Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 16, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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EES. JUNK 15, 1.
l la easier n earlrh
onraelve with n Ihnn
nail lrtr than to
of a single fault."
Jnet a word about our Warner's Rust-Proof Corsets.
They are made from selected materials
that arc tested for pliability and strength.
They are scrupuously made In tho very
latent corset fashion, and In every way
adapted to the most exacting taste.
You cannot find better shaped garments,
whatever you pay; neither can a special
coraetlere give you a better fit.
Thse models are full of characteristic
points, bespeaking In every line style and
quality They are corsets that keep well
down on the form, giving a uniform fit.
with no pressure at any one point.
Prices range from $1.00 to $3.00 per pair.
Y. M. C A. Building, Corner Sixteenth and Douglas Streets
later, before, tho' arrangements for the I
meeting of the plenipotentiaries finally are
ready. Both Russia and Japan, are moving
with the. utmost deliberation, for the game
of diplomacy now being planned Is of even
greater Importance to each government
than arc the movements of the armies on
tho battlefields. It will require at least a
month for the negotiations of the two gov
Irnmcnts, With their respective Stan's, to
:omo together, the distance from Japan
particularly being so great that a shorter
time scarcely . could be allowed. In' view,
therefore, of all tha conditions and Includ
ing In the equation the factor of unfore
leen delays over matters of minor conse
quence, it seems quite likely that, the con
ference' will not assemble formally before
'.he middle of. August or the first of Sep
mber. . .
Prior to' the formal assembling of the
:onference It Is probable, If precedent be
followed, that a peace protocol will be ne
rotlated. The making of, the protocol will
:ake place beforo the declaration of a for
nal armistice. It has not been learned yet
who will be authorised by the Russian and
Japanese governments to arrange and sign
the protocol. Tho negotiations regarding It
probably will be conducted In Washington
ind It Is regarded us likely that the respec
tive diplomatic representatives of the bel
ligerents will sign the document on behalf
of their governments.
Arrangements for Conference.
It Is too early yet definitely to announce
what arrangements may be made here for
the holding of the conference. It is cus
tomary for the government at whose capi
tal such negotiations are conducted to pro
vide a suitable place and to furnish the
negotiators with adequate facilities for the
transaction of their business. It has been
suggested that a suite of rooms In the
Btate department be fitted up for the ac
commodation of the plenipotentiaries, but
tome doubt has arisen as to whether suf
ficient accommodations could be provided
there tn view of the already crowded con
dition of the department. Another sugges
tion, which was received with favor, was
that provision be made for the conference
In the library of congress. . That magnifi
cent building would afford not only a su
perb room for the general conference, but
also nicely fitted rooms for purposes of
private consultation among the representa
tives of the two governments. As yet,
however, little consideration has been
given to this phase of the situation. It
1 a detail which the officials of the Btate
department by direction of President Roose
velt will work out doubtless entirely sat
isfactorily. : . .
Pressure on Japan.
Pressure . Is being brought to bear upon
Japan to Induce It to fix the sum It will de
mand as Indemnity for the pending war at
as low a figure in cash as Is possible in the
circumstances. . This pressure Is being
directed specially by European govern
ments, but ' President Roosevelt, It is in
timated in an important quarter, also has
advised tha' Japanese government that
moderation in It demand for a cash in
demnity not only ' would " facilitate the
negotiation of peace terms, but would be
regarded by the powers with particular
favor. The. payment by Russia of any
such cash indemnity as $1,000,000,000 not
only would embarrass seriously the St.
Petersburg . ' government, but probably
would disturb the finances of the entire
western world. Indeed, it . has been sug
gested that such a payment, to all Intents
and. purposn,. might rendor Russia practi
cally . bankrupt.- The opinions and views
of the United States and other powers on
this subject have been permitted to reach
th principal" advisers of the Japanese, em
peror. .
Such discussion of the question of cash
Indemnity .as has ' occurred has been
merely suggestive of eordltions likely to
be encountered ' by Japan when it etiall
formulate its peace terms. Thus far the
Japanese government has refrained from
Indicating tlio precise form of its terms,
Refers to National Affair in Talking to
Graduates of Ohio School.
The biennial council of presidents of the
General Federation of Women's Clubs, held
CONDITIONS OF NEGROtS ARE IMPROVING beyond the expectation of a." About 1M
women were In attendance, twenty-seven
tates being represented, the meeting be-
Secretary of Mar Thinks t'nlted
States Is Kot Treating Chines
Merchants and Stodents
In Proper Manner.
as It Is not its purpose, naturally, to fore
arm the shrewd and powerful antagonist
which It is .to meet on the fields of
diplomacy. . . ...
President Confers vrffh Financier,
During the last ten days ' " President
Roosevelt has had conferences with Baron
Kaneko, the Japanese financial agent In
the United States. Baron Kaneko Is one
of the most eminent Oriental financiers,
Both In this country and in Europe, since
the wir began, he has been of inestimable
servlco to his emperor 4n the negotiating
of loans and In watching all the financial
phases of the conlct. In him Japan re
poses explicit confidence in. all matters
pertaining to the fiscal policy of the em
pire. . He Is competent to speak by
authority on all subjects relating to
Japan's finances. For this reason he was
consulted by the president. His confer
ence with the president at the White
House, yesterday, thcro is reason to be
lieve, concern the subject of Japan's cash
demands upon Russia. Such advice as he
might give to his government as to the
cash lndemnltr undoubtedly would re
ceive the de-pest consideration and, very
likely, might be followed
It is well ' understood that the Japanese
government will not make known prior to
trie assembling of the plenipotentiaries the
terms on which she will be willing to con
elude peace. The Japanese emperor is
known to desire that, when peace is con
cluded, it shall be coupled with assurances
of Its permanency. Among well Informed
diplomats it is deemed probable that Japan's
terms, once they are stated, will be re
garded by the world as reasonable and
likely to be acceptable to Russia.
Takahlra'a Second Call.
Minister Takahlra called again at the
White Houso tonight shortly after 9 o'clock
and remained with the president ur.tll 10
o'clock. The minister came at the request
of the president, who communicated to htm
Russia's format acceptance of the selection
of Washington as the scene for the nego
tiations. No details of the conference can
be obtained, but It Is understood that the
questions of date and plenipotentiaries were
under discussion. Japan has Indicated that
it will select two plenipotentiaries and will
be ready to name a third if that number Is
preferred. Although the president has
been advised that Marquis Ito and Baron
Komura and Marshal Yamagata are the
three distinguished persons under consid
eration, the official nominations have not
yet been communicated to him.
Liberals Are Active.
ST. PETERSBURG, June 15.-The liberal
newspapers are taking the decision ' of the
government to make peace, if terms pos-
Ible of acceptance are offered, a a sur
render and are following up their advan
tage by redoubling their demands for a
representative assembly, arguing that the
bureaucracy, which has proved Its incom
petence to make war successfully. Is equally
Incapable of concluding a creditable peace.
The Russ, now the leader of the constitu
tionalist papers, declares that the govern
ment without the people's support is im
potent to continue the war and will be
compelled to accept any terms. Only a
national assembly. It insists, can now save
the situation, because only with the sanc
tion of the people can exorbitant condi
tions be successfully resisted. Tho Russ
adds :
The mere mention of Deuce has aroused
the people, who profoundly distrust the
government's ability to cope with tho prob
lem by mail and teleKraDh. Tho committee
of ministers is flooded with petitions for
i ne assemDiing or a semsKy luoor lo pass
upon the peace terms. Ail decent classes
1 ,
On Sale June 17
Tickets Good Lesvinjr Chicago ts June 26
, Trains Uiifl Union Station
0:35 A M.V 7x35 A. M.
11:50 A. M. 5:40 P. M.
w fnrtnes Information adrsa
T32?r5aaStrect, Omaha, Kek
OXFORD, O., June IS. The feature of
the eighty-first commencement of Miami
university here today was the address of
Secretary of War William H. Taft It was
delivered in the commencement tent
erected on the campus among the forest
trees. The unsually large audience made
frequent Interruptions with applause.
In opening his speech Secretary Taft
touched on the racial question In the south,
and in this connection said:
Another encouraging feature of the pres
ent increase ot weaitn Is mat a large pro
portion ot this Increase has been in the
soutli, a part of our country wnicli hereto
fore lias ueen largely ugriculturtu anu poor.
1 ne cnange In tne material conditions in
tha soutn, in spite of the political ditlicul
ties mat certainly are mere, is creating a
better slate ot tilings wun reference to the
racial question. The work of iiooKer Wash
ington in teaching his people how to use
tools instead ot giving tiieni a superficial
university education, wnicli they cannot
Use, added lo the industrial demand for
Bkliled iaoor, X am certain will put tne ne
gro population In a belter condition ma
terially, anu when that Is brought, about
their spiritual and Intellectual uplifting la
much easier. The southern states are en
gaged in adopting legislations which seem
intended to exclude the negro trom tha
ballot in tact without Infringing the 1U
teentn amendment so palpably as to lead
to their annulment by the supreme court.
I am hoping earnestly that experiments of
this sort will fall, but if they will lead to
a result in which the laws shall exclude
Ignorant whites and blacks equally from
the ballot, then no one can quarrel with the
procedure, which will be square and honest.
As to Chinese.
Touching the application of the Chinese
exclusion law, the secretary asked; "Is it
Just that for the purpose of excluding or
preventing perhaps lou Chinese coolies from
slipping into this country ugainBt the law
we should subject an equal number of
Chinese merchant and students of high
character to an examination of sucfi an in
quisitorial, humiliating, insulting and
physicauy uncomfortable character as to
dlscourago altogether the coming ot mer
chants and students?" Then he said:
One of the great commercial prizes of the
world is the trade with auu.uou.uou Chinese
Ought we to throw away the advantage
which we have by reason of Chinese nut
ural frlendshlo for us and continue to en
force au unjustly Bevere Jaw, .nd thus
create tn the Chinese mind a disposition to
boycott American trade and drive our
merchunts from Chinese shores simply be
cause we are afraid that we may for the
time lose the approval of certain unreason
able and extremely popular leaders of Cali
fornia and other coast states'.' Does the
Question not answer itself? Is it nut the
duty of members of congress and of the
executive to disregard the unreasonable de
mands of a portion of the community
deeply prejudiced on this subject In the
far west and Insist on extending Justice
and courtesy to a people from whom wo
ere deriving and are likely to derive such
Immense benefit in the way of international
The secretary then paid some attention
to Porto Rico and the Philippines, "the
burdens which we have assumed due to
the Spanish war."
"I do not," he snld, "for a moment con
tend that now or for years they will prove
anything but a burden to the United
In discussing what he pointed out were
the Inadequate .salaries paid, government
officials, the secretary asked the question
whetTler it is not the irony of lnconslst
ency tha,t we who are engaged in praising
the purity and the simplicity, of tho
democracy should adopt a policy by which
only millionaires can govern us.
The honorary degree of L. L. D., which
had been authorized by the directors for
Secretary Taft, was formally conferred on
him. He returned to Cincinnati tonight and
will leave that city at noon tomorrow for
Ing held In the library of the Hotel Chal-
fonte. The general officers In attendance
were: Mrs. Sarah Piatt Decker, president;
Mrs. Philip N. Moore of St. Louis, vice
president; Mrs. May Alden Ward of Bos
ton, second vice president; Mrs. John D.
Sherman of Chicago, recording secretary;
Miss Loula B. Poppenhelm of Charleston,
8. C; Mrs. Percy Pennybacker of Austin,
Tex., treasurer. .Also the following mem
bers of the board of directors: Mrs. J.
E. Cowle, Log Angeles, Cal. ; Mrs. Alice
M. Johnson, Central Falls. R. I.; Mrs. Mary
I. Wood, Portsmouth, N: H.; Mrs. Charles
Yardley, East Orange, N. J., and be
sides these there were present chairmen tended until near the mile
of the following standing committees: Edu- j journey
cation, civics and forestry, civil service re
form, library extension, child labor, Indus
Apportions School Money.
PIERRE, 8. P., June 15. (Special Tele,
gram.) The state land department today
made the June semi-annual apportionment
of the Interest and Income fund to the pub
He schools, distributing over $300,000, making
$2.25 for every school child in the state. '
of society are unanimously of the opinion
hat the present regime Is done for and
hat we must begin the history of a new
nuasia nussia ot tne peopio.
Even the reactionary Svlet Is carried off
Its feet by the tide and Joins in the chorus
asking for a semsky tabor. The Svlet.
however, docs not ask for a cemsky zabor
In order to make peace, but to secure the
support of the people to continue the war
The selection of Washington makes It
certain that several weeks must elapse be
fore the first meeting of the negotiators is
Bis Battle Probable.
Unless President Roosevelt on his own
initiative Is able to induce the belligerents
in the meantime to agree to au armistice,
the fear Is general that the Interim will
witness another bloody battle in Man
thorla. Russia, while It could not place
Itself in the position of directly requesting
an armistice might welcome it,, if the sub
gostlon came from the president. Doubt is.
however, expressed in certain quarters as
to whether even an appeal by President
Roosevelt could Induce Japan to forego its
present strategical advantages and the
chances to deliver another blow before the
plenipotentiaries meet. All the news from
the front indicates that Field Marshal
Oyama is ready to strike and if, in ad
vance of the meeting at Washlgnton, ha
could administer a crushing defeat to
Lieutenant General Llnevltch It would be
all the easier for Japan to secure the ac
ceptance of its terms.
Vienna la Hopeful.
"VIENNA, June 15. The opinion prevalllna
here is that the peace negotiations between
Russia and Japan will eventually- prove
successful. This is based primarily on the
belief that Japaa .will meet Russia mora
than half way, making unexpectedly lea
aonable demands. Certain Intimations have
been received here that Japan's terms are
substantially as follows:
First The recognition of the' Japanese
protectorate over core.
Second The return of Manchuria to
Chuia. -'
third International control of eastern
cninese railroad.
Fourth Regarding Port Arthur, the
strategical value of this fortress has. been
overestimated and it. is said that Its ultl
mate disposal will not give rise to any con'
Klfthi-lt Is not thought that Japan will
demand tne demolition ot the fortifications
at v ladlvoetok.
Sixth The surrender of the Island of Ask,
hallo will not be demanded bv J a can dHii
dually because Japan has not yet carried
me war into riussian irrniory.
Seventh An understanding regarding an
Indemnity Is not tmpoasiole,' bwmue It is
declared Japan will content Itself with de
manoing the cost oi tne war,
Tha Japanese minister here tn an inter
view said that If Russia honestly desired
peace It could have it.
Addleka la Contempt of Co art.
Addlika naa wen aajuagea in contempt of
court lor tailing 10 sppiwr oeiore llenr
11. Robb. master in the Uueen Count cu
Construction company rase. The cut I
one of the many ramifications to tha Bay
Biaie una uuguuvu. v . . -
Daughter of Octagon and Belladonna
Crowned Queen of American Tnrf.
Delhi Shows the May to Mile Post,
W here Ha Tires and la Quickly ,
Passed by Belmont
Sin re.
vice president; W. E. Nichols of Mlnden,
secretary; E. C. Babcock of Lincoln, treas
urer; George O. Wallace of Omaha, mem
ber of national committee; E. J. Wight
man ot York, International vice president.
NEW TORK, June 15. Beldame was
crowned queen of the American truf when
she won the twenty-second Suburban han
dicap this afternoon at Sheepshead Bay.
The grand 4-year-old daughter of Octagon
and Belladonna, wearing the scarlet Jacket
of August Belmont, chairman of tho
Jockey club, lowered the colors of James
R. Keene's Delhi almost without being ex-
nd a quarter
A great crowd witnessed the race, prob
ably two-thirds of thorn- In the errand Bland
trial conditions of women, membership and women. Some excitement was caused
i cuipi uuuy t eauu Dunging n rt-pui i ui in
terest from their respective committees.
by a shurt-llved strike of the bookmakers.
f nro rtarfiMtt nraathoP than thut whlf'tl
Besides these there were present some of prevar(1 fo, th- runnlns of tha BuburbttI1
the most prominent club women of the
United States.
The visiting, women were welcomed by
Mrs. A. J. Newberry, president of the New
Jersey federation; Mrs. Decker, replying
for the federation. A large amount of busi
ness was transacted and although the ses
sions were long, they were none of them
wearying. As a presiding officer Mrs.
could scarcely be Imagined. Turf en
thusiasts began to stream Into the grounds
early In the afternoon, coaching parties
enlivened the boulevards in all directions.
whllo automobiles In ever Increasing num
ber moved swiftly from the city toward
Coney Island.
The running of the first half of the
double event for 2-year-olds was prelim-
Decker fulfilled all that was expected of Inary to the Suburban. This stake Is worth
her. Mr. John Ford of the Asiatic asso- $."0,000 and brought out all the young racers
elation brought an entirely new subject that had shown quality thus far this sea
before the women at the Wednesday after
noon session. In a presentation of the ex.
elusion of the Chinese, its object being to
induce the women to. interest themselves
In the matter with a view to Influencing
public opinion.
Mrs. Mary I. Wood of New Hampshire
son. The western colt, urace v. nennen.
owned by Frederick Cook, won the event.
Eleven Horsea "tart.
Then the crowd prepared for the decision
of America's blue ribbon turf event. There
was but little trouble at the post, the field
having been reduced to eleven horses by tho
occupied the remainder ot the afternoon withdrawal of Grazlallo. Delhi Jumped Into
with an exnoxitinn nf th n. Hnr,. nf the lend at the start, with Beldame at his
Information of the General Federation, of heels and AdbeI1 clo8e behind.- They passed
which she has charge. Mrs. Wood said In
The Bureau of Information recently es
the first quarters post In front of the
grandstand in that order. Delhi quickly
opened up a gap of two lengths and held it
tablished by the General Federation of throughout the first mile. The favorite's
Women's Clubs Is destined to become an supporters were Jubilant at his apparently
wnric r.r ih. nor,.-.! I.'.,!..-.,. i.,.. K..i .,, eusy path to victory, but their cheers of en
order to secure the best results, It will be couragement was turned to dismay when
necessary for all the clubwomen In the the Keene colors began to fall back and
country to co-operate with the chairman rtrlw hla .hln on fhB ,a..nrlto Thi
in orinffinir in Hri vn n Tn cpr nr t n r mirnnii i -
before the Individual clubs and federations was a sign to the excited watchers that
of the country. Delhi had begun to tire in his headlong
mi mc uue ijuiiu. ii is mum uesiraoie inai niK a , n
each clubwoman ahull h informed of th night. As he swung around the bend and
existence of the bureau and of the fact i"to the wide stretch Beldame drew up ahd
that the bureau does exist simply as tho passed him. The Ben Brush colt relaxed
urging r rro. cre a,on?:lde
it. mere are already valuable data on lile "v lv" "a-a iiuui-u-nmj iK-meu. r u .ii.
which are being Increased: there are also Mason moved ud and with ProDer at his
jai'5L?.Um.','fh JttB -U 1yOUtil!'. fPA rKl3 B'le. as In all his races, the Jennings colt
bfblioKrttDhlcs. which should be of lnes- came through the last furlong with a great
ttmable value to the Individual clubs of rush and secured second prize. First Mason
the country In the preparation of the work wna only a ength behind In third place.
..... . v. , ., . . ,n j . . ... .1 T V. I . . . ...... .AnAl..A,4 n.t.K ... 1 1 1
On tne other hand, eacn clubwoman, and I "....i ;.- ru ...n wi.u
more particularly each woman In an ofti- plause when she trotted back to the Judsre's
clal position, Is urged to send to the bureau stand and her victory was extremely pop
any item which bears upon the work of her r r
club or federation, the history of any de- I
partment, cluD, or federation with wnicn I ronii mare to in
she may be connected, pamphlets issued by only once before has the Suburban been
clubwomen and sketches of any work, par- I , . , , , ,e .
ii iiio,i, ,,i, n.i,i.h h. won by a mare. That was In 1899 when tho
done, or plans for which are now being grent Imp occupied the place given to Bel-
made Dy ciud worners. dame. Results
Plrfll rnce. six filrlnnca. main
In the discussion that followed a great Ivan the Terrible won. Kurtzman second
ueai was Bald for ana against tne mireau. jocunu wuru. nme: i:n-.
M Florence Kellv of the Consumers' I Sf,,on"' race: WaterllKht won, Agile sec
M's. Florence iieuy oi tne consumers , workman third. Time: 1:39.
league said that In order to make the bu- Third race, the double event, $20,000. Inst
reau really effectual the office would have 1 Ave and a half furlongs of the Futurity
to be a perpetual one. Mrs. Wood admitted
that. Many of the delegates argued that
course: George C. Bennett won, Ironsides
second. Bohemian third. Time: 1:07.
Fourth race, the Suburban hnndlcan. 120.-
the reciprocity bureaus now existing in loop. on; ml' and a quarter: Tteldame, 123
V.i liriu;, t IU at WUII, I luini, jiiji
Thonder showers In Nebraska Today
Cooler In the East
WASHINGTON, June 15. Forecast of the
weather for Friday and Saturday:
For Nebraska Thunder showers Friday
cooler In east portion; Saturday, fair and
For Iowa and Missouri Thunder showers
and cooler Friday; Saturday, fair In west,
showers in east portion.
For South Dakota Shqwers Friday and
cooler In east portion; Saturday, fair and
For Wyoming Fair Friday, except show
ers In extreme east portion; Saturday, fair.
warmer In east portion.
For Montana Fair Friday and Saturday.
For Colorado Fair in west, thunder
storms In east portion Friday; cooler; Sat
urday, fair, warmer In east portion.
For Kansas Thunder showers Friday.
cooler In south portion; Saturday, fair and
Local Record.
OMAHA, June 15. Official record of tem
perature and pieclpltatlon compared with
tne corresponding aay or the last three
years: 1906. l.t. l'JOS. 102.
Maximum temperature... 87 tit K2 71
Minimum temperature... 70 64 61 61
Mean temperature 78 72 72 66
Precipitation T .01 .00 .11
Temperature and nreclnltatlnn den&rturaa
from the normal at Omaha since March 1
and comparison with the last two years:
Normal temperature 72
Excess for the day (
Total excess since March 1 316
Normal precipitation 20 Inch
Deficiency for the day 20 Inch
Total precipitation since March 1.8.46 inches
Denciency since March 1 1.2s Inches
Deficiency for cor period In 1M04.. .71 inch
Deficiency for cor. period In 1!03.. .27 inch
Reports from Stations at T P. M.
Station and State Tern. Max. Rain-
of Weather. 7 p.m. Tern, fall
most of the states covered the field of the
General Federation bureau, but some of the
women who have longest been identified
with the national work urged Its continua
tlon as the best means of centralizing the
Interests of the women of the various
states. No definite decision was reached
and time alone can decide the value ot tho
The evening of June 7 was devoted to
an exhibition of American and Canadian
arts and crafts. Thursday was devoted to
reports of the standing committees, one of
the most Interesting being that of the
library extension committee. This Is
another project of Mrs. Decker's, Its object
being to establish a closer association of the
clubs with the General Federation to es
tabllsh a General Federation traveling
library. The report was presented by Mrs
Morris of the council and was followed by
one of the most animated dlscusslonsx ot
the council. It was pointed out that In some
states the traveling and established library
conditions are as good as they can be. while
In other states they are entirely unsatis
factory. Under the present system It is
Knnpp), 7 to 2, second; first Mason, 118
(Hullman). 20 to 1, third. Time: 2:05.
.lurnitln 1 fln.n.nnla IWilhl Outrlnh A A
bell, English Lad, Miss Crawford and Bad
Npu also ran.
Fifth race, five furlongs of Futurity
course: TlmDer won, MCKlttridge second,
Sufficiency third. Time: 1:01.
Sixth race, one mile and a sixteenth, on
turr: Memories won. Possession second.
Action tnira. lime: i:f.
flams Preston.
An event that above everything else has
claimed the Interest of society this week
was the wedding of Miss Marguerite Tres
ton, daughter of Mrs. E. It. Preston, and
Mr. Samuel Burns, Jr., which was sol
emnised at 8:30 o'clock last evening at All
Saints church In tho presence of about 300
guests. The church was beautifully
trimmed with pink and white peonies and
greens and palms and ferns brkig banked
nhout the chancel rail. Preceded bv tho
ushers. Messrs. Harry Tukey, Robert
Burns, Charles T. Kountie. William T.
Burns. Frank Kennedy and N. P. Dodge,
Jr., the bridal party marched down tho
main aisle. The bridesmaids. Misses Pessle
Brady. Mildred Lomnx, Ella May Brown
and Margaret Bennett of Jackson, Mich,
walked first, gowned In white net gowns
figured In roses and carrying loose bunches
of bridesmaids' roses. On their heads they
wore wreaths of pink roses. Miss Beatrice
Key of Chicago, as maid of honor, walked
next. Her gown was of pink mull and she
wore a wreath of roses and carried a loose
bunch of roses like the maids. Th bride
came last, walking alone. The wedding
gown was a handsome creation of Valen
ciennes lace, over which hung a long veil
caught to place by a wreath of white
maiden hair fern. She carried a shower
of white sweet pens. Mr. Burns, with Mr.
Mosler Colpetrer as his groomsman, met
the bride at the chancel steps, where the
betrothal was said, and then advanced to
the altar, where the vows were taken, Rev.
T. J. Mackay officiating. Following the
ceremony a wedding supper was served to
the members of the bridal party at the
home of Mrs. Preston. There, as at the
church, the decorations were of peonies and
greens except In the dlnlngroom, where
white carnations were used.
Mr. and Mrs. Burns have gone for a
bridal trip through the west and will be
at home after July 4 In Omaha. Mrs. Burns
Is tho only daughter of Mrs. E. B. Preston
and came to Omaha about throe years ago,
but she had made many friends here be
fore that time, when she was frequently
the guest of Mrs. Dick Stewart and Mrs.
Charles Kountze. Since her residence In
Omaha Mrs. Burns has been one of the
most prominent young women In society.
Mr. Burns is the son of Mr. and MrB.
Samuel Burns and was raised in Omaha.
He is one of the best known men in so
ciety and Is equally prominent among the
young business men of the city, being en
gaged In the brokerage business.
Double Wedding: at Falls City. (
FALLS CITT, Neb., June 15. (Special.)
Wednesday morning, June 14, a double wed
ding occurred at tho home of W. E. Dor
rington, Mr. Ed Fisher and Miss Lillian
Dorrlngton and Mr. Harry Ross and Miss
Ann Dorrlngton, being the contracting par
ties. Rev. W. T. Cllne of the Methodist
Episcopal church performed the ceremony,
which was witnessed by about sixty people.
FALLS CITY, Neb., June 15. (Speclal.)
Miss Zola Jones and Mr. Simon Davles
were married Wednesday evening at tho
Methodist Episcopal parsonage. The wed
ding was a complete surprise to everyone
Mr. Davles Is a prominent young business
man and Miss Jones has won a high place
In musical circles. They will continue to
live In Falls City.
.Aaron Dendry Stroop of the Merchants
National bank In Omaha and Miss Edna E,
Bell of Council Blufts were married yes
terday at the residence of the bride's par
ents by Rev. El Gomble Smith of the First
Methodist church, Omaha. They left for
Denver for a bridal tour. Mr. and Mrs.
Stroop will reside in Council Bluffs.
FALLS CITY, Neb., June 15. (Special. )
Robert Johnston of the firm of J. S. John
ston & Sons, and Miss Ida Moslman,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Moslman,
were married at the bride's home Wednes
day evening, June 14.
Comer at Seventeenth ind St. Ifarj'i
Bought by Tbii Organisation.
Chicago to New York. Via Pennsyl
vania Short Lines
' The New xorK especial leaves 8 a. m
arrives New York 8:15 a. m. Time, 23 hours
and 15 minutes. Extra fare, $5.00.
"The Keystone Express" leaves 10:06 a
m., arrives New York 8:00 p. m. Time,
23 hours. Differential fare train.
'The Manhattan Limited" leaves 11:00 a,
m., arrives New xorK i o clock noon,
Time, 24 hours. Extra fare, $4.00.
"The Pennsylvania Special" leaves 2:45
p. m., arrives New York 9:45 a. m. Time,
18 hours. Extra fare, $10.00.
'The Atlantic Express" leaves 8:15 p. m.
arrives New York, 8:15 p. m. Time, 28
hardlv possible to send the travelln hours. No extra fare.
libraries from one state to another. In "The Pennsylvania Limited" leaves 5
mnv HtRtea tha traveling lihrnrv l. mttd p. tn., arrives New York 5:30 p. m. Time,
Dosslble through the courtesy of the rail- 23 hours. Extra fare, $5.00.
roads, who transport the books free of "The New nor express - leaves u:45 p.
charge, but In case an Interstate system Is - arrives New York 7:30 a. m. No extra
established the railroads can hardly be ex- fare.
pected to carry the books from one state
to another. Another argument was the re
luctance felt by some less fortunate Btatea
to borrow or ask assistance of other states
and It was held that such hesitancy would
be overcome if a state was borrowing from
the national rather than from another state
organization. Against tha project It was
argued that the expense of Interstate trans.
For complete information address
26 IT. S. Bank Bldg., Omaha.
Badger Ginger Ale Is best. Made at She
boygan from purest water in the United
Stales. Ask for It.
gnndny School Ottlcrra Chosen.
SUPERIOR. Neb.. June B. (Special Telo-
portation would exceed any allowance that rAm ) Tne state Sunday school conven
It is possible for the General Federation to tlon cIof)ed an enthusiastic three-day meet
make. It would be necessary to maintain ,ng nere tonight. Citizens and delegates
a central office with a trained corps of RrB hihly nleased. The officers elected
I P. Albright of Red Cloud, presl-
Ubrarlans, which would be an additional
expense. It was suggested that the bureau
of Information might serve this purpose.
The question waa referred to representa
tlves of the various state federations and
will come up as one ot the important issues
at the St. Paul biennial
Bismarck, cloudy 54
Cheyenne, cloudy 64
Chicago, clear 68
Davenport, cloudy 78
Denver, cloudy 78
navre, clear 54
Helena, partly cloudy ii
Huron, partly cloudy 73
Kansas City, cloudy Ml
North Platte, cloudy 6H
Omaha, cloudy 73
Rapid City, raining 54
St. uls, clear 86
St. Paul, cloudy 76
Salt l.ake City, clear 74
Valentine, cloudy 72
Wllllston, cloudy 54 56
T indicates trace of precipitation.
L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster.
I. on
Pric-.25c """n.''
4 " v Jf tlsm Cure
?J. I M? J seldom
j f' , JT eyg pains la
111 '" MJ-iti4l JYi Joints in a
few hours. Positively eures In a taw days. It
does not put the disease to' sleep, but drives
Atzrata tha aMlem. MIMIOX PfeUa.
dent; Mrs. Dora V. Wheeler of Superior,
Fires from Lightning-.
NORTH PLATTE, Neb.. June 15. (Spe
clal Telegram.) A heavy storm came up
about 3 o'clock this morning. There was
terrific lightning for about half an hour and
a heavy rainfall. Ottenstern's large barn
In the Second ward was struck and burned
to the ground, with one of Ottenstern's
horses in it. Senter's barn, near by. also
caught fire from the other barn and burned
to the ground. Julius Plzer's barn caught
fire and Its Interior destroyed, but the fire
was put out before the walls fall. Heavy
rainfall again this morning, with lightning
and some hall.
Gasoline Explosion at Nebraska City,
NEBRASKA CITY, June 16. (Special Tel
egram.) As tho result of the explosion of
a gasoline can the home of J. S. Thomas
was damaged by fire this morning. Al
though all the family was at home, no one
was Injured.
Royal Arch Masons Ktcct Officers.
ABERDEEN, S. D., June 15. (Speeln
Telegram.) The Royal Arch Masons elected
J. K. KutnewBky of Redfleld grand high
priest; A. C. Blernatskl of Salem, vice
grand high priest; John A. Cleaver o
Huron, grand king; John E. Hlepplo of
Pierre, grand scribe; D. C. Jacobs of Len
nrtx, grand treasurer; George A. Pettlgrew
of Sioux Falls, grand secretary. The at
tendance of Royal Arch Masons Is the
largest ever held In the state. The Ma
snnlo gatherings conclude tomorrow with
the twenty-second annual conclave of the
commandery of South Dakota.
Fnneral of James Klrkpatrlek.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb., June 15. (Spe
cial.) The remains of James Klrkpatrlek,
more familiarly and affectionately known In
business circles here and among his com
rades at the Home as "Old Kirk," were
laid to rest in the Soldiers' Home cemetery
this afternnon, the obsequies being under
the auspices ot the Elks' lodge of this city,
ot which he waa a member. Mr. Klrkpat
rlek died suddenly on the streets of Kear
ney, Tuesday afternoon. He was born In
Pennsylvania, enlisted as a corporal in
Company M, Tenth Illinois cavalry, served
four years and four months; later followed
his occupation as railway conductor, and
entered the Soldiers' Home In this city In
1&93, ever since which time, through one
administration after the other, he served
In the capacity of clerk, or in some other
position. In whatever capacity he labored
he was capable, upright and trustworthy.
and no officer or member of the Home ever
more completely enjoyed the respect, es
teem and friendship of the business men of
the city and his associates at the Home. He
waa well known to the state officers of the
last twelve years. He leaves a daughter.
a resident of Mexico, and a sister, a resi
dent ot this state, the latter being called
here to attend tha funeral.
Jamea Manaararh.
LONDON, June 15. Jamea Mansergh,
past president of the Institution of Civil
Engineers and a member of the council of
the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 1
died today. He was connected with various
engineering works in the United b tates and
myis-ia Ka. .Tonic'' Kat ljuildtf
up Brain , "WIxi Jela iand ; Done,.1
It'Jfoxcellent qualities' liaveleen n2or
ei hy leading 'pliyJaciaivijJoFt Omaha A'
Loon o He, man or woman in Clie; trlrenu-
ouj lifelof . luiine r?to fk convalescent;
urj,io'noQieTorvany'cme languid or run-
-down. er a caic now.
OVER $500,000
In savings accounts,
representing 6, 0 0
people. Every person
should have some
money saved, and
our facilities are
clearly to your advan
tage. Oldest and Strongest Sav
ings Bank In Nebraska.
City Savings Bank
16th and Douglas Streets.
Deal la Just Closed and
Money Must He Paid
Over Within Thirty
The Toung Women's Christian association
has bought the lot at the southwest corner
of Seventeenth street anl St. Mary's ave
nue upon which will be erected a com
modious building for the organisation. The
eal was closed Wednesday with tho
K lira be th Kountze estate, the owners of
the property, Shinier & Chase acting as
the agents. The price Is 15,i and
it must be paid over within thirty days.
The association has on hand $5,000, which
may be utilized for the purpose, and will
begin a crusade Immediately to secure the
remaining $10,000 by personal solicitation
and subscription.
The lot, which Is now partly covered by
some decrepit frame buildings, bns a front
age of 105 feet on Seventeenth street and
runs back nearly to Eighteenth street in
the form of a sharp right angle triangle.
an alley on the south forming the perpen
dicular and St. Mary's avenue tho hypolh
enuse, the side lines being 2S0 and 298 feet
respectively, rt Is the Intention to con
struct the building on the front part of tho
lot, running back lfld feet and having a rear
wtdth of forty-two feet, thus obtaining
light and air on all sides. The sharp trian
gle to the rear will be used as a garden and
grass plat. Altogether the lot has an area
equal to one and three-fourths ordinary
shaped city lots. The property "PB across
the street from the Squash club's house, to
the north of which the ney Young Men'
Christian association building' will be
erected. I
"I can say nothing regarding the building
at this time," said Mrs. Dyers. "Business
men to whom we appealed for aid in getting
the building fund together told us to get a
lot and then they would consider doing
something for us. We, thereupon decided
to get a lot and have made arrangements.
to buy the one at St. Mary's avenue and
Seventeenth street. We believe the site la
a good one and the price reasonable. The
outlines of the lot make possible a building
that will have light and air on every sldo
and no other structure can crowd tn along
Lntherana Elect Offleera.
TTTT C TJ Y ' 1 (l Tim IK tAV Tlnvl Tim 11
lln, D. I., of Wlttenburg Theological sem
inary. Bprmgnein, u., was tonay eiectea
nresirtent of the forty-second hlennlal con
vention of the general synod of the Evan
gelical Lutheran Church of America.
Get Hid of Yonr Catarrh by I'slnaT
Hyomel IX'ovr.
Everyone who has catarrh should take
advantage of the warm weather to get
rid of this annoying and distressing disease.
The right treatment, faithfully followed.
In May or June, will benefit much more
quickly than in the "Winter and early
Do not try to cure catarrh' of the hpatt
and throat by taking drugs Into the stom
ach. It cannot be cured in that manner.
The only way in which, this too common
disease can be cured la, through a direct
application of Hyomel that will kill the
germs of catarrh and prevent their growth.
The first day's use of Hyomel will show
a decided Improvement, and In a short
time, especially If used at this season, of
the year, there will be no further trouble
from catarrh.
You take no risk in buying Hyomel. The
complete outfit costs but one dollar, and
If after using you can say that the treat
ment has not helped you, Sherman 4
McConnell will return your money.
Klnodrome New Moving Pictures.
Prices. 10-1B-26C. '
Matinees, We, Any Seat
All Beats
All Nest Week
Opening with "THE HELLE
Commenting Sunday Metlnea,
aat Sal Now On . - -.
Saturday and Sunday, June IT and IS
The Great Jewish Actor , '
Supported by Strang Chicago Company.
Saturday Night JACOB AND K'SAU.
Prices &c., 3&c, M. 7&u, Boats on
Sale Tuesday.
Valley Park, Iowa, Saturday, June 1 7
a. o. u. w. PICNIC
T'tmtm I.. la W . J mtm.
j u4 lillO v. an.