TITE OMAHA DAILY ' PEE: SUNDAY. JUNE 25. 1903. SPECIAL NOTICES MISCELLANEOUS CITY SAVINGS BANK pays 4 per cent. B-M7 TRY KELLY'S TOWEL SUPPLY. Tel. r-W. R 943 ETE STRAIN relieved by expert optical treatment; classes to fit; prices right. Bennett's. R WO ANTI-Vonopoljr Garbage Co. 621 N. 1th. Tel. 1779. R-40 LAUNDRY CITY STEAM Zll So. Uth 81 Telephone 254. R-151 CUT RATE railway tickets everywhere. P. IL Phllbln. 15t Farnam. "Phone 784. R M3 STOVES REPAIRED Water backs, gasoline stoves cleaned. Omaha Stove Repair Works. Tel. 960. R-M19S OMAHA Safe and Iron Works make a spe clalty oi fire escapee, shutters, doors and safes. O. Andreen. prop., 102 S. 10th St. R-914 THE OMAHA FOUNDRY Iron and brass castings. 802 Jackson. Tel. 2432. R 46 EXPERT piano moving; lowest rnteS. Tel. 1625. Schnioller 4c Mueller. 1313 Farnam. R-M543 Jy 6TKINWAT PIANO, upright, slightly used, $226; bargain. PerMeld Piano Co., Hill Farnam. R-94S SIGN PAINTING. & H. Cole. 1303 Douglas. R M193 (Lr f ' A RTC REDUCED prices to re UU'nPil J duce stock: noma great bargnlns this week. Omaha Reed end Rat tan Works. 1513 Howard. R M.S23 WANTED, your machinery repairing, auto mobile, gasoline engine, model nnd experi mental work. Buckingham & Peterson, Fremont, Neb. R COLLINS PIANO CO., wholeenle nnd re tail musical Instruments. Talking ma chines, records exchanged. 113 S. 17th St., Omaha. R FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS SECOND HAND MACHINES. Never such prices for such goods offered bef jre, and If at liny time within one year you want to buy a new machine, we will take the old one back at exactly what It cost you. The following l a partial list of what we offer for all this week: 1 DOMESTIC J5.00 1 DOMESTIC 10. 00 3 SINGERS, HIGH ARM 12.00 1 SINGER, NEW IMPROVED.. JB.no 1 HOUSEHOLD 10.00 1 UNION BOO 1 WHITE 8.00 1 WHITE B OO 1 WILCOX A GIBUS 30.00 1 NEW HOME 10.00 Modern drop-head machines, slightly used, at one-half the regular price. We rent machines at 76c per week or $3.00 per month. These are modern, up-to-date machines, with all attachments. We sell needles and pnrts for and repair every sewing machine manufactured. Nebraska Cycle Co., Corner 16th and Harney Sts. 324 Broadway, Council Bluffs. BRANCH OFFICE 6-6 N. 24th St.. South Omaha. GEO B. MICKEL,. 'Phone 1663. Manager. Q HARNESSl HARNESS! HARNESS! An endless variety and at prices that can not be duplicated anywhere else. John son & Panfouh. S. W. cor. loth and Jones Sts. Entrance from viaduct. V q-io: FOR SALE, new and second-hand billiard and pool tables, bar fixtures of all kinds; easy payments. Send for catalogue, Brunswlck-Balke-Colleiidcr, 407 B. luth St., Omaha. j lu3 COMPLETE line new and id-hand furni ture. Chicago Furniture Co., lilu Dodge. Tel. 2020. Q 104 RELIABLE POWER IN OLDS "GAS OK GASOLINE ENGINES. Like our OLDgMuuiLli., always ready, tew slightly used engines cheap. bend tor catalogue and prices. OLDS UAS ENGINE Yv OKKS. 1114 Farnam St.. Omaha, Q-474 WIRE chicken, bog and lawn fence, iron ' (etice, hitch poaia,- Utilises. Wire Works, t.11 H. ltilh St. Q 111) al lOMORlLEb 31.000 electrlo runabout I Uli top. iuu; $l,uu Mobile, 4 passenger, ileum, W6, 60 Rummer, 3J; Oids, tto. ' f'lcui'.cfcsoii, lulti and Capliol Ave. 4 Ma.ti jm ..j-iiAiNLt sale cheap. Derlghi, urn Far nam. Q It tvv HU YS good runabout automobile, guar uuieeu tu fcood running uruer; oriaiuat turn JCK). Ailui'DM iw Farnam BU SI-104 . bliEilWlN WILLIAMS CO. BEST MIXED j , I'AlM', Sheriuau 4t Atcconnoii Drug Co i uiuaua. i ' WANTED MALE HELP WANTED MALE HELP it Cut That Word BUT" Out of Your Life! Thnt little; word hns stood botwppn mnn.v and succors. It Is the two-edged sword that severs the thread of worldly nin'titlon. Many a man has "hut-ted" himself off the mad of success Into the briars of failure that nre always to be found on either slilo of the success highway. There are many young men and young women In Oinnlift who have a good supply of good Intentions. Many n young man conies to ua and decides that what he really ousht to do Is to take up a course lu BOYLES COLLEGE SUMMER SCHOOL so thnt next fall he will bhe trained to the hour will be a thorough Stenogra pheran expert Telegrapher or an accurate Bookkeeper. He wants to take the course, but . He desires to succeed, but- He knows we can teach him, but . He Is able to enroll right away, but . He would begin at once, but . The young man or young woman who thinks In "buts" reserves action for the future. He permits the present, the golden thread, to slip through his fingers unimproved. Cut the word "but" from your vocabulary, unless you srjcll it with two t's and use It as battering rum to open your path to progress. Study could not be conducted under more pleasant conditions than those which surround every Boyle College student The Bojies Building Is the most airy and best ventilated building lu Umaha. Send or call for free catalogue. The summer term is Just one week old- It Is not too late for-you to enter. BOYLES COLLEGE, H. B. BOYLES, PRESIDENT. BOYLE'S COLLEGE BLDG.. OMAHA. B WANTED FOR U. S. ARAIV, able-bodied unmarried men, between uses o 18 and 35, citizens of United Stutes, of good character and temperate habits, who speak, road and write English. For in formation apply to Recruiting Officer, 13ih and Douglas Sts., Omaha; Lincoln, Neb., or Sioux City, la. B 873 IF YOU are in need of a position call and have a "heart-to-heart" talk with HART, THE EXPERT. 401 N. Y Life. B 937 WANTED Men end boys to learn plumb lug trade. We cannot supply demand fnr graduates; $4.50 to $5.00 per day. Eight weeks completes course. L41 11 wane learning. Address, for catalogue, Coyne Bros. Co., Plumbintf Schools, Cincinnati, O., St. Louis, Mo. B 755 THE Home Educational Society of Phila delphia wants more men to explain school and text books; good pay; pleasant work; no experience needed. Manager, 600 Ware Blk.. Omaha. B M737 DRUG stores bought, and sold; drug clerks wanted. F. V. ivnlest. 624 N. Y. L. B 938 $85 PERMANENT salary and expenses paid , reliable men ooisioo oi tu.- city, very pleasant work. Address A. W. South. 316 Neville Blk., Omaha, ,ob. B 155 WANTED Man for foundry work, black smith shop, pattern making and general machine work; must give grind reference; good pay to right man. Gieso Bros ; Mfg. Co., Holsteln, Neb. B M235 2i WANTED Thoroughly experienced, flrst cla.ss shoe salesman. Apply at once to manager shoo department. J. L. Brandels rsons. B M2o8 24 WANTED Experienced man, Dane pre- lerrea, to uuy grain and operate gram elevator, located In western Iowa; must be person of good habits and be able to furnish satisfactory references. Address J 12. care Bee. B 310 WANTED Men to work on sugar factory ai Bterung, oio. ; concrete work; good wages; 6 months work. C Leonnrdt. B-M352 25 WANTED Men, everywhere, good pay, to uistriDute circulars, aav, matter, tacK signs, etc.; no canvassing. Address Na tional Advertising Co., 100 Oakland Bank Bids., Chicago, 111. , ,. B M369 25x WANTED Person to call on retail trade for manufacturing house; local territory; salary $2j, paid weekly; expense money advanced; previous experience unneces sary. American House, Star Building, Chicago. B IjO 23x ARE YOU PROGRESSING? PERHAPS YOU ARE NUT IN THE RIGHT POSI TION. LET U8 HELP YOU TO STRIKE THE R1UIIT GAIT. HERE'S A PARTIAL LIST OF VACANCIES. COMPLETE LIST AND BOOKLET SENT ON REQUEST; General indue, clerk, German. Coal salesman, road experience. Storekeeper for hotel. Male stenographer. Office clerk and stenographer. Good dress goods man. Piano salesman. Manager, night office. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASSN., Dept. B, 84U-2 N. Y. Life Bldg. B-511 25 SALESMEN WANTED AGENTS WANTED Before It Snows If you will lpin NOW and study hard you can b a WOHKIXG STEXOG I. An IKK before the suow Hies. If you will furnish the needful energy and application, "we will do the rest." Our course of instruction is THE lUCST. Our teachers nre unsurpassed. If vou wish to earn A (()OD KTKXOd ItAPIIKK'S SALARY HKCJIX NOW. Take a course of instruction at the OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE IN SESSION ALL SUMMER Students can enter any time. NEW CLASSES In Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping, Tenmanship, Telegraphy and all Business Branches. For full information wTite or call and sse -us, ROHRBOUGH BROS., Proprietors, Seventeenth and Douglas Sts., Omaha, Neb. FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD PERSONAL WANTED-Salesmen for fast selling side line: small sampl.! ; big commission; stale territory; permanent. Adress Myers Co., Atchison, Kan. 490 26x WE WANT AN ENERGETIC SALESMAN for a gilt-edged proposition, paying $31 to $100 weeklv; 110 samples; salary or commission. R. O. Evans, Dexter Bldg., Chicago. IIS 2ux SALESMEN ran easllv make $10 a day sell ing our Gold Window 1-etters, Novelty Signs and Changenlile Signs. Catalogue free. Sullivan Co., Jo W. Van Burn St., Chicago, 111. 179 26x SALESMAN calling on retail dry goods trade In towns of about 1,000 population and tip, to carry a lino of pearl and other buttons, pearl Jewelry and novelties, for New York manufacturois: liberal commis sion; weight of samples, 18 lbs., neat rase. Write J 13, care Bee. 402 26x WANTED A good stove man and hard ware salesman; host references required. Apply at Hayden Bros. B M540 27 BOY with some experience In printing office; $1; week to start; give age and ex perience. Address J 32, Bee. B 569 i5x SINGLE man to care for horses, yard and do repair work: Inquire week days after 6 p. m. F. D. SVead, 502 S. 40th St. B M54G 27 WANTED First-class harness makers; steady work and good pay; also saddle makers for high grade work. Fremont Saddlery Co.. Fremont, Neb. B M5M b ONE credit man, $1,500. Loan and Investment, $1,500. Bookkeeper (bank), $lu0. Abstractor land titles. Stenographer. Spanish (translate), $1,500. Experienced stenographer, $75. CO, Experienced stenographer, $ti5.u0. Experienced stenographer, $t0.00. Graduate electrician, $200. HART, 401 N. Y. LIFE. B-ilO 25 WANTED A shoemaker at once. Martin Sorenson,' Fremont. Neb. R M367 2Sx WANTED Apprentice boy for printing ofllce; one who has had at least one year's experience on cases: union shop; splendid chance for the right boy. DeLong's. 40i Broadway, Council .Bluffs. B 670 23 x WANTED Six solicitors; steady work; salary and commission. Grand Union Tea Co., 113 S. 16th St. B 576 25 ' DRAFTSMEN and engineers, mechanical, structural railway; new work, near Omaha; long engagement: $90-$140. Chief Engineer, 618-84 La Salle St., Chicago. B 428 25x YOUNG men to sell $5 talking machine. Make $15 to $26 weekly. One sent to take orders with for $1. I'scful Supply Co., 122 Water St., New York. B 492 25x GOVERNMENT POSITIONS 30.000 appoint ments last year. Chances better now. Examinations soon In every state. Book let 231, giving positions, salaries, examina tions, sample questions, etc., sent free. National Correspondence Institute, Wash ington, D. C. B WANTED One reliable man In each town to act as our agent; no capital required: we furnish fine wagon free for delivering; best proposition open for honest workers today; write for terms. Grand Union Tea Co., Omaha, Neb. B 676 25 WANTED FEMALE HELP 80 WORKING girls. Canadian office. 15th and Dodge. C 95S GIRLS wanted. Burgess Shirt Co. C-613 A YOUNG men for firemen and brake men, Nebraska and other railroads. Ex perience unnecessary. Firemen $76, be come engineers and earn $180. Brakemen $'A become conductors and earn $140. Name position preferred. Send stamp for particulars. Railway Association. Depart ment 69, Charles Bldg., Denver, Colorado, B WANTED A few first-class experienced men to sell counties In Iowa, from $100 to $150; 60 per cent commission; oppor tunity for right men. Lock box 2118. Co. Bluffs, la. , B WANTED In six weeks we will educate you for a traveling salesman and guaran tee you a position: write for particulars. The Bradstreet System, Rochester, N. Y. B1G5 25x VI-lU? CUEAf chicken fence, long Mr timbers and telephone p olus. Kui UoUMiaa. y lj FOR SALE Great Dane watoh dog, 1 year old; very fond of culldren. Address Box iia, Gretna, Neb. y M.290 27 FOR SALE Drop-head Singer sewing ma chine. Call and examine.. 2U4 Chicago. W All -x ' FOR SALE Cheap fin violin; parties leaving city. 2tilt Dewey Ave. Q-M371 25 UNFURNISHED ROOMS will pay better If furnished. Let us show you how nice and cheap we can do this. Terms, $26 00 'worth. $1.00 week. Omaha Furniture and Carpet Co , Between Uth and 13th on Farnam St. Q 619 26 OMAHA TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, ltk7 FARNAM ST. TllONlS 4ou3. Olivers, $30-$40. Remingtons, $25-$45. lVnsmore, 25-$36. Smith Premiers, $35-$45. Commercial Visible, $15. Wllllamses. $4&-Mi. AH kinds of repairing ot typewriters done ac reasonaoio rales. riatons, 75c to $1.0U Key tops, loo each. Give us a call. y 504 25 PIANOLAS And other Beir-playin instruments, at 16. SCHMOLLER & MUELLLR, 1313 FARNAM. FOR SALE Nice rubber-tired runabout only used once; cheap. 2225 Lake St. . U 646 26 x FOR SALE HORSES WAGONS RUN A BOLTS, wagons and carriages at greatly reouoeu prices. Johnson Dan Ivith, southwest corner loiu and. Jones. P-114 WOULD exchange sound, gentle, family liuow, iinu luuauuui, oiauaeis, ruoes, etc. lor '.s.iii ur a gouu uiamond. An op portunity, j m care e. r auou m HORSEMEN Why suffer your horse to go lamer j'mne liniment absolutely, quickly cures sprains, Druises. strains ; 11 per bot tle prepaid any address. Booklet fret. llxlne Chemical Company, Dept. 13. Troy, 11 . 1. 1 Wj J) WANTED TO RENT GENTLEMAN wants room and board, pri vate laiiiuy. jiuureaa j A, nee. K-M3S7 26s WANTED Room for gentleman; must be central location, airy, well lghted and with bath, hot and cold water. Address J 29, Boa amc. K-402 26s WANTED 4 or t furnished rooms within walking distance from town; no houw. aiui. 4 m car tif. X.6& 2.x WANTED By the Elkhorn Life and Ao- cirtent Insurance company of Norfolk, Neb., men experienced In soliciting any kind of Insurance, to write for Informa tion concerning the most up-to-date, practical and best selling contract offered by any Insurance company doing busi ness In Nebraska; experienced men know that something new takes with the peo ple; we have got It: new features of policy are extremely practical and highly sat isfactory to insured: more men wanted to work In northeastern part of state; a young and growing company, whose offi cers are among the most Influential busi ness men In Norfolk; opportunities for advancement: liberal contract; local agents not nppolnted; only honest, ener getic men who can devote whole time to work wanted. Address R. E. Wllllnmi, secretary, Norfolk, Neb. B 458 25x WANTED Enerpetlc man to establish business for Mfgr.; sell retail trade; sal ary $20 raid weekly, expenses advanced: good route; hustle more desired than ex perience. G. O. Sexton, Star Bldg.. Chi ca;o. B 448 25x WANTED Men to learn barber trade; we orlplnatert this short method of teaching In lSii3; have successful graduates every where; board Included If desired: little expense: positions waiting. Call or write Moler Barber College, 1116 Farnum St. B M447 30x DETECTIVE WORK-Estahllshed fifteen years; 8,000 secret service men: more being anrtefi every nay; send us your case; ad vice by mall free. Address American De tective Assn., Indianapolis, Ind. B 434 25x DETECTIVE WORK-We always want good men In places where we have no representative: references required. Ad aress American uetectlve Assn., Indian apolis, Ind. B43S 2Sx WANTED Men to post signs, advertise and distribute samples: salary IIS per week $3 per day for expenses; state ae and nreent employment. Ideal Co.. Dept. 18, S7 Randolph St., Chicago. B 440 25x WANTED First-class dining room girl. Apply Madison hotel, 21st and Chicago WANTED A cook for private family In country: no laundry work; other help kept; wages f3o a month; references re quired. Address J W, care Bee. C-M350 23x CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska with staple line, high commissions, with $100.CO monthly advance; permanent posi tion to rlcht man. Jess 11. Smith Co., Detroit, Mich. 41 2Dx WANTED A few first-class specialty sales men, capable of earning $3.('0 per year, to present tin attractive specialty to the re tall trade; established house; 'liberal con tract to light parties; best references re quired. Address 211-40 Dearborn, Chicago. 444 25x EXPERIENCED specialty or proprietary medicine salesman to carry high-class side line of one Item to drug trade: exclusive virgin territory, strong advertising, lib eral commission. Radlozone, 356 Dearborn St., Chicago. 437 25x SALESMEN Good compensation and tine opportunity to first-class patent medicine or speclnlty men; established, well ad vertised line. Box 655. Chicago. 439 2Sx MANAGERS and canvassers for exclusive territory upon unequaled commissions for unrivaled books; no better opening is to be found In the book selling business than the opportunity we now have to - offer; pet our proposition. Send address. M. A. Donohue & Co., Chicago. 441 25x AGENTS Ingram Lamp Burner; turns out like gas; trims wick. Big profits; 20c sam ple. B. I Potter, Holyoke, Mass. J IS3 25x AGENTS We have a mechanical devlco absolutely necessary In every home, noth ing else like It; handsome working model furnished free. We have no use for dreamers, but to hustlers we can sho'V big money. O. B., Box 11, Iinsdale. Pa. J 4S5 25x WANTED An agent, either sex, In each town, to sell high grade shirt waist ma terials nnd ladles' suitings by the yard; our goods are novelties and quick sellers; write us. Direct Cloth Co., 2(123 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo. J 4E6 26x J. PAN-RUSSIA WAR Complete official history; bonanza for canvassers; extra terms: outfit free; general ngents wanted on salary. Zleglcr Co., Philadelphia. J 457 25 X WANTED Agents to sell self-llsrhtlng gas mantles; requires no mntch or bypnss; fits nv burner; big profit: sells Itself; unlimited demand; send 25c for samnle or stamp for particulars; no fake. Match less G.ts Mantle Co., Kanter Hid" . De troit, Mich. J-436 25x MONEY IN SOAP Agents, soap crew or gnnlzers, branch office manngers wanted; ouickest monev maker on earth. Parker Co., 237 Market, Chicago. J 442 25x AGENTS WANTED If yen sre not making at least $25 per week, send us your name end address nnd wo will send you full In formation free that will give you easy work and big monev. Monarch Speclnlty Co., 607 East 12th St., Kansas City. Mo. J 152 25x DETFCTIVES Shrewd men wanted In ev ery community to act under our Instruc tions; previous exnerlence not necessary. Send for FREE BOOK of particulars. Grannnn's Detective Bureau, D2, Clneln natl, Ohio. J-451 2,")X TRAVELING salesmen for Nebraska nnd Iowa; staple line; entirely new Induce ments to trade; high commissions; $25 weeklv advance; permanent to right man. ' F. C. 'Farley Co., Detroit. Mich. AGENTS WANTED WANTED General state agents to handle $1 article: bonanza to right party; 20.000 sold In California In few months. Big profit; Investigate. Angelus Mfg. Co., 827V4 S. Spring St., Ix)S Angeles, Cal. J--M3C6 25x WANTED Two girls for dining room work; will furnish tickets. Koeliier Hotel, Grand Island, Neb. C M374 26 GOOD girl for chamber and dining-room work; good wages. 1818 Capitol Ave. C-M373 2fi GIRL, competent to do good, plain cook ing; no laundry work; o week; references required. 3136 Chicago St. C 390 25 WOMAN wanted to do washing and Iron ing fur two. Address J 31, Bee. C-M525 26x LADIES to do piecework at their homes; we furnish all materials and pay rrom ii $12 weekly. Send stamped envelope to Royal Co., 34 E. Monroe St., Chicago. C 424 26x WANTED Ladies to learn halrdresslng. manicuring, facial massage, chiropody or electrolysis. We originated this short method of teaching In lw!3 and have grad uated successful operators everywhere. Call or write, Moler College, 1114 Farnam St. C M448 0x NURSES' COLLEGE. Pueblo, Colo.; special six weeks course juiy 10; diplomas; writ3. C 155 25x 52400.00 IN THREE MONTHS Is what one agent made selling our five piece set of Bohemian sanitary cooking vessels to consumers. He showed what energy and perseverance would do with ihe greatest money mull ing proposition on the market. You can do as well. If you will. We want live men. If you want profitable employment write us today, and to snow you mean business send 25 cents to cover postage on complete canvassing outfit with which to begin work. J. W. McCoy Pottery Company, Rosevllle, Ohio. J-M3C5 24x ACTIVE atrents wanted everywhere by 2S8.0no-acre plantation; permanent em ployment, excellent pay, exclusive terrl torv. Write. glvlnr exnerlence nnd re nul'rements to 210-211 Odd Fellows "Mt., St. Louis, Mo. . J-M493 26 FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FURNISHED room, modern; N. 19th St. 'phone. 1426 E 677 27x 2606 DAVENPORT, two rooms, furnished; all modern; light housekeeping allowed. These are very desirable rooms and will please you. E 539 26x SOUTH-FRONT room, in new house everything strlctlv modern; referenees re quired. 2306 Douglas St. E M5D2 27x SERVICE, rooms and furnishings the very best; all modern. 'Phone 531S. 107 N. 20th. EI M555 26x NICELY furnished rooms, large or small, with or without board. 2308 Douglas. E-M514 27x AGENTS are making money selling "The Book of the United States Navy," Just off the press; magnificent portfolio of 224 large pages, beautifully printed, showing photographs of every ship in the navy from battleship to submarine; also photo graphs of ollicers and crews and scenes on hoard of vessels, taken especially for this work by the official photographer of the navy; pronounced by tho press most complete book on the subject ever pub lished; over lO.voO copies sold in three weeks within radius of 100 miles of New Y'ork; sells at sight; price $3.(4); big com mission; territory reserved for good men. Write for particulars, immediately. The A. B. English Co., 116 Nassau St., New York. J 413 36x ROYAL HOTEL, European. 16th & Chlengo. E-973 DEWEY, European hotel. 13th & Farnam. E-971 WE FURNISH ROOMS 25 per cent cheaper than the Installment houses and our goods are verv much better. Immense stock. Terms, $25.00 worth, $1.00 week. Omaha Furniture ami Carpet Co., Between 12th and 13th on Farnam St. E-618 25 SUMMER TERM Nebraska Business College NOW OPEN! . Ppprlnl rlnssps tvIII be orpanlzpd In nil dopnrtmpnts. I'uMIe school tenchprs anil pupils who wish to tako n short course In BOOK KEKriXO. SHORTHAND AND TYriiWRITIMl, or EMJL1KH BRANCHES, will ln plvrn ppoclnl attention. I'mf. I-owry. a practical bookkeeper, nnl a man of over twenty years of suc tcssn.il exiHTtenee, will linve charge of nil the Comuicrctnl Brunches. Miss Holmes, with an experience of ten years as prnctlcnl stenographer here In Oinnhn. will have chnrce of Shorthand nnd Typewriting, l'lnce yourself under the tuition of well known, practical Instructors and your success Is assured. GREGG SHORTHAND The Gregg Shorthand Is tnuirlit tn Its purity. More schools are using this system than any three systems combined. 1'or very good reasons, this is iho only school In Omnha that is making a speclnlty of tircRg Shorthand. Investigate. Y: M. C. A. or Y. W. C. A. Membership Fee Every student is given n membership In either the Y. M. C. A. or Y. V. C. A. without extra expense. The surroundings nnd influence of associates have everything to do with the success of tho student. INVESTIGATE If you are seeking a school thnt hns every facility, employing expert In structors; n school that will meet your every expectation: u school thnt Is endorsed by the leading business men and court reporter.; n school of the highest moral tone then lnvestlnte the merits of the above institution, look through its cool. well ventilated rooms and you will say with ot hers "There is no better school at any price." Call, 'phone or "write for cntalogue, A. C. ONG, A. M., EE. B., President. Boyd Building, Corner Seventeenth and Harney Streets. BACHELORS HOTEL 20th and Farnam. F 923 Jyl6 CAPITOL HOTEL, 18th a..d Capitol Ave.; orona verandas, ample lawns, stately trees, rustic seats; home cooking; hot aril cold water; reasonable rates. F 3 )o NICELY furnished front parlor, suitable for two, with board. $4.50 per week. Also single room, day board, $3.50 per week. 1811 Capitol Ave. F 334 2lx FIRST-CLASS front parlor for two; also side room for two. with Ras. bath and 'phone; pood board, reasonable. Call at 1714 Douglas St. F M364 2oX MODERN rooms, good board, reasonable 'Phone Black-5849. 1811 Chicago St. F-359 25x 2 ROOMS, one large and one small. 2410 Cass. F 361 25x NICELY furnished rooms and board. 820 S. 21st. F Mai 1.1 26x CENTRE botelf 208 N. 17th St. Large front room, suitable for two or three itentle mcn. F M567 27x UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT TWO large parlors and kitchen, J20. Tel. 6309. O M543 2"x UNFURNISHED front room nnd nlcove. with housekeeping privileges. 25S2 Harnrv St. G M.V.S 27x PERSONAL ANYONE wishing to know what Anally cured mo of Brlght's disease nnd bladder trouble address Jerome F. Odaven, 3247 Vernon Ave., Chicago. U 422 26x WEALTHY maiden, disfigured by an acci dent, healthy, perfect form, affectionate and liberal, wants a good, kind hushmd. Address O 11, care Bee. U 469 26x AMERICAN widower, aged fi5, no children, no relatives, wealthy, healthy and liberal, wants a good companionable wife. Ad dress O 10, care Bee. U 454 26x IOWA FARMER, forty-four, good home, temperate, desires wife twentv-five to thirty. Address, Orin Scott, Hotel Mur ray, Omaha, Neb. U 489 25x PRIVATE SANITARIUM for women. Mrs. Dr. Gerrisch, 2117 Webster. 'Phone F3218. ' U-M410 lx FRENCH. Snanlsh, German lessons. F. Peltier, 115 S. 20th. U 565 July 25x AUTOMOBILE REBUILDING I solicit a limited amount of heavy repair work from garages and owners who ap preciate the best work obtainable. L. C. Sharp Machine Works, 10th and Jackson. U THE MOST UNATTRACTIVE PERSON can marry readily and advisedly when In structed as to kind of individual to select and fascinate. Write for question list. Two face views required. Lock Box ;-32, Kansas City. U 109 25x BACHELOR, American, age 50. good hab its, good business ability, would like to meet a lady, suitable age, with means, results to follow. Address J 27, care Heo. U 476 26x PLAIN PIANO TALK We do not claim to sell all the pianos In Omaha, but we do claim thnt we are the only firm that sells the highest grade" Pianos lu the world Stelnwav, Steger, Steck, Mueller, Emerson. Hnniman, Mc Fhall and other makes on $5 monthly payments. Gilbert, upright, ebony case $ 63 Sterling, upright jm) Kimball, upright, black finish.... VS Chickering. rosewood case ln.S Voso Sons, large size case 15 Gabler piano, mahogany case 20." Also a number of square pianos and organs, all makes and siyles, ranging in price, from $10 up. Terms, $4 cash and 25 to 0 cents per week. 100 new pianos for rent, $3, $1 and $3 por month. Schmoller & Mueller Largest Plang House in the West. 1313 FARNAM ST. TEL. 1625. L- DR. JACKSON treats successfully chronlo nnd nervous diseases. Call or wrl'e. Dr. Jackson. 418 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. Consultation free. U 130 FACTORY tuners and action regulators at lowest rates for reliable service. Tel. 162a, Schmoller & Mueller, piano makers, u-m $30 RUVTURE CULED-$30; no injections, no pain: absolute guarantee; we cure per manently; new method; call or write for booklet. QUICK CURE RUPTURE CO.. 611 WOODMEN WORLD BLDQ... OMAHA. U-M178 J0x RECORDS of thi living voice of Pope Leo XIII reciting the benediction and Ave Maria. Columbia Phonograph Co., 1621 Farnam. U 864 Jy 14 LAHSON JOHNSON Cut rates to all points. 1406 Farnam. Tel. 1905. Mem ber American Ticket Brokers' association. U-121 THE Salvation Army solicits cast-off cloth ing; In fact, anything you do not need; we collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th St.. for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'phone 4135 and wagon will call.' U-6U PRIVATE home during confinement: ba bies boarded and adopted. Mrs. GardHl, 2216 Charles. Tel. 5311. U 123 WE RENT sewing machines. 75c week. W renalr all makes of machines; second hand machines. f5 to $10 Neb. Cycle Co., Tel. lfi.1. Cor. 15th and Harney. V 123 VIENNA Hotel: private dlnlns rooms, ca'e. E 975 ROOMS and good board. $5 per week nn4 up. Call 1517 Chicago. St. K SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, warts and moles permanently removed by electricity; con sultation free and confidential: all work guaranteed. Miss Allenuer, tsi in. 1. i.ne. OMAHA Stammerer Institute, Ramge BllC U-124 DR. ROY, Chiropody, R. 2 & 3. 160 Fartism. u 19 U- 75 lux MARRY Wealth and Beauty, marriage di rectory free; pay when married; entirely new plan: send no money. Address H. A. Horton, Dept. 297, Tekonsha, Mich. U-423 25x $500 PER MONTH and expenses selling my patent for making smokeless Gun and Blasting Powder at 8 cents per pound. Beware of fakes advertising a worthless and dangerous article. I am the Inventor. General agents wanted in each state. J. A. Stransky, Box 400, Pukwana. S. D. J 126 25x WANTED Competent girl for general nouseworg; ramuy ot three; cottage. "Phone 3196. 976 N. 25th St. C M396 26 WANTED Lady demonstrators and sales ladies; steady employment; promotion. Address Schell, care St. Jamse Hotel, City. C 509 x GIRL wanted for general housework; four In family; good wages. Mrs. F. D. Wead. . 6o2 S. 4utll St. 'Phono Ash-4&071. C-651 21 STENOGRAPHER In office large manu facturing concern: must be first clas op erator, able to take dictation accurately; well up on spelling and grammar, with experience In general office work; salary, $12 a week: give references and excell ences. Address J 60, Bee. C 660 25x STRONG woman to take care of help less invalid. Apply Sunday afternoon. 2112 Miami St. C 56S 25x WANTED SITUATIONS POSITION wanted by competent hardware man who understands all kinds of heat ing. Best of references. 'Phone 3770. A-M351 TAX SALESMEN WANTED BNKRGETIC workers everywhere to dls tribute circulars, samples and advertising matter; good pay; no canvassing. Co operative Advertising Co.. New York. U 443 25x PERSONS to look after business with local trade and agents: position permanent; 12$ paid weekly; expenses advanced: ex lierlence not essential. Address Trade Manager, S2o iH-arburn, Chicago. B 445 25x WANTED Honest, sober, industrious man to learn the real estate hostnens and start In as special representative of largn, prosperous and well-known firm: splen.Pd opiwrt unity for right party. For particu lars address J 80, care Bee. B 449 lix WANTED Successful Fraternal Insurance man. Money-making proposition, better than a salary. Address R, 1156, National Life Building, Chicago. B 463 16x AN1 person desiring to distribute our sam ples; I8 weekly; steady. Mgr. 'Empire." 4 Well El., Chicago, 111. H6ii 2tx "I FEEL like a millionaire," writes one agent; new; demand; quick salrs. Farm er Account Book Co., Newton, la. ' 417 25x SALESMEN Experienced, to sell jewelrv assortments: entirely new Inducements; high rate commissions and weeklv ad vance; give experience, present occupa tion ami permanent auoress. 1'avis & Kllpatrlck, Iowa City, la. 418 25x QUICKEST seller ever sold farmers. Brand new proposition; new pinn; someinnirf new. Easy Farm Bookkeeping Co., Boone, la. J 125 2ux ATTENTION Heat your cook stove and furnace with oil. gus and air; one-half cheaper than coal. Burner and outllt free. Write for circulars. Standard Mfg. Co., Philadelphia, Pa. J-431 2ax WANTED Reliable agents to sell patented self-closing inkstand. Agents make J; to $10 per day easily. Sengbusch Self-Closing Inkstand Co., Milwaukee, Wis. J 487 26 x mod- E A ST front parlor and smaller room ern conveniences. 116 N. 2sth St. 12517 25x Tel. 611. OJ1E. HaulTrunks E-M256 FURNISHED front room; reasonable. 1932 S. 14th. E 239 ONE large, very desirable east front room In private cottage, suitable ta' 2 gents; with or without breakfast. 3318 S 20th St. E M291 24x SOUTH-FRONT room. In new house; everything strictly modern; references re quired. 23i Douglas St. E-3o8 23x NICELY furnished room for gentlemen: all modern conveniences; excellent location; references exchanged. 2101 Farnam. K M326 24 x PLEASANT rooms for rent, all modern. 2113 Douglas St. E-M327 24X FURNISHED ROOMS. The Lakota. 1613 Howard. Modern rooms by flay or week. E M326 24 X AGENTS WANTED Capital necessary for outfit, $150; weekly earnings will exceed original investment. Address I. D. Stev ens, 6i4 Fisher Bldg., Chicago, 111. J 121 26x AGENTS WANTED Good pay. steady em ployment, selling our NORTHERN GROWN TREES. The Greening Bros. Nursery Co., Monroe, Mich. J 419 2ix TEN sales, $2.50 profit. Maglcon Paste Polish for furniture and floors. Agent's sample. 25 cents. Maglcon, Box 1085, Jollet, 111. J 96 26x AGENTS to handle high-class office neces sity: 100 per cent profit; good hustler inn easily make $25 to $50 weekly. The Acme Carbon Paper Co., 62 Broadway. New York. J-91 25X AGENTS WANTED Sell our $1 bottle of Sarsaparllla for 35c; tent seller; 3-'.o per cent profit. Write today for terms and territory. F. R. Greene, 115 Lake St., Chicago. J SALESMEN covering shoe nnd drug trades add two to ten dollars dally Income hand ling Dry-Sole; the big advertising we are didng makes order getting easy; write for proposition. Dry-Sole Co., 99 Warren St., New York. J DRUG salesmen; excellent side line; article of merit; good seller: 20 per cent commis sion: give full particulars; confidential. 8. 1026 St. James Bldg., New York. 416 25k EXPERIENCED traveling ralesmen for each of the following states to sell our popular price line of men's neckwear on commission: lows, Kansas. Nebraska. North Dakota, South Dakota. Please give references. Kaiser & Co., 387 Broad way. New York. 414 26x WANTED An experienced clothing sales man for Iowa, northern Nebraska and South Dakota. Only men with trade need anply Felix Rothschild Co.. maker of the celebrated Diamond Brand clollilna. 1J3 Muiket fit., Chicago, III. AGENTS WANTED Big money, sure; quick sales, exclusive territory, free sam- ....lav T Xt Kuvm.il 'Mil T. M. Franklin Ave., St. 1-oul. Mo. J AGENTS WANTED To sell my pocket knife tool Wit; the latest and best money maker., Write to V. J. Ulery. New York. $311.10 WEEKLY to men with rigs to Intro duce poultry goods. Eureka Chemical Co., Fort Dodge, la. J 400 Xx BIO money tn squabs; cheaply raised In onlv 4 weeks; sell for fancy prices: won derful market; write for free book and learn thla rich Industry. Plymouth Peek Bquab Co., 200 Howard Bt- Melmae, Mass. J FURNISHED moms; nice cool rooms; modern; walking distance; very reason able. 1425 N. 17th. E-M3W28X TWO nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 2t'l Davenport, opposite high school. E M356 25x FURNISHED room; use phone. 4i3 8. 2Mh Ave. of pis no and E 358 2o SOUTH alcove room; single room. 2580 Harney. E-M379 26x NICFI.v furnished rmms; house modern and telephone. 2427 Podge St. E M3,8 2tiX FURNISHED house of 8 rooms, elose In. Address J 24. Bee. E M375 26x FURNISHED room; use of 'phone. 403 S. 25th Ave. piano and K-358 26 FURNISHED ROOM-Flrst-elas In every resect. 218 N 17th St. E-2M 2x NICFI.Y furnlshd room In private family; ' electric light, bath, all strictly modern; close In. 2204 Douglas. E-3J- .7 EDWARD NORMAN KENT, music studios. Wlthnell Bldg.. 16th and Harney. Write for clrculi-s. U 573 Piano Tuning. Tel. 5604. Dalbey. 2207 Mason. U-670 Jy-9x TRY KELLEY'S LAUNDRY. 'PHONE 35. U 128 WILL give worthy party shorthand schol 8i ship In leading school and wait for pay ment. Address C 55. Ree. U 12l HEIRS wanted of Stanislaus Adamskl, Company G. Seventh Connecticut Infan try, who formerly resided at No. 1133 N. 18th St.; $5 will be paid to the first person sending correct address to Henry N. Copp. Washington. D. C. U-M36S 25x WANTED Attractions of all kinds for O. A. R. reunion Aug. 14-19; amusement com panies, negro minstrels, acrobats, tum blers, merry-go-rounds. Address Geo. Williams. Cambridge, Neb. U M385 30 PARTIES STARTING HOUSEKEEPING can save at least 25 per cent in buying house furnishings from us. We furnish complete. Terms, $25.00 worth. $1.00 week. Omaha Furniture and Carpet Co.. Between 12th and 13th on Farnam St. U 520 25 FREE Your fortune told by America fa mous, marvelous gifted Astrologlst. V cult Scientist. Chilrvovnnt end Lire reader Prof. Hall. 9-5 Fiftieth Ave., Chi cago. Bend blrthdate, three 2-centtampa. OMAHA Steam Paste Co, maniifartureii pure flour paste. 2210 Cuming. Tel. 4521. MORPHINE, opium, laiiannnm. coconlne habit myself cured; will Inform you of harmless permanent home cure. Mary Baldwin. P.ox 1212. Chicago. V NICF.LY furnished rooms; all modern: ex cellent location for transient ?V N. 19th St. K-'91 2611 FURNISHED rooms. C26 South 19th St. E M531 27x NICF. LOCATION On block from Fsrn-n car nice shade and lawn, two In fa "ill v. ood neighborhood, rooms rh"i W S. 29th Ave. E-477 26x MODERN furnished room for two jrentlo men. 113 8. 2'th 8t. K M507 26x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD BIQHTLY east front with alcove, for two persona. The Pratt. 210-12 B. Tel. 611. O. M. E. Haul Trunks -M25I PIANO CLUB Just forming; 50c and $1 weekly; pianos de livered Immediately; piano lessons free. Cull for particular. 1611 Farnam Ht. L 1-0 PRIVATE home during confinement: ba bies adorned The Good Samaritan Sani tarium. 72S First Ave.. Council Bluffs, la. Tel. 771. V-f2t PHONE 701 and man will call and tune vour piano. rar.iviu .,w -:7 Farnam. U 127 WAGN ET1C K3tW VSi n?7H 11 lw MEDICAL For Women Only Dr. Raymond's Pills, for delayed periods, absolutely reliable, per fectly safe; no danger, no pain, no Inter Terence with work; relief brought to thou sands after everything else failed; highly recommended by all that have used them. By mall, $2. Dr. U. G. Raymond Remedy Co., Room 35, b4 Adams St., Chicago, 111. -111 PEN-TAN-GOT Prompt regulator for ladies; never fails; $2 postpaid. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. 113 D1C PRIES treats successfully all disease and irregularltiea of women from any cause; experienced and reliable. Addras with stamp. Dr. Pries, 1511S Dodge St.. Omaha. U 111 DR W. HUTCHINSON. specialist of women and children; 30 yar' practice. Oltlce. 23ii6 Cuming. Residence telephone, 36; office. 3667. MEN, If you are small, weak or undevel oped, have lost strength, our Acme Vac uum Developer will restore you without drugs or electricity; urethral obstruc tion and varicocele permanently cured In one to fcur weeks; 76,fln0 in ue; not ono failure; write for frte book, sent sealed In plain envelope. Acme Mfg. Co., 72 Barclay Blk.. Denver, Colo. LADIES treated successfully by mall or at his ofllce. Maternity home. Infante adopted. Write today, stating how long suppressed. Dr. lirlney, 12 State St., Chicago LADIES-Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills are the best; safe, reliable; take no other. Se-id 4c stamps for particulars, Relief for Lidles," In letter by return mail. Ask jour druggist. Chichester Chemical Co., Philadelphia, Pa. ITCHING rectal diseases cured. Instant relief; ssmpie salve in plain wrapper for two 2-eent stamps. Box 3304, Philadel phia. Pa. 166 25X CjOO REWARD to ladles for any eise of suppression that Dr. Im Val'a Monthly Regulator falls to relieve In five days. This applies to all obstinate long standing abnormal cases from sny cause, no case hopeless. Price $.'. Free samples and booklet worth $100. Use our preventive cones. French Capsules Co., Kept. iv. Covington, Ky. T;7 2fix J.TO RUPTURE CI'REI-$30. No Injections, no pain; absolute guarantee: we cure per manently: new nieihod: call or write for booklet. QUICK CURE RUPTURE C I., 611 WOODMEN WORLD BLDG.. OM MIA. f 73 25 TUB. vapor and alcohol bat hi. 720 H. 13 th. U 13 i BEST umbrellas, lowest prices: renalrlng done. Boston Umbrella Co.. 620 8 16th. Tel. 1417. U-M1S3 Jy31x ACCOKDION an! SUNBURST PLhATING. HUCHING, BUTTONS AND FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKING Send for price Hat end samples. THE GOLDMAN PLLATING CO. 00 DOUULAJ1 BLOCK. TEL. IK. L 4W4 CLAIRVOYANTS MRS. CARRIE SMITH. SOVEREIGN LADY Ul'fcEN OF CLAIKVOYANTd. PALMIST AND TRANCE M EDI I'M ; everything told, pact present and future; satisfaction or no pay; also marvelous magnetic healer; sexual weakness in men treated; cure guaranteed. All business strictly confidential. 8"7 N. IStli St. 'Phone Red 6736. S-D72 2iX 1521 Leaven-S-64 MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, worth. palmlst-M ME. B U D D II A-Clalrvoyant Located over 113 8 16th. upstairs. Re sullful predictions guaranteed. 8-837 MME. BOYER, advice reliable. 210 N. 17th (Center IL.tel), half block N. W. post, office. 'Phone B3647. 8 M244 ii MME. FRANCISCO. 1704 CPltol Ave.1 hours I i, in. to I p. m. ft-M24e U J ? 4t i V,