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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1905)
TTTE OMATTA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, .TUNE 24. 1005. 11 I II ! Ml IH I II II II II & &U A MLiYifactirer's Sample Line of Women's Waists On Sale Saturday Morning at 9 a. m. Worth $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00. Your Choice Today t p i I I at Outina: Suits for Men ir dmmm a-v n? ! MM? See I PgPIWil, Three them here nowhere else. The qual that endures. Cheap only in price. ily selected Easily paid for. specially priced today great groups 5 2) la Today we will offer at the above prices Outing Suits that represent some very sub stantial savings. These waists were bought from a New York Waist Manufacturer, being his salesmen's sample lines. They were sold to us at 23c on the dollar all new, up-to-date styles made of the finest white sheer lawns handsomely trimmed with lace and embroidery would positively be cheap at $1.50, 2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 TODAY 95c. Owing to the limited amount of waists in this lot we advise to be on hand early no waists sold before 9 a, ni. Special Petticoat Sale Saturday morning we will place on special sale 350 Women's New "SUNBURST" Petti coats made of the finest silk mercerized Farm er's satin in all the new shades they look as well and will wear better than any silk petti coat in the market. Worth $3.00. 11 AC A LIVELY SPURT IN BOYS' CLOTHING TODAY 0i Sale Saturday. We have reduced the prices on several hundred Boys' Suits. Just to clean the odd lots out quickly, the price cutter has been at work. They formerly sold up to $0.00 today your choice at 2.35 August Straw Mat Prices in June $3 Suit Cases for $1.89 Straw Hats at Prices You GENUINE PERUVIAN and ECUADORIAN PANAMAS at $2.50, $4.50, $6 50 We have sold hundreds, and our fourth shipment this season goes on sale tomorrow. Soft, pliable, natural, hand made Optimo and Negligee shapes buying these hats direct from importers is the reason WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON PANAMA HATS. (89c) V worth $1.50 I Men's Shirts $1.19 worth $2. These two prices will domineer in our Shirt Dept. tomorrow. They are shirts that we purchased way under the market value just because they are orphan lots. Their brothers are selling all around town for 50 per cent more. Cannot Equal for Quality. THOUSANDS OF STYLISH YACHT SHAPE STRAWS the always popular shape for every man the new nar 1.00-1.50-2.00 These stylish straw hats come in fine split and sennet braids. Men's Underwear Two Specials MEN'S UNDERWEAR, 35c Men's fine quality derby ribbed balbriggan Underwear in Egyptian, pink and blues, all regular sizes, double seated drawers, silk finished shirts a garment '. JJ MEN'S COMBINATION SUITS, 69c Men's fine quality mercerized and Egyptian ribbed cotton Combination Suits, large sizes only a quality made to sell at $ L.25 f ..UK and $1.50 at. JUDGE ATTACKS EVIDENCE Jurist Who Eentenosd Ex-Convict Hold Testimony Against Client Worthless. LATTER IS INDICTED WITH DEFENDANT Second Day Trial In Federal Court of C. E. TnllU Develop Enough to Break the '. Mouotonr. The second day of the trial of C. B. Tullls of Oernto, Custer county, on the charge of i i y o..Aa mollo trf fruuriu UBIIIK Hie uillivu oiaico ...- i ' i tvAtrun WHn v mninlrikT in th 1 1 1 1 1 Uipvorg 'iblnited State district court, before Judsa '".lunger. One of the principal wltneew against the accused is Eddlo Penn, an ex-convict, who Is Jointly indicted with Tunis for the same ofrense. The question arose Thursday afternoon as to the competency of the tes timony of Penn. from tho alleged fact that Browning, King & Co A A if COLLARS We don't knoT of nnotlier store In town wbt-re the BUlJict of COL LARS is so thoroughly ntuilied. Some parts of your outfit inuy be picked up at a dozen shops, but when It conies to COLLARS, think of the time and trouble "(saved" by coming to us first and be properly fitted iu our new QUAKTEK SIZH Arrow Brand Collars "I delight in ti4 little tasteful something in dress" said Beau Brumnwl, k 15c y?' two J$ 25c Fifteenth and Douglas StsJ, Omaha, Neb. ffrvw iirny- .V rW YOK K Confer ttwirr he had not been restored to his civil rights by pardon, and that having served his full time of three years on a conviction of forgery he was not a competent witness. A peculiar feature of the case is that Judge Homer Sullivan of Columbus, who is at torney for C. E. Tullls In this case, was the judge who sentenced Penn to three years In the penitentiary for forgery. Juilse Sullivan holds that Penn's evidence In this case Bhculd not be taken into consideration at all. He cited numerous authorities in support of his contention and asked leave to present other authorities during Friday afternoon. The witness, Penn, was there upon withdrawn from the stand until Judge Munger makes a final ruling upon the question. Misdirected Letter Starts It. The case agalnsi Tullls and Penn results from a misdirected letter, which Instead of going to Its destination intended by its writers got stalled somewhere in Iowa and Its contents being suspected the letter fell Into the hands of the postofflce inspectors and It .was found that it was an order for 6U0 of counterfeit money to be forwarded to Tullls' address by express at Oconto. In the Interval of the mulling of the letter and its investigation by the postofllce In spectors the package of supposed green goods, whloh hud been ordered by tele graph, arrived at the express otlice at Oconto. There was $150 C. O. D. charges on it, but Tullls declined to pay the tljO until he examined the package. This the express agent declined to allow, us therd were no such instructions on the package. In the meanwhile the letter rpl.iodu hud ripened and its origin was traced to Oconto, with Tullls and Penn as the sus pected writers. Their arrest followed and they were taken before tho Lnited Slates commissioner at Grand Island tor examina tion. The package had lu the meanwhilo been turn- d jver to the United States authorities and upon its examination In the commissioner's office at Grand Island it was found to contain but a block of wood. or a compound of sawdust and glue, solidly welded together. The packuge was an oblong box of fine about 4 Inches square by i Inches long. Inside the bwx, after It had been opened with a cold chisel and hatchet, o securely hud it been soldered together, was found a note saying that this box had been sent out merely us a blind to deceive the authorities, but that the genuine "green goods" would be forthcoming later. They had not arrived at last accounts. Tullls Brought to Uuiaba. Tullls was released on bond after his examination at Urand Island and Penn was brought to Omaha and him since been In the Ixiuglus county Jail. The cas Is attracting considerable Inter est with the I'nited Slates postal authori ties and the secret service department of tho government, from tho fact that it is an opening wedge into the "green goods" circular business, which emanates from New York City, with branches in New Jer sey and Illinois as well us at Orangeburg, N. Y. Postofllce Inspector Uoyle of New York City, one of the best known post office inspectors in the service, is here a witness in the case. The trial is likely to contlnuo all day Friday and may possibly run over into Monday next. ing the twenty-four hours ending at noon Friday: Hlrths Henoch Von Halle, 2733 Parker, girl; John R. Snyder, 116 South Thirty fifth, girl; V. Kuhl, 1735 South Eighteenth, girl. Deaths John IT. Platz, Seventeenth and Ames avenue, 62: Mrs. Dorotny Shields, a" Cuming, 6; Julius Kruger, 2225 Sher man avenue, 62. Low Rate Excursions to the Seashore. via New York City, with privilege of stop over on return trip. The LAKE SHORE & MICHIGAN SOUTHERN R'Y will sell round trip tick ets from Chicago to Asbury Park and re turn June 29, 30, July 1 and 2. at rate ot $23.35, good returning not later tnan July 10, with' privilege of extension until August m by deposit of ticket and payment of to cents. Stopover may be had at New York on the return trip. Don't miss this opportunity for spending your vacation at the seaside. If you are particular as to comfort and service, we offer something a little superior to any other line. Bee mat your ticket reads via the Lake Shore the route of the "Twen tieth Century Limited." Send for itinerary to L. F. Voaburgh, General Western Pas senger Agent, Chicago, 111. 21.35 Asbury rark and Return Via Erie Railroad June 20. 30, July 1 and 2, limited to Aug. SI; good to stop at New York, Cambridge Springs, Chautauqua and Niagara Falls. Tickets on sale also to all tourist points Chautauqua I-ako, Niagara Falls, etc., good until Oct. 3L Full particulars, 56J Hallway Exchange, Chicago. flS.SO to ft. Paul and Minneapolis and Return Via Chlrauo Great Western Railway. Tickets on sale dally to September 30th. Final return limit October 31st. Also equally low rates to Minnesota, North Dakota, Colorado. Utah and Wyoming points. For further Information apply to L. D. Park hurst, general agent, 1511 Farnam street, Omaha, Neb. Harry Bt Davis, undenuaitr let 12H Murtulilr siatlsilfs. The following hlrths ami tleoths have been repot ted to the iiuaid u( llelth Uur- Special Rates East Via Wabash R. R, Call at Wabash city office, 1601 Farnarp street, or address Harry E. Moores, O. a, p. D.. Omaha, Neb. PORCH FLOOR PAINT... (SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO.) This paint is made to stand exposure to wind, ratn, sunshine and open air and on this account Is umch better for painting PoRCH FLOORS thun would be the Inside floor paint. Made in 8 shades. Quart 50c, half gallon 85c, gallon Jl 60. The SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. Mixed Paints are the ACKNOWLEDGED STANDARD OF THE WORLD and com prise, paints for every purpose for which paint is used. Ask your ARCHITECT or PAINTER about them. Write or cull for Color Card and Paint Pamphlet. Sherman & McConell Drug Go. Corner 16lb and Djdge. Omaha. HELD FOR STEALING FOWLS Local Pugilist and Pal Are Bound Over to the District Court. Hugh Ward, known in local pugilistic circles as "Kid" Ward, and James Young, both of whom were arrested Tuesday morn ing by Captain Haze and Sergeant Havey, have been bound over from the police to the district court by Police Magistrate Berka. The bond was placed at S00 in each case. Charges of breaking and enter ing the chicken houses of Henry ISurkamp and Hans N. Terp of Forty-second street and Redick avenue were filed by Deputy County Attorney Foster against Ward and Young. The prisoners pleaded gurlty and were bound over on the evidence offered at the preliminary hearing. Burkamp and Terp Identified chickens found in the pos session of Ward and Young, it is stated. AT MAX AWA Sl'XDAY. Elephants' Snlmndog Race. It has been a very long time since in terest and excitement has been aroused in Omaha and Council Bluffs by any event like unto that being manifested in the elephant race and aquatic performance that will take place at Manawa Sunday afternoon, June 25. The Btreet railway com pany Is figuring seriously to solve Just how it can handle the big crowds should the weather be fine that day, for estimates of the number of people that will want to see this rare event is variously estimated from fifty to seventy-five thousand ieople. The old power house on the Iowa side of the river that was shut down several months ago will be started up again to add its power to that supplied from the new power house In Omaha, which will give a current capable of pulling cars as close as they can be run together and every available car from the different lines will be placed In the extra service on the Manawa line. The sixteen elephants will make the plynge driven by their native Cingalese drivers at i p. m. Then the fun will start, as the big beasts throw water with their trunks high Into the air like fountains or squirt into each other's eyes. Several will oc casionally Join in ducking another animal and when he emerges with trampled dignity his screeches can be heard for a great dis tance. The BWlmmlng race between several of the herd is tho feature event however. The sight of a herd of elephants In water is indeed rare in this part of the world and as it is Just about as interesting from an educational mandiKiint as from the spectacular old and young will give it their attention. It seems as though It is really the duty of all parents who can afford It to take their children, as it muy be they will never again have this opportunity. The Manawa Amusement company Induced the Cail Hugenbtck show which appears in Council Bluffs to give the aquatic exhibi tion by the payment of a very large amount of money. however, which he says Is sure to be a nAVinflN RETS A NEW DEGREE "corker." Mr. Ritchie says the bridge at i UMVIUOUIM UC I O H UfcUntt LoulHvlUe Is still out and there is no crossing for wagons and automobiles, but the warring factions are apt to get to gether by fall and build a bridge so thit autos can spin from Omaha to Lincoln by the old road. Do Not Neglect the Children. At this season of the year the first un natural loosening of a child's bowels should have Immediate attention. The best thing that can be given is Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, followed by castor oil, as directed with each bottle of the remedy. Yellowstone Park ana Portland. Personally conducted party will leave via the Burlington Route June . 29th for Portland, stopping at Gardiner, Mont., for a six-day tour of Yellowstone Park. Return from Portland can be made through California and Colorado if desired. Party will travel in standard sleeper, and application for berths should be made at once. Rates are very low. Full Informa tion at Burlington Ticket Office, lioj Farnam street, J. B. Reynolds, City Pas senger Agent. Dr. A. P. Condon has removed his office to 3u0 Bee building. One Fare to Hot Springs, Ark., Plus $2, for round trip, daily, good for thirty days. Summer is the best time for treatment. Ask any ticket agent. New York and Philadelphia canot be more pleasantly or conveniently eached than by the Grand Trunk-Lehlgh Valley Double Track Route via Niagara Falls. Solid through trains, magnificent scenery. Descriptive literature sent free on appli cation to Geo. W. Vaux. A. G. P. & T. A., Grand Trunk Railway System, 135 Adams St., Chicago. City Superintendent In omnlia Made Doctor of Pedagogy by Sew Hampshire State Normal. President James E. Klock of the New Hampshire State Normal school has noti fied Superintendent of Instruction David son that tho Institution has conferred upon him the degree of doctor of pedagogy. The New York lH-llour Train Runs every day from Chicago over the Pennsylvania Short Line. Originally "The Pennsylvania Special" was a twenty-hour train from Chicago to New York, but the completion of "double tracks of Bteel all the way" from New York to Chicago and other extensive and costly Improvements has Justified the cutting of two hours from the original schedule. This has been done and the running of "The Pennsylvania Spe cial" over the Pennsylvania Bystem has been resumed with an lS-hour time table, leaving Chicago every day nt 2:45 p. m., Chicago time, reaching New York the next morning at 8:45 o'clock, Chicago time, but 9:45 o'clock New York time opportunely for the ten o'clock business hour. Break fast in the dining car between North Phila delphia and New York while rolling smooth ly but rapidly over the New York end of the Pennsylvania railroad the best piece of four-track railroad in the world. Returning, The Pennsylvania Special leaves 23d street station at 3:55 p. m., ar riving at Chicago the next morning at S:55 o'clock. Breakfast on the dining cur from 7 o'clock a. m. Reservations for this or any other Penn sylvania Short Line train from Chicago can be madu In udvance tlurough your home agent, or by addressing Thos. H. Thorp, T. P. A., 26 1'. S. Bank Bldg., Omaha. B'r reduction sale at MacCarthy Tailoring Co., ' 1 Suulii iith St. See show windows. Not only watches and diamonds, but all other Jewelry, sold below prices at Huber mann's store, s. e. corner 13th and Douglas. Look Over the Markets. C. A. Ritchie, farmer and elevator owner from Louisville, was in the city Friday looking over the markets. He and Tom Parmele have several fields of corn in Cass county In which they take a sue- olal ..,.4.1.. l..,t VI w 1,... l.-.t.u ......- A 1 ii ...c, uu. ... i . twill,, ivuna ,.(: J last year's crop than to the coming one, The Central Markets The headquarters in Omaha for nil that'w choice in the meat line have no competitor when it tomes to prieen. - 25c 10ic Spring Chickens - - Fresh Dressed Hens I'ork Loins 7ic Pork Butts 6ic Spare liibs 5c Uest Sirloin Steak 12 Jc Shoulder Steak, 3 pounds for 25c Prime Kib Koast, 12c and 10c Boiling Beef 3c Cudahy's Bex Baeon 12ic CENTRAL MARKETS Shoe the boy right Let him feel that he Is well dressed. Let us put on his feet a pair of our Boys' SI. SO Shoes. This shoe has given satisfaction for tho past ten years and It . la better today than ever. We guarantee to please the boy and his parents with this shoe and cheer fully return the money where any dis satisfaction exists. Bring the boys In Saturday and we will fit them right. DrexelShoe Co. 1419 Farnam Si. Omaha's I'p-to-Dnte lb 04 House. ASK FOR OUR FREE CATALOGUE. 16) and Harney Sts., Telephone iCth St. and Capitol Ave., Telephone 17 .., -1-,, Persons Holding Coupons or orders on our store for Hoff'a Malt Kxtract. Dermaline Skin Soap, Vlmalt or Mulford's 1-axatlve Salt of Fruit are requested to bring them In us soon as pos.Hlhlu. Esi'li person rren ting a cou pon for one of the above articles Huturdity, nieiilluiiliiir this ad, will he given In addition r bottle of Mors Malt Kxtract free until vie huve given ami) six dosen. HOWELL DRUG CO. 16th and Capitol Ava. PARKER'S Hair Oalsam i'ruuiole the prowti of the balr and gives U the lust re and silkliieba of youth. When the bulr la ,rruy or faded It BRINGS BACK THE YOUTHFUL COLON. It prevents Dandruff and hair falling and keeps the scalp cieau and healthy. j