Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 04, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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    THi: OMAHA DAILY 11KK: TfESDAY. JULY 4. 100.T.
Delegatei from Fait Are Vet and EnUr
taintd in Omaha.
Henry lialn In Wriiterii Xrhraikt
Ureatl? Delay Train Service on
All of the Honda rtoa
nln Wentnird.
A sporlnl carrying W "-fnr- from Min
nesota faswd throtiKh Omaha over the
Isurilngton for the convention at Drnvcr
Monday night at 11:15 and the special with
the dVlrcatis from South Dakota and
northwestern Iowa left Omaha at tho same
Tho special carrying tho Rock lUver con
ference from Illinois will go west over the
llurllngton Tuesday ot 11 p. m., and the
special with tho Oaleshurg district will
go west over the llurllngton early Tuesday
The special carrying 175 people from Illi
nois and. eastern Nebraska will leave Lin
coln Tuesday right at 6!45 over the Bur
lington and the Pennsylvania railroads
personally conducted special In two electric
lighted trains will use the Uurilngton from
Chicago to Denver, passing through raclflo
Junction Tuesday evening at 9 and 9:3a
The northwestern Missouri special left St.
Joseph over the llurllngton at 11:00 Monday
Kpwnrth leaguers enroutn to Denver are
the guests of the Omaha members as they
arrive from the east. A committee of 150,
with Rev. C. C. ClsselU D. V., as chairman,
was at the depot to receive the visitors and
to show them around the city. In addition
those who spent the evening In the city
were tendered a reception.
A big special will leave Omaha Tuesday
afternoon over the t'nlon Pacific and will
have a car from Nellgh which will Join
the train at Fremont, a car from Columbus
and one from Grand Island, a car from
Youngstown and one from South Dakota.
The Union Pacific had an extra train
leaving Omaha at 11:50 Monday night, to
accommodate the large number who wish
to take advantage of the cheap rates to
Denver. This train will run again tonight.
Italna Delay Trains.
General heavy rain and practically a tem
pest In the western portion of the state
delayed all of the trains to a considerable
extent Saturday, Sunday and Monday, the
Burlington being chief sufferer. This road
bad not had a train from the west over Its
own lines since Saturday until Monday,
the road being repaired at 8 o'clock Mon
day morning to permit of the through
Denver-Chicago trains getting through.
Tho worst washout ou the llurllngton was
at Holbrook, west of Oxford, where the
track went out Saturday afternoon. As a
result of great energy on the part of the
llurllngton official piles were driven In
this gap while the storm was still raging
and a train was Bent over, but before
other trains which were on hand could be
eent across the track went out again. This
was all repaired at 8 o'clock Monday morn
ing and all of tho trains passed safely over
the repair that Is stronger than the original
track because ot the numerous piles which
were driven in to hold the dirt and rock.
While this track was blocked the
Burlington diverted twelve trains to . the
Union Pacific between Sterling and Grand
Island. The line between Red Cloud and
Oxford Is broken on the Republican river,
where the river Is running six feet over
Its bank. This will not discommode traf
fic from St. Louis and the south, as the
northern route can be used for the trains.
Several Ktnall washouts occurred on the
Wyoming line of the Northwestern, but
these were repaired, with the trains de
layed for an hour or two. The Union
Pacific had neveral small washouts, but
these were repaired before the time of the
Taft train and there nun no serious In
convenience. The llurllngton main line la all In good
condition and the heavy traffic Incidental
to the Fourth and the EJpworth league
business to Denver will not be Interfered
near nates Go Down.
flugar again has broken loose after the
railroad officials bad Imagined It was to
be quiet for a time and the eastern lines
have announced a reduction or the Inten
tion to make a reduction, effective July 26,
to 37 cents from New York to Omaha. This
la based on a differential of E cents on rates
from gulf ports. It also Is rumored that
the New Orleans lines will make a reduc
tion to 22 cents, and It this Is done a fur
ther readjustment of the rates from the
.east will undoubtedly occur. A rate of 13
For Preserving. Purifying
and Beautifying the Skin,
Scalp, Hair, and Hands,
' rlil oa aaaabtea. aVItr.w M-4ttnl u4 Moot.
M ptvymKtm twtM na t yllcwrt, at- I r-
bmm Inj W so-f u4ur.
u4un 1 e
ukl Ml MM at -a
Krtca - aaa, a M-dMaal aa4 T
Patter lui CbMM ' , f lav- . Ho.twa.
ar aaa4 I laa, -all a.t au UU, aca.t.aa-1 Bail.
Law " UliCaLilI a.uU
j llSf
!J 10IE
fMli on imn or roasted coffee also !
to be made from New York, belns; a reduc
tlon of B cents. The rate on sugar from
Ran Francisco to Omaha Is 60 cents, Bn'J a
90 tier Cent of the sugar used In this
country Is I m ported these rates are a mat
ter of considerable Interest.
llondred More of Faithful Added to
the Lists of Those Who
Honor amson.
Jupiter Pluvlus received ft body blow last
evening at Ak-8ar-Ilen den, where about
one hundred Journeyed to the royal court
and went through the paces on one foot
and one hand. It has been thoroughly
demonstrated that It takes more than a
downpour of rain to keep the pilgrims
from gathering once a week to pay homage
to the merriest monarch that ever donned
a purple toga or ate a hard boiled egg.
Scribe Samson whispered Into the ear
of his royal nibs last evening and aald the
total membership to dato Is 615, with more
In the running. Ills royal nibs then told
the seneschal to fire a salute of guns
In honor of the membership roll and the
Fourth of July. '
J. C. Root, sovereign rommander of the
Woodmen of tho World, presided as mufti
for the evening and filled that position by
offering a neat little talk for Ak-far-Hen,
Omaha, the state and the west. "By Join
ing Ak-Sar-Uen the member becomes a
better cltlien, and, as a result, helps the
city, state and country," said Mr. Root.
Hon. M. A. Hall, British vice consul,
told a few stories, and said Ak-Sar-Ben
has given Omaha a reputation the city
could not otherwise have obtained. Robert
8. 8pence, an attorney of Kvanston, Wyo.,
stated he lived In Omaha thirty-five years
ago, had noted the growth of the city, and
declared that Wyoming and Nebraska are
closer allied today than ever before.
Omaha capital Is today a potent force In
developing Wyoming Industries," said Mr.
At a meeting of the Board of Governors
of held last evening at tho
Omaha club G. C. Breed was nppolnted as
manager of the carnival to be held next
fall. Mr. Breed's duties will also Include
his co-operation with the membership com
mittee in working up out-of-town excur
sions, the first of which will be given a
week from next Monday evening, the visi
tors being admitted as honorary members
at the den.
The out-of-town people admitted last
evening were: J. F. Miller and F. M. Nebe,
Atlantic, la.; Ned Morris, T. N. Denman
and 1 I Walker, Lincoln; C. J. Bogue
and F. J. Rappal, Chicago; J. M. Reman,
Kansas City; W. II. Canney and F. A.
Peters, Davenport, la.; C. A. Miller,
Topeka, Kan.; W. H. Crosby and Frank
Sibley, Buffalo, N. Y.; Roy Boudlnout,
Louisville. Ky.; E. J. Van Gillern, Ne
braska City; Robert S. Bpence, Evanston,
Wyo.; Roy D. Shaw, Minneapolis; W. C.
Barnes. Ct. Louis; I V. Ashbaugh, St.
Taul; L. B. Hopkins, New York; C. H.
Clunccy, Hastings.
ninantle Conspiracy.
'Tls a gigantic conspiracy of Coughs,
Colds, etc., against you. Foil It with Dr.
King's New Discovery. 60c and 1 00. For
sale by Sherman, A McConnell Drug Co.
a 12. GO to M. 1'anl ana Minneapolis
and Retarn Via Chleawo Great
Western Halliray.
Tickets on sale dally to September SOth.
Final return limit October 31st. Also equally
low rates to Minnesota, North Dakota,
Colorado. Utah and Wyoming points. Fol
further Information apply to L. D. Park
hurst, general agent, 1U1 Farnam street,
Omaha, Neb.
Homeserkers' mcoralons.
Very low rates via. Missouri Pacific to
certain points In Kansas, Oklahoma, Mis
souri, Texas, etc., on Tuesday, July 4.
stop-overs allowed. Three weeks to make
the trip. Full Information at Union sta
tion or city offices. 8. E. corner Fifteenth
and Farnam street. Omaha, Neb.
THOMAS F. GODFREY, Passenger and
Ticket Agent.
"The Line llenntltal."
Lehigh Valley railroad. Delightful route
to New York, Philadelphia and Atlantic
coast resorts. Five through trains dally.
Dining cars, a la carte. Connects at Buf
falo and Niagara Falls with all trains from
the west.
For time tables and descriptive matter
address George Eade, Jr., Western Passen
ger Agent, 218 South Clark St., Chicago, 111.
Men's, bova'. children's rlnrlilnv h-t-
ladles' suits, skirts, millinery, etc.. cash or
crean. reopie s store, luui and Farnam,
Royal Arcanum I'nlon meeting In Cham
bers' academy Thursday evening, July ft.
MAUL Undertaking Co. Kst. 1W4. Tol. 22S.
Have Root print It.
Veterans to Hold I'lenle.
Crook Post Grand Army of the Republlo
ana ltihih oman s iieiu i corps will nold
their annual picnic at Rivervlew park
louny. Arraniceuienis nave oeen maae lor
an enjoyable time. It Is the intention for
post anil corps to assemiile at their hall,
Twenty-fifth and Ames avenue, and pro
ceed In a liody to the park by street cars,
bavin the post hall about 10 o'clock this
morning. The picnic will continue all day
The county court house la closed to all
business today.
Robert E. Gamble of York has been
given his discharge In voluntary bank
Rose Moore has been granted a divorce
from Johrl P. on the ground of cruelty and
All of the federal offices will be closed
Tuesday In order that the officials and
office forces may properly celebrate the
Glorious Fourtn.
Weslev C. Wood, farmer, of Rlooinfield.
Knox county. Nebraxka, has filed his vol
untary petition In bankruptcy in the United
Utates district court. ills liabilities are
scheduled at I Hr.- and his assets at S.oO.
P.arnev Kemmerllng and Tom Morrlsev.
whose names have been Inscribed on the
police blotter on sundry occasions, were
sentenced to thirty days each when ar
raigned Monday morning before Police
Juune Ilerka on charges of vagrancy.
Rev. H. D. Polk, colored, nasi or of the
Hi. aiorian ttaptist cnurcn. nas reported
to the police the loss of a raglan coat and
one rator. The articles were taken from
MS home lolS North Twentieth street, bv
thieves who broke a lock on the front door.
Minnie Stewart Is suing Abraham for
divorce, after nine years of married life.
blie alleges an assault with a rator In
January. and sets up other charges
of cruelty. She desires to resume her
maiden name or Huckner, asks to be al
lowed an attorney fee and also alimony.
Walter Whitlow, colored, and his wife,
who is white, wen fined t-3 and costs an
$5 and costs, respectively, when arraigned
in police court Monday morning. The
prisoners were sal.l to have been engaged
in a ngru wnen omcers i rowe ana tlalier
man put a iuietus on the domestic melee,
Former State Senator Frank M Currle
has riled a suit in the Douglas county dis
trict court against Augustus W. Clarke,
In which be asks to recover I-'S'I SI. Plain
tiff and defendunt were partners In a dea
to buy, feed and break range horses In
10 and Mr. Currle alleges that there Is
due him on account ot the partnership the
sum nameu.
Monday aftermon Rryan Kogan and
George Davla or south Omaha were ar
rested by Detectives Mitchell and Davis
and charged at the city Jail with larceny
from the person. It is alleged the men
tole a diamond from Miss Klla Norwise
while she was asleep in her apartments a
Nineteenth and 81. Mary's avenue. The
diamond Is said to have been taken out o
a ring.
Ieonore Romholt has begun suit In ti."
district court to iul i title to her home In
Bouih Omaha, situated on lois lo, 11 and 12.
block a. Corrixan Place addition. Phe al
leges that she Uuut the lots with her
ovn money and built thereon a house, on
which there is an incumbrance. Jacob
Klein has obtained a Judgment against
her hutihand Charles Romholt, and she asks
that the sheriff b restrained by the court
from attempting to sell the property until
Ucr rUilils ai passed ou.
s 4 mm 1 ,wm p
The Strong Man Who Keeps Ak-Sar-Ben's Strong I?ox.
Big Increase of Business Shown by an
Omaha Organisation.
Flntterlnsr F.vldence of Oninha'a Pros
perity Made by the Showing; of
the Omaha Loan and
UulldluK Association.
The semi-annual report of the Omaha
Loan and Building association. Just com
pleted, presents flattering evidence of pros
perity among the home makers of Omaha
and South Omaha. During the six months
period the association's business Increased
121 ,000, bringing the total assets up to
S915,000. Earnings amounted to HJ.IOS, out
of which a semi-annual dividend of 3 per
cent was declared. The net surplus for
the half year Is S3.5u0, which swells the
fund for contingent losses to 125,010.
A feature of the report showing the
prosperity of the people hereabouts is the
notable Increase In the Item of loans re
paid. The total Is f'9.819, against $77,300
for the last half of 1901. Supplementing
this favorable showing Is a decrease In
withdrawals and an Increase In savings
deposits, resulting In a sharp Increase In
the cash balance. Receipts for the six
months amounted to $3S2,D'j7.
For the third time In Its business life
the Omaha association reduces tho Interest
rate for loans. The present reduction Is
from 70 to 66 cents per month on each J100,
bringing the rate under 8 per cent. Be
sides this, borrowers are given the right
to have each $100 (aid In on plcdfred shares
credited directly to their loans, reducing
the principal to that amount. These
changes are substantial gains for home
getters, Justified by the steady growth of
the association, and are calculated to
stimulate home building In the twin cities.
"Three Ways to Go to New York" gives
an idea of what can be accomplished by
a great railroad and two steamboat lines.
Here Is a variety whose every prospect
pleases. A copy will be sent free, post
paid, to any address on receipt of a 2-cent
stamp by George H. Daniels, General Pas
senger Agent, New York Central & Hud
son River Railroad, Grand Central Sta
tion, New York.
BlaT Day for Little lllsmarck.
Justice of the Peace William Altstarlt
was feeling so Jubilant Monday morning
mai ne iorgoi 10 wuii ror nis cnange. 'i h
occarlon for all this hilarity was the arrival
of a son at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Guy
C. Spencer. Eighteenth and Manderson
streets. The little newcomer Is a areat-
gramtson of Mr. Altstadt. "Little Rib-
niariK will celebrate the auspicious event
next Thursday, when he will be 70 years
of age.
Drank and Liberal.
John McLean, a farmer living at Wahoo,
Neb., gave away too much money yesterday
afternoon and landed In Jail. McLean
started up Sixteenth street giving his
money to small boys whom he met on the
way, and before he had nne very far
had a large crowd of followers. Iater
he wanted to take a buggy ride and at
tempted to stop several horses going down
the street. Officer Crowe sent him to the
station for being drunk and for safe keep
ing. Marriage l icense.
The following marriage licenses have
been Issued:
Name and Residence. aa
iiiirii v.seroerB, Ulliunn.,,,
Emma Anderson, Omaha
. H. Mensley, Omaha ,
Nellie Grace, Omaha ,
John Howard. Omaha
Alice M. RolM-rts, On. aha
Walter Ervln, South Omaha
.. ffi
.. 24
.. M
.. 20
.. 24
Lllrabeth M. 1-ankfonl, South Oman
a.. 23
James O. Sexton. Ies Moines, la
Nellie Deuton, Des Moines, la
Charles E Coutts, Ashland, Neb
Julia E. Madsall, Ashland, Neb
Bert McKlnney, Omaha
Pearl M. Hamhust. South Omaha
leonard Stephenson, Omaha
Irene 1-ankford, Omaha
Clark Farmer, Shenandoah, la
Sarah Shafter, Shenandoah. Ia
Clarence H. Wade, Magnolia, la....
Magdalene Cress. Magnolia, la
Clinton Edwards, Magnolia. Ia
lottle Savage, Magnolia, Ia
flomon McGee, South Omaha
.inula Howard. Perry. Okl
Truman II. Sabine. Omaha
I'rudence L. Barrett, Omaha
.... 27
.... IS
.... 46
.... 64
.... 21
.... 18
.... 25
.... 21
.... 24
.... 21
.... 21
.... a
.... 23
.... 21
.... 33
.... i2
.... 23
.... 84
.... 26
Joseph Tierney, Omaha ..
Katherlne Collins. Omaha
1-K wedding rings. Kdholm. Jeweler.
O'BRIEN Patrick, Saturday, July 1. at St.
Joseph's hospital, aged 7 years 4 months.
Funeral Wednesday $ . m. from 61.
l Ut uiiurcU. ) (loud Invited.
Trustees nf Tenth Street Methodist
Not Itendy to Act on
The board of trustees of the South
Tenth street Methodist Episcopal church
will meet at the residence of the pastor,
Rev. D. W. McGregor, 1007 Pierce: street,
next Wednesday evening, when It Is
thought that bids for the erection of
the new church building which has been
planned will be opened. The meeting was
to have been held last night, but owing to
the Inability of two of tho members to be
present the meeting was postponed. Thus
far there haa been seven bldB received,, five
of which have not ye.t benu opened. The
two bids which were opened calls for 118.000
and $2K,000 respectively. It IS thought that
after the meeting Wednesday night the con
tract will be let and the work commenced
at once. The new church will be located
at Tenth and Pierce streets. Just south
of the present location.
Conicrrsaiuan Kennedy Appoint
Georite F. f'l.-irk of Omaha
and Two Alternates.
Congressman Kennedy has made the fol
lowing appointments of candidates for the
West Point Military academy: Principal,
George K. Clark of Omaha; alternates,
O'Connor C. Smith of Blair, and Grover C.
Aker of Blair. These young men suc
cessfully passed the examination held here
last week, and Monday the announcement
of tjie appointment was made.
Charles L. Byrne, who stood second on
the examination could not be named as an
alternate for the reason that he Is not
a resident of this congressional district.
The appointees are to report nt Fort
Leavenworth, Kan., for examination on
May 1, 1906.
Dr. Shepard. 3o8 N. Y. Life. Hours 10 to S.
fciiilth Mile the Ilrlrk.
Simon Olander, a pawnbroker on North
Sixteenth street was hit In the head with
a hrlck fhrown at him by Harry Smith, a
coacalne tlend well known to the police.
Smith and Olander became entangled In a
quarrel over the purchase of some goods
In the hitter's establishment, and after
Smith went out of the store he secured the
brick which lie hurled through the open
door of the pawnshop. Olander was not
seriously hurt. Smith was locked , up
charged with assault.
The sijrna of the times point to an enor
mous increase of intelligent public interest
in health: to a Dew generation with purer,
stronger blood aud therefore more active.
braver brains sua
body. No phys
ically robust,
healthy person
ever succumbed,
to grip, consump
tion, malaria or,
any other germ
disease. But with
a weakened sys
tem we all have
to fight the germs
of disease.
Our blood is
often in a fer
tile condition
for the
growth of
the germs
ot disease
our stom
ach is disordered
or our liver is tor
pidin either casa
our blood does not
set the proper
nourishment. A
torpid liver means
stagnation of
the blood and an
accumulation of
poison which
furnishes a weak
pot for bacteria to enter.
To enrich the blood and increase the
red blood corpuscles, Dr. Pierce years ago
found a rentable compound, which he
called Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov
ery, that would quickly cur the bad symp
toms by increasing the red blood corpus,
cle ana thereby feeding the nerve on rich
blood. This " Medical Discovery " also act
upon the digestion and assimilation of food,
o that the blood get it proper element
from the products of digestion. Feed the
lungs, stomach and heart on rich red blood
mod you hav surely healthy body which
will throw off the germ of disease which
lurk everywhere. Get a near nature'
y a you can. A medicine made entirely
from botanical extract and which does not
contain alcohol it the safest. Dr. Pierce'
Golden Medical Discover contains neither
alcohol nor narcotic.
1 -
... 1
Street Car Employes Circulate Petitio
Which Borne Unionists Bign.
Petitioners Say Waaea Are Xot Com
mensurate Tilth l.lilaft El
pfnfi(ifnral Mannner
ftmlth aa a Word.
A petition originating among tho non
union carmen of the Omaha & Council
Illuffs Street Railway Is being circulated
ut the various car barns which reads:
We, the undersigned, carmen In the serv
ice of the Omaha & Council Hluffs Street
railway respectfully petition your hon
orahle body for an increase of waises.
since the cost of rent and living has been
Increased so that we cannot pay our bills.
No specific Increase Is asked, nor any
gradation mentioned. The articles are be
Iiik pretty generally signed by both union
and nonunion men. Among the union men
the sentiment la divided. The more radical
members contend that all such advantages
should be sought through the medium of
the union. Some of these have openly op
posed and refused to sign the articles and
express themselves as very skeptical as to
the results, believing that the company un
doubtedly will Ignore the petition. Those
of milder sentiment say It will do no harm
either to the men or to the union to al
low this petition to circulate. "If the
Increase Is granted, well and good; If not,
there will bo a reaction In favor of the
The petition will be presented to the com
pany as soon as a full Quota of names has
been secured.
Mr. Smith Talks.
General Manager Smith of the company
raid he had not heard anything about the
petition except that some such a paper
was being circulated, but he did not know
what It contained ot what the employes
were asking. He said the carmen of
Omaha were better paid than any other
street railway employes In the Missouri
valley and he did not think there was any
dissatisfaction among the. men. Borne of
the men had been with the company for
twenty years and all were treated fairly.
If a man thought he could better himself
In some other line of business the company
never was put out over his going, but on
the other hand would give him preference
over new men If he wished at any time
to return.
Chronic Diarrhoea.
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy Is the most successful medi
cine in the world for bowel complaints, and
Is the only remedy that will cure chronic
diarrhoea. Announcements of the Theaters.
A specnl Fourth of July matinee will te
given at the Itoyd theater this afternoon,
the Ferris Stock company presenting "The
Inside Track," a sensational comedy-drama
by Oliver Dowd Hyron.
foe In I and Candy Sale.
The Christian Endeavor society of the
Clifton Mill Presbyterian church will give
a social ana candy cale on nennett s lawn,
42S; Grant street, this afternoon and even
ing. Unique arrangements and candy de
vlcef of a patriotic charucter are to be
the chief features.
sFgs sTorrco off
f rnnifaur
"I B-T-r saw two
such rltlrs anjrwhr
gpokana and S-at
tl. It my oldest
lioy waa laiya anougb
to ba choosing a
plare, I would adTaa
him to lorata In ona
or tha other of thoan
clttrs and It la a
hit -up betwaaa
iuthuH) ItluitriUd
saCHuac cstitu
nlnn I'arlflo Ry.,
C. N. W. Rr , or
C. U. & Q. Ry.,
and everybody In Omaha should wear
a pair of our celebrated 33 50 tan Ox
fords. Tuns are always popular for
summer Wear because they are cooler
than a black shoe and more comfort
able to the feet..
Not a stle or last made that we do
not carry In this $:t.fsi tan oxford
Come In and see them and let us fit
your feet as they should be fitted, for
DrexelShoe Co.
1419 Farnam Si.
Omaha' t'p-to-Data laoa Hons.
Every Woman
uuwMiia ana noma mo
fc'soul th wonuural
MARVEL Whirling Spry
f near ihuu ftyrtua. jtot.
It it. ctnnoi ,uii j the
biabis -!. ,-'a4 to
ou.r. tiu arud aiAiuit for
tl I i.ilrm i M t Hk - .-.W. ( gives
t 'ill particular, and In.
TitluaU. la, I ra. M H k.1, O..
a. ST., HW tUHk.
or Mae Li
IClUEFtR i Uitu bluKEs istb d sis.' bo. Guana, iiih and N sia.
1 mmm s
at ''V.WV I t
V. JNyvr X ssl-aloall'er.sslsnt.
'lt',f"'ina, IHUaam..aiaU.
vuuiiuu niuni, sia amu M.ia sis.
KCllN CU. Ula uil lulM alj-Mtc
111)! QMt S'Sffls
aVsai nf her life- lln-nminff
mother should be
nource of
danper incident to the ordeal makes its anticipation one of misery.
Mother's Friend is the only remedy which relieves women of the great
pain and danger of maternity ; this hour which is dreaded as woman'
severest trial is not only made painless, but all the danger is avoided
by its use. Those who ue this remedy are no longer desjxndent of
gloomy; nervousness, nausea and other distressing conditions ara
overcome, the system is made ready for the coming ertat, and the)
serious accidents so common to the critical
hour are obviated by the use of Mother's H fl f f?&, rvfr
Friend. "It it worth its weight in pold." iJ81Bii3il H
says many who have used it. fi.oo per IfSVf UBbwh V
bottle at drug stores. Book containing
valuable' information of interest to
be sent to any address free upon
Through Tourist Sleepers
to the Northwest
The Hurlington is now running through Pullman
tourist sleopors daily between Omaha and Spokane,
Wash., leaving Omaha at 11:10 P. M.
This through sleeper pervice will be found very eon
venient by those using the Burlington-Northern Pacific
direct Northwest line between the Missouri Valley and
Puget Sound, either going to or returning from the Port
land Exposition; no tour of the Coast is complete unless it
includes the Shasta route and the Puget Sound country.
For full information, tickets, berths, etc., apply to
Are you weak, don't feel rlfrht,
nerves shattered, suffering from hid
den drains and weaknesses, despond
ent, lifeless, without ambition. Im
paired memory, eatUly fatigued, ex
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