TIIK OMAHA DAILY REE: WEDNESDAY, JULY C. 1005. lt COUIICIL BLUFFS Ec CELEBRATION7 AT PARK In li neighborhood of Tea Thoaiand Peo ple AtUnd th IxerclMS. ONE PLACE WHERE CHILDREN GET A CHANCE la. Addition to the irla llir Declnr. tlom of Ina pfmlmff Waa Head and Pnatmnater llnarMon !) Ilvera an Aalrirraa. Vhat the public appreciated the efforts of CI. airman Oraham of the park board to riayo an old-fashioned celebration of the Kotirth of July was evidenced by the larpe crowd at Falrmov.nt park yesterday after noon and evening. It ta estimated that be tween 7,1100 and lO.O'O people were (fathered there during the day. As was to be - Tetcd a large percentage of those present were children, and they undoubtedly had a royal good time. The dny. despite the rain of Monday, wn almost Ideal, there being; Juat sufficient breeze to temper the rays of tha sun and the park never looked prettier. In the vale at the entrance from the arch to the bandstand where the exercises wers held the crowd literally covered the hill Rides, and the same was nearly the case In the horseshoe lcnd. I'lcnlc parties wers aeatteied all over the park and family groups were to be seen In every nook ana corner of the beautiful resort. The Immense sle of the crowd made It naturally liurd to handle during the carry ing out of the prounun of sports, and sev eral of the events hud to be abandoned on account of th" crush. Sufficient space for the nices could not be nccured and they had to be pulled off In the best manner possible, which was decidedly Informal, but the crowd appeared to enjoy it Just the same. Tbo ncri-lws, which were the openlna feature, of the rrlt-hiatlon. were held at the bandstand with Mayor Macrae acting as master of ceremonies. John Jny KYalney, the Shakespearean orator, recited the Iee larntion of Independence with 0 resonant voice which could be distinctly heard a con siderable distance from the platform. Post master A. 8. llaselton was the orator of the day, and ho delivered an eloquent ad dreess. TliA nw.m!w.T- it f f 1 : i n flnrrlnn Omnhft j were mere in ncoicn coRiume wun meir . V pipers, McDougul and Buchanan, and one jsjof the pleasing features of the exercises was the Impromptu, but none the less elo quent, address of William Kennedy, chief of the clan. During the afternoon the Elks quartet, consisting of C. Haverstock, J. A. Orke W. 8. Rlgdon and Dr. Claude Lewis, rendered a numluT of selections. The greased pig did not have much show In such a dense crowd and he had barely been let loose from the crate when Frank O'Hara fell on top of It and after a flfteen- v minute struggle, in which most of the ' . ... to It captor, succeeded in reaching tnc Judge's stand with the squawking animal. All attempts o climb to the top of the greasy pole and secure the ham hung up as a prise failed, although hundreds of boys attempted the feat during the after noon. BODY OP WILLIAM l'KTMA KOIXD Located by Two Fisherman Near li llnols Central Urldae. The body of William C. Spetman, who disappeared from his home at' Ulurf street early Battirday morning, was found yesterday morning In the Missouri river. It was found ly two fishermen, John Knapp, living at Twenty-ninth street and Avenue O, and Edward nowlcs, living on Avenue () between Twenty-eighth and Twenty-ninth streets, a short distance above the Illinois Central bridge and about 100 yards from the shore. Tho body was floating face downward In aneddy and j waa xuuy cioinea, uui wan conxiucraoty decomposed, although it had been In the water such a short time. Mr. Bpetman's watch, chain and eye glasses were found In his pockets and he had evidently only removed his hat before plunging Into the river. The funeral will be held this afternoon at S o'clock from the family residence, 706 Bluff street, and will tie under the auspices of the Retail Grocers' and Butchers' asso ciation, of which he was a member. Tho members of the association will meet at 1 ,-o'clock a( the rooms of the Commercial dence. RUNAWAY MAY I'ltOYK FATAI Dr. Ilonarh ton -Lying" at lloapltal In I ncon.rloaa Condition. Dr. Fred W. Houghton was seriously Injured in. a runaway accident last night while driving to his home In Council Rluffs with a number of friends from the Plnney farm. Just east of the city. A farmer's 'team ran Into them and the' doctor was rendered unconscious, and Is still in that condition at Mtrcy hospital. It is thought he Is suffering from concussion of the brain. Ills wife had her left wrist broken and -was severely liiulBed, but was taken to her home. Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Jteno were in another buggy which was smashed, but they escaped with minor fctui.es. ' FARMEH.t FIGHT OVKB MXK FESCK John Ivr.nan of fnloiuan Shot Through the Linn. John KeenAn, a prominent farmer of fiolouuin, Ja., trut brought to Mercy hos pital In Cuinil I'ltilf l.-l nl.ut luff.'rlnrf from a severe bullet wound in the lung, inflicted by a. neighbor, Michael AIurr.iy. His condition Is critical. The two men bad a fight In the afternoon and Murray shot Keenan The trouble was over a line fence. Htl) lMJF.lt A AIT03IOB1LR BlaT Machine Juuip Oil Uritlite nod Tarns Over. CHARLES CITY. July t.-CSrwi ULV-A large automobile, containing tliite men and a woman, vtruck a ilfa'h point lu the Floyd river bridge near this city and plunged over a turty-foot embankment to the edge of the water below. The accident oc curred 'at 1 o'clock this morning. Mr. and Mrs. I K, Myers r.f Chicago were Imprisoned beneath the big machine. Harry Cairns, also of Chicago, was pinned down In such a way that both legs were ler below broken, one above and the oth the knee. ' Dr. W. L. Evans of Waterloo, the fourth member of the party, was thrown forty M Ming Health-Eonm. tr In'o a wire fcnc. but escaped un harmed. The physician wis unaldc to 11 rt the car from rff 1:1a companlona. He ran for help, stumbllr.e thrnuah the darkness anil rain, until nnulljr eight farmer were at hand All wore unaMc to remove the machire and finally a h"le was dun at the edrfe through IHi the Imprisoned man and wife were ahle to escape. The partlcr were brought to the Hildr-th hotel hre where a surgeon was summoned. AFTER COMMERCIAL MUSEUM tate t'nlvrralty of Iowa Mirli Onl to Rival Ity of Phila delphia. (From a Staff Correspondent.) IiES MOINES, July 4 (Special ) rrof. W. R. Patterson of the State university, who is in the city doing the expert sta tistical work on the state census, will leave In a short time for I'ortland, Ore., to attend the Lewis and Clark exposition for the purpose of gathering material for the commercial museum at the Btate uni versity. A vast amount of material was obtained at tho exposition In Rt. Louis, and with that gathered in I'ortland Trof. Patterson hopes to make tho museum a close rival to tho Philadelphia , museum, after which It is patterned. The museum Is now stored In a section of otic of the university buildings, but It Is the expecta tion that sooner or later It wilt deserve a building of Its own'. In the museum I'rof. Patterson already has the products of nearly every country on the globe, and Is now endeavoring to complete the collection of all tho bl-produrts that nro manufactured from tho various articles. For the first time In ten years there have been no committments to the state peni tentiary for an entire month. The report to the governor from the penitentiary of the committments is a blank piece of pa per. Ten years ago In June there was one committment. In 1S97 thero were 8; 1S9S, 5; 1M. 6; 19'10. 14; lDol. 3; 192. 8; 1903. I; 19-4, 3. The Grand Army of the Republic of this city has secured a lower rato for the Den ver encampment than was ever before given to this city to Denver, and as a re sult It Is expected there will be an enormous delegation from this state. The rate Is I1.1.C0, and the rate that was given the Epworth league to the same place was $19. SO. Governor Cummins has named as the vot ing machine commission: Henry M. Hel ve! of Des Moines, democrat; Hon. Isaao Brandt, Des Moines, and John O. llempel of Elkader. republicans. Belvel was on the commission before. The duties of the commission are to pass on all voting ma chines before thoy can be sold In the state. Hon. Fred H. White of Webster, who spent some time In Omaha hunting for his son, Virgil, returned to this city and left today for his home. He Is confident that his son will soon make his where abouts known, but will not give up the search, .though himself worn out. Mr. White says his son was despondent over the slow growth of his law practice. Mrs. Elisabeth D. Jones of the Humane society of Iowa has undertaken to push a project for the erection of a Newsboys' home In this city with reading room ac companyment. The public will be asked to subscribe toward the enterprise. Miss AIlcs Needles of Des Moines led Frank Smith of Nodaway by the hand to a Justice shop In this city today and they were married. Miss Needles Is 19 years old. She did the talking and her 'bashful companion said nothing more than the law required for him to enter the carriage contract. They will live In Nodaway. A thirty-day reprieve will likely be given by Governor Folk to Edgar Bailey of LaPorte, la., who .Is under sentenco of death for a murder In Kansas City. At the Savery hotel hero today Governor Folk said: "A number of Bailey's friends met me at Kansas City last night and Inter ceded for Bailey. It Is customary to grant a thirty-days' reprieve In hanging cases." Governor Folk, speaking of Missouri, said ! It Is a law-abiding state. "All over the ' state, with the exception of one county, the Van Per Zee Roea to Merton. IOWA CITY. July 4 (8pectal.) Jacob Van Der Zee hos been notified that he has been assigned to Merton college, Ox ford, by the Rhodes scholarship commit tee. Van Der Zee has entirely recovered from bis recent attack of appendicitis and returns today to his home In Sioux Cen ter. Cracker Takee Two Flnsters. STORM LAKE, la.. July 4.-Special Tele gram.) Ivan Wagner had two fingers blown off by firecrackers. BUCK TAYLOR GETTING WELL Wonnded Omaha Soldier Rapidly Ile coverlua, Kays Governor Wright to Secretary Taft. Cadet Taylor received the following tele gram from Washington yesterday morning: Have Just received a cablegram from Governor General Wright at Manila stating that Colonel Wallace Taylor Is ranlrilv re covering. , , , M INTYKE. Chief Insular Bureau. The cablegram spoken of was In answer to a message sent to Manila by Secretary Taft when he was In Omsha Monday. Colonel Taylor was wounded six weeks ago. YANKTON MINISTER COMES Hev. H. 1. Mattawn Will PrcaYh at St. Mary's Aveaae Cong re lational t'herrh. 'Rev. B. O. Mattson of Yankton, 6. D., will preach Sunday morning. July 8, and Hunday morning, July lii, at St. Mary's Avenud Congregational church.. His will be the first sermons at the church since the departure of the Rev. Robert Yost. A member of the St. Mary's Avenue con gregation heard Mr. Malison in his own pulpit at Yankton a few Weeks ago and was much pleased with his preaching. enr American Cricket Iterurd. FH1L.ADKI.PHIA, July 4. J. Uarton King, the well known bowler of the Ib-l-muiit Cricket club, this city, today broke the I'nitrd Stairs individual record, the largest number of runs scored in a cricket mutch. With the exception of the Intermis sion for lunch King was at twt from U a. m. until 5.30 p. nt.. when he was caught out. and in thai time be put together Hi runs. Untidy Ryan Kaoeka Georae Ilerberta. Bl'TTE. Mont., July 4 Buddy Ryan of Chicago in Ills bailie her today with George lierlierts of California, knocked i out Ciillfornian In the eleventh round. I ufter a gruelling Untie. Herberts had the j .pt,r pf tu, baitla up to the eighth round. having Hyan groggy several times, liyan knocked Ilerberta down twice in the first round. Southern l.eaane Gnmea. At I.lttle Rock Morning game. Mmphia, 6: Utile Hock. -. Afternoon game, Mem phis, 4; Utile Rock. 3. At New Oilcana-Snreveport, S; New Or leans. 2. At Atlanta Atlanta, : Nashville, 0. At Montgomery Afternoon game, Mont gomery, 1, Birmingham, 0. Gretna nlui a fast Game. GRKTNA. Neb.. July 4. 49peclal Tele gram. ) ejretna won from the Nonparella In a fast game today. Score: Gretna. 1. Nonpareils. L The game was ru irked by Mat fielding. RitterT.s: Gretna. Roff and Bates; Nonpareils. Williams and Bmlth. r'leld lab t.olf, At tit Field club the play at golf waa a wepata)ra handicap against bogey for II hole The a. ores msrte r . G. W. Shields. I down; D. V. Uholes. 4 down: J. Robb. t down; J. Q. Adauia, I down, and J. at, Pvr'a a down. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Work on New Fire Department Hetdqntr te.n Boon to Begin. BIDS ABOUT TO DE ADVERTISED TOR qnnbble Drtnrrii Architects Settled by I.. A. Doris Offering to Do nate rinna to the City. Evidently It will not be long until work on the new the department headquar ters is started Now that the squabble between architects has been settled by L. A. Davis offering to donate plans to the city, the council noon will be pre pared to advertise for bids for the build ing Home time ao a committee of the coun cil visited Omaha and inspected a number of engine itouses. one was found that suited, except that it was too large. Practically the same plans as used In this house In Omaha will be used, only In a reduced form. It appears to be the Intention of the city to spend about $3.0urt or possibly tlO.'") In erecting a tlrst class brick fire depart ment building. IS pace for a fire engine will be provided, but for the time tho Po lice board expects to use this space for a patrol wagon. While no definite promises have been made the understanding seems to be that If such a tiling is possible the council will purchase a patrol wagon. By I keeping the wagon at the tire house the expense of a separate burn will bo avoided. It is necessary for the lire department to move from the present quarters on Twenty-fourth street as the building Is In no condltn n to house men and horses another winter und, more than this, the owner appears anxious to use the property for building purposes. Architect Davis has declared he will have the plans ready by the time the city Is ready to advertise for bids for the con struction. This new building is to be erected ut the southwest corner of Twenty fifth and L streets. When the new head quarters Is completed there will be a de mand for more tire lighting apparatus, but additional machinery will have to come by degrees, on account of the condition of thu funds. Very Mule Celehrnttno;. South Omaha certainly enjoyed a safe and sane Fourth o July yesterday. As a general thing the order of the police board In relation to the use of high explosives was obeyed. There was much less shoot ing on the streets than formerly, the cele brating mostly being conducted by boys. In tho evening quite a number of families enjoyed a display of fireworks on their lawns. The fire department was not called out all day and the police arrested only a few men who overstepped the limit in the mat ter of drinking. Most of the business places were closed all day, but a few were open during the morning hours. There was nothing doing at the stock yards and the packing plants were shut down. Up to quite a late hour Inst night not a physician In the city hod been called to dress Injuries caused by the explosion of fireworks. Only the lighter grades of fire works were offered for stle and the blank cartridge pistol and the cannon cracker were not heard In the down town portion of the city. It Is estimated that several hundred people went out of the city on excursions and others visited Omaha re sorts and Manawa. There was a big crowd at the picnic at Barrett's park and every thing weqt off nicely. . Tinder Mdewalka. George DunBcombe, who has been awarded the contract for laying cinder sidewalks where ordered, expects to get to work at onco. Jn all cases where a cinder walk Is laid a two by six-inch plank Is to be securely staked In the ground and the In closed space filled with cinders. Coarso ma terial may bo used for the ground work, but only fine cinders may be placed on top. Each walk Is to measure six Inches In depth after being thoroughly tamped. The cost of such a walk Is 6 cents per square foot. This Includes excavating and the lumber. Quite a number of these walks are to be laid where property own ers are tired of the old two-plank wooden walks. Another Viaduct Rnmor. For several days a rumor has been cur rent that the Q street viaduct Is to be condemned and that a fine steel bridge will be erected at a crossing a little south of the present structure. What appears to give credence to this rumor Is the ac tion of the city council on Monday night In Instructing City Engineer Beal to se cure the services of a competent bridge engineer to go over the structure with him and report as to Its safety. The Q street viaduct Is about worn out, but It Is understood that the foundation piers are still good. In connection with this inspec tion of the viaduct It Is reported that the railroads want the bridge taken down so as to give more room for tracks. There will hardly be anything definite known about this until the engineers make a re port on the safety of the structure. Ed Johnston Here. Ed Johnston, for many years a resident I Karl Klaer Wins the Five-Mile Par of South Omaha, arrived here yesterday ault Hare at t'olumbue. from his new home at Applcgate. Cal. i COI,lMHI'S, July 4. Twelve thousand Mr. Johnston said that he expected to , 1-t-jla.aw Karl remain here for two or three weeks. waB th fnllre nf trie tinal day's meeting straightening up his business anairs. as regards California Mr. Johnston said that the Pacific coast cities were growing rap Idly and that a great deal of eastern money was coming In for Investment all the time. Even though he enjoys the climate of To The Housekeepers Have you given sufficent thought to household economics? Did it ever occur to you that EFFICIENCY is the most important item to be considered? If you use the Eclipse Gas Range your troubles will be over for it is one of the most perfect gas stoves on the market. Write to Eclipse Gas Stove Company Rockford, Illinois f I I California Mr. Johnston declared that It miis good to get back to his old home and meet so many of his friends. Another Depot Propoaltlon. P'-ime. properly owners are sriln Inter esting themselves In the Colon depot project. The suggestion has been made to I'nlm Pacific officials that the depot tie erected at M street and the tracks. There Is one great objection to this loca tion, and that Is the lack of paving on M street. It seems to be generally under stood here that the site for a depot will e selected by Vnlon Pacific officials be fore the middle of the present month. Matle City floaalp. Mrs James F. McRevnolds writes that she enjoying her stay nt Asbury Park, N J Mr. and Mrs D. P. Clark returned yes terday from a three weeks' vacation spent In the east. William Welse, Twenty-first and N streets, who has been quite sick, wns re ported to be somewhat Improved yester day. Ixiuls Snndwlck has been appointed a member of the Are department and Chief Garrett has stationed him at No. 3 house in Brown park. Miss Jane Abbott, librarian nt the pub lic llbrarv, again desires to call attention to the fact that the llSrary Is In need of donations of good books. Toilav the mayor and council will meet for the' purpose of gnimt over the balances on hand and figuring out the amount needed to pay the expenses for the coming fiscal year. John Chapland was arrested last even ing by cfllcer Graham for being Intoxi cated. The prisoner resisted the officer and Graham struck him over the head with his club, causing a slight scalp wound. LINGUISTS ON STREET CARS Man Who Rides on Pnsa Impressed with Way Conductora Differ In Pronunciation. "I have noticed," said the man who rides on a pass to the man who always takes out his pocketbook to get at the nickel while the conductor waits, "that a wldo and nt times disconcerting divergence In pronunciation of street names prevails among the conductors on this line. It appears to me the company managers would lw serving a good public end If they would odopt some uniform system and then require employes to adhere to It. I know this seems hypercritical, and that one has no right to expect talented elo cutionists for the salary paid street car conductors, yet any Improvement In this direction would not be lost on the general public, and would be a positive comfort to such as have delicate preceptlons and are yet so situated that they must ride or the trolley. , "For example, take Douglas. What do you suppose Archlbald-Bell-the-Cot would say If he could come to Omaha and hear his family patronymic miscalled by tho conductors of the Park line cars? I opine he would be more put out than was the original of his family, who got the name somewhere back In the times when the Dunes were allied with the Plcts and Scots for the purpose of making war on the Saxons and Angles, and the Sassenach had not yet left his Impress on the hills around Pentland. It was at a muster, and the first DouRlaa had come to attend. 'Who Is that little skinny dark man (dim glas)?' asked the main stem of the gathering, and the dark complected little fellow was fain to stick his merry llttlo Skene dhu Into the body of the coarse, rude chief who had thus apersed his per sonal appearance. But the epithet clung to him, and Dhu Glas came to be a name known on the border, and then to all his tory, and the Black Douglas has ever been proud of the title, If for no other reason than that It Is thus distinguished from the red Campbell. Now, listen to this. fel low." us the car crossed Farnam gulng north. "Duggullus Is next," sang out the con ductor, and tho man with the coupon pass book went on: "I have heard them call It Douglis, and Duglus, and Dmigles, and everything but Douglas. That's only one of the things that ought to be remedied, arid easily could be, and If properly provided for the result would make riding on the street cars much more enjoyable," and he turned to the man who always pold his nickel for approval. "Say," said the latter, "did you notice what they did to Sanders up at Sioux City on Sunday?" BOQUET F0R0MAHA TEACHER Trinidad Paper Throws One at I'rof. Brrnateln, Who Waa Formerly Connected with Ita Bchoola. Prof. Nathan Bernstein of the Omaha High school has been visiting In Trinidad, Coin., where he formerly taught In the high school. The Chronlclo-News, speaking of his presence in that city says, among other things: When Mr. Bernstein taught In the high school he was considered n.cn to bo one of the best teachers of science and German that the school had ever had and his equal, according to some of the members of the school board and graduates of the school, has never since taught here. Besides being a good teacher, Mr Bernstein was always a good fellow " wltj the spirit that made htm one and yet above the students under him. BAREY OLDKIIil.II MEETS DEFEAT ; or the Columbus Automotme clun. Kiser made the distance In 4:MH. He gained a quarter of a mile on Oldfleld's machine. Later Oldfleld did a ftve-mlle exhibition In 4:4in. The twenty-four hour race for stock cars finished at 8:30 this afternoon, Boule Bros, winning, having covered miles. FOURTH OF JULY ABROAD American and Trench Bqnadroni Join in Celebrating Day at Cherbourg. GREAT GUNS ROAR ACROSS THE WATER Crowds Mne Wharves to See How Day la Observed on Board the Mi I pa of I nele ' $ani. CIIERBOFRCt, July 4 -The French and American squadrons joined today in cele brating the American national holiday. At an early hour the ships of both countries broke out with flags from stern to stern. The American flag was conspicuous every where, yachts, buildings and wharves showing the stars and stripes. The sky as overcast, but the harbor presented a brilliant picture Crowds lined the wharves awaiting the national salute by both squadrons which was fired at noon accom panied by salutes from tho land forts. A regatta wns held between the crews of the French and American warships. The prize for whale boats was contested for by a picked crew from the French battle ship Homines and a mixed crew from the American ships. The Frenchmen won. A second race for gigs was won by the crew of the flagship Brooklyn. A largo flotilla of pleasure craft followed tho races and the crowds lining the shore on both sides of the harbor vigorously ap plauded, the Americans getting a good share of tho praise. Reception to nvnl Officers. An Imposing seeno took place when the French military and naval officers re ceived their American naval comrades ashore. Gigs from the flagship Brooklyn and other ships brought the Americana to the quay Breton, which was beautifully decorated with American and French flags. Several hundred French officers of all branches of the service surrounded by a vast tiowd assembled to welcome the Americans. A procession headed by tho ban4 of the French Colonial Infantry and made up of American and French officers all In shore uniforms, was then formed. The procession halted at the place De I a Republique where the band played the American and French national anthems, the officers uncovering whilu the crowd rap turously applauded. The French officers then served punch to their American cora Ca nions. This afternoon's garden party at the pre fecture marltlme's wi attended by promi nent officials and their families. Admiral Besson, commander-in-chief of the French northern squadron, and Miss Besson re ceived the guests, Including forty American officers, who were the objects of marked attention. This evening the French and American souadrons were brilliantly Illuminated. A concert given by the bands of the American squadron evoked the heartiest applause. The French naval petty officers enter tained their American comrades at "punch" In the Central market, which was beauti fully decorated with evergreens and shields and the French and American flags Inter woven. Eleven hundred persons were pres ent. Commandant Leon, representing the maritime prefect, presided and expressed his pleasure nt seeing the flags of the two republics floating together in the harbor. He referred to the celebration of Inde pendence day and proposed a toast to "Old France and young America," mentioning the names of President Roosevelt and President Txiubet. The French petty officers made speeches welcoming the Americans. Engineer Green of the Tacoma replied In French and evoked great cheering. A tele gram was sent to President Roosevelt con veying the respects of the French officers This was read while the guests stood up. The American sailors are loudly cheered whenever they appear on the streets. .00 ST- 0!Y THE LINE WITH THROUGH FAST TRAINS Tickets limited to 10 days on sale July 3-4-? $6.00 Tickets limited to 30or60 days on sale July 1 to ? $10.75 smuiiui1 flu. Company's Offices: J. A. KUHN, A. C. - 3C $5.00 July 6-7; limit 5 days. 56.00 July 3-4-5; limit 10 days. $10-75 July 1-2-3-4-); limit 30 days with privilege of extension 30 days, via Illinois Central Railroad Company. For particulars, 1402 Farnam street. W. H. DRILL, DISTRICT PASSENGER AGENT. WOMAN'S RIGHTS" ARE MANY : To Be. To Dc Wcli. To De Happy. To De Good Looking, To De a Wife and Mother. Many of Them are Not in (lie Enjoyment of Their Rights 1 1 HOW SHALL THE LOST BE REGAINED ? "Come and Let U$ Most ol the women who are deprived of any or nil of tho nbovp-naircl rights are suffering unjustly and need lessly. Mora than forty years ago Pr. R. V. Pif.rcr learned this and made it the chief business of his life to fund and restoro ta them their lost treasuro health. It had bvert frittered awny by ignorance, prejudice and wrong treatment. Doctor Pierce found it by diq DINO first, for knowledge of tho true cause of woman's suffering, then in Mother EARTH for the best remedy, for NATt'RE was MftKRAt. in her pro vision of remedies for the healing of her children. Since alcoholic stimulant and medi cines made with alcohol have been found bo injurious in female cases Dr. Pierce's TiHnrE-nriLiixo and fcno- TION-INVIOORATIXa METHOD OF TREAT MENT, using only vegetable agents pre purud without alcohol and so combined and adjusted as to6ecure the maximum of repult from the minimum of medi cines (thus avoiding disturbance of the stomach's functions), has been steadily increasing till the popularity of his "Favorite Prescription"' induced him to put it within the reach of the multi tudes who were (and are) clamoring for it and now it is known all over tho world as DOCTOR PIERCE'S FAVORITE PRESCRIPTION. This is not and never waa a "patent medicine " but is Heat electric light janitor service all night and Sunday elevator ser vice a fire proof building all cost the tenant of The Bee Building nothing extra. AND RETURN JULY 6 AND 7 GOOD 5 DAYS aaaa rant m ! iw 'i . wmrw 1401-1403 Farnam Street and Union Station F. & P. A. C. F. -1 ---- m AND RETURN. tV' - v , Vi t- 'K."v;:. vv' y&4j -J-M & y t ' -v-'i. iy DR. R. V. PIERCE, ol Buffalo. N. Y., SPECIALIST IN WOMAN'S DISEASES. Reason Together.' A Real Prescriptlol written and used by A Real Physician tn A Real Practice. It is not usual ff physicians to girt much publicity to their prescriptions and patient seldoru know or care what they are taking so long as they are receiving benelit from the treatment. One of the important ingredients m "Favorite Prescription" is TU.ack Cohosh Hoot (Cimictfum ), wtuca has a most beneficial ana lasting effect in cases of uterine congestion with dragging pain and tenderness. Combined scientifically and in proper proportions with other remedies its good effects, are decidedly increased. To refute the many false and malici ous attacks, bogus 'formula and othei untruthful statements published con cerning Dr. Pierce's world-famed fam ily medicines the Doctor has decided to publish nil the ingredients entering into his "Favorite Prescription" for women. They are Lndv's Slipper root, Hhick Cohosh root, Unicorn root, Blue Cohosh root, Golden Seal root. Dr. Pierce's laboratory is t hrown open to tho public, under courteous guidance, every working day in the year, where visitors may see process of manufacture. The best medical spi-ciamst advice is offered to women who will write to Dr. Pierce, care of Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. V., and state their trouble. All letters received under pledge of strictest confidence and answers sent iu securely scaled envelopes. THE BEST OF EVERYTHING WEST, Ccn. Agt. P. D. SJOO -m nwi v " .n.Lin-. rStTT"ii -V