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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 17, 1905)
JX IS' THE OMAITA DAILY HEEj BATUKDAY. JUNE 17. 1005. Men's Serge tJ Suit Sale lm Saturday Men's Blue Serge Suit Salo w. Western Jobbers Entire Surplus Stock of Summer Underwear j Hosiery On Bargain Squares at About One-Half Regular Price 25c UNDERWEAR AT 6Jo AND 12Jc All the ladies', men's and children's cot ton and lisle ribbed underwear lace and ribbon trimmed about the neck worth ..!:.25c: Jlc and 12k LADIES' $1.00 UNDERWEAR AT. 25c AND 50c All the ladies' plain and fancy vesta. Bilk finished mercerized crepe lace lisle, silk trimmed, wortli aT?.:. 25c and 50c 25c HOSIERY at 10c and 12ic All the ladies', men's and children's fast black and fancy colored hosiery all full seamless, all over lace, silk fin ished mercerized, etc., etc., also all lisle thread, worth aT.!:a.!?!r: 10c and ,125c 75c Imported Hosiery at 25c and 35c All the ladies' imported hosiery, including plain and fancy lisle, all over lace, etc., etc., in black, greys, white and 0' "p . . . 25c and 35c 35c WIDE SILK RIBBONS AT 15c !5c LADIES' WASH NECKWEAR. 15c-25c-49c HANDKERCHIEF SPECIAL 10c LADIES' SUMNER FABRIC GLOVES A complete line of celebrated makes In ladles' summer weight fabric gloves, made of lisle, silk and m F t 7 E? if cotton, very popular for styl- J O.mT0.m 4 IP. i if II I An immense lot of wide all silk' plain and fancy ribbons, a great variety of colors, worth up to 35c a yard, at, yard- A timely and most extraordinary bargain In ladles' wash neckwear, plain and embroidered linen stocks, tabs, , new flatlron styles, many daintily lace trimmed, worth up to $1.00, at A great sale of ladies' and men's pure Irish linen handkerchiefs, all widths of hemstitching, fine and medium weight linen, worth up to 25,c at I e lsh summer wear, at. JAPANESE CORNER In tbe Arcade . Hundreds of pretty, new, and In expensive Jap novelties. Visit this popular oorner. 100 Calling Cards for 39c Printed in a few minutes in the Arcade. OUTING SUITS Homespuns Worsteds Blue Serges Wool Crashes Cheviots Scotch Tweeds Worth up to S1 2.50 Washable Men's Vests Underwear Worth up to $2.00, Worth 50c and 75c, SALE PRICE SALE PRICE Guarantee Clothing Co. , 1519 and 1521 Douglas St. w J "mm 1 '"'ngr ' J" 111 1J"," ----"---"- , II peoial Sale Saturday ALL OUR 35c. FANCY S-30S Saturday 25c Com and lat ua a how you th Hew Rough Tussah IN ALL SHADES. ALBERT CAHN, I CAN SIP ANY SHIRT BUT 'CAM Stylish Shirt Waist Suits If you want the best value in the city In Shirt Waist Suits or Wash Waists come right to this Store. Our part payment plan makes it easy to buy Summer Garments, Millinery or Stylish Oxfords Credit is yours without skins-just say " Charge It "-that's enough. Men's Good Suits Blue Serge and other light weight Suits for Men Raincoats. Hats and Shoes TMrKs Suits for Boys Cash or Credit -Factory to you 47 stores. jjllk Li J II f ri'vvi i MEMTER 1508 Store Open Wednesday Evenings. LARGEST EXCLUSIVE RETAIL MILLINERY HOUSE IN OMAHA. First Grand Summer Opening OF EXQUISITE PATTERN DRESS AND PRETTY SUIT HATS. ORCHESTRA Afternoon and Evening. 1,000 Beautiful Midsummer Hats to choose from and to make this the Banner Sale of the Season WE WILL SELL ABSOLUTELY Every Hat in the House at Cost. Your opportunity to SAVE FROM ?3.00 TO f 10 ON YOUR SUMMER HAT. We invite comparison. . We will easily con vince you we have no competitors in the state of Nebraska, INVESTIGATE IT PAYS. 1508 DOUGLAS ST, IT WlllH)MpiMMliy 317 S. 16th. 'Phone 1744. OMAHA'S SELECT MEAT MARKET Our belief is that "TUB BEST IS NONE TOO GOOD FOR OMAHA." We buy the choicest and best meats the market af fords. We never sacrifice quality for price. If you desire the best there is try some of the following at the special prices FOIt SATURDAY ONLY: GENUINE LEG OF SPRING 1?lr. RTB ROABT- 1 fJC LAMB Pound I tit Pound. USo and SPRING CHICKENS- 2St PRIME STEER LOIN STEAK- 1 Q Each JI Pound, liHc and BOILING BEEF Pound, &(. PRIME ; STEER STEAK- gC po and ,l Pound. 10o and " HOME MADE SAUSAGE ALL KINDS OF FRUIT and VEGETABLES. BEE WANT ADS PRODUCE RESULT3 The Quality Store Money Cheerfully Refunded "10 WO W Special Sale of Hot Weather Apparel Men's Iligh Grade Outing Suits in light and dark colored, half or three-quarter lined, serge, alpaca, satin lin ings, suits worth $8.50, ?10, $12.50 and ?15, at n I 5 and 5 J 50 Strav Hats in the newest Yacht shapes 50c-S1-1.50 SPECIAL SALE OUTING TROUSERS i5O.25O.3OO.35O.5OO Lest you forget, we have a great line of silk, mohair, soisette, pongee shirts at $1 .25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00 and $3.00. Great Sale of Citne & Co. Stock. ( See Large Ad on Page 8. HYIEls TIIK RKI.1AIIL.F. ftTOKK. See Large Ad on Pag ton y Don't fail to attend the great sale on slightly used PMNOS. t Instruments that have been rented from the schools, academies of music, col leges and opera houses, all go On Sale in Our Music Annex. Monday Morning. HAYOES BROS. Underwear 35c Underwear.... 19c 75c Underwear. . . . 39c Others at 45c, 50c, 75c IBS I SELZ mile 3-50 Shoes! "Make Your Feet Glad" Others at 1.25,2.00, 2.50,3.00 Q O II Green Trading Stamps u. u ii. Ask for Them. Cor. 14th and Douglas xfiar mm i m i m i . . . itt mm mm m a -t m rm V Kf 11 X I B m g 13 M. PRt5SURE F,LTER n 81 M H y Insures Pure, Sparkling Water. H I y ' . B 9 Simple, Easily Cleaned. H IUniiYj WILL U 1 Bausrncuon uunranteea. a S iTlr --..B I' Family Size. H 1 BE BOYSi nmrn I 1 vau t-t-t SANDALS t-t-t Whera Is the boy or girl that ' Isn't tickled to death when In possession of a pair of Barefoot Sandals? t-t-t ' Just the thing for summer. Cool as no shoes at all. But feet protected as well as with shoes t-t-t Sizes S to 8 ; l-00 Sizes 8 to 11 $1.25 Sizes 11 to 2 tl.SO FRY SHOE CO. 16th and Douglas Sts. SEE OUR SHOW WINDOWS. OMAHA MADE MALT STORZ MALT vmnn'i iHiT'innaii'"""' t Is without doubt one of the best kinds on the market, (it's made r In lit in Omaha, which has been suljected to the maltln tno.) It is made from plump, ripe grain process, by which a peculiar dlgcaiive fe nient cull id dlustaste is developed. It is, therefore, a. food, a mild stimulant, and a dlgegtant. Btors Malt Extract, per bottle 16c Stors Malt Kxtract, per dozen $1.60 lellverei free to any part of city. $1.00 Squibbs' SHrsapai'llla, for 75c 2to Lyons' Tooth Powder (today) Ho Buo Boclete Hygienic) uo Soap, for iOo Case 60 quts Waukesha Hygela Water $500 Sherman & McConnell Drug Go. Corner 10th and Dodge. Omaha. ""DEPUTY STATE VETERINARIAN. H. L. RAMACCI0TTI, D. V. S 'CITl VETERINARIAN. ' i OfOca and Infirmary, tSth and llason Bts., OMAHA, MSB. - Jslephpue US. And if every boy wasn't something of H a Buster Brovn he wouldn t be a real boy. He wouldn't scuff his feet or stub his toes, spin tops, play ball or roller skate. Boys require a better made shoe, and one with better ma terial in It than girls do. Our famous 51.50 BOY'S SHOE fills all the requirements of a good, healthy boy. Thousands of pearents know the value of this shoe. Do you? Bring the boy in Saturday and let us fit him with a pair of our $1.50 shoes. DrexelShoeCo. 1419 Fartiam Si. Omaha's I'p-to-Dat Shoe Hons. ABK FOR OUR FREE CATALOGUE. 36 SONNER BROS., EXPONENTS OF GOOD LIVING, TWENTY'EIGHTH AND FARNAM. SET COMPLETE. STONEWARE JAR FILTER $2.95 UP. We Install Filters for entire sup ply of residences, etc. Milton Rogers & Sons Co. Fourteenth and Farnam 8ta. aa 29c unus o no. i tea, in nair-pound yellow tins, iragrunt ana dellciousper can IMPORTED SARDINES, with patent key, unsurpassed for richness n of flavor per can ! WALTER BAKER'S CHOCOLATE, the acknowledged standard of value wherever sold pound.. .. OOW t UOLD DUST, In 4-pound packages, truly merits its name for lOp purposes intended per pkg tf CREAM OF WHEAT, the most popu lar and healthful breakfUHt 2Ac food sold per pkg J" tr 'fr JELL-O One trial will reveal lis superiority over slmllur 7ic preparations per pkg S BL'NNYSIDE CATSUP, a valuable ad junct to any meal, at any 4JC time, at all pluces bottle rr VOt'NO HENS, our own dressing, at greatly reduced prices 124c per pound tr SPRINO CHICKENS, suitable fur broiling, nressoa in your .fC r,r.n. hll wal tlnit each . . . and up. rtr ' Watermelons. Canteloupes. Peaches, PlneapplHS, Apricots, i-HffrnlH Cherries. Oranges, Bananas. Btrawherrlea, Blackberries, Red RaBpbt rrieB, Gooseberries, Native Cherries. A Chest of Silver Makes one of the niost accoptnMe Wedding Gifts you ran fcive. If j-ou really enjoy looking at a beautiful collection of silver, drop In Just a moment and wo will take pleasure In showlnc yon what wo have we make n hpwlulty of this line of good.s. Brown & Borsheim, Jewelers. 22-222 S. 16th St Rvrf IiificV mj j a a v w Know what that 1h? What! Not you! Well, there's no need of It. Look! Packing Camphor, per can. ...10c & 20o Paris Ureeti, pound 2io Bug Poison I "-.--t evt r, pint 25c Bug Poison, best ever, gallon $1.26 Insect Powder, pound 4"o Formaldehyde, pint 60o Sulphur Candles, three for 20o HOWELL DRUG CO., Ittth M. and CHpllol At. Heat electric light janitor service all night and Sunday elevator ser vicea fire proof building all cost the tenant of The Bee Building nothing extra. T s7 Ti, J L