Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 25, 1905, NEWS SECTION, Image 1
NEWS SECTION. The Omaha unday Bee. PAGES 1 TO 12. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 23, 1903 FOUIl SECTIONS THIRTY-EIGHT PAGES SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. X TAUISC OF TREATY , Russia Can Etop War Without Humiliation H at the Preient Time. STORIES OF INDIA EARTHQUAKE of WILL LOSE NO TERRITORY OF ITS OWN Bad Promised to Leave All Involved in the Present Straggle. ENGLSND MAY NOW JOIN WITH JAPAN Something Necessary te Insure Fulfillment of Promiiea of liar. CLOSER ALLIANCE WITH OTHER NATIONS Londoa Looks on l(cir PrnmUt of Russia as of Little Weight If Csar Desires to End War. LONDON, June 24. (Special Cablegram to Tne Bee.) Is It peaca or wart The View apparently taken by Intelligent Rus is tnat whether the Russian govern ment will or nut, peace must come and come soon for tne defeat. If not the anni hilation of Linevitch's forces Is now a question of a few weeks, and even the boldest exponent of the government's in tentions hesitates to declare that it will even then refuse to slop a suicidal con lllct. Lut, presuming the hour of wisdom lias struck, how will It be possible for the liiipcrlul government without stultifying Itself to sue for peace? How can the czar, after declaring In his war manifesto that he was resolved to pursue the war until the complete reassertlon of Russian mas tcry In the Pacific was secured, subscribe. to Russia's effucement? Yet with the dis appearance of the fleet It becomes obviously (y Impossible to reassert a Russian mastery w.iich, it may be added,' never existed. Ko" on land Russians cannot possibly hope for more than a successful resist ance to the next attack of Oyama. Few military experts believe that thero is any chanoe even of this result; none holds that any check sustained by the Japanese In Manchuria would promise a successful issue to the campaign. Russia, In a word Is beaten. It Is no disgrace to be defeated so long as the vanquished retains his repu tation for valor and patriotism which in .ffcy the case cf Russia no one lias areami 01 VA ciiallenfiing. When France bowed to an A L .l atitniiln hut undeserved rirstlnv in 1870 it . - - had to bear a far more grievous burden than any that Russia can be called upon to assume. France succumbed on French soil and In defense of provinces to superior force and science. It could not disguise the national anguish, but it faced Its suf ferlngs with a stole endurance which won ' it the warm emypathy and respect of all the world. There is no power, great or small, that has not known the bitterness of defeat. Russia has but a comparatively small humiliation to Incur by accepting the inevitable. Japan a First Class Power. It-4s-ldl -toalaad that there Is Indignity In accepting terms from a yellow people, If Great Britain, with as proud a reputa tlon as Russia, and an older, can enter Into alliance with Japan voluntarily and on equal terms, It can be no real humiliation for the czar to make peace with the mikado. Japan has leaped In one bound to the front rank of great world powers and the rest of the world must accept the In exorable fact. Dut the problem of peace has also to be studied from the Japanese point of view. The rise of Japan to a foremost position on this planet is a little more sudden than any recorded In history and not less notablo than this rapid advancement have been. the spirit of moderation, the modesty and the absence of self-glory with which It has taken this high place. Obviously It cannot sue for peace, but it has lot It be known to Sail whom it may concern that It asks no extravagant recompense for the sacrifices p It has so heroically made and no arrogant reward for the rare and splendid victories it has fought for ana won ny tana ana sea. generally understood that Japan would terms of peace of a real peace even umlllatlng than those imposed upon nco at the close of the Napoleonic wars. pa j;ui it win not dc content wim peace which f Is In effect a dormant war. Its ohiect Is - simple, snd o far as the rest of the world M concerned, is beneficent, it demands tnat rtussia snoum retire wniiin ub uiu uuun- .'jartes and should no longer exsrclse a vlr- I suzerainty over any part of the Chi nese empire; that Corea should be recog nized as a Japaneso dependency and that Russia should disavow, in theory and prac tice, its Indefensible claim to be mistress of the Pacific. How are these claims to be guaranteed even If Russia should acknowledge their validity for the moment? Russian diplo macy has earned Itself so bad a name that paper assurances could not satisfy Japan. Great Brtlalu Mar Co-Operate. The only alternative that seems possible Is that Grat Britain should undertake to co-operate with Japan In the defence of such terms as It may extract from Russia. There can be no doubt that the existing al liance between the two countries will be re newed, whatever party may be In power In England. But the extension of the present alliance to cover a mutual undertaking to maintain the status quo, after the peace In the far east and the middle east ought to j be possible. Neither England nor Japan tai any detlre to expand its boundaries, and for the same reason. So long as the policy of "the open door" is -respected and en forced, territorial aggrandisement has no attraction for either power. The avowed policy of the United States tends towards the same end Their Interests in the far east are Identical with those of Great Brit ain and Japan, and though the Monroe doc trine might stand In the way of American engagement In such an alliance, there can be no doubt that the moral support of the United Slates would be cordially given to an arrangement which would ensure the maintenance of the status quo. The only other country really concerned la France, and it, too, has everything to gain by the preservation of the present bal ance of power In the far east. Indeed, France would gain by a complete under standing between England and Japan. In questions which arise In connection with the territorial Interests of the republic In , ' V . ...V - " " " ' , " J ll , 1- fr... V.. .V.1 i necessarily urrn vi .. 11 Russia Is the ally of France. If, however, I i Great Britain and Japan agreed to guaran- I k tee the status quo In; the orient. England J ' and Franca could confidently bring the same generous and trusting spirit to bear on dif- V Acuities there as has been so brilliantly successful In the arrangement of differ ences nearer home. Survivors Tell llormwlno; Tale Distress and Death In the North. CALCUTTA. Jun It. (Special Cablegram to The Bee.) Reports from Ourkhas. Dharmsala, are to the effect that the earth quake In that section of India Is far wore than at first Imagined. For Instance, the report of Major Arthur Hatch says: Early In the mornlns we were startled by a violent rocking, followed by stones falling and dust and showers of cement. IS got out of the bed room window, which fell outward Into the veranda, but not seeing me rushed In again. This saved her life for the veranda fell flat the in stant after. I was pinned down by the debris and she sat on the edge of the Vied calling me, stones falling ail thu time. What saved us whs the Iron rails ot the roor ot the bed room; these fell In one side and rormeq a pent house, througn tne corner of which we escaped, our servants, good fellows, rushing In and pulling us out. ine house Is a ruin, tumbled In like a pack of cards, and every house In the station flat as a pam ake. The tale of dead Is terrible. That afternoon 1 read the burial service over eleven Europeans put Into newly made graves, wrapped In their nea ciotnes our colonel's wife and two daughters, the wife of Holderness, a subaltern Just come out, the hand master's wife and daughter, some children from the civil lines, Captain Clay of the Seventh Gurkhas and my dear old friend, Captain Musoroft, who had only conic up the night before. We have lost seventy-live men In tne second Daiiannn, First Gurkhas, and the Heventn some zow. The whole valley Is a scene of devastation and death. We have been digging out corpses for days and can ro on no more. Thank God, however, we escaped, and for those who escaped like us. we are sun In a state of nervousness and feel or think we feel shocks everv hour. We and some of the officers are camped on my lawn and my Uurkhas are diguing out our property, some of which Is being recovered, but the house Is utterly gone, vie nave nnu reie- grams of sympathy from everywhere. A woman who was at Dharmsala writes: Our wee baby had a most miraculous escape. Not a scratch, though sue was nearly suffocated, and I thought would die In my arms. Her fate and mouth were smothered with dust and grit from the falling mortar. I was able to protect her from the falling masonry which poured down on my back and head. 1 was dozing at about fl:10 a. m. wnen tne nouse sud denly began to rattle in the most appalling way. I seized tho baby and thought 1 must fly to the nuraerv and get the children out of the house, and then I was on the floor by the side of the b"d with masonry flouring down on my back and head and egs. I never expected to come out alive, and I could onlv nrav that the end might not be too prolonged, and I felt that another five minutes and I should be suffocated. A hi warrirnhe saved mv life, as it fell for ward and was struck by some beams which formed a pent roof over me. I shouted for help. Mv servants behaved splendidly but at llrst did not hear my calling. KAISER'S HAND SEEN Germany Takes Advantage of Situation in Russia to Fove iu Africa. WHERE M. DELCASSE MADE HIS MISTAKE Ac'.ed on Theory that Japan Could Not Win in the War- MOROCCO TO HAVE BEEN EFAULT Aotivity of Gerr r Came as a P- Ai Pranoe. FOREIGN - .6TER THEN DENOUNCED Following; Japanese Victories ana Failure to Make Good In Africa Republican Newspaper Turned on Foreign Minister. J ivwiiiu it has l I It la ge J grant t & less hi t4 Franco 7 Is In e TALE OF MISRULE IN ARABIA Imam of Sanaa and Well Armed Force In Position to Make Tronbler CONSTANTINOPLE June 24. (Special Cablegram to Tho Bee.) Details have leaked out regarding the circumstances under which the troops of the sultan of Turkey surrendered Sanaa, tho capital of Yemen, to Its Arab besiegers. Native corre spondents ' report that the chief cause of this blow to the prestige and power of the porte Is the corruption, extortion and oppression of the .Turkish officials. Invariably when an official had amassed a certain urn he arranged with a secret agent In Aden or Hodelda to have it changed Into British sovereign and ho then returned to Turkey a rich man. The ex actions of the officials have been ren dered the less endurable by a severe drought in Temen fcr two years past which has reduced the people to great distress. Supplies of grain obtained from India have been sold at famine prices. Great dim culty was experienced in sending the grain to the highlands, and the cost of transport sometimes amounted to 10 rupees per bag. Many hundreds died of hunger In Ibb and Jlblah and large numbers of famine refugees sought escape from death by migration to Aden or the Red sea ports The Aden authorities erected shelters for them, raise! subscriptions and. supplied the,n with food and medical assistance, The Imam of Sanaa Is believed to have a force of 100,000 men, all armed with rifles. and his equipment Includes the artillery taken at Sanaa. He Is determined to con test the advance of the Turkish troops and to harass them In every way. but It is thought that the superior armament of tho Turks will enable them to retake Sanaa without great difficulty. BULGARIAN BANDS ARE ACTIVE Captor of Miss Stone Anions Those on Warpath In tho Balkans. SERES, June 24. (Special Cablegram to The Bee.) Bulgarian bands In the northern regions, especially In the neighborhood of Melnlk. and Greek bands In th' southern districts are causing no end of trouble. The principal band Is that of the well known Sandanski, the captor of Miss Stone, which Is opposed to those of Radon, an adheren of 8arafoff and of Captain Stoyanoff, who represents the party of General Trocheff. The famous Dontcho also commands strong band In the neighborhood of Melnlk which owns allegiance to Its chief alone, Three collisions have occurred between these bands, resulting in considerable loss of killed and wounded, much to the satis faction of the Turks. Last Thursday, however, a conflict took place at Karakoi between the troops and Sandanskl's band, which, according to the official account, retreatd with a loss of four killed and many wounded, w ho were carried away by their companions. The official ver sion makes no mention of Turkish losses and similar reticence Is maintained with regard to the presence of Greek bands, which are apparently not regarded with serious disfavor. The only operation hitherto undertaken against the Greeks In this quarter was an attack on a large Greek band stated to number 150, which landed recently near Krushevo, at the mouth of the Strymon. Eleven Greeks were killed and the remainder are stated to have been dispersed. Twenty-eight who laid down their arms were arrested, but subse quently liberated. Some thirty Greeks In this town left yesterday to Join the bands, which are largely composed of Cretans and lecrults from various towns In the Levant. PARIS, June 24. (Special Cablegram to The Bee.) The invitation of the sultan to hold a conference on the Moroccan question t Tangier is couched in somewhat vague terms and makes no special mention of France. The documents, after the usual compliments, run as follows: Ills Shereeflan ma lest y commands me to Invite all the honorable powers to hold at Tangier a conference, In which their honor- tne representatives and the representa tives of the maghzen shall take part In order to treat of the manner of putting Into execution reforms which his Shereelian majesty hns decided to Introduce Into his empire, taking Into consideration affairs of the moment, Hnd to consider also the ques tion of the expenses which the introduction or tnese reforms will necessitate. We In- Ite you, therefore, to inform your gov ernment of all of the preceding words and o request authorization to take part in he said conference. We ask vou to let us have an answer when you have received your reply. Given at the rourt of Fez. 2S Rlhla EIoul. 1325 (May 30, 1905). MAHOMED BEY EL ARBI TORRES. In the council called Do discuss the Invita tion the visitors with one exception were opposed to the Invitations being Issued, the notables on the contrary being favorable to it. The opposition of the viziers was, first, on the ground that they anticipated failure. Tho Idea had been unfavorably received by France, England, Spain, Italy and the I'nited States when It was first mooted by Germany. Now then, argued the viziers, should It be accepted when put forward by Morocco? Secondly, the ma jority apprehended that tho fact of Its being suggested by Morocco would dispose their powerful neighbor, France, against them. The sultan apparently believed that it would enable him to gain time and that consideration outweighed all the rest. Germany Proposed Conference. It was Count von Tattenbach who urged the sultan to propose the conference, but that was not done till he had failed with a previous proposal. The German envoy had sought by arguments which. If not violent, at all events exceeded the bounds of all that is customary In diplomacy, to make the sultan give Mm in writing formal as surances as to the general treatment of Germany in Morocco. Nor was It suggested that anything should be'snld-Hmiting that treatment to the economic domain. The conclusion therefore Is that Germany's In tention was In given circumstances to ex tend that treatment to the domain of poll tics. The sultan, however, positively re fused to give anything In writing and It was after this fruitless attempt that Count von Tattenbach fell back on the conference scheme. On all sides It is recognized that Germany must have seen in advance that an invita tion coming from Morocco would meet with no response and this confirms the general opinion as to Germany's whole Moroccan policy being a mere blind for something else. The prevailing Impression Is that the primary object is to detach France from England, the Moroccan difficulty being simply a means of pressure on France In view of that end. This Idea has taken hold of some Frenchmen whose wide experience of international politics and friendship for England renders their views worthy of attention. Why Delcnase Resigned. The connecting link between Morocco and the resignation of M. Delcaase, which has thrown all Europe Into a ferment, appears to have been an article in that very serious republican Journal Le Temps. Le Temps Is a diplomatic power as a newspaper and when the minister of foreign affairs was publicly denounced, his Morocco policy being subjected to a scathing review. It was a foregone conclusion that his official days were numbered. Not In years has a I newspaper secured so complete a triumph In Frar . After the publication of this particular article it became evident to all that the progress of France in Morocco had sustained an annoying check and that If there was to be a scapegoat the victim would be M. Delcaase. And that was pre cisely what dlu happen. M. Delcasse was made the scapegoat and the victim. During his seven years in office M. Del casse has secured widespread sympathy and respect for France, his great and only offense in the eye of Germany, which power has so materially contributed to his down fall. The last coup do theatre at Fei was merely the culminating point of a compli cated situation dating from the German emperor's visit to Tangier. It served as a pretext to those members of the cabinet who disapproved of Jrf. Delcasse'a Moroc- MORTON TO G0 TO BOTTOM New Chairman of Equitable Will Carry Investigation Deeper Than Others. NEW YORK. Juae 24 Definite state ments areynade by the Herald today that, In aJdltlotl to the proceedings which are expected to be lnni'tlratcd by Attorney j General Mayer and District Attorney Wil liam Travis Jerome, Paul Morton, chair man of the Equitable Life society, with tho full knowledge and approval of the now owner, Thomas F. Ryan, will, by his own Investigation of affairs, delve deeper than I either the Frlck committee or State 8uper- I Intendent of Insurance Hendricks. Most scandalous charges against certain rich men are hinted at In connexion with this development. They have not hereto fore been mentioned prominently. One of them, says the Herald, is currently reported to have accumulated IS.OyO.ouo in a few years, while another, an appraiser, amassed more, than 11,000,000 in two years. While some of these matters were only Indirectly connected with the society's af fairs, It is Intimated that various docu ments are being certified, while accounts and occurrences will be used as a basis for affidavits In court proceedings. Wherever, the Herald declares, money Is found to have been obtained by Individuals on syndicate operations or on bonuses to secure loans and the like. It Is asserted that actions will be begun to collect the amounts to which the society was lawfully entitled had nothing been diverted from its treasury. Paul Morton returned from Washington today and resumed his work as chairman of the Equitable society. He was In con ference during the morning with repre sentatives of the expert accountants who are making an investigation of the Equit able affairs under his direction. Mr. Mor ton said, through his secretary, that he had not accepted any other resignations and he would not intimate when he Intends to take such action. From this time until the end of the month when he returns to Washington to formally sever his connec tion wltii the Navy department, Mr. Mor ton will remain In town. He has indicated that he proposes to stay here all through the heated term, allowing himself only brief week end vacations. Concerning the men whose names were said to he In the salary list of the Equitable society though no longer In the service of the company. Chairman Paul Morton today made public the following statement: Dr. E. W. Lambert was the first medical director of the Equitable. lie died July 17, l!Ht, having served for forty-five years ns chief mrdlral director. Ills salary was 125. 00" per annum, and it was continued and paid to his widow up to and Including De cember. 1904, from which time nothing has been paid. Dr. Edward Curtis was elected medical director In September. lSTti. and was retired February, 10C4, on account of a stroke of FRAUDS IN WARRANTS Pederal Grand Jury at Ardmore, I. T., Re turns Ponr Indictmcnta for Conspiracy. SEVLRAL BIG FISH ARE IN NET Gov. Johnson and Ix-Gov. Kciley Charged with Defrauding Chickasaw Nation. UNITED STATES MARSHAL ON THE LIST B. H. Colbert Accused of Presenting False Claims Against Federal Government. HI PARTIES ARE INDICTED JOINTLY Two of the Accused Men Are Prom Inent In Educational Affairs of Indian Territory. ARDMORE, I. T., June 24. The special grand Jury which has been investigating alleged frauds In Chickasaw warrants to night filed four separate Indictments for conspiracy, as follows: Conspiracy to de fraud Chickasaw nation, conspiracy to pre sent false claims against the United States; conspiracy to defraud the Commer cial National b;ink of Kansas City, Kan., conspiracy to defraud the First National bank of Joplin, Mo. For conspiracy to defraud the Chickasaw nation Governor D. H. Johnson, ex-Governor Palmer S. Moslcy, George Mansfield, J. F. McMurray and Melvln Cornish are made Joint defend ants. For conspiracy to present false claims against the United States, defend ants are W. T. Ward, United States mar shal; B. H. Colbert and Klrby Purdom, For conspiracy to defraud the Commercial National bank B. H. Colbert, W. T. Ward. T. A. Teel, S. M. White and F. B. Hln shaw. For conspiracy to defraud the Jop lin bank, B. H. Colbert, Klrby Purdom and W. T. Ward. In all four Indictments the parties charged therfln are Indicted Jointly. S. M. White and E. B. Hlnshaw, two of the de fendants, are prominently connected with Chickasaw national schools. Hlnshaw Is at present superintendent of Bloomlngfleld seminary, a school for Chickasaw young women, located at Bloomlngfleld, and White is superintendent of Harley Institute, at Tishomingo. Teel. Hlnshaw and White were directors of the defunct bank of the Chickasaw nation, through which Institu tion these illegal deals are alleged to have been consummated. i THE BEE BULLETIN. Forecast for ehrnskn Fair In F.nst. Ulionrrr In Wet Portion. Cooler In Sonth Portion Snndnr. Mondny Fnlr and Warmer In Xorthivpst Portion. XF.W SECT10 Twelve Pases. 1 Rnsslnns Plens the Trosty. Germany Profits ly Mtnntlnn. Gross rramli In Srbool Warrnnls. Mnnr Lives Lost In, Russian Riots. S SklrinlshlnK Goes on In Mnnrhnria. Wnr Fever Is Stnrtlna In Purls. 3 News from All Parts of Sehraska. 4 Women Cheer nnn n. Anthony. Convict's Word ot Good In Court. 5 Where Vacations Will Re Sprnt. 0 Affairs at youth Omaha. H Past Week In Omaha Society. 10 Results of Saturday Rail Games. 11 Mauawa Cnp Stays Where It Is. Sportlna- Review of the Week. 13 Items of Interest to Sportsmen. EDITORIAL SECTION Eight Pages. 1 Woman Tells How to Fix Bridge. Fink In Hurry About Taxes. 2 Editorial. 8 Dlsensslon of Railroad Question. O News from Various Army Posts. Hnpprnlnas In Amusement World. T Financial and Commercial. VACATION SECTION Eight Pases. 1 Where to Go In Vacation. Vacation Sons;, In Jnne. S Raffles, the Amateur Cracksman. 4 Ideas on Ideal Vacations. Stories About Noted People. "As You Like It" In the Park. Quaint Features trt l ife. Curious Capers of Cuntd. 5 Portland Fair for Coast Visitors. Hidden Treasures at Panama. 6 Gentle Art of Packlnsr Trnnks, Handy Thlnus for Travelers. Little Stories for 1. title People. T For and About Women. Spending Vacations at Home. 8 Tersely Told Tales. COLOR SECTION Ten Pnges. 1 Raster Drown Goes Shooting. 2 Girl Plans Five Klopemeuts. From Far and Near, 8 Plagiarized Love Letters. 4 Stubs Smoked by Great Men. Girl with the Picture Face. 5 Declare June Weddlnita Immoral. Public Nurseries for All Bablesf O Quick Success on the Stage. T Top o' the Mornln. 8 Lucy and Sophie Say Good-Rye. The Goats and the Gunners. 0 "The Poppy Girl Short Story. "Kins Love,," by Trauby Ellis. lO Bevy of Stave Beauty. BLOODSHED IN LODZ Over Twelve Hundred Persons Killed and Wounded in Stroa'. Riots. MOB MAKES ATTACK UPON MILITAR Trouble Began Tuesday Over Funeral o Victims of Previous Conflict. JEWS NOT ALLOWED TO BURY DEAD Rioting Renewed Thursday and Became a Blaughter Friday. WANTON CRUELTY OF THE SOLDIERY Women anil Children Ruthlessly Shot Disorder Breaks Out at Warsaw and Serious Trouble Is Feared. paralysis, but with the understanding that the society could avail Itself of his services as consulting medical director. As medical director he received a salary of $15,000 a rear, which was continued until January , 1905, at which time owing to his inability to perform active service it was reduced to 110,000 per annum. This sum la still be lng paid to him. v J. B. Lorlng, registrar, was the first clerk employed by the Equitable In 1R."'9. He served the society forty-five years In posi tions of trust and for more than twenty five years was chief of the society's se curity department In charge of Its vaults. His salary was M.B00 per annum, and on April i. 1903, he left the service of the so ciety on account of 111 health and his sal ary was continued as a,, pension. (.ieorara. II. Saitlre lanie wMb to society ih September. 1M. His salary in 1904 was 120.000. During August of that year he lost a leg and temporarily was Incapacitated for work. The executive committee granted him six months' leave of absence with pay, which expired on March 1, 19n5, since which time he had been on the pay roll at $1,000 per month, but by whose authority I have not yet been able to find out. Announcement was made tonight by At torney General Mayer, who has postponed his return to Albany until tomorrow, In order to attend to the afTalrs of the Equit able, that restitution had been made by former President Alexander of $25,053.22, representing amounts received by him with Interest on certain syndicate operations re ferred to In the preliminary report of Su perintendent Hendricks. The announce ment was conveyed In a letter addressed by H. M. Alexander, son of the president, to Paul Morton, a copy of which was sent by the writer to Attorney General Mayer "for his Information." James W. Alexander Is reported to bo gravely 111. At first It was hoped that he might be able to go to his summer home In the Adlrondacks. but his condition is such that his physicians have advised against removing him from his daughter's house at 116 East Sixty-fifth street. On this ac count the news that Chairman Morton of the Equitable board had accepted his resig nation has been kept from him, as well as all Information about the strictures con tained In the report of the state Insurance superintendent. OREGON MERCHANTS APPEAL to Portland Board of Trade Fears Lose Present Business with China. WASHINGTON, June 24.-That the threats of the commercial guilds of China to boycott American goods has raised a serious question In the minds of this coun try's business men and manufacturers is indicated by a telegram received by Presi dent Roosevelt from tho Portland, Ore., Chamber of Commerce. The president au thorized the publication of the telegram, which follows: , PORTI.AND. Ore.. June 23, 1906. The President, i Washington: The Portland Chamber cf Commerce respectfully urges Immediate action on your part with respect to this country s relations with t hlna, tho SENATOR MITCHELL HAS AN INNING Cross-Examination of Judge Tanner Brings Out Points In Ills Favor. PORTLAND, Ore., June 24. The cross examination of Judge A. H. Tanner, the government's star witness In the trial of United States Senator John 11. Mitchell, began today. For several hours Judge Tanner was on the witness stand and was subjected to close questioning py the at torneys for the defense, some important testimony ; on behalf of Senator Mitchell apparently being elicited. It was shown by-Tanncr'u own evidence that Mitchell had warned Tanner not to mix him In any matters before the departments of the gov ernment and not to receive any remunera tion for any services the senator might perform in Washington. Tanner said that there was no understanding with Frederick Krlbs that the money paid by him to Tan ner was In return for the services of Mitch ell and that the latter had no direct knowl edge of the source of his monthly re mlttances, his share of the earnings of the law firm of Mitchell & Tanner, which were forwarded to the senator at Washington Tanner said under cross-examination that never to his knowledge did Mitchell ever see a check from Krlbs to the firm f,or services rendered. Tanner testified that at the time of the changing of the original contract of 1897, which occurred in 1901, Mitchell was deeply Involved In official business and that he was shortly afterward taken with a severe Illness. Tanner said further that he knew personally of no services rendered by Mitchell before the departments at Washington in regard to the Krlbs claims that Mitchell had not per formed for hundreds of other claimants without pay. So far as he .was aware Mitchell might have forwarded his (Tan ners letters In regard to land claims to the general office and returned the Informa tion In the replies to him. Tanner testified that with one exception Mitchell, while away from Portland, never had a chance to know of the items entering into the monthly payments to him. The one exception was when a copy of the firm's books was sent to Mitchell at Washington. The method of handling the bank book was gone over and the defense attempted to show that the senator had never seen any of the Kribs checks and did not there fore know that he was receiving money for work done for Krlbs. Tanner testified that he had put all of the money received In one account and had drawn from this In making the cash settlements at the end of each month. Tanner testified that he had been told that his son would be Indicted for perjury If he persisted in his testimony before the grand Jury, but that if he would make a clean breast of his transactions and would tell the truth the district attorney would recommend a pardon for him. George R. Ogden and James F. Casey, two clerks in the general land office, who LODZ, June 24. -Since the arrival of rein forcements this morning actual fighting in the city has stopped, but the outbreak Is by no means quelled and fresh collisions are expected momentarily. Tho city resembles a shambles, and the terrible scenes of the last two days will never be wiped from the memory of the Polish people. Altogether there are ten regiments encamped In Lodz. The fighting spirit of the people Is fully aroused. They have tasted blood and want more. Cer tainly, the revolutionary "spirit Is abroad and It remains to be seen whether military measures will have the same effoct as previously. Today, at Baluty, a suburb of Loda, four Cossacks were killed and sixteen others in jured by a bomb which was thrown Into their barracks. Twenty-three of their horses were killed. Occasional volleys are still fired by police or gendarmes In response to shots from houses. The soldiers are showing what appears to be wanton cruelty. Late this afternoon they shot and killed two women, a mother and her daughter. The funerals of victim of the shooting of Thursday and Friday took place today surreptitiously in various outlying villages. Over Twelve Hnndred Victims. It Is quite Impossible to give the exact number of killed and wounded, as reports vary according to the quarter from which they are obtained. Certainly, the killed number more than a hundred, possibly two hundred, and the wounded five times a many. An official report says that the number of casualties was largely Increased by the neglect of persons to remain In doors. Others Insisted on looking out of doors and wind ., .. s when volleys were being fired on the rlo...a by the soldiers. Resi dents of the city say that they received no orders to remain In doors. Trouble Begins Tuesday. The present trouble began at Lodz last Tuesday after the funer.U of the victims of the conflict between troops and terror ists the previous Sunday. The Christians were permitted to bury their dead, but the' Jewe were prohibited from doing so, and the police secretly interred the bodies of the Jews at night, which excited Indigna tion and terrorists riots were Initiated Thursday. The most serious phaae Of tha rioting developed when the crowd deliber ately pillaged liquor shops and numbers of persons. Inflamed by drink, led a crowd of at least 50,000 to further and more serious attacks. Police and military were attacked wherever they appeared In small fore and many members were killed. After pillaging the liquor shops, the crowd set fire to them and prevented the firemen from extlngulsh Inir the hlnzes. This was reoeated dellber- a raid today on Delmar track. I pllance with Governor Folk's Instructions, the mob found fuli Vcnt and even children. oiierire jierpei saia he did not believe In caueht by the contagion, were seen kissing- Temperature at Oinnha Yesterday Hour. Degr. Hour. Beg. K a. m as 1 p. m M4 u m It p. m M.1 T a. m TO a p. m HI t n 71 4 p. m 8T T4 S p. m 88 lO a. in 7U 6 p. m H7 1 n MO T p. in ti 12 m bit SHERIFF DEFIES GOVERNOR St. Louts Official Refuses to Enforce Antl-Gambllns; Law Says Troops Slay Get Shot. ST. LOUIS, Mo.. June' 24. -The express directions of Governor Folk that the Del mar race track be raided today and all alleged violators of the anti-betting law be taken into custody were not carried out beyond the arrest of eight persons, quietly made by two deputy sheriffs, and tonight Sheriff John Herpel of St. Louis county Issued a statement that he was opposed to raids and that troops would not be sent until he had requested them, and, further more, he does not believe that they are necessary for the handling of the situation. When asked tonight why he did not make SEEKING FOR GOLD OF SPAIN Dak of AraH Will Attempt Keeover Cash from the Armada, to Marder and Suicide la Ohio, F1NDLAY. O , June 24. Despondent over a long Illness, Mrs. Alois Shields today shot and killed her ti-year-old uaugniMr and thn killed berself. can policy anu. nau rr.u.veu on nis re- 1 first consideration heinir a reizard for th lwo lrc,M " ,"" tirement. M. Bouvler. the prime minister nation's honor, which demands faithful an I ! had handled the claims admitted In evl had for some time called M. 1 Delcasse to account on other questions of foreign pol icy. Moreover, the prime minister Insisted upon being kept au courant of the transac tions of the business at the Foreign office, fair performance of its treaty obligations. ! dence, were called after Tanner had left Secondly, our commercial interests are serl- i . , identify the lists and show ously threatened by the severe manner in I tne stand to K"001"' tne ll8lf ana Bllow which our present laws regulating the ad- i that they had been made 'special through mission of the Chinese Into this country are executed, which seem in their practical working to contravene treaty obligations. which his predecessor, M. Combes, had ! We earnestly recommend that a more 11b- never done. Altogether there was friction from the first between the new prime min ister and M. Delcasse, and there were sev eral other members of the cabinet who were anything but amicably disposed toward the minister of foreign affairs. It was in consequence of these dissensions In the cabinet Itself that M. Delcasse re signed and not owing to a hostile vote In the chamber. The mere fact that M. Delcasse Lad been so long In power was enough to render his position the object of formidable attack. In France seven years Is almost unprecedented for a minister's tenure of office under the republican regime; but It may be sold that few foreign ministers under any regime In GLASGOW, June 24. (Special Cablegram j France have had such a good account to to The Bee.) Operations have been re- give of their administration as has M. Del- sumed by the duke of Argyll for the re covery of the Spanish armada treasure, which lies In Tobennory bay, on the coast of Argyllshire. Records show that one of King Phillip's vessels, the Admiral of Flor ence, was blown up in the bay in l."JW. The work Is under the superintendence of Cap tain Burns. Only two years ago a bronxa breech-loading gun was brought up. Ia 1740 a brass cannon ot exquisite workman ship was recovered and more recently a gold doubloon wsa found In the mud ad hering to an anchor. i casse. When in June, 1898, M. Delcasse was unexpectedly given the portfolio of foreign affairs he had behind him five years of ac tive patriotic work for the colonial expan sion of France. And by treaty after treaty, understanding after understanding, he suc ceeded In shattering German hegemony on the continent of Europe. Mistaken as to Russia. It is only fair to remember that M. Del casse had to deal with an unfortunate com- Continued on Second Page.) eral Interpretation of the laws be enjoined upon tne immigration autnoritles. and meantime the announcement of the appoint ment bv your excellency of a commission to Inquire Into the present exclusion laws unit the methnri lit thlt .nfnr.mnnl u'i.K Instructions to recommend to consrress such I legislation as shall promote increased bur- I mony between the two nations, would have beneficial effect. We are advised tnrlav by cable from Hong Kong that immediate action is necessary uy our government or a boycott of American nrodurts will follow. PORTLAND CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, By WILLIAM D. WHEELWRIGHT. President The subject is already under consideration by the president and members of his cab inet and a solution of the problem, It Is re garded as certain, will be worked out. Sec retary Metcalf had a long conference about the matter today with the president. the efforts of the senator. At 3:30 o'clock Mr. Heney stated that he had finished with the witnesses for the gov ernmcnt and the court adjourned until Monday morning at 10 o'clock. raids and intimated If troops were sent into the county they might be shot down. The sheriff said: I am sheriff of St. Louis county and have not requested any assistance from tho, governor. Troops will not be sent Into this county legally until I have made such a request and I believe the county authori ties are abundantly able to nandle the situation as it exists at present. I am under a bond of 150,000 and cannot make arrests indiscriminately and 1 shall not do so until I have sufficient evidence to protect myself and bondsmen. I feel that tne course which the county officials have taken is all that the law contemplates, and It Is the course which will be followed by us in the future. If the troops come in here they are llahle to get shot. I do not say that the sheriff or the sheriff's depu ties will be responsible for the shooting, but some of the citizens around here might not like the Idea of sending In soldiers. It was suggested to Sheriff Herpel that an Impression prevails that In case mem bers of the National guard came Into the county they might be arrested for disturb ing the peace. "Well, If they disturbed my peace they surely would be arrested," was his reply. JEFFERSON CITY. Mo., June 24.-When Informed tonight of the statement of Sheriff Herpel of St. Louis county, Governor Folk said he did not care to be quoted again on the race track conditions in St. Louis county, but said that In addition to taking steps to stop the alleged violations of the law at Delmar track, he would take steps forthwith for the removal of Sheriff Her pel and County Prosecuting Attorney John ston for "their utter disregard of their of ficial oaths." WESTERN MATTERS AT CAPITAL Rural Carriers Are Appointed for Wlatrrset Iowa and Fills South Dakota) Routes. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, June 24.-(8peclal Tele gram.) Rural carriers appointed: Iowa Wlnterset, route 4. Fred A. Bowlsby, car rier; Benjamin F. Bowlsby, substttnte. CALL CONSULTING ENGINEERS Foreign and American Advisers Will Consider Panama Canal Plans la September. WASHINGTON, June 24.-A meeting of the consulting engineers of the Isthmian Canal commission was called today to meet In Washington September 1 to review all plans for the construction of the Panama canal and make recommendations to the commission. The consulting engineers are authorised to go to the isthmus, if they deem it neces sary, and minority reports are requested to be made. There are fourteen members of the consulting board, a number of thein being foreigners. red flags and heard swearing that they were ready to die for liberty. A Jewish girl mounted a box In the publio square and addressed an Immense crowd. Sud denly tho police appeared, fired a volley and the girl fell dead. Market gardeners coming In were stopped and their carts used In building barricades. Wires were stretched in front of these barricades and the cavalry was unable to charge. Meanwhile the mob had secure arms and revolvers were freely used. Wanton Acts of Soldiers. The military secured the upper hand, but not without considerable losses to ( them selves and havoc to the rioters. The sol diers exhibited the utmost carelessness aa to whether they killed peaceful persons or rioters, and as a consequence many women and children were among the dead. The streets on Friday resembled a battlefield. The houses were barricaded with boards and mattresses and for hours volleys and Individual shots were heard in every quar ter of the city. Until late at night the Cossacks were busy collecting bodies of the dead and picking up persons seriously wounded. The bodies were carried off In carts to neighboring churchyards. Henca the Impossibility of giving an accurate es timate of the dead, and it is doubtful if the full story Is ever told. Terrorists are ener getically fomenting agitation among tha soldiers by distributing revolutionary proc lamations and pamphlets, but their efforts are without effect. Shooting was renewed this evening. Cos sacks are robbing the dead of Jewels and money. Rioting; In Warsaw. WARSAW, June 24. Riots commenced here tonight. Gendarmes charged a crowd and Infantry patrols fired two volleys. Three men were Injured. The crowd was also armed and fired upon the troops. A secret police agent was stabbed. Processions were formed at 6 o'clock; this evening and marched, with red flags, down Grsybowska street. At the porner of Wronla street a mounted patrol crossed the procession and one of the marchera threw a bomb, which exploded and wounded two gendarmes. The thrower of the bomb escaped. Simultaneously there was another demon stration by persons carrying a red flag at Leschno, but there was no bloodshed. Crowds are assembling at several locali ties east of the city. Tfcelr latitude Is Movements of Ccrnn Vessels June .-54, menarin and the uublic Is panic striken. At New York Palled: Phlladelnhls. fori rri.n ai,.u,ir.n ir with a mnwiiv r? ?.,.,",.12!lJ" ,.r?t&.JX "'JSTVI': . the workmen striking, the walkout threat- burg; Knenigen Louise, for Genoa; Fur- I enlng to become general and the working neujia, mr uiasgnw. Arrived: St. Paul, from Southampton; Caledonii, from Glas gow. BULLDOG " KILLS GIRL BABY Animal Retains Grip on Child's Head After It Had Been Killed. CHICAGO. June 24. Yvonne Davis, IS months old, was killed by a bulldog owned by her father this afternoon. The little girl was playing with a hall, which rolled near the dog, and when she went to pick It up the dog knocked her 'down and fast ened his teeth In her face. Paul Korinortx, a neighbor, beat the dog with an Iron bar and fired eight bullets Into its body, and it still retained its grip on the child. After the dog was dead It was found necessary to pry Its Jaws apart In order to release ths girl. She died within ten minutes. Rrlstow Makes Report. WASHINGTON. June 24.-Joseph L. Brls tow, recently appointed special commis sioner to Investigate the Panama railroad in Its relation to the transcontinental and European freight rates, has concluded his South Dakota Ellis, route 1, Leslie J. Ba. ! Investigation. He submitted bla report to ley, carrier; Henry Bylngton, substitute. J Secretary Taft today. t At Rotterdam Sailed: Statendam, for New York. At Ulusgow-Salled: Astoria, for New Tork. At Dover Sailed: Finland, for New York. At Cherbourg Sailed: New York, for New York. Arrived: Moltke, from New York. At Antwerp Sailed: Finland, for New York. At Queenstown Sailed: Republic, for Boston. At Havre Sailed : I -a Gascogne. for New York. Arrived: Montreal, from New York. At Bremen Sailed: Barbarossa, from New York. At Liverpool Arrived: Bovie. from New Zork. Sailed; Umbrta, for New York. class inflamed by the news of the fighting at Lodx. Is extremely critical. The s'rlke was organized by the social revolutionary committee as a demonstration to affect tho trial of Stepben Okrjela, the locksmith who threw a bomb Into the Praga police station on March 28, Injuring six policemen, and his conviction and sentence to deatt) today has still further enraged the revolu tionary leaders. Workmen ore wearing mourning for those killed at Lodx. ' All the street railways except on tha principal thoroughfares In tha city hava been stopped and tha newspapers hava suspends! publication.