Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 17, 1905, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 11, Image 11

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Citj AttsnuT Ainerts it is Vicious nd Not
Objectionable to Autoiits.
Think Aatomoblll.ts May Hare Had
Hand ta Piai of the Bill
bj Legislature Last
and Grace street It Is Bald he utarted
diagonally across the street ahead uf the
lst-r, to be knocked over by the ap
proaching car. The car proceeded about
125 feet before beln stopped. It la stated.
The Injured boy la a nephew of Thomas
City Attorney Breen has notlned local au
tomoblllsts. who asked him about the mat
ter, that the legal department will Insist
upon the registration of motor cars and the
payment of the II fee under an ordinance
governing; the whlzx wagons, regardleaa'of
the Hand law enacted by the last legisla
ture. The Hand law provides that all automo
biles In the state shall be registered with
the secretary of state upon the payment
of $1 fee and forbids local legislation to
regulate the machines by any city, town or
village. Resides tills the measure seeks to
nullify all ordinances or local regulations
on the subject, so as to leave the state
law the sole mandate In the premises.
When this section was discovered by the
city attorney It provoked a suspicion In
his mind that the act, which on the sur
face teemed aimed at autolBts, In reality
might have been originated by them. A
study of the law showed the speed limit
In well built up parts of cities and towns J
Is ten miles an hour; for less thickly pop- .
ulated districts inside municipal limits, I
nrteen miles ana in tne country twenty
The Omaha ordinance qn the subject pre
scribes a speed not greater than eight
miles an hour In the district bounded by
Leavenworth, Twentieth and Nicholas
streets, and twelve miles an hour outside.
This comparison further shook the attor
ney's faith In the Innocence of the Hand
law and he became somewhat vexed.
Calls It a Vlcloan Law.
"This law Is vicious," Laid he, "because
It strikes at the Inherent right of cities to
control tralHo on their own streets. The old
and new rhnrter expressly provides that
the city may properly regulate all vehicles
propelled by various kinds of power, but
tlio Hand law attempts to tako away this
authority. Inasmuch as tho new charter
and the automobile law were approved on
the same day, April 3, the supremacy of
the charter on this point Is not as clear as
1 would like to have it, but I think I could
carry the contention In court and that Is
exactly what I propose to do If the automo
blllsts do not comply with the ordinance,
take out permits and govern themselves
lust aa though the ordinance had undis
puted power and effect.
"There Is nothing In the Hand law, so far
as I can see, that an automoblllst should
seriously object to. The provision requiring
a motor car driver to stop and allow ner
vous horses to pass at a signal from the
driver of the latter can hardly be consid
ered obnoxious. In fact, I have a lurking
suspicion that tho automoblllsts like the
'aw, even If they did not have some kind
nf a part In Its origin and' passage.
"The law takes effect July 1. It Is not
nearly so stringent in many particulars as
the Omaha ordinance on the subject, which
I expect to enforce."
Y. M. C. A. Works Loral Field and
Bends East for Building
As an encouragement to those who are
raising the funds for the new Young Men's
Christian association building In Omaha,
the secretary of the association at Day
ton, O., hn written to Secretary Wade of
this city giving the results of the recent
campaign there.
The association Is now ready to build a building, and $250,000 of the funds
for the purpose has been subscribed In
the enmpnlgn which was finished Thursday.
Resides this they secured a $100,000 lot from
a phllanthroplcally Inclined woman, who
also gave $100,000 for educational work en
dowment. Secretary Wade telegraphed con
gratulations on behalf of the Omaha asso
ciation. C. S. Ward, International field secretary,
left Thursday evening for eastern points
to attend two student conferences for the
purpose of Interesting young men In asso
ciation work. He will return In a few days
to assist In the subscription work here.
Sam'l Burns, 600 vases Saturday, 5c
Five-Year-Old Son of John Dennlson
Ron Orer bjr Street
i -
"U'hP.e on an errand for his mother Fri
day noon John Dennlson, 6-year-old son
of John W. Dennlson of 1617 Burdette
street, city sidewalk Inspector, was struck
by a southbound motor car at Sherman
avenue and Grace street and received such
Injuries that necessitated the prompt am
putation of the boy's left leg between the
knee and thigh. Tho operation was per
formed at the Wise Memorial hospital,
and the statement Is made that . the boy
bids fair to live.
Besides the injury to the leg the llttlo
follow w:.j wounded more or less on i the
head and mouth. All the wheels on ' the
west sldo of the car passed over the limb.
The car Is No. 422, and at the time of the
accident wis in charge of E. G. Gage,
motorman, and - Jack Abemathy, conduc
Just before the accident the boy was in
company of his sister, Alice, and on his
way from his aunt's house close by. At
the northeast corner of Sherman avenue
Fine Pianos
Selling Fast
Oltr Pa Tin Machines Will Be Set In
Motion Wednesday If All
Goes Well.
Operation of the new municipal asphalt
plant is scheduled to start Wednesday,
June 21. The $7,600 plant at Eleventh and
Nicholas streets constructed by the Star
Machine works of Indianapolis Is almost
ready for use and the road roller, tools,
appliances and materials which the city
has bought are on the way to Omaha.
Preliminary arrangements for asphalt re
pairs on some of the downtown streets
have been made by trimming and cleaning
out the holes and filling the bottoms with
concrete. It is barely possible that one or
two days' delay may be occasioned, but If
all goes well the work begins Wednesday
in earliest The foremen and employes
have been selected In advance, from time
to time, by the city engineer and a labora
tory department established at the city
Armours File Complaint Attain. t As
sessment with County Board
of Equalisation.
Proceedings of the County Board of
Equalization were of a routine character
Friday. The only large concerns which
presented complaints against their assess
ments were Armour Packing company, Chi
cago Lumber company and Ribbel Paper
and Woodenware company. They were all
referred for consideration. The board has
reached an agreement to take up the pro
tests of the large business houses in a
bunch. Next Wednesday the South Omaha
packers will have a hearing. Armour's Is
the first protest filed, by the packers. The
company's assessment la placed at $040,000,
the same as last year. Attorney Mahoney
argued that this figure is excessive be
cause the company has iess pork stock on
hand since the Sioux City house is again
at work. v
yisllU I)
v : '
Cool, loose, light and airy are the Outing Suits
we offer at these captivating prices. Worsteds,
Flannels Scotch Cheviots, Tropical Worsteds, Homespuns, Tweeds and
Serges, in nobby, fancy weaves, stripes, invisible plaids and fancy checks
in the new shades of gray, granite mixtures ajid the blues, whose popularity
is phenome?ial this season. Hoiv about the styles? The very latest full ex
tended shoulder effects, with either silk or brilliantine lustre yoke linings
Coats cut extremely long English or in the conservative lengths.
We have cut the prices on 750
Boys' Suits that sold all sea
son up to $6, on sale today
750 of the handsomest Boys' Suits ever offered, and that vre
sold all season up to $G, are on sale tomorrow at the remarkably
reduced price of $2.35. It's our "June Stock Reducing Sale" in
the boys' department. The values are of such an exceptional
character, the styles are so beautiful, so varied and attractive
as to cause the boys' department to be the busiest spot in Omaha
tomorrow. Bring the boys to the great bargain fete before these
matchless values pass beyond your reach.
In a pinch, use Allen's Foot-Ease.
Netr Chicago and New York Train.
Beginning with Sunday, June 11th, the
Pennsylvania will place In service a new
train from Chicago, to be known as "The
New York Special."
It will run dally, leaving Chicago at S
o'clock a. m., reaching Pittsburg at 8:30
p. m., and New York the next morning at
8:16. A 23-hour train to New York, with
16.00 extra fare from Chicago.
"The New York Special" will carry a par
lar car, a dining car and coaches from Chi
cago to Pittsburg, and a sleeping car from
Chicago to New York.
For full information address Thos. H.
Thorp, T. P. A., 26 U. 8. Bank Bldg.,
The highest grade of Planoa are
being sold at this special sale at prices
formerly paid for medium grades.
Every Knabe Piano, the Kranlch &
Bach Pianos, the Kimball Pianos,
the Krcll Pianos, the Mattuschok,
Sterling. Hallct , Ha vis, I loupe. Need
ham, Whitney, lllnze, , Cramer and
Burton and the many good Pianos
at prices which aro a big saving of
from o0 to $200 per piano.
The beautiful art cases In mahogany,
burl walnut, golden oak, rosewood and
butternut aro Included.
Pianos selling at $147, $167 and $198
on terms of $10 cash and $5 per month.
These prlois and terms are Just one,
half the prices you formerly paid.
Planoa selling at $217, $27 and $290
for fine, Hgh-grade. brand new, up
to-date Instruments on payments of
l $S and $10 per month.
The Piano rrloes are from M to 33
per cent cheaper than you ever bought
PUnos for.
The builder's standard top grades
are cut a clean 25 per cent on terms
to suit the purchaser.
This special sale conintns bargains
never before heard of. Pianos selling
us low aa $116 stools and scarfs
Big Special Organ Sale of the well
known makes going at $12, $15, $20,
$26 and M. Terms ss easy as 50 cent
per week. Don't miss this sale. You
get the best guarantee ever placed
with the goods.
Low Rate Excursions to tlie Seasnore.
via New York City, with privilege of stop,
over on return trip.
60UTIIERN R'Y will sell round trip tick
ets from Chicago to Asbury Park and re
turn June 29, 30, July 1 and 2, at rate of
$23.36, good returning not later than July
10, with privilege of extension until August
$1 by deposit of ticket and payment of 60
cents. Stopover may be had at New York
on the return trip.
Don't miss this opportunity for spending
your vacation at the seaside. If you are
particular as to comfort and service, we
offer something a little superior to any
other line. See that your ticket reads vta
the Lake Shore the route of the "Twen
tieth Century Limited." Bend for itinerary
to L. F. Vosburgh, General Western Pas
senger Agent. Chicago, 111.
The largest assortment of White Canvas
Oxfords Is at the Sorosis Shoe Store.
Pleasant Waya for Summer Days
are the Grand Trunk, Lehigh Valley Double
Track Route, Chicago to New York via
Niagara Falls; the Grand Trunk-Central
Vermont-Boston & Maine Route, from
Chicago to Boston, and the Grand Trunk
Railway. System to Montreal, Quebec and
Portland. Double track from Chicago to
Fares, descriptive literature, etc., will be
mailed on application to Geo. W. Vaux,
A. G. P. & T. A., 135 Adams St.. Chicago.
Swell Skirts for the
Saturday Throngs
Men s Shirts worth QCft
MP to $1.50, todayO J'l
Our great shirt purchase
will go lively today.
Every one of these shirts
you buy today means a
substantial saving. You had better lay in
a whole season's supply. Plaited madras
and plaited cambrics, with white grounds,
blue and black figures, novelty effects, solid
blue, gray and tans Shirts worth QQ
up to .?1.50, today OeC
Our "Straw Stack"
More than 10,000 Straw Hats are actually under our roof
more than 100 different kinds, in every imaginable weave
and color of straw that is in good form this year for old men,
middle-aged men, young men, small boys and children too long
a story to tell something in a style that will look well on you at
K!!?r.c.45c-75c.$l o 3.50
Resides our elegant line of genuine Panamas from $3.90 to $7.50.
Special for today Straw Hats T)
that sold for 50c-75c-$l choice "J'
We have' gathered together between five and six hundred Straw
Hats odds. and ends, small lots, tail ends they are exceedingly
good values you will find them on separate tables for easy
selection in our hat department, main floor
Mei-s Underwear
MEN'S UNDERWEAR 45c Men's fine
quality French balbriggan Underwear,
double seated drawers, with French neck
shirts, in pink, blue and ecru, iJ,C
a garment
MEN'S UNDERWEAR 50c Men's fancy,
lace mesh Underwear, the coolest and most
serviceable garment made double seated
drawers, short sleeve shirts, QO
a garment JM
Men's light weight, cool and elastic bal
briggan Combination Suits, perfectly
shaped, best suit ever offered for Q fn
the money, suit Mf
912.nO to St. Ianl and Minneapolis
aud Return Via Chicago Great
Western Railway.
Tickets on sale daily to September 30th.
Final return limit October Met. Also equally
low rates to Minnesota, North Dakota,
Colorado, Vtah and Wyoming points. For
further information apply to L. D. Park-
hurst, general agent, 1511 Farnain street,
Omaha, Neb.
1513 Douglas Street
MllwaaKee and Hertsr-a SU.IVO.
On Saturday, June litn, tne Illinois Cen
tral railroad will sell tickets at abov
rates, limited for return until June 26th.
Tickets will be honored In coaches, re
clining chair cars and tourist sleepers.
Through trains leave Omaha at 7:26 a. m.,
3:50 p. m. and 7:50 p. m.
Tickets and Information at 1401 Farnam
Bt. , W. H. BRILL.
Ulst. Pass. AtU
Marriage Licenses.
The following marriage licenses have
been issued:
Name and Residence. Age.
Arthur A. Logan. Crelghton. Neb 37
hurih i.. Kt-ynulus, t rugnton. Nob 17
Albert L. Hun. Omaha SS
Carrie It. Smith, imalm is
Ixmls Pa timer.) aum. Omaha JK
Caroline Loebel, Omaha is
Morris Green, Omaha j3
Anna Miller. Omaha l'j
i2-K. wedding rings. Edholm. Jeweler.
President Approves Findings of Two
Courts-Martial in Officer's Oast,
O fllcer Who Has Caused Much Work
(or Judge Advocate's Depart
ment Will Be Dismissed
(rout Service.
WASHINGTON, June 18. The president
has approved the findings In two trials of
Captain George W. Kirkman of the Twenty
fifth Infantry, sentencing him to dismissal
from the army and confinement In the
penitentiary at Fort Leavenworth, Kan.,
for three years. Kirkman was connected
with the sensational cose resulting in the
suicide of the wife of Lieutenant Chandler
at Omaha.
The trial of Captain Jilrkman was on sev
eral charges and a host of specifications,
alleging conduct unbecoming an officer and
gentleman, falsifying his pay accounts und
drunkenness being among them. His first
trial took place early the present year and
a continuation finally was obtained to May
10, to permit him to procure certain deposi
tions from Manila, where he proposed to
show that he had become Insane through
sunstroke and that his misconduct was
owing to that cause. After the adjourn
ment of that trial the Mrs. Chandler epi
sode occurred, resulting In the suicide of
that woman in Omaha In April last. It de
veloped In the investigation of the suicide
of Mrs. Chandler that the estrangement be
tween her and her husband was owing to
Captain Klikman's Invasion of Lieutenant
Chandler's domestic relations and another
court-martial was ordered for the trial of
Kirkman. It was this last court-martial,
embodying the general charges of the first
and adjourned court-martial, with addi
tional charges growing out of the Chandler
affair, that has just resulted In his dis
missal from the army and his prison sen
tence. Captain Kirkman Is a relative of promi
nent railway magnates of Wisconsin and
every effort was exerted by these powerful
Influences to mitigate his sentence and per
mit him to resign from the army, but with
out effect.
South Twelfth, girl; Joe Miller, 221G
Charles, boy; Ed McCartney, Fiftieth ave
nue and Grand, girl.
Deaths Kllza McCnrd Brandon. 828 Park
avenue, 79; Elizabeth Horton, Benson, 60.
Specially Conducted Party In Private
Car to Lewis and Clnrk Exposition.
This trip gives you 200 miles along the
matchless Columbia river; Includes several
days' visit In the exposition city, Portland,
then over the beautiful Shasta Route to
San Francisco, stopping at Shasta Springs.
From Ban Francisco the pleasuro seek
er's city to the wonders of the Yosemlte,
the Big Trees, Los Angeles, with side trips
to Catallna Islands, Pasadena, Riverside,
Redlands, Mt. Lowe and Ban Diego, return
ing via Salt Lake and Denver and though
you have traveled over 8,000 miles of moun
tains, rivers, forests and sea the cost Is
less than one-third of what a European
vacation would cost. This Is the chanco of
a lifetime. Write to Elizabeth P. Allen,
622 N. 26th St., Omaha. Neb.
Announcements of the Theaters.
Amusement and entertainment will be
offered to both young and old at the Krug
theater all next week beginning with a
matinee on Sunday. The Pollard perform
ances are fully up to the standard set for
professionals and yet at the same time
the little ones who render such musical
and operatic performances range In years
from 9 to 13. Five different operas will be
presented, opening with the "Belle of New
York." which will be also given on Sunday,
Monday and Tuesday nights. Each pro
duction will be carefully mounted and a
genuine treat may be anticipated for all
those attending. Summer prices will be the
rule. Seats are now selling for all the
This afternoon and evening at the Boyd
theater Dick Ferris will be seen In his well
known role of Jim Mayne, In the pleasant
comedy drama of "My Jim." This piece
will be the bill till after the matinee on
Sunday. On Sunday evening a splendid
production of the great historical drama,
DuBarry," will be given, with Marie Pavey
In the .title role. In this play some of the
stirring incidents that preceded the French
revolution are recited, and a glimpse at
the things that decided the fate of France
is afforded. The production is a special
one, and will be found complete In all par
ticulars. Mr. Ferris will be In the cast.
June 29-30-July 1-2, agents of the Penn
sylvania Short Lines will sell tickets to
Asbury Park, N. J., at very low rates.
Passengers also to have the privilege of
visiting Baltimore, Washington, Philadel
phia and New York without additional cost.
A postal addressed to Thos. H.- Thorp, T.
P. A., 28 U. S. Bank Bldg.. Omaha, will
bring full details.
1.35 Asbury I'arlt and Return Via
Erie Railroad
June 20, SO, July 1 and 2, limited to Aug.
31; good to stop at New York, Cambridge
Springs, Chautauqua and Niagara Falls.
Tickets on sale also to all tourist polnts
Chautauqua Lake, Niagara Falls, etc.,
good until Oct 31. Full particulars, E56
Railway Exchange, Chicago.
Sale now of carload purchase of mill
remnants of linoleum. Orchard & Wilhelm
Carpet Co.
The largest assortment of White Canvas
Oxfords Is at the Sorosis Shoe Store.
j Big reduction sale at MacCarthy Tailoring
CO., am Doum loin di. duiis t-u ana up.
Building; Permits.
The city has Issued permits to G. B.
Welty for a 12,500 frame dwelling at Thirty
eighth and Chicago streets; Georye P.
Bemls Real Estate company, two frame
dwelling at Thirty-fifth and Blondo, and
to C. W. Eckerinan for an Sl.tWO frame
dwelling at Thirty-fourth street and Lin
coln boulevard.
One Fare to Mot Bprlnas, Ark.,
Plus II, for round trip, dally, good for
thirty days. Bummer is the best time for
treatment. Ask any ticket agent.
Harry B. OavU, und 71 ISi
Just Wbat Kverune Should Do.
Mr. J. T. Barber of Irwin villa fia.
ways keeps a bottle of Chamberlain's rnliv
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy at hand
ready for instant use. Attacks of colic,
cholera morbus and diarrhoea come on so
suddenly that there Is no time to bunt a
doctor or go to the store for medicine.
Mr. Barber says; "I have tried Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem
edy, which Is one of the best medicines I
ever saw. I keep a bottle of it In my room,
as I have had several attacks of colic, and
it has proved to be the best medicine I
ever used."'
Mortality Statl.tlra.
The following births and death have
been reported to the Board of Health dur
ing the twenty-four hours ending at noon
Births Joseph Kakowskt 2407 South
Twenty-ninth, girl; Meyer Kettle, HJA
South TlUrleentfi, girl; Charlie Bpalek, U
This specialty shoe
for men is attracting
the attention of men in
all walks of life.
They cost $3.50 In B
plain leathers $4.00
In bright both high
and low.
ask for "Hints on Travel"
City Tickit Office
1512 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb.
Trunks, Traveling Bags and Suit Cases
Large Stock and Lowest Prices
Our all leather $5.00 Suit Case la the best made for tnt
money, 22, 24 and 20 Inch all $5.00. Others at prices from
fl.50 up to $25.00.
We afso carry the largest stock of fine harness In the
city; no fake sales, but always low prices.
Telephone No. 2314.
No. 1210 Farnam Street
Michigan Summer Resorts
Among the lakes and rivers of the East Coast of
Lake Michigan Is the Ideal country for a summer
outing. Fishing, boating, bathing, Bailing, golf,
and above all, an Ideal climate. Pure air and pure
spring water. Ilealth and recreation. Booklets
descriptive of these resorts mailed on application
to H. P. MOELLER, G. P. A., Pere Marquette
Railroad, Union Station, Detroit, Mich. :- -.
mi ai if nwrn eunn emnr
Ytf flLll-UVLIl UIIUL UlUliL. Farnam St. I
The Trunks that Last
are the trunks that are made from the best material,
nnude by the beat workikan and made atroiiK enough to
stand rough upage. We mke our own trunks and guar
antee them to he made Inst that way. A high price (or
a i-heap trunk Is not our method. A hlKh-graJa truult
cheap i what you'll set from our store.
A lurse line of traveling bags and ault cases.
Omaha Trunk Factory t
1209 rarnam