Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 04, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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Trlrpriorir 004.
wtim y-rrrm tn ttin MtM ?o
fan iffor4 ti kep j-nur tm
r. tn4 hn ynq'r. In 'h
ronii rnvi ns't sSir
to InoM It.
Our nnnunl prcat Special ("hearing Sale of Wah Moods com
mences Wednesday, July oth. ot only one bargain but hundreds
of tho choicest wash poods of the season go at great price reductions.
It will he, well tn remember tlmt evety
ynrd placed on special sale In this sea
son's styles anil the regular price quotod Is
the sam you have been psyln "H
son the reduced prices are bonnflde re
durtlon. On sale Wednesday morning at
8 o'clock.
5c Per Yard-
Thin lot will Include a line of beautiful
lawns and suitings that have sold at
loo per yard. In thin alc Wednesday
6c per yard.
!0c Per Ya.rd-
This lot will Include all our milting;,
batistes, voiles, etamlnes, etc., that nan?
sold at l",c per yard. In this sale Wed
nesday, loc per yard.
V.ECA. Building, Corner Sixteenth and DougUi Stmt
City, where they were hastily filed with
the secretary of state. Yesterday a con
ference of Chicago, Kansas City and To
peka bankers Interested In Mr. Devlin's
affairs was held at Kansas City. The con
ference lasted several hours and at Its
close late last night It was announced that
the question of raising a large sum of
money needed by the holding company to
keep the Devlin properties going was dis
cussed. The following named banks were repre
sented at the conference: The Corn Ex
change bank of Chicago, the Continental
bank of Chicago, the Central Trust com
pany of Chicago, the American National
bank of Kansas City, the City National
bank of Kansas City, the Central National
bank of Topeka and tho First National
bank of Topeka.
Mr. Devlin's wealth Is largely In coal min
ing properties In southern Kansas In the
vicinity of Marcellne. Mo., and In Illinois.
These properties Include the following:
Mount Carmel coal mines, Toluca coal
mines, the Marquette third vein mines, the
Devlin Coal company, the Devlin-Miller
Coal company, the Crawford County Mining
company, the Pittsburg & Midway Coal
compftny-the Kansas City Coal and Coke
company, the Southwestern Fuel company,
the Wiley Coal company and the Marcellne
Coal company.
Creditors Will Advance Funds.
All the money needed to make It possible
to turn over Devlin's properties tojhe. cor
poration formed here last Saturday to
handle the estate will bo raised by a
creditors' committee, formed here today,
according to a statement given out tonight
by attorneys for Mr. and Mrs. Devlin. The
members of this committee are:
C. B. Jobes, president of the American
National bank of Kansas City, chairman;
Judge Elijah Robinson, attorney for the
National Bank of Commerce of Kansas
City; A. A. McClanahan, representing tho
Continental Trust company of Chicago; Mr.
Farnam, representing the Fourth National
bank of St. Lmiis; Charles 8. Oleed, presi
dent of the Missouri and Kansas Telephone
company, who Is to be president of the
Corporation formed to operate the Devlin
' The committee was agreed upon by Dev
lin's chief creditors. The formation of this
committee, it said, removes all obstacles
tn the way of tlu successful carrying out
of the intent of the Devlin corporations.
' The Journal tomorrow will say:
A Kansas City bank tonight received an
Inquiry from Baltimore Indicating that
Devlin owes J710.000 to a trust company
Of that city.
It Is known that Devlin and his corpora
tions owe the First National of Topeka
(1,100,000; also owe other banks In Topeka
something like $500,000. They also owe
Kansas City banks nearly $1,000,000; St.
Louis. $350,000; Chicago about the samo
Comptroller Names Receiver.
WASHINGTON. July 8. The comptroller
of the currency has appointed National
Bank Examiner J. T. Bradley receiver of
the First National bank, Topeka, Kan.
Illness Causes Trouble.
CHICAGO. July J The whole trouble In
volving Mr. Devlin's affairs and those of
the First National bank of Topeka came as
a result of an attack of apoplexy two
weeks ago, which rendered Mr. Devlin in
capable of transacting business. Had ha
remained In his accustomed state of health,
say Chloago banker who are Interested
In the First National, he would have been
able to prevented trouble.
At the Corn Exchange bank here It was
said today that the first named bank at
Topeka carried a comparatively small ac
count with the Corn Exchange bank.
Porta Hlcan Trsrhrn Rrtoti.
NEW YORK, July 8 8lxty American
school teachers from Porto Rico, returning
to their homes for the vacation, arrived
In this city today on the steamer i'hila
delphia from Ban Juan.
Regatta at Henley.
HENLEY, England. July i -Owing to the
large number of entries In the regatta this
week three preliminary bouts fur the
Thames cup and seven heats for the dia
mond sculls were rowed off this afternoon.
Makes thelittlesnpper
complete. Order a case.
sub Omaha. a.
Omaha Headquarter
14th A Douglas. Tel. 1641.
Co bluffs Headquarters
Kill Main Btrsot, TaT SB.
neivmr TOP
Bpp. July 4, 1003.
Great Special
Clearing SaJe of
Wash Goods
15c Per Yard
This lot will Include all cf our 3he mer
cerlied Jacnuards. 2oc Venetian veilings,
I.V? Eirypt Ian tissue, V checked voiles,
3o Arnold's organdies, 15T linen suit
ings, etc. In this sale Wednesday, 15o
per yard.
25c Per Yrd
This lot will Include all of our 11 00 Im
ported novelty voiles, 46c silk ginghams,
Vc ellk.Lumlneaux, 60c crepe de medlces,
4oc Imported suitings, 7Se embroidered
linen suitings, etc. In this sale Wed
nesday, 25c per yard.
Ooods are all displayed on the counters.
Do not fall to take advantage of this great
opportunity to buy choice wash materials
at prices of undesirable ones. On sale
Wednesday morning at S o'clock..
(Continued from First rage.)
clal agency the torpedo boat destroyer
Smotllvy with a volunteer crew has sailed
from Odessa with the Intention of sinking
the Kniai Potemklns.
With Kustenjl and other unprotected
ports of Roumanla, Bulgaria and Turkey
at the mercy of the battleship's guns and
with the Inability of Vice Admiral Kruger's
squadron to interfere with Its career, ta
citly admitted by retiring them from com
mission, this desperate expedient was
seised upon to prevent International com
plications and to rid the ea of
The Admiralty, however, It should bo
stated, does not admit that the Smctllvy
has gone on such an errand, though the
officials say frankly that the Kniai Fotem
klne must in law be regarded as a pirate.
As much as Russia as a matter of prin
ciple would like to see the provisions of
the treaty of Paris closing the Dardanelles,
abrogated, the Foreign office would oppose
the passage of foreign warships as a tem
porary expedient, declaring tha occasion
did not warrant such a measure.
Foreign Minister Lamsdorff told several
ambassadors who called upon him to in
quire as to the safety of foreigners that
the situation was far less grave than pic
tured In some dispatches.
Orders have been sent to the officers of
the George Pobledonosetz,, who resumed
charge after the mutineers were put
ashore, to take the- vessel to Bebastopol.
General Karakoioff has been appointed to
restore order at Odessa and his first act
was to offer to employ 20,000 Idlers In clear
ing the ruined part. He also took precau
tions to prevent a Jewish massacre.. ,
The government propose to give out a
statement of killed and wounded today.
', ' -
Disorder at Other Point.
At Kieff the first mobilisation trouble
occurred. The reservists attacked and
wounded several policemen and plundered
liquor shops. The Jews are avoiding serv
ice by flight.
More serious In Its way, however, was
the refusal of the disciplinary battalion at
Kherson to obey orders. They attacked
their captain and killed their colonel. The
latter, when mortally wounded by bayonets,
marched his soldiers to barracks and then
sank dying.
The effervescense In Poland has again
commenced. Police have been attacked
with bombs and In several places there
have been collisions between the troops
and the populace. At Kalti five were
Other revolutionaries In other parts of
the country are making the most of the
opportunity to preach strikes and disorder
and the lntelllgencla propose a general
stoppage of activity by all professional
Moscow is comparatively quiet, but there
Is much nervousness over the ugly attitude
of the workmen. About half of all the
trades have again struck and It is believed
that the strike will spread. Cossacks had
to use knouts near Putlloff yesterday after
noon and grave trouble Is not unlikely.
While commerce at both St. Petersburg
and CronBtadt is at a standstill, the report
that Cronstadt has been closed to foreign
shipping Is untrue. The strike of 'long
shoremen continues and the sailors, though
not mutlnlous, are openly declaring their
sympathy with their comrades tn the Eux
Ine sea.
At the embassies the seriousness of the
situation la fully realized, but the diplomats
advise their callers to keep their heads
and not become alarmist.
Strike In Nevsky Ship Yards.
The strike of the Nevsky shipyards which
began yesterday became general this morn
lug. Between 5,000 and 8,000 strikers held
a meeting In the courtyard of the works.
Subsequently the men attempted to form
a procession. Thereupon the authorities
requistloned BOO Cossacks, who dispersed
the men with the free use of their whips.
There Is marked excitement In labor circle.
During the afternoon there were several
collision between the police and striker
on the Schlusselburg causeway and the
Cossacks, who were summoned, chargod
and dispersed the workmen with their
The executive committee of the League of
Professional Leagues is proposing a procla
mation calling on all professional men In
Russia to refuse to perform their pro
fesslonal duties until the promised reforms
are realised and a true parliament Is
convention of Indastrtal VnlonUt
Make this Coraerstono of
Their Oraaalsatloa.
CHICAGO. July I -The convention of th.
Industrial Unionists today adopted a pre
amble to the constitution of the new or
ganisation. Th preamble declare for the
general strike as the only means by which
the Interests of th working class can be
"Only by an organisation formed In uch
a way that all worker In an Industry or
In all Industrie will If necessary cease
work In the event of a strlk or lockout
can the Interest of labor be upheld." says
the clause. "Injury of one 1 th' Injury
vi an.
Steeplejack la Dead.
TURK, July 1-John
known throughout the country as a steeple!
Jack, who had climbed many steeples and
sta.ks without accident, is dead from
fall on a staircase. Hi wa U year old
and pain Lara tivui Baa franoiaou aUul a
Number of Dsnd at Cntnajnato Estimated
from 200 to 1,000.
Storm Itroke Saturday Afternoon
Without Warnlna; and lsny Per
sons Were Dronnfil In
the Plnsn.
GUANAJUATO. Mexico, July 8. Iss of
life variously estimated at more than W
and less than l.Ono persons and property
damage to the extent of over $l,0o.00 have
been Caused by the flood which has swept
over the town as the result of a cloud
burst. Federal telegraph service has been
restored and the authorities are rapidly
bringing order out of chaos.
Great sufferlux Is prevalent, but aid Is
being received from surrounding towns and
a semblance of normal conditions, It is
believed, will soon be reached. Burial of
the dead Is progressing rapidly, although
many bodies are thought to be among the
ruins of houses and are difficult to locate.
The disaster that has come upon this
city Is unparalled In Its long history, dur
ing which many floods have been recorded
In times past. Guanajuato, owing to Its
situation. In ft great ravine or gorge, has
been subjected to floods sweeping down
from tho mountains and much loss of life
has been recorded, but tho present storm,
which began Friday night and continued
through Saturday, was unprecedented.
BesrlnnlnsT of the Storm.
Before 4 o'clock Saturday afternoon
clouds banked up threatening and black In
the northeast, and In less than twenty
minutes rain came down In torrents, and
the water surged down the streets with
great violence. Part of the river, which
was built over with masonry, burst
through, augmenting the flood, and the
scene became one of terror and consterna
tion. The people made hnsto to gather
their valuables and flee, and many did so
at the risk of their lives, for the streets In
the lower part of the city were filled with
rushing waters and the roar of wind and
rain added to the general panic. With
one rush the mighty flood burst Its bonds,
foundations of solid masonry were under
mined and many buildings fell with a
crash. Their Inmates In many cases were
crushed beneath the falling masonry.
Many Drowned on Plasn.
From the center of the city the flood
rolled to both sides of the town and the
people madly rushed ou' to flee to the
mountains, many being ciught and swept
oway. At the time when the storm seemed
likely to abate and before Its great In
tensity was felt there was a crowd of
merrymakers In the jSasa. Gaming opera
tors had scarcely timj to set up their tables
and place their Tioney thereon when the
flood rushed down from the hills, sweeping
away booths, money and tables. Many
people were then and there drowned. Each
man fought his way out of the flood.
trampling down whoever came In his way.
and thus many women and children
perished. A large number of people had
sought refuge In the church of San Diego,
but were crushed to death under Its falling
walls. The priest, who was add
words of hope and consolation to the peo
ple, was killed. Four hotels and some large
shops were demolished or badly Injured
and some of the noblest mansions were
demolished or badly Injured and some of
the mansions in the city were wrecked
with their rich furnishings. The large
building occupied by Dwight Furness as
the American consulate was flooded to the
second story windows.
Street Car Line Wrecked.
The Street car line between this citv
and the town of Maraftlo was wreekeH
much of the track being washed away!
while the mules wro drowned.
The second floor of the Hotel Union Is
under Ave feet of water. The governor of
the state and city authorities have worked
day and night trying to preserve order
and to control the bands of thieves who
are harraslng their lives In the work of
pillaging shops and mansions. The old
electric plant was destroyed, but the new
plant wa saved.
The bodies of the people drowne1 .re
being taken to houses in the higher streets.
ine famous I Olla dam Is Intact.
ine money loss is hard to estimate and
may reach over a million dollars. Many
people are still camping In the mountains.
Five Hundred Dead.
The number of dead Is now estimated
at about 600. Over 200 bodi-s have already
uvea recovered, ine property loss will
pass $1,600,000.
Railroad connection is conmletelv de
stroyed and very few reports are coming
inruuBn on me one telegraph wire which
Is left and working under great difficulties.
ine government has subscribed Iffi.noo tn
the relief fund. The mines were not dam.
Train C.oes Through Itrlilge.
MEXICO CITY. Mex.. July 8. -The brldae
on the Mexican Central railroad between
Irapua and Slloa fell as the southbound
passenger train was passing early Sunday
morning. The baggage and third-class
coach fell Into the river. Seven passengers
were killed and thirty-four injured. No
first class passengers were hurt.
Four Spill nt Morris Pnrk On Hor
Fatally Hurt and Four Less
Seriously Injured.
NEW YORK, July S.-A aeries of seri-
ou accident attended the first session of
auto racing at Morris park today. While
driving a ninety-horse power car in the
heavyweight championship race, at a speed
of not less than a mile a minute, Paul
Sartorl dashed through a fence, fatally In
juring a boy named Joseph Hollahan, who
was looking on. Bartorl himself escaped.
There were four starters in the race. At
the three-quarter turn a crowd of fifty
hoy collected around th fence on the
outer curve and as Bartorl appeared sev
eral of them started to cross the track.
They became confused and so did Bar
torl. He turned and before he Could pre
vent It his car crushed Into the outside
In the meantime the other cars went on.
On the last lep Robert's car threw a tire
and was overturned after he had Just man
aged to swerve out of the way of the
following cars. Roberts fell clear of his
car. but had three ribs fractured. Webb
Jay won the rac in fast time, beating
Chevrolet out oy nesrly a quarter of a
lap. Jay's, last mile was covered In
seconds, which I a world' reoord for that
While whirling about the track in a pre
liminary spin before the race a tire of
Dan Wurgls' high powered Red Bird burst,
causing the machine to crash Into th fence,
tearing away twenty feet of railing and
then overturned, burying Wurgls beneath
It. He escaped with severe cuts and bruises.
Just before the race began a car In
which were Mr. Delancey Cain and her
maid ran Into the car of Mrs. C. H. Dale.
Mr. Cain and her maid wer both cut by
flying glass.
The Thomas' cup race, four lap, i U
mile, wa won by Webb Jay, time, 6:&6s.
Webb Jay also won the diamond cup rac
at the same distance In 1 :18V.
i Paul Kruar mad a wurU rui4 la
the one-mile motor cycle trial, doing the
distance In one minute.
Objection to Assessment Tlnn to ray
for Ileml Park nemoustru nee
to Addition by Hoard.
Notice tfcnt protests will be made against
the proposed assessment plan to raise
$l.t.RC2 tnxrs to pty for the property to be
acquired on the southeast corner of Bemls
park and the latter' enlargement was
made to the special city board of equalisa
tion Monday mornlrg.
The district to be taxed, at proposed by
the plan, takes in only territory between
Thirty-third and streets and
from Cuming to Hamilton streets. Pro
testants declare the dlsf-.-lct should be
extended to Fortieth street on the west.
Twenty-eighth street on the east and rea
sonable distances In other directions.
Another protest to the rlan comes from
E. T. Gurske. owner of lot 6. block 4.
Lowe's Second addition, who wants tho
whole matter knocked out and the prop
erty not bought. He says that being on
the corner of two streets, each having
street car lines, the expansion Is not
suited to park purposes, but his complaint
Is based upon the weight of the tax and
he declares that property owners have all
the burdens they can bear at the present
time without adding new ones. The as
sessment against his lot Is $126.
The pet"onB who object to the small as
sessment district ore the very ones who
Induced the council to make the con
demnation, stating that they were ready
and willing to foot the bills. They are
residents of Bemls Fark and did not like
the kind of structures on the ground it is
proposed to take in.
Upon the advice of City Attorney Breen
members of the board will sit on the
morning of July 4, but will put all mat
ters In the hands of the city clerk in tha
afternoon. The latter will keep open
house. The board meeting will take a re
cess until 10 o'clock Wednesday mori.!ng,
when It will hear arguments and decide
upon the Hemls park protests.
There Is small poslblllty of a council
meeting Tuesday night. The session prob
ably will go over to Wednesday evening.
Missing Dc Moines Attorney Still
Lost from General
There are no new developments In the
search for Virgil H. White, the Des Moines
lawyer who as last seen at Council
Bluffs Tuesday evening of last week. Hon.
Fred White, father of the young man, was
again In Omaha Monday morning and
called on Chief of Police Donahuo with a
bunch of circulars to be sent out to the
various police and detective departments
of the country.
"There is nothing new In the case," said
Former Congressman White. "I went to
St. Libory, Neb., to see the young man
reported as answering the description of
my son, but my trip was frultfcss, the
young man referred to being another
"I have about exhausted every means of
search here and feel nearly exhausted my
self. I have lost my appetite and will re
turn home this afternoon to await any
news that may be forthcoming In the
matter. The whole thing has been a severe
ordeal on me. At first we thought Virgil
had been drowned, which supposition we
were led to believe when we found the
canoe overturned. Then Mr. Hume met
Virgil at Defiance and let my son slip
through his fingers, a It were. I can be
oddressed at Webster, la., where I get my
mall and have telephonic communication."
The elrcular sent yut suites that a reward
of $50 will be given for'lnformatlon leading
to the detention of .Virgil White, and gives
the description of the young lawyer, as al
ready published In -The Bee. The Informa
tion is also given that the son has been
using the assumed name of Henry Klrk
hart of Newklrk since he left home.
Explosive Is Dropped In 'by
and Goes Off with
A traveling man. evidently a stranger In
the city, was standing at the corner of
Harney and Sixteenth streets at noon
Monday waiting for a car to the depots.
He had set down his grip and was holding
his hat out in a beseeching sort( of way
with one hand while mopping his brow
with the other. A young hoodlum pass
ing ct the moment had Just lighted a
noisy firecracker and he dropped It into th
stranger's hat. The firecracker had no
sooner settled itself In the hat than It
went off, and the stranger dropped the
hat and his handerchief and involuntarily
gave the hat a kick. In the meanwhile
the car he was waiting for had passed on
and the boy hiked down Sixteenth street.
The stranger Just laughed a little and
waited for the next car.
General Call for a National Confer
ence to De Held In Chicago
Nest Month.
CHICAGO. July S. August 15 and 16 have
been selected by the committee on arrange
ments as the dates for the national reci
procity conference to be held In Chicago.
A general call was sent out tonight by
Chairman A. H. Sanders of the committee
on arrangements to all Industrial associa
tions throughout the country to appoint
delegates to attend the gathering. The
call states that the conference has beon
called for the purpose of urging the wisdom
of substituting In our foreign relations the
principle of reciprocity for thu of exclu
sion and retaliation.
Aberdeen Saloons Closed.
ABERDEEN, S. D., July 8 (Special. )
Consternation was created tn Aberdeen
Saturday morning when it was learned
that every saloon In town was closed. The
action followed the opinion of G. N. Wil
liamson, acting city attorney, that the city
council had no right to grant saloon
licenses, th right of the council in the
matter being purely advisory, and the
county commissioners alone having the
right to grant a license.
Alleged Forger Arrested.
SEATTLE. Wash.. Julv S E J Tm-l
an insurance agent, has been arrested here
as be was boarding a steamer for an up
sound port. He Is believed by the police to
be wanted at Dupage, 111., under the name
of Williamson, on a charge of forgery.
Dr. Lyon's
Tooth Powder
Cleanses and beautifies tha
teeth and purifies the breath.
Used by people of refinement
for over a quarter of a century.
Very convenient for tourists.
Caskt Lies in Chamber ct Commerce,
Guarded by CTalrjmen.
President Roosevelt and Member of
ronirrii will Attend Memorial
Service at Washington at
Sume llonr.
CLEVELAND, July S Guarded by four
cavalrymen, the casket containing the
body of John Hay lay today In solitary
state In the auditorium of the Chamber of
Commerce. It will remain there all of to
morrow and until 9:30 o'clock on Wednes
day morning. Everything connected with
the funeral of the secretary has thus far
been of the simplest character and It Is
the Intention of the members of the famll)
to avoid the slightest ostentation or public
display In connection with the funeral.
Save for the fact that the hearso was
escorted this morning by a troop of cavalry
on Its way from the depot to the Chamber
of Commerce, there was nothing to tell
the casual observer of today's events In
Cleveland that one of the greatest men of
the naflon, whose name was known
throughout the world, had died. One large
wreath of roses nnd sweet pens and two
crossed palms caught and held together
by a broad bnnd of purple ribbon rested
on the casket nnd on the floor at both ends
of the bier lay two other wreaths of roses.
Behind the casket was an embankment of
palms and potted plants were scattered In
profusion around the hall.
Arrival of the Body.
The body arrived at the depot of the
Lake Bhoro & Michigan Southern railway
a few minutes after 10 o'clock and, escorted
by Troop A of tho Ohio National Guard,
was taken to tno Chamber of Commerce,
where It will remain until 9:30 on Wednes
day when it will be taken to Wade chapel
In Lakeview cemetery, where brief services
will be held.
Word has been received by the local com
mittee that iTesldent Roosevelt and the
members of his cabinet, who are to act
as honorary pnll bearers, will arrive over
the Pennsylvania road at 9 o'clock Wednes
day morning. He will be driven directly
from the depot to the Chamber of Com
merce and the funeral cortege will start
for the cemetery within a few minutes
after his arrival. Immediately arter the
conclusion of the services the president
will return to his train and will be on his
way to Oyster Bay at 8 o'clock.
Memorial Service In Washington.
WASHINGTON, July 3. Acting Secretary
of State Peirco toda-y completed arrange
ments for tho memorial services which are
to be held In Washington for the late
secretary. Officers of the army and navy
and marine corps on duty In tho city will
attend In full dress uniform. A notice
was sent to members of the diplomatic
corps and public officials In this city that
the services will be held at the Church of
the Cosenant In the city of Washington.
At tho same time the funeral services over
the remains of the late secretary will be
held In the city of Cleveland.
Orders have been Issued carrying Into
effect the directions of the president to dis
play the American flag at half-mast over
the embassies and legations of this coun
try abroad, and over the forts and on
ships of the navy, as well as on all public
buildings throughout the United States.
At a meeting of the governing board of
the international bureau of American re
publics held at the State department toduy,
at which Minister Calvo of Costa Rica
presided, action was taken In respect to
the late secretary. A telegram was sent
to the president by Acting Secretary of
State Pelrce stating that the board had
adopted resolutions of profound condolence
to be sent to the president and Mrs. Hay
and had decided to Bend a floral wreath to
be placed at the funeral.
Mr. Pelrce thanked the board on behalf
of the president.
The governing board consists of all the
Latin-American representatives in Wash
ington, with the secretary of state as
chairman ex-offlclo.
Many additional messages of condolence
have been received at the State depart
ment. Among those announced today was
one from Count Casslnl, the Russian am
bassador, conveying condolence of his gov
ernment and expressing his own deep re
At the request of the president all the
available members of the cabinet will go
to Cleveland Wednesilny morning and act
as honorary pallbearers at the funeral.
Inhabitant of Western Nebraska Has
Misunderstanding with Police
Authorities of Omnhn.
Edward Halght. from somewhere in the
fastnesses of western Nebraska, aroused
the Judicial dignity of the local police court
when he told Police Magistrate Rerka he
never, until Monday morning, saw a steam
boat. Halght was picked up at an early
hour Monday morning by detectives while
the stranger was walking around the
downtown streets in an abstracted sort of
way and carrying a small bundle under
his arm. Having some misgivings as to
the right of the plain clothes men to stop
him on a public thoroughfare, Halght be
came Indignant when questioned as to his
Identity and movements at that time of
the morning. The stranger told the court
he read In the newspapers of a steamboat
having anchored at this port, so he Just got
on the steam cars Sunday and left his
hotel at an early hour Monday morning
so as not to miss the boat when It left
the dock.
When Judge Berka discharged Halght the
magistrate took occasion, to remark, "I
have seen men who never saw a left
handed monkey wrench, but In all my ex
perience as a police Judge this Is the first
man 1 have seen who never before saw a
Haight showed the court the bundle he
carried contained nothing more destructive
than two ham sandwiches, four pickles,
six doughnuts and three paper napkins.
Association Decides that It Will Not
Be Earlier than Last
Week In Audi),
The Douglas County Union Veterans'
Monument association met Monday night
at the city hall to arrange for the dedica
tion of the monument Just placed in posi
tion at Forest lawn cemetery. The matter
of arranging for the dedication was left in
the hands of a special committee consisting
of the president of the association, Mrs. T.
Yule; th secretary. Miss Clara Feenan,
and the treasurer, Mrs. Thomas Hull. Th
definite (lute was left In the hands of the
committee, but with the understanding
the ceremonies should not take place earlier
than August (. It was decided that the
dedicatory address should be delivered by
Dr. 8. K. 8uldlng of Omaha, one of the
faithful members of the monument associa
tion. A rising vote of thanks was tendered to
M. J. Feenan, through whose efforts th
monument tad been purchased at a saving
of b1) to the association. D. R. Ball was
directed to prer an engrossed copy of
this resolution and present th sam to Mr.
A. caoUoo. prevailed that ail unpaid slaUgea
to the monument fund l collected at
once nnd tlmt the remaining proceeds of
the fund over and above paying for the
monument should be devoted to the procur
ing of a large mmnm to lw mounted near
the monument. The association has al
ready received assurancs from Senator
Millard and Congressmen Kennedy of their
assistance In securing one of the condemned
cannons v)f the rivll w ir period from the
government fur this purpose.
Falls to Let Go of Testimony Attorney
Seek by All the Skill of
Attorney C. J. Smyth had a hearing be
fore Judge Kennedy .Monday morning in
his effort to collect tin the Judgment ob
tained by Mrs. Rosa llezek for
against Anton a S..uth Omaha saloon
Keeper, and Ills bondsmen. Mr. Pmvth did
not get any satisfaction at all from bis
examination of Itaatir and his bondsmen,
beyond the fact that they apparently have
no property that can be reached.
mizar lestined lie pays for what ho t.
front the brewing companies ul the rate of
so in licit a wee, line of the bondsmen said
he owns a homestead worth about $1,800
that Is encumbered, while the oth.r
not ftguro out his Possessions
worth more than $.VX). The lond, Mr. Smyth
stated, shows the men signed for tho
amount of V,W each. He tried very hard
to develop which statement as to their
property worth was true, but un,W tim
proceeding at bar Attorney Eilson P. Rich
uiu hoi ici hum. I'ojeeiion niter onjectlon
was sustained on the ground that this wns
simply a proceeding to disclose what, If
any, property the men owned.
Mr. Smyth did succeed In getting answers
which fchowed the bondsmen had signed at
the Instnnce of a third nnrtv. flno Ktwla.
man did not know Raxnr until he saw him
in conn ana ine oiner could not recall
knowing him at all. The attorney for Mrs.
Rezek commented on this state of affairs
I .. . I .. 1 ....( l..,t In. Ida t- . 1.. : 1 1 .
could not lie taken cognisance of In tho
proceeaing 10 amciose.
Sn It Comes with Dud Grace for
Hint to Illock Proof
of Will.
Judge Sears nnd a Jury are still busy with
the case In which an attempt Is being made
by Attorneys Snunders. Caley. Wharton,
Clnpp and Holmes to prove the lost Winch
will. 1'roof of the Instrument Is being op
posed by Attorneys Nolan, Gaines and
Elmer Thomas, the latter of whom Is di
rectly responsible for tile loss of the will,
as appears from the evidence so far In
troduced. During an argument on the admissibility
of certain evidence this morning Attorney
Wharton took occasion to pay his respects
to Mr. Thomas quite forcibly.
"It comes with very bad grace," he said,
"from the parties responsible for the loss
of this will to . tand up and oppose every
effort we are making to prove It."
The opposing attorney was apparently not
pleased by Mr. Wharton's allusion to his
carelessness In handling the Instrument,
which he had In charge before It disap
peared. Mrs. Amanda J. Steen, formerly Mrs.
Winch, was on the stand. She told of the
making of the will and how It had been
witnessed by Attorneys Wttpplch and Shoe
maker, and afterward by Messrs. Luther
B. Drake and Ben B. Wood In the Mer
chants' National bank. She testified that
the paper now offered In court Is a true
copy of the lost Instrument.
Justice of Peace la Assaulted by Men
Whose Flghtlnar Ho Sought
to Stop.
"I command you to keep the peace In
the name of the state of Nebraska,"
shouted Justice of the Peace Keller at
Benson Sunday night.
He was addressing a crowd of fighting
men on the public street. As usually hap
pens, the peace maker. Instead of being
blessed, was promptly slugged by the fight
ers, who paused In their struggle long
enough to hand him a pair of black eyes
and divers bruises of more or less painful
As a result of the scrlmmnge a woman
named Maud Walker was arrested and Is
now held In the county Jail on a charge
of disturbing the peace. It was necessary
to bring the prisoner to the Jail In Omaha
because on Saturday evening tho Benson
bastile was raided and made useless as a
place of confinement. A man had been
arrested at King park for. disorderly Con
duct and taken to the villa ro lockup. His
friends gathered a little later and broke
Into the building and released him. They
practically wrecked the structure.
Justice Keller Is now on the war path
after the men who slugged him. One of
them Is supposed to be a man named
Stevens, who lives- In Council Bluffs, and
the others are also known by eye-witnesses
and will soon be arrested.
Inmate of City Jail, Nicholson In
sists, Could He Profitably
Kniployed Thoa.
Councilman Nicholson again Is advocating
the establishment of a city stone yard in
which the labor of the city prisoners would
be used.
"A lot of broken stone snd concrete will
be needed In the operation of the municipal
asphalt plant," says Nicholson, "and I
think it would be economical for the city
to break Its own rock and let the prisoners
do it. At present city prisoners are a dead
loss to the taxpayers and do nothing, ex
cept to cut weeds occasionally. I believe
we could save money all nround by letting
them help out on the asphalt plant and I
think I shall try to get my proposition au
thorized and put In force."
Two yen re ago the councilman from the
Fourth lost out In trying to establish a city
stun yard. ,
Charles grits.
PLaAIR, Neb., July 3. (Special.) At his
late realdenre In I'f Soto lust Ratunlav
nftfht Charles Belts died as the clock struck
12. Of late years he has been a sufferer
from dropcy, and thin, with his advanced
age, was the caufe of his death. He was
born In StraaBhurfc, Germany. August 1,
1S19, and came to the t'nlted States In lsll.
He resided In Buffalo, N. V.. until 153.
when he came to Council muffs and clerked
for an Indian trader. In the fll of lsi4
A Skin of Beauty l a Joy Forevor,
iR. T. Folia Ooursud's Oriental
Craam or Magioal Baauttflar.
Rimofn Tan, TUrplM,
f rtKijua. Molt V.itciiti
heu, and hkia
qq Try
od betuir . mu& Ur
Aas drtectiofj. It
Lm ftuu4 tit Ut
it A? ycrm, tiid
U to k mizn.m t
U prywr.j iniie.
A cpl ft oou d irt
Uit of'kr
i tuc. 1. L. A.
Kir 4 to
vijr ct tbc fcatit
t is wti.ri-f i t
M At JVM I" lift
Will UN tlirm.
1 rifvc mtLd
rssm' m tb Mt hmrttiful t u tL
is I'tius bUua, i.i!i kx4 Kurups.
imUOPLlS, tiViitdkmliiyA. IrwM.
already hate si Ins neronnt
with u, anil the nnmtirr Is stead
ily irnnlni,
Deposits of any amount re
ceived, which mny he withdrawn
at any time.
Interest paid for ench calendar
month nt the rate of 4 per cent.
Oldest and Strongest Savings
Bank in Nebraska.
City Savings Bank
16th and Douglas Sts.
nr. went by steamer to the headwaters
tf the Missouri liver nnd thence to New
Orleans, returning to Council Bluffs, where
he remained until he cnnie to DcSoto and
started the first store In K., where he
lias continued to keep a store and attend
to It himself until one week ago. Mr.
Sells was up pointed postmaster of DcSoto
and held the olflce for thirty yenrs, when
old are compelled him to give It up.
Klrt llnvs Tor Asmnnlt.
M. Iviilev, Hrrnigned Monday morning
before Police Jml'e Iterka on a cluirKC of
assault and bntter , was sentenced to llfty
ilny In the county Jail. Pulley was ar
rested by Pepuiy Labor Commissioner Bert
Bush, who happened along wnen tliree men
were puinmelinK .lames Cnhlll, who was
bndly bruised on the hend nnd body. The
Cither nlleed assailants escaped. It is sal.l
Cahill was kicked three times on the head.
The pollee surgeons dressed the Injured
man's wounds. The trouble Is said to
have started over the refusal of one of
the four men involved to give another
money for beer.
IT'fT""" i
on tho
Glorious Fourth
Miss Madeline
100 Special Features 100
10 Big Acts 10
9 P. M
9 P. M.
i;i ;i:K thoi ri: o miai
A1)V IIKAM llenutifnl VnralUt
t'ovAi.m rorr.itT ntND
PHUF. AJI1HEW-llallonu AacensftOia
Klnrtii')ir, .rw MoTlna I'lrtur,
ItHtblna. Iloatlna and a Score of
(Ilhrr Ken to res.
The Independence Day f elebrntion
of Omaha, Mouth Omaha and Lounell
Huffs 'UIU lie at Muimwa,
at 2.30, 7:3U, 8:30 and V.'iO.
locludlnw Mailae La A erne, Jray Clay
sun, ".Millibar," and llatrs A F.rnet.
All siats 10 cents Nu mori-, no lex.
r'fi'i-lai 4th Julv Mat. Today
TonlKht .Weil. Mm snd Night
ThurHilnv iiml Hal. "I VSVek.
riU 'KS lm lio and 2&c.
M A l l N i:i:S Any Meat V.
Omaha vs. Sioux City
July 4-4-5-6
Morning 6arce July 4. Gams Called 10:30
Omaha vs. Des Moines
Friday, July 7th. Ladles' Day
Cams Calltd 3.45.
Taka a tlullsliif ul
R 1 V li R TRIP
on t lie three-dt-ek
ITKAMKIl It. t . Ul S1F.H
I .eaves fot of I"';i,I:im stn at every
sfl. lM'H.n ul 2 IS for Kinreni at :.S
fur a fifteen i.u.e emu- iluuii ths rivsr.
II V I C I) A A (' I 1 (1
Cool tireezs and a IP-od tlms.
liunad 'Irla vara KS ecnta.