Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 05, 1905, Page 7, Image 7
ions. y The United Visible is Under 12 Million Bushels, the Smallest in 20 Years, THE OMATIA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY. JULY 8Y Mm States and Spring Wheat is Fast Losing Ground EXPORTING COMPANIES WILL IMPORT A big, broad, active market has characterized the price movement of Wheat for more than a week. Values are materially higher and underlying condition; are unusually strong. We. have had reports of damage by 'hail, and advices being received almost daily indicate that the situation throughout the Northwest is extremely critical. Extensive moisture has caused stunted and backward growth and many of the samples received are not only very small, but of very poor color. All previous estimates of a bumper crop in the Spring Wheat section are shattered, and every rift of sunshine is followed by more soaking rains than before. That Mack lJust exists in many of the Wheat fields of the Northwest is unquestionably true, and to properly mature the plant we must have very soon the sunshine and warmth that has been lacking so far. Everybody is familiar with Mark Kust, in so far as it affected the Spring Wheat crop last year, and the fear that a recurrence of this dreadful scourge (and it is a disease) will largely reduce the previously estimated enormous yield for that section, is largely responsible for the present strength in the spei ulative markets. Professor Ho) ley of the North Dakota Agricultural Department says that in the sections visited by heavy rains the rust spores have been washed to the ground to some extent; but at that, the infection is already there and with clear weather, is liable to spread further. We do not believe in taking alarm unneeessarily, and have been conservative all along against damage reports, because there was a chance for the crop to recover with improvement in the weather, but any one can see at this late date, with the Wheat so backward, Red Rust very general, and a weather outlook still uncertain, it is time to abandon all prcious hopes of a big yield and consider rather if the Northwest is going to produce even a satisfactory crop or not. Wheat, on a commercial basis, should not be worth less than present prices even with a good crop, and with a poor crop there is no telling how high the price will be a little later on. Field glasses and experts are not necessary to reveal the situation as it now exists, and any observing man can see it. A year ago we were the first brokerage firm to sound the note of warning that was followed by such disastrous results to the Wheat crop, and our extensive private wire system reaching every important Wheat section of the Northwest has enabled us to compile the following reports that tell a story of crop deterioration that, should the threshing returns verify them, must result in enormous hisses. Willmar, Minn. This section is almost like a lake. A few more days of rain will result in very serious damage. Appleton, Minn. Only Wheat that is any good in this section is Mac aroni. (Iround soaked and farmers very blue. Granite Tails, Minn. Plenty of Red Rust and some Black Rust. On close inspection situation is very discouraging. Hector. Minn. Fields soaked with water and Wheat is four weeks be hind. Fields are choked with weeds and mustard. Prospects very poor. Grand Forks, N. D. Hundreds of acres of Wheat in this territory destroy ed by hail. ' Marshall, Minn. Severe hailstorm of last week destroyed several hun dred acres of Wheat. Montevideo, Minn. Red Rust and some RIack Rust discovered here. Watson, Minn. Have had too much rain in this section and Wheat turning yellow. Farmers discouraged and situation very critical. General run far below average at this time of year. Grain on low lands very spot ted, much of it under water; some drowned out entirely. Yield in this terri tory will not exceed ten bushels per acre. Redwood Falls, Minn. Advices from Sundown. Willow Lake, Three Lakes and Charlestown Townships state that several thousand acres completely wiped out by hail. Sioux Falls, S. D. There has been an over abundance of moisture in this section. Conditions on high ground favorable, but farmers west of here say crop will probably be nearly a total loss. Aberdeen, S. D. Reports from southern part of state indicate damage from excessive moisture. Neche, N. D. The crop is late, and fields in this vicinity cannot stand very much more rain. Low lands suffered most. Must have good weather from now on. Ortonville, Minn. Prop one to two weeks late; some damage on low lands. Fields thoroughly soaked, ground soggy and cold. St. James, Minn. Rust prevails throughout this section and pros pect for Wheat extremely poor. Milan, Minn. Some Mack Rust in this vicinity, and unless wanner weather arrives soon crop will be a failure. Yankton, S. D. Rust threatens big damage to crop in this section. Winnebago City, Minn. Too much moisture. Fanners all complain ing of Red Rust and rank growth; say must have good weather at once to insure any kind of yield. Lake Crystal, Minn. Fields full of Red Rust, and if heavy. rains con tinue yield may not exceed ten bushels per acre. Osakis, Minn. Farmers complaining of too rapid growth and too wet on low ground; some Ded Rust. Raining hard now. Itismark, N. D. Late reports indicate some Mack Rust, and Rod Rust is very general. M-andon, Manitoba Red Rust is general in this section and have had entirely too much moisture. Royd, Minn. Hundreds of acres under water. Situation critical. Sheldon, Iowa. There are reports of lodging from excessive rains. Sun shine needed. Echo, Minn. Crops of six or eigh t farmers in southern portion of this township completely destroyed by hail. Thief River Fails. Minn. Fields wet and weedy; prospects very poor. Parker, S. D. Wheat damaged to some extent by Red Rust. Acreage in this locality very light. Our reports from nearly every section of the entire Northwest are to the effect that there is lots of Red Rust and some Black Rust; that the crop is just at the point where any more rain will practically destroy the present prospects. A special report from Crop Expert Jones says that even should the right kind of weather prevail from now on. the yield of Wheat for the three leading Wheat states will not exceed 160,000,000 bushels. These states raised i 1904: 153,792,784 bushels; and in 1903: 173,146,171 bushels. This indicates a condition but little better than that of a year ago at a time fully six weeks later than this. Send us your order at once for Wheat, Corn or Oats, for Chicago, Kansas City or Minneapolis delivery. ACCURACY, PROMPTNESS AND RELIABILITY OUR MOTTO. ALL ORDERS RECEIVE OUR CAREFUL ATTENTION. MINNEAPOLIS our unexcelled system of private wires is placed at your disposal WINNIPEG O - am ma am ma jF mrpauMW&v g'7BUiiV'&v WOOD G O (INCORPORATED) MAIN OFFICE: FIFTH AND ROBERT STREETS, ST. PAUL, MINN. : dealers in : . . GRAIN PROVISIONS DULUTH Bought and Sold for Cash or Carried on Kcasonatilo Margins, for which 1-8 on Grain, 1-4 on Stocks Will Bo Charged, OMAHA YANKEE ROWERS LV LEAD Veiper Boat Club Beats the Cambridge Crew at Henley. GREAT INTEREST IN TODAY'S CONTEST Veiptr end Utsder Crewo Will Row for the Grand Challenge Coach Demsejr la Con. dent. HENLEY, England, July 4. The crew of the Vesper Boat club of Philadelphia cele brated Independence day In England by winning lta heat against the beat uni versity crew competing at Henley this year and by making the best time of any eight. Indeed, all Henley seemed to be celebrating the Fourth of July. Ameri can flags were flying all over the pretty Thames-side town, and as the American boat swept on tn victory the Stars and Stripes were waved from all parts of the grand stand. The shores were filled with a record gathering of Britishers and Ameri can, visitors. Rap for Grand Challenge Cnp. The great contest between the Vespers and the Ieanders tomorrow unquestionably will be the most Interesting event from the International as well as the oarsman's view, ever known In lienley. The most expert critics of rowing differ In their opinions and the Englishmen hold that the American style cannot prevail over that of I-eander on the ground that the Americans use a sculling style and fail to put In body weight. In today's results, however, when the Club Natlque of Bel glum beat the Thames Rowing club by using much the same style with short oars, the blades of which are somewhat aimllar to those of the Americans, the theories of the rowing sharps were upset and consequently tonight there is much guessing over tomorrow's struggle, which unquestionably will decide who will be the winner of the grand challenge cup. though the successful crew will row against the Club Natlque. Coach Dcmpsey of the Vespers said to the Associated Press: "I believe the American style to be much better than the British." His belief Is strengthened by observa tion of today's racing. Mr. Pempsey Is confident of success and said that none of the men was the worse for today's contest. Blar Event of the Par. Outside the grand-challenge cup, In which the Vespers of Philadelphia, Pa., and the Belgian crew mere competing, there was little of interest In the regatta. The rac ing started with the first heat of the grand challenge cup. In which the 'zanders, on whom the British pin all their hopes of re taining the trophy In England, won prac tically as they liked from Jesus college, Cambridge. The Belgians won an easy Victory over the Thames Rowing club. Then came the big event of the day. the heat for the grand challenge cup. In which the Americans led all the way and de feated a strong Cambridge collegiate crew. AH anticipations regarding today's heats for the grand challenge cup were thus ful filled, except that Christ college gave the Vespers a harder row than expected. A slight wind toward the Bucks shore gave the Americans, who hud I lie lierki side, a alight advantage. The Vespers got well away, led almost Immediately and at the quarter distance were more than a length la front. wlu at the half way ost the Americana were leading by two lengths. At i ho I point iiir Cambridge nwn nui'lr a splendid spurt and steadily overhauled the Pniladvlphtan until mere only a length Ixjtwcen the bona The V'i-r stroke quickened, the erew gamely re g'juuacd 4id tea Americans completed a punishing finish with the advantage of a full boat's length In the best time of the three heats. Both crews showed the ef fects of the sharp struggle. The Americans started with a slower stroke than either of the winners of the previous heats. Leanuer got off at forty one and the Belgians at forty-six, while the Vespers struck- forty to .he minute. The Phlladelphtans appeared to bo working hard from the outset, so that when half the distance had been reached the Cain bridge crew were more easily able to pick up with their quicker stroke. Oreat enthusiasm was manifested on the crowded banks of the river throughout tho entire race and both crews were warmly cheered. The first heats were decided as follows: I,eander beat Jesus college, Cambridge, by a length and three-quarters. Time: The Belgian crew beat the Thames Bow ing club easily. Time: 7:1S. The Vespers beat Christ college, Cam bridge, by a length. Time: 7:12. NEW AUTOMOBILE RECORD Webb Jay Cioea m Mile on a enlar Track at New York la 48 4-S Seconds. Or- that he would meet the winner of the Ruhlin-McCormlck fight at San Francisco on Labor day. NEW YORK, July 4.-At the second se ries of the national championship meet of the Automobile association at Morris park today. Webb Jay mHrie a new world'a record for a mile on a circular track from i a flying start. Hn covered tiie distance In 4S seconds. The previous record was seconds. M. Roberts, whose car was smashed yes terday, was drawn, as were Paul Sartorl and Dan Wurgls. The first event was the national circuit championship, free-for-all, four Inps, 5.56 miles. Webb Jay and Louis Chevrolet were the only starters, but at the last moment the latter s engine broke down and Jay took the race by default. In the middle weight handicap. 4 17 miles, E. Parker defeated Vaughn In 4:10. The second heat for the Thomas trophy was the next on the program, the first heat having been won yesterday by Webb Jav fiom Christie. In tne 'second heat today Jay waa scheduled to meet Iuls Chevrolet. Tho Frenchman broke down just before the meeting started and then Jay offered to race Christie again. This was the main event of the day. Christie ?;ot away first. His car was by far the astesl ever seen at this triu-k. Christie made the first lap in one minute nnd six teen seconds, about slxty-tlve miles an hour, as one lap Is 1 19 miles. Two laps were made In 2:lO, three laps In 8.47 and the final lap In 6: US- Webb's time was f:23S- It was announced that the second mile of the race was run by Christie in which Is two seconds better than the world's record,- trade recently by Chev rolet. Webb Jay then made a trial for the fly ing mile against the record This be suc- 1 ceeded In lowering, making the mile in :4S Cars of all classes then tried for the mile mark, Guy Vaughn broke a record for middle weight cars hy covering the mile in 0:;V The nrevloiis record was I 69 seconds. His record, however. only lasted until K. Parkel elision made the mile In 0:VH The finals for the Thomas cup was won bv Jay In 6:281k, his previous time being :31V Country Club Golf. At the Country club the golf match was played for the Hamilton MeGee cup for July, 18 holes with handicap, medal play. The best gross score which mas turned in was by Abbott, who made an 87, witii E. H. Sprague second with a score of 9. 1 hese iiuallflea : I Gross. H'd'p. Net. ! J. A. McShane 1"2 8 94 ! K. H. Sprague 4 W 1 D. O. Ives lol 5 8o Stockton Heth 92 2 0 C. 8. Montgomery 1"9 11 98 I. A. Cole lo4 8 9s F. H. Javnea 9H i 93 T. R. Kimball frl 6 hi A. V. Klnsler M 1 91 A. I.. Reed lnl i W : W. A. Redlck 1H t 9 O. W. Hull 1"1 96 I S Abbott 87 0 87 j W. U. Banker lu'J 4 9S A. A. Mel 'lure 98 4 94 MeCormlrk Will Flaat Raalla. SAN FRANCISCO. July 4. Jimmy Mc- , Cnrtmck 'oday signed articles to meet flu; I Rulilln before the Colma club on August i 11. tha winner to take 75 per cent of the purse. Hilly Mc.a.len. Rulilln s manager, has wired his acceptance from New York, and will leave for San Francisco at an early date. Marvin Hart stated yesterday at Reno EVENTS O.N Hli: HI VMM; TRAC KS sysonby Wins the Lawrence Realisa tion Stakes at Sheepuliesd Bay. NEW YORK. July 4 James R. Keene's champion 3-year-olu, Sysonby, winner of the rich Hdal stakes and tun Common wealth handicap today, added another slake to hia already long list by capturing the Lawrence Ko-alizatlon stakea at bheeps head Bay. Sysonby was a hot favorite at 2 to 6 and at no time during the race had his backers cause for alarm. H. P. Whit ney's Tanya was an easy second wun Fred Burlow's Migraine third. A more perfect uay could not have been wished for and the summer meeting of tha Coney Island Jockey club had a glorius ending. Fully 3ft, unu persons were on hand when the horses lined up for the races. The Lawrence Realization is a stake event for 3-year-olds at one mile and Ave furlongs, worth $l7,ouo to the winner. Sum mary : First race, the Independence steeple chase, about two and a half miles: Cas lllllan won, Black Hussar second, Ciuld Van third. Time: 5:105. Second nice, six furlongs: Incantation won, Zeala second, Lady Uneaa third. Time: :. Third ruce, the double event of $10,000, six furlongs: Ironsides won, McKlttredgo second. Timber third. Time: 1:14. Fourth race, the Ijiwrenre Realization stakes, mile and five furlongs: Sysonby won, Tanya second, Migraine tnird. Time: 2:47. Fifth race, one. mile and three-sixteenths: Ocean Tide won. The Southerner second. Palm Tree third. Time: 2:00i. Sixth race, mile and a sixteenth on the turf: Buttling won. Tommy Waddell sec ond. Palm Bearer third. Time: 1:47. DENVER, July 4. Overland races. Sum mary: First race. 2:13 paop. purse. IJ.flnrt: Floro dor won Rey del Diablo second, Jess C. third. Time: 2:14';. Second race, 2:ji trot, purse, i,ftiiO: Re demption won. Rosalind second. The Jester third. Time: 2:174. Third race, six furlongs: Wiseacre won. Wedgewood second, Vassalo third. Time: 1:14. Fourth race, six furlongs: T.onn won, Kstado second. Bannock Bell third. Time: l:lfV Fifth race, Yellowstone Whlskv handl ran mile and one-sixteenth: Salable won, Mldue second. Pearl Diver third. Time: l:47Wj. Sixth rare, five furlongs: Joe D. won, Ml Blue Bell second, Burch third. Time: 1:0"V Seventh race, five furlongs: Henrv n. won. E. C. Runto second, Penzll third. Time: 1:01V PREPARE FOR AITOMOBILK RACE Contest for James Gordon Bennett ( op to Re Decided Today. LAS CHAMP. Department of Puy De Dome. France. July 4 Oreat animation pre vails here and along the Auvergne course on which the international automohilo race for tle James Gordon Bennett cup will take place tomorrow. All the leading con testants have arrived here. Including Thiery. the winner of the Homburg race of last year, and Janntzy. the winner over the Irish course in V."A. The three Americun contestants. Hert H. Dlnaley of San Fran cisco. Cal. : Herbert I-tle of Toledo, O., and Joseph Tracy, attr-icted much atten tion, this being the first appearance of Americans since the race over the Irish course. Manv American touring parties are I Hlso represented, including Clarence, liray Dinsmore, the representative of the Auto mobile association. The preliminaries weighing and numbering of machines began today on the public square here. Six coun tries are represented, namely, France. Ger many. Austria, Great Britain. Italy and the I'tilted States, each having three represen tatives. Many ponderous rncers were found to be overweight and were compelled to lighten their equipment. Messrs. Dingley anl l.ytle's machines were among those ex ceeding the regulation weight. The race will start at (I o'clock tomorrow morning. The course, which Is about iwn) miles long. Is divided Into las of about eighty-seven nW'es each. The course abounds In many break-neck turns, making It unusually dai gerous. These are being treated today with an anti-dust mixture and the sharp turns are being rounded with cement beds The go eminent Is supervis ing the race against iioshtios About 7 imO soldiers have been assiKned to police the coure. A tremendous hurricane broke over the Auvergne automobile course this afternoon, causing verv sex ere damaae to the liaht const ruetlona erected In connection with the race for the James Gordon Bennett cup, which Ik ins tomorrow morning. Ev ery tPnt was thrown down, the roofs of the wooden buildings were carried away nnd the garage for forelpn automobiles fell In without, however, damaging the machines, so far as ascertained. The canvas weight. is enclosure, the telegraph office nnd the stands were also unroofetf. The course pre sents a lamentable spectacle. Gnlv the solid woodwork of the standards are Intact. TKSMS MATCHES AT WIIIU.F.UO Mlsa Sntton I phelil the Honor of the tnlted Statea Alone. LONDON, July 4-Mlss May Sutton of Pasadena, Cal., upheld the honor of the United States alone in the all-England lawn tennis championships at Wimbledon today. Villlam A. learned and William J. Clothier were defeated in the doubles and Holcombe Ward and Heals C. Wright postponed their match against II. C. Smith and Frank L. Riseley. it looks as though Miss Sutton will tarry the championship to the I'nited Statea. She has literally taken the breath from her opponents by her dashing game, meeting them at all points in speed and generalship. The American-Australian match In the douhloH was without feature In today's play. Not withstanding their defeat, tho Americans played great tennis and gave their op ponents some uneasiness. Norman Brooks and Walter Dunlap, however, outgeneraled the Americans. It was a fine exhibition hut the New Zoalanders won on their merits. In the finals of the singles Brooks leat Smith and consequently the championship lies between England and Australia, while In the doubles. Kngland. America and Australia are still In the game. In the third round of the open mixed tennis doubles, R. F. Doherty and Miss Smith beat Holcombe Ward and Miss May Sutton of Pasadena, Cal.. 6-4, C-4. In tho ladles' open doubles semi-final Misses Morion and Sutton beat Misses Booth by and S. Brown, ii-4, 6-1. The American tennis players were given a walk-over In the first round for the Dwight F. Davla trophy. The Belgians, against whom they were to have played July 8, were scratched, owing to the Ill ness of Paul de Borman, one of the mem bers of the Belgian team. In the tennis championship doubles, semi final round, Norman Brooks and Wulier Dunlap (Australians) beat William L. Lamed and William J. Clothier, 6-4. 6-0, 2-ti, 6-1. MOTORS BEAT HORSE STOPS BEATRICE II AS A LIVELY TIME Fireman's Racea and Horse Races Furnish Amusement. BEATRICE, Neb., July 4-(Si.cclal Tele gram, j The Fourth passed here with ex cellent weather and no accidents. In ilia forenoon the tire department gave an ex hibition of running, Jumping-, etc. There was no regular program for the celebra tion, but an Incessant firing of blank cartridges and other explosives was kept up all day and fur Into the evening. In the afternoon there were llremen's racea and horse races at the driving park, whicli were attended by about 3. out )eople. The firemen's races were aguinsl time, each company to run 1A) yards, lay liu feet of hose, uncouple and put on nozzle. Three companies compete.1 and tlte result waa Klipatrick s first. No. ti, second, and No. 1, third; time, ( V32. :;. I. L. Dunn of the Klipatrick team ran lf yards In 0:lo. Pioneer Hook and Ijtd der company ran lta ladder truck, puiled hy team of horses, one-eighth of mile, pull-d off an extension ladder and had men climb it all in quick time. The first of the horse races was the 2:W ace. hall-miles two In three, and was won V Willie Hamilton In straight heuta with Rov Norval aecotul and Clela third; time, 1.1U. 1:07. There were two entries for the 2:10 puce, mile heats. Spill took the second and third heats In 2;::' and 2:3'.. while Fred li. took the first heat in li lH Third race, i Jo pace. Dr. Scutt won. Rebec, second; Black Diamond, third; Frank E., fourth; Ume. 113, 1:11V Fourth race, S:Wi troi. balf-iullu heats, two In three. Birdie Mack won. Grau Ensign, aecond. Bobby Miller, third; Jack Darnels, fourth; lime. l.4i. 1 J"'1. The day closed with a water tight and tug of war by firemen, and dislas of tire wurks. Teats in London of Relative Control Under Similar Conditions. HORSE-DRAWN VEHICLES HARD TO CHECK Motor Cars Stop In Shorter Distance at (.Ivcn Speeds and Show 1 Control Is Easier and Surer. ' LONDON, July 4 In view of the present hostile attitude of the public toward motor cars, great interest attaches to the series of tests being made at Crystal Talace, at the Instance of Mr. S. F. Edge. In tho relative decree of control of automobiles and horse drawn vehicles. The conditions were, If anything, in favor of the latter, since tho sodden travel of the terrace gave a good grip to the hoofs of the horses, while It slightly i educed the adhesion of the wheels of tho motor curs. Trials were carried out with vurlous types of both forms of locomotion, the motor cars being driven at the sauie speed as the horse drawn vehicles, the drivers pulling up aa best they could at the fall of the flag at a point not previously known to them. Mr. H. J. Swindlcy and Mr. II. H. Griffin, official timekeepers, clocked the perform ances, so that the velocities at the moment when the flag fell conld be ascertained. The velocity Is given In miles per hour, with the following results: Vehicles. Velocity. 40 h. p. mall inn 7: Pair horses to goods van 7:tW 40 h. p. mail van j. 7:n'.! Pair horsed to gxds van 7:82 :to h. p. 6-cyl. napler car..U':K Single to landau. .. .I:u0 30 h. p. 6 cyl. napler car. .13 Hltmle horse to landau.. Mercedes car Single horse to landau.. 15 n. p. lie i Hon car 3 in. b In. Hansom cab. 15 li. p. DeDlon car... Hansom cab 15 h. p. iM'Dlon car... Butcher's cart IS b. p. I VI car. . . Butcher's cart 9" h. p. napler iai er. . . Trotter in sulky 'j h. p. napler racer... Trotter in sulky ..l.f .; ..15:i'5 ..15:'u .. 8:7S .. k:7S ..11:25 ..11:5 ..12;W ..U:s ..i:i:Vi ..13:85 ..ln:4J ..18:42 ..20.00 ..2o:w Stopped In. 8 ft. 28 ft. 9 ft. 24 ft. 24 ft. 63 ft. 10 ft. 47 ft. 10 In. IS ft. 42 ft. 10 In. 1 ft. 6 In 24 ft. 7 ft. 33 ft. 9 ft. 60 ft. 14 ft. 38 i t. 24 ft. 33 ft. 2 ft. 43 ft. 6 in. 9 In. 6 tn. 3 in. 6 In. 'n. tin J in. 8 In. 6 In. motor car could be stopped in one-thlrl the distance required by the horse. At Andnver lately one of the justices had stated that a car passing a certain spot at ten miles an hour was dangerous to the public. It would be only logical to ask him if In passing the same spot In his own carriage he slowed down to about three miles an hour, for otherwise, on the rela tive power of control shown by the tests, he must be driving to the danger of the public himself. Mr. Edge looked forward confidently to the time when there would be no differentiation between the various clauses of traffic and no special regulations for motor cars, but when all would be governed by the common .sense test of dan ger to the public with severe penalties for any driver who offended. vember-December, December-January, January-February. February-March, March April, April-May, 6 83d: May-June, 6.84d. Olson la a Rlnaer. RI'RLINGTO.W la., July 4 (Special. ) Rurllngton sports, who gave up about $2,000 in cash to tho hackers of Charles Olson, who claims to be of Rock Island, as i result of Olson's victory over Oscar Wasem of Alton, 111., are possibly victims of a well known wrestler. Olson today admitted that he had thrown such men as Golch and hud wrestled under differ ent names with Farmer Burns. Foreign Financial. LONDON, July 4. Money was abundant In the market today despite the consols settlement. Discounts were easy, though Paris had taken all the procurable guld In the open market. Prices on the Stock exchange were quietly firm on the cheap money. Business, though largely pro fessional, was upheld by the better un destandlng regarding Morocco. Consols hardened at first and reacted later. Amer icans were cheerful and inactive, owing to the holiday, though frequently a frac tion over parity. The tone was cautious and the market closed quietly steady. Grand Trunk was supported on the har vest outlook. Foreigners were rather buoyant. Russians recovered on tho re ported restoration of order at Odessa. Japa nese were firm. Japanese Imperial Cs of 1!4 were quoted at 1U3. PARIS, July 4 Prices on tne Bourse to day were Lrm throughout on reporu of a satisfactory conclusion of the Franco German negotiations, the improvement in the Inter i;tl situation in Russia also ex ercising a favorable Influence. Russian Im perial 4s were quoted at 87.60 and Russian bonds of li at 5n0. ST. PETERSBURG. July 4. Prices on the Bourse were steadier today. Imperial 4s closing at yesterday's figure. BERLIN, July 4 Prices on the Bourse today were strong and trading was active. Russian imjierlal 4s were 41 points higher on the prospect of peace from the far east. Arranging for Third Meeting-. RENO. July 4 Marvin Hart and Jack Root, principals In yesterday s nxht, left today. Root going west and Hart east. Before leaving the men were brought to gether and if Is between Lou Houseman, acting for Root, and Jack Mei'ormick. man ager of Hart, that the third and deciding battle be arranged. Each man now bolos a victory ov, r the other Root having won his first flht against Urt la si ruund. Couimeut on the Teats. On these results certain comments should be made. The mail van was carrying two tons, and the goods van one and a half tons, it may be Instructive to the police to note that a pair-horse vun traveling at about eight miles an hour cannot be stopped Under twenty-four feet. In the thiid t, at the. driver of tiie car was taken unawares by the signal, a circumstance proved by the much better result shown I In the fourth test at the higher speed. In the fifth test the driver of the motor car did not do justice to his brakes. In the sixih lest the motor car result is doubt- ful, for, although It is possihlc that under most favorable circumstances, ths prob ability Is that the car In Its endeavor not to outstrip the horse had dropped a little behind. The results shown In the tenth and e leventh tests are specially interest ing and instructive. The ti oiler driven by Will Bishop of the Coliseum was a very handy animal and showed surprising stopping powers. Practically, of course, it had only itself to stop, for the momentum of the dilver and the sulky was but slight. The general Inference is that only trotting sulkies and motor cars are safe vehicles to use on the pt reels. A local government bnaid ofliclal nas present at the t. ms, an l the lessobs will doubtless hear fruit. At the conclusion of the trials Mr. Edge pointed out thai, broadly speaking, the London Stock Market. LONDON. July 4 Closing quotations on stocks were: Coniolft, money do account .. An&tondt Atcltlfton do pfd Httltlmur & Ohio 117 lauidlau Pacific 16h in at utuo 51: i. I hlcaxu Cl. W 21 I. . M. a St. P U." UcUecri V. A K Q do ir4 Krl do lit pfd . .. do td pM... llllaula Oilral Lou la. A Naih SILVER Bar, steauy M o.Nhi 1 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 1 U-lfil 1S-18 per cent; for three months' bills, IVul 14-19 per cent. 0 1 11 M . K. A T ... H Norfolk A W ... l dn pfd ... l7VtOniarlo A W .lta ipaanarlvaiila Rand Mlnaa ijkpadlni do lal f't do M td soulharn kallear do Lid Ivjthrn Pacific . t'ulon Pacific do pfd If s SimI do ptd waDaah . 31 . 4IO, . It lTlk lit do pfd . .-. 27 1-1W .. IIS .. t .. M .. M .. wi .. .. M1. .. 47W .. 41.-. .. iJ . .leu .. t . Ui ..uo .. 4 It V ' 41 per ounce. Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. July 4-WHEAT-Spot nominal; futures (juiet: July. 6s ll'd, Sep tember. 6s lid; December. 6s 10Sd CoRN Spot steady; American mixed. 5s Id; futures firm; July, 4s ll'd; September, 4s 9V1 Cotton Market. LIVERPOOL, July 4 COTTON-Ppot In limited demand: prices 61 points higher; American middling, fair, 6 3rd; good mid dling,; middling, 6 S9d, low middling, 6 7.xl, good ordinary. 6fd; ordinary, 4 311. The sales of the day were 7,l0o bales of which (y were for speculation and ex port, and Included 3m American Re ceipts, bales, Including i.9u Ameri can. Futures oiened firm and closed stiong, American middling, g. o c, July, July-August, August -ttepif rnlicr. Septeiu-bcr-uclvutr, 6.84J, Oclobcr-Noveinbtr, Nu- Wool Market. LONDON, July 4.-WOOL The fourth se ries of the 19oS wool auction sales opened today with a very large attendance. Com petition was spirited. There was a good se lection and the demand was active from all sections. Practically nil the wool of fered was sold. Merlnocs and fine cross breds were 6 per cent, medium Mrt per cent and coarse grades 10 per cent nlgher. Cape of Good Hope and Natals were un changed. The sales In detail follow: New South Wales, 6"t0 bales; scoured, lOdSls lOVfcd; greasy, 7dr(1ls Hd. Queens land, 1,400 bales; scoured. Hi Is HVd; greasy, e'id'yls lUd. Victoria, mi bales: scoured, Is ld'tils Vjd: greasy. fPvltrls 3Vd. South Australia, 100 bales; greasy. oWfiimd. West Ausiraua, naies; greasy, vaad. New Zealand, 5.700 hales; scoured. 8d'uls 8d; greasy, 7dls 3d. Cape of Good Hope and Natal, 300 bales: scoured. Is tkl&ls HVbd : greasy, 7'jVsd. Falkland Islands, ) hales; greasy, v;iivrn. River Plate. 200 bales; scoured, 8Vufdls 6d. f inaxaf !MsTflTlTr"ir i "'Vj. TfEPCfirfCT TOP pee Makes tbelittlesupper complete. JETTER BREWING GO. etitb Omahs. 'Phone . Omaha Headquarters HUGO F. ti I L . 14th A Douglas. Tel. 1642. Co. Bluffs Headquarters LEE MITCHELL, 1013 Main Street, Tel. SO. DOGTOR SEARLEC AND GEARLES We use our own narno In our business; you know who you are doln; J buataaes wllk. Caoaulta tlaa Pres. VARICOCELE - HYDROCELE cured. Method new. without pain or loss of time. CHARGES LOW. B100Q POISON .7"' body. In mouth, tongue, throat, hair and eyebrows failing out disappear completely forsvar. Wnk. Kenou., Ueo U.0, nervous debllly, early decJuo. lack of v.gcr and strength. LRINABT, Kidney and Bladder Troubles. Weak Back, burning Urine, Frequency of I'rlnatlng, Urine High Colored or witii Milky Sediment CD standing. Treatment by mall. 11 years OF St'C. CEbSFCL PRACTICE IN OMAHA Cos ar ftt Itvb and DiiugWa, Omaha, t'e j