The Omaha Daily Bee. For News Quality and Quantity The Bee Greatly Excels. Omaha's Preferred Advertising Medium is The Bee. ESTAIJL1SLIED JUNE 10, 1S71. OMAHA, WEDNESDAY MOKNINO, JULY 5. 1005 TEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY TIUIEE CENTS. CREW DECLARES WAR Mutineer on Russian Battleship Issue Manifesto to Other Warships. ..TORPEDO BOATS LOOKING FOR RENEGADE Situation at Odessa Improricg and Strikers Art Returning to Work. OFFICIAL REPORT OF THE MUTUNY Eoldiera Afraid to Firs on Rioters While Under Vessel' Gods. ADMIRAL KRUGER WAS "BLUFFED" OUT fiaval Commander Frorfd to Attack Mutineers and Sailed from Port, .ot Daring to Tro Other Crew. BlCHARF.ST. Roumanla. July 4.-S" ro the Knlaz Potemklne nailed for KuA ' a delegation from tho crew handed prefect a proclamation addressed to t representative of the powers in Roumanl formally declaring war on all Russian vessels which refuse to Join the mutineers. The proclamation says the Knlaz Poter.i klne will respect neutral territory and foreign (hipping. The cM-gatlon requested that the proclamation be forwarded to the power. The Russian torpedo hoat destroyer Bmetllvy appeared off Kustenji today and signalled that It was seeking the Knlaz Potemklne. It Is said that the Knlaz Pntetnklne has attacked an Italian vessel carrying coal. There la much uneasiness among Rus sian vessels at Roumanian ports. Mtnatlon In Odessa Improving. ODESSA. July 4. An attempt to revive the mutiny on the battleship Georgl Pobledonosetz was discovered today. It waa frustrated by loyal Bailors, who de livered fix of the leader to the authori ties The torpedo boats which remained here have gone to sea. The general situation shows signs of gradual improvement. The removal of debris from the burned area has begun and the general dock work and coasting aervlce has been resumed. The strikers are returning to work. A large number of troops has been sent to the summer quarter, within easy reach of the city. The Odessa Chamber of Commerce has petitioned the Ministry of Finance to per mit an extension of fourteen duy on notes falling due. It Is reported persistently In army and navy circles that the Knlaz Potemklne la being stalked and pur aued by several torpedo boats, which In tend to sink It. The crew of these boats consist of olllcers who volunteered and stokers, o there Is no danger of their refusal to obey orders and destroy the renegade ship. The Knlaz Potemkine's hours here are declared to be numbered. RegrcV is, expressed, at the destruction of ucri a splendid and powerful battleship and at the loss of lite, but this 1 thought to be preferable to the continued dishonor ot It presence In the Black sea commanded by mutineer. Several torpedo boats were reported to be off Odessa last night. There are other signs of activity among the torpedo fleet. The whereabout of the Knlaz Potemklne la not known here, but It la reported to have left KustenJI. Official Report of Mutiny. ST. PETERSBURG, July 4. The govern ment story of the events at Odessa a published In the Official Messenger ha been In great part already covered In the statement made In official quarters and cabled to the Associated Press since the commencement of the outbreak. After detailing the activity of the socialists' revolutionary committee In ailrrlng up the trlker ashore and the arrival of the mutlnoua crew of the battleship Knlaz Potemklne at Odessa on June 27 the account proceeds: The mutiny of the warships provided the revolutionary committee with a good op portunity to Influence the masses. Tne committee Visited the battleship and as sured the mutineers thai the garrison of Odessa, had laid down its arms and that the "whole Black sea squadron had Joined band with the crew of the Knlaz Potem klne. According to eye witnesses, officers took an active part In the councils of the battleship, especially two young cadets. The results of the anarchist Intrigues among the workmen and mutinous sailors became Immediately evident. The troops were unable to use their arms against the crowds of workmen In the vicinity of the harbor for fear ht an enfilading lire from the battleship. The harbor, therefore, was at the mercy of the mob, which pillaged warehouses and vessels, oiened kegs of wine and whisky and commenced a drunken orcy. At night the fire were started. Nearly everything In the harbor was destroyed, the mob refusing to allow the firemen to fight the Hames Among the property de- iroyed Were the warehouses and stores of the Russian Navigation and Commerce company, the agency and stores of the Danube Navigation company, the stores on the Plutanoff piers, the Odessa harbor rail road station, the harbor master's office, part of the warehouses of the Russian Navigation and Trading company and of the Roeysky & Hoshnlne Co. 'a on the new plor, the shipping oillce on Platanoff pier, part of the cuul depot, all the build ing of the quarantine hartior, twenty wagons and six steamera belonging to various companies. The railway freight shed were pillaged and many rioters and looters were burned olive while Intoxicated. Mob Attack Troop. several lime during the iiIkIu of June 28 i moo miacMii me iruups ana polio n"w niKi.tii, uui culii .one nicy were uailvred uy a volley uoiu the soldier, 'ill uuniber ol rioter limed or wounuea i uoi yet known, but it must exceed Mvoial Hundred. The damage can only M estimated in the minions of roubles. Nona ot Hie lepiescntailves of toe loieign powei suffered. The cunauutles Were uard)d by troop. cm June rj a stale of war was pro claimed and the ciiy was cordoned by irwi. a iiv uiBoiucia lueu leusea. n-t.A ........ u .i... . .. 4 - v.i.i.i.., ,et.u.i niai ine:Corn Kxchanpe bank of Chicago, $HJ.;r"" , Klllal Poiomkln In the evening of June j Continental bank of Chicago, t o ono; N'-w Over the Station. S fired three blank shots as prescribed by ' York Trust company of New York, iso.nni; : The Fourth of July spirit prevailed at th- ths Russian naval codo for the funeral of 1 Fll,t N"""nHl ,,a,lk of Nw YoTk- -W: , police court and city Jail. Police Magistrate Mllur, and followed these up Willi two llv shut, destroying part of a house. Other hut the battleship did no damage. The govsrnnu in report then proceeds to relate tin ariial of Rear Admiral Kruger' tlquadron during the morning of June JO as folUw: AS the squadron approached the Odessa rUou.Vdva,':' lolrZ'tfroJZ its linn. As the Kinai Potriiikine pa.ssVd in iiiuiinrei rvcenea uu ovation from vr. jk llin MiuiHI X OOltMlOhOSelZ. I jrr Auiiurm muger Hereupon siniidllej ths siiuudron to lug around and re turn to oebastupol, but tlie new of the lieoil Potuedoiiuseti prevrntid that vesoel fiom following and put a.luue nil their officer, dlsttiined, Willi toe exception of Lieutenant Origoiieff, who blew out Ins bisinn. On the advice of the revolution. lt a committee of twenty was tie, ted to take chuige ol the vet..) under the di rection of a boatswains mate, appar ently against the latter will. Dissen ion prevailed amopg the crew, only part win. h v influenced by U.a revolution 1ms ttud wanted to follow the KnU l ot, m kine. the lutter threatened to fire on the OJoiiUnusd on Bucond Paa.) FOURTH OF JULY ACCIDENTS Five Dead In fn 1 ork and Four In Philadelphia Hundred Are ' Injured. NEW YORK. July 4 -Despite the efforts of many Rmall boys and their elders the Fourth of July wan comparatively quiet. More than 1"Q boy and young men were arrested and taken before magistrate's for violation of the ordinance which forbids the discharge of firearms In the streets and the carrying of concealed weapons. Altogether five deaths wrre recorded In the city a a result of the day's celebra tion and thu number of accidents reaches Into the hundreds ! By the premature explosion of a shell In the open breech of a flve Inch gun (While a Fourth of July salute was being fired at Castle William, on Governor's Islnnd today. Private Cor nelius Harrington of company H, Eighth Infantry, was so badly Injured that he may riot recover. fne arm was torn off, hi right eye was blinded and he was ter ribly burned on the head and body. Ser geant Frank Webb of the same company and regiment was also badly hurt and It Is feared will lose the sight of one of his eyes, but ho Is expeeted to recover. Both men were removed to the hospital on Governor's Iland and the firing of the salute was continued. An Inquiry to determine the cause of the Ident will be mitl" Immediately. "he first fatal accident in New York, due he Fourth of July, wns reported shortly a . midnight when Morris Komersteln Was pierced through the heart by a pistol bullet, which came In through a window of a house In Monroe street In which he lived. BOSTON, July 4 During the ceremony of flrlmt the national salute of forty-five guns at Fort Warren, Boston harbor, today the charge of the sixteenth round exploded prematurely, Injuring two privates of the Ninety-sixth company, coast artillery, one probably fatally. Private James J. Buckley, who wns plac ing the blank shell In the breech of a slx-pounder, was frightfully Injured. The explosion tore his left arm nearly to the shoulder and the flying particles struck him In the face, shattering the bones of his chin. Private Hector McNeil was severely burned and some of the powder grains lodged In his eyes. An Investigation was Immediately made to determine the cause of the nceldent. but nothing In the ap pearance of the guns disclosed It. PHILADELPHIA. July 4. Four persons flead, two probnhl.v fatally injured and more 200 Injured. Is the result of In dependence day celebration In this city up to late tonight. CHICAGO. July 4. Tn spite of the rigid enforcement . the law restricting the hour during hlch firecrackers may be discharged, the list of accidents In Chicago today la very large. Stray hullets found their usual number of victims, but most of the accidents were due to common crackers, and children made up the large majority of those Injured. Nearly a hundred accidents were reported to the police, four of which will probably prove fatal. 8T. IXl"IS. July 8. From reports received by the police from St. Ixuls and vicinity there have been no denths as the result of accidents In connection with the celebration of Independence day. Seventy-seven In juries were reported previous to midnight, seventeen of which are serious. CINCINNATI, July 4. Follce records here today show that one person was killed and over seventy-five slightly Injured while celebrating the Fourth of July. INDIANAPOLIS. July 4. Twenty-six boys, ranging In age from 8 to 19, were painfully Injured by explosives during the celebration of Independence day In this cltv. MARION, O., July 4. Frank Ried. aged 16 years, was seriously injured today by the explosion of a can of powder. Judson Phelps was another Fourth of July lctlm. having been shot In the leg by a revolver. CHEYENNE, Wyo July 4. Mrs. James Jlllch. mother-in-law of Judge J. A. Rlner of the I 'tilted State district court, dropied dead at Judge Rlner's home today of heart failure Just after the explosion of a glunt firecracker In front of the house. She wa 66 years old and was one of Cheyenne's pioneers. KANSAS BANKS HAVE A REST Take Advantage of Holiday to Pre pare for Farther Huns at Topeka. TOPEKA. Kan., July 4.-Independence day afforded the financial situation In To- i B'ufrs Ilnes getting the bulk of the traf peka resulting from the failure yesterday flc ,or 16 Manawa. Along about noon of the First National bank, a respite, j th carB running to the parks, Riverside, Banks on which there were runs jester- Hanscom. Courtland beach. K rug and Flor- day took advantage of the holiday to fur- ence- ""Kn to a" a thrifty business. The ther strengthen their institutions, and the j 'rafflo Increased by bounds In the after different officers reiterated previous state- : noon to 811 ,he P'ks. Additional cars ments that they were prepared to .with- ! h,l(1 to be put on accommodate the stand any demands made upon them. ! "ow53 an ,he ame observation Is true A positive announcement has been made j of the Walnut Hill line to Krug park. At by a man well acquainted With the affairs I s ol",k ' " almost Impossible to get of the First National bank thai the instl- i fver' tt footing on the Walnut Hill lino tution would not again open Its doors and i nnd ,n Courtland beach cars also carried resume business Immense crowds, going and coming dur- Whlle I Ulieve that the bank will pay J the n,lr,' afternoon. every dollar of Its Indebtedness." said ho. Kx,ra car8 han to be Put on the llne8 "U will not open again for business. I night to accommodate the returning think the depositors will receive their crowds from the parks. It is estimated money within a month." nnt between " and 7,tXl people were C. J. Devlin's phvs.clan stated today ! hauled to Riverside park during the day. that his patient had slept well last night, i At least half that number went to Court although under the Influence of opiates, i Ian ''each during the afternoon, and at and that his condition was favorable. ! least 6.WO people visited Krug park. The C. E. llawlev. cashier of the First No- : Florence line came In for a big day's I tlonal bunk who Keen ill f,.r . ; time is said to be prostrated, a nervous wreck. The following Is a complete list of Mr. First National 1,hiiU of Tnneka. il.JOO.OiH): Central National bank of T..peku. S.3.'.CM; Hank of Topeka, $75.0uO; National Bank of Commerce. Kansas City, $lio,0uo: American National bank of Kansas ity. itHUno; City National hank of Kansas City, ihmi'On; Fourth National bank of St. Louis, triui.oiiu; eiitral trust company or i. nieago. j.,u.i This does' not Include the alleeed llabll- Itv of I71".i to the Baltimore Trust com pany, of which nothing is known posi tively, nor small unknown liabilities to the Tolui'a and Spring Valley. Ill . banks. KANSAS CITY, July 4. Clifford Histed. attorney for Devlin, who Kpent the day here ' In conference with the creditors' committer appointed yesterday, was summoned to To- I l" "" " ' said, to confer with J. ! K. Hurley, general nmnage.r of the Santa . Fe railroad lt Is believed that a sale of the Toluca. Marquette & Northern railway and Devlin's mining Interest near Toluca, 111., la about to Ik- consummated. Devlin values this property at i.l.'Oi.C'W. Kills Husband and Hersrll. PORTLAND. Ore, July l.-Mrs Ger trude Dodgson today tiiot and killed her husband. Tl.nmas Dudgeon, and then killed herself The tragedy look place at Twelfth ai:d Noi-thup ureet. The couple were walking along the street, the wife pleading with her husband. A they upprouched the hotel Northern, the woman drew a re volver and fired at her husband, who fell dead St-e then shot herself. Jealousy was th motive. SAFE AND SANE IN OMAHA Plenty of Patriotism and Pleasure and Very Liule Noise. ONLY A FEW ACCIDENTS REPORTED Loral Surgeons Have Quiet Day Result of Suppression of Danger ou Firework and Blank Cartridges. The celebration of the Fourth of July in Omaha yesterday wa exceptionally quiet and orderly, a condition attributable to the wise precaution taken by the city author ities to eliminate the blank cartridge, the noisy torpedo and the dynamite firecracker as features of tho day's observance. Fire crackers there were galore, and torpedo canes were In evidence everywhere, but th" bombardment was mild and endurable as compared with other years, and the conse quent result has been that serious accidents are reduced to the extreme minimum. The da,- was eool and bracing and the clouds softened the glare of the sun to such a degree that It was a pleasure to be out of doors. The parks were thronged during the afternoon with picnic parties and vis itors to a greater extent than for some years past. The celebration of the day was free and Informal. Business houses generally closed at 11 o'clock, thouptj some remained closed all day. Flags were fly ing everywhere, those on the public build ing being at half-mast In memory of Sec retary of State John Hay. During the early part of last night there was a very general display of fireworks In almost every part of the city, the display being of a private character, made from the various homes of the city. The thunder storm cut short the pyrotechnic display. Fewer accidents resulting from the Fourth of July celebration are reported as occur ring yesterday than for many years In the city of Omaha. noy Mar Lose Rye. The most serious accident thus far ascer tained Is to Wilfred Bradfleld. aged 16 years, living at rot'. South Thirty-fourth street. Injured about the face and eyes from the premature explosion of a large firecracker. The accident occurred near his home about 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Dr. D. C. Bryant was the attending physician. The Injured boy was subsequently taken to St. Joseph's hospital for treatment. His face Is badly burned and one eye may be perm anently Injured. The other eye Is hurt, but not seriously. The Injured lad was unconscious for some hours after the accident, hut at last leports late last night he was resting easily, though the full ex tent of the Injury to his eye can not be de termined for a day or two. Dr. Bryant reports another boy of 15 or 16 years who came to his office, 3008 Sherman avenue, for treatment for an Injured eye as a result of a firecracker explosion. The Injury was a severe one, but the name of the boy could not be remembered by Dr. Bryant. Dr. Paul Elllss, at Twenty-fourth and Ames, reports having treated Nels Ander son, a young man living west of Fort Omaha, who lost one finger, and another S.dl: Vtc; ' t li the explosion of u my cannon. He also reports treating one or two minor accidents, merely powder burns, but he did not get the names of the Injured parties. The only Fourth of July fire occurred about 6:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon when No. 3 engine house received a call to 1711 St. Mary's avenue. Some small boys In en upstairs window, throwing firecrack ers below, was the cause of the alarm. There was no damage done, the blaze be ing extinguished before the department arrived. This Is the only alarm turned tn all day, which breaks the record. Earle Priest, a 13-year-old messenger boy employed at the Windsor atahlea, was the only victim of a Fourth of July accident i coming under the care of the police sur j geon. About 9 o'clock last night the boy was sending some roman candles Into the I air and one of them started the wrong way and got up his sleeve. Young Priest was r.ot severely burned, but Police Surgeon Langdon was called and dressed his burn. MAXY THOUSANDS OX THE CABS People Take Advantage of the Mee Weather to no Out. The pleasant weather of the Fourth was an Incentive for about everybody to pat ronize the street cars. The morning traf- ! ftc wa" exceptionally good, the Council i work as did the Hanscom para line, over S.0OO Omaha people visited Lake Manawa during the day, which contributed very ' materially to the revenues of that line. KOUrKO (irfw poiiiw o.e.' in inn unit iain. : The DUIK OI me siren e, irauic wan im- ' rled during the afternoon up to about 6 o'clock i , I QIIF.T TIME FOR THE POLICEMEN' , . i mj li ... . . Berks wa at court bright and early and before the rank and file of pleasure had bestirred Itself the police Judge wa busy decorating the court room In honor of the 1 national holiday and In accordance with his ' time-honored custom. A large strip of ' bunting was placed across the room Just In front of the Judge's desk, and all who stood j under the bunting of star, and stripe, did not leave hope tiemna. for nearly every one was discharged In police court. In tho case of one or two serious offenders the cases were put off for a few days. The new flag bought for the police sta tion floated proudly to the breese from the high pole In front of the station. At the peep of dawn the large emblem of liberty was hoisted and the fabric seemed to oe come a thing of life, so eagerly did It spread to the breese. The office of the city Jail was tastily decorated. From the police standpoint the day wa a quiet one. Vp to ti p. m. only seven ar rests had been registered on the books, but lConUnu4 on Second Page.) FAIRBANKS ON INDEPENDENCE lee President of i the t nlted States Address Ohio Crowd at Vrbnna. t'RBANA, O., July 4 A three-day cen tennial celebration of founding of Champaign county as an organized county of Ohio, began here today, an address by Vice President Fairbanks, who was born Just across the line In I'nlon county, being the feature of the day. Mr. Fairbanks said in part: This Is essentially freedom's day. The people do well to lay aside their customary duties and celebrate it. It Is the day above all others when we should reverently and gratefully recall the sacrifices and recount the story of those who fought so wonder ously in freedom s holy name in the years which are past. The continental fathers set a high standard of devotion and duty to country. The story of their heroic en deavor. Is ever Inspiring Their sons, actuated by their example, have extended the zone of human liberty. The primi- rles enunciated so felicitously In the declaration of Independence have Iiecn the people s unfailing guide, and they have given freedom to millions In their own land and millions more In the distant seas. Freedom has ever come as a free will of fering It has been purchased by the blood of those who so loved It that they were willing to die, if need tie, that others might enjoy it. Yes. we have so loved it that wo have not onl" drawn tr sword to win it ourselves, but have assembled our fleets and marshalled our armies to give It to aliens who were oppressed. Our people are rilled with the true na tional spirit. There Is nowhere among us any divided allegiano . The brave men wiio put their hands to the Declaration of Independence Hhd those who made good their challenge to King George the 1 lilrd, set an example of high devotion to lib erty and country which should be an in spiration to us and our children and their children's children forever and ever. We have much reason to he grateful for while there are wars and rumors of wars about the earth, while other peoples are In the throes of unresi and revolution, our people are walking the ways of peace, prepared for war, but praying that it may never again disturb our national tran quillity. A wise and Just course in our relations with other powers v ill largely Insure us against any International breach. We -nay Justly take pride In the fact that President Roosevelt has pointed the way to the re-establishment ot peace In the orient. We find that the debate upon the battlefield and uron the seas must. In the final analysis, be concluded In the deliberative chamber. Would it not seem that It were possible for men to come to reason upon great international Issues be fore the Infraction of International peace? u.v thu nnwent of the world take a les son of what has occurred and is occurring and establish some method by which they mav settle their differences In a manner consistent with their honor, without first Invoking the sword, without shedding each others blood and bankrupting each others treasury? , . . . . As we gather about the altars of patriot Ism todav we take new courage and are filled with fresh purpose to preserve un polluted our sacred temple of liberty. NEW YORK, July 4. The Tammany so ciety's annual Fourth of July celebration In front of the Wigwam In Fourteenth street constituted about the only public exercises In observance of the Fourth about Manhattan. The chief speakers of the Tammany program were to be Governor Robert Glenn of North Carolina and Lieu tenant Sanders of Louisiana, and "short talks" were planned by a number of prom inent members of the society. After the celebration the society had open house and luncheon was served. A big celebration wns held In the Bronx by tho McKlnley Po'e and Flag associa tion at which patrlot c speeches were de livered and the Knight of Columbus united In a big celebration speeches and music in Prospect park, Brooklyn. There were Innumerable picnics and the city was as noisy and bedecked with flags and bunt ing as usual. WASHINGTON, D. C July 4. Today was one of the quietest Fourths ever cele brated In this city, .due to the stringent police regulations limiting tne size of the firecrackers and the hours during which they should be fired. The principal event was a patriotic demonstration at Memorial Continental hall, under the auspices of the Daughters of the American Revolution, and the Sons of the Revolution. Mr. Don ald McLean, president general of the Daughters, presided. STATUE OF GENERAL MEAGHER nronre Memorlnl of Leader of the Famous Irish rtrignde In veiled at Helena, HELENA, Mont., July 4. An heroic equestrian bmnze statue of General Thomas Francis Meagher, leader of the Irish bri gade In the civil war and later secretary and acting governor of the territory of Montana, was unveiled In the capltol grounds this afternoon In the presence of people from all parts of the state. Gov ernor Toole, IJeutenant Governor Morris and other Montanans participated In the ceremony. Colonel John D. Flnnerty of Chicago delivered the principal address, paying an eloquent tribute to Meagher and the soldiers of the civil war. The statue was designed by Sculptor Mulligan of Chicago and la pronounced a faithful likeness of tho dead general. July 1. 1.67, thirty-eight years and three days ago to day. General Meagher fell from a steam boat at Fort Benton Into the Missouri river and was drowned. His body was never recovered. His widow still lives at Rye, N. Y. ALLEGED MURDRESS RELEASED Olrl Accused of Killing Sweetheart and Attempting: Suicide la Acquitted. WHEATON, Minn., July 4. Antoinette Seldenstlcker, the 14-year-old girl who has been on trial here for the murder of H r- I man Bhlpp. has been acquitted. As the clerk pronounced the words, "Not guilty," the girl, who has held up bravely through out the trial, threw her arms about her attorney's neck and burst Into tears. The verdict, which was a popular one, was reacher after only thirty tnlnuts' c"ellb eration. The crime for which the girl was on trial was committed last May. She and Shlpp had been sweetheurts, but uhe dis covered that he was paying attentions to omer ..... ..... ...o , .. ....... i the same time she made a desperate effort when that failed by throwing herself in j front of a moving train. SEARCH FOR WHITE UNAVAILING Sheriff Certain Man I Somewhere Along; that Branch of thu Hatlroad. UKA.MJ isi-AMJ, Juiy special.)- Vopft gem,ral secretary of the United so Sheriff Taylor returned late last j c(.tv' night from a second trip up j At night there will be an International to 6'.. Llbory In quest of Virgil feativai of praise with a cr.oru of 2,500 White, missing Des Moines lawyer, but i VOOPB. again his search had been fruitless. Mall j T)lf.rp is already In progress a lively con Agent Bovdston, to whom the two let- t(,, for the next convention, the con- ter were given, written by White and mailed from St. Llbory, Is quite positive, from the description, that It wa White himself who gave him the letters. And It 1 tlll the belief of Sheriff Taylor that White went up thl branch somewhere to work oa farm. MURDER GROWS FROM BRAWL Palal Shooting at Saloon Near Benson Daring Progress of Picnic. INTOXICATED ITALIAN HUNTS FOR TROUBLE (Joes with Companion to Make Trouble nnd Wind I p hy Kllllng Charles Jones, an Electric light Lineman. During a quarrel In the saloon of William Huntslnger, on Military avenue Just west of K rug's park, Charles Jones of 3407 Parker street was shot and Instantly- killed by Antonio Pistlllo, an Italian employed on the I'nlon Pacific bridge gang, which Is working on the road near South Omaha. Pistlllo Is still at large and Is thought to be In hiding In the woods north of Benson In the vicinity of Irvlngton. Four men, who were with Pistlllo at the time of the shooting are now In Jail held as state witnesses. They are H. Jacobsen, Martin McGovern, both of whom live In Benson, and E. KUllan and Frank Kll llan, who reside on Parker street between Thirty-fifth and Thirty-sixth streets. The story of the killing as told by wit nesses is that about 4.30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon the five men, the four under ar rest nnd Pistlllo. came to the saloon from Benson and at that time were under the Influence of liquor. An Italian society was holding a picnic In Military park In the rear of the snloon, and when the five young men went to the bar-room they demanded admission to the park, where, as they told the bar-keeper, they could "guy the Ital ians." The bar-keeper refused to let them go Into the rark, but they finally suc ceeded In getting admission and at once became Quarrelsome. Intruder Mere Troublesome. They had trouble with almost everyone In the garden, Including Charles Jones, the young man who was shot. It is said that Jones left the park soon after the trouble started and the five men who had been making the disturbance started out after him. They again started the disturbance. Pistlllo, It Is nald, told Jones, "I can lick you." One word brought on another and the Italian drew a revolver and shot, strik ing his victim in the neck on the right side, severing the Jugular vein. Jones died Instantly. A second shot was fired by Pistlllo, but It did not take effect. After the shooting Iistlllo returned to fhe park, deliberately climbed over the fence and started northward, without a person in the crowd to Interfere, although there were at least fifty people who saw him going and knew the circumstances. A description of the murderer has been given to the police and a sharp lookout is being kept. It is said that Pistlllo has been stopping at a boarding house on South Twentieth street, although the directory does not give his name. Charles Jones, the young man who was shot, was a lineman for the Omaha Elec tric Light and Power company and had been In the employ of this company for a number of years.. HI father, George B. Jones, employed at the t'nlon Pacific shops In this cly, but for the past two- or 'threo weeks has been on a vacation In Ohio. It is not now known Just what Ills exact address is, but he Is either In Toledo of Detroit. A message was sent to both ad dresses last night by Coroner Bralley, but at a late holir he had not been heard from. Mother Waiting- for Him. A pathetic incident of the killing of young Jones was that when Coroner Bralley went to the house to notify the mother of tho tragic death of her son. Mrs Jones was sitting on the porch wait ing for him to come home, and was fear ful lest he might not return before the rain came. She was almost frantic with grief, but bore up well under the stratn. The father and mother and a sister, a girl of 10 years, are the only survivors. The young man la but 12 years of age and was unmarried. Coroner - Bralley took charge of the re mains and removed the body to the morgue, where an lnqoest will probably be held tomcrrow. YOUNG CHRISTIANS MEET International Endeavor Convention Begin In Baltimore thl Morning. BALTIMORE. July 4. All the railway trains and coast steamers arriving here today brought delegations to the twenty second annual International Christian En deavor convention which Is to be formally opened In this city tomorrow. It Is ex pected that by tomorrow 20,000 visitors will be here. Local committees announce that comfortable accommodations have been prepared for all. All the evangelical churches and many residences and business houses have been decorated In honor of the convention, which will be In session five day. The sessions will be held In Armory hall, which has a seating capacity of 16,010. while auxiliary meetings will be held In Lyric hall, with seats for 4.000. There will be little real routine business to transact during the convention and the only actual business meeting will be held tomorrow morning In the Hotel Belvldere, when the annual business meeting of the I'nlted Society of the Christian Endeavor corporation will take place. At this meet lug the officers and trustees of the I'nlted society for the ensuing year will bo elected, the annual reports of the officers and business agents will be presented and any other business transacted which may legally come within the scope of the meet ing. This will be followed by a meeting of the trustees of tho Fnlted sfcclety and will probably conclude all the routine busi ness of the" convention. The regular opening of the convention will take place In Armory hall at 3 o'clock In the afternoon with Rev. Dr. Francis E. , president of the ?'nUed society, pre- ! 1J1 , .,,..,. , ,ha fl.llllG. - ..... ... ,. gates will be made by Governor Warrleld. representing the state of Maryland: Mayor Tlmanus. representing tie city of Haiti- more; Rev. Oliver il'ickel, represent ing the ministers of Baltimore and Chairman W. C. At wood, on behalf of the convention committee. President Clark will respond to these salutations. The annual review of the field of Christian Endeavor work hrougho4it h world will be given by Mr. Von Ogden testants being Minneapolis. Indianapolis, I.o Angele and Seattle and a large quan tity of literature and badges In ln-half r.f these is being freely distributed among delegates and other. The ror'ei will not be decided until next Monday, NEBRASKA WEATHER FORECAST Fair Wednesday nnd Thursday. Temperature at Omahai llonr. Dearer, Hour. Praree. H a. m IU 1 p. m TH R a. m til ii p. m TT 7 a. in T4 .1 p. m T s n. m , UI 4 . m Tl a. m HS R p. in Htt III a. m Tl H p. m 2 11 a. m Tl T p. m Ml 12 m 7.1 N p. m TM It l. m ..... . T4 MITCHELL WILL FILE APPEAL Attorney for the Oregon Senator Seek to Take Case Direct to Supreme Court. PORTLAND, Ore.. July 4-Counsel for I'nlted States Senator Mitchell will ap peal his case from tho decision of last night. On Monday a' motion will be made for a new trial. It Is expected that counsel for tl convicted senator will endeavor to bring the case directly to the attention of the supreme court of the I'nlted States. If possible the t'nlted States circuit court of appeals will bo passed over, I'pon being questioned today District At torney Honey said he saw no grounds for an appeal In the case, and he believed that the law would not allow the senator the right of further hearing The I'nlted States circuit court of appeals meets in Portland on September 3. If that tribunal shall be appealed to. Judges W. W. Morrow. W. B. Gilbert and J. H. Ross will alt en bane and determine the points of law In the case, and give their decision as to whether there are grounds for the case going before tho supreme court. It Is stated that the Jury' In the case of I'nlted States Senator Mitchell took six ballots before arriving at a verdict. Five ballots showed eleven Jurors for con viction. It Is expected that the other Indictment pending against Senator Mitchell, charg ing conspiracy with Puter and others to defraud the government of its lands, will be dropped. What penalty will be Im posed by Judge Delia ven can only be con jectured. The statute provides for both Imprisonment for not more than two years and for a fine of not to exceed $10,000. Since the trial began Senator Mitchell has been nt liberty upon his own recognizance, and this will be continued until after sen tence Is pronounced, at least, rending the appeal for n new trial Senator Mitchell will be a member of tho I'nlted States senate and he will draw his salary. He may appear In the committee rooms and continue his duties ns usual, but ho can not, until the case reaches a final decision, appear upon the floor of the senate and resume his seat. This will not be possi ble unless the decision shall be favorable to him. The convicted senator left his hotel early today accompanied by his friends. All efforts on the part of the newspaper men to Interview the senator today have been futile. HOLDUP MEN VISIT A SALOON Peter Hanson, the Proprietor, Shot In Shoulder and Occupant of Place Robbed. Five masked highwaymen entered the saloon of Peter Hanson, Fifty-sixth and Center streets, shortly after midnight last night and held up and robbed the proprie tor and twelve men and one woman who were In the place at the time. It la not known how much money was taken from the victims, but It Is said that all they possessed at the time was taken by the robbers. Three of the men came In the front door of the place and commanded the occupants to surrender, which they did with the exception of Hanson, the pro prietor, and one other man, who started out the back door. When the door was opened the two men discovered two other masked robber at the rear door, and they gave the customary command. Hanson did not obey the order as quickly as the rob ber desired and a bullet was sent after him, striking In the right shoulder. It Is not known how badly he was Injured. After the holdups had finished their work they left the place by the front door, with their guns still pointed ut the occu pant! of the saloon. They have made good their escape. More than an hour liud passed before the affair wa reported to the police. The location of the saloon be ing outside of the city limits, the sheriff s office was notified and a deputy sheriff was sent to the scene, but at a little after 2 o'clock no detailed report of the robbery was obtainable. TWO ELECTRIC CARS COLLIDE Eighteen People Injured, Four Them Serlonaly, a av liesult. of CEDAR RAPIDS. Ia., July 4. (Special Telegram.) Eighteen people were Injured, i four seriously, by a head-on collision on the Cedar Rapjds & Iowa City interurban railroad near Swisher this evening. The car were carrying picnicker from an out ing at Mid River park when Che accident occurred on a sharp curve. A lap In orders by the telephone dispatcher Is given as the cause of the wreck. Roth cars were loaded to the fullest capacity. The Injured: Motorman Harry Beall, Cedar Rapids, both legs broken, badly cut and bruised; may die. William Elevee. Iowa City, both feet crushed and injuries to head. Robert Halre, 212 Seventh avenue, Cedar Raslds, badly bruised and cut. H. G. McMillan, Jr., MO First avenue, Cedar Rapids, Injured In back and cut about lets. According to the statements of the physl- l clans only these four are seriously in ' Jured. The others are expected to recover I In a few day. Eighteen were hurt, the i most of them receiving only minor cuts i and bruises. i Movement of Ocean easels July 4. ' At New York Arrived : Kaiser Wilhelm t II. from Bremen; ' G.rty. from Trieste. ; Sailed: Kaiser Wilhelm der Crosse, for Hre . men; Armenian, for Livcip.,o; Sicilian i I'rince. for Genoa. 1 At Glasgow Arrived: Furnessla, from . New York. ' At Antwerp Arrived: Krootiland, from i New York. At Genoa Arrived: Llgurla, fr.'i New York, via Naples. At Naples Arrived: Georgia, from New York. At Hamburg Arrived : Assuan. from San j Francis, o. Sailed: geraphls. for San Frau- ' CP'CO. At Palermo Sailed : Glulla. for New York. , At Mai ellle Sailed . Oermanlu, for Ne v ; Yorr. I 11 I la vr Am ll.xl TfintulMn:, for Vail- York; Sardinian, for Montreal. At I.eit h Sailed : Montana, for Baltimore. At l .ieiren Arriv ed : Kroniz Wilhelm, from Nw Yrrk. Al Liverpool Balled : Car'haglnlan. for Philadf Iplna; Lake liiampluln, fur Mon treal ca&oma, for lioslon. BLUFF FOR NORWAY Order Isiuecl for the Mobilisation of th Army of Sweden. MILITARY SUPPORT FOR THE RIKSDAG Aotion Intended to Gits Force to Stand of Special Committeet INTERVIEW WITH KING OSCAR Sftjs He Will Not Permit Son or Grandson to Accept Throne of Norway. DEFENDS VETO OF CONSULAR BILL 111 Majesty States that He Acted Clearly Within III Conatltav tlonal Hlaht and Duties . a Sovereign. PTOCKHOUM. July 4 The Associated Press Is In a position to tate that an or der for the mobilization of the Swedish army has been Issued and that a proclama tion to this effect will probably be Issued within a week. The mobilization Is In tended as a means of giving added force to any proposal for settlement which the spe cial committee appointed by the Riksdag may make to the Norwegian Storthing. king Oscar Interviewed. King Oscar granted a private audience to the correspondent of the Associated Pres at the royal palace today. In a lengthy conversation his majesty expressed his views on the present situation and said em phatically that he would never allow any of his sons or his grandsons to accept the Norwegian throne. In speaking of the at titude of Norway, the king displayed deep emotion and expressed his heartfelt sorrow at Norway's treatment of him after thirty two years of unceasing labor for Its happi ness and prosperity. His majesty said he wished to convey through the Associated Press his gratitude for hundreds of expressions of sympathy received from the t'nlted States. In the course of the conversation King Oscar reiterated his official utterances re garding his position on the consular bill passed by the Storthing and the ev?nts which followed his vetoe of It, and said. When fhe king of Norway considers th.vt the welfare of the country demands thai he shall veto a bill passed by the Stor thing his right to do so Is unconditionally shown in Norway's constitution, and he would be false to his oath If he did not ex ercise this right in accordance with his conscience. The constitution gives tho Storthing the power to pass a bill over my veto, provid ing, however,, that thl can only be done by the bill being passed bv three con secutively elected Storthing. The consular bill was only passed by one Storthing. Constitution of Norway. As king of Norway, It was of the utmost necessity that 1 should keep before my eye the first nrticle of the Norwegian constitu tion, which reads, "The klndom of Norway Is a free. Independent, Indivisible and in alienable country united to Sweden under one king." Therefore, it wa imieratlve before approving a bill eeparatlng the con sular systems of Sweden and Norway that I should consider the welfare and Interests of both countries, and I had a perfect right, as king of Norway, to refuse my sanction. The refusal of the Norwegian cabinet to countorMgn my veto was Inexcusable, as the constitution prescribes that the king may decide action according to his Judgment, nnd that all his orders must be counter signed by tho cabinet. Thus the Norwegian constitution, my own conscience and my consideration of tho welfare of both kingdoms were the guide to my action In vetoing the consular bill. This Is the first Interview granted by King Oscar to any correspondent. His majesty had been advised not to talk for publication, and every effort was made by his entourage to prevent access to him. The Associated Press correspondent, how ever, received a communication last evening summoning lilm to a private audience today. WOMEN ELECT OFFICERS Mis Susan R. Anthony Again Chosen President of National Suf frage Association. PORTLAND, Or., July 4. The National Woman Suffrage association today unani mously elected the old officer with the exception of the vice president at large and i.econd auditor. The board sts.nds as follows: President, Susan B. Anthony, New Tork; vice president, Florence Kelley, Illinois; corresponding secretary, Kate M. Oordon, Louisiana; recording secretary, Alice Stone Blarkwill, Massachussetts; treasurer, Har riet Taylor, I'pton, O. ; first auditor. Laura Clay, Kentucky; second auditor. Dr. An nice Jeffreys Meyers, Portland. The delegates voted to change the by laws requiring alternate conventions to be held to Washington and made It optional. Invitations wore received from Baltimore, Chicago and Detroit, extended by various organizations. Aldresses were made today by Mrs. Flor ence Kelley, general secretary of the Na tional Consumer's league, and Henry B. plackwell, editor of the Woman' Jour nal, Boston. In the evening the Fourth of July oration was pronounced by Mrs. Carrie Chapman Ca.t, an original poem, "Freed," was read by Mrs. Charlotte Perkins Ftllman and Miss. Mary S. Anthony, sister of Susan B., nnd almost the only survivor of those who attended the first woman' rights conven tion In 1M6, read "The Woman's Declaration of Independence." written by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretla Mott and adopted on that occasion. MOflE LAND THROWN OPEN Half Million Acre in Oklahoma Will Soon Be Settled by Lesser. EL RENO, Okl., July 4.-The 6O0.O0O-ar Indian pasture reserve lying outhwest of El Reno hu been ordered by Secretary of the Interior Hitchcock opened to settle ment. The opening means the furnishing of 3.12S more home to settlers and another tide of emigration to southwestern Okla homa. Indian Agent Itandlett was notified todsy by telephone from Anadarko to prepare leases and advertise at once for bids to be opened on December 4 next. All tho lands will be leased In 160-acre tracts for a period of five year from January I, Vtt, at the minimum price of 25 cent per acre ier year. No one person will be al lowed to lease to exceed two section of land and all bids must be made ceparalely for each quarter section. The rules rs qulre tach lea. e to cultivate all tillable land up to 75 h r cent of the land leased. The leasee la given the privilege of re leasing at an appraised valuation at th end of five years. No subleasing will ba allowed without the consent ot lit tary ut ,h interior.