THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: B FN" PAY. JFXE 2: 1 ?'' 3 40I.STILXED Omaha, has been expecting Artificial Ice for years other cities enjoyed it; why not she? We have put in the machinery for making it by the latest improved process, costing us more than $100,000. This plant will manufacture 180 tons daily, when completed. WATER a This is beautiful ice, all know it is pure. It comes in oblong cakes designed to fit the ice box, clear and sparkling. By using artificial ice, made from distilled satisfaction of knowing water, one has the it is absolutely pure. Auditorium Corner : : 'Phone 455 A superb block pf this ice may be seen at Myers-Dillon's Soda Fountain. ICE-COMPANY STATE C0MITTEE1S CALLED CLaimaa Btrce Ibtom li.rtraruoni for Kmirg of E puiilioun Jmt SI WILi PFtPAKE FOT STATE CONVtKTlO PreliaH si ry -taw Imim f (wa4laate far Mat 0ees Takca by PrHI Ol rr f Coaissltt. rrrm a S taff CorreFpori3ert LINCOLN. June 14. 'Special Telegram. - j Chairman Purge of the republican state i committe ha called a rmisj of tb pom- j for Friday evening. Jun Iii, at tbe Llndeli hotel. Tbe purpose of tbe Trieetlng 1 to f.x a tin and place fw tb rerubiioa.ii state convention 10 nominate a candidate for Judge of th upren court aDd two re gents of tbe Stat university. Lawyer Are Afreei. Lasher politicians and candidates are till up Is the air on the question of tbe legality of tbe election proclamation issued ry Governor Mickey lor tbe election ol a congressman la this, the First, district. July Hi. to succeed Senator Rurkett. Though Attorney General Nnrrti F-t-owti mill main tain tbat tbe 1 valid for the reason tbat tbe governor derive hi right to issue tbe call from tbe federal consti tution, r-urourous other atltirnfjt. both re publican and deroocrata say there 1 no Question but what the car, la Invalid. H M. Pollard, tbe republican nominee, ha been requested to come to Lincoln and a conference will lie held tomorrow after noon. Tbe legality of tbe proclamation aill be discussed at that time and a oours of action will be decided ujkhi. Governor Mickey is certain tb proclama tion Is valid and this morning said there wa no question about rt "The constitu tion of tbe t'nited State give rr.e my so Uiorlty." be said, "and under the consti tution the special flection was called- If tbat conflict aith the Ftatu-e of thi state, the statutes must Five aay." Attorney General Norri Brown takes th same position. Otber attorney a ho ar rinse both to . Pollard arid Brcwn. the two candidates fl-i not no lnterjiret the fwdf-sJ connit ution. They claim tbis section frivf. the pevernor ! potrer to act. but that It If the state ntut- i tte ahicb provide bow he Fhall act. T:i Ftrrnrtben thl position they are quotitig this section of tbe constitution: Section 15- The time., place and manner of boi'dirf eiecT.ions for stimors and rep-e- i aentatives tiau r pres"noen jti eacn state bv tbe leriBlstu-e thereof : but the rcntr"W riay at ar.y time, by law. make or alter sur h riiruitiorjs. eiwpt as to Uje piaoea of cboosinr aenat ora. Tbe leclslature haa eTerrlsd thia atsthor- lty left to it by the constitution, aay these lawvera. In the following statute, and this renders the caTl lljepal. All the trouble started bers.rtae President Roosevelt failed to call an extra session of Orchard & Wilhelm Carpet (Bo. Big Furniture Sale This Week lf mi 3 tie rriatrfscitm-r h3 we found soiae of fnrntture ranker !o ere axt ku to -l(ia oct 1o us wvfral ,arloas f drop jmrtenis atid KNn:; l at Hie Terr litwraJ !iiooTtiita of ' p'' 't. fi jir ont and i-r oLt. Tlee pixels a e have miirkenj t ur rxr:lnr wllitic j rice atid rr tbiu to tJte trde at fiie flifccvi!t t -ahi'L e tK-tiptt ti-tn. Sn-li snulct. 1iit J'ur p at ",. jK-r ff-ut wii; te ticketed with red ticket, ailowii.p jen to Hike j-er "Et off tl. iurn3 jr.. A r lKnpit at STH ir ti)t off will r tjck'td -w-iTt a Miie ticket, allowiijie von to ihk? 'fT .'C'h r - :n from trie marked I'Ti'-e. Article lioux;t at T ler oeut fiifiuiit wriil ti' ketej i-b a prof-n t)rkt, alion'inp j ou 1 take t2 l'T "nt frctfii the tuarkud iriceu It 1 o efcf-T to pite f.purt-K bi s in:iMM'- to tltc" qualitio in furniture that It aut-t sufSoe to m; that y on w ill find rata to reiay a Jourw-y of matiy nuiev ink etrht-day hail clotk. j'no 121 V' take at, tiim f eatli-red -i" .. Maborany arm rcker. Piianlsh loather take - Golden ok arm rocker, Riianish leather svat and back, take off V Goior, itk or Tnatiinnitiy. hand polished recr;.ti n or 8fk c hair. 4 W take oft V F.uh s'M reception rhair. Fold as oak polished fir.i?..' take off H ljarre weathered oak wood rocker witb arms, handsome Oesirn. -i i take off Larpe leathered oak rocer or chair, lo'ise Spanish leather cushion seat and tt k. M' takf off H Fnnces flresser, polden oak. hand carved. SXi taka off V 1 una mabo.r.y Princes Cresset, plain desif-n. l. fK" take o!I !ai-atiy ndeboarft. Colonial desim. w take off V V,atui:ar.y china cabinet. Colonial desiaru. f7! take off V- "Weathered oak buffet, j'lain oesirn. at ex- take off V chal'. fbre rush seat, polden oak. M W' taka fr.ish arm rocker, handsomely polished. i'ltat.f off H V!hh"rfcry tike n n lii'TTian seat, folflen or Artaerp oak. J (Wt take off Colonial rlden oak sidelxiard. band carved. tTkWTi taka off i C'-loiiial mahepacy dresser with arlass knoba, 141 (ia taka off V ( olfr.ial mahogany chiffonier with irias knobs. y,.(ia ttke ( fl v Colonial mahoracy dress: table, rlass knoba. S3 HP take off V Fi ffet. larre. masslx-e desirn. HE, tske off i Wahnrany rocker, upholstered seat and back, taka off Arrr. rockr. tufted leather bark, t.l W tak. off Golrter. oak arm rocker, cobbler htber seat, emboasei trk. T. "'-take off V "Weathered oak hall trlasa, Cf. i take off H Golden oak Napoleon bod, K W take off V .our aNNuai eieainup Sale Lace (Curtains At the eDd of a Try lusv Fprirx'a tiiKines we find onrwlvea with VnDdss1s (f odd pairs of Lace CcrtalBa. abort Irnc.lis of N't. Swisr. Cretoiiiie end odd jmrterns. w hich it Is our custom to cke otit at a jis1b1 sale. Mon fiaT mornlnp all odd jiHirs. f-hort lennbs and drop juttem w ill on sale tit reiriarVahJv low ;rioe. This la an ojiniranj to hvj curtalri clirii;or Uied we Iiht ever iffered lefre. tieyau the quantity is larger and the price lower Br'FFTVET Remnar of bot.bjnet all a-idth t:p to li l-.'-hes wrth t:p to $x JT yard fJXClAl. Qc PER T ARI' -. Ct'P LACE CT'RTAJNP Sir.rle. all P to ti,. per jiair a loi.p a they last, each ri.W' RT'FFLEP 5VT1SS CrETAlXS Hemstltt bed ruffles, special C nr 1RSH PCU XT AVU ERfSf ELS CCRTA1K? Ail iniported. F;eeial FRENCH CRrTC'VXE All clo- and lenrtha Remnants from 3 to yardr.. worth 2c ier yard. at XAFE?TRT PwT"AR.E For summer pillows. Inches square, at ICic, Iic and 25c 95c 2.35 ,5c fHi ARAF1AN CT"RTA!N'B Handsome. xt opporTuntre to money. The (juanuue are Irorj 1 lo t C (Q pairs. p'r pair iJ.VtJ 2T, , I:P.VSELS. 3R.!?H POIKT AN"r ARABIAN CI RTAjNS Special, per pair REMNANTS t'F MAl'RAS 1 to j-ards m le.nrth. all Tacit up to tl per yard, lo close.. j-r 4 vara f. . KERCERIZEP ARMT'RE CURTAINS-rYlnpe tcip arid bc'itom. a-tirtfl colors &. ttlO PC'RTIERES r nly one jialr of a stylf; rf versihle. Tiei,Tal and florai oesipns. n SLfl sjiewal i O. 0J S3&W tAXf'NT RRCSSELS-Handmade Arabian cu"aln 1 to pair of a stjle only, ten style. jer j"7 50 13.50 3.95 We Close at I O'clock Saturday During July and August. WARRANTS OUT FOR BRAKEMAN J. J. Kriu ierwl wt tssadU few IVeata Mas at Frt. FREMONT. Neb.. June . Spsrtal Tele F'am.) Last erctnlnc a complaint was filed and a warrant Issued for tba arraat of J. I. JCjisa, tbe brake man who was on tba train when "Win lam MrMahon was killed, rbarrlnic him with manniaurbtr by Irtckln WrMahon off a roovtn train on tba Tnlcm Pacific on June 1. last. Tha warrant waa Of-lli-ared to Sheriff Rauman .nd will prob a.!y be served this evenln when Kris roe throurfa her on hla run County Attorney Graham 1 assisted by G. L. Loomia. H. C. Maynard and F. W. But tost, representlnir tbe McMahoa family. J Xeara mt Irkratka. Wi2PT P"iINT Kerl F-roa have aold a !;alf interest In the West Point Rortlin works to H. H. HcwarUi of this city. TOFK Torrk rnuntv ha had thre heavy Shower this week, which ha been a hind rance io corn p4wine Hoatm, the crops are iof.!n(r wU generally. HA R V A RI Rain fur tlie past week BTTHiuried to tmo and a half Inches, delay ing com cnltivatlon and wa ol harm rather irian value te small rrain. W EST POINT Jons Straoek and Mrs. Anna Klanit were united in marriare by County Juaire Ieaald. Trie paruea are well knoan citlaen of Howell. GENEVA A aindow which Mr. Siaier ordered for a memorial to his wife readied lere yesterday and aill be put In Trinity Eplsoopal church dose to the orpaia ONE ILL Tbe Teacher lnsutute which lib bef-n in aeaaion the last to weeks closed thi everatis Tlie attenflL noe waa the larfnst thia year In tbe history of tha county. TtXTMSEH Mr. Prank Sohreppel of Tecurnseh and Mia Umra Pettiiifer ol Ptelnauer we-e married at the brio a home Tliuradty. They U1 make their home in this i-Jty. BLAIR At tbe home of the bride'a par- knta. Jar. an Mra arry tinue) , tc-urrea rtbe marriare or their aa.usrl.ter J7a to Mr. C 'W liber Ccxik of Frimont. Rev. A E. Marsh of tbe LrviMcorial etiurch offici ated. J- LATTSMOITH Tbe estaWishment of I the Nerirn.ka National Guard nne ranee in I tlas uiy iias pracUiiaily bcn oeuded i upon. Tbe ioi-atx.n approved ty the army omoer is on the Pmtie tailuma, fcUiu: ti ree miles from tha city. FA1RBIRT Little -Jack" HeaaTy. tlie fc-vear-oid aon of John Heasry. was bitten a lew w et ks aro by a small dug with w hic.h lie was plating, and yesttirf.ny oeveloiied symtiuima f hydropb-bia. He wa taken m the nKm train to Chloairo for treatment. HASTlNiJS Tbomaa K. Steiiard waa tie fore the Adama county Board if Icaanity !!! week and was ad.tudred insane. He Is xic-w an inmate of the ctronic insane j asylum. Mr. Slieuard la 3 year old and : 1. a man w ho has had a very tmfl.l mind . TOTMfEH-Miss Me'l RuaaeJl. daughter (if Mr. and Mra. A Ruiwtll of Tecuniseh. i f radiated aith honors from the .1iica-o j 'lano ooltec-e. ClJiai. Ttiurwday mium i Mia Russell was one of the lea rraduate a-mn a number on in oomnjtmot nittni jiro- ; rram. IiKAINARTj Tb oommenoement eaer- ' ris-s ol tbe Rrainard Hi(h kIkhi! we)e bid at th Ojit-ra in.ue lt nicht. Prof. ' flemnititi of the Prenumi oiirmai Delivered an appropriate address to the Ttduuii 1 ciasa, a Lull oouaisled of tvkiX fUil aiij j tao bc.)S. 1 Ilii'l SlfEH finit the aniiountwment of i Ihe lioidiiic mati. by the supreme ociurt In ' the biennial election law there ha been a HUr auioi tlie jiriiectiie canaidates of I 0, .tli part in in this ooumy It is believed ; it. ere a ill be a nuuilwt nf an-piraiits f ar j office. i i'T6MilTH-Sfme unknoa-a party last nurtt uivadMd tne premiaes of Juhn la'ca. sr.. and auiufttereo a laiye hr. A . few (lays btlure am- tier iii wa kiiiod is ' tlie same wa. a tuie a horse aa also , puisuued Tbe Hia offioers are making ar f hi te loate the sruilty party. j W(iOD RJVER A hard rain last ! has put a slop to farrn a in k for a oouimi- j ! dnya Tt.e cckJ a eat tier is causiuf mra to it back sard, while many farmers ar , Iiot able to jet all tbeir alla'fa up oa ar- , court of tbe frequeAt rams. tViiat is KKik tng well and ill niake an averare crop ' WEST iulNT Cri Rcliriever and Mis Lei me r ere united is marriare at ttie Kixk Creek German Lutheran ciiurc.a, Jv A. M Lcinier. Ulifie f the b'o. ftic ibuu Tlie '.iuoie left lor a weddiuc trip lo Miuat-uii ana on their return wi" rekidr or. i lie t-i farm of tle sruuiu. zi carta Cif t lie city. TEkTU"MEH r. F. Cro. nne .n at lonitr of Lincoln, a ho haa been tarn-inf In ti;l county lir in last liiree ur four ears had a num escape from aath. Jit nperienoed a runaway accjdent fui i rivui a tniritd lan to a iwivuif ma- l.ine Pta-t uoauly ba ea! but auh vi Ir tunes WCs'f" RIVER AD tba lilacs for a suc cessful celilriitioii iera or tlie Fourth bav Wd maOe aiid Here wi.l aoubties t a larva crusd, as tVai4 fuvrr is tl.e only ! la It county a hi'h wli) celete-ate. 1 he TH. . K.d River l aiifl iH ltiruii the mu-auc- H oiltac-a laaia trwts urai a.and a-fU play ban with the Wood River team, and there will be blue rock shooting bv some of the best shots In this part of the state. There will be manv other attractions. Hon. C. G. Ryas of Grand Island wtii be tlie orator of the day. FAIR. BURT The Chautauqua meeting at Fatrbury ail oomroenoe on July 4 and con tinue until the llcth. The speakers engaged include Oovemor Folk of Missouri and Thomas W. Laawon of frenaled finacoe" fame. Tbe exercises of the opening dar will be on tba order of an old-fashioned Fourth of July. WEST POINT Elaborate preparation ar lieing made to celebrate the Fourth of July at this plane under tbe aospioea of trie state organ) ration of tbe W cwnunen of trie World. Sovereign Commander J. C. Root and Supreme Oerk J. C. Kuhn ar announced to speak. Tbe program con tain some tmiau feature. H DWELLS The westbound freight train was delayed here three hours vesterday afternocrn a a result of the engine liemg completely derailed. While switching wa in prepress on tbe sidetrack the rail spread and the entire engine dropped to the tlea Litue damage was done A spe cial ernrtne was summoned from Srribner. OSCrXLA -Xncle" Ianlel Jarmm wa bora on St John's day. June 21. 3K21. and his friend celebrated the return of the dav w-ith him. Neighbor and friends came in from the country in the old Jarmin neigb borbood. bnnglng well filled basl-.eta with them, the best the market afforded, and had a very er.lovable daT with the haprv couple. Mr and Mrs. ranlel Jarmin. W EST PC'INT The enUre issue of CB. of West Point precinct refunding bond t," Jn "3 It the Cctimy board to . T. a NeUgh on a bid of only par and accrued interest with toe provision that tbe bonds should only bear 4 tier cent interest Instead of b. a oric'naUv con templated by tbe board Tci deal 1 considered to be a very fvorabie one for tle eoi-aty. .."""t-f POINT-At tbe last meeting of ta''5 '"hM,) Prof. R. M Camp bell of Humphrey was unanimous) v eiected superintendent of tbe c;tv schools taking the plac of Prof R H. Graham, who tFoed Prof. Campliell ia a graduate of Franklin college. Indiana, and ore going to HtiTphrey a a mnclpal of the Columbus High acbool. The tniard fixed r J"1 vi lh Mw "ul'Tix'l'uarrit at WEST POINT-Tb total assessment of personal proTwrrv In Cuming oounrv a slioa-n by the returns of tbe deputy as sessors te tbe county assessors is: West Point, city, CCKt.: Wisner. village. WTSW. Rar.croft. village.; Farmer, village. a4.KJiE. Sixteen outiying townships aggre gatetl rTi.ah. making a total for the en ure county of t,14;.(rt This is a slight net increase of lens than JT.iioo over last year s asMesment. HASTINGS The farmers near Stromr. ala miles southeast of Hasting are pre paring to erect a farmers' elevator. A com pany ha tieen formed among the promi nent farmer of That section of the county for mutual proteoto and this association win soon erect an elevator close t the siding of tlie Missouri Pacific rallwav at Stromer. The present elevator at that' sta tion is owned by W. H. Prguson. who 1 soon to build another elevator at Holleran PLA TTSM OTTH The land owners along the Iowa siae ol the MiHsouri river, soutu of the Plartsmouth bridge, are planning a line of action to prevent further cutting away of their lands by ite current. They have under consideration tlie Keilne'r method, which consists of weaving wing of wire and willow and extending thera out from the banks. The wing gather deposits from tie aater and event uailv become solid. The project will be an ex pensive one. FREMONT Tle farmer across the river In Sa under county do not seem very anx ious 10 donate property to the Grett North ern ftir a nation and elevator site near tlie McLean farm. Tbe company wanted twenty acre of land and Mr McLean offered to do nate ten acres the farmer to pty for the other ten. Several meetings were heid to consider the matter and It wa finaL'v de cided 10 call the deal off, thu leaving the 00m pan y free to locate the station acv wbere It wanted to. It la proliabie that 'a station will tie rut In somewhere In that vicinity, as it if an exoeilent point lor hipping grain and stock. WOCD RIVER Many changes In real estate have occurred here the last few dava. Fred Sttwarta cf Phillips has sold tao large stre buildings and a residence prop erty to F. M. Penney: also a store buiidins and a dwelling to John Mullin. as well as a few choice lots to W. W. Mitchell. Mrs. J C. Worts has purchased the C. T. Brmtn residence property, and the Methodist church has sold a dwelling which It reoent.v purchased to Etrl Hupoel. for a considera tion of rno. Altiert M Stevens of York sold a half section of land six miles north of town to rar,lel K Conrad of Tork for a coriBideratitm of F. M Susser. county treaeu-er. ha purchased the build ing occupied by C. A. Chandler. Rooseve,! rai.ea to can a- , asw.oi o. , mmlb fc Jltrttf, conrress and the biernlal election law was cons.dered a competitor, declared unconstitutional. If President . m, cT(.fuV.T oonslderei Roosevelt vet calls the extra session law yer say tbe proclamation rEl be valid, otherwise not. Numerous members of both parties, that Is, members of the rang and file, are anxious that the election be called off. not only because there Is a aerious -Question as to Its legality, but because of tbe needless expense that win be Incurred Tt Is esti mated that It win cost the First district not less than tlfi.eoo to bold tbe election when tb matter may as wet! be settled at the general election In November. Governor Mickey at this time Is not dis posed to withdraw bis praclainatioa. He was besieged by tbe eandHiates and tbeir friend to caTJ tb election and now feel that they should g-o ahead with lt If tbe election is called off It win mean that an the county convention and the two congressional convention will have to tie held over again, providing the calls for tbe county convention specified they were Issued In accordance with the proclamation of the governor. CMMs Mepeeti Tawaey, H. M. Chllds of Tork has been appointed a member of the State Normal board to succeed R. A. Tawney. Governor Mickey made tbe appointment late this afternoon. Mr. Chllds Is a banker at Tork and was a delegate to the last republican state con vention. Mr. Mill Asks Irw Trial. Attorneys for Mrs. Lena Marraret Ullie, erring a life sentence !n tbe penilentiEry for tbe murder of her today ftied an elaborate brief In the supreme court In support of a motion for a rehearing. Local prejDdlc at the time of trial 1 one of tbe main contentions In tbe application. One paragraph In the brief aa?s: "Mrs. Lillie was convicted lie cause of the prtjudioe of a Butler county jury against a women who dealt on the board of trade." CSTfrasr Villi Deslarms. Governor Mickey Is now ready to reoeive sketches and price for a silver service to lie presented to the battleship Nebraska The legislature apprcipriated S.0W for this purpose.. ruring tbe past week a rumlier of designs have been submitted by manu facturing silversmith cf Nebraska, who desire to compete, and other sill 60 so in the near future.. The governor aiKbes to have sketches and estimate submitted within tbe next month by all parties aho The rtesiirn will be carefully considered, not only by tb governor, but also by others whom lie will Invite to act with him. TETTMfEH GREET POLLARD tar Rmilii Rally Aaresse4 by arkrtt aaa tse Caaaldatc. TECTMSEH. Neb.. Jun 24 iSpec.lal Telegram Notwithstanding the fact that the service of an farme-s ar badly needed In the w heat fields just now the republican meeting held In Terumseh this afternoon was a rousing success and was well at tended. A delegation of dtlwns, headed by tbe local band, met Hon. E. M Pollard, republican candidate for congress, and Senator Burkett at tbe train and escorted them to tbe han. Judge B. P. TiavSdscm In troduced the speakers. caBing upon Mr. BurkeTt first. Mr. Burkett commented upon Mr. Brown" natement that be de sired to tie elected 10 help Mr. Roosevelt In one or two things He wondered If the president wti a anxious for Mr. Brown election as tbe candidate was himself. Mr. Pollard was Introduced a soon a tlie applause accorded the senator died out and he made a very favoralile lrrpression upon his audience.. thiisiasm in tbe organ ir.url cm i manifested. Grand Ieputy Beech Taylor had charge of the orgarura tion. Mary FJlk from Cmiaha, Cheyenne and Halting also came to par ticipate In the services. TEMPERANCE tIOW ITS ETO Liacela Caaty Wwasea Hal 4 Cawaty C.iriti.a. NORTH PLATTE, Neb., June 24 fSpe cial. i The Lincoln County Women Chris tian Tcrrperanoe I'nlon Institute wa called to meet in this city June 2 and 3. Tbe first sesiion was held in the Metho dist church. Tbe weather was very un fa vorable, a severe thunderstorm keeping many at home., but those who ventured out were helped and encouraged by tbe spleD did Inspiring address .if the nate preatident of the Women a Christian Temjieranoe union, Mrs. Iora V. Wheelock. Tbe sex tette of tbe North Fistle High school are worthy of commendation for tbeir assln anc In tb evening program of yesterday. All were proud of the place these school girl have won for themselves by their musical endeavors. promise not to grant a contract for lights to ar.y otbw party for at least Bv yeara Tbe sugar lieet Industry Is growing to be Quite extensive In this valley, and It 1 expected that a beet sugar factory will he erected here soon. IORTH PLATTE: ELK ORGAV1IE 1 Mxty-Ff re Messbrrs Ar latitat1 aaa Tsea Baaqaet. NORTH PLATTE Neb.. June 1'4. Spe cial Telerram V-Todtiy the E'.ks organised in thi city A large delegation cf Grand Island memlier of the order came to'North Platte, bringing their bras band.. They were met at the train thi afternoon by the ECks of this city and the prciFjieotive members and the mayor. About l.&f' people were also at tbe train and on the streets 10 greet tbe visitor and witness the parade of tlie Grand Island band and the North Platte band and the Elks in uniform. They paraded the streets several time to the music of the bands This evening sirty-f ve members were Initiated and an order m st alied here. A bansuet followed, with covers for 2H0 gtiests Considerable en- TOPS WORK Ol AsFTLASD 1.1E Hosier Rui Object tm tb Oasaba VoBy Crwasiast Reervtm. SlOrX CITT. la.. Jun 24 Special Tel egram. . The Sioux City. Homer a: South- ! ern railroad ha filed aith tb secretary of tlie Interior at Washington a protest I against tlie G-eat Northern crossing the I Winnebago and Omaha reservation wun it Ashland extension. The trial of Lb matter will delay the work in this part of the country. Palls from ritrh Eaaiae. PLA TTSM OTTH. Neb., June 24 ( Special Telegram While riding on the rear end of a switch engine at Pacific Junction Charles Hafkm lost hi foothold and wa perhaj fatally Injured thi evening. His right arm and shoulder were horribly crushed and hi recovery 1 doubtful. He Eswartk Irf Heetlag. NORFOLK. Neb.. June 24 - Special V After being In session here for tbe greater part of tb week, delegates to tlie oon fereno of tb Brworth league. Norfolk district, have departed today for their homes in Madison. Stanton. Colfax. Boo-je, IMxon, Cedar. Burt. Thurston and Cumin counties There were nearly ino In attend ance and it was declared to be on of tb moat successful conferences yet held tn tbe district. Ir. Sisson, presiding elder for tbe flistrict. who is to leave this aee tlon after the fall Methodist conference., delivered his farewen address to tbe league people. tr. William Gorst of Omaha ad dressed lb conference- Mm. P. M Sisscm declared In paper that "we ahauld learn bow to read tb newspaper better and should read tb magazines ! " Maraginea. she said, which contain advertisements for whisky should not be read at an. Officer were elected a follow: Presi dent, Rev. J. M. Roihwell. Madison; first vice president. Miss Gertrude Trent, Stan ton; second vioe president. Miss Edith Stirrson. Wayne: third vice president. Miss Sadie Cass. Lyons; fourth vice president, Mrs A L. Mi rale. Pender; recording aec- i retary. Mra. O. S. Grant. Allea: eorre ! snondlng secretary, Miss Ethel rougty. Norfolk; treasurer. John Tannehlll. Nor folk; Junior League superintendent. Mrs R. J. An tie. Stanton Tbe next confer ence will b beld at Randolph. Bay AcetJeatally Hlaaaell. NORFOLK. Neh.. June 24 'Fpeclal Tele gram, e-Bob Marquardt. aged JO. accident ally shot himself thrcmrb one leg and into the other with a 82-callber pistol tonight. wa brought to tht city tor medic! at- Hi. condition 1 critical. He is a son of C. tentlcm. Isssirwwciarsita at hrfi Staff . SCOTT S ELITT. Neh.. June 24 (Spe cial, t It la expected that thi jilaoe will soon have electric lights. In fact. It ha been promised by Charie Johnson of Iron Mountain. Mont., that either Scott's Bluff or Gertng will have them If they will p. A. Marquardt. Tfeirve at Elarm. ELKHORN. Neb.. June 24 (Special Tele gram 1 Thieve entered the taught house of H A. Hansen last night. Kteallnff a dressed beef and the hide. The supposi tion is that It was taken to Vally. a wagon tracks wer traced to that plaoa. No Company in the United States has a larger proportion of assets invested in as high grade securities and no gilt-edge secu. rities average a better rate of interest. High interest earnings, low death and expense rate and intelligent, conservative manage ment have combined to put this company in the front rank. It stands at the head of all companies in the United States in the per cent of income saved in 1904 and earned for policy holders over 11 per cent on mean re serve. The development of this institution KIT mi TAte tst (Kn IMI1J L2aj in eighteen years has added largely to the wealth of the state. In these days of start ling disclosures and frenzied finance, when the stability of the investments of life insur ance companies are a subject of discussion, many policy holders are worried, but those who have pinned their faith on western in stitutions and taken insurance in The Old Line Bankers Life of Nebraska have pro jection which protects and investment in farm mortgages which profits the holder. WRITE ij. imiit ML PPWICW BUST IMW11IP n IWF --BSBBaaaBBsaaBBBJBaaBaBBBWBBBasBBMBasaaaM QBMaVkBsBlBSJaHBklBDBB OF LINCOLN, NEBRASCCA. is i