Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 17, 1905, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 13, Image 13
Jaw. THE 0MAI1A DAILY BEE: SATURDAY. JUNE 17. 1005. 13 GRAIN AXD PRODUCE MKET Fad 'Weather and Tbjeihin-f fceiultt Hold Wbeat HARVEST FIELDS UVORT LIGHT YIELD t l the Karthvreat Cttra Rap. ar-tta Ar Llaht Bad .(Market Strai Oat Tali Bla- DmIIh. J MA HA. June It. lwi. U-Km. - . airor, on wet wauther In t.iiaa ai.a .nn t i kt in D,,t .,,2 .JU.e..oi. in ti.e kiiun uw t.iaraet ..a i.ooued jUi icpuiik lima tt,- lUU vest jolds ol lat wU, autm uti tr yie.o iHitred w.ui u. ..arveai iu t. .lict u Kan u Muuiuon i .101 aa m nca wau.a 11 AO urea aunt, U A anal ma) i-e uune. ttcu irpoli ai ruet lu tne iMtiu. fckl is donkii u, u-a wi Ju.y uua):J uecemoer at tac. ' ' 'ihe bulis ua the best of it In corn Country acce-piance are nij.t ... . J 'J" Tl -c. o.a Jutr at 634c, Sep- ..M.ii.b.r i .c anu a ieceuibr a tkc. cash oata took a big ep today In this market. Btanoard oata, wnich bare been ouotea at u,c, tuil to "V- Future were .rrespi.naingiy kit. . fituBiiea at aiti .-.i4c, oepienilcer at J'.,t u i.v. ev... pei at bthc Know s rc-port today gives high prvn.iae fur the. out crop, ojt amy tfukt mere Is uanger oj lodging from rank trrowth. Report from the m.thwest say trrey are getting entirely uno rrruch rain aii the weather 4 too cott in places, though toe weather is good ir. uer part. Black, rust ii reported in MinA'auta, A party of grain man who drove lcr.y they lound it ver where, j. other party t out to- ',-S. Crop Expei t John lugils report from Kvn.nliie, inn that cutting has com mend and O $K the wrt yield is li bushels. At (J Ik-mo McKeynolds had bid yeaterday on iii'K busneis new No. 2 hard lntr a heat delivered hy July JO. at be over Chicago July, and m unable to fill Ihe order. I is Kantu City correp(indent reported tb i millers there srere bidding 4c ov Kara aa City July far No. i hard heat, sf foment frmu country points by July is. i.knui uiy a-tred s rumor that the MexiF Xt duty on wheat will be removed July 1 -Argentina wheat Is quiet, with modera i 6mand. Arrivals from the In terior tr liberal and the quality satis factory. Whuat aoarnft tn the province of Jjucroa ' Ayers 1s proceeding under aatls-ltu-tcy jc conditions. Aryntlna shipments for r- m-eek mere JTliCOO bushels, agnlnst 2.3S2'oO bushels the week before and l.Zrt. Oj4 'iuahela a year aa-o. Corn shipments for the week, were l.Sl,0rt0 bushels, against 1.7 a& (i90 bushels the week before and LKt.- Uvtrpool messaire: "On reports of rust 'In the American northwest wheat opened at (rd aavanre, mnuencea also oy nrmer Indian oflerln4TR, but the advance was checked by more farorable reports from outliers Rnasla. The close was Vita Id hlaher. The corn market opened firm at d advance and later showed a gain of ,!9Td on a rwsh of shorts to cover and mailer Argentina shipments. Lter prices eaied off v&d under expectations of more libera) arrivals of La Plata and liberal c L offers from America, with prices Almost In line. The close was Sd higher. From todfiy's Intfr Ocean: "Country ac ceptancea of corn yesterdny were d!sap aoliitinr. The highest estimated purchase waa J50.W bushelr. and some claim it was not half that rauoii. Some bids were low ered Wednesday nl;ht and the farmers did wot aell as frnrly as expected. There Is Increased comn.-t.U1on for the offerings In central Illinois ftxm Cleveland. Buffalo and ther eastrn -x1;its. which are outbidding Chicago and p-lng BOc. In Nebraska bids were eoual to Mc on track at Chicago for No. t and lltt'e waa bought. Those who have studied vhe situation closly do not expect a del-ae of com this month and sav the surplus .frn that farmers usually sell in June wf largely disposed of last winter curing; tne largn movement. Carlo) kNelpta No northern. tl.l?H: No. I northern I1MS; July. li. uv eeptember, new, fcj-c. Kpifmixr Ola. Mc ui-io arrive ana on irara, sic. CHICAGO CRAt AD FHOVUIOS. . ttare ( the Tradlac aad CloslaaT Prices Board of Trade. CHICAOO. June 1lPmh renorts of ml In spring sown wheat caused strength here tday In ths wheat market. At the close July whut was up Sc. Corn is off a shad", oata ere up S-gVc. provisions show IVJ yr- sin. rtenument in the ahst nit bullish from start to finish. At the opening lh market waa Influenced by heavy rains in the Ctinadion northwest and extending as nr im-iow ss southern Kansa. In addi tion to the wet weather over the American wheat fields price at Liverpool were h!ghr. As a result, initial quotations here ht-wed a moderate gain. July being up Vnc to MiSc at (r'aKT"c. Shorts were the best buyers. om re-.eslon occurred on prjflt-taking by an influential trader. f'i ine sewing was not of sufticient volume to cause any marked decline. July sold off to k7'Mi,Sc Prices soon started up ward again on persistent buying by ehor'.e a'ho wre bfi'omine nervous over retoris f rust damage. In addition to the Av mnrnl from shfits a nunitx-r of commission houMS were liberal purchasers during the last part of the eesskm. At V: th- July option touched the highest point of the oay. Just before the close th"re was considerable protlt-taklng. resulting in "!tip reaction. The ekise. however, was strong, with Julv at frWatc. Clearance of wheat and Hour acre eoual to W.w bu. Exports for the week as shown by Brad- street a were eoual to t,CJ0 bu. Primary receipts were 264.6HC bu.. compared with 2i3.3u(i bu. a year atro. Minneapolis, Lu luth and Chicago reported receipts of ?"B cars, against lo car last week and 15 car a year ago. A strong tone prevailed ln the corn mar ket during the greater part of the session One of the main reason for the firmness was the ligot acceptance of bids sent out oy cash house. Other influences were higher price at Liverpool and heavy rains ln the corn belt. Bhorts and commission houses were active buyers. Late in the day the market became easier on selling brought out by an estimate of liberal re ceipts for tomorrow. The close was at the lowest point of the day July opened shade to c higher at a3oS'c, sold b tween and wc and closed at S.c. ixci receipts were a cars, with oon tract grade. An Improved shipping demand was largely responsible for a firm tone in the oats market. Small arrival furnished shorts n adlitlonal reason for buying July opened Chicago Kansas City Minneapolis Omaha rulutr St. Levi i.. Wheat Corn. Oats. 1 . 83 .3(1 26 41 unchar ged to Vc higher at JU'Vioiijc. sold up to i:V,c and closed at iHSiili'tc. Local receipts were If cars. Provisions were firm ln sympathy with strength ln the hou market. At the clow September pork a as up "c at 1.3. lard was off 2 at J7.47V and ribs were up 6o at IT.TS-a-T.TTH. Estimated receipt for tomorrow: Wheat, 4 cars; corn, 415 cars; oats, 1,2 cars; hogs head. 'ihi leading futures ranged as follows: Articles.! Open, Hlh. Low. Close. Ye y Wheat July Sept. Dec. fern July tSept. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Varket Dropi Another Kotch Toward Con ditioa ot Absolute LifeletsiieBa, JAPANESE CERTIFICATES ARE ACTIVE i i i i st;7 iwhS ichs RSH'Sv, ichsh ssy m 'i't w W',fis siv'fi ,3V&84i Si! S3V S4 83H Oaatatlaa la Maaey formal Owlsg ta lark of Demand for Tim Least-larir Eipsails la Foreiga Commerce. NEW TORK. June ISToday's stock market dropped another notch toward the condition of absolute lifeiessness. There was a little spurt of activity in Reading and seme special demand for the certifi- ates ror the I nltea states Leather stocks. If these are deducted from the day total the remainder will show as low an aggre gate of sales as any lull day ln over four days. The movement In Reading was encouraged by the dull resistance which that stock has nered to the week's depression and to rumors in circulation once more of a pro posed increase In the dividend rte. The dealings in the Vnited States Leather com pany certificates were based on an assump tion that the forthcoming issue of the new securities will be made the occasion of ome market activity for their benefit. The com paratlve activity in the certificates of the Japanese 4S per cent bonds hlch have been In demand ever since the news of the battle of the Sea of Japan, proved an In viting field for the professional room trad ers, bereft of any other opportunity of ef fecting a sufficient price movement to yield a profit on the day turn. Transfer of bond also are free from the tax which ap piles to stock transfer, thus stimulating the trading ln the issue by the profession als. Outside of these few special move ments the market was In a torpid state. The report of the week currency move ment excited only languid interest, a the principal Importance Is attached to the loan item. The money market show some ef fect of the preparations of the half-yearly settlement, (quotations are largely nominal owing to the almost total lack of demand for time funds. Bankers are little Inclined to place funds at the existing quotations and express hopes of better rates later in trie year. There was some remaining un easiness reported from foreign markets on account of the Moroccan situation. The May foreign trade statement afforded grati fying evidence of the extension of our for elgn commerce. Of the Increase In the value of exports for the month of 34.iafi.f compared with May of last year. It Is known that agricultural products furnished HZfJdO.WiO. The signs of nervousness In the grain market had no echo in the stock market. Aside from the Japanese 4H certificates the bond market was dull nnd Irregular. Total sales, par Vftlue. 4.3!fi.ifJ. I'nlted States bond were all unchanged on call. Following were the sales and range of prices on the Stock exchange today: Sale.High.Low.Close. shows: Available rash balances, tlSK.tSS.HS. gold, nO.IT4.3M. Sew lark Money Market. NEW TORK. June is. MONET On call. easy at iVti-W per cent; closing bid. -i per cent; offered at S1 per cent; time money, stead); sixty oays. per cent, ninety days, iw per cer.t; six month.' Iv IV per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAFER-JS34 per tent. STERLING EXCHANGE Firm, with actual business ln bankers bills at 14 571'j 4.?71 for demand and at 14 li'0 li for sixty-day bills; posted rates, H so and M . commercial bill. HM;i SILVER Bar, bnc; Mexican dollar. BO.M'S-uovenimfiii, ieaay; raiiroaa, ir regular. Closing quotations on bonds were: V. a. rf. ta. r... l Japan sa, etti 10" to eovpstt I do (a. M arrlea.... l C t ta. reg 10 I do 4v,a rtfi twapoa m L. A N. al. 4a C S 4a, reg Manhattan r (. 4a. .. da coupon ICri omral 4a. T7 V a old 4a. rag 1(4 do lit let 109tt do coupon H Minn, a si. L, 4.... sa Am. Tobacco 4a. rtfs. 7i M . K A T. 4a- !" do ta, nl. lit i do la s . 1 H K. R R. ot M e. 4a Nl .. f S. T. C. g. ISa 1H ,.1U N. J C t ta 114 . lit'- No Panne 4a Jus .. H do ?. 77 ..lila N. W. c 4 101 .. 1 O S. L. rhif 4a .. M Penn. ronr. ISa 1". ..1K RaadlCf rn 4a lClK .. ft. L t I. at. e. aa..lHV IMS St. U a I r. It 4a. "N Atcbiaon aa. 4s.... ad aa Atlantic C. L. 4a... Bal. A Ohio ta do ' Central of Ca, ta . . do 1st Inc do Id lnc Chea Ohio 4a.. Cricago A A. it. C . B. A Q a. 4a . c. K i. a p. 4a ti fi L I w. r. tt .. do col. &a i ( board A. L. 4a... TCC. A 9t L. g. 4a..ll'i So. I'arlflc 4a v hlco Tar. 4a f' So. Railway (a Colorado Mid. 4a..... 7t T.iar It P it Cola, a So. 4a U T . St. U W. 4a. Colo. lnd. ta. set A.. T ,lnlon Pacldr 4a do set B 0 . do oon. 4a Cuba 6a. cc'a lot, 1' Steel 14 as.... V. A H. O. 4a ll iWabaah la t Millars' Bee. la ... do drb B Krl. prior llaa 4a 101 Waatars Md. 4a do ten. 4a w L E 4a P w. A V C. H...l" Wis. Central 4a Hoiking Val. 4a....iU1kl Offered. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Best Eeef Steen and Cowi About Steady, Otheri Weak. HOGS HIGHER, CLOSING SLOW AND LOWER Oal y Oae Car of thee) aa Sal Today, Which Rroaght Steady Prleea Market (or She Week Jast Aboat Steady. POITH OMAHA. June It, 1. Receipt were: Cattle. Ilors. Shee t'Tticiai Monday .- Omclal Tueslav 6 779 14 S4 Oficlal Wednesday .W7 12 Official Thursday 1 73 S.7 Official Friday 1.2 1.1 1.6"0 4 121'-, u .l4M. ,!,11 , 1 . 7i . ii", . MVa. . Si Boatoa Stock aad Bond. BOSTON. June 16. Call loan. per oent: time loans. SHIM per cent. Closing quotations on stocks and bond were At hieoa adj. 4s do aa Mei. Cantral 4a.. Atchiaon do pfd Boatoa A Albany Boaton o; Malna.. Boaton Elaratad . Filch burg pfd ... Mexlras Certral . N T . N. H A H...1T Pare Marquette ....10 Adventura .lc: a Allouet . 74 maramatcd . . t;S An-rrican Xlne . .102 Atiinlic .tZib .Bicchain .lTi al a Hacla... .l&t ICent.rnial ..... .H4 Copper Ranga . . l (4 I'al West Iiominlcn loal franklin I63H13HI tSept. '51,'om 0ts Julv Sept. D-c. Pork July Sept. Lard July Sept. Ribs Julv Sept. 617l 461 SC'-t-lHl 31al 61H1 4T"! I 29 .2&HnS! 12 SB I 1? 7TH 1? 4 12 874 13 '6 I 12 SO I I 7 KH! 1 C4I T 25 7 2H 7 m i 7 4S 6-a STsfJ'.'M iV ii 'iO 61 H, 471 m-rt JO" 29 29i 7 4TV 7 7:H: 7 52 7 77V, 7 7J4 1! 7H 12 m IS 00 12 2H 7 27H' 7 4, 7 6" 7 77Vt! 7 30 7 50 7 45 7 72U. X.7H0 81"4 100 103 i'.iw ioj" 1 47 18 Omaha task Calea. COP N No yrade. 1 car, 43c. ' OA' S No. i white, 1 car. r9V,c Omaha Cash Price. V.'HEAT No. t hard, 9V37c; No. I hard, i4c: No. 4 hard, kite; No. t spring, 6c -CORN No. I. 4Vc; No. 1 4; No. 4. 47c; Xio grade. 43c; No. 2 yellow. 4SVc; No. 1 yel low, 4clc; No. I white, 4ac; No. 1 white, 4S.C OAT8-.No. S mixed. Hc; No. I mixed, 3Wc; No. 4 mixed. STic; No. 2 white, 2ao; No. I white, aic: No. 4 white, c; tand ard. rHc s Mlaweapalia Orals Market. The range of price ald ln Minneapolis, as reported by the Edwards-Wood com pany. 116-111 board of Trade, was: ArUcle. Open. High.) Low. 1 Close. Yery. Wheat j I j July... 1 CSS"! 1(19 KiSHl IOCS Sept... 7V K7SI o4; Corn I July... fJs' W S2T: BT &S Sept... Ms el' BlSl bisl 61S Lee... 4oal '4 47vl 47vil 4S No. 2. tOld. tNew. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOVR Easv; winter patents, 4.2V34.S0; straights. IS ?i4 10; sprtng patents. 5 0( 5.7(1; stralchts. i3.7hiSS.ifi: Imkcrs fi.4fTiS 6i. WHEAT-No. 2 spring, tl.0631.OSt; No. S. 9eci5.1.; No. 1 red. 9nt. CORN No. 2, 64V64Vtc; No. t yellow. 55Vc OATS No. I 3Tc: No. 2 white, rv. 2"c; No. t white. Jlt'4il2c. RYE No. 2, T7c. BARLEY-ood feeding, S92c; fair to choice malting. 4?i49c. SEEDS No. 1 flax. 11.25; No. 1 northwest ern. 1143; prime timothy, H.'At; contract grade. 111. 75ft 12.25. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., r2.B5 1512.70. Lard, per loO lbs.. $7.207 22i. Short rlhs sides (loosei. I7.6i'i7.8u. Short clear sides (boxed). l7.S7Ht&7.62l4- Receipts and anipmenl of grain and flout were aa follow: Receipt. Shipments. Flour, bbl IS. iW Wheat, bu Corn, bu 272.000 Oat, bu 17.(W0 Rye. bu 8.(K Barley, bu 44.0(j On the Produce exehmge today the but ter market waa firm; creameries. 16 liV: dairies. Ib'allc. Episs. steady; at mark, case Included, 14c; firsts, 144c; prime firstt-, l4c; extras, 17c. Cheese, ettady, I 610c. NEW YORK CE5ERAL MARKET on Various 36.000 2!1.4a.t SXo.Sai '"iu6 2-.0 Nes M GS .04 Cloudy M f.4 .44 Cloudy 7S M .SI Cloudy 1 k .87 Pt. cloudy S3 M .3a Pt. cloudy "7 & .11 Cloudy 72 5 T CKudy 75 . .28 Cloudy T T Cloudy a . Cloudy M it .0(1 Pt. cloudy M 6J A Cloudy 79 K .! Clear 7 7 Cloudy- It? ta .00 Cloudy I WEATHER I. THE CRAIX BELT Shonrery aad t aarttled la All Pore tloas Except tialt and Paelfle. OMAHA. June 1. IV. The weather I showery and unsettled In all portioria of lha country ex cent the trulf and Pacific coast statea The snowera of Ihe last twenty-four hours were mod erately heavy throughout the Missouri valley and were heavloat In northern and central Nebraska, The temperature Is lower west of the Missouri river to the mountains, and slightly cooler weather will prevail over the rofitral valley tonight. Omaha record of temperature and nrecl- pltadon compared with the corresponding .uay of the last three years- 1SM6. iim. litns. i per aolmum temperature.... C7 en 60 5S pTwcioltation T .06 . .11 Normal temperature for today, 72 de gree. Ieficiency ln precipitation since March 1, J. inches. Deficiency corresponding period In 104. .71 of an Inch. Deficiency corresponding period in 1SXS, .3 of an inch. OMAHA DISTRICT REPORTS. Temp. Rain. Stations. Max. Win. Inches. Sky. Ashland, Neb.... Auburn, Neb..... Columbus, Neb.. KaJroury. Neb... Fairmont. Neb... Or. Island. Neb. Hat-tlnglon. Neb. Oakdnle. Neb.... OmaJia, Neb Trkamah. Neb... Carroll. 1 tiarinda. Ia SibUy. Ia Sioux City, la Storm Luke. Ia.. UISTK1CT AVERAGES. No. of Tump. Rata. Central. Stations. Max. Mln. Inches. Chicago, 111 ColunTous. O Pea Xlolnes Ia... Indianapolis, lnd. Kaaaa City, Mo. Louisville. Ky.... Minnrnpolls Omaha. Neb St. Louis. Mo ... L. A WELSH, Local Ftorecaatar. Weather Bureau. Kaaaaa City Grata aad Prsrlalasi. KANSAS C1TT. June la W H E A T J uly , TViiTaVkC: sepiemoer, ic; jjooenn-er. iov Tfjie. t'-ash: No 2 hard. Ifcawc: No. 8-H7nc: Na. 4. THjVSe; No. 2 red. 96.ljc; No. a. s.-iywci iu. . t?OHN Julv. 4-Hi4Vc. September. 4fe9 Vc; lierarater, 4JWW4SV-. Caah: No. I mixed, toe. No. J. 4VW Na. I white, iiWc; No. t, Be. OATS No- I ah It. Sc; No. a mixed. 24 H YE Steady; M0o. HAY-Stady; ci okjt timothy, USCtulf ; choice plain. 7.75Ae0. Steady : Miia-oart and Kansa, new No. i whltewood ikeM included, lie; caae count Sc: riara nnurnfd. 4 lea. BITTER Markat, steady; creamery. UWc; packing, ii&c Ylacelpta Shipment. 'iVbeat, bu lz. Cora, bu 4l.J Iita Cats, bu 11.000 linos Toledo leed Market. TOlJEiXV A, June 14- 8 E Kiv-Clorer, October, to rrw,; prima alaika. $7 40; print Uowthy, Il.Wk Daslalh Oral Market. m-LUTrLvMiiin., Juno ll-WHEAT To arrive; Ks, 1 aattsant, ti-lWto Ira, 2 SS t ,0 U KS 66 .ft) 14 M t .11 11 M 66 .1 ii t k .eO 15 84 8 .2 U Ca . 54 . U sa 6i .a u a .o ttnotatloa of the Day Commodities. NEW YORK. June 10 FLOUR Receipts. 14. 4U bbls.; exports, 1S.794I bbls.; steady but quiet; winter patents, $4Wi?5 25; winter stralgtits, t4.ti0gM.Mi; winter extras, 13.10(3 I.oa; Minnesota patents, t5.5Cti25; Minne sota bakera, I3.7.'fu4 15; winter low grades, ai.iXhoi.i. Kye flour, steady; fair to good, ti.liiit.ou: choice to lancy. t4.oiu4.SiO. noxkAMhAb-lirin, hne wuiie and yel-I low, 1115, coarse, I..Ui.l4; kila dried, 11. iBJ..W. BARLEY Slow; feeding. 46c, c. L f. New York; nialiing, 4tdjic c. 1. I. Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts. s.liKi bu.; spot market firm; No. 1 red. II. oi nominal elevator and l.t;v nominal f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 north ern Duluth. 11.16 f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 bard Manitoba. 11. (S f o. b. afloat. Ihe. opening was tirra, eased off under realis ing, but recovered and was strong all day. Apprehension over northwest conditions, rain In both belts, higher rabies, good soulhweat buying and a bullish Modern Miller report were among the buying mo tives. It closed Slc net higher, altnough a shade doan from the top. under late realizing: Julv. SCSirtiS l-16c, closed at 4Xc; September, l7fi l-16e. closed at S4c; December. StiV.c. closod at RSc. CORN Receipts. W.;d bu. ; exports. 5.550 bit.: spot inarket firm: No. 2, 6!4c elevator and 61c f. o. b. afloat: No. 2 yellow, Clc; No 2 white, lc. Option market snared but moderately the wheat strength, as rains were beneficial to the crop and checked bull activity. It closed barely steady at a partial c rise; July. 6Vf 5Sec closed at WHc; September, &7fJ74c, closed at Sfic OATS Receipts, IBSOO bu.; exports. g.Olfl bu ; spot market steady: mixed. 26 to 32 lbs. SKV: natural wblte. SO to .; lbs. XT-4I9374C; clipped white, 34 to 40 lbs.. 3tiVi t4'V. ' HAY Quiet- clipping, 0362Hc; good to choice. 77SiiK!c. HOPS Quiet; tate, common to choice. 1m crop. 24t2c: 1M crop. 21I&2.V: old. 10 4il2c; Pacific coast. 1W'4 crop, l4$C7c; 1 crop 2ii2; old, irnai2c. HIDES Steady ; Galveston, 20 to S lb . Ch.-; California. 21 to 25 pounds, "lSc; Texas dry. 24 to sn lb.. lPVc. Tr:ovi910N3 Peef. steady: family. tlS 51 P14 ; mesa. Ill o"ll a": beer nams. muss : c ket, I12.90wis.uv; extra lnilia mess. C Vi'-i :0. Cut meats, steady; pickled bel lies tOi45ie.OO; rlckled shoulders, la .5fvi .(; pkkled ham. liO.OnftlO.BO. Lard, steady i western steamed. I. I'i7 : nominal: re fined, steady; continent. I7S'i: South Amer. toa as.15; compound. S74(S5 Pork, steady; family, 115 Oilfi 50: short clear, 113 (vo15.0(: rness, I13.474'il3 75. RICE Steady ; domestic, fair to extra, i fihc. Japan, nominal. TALLOW Easy: cur ft; per rkg). 4Sc; country (Pkgs. free!, 4S(34;c, BCTTEK Market trong; receipts, 7 pkea Street price: Extra creamery. 21c. Official prices: Creamery, common to .xtra, lSWlj-.Te; state dairy, common to rxtra. lftCiptoc; renovated, common to extra,' 134r 17c; western factory, common to eura! ISViiKc: western Imitation creamery, extra l4tnlc: western firsts. lol7c. CHEESE Market steady and unchanged: new at full crearrt, small, while and colored, fine. t.c: new state, fair to choice. ti-Aiic: new state, large, wmte ana col ored fine. tc. Receipts. 2,8X9 pkgs. K.GG8-Market Irregular; receipts. Ui2 pkas : weistern. lSHfll"1 POC1.TRY' Alive: Market quiet; west em spring chicken. 22.3c; turkey. ll!c. I ire seed. Market easy, western broiler. 2-gS5c; fowl. lo12Sc; turkeys, 134il7c. Adams Express . Amal. Copper Am. Car & Foundry do pfd Am. Cotton Oil do pfd Am. Express Am. Hide & L. pfd... Am. Ice Am. Linseed Oil do pfd Am. Locomotive do pfd Am. Smelt. & Refng. do pfd Am. Pupar Refng Am. Tobacco pfd ctf. . Anaconda M. Co Atchison do pfd Atlantic Coast Line.. . Bait. Ohio do pfd Brooklyn R T Canadian Pacific Central of N. J Chesapeake ft Ohio.. Chicago A Alton do pfd Chi. Gt. Western Chi. N. W C, M. & St. P Chi. Term. 4 T , do pfd , C, C, C. & St. L Colo. Fuel & Iron.... Colo. Southern do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Consolidated Gas .... Corn Product do pfd Delaware & Hudson. 7 ) .. L. W Den. & Rio Grande... do pfd DlFtiller Securities. Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd General Electric Hocking Valley Illinois Central International Paper.. do pfd International Pump.. do pfd Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd Louis. & Nashville... Manhattan L, ex-div. Met. Securities Met. St. Ry Mex. Centra! Minn. A St. L M.. St P. & S. S. M.. do pfd Missouri Pacific M . K. T do pfd National Lead N. R. R- of Mex. pfd N. Y. Central N. T., O. 4 W Norfolk & Western.. do pfd ..: North American Pacific Mall Pennsylvania People's Gas P.. C. C. & St. L pressed Steel Car.... do nfd Pullman Palace Car. 57.6"0 24 4,4-0 7PS 7914 79S 2'1 S3 S3 344 m 7 7 9 100 Vi 80S son 200 S3 93 93 220 i.800. 40H 404 404 loO 2b 2ia 25 IS 40 SOO 474 47S 474 l'Ti 112 112 111 1,400 1124 112 112V US'. 200 1344 1344 134 K4 90 1124 104 lOlH R14 103 814 1024 15" 10S4 1( l.fK 644 624j G4' 2.7U0 150 150, 15f' 19$ 500 4?4 494 100 7S4 7S4 1.20 194 IS' 2M 193 192 600 174S 174 1741, 174 49V 35 77 lPi 1914 t alon Paclte Ut Amer. Arja. Chain. . lale Rrrala do Md Amer. Pnau. Tuba. Amar. Sugar do p!d Amer. T A T Amar. Woolen do pfd Dominion I. A 8... Edlaon Elar. Ills... Geraral Electric ... Maaa. Electric do pfd Maaa. Gaa I nltad Fruit t'nltad Fhos Mack.. do pfd V. 8. Ftoal do pfd Weatlr. common . Eid "Askad. Maaa Mining ... .. Mlchla-in ..14 VcKa.k ..Ii4i Mont. C. A C... ..1404 old Dominion . . 3? Oareola ..lW- Parrot .. Qulnrr ..141 Shanron ..17 Tamarack .. 19 Trinity .. t'nited Copper . .. 44 I'. 8 MtLim... ..107 r. 8. Oil .. Mt t'tat- .. tl 4 Mctcrla .. Winona .. W Wolverlns .. 0 ' .. .. .. 1 .. .. It .. ..(Mi .. ITS .. tax .. US .. 44 .. I .. 4 .. 1 .. 1 .. ; .. 7 ..104 .. 74 .. IS. .. Ik .. id .. 441 .. 4 ..lot Kew York Mlalnar Stock. NEW YORK. June 16 Closing quotation on mining stock were: Adams Cos Alice Breece , Brunavlrk Con ., Comatock Tunnal Con. Cal. A Va. Horn Silrar iron Silver ... Lcadvilia Co ... "Offered. .... .0 .... 40 .... 20 .... 4 .... ....uo ....171 ....J.i .... 4 Llttla -Chlal 4 Orurlo 400 Oihir 2S rroenii 1 Pot oal Savage ii Elerra N'arada SimH Hopaa SI Sun oard 10 Five davs this week... 17 522 54 2S . 65 Fl-e davs last week ... 2"M"- 47 9H 1 1 Vj Pom dav week before.. 1 W ?.2 Same three weeks ago.. !:! ,w " 7 i ij Same four weeks ago.... S4 531 1 J , Same davs last vear 1S.4C5 M.S8S HI? RECEIPTS FOR THE TEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts or cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared witn last Yr' IT 194 Inc. Dec Cattle rat 4-: 'V 4oJ Hogs 1.160 ns i,r-49 70.390 Sheep 702.91 6fi8.1K2 84.799 The following table si.oww pie i"r" prloe of hog at South Omsha for Uie iat several day with compar1on: pa r" t? 1 aa n ... 1 1: mo 1 ) ti i 4 1 T t'l ita t If M x 4 I H-a rr ;M an aa n Ja I !- at m M IH a til IU4 m ii iac K "8 4 a I tin 74 tl 1 t ! ... 1 IU 1 St! IN in It ! 44 t rn f ri M IN 74 1:1 is I s j t;i r IK 44 n-4 ... 1 ttv f HI Itt IK 7 U ... I 111 41 It 44 4 M f ... tSH 71 144 I PC J 4 SO I !I4 41 r ... I pa 4t I I I ! ta til its 1 ao ta lie ittj 1 ina tea ( tt4 41 tn nia, n I'7 10 ItN 71 t14 l I ti4i f 141 ... I (), t4 ... I ti-k K pm ... I trw, tf ih I ita Sx t:4 40 I t!4 4 tl ... I ! T t4 too I 41 ft li:4 at. 140 1 m, ttT 40 t t n ;i io 1 riu n it . . I i;t 71 t4 40 I l:-, ff '4 "( I M-4 41 m SO I Tt tsl 1K I tt1 M Its ... I l.-i, (J . ... I Its B ti ao 11.1, (7 lit to li:t II 14 40 I I: 1 71 Itl ... I tlUj 71 1:1 SO I i.v, ,'. P4 SO I Sli, 41 US .. IIS', 47 Ifl 40 I U14 so t:t ixi 1 1:14 m ik 114 1 tit 4 IH ... I :i'V :l ... IK H .147 SO I fiv, 4? K-4 a I n 44 to 1 r: 74 tit u1 4 -4 tn ... IJ- H tt! 41 4 14 71 too li-0 I trv, t! !!.:. 40 IK 7C hi ... a t tl4 40 4 14 14 HI ... 4 fiv M 1M T I XT! .. I JH, It fil 0 I 14 71 ts 40 t t!V 7J It'l ltd I 43 40 4 -t 40 I.I 1H I II 7 4i ... ?i 1:4 110 1 ! 71 tit ... I t:v, 71 1M 40 I 54 71 i4i io i in, 70 iff o 1 rr4 44 lit 140 I 44 ISO 0 I r4j SHEEP There was not enough stuff he: Data I 1!W. ll04.ltXB.llO.'lM-'-?1 nta n iiiili a 1 1 c r t ti ' t ri' 1 4rr May IH I I I l " J " May 17.. I I 4 2i ' 7 U, ?! Mav H..I B HI 4 5?: HI ' 73 " V-av I4JIKVU-I1 t'l 1 May tn.. t 2T4I 4 46 V 7 HI 8 TV May 71..I 4 411 Ml 7 SI i f? I m 1 May 21..IB3i I ' 5 S J 5 .. e. 1 . me, a .a 4 Hi' 1 HI I Oil t Mir J4..I R 141 4 S2' ' 1 l 5 J J Zl May 25.. 1 t 16 1 4 S3! 041 J HI i Sa I 5 May 26.. S IS4' 4 3S 6 SSI Ki ' . J 4 . v 1111 iitt'iriirSW 'I" May P;.'l I 4 99: 8 7' 7 01' B " ! May 2S..lnv 1 B i 08 ? ' 7 S- i 17 May 10.. I B17 I 4 51i 6 W: 7 10 . May ll.. B i:.4 4 49J I 7 111 , 711 4 Ui 5 June 1 ..' 6 1ST.- 4 5 ! 7 4 f June I... 8 16 4 4- 6 "7 w - i - ; June i 19 4 49' B . 7 13- S 701 ! .M June 4...I I 4 54 5 5 7 16 8 j 1- 4 T r ft . i e -E e an. R - 4 91 ' Z j u lie June 6...I t 22'kl B W 5 771 7 151 & 71 4 w' J Jjne T... 8 244 4 5 . I 7 15; 5 7V 4 95 1 67 June 8...I 5 4 6Si 5 K' I ; i n Jure 9 .. B 17 4 69 B K 7 2i; I W; Juni 10..: t 20V 4 74; 6 00 7 26 I ; -. June 11.. I 4 7S( 6 (S 1 M 5 911 6 001 June 11.. I S 1:1 1 6 today to test the market, only one car be ing on sale. The sheep were shorn Mexican ewes that brought 13.75, making a pood steady market. Receipt this week have peen ngnt and on this account ana owing to a god demand ior the stuff Uie market ha held up In good hae. There has been a good active tone to the trde all the week and there Is a demand for good sheep Lambs, if anything, are ln a little better demand than old sheep and the market shows some advance on them. Old sheep can 1 quoted strong for the week. The market at this point Is in very satisfactory shape. It Is a little late for fed stuff and a little earlv for range sheep, and receipts are apt to continue light for several week et. Quotations clipped stock: Good to rholce lambe, t6.00fi6 2i; fair to arood lambs, 15 5.vrfi.(i; good to choice yearlings. 15 OOrt B50; fair to good vearllngs,' t4.7Mi5.00; good to choice wethers. 4.75U5.25; fair to good Wfthers. 14 2Vo4 75: good to choice ewes. 140ig4T; fair to g.od ewe. !4.0udJ4.S0. representative sales: No. 25 western cull ewes 24 Mexican ewes 80 Mexican ewes 7 western spring lamb Av . 75 . 77 . S3 . 60 Pt. I 50 1 75 1 75 t 00 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady, Hog Fire Ceat Higher, Sheep Steady. ( HICAGO. June 16. CATTLE Receipts, 2.0 id head, including 1.0UO Texan. Market June 13.. I 6 15i! 4 Fl! 6 0,' ? , t' ady; good to prime steer, t5.40fc4j.25; June 14..! B 13V 4 84' ! 7 ZV 6 M' 4 s J pc or to medium. 14.o03S.25: stockers and June 15..! 5 194, 4 81 1 5 6 MS. 89 J fe-ders, 2.7&tM 75; cows. fc.5O4M.60; heifer. June 16.' t 4 87. 011 7 241 I - ti 50.yo.00; canners. tl. 4162.40; bulls, $2.25l i 95 424 94 41 100 186 186 400 182 2"0 3no K0 S.3M0 100 rr-t 84 424 79 304 934 42 am 57 96 186 Mi 464 1814 182 rvi 8S4 424 14 7 700 161 H 161 100 1S4 14 764 84 luii $74 87 424 44 7S- 65 174 87 161 IS 774 Foreign Financial. LONDON, June 16. Money was ln good demand In the market today in connection with the payment of I6.0i.4,0mo for various calls. Discount were firm. Trading on the stock exchange was Inactive and prices were Irregular. The French demand -for gold waa a depressing factor. Consols were dull, but closed above the lowest quotations of the day. American sagged to under parity owing to lack of support. - mun t'acinc waa uoiaoiy weaa. biocks pai Usilly recovered and closed quiet. Grand Trunk was weak on the expectation of poor traffic returns. Foreigners were Ir regular. Japanese were firm. Russians and others were weaker. Imperial Japanese government 6s of 1904 were quoted at IUS4. PARIS, June l. operators on the Bourse ere reassured today by Premier Rouvier s decision to retain the portfolio of foreign affairs, but the depression over the Morocco ltuatlon continued. Business wa inactive nd the market closed calm. Russian Im perial 4s were quoted at 68.00 and Russian bonds of 1904 at 504. BERLIN. June 16. Price on the Bourse today generally were firmer. 794 100 254 2S4 25 49 234 544 1454 162 1624 1; 8014 80 8m 1 41 1,7 rt 123 600 2o 322' 204 54 1O0 117 117. 117 200 99 99 !H 62 1,000 45 H 45 84 141 800 514 514 614 2o0 604 804 80 92 100 984 9S4 984 3S4 1.800 13H 1344 135 300 1014 1014 1"14 73 I0fi 364 jf.4 "4 3(0 914 914 914 236 Reading do 1st pra do 2d pfd Republic Steel Rock Island Co do pfd P.ubbf r Goods do pfd Pt. L. & S F 2d pfd. St. Louis S. W , do pfd Southern Pacific do pfd Southern Railway ... do pfd Ter.n. Coal & Iron.... Texss & Pacific T.. St. L. & W do pfd Vnion Pacific do pfd V. S. Express V. S. Leather do pfd I. 8. Realty U. 8. Rubber do pfd U. S. Steel do pfl Va.-Carollna Chem... do pfd Wabash do pfd Wells-Fargo Express Westinghnuse .Elec... Western Vnion W. & L E Wis. Central do pfd Northern Pacific a loO 964 914 954 914 8o 1,900 f7, ?74 "40 'iri si" 2V) '624 624 "&;6 'iii jii, "ioo '77" 77" 7.000 1224 1224 1"0 1?4 124 12i loO 1074 1074 1064 So S'O S74 37 37 pal I1134 l'4 1.114 2o( rs 174 274 3.1fl0 44 t-44 944 iWJ 04 it 54 198 l4 2S5 1-76H 944 154 234 til 18S ino 1664 I664 T0 4 944 2.flo "iiil "234 8.10 6i 4 5.14 HjO 186 1854 Mlaaeapolls Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS. June M WHEAT Julv t; .: September. 884'uwSc; No. 1 hard. 11.134: No. 1 northern, 11.114; No. 2 northern. 11 . FIX) l R First patent. I. 4Yi(7(j.SA ; second patent, tt 2tij first clear, tt.Oodllu; second clear, tl 754iMtk BRAN-tU. 75413 00. IJverptaal Grata Market. LIVERPOOL June 14. WHEAT Spot, nominal; future, firm: July, l(4d; Sep tember. 6 Sd, recvmber, te 74d. CORN Spot, firm; American mixed, I future, fir in; July, to Vd; erpteuber, a .40. Total sale for the day, 1C.100 ahare. I.oadoa Stork Market. LONDON, June 16. Closing quotation on stocks were: Conaola. mooay PtMi'Jt. T. Cantral 40 account rii-ii .sonois a w , Ai.tonca 6 "4! do pfd Atchtaor 44a Ontario A W do pfd I" Paoi.ay l.ania Balltmura A Ohio 111 Hand Muias Canadian Pacific lM'a ketdtax Ckaa. A Obic 41 do lat pfd Cfcleaso Ot. W JtV do 14 pfd C . M. A 8U t ll"- aoutham Kallwar PaBeora do pfd Ltovor A R. O S- 'outbara PaclBc . do pit "a tnlon Pacific .... Ena 4!S do pfd da tat pfd "VC. S Steal. do td p!d ta do pfd Illlaala Omral 144 Walak Umla A Naab 1S' do pfd U . K A T I4a 8pa:ah 4a SILVER Br. quiet. 27 l-16d per ounce. MONEY 14B1S per cent. The rate of discount in the open market for ehort bills is 'jil-16 par cent; for thnj months' hill. 4321-1 per cent. 1444 w 474 4 4 4T 45 114 414 ,LS t4 iw Baak Clearlaaa. OMAHA. June 15 Bank clearing for to dy were tl.(B5.7.21 and for the oorre ...,n, rime last year al.t!.7.17 tt OMAHA. June It bank clearing for to day were 11.4a7.57&41 and for the oorre- pundlng dale lat year i..06k.i. Treasary ttalemeat. WASHINGTON. D C. June It Today statement of the treasury balance ln th general fund exclusive of the fl5auuoai guld rcaarv) la U- tUvulua itl ladeotpUoa Indicate Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought in today by each road was: Cattle Hogs Sh p H-se. CM St. P. Ry J Wabash Missouri Pacific Ry 4 .. 1 -i Vnion Pacific system.... 11 41 C. A N. W. Rv., east 3 C. A N W. Ry., west ...12 42 .. C, St. P.. M AV O Ry... 8 J 1 C., B. & Q. Rv.. west 14 IS .. 1 C, B. & Q. Rv, east. .. 2 1 C, R. I. ft P. Pt., east.. 1 t C , R. I. A- P. Ry., west. 5 1 Illinois Central J Chi. Gt. Western 2 Total receipts 62 137 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated 211 138 250 94 Omaha Packing Co... Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour ft Co Cudahy Pack. Co.. K. C. Swift and Co., country Vansant ft Co 22 Tubman & R 101 Hill ft Son 61 H. F. Hamilton w , L. F. Husx 65 Mike Haggerty 8 Sol Decan B. Root ft Co is Other buyer 92 Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 155 1.04 1 .0-4 104 3.288 7 3.265 SO 222 410; calves, tS.0O56.6o; Texas ters, $4.00 g: .W. 'JOGS Receipt. 15.000 head: estimated for tc norrow, 10,000 head. Market strong to 6f higher; mixed and butchers t5.I5'&6.50; gi-od to choice heavy, 15 40r5.60; rough h avy, 14.7565.25; light, 5.2S4j6.45; bulk of si ies. t,r..&&5 45. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt, 6.000 h-ad. Market steady; lamb, loQttc lower; g Kd to choice wether. 14.50ia00; fair to c lolee mixed, shorn, $S.6vfg4.40; western S leep, shorn, t4.0(k&.00; native Iamb. horn, u50ta u0; western lambs. ei.tKjti.oi. Total ...1,367 9.531 25 434 St. Loot General Market. PT. LOUIS. June 1 WHEAT Market higher; No 2 red cash, elevator. 9Jc; track, 11.06; July. 82(&i4c; September, olic; No. 2 hard. 11.05. CORN Market steady; No. 2 cash, 514c; track. 52V3';c: July, 61c. OATS Market firm; no. z casn, sic; track. S2c; Julv. 24c; faeptember. 244c; No. 2 white. 334c FLOUR Steady. Red winter patents. $4 96-85.10; extra fancy and straight, $4.7y 9; clear. I3.9ia4.00. SEED Timothy, steady; $2.00(52.40. CORNMEAL 6teady; $2 60. BRAN Steady; sacked, east track, TSfic. HAY Steady; timothy, $o.004U3.00; prairie. $6.0ri!S9.50. 1KU. 101 ion iir.9 rac. BAGGING 84 c. HEMP TWINE 64c PROVISIONS Pork, higher; jobbing;. $12,774. Lard, easy; prime steam, $6,724 Dry salt meats, steady; extra shorts, $7,624; clear ribs, $7 624: sliort clear. $7,874. Bacon, steady; boxed extra shorts, $8.60; clear ribs. IX he: short Clear. ..o. pnn.TRY-Market steady: chickens. 9c: springs. 15&18c; turkeys, 11c; ducks, 9llc; eeese. bGKK BIj 1 1 trl jnarnet ijuivi, creamery, xvw 804c; daio'. lo8l.c. iveceip-s. saipment. Flour, bbls b.iiii 6 000 Wheat, bu 16,(.m 76 fiO Corn, bu 47.(100 41.0 Oata, bu 19.aio 41,CJU Philadelphia Prodoee Markf. PHILADELPHIA. June 11 BUTTER Firm; extra western creamery, 214c; extra nearbv prints, sc. F.GGS Firm; nearby fresh, lTe, loss off nearby fresh. 164c at mark; ac-stern lresn, 17Sj17V.c at mark. CHEESE Firm: New York full cream, . 1. n J a lancy. new, I' T , . una lull ivuu, new, 4jVc; domestic bwiss, iiQito, Mtlwaokee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. June 16. WHEAT Firmer: No. 1 northern. $1 12'al 13: No northern. Il.fl6tal.10; July. a468(4c asked. RYE Steady; No. 1. sic BARLEY Eaaler; No. 2, E14c; cample. 40MC. CORN He up; NO. , 64905C; July. 63 63V.C bid. Whisky Market. PEORIA. June 18. WH1SKT Market steady; distillers' finished goods, on bails of $1.26 for high wines. ST. lajx. is. June 10 v. 1111. 1 eteaoy; Spirit on basis of $1.31. CINCINNATI, June 1 -WHISKY Distil lers' finished good steady on basis of $1.24. Peoria Market. PEORIA, 111.. June 18 CORN-Market strong; NO. yellow, 044c; io. I, 634c; No. 4. 624c; no grade, 51c OATS Market strong: No. t white, lie 4c; No. 4 white, 304c. Moot Market. BO8TON. Mass., June It. WOOL-The Commercial Bulletin tomorrow will say of the wool market: While the market re tains its strength business, although sat isfactory. 1 not being done in as large block a previously. Th demand fur merino wool ha taken a spurt with pos sibilities of Increased activities. New ter ritory wools are selling well and but little 1 yet doing ln fleeoe. The foreign market are very si rung and supplies abroud are light. The sale which open on July 4 will draw several American buyer and higher price are anticipated. The shipment of wool from Boston to date from December 2. 1904. aocording to the same authority, are lU6tB).222 pounds against 97.604.5. pounds at th same time last year. The receipt to date are 161.631.314 pound against 114,397.161 for the same period last ear. ST. LOUIS. Mo.. June It WOOL Steady: medium grade, combing and cloth ing. 264114c; light fine. ICya'Ac. heavy line. 3v-yi4c, tub ww bed, J'jt-4c. OH aad Resia. NEW TORK. June It. -OILS Cotton seed, firm; prim crude, nominal, llow, kjp. Petroleum, quiet; refined. New York, $4 90; Philadelphia and Baltimore. $6 85. Turpentine, quiet at 14S624c. ROSIN Steady; No. 7 Invoice. 7c. OIL CITY, Pa . June It OlL-4'redit bal ance. $1.27; certificate, no bid; shipment. 7.74k bbl ; average, 6144 bbl.; run. 87 994 bbl : average. To 14 bbl ; shipment, Lima, 8 157 bbl. ; average. 69. 3d bbl.; ruua, laoia, tk,4t bbi.; aver. K6.9 lbla. r- a ttt v rteneints took their usual Fri day's tumble today and there were only fortv-elght car on rale. A fair proportion of the receipts consisted ct beef steers and on this class of cattle the market ruled generally steady to lower. On the common kinds buyers were slow In biking hold and the market wa lowtr, out the good fat kinds, as noted above, held their own fairly well. There was little life to the trade on anv kind of cattle, buvers r.ot seeming overly anxious for supplies. On the grassy, trashy cattle the market is verv mean and the cattle hard to dispose of at anv price. There was very little done till well along in me lorenuon now ui partial clearance was made at midday. There was a light run of cow s and heifer here today, but there was fullv enough to supply the demand. Buyers did rot seem to want the stuff and were slow in taking bold. Trading was siow ana uraxiiy, m though on the good kinds the market ruled about steady. Common grades sunerea most and anything snowing grass waa siow to move and not wanted at all. The market on puns, veni onm ana Stags waa a little lower ana inr ueirmnu was very poor, with trading slow and drncgy. ..... . yhere was verv llllie iii-mnnu limn lor feeders and trading waa very alow. Rep resentative sales: BEEF HTEEK3 Na 4 11 1 t !4 37 U New York Lire Stork Market. NEW YORK. June 16. BEEVES Re ceipts. 3.500 head; rood beef steers a shade lower; medium grades, Wc off; market very ?low and eight cars unsold. Bulls and sows dull to 15c lower: steers. tiea-SIE; sulls, $3.25-34. 25; cows, $i.2t"33 75; cables .liioterf live cattle firmer St rer pound; tops 124c; dressed weight; sheep steady at UTT14C dressed weignt; reirig- erator beer higher at S(ti-.4c per pound Exports today. 2,S0 quarters of beef: to morrow, "50 cattle, 65 rheep and 6.216 quar ters cf beef. CALVES Receipts. 569 head: market gen erally steadv: some sales rather higher; veals. $5.Ji7.O0; selected, $6.25(31.50: few lops, $7.75; fed calves. $4. 87436 00; dressed calves steaoy; city aressea veme, o-jiivr.;, fancy. 11c; country dressed, 6&'J4c ; extra, Hie. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 3,909 head; sheep market steady; lamb slow nd 25c lower: sheep, xs.ixkjm.w: cull, r-'.w; lambs. $6.624S1.76; choice, $7.62VQ 7.76; culls $5.0'lg.(lu. HOGS Receipts. 849 head: market firm state hog, $6 MIS 90; mixed western, 15.00 U-5.H)- Kiaui City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. June 18. CATTLE Re reir.ts 1 Mi head. Including 't head south erns; market steady; cnoice export ana dressed beef steers, is ; I air to good u a'oio.OO: western fed steers. $4 2fi.iu stockers and feeders. $3.0iKiji .60; southern sters. a3.0041a.oii: southern cows. liSjat .00 native cows, $2.25?4.0.i; native heifers. U.ii 04, SO; nuns.; caives, t'tfo..a. nous Keceipis, i.iav neau. minuet, au 74-! higher- top. ta 35; bulk of sales, $5 .274a B3SV4: heavy. B5.25iiiq.30: packers, ti-Zihta tS: oia-s and llirhts. 15 1("cr5.S5. SHEEP AU UAMlio- neceipia, he;.,i- market steadv: native lambs, $k-0ui 7.00; western fed lambs. $5.757.10; fed ewes and yearlings, $4 2;4i6.15; Texas clipped sheep. M.iJ'a .uu; lexas cuppea yeaiunsB, $5.i!&6.40; stacker and feeders, $2.60U4.0U remain unchanged with a steady demand particularly for seed.-d; kxse Muscatel art yuoied at 44i4c; s. e.iod raisins, 4Jkv.'i' London layer. II (Vol ) OMAHA WlrOLKSALK MARKET. . aiaplo aad Faary Prodoee. EGGS Reevipts. fair: market, steady: candled stock, I4vl5c. LIVE It'LLTK 1 Hen. 'c: rooster. 54jtx; (urkes. K'til6c; ducks. Pc. sprui thickens, 14 to 1 lbs. ;"tl c per lb. BI TTER Fackliig stoCK. ii. , ciiou- te fancy dairy, lilyiac; t reamer), .jilc; rririts, Jic SIXiAK-Standard granulated. $6 21 per cwt.; culies. $ w per cat., cut 11, I- 4c per cwt.; Na extra C, $ la per cwt.; No. Id extra C, $.'! jer ti.. No. 15 yel low. 16 7a per cwt.; -.X p' uerod, o SJ r cwt ; par powdered. . 4.i icr cwt. ; eagle tablet, $7 Mi per cwt. 1-KESH KiSH-lroul. c; halibut. 11c; buflalo tdresaedi, fcc; pickerel (dressed i, while baas tdrew-di, l-'c; sunrtsn, w , -rc.i .scaled and dressed). Sc; pine. K; catfish, led lxc; sainion, Im-. crappies, Ijc; eel, 15c; bullheads, lie; bUck lass, i.r; whltelifh (d-esstdi. nv; fr.g legs, xr do. 5c; lobsleis, green. I'.c; In-lied luUsieis. ioc, shad r., 4ac. bluchna, K- HAT-Pricvs quoted by omaf.a Wholrsal Hay Dealers' assuciaiioii: Choice. 17. t. Nj. 1. $6.5o; No. 2. fci.uV. coarse, . Theee prices are for hay of auud color ai,d quai 1U BRAN Per ton. $15.00. TRuPlCAL FP.U1T. ORANGES St. Mliiaeis. a.l sixes, $3,750 400. extra fancy Mediieiianai. sweet, ail site. $3 .5.1, choice navels, site 136. l.'i. IT) 2. 13 be. sixes . 96. 111. $3.5; seedlings, ai. siees. 13 f LKMONS Umoniera. extra fancy. tTo. lit) and 84X1 sixes. $4 2.; fancy. 270. and :A sues, $3.75; cliuice, ;'40 and 270 sixes, $3.uw; JVv ai.d 3kv sixes, $.7 i tiAlba-l'er box v( 1 l ib Pkgs. U-JO: jallowe en, In Ttlo. boxes, per lb, c FiGS California, uer lu-lb. carton. 7efl 8'c: I .ported Sinrna, four-croan, Lc. Dvo- croan, 11c. . i". v. o i ri nieuium-aiaeu uuncn, 5J-. jumbos. K5cku3uu. PINEAPPLES 1 iorloa. per crate ot 24. 30 and 3b sixes. $3.25. 4 lxo. 13 W. FRUITS AND MELONS. AFRICOIS CaiiforuU. ir 4-biunket crate. $1.36. I'LL MS California, per 4-basket crate. II 35. PEACHES Texas, per 4-basket crte. 11: California, per 26-1U. box, $1.15. CliEKKJES California, black, per S-lb. box. $1.76. white, l-r k-lb. box. 11..6; Mil ourl, box of 24-qis.. $2.ii. feiTRAW BERRIES Home grown, per S4- qt. case, 11 ia-j-' liood lUver, per case of a4-qts.. $2.60. CRANliEKBiliS Jersey, per crate, D M GOOSEBEKKIES Box of 4 qta . $2.u0. CANTALOL'l'ES Mcx.cai,, per crate. !3.(a..$j4.UO. W A TKKMElAJiss Alabama eweets. sag Bc each. HASPHKJtKitS Kea. dox or 24 pt.. XJ; blak, box of 24 rt . tl.iaj. BLACKEt.UKIl.S-1 use 01 n qts , U Qt. VEGETABLES TURNIPS New. pal uo.., 15c, CARROTS New, per dox., 26c. PARSNIPS 0.d, jwr bu., 4"c. WAX BEANS i'er 4-bu. box. 76c: string beans, per 4-bu. box, 76c; bu. box wax or string. IZIV&Z..&. POTAlOEs tiome-grown, in saexs. per bu., 36c; C'olurado, per bu., 45c; new pota toes, per bu., 7ac. BEAN B Navy, .per ou., w. CUCUMBERS Per do,. 45750. PEAS New. per bu. box. $.u. TOMATOES Texas, per 4-basket Crate, 90c. SPINACH-Per bu., aoc. CABBAGE Caliturr.ia. ln 'rate, per lb., 3c; Mississippi, $1.2aiu2.26 per crate, ao cording to size. ONIONS New. per dox. bunches. 15c; Bermudas, per crate of about 60 lbs., $1.35. RADISHES Hot house or outhern, per dot , "Or LETTUCK Hot rouse, per ao,, ajaou; head Uttuce. per 30t., iii CALLIFLOfl ER-llome grown, per crate of 1 dox.. $1 00 BEETS New, per do., ic. MlSCELL.NEOUS. CHEESE Swlaa. new. lac: Wisconsin brick, 14c; Wisconsin limberger, lie; twins, liqpHo; young Amerlcaa, 14c. NUTS Walnut, No. 1 soft shell, new crop, per lb., 15c; hard neus. per id., lse: No. 2 oft Bheil. per lb., 13c; No. 2 hard shells, per lb., lie; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb., 10c; pea.nuts. per lb.. 7c; roasted peanut, per id., uc; coin wainut. per lb., Ufil34c; almonds, soft shell, per lb., 17c; bard ahell. per lb., 15c; hellbarlt hickory nut, per du i.ia; 1 -rga uicaory nuts, per bu., 11-80. HIDES No. 1 green, 7V4C; J 10. x green. 64c; No. 1 salted. S4c; No. 2 salted. 74c; NO. 1 veal cair, 10c: xso. x yea 1 can. c; ary salted, 7&14c; sheep pelts, 26c6$L00; bora hides. tl.50e3-00. No. 1 1 I 75 is 1 H 11 V 14 . 14 I 1 I 4 20 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 a. t 1 - 1... 1... ... 1. AT. PT 10O0 I K ,...MI I !S ....10S4 140 10M 4 1 as 4 10 1KI0 4 IS .... W4 4 10 .... Ml 4 15 .... p"t 4 40 44 let! 4 40 14 ....1140 4 45 37 1014 4 45 66 1101 4 40 10 ....;:mi 4 10 f-TEKRS AND COWS. .. 4l 4 00 t T04 4 05 .... 471 4 00 1 7!4 4 II STEERS AND HEIFERS. .... 447 I 40 COWS. at Pt. ...IM1 4 70 ...lir.l 4 75 ...1111 4 75 ...1114 4 10 . ..i;so 4 f ...irt. 4 so ...ltf! 4 m ...1t0 4 R5 ...it1.! 4 aa ...1!C7 4 45 ltil i (in I 1 U7I I 14 1 ... o ! ( 4. ...1070 1 16 1. ... V4 t SO 10. ...1H 1 5 II. ...1 ! 75 1. ...lloO ! t ! (5 1 .. 1(0 I 5 ! ...l',M ! 45 4 ... 176 ! 44 1 IS1 I 15 1 I I! I nwo 1 a HEIFERS. Ml i IS 1 4fl ! 71 II I 40 17 ., 41.0 I 00 17 I t4 I 00 ..410 IS 1(0 I 4a 1K.0 I 60 10:5 I U 1071 I 65 in I 70 1140 I 71 i:o I 75 UIW I 75 4V1 I 40 13:0 4 00 ....It 4 !S ....1171 4 10 1 60 .. 71) I 50 ..47 4 51 .. 404 4 II St. Loal Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS, June IS. CATTLE Receipt 2.000 head, Including l.aoo head -jexan market strone: native snipping ana exiori steers. $4.50fct0t; dressed beef and butcher steers. $3.6ogi'3.3tr, steers under i.w ids. ti Wiffi So- mockers and feeders. $2. 50014. 60 cow and hellers, $2 0uj 0u: canners, $2 (fafl 2 50; bulls, $2 O03.&0; calves,; Texas and Indian stevra, $2,aQ5.25; cows and heifers, 2.(ir4-W. HOGS Receipts, 6.000 head; market strong; pirs and lights. !5.004jk40; packers. $4.&o4.40; butcher and best heavy, $5,256 6.40. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 150" head; market steady; native muttons, $3 50 i4 75; lambB, $5. 006.75: culls and bucks. $2 7576.00; stockers, tlaOOS.lO; Texan, $3.75 454.66. St. Joseph I.lve Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. June It CATTLE Re ceipts. 188 head; market steady; natives. $3 TadiS.ffi; cows and heifers, $1.664 75; stockers and feeders. $2 75(04 65. HOGS Receipts, 3 (9 head; market Be higher- light, $5 2506.30; medium and heavy, $5.'.-i 3.4- SHEEP Receipt. 90 head: market teady. BloBZ City IJ if Stork Market. EIOUX CITT. June 16 (Special Tele gram! CATTLE Receipts. 100 head; mar ket steady; beeves. $3.7&ft6 25; cows, bulls and mixed, $2 76iti4 7E; stockers and feeders, $S.(bij4.(,j; calves and yearlings. $276iiiJ9J. HOGS Receipts, 6.300 head; market strong; selling at $5 1565 20; bulk of sales, $5,174. Soaar aad Molasses. NEW TORK. June 16. SUGAR Raw. quiet; fair refining. 84c: centrifugal, 9t test. 44c. Molasses suirar, SKc. Re fined, quiet: No. 6, &.!5c; No. 7, 5.20c; No. g, 6 10c; No. 9. 5.05c; No. 10 Be; No. 11, 4 9"ic; No. 12. 4 85c; No. IS. 4.7Ec; No. 14. 4.70c; confectioners' A. 6.70c; cut loaf. S0c; ' crushed. 6.65c: powdered, 6.95c; granulated. 5 88c: cubes, 6.10c. MOLA88ES-Firm; New Orleans, good to chdee. 8745flOe. NEW ORLEANS, June 16. 8UGAR Quiet; open kettle. SfjUVc: open kettle centrifugal. 44644c; centrifugal whites. Be- rellows. 44-,p4 15-16c; seconds. 3i4C MOLASfES-Nominal; open kettle, 13 26c; centrifugal. 6'14c Byrup, nominal, $;c, Corlee Market. NEW TORK. June 16. COFFEE Market for futures opened firm at an advance of &S15 point ln response to higher European cables and expectations of small receipts, owing to report of railway strike ln Santo. There wa a fair demand from local shorts and Europe during the ses sion and prices rinsed firm at a net ad vance of lfitfrao points. Sale were 68.04) bags. Including July t 4fii.45c: Septem ber. f(7i6.66e: October. .65c; December. C 85i.9fic: March. 745710c; May. 7.0fi7 TV. 8iot steady: No. 7 Rio. 7r. The Cofree exchange will be closed on Monday, July 1 Cottoa Market. NEW TORK. June lt-COTTON Spot closed quiet, t points higher; middling up lands. 9 16c; middling gulf, 9.40c; sales, 115 bale. ST. IOUIS, June 16. COTTON Higher: middling. 9c: sales, 88 hales: no receipts; shipments, t'4 riaies; stoca, 40. 5. pales. NEW ORLEANS, June 16. Secretary Heater's statement of the world's visible supply of cotton shows a total of $.715,631 bales, against 3.617.686 last week. Of (hi total American cotton la 2.174.671 bale, against t, 439.6843. Verdlrt 1b Illinois Deaths. FREEPORT, 111.. June 16 The coroner" verdict rendered today In the case of 16-year-old Media Pyle. whose body, with that of Mrs. John Toung. wa found ln the Pecaionica river, conflicts with the theory of a double suicide and Implies that Media Pyle was murdered. The verdict is that Media Pyle was rendered unconscious by unknown parties and came to her death by being forced Into the river. Death by drowning is th verdict ln regard to Mr. Young. 1.... I.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 1 ... 1.... 1.... 1.... 1. RULL2. 14M I To I 170 1 T6 1 1140 1 75 1 .... n1 1 5 t 1100 1 00 1... 1410 104 1... 0 1 1 14:0 I tt roo I 15 ..... 4M I 50 1740 I to 14(1 4 CALVES. ISO i 50 1 171 I 50 M 149 I Xt IW STOCK CALVES. tub I 40 1 44 II STOCKERS AND FEEDERS 1011 1 ts ..wis .. 7.4 ! 71 .. t.l I aa . . list I 00 . .1100 I 00 .. 740 I 04 ..1014 I 00 .. 174 I 15 .. 710 I .. till I K .. 141 1 It . . 1M I I 1 I U I 11 17 I 4J 17 tl W1-... 725 I CI .... 440 1 TS ... 440 I ? IK III .... 4:1 1 at .... 44 I W .... in iu Ill 4 la) .... 14 4 ! f- 4 II .... IKI 4 14 ....luot 4 tl wi.c;R There was a good run of hoe- here today for a Friday, about 131 loads being on sale. Favorable reports from uii.rn DOlnl this morning gave sellers an sdvantage snd the market on the o;ning had a good strong tone. Buyer were out early and the market opened In good ea on. Early bid were made as stronger prices, but after the first round or two the inarket strengthened and sale were largely 24c higher. Light hogs were still in best demand and brought the nest prices. Trad ing wa a little slow, seller holding out for more money. The bulk of Ihe hog old today at $5 iP4i6.25, with the popular price being $5 224. Top today reached $5 274. On the clotw trading wa dull and the mar ket wound up with the advance mostly lost. Stork 1b Sight. Receipt of live stock at the six principal western market yesterday: Cattle. Hog. Sheep. South Omaha l.i4 .uz 438 Sioux City 100 t.8oi Kansas City 1.6 7(J J.000 St. Joseph 1 1 809 60 St Louis 2.'i0 6.0"0 l.&Oii Chicago I Wl) 15.000 6j0 Total 7.017 47.011 t.'JUi REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Ha tt... 71 .. 47 ... tt.. 41.. 47.. At. .14 .141 .til .11 .141 ..J'4 ..t.l Ek. Pr Ka At. Sk Pt ... s st pat 14 I lf4 IW IU It 1 4 4 Ms. Ita I M t I'l . . Ibi i IP It M IP) I lit, B0 I 40 4a lit .. I Ui IW Ik 4i 221 Kl I Qa 4a ! to 74 tit 4 I nsa it I to ti in it 1 12s, M i a) 44 in ... I lit ... 1 pc. a irr ta 1 1:, k I Xi 71 lat aa I 11 St I Pt 44 P4 It I t W is If- 441 40 I !- , in at At u 111 Metal Market. NEW TORK. June 16 METALS The New York tin market wa firm, but showed a continued firm tone with pot quoted at t'.a .ni.i on. The London market wa a little higher, closing at 138 los for spot and li 15 for future. Copper wa also higher ln th London market, closing at A.66 for both spot and future. Locally th eltuation is unchanged. Some deal are re ported to be asking $15 25 for lake, but the market 1 generally quotable at $15 00 for lake and elect rol lie and $14 75 for casting. Iead was unchanged at 13 in London, and at $4.5o) 4 60 locally. fjpelter was higher at 24 6 ln London, but remained unchanged at $5 36 In Ihe New York market. Iron closed at 49s 4d in Glasgow anu at 45a kd In Mlddlesborough. Locally the market Is uncoai.ged ; No. 1 foundry northern is quoted at $16.5'y ,7 00; No. 2 foundry northern. $16 00; No. 1 foun dry southern soft, at $.6 2f.iffl7.00; No. $ foundry southern, at $15 .643:6 25. ST. LOUIS, June 16 METALS Lead, market steady at $4.424444.4- Spelter, market quiet at 15 10. Evaporated Apple aad Dried Frails. NEW YORK. June 1. EVAPORATED APPLE8 Market show no Important change. Coramont to good are quoted ut 44lj44c: prim. 6Hj64c; choice, 6b64c; fancy. 7c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Prune remain quiet Advice from the roat i-r bullish In tone, but buyer seem to be hold ing off for lower price. Spot quotation ran re from :T54c. according to graue. Apricot are dull both a 10 spot supplies and futures: choice are quoted at IOqiWc; extra choice, lie: fancy. 12u,5c Peache also are dull, but show a somewhat firmer lone than apricots, owing to very lUht supplies, choice are held at 104,104c: extra chiAca, Ivb.loSc; laucy, 1141 lie luisi.-i Deeds filed for record June 16. a fur nished by the Midland Guaran'.ea and Trust company, bonded bbslracier, ltlt Farnam street, for The Bee: D. J. Stelner to T. C. Griffith, part of lot 11 and 12, block 26. South Omaha $ 529 Byron Heed company to City of Omaha, part or uuroene street. Between Twentieth and Twenty-first streets.. 430 J. E. Markel et al. to R. Miller, lets t and and part 01 lot 7, Dioca iu. city X W. V. Eddy and wife to H. C. Dana, t al.. lota 1 and Z. block 11, walnut Hill, and other land 1 F. W. Adgate and wife to A. A. Lamoreaux. lot 6, block 1, eiter wood s subdivision 1.150 T. Creigh to 11. 1. Adams, lots 4and a, block . lioio 1 sddition Antone Swensoa snd wife to L. A. Kigen. lot I, block lo. tuueyon Heights Rnmh mha land company to M. C. Peter, lot 6. South Onial. 1.730 Same to same lots 1 to t and lots t to 12. block 16, South Omaha 4.0QO Sume to same, lot 1. block 18, South Omaha J. L. Carey to F. Hansen part of lot 26 S E. Rogers' Okahoma 2,80 A. E Prouly to J. L Carey, part of lot 26 ln S E. Rogers' OkHhoma 1 Bertha Thompson to H. Miller, lot U and part of lot 14. HawUy Terrace.. 1 to 60 Edwards-Wood Co. (laeorporsted rU-a Of net.: Fif'b ami Robert Sir 11 1 ST. FAUU HJNX. CEAkERtJ IX Stocks, drain, Provision, Ship Your Grain to Us (traac-k Ofhee, 1144-111 Hoard ot Trad Did- Omahs. hek. TelehOB &314. n;-K)4 Exchange Bldg.. hWuth Omaha. b0 'Ptaou Ua, iKdetveadaul 'i'l ta