THE OMAIIA DAILY REE: THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 1003. M Saturday Sale of 1 Men's Panama a big; Rale J Mea's i Blue Serge Suit JS Shirt Waist SaJe Thousands of stjlish new sbirt waists just received made of fine lawns, Swisses and cambrics, wide tailored effects, hemstitched trimmings, etc., such waists as you see else where at $ 2, at n 95c Hhirt waists that are prettily trimmed with lace and em- broidery round yokes, etc., at 69c! m New J&p Silk Waists Made with extra wide box T50 pleats, heavy Jap silk, very Btunning styles, at J Newest Wash Shirt Waist Suits Very attractive stylos In tub fabrics, new and dainty figures, f Qfi pleated, etc., at . I JO White Linen Shirt Waist Stilts . Elaborately finished Summer Suits A very good value also pleated and The newest and most fetching tucked effects, in white and X Cfl ldoos trimmed In latest & OB figured suitings, at mode, at ' u SEPARATE WHITE LINEN SKIHTS A very popular style for summer wear side and box pleats. Dew flounces, etc., etc., at....... ... 3.50 M M EMBROIDERIES at 5c40e-19' A fine lot of embroideries, Inserting and bands, In fresh new Swiss, nainsook and cambric all widths, including flouncings for skirts and children's dresses new and pretty asm y 4Tk. patterns, worth as high as -? C II B C 11 ILllC 40c a yurd at, a yard . 5C40C-19' A Special Sale of Laces Vala, torchons, point de Tarls, etc., In white, cream and linen shades all widths, dainty and attractive patterns, for r all uses, worth up to 20c a yard J2C!JC,"2C S Millinery 49c Ladies' Rea.dy-to-Wear Hats A new lot, worth in a regular way $1. 50 each new styles of Bail ors, turbans, etc., neatly trimmed, at ' Ladies' Street and Trimmed Hats Ahundred becoming styles all new and popu- f AO lar, at l.JO Children's Sailor Mats Beoomlng little style, for e Tory day summer wear, neat and sensible just the thing for street and play, at, each 19c TAN OXFORDS 1- FOR. LADIES. The new colors, Cl CIQ i r vr in Gibson ties, etc., worth up to S3. 50, at 2 H The very latest New York fad is the Street Slipper or Pump. We show the newest effect at $3.00. m m in be - sm i mi mtm 0l44g THE THIN MODEL Watch la the thins these days. The old style thick, clumsy watch has gone. The watches of today are beau tiful and compact. We have a largo line of handsome stylos, in good gold filled, ranging around SIS. J26 and Ho. Then, we have cheaper grades, as low as lit and $10. Spend a few minutes In our store. Look for the name. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler, 1516 Douglas Street. AND RETURN $H g.oo June 80. July 1, 2, 3, 4, J 905. VIA UNION PACIFIC Be sure your ticket reads over this line. Inquire at CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1324 FAR NAM ST. Thone 316. A RARE - 1 IfllTV 8 OPPORTUNITY IVirlrnr lu linar u-pek the llldleS of Omnlin have been offered a rnre treat in the way of the lectures on Domestic Science aud Practical Cooking by Miss Sarah Elizabeth Craig of Boston. Miss Craig will remain in Omnlin tho hnlnnre nf the week and will continue her lectures, both morning and afternoon, at tne I'eopies more. A creat mnnv ladles have attended these lecturer and we urge the hniiRPwlvea of Omaha to call, meet Miss Craig and take advantage of this golden opportunity. Miss Craig will be pleased to furnish any laay witn any recipe mat sue may wish. All cooking done on a Direct Action Gas Range. Sold on Easy Payments fK)c per week on the smaller size. fl.00 per week on the larger size. A CORDIAL WELCOME IS EX TENDED TO ALL. Menu for Thursday, June 22, 1905. 10:00 A. M. . Lamb Croquettes New Teas Omelet. 2:00 P. M. Banana Fritters Lemon Sauce White Cake Opera Caramel Frosting. l Peoples Furniture A Carpet Co. COOL CANVAS OXFORDS Ladles, here is just what you want for hot summer days. Your feet, like everything else, trouble you more in hot weather than any other time there is nothing so cool and comfortable as a canvas Oxford. It Is the popular hot weather shoe for ladles' wear. We have them in canvas, linen and sea island cotton, in turn and welt soles. Price $2 to $4 DrexelShoe Co. 1419 Farnam Si. Omaha's Up-to-Date Shoe Home. ASK FOR OUR FREE CATALOGUE. 'SUES1 Shoes forMenfh? Rain or shine, they rlr all the eerrtre poeelble. 3.00 and 14.00 etyle, fit, leather quality, workman, hip and wear, marketed br the "maker to wearer" method, at $3.50-$2.50 Thfi dlfforenc th Bales man's and middleman's profit la in your favor. Mall orders filled. 6nd for atria book 11 and measure blank. 2j5SA5$Vll QUALITY IS OUR MOTTO I for a v "THINGS WORTH KNOWING" austin. te x: Dallas, t. ft. WORTH TFl. GALVESTON. Ul KkS.SOS, Ttt CUTnVIE, 0. T. SOU3T0.1, TEX. musmqcc, l t. Waco, iex. SAN ANTuNIO. TEL SHAWNEE, 0. T. SO. McaL ESTER, I. T. TULSA, I. T. alAHOMACI V. L T. The LerfMt Cities In TEXAS, OKLAHOMA AND INDIAN TERRITORY Are afl Lecete ea the The Kstj" P. S. -This Is i reason vdj yoo should trnel and ship your freight ill "Tbi Kity" e pavlaflar. eieeue. I It I . tm lmrt.d re lea. etc, uui ir "","-'. r luf mchZ cigaK CO. mauaeffJte ( l(ara. Bold dirrot w the reUUe tg V.U. " tmrers. ST. LOllS. m.m a lisit? w rne na-Mnr for hill heeuda. fear Dal lulll i in an mm nwimi i n m mi iiniiifc I W OMAHA WEATHER REPORT Thnrsdnr Kalr. "Sinclair Millinery Great closing out of late spring and early summer hats classed in two lots. Lot 1 Hats that sold up to $15 C A A your choice,.. tmjJ Lot 2 Hats that sold up to $10 T Cf your choice tPp It is the bargain feast in Millinery par excellence of the half year of 1905. Visit our millinery parlors and see the out-spoken bar gains. Welcome whether you buy or not. 2d Floor. THURSDAY t'he DRY GOODS $1.00 Shirt Waist Suits Silk, 49c. FOR THURSDAY WE OFFER YOU YOUR CHOICE OF 500 TIECES of Fine, Flaln and Fancy Silk, rich, dark shades; nlso a lot of 24-lnch Foulards; nil new, stylish patterns, not a yard worth AQ less than $1.00 yard, all go Thursday at ..ntJG Tub Suitings. TITE BALANCE OF OUR FINE TUB SUUITINGS-About 100 pieces In all goods that sold for 2Zc and up to 75c all go f "Jl, Thursday at per ynrd.... .. AtC Sale of AH Over Waist Laces. 23 PIECES 19-INCII ALL OVER NET AND ORIENTAL LACES, IN creams, whites and ecrus, that are worth $ 1.00 to $1.50 all go Thursday at per yard 59c Ladies' Silk Shirt Waist Suits and Dresses. ONE ENTIRE RACK. NEARLY 50 SUITS, FINE TAFFETA SILK, beautifully made and trimmed, colors black, navy, brown, green, gray and fancy checks, former prices from $12.50 to f A J C IUiIJ $25.00 all Thursday at. Ladies' Wash Waists. WE HAVE ADDED 20 DOZEN TO OUR GREAT TABLE SALE OF Ladies' Waists, worth $1.50, $2.00, $2.25, $2.75 that we Qft are closing out at iOC Ladies' High Class Undermuslin. ANOTHER SPECIAL SALE OF THE QUEEN'S UNDERMUSLIN Thursday Gowns, Petticoats, Corset Covers, Drawers and Chemises, all elegantly trimmed in lace embroidery andtucklng, CO values mostly $1.00, all Thursday. Ladies' Stockings A 25c. WE ARE BEGINNING TO CLEAN OUT ODDS AND ENDS OF OUR Hosiery display Thursday of odd pairs, others with a little defect and others dust soiled, worth up to 75c will be great, and the V w s eaffer V prices wiU-L, per pair Fish Fish Fish JUST RECEIVED BY EXPRESS A LARGE DIRECT SHIPMENT OF STRICTLY FRESH FISH-ON SALE THURSDAY. No. 1 Lake Trout Oir per pound' No. 1 Bull Heads 1 1 Ac per pound 11 aw REDUCED PRICES ON ALL OTHER GRADES OF FISH THURSDAY. Shoes Shoes , Shoes Omaha's Leading Shoe House LEADS IN BARGAINS, LEADS IN EXTENT OF SALES. SEE SOME OF OUR MONEY-SAVING OFFERS IN FINE FOOT WEAR, Men's White Canvas -t Ef nvfnrds l.iJW 150 ... 2.00 95c Misses' 2-button White Canvas (fr Oxfords . Ww . 90c 75c Oxfords Ladles' White Canvas Oxfords Ladles' White Canvas Oxfords Misses' White Canvas Oxfords Misses' Linen Oxfords, white kid lined Child's White Canvas Oxfords Child's Linen Canvas Oxfords, QS white kid lined, developer lasts OOw Misses' and Children's 7Clr Barefoot Sandals And Thirty (J3) Green Trading Stamps BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY Our friends didn't invite us to their picnic. They might at least have asked us. Maybe it was too big a proposition. Guess they're right for once. Bennett's Big Grocery, Bakery, Fruit Stand and Meat Market will be running full power THURSDAY Extra Special Bargains and EXTRA GREEN TRADING STAMPS. No fear of the consumer "getting left" because of the picnic. We've enough and to spare for con sumers, picnickers and everybody and all WELCOME. SPECIAL OFFER THURSDAY. Twenty (J2.00) Green Trading Ittr- Stamps with pound Tea JC7V Forty ($4.00) Green Trading J. fin Stamps with pound Tea Sixty (600) Green Trading Rfir Stamps with pound Tea "t,w Samples served at our counters free. DOUBLE GREEN TRAD ING STAMPS ON EVERY THING IN GROCERIES EXCEPT SPECIALS ALL DAY THURSDAY. Michigan Summer Resorts Among the lakes and rivers of the East Coast of Lake Michigan is the ideal country for a summer outing. Fishing, boating, bathing, sailing, golf, and above all, an ideal climate. Pure air and pure spring water. Health and recreation. Booklets descriptive of these resorts mailed on application to H. F. MOELLER, G. P. A., Pere Marquette Kailroad, Union Station, Detroit, Mich. - DEPUTY STATE VETERINARIAN, H. L RAMACCIOTTI, D. V. S- CITY VKTERHAHIAH. Office and Infirmary, tsth and Ilaaon Bts., Teachers and Students Can make $S.OO a day during vaca tion months. No investment required. Work dignified and pleasant. Write for particulars. :: :: :: THE TWENTIETH CENTIHV FARMER OMAHA. NEBRASKA n Thursday's Bargain Bulletin Seventh Day of the Great Sate. Extra Special Values Thurs day In Wash Goods and Domestic Departments WOK TUB RELIABLE! ITOHB, Thousands of Other Rousing Bargains of Whirh Suae ........ r v if i iwiii r r i mit Mention $2.50 and $3.00 LADIES' LAWN WRISTS AT 98c Beautiful Lawn and Linou Waists, open back or front, with long or short sleevet aU prettily trimmed with laces and Insertions; (Mine Jt Co.'s Q $2.50 aud $.1.00 values; choice ....m.,...-'CC Silk I ndrmklrli In All Colors. Mnde of Glvernaud's Taffeta, with 12-lnrh flounce, Ptltolied ennis; Cllne & Oo.'s price, lti.50; your rholce of 27S tt'l 'If I garments Thursday ipuiOy B.OO nested I.lnen We.h Skirts. In whites and tans; most surprising bargnln; Thursday at, to ro choice fai.vO Mllh lrlllnn and Panama Xklrts. In newest styles; Rood value at CUno A Co.'s price, $8.50; our sale 4 r price Thursday Handsome I.lnen Salts. Made of fine Irish IJnen. In verv latest styles, beautifully trimmed and worth up t. ;; in two lots te rm Thursday 12.90 and POvU A. 7.1 IVhlte tjinn Salts. From the Cllno & Co. stock; brautlfullT trlmnifd; RTi'iit snap; at 4 OU Thursday i!p4.VO I.lnen, I.ann anil f nmbrlo Salts. In pretty, up-to-date styles; Cllne ft Co.'s $r.M und IT."'! values: suit. Q2 4 J51 price Thursday and.... .'P From Till ft a. m. Women' $1.00 Wrappers, 49c. From Till Oi.TO a. m. Women's Dirsxing Sacques, 33c. ' r'roin l Till 10 a. tn. Women's llnutn Dresses, 59c. 35c Neckwear 10c A great line from the largest neckwear factory in the country, sist of Turnover t.'ollnrs worth 25c, Chimlsettes worth :i.V. Stock Collars worth H5c, Embroidered Tab Colars worth L7c all go at one price Thursday morning choice. ..... They con- 10c Men's Crown Shoes on Sale Thursday Another big purclinse of this Justly celebrated shoe enables us to offer ou many customers of this shoe a chance to net again at the same prices as sold before, but still less than it costs to produce it, box Calfs, Vici Kid and Velour Calf, iu tan and black, in Goodyear welts, all piled on tables in assorted sizes; all on salo ' - - Thursday at ... ... .V.. I. JO All of Cllne A Co.'s Ladles' 3.b0 and 4.r0,All of Cllne A Co.'s tl.N) and I1.7S Rova l an Lair and V Icl Kid en and Youth's Tan or Hlack Shoes anrt f'h. a1-'-' MIkkom' Hll.1 f'hilrt'e Tun nf Bhoes and Slippers VOC All of Cllne A Co.'s 11 Child's Shoes and Bllppers OvC Shoes. All of Cllne A Co.'s 12.00 and $2.23 Black VIcl Kid, Lace and Button, 4 4i Shoes 1. lf Stupendous Graniteware Bargains White Enamef Goods at Snap Prices No. 8 Granite Tea Kettles fCr White Lined Granite Water Palls acril each oacli OyO 6-nuart Granite PanB En Granite Tea Sleepers each IOC each ' aiJC Granite Kettle Covers fr 6-quart Preserving Kettles on. each 1JC each afiC Granite Wash Basins 1Qr One set of six Table Mats each 1VW each OOC Granite Basting; Spoons Rn Japan Chamber Palls on each -' each a-SC 8-quart Granite Kettles '20C Cn,,rry litters 4Qc 8-quart Double Granite Cookers "' tQn Steel Grass Hooks' " in each UVC eac) ItiG Sever's Hand Painted Porceiain In beautiful colorings and designs, Jelly and Fruit Trays, all sizes Plates, Fancy Desseits, Oatmeal Pishes, Sandwich Plates, Cake and Bread Plates the t(t greatest snap ever offered In Omaha at, each IVlO MASON HAND MADE JARS Three carloads just received, all sizes. Let ua sup ply you. a.tL j uua Ail colors ana sizes very nne rrom wo up. Tea and Coffee Specials Interior Java Blend Coffee 20c I Golden Rio Coffee Mandeltng Java and Mocha Coffee 224 Special Blend Mixed Tea Arabian Java and Mocha Coffee &c Sun Dried Japan Tea English Breakfast Tea 2fo LHSAVDERJ BROS. ...wo ... 25o ... Xx GREATEST PREMIUM OFFER EVER MADE BY ANY NEWSPAPER A $12.50 COLUMBIA DISC GRAPHOPIIOHE TO OLD AND NEW SUBSCRIBERS OF THIS PAPER PRACTICALLY FREE THIS IS THE COLUMBIA'S $12.50 DISC GRAPHOPHONE IT CANNOT Bf BOUGHT ANYWHERE FOR LESS. IMPRISONED III THE COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHONE RECORDS ARE OiUlf Va A U 111VIMIUU14 va- v,., . - Rich MiiBic Classic Songs Comic Sougs Funny Stories Oood Jokes, and aa ndless amount of good things from all corners of the globe. If you go to the theater, hear a catchy song, one that you would like to bum, play and whistle over but can't, you cun purchase a Columbia Record with that very aong Imprisoned on It and have your Columbia Oraphopbone play it lor you to your heart's content. DO YOU WANT ONE? By apeclsl arrangement with THE COLUMBIA GRAFIIOPnOXB CO., JG21 jTarcam Street, Omaha, Neb., we are enabled to present to both old and new subscribers A $12.50 COLUMBIA DISC GRAPHOPHONE PRACTICALLY FREE. Cut out the attached coupon and mall It to CIKCULATIOX DEPARTMENT uMAHA BEE, and we will send our representative to demonstrate and explain how you can secure It. MAIL THIS TODAY NOT TOMORROW. COUPON OF INQUIRY. CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT OMAl'.V BEE, OMAHA, NEB.: Please send your representative to my address, es given below, to show the GHAPHOPUOXE you offer with one year's subscription to THE OMAIIA EEE. Name Date., Address s 1 ... Ml