THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY. JUNE 23,- lf03. POSTOFFICE NOTICE connect with this despatch, extra mall (login j at f,.. a. m , ') a. m. and p. m.; Sundays at 4 30 a. m , t a. m. am i. r. rn will lx! marie up and forward.! intil the arrival of the Cunard iiimin. HIILLIPPINE ISLANDS and GUAM, via Snn Francisco, clme at 6 p. m. June li for despatch per V. 8 Transport. l.VWAII, JAPAN. CO HE A, CHINA and J'HILirriNH ISLANDS, via Hun Fran cis.'.,, close at 6 p. m. June 'M for de al n ten per a. I. Doric. I AHITI and MARwl KSAB IBLANPS, via nn Franclaco, close at l p. m. June 'St for despatch pr a. a. Mnrtboaa. (A PAN (except I'arofla-l'r.f t Malls), OHIEA, CHINA and PHIL1PP1NK INLANDS, via Vancouver and Victoria, is ., cione hi n p. m. June ti ior ue fcratch per a a. Emrress of China. AWAII, JAPAN, COKKA. CHINA. and PHILIPPINE IKLMb. via Sun Fran cisco clone at 6 p. m. July 1 for despatch l.-r a. m. jiiancnunn. I. WAIT, via Pan Francisco, cloae at t l m. July 3 for despatch iwr a. a. Ala- mom. .U 1PLANPS and specially addressed mall fr.r AUSTRALIA and NEW CALK DoNIA, via Vancouver and Victoria, H. .('., cloae at 8 p. m. July 15 for despatch per a. a. Mlowera. ti a Neurit I A lexccot Mukden. New- chwanar and Tort Arthur) and EA8TERN KIliEHIA Ja at present forwarded via Russia. NOTK Unless oUierwIse nd'lrcssed, Went .uatralla la fnrv.eidcd via Europe: New iealand via San Francisco, and cerialn Jlaees In the Chinese Province of ltinnan, fla Ilritlsh IruHs-Mlie quickest routes. Ph Ilrnlnea specially addressed "via r.u 'or must be fully prepaid at the foreign :atea. flawnll la forwarded via Ban Fran- ysco exclusively. WILLIAM H. WILLCOX. Postmaster. Post Office, New York. N. T. Juno K 1!06 LEUAL NOTICES. PtTIiLIC NOTICE. Pv virtue .of an order of the district ourt ff .Doufila -County. Nebraska. In iiilt therein n-ndlnt.' entitled Frank J L"tinlKon ana, list Xycatern Anchor Fence ,'onipnny, ei,;Trd June 19,- lfs, 1 will Bell 'or cash, either privately or publicly, all :he ashfts of the Western Anchor Fence orr.pany fA -every kind arid description, in iloding material, machinery, tools, fixtures, ifttce furniture, patent rights and every jther specie of property owned or enjoyed by the, Weatnrn Anchor Fence company. Said property will 1o Bold In aem,i-ate items or um a whole. Any part thereof not previously sold pilvatoly will be offered for tale at pulilic auction on July 10. liHio, at ID o'clock a. m. at S5 North 17th street, Jmalia, Nebraska. All bids for said assets, ur any part thereof must be accompanied by t lie cash, and will bo reported to the court for cohflrmatlon. before, the time flxnd for the public sale at mild assets rlcls therefor will be re celvud -at my office. In the McCaguo build ,g. Omaha. 'j-jJOMAS II. MCAGUE. Kcoelvef for Weatern Anchor Fence Co. J19 d20t m DEALERS PLEASED WITH LAW TobiccDniBU Shed Ho Tn t th Puiiog ". of the Cigarette. ," SAY BUSINESS IS NOT PROFITABLE ONE (Jeaeral Cleanlaar Out of Goodi la Antlclpetloa of Prohibitory Matete Which Beonraea Effective- July 1. Omaha tobacconlsta aay the antl-clgarette law, .which goes Into effect July 1, will cause many peraona now addicted to the habit to give It up. The tobacconists say they ar not aorry to aee the law go Into effect, for It will re lieve them of a "mean" business In which there la no great profit. They eatlmate that the net proflta on cigarettes In Omaha to the forty or so retail ahopa la not to ex ceed 15,010 a year. Where they get from 25 to 35 per cent profit out of cigars, cigar ettes never exceed 20 per cent. It la ex pected the amount of smoking tobacco sold will be Just as great. If not larger, and various aubstltutes for clgarettea are com ing on the market that wilt replace the sale of the paper tuliea. Most of the retallera for a week or two have had their w-lndowa full of clgarettea of all grades and clirarette paper, which they offer to Bell at exactly half price. Klenri Vy In Snpply, Aware of the fact that after July 1 no cigarettes or cigarette paper can be sold In the slate many a "fiend" has laid In goodly supply. On the other hand, how ever, not a few confirmed cigarette smok era have announced their Intention of giv ing up the habit July 1. Some have al ready started In. The stocka of nearly every retailer In town Is down to almost nothing In view of the cut prices, and thoae that have stuff on hand have ways of Bell ing It to other cltlea at factory prlcea or back to the Jobbers. The cigarette business la a mean one In Omaha," said one of the leading dealers at one of the best cigar atore locations In the city. "The high-priced cigarettes, In which there Is money, do not command a sale here. There are not lesa than 200 dif ferent branda of ordinary cigarettes on the local market. Not more than fifteen of them are well known or worth anything for sale as a general proposition. Cigar ette factorlea flourish In great profusion braska chapter of tha fraternity at Lin coln. COAL MEN OF TWO STATES Iowa aaid NenraaUa Association Hotda Two-Day Svaaloa ta Omaha. MARRIAGE RECORD WANTED Certificate of Marriage and Lioenae Mies-' ing Links in Taeger One. WIFE OF AMBASSADOR CONGER II IOWA noon. June .t", i, jur imp nimr school at Peru, in accordance with the .iiiraiinn. on file lii the office of the secretary. The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive do- In tan ,1111 Hy order of the Hoard of Education of the State format sc hooo.. u M'BRIEN. Secretary. J18-d10t NOTICE: TO CONTRACTORS. cndln.l HI. la fnr n ttHUhnrMH noWCT bOllCT lomolete will be received at the omce or arm many or tnem spend more on 4;ie box tl,M unnrfl flfV Of tllC IfO.'ird OI r,OUHUOIl nnri wrannlnffa than An rxn .lie -tcra. -., . ,knt, hllllfl- ' " " In. Lincoln i. Nehra Retallera have long Buffer-1 from tot: iiinruuooB ui ine lonacco wurm in cigarettes, but up to a ahort time ago these could not be returned to the factory. Now the Jobbera hand wormy cigarettes back, but very often the cigarette factory goes out of business before the transaction la completed and the retailer la the loaer Another bad feature of he trade la the raBtiaiousnees or cigarette smokera. Tney go east and find a special club brand, get stuck on It, come back home and Insist upon their1 tobacconist getting It for them. He has to order a quantity. . The amoker. aa a rule, amokea a few boxes, deelarea the goods are not up to 'the atandard he first used and the tobacconist foota the bill, for club branda are no good for the. general market. Can Go to Council Blaffa. 'Aa a matter of fact Omaha cigarette smokera are not alarmed over the enforce ment of the law, because they can go to Council Uluffs arid get what -they need. In Iowa a license .to sell cigarettes may Tinv nn vrft SAT ' l... a... ntnlnt on a 11U.G0O iBSUC Of refunding school bonds of School District ' ... Ul In 1n honrla of 1LO00 each. bearing alx (6) per cent intereat. Interest payable aonil-ftnnually. The flrat bond of il ouo la payable 6 yeara from date of iMue and one bond of tl ,000 each year thereafter until paid... For further -information addreaa A. EVANS, Clerk of School Board. Newcaatle. Wyb. M31d30t m wrvrtrs. Rlda will be received by the "p"etary of the noaru ot t-uono i.uw....,o, .in nrt,.A rf thn prrptrv of state. UD to U o'clock noon. Saturday July 1, IMS, for two (2) nvnamoa ior me ntunumn for Insane, at Lincoln. Nebraska, as per speoinoatlona now on file In the office of the bo had for 1300 a year. Three cigar stores The board reserves the right to reject any and all blda. : ; t'SHA. Becrettry Rf" hl' B6ard of Public Inda and Bulldlnga. - : Je22d5tM RAILWAY TIME CARD IKION STATION TENTH AND M1RCY. L'nton Paolflo. Leave. Arrlva. Overland Limited a 8.40 am a 8:18 Dm Cnllfmnla. Rinrmi a 4:10 or a a S:30 am California A Llrnion Kx.a 4:20 Dm a 6:10 mn North Platte Local a 7:50 am a 6:20 pm Kaat Mail a 7:55 am a 1:20 pm Colorado Special a 7:45 am a 7:44 am Beatrice Local b 8:16 pm b 1:30 pm Wabask. St. Loula Expreas :30 pra SL Louis Local (from Council Bluffs) 9:15 am Shenandoah Ixical (from Council Uluffs) 5:45 pm 8:20 am 10:30 pm 1:80 pm CkloakaTo, Book Island PaeUo. EAST. Chlcaxo Limited a 1:85 am a 7:10 am Chlcajco Kxoreaa a 7:35 am a H.ix) um Chicago El, Local... ,bll:40 am a 4:30 pm Dea Moines Express.... a 4.30 pra bU:50am Dea Mulnea LocaI a 8:55 pm Chlcaxo if mat Kxpreaa..a 5:40 pm a 1:15 pm W EST. Rncx-r Mountain Llm'd.a 7:20 am a 8:80 am Colorado ICxpreaa ......a 1:80 pm a 4:55 pm Oklahoma A Texaa Ex. a 4:80 pm all:) am Colorado Night Jx....a 8:t6 pm a i:s am Cbieaaco Great Weatern. St. Paul 4k Minn a 30 pm a 7:15 am SU Paul A Minn... a 7:45 am aT:5ipm Criicagu Limited a 6:00 pm al0:S0 am Cluuaao bxpreju a e.uo am a t.w pin mlrtao, UUnaakM A Bt. Faol. jt ChiCgn- Daylight Kx...a 75 am all:00 pm Callforala-oreaun Kx...a 6:46 pm a 8:10 pm Overland Uxilled : pm a l: am Dea M. A OkoboJI Ex.. .a 7:56 am a 8:20 pm Ullnola CentraJU ' cailcaau ExDreaa .a 7:S am al0:35 pm Chlcaao Lliulted a 1:M pm a 8:06 am Minn. A tit. Paul Kx..t 7:2a am bl0:36 pin MliUJ. A Su Paul Ltd.. a 7.60 pm a 8:oo pm Chlcaxo A Xorinweatora. Local Cbioaao all:30 am 8:46 pan t'aat Man a 8-iSf piu 8:30 am Uayllia fit- a 7:60 am 10:u0 pm Davlixnt Chicago a 8.00 am 11:60 pm LauillcU Cbjoao a 8. .a pm H:ls am Local Carroll a pm 8:50 am r'aat 8U J'aul Ii l 7:u5 am Local Kioux U A U P.b i.M pm :3s am In Council Bluffs have licenses of thla kind I am told. I think thla arrangement will be made eventually In Nebraaka, It la pronable the preaent law la uriconatltu tlonal, but the local dealers do' not care enough about the cigarette business to carry It Into court. "With the going of cigarettes will come a lot or substitutes witn very ngnt ana thick tobacco wrappers filled with regula tion cigarette tobacco. They are not ctgar ettes, or I ahould not think ao, under a rigid Interpretation of the law. Many cigarette smokers will use these, and as we will sell them, they wlH help make up what little we lose. The majority of cigarettes smoked are rolled by hand and almoat exclualvely two well known kinds of amoklng tobacoo are uaed. Both are trust-made - goods and the margin for the retailer la ao amall that he can make more by the sale of a few two- for-a-quarter clgara than a clerk can Bell ing the tobacco steadily all day aa fast as he can pass It over the counter. 'At preaent only about one In every te.n smokera usea cigarettes, If the proportion Is as large as that The Coad tlealere' association of Nebraaka and Iowa began Ita two daya' annual ajea- rlon Thuraday morning at Crelghton hall. About eeventy-flve membira were In at tendance, but a much larger number Is expected Friday. . The morning waa largely taken up with the work of organiaatlon for the remainder of the session. The president, C. H. Chlsam of Council Bluffs, delivered an opening ad dress, and Oeorge Gregory of Marshall town, la., talked on "The Association, III Use and Abuao." Following his remarks came a discussion of the subject. Laat evening the association waa en tertained by the Omaha Retail Coal Deal ers' aasoclatlon with a reea at Krug park Friday morning and afternoon will be de voted to the discussion of subjecta Inter eating to the trade, among them demurrage consolidation and reciprocity. Friday even ing the Council Bluffs Retail Dealers' asso ciation will entertain the visitors at Lake Manawa. Those attending the meeting from out of the city are aa followa: Nebraska-Dean W. Fay, Blue Hill; C. E. Summers, Geneva; W. J. White, Platta rnouth; D. L. fpton. Pierce; G. J. Harrison, Seward; J. O. Rowland, Avoca; 'Harry Newman, Columbus; O. C. Holtx, Nebraska City; Oeorge Falrchlld, Columbua; John Harsch, Coleridge. Iowa G. B. Blddlo, Shenandoah; S. O. Llscomb, Dunlnp; Jamea &. Webb, Sioux City; W. G. Ouard, Sioux City; C. W. Lano, Centervllle; W. W. Oliver, Centervllle; W. D. Crane, Imogene; R. II. Williams, C. II. Chlsam and L. M. Shubert, Council Bluffs; John Knox, Marcus; O. A. Tuttle, Green field; J. G. Dorsey, Greenfield; F. M. West, Cory don; H. L. Royce, Creston; E. M. Neely, Qrlnnell; O. C. Allensworth, Red Oak; II. C. Jeffers, Shenandoah; P. P. Sho walter, Waylnnd; M. A. Moore. Lemars; T. L. Mardls. Wlnterset; W. C. Stafford, Fort Dbdge; E. A. Stone, Tama; C. R. Brown, Marshalltown; Theodore T. Roosevelt, Ack ley; Oeorge Gregory, F. G. HaeVy, Jamea J. Cahlll, M. S. Cochrane, Marshalltown; B. J. Carney, Grlnnell; F. W. Carpenter, Des Moines; S. E. Brown. Sioux City; E. Wlckenlng. Perclval; H. G. Abraham, Prescott; D. Hunter, Hamburg; V. Jen nings, Council Bluffs. Thursday afternoon W. H. Hunter of LaSallc, 111., made an address, In which he urged the association to establish a bureau of information for the benefit of dealers who are members of the association. He told of the Advantages of such bureaus In other atatea." It la probable aome action will be taken on bis suggestion today. N. A. Moore of Lemars, la., talked on Territory Rights." The Railroad Side of the Situation" was discussed by F. H. Harwood, traffic man ager for the Illlnola Central. The com plaint had been made by dealera that the railroads had placed the maximum capacity of their care too high and that shlppera were compelled to pay for what the car waa aupposed to hold and not for what It really held. Mr. Harwood stated that thla condi tion had been entirely remedied and the capacities on the railroad books were now correct. Mr. Harwood told of the proposed closing of the mines in southern Illinois July 1, due to the disinclination of the operators to comply with the ahotflrera' law, passed at the Inst session of the legis lature. It provided that In each mine a separate body of men shall be maintained for firing shots and that damage done to the mines by the explosions Bhall be re paired at the expense of the operators. The operators have been trying to get the miners to agree to pay for the damages, and falling In thla have given out the word that the mines will shut down when the law goes Into effect. Brlaa-s Homo a acred Cham Pre sented to Her or the F.rapreaa of Chlaa Christian Church Convention. dacjr promises not to develop anything of T Lake City, Los Angeles and Pan Francisco. a factional nature, aa he stepped asme when Mr. Ollbertaon waa a candidate for the position, and waa loyal to the entire ticket. He haa served In the state legisla ture aa representative. Delay DUeh Contract. ONAWA. Ia., June 22.-(Speclal Tele- rill go to their future home at Corning, Cal. Mr. Canfleld Is a son of Mr. and Mra. Charles Canfleld, formerly of Omaha, and, like hla bride, waa ralsefl In Omaha. rtterann-l.u fifteen. TABOR, Ja., June 1. (Special.) IMft evening, at T;80, occurred the wedding of gram.)-Th. Joint boarda of Monona and M'aa Anns Cornelia Lundeen. daughter of Harrlaon counties met In Onaw to con- Mr. and Mra. C. A Lundeen. and Mr. 3. CHURCH BELL IS LOCATED Pieces Fonad tn Beeond-Hand Stovo and Carted to the Police Station. The bell that for many yeara called wor- shippers to prayer and which waa stolen last Monday night from the South Tenth Street Methodist Episcopal church haa been located In a second-hand store, broken to pieces. Detectlvea Mitchell and DavlB found the bell and had the fragments carted to police headquartera. The pieces weigh 250 pounds The Instrument waa taken while the church was being torn down to make way for a new building. Juat who would steal church bell, break It to pieces and then sell it for Junk la a queatlon yet unan awered. J. 60 pm a i -m am 10:fc am 10:3 pm 6:16 pm 6:16 piu 60s pm a 1:30 am a 6.00 pm Cliwaao ICxpreaa a 5.u0 pm Norfolk A jloneateel....a 7:40 am i rfl-..ii. & Lous' lui...b 7:10 am Capr A WyJiiUiuj... , pm LeUooJ A Liiulo....a 8.60 pm ilaaUixa-AJblou ...M..t.b 2.60 pm Missouri Paveino. Bt- Louis &xursa ......a 8:00 am b. C. 4 bC L, Kx HUM pm BtriUXIGTO STATIOS lOTH A MAIO.t UnrltasTtoau Leave. Arrive. Penrer A California ....a 4:h pm a 8:20 pm Northwest Eipreaa ,...all:10pm a :08 pm v.hp.k. nnlnLa a 8 50 "in a 7:40 Din lincutu Fast Mall..:.:.b 2:67 pm al8:05 pm vt Pn.iV it PlatLam'th.b t:62 in aio:-6 am liellevuo A PUttara'th..a 7:60 pm b 8:88 am Hallo rua Pac J una... a 8:30 am Ilellevue A Pao. Juncal8:16 pin Denver Limited Chios Special a7:J6air. Chicago Erpreas a 4:00 pm Chicago Flyer a 8.05 pm lowaLocaJ a 8:16 am Bt. Louis Express ......a 4:46 pm Kansas City A ft. Joe..al0:46 pm Karnuia Ctty A 8u Jo..a :16 am ),,.... CUy A Bt- Joe.a 4:46 pm WKDITK H DEPOT loth nt WEBSTER Mlamoarl Fact He. v.i-.vm Tr.L via Leave. Arrive. Weeidiis; Walar b IM pm blZ.30 pm .1 . m St. Paul, Mlanoanolls A - -Omaha. ,-wh. r-itv Thiiiinnr..b f :S0 pm b l ldnm Sioux City PaaseugerMi I 00 pra all: am "okland Local o a:o pm o:iunin A dally. t dally except -aund.iy. d dally except Saturday, e daily except aionaay. a 7:10 am a 8 :55 pm a 7:i6 am al0:53 pm all SO am a 6:45 am a 4.U6 pm OMAHA ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Slsjnta Chi Members Inlte, Elect Officers and Resol-re to Aid Lincoln Chanter. Members of the Sigma Chi fraternity organized an Omaha .Alumnl association Wednesday evening at the residence of H. F. Peterson, 1111 South Thirty-Am atreet These officers wore elected: President, Henry Wood; secretary. Franklin Shotwell treasurer, H. P. Peterson. The fraternity now has about twenty-five alumni mem bera In Omaha from aome of the principal unlveraltles In the United Statea. Arrange menta were made for monthly banqueta. The organisation alao will have for one of Its principal objects the helping of the Ne- BOY IS UP FOR SHOOTING Georare Dreeltner, Charged with Man slaughter, Is on Trial In District Court. George Breckner, charged with man slaughter for the shooting and killing of Arthur Kuhn In a cave near South Omaha laat November, ia on trial In the criminal court. He ta being defended by Former County Attorney English and County At torney Slabaugh Is prosecuting, assisted by Mr. Fltch. The morning hours were con aumed In aecurlng a Jury and the evidence la being taken this afternoon. Before proceeding to the Impaneling of the Jury Mr. English filed a plea In abate ment. basing It on the ground that Breck ner Is not amenable to punishment alnee the passage of the Juvenile court law. He was under 16 at the time of the killing, but waa not tried under the old reformatory law before he became 16, In April, and the Juvenile court law doea not except murder and manslaughter from the list of crimes for which the Juvenile court Bhall mete out punishment to offendera under 18. The county attorney entered a demurrer to the plea In abatement and the court sustained the demurrer. Thla action makes up the record on which Mr. English intenda to ap peal, In the event of conviction, In order to have the legal queatlona aettled by the aupreme court. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES. June 22-(Spoclal.)-Pollce officers are aearchlng for the marriage license and certificate which are to be the chief evidence that Mra. Blanche de Car- vllle and Charlea Vaerger were married In Omaha January 10. 1!4. They are aUo aearchlng for the Justice of the peace by whom ahe clalma they were married. Thla. If discovered, will be the conclusive evi dence of the bigamy charge she has filed In police court against Yaeger. The case has been postponed one week by Judge A. J. Mathls of the police court. The hearing was confined to reading letters from Taeger to Mrs. Blanche, the second wife, In which he called her "my loving wife" and re ferred to himself as "your devoted hus band." When Attorney Tom Sellers, for Yaeger. asked Mrs. Blanche Yfiegr-r If she had not been accustomed to go behind the scenes and smoke with Yaeger ahe burst into tears. Attorney Newburn, for Mra. Yaeger, objected and declared the asking of the question as ungentlemanly. Mra. F.dvrln Conarer Here. Wearing the sacred and charmed Jewel that haa been worn for thousands of years by the emperors and empresses of China, Which waa given her aa a mark of especial favor bv the empress, Mrs. Edwin H. Con- ger arrived In Des Moines today, the guest of relatives. She talked very freely of (he Chinese and her relations with the em- tress. She branded as absurd the stories that she had converted the empress to the Christian religion, but told of many gra cious acta the empress had done, not the least of which waa the giving of the charmed Jewel which ahe wenra concealed and ia aupposed by the Chinese to give the protection of the gods. Mrs. Conger will not remain In Des Molnea long, but will Join her huahand, now ambassador to Mexico. A number of social functions have been planned here In her honor. MoPheraon Dissolves "Injunction, Judge Smith McPheraon of Red Oak, In the federal court, today dissolved the In junction against O. Walter Filloon from manufacturing Oxydonor, which Is claimed by the Anlmarlum company to be an in fringement on Oxygenor. The instrument Is a patent contrivance which it is claimed will make the body Inhale oxygen. The de cision and order finally dispoaea of the caBe, which haa been one of the biggest In the federal court here and haa been In liti gation for yeara. Complain of Butter. The complaints of the Scott county peo ple against the food of the Mount Pleasant State hospital took definite form in n' let ter that reached the Board of Control today. The letter talks in a general way of many things, but the only specific com plaint la against the lack of butter for din ner. . The board clalma oji the per capita allowed by the legislature it cannot fur nish butter but twice a day. General Alexander. General Alexander, -U, 8, A., retired, and at one time adjutant .general of the state of Iowa, visited the -adjutant'a office at the state house today, (.tie, was on his way to California, where he, !) make hla home. Thoua-ht Thci'lHad, Body. Cal Hall, a fisherman,1 thought that the body of Virgil White ' waa ' caught on hla trout line at 2 o'clock thla morning. He went to the shore for assistance and when he returned the body had floated down the river, taking part of the line. He had raised It to the aurface and Is aure It waa the body of a young man. This started the search for the body anew today farther down the river. Another Man Mlaalnar. Walter Irwin, an employe of the White Line Transfer company, haa been missing alnce Saturday last and hla family are greatly worried. A capsiied boat on the Raccoon is thought to be a possible solution of the mystery. His relatives are not will ing to accept the theory that he committed suicide. alder contracta on the big drainage canal. The aueceaaful bidders aaked for more time to Investigate legal proceedings before sign ing contracta and the Joint boards ad journed to 'meet In Onawa July 20. C. W. Hunt of Harrlaon county, H. L. Wlngate of Monona county, and C. L. Huff, en gineer, were appointed appraisers to asaesa bsneflta. Douglas Paterson. The ceremony was per formed by Dr. J. W. Ferner, pastor of the Flrat Congregational church of Talior, In the prcaence of about fifty gucats. attributed to strength tn t Iverpool. further rp rts f a good tr.ide demand and flrn st.-ck mm k.i .. hi a i iri ,, . w nu ll nail been Issued bv the hull leaders predicting a crop of only about .6(oiiu tuiles for tbe comlnif season. Fatally Hnrt by Horse. MARSHALLTOWN. Ia., June !3 -(Special Telegram.) During the parade of the Hugenbeck ahow today a horse, driven by 8. B. Huls, became unmanageable, kicking and rearing until the driver wse thrown to the ground. He waa kicked by the nomc. anatalnlng a broken leg and a fractured akull. Vp to a late hour he had not re gained consciousness and the accident may prove fatal. Firemen May Go to Norfolk. NORFOLK. Neb., Juno 22. (Special.) Tho Nebraska fire fighters are looking around ior a place to run their raoea la annual tourney thla year, and will, If the buelneas interests of Norfolk desire It, re turn to thla city for the third auccesalve time. A letter from W. H. Miller, chair man of the Board of Control, at York, says that he wants to know If Norfolk desires the tourney. The cost of the affair to the city would be about $1,200 to tl.&oo cash. Norfolk entertained the association laat August and in July of the preceding year. The tourney thla year will be held In the middle of September. A HEALTHY OLD AGE OfTEPiTHE BEST PART Of LIFE Help for Women Passing Througn Change of Life Proeldence has allotted tis each at least seventy yenrs In which to fulfill our mission In life, end it is penerally our own fault If we die prematurely. l.lttle Girl Tarns Kidnaper. LAKE CITY', la.. June 22. tSpeelal.) Seeking revenge upon an older alster with whom ahe hnd trouble, i fifteen-year-old Edith Brown yesterday kidnaped her two baby sisters, aged 3 years and 3 months respectively, and left for the home of her grandmother at Mlnhurn." She claimed that her mother ia dead and that her father has been cruel to her. Officers are watching for the trio. Crawford Jury Does Not Aa-ree. WASHINGTON, June 22.-The Jury in tho Crawford "cao waa called Into oourt by Justice Vrlght thla forenoon, after being out more than forty hours. They had not been able to agree upon a verdict, and Jus tice Wright aent them back. The Jury waa discharged at 3:05 o'clock thla afternoon, being unable to report an agreement. They were out forty-seven hours and ten minutes. Cnllrare Inntrnotor Realaina. TABOR, la., Juno 2. (Special.) Miaa Bess McDowell Sobers, contralto, in structor in voice culture In Tabor college during the last fifteen months, and who was re-elected for next year, has resigned and will go Into concert work. She la very highly esteemed by the college and town folks, who sincerely regret to lose her. Electric Line Too flow. AKRON. O., June 22. (Special.) Mrs. J. A. Bradley, wife of a prominent attorney, raced to Cleveland In a special electric car to her husband's aide, but arrived too late. She came here from IJtchfle.ld, Neb. Iowa Man Gela an- Office. ALEXANDRIA BAY, N. Y., June 22. W. H. Grenna of Plerpont Manor, N. Y., waa elected president of the American Seed Trade association at the final session of their annual convention here today. Charles N. Page of Des Moines, Ia., was elected secretary. Iown Man for Consnl. WASHINGTON, June 22. The Stnto de partment today announced these appoint ments: Wlnfleld S. Berntqn, Colorado, con sul at Georgetown, Guiana, and Herbert W. Wright, Iowa, conaul at ftilla, Hon- duraa. Creaton Man Commits Snlclde. CRESTON, Ia., June 22. (Special Tele gram.) William Scott, for yeara a prom inent citizen and connected with agricul tural implement flrma, committed aulclde thla afternoon at hla home by sending bullet into hie left temple. ROW AMONG ROAD BUILDERS Serlons Dissension In National Con vention Over Time for Elect. More 1'ellow Fever Cases. WASHINGTON, June 22. Governor Ma- goon has reported four new cases of yellow- fever In the canal xone. 1 I Lawyer Andrews Sick. Owing to -the serious Illness of Attorney I. P.. Andrews, Judge Kennedy was com pelled to discharge the Jury and ostpone until tho fall term the case of Otto C. Schnerln. administrator, against J. L. Rrandeis Sons. or. c i . uosewaier torn the court that Mr. Andrews cannot be about for two weeks and may have to undergo an operation. ' Tho case . grows out of an accident In the Boston store, a son of Otto Schwerln having fallen while engaged. In Discing goods on a sheir. He did not Seem to be badly hurt, but died within a day or two. Mr. Andrews repre sents the casualty Insurance company witn which Brandela Bros, carry inaurance against accidenta. Mortality Statistics. The following births and deaths have been reported to tho Board of Health dur Ing the twenty-four hours ending at noon Thuradav! Births peter m. vetersen, lniruetn ana Burdette, girl. Deutus Anna Haynes, (ill North Seven teenth, 64; Ella Dine, oiti jvortn .Nino teenth. 6. Ini O Ulcers. Christian Church Convention. With over 400 delegates In attendance the Jubilee convention of the Christian church of Iowa waa opened today at University Place church. Delegatea from all points In Iowa have been arriving all day and by Sunday fully 1,000 will be in attendance, The welcoming address this afternoon waa delivered by Mra. Rev. Charlea Medbury The aesslnn today la under the auspices of the Christian Woman's Board of Missions of Iowa. At the convention it was decided to extend the work of tho society to South American countries. Mr. and Mra. H. G. Wilkinson, missionaries to Porto Rico, oc cupied the convention today In outlining plans for the establishment of a college in Porto Rico for education of orphan chll- ren. They brought along a Spanish girl to be educated as a teacher in the proposed school. PORTLAND, Ore.. June 22.-rIt is Bald a serious dissension exists In the ranks of the National Good Roads association over the queatlon whether an election of officers shall take place at thla meeting. When the association adjourned aftor Its meeting at St. Loula last year it adjourned "to meet In Portland. Ore.," and did not ad journ "sine die. According to the contention of President Moore, who .says there will be no elec tion held thla year, the meeting at Port land la but an adjourned meeting of that held In St., Loula. More than this he aaya that this waa expressly agreed to by Colonel Richardson, the secretary of the association, and President H. W. Goode, president of the LewlB and Clark corpora tion. Moreover, President Moore says, that It was then understood that the executive committee should call a meeting to be held during November next at some point In the Mississippi valley, where the election of officers has alwaya hitherto been held, for the purpose of holding this election. Mr. Moore adds that it Is not the custom of the association to elect annually, there being but two elections during the last Ave years. Mr. Moore's opponents are headed by Secretary Richardson and Good Roads Ex pert James W. Abbott. The time of the convention today waa taken up with addresses. Cotton Prices soar. NEW YORK, June 12. Tho cotton mar ket was active and excltea today, witn nricea advancing about 11.50 a bale and reaching a new high point for. the current year on aggressive Dtiying iy leading nuns and covering by shorts. The advance was 'I Nervous exhaustion Invites disease. This statement ia the positive truth. When everything becomes a burden and you ennnot walk a few blocks with out excessive fatitrue, and you break out Into perspiration easily, and your face flushes, and you prow excited and shaky at the least provocation, and you cannot bear to be crossed in any thing", you are in dangj ; yonr ncrveg have (riven out ; you need building up at once I To build up woman's nerv ous system and during" the period of change of life we know of nq better medicine than Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound. Here is an Illustration. Mrs. Mary L. Koehne, 371 Uarfield Avenue, Chicapo, 111., writes: " I have used Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound for yeara in my family and it never disappoints ; so when I felt that 1 was nearing'tl.e change of life I commenced treat ment with it 1 took in all alwut aix bottles ami it did me a (Treat deal of good. It stopped my rtiny spells, pains in my back and the headaches with which I had suffered for months before taking tho Compound. I fuel that if it had notlen for this great med icine for women thai I should not have been alive tcwlay. It is splendid for women, old or young, and will surely cure all female di Bor ders.'7 Mrs. Pinkham, of Lynn, Mass., In vites all sick and ailing women to write her for advice. Her great experience) Is at their service, free of cost. A pocttlra cur for Conatipailon, .nu gtvtloa, Jaun dlrw, Blllounaia, Sour Stomach. H4ifln, and all allmnu arttlng from a ditordtrad or our hrtaooao (ilh liver. Tber purify tha bloood. and ar tb brat laxMtlv and cathartlo aver compounded. 0t a 2"- cent bottla and If you are not prfeotly (aliened Will refund your money, mlmuh tu.. rnuaooinoia DOCTOR SEARLES AND SEARLES Wo use our own name In our bualnesa; you . - . 1 business wltk. l ' Consultation Fraa. VARICOCELE HYDROCELE cured Method new, without pain or loss of time. CHARGES LOW. Dl nnil DDlCny cured for life, soon every DLUUU i UlOUrl , BigTi, symptom (sores on body. In mouth, tongue, throat, hair and eyebrows falling out) disappear completely forever. Weak, Nervous; Ken wasM.ig weakness, nervous debllty, early decline, lack of vigor and strength. URINAHY, Kidney and Bladder Troublea, Weak Back, Burning Urine, Frequency of Trinatlng, Urine High Colored or with Milky Sediment on standing. Treatment by mall 14 yeara OT SUC CESSFUL PRACTICE IN OMAHA. Cor ner of 14th and Ioticina. Omahii. Neb. CHICKENS AFte IDENTIFIED Fovrla Found In Men's Possession Claimed anil Suspects Are Vnder Charsre. GOV URSMEST NOTICES. CONSTRUCTING QUARTERMASTER'S Omce, Omaha, Neb., June 22, luu6 Sealed proposals. In triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will be received here un. i li) o'clock a. m.. central atandard time. un8 Zi, i:'o. ior tne construction proper, t.1 Fort Omaha. Nebraska, as followa: Tmn ,9, double lieutenants quarters, one (1) alnarlai . V " 3 ..(....' ...... ci v . a. ui...-,, one til quad ruple N. C. 8. otllcera' quarter and one (1) administration building. Full Information furnished on application to thla office when- plana and apeclllcatlona may be seen' Proposals to be marked "Propoaala for CciiKtiuctlon, etc.," as the case may be and Addresaed to Major M. Gray Zalinskl' const ructlng quartermaster. Army Bid' Oiiiaiia, Neb. Je-a-iaif' ' Two charges of breaking and entering have been filed In police court against Hugh Ward and James Young, arrested at Twentieth and Grace atreeta at an early hour laat Tuesday morning by Captain Haae and Sergeant Havey. Ward and Young are charged with entering the chicken housea of Henry Burkamp and Hani N Terp of Forty-aecond atreet and Redlck avenue. Ihtrkamp and Terp have Identified chlckena found In the possession of Ward and Voung at the time of their arrest. The police believe they have good casea against the two chicken thieves. um arraisnea in ponce court Ward and Young pleaded not guilty. Tiny will have a preliminary hearing In police court this morning. neporis or cnicKen thefta continue to be received at the police atatlon. Three pet bantam chlckena and a brood of ban- tama were atolen from the residence of J o Brady, 3b28 Jackson atreet, Wednesday night. W. A. Ogden of 1824 North Twen tieth atreet re port a the loaa of fourteen chlckena. while M. T. Singleton of 1428 North Twenty-second street has missed ten chickens. Telephone Company to Separate, TABOR, la.. June 22.-Speclal.) In pur suance of a call published laat month, the stockholders of the City Telephone com pany met here yeaterday. It waa the pur pose of the meeting to take final action in regard to dividing the property of the company on the Mills-Fremont county line to dissolve the present company and to form two new organizations, which would take charge of the business of their re pectlve county. After being advised by their attorneys to make the change by a transfer of stock Instead of by dlasolu tton, It was voted to hold a meeting on July 23 for that purpose. President McClelland of the Tabor & aX-KAJI 1'SAJIEItl. " ' tMCUOli ULK u. a aUUfc aTa-msas. iixv Toms. LaniKucasT ajcb. olasoow imaolallH. BjxoBTIoat Calalo. TM r t Ji f.n at rtiawo uuvfaiif I'oualderra. Hi, a or aoai Trio rlcknta loauoi kMvoou No lori c tmlikk Idas ana ail orneiMI raa- llncutal nuloU at attflKUVo tales (of Boo 1 Tiara, fur UtkM or seuajaj Wloroutiua !' kL.viiiku kui (iokoraa Asaaua, tlmuv Ok PROPOSALS- FOR CLEANING M ATP.. rial, Iiiupa, "to. Oftloe of the De pot uuartt-rmastcr. Omaha. Neb.. June 17 l bt-aled propoaala In triplicate, will be received una omi-i until id o clock a. m., June 21, ltftA. for sapolto. concentrated Iv. lamp auppliea, tc. United Statea reaervea the right to reject any or all bids, or parts mere.. i. iniormauon ana apecincationa furnished on application. Envelopea con taining blda to be marked "I'ropoaals for attpolid, lamps, etc.," and addreaaed to Captavia Thomas, alwobe, quartermaster. DEER HARVESTJS FRUITFUL Slrteea Fawns Appear la the Paddeek Ont at Rlvervlew Park la One Week. A certain theory that It never rams but it pours has been proven again to the sat isfaction of Keeper Anderson at Rlverview park. Sixteen baby deer have appeared la the olg paddock set aside for the pretty creatures within the last week, and sixteen mamma dear are oorrespondlxtgly proud and happy. It haa bees difficult to lndnoe chil dren whs hare visited the park ataoe the youngsters arrrred ta leave the deer pad deck. Each batey dear is earing afl he can and growing rapidly, and tbe number eg tnem snaa Lbs alght specially interesting. MRS. S. H. H. CLARK MAKES GIFT Gives One Thousand Dollars Toward Fund to Balld Home for Y. W. C. A. The lot fund of the Young Women's Christian association haa received another substantial addition this week in a con tribution of 11,000 from Mrs. 8. H. H. Clark. When tne building proposition waa launched about three years ago, Mrs. Clark waa among the first to promise support and later pledged 11,000, which, however. was not to be paid for some time yet. But the purchase of the lot lust weekf made necessary the collection of all available funds and Mra. Clark has algnlfled her willingness to pay her donation at once. HYMENEAL. Can field-Jordan? A beautiful home wedding waa solemnized Wednesday evening at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Jordan, 1018 South Tenth atreet, which made their daughter, Miaa Florence Jordan, the wife of Mr. George Canfleld of Corning. Cal. The bridal party was preceded by the meniliers of the X. T. C. and LeSamedi. clubs, each carrying American Beauty roses and Etnglng the wedding march, Miss Rockfellow presiding at the piano. Of the bridal party Master Wlllard Butts came first carrying the ring. Northern railway, through Attorney Whit- Miss Laura Jordan aa maid of honor came field of Malvern, aerved notice on the tele- next, gowned In pink silk crepe and carry phone company during the meeting of a Ins rink rosea. The bridesmaids Miss suit for aome 11,100 for the uae of polea Myrtle Topliff, In a gown of green silk and wire and for transportation of em- aeollan, and Misa Llllle Jordan, wearing ployeB and the president of the telephone frock of yellow silk mull came next, each company. Rellatlon stands In Way ot Leaacy. DAVENPORT. Ia., June 22. Mrs. Lu- clnda Ganson haa refuaed 130,000 rather man cnange ner religion by becoming a Catholic. Charlea Simpson, a wealthy friend of the Ganson family recently died at Sacra mento, CaL, and Mra. Ganeon received word that he had left her $30,000 in hla will on condition that ahe become a Cath olic. In the event of her refusal of thla condition the money waa to go to a Cath- carrying golden gate rosea. The bride came last, gowned in soft white satin with trim mlngs of lace and carrying a ahower of rosea. Before an improvised altar of palms the groom, accompanied by Dr. Peter, met the bridal party and Rev. Phillip Davidson of St. Matthias' church performed the cere mony. A reception to about 150 guests followed the wedding. Receiving with Mr. and Mra. Jordan and Mr. and Mra. Canfleld were Mra. C. II. Gratton, W. H. Butts, E. P. Jordan of Topeka, Kan.; Misses Baymlller, Bnell, Reed, Forsyth and Rockfellow. The hostess waa aa slated by Mlsaea Tresa Key a, ollc orphanage In Sacramento, "Thirty thousands dollara la an Immense Beard. Townaead, Ruth Beard, Hlgglns sad sum to refuse," aald Mra. Ganaon today, Shtelda, who served punch, and In the dln- "but I cannot think of changing my re ligion for any amount of money, although i nave noming aginat tne catholic re ligion." Morrow for State Treasurer. CRESTON. Ia,. June 11 (Special. Hon. W. W. Morrow of Afton will be a candidate of Chicago, Mlsa .Myrtle Topliff of Decorah. for atate treasurer before the next repib- Ia.; Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Thomas and Mr, Ing room, which was handsomely trimmed with cut flowera, were: Misses Chapman, Deverell, Porter, Burna, Neal, Daniel, Nea- tor, Lane, Mack, Chambers. Marie Butta and Mra. Godfrey. Among the out of town gueata were Dr. Peter of Clarkaon, Neb.; Mlsa May Jordan I 77fZ PERFECT BEETt 'j Adds Pleasure to the Evening CallJ" 1 1 JETTER BREWING CO.. South Omaha. - 'Phone 8. Omaha Headquarters Co. Bluffs Headquarters IB HUGO F . B I L Z. ' LEE MITCHELL l 11th & Douglas. Tel. 10U. Iul3 Main Street, Tel. W. J I Lewis & Clark Exposition V VIA THE if BiniSAm AafMETBaf II 1 1 If A Plcturqu Journey, combined 3 I ...i.u c..rf Cftv and Comfort f g Willi vri i OWSTONE PARK V ' . V iff Tickets good to l I I Return Throuen California i i 1 1 II V CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1324 FAR NAM ST. J J Ny 'Phone 310. Jr S si tm I llean convention and In his aspiration will have the solid backing of the Eighth dis trict. Mr. Morrow was In this city recently and It waa afcllnitaly learned that he pre pensed ta eater the raee. Tne aentlTut-rrt in bis favor aQ ewer the stae la very gratify lQaT ta) Lis friends. MX. Morrararg cauuli- and Mrs. Harry Mills of Lincoln. Mrs. K. P. Jordan and Miss Lillian Jordan of To peka. Mine Morrill of Bay City, Vlch.; Mrs. John Godfrey of Jackson, Mlsa; Mlsa Byrd Haymlller of Memphis. Tenn, and ths Mlaaea Wrlaht of California. Ur. aud Air. Cauinelu, aUler vlnltluj; ball CURED TO STAY CURED Attacks stopped permanently. Health completely restored. No return of symptoms after treatment oeaaee. Neither oolds, dust, odors, dampness, nerve strain, weather chaxres nor anything elae can bring back tha dlaeaae. You will have a good appetite, sleep well all night, etin undergo exposure or do anything anywhere without fear of the old enemy. Throw away powders, scrays, "specifics," stc, and be eured tn the right way to stay cured, n yacra of suocaae treating Asthma and Hay Fever exclusively. Seven physicians. Thirty as slatanta tt.GM) patlenta. References In ail Countries. Full daacriD. Hon of treatment, with reporty of illustrative casea, 7 , rrpvri uiauKa. examination Dy in ail, ana our opinion as to your curability all gladly given without charge. Write at one. , . P. HAftOLD U1TEI, BeaTsle, BJ. T. Igtcrtstlif it . Milled ft