THE OMATTA DATLT BET!: PFNDAT, JULY 2. 1MB. FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE D. V. SHOLES COMPANY, 722 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 49. I rooms, city 4 rooms, city 4 rnonii, city 06xli ft., 4 r wner tar rinse out then properties and nam . . . rnmimniF terms una stimuli fnrs. We cart and will do business on these: 700-2218 Pierce, 30x91 ft., water. I MO 8413 Jackson, 33x124 ft. WKter. $ 1000-3417 Jackson. 33x124 ft. water. $ lOno Near 28th Biirt Mario rooms, want orrcr. S- 27'n St.. fiOxISO ft., r, room, new plumbing, turor ami ... I 1R50-2712 Burt St., 34xl.;i ft., i. rooms, mod ern except furnace; $i,ni) cash. Ne it Ann nlfA 'jJ"J7VV-1.120 Park Ave., EOxISO ft., one K-ro-in V r and one 3 room house. Very rhoi.-e location. .$ 1WO-17L7 Ontario St., 100120 ft., 6 rooms. ' riBlrBhl 1 . I ' 1800-J9O2 nioDdo St., l.Vixl3 ft., corner. room 2-story, well built house, newly fixed up. The very finest view In . It Is a stiHp. $2000 2M Cuming, 54x124 ft., 5 rooms, right In town. I 31f-mi4 Rurdette St., Wxll4 ft., 8 moms . modern, with barn. I 60 IMS Georgia Ave.. ROxino ft., rorner. 8 rooms, all modern, fine basement. oak stairs and vestibule; cash. $n0 easy payments and $2.0n0 6 per cent loan. It Is CHEAP. I 1600 f. 3.ith Ave., east front, corner. 80xino ft.; fine view. 9 rooms, modem, oak finish. Ownr leaving city Wants to Bell QUICK. . VACANT I SOO-oOxlSO ft., anuth front on Bnvd St . 230 ft. wast of ZM; $.V) rash, $10 per month, 6 per cent Interest. t 259-50x130 ft., V W. corner 34th anil Boyd St.; $W) cash, $10 per month, 5 r'er cent Interest. iKxl:V ft., S. corner 34th and Tuv lor St.; $100 rash, J15 per month 5 p" ceiU Interest. :$ 200 N w. corner 36th and Casg Sts., trx 12 ft. $ 225 KixKi ft., near 4Mh and Cuming, He3 fine. $ 375--N. K. corner 3;i h and Decatur S... i i'xI'.'.t ft.. Mrs tine; terms. 7jn-vioxl24 ft., north front. Ixithrop St., 2'"i ft. W. 1tith. Paving rwld. It 12iJ 50x179 ft., on 33d nrar I'oppleton Ave. FOR FLATS t 2.-0O--OxHO ft., eaft front on 2Mh, 75 ft., south of Jiickson St. I 6.VX!-;xli ft.. 1'aik Ave , 250 ft. south of Leavenworth, with frame cottage. $ 2,lno-Mxl 28 ft., west front on Mh Ave.. loo ft. south of Dewey Ave., specials paid A big bnrKMln. very choice, t .vv N. V. corner Park Ave. and Farniim St.. 115 ft. on Farnam St., So ft. deep. choice corner. WEST FARNAM SPECIAL 13."xl.".. ft. deep, cast front on 3rd Ave., between Dodge Htid ravenp"rt. perfect glade, at $;.5no. L"SS than Vi per foot. Would be cheap at $i. It's a bargain. Will divide at $.V per foot een. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE NEW Modern I'erooru cottage, porcelain bntli ninl In 1 (oratory, closet. lit nn! cold noter, rnnnirl sink in kltclion, crmontr-rl cellHr. n bnndaonio lionn Just fotitplctod nnd rond.v to move Into. .South front near 'Jllli nnd Amos. (No. :M1S l.iiiiinoroi If sold nt rtneo $1.7o titkos It. No mis take or misprint but a Mr bargain. NEW f'nftnpe. 4 rooms finished on first floor, room for two more rooms upstairs, willed litis floor laid and stairway In. I.ot Is 4."x10. pood location, north. I'rlce only fl.i.'iO, easy terms. NEW 7 room residence at 21.1S Pratt St., an elepnnt home, must be seen to be ap preciated. Owner desires to bell nt once. See this today. INVESTMENT S iVO-ll.W-40-42 North 22d 8t 66x140 ft., t frame houses, rent $4oS year 17 per cent. I TftOo Near 17th and California Sts., two nearly new 7-rooin modern brick houses; rentlnR HO year, 12 per cent Investment. tlRC2ixl.ij f,.. Karnam. near 13th St., Rood, first-class, comparatively new brick IuIMI;ir; rentltiR ll.tvsn per year. f 4noO--4ixJ3:'-ool trackage lot weal of luth Hi. Big snap. ACRES 5 acres, corner of 42d and Ames Ave., with Rood t; room house, barn, lots of fruit, only 6 blocks from car. Bargain, J.).3"0. RE II $650 and 5700 Each H or the unsold lots on Wit t and Blnney Ms.. In Sulphur Springs addition; loo thee o-er and make Kelecilon ;tt on. c or yu i will be too late. Sec 1 lie new hoilser. toint up. Mavbe vou v.piild like to hnvi otn" sometiiln? like one oi' these. it ao, we can nuiid nun for you. Xor the Inrt lot 111 Bluff View al that price W can I uild you ;t nice modern house for fl.MM.w d tlseu yon will have a fin home for k Ko. You can t beat thi .proposition J'maha. This last lot will lid l e on I tie market lonj!. Ten Monday rvenliiRs until 10 p. m. Hastings & Heyden, lffa'-j Fa imam St., tiround Floor. Rlv- - - iUl A WEST FARNAM home at. at biff sacrifice. The owifr of a good 10-room all modern home is poinR to l"ve 'he city and warns to sell rather than rent Has parlor. sltt'tiR room, library. diniuR -onm and kitchen, o bed rooms and tsth room. I.ot Wxino, on corner, east front. rric. red. iced to Jfi.son, hul would .1'onnldcr an offer 1Mb Hi KvJiN KfcfcL) LU., rnone 212 8. llth Kt. RK 3? Monthly Payments room rottaRe. south front, nejir 20th nnd C'astellar, J0', $lco down and balance monthly. x BEMIS, TAXTON BI5CK. RK-935 2 I1.R00 WII.Li BUT brick home and corner lot. 6xl24. In Went Karnam district. If Bold this week. THOMAS PRENNAN, Room 1, New York Life HldR. RE .i0 REDUCED RATES ON MONTHLY PAY MENT LOANS and a most equitable plan of credit of principal and reduction of interest charpe on payment of $lm or multiples thereof, The Easiest Way of Paying a Homestead Loan. Earnings credited eml-anDU-ajly on SaviiiB.s Accounts have never been less than six per cent. Omaha Loan and Building Ass'n, 1704 Farnara St., Kee Bldg. (. Loornls, Tref?. '. M. XattinRCr, Sec'y. RE Payne Investment Company, Omaha, Neb. First Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 1781. 2f2-2fl2S Grant street, two cottages, full lot, south front, $1,500. 3S20 Nortli -NXh street, a 5 room cottage, on the Boulevard. Jl.fiOO. 4200 Cuming street, 7 rooms, on paved street, with gas, city water, good barn, 'ic f'J,(H0. f'J4 North 4ilnd street, an 8-room modern house, fine condition. 3M0 I,a Fayette avenue, S rooms, strictly modern house, full lot, south front, nice surroundings, price $ii,500. VACANT ,,, Lots 4 and 5, In block 1, Cherry Hill, southeast cornpr 48th nnd Brown 3 slreets, 213 feet on Brown by VJ" feet on 4Sth street, about two acres, price $400. Northwest corner of 27th avenue and Webster on the new Boulevard, SOxl.V), price $2,000. 1845 1its 4 and H In B. 2, I.aVeta Place just north of Davenport on 41st avenue, west fronts, $750. J!rent bargains. The west one-third of lot 2, In block G. Omaha, 32x132, between 8th a,nd Pth ulreets, on the south side of Karnain. Trice $2,Si0. This Is very cheap for these lots. On 33rd near Dodge, two high, sightly, beautiful lot. Trice $3,750. NEW 7-room modern, near STnd and Webster, lot SOxlio, this Is a anap at I2.5O0. VACANT We have a few choice residence locations In different ports 0f ,1B ,,t. owned by non-residents, which we are Instructed to sell at once. Sweet & Best, 613 N. Y. Life. Tel 1472. RE- W. H. GATES, "17 N Y. IJfe. 'Phone 1294. modern house at 102B Routh S"'h Ave., east front, lot f0xl42, barn with driveway. U. 200.00 S-room modern nice home, about four years old, odk finish, well arranged; house is :ix40. Just as Rood na new, south front, lot M'xIJR. with fruit and shade trees, permanent walks and paved street. 4,no finlo-room modern house at 1.V14 Yates street, close In. near Sherman Ave.; jcood laundry, barn, all In Rood order. Improve ments alone cost 7,Ci;0.iO; lot Is WxISft, south front, permanent walks and paved street. Jl.Sno.00 R-rnom modern house except fur nace, barn, south front lot at 351S Ta trlck Ave.; a very cheap place. H.iXVVOO 5-room new house, with upstairs not finished, bath and pas, a well built house, at S'.'32 North 12d St., east front, lot 60x124. $1,500.00 7-nom house on I.nke street, with the best of modern Improvements except furnace; barn and sheds. $1,S00 onfi-i 00m cottage, bntli and (tas. at 2111 Ohio, all In good order, will rent at 116.00. l,noo.flO8-room house on Wirt, lust east of 3th St.; lot fi0xU2; very cheap place. $1,500.00 S-room cottage nnd large barn at 42U -North ?Sth Ave., three lots, each 6lx ICR; rent $U'.f0. 130x127. on Herat ur, cheap for $4"0.00. near 3.1th St., very 60x12. on Spauldlng, near 2eth, south front. oniy .-.".. A full acre In Newport, Just west of Belvl- oere, ror n&o.wi. RE i l 1 Payne Investment Co. First Flooi N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 1781. RE- $300 cash snd balance on monthly paymenta for a good 6-room cottage. Una bath, gas closet, etc.; only 2 blocks to 24th St. car. Vrtce, $1.30. THE BYRON RfciED CO.. Phone 7. 213 8. 14th SI. RE H Good Building Lots H ' Between Omaha and . " South Cmaha We havo the cheapest good lots for sale between Omaha and South Omaha, nloni? the new Koulevurd. lH'ivtien lianscom P.rk usd 4iUh and Vinton, for $kU an l $.V0i1; aleo hhiuc on i:id and Ouk fur $4XQ0; tine place to build houses. Hastings & Heyden, liSt r'ainjm St. Thone luX Rti LOTS1 LOTS! LOTS! CO-foot lots on Rlondo St., near 2lth. STS'V 63 -foot lot, cast from, en -94 ti. near frank lin. KiX BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. RK--S32 2 Close In 30 Choice Lots . On Easy Terms i.m-Mled between tli and Sl atreeia and OMVenport nnd Webster streets, iK.lnin k' In priie from $T.S0 m 1.7rm. according lo ?rs ' loihiion; city water. Kewt-r, etc., J 1 In front of property. Terms, ON L'.-KI Kl H CASH, balaiue on eay paynienls. Com- iiKie aruttiait 't title with each ule. Bee our MKtis on property. CSKOUUE K CO.. 16)1 Krnam. RU M9.7 4 MILLER PARK LOTS Beautiful lots adjoining and overlooklngr Miller park on the 3"th street car line, $1U0 to 4300, $0 down and $5 per month. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. RE 931 2 NEW HOUSE A new 8-room all modern home at 8331 Harney. Has tiled vestibule. Downstairs finished In miai ler-gawn oak. fine mantel, elegant combination elecirlo and gas ftx Uiri'H. full e liar cemented, good turnare; 4 bed roms and bath upatalrs. Room fin ished In attic. Trice, Jj.ouO. will bell on payments. GEORGE & COMPANY, 1601 Farnam St. 'Phone 756 $5,000 For 3870 Podgra St., 8-room modern house, oak finish, beat of condition, large nam, lot Vixi30. teet, choice location $6,000 For .1128 Chicago St., 8-room modern house, oak finish, first floor, good barn, asphalt paved street, lot 50x120 feet; easy - terms. $4,000 For 539 S. Ifith Ave.. 6-room 2-story modern square house, nearly new. up-to-date, good location, close In, lot 3-xl: lect; reasonable terms. $3.700 For S. W. corner 40th and Nicholas Sts.. new 8room 2-story modern square nouse, not water neat; easy terms. $1,500 For 258 Burt St., fi-room modern cot tajre, furnace heat. In good condition, barn, nice lawn; $M0 cash, balance on easy terms. $2.400 For 2803 Woolworth Ave.. 7-room . story modern house, in Rood condition; $6(J0 cash, balance Jl.tts per niontn. $1.300For 24M S. 19th St., Rood 6-room cot tage, nearly new, lot 28x154 feet. $1.000 For 1813 N. 31th St.. 5-room cottajre. city water, etc.. $100 cash, balance $10 ptr month and Interest; submit us offer. $flPO For 351 Parker St.. fi-room cottage well and cistern water; easy terms. $300 For 2-rooni house and lot 100x120 feet, 2 blorks southwest of l.lth and Wester fleld Ave., on Garfield St., near South Omaha. Desirable houses and lots; also irood rent Ins; Investments torn sale, located in dif ferent parts of the city. RE 840 2 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE R. C PETERS & CO. West Farnam District, a verv choice 10 room strictly modern house, east front, hautlfully finished Inside, with lot 9;.xll.i, offered for a quick sale at $5,j"0. On Bnatildinir street, close to Jlth street car line, a modern 7 room house, full i.,t 6iixl28 with fine shade. This Is a nw house, built for owner who Is compelled to sacrifice. Price $,",0n0. On 27th avemie near tlrnnt. an mom house, modern except furnace, fine shade and fruit, lot 41x120, price $.noo. A near five room cottaen on Ohio street. hath and pantn. water and Kas. This is g"d for $1,51. Center street, near ISth. 4 room cottaee with good foundation, lot 33xl8o, city water, price ti.tx.'. A 9 room house on Charles street, west of 4"th. This property needs some reDairs. but Is a bargain at $1,550. On Miami street west of ISth. a. a house, fors $1,200. Can be bought on good terms. PomethlnK Choice In Hanscom Park dis trict. A new. 8 room house, with fine dark onk finish down and yellow birch above. rooms large ind exceptionally well urmin. ed. large attic, everything right for a fine home. e shall be pleased to show this to Intending purchaser, as It must be seen to be appreciated. Trice $o,finO. Also In Hanscom Tark district, a a room modern house, finished In hard wood, and strictly tine. We will compare with any thing similar now on the market. Price $2,800. FOR CHICKENS AND CHILDREN In Halcyon Heights, near Renson car line, a new room house, with stable, corn crib, good well and chicken house, all kinds of fruit, two cisterns, and live : acres of ground that can be sold In lots, nnd is all we claim for It. Price $4.7"0. Or will divide and sell the Improvements. On Center street, near 34th, one 4 room house and burn, well, cistern and chicken house, and one-half acre of ground. $3o. Also In same locality, one 3 room house with barn and one-half acre of ground. Price $5fi0. fine acre In Belvedere addition with no Improvements, price $2"0. One acre in Belvedere addition with 5 room house, barn, coal shed, chicken bouse, well anil cistern, fruit and grapes, straw berries and currants all for $l,&00. VACANT LOTS tn West Farnam district we have two of the choicest corners, which we will PO glad to price on application. in Bemls park we offer two choice lots, one tinxlfj for $l.lon. One 45x120 on LaFavette avenue. $S2o. Ten acres adjoining Bensonhurst on the north, with no improvements, price $2,M. BOULEVARD TERRACE This beautiful building site continues to attract homo buyers who know what loca tion means. No addition in the city will be built upon more rapldl, nor with a finer class of people. If yon contemplate a home at price that are not prohibitive, you should make your selection at once. Call on us for plat and prices. -RE A. P. Tukey & Son BUY MORE HOUSES UNDER MARKET VALUE. Don't call us up any more about those Charles St. houses. They are all sold. We knew they were cheap. We bought today four very nlre six-room cottages. Fronting south on the Houle vard, east of 23d und one block south of Inton. They are modern except furnace and all fire In tine condition. Large shade trees. No special taxes. We bought these houses because they were ottered below the market value. The location is fine and in a neighborhood where property Is Increasing In value every day. Only one block from street car. Five new houses are now- being built across the street from them. Thesi houses will be sold at once at the following prices: 2214 Boulevard St . . . .$2,250 LL'l'l Boulevard Ht.,..$2,:50 2218 Boulevard St.. ..$2,250 2222 Boulevard St.... $2,250 Rooms are all large and include three big bedrooms and a large bath room and cemented cellar. A. P. TUKEY & SON 444-445 Board of Trade Bldg. 'Phones Office, 2181. Residence, til53. RE M 807 3 MAKE AN OFFER FOR THE SEVEN ROOM MODERN HOrSE. 352" DODGE, LOCATED BETWEEN BYRON HAST INGS AND JOHN O. DETWEILER'S NEW HOME. . FOR JAN-H ASKELL CO., 315 N. Y. L. Bldg. RE S37 2 Shimer & Chase Co. Builders of Modern Houses On boulevard, one block from Ames Ave. car. six-room, all modern, east front house, nicelv tinished, all ready to move Into. A model little home. $;i,2o. Three five-room cottages, just being com pleted and modern except heating, two blocks from. 24th St. car. Each, $1,700. Six-room house. Hanscom Park district, modern except heating. This nice little homo must be sold. See us for snap price. West Farnam 8 rooms, five closets, two pantries, double stairs, city water, gas and grate. South front. $2,500. New five-room house, two blocks from car. Full lot, south front. Snap-$1,250. Good looa- Nlne-room house, close In. tlon. Snap $1,500. Seven-room house, hot Hanscom park. $3,000. water heating, Shimef & Chase Co. 'Phone 3W. 169 Farnam St. RE-920 2 LOOK AT THAT SIGHTLY LOT, 66X140, N. E. CORNER GEORGIA AVE. AND PACIFIC. CHEAP FOR CASH. FO RGAN-H ASKELL CO., 315 N. Y. L. Building RE-836 2 FOR SALE and exchange: Corn farms In the Missouri Valley. Free lists. H U Craven & Co., Onawa, la. RE VACANT LOTS Splendid building lots near car line, about one-half mile north of Bemis park. Full size, $150.00, $5 down and $5 per month. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. RE-930 2 VERY CHEAP LOTS We have 6 lots on 26th St., Just south of Bprague, that we can sell for $12? each on very easy payments. These lots are on grade and are only 2 blocks lo 24th St. car. Nothing cheaper In town. THE BYRON REED CO.. Phone 237.. 213 S. 14th St. RE HOMES Thone 297. THE BYRON REED CO., 212 S. llth St. RE H 520 Cash, Balance Monthly for H 7th St., 7 rooms. ...$1,500.00 .in St., 7 rooms.. ..$1,500.00 7 rooms.. ..Sl.tuo.oo l,u 2008 North :om North 2012 Nortli 27th St - - vuti ,lUl,hlV In good neighborhood, well built and in good condition. If you want a home vou can't be.ti these. Don't bother the ten ants. See us. Open Monday evening until lu p. in. Hastings & Heyden, ltinSi Farnam St., Ground Floor. RE HOME IN BENSON I Splendid -room cottage, t elegant lots, $ mocks nortti or car line. ; blocks west of school. 1'rlce reduced to $1,450, $20u cash and balance monthly. H 51,000 11 7 For fivo to. foot lota In Florence, only S block from rsr line and center of town, lcgnt view; Invj other good single lots for $.50.10 io ttoVCii. Florence will be one of the fine I eub'irbs of Omaha; buy now wnil tha lots are cheap. Hastings & Heyden, W Farmim 8U 'Phone IdOB. RJ& BEMIS, i TAXTON BI.OCK. RE S33 2 BEACTIFL'L home. 11 rooms, West 4"th: cost $25.oon; 140 feet front: mill sell for $9,000. Address I 22. Bee. RE M37J BOOM on for Custer county lands; get In on the ground floor. Write Willis Cad well Co. iLtd . broken Bow, Neb. KB--Ml $5,600 Excellent house. 9 rooms, beautiful location. 3520 Burt St., barn; fine tre-.-a, large grounds. .biiOWest Farnam district, modern house, 7 rooms, besides hall and bath; full, south front lot; fine location. $3,750 On Dewey Ave.. 8 rooms, parquetry Hoots, grate and mantel; easy walkln distance. $3,500 Nearly new, 7-room, modern, close In, south front. $3.500 I'nder construction, 35th. near Cum ing; 7 rooms, combination gas and el-c-trlc light; very best construction; will be completed about August 1. $3.200 New 6-rooni. all modern except fur nace; furnace pipes In; combination fcas and electric lights; small barn; 3124 Cali fornia. $2.641 New 7-room hpuse, 2765 Webster St., would consider good lot In trade. $2,tju0 Near I-eavcnworth, on 21st, 7 rooms, modern except furnace; rents $27. 5o per month. $2,300 Near IWth and Locust. 8-room house; nice lot; part cash; bargain, fcj.ono House of 8 rooms, large lot; 2227 Willis Ave. $1,750 Good cottage. 6 rooms, 2,12 Burt St., lot 36x161 ft.; barn; price good for this week only. $1.3."-0 Collage of S rooms, small burn; 5 lota; young fruit. - LOTS $400 In Brlggs Place, on Douglas St., full lot. Snap, on 20th, near Bancroft; paved street; 40x100 ft. $750 Burt, near 30th, full lot; nice trees. j;,W-South front on A street, near Hath: !7xl20 ft., fine. $7bo-:8outh front on Maple, near 24th, full lot. &5rt 8. w. corner XUh and Burt; full lot. 150 N. E. corner !4th and A streets. South Omaha. STWxUO ft. $1,060 8. E. corner 10th and Frances, 40x100 ft. $2,100 West front on 16th Ave., south of Dewey. 64x128 ft. Snap. $2,00O- South front on Harney, between 89th and 40th. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. XU0 VARNAU STREET. N. P. DODGE & CO. 1614 FARNAM STREET. $i,5oo ' ; Flvw room modern cottage, newly painted and repaired, new roof. 403 North 30th street. , ' V . ' $2,20 Seven room all modern house, hard wood finish on first floor, cast front 914 North 41'nd street. Can make terms. BOULEVARD LOTS Have you seen our snap In building lots within walking distance, at tiSth and Chicago? South front, lot on grade, with ." foot of Boulevard park In front that Is all set out with shrubbery and shade trees, and maintained by the city, free of cost. The city also keeps up the sidewalks and keeps the Boulevard re paired and sprinkled. In other words, the city presents you with over Sf.'sKi of improvements and keeps it lu good repair forever. We are selling these lots for $)0 and $700 cash. They will be worth $1,11 K) within a year. Don't think of buying a building lot until we show you these. ,It costs nothing to look at them. WALKING DISTANCE We offer a very good seven-room house all on one floor, with large east front lot. fi4'2xli;5, handsome shade trees and small barn. . House has been newly painted." has new roof, new modern plumbing, porcelain bath; we have just re duced the price to $1.S0. It will take only $."Of down, and the balance In monthly payments. Don t miss this. Come and see us at once. INVESTMENTS 2Sth and Dodge. Two atore rooms and flats above and cottage in rear, newly painted and repaired. In good condition, all specials paid, rents for $47.50 a month, and can earn, $:i,7.i0. Want offer. i'117-2110 Izard street. Four good cottages, rent for $40U.0o a year, paved street and alley, always rented. $1,500 cash and balance terms. Come and see us as they will soon be sold. N. P. DODGE & CO., 1614 Farnam St. -RE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE VERY CHEAP l-rmm bouse, full lot, on South rth Pf , near Hlckorv. Owner needs money, $1,000. F.D. WEAD 1524 Douglas St. RE $51 I Pure Air, Nice Shade A HOME IN DUNDEE A beautiful 7-room house and reception hall, large porch, gas. hath, furnace, nice lawn, barn, shade, lots, all In good con dition. Only $3.SiX. New 7-romn home, reception hall, mod ern plumbing, furnace, electric light, ce- nien; walks, J. H. PARROTTE, FAJCTON BLOCK. RE 944-S FOR SALE Building Lots $loo-l,ot In Lincoln Place, cast of Dundee, 3 blocks from car. $225 For 'j lot, 22d and Mandereon; city water, gas, cesspool, barn and founda tion , $;Wi Corner lot, 3fith and Cass St. $4(X) F.ast front lot on 4Hh and Jones Sts. $75" 6n-ft., cast frontage, on 24th St. $1,400 -57-ft. lot, between 31st and 32d fts., on "Davenport, fronting Mr. Yates' home. $l.frw On Ifith, near Castellar, Hxl40 ft. $1.750 fii'xIJO-ft. lot. on Park Ave., north of Hickory 8t., front Hanscom park. F. D. WEAD, 1524 Douglas St. RE-950 2 WALKING DISTANCE BARGAIN Owner of a new six-room modern house, renting for $25 per month, south front, nice lawn, some fruit trees and shade, will sell for $2,600. Inquire at 2H42 Capitol Ave. RE 957 2x At a Sacrifice Price $-rootr, modern house, 2 lots, good barn, nice shade and lawn, one block from car on s block from school. If sold quick, $3,750; $1,500 cash, balance long time. Fitzgerald-Dermody Co., 'Phono 610N. K1G N. Y. L. Bldg. Rtt-945 2 2H29 Seward, 8 rooms, bath nnd closet, $20. 4I6K Cass St.. H rooms, furnace and bath and barn, $25. 6"4 N. 23d St.. 7 rooms, nil modern, $.10. 7-room cottage, 34th and Farnam, newly patiered 11 nd repaired, $17.50. S550 Farnam, modern In every respect, $25. About a dozen other houses. F. D. WEAD, 1524 Douglas St. P-PI6 2 FOR RENT HOUSES HfllKr-1" " parts of the city. K, llWUJLOCi ieteis n Co., Bea Bldg. D 100 THE Omaha Van .d Storage Co. pack, move and store Jtl. H. goods. Storehouse 1120 -M M lutn. Offlctt, lall Farnam. 'iel. 55. Ii'JHI FOR RENT HOUSES 10-RCKt modern bouse. In good repair, one block north Hanscom park. Inquire 2o25 California M. 'Phono Red 81X. !-9n PAYNE, noSTWICk' & CO.. 8043 P. lxth Ave.. ,1-R., cltv water$7. 1412 N. 17th Nt.. 3-M , close ln$S. ' 110 Stanford Circle, 6-11., bath, gas, eto. $!S. 2409 Caldwell. 6-R.. cltv wator and bath- $17. 911 N. 41st St., 6-R., strictly modern, in flna shape- $27.60. 1310 Park Ave., 8-R., strictly modern, fine $.17.50. SU2Mhsi)ii, i n , all mndetn-$:5. 2770 Webster. 8-R. strictly modern, flna lawn, good barn- tXi. C504 Capitol Ave., !-It. . strictly modern, steam heating plant, close In $37.ho. J.VV18. 27th St., 9-H., strlotlv modern-$27 M. 1204 Ohio, -R., strictly inodcru, tine shape 621 S. 2Mh Ave.. 10-R.. all modern-only $"$. 10 N 40th. H-R., strictly all modern, oak finish, first-class reduced to $45. PAYNE, BOSTVVICK & CO., 601-3 N. Y. Mfe Bldg. P 956 I FOR RENT-831 Bo. 19th St., between leav en worth and Mason; 7-room, modern house; bath, f 111 mice, etc Applv to B. Wolf. 829 8. 19th. lV-M9ti.i 3 TWO nice rooms near 17th and Tlnvenport, Also 7-room house on Leavenworth SL, near 22d. Both tine locations. ( HAS K. WILLIAMSON CO.. Ground Floor I'. S. Nat. Bank Bldg. H-92J I -ROOM modern cottage, 2707 Howard Ft, to rent after July lo. K. O. Hamilton apartment bouse, 24th and Farnam. D-96J I FOR RENT. 527 8. 2Mh Ave., 8 rnomT furnace, bath, etc.. $30. U IX Spalding, Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg. Tel. 23o. 1V-M972 S TO RENT -room house. In best residency district; moderate rent; lias laundry, gas, furnace, bath and every modern con venience: beautiful lawn, shadn trees and In all respects is an Ideal home. Call at lrto South 28tli St., or telephone 23 W for particulars. D JIS70 3x FOR RENT 7-room cottage, all modem except furnuce. 3010 Popplnton Ave n-M9i 3-ROOM house, neat and nice location, good garden plot, near Remis ParK, south front , only $7 to a good tenant. ('HAS. F.. WILLIAMSON CO Ground Floor, U. 8. Nafl Bank Bldg. D-924 1 617 6. 33P ST.. 5-room cottage, newly painted and papered throughout. In first class condition; rent. $15.00 per month. George & Co., ItWl Farnam St. 3 2000 CLARK ST.. 4 rooms. $12.50; 3000 Web ster St., H rooms, modern except furnace, $20; 2218 Chicago St., H rooms, modern. 30; 2O20 Burt St . 9 rooms, modem, $30 Rlng- wa HBros. , 3" S. 15th St. 1 V- M !MOS FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES THRF.E-STORY and basement. 1003 Far name elevator. 314 First Nat l Bank Bldg. 1-ftH THE storeroom, Nc. 2912 Farnam St., only $15 per month. Inquire R. C. refers A Co., ground floor, Beo Bldg. I 952 WE MOVK pianos. Maggard Van & Stor age Co. Tel. 1496. Gtlice. 1713 Webster St. 1 Iftll Piano moving; lowest rates for reliable service. Tel. 1C25. Bcbmoller & Mueller. 1 low HOI I Q P C in all parts of the city. Tbe V-"J'3C'U. F. Daviu Co., BUS Bee Bid. D S97 HOUSES, Insurance. Klnifwalt. Barker Blk. K 101 STOREROOM. 621 South 16th St. Clark Powell, IMS Capitol Ave. 'rhone 921. I-M1M LET I S KKIL'RK WITH YOU on house furnishings. Our goodH are the dependa ble kind and prices are "a below install ment stores. Terms: $6.00 worth, $1.00 OMAHA FI RNITI RK AND CARPKT CO., Between 12th and Utli on Farnam St. D-914 3 H 2 Houses for $1,500 H 562 North 17th Street Must be sold, on paved street and car line; look at them today. Don't bother ten ants. See us. Hastings & Heyden, ItiO&ii Farnam St. RE Farm and Ranch Lands Nebraska. Kansas, Colorado aud Wyoming; low prices; ten years' time. Land Dept. U. P K. K., Omaha. Neb., Dept. "A." RE m SNAP Eastern owner wants offer on 2424 Emmet bt. Lot. 100 feet frontage. F. U. WEAD, 1524 Douglas St. RE-949 2 West Farnam Home Beautiful 6-room house, a perfect gem near 40th and Farnam, $3,250. A SNAP 6-room cottage on S. 28th 8t.; lot dwxl42; fine location; for sale or rent by owner. 618 S. lUlh. HE 644 2x FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. Good Iowa corn furm of 560 acres; 4M acres in cultivation, balance fine pasture; good Improvements, i miles fro miown. Price, $(k per acre. Will take stock of goods, or good city property, as part parymenC J. V. Martin, Missouri Valley, la. RE Mt cliA8- Williamson Co. u- sl5t fc, RE-9 South Omaha Bargain 6-room house on "B" St., $1,500. BEMIS. PAXTON BLOCK. RE 931 2 THOMAS BRENNAN. Real EMale. Telephone 1264. $2,200 will buy modern cottage, 2613 Dav enport St. $2,300 will buy modern cottage, 704 S. 36th St. $1,200 will buy cottage. 920 N. 18th St. $3,0u0 will buy modern home, 918 N. 19th St. Write for list of l.ool real estate bar gains In all parts of the city. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1. N. Y. Life Bldg. W. H.iC'rary, Manager Real Estate Dept. ! RE-912 3 INVESTMENTS. 1 frame houses, tei.tal $2K8 $2.7SO. i frame houses, rental $4' $3.2;l. 8 fi'Miie houses, rental $048-$. i10. 2500-CT Douglas, rental $vio$f..6no. 3 Karnain street bricks $7 ,". I brl.-k houses, close lu- $7.2fiO. t new brick flats, rental lWaAA 3 bilck houses, ,-ental $1.32O-$lo,0i. 3 bricks, Hanscom Place- $12. "O). . brick fiats, rental $2.oJo-20,OnO. JOHN N. FRH.NZER, Opp. Old P. O. v BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. RE-934 S Payne, Bostwick & f'n., Sixth Floor N. Y. Life I Idg. BARGAINS FOR THE -, TH On West Farnam, south front two-stnry i.fuou. i-n, run iij nu monern nne cellar, nice porch, shade, onlv 1.1 100 On 35th ave. and Jackson, two-stnry, -R i,.,ur., null IIUIII, PHB, lOllPr, WHfltl bOW. mantel and grate, fine shade, fruit, non resident owner anxious to fil rri, 9 ,vui $300 down and $20 per month, 6 per cent ln- irirm. cMinp nir Home one. in tne tianscom park district, a new two- smry -u nouse, modern, with gas and eleo. trie light, fine reception hall and stairway soutn tront. good neighborhood, property renting for $35 per month. Price $.1,500. A nargain tor nome or Investment. iorin pari or cny, an east front, twn. story nouse. b-jt, nicelv finished, gas, bath toilet, screens, fine lawn, lots of fruit shrubbery, chicken house, chicken ysrds fine gxrden, everything right up to date Only $2,600. VACANT PROPERTY f4outh front 50-foot lot. hslf block from Hanscom park, all graded down ready for building, fine neighborhood, two new houses going up at once adjoining this. Price for this week South and east front corner lot in West Farnam district, high and sightly, sur rounded by new houses, price $vii; or will build you a house to suit. List your properties with us. Our list Is getting small. Payne, Bostwick & Co., Sixth Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. -RE FURNISHED FLAT In new apartment building tor the summer. Address b, as, Bee. DM218 8-ROOM modern brick. N. 23d. tine condition, 31$ D 242 FOR RENT About July 20. 10-room mod ern house near lugn scuooi. rue u. v. Davis Co., 5oS Bee bldg. D M591 CENTRAL, all modern, 7-room house, 220 N. 23d. U 3U. FOR RENT 831 So. 19th St., between Leav enworth and Allison, s-room modern house; bath, furnace, etc. Apply to B. Wolf, 829 S. 19th. D M795 lx TO RENT 9-room house. In best residence district; moderate rent; nas launury, bus, furnace, bath and every modurn con venience; beautiful lawn, shade trees and In all respects is an ideal home. Call at 1060 South 28th St., or telephone 2346 for particulars. D 618 lx FOR RENT 7-room, all modern house; choice neigtiDornooa. ii-j canrornia ei. ' -$32.50. Apply at 607 N. 19th St. D-MS27 2701 DODGE St.. 9-room house and bath, strictly modern and up-to-date; most de sirable; investigate if you desire a good home; good as new; rent $40. Call 2908 Dodge. 'Phone Bill. D 247 MODERN HOUSES FOR RENT. 6-room fiat in Davidgo Bldg. $35. 8 rooms, 362 North 40th St. $30. 10 rooms, 974 North 27th Ave. $22 . V). 7 rooms. 1824 North 27tll St. -122.50. JOHN W. ROBB1NS, 1802 FARNAM ST. L-ol 3 FOR RENT Nearly new -room modem house, oak finish, every convenience, lawn. 810 Worthington Place. $45. OARVIN BROS.. 1604 FARNAM. D-M85S FOR RENT Two ten-room modern houses, 2919 and 2921 Mason St. Imiulre of F. P. Kirkendall & Co., 1118 Harney St. D-M694 3 BRICK house, central loratlon; ten rooms, two bath rooms. Howard B. Smith. 421 N. Y. Life Building. D 806 10-ROOM, modern house, with furniture, for sale; rent, $25 per month. 108 S. 26th Ave. D-641 2x NEW six-room cottage at 1730 S. Eighth St., near center. D 763 4x HOUSES FURNISHED COMPLETE We have the largest stock In Omaha and sell on easy payments, 2o below Installment store prices. OMAHA FURNITURE AND CARPET CO Between 12th and 13th on Farnam St. D- 917 2 FIRST-CLASS, eight-room and attic cot tage, modern, 916 North 40th stet. The S. D. Mercer Co.. 220 Bee Bldg. D 804 2 FURNISHED cottage, very desirable for housekeeping; large rooms; good neigh borhood; at reasonable terms. Inquire at 3318 South 20th St. J J X02 2x FURNISHED 6-room modern house for summer; fine location; two car lines. 'Phone, Cedar 54om. D M816 FOR RENT-Cottage, 3524 Charles St. D MM4 3x 26f2 TEMPLETON, 7-room. strictly modern home, fine bam, lawn, shade. This is a bargain at $22 jO per niontn. 423 N. 20th. S-rooni modern brick house, large Darn, w. New cottage, near ?4th and Ames, 4 rooms and largo attic, Jil o. 8 rooms, 31st and California, $20.00. 8 rooms, modern, 1312 B. 27th. $26.00. SWEET & BEST, 613 N. T. L. Tel. H7I. D-32 2 yBG BARGAIN 8-room house, on Smith Slat St., north of Hanscom park, all modern except fur nace, with esst front, nice shade, paving fully This Is a nice home; can be had for $40 cash, balance to suit,' $J,loo. F. D. WEAD 1524 Doudas St. RE-847 I N. W. Cor. 16th and Elm. $l 151ft N. 2ith St, 6 rooms, $21. 1342 8. 27th St.. 8 rooms. $:!( 92u S. jot h St., 7 rooms, $27 50. W N. 23d St.. 7 rooms, $32 50. 2014 St. Marv'a Ave., lo rooms, $40 JOHN N. FRENZER, Opp. Old p. O D-835 2 FOR RENT Near Hanscom Park, choice modern. 8-room house, in first-class re pair; $26. (iarvin Bros., 1614 rarnsni. D 31 FOR RENT-4112 West Farnam St . elgh rooms, all-modern, good ham, all new and In fine condition, $t:io. SHIMER & CHASE "Phone 367. lmfl Farnam. D-921 2 SEVEN-ROOM furnished house. West Far nam district, plessent porch, laundry near car line. . ill M. m D-907 3 FOUR-STORY AND BASEMENT. BRICK BUILDING, 916 FAR NAM STREET. Thl building 2:1153 feet, four atorlet and a basement. The basement Is 22x13 feet. Is cemented. The cfclllng over the. basement has a brick vault and Iron beam construction, ' making the basement fire proof. The first Hour has a marble floor in front and granolithic floor In rear. Thera Is a large burglar-proof vault and a power elevator. The upper lloors have window on three aides. Address The Bee Building Co.. C. C Rosewaler. Secretary, room. 1U0 Bee Bldg. I-6W WE have vacant a particularly desirable small omce, wnicn rents tor tio.uo per month. Price Includes heat, light, waier and Je.nltor service. It is located on tha fourth floor of The Bee building and la just the -hlng for any one wanting a nice little office in the best office building la town. R. C. Peters & Co., rental agents, ground floor. Bee Bldg. 1771 IF you apply at once we can give any one aesinng a iuibo uuifjt, guL-u aimosc any arrangement they desire. This spues Is on the sixth floor of The Bee building, with north light. R. C. Peters & Co., Rental A tens, ground floor. Bee Bld. U. S. NAT'!, BANK BLDG. OFFICES FOR RENT. Two small offices, one, on second nnd other on third lloor, .20 eacn. ju monern conveniences. One large ground floor office on 12th St.; large window ror oiRpiay; an modern conveniences, electric light and prlvatn wash bowl; all newly decorated; Janitor service Included. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO.. Ground Floor, U. S. Nati Bunk Bldg. I-8i9 2 LARGE, llfrht room, size 8.1x32 feet, second floor 1308 Fnrnam St.. sultanio lor omce, storage, light manufacturing, etc. In quire above number, upstairs. 1-938 2x MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS Our Money Is loaned on furniture, pianos, llva stock and to salaried people upon their own agreement to pay. Our rates are as low as any, our service Is quick and quiet and we never charge for making papers or notary fees. We want your business if you ever borrow money. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., &I6 Bo. lilth St. Tel. 22S5. 119 Board uf Trade Bldg. (.Established 1W2.) X-68S BORROW MONEY WHERE You get it on' Furniture, Pianos, Horses, Wagons. Cows, Salaries, eto.. WHtnhi xou gei ii un soon nonce. WHERE You get low rates and easy terms. WHERE Confidential and courteous dealings Diing you ouuk. WHERE Can you do better? PHOENIX CREDIT CO., Top floor. 633 PAXTON BLK. X-961 J 'S CHATTEL LOANS. We have money to loan ut a reasonable rate on diamonds, pianos, household furniture or otli'-r good chattel securi ties to parlies whose position in life re quire thai surh tiansactluns bo mads and held in strict confidence. Union Loan and Investment Co., 212 Bee. Tel. 29uU X-M284 MONEY loaned on furniture, salary, horses, etc.: half usual rates. Dr. Prlbbe now, room 214, at 2u9 S. lath St. Tel. B24. X-963 MONEY loaned salaried people and other without security; !isy payments. Offices In 53 principal cities. Tulman, room 714. New York Life Bldg. X 963 BOW UN'S MONEY -Easy to get on fi'rnl ture. pianos, horses, cows. Plain note It steadily employed. 70 N. Y. Life. X-964 MONEY loaned on salary, furniture. Jew elry, horses. Duff Green Loan Co., I Barker Blk. X-90S MONEY, loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, J19 S 13. X 966 EAGLE Ixian Office, reliable, ai commodat lug; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. N--061 MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. ST R LOAN CO.. 614 PAXTON BLK. X -967 CHATTEL, salarv aud Jewnjry loans Foley Loan Co., 1504 Farnam St. X-969 FLORISTS HESS it SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam. -Ml L. HENDERSON, 151 Farnam. Tel. 1264.