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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1905)
10 TTTE OMAnA DAILY BEE: TCESDAY. JULY 4. 1905. POLITICAL GOSSIP OF STATE Sereral Eepublicaru Already in Eacs for Supreme Conn Judge. HOLCOMB ONLY FUSIONIST THUS FAR Vnr HTe nem I'nmilMr to Hare C.nt itate Convention In Omnh Itml t,ncnl fn F.s erted Effort. .ntM.nlr for 1 !. nomination for m- prfme court .Indue nrc Rrn-lnnlly cumin to j the fron'.. R.-piiHIcans wxn t' noro I numerous than democrats. Tlius far ThWf i Justice llo'comli njnears to hp the only democrat or populist who If wllllna; to ndndt that he Is a candidate. That the j JudKe will be In the race onre more Is not questioned In .llttrnl circles. Pome j of his frli n1 way the only thin that may possibly deter him Is the uncertain condi tion of his health. AmohK republic:, ns spoken of n candi dates for this office are C. I!. Utton of Falrlmry, C R. Calkins of HufTato county, John II. Ames of Lincoln. S P. Davidson of Tecumseh and K. R imffle of Omaha. These men are nil well known In the stats and In political circles. All hut Davidson nnd Calkins nre now supreme court com missioners. That make, two candidates on the republican side from the First con gressional district and one each from the Rfcond. Fourth and Plxth. Recently there has been some quiet talk of Juris Pulllvan of Columbus, former chief Justice, as a candidate on the demo cratic side, but friends of his In Omaha Insist the Judge, Is out of politics nnd Is not thinking of running for his old place on the supreme bench. Judpo V lllls P. Oldham of Kearney Is another democratic possibility. "The meeting of the republican state committee at Lincoln last week was re markably well attended, considering the -ircumstances," said Victor Ilosewater. who represents this district. "The fact Is. the committee as now made up consists for the most part of men who realise the re sponsibilities they have assumed for the party and are sufficiently Interested in the party's welfare to attend to Its business even at a sacrifice of their own. "It might have been possible to have p-otten the convention located In Omaha, had a special effort been made for that pur pose. When I reached Lincoln I found that I was' the only one of the three mem ber from this county present and was Immediately confronted with the assertion that Omaha couldn't care much for the con vention or it would have hud a full rep resentation there. "The little fight that developed on the question of apportionment turned on a larger or smaller allotment of delegates to the various counties. Every time a convention Is called the attempt Is made to select, a the basis of apportionment, the vote on some candidate who ran better in one county than he did in another. This time It was proposed to make the appor tionment on the basis of the vote for Nor rls Itrown for attorney Reneral Instead of on the hauls of the Roosevelt vote. It would have made a difference perhaps of only a few delegates to Pouplas county, but I Insisted that the Roosevelt vote was the natural and recognized test of repub lican loyalty and succeeded In persuading a majority of the committee to that view. Douglas county will have VSl delegates In a cjnventlon consisting of 1,201, and will cast, therefore, 10 2 per cent of the vote. "On the date of the convention there was also a difference of opinion, some wanting It to be as late ns September 2S and others September 21, but we finally got together on September 14. which Is a concession to Lincoln, which expects to have Its hands full with the state fair the first week in September and wanted the convention put j off until after the fair closed. Strangely enough, there was little or no talk of can- j dldatea at the meeting. The only one I I ItAnrri mentioned for tommmirv chairman ! of the convention was Senator George Shel don of Cass county." The republicans of Lancaster county al ready have called their county convention ; for July 13, the purpose belng'ln holding! It so early to make use of It In the con- ! gresslonal campaign, which Is to culminate j In the special election to be held July 18. i A significant feature of the call as Issued j In I.ancastor county, which probably will j be of Interest in Douglas county as well. Is ' the fact that It Includes among the list of candidates to be nominated the register of deeds and the county commissioners, whose terms are supposed to have been extended by the biennial elections law, which was not affected by the recent ad verse supreme court decision. The de cision to Include these offices In Incaster county Is said to have been based upon the desire to guard agulnst the Iobs of offices through a possible upsetting of other biennial elections laws In case their con stitutionality should be tested. MMIIimSIUgBl JBbHHJaFPnfrt), STORE CLOSED ALL DAY TUESDAY FOURTH of JULY On Wednesday, July 5th BEGINS OUR Semi-Annual Linen Sale This great linen event is eagerly awaited by hundreds of Omaha women who know what unusual bargains await them at Brandeis.' High grade linens go during this important sale at one-half and even one-third their real value. Finest quality Belfast Linen, Double Satin Damask pattern table cloths L'J yards wide and IS and .' yards long, that are actually worth .12 to 15, go at this sale C Q sale for, each ."..0 Full size double satin damask dinner napkins, worth 10.00 and $12.00, to match cloths, go at this sale C Q6 LAST CHANCE FOR TODAY AND THE FOURTH We nnnt to clean tip. n wo noctl the money and you wnnt Fireworks. Ours are rain's nn.l lhie's w lilcli menus tht best mntie UK UK AUK A l-'KW SPWIAI.S: 2iMwM II. .man r I 8 Kill Kouimu f i i ounr-c- Sky the 5c r Candles. 5c 5c 15c Hookct. 1 -pound sky Uut'ket All ,V poods nt n dozen All l'k' goods nt a dozen All to poods at n dozen 0c 2k 45c 90c 9c Caudles S-ounco Sky Itocket Tlcas Mandarin Fire "rnekert Unexcelled Mandarin Fire C Crackers, best innuufarttirpd.OC A. L. Due Flower Pots, reg ular price ."."(; special price, A. i. Due Flower Pots, rep ulnr price spec -till price t UC A. L. Due Flower Pols, rep- "JP ular price V.V; special price JLoQ, A. I.. Due Flower Pols, rep- r ular price $1; special prlcpj JC STOHK OPKN MONDAY KVKXIXO AND ALL DAY' TDK FOLKTII TO ACCOMMODATE OUR TKADR . COME KAMA. 322 Soutn Sixteenth Street, omana COUPON Good for 5c This Coupon Is (tood for fic in trade with each 5"c purchase of Fireworks at JOS. F. BILZ, Hoe. 322 8. 16th St., Omsha JOS. F. BILZ 1 for, dozen, All linen double satin damask Pat tern Table Cloths, ULj yards wide. 'J',,. 3 nnd yards lone. wortli up to .10.oo. po at tliis sale for each Double Satin Damask all linen din ner napkins, worth, tn match cloths, go nt this sale at, dozen All linen Pattern Table (Mollis. no napkins to match, worth up to $.").iK). po nt this sale for each. , 3.98 II linen din SS.lHt, tn 3.98 le (Mollis. 1.98 lmi off pieces all linen Tnblp Damask. bleached nnd sliver bleached, mostly 'J yards wide. In quantities that have been sold for K.V. Use nnd $1. ''."), all po at tiiis sale nt Our finest all linen Tnble Dnninsk that usually sells at Ssi.aO and !?1.7r, all po nt this sale at, yard. , Another lot of all linen Table Damask, wortli oOe and t'.Hc, nt, yard. 59c ! Dnninsk 96c 38c 50c all linen lunch napkins, Q dozen, at Isi 75c full bleached size nap kins, doz. JJ $3 all linen din ner nap- 0 CJ kins, doz. 1U 40c tfc 50c all linen 25c Imported hem- ntitrncn ana frlnired llnon tuwuls, each ll.KO hrmmrd crocheted bed spreads, will no at, each 7lc each. . . 98c 10c impor'd scrub cloths, at, yf each W2C 10c tfc 12jc linen crash towel- C ing, a yard JC If 4 satin marseilles bed spreads, 98 each $1 hemmed cheted bed spreads, ea. linens, such as scarfs, I squares, center pieces ana dollies, ut less than half their value. 25c bleached Tur kish tow- yin els, each.. IsC lic bleached Tur kish tow els, each. 124c hemmed huck tow- f ln els, each... O2C 5c Turkish wash cloths, at, f Fancy cro- 69c a Greatest Linen Bargains Ever Known in Omaha. Wednesday Wednesday i Teachers and Students Can make $.00 a dr during vaca tion months. No investment required. Work dignified and pleasant. Write for particulars. :: :: :: :: THE TWENTIETH CENTUKY FARMER OMAHA, NEBRASKA Appendix Kept Hoar. Tour appendix Is kept busy warding off the dangers of Constipation. Help It with Dr. King's New Life Pills. 25c. .For sale by Sherman & McConnell Drug company. OMAHA ORATORS INDEMAND STral of Them Are Engaged for Foarth ef July Addresses la State. According to the latest returns Omaha patriotism and eloquence will be dispensed Tuesday In liberal quantities throughout the Antelope state. Among the many Omaha speakers whose services ara Fil iated for out-of-town celebrations are: County Attorney SlabauKh, who will en thuse at Elk City; Attorney Tom HolltHler will be the head-liner at Elkhorn; Henry Murphy Is billed for Gretna; Uyron O. Bur bank will be the piece de resistance at Weeping Water, where tve only large cele bration In Cass county will be held; Clem ent Chase will make the bird of liberty F.iy a few words at Calhoun, while Attor ney George A. Magney, grand chancellor of the Knights of Pythias for Nebraska, will pull the eagle's tall at Wlnslde, Wayne v-ounty. Benator and MIhs Millard, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Gurley and Judge and Mrs. Day left Monday afternoon for Beemer, Neb., where Mr. Gurley will make the Fourth of July oration. The party will re turn In the evening. building project In which she has had so Inrge a Bhare, Is In more definite shape. This Is rot Mrs. Byers' first out-of-town offer. Since she has been connected with the local association she has been offered the secretaryship of one of the largest or ganizations In the country. Mortality Statistics. The following births and deaths have been reported during the forty-eight hours ending at noon Monday: Births Frank Hickman, 1712X. Jackson, boy: JiiR.'ph Klslckl. 'U.O South Twentv nlnth, girl; Mike Karris. 17LJ S.,uth Thir teenth, boy; Antonio Aldera, Ml North Eleventh, girl; Arthur Carter, Zl 6 Ohio, bt-y; Henry Hageman, 1115 North Nine teenth, girl. Deaths Claude Gertrude Etter, 2225 Sher man avenue. 2ii; O. V. Hich, 151'3 Park ave nue. 73; Henry Alan Johnson, 410 South Twenty-seventh avenue, 2; David 8. llass, 27 Port. 69. Ru.lnra. Toilettes Protest. M. G. Rohrbough, Boyles' College rom pany and the Omaha Commercial college have tiled suits In the disirirt conn to have quashed the assessments levied on real estate and personal property by the county assessor and the County Board of Equalization. Douglas county Is nmde de fendant In the cases and the contention is set up that under the constitution of Ne braska all educational Institutions are ex empt from taxation of all kinds. Harry B. Davis, undertaker. Tel. 1226. HAND SAPOLIO It ensures an enjoyable, invifor. ating bath ; mikes every pore respond, removes dead skin. ENEROIZES THE WHOLE BODY starts the circulation, and leaves a glow equal to a Turkish bath. ALL GROCERS AND DRUGGISTS ' Colle and Diarrhoea. Pains In the stomach, colto and diarrhoea ara quickly relieved by the use of Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea, Remedy. When In need of such a medi cine, give It a trial. MRS. BYERS REJECTS OFFER Declines Secretaryship of New Eng. land Y. W. C. A., with Head, issrteri at Boatoa. Tha work of . General Secretary Mrs. Emma F. Byers of the Young Women's Christian association lias received substan tial out-of-town recognition In an offer of the field secretaryship of New England, with headquarters at Boston. Financially as well as from the standpoint of larger opportunity, the offer Is flattering, but Mrs. Byers has declined It, feeling under obliga tion to remain with the local organisation until the uew lot la vid lor and the new Use the Best FULLY GUARANTEE For any use where good coal is desired. V L V! V CDAL F -X D W'WnsaiamMMiMnD I St. Paul Automobile Carnival y Cheap Hates to tst. Paul and Return. CHICAGO, GREAT WESTERN RA9LWAY $5.00 $6.00 days. $10.75 Tickets on sale July 6 and 7. Good in coaches only. Limit 5 days. Tickets on sale July 3, 4 and 5. Sold in connection with Tourist Sleeper Tickets only. Limit 10 Tickets on sale July i, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Limit 30 days with privilege of extension of 30 days. For further information apply at CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1512 FARNAM STREET. The UNION PACIFIC WILL RUN A Special Train to Denver Today at 11:50 P. H. FOR THE ROUND TRIP FROM OMAHA, WITH FINAL RETURN LIMIT AUG. 8. Information about tickets, reservations, etc., can be obtained at CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1324 FARNAM ST. Phone 316. July Fourth our store will be closed all dav. After the Fourth bring us your watch for repairs let us attend to It for you before you bo on your vacation. I-OOK FOR THE NAME. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler, ll6 Douglas Street. THE NOBBIEST OUT Genuine matting suit cases the finest quality; leather bound. Just the thing for traveling; very light iveight and extremely neat Prices f 3.50, $3.75 and $4.00. GMAHA TRUNK FACTORY, 1209 FARNAM ST. First National Hank UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Omaha, Nebraska Capital $500,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits. .$329,357.65 Deposits 19,800,473.39 Herman Kountza, President. John A. Crelghton, Vice President F. II. Davis, Cashier. G. T. Kountzo, Asst. -Cashier. I I Kountie, Asst.-Cashler. Special facilities and liberal terms offered for mercantile and banking accounts. Your business solicited. ; Three per cent on Time Deposits. SCHOOLS AS n COLLEGES. WEDNESDAY A DAY OF GREAT BARGAINS mm THE HKI.H11I K STOHi:. DON'T MISS WED NESDAY'S SPECIALS A Few of the Many Wednesday Specials: C7v D..:, Cni.'nf In the Great IVesf Room 10c fine Printed ltntlste, great simp, nt, yard Hie Mercerized Figured Sateens, nt, yard l.c Percnfes, in dink nnd Ucht colors. M inches wide, colors cunrnnteeil. great bargains, nt. yard ..4Ic 5c 61c $ Pattern 'l.ihl.- t'lolh, -'j yards long, at JLVOO Hemstitched Pattern Table Cloth, yards long, at 7.V extra heavy All linen Table I'iminsk. at. yard FURNISHING GOODS SPECIALS Vests, with Ladles' Onnze quality, at Ladies' Vests 2."ic quality, nt FHOM ! TILL 10 A. M. -Men's Italbriggan Shirts and Iravers, in all sizes, worth up to roo limit of four garments to n cus tomer nt, per gnrment regular Kic 5c long sleeves. 15c 15c tersey Ribbed Vests nnd c values. Children's Pants, 2." at Ladies' Muslin Drawers, with tucks, regular ."e quality, at 59c , 10c trimmed 15c FROM 10 TILL 11 A. M.-Ladles Corset Covers, trimmed with dainty laces and embroideries, in very latest styles, worth up to Jl.tHi, at 25c 20c Embroideries, Per Yard, 5c Wednesday morning at S o'clock we will plnc on sale the greatest bargains ever seen in fresh, new F.mhroldcrics nnd Insetting, worth 10c, l.")C and 20c per yard, nt, yard 20c Uces, Per Yard, 5c A special line of Lners, ronsisting of Orientals, Nuttinghams and Fancy Net Top Laces, regular loo, l.'e and -He qiiallties-ull at one juice Wednesday per yard WASH SPITS, worth $1.00. special at Nent Dressing Sacques, extra ftpecial, at. Children's Gingham Dresses, blues and cadets, at Women's Waists, worth up to $1.(K, at . 5c 5c 39c ..69c 49c Greal Grocery Semi-Annual Inventory Sale Wednesday 1.98 39c in rods, 49c Women's Long Kitnonns, extra special, at Women's Wrappers, worth up to $1.00, at 18 POUNDS PURE CRANU- flCn LATED SUGAR JOC 10 pounds best White Cornmeal loe 43-pound sack Fancy High Patent Minnesota Flour $1.4S 5 pounds best Hand Ticked Navy Beans lite 5 pounds best Pearl Tapioca, Sago, Barley or Farina l!)c 10 bars Swift's Pride. Beat 'Em All or White Tarls Laundry Sonp 2."c 4 pounds best Bulk Laundry Starch.. l.V Morgan's Sn polio, per bur 5c Pearline, per package 2c On Time Yeast, per package 2c Cold Water Starch, per package.. ..7 Potted Ham, Deviled Ham or Potted Tongue, per can 3Vjc Swedish Health Bread, per pound . .7lip The best Soda Crnckers, per pound. djC The best Ginger Snaps, per pound . .4tac Xcelo, Malta Vita or Egg-O-See, per package ....."'-c Peaches, Peaches, Peaches Just arrived from California, out' car of Fancy Freestone and Lemon Cling, In fine condition for canning. Large Crates Fancy Cling ftrt Peaches, i'r crate OUL Large crates Fancy Yellow Crawford Freestone Peaches, - 1 f per era te . L LO No dealers' or commission houses sup plied ut these prices. HAVDEK3 BROS, Western Military Academy Upper Alton, Illinois. ITth vear. New fireproof buildings. Modern equipment. Delightful location. Number limited. StroiiK faculty. Trorough mili tary and academic department. Ixcul references. ul. Albert M. Jackson, A.M., President -1 ! NUT $6.00 LUMP $6.25 All Grades o( HsrJ anO Soft Coal. KEYSTONE COAL AND SUPPLY CO., I. A. Johnson. Pres. O. F. Brucker, Tress, J. P. alrs, sec y. 1519 Fsu-uia St 'Phono 1307. Summer Oxfords for Men A stock that for variety of styles nnd perfection of workmflnshlp cannot l.v excelled In any shop In tlie whole world Heaiitiful Oxfords In light and dark tana, plain Hack kid and calf, enamel I un.i pai.nt Kitt, calf and colt. $3.50, $4, $5 FRY SHOE CO. jLWentworth Military Academy Oldest and Largest Military School In thi Middle West. SeDd for catalogue. LEXINGTON. MO. LEXINGTON COLLEGE FOR YOUNQ WOMEN LxInMrn Mn iNnir KinaM Cltv). Founded fey, Plgnor SeTerlo li'Anna, Mrector of Mu1o. prraent throunhout the year. lullsn metbod. 11 V U r IX 1 f, lliuh, UatlsMS Msaser if w ahw n. v. nt i b. . -1 .i Jf.' 4 HARDIN COLLEGE AND CONSERVATORY FOR LADIES Und year. The College University trained faculty. Germso Amerlcao CouervaUiry, In charge of specialists. Art, Elocution, Cooking and Business Coarses. For catalogae, address JOUR W. MILLIOM, Pres., ' 43 CoilBfa t'lacs. Blk.ZICO, BIO. Hth and Douglas Sts. M Ask for a QUALITY IS OUR MOTTO I V" BEST BECAUSE YoVr, m r,.irr tor m .Vc!'rVDlo"Vrpo 2C WiiY LOW KATS VIA THE ONLY DOUBLE TRACK RAILWAY FROM OMAHA. ST. PAUL AND BACK $12.50 CHICAGO AND BACK $20.00 DULUTII AND BACK ; .$1 6.50 ASBURY PARK AND BACK, via New York June 28 to July 1 .$34.10 NIAGARA FALLS AND BACK, July 7 to 9 $26.75 The wonderful scenic route to the Port land Exposition, via Uanft, through the Canadian Rockies and Selkirks to Van couver, returning via Bait Lake. Lowest rates named and berths secured via Steamers on the Great Lakes from Du luth or Chicago. DEADWOOD AND BACK $10.75 DAKOTA nOT SPRINGS AND BACK $16.40 MANKATO AND BACK (Lake Washington). $10. 50 ONAWA AND BACK (Blue Lake much bass this season) $2.75 BALTIMORE AND BACK $32.25 (Special party, through earn, on sale July 1 to 3.) "THE BEST OF EVERYTHING" NORTHWESTERN LI HE CITY OFFICES 1401-1403 FARNAM STREET, OMAHA. '.Mi mil i Heat electric light janitor service all night and Sunday elevator ser vice a fire proof building all cost the tenant of The Bee Building nothing extra. li 1.19K 39c 1 "1 4