be started next week or even this week if the mayor hurries and puts his name on several ordinances ordering the Improvements and directing the city engineer to get busy about It. The streets finally ordered paved by or dinance are, Spnuldlng from Twenty-fourth to Thirtieth with Purington block, Seven teenth avenue from Jackson to Leaven worth with Purington block, Capitol ave nue from Twenty-fourth to Twenty-sixth with asphalt, Twe'tty-slxth from Dodge to Chicago with asphalt, and Eighteenth from Corby to Spencer with Purington block. Ordinances were Introduced creating pav ing improvement districts for California, from Twtnty-third to Twenty-sixth; Twenty-fifth, from Dodge to California; Daven rort, from Eighteenth to Twenty-second; Davenport, from Fortieth to Forty-third, and Maple, from Twentieth to Twenty fourth. The ordinance creating the paving district for Davenport street, from Cen tral boulevard to Thirty-first, north, was passed. Petitions were received asking for pav ing on Chicago street, from Thirty-eighth to Thirty-ninth; Thirtieth, from Leaven worth to Jackson; Thirty-eighth, from Far nam to Dodge, and designated brick block as the material for Twentieth street, from Farnam to Leavenworth. The first appropriation ordinance, arrange ing for the weekly payment of the wages of day laborers, was IntVoduced and passed, and employes of this class can get their warrants today for last week. Gas Company Anticipates Contract. The Omaha Gas company, through Coun cilman Dyball, put lfl an anticipatory ordi nance authorizing the mayor to make a rive-year contract at the $28 rate for 80-candle-power gas lamps. It was referred to the lighting committee. An ordinance was introduced proposing to require a $u0 annual license and bond of 12,000 for any person or llrm in the arti ficial stone, asphalt or composite sidewalk business, the bond to guarantee the com- pllance with approved specifications and the maintenance of the walks In good re pair for five years after construction. Pres ident Zlmman said the city engineer would later explain the object of the law, which has a $M fine attached. The committee on railways, telegraphs and telephones, reporting on Dr. S. D. Mercer's request that the street railway company be required to take up unused tracks on Eleventh street between How ard and Jackson, and on Howard between Eleventh and Twelfth, said that street railway officers had assured them that Continued on Second Page ) NEBRASKA WEATHER FORECAST Fair and Warmer Thurkday. Friday Fair. Temperature at Omaha Veslerdayl Hour. Ilea. Hour. Ilea-. n a. m u 1 p. m Trt a. in i!2 3 p. m TT 7 a. m Ill 3 p. in TS a. m mi 4 p. ni Tl n a. m km ft p. m ..... . Tft 10 a. m To h p. m 7tl 11 a. m Tit T p. m Tt 12 m 7a H p. m Tl n p. m TO OREGON LANE) FRAUD CASES Three Conspirators Knter Pleas of tinllty Conaressman Hermann to Be Tried In Washington. TORTLAND. Ore., July R. In the federal court today the case against Congressman Ringer Hermann. Indicted In connection with the land frauds In this state, was placed at the bottom of the calendar. This Is believed to Indicate that Hermann will first be brouebt to trial on the Indictment returned against him in Washington, D. C. After listening to the argument of a demurrer to an Indictment against State Senator W. W. Stelwer, H. H. Hendricks and Congressman Hermann for illegally fencing lands In Wheeler county, Oregon, the court took the motion under advisement and will onnou'" decision tomorrow. In the matter of the Indictment and trial of 8. A. D. Putit, Marie Ware, Emma L. Watson and State Senator F. P. Mays, charged with conspiracy to defraud the government, it was announced that the first three named had agreed to plead guilty, leaving Mays the only one not ad mitting his guilt. Mays is ill at Oakland, Cal., nnd cannot appear tomorrow as ex pected. Several other cases in con nection with land frauds In this state have been set for tomorrow. Cases In which Senator Mitchell is Involved were placed near the fool of the calendar, prob ably indicating that ho will not ngain lie tried for alleged offenses against the gov ernment. The government was given until Monday to answer a plea in abatement filed by ex United States Attorney John Hall, ex-Major Harry Rees, C. F. Ixird and Henry Ford, who are charged with having conspired to blacken the character of I'nited States Dis trict Attorney Heney. Judge Dellaven also ordered these defendants to uppear for ar raignment on the sams day. HEAVY RAINS IN THE EAST Downpour of Three Inches In Little Over an Hour In Wash ington. WASHINGTON, July 5. -One of the heav iest rainstorms ever experienced In Wash ington occurred tonight, when the down pour reached almost the proportions of a cloudburst. Between 7:22 and 8:40 p. m. the rainfall amounted to 3.11 Inches, a greater amount than during any day of twenty-four hours, with but three excep tions, during the last thirty-three years. Considerable damage was done about the extensive railroad terminal Improvements now In progress here. BALTIMOR11. Md., July B.-An Immense amount 01 namage, wnicn cannot yet even be estimated owing to Interruption of com munlcatlon by wire with the effected ter ritory, was done in Baltimore city and county tonight by heavy rains cuimlnat Ing In a cloudburst In tho vicinity of Tlmonium, a small station on the North em Central railroad. The Green Spring, Western Run and gunpowder valleys sent torrents southward and through Jones Falls, a stream running through the cen tral portion of this city and which at one time constituted the dividing line between east and west, poured a flood of water Into this city which was strongly suggest Ive of the memorable flood of IStJS. Among the streams in the section of the county Indicated bridges, houses and barns havo been washed away, live stock has been drowned, railroad tracks have been de stroyed and telegraph and telephone lines have been broken. So far as can be learned tonight there has been no loss of human life. THREE TRAINMEN KILLED Disastrous Head-on Collision on Boston Maine Bond Near Wachusett. FITCH BURG, Mass., July 5. Three rail road employes were killed, two Injured and thousands of dollars worth of property de stroyed by a head-on collision late this afternoon between an east bound express freight train and a west bound coal train near Wachusett station of the Fltchburg division of the Boston & Maine railroad. All, traffic on the main line was blocked. The dead: C. H. KENDALL, engineer of east bou-id train. J. H. BEHM, head brakeman of east bound train. CLIFFORD A. SMITH, engineer of west bound train. The accident was due to some misunder standing regarding the signalling of the eatt bound freight. Mnrder Charged to Woman. MASON CITY, la., July 6. (Special. ) Ed Anderson, who was found at the bottom of a ravine with his life almost crushed out and who subsequently died at midnight, Is believed to have been the victim of a woman. Evidence Is at hand which Indi cates that a woman pushed Anderson to his death from the cliff at the bottom of which in the mire and slush he was found, after he had lain all night. Roy Shoots Grandmother. MARSHALLTOWN, In.. July 5.-Speclal Telegram.) Mrs. Nelson Fields, living near this city, was shot today by her grandson, who brought a loaded weapon into the house and dropped it. The charge took ef fect in her leg below the knee, shattering the bone. The limb was amputated. Top of Head Shot On. OTTUMWA, la., July 5. (Special ) Frank Roots Is In the hospital with the top of his head blown nearly off as the result of a mysterious shooting afray in "Smoky Row." Mrs. James Merritt, a white woman, is under arrest, charged with the assault. Two Bos Burn to Heath. DE8 MOINES, la., July 5,-The 5-year-old son of Samuel Squillman of Seymour, la., and the 4-year-old son of a neighbor, George Blllard, were burned to death to day In a fire caused by fire crackers, which destroyed Squlllman's home. Movements of Ocean Vessels July ft. At New York Arrived : Barbarossa, from Bremen; Prinzess Irene, from Naples; Cal cbrla, from Naples. At QueeiiMown Arrived : frlesland, from Philadelphia; Teutonic, from New Yolk. Stilled: Saxonla, for Boston. At Copenhagen Arrived: Helllg Olav, from New York. At Marseiles Arrived: Gallia, from Ne-v York. At Dover Arrived: Patricia, from New York. At Liverpool Sailed : Cedrle, for New York: Haverford. for Philadelphia. At Yokohama Arrived : China, from Baa Francisco; Kanagawa, from tteattla. HAY LAID TO REST Final 6errices Over Body of American Statesman at ClerelancL BURIAL IN LAKEW00D CEMETERY family and Close Fersonal Friends Only Fersons in Attendance. PRESIDENT ARRIVES AT 9 O'CLOCK With Members of Cabinet He is Driten to Chamter of Commerce. VICE PRESIDENT FAIRBANKS PRESENT Procession la Escorted by Cavalry. men to Cemetery Chapel, Where Brief Services Are Held. CLEVELAND, July &. At almost exactly noon today- the body of John Hay was laid to rest In Lakevlew cemetery. Around the open grave at the last moment stood with bowed heads the president and vies president of tho United States, members and ex-members of the presidential cabinet and men who had In former years served with the late secretary In the official fam ily of President McKlnley. There wera many others who willingly would have paid a tribute of honor and respect to Mf. Hay, hut it was the wish of his family that tha funeral should be conducted for John Hay the man they knew and loved In private life and not for the brilliant and forceful premier whose name is honored wherever clean statesmanship Is esteemed among men. Tho assemblage at his funeral and around his grave was therefore small. The visible honors accorded him in death were In a ratio directly inverse to those freely given him in life, and perhaps no greater testi mony to tlio worth of the man could have been given than the quiet manner In which his countrymen who appreciated his char acter and achievements stood asida at his family's wish to take hostago of the fu ture for the endurance of his fame. The events of the day commenced with the ar rival of President Roosevelt's train at 9 a, m. and closed with Its departure at 3. The funeral itself was held between 11 and 111 o'clock, tho interment being at noon. President's Train Arrives. When at 9 o'clock tho special train car rying President Rooisevelt and members of his cabinet arrived at the depot of the Pennsylvania, tallroad a reception com mittee composed of tho members of the Chamber of Commercs, headed by Presi dent Ambrose Swazey, was In waiting, and as the train stopped Mr. Swazey .stepped quickly forward, entered the president's car and greeted him. The other members of the reception committee were then pre sented to the president and members of the cabinet. A short conversation ensued between President Roosevelt and Mr. Swazey relative to the arrangements which had been made, for tho participation of the presidential party and then, with a quick nod of the head, signifying hs under stood, the president walked from the train to his carriage, accompanied by Mr. Swazey. As soon as they had taken their seats the members of the cabinet and the reception committee entered the other car riage and, headed by the hard-riding mem bers of Troop A, the procession of car riages moved oft at a smurt trot for the Chamber of Commerce, two miles away, where the body of Mr. Hay lay In state. In the presidential party were Leslie M. Shaw, secretary of the treasury; Charles J. Bonaparte, secretary of the navy; James Wilson, secretary of agriculture; E. A. Hitchcock, secretary of the Interior; Victor H. Metcalf, secretary of commerce and labor; Postmaster General George B. Cor telyou, Attorney General W. H. Moody, Setrator P. C. K ox of Pennsylvania, former attorney general; Charles Emory Smith, former postmaster general; Paul Morton, former secretary of the navy, and Ellhu Root, former secretary of war. In addition there were the president's stenog rapher, M. A. Latta, and the president's secretary, William J. Lobe, Jr., and Dr. Rixey surgeon general of the navy. Urge Crowd Assembles. An enormous crowd had gathered In front of the chamber of commerce to see the coming of the president and the depart ure of the funeral, and a strong detail of police was necessary to keep them In line. Side by side with Mr. Swasey, and closely followed by Vice President Fairbanks, who, in company with Governor Herrick, met the president at the depot, and the members of the cabinet and reception committee, the president passed slowely along tha hall toward the door of the auditorium In which the body lay. The two sentries on guard at the door fell back with presented arms, and giving them a quick, nervous salute, the president entered and stood by the casket. The members of the presi dential party followed, and when all had entered the doors were swung, and tha sentries resumed their guard once more. It was the expresed wish of Mrs Hay that President Roosevelt be allowed to sea the face of his secretary again If be de sired to do so. When the matter was men tioned to tho president he declined to dis turb the existing arrangements In the slightest degree and the casket was not opened. There wa: a brief pause during which ths president and members of the cabinet stepped forward to pay their respects to Mrs. Hay, aa she entered the auditorium from an ante-room, and then all was ready for the departure from the hall. The mem bers of the cabinet, present and past, ranged themselves in advance of tha bier and the six non-commissioned officers of Troop A took their places at the side of ths casket. Moved to Cemetery. When tho honorary pall-bearers moved forward the casket was raised by tfie cav alrymen and. followed by the members of the reception committee. It was borne the Hay family, the president and members of the reception committee. It was borne along the hallway and out to the funeral car at the door. The sapres of the caval rymen flashed In the sun us a salute as the casket appealed In the doorway and every hat in the great and wailing crowd was removed. The members of the cabinet formed in lines outside the door and ths casket was oorne between them and placed in the hearse. The carriages of the pall bearers then formed a line l.t advance of the hearse and those of the family, of Prtsl- j dent Roosevelt and of the commltttea followed on. A few sharp words of com mand, scurrying and trampling of hoofs and the cavalrymen wheeled Into column and passd to the front of the cortege. There was no delay, and the cavalrymen, moving at a quick trot, passed straight south to Euclid avenue and then dua to the cemetery five miles away. Tho drive to the cemetery occupied, th. I