Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 18, 1905, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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The Omaha Sunday Bee.
PAGES 1 TO 10.
DeoUion of Gotinoil Barring DiforcedTer
odi from Marriage May Cause Division.
Sueh Opinion U Expressed by Secretary of
' -. tbe Liberation Booiety.
As Long as Clergyman is State Official
There May Be Trouble.
II Mir Watching Trend of Eot
la France with Considera
ble Interest, Hoping for
Change at Home.
LONDON, June 17. Special Cablegram
to The Bee.) The recent decision of the
London diocesan conference that no di
vorced person, whether Innocent or guilty,
shall be remarried in an Anglican church
during the lifetime of the other party
to the suit, may lead to a split In the
The secretary of the Liberation society
Is of tho opinion that disestablishment ha
been brought appreciably nearer by the
"This decision," said the secreaary, "will
strengthen the hands of the disestablish
ment party within the church Itself. As
long as ,he clergymen 1 a jtate official
there Is bound to be a conflict between
law and state. A free churchman is
under no penalties. He can marry or re
fuse to marry a divorced person, according
to the dictates of his own conscience.
"I can state with authority that there
are many clergymen In the Church of
England eagerly awaiting dlsestabllsh
men. The Scotch movement and the edu
cation act have caused a great wave of
discontent to pass over this country. When
the full effects of the separation between
church and state In France are appreciated
here, disestablishment will certainly come,
and that quickly. 1
"If It had not been for the consequent
Sisendowment the reform would have
come before now. The archbishop of
Canterbury's hill, now before the lords.
Is a dangerous proposal, ana a simiie
scheme to obtain for Anglican churchmen
deliverance from state control without sur
rendering to the nation the ancient en
dowments and the privileged positions they
now occuny."
Mr. Hill, secretary of the English
Church union, repudiates the suggestion
that any body of clergymen are In favor
of disestablishment on the question ot
"To my knowledge," he said, "the use
jf churches for the remarriage of divorced
persons Is constantly refused, In spite of
all sorts of expedients to 'smuggle' the
marriage through without public protest.
-"Tba .English Church union has always
resisted the remarriage of divorced per
tons In church, and It Is prepared to sup
port every clergyman who prefers to obey
ie laws of his church rather than those
f tbe state.
"I cannot see why divorced persons
ihould want to go to church when they
san be married before a registrar."
Writer la London Finds An- y
Heiresses Do Sot
Titled '
LONDON, June ,ial Cablegram
to The Bee.) The -utemporary Review
has commenced a peculiar campaign. A
writer in that maraxlae finds that the fail
ure of motherhood among American heir
esses who have married titled Englishmen
is most marked, while the influence of
colonial women on English society Is not
only more wholesome, but likely to be more
permanent. In his opinion colonial In
fluence in England Is masculine, vigorous
and wholesome; American Influence is
feminine, frivolous and fleeting.
He offers some striking remarks concern
ing the Invasion of England by American
Since 1840 thirty British peers or eldest
sons of peers have married In the t'nlted
States. Of these thirteen have no children
at all, five have no sons and five have only
one son. The total number of peers' chil
dren with American mothers is thirty-nine,
of whom eighteen are sons.
During the same period twenty-three
fieers or eldest sons of peers have married
n the colonies. Four have no children,
seven have one son, eight have two sons
and two have three sons.
That Is to sav thonirh the number of
colonial peeresses is seven less than the
children, and while
number of American peeresses they have
nearly twice as muny children, anc
six of them have neglected to present thlr
husbands with heirs, nineteen Americans
are guilty of the same neglect.
In the lower ranks of aristocracy, the
writer proceeds, the figures are "even more
startling." Of Americans who are the
wives of Englishmen with a courtesy title
or baronetcy there are forly-four. Of these
soventeen, or nearly one-half, have no
children and eight have only one child. Ite
It. therefore, comes to this, that since
1840 the number of titled American, exclu
sive or KnlBhts, wives has risen to seventy
four, of whom thlrtv are childless and
eight have only one child.
reover. there Is not a single distin
guished peer's son with an American
mother, whereas there are several with
colonial mothers. ,
The writer's figure may be summarized
Americans of title Children.
SO peeresses 39
11 wives of baronets 42
2 with courtesy title 26
Landowners Reduced to Beggar jr by
Reason of the Failure of
MADRID, June 17. (Special Cablegram
o The Bee.) The famine In the south of
Spain continues unabated. American and
ISnglish tourists who landed at Malaga
-ecently witnessed a pathetlo scene.
Nearly 4,000 ragged and starving labor
rs had marched from the village of Col
menar, Casabermaja, Alfamate, Cutar and
Uorge. Starvation had driven them to
Malaga to ask for bread and work.
They were led by land owners who not
long ago were In affluent circumstances,
but who are now In as sad a plight as
their own tenants and laborers.
The motley army drew up In front of the
prefecture while a ' delegation waited on
the prefect. He begged them to return
quietly to their villages, and forbids them
to ask alms.
The leaders pleaded and declared that
going back unassisted meant death from
slow starvation, for their resources were a
an end.
Many peasants dropped In the streets af
ter their march from weakness due to want
of food. Their leaders visited the houses
of the richest Inhabitants, asking for as
sistance for the peasants and were par
tially successful.
Orangemen Doing All Tkey Can to Bate
Sir Anthony MacDonnell Removed,
saaasassmBsma ,
Under Seoretary Aocused of Secret Deal
ings with the National League.
Pass Resolutions Denouncing the iction of
Their Oatholio Associates
.. 63
74 Totals
Co oninls of title
23 peeresses ,
80 wives of baronets
42 with a courtesy title
95 Totals 266
In face of these figures, the contention
that by means of American brides fresh
vigor may be Imported into the British
aristocracy is simply ridiculous," concludes
the writer.
Readiness to Approve Increase of
Customs Duties for Macedonia
Not Expected.
Cablegram to The Bee.) It has caused
surprise in some quarters that Germany
has been so ready to allow the customs
duties to be Increased and the Increase
earmarked for the three Macedonian vll
layets which have been the cause of so
much discussion on the part of th pow
ers during the past .few months. It Is
known that the Germans have always fa
vored using any extra revenue from the
customs for guaranteeing the Bagdad rail
way. The explanation probably is that
the German embassy does not think, that
the new customs receipts will long, be
needed for the purpose for which they
are earmarked. A few years of efficient
control will probably -turn the present de
ficit in Macedonia into a surplus, and the
S per cent Increase will then be free to
be devoted to other purposes, among which
the Bagdad railway will have as good a
chance as any. It may therefore suit
German ends to see the Increase granted
now, even if It will not be Immediately
available for the enterprise for which
Germans hope eventually to see It used.
In Ihis way they would not be condemned
to wait until commercial treaties are con
cluded with Great Britain and other pow
ers, and it might even be possible, as is
scarcely ihe case at present, to carry on
the work without British co-operation.
It must, however, not be forgotten that
international control over Macedonian
finance is only one of the conditions which
the powers Insist upon obtaining before
they will consider the question of Jn
creaslng the customs duties. Great
Britain Is, of course, the country whose
commerce Is the most affected, and there
is, every reason to believe that the British
government will not consent to the Im
position of this extra heavy burden on
British trade until an end has been put
to the worst, if not ail of the abuses
of which traders complain, and until they
are assured that the money will be prop
erly levied and properly spent.
Says that British Government Has
Been Liberal to Ireland and
Remarks of Nobleman
, Are Intrne.
DUBLIN, June 17. (bpeclal Cablegram to
The Bee; At a meeting of Dublin orange
men held recently an empnutlc protest was
made against tne retention of Sir Anthony
MacDonnell. Rev. Dr. Monatt presided.
The chairman said that the Orangemen
had nothing against Mr. Long, but tliey
could not feel safe while Sir Antony Mac
Donnell remained at Dublin castle. He
believed that Mr. Long would dismiss Sir
Antony If It were in his power to do so.
Canon O'Connor proposed a long resolution
protesting against the retention of Sir An
tony MacDonnell as under secretary fdr
Ireland "with co-equal authority with the
chief secretary'' as being "a menace to the
loyal and law-abiding Inhabitants of Ire
land and an incentive to the lawless and
criminal to terrorize and deprive the weak,
the isolated and peaceable citizens of their
rights as subjects of the British empire."
The resolution went on to refer to "secret
consultations with the presidents of the
United Irish league," and ended with an
expression of the intention of the Orange
men of Dublin "to appeal to constituencies
of England and Scotland against this cruel
system of misgovernment and deliberate
The chairman was about to put the reso
lution when Mr. Wood, secretary of tho
Irish Reform association, and Captain
Shaw-Taylor asked for leave to address
the meeting. This was refused, and as Mr.
Wood persisted In speaking, he was seized
by several stewards. The resolutions were
then passed by acclamation.
Teachers Are Angry.
Loyalists are dissatisfied with Lord Lon
donderry's indefinite reply to Lord Oran-
moro and Browne's question as to the
disloyal conduct of a number of Irish teach
ers at a recent. dinner at Sllgo. The facts
are undisputed, and It cannot be disputed
that active disloyalty prevails among a
large section of the nationalist and Roman
Catholic teachers. These teachers are paid
by the state and at present are making
large claims Upon the state for various
Improvements In their position. The of
fense of the men Who dishonored the toast
of the king's health at Sllgo was an of
tense not merely against loyalty and good
taste, but against the rules which govern
the behavior of civil servants. The
Protestant teachers are practically all loy
allsts, and although a certain number of
them were present at the dinner at Sllgo
and are not reported as having made any
public protest against the conduct of the
majority. It may be taken as certain that
every one of them disapproved of It. The
Dublin Metropolitan National Teachers' as,
soclation, which represents a large num
ber of Protestants, has adopted the fol
lowing resolution: .
That we condemn In the
ner the disloyalty exhibited by a large
number of those who attended the congress
dinner at Sligo; that we regard the con
duct of those men as despicable and a dis
grace to an organization composed of state
iwu imuurs, ana mat meir action Is cal
cuiatea to alienate from the tpa,hr
cause a powerful and inliuential section of
the Irish public: that we call upon the ex
ecutive to repudiate at the first opportunity
and In the name of the organization the
action of theBe men, who nave brought
such stigma on the national teachers of
"iw, mm uiai miouia tne executive fail
iu uu we miaii nave to consider our
icmuun wiw regara to me general organl
Losg Replies to Dmnraven.
Mr. Long, the new chief secretary for
Ireland, Is not afraid to take even a man
like Lord Duuraven to task. In an Inter
view he fcaid:
Lord Dunraven marie a mu.h . vio-
iwcuui -inLii nuea ma witn
British Officer Bays Afghanistan Must
Be teed to Protect Border
from Russia.
LONDON, June 17. (Special Cablegram
to The Bee.) Colonel) Mark Bell In an
Interview rays that It is necessary for
England to recognize that the defense of
Afganlstan is the defense of India; that
Afghanistan is India's outpost, ot which
Afghan Turklstan and the Herat provinces
form the glacis, and that it is necessary
to recognize that the defense ot this glacis
is the most Important of the defense
of the main work India. Continuing,
Colonel Bell says:
War must be Dreceded bv nrenaratlnna
tor war, and from the tact that me gov
ernment proposes to take no immediate
steps to prepare the Alghanistan tntaier
of war to India s advantage we can only
argue that they at least fail to appreciate
tne gravity of Its defense. We know that
on lis side of tne border Russia has, be
tween Barak hs and Osli, massed some 2uu,
000 men wtlh stores (Including railway
material) and that its depots are fortineu.
we aiso Know mat it lias railways sum
clent to mass and supply a much larger
force on this line. There is nothing what
ever to prevent its occupation of the
glacis to India. The Afghans are alto
gether powerless to do bo, and bel'ore we
could come to their aid in any sufficient
force Russia would not only be In posses
sion of the glacis of the British fortress,
wlih railway communication to its base,
but Would, as well, have seized the passes
leading into it from Afghanistan and have
fortified them, their mouths and their exits,
and Russia need not trust solely to pack
animal transport, as both Afghan Turkl
stan and the Herat province are favorable
to railway construction. Ethnographical
considerations also favor Russia. Un
fortunately for India, the country that lies
Detween tne Indus ana tne Hindu Kuan is
not one that would be chosen by the rail
way engineer.
in this sorry plight. Afghanistan will can
upon us to restore its lost provinces. Will
the task be a possible one, even with 500,000
of men all told? Before we can attempt
to do so with any chance of success we
must construct railways to Kabul and
Bamlan, Kandahar and Selstan.
Instead of walling until Russia occupies
our Indian glacis it is an imperial duty to
construct those lines necessary to its de-
iense. That we should veto tne construc
tion by Russia of railways into Afghan
istan is comprehensible, but that we should
ourselves refrain from constructing those
necessary to its safety as well as our own,
and to the commercial development of
both, Is Incomprehensible. The policy of
masterly Inactivity, of allowing Afghan
istan to stew in its own Juice will not
answer in this twentieth century. Civiliza
tion cannot be checked by barbarism ana
to attemnt to atav Us nroirress is to fight
against a law of nature and to court fail
such Opinion Expressed by English
wan Stirs I'n Hornets' Nest
in London.
LONDON, June IT. (Speolal Cablegram to
Tbe Bee-) Sir Alexander Tulloch has
stirred up a hornet's nest by declaring
against money being expended In foreign
missions In India and other countries, the
claim being made that to a large extent
tt was only wasted. One Interesting state
ment made by him is that he believes that
the world will yat get from Japan a simple
and true statement of Christianity brought
out by the Japanese themselves, a form ot
statement which would be acceptable to
other nations besides the Japanese. Re
plying to Sir Charles Elliott's statement,
lie says In conclusion:
Aa to Sir Charles Elliott's statement that
the Christians In India have doubled In
thirty years; that considering how young
the natives are when they marry, and that
the children would naturally be brought
up aa Christians it is uiily what might be
expected. Christian missions have been
at work in India since the time of the
Portuguese some 3uu to 4U) years ago. The
number ot even nominal Christians now
xistinur in country of several hun
dred millions Is therefore hardly a matter
to be proua oi.
Two-Boat Contests Are Being Brought
Off Between Dover and
DOVER, England, June 17. In a heavy
rain storm and with a light wind blowing
thirteen yachts started from here today
In the annual race from Dover to Heligo
land for Emperor William's cup.
At about noon the American yachts At
lantic and Apache and the British yacht
Valhalls got away In a fog over the same
course for a speelai cup offered by Era
pcror WUIIara for the auxiliary yachts
which participated, in the recent -trsjuat-lantio
Lord Brassr Tells of Impressions Re-
oelvei on Visit to Ellis
LONDON, June 17. -(Special Cablegram
to The Bee.) Lord Brassey, In a report
upon tne immigration question, after
studying the conditions at Elite island, says
in part:
On the day of our visit 1J.00O 1 mmtcrAnta
passed through the several stages of ex
amination, i ney were examined medically.
They were required to show that they
n iaiiny ucuris 10 meir several destlna
tions, and that they were sure of employ'
mem on arrival. The percentage not al
lowed to remain Is small. It Is not 2 per
cent. Those rejected were evidently in
capable. Those admitted were without ex
ception of good physical powers, with the
ruddy glow of health, buoyant with the
hope of bettering their condition In a new
land. It was evident that a policy of ex
amination and rejection of those not suit
able was fully vindicated. We were as
sured that the majority of those not ad
mitted into the I nited States find their
way to England. There is something wrong
in i ma.
The Immigration laws of the I'nited
States were needed. The annual expendl-
iuib in me reuci ana maintenance or in
capable immigrants had leached the an
nual amount of no less than HOii mn (
Tbe evil was growing to Intolerable pro
portions. And we, too, may have to take
similar course. Whenever tt is so decided
tt will be well to make a careful study of
he regulations established here and of
the admirable manner In which they are
carried into effect.
A vlult to Ellis Island suggests grave
reflections The flow of men and women
of every nationality of Europe, except the
r'niiBii ana r n'urn, was moNi impressive.
Thero were Italians in their thousands and
almost equal ifumbers of Slavs from the
Austrian dominions. We were told that
no fewer than Immigrants had last
year asremled the flight of stairs up which
a continuous procession was. at the time
of our visit, making an entry into the
great republic.
The liiiinijriatlon problem la as grave for
he United Status as fur ourselves. What
will be the effect of admitting into the
fuUeral electorate millions newly arrived
from the old world, ignorant of the a Talis
of their newly adopu-d country, not ac
quainted with Its language? And we may
not le able to keep the dxr an widely open
as at present to all comers and especially
to the rejected of the United States with
out depression unduly the standard of life
In the unskilled classes, which feel the
most the cuuipeULka of Immigrant labor.
Tension Between Franoe and Germany Ovet
, Morocco Near Danger Point.
French D plomata Wish to Know Real In
tention of Berlin Offioe.
Etoh Depends Upon Unele 8am to Help
. Unraveling Tangle.
Mo Attempt on Fart of Teutons to
Seise Territory or Exclude Other
Kntlons from Trade of
General Sir Alfred Turner Says Pres
ent British System la Sot
LONDON, June 17. (Special . Cablegram
to The Bee.) Major General Sir Alfred
Turner, late Inspector general' of the aux
illary forces, severely criticised tho present
army arrangements at the annual dinner
of the Newspaper Press Fund. In respond'
lng to the toast of "The Imperial Forces'
Sir Alfred referred to the prime minister's
recent remarkable pronouncement on the
defence of England. It appeared, he said
that the "silvery streak" was again "in the
bills." One might 'Wonder that we had any
army at all.
Mr. Balfour hatf.,aid, practically, that
Invasion was lmpoj jht. He (Sir Alfred)
had always belonged to the "blue water
school,"' but even they did not go so far as
that. We were told that though the navy
might be away, the torpedo boats, subma
rine and coast defence ships would be able
to cope with an enemy with a large convoy
of troops. Mr. Balfour seemed to torgct
that a landing was never attempted unless
the landing force was supported by ai fleet
The expenditure on the army had re
cently been Increased by $125,000,000 and he
would defy anybody to say that the army
was better than It was ten years ago, when
the duke of Cambridge had left it. It had
gone steadily to the bad. Lord Roberts and
the headquarters staff had disappeared as
a result of the recent changes. They were
treated with less courtesy and consideration
tHan one would extend to a scullery maid.
The army corps were like the grass of the
field, which cometh up one day, to be cut
down the next. At the time of the war the
services of the auxiliary forces were highly
praised; but now a Pharaoh was sitting In
the seats of the mighty In Pall Mall who
knew not Joseph.
Forecast for Kenraaka Showers Sun
der and Cooler In West Portion
Monday Probably Fair,
Duke of Westminster Presides Over
the Imperial South African
Association Meeting.
LONDON, June 17. (Special Cablegram
to The Bee.) The duke of Westminster,
speaking at a meeting at Chester this week
nnH.r thA nimniees of the Tmnerfnl Smith
SeTtenoVinrae.andt0Sasd iTl" association said that the assoc.a-
oy misrepresentation and suspicion, it has ' uon nau Ior ,l" u"Je-i me support oi
been accompanied uy mucn In connection
Willi British stutesmanshio thut manu i.a
believe in plain dealings must regret. Hut
It is not In the Interest of the best ele
ments in publlo lite mat a man wno has
ucth uauciaieu mrougn nis whole career
with a certain Dolltlcal1 oartv HimnM
aa Lord Dunraven declared at Manches
ter, that the government gave Ireland only
sorrow and no prosperity, that the best of
tne country was neeing rrom it as from a
plague-stricken city, and that the Irish
tilrtn rale was the lowest of any country In
the civilized world. England, U is claimed.
as a toiuuai ui it wis..
Replying to Lord Dunraven's assertions,
Mr. Long said that since 1896 the British
Imperial Parliament had passed no fewer
than forty-one measures which had for
their object the amelioration of the condi
tion of the people of Ireland. The Irish peo
ple and the Irish government had come to
the British Parliament and asked them for
contributions out of their liberality to aid
the Irish people to develop their industries
and improve their condition, and the Brit
ish people had liberally replied and nobly
responded to the appeals. Then there were
acts of Parliament which enabled rail
ways to be provided in congested dis
tricts, established local governments and
made many Improvements of moment.
English Sargeons Find Faalt with
Those Mothers Who Neglect
Their Infants.
LONDON. June 17. (.Special Cablegram
to The nee.) tsir James Crichton Browne.
the eminent surgeon, declared emphatically
before the Royal Commission on the Feeble
Minded Wednesday that a great deal of
mental defect was due to Insufficient and
Improper feeding In infancy and child
Natural nursing, he said, had gone out
of fashion, and various kinds of condensed
milks and proprietory foods were substi
tuted for the natural nutriment of the Infant.
Immense harm was done In the Infant
world by the Indiscriminate use ot such
liable fed In such a way, he declared
might look plump, but they were pale and
flabby, and often suffered from rickets.
They were really partially, starved, and
partial starvation at a time when the brain
was growing rapidly might, and often did.
dwarf It more or leaa.
South African policy which should secure to
the white races in South Africa, and par
ticularly .In the new colonies of the Trans
vaal and Orange River, equal rights for all.
In the new Transvaal constitution there
was no privilege granted to the British
subject that was not granted to the Boer;
Indeed, there were more privileges granted
to the Boer. The new constitution was
more than Justice; It was magnanimity. Tet
many of the Boers were dissatisfied with a
constitution larger and freer than was ever
given to any ot the colonies In the form of
representative though not responsible self
government. Many ot the British com
munity In the Transvaal believed that the
colony was ready for full responsible gov
ernment, and that they would be able to
work with the Boers without any peril to
the political or general Interests, or any
danger to the working of the constitution;
but the British people in the Transvaal
were without leaders; they were without
organised policy, though that organized
policy was growing. On the other hand,
the Boers had an organized policy and lead
ers to whom they were loyal. They rose
and acted together at the call ot the race.
The British people, however, were de
veloped politically to such an extent that
they generally disagreed, no matter how
organized, upon political procedure. The
Imperial government for these and other
Important reasons had decided that It
would be a mistake to give full responsible
government at the present time.
WASHINGTON, June 17.-Reassurinff
advices reached Washington today from
official sources regarding the Moroccan
negotiations at Paris, which, while they
Indicate that war between Germany and
France Is improbable, Indicate the ex
treme delicacy of the situation. Berlin
takes a much more optimistic view of the
situation, than Paris. Germany claims
that the negotiations are proceeding with
the utmost good will on both sides and
with the probability of an early settlement
of all existing difficulties. Paris also pro
fesses good will and a spirit of extreme
friendliness, but is unable to foresee tho
outcome and Is exceedingly anxious to
find out "what is back of Morocco and
what are Germany's real Intentions."
This is the light In which the situation
Is presented to Washington. Diplomatists
here attach considerable significance to
the promptness and frankness with which
Emperor William and President Loubet
have kept President Informed
of each development In the situation and
to the care which both have taken to
present their respective positions In full
at the White House. In the event of the
failure of the Paris negotiations a Euro
pean ambassador tonight expressed the
belief that the president may be called
on for assistance. Both Germany and
France,' who are refraining from any
direct effort to draw In the United States,
know Informally that , this government
does not consider American Interests In
Morocco sufficient to warrant any initia
tive on the part of the president, regard
ing the invitation of the sultan to the
powers, to participate In an International
conference. American acceptance of that
Invitation will be on the condition that
the powers signatory to the .Madrid con
vention are In favor of such a conference.
Both Look to I'nited States.
Both Germany and France, however,
are inclined to hope for sympathy from
this country, Germany on the ground that
the emperor's demand for the open door
in Morocco will appeal to American com
merce, and France because of action taken
by this country In the Perdlcaris case
when the state department requested the
good offices of the French government In
securing the release of Ion Perdlcaris, the
American citizen In Tangier, who was
kidnaped by bandits last year.
Only the exaggerated reports to the ef
fect that the two countries on the verge
of wa rhave served to relieve the persistent
reticence which has thus far been main
tained about the negotiations. Replying
today to an inquiry regarding Germany's
Moroccan policy, Baron Speck von Stern
berg, the German ambassador, . who re
turned today from Deer Park, Md., said:
The report that the emperor's policy In
Morocco Is aggressive is entirely erroneous.
Germany asks that her treaty rights there
and those of the other powers signatory to
the Madrid convention shall be respected
and protected without discrimination and
In strict accordance witn ariicie 11 ot ine
Madrid convention. This article reads: The
right to the treatment of the most favored
nation Is recognized by Morocco as be
longing to all the powers represented at
the Madrid conference.
Here is a specific guarantee of the most
general protection to each of the signa
tory powers pledging to each the same
rights and privilege whether with regard
to life, property or commerce. It is in
teresting to note, too, that in the official
"compilation of treaties" prepared at the
State department this treaty Is classed un
der the head of general treaties."
Germany s pari in the complications over
Morocco arises not from any attempt to
seize terrltorv nor from any effort to ob
tain privileges' of any sort except such as
are enjoyed bv all ot the signatories to
the Madrid convention, dui irom ner aoso
lute refusal to recognize or participate in
any arrangement involving the establish
ment of a SDhere ot influence in Morocco.
Germany stands for the open door in
Morocco as in China, for the maintenance
of the status quo in both countries.
In the present negotiations Germany's
trade is a matter of secondary considera
tion. Overriding treaties established by
law was bound to create a most danger
ous precedent and one which might sooner
or later have been followed by a similar
condition of affairs in tne tar east.
If left alone Germany and France will
hiLvn nn trouble In arranging all difficulties.
The negotiations in Paris are proceeding
In the utmost good faith and with good
feeling on botn sides.
At the French embassy no cablegrams
had been received today about the nego
tiations, but M. Jusserand, the French
ambassador. In the course of a conversa
tion, said :
You mav be sure that France is con
ducting these negotiations with sincerity
nd good Will, we earnestly none ior a
satisfactory settlement. The delicacy or
the situation precludes a derailed discus-
1 fhnrrh May Divide on Divorce.
Irish Loyalists Are Anary.
Trnnhle Over Morocco Serious,
rtunala Objects to Washing-ton.
2 ficneritl Mnslmo Koines Is Dead.
Teamsters to Turn Shcn Down.
Mctts (from lovtn'a Capital.
A tts from All Parts of Nebraska,
4 Bnrton Helps the Y. M. C. A.
Mormon Churchman Is Seed,
Utah School Rradnntcs at Banquet.
R Purpose of Sw Bonds.
Aliened fSraln Trust Is Sued.
News from the Army Posts,
fl Rosslp About "Varsity Boat Itace.
New Record Made by Omaha Horse
T Results of Saturday's Ball Games.
Ilia Opening at the Field Club.
Miscellaneous Sportlnai Events.
8 Past Week In Omahn Society.
- Woman In Club nnd Charity,
lO Bin Federal Prison In Philippines.
1 Thousands Make Trip to Chicago.
Youths' Prison Stays In First Ward
2 Editorial.
8 Thompson on Railway Rates.
The Rallrnnds nnd the People.
Mnn Who Ousted Yonnaj Hyde.
'8 Insane Seeking; Her Husband.
1 Sixth Raffles Story.
For and About Women.
8 Plays and Players.
Music and Musical Notes.
Nature Study In Omaha Schools.
Little Stories for Little People.
Field of Electricity.
Curlons Cnpers of Cupid.
B Cnrpenter's Panama l etter.
. Stories of Noted People,
Tersely Told Tales.
T Grist 'f Sportlnn; Gossip.
1 Buster Brown Bass the Swallows.
2 Bondaare of Woman.
From Far and Near.
3 Escapes Death In Fonr Forms.
4 Want to He Millionaire's Protea-es.
American Duel Alarms Germany.
B Snvcd from Gallows by an Eyelash
Where Klsnlnir Is I'nknown.
6 Society Women In Business.
T Top 'o the Mornln'. '
H Lucy and Sophie Say Goodbye,
Goats Guard the Melon Patch.
9 Portrait that Brought Death.
lO Bouquet of Stage Beauty.
Cm Makes a Eeqaest That Negotiations
Bo Removed to European Point.
President Points Oat Impossibility of E-
pening Question of Location.
Waihington ii Preparing to Entertain tha
Army ta Row In tine Shape and Dew
aires aa Opportunity to Re
deem the National
Temperature at Omaha Yesterdayi
Hour. Dew. Hour. Dm.
B a. m Ul 1 p. m M
a. ." 6U 2 p. m UU
T a. m IM 8 p. m 72
a. m 1 4 p. m 74
a. m...... M Bp. m 74 m Up. m . . . . . 78
11 . u a 7 p. in 7
12 an... tiS
Son of Huna-arlan Revolutionist Tries
to Solve Problem of the
VIEKNA. June 17. (Special Cablegram to
The Bee.) M. Kossuth has been bending
bis energies toward averting the Hungarian
I'nfnrtunately M. Kossuth has had to fol
low his followers and rivals, some of whom
regard moderation as weak. He Is known
to favor the compilation of a Hungarian
autonomous customs tariff so that Hungary
may not stand defenceless should the re
newal of the commercial treaties on the
dual basis eventually prove impracticable.
It la said that the emperor prefers to deal
with htra rathsr than with leas satisfactory
Chief Bmatlr of the Buckeye State
Says the Professional Lobbyist
Is a Criminal-
SANDUSKY, O., June 17. Governor Her-
rick declared In a speech at the banquet
of the Ohio Associated Dailies at Cedar
Point tonight his purpose to set on foot
a movement for the eradication of pro
fesslonal lobbying In the legislative hails
of Ohio. He said:
Lobbying Is a deadly poison in the well
spring ot legislation. It is responsible. In
tne main ror tne low estimate in wnicn
our law making bodies are held by many
throughout the entire country. The pro
fessional lobbyist Is a criminal. By that I
mean the man who offers a fixed bribe to
promote of restrict legislation. Ills great
crime lies In the destruction of the faith
In the honesty of our citizens and in the
honesty of mankind. We must do more
than arrest, we must exterminate the pro
fessional lobby. Other communities have
risen and eradicated this pernicious vice
and Ohio should move with no laggard step
to do likewise. As far as It lies within
mv power I propose to set on toot this
Two In Harvard Law School and
Two Yeans Women at
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., June 17. (Special
Telegram.) Two Kcbraskans and eight
Iowans will get the LL. B. degree from
the Harvard University Law school at
commencement, June 28. The Nebraskans
are: Earle Mason Edson. North Bend. Neb.,
(bachelor of arts. University of Indiana,
03; bachelot of philosophy, University 'f
Chicago, '03), and Paul Leo Martin, Omaha
(bachelor of arts, Crelghton university
Two Nebraska girls are among those who
receive the bachelor of arts degree at Wei
lesley commencement. June 7. Miss Zella
Wenti of Aurora and Miss Gertrude F
Eaton of North Bend. Both have com
mencemeot parts.
Steamer Kansas City Calls for
. Befere Opening; Hntcbea at
New York.
slon however,
France May Assent to Conference.
In certain quarters here strong hope
exists that France , will yet assent to a
conference. In which event It is believed
that England also will accept the sultan's
Invitation. Thus far Austria Is the only
country which has followed Germany's
lead In an unconditional acceptance. Italy
has agreed to participate provided the
most interested powers" favor a confer
ence. Regarding tne interpretation oi ar
ticle 17, France Insists that It cannot be
Interpreted in the broad meaning which
Germaay attaches to It. The treatment of
the most favored nations guaranteed In
this article refers in the opinion of France
to the protection which the sultan Dledged
to foreigners in Morocco and In support
of this Interpretation, France points to
the fact that this article was suggested
by her representative at the Madrid con
ference. That it was acquiesced in by
Germany was also claimed by France and
attention called to the Instructions which
Germany Issued to her representative at
that conference to follow the lead of the
French envoy. The French ambassador at
Berlin after the conference was Instructed
to thank the German government for the
sympathetic support which Its representa
tive had given France In the conference.
All of which France sets forth as reasons
for her surprise at the present dissatis
faction ot Germany with the special In
fluence enjoyed by France in Morocco,
Situation Much Relieved.
PARIS, June IT. The strained relations
between France and Germany reached a
culminating stag today and for a time the
NEW YORK, June 17.-FIre In the
steamer Kansas City's forward hold was
discovered early today while the vessel
was off Bandy Hook, making its way
slowly through the dense fog.
The compartment was at once filled with
team, everything was battened down tight
and the steamer hurried to the quarantln
station. When that paint was reached it
was believed that tbe fire had practically
been extinguished, bat U was thought best
to have plenty of men and Ore apparatus
on hand whe.n It reached its port.
The Kansas City sailed from Savannah
on June 14. It has sixty-five passengers
and a crew of fifty-tour men on board.
WASHINGTON, June 17. The authority
tlve statement was made at the Russian
embassy late tonight that Washington
was acceptable to Russia and would re
main so.
Russia's request to reopen the phase
of the negotiations regarding the selection
of Washington was not communicated to
Japan. The unofficial version of the In
cident Is that the request reached 'Wash
ington yesterday in a cablegram from
Ambassador Meyer and that an answer
was Immediately sent to Russia showing
the Impossibility of a reconsideration.
This government Is fully aware of Japan's
irrevocable determination not to go to
Europe and therefore the futility of com
municating Russia's request.
It Is not believed that Russia will In-
lst on a reconsideration and the matter
Is regarded as an Incident In the negotia
Regarding the date for the meeting of
the plenipotentiaries It is not believed
that it will be convenient before the mid
dle of August and possibly not until Sep
tember. The Mayflower has been ordered
into commission by August 1 so that ltnay
be placed at the disposal of. the pleni
potentiaries In the event that the con
ference adjourns to a New England
watering place.
Leant Ions Will Be August.
Impressive in dignity and number will
be tho missions which Russia and
Japan will send to the Washing
ton conference, for, although the
plenipotentiaries will be limited to
two or three, the complete missions, with
their advisers and attaches and secre
taries, will each, it Is expected, number
twelve or more persons. Japan's plenipo
tentiaries probably will be accompanied
by an army and a a navy officer of high
rank, who will act as military advisers
to the plenipotentiaries. In addition there
will be secretaries and attaches, some of
them from the diplomatics service, some
from the Foreign office, -nd other who
will act as translators and recording sec
retaries. Russia probably .will send a
similar mission, though perhaps not so
large, and both the Russian ambassador
and the Japanese minister at Washington
will place at the disposal ot the respective
mlsilons their secretaries and attaches.
The Washington government will furnlsll
a slutable place ot meeting for tbe con
ference, and as soon as a date for its
convening Is fixed arrangements for quar
ters for Ihe two missions will be made
by tbe Russian and Japanese envoys here.
There have been so many Important de
tails to be Bettled that the State depart
ment has not yet fixed upon offices for
the conference. In addition to the main
conference room, retiring rooms, oiflees for
secretaries and a reception room will be
needed. Either the capltol or the con
gressional library are regarded as per
haps the best suited buildings In Wash
ington, and In view of the Indefinite period
which the conference may remain In ses
sion It has been suggested that perhaps
the con rresstonal library might be prefer
able to the capitol, for should some un
expected obstruction arise to keep the
conference in session until late in the fall
the convening of congress In extra session
might necessitate the removal of the con
ference elsewhere.
America Foots Bills.
Whatever expenses are incurred Incident
to the maintenance ot quarters will, of t
course, be borne by the Washington gov
ernment. If M. Nelidoff, the Russian am
bassador at Paris, comes to Washington
as the ranking Russian plenipotentiary, his
rank will equal that of Marquis Ito. At
first there was some doubt in the minds
of the Japanese as to whether M. Nelidoff
possessed sufficient rank for a mission of
the Importance accorded the Washington
conference in Japan. Russia, however, at
this Juncture let it be known that the
Russian ambassador at Paris ranked even
the Russian minister for foreign affairs.
Moreover, it was pointed out that as the
personal representative of his sovereign, a
Russian ambassador could be ranked only
by a prince of the royal family. Japan
has not, of course, objected to the selec
tion of M. Nelidoff, but In view of its
Aid I exDressed intention to select two or three
"distinguished personages" It Is desirous
that Russia choose as plenipotentiaries
men of rank and statesmanship, who pos
sess the confidence not only of their own
government, but of the other powers.
(Ctratlaued. oa Beoond fllij
Movements of Ocean Vessels June 17.
At New York Sailed: Odrlc, for Liver
pool; Minnehaha, for London: RhaetU, for
Hamburg; St. Ixiuin, for Southampton; Co
lumbia, for Glasgow; Vade.rutnd, tor Ant
werp; Konig Albert, for Genoa and NapKf ;
Lueanla. for Liverpool. Arrived: Etrurla,
from Liverpool; Philadelphia, from South
ampton. At Antwerp Sailed: Zeland, for New
At Liverpool Balled: Cam pan ta, for New
At Southampton Sailed: St. Paul, for
New York.
At Havre Sailed: La Lorraine, for New
At Queenstown Sailed: Celtic, for Now
York. Arrived: Urnlirla, from New York.
At Cherbourg Arrived: Bluecher, from
New Turk.
At Hamburg Arrived: Armenia, from
New York
At Mo vllle Sailed: Caledonia, for New
AI London 8tii!ed: Mesaba, for New
York: Pomerania, for Montreal.
At Hong Kung Arrived; t'opfto, from
Son Francisco: Minnesota, from Seattle,
At Plymouth Arrived; New York, fiouu
New York.
At Boulogne Sailed I Hambure. for Ka w
l v v - -
Russia Asks Change of Place.
ST. PETERSBURG, June 17. 7:0 p. m.
The question of the place of meeting of the
Russian and Japanese representatives has
been reopened and there Is a possibility
that The Hague Instead of Washington may
be selected. After the announcement that
Washington had been selected Russia ex
pressed a desire to have the selection re
considered and exchanges to that end are
now proceeding between Foreign Minister
Lamsdorff and Ambassador Meyer and
Washington. Russia's preference for The
Hague Is based on the obvious advantages
that it Is entirely neutralized, the capital of
a small state and the site of the arbitration
court, and also by considerations ot time,
the representatives to whom Russia will
entrust the negotiations being now In Eu
rope, while it is pointed out that either
the United States or Holland is equally ac
cessible to plenipotentiaries coming from
Japan. The Influence of Russia's ally
France is also for The Hague, which the
Foreign office announces Is the only place
under consideration aside from Washing
ton. '
Tbe Foreign office says that tbe talk ot
arranging an armistice has not passed the
preliminary stage.
Llnevltch Would Fight.
The Novoo Vremya'n dispatches from the
front are lirocor citable is tcne, correspond
ing wit I; the statements made by General
Llnevltch to the Associated Press June C.
The paper's vorrespondent with the Rus
sian army In Mauchuria telegraphs that
the feeling there is against anything but
an honorable peace, as the army U tetter
In petsoiuiel, ajcuiAUt tt4 a.ut.iineut