I rnn omaita daily hee: Friday, .tune no, ims. Facsimile Declaration of Inbe pen dancy Free sT frW CTM S 1 H Kaw GREATEST BARGAIN GIVING E Kl il Cvl T OF THE ENTIRE SEASON si Declaration of Indepen dence With Purchase! SALE 50c Values HirfH Gra.de Wash Coodi at 10c Yard This very special lot Includes all the remnnnts from the main dppnrtmpnt, ucb aa Imported Organdie, in bonutlful floral designs, Imported twine cloth In desirable colors, mercerized wnlstlng, pretty designs, 1 all rare bargains, for, per jrnrd Just received from New York, all extra fine grade silk dot Mulls, In blaok, white and every pretty new shade, sells everywhere for 30c and 40c a yard, Special at, per yard An Immense purchase of plain silk Mulls Just placed on sale for the first time; all shades, a quality 10c 19c F'.ne French Ginghams, In all the different stripes, checks and woven patterns, worth 10c, for, per yard .... Thousands of yards sheer quality of white India Llnon, a splendid new lot, valued up to 10c, for, per yard 40-Inch wide White Lawns, very desirable for aprons, children's dresses, etc., worth 20c a yard, per yard 8k 6ic 10c 6k that Is cheap for 10c, Special Best quality 30 inches wide light and dark dres percales, all long, useful lengths, Special sale price, per yd.. Very best quality Standard Amer ican Dress Trlnts, in fancy greys and blues, go at. per yard ....... 32c Two Very Special Bargains In the Morning at 8 o'clock. As long as it lasts, Mercerized Lawn Walstlngs. fancy' lace lawns, fine quality batistes, printed voile suitings values up to twenty-five cents, go as long as they last, at, yard 3ic Afternoon From 2 Till 3 o Clock We will sell various qualities 36-lnch Bleached Mus-l-lln and Cambrics in short mill lengths, for, yard lC Dress Goods Remnants Lengths of dress goods, 3, 8 and 8 yard pieces In black, and all colors, voiles, silk eollennes, panamas, mohairs, "T etc. , taken from regular stock and sold up to m $l.BO a yard, at, yard C for 25c quality pretty Flow JC ered Organdies direct from the mill, plenty alike for dresses. f fln yard for odds and ends of vC snk Voile, Panama and Silk Crepe regular 23c and SBo grade, full dress patterns. I Rnrrfainc Sample pieces and odd lots Laie IJargainS ofall kinds of wash laces and trimming laces -Vala, Normandy vals, fine torchons to match, also eluny bands at bar- C gain counter, at, yard . jC"C'" 2C Remnants of Embroideries Embroideries and insertions up to seventeen inches wide finest Swiss and nainsook on C 7 bargain Bquare, at JC- t 2C"1C SALE OF SILK REMNANTS New York importer's entire line of silk samples. All bright colors in finest eilks for neckties, bags and fancy work. yard up to C l(g 1 12 n " Cn one yard, at, each jC-lUC-IJC-a jC One thousand Silk. Remnants In lengths from 1 to IS yds. Huge bargain square "JCi. Remnants of plain and changeable taffeta, 27 and 36 inches wide, col ored taffeta, both rustle and 1 f chiffon nnlnh, and many 1 If pieces to match, on sale, yd...' at, yard Pongee Silk, Jap Wash Silks, Shirt Waist A f Q Silks, Imported Dresden Silks, at fJC'OJC Dress the Boy Nearly for the Fourth of July. GREAT BARGAIN OFFERINGS IN Boys' and Children's Clothing 100 Boys' Washable Russian or Sailor Suits, Knickerbocker or plain pants made of Dest washable material guar anteed fast color $1 and $1.50 kind, Friday at. All the Washable Pants that Sold up to 1 CI A 50c, at ISrC Beys '$5 and $6 Serfe Suits Ages 8 to 10 Russian and Buster Brown, all wool blue, royal and browns, at AH our $1 and 75c Knee Pants, 3J( BIG PRICE CUTTING IN THE BASEMENT Boys' 25c Wash j inaue oi 49c 19c 25i Boys' $2 and $2. 50 double breasted W TO Norfolk Russian Suit, baament, at Boys' $1.60 hair Shirts 8rd floor BOYS' 25o WAISTS basement ... C Pants f basement, atC Mo hair Shirts HQ Boys' $1.50 Pon- bTouses Oftf 3dfloar, st..' U"' Boys' $1 & $1.50 Laundered F t Shirtwaists lf and Blouses ADVANCE NOTICE GLORIOUS CLOTHING SALE (Men's Suits for fourth of July Wear) begins SATURDAY July 1st A N. Y. rTfers Surplus Stock aj a Wonderful Reduction that will make Saturday a Gra.nd Bargain. Celebration SBflW CDTl3emt8 at ' Heat electric light janitor service .all night and Sunday elevator ser vice a : fire proof building all cost the "tenant of: The Bee Building nothing extra'" " ' ' :' V .., - HOSPE'S MUSICAL STOCK It Comprises Some of the Greatest Novelties Ever Seen in One Establishment. flopfrin Colf-DKuinn Diinn. Minim ubii i lajuilj I lallUA U Ployed by bnnd or by electricity. B Combination Piano and Player Combined in one instrument. This can be played by hand or by foot. , Separate Piano Players which can be placed up to any plnno and played automatically; any music desired. Music Cabinets with cloks, playiiiK 12 tunea, a dif ferent piece every half hour. Musical Birds Swiss automntic, wonderful Imita tion of the renl songsters. Talking Machines reproducing the voices of the great est singers and world-famed con cert bund music. You are invited to hear these moat wonderful creations. A. HOSPE CO. 1513 Douglas Street. r HOUSE CLEANING SALE1 OF OXFORDS ladles Tan Oxfords, mall lie, 2 1-2 to 4 Ladle 2. no and Vt.OO Tan Oxford 47 pairs Ladies 50c 75c Hand Turn Soles and Pointed Ton. Harrow Square) Toes, Broken lien, a 1-2 to 4, 13.00 Southern Button ,f nnd Tan Ties 1.00 Opera Toes, S to all broken si sea. THESE ARE BARGAINS FOR HOME COMFORT. Closing- out every small sli Oxford at T. B. ..ORRIS 1S1T DOUGLAS IDIAMONDSI We have them In all sizes In the better qualities at correct prices. Diamonds have been made a study by us for twenty years and we are willing to give you the result. With each purchase we give you a con tract to take it back at any time within one year less 10 per cent of price paid. Rings from $5.00 to S500. i t m icthO Trsrf r ! I II all USELSS TO THINK of receiving any mora reliable work or skilled attention than we will give you right here, whatever prices may be. Our guarantee on every piece of work in sures your getting the best. If you wish to save money and still get what la right, come here. Full set of teeth. $5.00. rainless Dentistry. TAFT'S DENTAL ROOMS I 1B1T Doualas St., I A Group of Beauties The showing of ladles' watches is non than unusually Interesting. We hav added a large number of new delgns and new styles to our already large assortment. Where there Is so much beauty and merit a choice may be difficult, but prices will help to a selection. Brown & Borshelm, 'jaweW. 23-223 8. 16th St . COINQ AWAY FOR THE SUMMER? - ttava Tk B Mall4 to TW .i . OMAHA WIBATHER FORECAST Friday Fair, Store IV be Closed the Fourth. li w BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY Special offers every day, the best goods produced and lowest prices. GINGERSNAPB Fresh, Ec crisp and spicy, per lb Twenty (I2.0H) Oreen Trading Stnmps with pound Tea. , A Sin any kind OW Ten ($1.00) Oreen Trading Stamps with can pure ground n Black Pepper t Twenty dim Green Trading Stamps with can Diamond "S" OHi- Fruits OC ' Ten ($1 00) Green Trading Stamps with two packages Gusto OKi Breakfast Kood 45JW Ten (11.00) Green Trading Stamp with three-pound can fine Hi Table Syrup l4tC Ten (11.00) Oreen Trading Stamps with eight ara Bennett's J5i Bargain Soap Gallon-oan e Peaohea OC BENNETTS CANDY SECTION. Afarshallnws, Vanilla flavored. tenty-nve In sack OC Per pound , 160 FOURTH of JULY GOODS Complete Line of Fl&ls, Canes, Carve Ammunition. Cap Pistols 8Lid Caps Torpedoes &nd Bunting FTiAGS All slses, up from, Kn per dozen '-' Walt and see our display of Fire works Saturday, on Sixteenth Street Sidewalk far and away the biggest assortment of Fourth of July merch andise in the city. Our prices are pace showers. GET YOUR FIREWORKS SATURDAY PRICES AT Millinery Millinery Thursday mong "Sinclair Millinery A new line of Black Hat Specials just unpacked and placed into our trimmers' dept. hands. These hats are mostly made of hair braid 'and Mallne combl nations, in shapes known as the Continental, the Con ventional Turban and Dress Shape stvles. smartly trimmed with owl heads, wings, Flowers, etc.; would sell regularly at from $5.00 to $7.50, ' Thursday a. genuine bargain, the price on these New Black Hat Specials Mrs. Sinclair in charge. 2.98 A Bargaia Table of Ladies' Wash Suits Over Two Hundred Wash Dresses in Sateen, Linen, Or gandy, Lawn, Pique and Duck Suits our entire stock that sold at from $7.50 to $3.50 are piled up on one bar gain circle, in three lots that must be sold before July 4. ine eany comer, on imday, gets the pick. 1 C C ...leeSS Ladies Neckwear Pricey $3.95, $2.95 and Belt Remnant Sale Odds and ends of ladies' Belts, several hundred a regular grab bag of belts f f worth up to 60c all at.. 1UC Children's and Misses Parasols Almost our whole etook in three lots, that, all may have one for the Fourth 30c, 25c Stockings for 10c. All sizes for ladles, misses' and children, fast black. f f guaranteed Friday M...1UC Girdle Corsets Sizes 18 to 22 only, the same as you pay 50c for C Friday JC Handbags Come to the round table value 50c. price Frt- 1 C day .......... ...ZDC Remnants of Embroideries Long and short lengths of fine Swiss and Nainsook Embroid eries, Insertions and Readings left from our bitf sample lot- Embroideries that sold at 30c Friday-yard Embroideries that sold y 1 at 20c Friday, yard 2C Embroideries that sold at 15c Friday, yard. .. Embrolderiea that sold T I at 10c Friday, yard O2C Remnants of Table Linens Odd Napkins and Crashes to be sold Friday at less than cost to Import. 10c 7ic 5c Odds and ends of ladies' Neck wear, In linen, turnovers in hemstitched and embroidered, white and colored lace stocks and other styles, worth up to 25c each, Friday, each, f" 10c and JC Wool Dress Goods Remnants 2,000 remnants, In blacks and colors, some have enough for waists, some enough for skirts, lots of good lengths for chil dren, good 8 worth from $1.50 to 50c yard all go q Friday at yard DC Remnants of Wash Goods All the remnants of Wash Goods, in Voiles, Fancy Lawns, Panamas and Swisses, that sold up to 18c yard (2 to 12 yards In each piece) yard .. Short lengths of fine Batistes, Persian Lawns, French Pop lins, In floral and dotted pat terns, that sold up to 35c vnrd ay to 10 yards in te each piece) yard 1UC Short lengths of all our Im ported Twills, Swisses, Crepe, Mohairs and pretty Organdies that sold to Vc yard (lengths 2V2 to 14 yards) 1 Friday, yard J2C SB-inch Curtain Swiss and 40 lneh White Lawns, worth up to yardyan!r.n,.y: 15c Dress Ginghams and Percales, worth 12c yard P Friday, yard Od :. ..5c While You Are Fishing You'll netd a pair of smoked glasses to protect your eyes. We have them from 25o up. Let us put your watch in order before you g-o. LOOK FOR THE NAME. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler, 1616 Douslaa Street DR. BRADBURY DENTIST 1806 FARNAft Teeth Extracted... J5c Porcelain PH lings $1 up Geld Fillings $ Bp Silver Filling... 00c up Crowns $2.50 up Plates. $2. 00 up 15 Years Same Location Phone 17S6. Bridge Work $2.80 op Nerves removed with out pain. Loose Teeth Made Solid. Work guaranteed 10 years. Teachers and Students Canl make $5.00 a day during vaca tionjhionths. No investment required. Wor(J-j dignified and pleasant. Write vi xmmcuiars. :: :: :: M hVLNIIUlI UNI IKY TMiMUl OMAHA, rjuinsivA Watch for Great Sale of Men's Shirts Saturday mm vmm aiuiiu rroam. See Display of Saturday Bargains In 16th SU Window Pre-lnventory Bargain Day Remnants in Main Wash Goods DeoL 89Ccord.SI oJffl" ATrf1 Ynj f 6" and Me white roods In piquet, and. 7n mJ ToT c"",l,m' nl other white Roods; also 59o printed Sim jrrKanaiPS In Ann colors, from J to 8 yards In remnant urn! other e hlsh class wash Roods, worth up to Wo yard a? d 15C "H"odVodsRFnA78 ATB-,(K- TD-H-mnanteof c! nA''yihUm Mer dotted 8.?r; L7,rta,V n, Fr"nlh Lawns. Persian Lawns. S9c; fine madraa- all at ...?.. . Pfrcallnes and otlier lining; In Ion pieces. Qq 89C.An" "onJ AT..R7 YD.Inch PeroklVVli'klnds'Vf'nnrdMTnchams. S6e X'Ji Z "n,nf,8- o"o and other fine goods In long e. and short remnants, will close out at, a yard ... " . , f3C Pre-lnventory Sale of Silk Friday ,45o 59c uo i consists or fancy and nlnln Rilv. in i .v.. at. per vard ". up i oua. Lot J-Conslsts of fancy Silks for suits and waists, worth up to 11.00. Vot.WSau'tmmi'L,n Pa,,Prnl1 l"''9 than Ifl yards of our finest 'quality, as niKh as J2.50 yard, at, per yard . i mm mum, ji-mcnes wide; remnants of taffeta for 0Z.t drop skirts and suits, regulnr 11.00 nnd 2n value t .r h OWS An,,i1.tr .lat?e "ht;ment of Jap Na'urH Wash Silks Just received! 'bou8hT"ata bar gain, that we will place on sale Frldav, VrZ. 25 pieces of -lncl. 88o value, for, i'r yard ., , IvC Special Friday Bargains in the Great West Room 12Ho Apron Lawn. 40-ln. wide, - i in iimar miii ends, hi, ya vji 25c Printed Foulardine Dress Fabrics In long mill ends, 01. at. yd ZhC 13Ho Seersucker Dress Ginghams, e- at, yd L.....OC J5c Chambray Ginghams, y i f i a C 7Hc Standard Dress Prints, at, ya 4 w India Linnns, check Nainsooks and fancy mo oinpes, worm up to ioc ya., nC 16o French Percales. 83-ln. wide, In llgh and dark colors (guaranteed) l from the bolt, at, yd :...,...J,,OtC 25c Waali Voiles In all colors. O 1 at. yd ',. WtC 10c Printed Batistes, A 1 at. yd 4ci 49c Silk-dotted Mousseltne de Sole, In all colors, from the bolt, rt. at. yd 1C 85c Snow White Table Pamank. STS-, from the bolt, at, yd... Iilw 7,0 Soft Finish Bleached Muslin. at, yd... .....OU Friday Bargains in Furnishing Goods Department Ladles 18c Past Black Hose, i, pair Children's ribbed Hose, In all sizes. Hi, pair Men's half Hose. In blacks, tins una grays, luo quality, at, pair.. -..6c ...5c coys- enirt waists, in dark colors, ft all sires, worth 26e, choice IUO Cotton Sweaters, in light and (isn medium weight, all sizes, at aOw Men's Balbrlggan Shirts and Drawers, worth up to Sue, . gj at. per garment ....... iOU Haydens S Prices ihat Save You Money 18 lbs. Pure Cana Granulated Sugar for J1.00 nuw is me iimo to preserve your fruit. Large baskets Fancy Texas Peaches 16o Florida PlneaDDles. worth lfic enrh. Inr liv Florida Pineapples, worth 2oc each, for 124c Large baskets rnllfornla Apricots... ...soo Large baskets red, blue or yellow Plums. 80a Fancy large. Juicy Umntu, per dos 15a Large baskets fancy ripe Tomatoes 26o HAVDER3 BROS. THE NOBBIEST OUT Genuine matting suit cases the finest quality; leather bound. Just the thing for traveling; very light weight and extremely neat. Price $3.30, $3.75 and $4.00. OMAHA TRUNK FACTORY, 1209 FARNAM ST. First Rational BanEt UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Omaha. Nebraska Capital $500,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits. .?329,S57. 65 Deposits .w .... $9,800,473.39 Herman Kountee, President John A. Oreightan, Vlco Prealdent F. H. Day is, Caahler. OL T. Konntae, Aast-Caahier. I. Xj. Kountia, Asat-Oaahler. Special facilities and liberal terms offered for mereantlla and banking accounts. Your business solicited. J -J ! Three per cent on Time Deposits. "FOLLOW THE PLAO.1 VERY LOW ROUND TRIPS South and Southeast, one fare plus $2.00. Hot Springs, Ark., daily .$2300 St. Louis, Mo., daily ; .....18.50 Chautauqua, N. Y., July 2Sth ,..34-.00 Detroit, Mich., Aug 13th and 14th 21.50 Pittsburg, Pa., Aug. 17th and 18th . .25.25 ltiehmond, Ya., Sept. 8th to 11th inclusive :33.75 Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 14th to Kith inclusive 32.75 Long limits, stop overs and other features offered in con nection with the above rates. All agents can sell you through tickets and route you Wabash. All tickets reading over the Wabash from Chicago east are optional with passenger via lake or rail, either or both directions. Call at Wabash City office, 1601 Farnam street, or write and let me give you all information, maps, descriptive mat ter, folders, etc. HARRY E. MOORES, Q. A. P. D. Wabash Ry., Omaha, Nab. It is cool to-day in Colorado Block Signals All tha Wy ask Geo. C. Cham L.rs. Pass. Art.. i Equitable BlJg., Ia Moines, la,, for "A Colorado Summer" book. Why not take your Summer Outing in Colorado Rockies? The Santa Fe is arranging some lowvrate excursions to Denver. Go on the Colerado Flyer, the train that's as fine at the Limited .. litt ' ' , i . rt WW:,