Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 04, 1905, Image 1
The Omaha Daily Bee. PEOPLE ARE NOW KNOWN BY THE PAPERS THEY READ BEST PEOPLE READ THE BEE BECAUSE IT IS BEST ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1S71. OMAHA, TUESDAY MORNINO, JULY 4, 1005 TEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY TIIHEE CENTS. STARTS FOR ODESSA Kniai PotemkinB Leavei Roumanian fort After Brief 8tay. NOT ALLOWED TO TAKE PROVISIONS Offer of Permiaiion to Land Without Arms ii Be fused. WILL TRY TO SINK THE BATTLESHIP Torpedo Boat Starts in Eearch of Mntinoui Warship. SITUATION IN ODESSA improving Bis Strike In Sevsky blp Yards at St. PHernhnrr-ninorilfr Re ported at Many Other Points. BUCHAREST, July 3. The Knlaz Potem klne left KustenJI this afternoon. It Is Btated that It Is returning to Odessa. The departure of the vessel followed the refusal of the crew of the Knlai Potemkine to accept the government's offer made through the captain of -the port, who posi tively announced that the mutineers would not be allowed to receive provisions unless they came ashore unarmed and delivered up the battleship and torpedo boat to the captain of the port. If these conditions were fulfilled the mutineers would be given liberty to go where they pleased. The rebellious sailors conferred together, then refused the government's demand and renewed their demand for provisions. Th's was again positively refused by the cap tain of the port, whereupon the Russian torpedo boat attempted to enter the port, but on being fired on by the Ellzabctha and evidently awed by the firm stand taken by the authorities It decided to retire. A sailor from the Knlaz Potemklno who came ashore here today with his comrades to negotiate with the prefect slipped away and escaped to the town. He appeared to be greatly excited and exhausted-and re ported that the battleship's provisions were completely consumed and that the crew had been In a state of starvation for the last two days. The sailor begged not to be returned to the ship, aa he would be killed. He said there were only ten tons of coal on board the Knlaz Poteniklne, that two-thirds of the crew favored landing at KustenJI. while the other third wished to return to Odessa and bombard the city. It Is said tonight that thero Is every reason to expect that the Knlai Potemkine will surrender tomorrow, July 4. Vessel la Declared a Pirate. ODESSA. July 3.-11:10 p. m.-Interest here today centers In the whereatouts and doings of the Knlaz Potemkine and what course the Russian authorities will pursue toward It. It seems to be Incredible that the authorities will permit It to cruise' freely In the Black sea Indefinitely. It Is reported on good authority that It will be sunk as soon as a good opportunity offers. The naval authorities here are of the opinion that the beBt and most effective way to deal with the mutinous battleship would be by sending torpedo boats against It, especially as such craft should be operated by a comparatively small num ber of men, who could probably be better relied on to execute orders to sink a vessel containing their comrades than could the crews of the larger vessels. It should also be remembered that the Knlaz Potemkine la a very powerful vessel and that If fought by cruisers or battleships It would be more than a match for any two or three of the Black sea ships. The situation of the men on board the Knlaz Potemkine Is indeed desperate. They are practically pirates, and their predica ment offered little avenues for escape. If they do not surrender It Is believed they will go to some Black sea port, not In Russia, leave the ship and take their chances of getting away overland. In doing to they would be confronted by the attitude of the power on whose shores they disembarked, but their situation being des perate, a desperate course may be well ex pected of them. The Knlaz Potemkine was reported today to be at KustenJI. Roumanla, demanding supplies. It Is also reported that several Jewish agitators went on board the Knlaz Potemkine while It was here, and that they are the moving spirits of the mutiny; that the mutineers found about $10.Xj in the ship's strongbox and they are fighting among themselves, many being killed or wounded. It Is Impossible to verify these statements They emanate from persons who visited the Knlaz Potemkine while It was still here. Matin? on Fohtedonosets Kuili. Recent developments concerning the mutiny on the Georgia Fohledonosetz seem to show that the men. on board the bat tleship were coerced by those of the Knlaz Potemkine. In any event they ceased their mutinous conduct at t tie first opportunity, which probably In large measure accounts for the fact that the majority of the crew were pardoned on again swearing allegiance to the emperor. Sixty-seven of them have been Imprisoned as ringleaders They are mostly old men, evidently drafted from the reserves, and taken from their homes, stores and farms against their wills. The Georgia Pobicdonosetz will probably go to Sehastopol tonight or tomorrow. Those who brought about the disorders and striker generally have had a fearful lesson, but It Is open to question whether they would not do the same thing over again under provocation. Situation Is Improving. The general situation In Odessa has much improved, but there Is still a widespread feeling of nervousness. Those best know ing the conditions are of the opinion that the gravest danger now lies In a possible anti-Jewish rising. The Jews here num ber about 176,0uO to SWl.ORi, and for a va riety of reasons they are deeply hated In Odessa. The fact that they are credited with bomb throwing during the recent dis turbances coupled with the fact that the police found large collections of bombs In the houses of two prominent and wealthy Jews, has served to Inflame minds against them, and it w,ould not take much to start anti-Jewish (t'l.ioiistruilons, the end of m-toK n-.-oil.l Kn ino-r --lMA The conditions of the country surround ing eiuessa are very uisquieung. I ne peas ants are committing disorders, stealing and burning Beveral telegrams were received here Saturday from different points In the government of Kherson (In which Odessa Is situated), telling of disorders and the danger to landed proprietors and asking military protection, but It will be ex tremely difficult for the authorities to epare any of the 1-' U troops quartered here fur i service outside Odessa Will Try to Sink Knlae Potrmklne. ST. FKTKKBlll'lld. July .-: a m -Ac'oidiug to a dispatch receled by an olfi- CvuUuUcii on evCuiid Patfe. INTENSE HEAT IN ROME Thermometer Reaches 1WII Dnren and Many Death from Snn stroke Are Hepeirted. 4 ROME, July 3 ":15 p m. The Is growing morn Intense and reached 1"3 de grees In the shade today. The pope is re ported to bp suffering frotn his seclusion In the Vatican. It is rumored Stmt unless the weather hi'tomrs cooler the pontiff lias determined to break the prison 1 Rend, and It Is even asserted thut the government Is preparing to send a Finn II garrison ' Castel Gandolfo for the maintenance of order and render honor to the pope during his sojourn there. Many rapes of death from sunstroke have occurred among persons who work In the 'ay fields. ''EDES ARE NOT BELLIGERENT kV n Minister Says thnt Ills Conn. try Is ynt Preparing - for War. STOf T.M. Sweden, July 3 Count Oyldensl the foreign minister, In an Interview the correspondent of the Associated a today, made the follow ing statemei..: The Associated Press is authorized to say rewarding the alarming rumors emanating from t'hrlstlnnla that no aggressive meas ures haw- been taken or are even con templated by the Swedish government. The Swedish squadron is only holding the usual summer maneuvers this year near cjomen httrg. No Swedish troops have been dis patched to the provinces or frontier, flilv the usual regiments are now stationed near the frontier. FOURTH OF JULY IN FRANCE Preparation-! for Flnborate Celebra tion at Cherbourg In Honor of Visiting Americans. CHERBOrRO. July 3. Elaborate prepa rations have been made for the Franco American festivities tomorrow. Including games between the French and American sailors, a concert and a procession. The towns people speak in high terms of the bearing of the American sailors. A num ber of blue Jackets landed here yesterday and mingled with the crowds sitting in the open cafes, and there was not a single case of drunkenness or disorder. This is In marked contrast of other visiting sailors. FINAL INDEMNITY AGREEMENT China -Will Settle lllll for Boxer Trouble on llnxl Originally Proposed. PEKING, July 3. The final Indemnity agreement was signed yesterday, the Russo Chlnese bank difficulty being removed. China will therefore liquidate on the basis originally proposed. The affair Is re garded as satisfactorily settled, at least for the present and Is considered excellent for China. GREAT FIRE RAGING IN ROME Ksploslon of Benzine In Automobile Careen e f'anaes Conflagration Several Uvea Lost. ROME, July S. A serious conflagration occurred here through the explosion of naptha and benzine stored in an auto mobile garage in the center of the city. The flames reached the fifth floor of a modern hotel adjoining the garage. Sev eral persons are reported to have lost their lives. SEPARATE CHURCH AND STATE nill Passes French Chamber , of Deputies by Decisive Vote. PARIS. JT'LT S. The bill for the separa tion of church and state passed the cham ber of deputies late tonight by the de cisive vote of 341 to 233. The results waa greeted by governmental cheering and op position hisses and there was Intense ex citement. French Sailors Rescued. ADEN, Arabia, July 8. The Russian aux iliary cruiser Rlon (formerly the Smolensk) arrived here today, having on board Mi persons from the French steamer Chodoc. from Saigon, June 9, for Bordeaux and Havre, which is ashore off Cape Guardafui, at the east ungle of Somolilund, East Af rica, at the mouth of the Gulf of Aden. The last port at which the Chodoc touched was Colombo, Ceylon, which it left June 19. Holland Cabinet Iteslun. I THE HAGUE. July 3-The cabinet I headed by Dr. A. Kuyper (appointed July 1 81. lfil has resigned. The resignation of the cabinet of The Netherlands Is due to j the result of the recent election in Hol- land. The second chamber of the state j general, according to the returns, will be composed or forty-eight ministerialists and fifty-two anti-ministerialists, makirg it necessary for the government to resign. STRIKE WEARING ITSELF OUT Teamsters Returning; to Work-Strike Benefits Have Stopped and No More In Mvlit. CHICAGO, July 3. From today's devel opments in t lie teamsters' strike the In- dicatlous tonight are that the men will j before very long settle the struggle them selves hy returning to work or at least making an effort to do so, aa individuals. Inability of the union to pay strike bene fits and inactivity on the part of the labor leaders has brought about this state of affairs. Nearly IcO department store driv ers made applications- for their old Jobs today and twenty-five of them were put to work by' their former employers To add to the dissatisfaction among the men, the special meeting of the Teamsters Joint council scheduled for tonight to de vise means of raising funds, or If It was found thut the council was unable to pro cure any mote money to call off the strike, failed entirely of its purpose. When the time arrived for the meeting to be called to order thero were not enough prestut to form a quorum. CUNNINGHAM IS ENDORSED Nebraska Raral Carriers on Rec ord for Ills He. Flection. LINCOLN, Neb.. July S At a meeting here tonight of t lie Nebraska Association of Rural Mail Carrier. F. 11. Cunningham, president of the National association, pre sided. Mr. CuuniiiKham was endorsed for re-election to that Ixisltlon and a commit tee was appointed to investigate the charges on which lie was dismissed from the rural service, and to secure, if ius- 1 iU, bis reiiuitateuienb PLENTY DOING FOR FOCRIH Variety of Attraction! Scheduled in Omaha for Independence Day. IRISH-AMERICANS AT RIVERVIEW PARK Chief Donahne Insists that Laws Con templet log "Safe and Sane" Celebration Will Be Rigidly F.nforeed. Colonel Welsh of the weather bu reau gives out the comforting infor mation that a slowly rising temper ature may be confidently lookeii for Tuesday. He wants to do the best he can for the Fourth. ltlvervlew Park Celebration of the old-f islilnned kind, beginning at 2 In the afternoon, under the auspices of the Irish Americans. Vinton Street Hall Park Double header. Otnaiia against Sioux City. First game called at 10.30 a. m.; sec ond. 3.4." p m. Lake Manaw a Special Fourth of July program, concluding with dis play of fireworks; tioat races. Krug Park S'dal program suited to the day. shooting of a woman from a cannon in mld-alr being a feature. Ctturtland Beach Special program. Boyd s Theater Ferris stock com pany in "The Inside Track.'' Special matinee and evening performance. Florence Florence Gun club has all-day shoot. Barrett Park, South Omaha North ern Brotherhood and outing club picnic. .Missouri River Three-deck excur sion steamer H. C Gunter, trip to Florence at 2:15 In afternoon and trip fifteen miles down the river at 8:15 departing from foot of Douglas strict bridge Novelty Theater Vaudeville, four '' performances. Kelly's Lake Picnic of Salentlum association. The postoffioe will open at the usual hour Tuesday and remain open until 1 o'clock, after which It will be closed for the day. There will be but one carrier delivery during the day. The money order office will be closed all clay. Field Club Tennis and Golf. Country Club Golf. Though city authorities have frowned on gunpowder and noise, there Isn't any reason why Omaha can't enjoy the Fourth of July, as Indicated by the above schedule of events. Some people will think there is all the mote reason why they enn, since the police are using field glasses to detect fes tive Individuals In the act of putting ex plosives on the street car tracks, discharg ing firearms of any kind or setting off fire crackers more than three Inches long. The "only genuine" In the way of a cele bration is at Rivervlew pnrk this year, where Irish-American citizens have fixed It for the eagle to scream In the key of O. The arrangements nre chock full of spcech Ing and little trips back to real things like the Declaration of Independence, which Mr. John Wilson Battln will read, and Wash ington's farewell address. Mayor Moores will call the meeting to order at 2 o'clock under the oaks and the elms and General T. H. Barry will preside. The big speech Is to be made by P. Shelly O'Ryan. an original Parnelllte of Chicago, and advices say that Mr. O'Ryan knows more than a thing or two about patriotism. John Rush will preside in the evening and there will be more tall talking by John P. Sutton of Lincoln. All Irish Are Invited. Americans tit Irish and all other descrip tions are expeetfid to come early, bringing families and lunch boxes, and get all the good out of the thing that is warranted. The summer resorts have promise oT the best in all ways and at Lake Manawa Man ager Byrne will attempt to make a good pun on his name and will touch the match to a lot of costly fireworks. Pa Rourke patriotically brings his ball tossers home to Bpend the day In congenial atmosphere and they will beat Sioux City twice Just to show how glad they are to be. here. Deaf mutes are to get in the game this year and will hold a picnic at Kelly's lako, nine miles north of Florence, under tho auspices of the Omaha Sllentlum associa tion. Wagons will leave the end of the car line at Florence at 7, 8 and 10 o'clock. Mutes will be there from all parts of Iowa and Nebraska. The orator of the day will be Lyman M. Hunt. Athletes will contest for nearly $100 worth of prizes and a game of base ball will be played between the bachelors and the married men. Sane and Safe Fourth. "I sincerely wish to see a sane and safe Fourth of July in Omaha thl year and will use my best endeavors to bring such a condition about," remarked Chief of Police Donahue at his office Monday morn ing. "Lest we be unmindful of the city ordinance. I want again to say that large firecrackers and revolvers are under the ban and will not be tolerated so far as the police department can prevent their use. The placing of torpedoes on car tracks will be nipped In the bud. One ar rest and conviction already has been made for this offense. The scaring of women and children will go hard with offenders and celebrants must not discharge any kind of noisy fireworks within two blocks of hospitals. Canes will be allowed If used with moderation and good sense." The Fourth will be observed at the po lice station by unfurling a new twenty-foot flag to the breezes from the top of the sixty-foot pole that has graced the lawn of the station for some years. The flag has been bought by a fund contributed to by the members of the police force and others. Exercises suitable to the occasion will be held Tuesday morning. Members of the Field club and their guests will have a fireworks display and dance at the club house Tuesday evening. The affulr promises to be largely attended. JEWELRY STOLEN FROM SAFE Gems and Silverware to Value of 25,0OO Taken front Home of Mew York Banker. NEW YORK. July 3 Some time between midnisht Friday and early Saturday morn ing diamonds, Jewelry and silverware valued at about 8-5.(ii0 were stolen from the home of James Jackson Higglnson, a banker at 16 East Forty-first street. Cen tral office and private detectives have been at work on the case ever since, but have gained no clue. With his wife and daughter Mr. Higgln son attended the theater Friday night. I'pon their return home the women put their Jewels away as usual in a safe on the second floor, off Mrs. Higglnson's sleep ing chamber. She discovered her loss next morning. Among the stolen Jewels are & pearl neck lace of elghty-ime pearls, worth 82, 5uu; a pearl necklace of fifty large pearls, worth 13.0 .); a ruby and diamond ring worth $3.j00; a sapphire and diamond ring worth 4J,(Xa. t onditioa of lotion C rop. WASHINGTON, July 3.-The monthly report of the chief of the bureau of sta tistics of the Department of Agriculture will show the average condition of cotton on Juno 25 to hate been 77, as compared with 77 2 on May 26, 1'jM; 8a on June 21, 19t; 77 I at the corresponding dale lu IM3, and a lu-)ur vrag e( ti t, MITCHELL ISJFOUND GUILTY Jury Brings In a Verdict at 11 O'clock After Being Out Eight floors. PORTLAND. Ore., July S -The Jury In the case of the t'nlted States against Sen ator John If. Mitchell returned a verdict of guilty ns chnrged at 11 o'clock tonight. The charge was that Senator Mitchell while occupying his public position ac cepted n pecuniary compensation for prac ticing before the federal departments at Washington, which under the federal statutes constitutes a crime. There had been little belief in tho city that a verdict would be reached, and when the hours wore away and the Jury hung far Into the night, hope even among the remaining few In the court room had ebbed to the lowest stage. A few minutes before 11 o'clock the bailiff was summoned to the Jury room. A moment later he reappeared and com municated to those in waiting the news that the Jury had agreed. Judge Do Haven, the attorneys and the aged sen ator, whose last days wore to he crowned with disgrace, were summoned and quickly appeared. Judge De IL-.Ven ascended the bench without removing 'his overcoat and directed that the Jury lie, brought In. Captain Slayden. clerk inf the court, re ceived the verdict from xhe, foreman and read It amid the rash and rattle of fire works rrplodlng In the streets on all four sides of the court house.j Captain Slaydnn spoke low, and because of the din without only 1o sentences of the verdict were audible: "Guilty as charged." aa l "recommended to tho mercy of the engirt." Senator Mitchell receive!1 the verdict with fortitude. Severe and ''. evidently unex pected as It was. he showed by no out ward signs save the ghastly pallor of his face and the nervous striding of his beard that he felt the blow. A Captain Slayden concluded Judge Dellaven said: "Gentle men, Is this your verdict' "It Is," responded the foreman. Clerk Slayden polled the Jury and Judge Dellaven directed that it ,lie discharged. When these proceedings! were complete Judge Bennett arose anil, on the part of Senator Mitchell moved i new trial. Judge Dellaven directed that the motion be continued until next Monday and de clared court adjourned. District Attorney Heney today occupied all the morning session of the federal, court with his closing arguments for tho prosecution In the trial of Cnlted States Senator Mitchell, and continued this after noon. He reviewed the payments of money to Senator Mitchell by Judge Tanner, and si. owed hfw the senator must have known the sources, particularly the payment of the October earnings on November 2, 10n3, which was larger than usual, and coming as It did immediately after letters from Tanner saying that the firm had been re tained by Benson to expedite certain claims for him, and after a talk Mitchell had had personally with Krlbs. when Mitchell, it Is alleged, told Krlbs to talk with Tanner in regard to the fees, as he could not speak on that subject with him. Heney compared the case of lrd Bacon with that of Senator Mitchell and said that although the services of Bacon to his country were a thousandfold more Import ant than what Mitchell h'. d me for Oregon, and although Bacon repentantly confessed his fault, sentence was Imposed upon him by the House of Lords. Heney took oc casion to say that Mitchell's services for Oregon were not so Important as had been represented, and sarcastically referred to the "high-minded and moral senator." He referred to the gravity of the offense, and denied that there was no moral turpitude Involved In it. saying it amounted In Sen ator Mitchell's case to taking money from both clients and was practically bribery. SUFFRAGE FIGHT IN OREGON National Women's Association Will Take Part In Battle for Con stitutional Amendment. PORTLAND. Ore., July 3.-At the open ing of the National Woman Suffrage as sociation today the following resolution presented by Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt, vice president at large, was adopted unal mously and enthusiastically: That the National American Woman Suf frage association accept the Invitation of the Oregon Equal Suffrage association and co-operate with it to carry tho coming campaign to a final victory. This is the official notice of the opening of a campaign for woman suffrage in the state of Oregon under the initiative and referendum recently adopted. Reports from the stales showed the secur ing in Minnesota of equal guardianship of children for mothers. Ohio reported the state well organized and ready to ask the submission of a woman suffrage amend ment from the legislature. New York reported the formation of thirty-two new clubs during the past ear and an enrollment of lO.OtiO paid members. ftjO newspapers publishing the matter sent out by the national press bureau and $4.i.X) paid Into the state treasui-y in the last year. L0RENZ TAKEN TO PRISON Ohio Man Will Serve Two Years In Penitentiary for Consplrlng to Defraud Government. WASHINGTON, July 3.-George E. Lorenz of Toledo, O., convicted of con spiracy to defraud the government in con nection with the sale of letter box fas'en ers, was today taken to Moundsvllle, W. Va where he will serve a sentence of two years. END OF FIGHTING IN SIGHT President Hopes that Armistice May Be Arranged Within a Few Das. OTSTER BAY, L. I., July 3.-Negotlatlons looking to peace in the far east are regarded here aa having assumed a satisfactory form. The president hopes and believes that an armistice between Llnevltch and uyama may De arrangcu witnin a few duys. NEW CLUE IN THE WHITE CASE search for Mission Man Continued In the Vicinity of at. I.lbory. GRAND ISLAND. Neb., July 8.-(8peclal Telegram.) A further flue has been found though slight and search, In the vicinity of St. I.lbory for the mlsnlng Virgil White was resumed this afternoon. Holiday (or Raral Carriers. WASHINGTON, July 3. Postmaster Gen eral ( ortelyou today issued an ord. r pro Mdlt.g hereafter service on nil rural free d'l'. ry routes shall he suspended on New Year s day. Washington's blrthdav, Decoration day. Fourth of July, Labor day and Thanksgiving day. Aisrr Will ol Run Aaala. DETROIT, July 8 Cnited States Ren- owing to his poor health he will not be a candidate for re-election to the suale when ia piweul term expire la lsuZ. OLD OFFICERS RE-ELECTED Board of Education Easily Decidei to Re tain Three Executives. MUCH TIME SPENT IT FIXING SALARIES Davidson's Pay t Determined, but Burgess' is I nrhanaed and Flu In) non Gets a Raise of :t(M a Year. The Board of Education, after an ex ecutive session lasting from 9 to II last night, re-elected the following officers for the terms and salaries given: Superintendent of Instruction William M. Davidson: three years: salary not tlxei. Secretary.!. F. Burgess, one ear; sal ary, Jl.;io. as at present. Superintendent of Buildings Duncan Fin lason; three ears; salary, t,lii, an In crease from 81. ft", 815 a month for main tenance of horse being cut off. Attorney Carl E. Herring; three years; salary, 8.0. as at present. Hitch Over Salaries. No difficulty was encountered by the bonrd members, all of whom except Mem bers Cole and Koenlg were present, but the matter of salaries and terms of th- officers was a hard nut to crack. It w3 agreed that Superintendent Davidson should have an Increase in pay, as It Is considered expressly desirable that he be retained, but the amount was left for designation In the future. Member Lower wanted Secretary Burgess' salary cut down to 81.fx'l a year, but Member Lindsay was the only man who sympathized with him. Member McCaguo desired Flnlayson's sal ary kept down to snO, but Johnson. Butts, Ixiwer, Phlllippl, Rice, Vance, Christie and Maynard voted against his amendment to this effect and the Increase went through, coupled with the stipulation that tho old allowance for horse hire or board be dis continued. Applications for the position of super intendent of buildings were made In writ ing and in person by Robert Houghton, I. Douglass and Samuel MacIeod. The lat ter agreed to take the Job for $1.8(10 a year straight and not to charge anything for horse hire. All were given hearings, but 'this was all their attendance upon the body secured. Bids on Fnel. Twelve firms bid for fuel, but one of them, the Victor White company, was not considered because a certified check was not inclosed. Of all the bids the lowest were Pennsylvania Coal and Coke com pany, anthracite, $!.67; C. B. Havens At Co., Cherokee steam coal, 8-. S3, and Chero kee nut, $3.52; T. C. Havens and the Coal Hill Coal company, Cherokee lump, 83.ili, all delivered. Other firms bidding were 1'nlon Fuel company, Coutant & Squires. Central Coal and Coke company, Sunder land Bros., Nebraska Tael company, Omaha Coal, Hay and Building Supply company and the C. W. Hull company. Bids In printing could not be determined until tabulated. These firms bid: Hopson Printing company, Great Western Print ing' company. Reed Printing company, Jennings Printing company, Joseph M. Roucek, G. L. Barton, Magic City Printing company, Kramer & Chandler, National Printing company and the Reea Printing company. For Janitors' supplies bids were received from Harold Thomsen, Milton Rogers & Sons company. Dunning Hardware com pany, James Morton & Sons, Pravy Edu cational company, Omaha School Supply company. For stationery the bids were from the Stott Stationery company, Megeath Sta tionery company, Omaha School Supply company and the Moyer Stationery com pany. All bids were referred to commit tees for tabulation and report. Report on Bnlldlnss. Superintendent of Buildings Flnlayson showing that In his five years tenure of office only 877.13S.19 was spent for general repairs and heating and plumbing repairs against $146,945.59 spent for the same ends in the five years preceding, or $ijS.S07.19 less. He said the school buildings are In much better condition now than when he found them. All in the face of advanced cost for material and labor, as much as 35 per cent in some instances. Annie E. Kruse gave notice that she declined to serve as teacher In the schools, reason not gi.-en, and Florence Jordan re signed from the teaching staff because of Impending marriage and change of resi dence. A proposition was received from the Ben nett company to distribute school supplies from Its store free of charge, and referred to a committee. Instructions were given for the purchase of three tubular furnaces for the Clifton Hill annexes, from Lewis & Kitchen, at the rate of 5 cents a pound, the weight rot to exceed 14.350 pounds. Janitor Ynranry Filled. Gus Falk was transferred Janitor from the Walnut Hill to the Train schocd at his request and John Ovens was elected Jani tor for the Walnut Hill school, filling a vacancy left from the annual election. The attorney was Instructed to take steps to secure the acquirements of a strip of land adjoining the Kellom school as recommended by him two weeks ago. It was announced that certificates will be granted to teachers who took the re cent examinations, who were numbered as follows: High schol certificates. 44. 47, 48. 60. 61, 53; grade certificates. 1, 8. 11, 13, is! 19, 20 21. 25. 2i. 27. 29. 30. 31, 33, 3fi, 38, 39, 40, 41; kindergarten certificates, 4, 12. 16, 23, 54. SCANDAL IN PRINTING OFFICE Purchase of Typesetting Machines for Government Attended with Irregular Incidents, WASHINGTON, July 3. The commission which Is investigating the government printing office today took testimony show ing three prominent officials of that estab lishment had held conferences 'eveiai times ' at the home of the president uf one of the typesetting machine main facturlng com panies, from whom the office purchased machines, and it develoed that two of the government printing employes and two wives of employes, all in a position to know government plans for additional pur chases of these machines, have bought stock in the company. NINE VICTIMS OF FIREWORKS Explosion of Giant Powder at Madi son, Wis., Works Havoc Among Boy "elrbratora. MADISON. Wis., July S.-By the explo sion of gUnt powder, nine Ihivs received serious, some probably fatal injuries. The boys had lighted some fuae wh!"h drooped into the peiwder and caused ttie explosion. The scene that followed was frightful. In jured boys became frantic with jajn. their faces so blackened with powder that soma ut tbeia Wei Ltyoud rcognlUoa NEBRASKA WEATHER FORECAST Fnir In West, Shnnrr In east or tloat Wednesday Fair and Warmer, Temper t nre at Omahnt Hour. Decree. Hour. Desiree. o a. m tin t p. m t:7 n. m Hi 2 p. ni Tl T n. m i:t ;t p. m 7 m It I p. m Tl f a. ni ti:t it p. in 1T H n. m 1. p. m HS 11 a. m tl, T p in tin la ni ut 8 p. m ll f p. m M RAID FLOATING POOL ROOM Police Seise Land F.nd of Wireless Apparatus, hot Connection Is Made with Another Station. CHICAGO, July 3. -The steamship City of Traverse, which Is belnrf used as a floating pool room on tjike Michigan was put out of business for a short time today when Chicago detectives raided the offices of the wireless telegraph company, which has been furnishing the boat with returns from the different race tracks throughout the country. The wireless telegraph com pany has been receiving the racing results over the telephone from an Information bureau located outside the city limits and then transmitting them by the wireless system to the City of Traverse. Between 2 and 3 o'clock this afternoon while wireless messages were lielng trans mitted to the floating pool room, fully twenty-five miles out In the lake, five de tectives entered the offices of the wireless telegraph company and placed the man ager and his two assistants under arrest. All the apparatus used In the transmission of the racing Information was confiscated. The men were released on bonds and will be given a preliminary hearing tomor row. Despite the raid on the Chicago office of the wireless company the City of Trav erse continued to do business as a pool room during the remainder of the after noon. After a delay of sn hour connec tion was made with another station, the location of which Is unknown. The steamer City of Traverse will not make a trip tomorrow. The wireless enm Mtiy have decided to suspend operations until an Injunction asking that the city be restrained from interfering with them in the transmission of Information as a common carrier has been passed upon. GOULDS BUY COAL MINES Practically All the Cnllerles In Pitts, burg;, Kan., Field Pass Into Their Control. PITTSBI'RO, Kan., July S.-Praetlcally every coal mining company In the ntts burg district has passed Into the control of the Gould Interests, which are known locally as the Western Coal Mining com pany. This IncMides the Central Coal and Coke company, the Wear Coal company, the Pittsburg nnd Wldway Coal company, the Kevins Coal company and other Im portant coal companies here. The J. R. Crowe Coal company, which is now consolidating a number of the coal concerns of this field, will in turn. It is authoritatively stated, pass Into the hands of the Gould syndicate, the only company In the district of any magnitude, it Is stated, which Is not already controlled by the Gould Interests is the Santa Fe or Delvin company, and there Is every reoson to believe that the Goulds will control this company before the Delvin crisis Is passed. BONDS FOR INDICTED PACKERS Beef Klno-a and Their Attorneys Will Be Formally Arraigned In Chlcaito Wednesday. CHICAGO, July 3. Bonds for the twenty, six packers, traffic officials and corpora tions Indicted by the federal grand Jury Saturday will be furnished Wednesday be fore either Judge Berthea or Judge I.andls when all the defendants under the bill will be nrralgned. Assistant General Pagln today told of a coup by the government In securing practi cally all the evidence that will be required for the trials In court. In the grand Jury room Mr. Pagln said: It was a remarkable and unprecedented achlvement. We have heard practically every witness who will be called at the trials. Some time before the Investigation began A. W. Goodman, an expert stenog rapher as well ns a lawyer, was appointed ps assistant I'nlted States attorney. A stenographer would not have been permit ted in the grand Jury room, but any mem ber of the federal attorneys staff Is ad mitted by law. Mr. Goodman, being a stenographer, was able o take an exact transcript of the evidence taken before the Jury. There will be no chance for wit nesses to deviate from their first stories. THRESHER BOILER EXPLODES Fonr Men Instantly Killed and Seven Serlonsly Hurt Near Arton, Vs. DANVILLE, Va , July 3 Four men were killed outright and seven others so seri ously Injured that some of them will die, by the explosion of a threshing machine engine em the plantation of Rush Eanes, near Arton, "Henry county, this afternoon. The dead: C L. BCLLINGTON. WALTER MARTIN. H'THER HILER. JOHN STOKES. TRAIN RACING WITH DEATH L. I,. nnn. President of Power Com pauy, llurrylnic to Bedside of Son at Maaara Falls. OGDEN, I'tah. July 3. A special train la racing east over the L'nlon Puclfic to night to overtake the train No. 2, which left Ogden at 6 o'clock. On the train is L. L. Nunn, president of tho Tellurlde Power company, who has been summoned to Niagara Falls, to the bedside of his dying son. The news of his son's Illness came too late for him to take the regular train Movements of Ocean Vessels July 3. At New York Arrived : Astoria, from Glasgow, ritatendam, from Rotterdam; Fin land, from Antwerp. At Dover Arrived; Kroon'.and, from New York. I At Plymouth Arrived : Kron Prlnz Wll- htim, from .New i ork. At Glasgow Arrived : Numldlan, from New York. Sailed: Carthaginian, for Philadelphia. At Tiieodosia Arrived; Garonne, from Seattle. At London Arrived: Mlnnetonka, from New Vurk. At Gibraltar Arrived: Koenlgnen Louise, from Ne w York At Movllle Arrive d : Fi'riu ssla, fror:i New Yuik. At Gnu altar Arrived : Cunoplc, frtcn I-loston. At t herbourg Arrived : Kron l"rlnz Wil hel n, from New Yoi k. At liolougni. - Soiled. Pennsylvania, for Hamburg. Dover and New York At t ienoa Sailed : Steamer t'retlc. for New York, via l'lilf-rmn and Naples At Yokohama Sailed Empress of India, for Hung Kong, blmi.tiial aud Van- KANSAS BANK CLOSED First National of Tope k a in the Eanda of Comptroller of Currency. TOO LARGE LOANS TO CHARLES J. DEVLIN Milliona ire Coal Oparator Tarns Orer Eeal and Life Iasuranoe. BANK WILL PROBABLY PAY OUT t No Statement Available Until Examiner Hai Oone Over Books. SHORT RUNS ON OTHER INSTITUTIONS Depositors l ine Ip at the Centra Aatloual, Which la Also Con. . trolled hy Mr, DeTlin. TOPEKA. Kan.. July 3. No definite atate mcnt was obtainable up to a late hour to day -rewarding the condition of the Firtt National bank controlled by Charles J. Devlin, the big coal mine owner, which closed Its eloors this morning. Colonel W. 11. Rossir.gton, vice president of the bank, locked the Institution's books in the vault to await the arrival of J. T. Bradley, tho national bank examiner, whom the comptroller had appointed receiver of the failed bank, and he would only say: The bank's trouble has not been caused by dishonesty on the part of anyone, out by lending too largely to one borrower. There has been no stealing. This borrower Is, of course, Mr. Devlin, and the bank Is said to hold the capitalist's paper to the amount of 8l,on0.0n0. Mr. Dev lin, whose sudden Illness brought about tho tangle in the big coal mining and rail road properties, valued, It was estimated, at close to $7,'mO,n0rt, Is still under the care of a physician and no statement could be secured Irom him. All that came from rds home tho day or could be secured from other sources was that the stricken coal operator had turned over to the bank nearly $700,iio In life Insurance and about the same amount in Topeka real estate. Business associates of Mr. Devlin gave It as their opinion that, if properly handled, this would allow the bank to pay out. Elmer Ames, bank examiner for the northern district of Kansas, who took eharso pending tho arrival of Receiver Bradley, would say nothing additional that would throw any light on the situation. "I have nothing to give out," said Mr. Ames. "I will be busy here all night and by morning I may have something to say." Aside from the temporary flurry that the failure of the First National bank caused upon other banks of the city, probably the most Interesting phase of the situation waa the statement of State Treasurer T. T. Kelly that the bank held $647,000 of the state's funds nnd the knowledge that Mr. Devlin was one of Treasurer Kelly's bonds men. The statement was made that Treas urer Kelly had exceeded his authority in placing more of the state money In the hank than the law allowed, but Mr. Kelly declined to discuss the matter at thta time. Small Runs on Other Banks. Following the announcement of the fail ure a lively run was started on the Central National bank and before closing time to day it was known that something more than Sinn.OoO had been withdrawn from thU Institution. The Centrnl National also held some of Devlin's paper and he likewise owns fifteen-twenty-elghths of the capital stock of $2.Yi,0ii0 of this institution. But it developed that the Central Na tional held but llttlo of Devlin's paper and when its officers displayed 8'WO.OOO in cash and made every effort to pay the depositors as fast as they made demands, the excite ment died down and at closing time only a few small depositors remained at the teller's window. Other runs of a lesser degree were started on the State Savings hank, the Bank of Topeka and on the Merchants' National bunk. At none of these banki. however, was the demand for withdrawals great, only the small depositors taking their money away. Many of the heay de positors here and the correspondents throughout the state offered assistance and some of the local merchants mad? deposits. J. R. Mulvane, president of the Bank of Topeka, which kept open past lianking hours to accommodate any who might come for their money, spoke confidently of the outcome, saying his bank had plerty of available assets. There was no l-pecial show of excitement on the part of depos itors during the day, although a crowd ie mulned about the doors of the failed Fiist National, as well as at the other bai'ka for many hours. l)-v!in Makes Statement. C. J. Devlin tonight authorized the fol lowing statement: Ki depositor In the First National bank will lose a dollar. I will rive up every thing 1 have In the world if necessary to see the bank pay dollar for dollar. It is added that Mr. Devlin expects to be able to take active charve of his busi ness within a short time. His physician states that Mr. Devlin will be able to go to his office within a week. It is stated on reliable authority that the prime cause of Mr. Devlin's financial troubles is the Toucla & Spring Valley railroad, which he commenced to build In Illinois lately. The road toeik more money than Mr. Devlin figured on. and he be came hard pressed for funds. Devlin I nable to Transact Rnalnesa. KANSAS CITY, July S.-C. J. Devlin was generally cre-Uited with being one of the wealthiest men in Kansas. He was at the head of twenty-six different companies, coal mining enterprises and mercantile es tablishments and for many years has been one of the most active business men In the southwest. On Friday last it was stated that because of Mr. Devlin's Illness, the re sult of overwork, it had been decided to form a corporation to cover all Ids proper ties, worth In the aggregate, It was stated, about 837.fsjO.tsjO. This action was deemed necessary, It was announced, because of Mr. Devlin's Inability to longer direct hl Interests. On Saturday last a corporation to be known as the Devlin Mining, Mercantile and Manufacturing company was organized at Kansas City by Mr. Devlin's associates. The capital stock of the company wis placed at $1,f'aVMi, divided Into 10,000 shares of 1 'ii each, already subscrllied and paid. The shareholders, ull men prominent In southwestern business affairs, were given as follows: Landrum B. Ridge, Kansas City, 5 shares; J. W. Gleed, attorney for the Central National bank of Topeka. t share; Charles A. Loomla of the City Na tional bank of Kansas City, 1 share; Clif ford Hlstcd. Kansas City, attorney for Mr. and Mrs. In-vlin, 1 share; N. J. Lantry, throng City, Kan., a director of the Na tional bank of Topeka, 1 share. Papers Hurriedly Filed, As soon as the corporation papers were drawn up a special train was hired and U. document wtra hurried to JsSiueua