Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 19, 1905, Image 1

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The Omaha Daily
Tronble Between France and Germanj
Rapidly Being Diisipated.
4onf r Needed to Accomplish An)"
titles; In the Oriental
Kaiser Girei Assnrances that No Blow at
French Frtsiige ii Intended.
Great Britain ii Aoting in Harmony with
France in Matter.
belligerent Tones are quieted DOWN
Present Indications that Flurry Over
Morocco Will All Be Settled
In aa Amicable
H. Bush, lately returned from the
pplnes, has arrived In the city to
t ' a position In the headquarters of the
Di' iment of the Missouri. Mr. Bush
ca Urectly from Manila. He left there
on May 20, and consequently missed out
on the excitement attending the appearance
of the fugitive Russian warships In Manila
Having served five years In the Islands
his experience has brought him Into con-
tart with "affairs as they exiBt. He says
that the United States need have no fear
of being molested by the Japanese In the
Philippines, as the yery Idea Is being
scouted In Manila ever since the exciting
rumor was first afloat. For people without
capital the Philippines, according to his
view, do not afford an alluring field, hut
for persons who have money to Invest
there are many profitable openings pre
sented by the racing of such products as
hemp, rubber and copra. Most of the best
land, he says, belongs to the church, but
large concessions can be obtained reason
ably by those possessing capital.
He reports that the work of education Is
going forward, Institutions having been
established and teachers provided In many
parts. The main fault he has to find with
the Filipino Is his dislike for work. He
does not have much faith In the Idea of
the Filipinos being self-governing, as the
Federation of Labor Taking a Hand In
Chicago Teamster' Trouble.
Believes This Is Better Than a Set
tlement Alone; Lines Proposed
and Which Seem to Be the
Only Offer In Sight.
One of Larn-est Freighters on the
Lakes Goes to the Bottom
of Lake Huron.
FAKI3. June IS. The Improvement In
the Franco-German situation took a more
deflnltu turn today as the semi-official ver
sion of yesterday's conference between
Premier Kouvler and Prince Radolin, the
German ambassador, became known. This
version shows that the, ambassador asked
France to accept In principle the plan of
an international conference, leaving the de- natura, bPnt of mort of them ls to BPttle
tails to be adjusted later. Premier Rouyier wh one ,n h own UIe r,C(J patchi
answered inai ne nesirea nrsi 10 ne aaviseu .
. , , . i and simDly exist.
terence and the questions It would be called
upon to consider.
A the result of Instructions from Ber
lin, Prince von Radolin was able to re
spond to these Inquiries and to give definite
Information regarding the German govern
ment's ideas on the scope and limitations :
of the conference. More particularly was SAULT STE MARIE. Mich.. June 18.-
he able to relieve the conrerence pian irom PurinK a tmck fo(r which has prevailed on
any appearance of being a menace to tne upper ;nkpB for the past week, the or of being a preliminary step to te,cl fj-piht steamers Etrurla and Amaza
override French prestige in Morocco. Stone collided today ten miles off Fresqus
With these explanations, pour parllers will Igle gnt ,n Huron. The Etrurla
continue, with a good prospect of result- wa, damaged so badly that It sank within
trig In a definite agreement. There Is, how- a few minutes, Its crew narrowly escaping
ever, a necessity for further exchanges be- wth their lives. The Etrurla was struck
tween the governments, with the view of on tho starboard side abreast of the No,
fully defining the exten. of the conference. 1 9 hatch. Many of the crew were asleep
Premier Rouvler also oonferred at con- I in their berths, but were awakened by the
slderablo length with Paul Cambon, the crash and reached the deck In time to
French ambassador to Great Britain, fol- escape
lowing the latter's conversations with Lord The Amaza Stone was bound from Du
Lansdowne, the British foreign minister, lut.i .to Lake Erie with a cargo of Iron
These conversations showed that the Brit- ore and the Etrurla was taking a cargo
ish declination to participate .In the con- of soft coal from Toledo to Lake Superior.
' ference has been entirely free from the The lost steamer, which was commanded
belligerent tone ascribed to it.? Moreover, by Captain John Green, of Buffalo, was
Great Britain Is resolved to adhere to ar- one of the largest type of lake carriers
tide Ix of the declaration of April 8, which registering 4,553 tons and was built at Ray
mavm. City In 190'.'. It was owned by the Haw-
The two governments agree to lend their Roods of Cleveland and was valued at
r.n.r tnr tho execution of the clauses iw,wv.
' .
Great Britain Intends to loyally interpret NOTED BANK BURGLAR DYING
this article, and, according to the lndica
tions furnished by her, will assist France
In settling Moroccan affairs. Therefore, If
the conference takes place, Great Britain
will partake therein, with the proviso the
scope of the conference must first be clearly
Triumph of German Diplomacy.
BERLIN, June 18. The expression
through a semi-official newspaper of Paris
that Great Britain does not support France
In the Morocco dispute pleases German ob
t . . K la n-anllftlw tVlQ vleW
server.. uu . " 'td the famous Manhattan bank robbery, and
upon which th10,;r7"lhPBU;nXea31 m that of the Beneficial Savings bank of
France to participate in the International
i.i. ih.t fi. I fiuiaaeipnia in isi-, wnen me Durgiars car
conference. Germany maintains that Great
Frank McCoy Picked lp In the
Street Homeless and ,
NEW YORK, June 18. Homeless and ap
parently in a dying condition, Frank Mc
Coy, known as "Big Frank," a famous old
time bank burglar, was picked up In the
street tonight and taken to Bellevue hos
pltal. McCoy was a partner of Jimmy
Hope, who died here a few years ago, In
Britain offers no serious objection and has
Informed Germany that It will participate
in the conference If France does.
Opinion here today ls that German diplo-
ried off JHO.000.
McCoy said tonight at, the hospital that
he made restitution of his share of the
proceeds of the latter robbery on being ap-
macy has Inserted a wedge between France Pealed to by prominent Catholics, who rep.
nre.t nntaln and destroyed the grow- resented that the depositors In the bank.
Ing friendship between them by putting which was a Catholic institution, were
France in such a position that It made de- mostly very poor persons. He also de
mnrt on this friendship which Great clared that he had never profited from
nrit-m would not meet. the plunder of the Manhattan bank,
Dispatches from Prince von Radolin. the
German ambassador at Paris, Which were
received last night were forwarded during
the night to the emperor at Hamburg, whlU
he was on board the Imperial yacht Ho
hensollern preparatory to going to Heli
Land on Coast of Kamchatka, Kill
Villagers and Plunder Houses.
SAN FRANCISCO, June 18. News of a
massacre of 150 natives on the Siberian
coast has been received here In a letter
from Petropavlovskl, on the coast of Kain
chatka. A. Morogravlenof has written to
one of the small settlements down the
coast, which he does not name, observed a
Theaters Close, Concerts Suspended
and Public Business Stops.
HAVANA. June 18. The first day of
1 tiiAiirn hir for (leneral Maximo Gomei. who ..v, v,.. in
i? 1 jua .inst Avcnintr was characterized bv I m ... i u.n.j v.
V v ' csr - - uur-t mm l LB IMMll.UJS WCLB IiaiitTU WlLIl LI WM
A'-, cloudy weainer ana wumiuum ..i- of rej0CinK. off the vessel cam a number
th rrvia Antra rtt ivirv not inn rnr- I . A mi.. u . - -
-- - - - vi Biiiaii uJaidi iiu nun v to wuiu o hid
ented In Havana are at hair-mast over r.. lln what thev thought were bud
the legations and consulates, and from plleg ,nto the BmaIier craft. Then the men
Cabanaa fortress a gun booms every half pulled for th1 Bhore. During that or the
hour. In every street mere are ionB row-, next day there wal heard tho flr(ng of arin
of Cuban flags orapea in mourning, sna Rnd ,ater gmoke Rnd flre were observed.
even the poorest tenements have crepe ilea ,pd tn investigation from Petrnnav.
to the windows. The Spanish club joined ,ovskl and other towns on the coast and a
In the mourning by hoioting the Castlllan horrlbl tale of pillage and massacre was
flag at balf-maRi. brought to light.
The body or uenerai uomer was tanen xbout the streets of the settlement, writes
to the palace, whero It now lies In state MoroKravlenof. were strewn the bodies of
In the principal salon surrounded by great 15Q of tne ,nhabltant8, Bhot and cut to
masses of flowers sent by relatives, friends. pleces by the piralel!, who, under pretense
comrades, the poveinment departments and of frlendshlp had gained a landing on the
social and political organisations. The body C(MBU Robbery wa, thelr only motive, for
ls guarded by a aciacnmen. 01 ruru, (yery hou8e had fceen ranl,acked and any.
guards and several ot tne general lriena tMng of marketable vaiue wa8 taken. Who
are acting as a guara 01 nonor. mere wM the maraucjer, were those- who managed
a procession of visitors to the palace to- t k th .,ne couid not sav. bevonl
day. but th face of the general was not glvlng th8 information that some Japa-
exposed after It was nnuuy ioora upon nese wpr(, , the paI.ty, When Morograv
by the members or ins inmuy. uana con
certs and performances In the theaters.
which ure customary on Sunday, as well
as all social gaieties, wore wholly bus
pondi'd today.
Congress at a special session early this
morning decided that the period of mourn
ing shall continue for three days, dur
ing which public business shall be sus
pended. Both houses appropriated $15,000
for the funeral, which will take place
CHICAGO. June 18. It was freely pre
dicted tonight by both the members of the
Employers' association and labor leaders
that the teamsters' strike, which has been
In progress for over two months, will be
a thing of the past before the end of the
present week.
Efforts are now being made In two differ
ent directions to bring about an adjust
ment of the difficulty. According to one
of the officials of the Chicago Federation
of Labor the strike will be called off en
tirely by the strikers themselves. As a
step toward this end It was decided today
at an executive meeting of the Chicago
Federation of Labor to begin missionary
work tomorrow morning with memhers of
the teamsters' Joint council. The plan Is
to work on these officials and bring a ma
jority of them over in favor of calling off
the strike. When this has been accom
plished these members of the Joint council
are to advocate such a course to the strik
ers and when it Is assured that a majority
of the strikers have come to the same way
of thinking a referendum vote of the
strikers will be taken on the question. This
official of the Federation of Labor declared
that by this means only could the trouble
be settled, as he declared the strikers
would rather call the strike off than accept
the terms of settlement proposed by the
Employers' association.
Preparing for Conference.
In addition to this plan to bring the
struggle to an end the more conservative
element among the union men devoted the
greater portion of today in preparing for
the conference tomorrow with the repre
sentative of the Employers' association
and a committee from the strikers' ranks.
This committee ls acting apart from Presi
dent Shea and his "board of strategy.".
Unless both sides to the conference show a
willingness to compromise, this effort for
peace will result In failure like so many
moves have In the past. When the last
effort looking toward peace was given up,
It was stated by both the opposing Inter
ests that the obstacles In tho way of a
settlement along the lines proposed were
Insurmountable. If those who attend to
morrow's conference have notMflg new to
offer th? meeting will bring no tangible re
sults. It developed at the meeting of the Feder
ation of Labor today that there exists a
great d-al of dissatisfaction among the
different unions In regard to the manner
In which the present strike Is being man
aged. Several members of the strike
committee who were present at tho meet
ing stated that they had never been con
sulted by President Shea and his lieuten
ants In any proposed move and that as
they were of no use whatever In the pres
ent trouble they would resign from the
committee. After a long discussion of the
trouble the disgruntled members were pre
vailed upon to remain members of the con
trolling body, it being believed that It
would look bad for them If they resigned
while the affairs of the Teamsters' .union
were In such a state.
More RTldence for Grand Jnry,
Several Important witnesses, It was said
tonight, would go before the grand Jury
tomorrow and tell what they knew of the
bribery charges In connection with the
labor troubles In Chicago. State's Attorney
Healy said tonight that although the evi
dence submitted to the Jury last week had
been of great Importance, the testimony to
be given this week would be of even more
sensational character and that before the
adjournment of the lnqilRltorlal body a
number of Indictments against both em
ployers and labor leaders would be re
Charles Tull, colored, and two compan
ions who arrived here today from Iowa
were mistaken for strike breakers while
searching for a rooming house In the vi
cinity of Forty-seventh street and Ashland
avenue and were attacked by a crowd of
strike sympathizers. Tull's companions
escaped uninjured, but he was not so for
tunate. After a long chase Tull was over-
Governor Folk Issaea Peremptory
Orders to the Sheriff of
St. Louis County.
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo., June 18,-Gov-ernor
Folk today, after conferring with
Attorney General Hadley, sent a letter to
Sheriff Herpel, of St. Louis county, direct
ing him to arrest the race track people
who are operating there In violation of
the law. Governor Folk says:
Information having come to hie that
a number of persons have been openly com
mitting felonies In St. louls county by
registering wagers or bets on horse races
In defiance of law, and thHt It is pur
posed to continue this felonious conduct,
which condition is one that cannot be and
will not be tolerated In Missouri, you are
hereby directed to summon a sufllcl"nt
number of deputies to arrest all those par
ticipating, either as principals or acces
sories in these crimes, and to call on citi
zens If necessary to aid you In suppress
ing these violations of law.
You will kindly trlve this your Imme
diate attention, and if the local facilities
are not enough to enable you to uphold
th authority of the state, the executive
will furnish you such help ns will effec
tually sustain the reign of law.
ST. LOUIS, June IS. Governor and Mrs.
Folk arrived tonight from Jefferson City
and departed on a late train for Nashville,
Tenn., where the governor will address tho
students of Vanderbllt university. From
Nashville he will go to Covington. Ky.. to
make an address at the annual meeting of
the Kentuck State Bar association on June
The governor declined to discuss his
letter to Sheriff Herpel containing Instruc
tions for the arrest of persons who may bet
at the race track here In violation of the
law, stating that his letter contained all
that he had to say on the matter.
the early part of the year trfe natives in ftken by.h,a Pursuers and when rescued
lenof sent his letter the people of Petro
pavlovskl feared an attack on that town.
ConKratulated by Pontiff on Comple
tion of Their Studies.
ROME. June 18 Today being Trinity
Sunday the pope received in private audi-
ence in the throne room sixteen American
ttudents who were ordained during the
year. They were presented by Mgr. Ken
nedy, rector of the1 American college. The
pope, after congratulating them on the com
pletion of their studies. Impressed upn
them tho dignity of the priesthood and
rxhorted them to practice that piety which
they had so well leu mod under their es
teemed rector, and iald that If they did
so he had no fear for their success In the
United States.
Mur. Kennedy also presented Prof. J. F.
Edwards of None Uume university, Indi
A dinner of JM covers was afterward
Willing; Third Sou of Kins Oscar
Shall be Kln of Norway,
LONDON, June 18. The Copenhagen cor
respondent of the Dally Mall learns on
excellent authority that the majority ot
the members of the Swedish Riksdag aro
ready to accept King Oscar's third son,
Prince Karl, as king of Norway, provided
that the Norwegian government shall de
molish the fortifications on the frontier and
enter Into an arbitration treaty with
by the police an effort was being made to
lynch him. When the three negroes were
first attacked several of the mob seized
Tull and struck him with clubs. He finally
broke away and started to run. The mob
followed and seeing that the negro stood
a good chance of escaping several shots
were fired. This brought the colored man
to a standstill and the mob soon sur
rounded him. He was then thrown to the
ground and beaten and kicked until he
was unconscious. Some one then sug
gested that a rope be secured for the pur
pose of hapglng him to a nearby telegraph
pole. A boy was sent for the rope but
before he returned the v police arrived on
the soone and the crowd scattered. Tull
was so seriously Injured that he was taken
to the county hospital, where It was stated
tonight ha had small chances of recovery.
Lake Shore Puts on Its New Flyer
from Chicaaro to New
Democraoy Proposes to Make a Still Hunt
in First DiitrioU
Opens at Auburn with Senator Bar
kett ns Orator Governor
Tlckey at Church
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, June 18. (Special.) The con
gressional race In the First district be
tween Francis M. Brown, democrat, and
Ernest M. Pollard, republican, which cul
minates July 18, Is reully becoming Berlous.
Mr. Pollard opened his campaign at Au
burn yesterday with Senator Burkett as
speaker, and Mr. Brown has selected as
his chairman R. L. Metcalfe and John A.
McGulre secretary. Within a few days
Mr. Metcalfe will open headquarters at the
Capitol hotel and start a gum shoe cam
paign. It ls planned, however, that two
rallies will be held, one In Lincoln and one
In Otoe county. Mr. Brown, however, will
do little If any speechmaking. The Com
moner and the Independent, It has been
given out. will work hard for Brown.
According to politicians the fact that the
republicans have such a big majority In
the district really gives tho democrats
some hope of winning, this because It ls
going to be hard to get the republicans out
to vote on what they believe Is a dead
easy proposition. The democrats In the
meantime do not Intend to stir up the re
publicans by any big show of light, but will
work In the aulet
Governor Speaks at Dedication.
Governor Mickey was one of the speakers
at the dedication of the Swedish Metho
dist church this afternoon. Tho other
CHICAGO. June lS.-The Lake Shore & I speakers were: Rev. J. W. Jones, pastor
Michigan Southern and New York Cen
tral railroads today Inaugurated an
elghteen-hour service between Chicago and
New York. The Twentieth Century lim
ited, which left the La Salle street station
at 2:30 this afternoon over the Lake Shore,
will be compelled to maintain an average
Bpped of M.9 miles an hour between Chi
cago and New York In order to cover tho
961 miles In the scheduled time.
Tho equipment of the Twentieth Century
limited includes buffet, library, smoking
and baggage cars, a diner, two twelve
sectioned and drawing room Pullman cars
and one seven-room department observa
tion car.
C. F. Daly, passenger traffic manager of
the Lake Shore, was in charge of the train
and M. F. Fleming, who has been an en
gineer on the Lake Shore since 1872, was
on the engine. Among the prominent rail
road men who took passage on the new
flyer was J J Hill, president of the Great
Northern railroad.
TOLEDO, June 18. The twentieth cen
tury llmltod train on the Lake Shore,
which Inaugurated Its elghteen-hour serv
ice between Chicago and New York today,
arrived here from Chicago at 4:29 p. m.,
fourteen and a hal? minutes ahead of time.
It laid here until 4:46 p. m., its scheduled
time for departure. The run proved that
a slxteen-hour schedule between Chicago
and New York can be maintained.
Six Deaths and Three More Prostra
tions Caused by It at
LOUISVILLE, Ky., June i8. Exceptive
that prevailed throughout Kentucky today,
the temperature at the weather bureaus re
porting above 90 degrees. No fatalities as
the result of heat prostrations have so far
been reported.
PITTSBURG, June 18. The continuous
high temperature wag the cause today of
Blx deaths and three prostrations. Today
some of the reliable thermometers on the
street recorded 94 and 98.
NEW YORK. June lS.-One death-that
of Miss Josie Bernard, who lived on the
upper east side and a number of prostra
tions, besides much suffering In the tene
ment districts, were the result of the ex
cessive heat in New York city and vicinity
today. The temperature rose steadily
from early morning until 4 o'clock this aft
ernoon when the thermometer registered
89 on the roof of the weather bureau. On
the streets It was several degrees higher.
Official reports show that today was the
hottest June day In eighteen years. The
air was filled with moisture, but not a
drop of rain relieved suffering New York
ers, who were forced to stay inthe city.
Half a million seekers for a cool spot left
Brooklyn and New York early for nearby
cool resorts. Reports from various cities
In this vicinity show similar conditions.
Zionists Reaffirm Adherence to the
Proa-rani Outlined at Basil
In 1807.
Fatalities Occasioned by an Explo
sion in Colliery.
EKATERINOSLAV, Southern Russia.
June 18. Five hundred persons were killed
In the explosion which occurred at the Ivan
colliery at Khartslsk, belonging to the
Russian Donets company.
Riot In Russian Prison.
REVAL, Russia, June 18. A riot of two
hundred prisoners, owing to alleged mal
treatment, broke out In the prison hers
last night, and was only quelled at 3
o'clock this morning with the aid of troops
from the garrison. The rioters, who in-
given at the American college. Among the I eluded women, Smashed the furniture and
cuesta were Archbishop Ryan of Phila
delphia, Archbishop Keane of Dubuque, la.,
nud Bishop Uarvuy 01 Alluona, I'a.
the windows and attempted to escape, but
the police and soldiers effectively held all
exits. Tb offenders wr flogged today.
Rescind , Nlne-Honr Day Contract
Which Caused Trouble,
ST. LOUIS, June . 18. The St. Louis
Typographical union today rescinded Its
action of June 8, accepting a contract call
ing for a nine-hour day, an advance of
J1.60 a week in wages for the union job
printers and by a declaration to abide
by the ruling ot the executive council of
the International Typographical union,
abrogated the contract which had been
signed with the employing printers. The
decision was voted at a general meeting
attended by about 700 members.
By the executive council revoking the
charter of the local union for its original
course, the Issue between the eight-hour
and nine-hour day resolved Itself ioto a
question of allegiance to the nutlonal body.
The International union, at Its convention
In St. Louis last August, declared for the
eight-hour day, to ba enforced after Janu
ary 1, 19. The Typothetae, it Is stated.
Intended originally to wait until January
1 and make a general fight against the In
ternational union all over the country. The
contract In St. Louis was the first to ex
pire In a large city. The prospects of se
curing a renewal here of a nine-hour con
tract to run for three years changed the
attitude of the Typothetae Into a plan to
force a fight In St. Louis If the union
tood on the eight-hour day and follow It
up with resistance In Chicago, where the
contract will expire on July 1.
In accordance with this determination
the ocaJ typothetae delivered a virtual
ultimatum to the union that It would Im
mediately declare the open shop tn St.
Louis If a nine-hour day agreement could
not be effected. The adoption of the nine
hour contract for three years by a vote
'Continued oa second Page.
PHILADELPHIA, June 18. The eighth
annual convention of the Federation of
American Zionists, which began Its ses
sions here today, decided that Palestine
was the place for the colonization of the
Jews. The convention adopted a resolu
tion that the international Zionists congress
to be held at Basle, Switzerland, this sum
mer, be asked to reaffirm the Basle pro
gram of 1897, the convention of American
Zionists pledging Itself to (he Basle pro
gram In' Its entirety. There are 230 dele
gates attending the convention.
The first session was held In the forenoon
at which Dr. Harry Frlendwald of Boston
read his annual report. The report of the
secretary, Dr. J. L. Magness of this city,
showed 237 Zionists societies In this coun
try. Letters of greeting from prominent
Zionists In different parts of the world
were read. The greater pait of the after
noon session was taken up by the discus
sion of the resolution for the reafflrmation
of the Basle program.
of St. Paul's church; Rev. W. M. Balch
of Trinity, and Rev. D. L. Thomas of
Grace Methodist. The church was erected
about a year ago at tho corner of Eight
eenth and J streets and ls one of the pret
tiest churches in town.
Honor the Dead.
Members of. the Independent Order of
Odd Fellows' lodge and Daughters of Re
bekah held memorial services for their
dead this afternoon, marching to the ceme
tery with the Patriarchs Militant in unl
form aa an escort.
Indians Will Re n Fenture of Cele
brntlon on Fourth.
CREIGHTON, Neb.. June 18 (Special.)-
Crelghton ls making great preparations for
a monster celebration the Fourth. The
busiress men of the town have the matter
In chargo and are puttlhg up enough
money to guarantee a first-class line of
attractions. The country people for fifty
miles around have been Invited to come
and enjoy tho fun which will be turned
loose on that day, and they aro coming.
Glrard's Uniformed Concert band, one
of the best musical organizations In north
Nebraska, has been secured to furnish
music. Plainvlew and Stanton will play
ball ' for a $100 purse. These are two of
the fastest amateur teams In the state
and It will surely be a good game. Two
hundred Santee-Sloux Indians will be on
hand and give their various dances in war
paint and feathers. A. barbecue will be a
feature of the day, in which two big oxen
will be fed to the multitude. The con
tests of the Plainvlew and Crelghton fire
departments In a hose race, hook and lad
der race and water fight will be well worth
seeing. A grand industrial and civic parade
will take place in tho forenoon. A number
of street attractions will be arranged for
and everybody celebrating at Crelghton
can count on having nothing but a good
A mammoth pavilion and big leave-covered
bowery will furnish shade, while ice
water and lemonade will be on tap.
Fair Monday and Tneaday.
Temperature at Omnha Yesterdskyi
Honr. Ilea. Hour. Dear.
K a. m...... 1 p. m "!
B a. m l 2 p. m OO
T a. m !S .1 p. in Ml
A a. m T2 4 p. nl
t a. m TH ft p. in NO
1 a. in M H p. m IT
11 a. m 8.1 T p. m ..... . T4
12 m i Rp. m T2
9 p. m U
Number of People Injured, One of
Whom Is Likely
to Die.
NEW YORK, June 18 By the explosion
of a boiler In the air compressing plant
for subway construction at One Hundred
and ' Sixty-third and North river today,
more than a dozen persons were injured,
at least one of whom may die.
By the wrecking of the plant the work
of completing the boring for the tunnel
through the solid rock from One Hundred
and Sixty-eighth street to Fort George may
be delayed.
The most seriously Injured are:
Daniel Barry, assistant engineer In
Joseph Morgan, fireman; probably will
Edward Altensla.
Joseph Amato.
Edward Elword.
The three latter are boys who were stand
ing at the river bank where the explosion
occurred. One of the beams from tho
power house, driven through the air, came
down lengthwise, pinning the boys under
it. Tho roof of the power house was torn
into pieces, which flew In a shower over
the house of the West End Yacht club. The
dome of the big boiler was driven high
In the air and landed 300 feet away. On
the verandas of the club house were moro
than 100 people when the crash came. The
club members carried the Injured into tho
club house, where they were attended to
until the arrival of the ambulances.
Russia Finally Accepts Washington at Iks
Place for Peace Conference,
Deoiiioa it Made Fartlj at Compliment to
Fresident Rooievelt,
Japanese Forcei Commence to Drive in the
Russian Outpoits.
Russians In Retreat and Abandon)
a Considerable Amount of
Stores aud Pro
Condemning- Rlaht-of-Way.
DAKOTA CITY, Neb., June 18. (Spe
cial.) Condemnation proceedings were yes
terday commenced In the county court of
Judge J. J. Elmers by the Sioux City &
Western Railway company against over
ino property owners between South Sioux
City and Homer, to have appraised the
damages arising from the building of the
proposed extension of the Sioux City-Ash-land
extension of the Great Northern
railway. Sheriff Hansen has sworn In two
special deputies who are now at work serv
ing notices on the resident property
owners. Judge Elmers has appointed the
following board of appraisers who are all
among the substantial farmer residents of
the county: J. F. Learner, William
Cheney, John Boler, TJiomas C. Baird,
George H. Harris and Thomas C. Clapp.
They will hold their first meeting at the
office of the county Judge on the 2Sth
Inst. The right-of-way In dispute ls about
twelve miles long, starting on the Judge
R. E. Evans farm, where the proposed
line leaves the Great Northern line, and
running to Homer. In Homer and from
there south to the Winnebago agency line
the rlgbt-of-way has been satisfactorily
Many Tralaloads of Woodmen Arrlv
Ins; In Milwaukee for Head
Camp Meetin.
MILWAUKEE. Wis., June 18-Fully 600
Woodmen Foresters arrived in Milwaukee
today and 1,000 more are enroute to par
ticipate In the contests In connection with
the head camp of the society. Trains of
Beveral sections each brought Foresters
from points in Nebraska, Kansas, Michi
gan, Minnesota, Indiana, Illinois, Washing
ton, D. C, Oklahoma, Ohio and Wiscon
sin. The arrivals also numbered several
thousand visiting Woodmen and delegates.
Including Head Consul Talbott of Lincoln,
Head Clerk C. W. Hawes of Rock Island
and other officers and directors.
The Foresters' encampment will be for
mally opened in the morning. The city Is
taking on a gala appearance, every street
I In the main portion of the business section
having beea lavishly decorated.
Blair Wants a Pardon.
YORK. June 18. (Special.) John H.
Blair, formerly of Arborville township,
now a prisoner In the state penitentiary, is
publishing a notice to the public that on
July 7 at 2 o'clock at the office of the
governor, an application has been made
and petitions presented for a pardon. Blair
was convicted of a statutory offense.
The petitions for pardon recall the
famous abduction case wherein John H
Blair was accused by the parents of ab
ducting Bnuloh Thomar, who was the
principal witness here In the county court
against John Blair.
Admiral Mirahee to nrlngr Rody of
John Paul Jones to America
for Burial.
NEW YORK, June .18. Rear Admiral
Sigsbee's squadron which was detailed from
the North Atlantic fleet to bring the body
of John Paul Jones, the first admiral of
the American navy, to this country, started
on its voyage to France today. The squad
ron, consisting of the flagship Brooklyn
and the cruisers Chattanooga, Tacoma and
Galveston, arrived at the naval anchorage
oft Tompkinsville about two weeks ago and
remained there pending the arrangements
by the French authorities of the ceremonies
Incident to the embarkation of the body
of the admiral at tjie port of Cherbourg,
The signal to get under way was made
from the flagship and the squadron, headed
by the Brooklyn, steamrid in column
through the Narrows, and an hour later
passed out of Sandy Hook.
The remains of the great admiral will be
carried aboard the Brooklyn amid the sa
lutes of the French and American war
ships and placed on a flag-draped cata
falque erected on the deck forward of Ad
miral Sigsbee's quarters, after which the
squadron will proceed for Annapolis, where
the final Interment will take place.
Texan Who Killed Mexican Police
man Is Finally Given Ills
ST. LOUIS, June 18. A special to the
Globe Democrat from El Paso says: After
having received a pardon by President
Diaz, the first ever extended to an Amerl
can under the same circumstances, Mac
Stewart, an aged confederate soldier and
Texan, reached El Paso tonight from Chi
huahua, Mexico, where ho had been Im
prisoned for years for killing a Mexican
policeman Tonight the ex-confederates
of El Paso gave him a rousing reception
Stewart's case is one of the most widely
known In the south. Stewart was riding
up the streets of Chihuahua loudly sing
ing "Dixie," at tho time he was arrested
by a Mexican policeman, Immediately prior
to the shooting that resulted in the con
victlon of Stewart and his sentence to the
death penalty. The Confederate veterans
took the matter up, and through their ef
forts the death penalty was reduced to lm
prlsonment for twenty years. One-half
of that time was served when President
Diaz was induced to extend executive
AH of the Dead Are Employes of the
Western Maryland
BALTIMORE, Md., June lS.-The death
roll of last right's disaster on the West
ern Maryland railroad now about foots up
twenty-three and this number Is likely to
be Increased from among the list of those
grievously mangled.
All the dead were employes of the rail
road, returning to homes in the small towns
along the railroad to spend Sunday. With
the exception of the train crews, they had
been at work repairing the damage done
to the road about ten days ago by a minor
freight wreck at Mount Hope station, near
this city.
News of Nebraska.
YORK Colonel B. Crahb. one of York's
pioneer hotel men and now a resident of
Mi'Oool Junction. Neb., has been very sick
the last three weeks, being confined to his
M'COOL In the death of Raymond Con
roy. son of Mr. and Mrs. James Conriy,
southern York county lupes a most popular
young man. Mr. Conroy had been operated
upon for appendicitis and was supposed to
be recovering rapidly from the operation,
when suddenly he took a relapse.
TABLE ROCK Great preparations are
being made here for the celebration of the
national anniversary of American Indepen
dence. Rev. C. M. Shepnrd. I. D., ls to
speak at 11 a. m. and Hon. Ernest M.
Pollard of Nehawka, nominee for congress
on the republican ticket, will speak at 2:30
p. m.
YORK Many farmers and a few business
men have Invested In a placer mine In
Georgia and It is reported that they havo
purchased gold mining stock to the amount
of $i.("V. When the assessor assessed them
the value of this stock they complained
that the stock was assessed In Georgia and
the board made a reduction of one-fourth
of the real value of the stock
Y'ORK There is considerable agitation
In the country about the Hessian fly. i'he
wheat in York county was never in a more
prosperous condition for a large yield than
this year. The discussion v inch Is going
on Is what dnmage the Hessian fly will do
with the winter wheat tefore harvest time.
It ls a fact that the Hessian fly ls doing
dContlnusd on Second Pas )
Trouble "tarts Among; Negroes on
Kxcnrslon Train Over
a Crap Game.
. ATLANTA. Oa., June 18 A special to the
Constitution from Griffin says Chief of
Police Hays latest Information re
garding the shooting on the negro excur
sion train on the Southern lust night, ls
that eleven negroes are dead. Two Grif
fin negroes of bad reputation are held as
suspects. They say a crap game, which
had been going on all day Saturday, was
the cause of the trouble and the fighting
began tn Atlanta and raged unceasing,
with revolvers and razors until Griffin was
reached. Officers are at work on the
Movements of Ocean Vessels June IN.
At New York Arrived: I.a Lretagne. from
Havre; Numldiun, from Glasgow and .Mo
ville. At Liverpool Arrived : Victorian, from
Montreal and Quebec; Umbrla, from New
York, via Queermtown.
At Southampton Arrived : New Y'irk,
from New Yoik, via Plymouth and Cher
bourg At Movllle Arrived: Parisian, from New
York for GlasKow, and nroi-ic ded.
At Dover Sailed: Grit Waldersee. from
Hamburg for New York, via Boulogne.
At Queenstown Balled: Campania, from
Liverpool, for New York.
At Cherbourg Sailed: Bremen, from Bre
a for New York.
WASHINGTON. June 18.-Russia and
Japan have tentatively decided each to
appoint three plenipotentiaries to represent
them in the Washington conference. M.
Nelidoff, it ls understood, has already ac
cepted the chairmanship of the Russtan
mission and is being consulted about the
solectlon of his assistants, but Washington
has not yil heard whether Marquis Ito's,
health wilt permit him to come as the
ranking Japanese plenipotentiary. The be
lief here ls that Field Marshal lamagata
will be designated In Marquis Ito's place
should the marquis be unable to accept.
It Is believed that the conference will
convene here about the middle of August.
Pending the official announcement of the
plenipotentiaries little toward tho arrange
ment of an armistice ls being done on this
side. 'Japan will not take the Initiative In
requesting an armistice. It Is improbable,
however, that she would insist on Russia
making the request. It is generally ex
pected that when the missions have been
announced tho president will suggest to the
belligerents the advisability of a limited
truce and that this suggestion will be ac
cepted. Instructions will then go to Line
vltch and Oyama to sign tho armistice.
The whole question of an armistice has
been Informally discussed at the White
House and the belief in diplomatic circles
ls that there. will not be a hitch on this
score, Japan prefers that the armistice
should be signed in the field by the Rus
sian and Japanese commanders and there
are Indications that this will find approval
In St. Petersburg.
Commend President's Tnct.
General commendation ls voiced In dlplo
matlc circles of the president's tact in not
communicating to Japan the suggestion
from St. Petersburg for a reconsideration
of the selection of Washington for the con
ference. The irrevocable opposition of
Japan to any capital of Europe was a
matter of common knowledge In Washing
ton and the transmission of any such sug
gestion. It was realized, would only invite
an emphatic refusal from Japan and poa
Blbly seriously menace the convening of
the conference. It was learned today that
the Issuance of the authoritative statement
on the subject by the Russian embassy
here late last night was based on advices
from St. Petersburg that the selection ot
Washington was to be officially announced
In the Russian capital, thus removing all
doubt on that score. There have been
several explanations current among diplo
mats as to the reason for Russia's sugges'
tlon, one being hat it was based on a
misunderstanding about the finality of the
decision-to select Washington, and the
other, the St. Petersburg government be
lieved the president greatly preferred The
Hague. Both explanations are unofficial
and In view of the Russian embassy's
authoritative statement the Incident la re
garded as closed.
F.urope Does Not I'nderstand,
Pessimistic reports from Europe about
the Washington conference are not shared
by the diplomats here. A European am
bassador who has from the outset been in
clore touch with the negotiations said to
night: "What Europe does not seem to realize
Is that In these negotiations the president
has been dealing not with the war party
In Russia nor with Count Lamsdorff, but
with the Emperor Nicholas direct. There
IB a thorough Understanding between the
president and the emperor, the latter fully
appreciating the motives which prompted
the president's appeal for peace and Bend
ing In reply as responsive an answer as
he felt Russia could afford to make. That
Russia does not go Into the conference
pledged to peace ls fully understood but
this does not mean -that her plenipoten
tiaries will not come clothed with full pow
ers to negotiate ' peace provided Japan's
terms be reasonable, nor does It reflect In
any way upon the sincerity with wlill
Russia enters the conference."
Today passed with no Blgns of diplomatic
activity. Neither the Russian ambassa
dor nor the Japanese minister were callers
at the White House today, Mr. Takahlra
spending part of the day In a long auto
mobile ride, a jastlme of which he is very
Baron Speck von Sternberg, the Germany
ambassador, who spent yesterday In the
city, returned early this morning to bis
cottage at Deer Park, Md., confident that
the next few days would not bring im
portant developments. Before leaving the
ambassador was also In receipt of reas
suring news regarding the Moroccan situa
tion which confirmed his belief that the
acuteness of the crisis had In some quar
ters been exaggerated.
President Takes a Drive.
President Roosevelt spent the latter part
of the evening quietly at the White House,
after an outing of some hours along the
shores of the Potomac river and in the
country beyond on the Virginia side. He
received no callers. The president and
several of his friends. Including Glfford
Pinchot. tho forester of th Department of
Agriculture, left the White ljouse before
2 o'clock this afternoon In an automobile.
Their destination was not announced, but
It Is understood the party were taken up
the conduit road to the chain bridge which
spans the Potomac river three miles above
Georgetown and across the bridge Into
Virginia, where small hills fringe the river.
The party then took a walk around the
Virginia roads, and later were met by the
White House double team trap and re
turned to .he city. Thoso who came back
with the president, Included his Bon Theo
dore, and Beveral friends whom they had
picked up on the way. They reached the
White House about :30 o'clock and showed
evidences of their warm walk.
Russia Finally Accepts.
ST. PKTERSHCrKi. June 18.-9:35 p. m.
Russia has finally and definitely accepted
Washington as the meeting place of the
Russian and Japanese plenipotentiaries,
the Foreign office having waived its re
quest for reconsideration at the personal
direction of the emperor, whose desire to
alva the fullest and fairest opportunity to