Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 16, 1905, Image 1
WHATS WANTED? Gel If br hitrttng a fiffft rVaif Hi la The Bet's tltttlfltdtdrtrtising columns. The Omaha Daily Bee. SUBSCRIBERS Filling to gel Te Bet rtgultrlf er promptly ifioufd reorf fo 'ftione 897. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, FRIDAY MOUSING,, JUNE 16, 1905 TEN PAGES. SINGLE COFY TII1JEE CENTS. SCANDAL IN CDICAGO Sensational Disclosures Follow Infestiga tion of Coal Teaming AfM. 'OLVED I i Close EMPLOYERS AND DRIVERS Owiers and Union Teamsters Corporation and Adranoe es. STATEMENT BY STATE'S ATTC ' HEALY Bays Caarges Involve Briber; ispiracj and More Beiions Offenses. MANY BUSINESS MEN ARE SUBPOENAED Prominent Employer and Leading Member of the Bar Will Appear Before the Grand Jury Today. CHICAGO, June 15 The greatest scan .1 Chicago has ever seen, according to 'states Attorney Healy, Is to follow the dis closure! mudo today before the grand Jury by J. C. Driscoll. when the former secre i tary of the Associated Building Trades and Coal Team Owners' association re vealed the entire history of the dealings between employers and union labor lead ers, particularly that branch of union la bor represented by the Chicago TeamsterB' union. ' Slates Attorney Healy said: More serious offenses have been com mltted than bribery and conspiracy and the evidence presented to the Jury has been of an extremely sensational charac ter. It is very Important and will lead to startling results. The names mentioned by the witnesses are those of prominent men on both sides. If I thought there would he no results from this Investigation 1 would call a halt Immediately. - f believe the present lino of Inquiry will occupy the Jury for the remainder of this -week and a portion of next week, but If necessary all the docket cases will be sidetracked be cause of the great Importance I attach to the results of the present lnnuiry. Tomorrow will witness the gathering be fore the grand Jury of twenty or more of the prominent business men of Chicago, together with leading members of the bar. Subpoenas for them have been placed to night In the hands of private detectives employed by the states attorney, but It Is Impossible tonight to learn the names of those for whom subpoenas have been is ued. Details of One Conspiracy. t i rt r 'i i . . 1 1 ... 1 .1 . n-Li ih. ftitaf wit ness before the grand Jury and related what he called the dealings between the employers and union labor. Drlscoll told how the coal teamsters and coal team own ers had made the first Joint trade agree ment, which provided that tho owners should employ only members of the Coal Teamsters' union, and that members of the union should work for no employer not a member of the Coal Team Owners' assocl atlon. The effect of this arrangement, the witness declared, was to force every coal wagon owner Into the Coal Team Owners' association and every coal wagon driver into the teamsters' union. The owners be hind this provision that barred union drlv ri from working for men not members of the association and prevented nonunion drivers from driving coal wagons, raised the cartage rates o coal from 30 cents to 60 cents a ton for short hauls and to as high as SI a ton for longer hauls. Drlscoll took before the Jury today sev eral check books, which, together with the cancelled checks, are expected to prove many of the charges made, by him against business men and labor leaders. Drlscoll Mar Be Held. John C. Drlscoll was kept under surveil lance all night by a detective from the state's attorney's office. One of the reasons given was to protect Drlscoll from personal violence. Another reason was to prevent Drlscoll from being Influenced to leave Chicago. It is reported that Drlscoll arranged to go away as soon as the grand Jurors are through with him. If he does it Is prob able he will have to supply a heavy bond for his appearance when wanted. Should indictments be voted as the result of Drls coll's exposures he may be named as a co conspirator, it is said, but not a co-defendant, so that his presence at the trials aa the star witness will be doubly insured. raid fS.OOO to Shea. It was learned late tonight that one of the statements made by Drlscoll to the Jury was that Presidont Shea of the Team sters' union accepted SS.000 at the time of the stock yards strike last summer. This strike began on July 12 and lasted for nine weeks. About 26,000 men were thrown out of employment, and millions of dollars were lost by the packers In business and by the men on wages. Ac cording to Driscoll's story he went to Shea to see if the teamsters could not be prevented from going out on a sympathetic strike. Bliaa Is said by Drlscoll to have replied. "It will cost 18,000 to keep them at work." Drlscoll doclared that he raised the money and paid it to Shea, and that the labor leader was not able to prevent the men from walking out. Drlscoll afterward, ac cording to his story, demanded the return of this money and Shea declared that he had paid It over to two' other men con nected with the Teamsters' union. Hanrahan Takes Hand. Though no surface change In the strike today, a powerful agent for peace was at work. Orand Muster J. O. Hanrahan of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen ar rived in the city, and after a conference with Mayor Dunne, announced that he would use hJs good offices to - settle the strike. Some of the strike leaders who take kindly to Mr. Hanrahan, think that he had an Intimation from higher officials that It Is an opportune moment for tho effort. A possible Indication that something in the nature of an understanding exists developed today when W. P. Rend, a team owner, said he would deliver goods to the strike-bound houses with nonunion 'men and that his union drivers would neither strike nor be locked out. Chairman John V. FarwelL Jr., of the Employers' associa tion declined to consider a tentative strike setttlement proposition presented to him to day by the State Board of Arbitration. The proposition which the employers de clined to consider was an offer that If the employers would agree to use all honorable tafluence to have police and deputy sher iffs and all armed guards withdrawn im mediately the strike would be declared off, even aa to the express companies, and that orders to deliver anywhere would be obeyed by the teamsters. ALEXIS AND AVELLAN RESIGN I Utah Admiral and Head of Russian Admiralty Retire from Office t'nder Fire. ST. PETERSBURG, June 16.-3 :30 a. m. The sensational announcement was made shortly before midnight that Grand Duke Alexis, the high admiral, who is an uncle of the emperor, and Admiral Avellan, head of the Russian Admiralty department, had resigned. This announcement was followed a few minutes later by an Imperial rescript relieving the grand duke of the supremo direction of the navy, which he had held lnce the days of the emperor's father, Alexander III, when Russia resolved to enter the lists as a first class sea power and to build up a great navy, tho remnants of which were destroyed In the battle of the Sea of Japan. Although from time to time since the war began there ha-e been rumors that the grand duke would retire on account of the savage criticism, not to use harsher terms, directed against the administration of the navy, especially in the construction of ships, the announcement of his resigna tion came like a bolt out of the blue. It was not preceded by any of the rumors which usually give warning of such an act. Casually it was assumed that some sudden event precipitated it and ugly stories im mediately came to the surface. Among those sojourning late In the cafes and hotels the editorial in the Nasha Shlsn yesterday morning demanding an accounting of the popular fund subscribed for the rebuilding of the navy and declar ing that "great names are no longer guar antees," was Instantly recalled. The words of the rescript give no hint of Imperial anger and tho real explanation probably will not leak out for several days, but tho Instant disposition was to regard the retirement of Grand Duke Alexis and Admiral Avellan as a concession to public opinion, following the crowning tragedy of the Sea of Japan. Charges of mlsmanaga ment and Inefficiency and tales of corrup tion, and even worse, against the marine department have been rife for years. After tho war began they Increased ten fold, and lately a regular campaign against the department has been openly conducted In the newspapers. Some start ling revelations have been made In this campaign and Captain Clado, who was one of the leading critics of the conduct of the navy, was dismissed from the service for his persistence. It was felt even In quarters where charges of corruption were not enter tained that it would be unwise to entrust the building of the navy to the hands which were responsible for the hapless fleets of the past. ROYAL WEDDING AT WINDSOR Heir Presumptive of Sweden Princess Ma run ret of Con. naught I'nlted. and GRAFT IN TOE QUAKER CITY Highly Sensational Development! in Mayor's Fight Against the King. OFFICERS INTERESTED IN CONTRACTS Large Soma Filched from City Treas ury by Irregular Awards to Firms Controlled by Officials. PHILADELPHIA, June 15. There were I highly Interesting developments today in Mayor Weaver's crusade for good govern- j ment. The fight against the trolley fran chises was for the moment forgotten in the light of what developed at the hearing of Select Councilman Frank H. Cavan, who Is charged with violating his councllmanlc oath by being interested in city contracts. During the hearing It was shown that In surance Commissioner I. W. Durham, the leader of the republican organization in this city, Is a partner in the McNichol firm of city contractors. It was also shown that while James P. McNichol, who is now a state senator and one of the local republican leaders, was in city councils, the McNichol firm consisted of Durham, Mrs. James P. McNichol, John M. Mack and Daniel J. McNichol, a brother of James P. McNichol. It was also shown that after James P. McNichol left the coun cil his wife withdrew from the firm and that her place was taken by himself. Wheel Within a Wheel. Other evidence of a sensational character was to the effect that a secret agreement existed between Councilman Cavan and his father, trading as James Cavan & Son, and another firm, in which they agreed that no contract shall be entered into by either of the parties with the McNicbo! firm or other firms doing work on tho city's filtration system without the written consent of the other party. As a result of what developed at the hearing Mayor Weaver late today accepted tho resignation of John Hill, chief engineer of the bureau of filtration, and also that of his son, Henry W. Hill, who was assistant to lis father. Chief Hill was the highest salaried official in the city, his compensa tion being J17.000 a year. Simultaneously with the acceptances of the resignations all work on the city's filtration system was ordered stopped. The office of Chief Hill was placed In charge of Assistant Director of Public Works Hicks and the city's offices at the filtration plants were put in charge of detectives, with instructions not to permit any one to move any records or any documents. The filtration system has cost the city alxmt $:2,000,0n0 and It will take upwards of $5,000,000 more to complete the work. The McNichol firm has had contracts for about three-quarters of the work. DICKENS ATTACKS IN FORCE Army Men Complain that Disabled' Ships Are $himli( Too Much Activity. FORT MONROE, Va., June 15 The first attack In force on Fort Monroe took place this morning at 7 o'clock. Eight of the biggest ships of Admiral Dickens' squad ron formed an arc of a circle between Capes Henry and Charles. All of them headed for the fort and advanced slowly. The forming operation, although far out, was plainly visible and everything was ready In ample time to meet tho work. The first gun was fired at 7:10 and for half an hour a long-range bombardment continued. The ships did not come closer than Bug light, which is ten miles from the fort. The fleet consisted of the Texas and Hartford, four of me monitors and two smaller ships. The monitor Puritan was recognized In tho fleet, indicating that it had succeeded in getting off the mud at Point Lookout, where it was fast yester day. Because of the long range and the use of subcallber to Indicate the fire, the demonstration was robbed of spectacular features which have characterized the night attacks. After a half hour of firing, dur ing which the ships were advancing, they turned in a broad clrclo and proceeded back from their starting point and were soon out of view. The demonstration is taken to comply with that part of the exercises requiring a "run by" In daylight to develop the capa city and accuracy of the range finding and big gun and mortar fire of tho batteries. While Admiral Dickens was gathering tho larger units of his fleet in the lower Chesapeake last night he was not idle at tho Washington and Baltimore defenses. At Forts Washington and Hunt things were exceedingly lively. The Siren landed a company of marines at Marshall Hall Md., who immediately proceeded to cap ture the army signal station at that place. Previous to this the Siren had made sev. oral attempts to cut the cable, the means of communication between Forts Hunt and Washington, and, according to the army's computation of Its artillery fire, the ship had been out of action several times. It was for this reason that a protest was made by the captured signal station per sonnel and a case for future settlement by tho Joint board has been made. Besides landing at Marshall Hall another landing was made from the Siren on the Fort Hunt side of the Potomac at what Is known as White House, Just below the fort. The monitor Terror and the gunboat Siren have been reported as proceeding down the Potomac. It is believed that the whole fleet will demonstrate against Fort Monroe tonight. WINDSOR, England, June IS. Windsor, the scene of many historic events, particu larly during the reign of the late Queen Victoria, was in holiday attire today for the marriage of Princess Margaret of Con naught, eldest daughter of the duke of Connaught, to Princo Gustavus Adolphus, eldest son of Crown Prince Gustavus of j 8weden, all the arrangements for which were made under tho personal direction of King Edward. Throughout the morn ing a procession of royal trains proceeded from London to Windsor, carrying repre sentatives of most of the royal families of Europe, forming one of the most im posing gatherings since the king's corona tion. Magnificent summer weather greeted the young couple and showed the pretty town of Windsor at its best. The scene in St. George's chapel, which was not decorated with the exception of scattered flowers, was exceedingly brilliant, being a blaze of uniforms and decorations and brilliant ladles in full court dress, with coronets of tiaras and wearing many Jewels. Shortly after the guests were seated the bridegroom made his appearance, accom panied by his supporters. Princes Eugene and William of Sweden, with gentlemen In attendance. The bridegroom was followed by the royal party. Including King Ed ward, Queen Alexandra and Princess Vic toria, the crown prince and crown prin cess of Sweden, the duchess of Connaught, the prince of Wales, the landgrave of Hesse, the grand duke and grand ducheBS of Baden, and the khedlve of Egypt, all accompanied by brilliant suites. As Elgar's Imperial march was played on the organ the bride, on the arm of her father, passed from the castle to the chapel. She was met at the entrance by the lord chamberlain, and the bridesmaids. Princess Patricia of Connaught, her Bis ter; Princess Victoria of Battenburg, Prin cess Mary of Wales, and Princess Beatrice of Saxe-Coburg. The bridal party passed up the aisle, preceded by the choir, Blng ing "When tho God of Old," to the chan cel, where a quarter of a century ago the bride's mother and father went through the name ceremony. The archbishop of Canterbury, assisted by the bishop of Ox ford and others, read the services of the Church of England- The bride and bridegroom left Windsor for Cheshire. They will spend tho first part of the honeymoon at Saighton Grange, the seat of Countess Orosvenor, afterward proceeding to Ireland. WESTERN MATTERS AT CAPITAL Number of Nebraska Postmasters Get an Increase In Their Salaries. fFrnm a Rtafff Oorresnnndent.l WASHINGTON, June 15. (Special Tele gramsThese Increases of Nebraska post- masters were announced today: Aurora. 11,900 to 12,000; Scrtbner. $1,200 to $1,300; Stanton and Wilber, $1,400 to $1,500. Postmasters appointed: Nebraska Bruno, Butler county, James A. Proskovoc, vice A. Placek, resigned; Redfern, Custer county, Walter Robertson, vice W. B. Gib- eon, resigned. Iowa Percy, Marlon county, John L. Cowman, vice W. S. Lenty, re moved. South Dakota Rauvllle, Codding. ton county, Henry M. Shlsler, vice Charles E. Edwards, resigned. Iowa rural routes ordered established Au gust 16: Audubon, Audubon county, route 6; population, 505; houses, 101. Mount Zlon, VanBuren county, route 1; population, 320 houses, f0. Rowan, Wright county, route 1; population, 620; houses, 104. Rural carriers appointed: Nebraska Bladen, route 1; James E. Morey, carrier; Philip M. Wolfe, substitute. Brandish, route 1; Benedict Strangeland, carrier; Iver Schlanbusch, substitute. Edgar, route 4; Pearl Saum, carrier; George F. Sales, sub stitute. Osceola, route 4; George A. Miller, carrier; Guy A. Hotchkiss, substitute. South Dakota Lennox, route 2; Elmer E. Gilmore, carrier; Edward Baker, substitute. EQUITABLE TRUSTEES MEET Controlling Interest in the Stock Formally Turned Over to Them. LETTER TO THE POLICY HOLDERS Explanation of the Deed of Trust and the Method by Which the Directors Will Be Chosen. NEBRASKA WEATHER FORECAST Thunder Showera Friday and Cooler In Kast Portion. Saturday Fair and W nrmcr. Temperature at Omaha Yeaterdayi Hour. Peg. Hour. Deg. ft a. m 71 1 n. m...... 7 IV In. m 71 11 a. m 7n 7 a. nt 72 12 m T! A n. m 74 1 p. m 4 O a. m 7ft 1 p. m XI a p. m ..... . 85 VETERANS ELECT OFFICERS General Stephen D. Lee Again at Head of United Confederates Next Meeting at New Orleans. NORWAY IS NOT BELLIGERENT Army Not Being Mobilised and King Will Be Congratulated on Wedding. CHRISTINIA. Norway, June 15 The minister of defence authorizes the state ment that all rumors of the mobilization of the Norwegian army and fleet are devoid of foundation. Flags are flying today from all the publlo buildings and many other buildings in Christlanla in honor of the wedding at Windsor of Prince Gustavus Adolphus to Princess Margaret of Connaught. The Storthing has decided to send its con gratulations to King Oscar and the bridal couple, addressing King Oscar as king of Sweden and Prince Gustavus Adolphus as prince of Sweden. HOWARD GOULD LOSES CASE New York Architect Awarded Heavy Verdict for Plans for MU. llonalre'a Castle. NEW YORK. June 15. A verdict for Abner J. Haydel, an architect, to recover $24,183.75 from Howard Gould for services in drawing plans for the Gould castle at Port Washington, L. I., was awarded by a Jury in tho New York state supreme court at Mlneola, L I., today. This amount rep resents about 2H per cent of the original contract price of $i7,000 which it was esti mated the Gould castle would cost. Haydel had sued for $60,000. The architect had testified that he had been sent to Ireland to make plans of the celebrated Kilkenny castle, to be used In the Gould castle, and that Mrs. Gould or dered many changes in his plans, and finally refused to accept these plans and ordered him out of her presence at the hotel, where he had gone to consult her aa to plans. LOUISVILLE, June 15. The United Con federate Veterans today elected the follow ing officers: Lieutenant general, Stephen D. Lee, Mississippi; commander Trans Mississippi department, Lieutenant General W. Cabell, Texas; commander Army of mlsslsslppl department, .'.leu tenant General Clement A. Evans, Oeorgla; commander Army of Northern Virginia department, C. Irvine Walker, South Carolina. New Orleans had slight difficulty In se curing the convention for 1906. At noon the business of the convention, which began at 9:30 a. m., was suspended and an hour was devoted to the customary memorial services in honor of the dis tinguished dead of the year. The annual address to the veterans was delivered by Captain N. E. Harris of Macon, Ga, During the progress of the business of the day it was discovered that a federal officer, Colonel S. C. Russell of Indian Territory, was on the committee on reso lutions. Colonel Russell did not attend the convention and on the protest of a Texas member on the committee General Lee selected the name of J. J. Kendall of Indian Territory. Fraternal greetings were read from the state encampment of the Grand Army of the RepuDllc for Indiana, in session at Madison. Tho greetings were only mod erately cheered and one delegate on tho platform, with the remark that there "Is getting to be too much of this fraterniz ing," took his hat and departed. Tho history committee reported gratify ing progress in the matter of securing ac curate histories for the use of the south ern schools. A battle abbey is now as sured. It will be built in Richmond. Tho report of tho Davis Monument as sociation says that $69,000 Is now In a bank drawing interest and the monument of the dead chieftain Is therefore assured. South Carolina's sponsor. Miss Elizabeth Lumpkin, was given an ovation by the old men in gray at the conclusion of a remark able address of greeting. The spectacular feature of the reunion, the parade of the remnants of tho South's once great army, will take place tomorrow. NEW YORK, June 15. Grover Cleveland, Justice O'Brien of the state supreme court and Georgo Westlnghouse of Pittsburg, trustees of the Equitable Life Assurance society stock formerly owned by James H'. Hyde, met at the Hotel Buckingham in this city today. In the afternoon session, after a conference with Ellhu Root and Paul Gravath, Thomas F. Ryan was sent for and a trust agreement was executed. Mr. Cleveland was elected chairman and George F. Parker, secretary. At the conclusion of the meeting tonight the trust agreement, with a letter from Mr. Ryan to the trustees and an appeal from Mr. Cleveland to the policyholders, were made public. Mr. Ryan's letter announces Individual ownership of the stock. In it he says: I am the sole owner of the 52 shares of the stock of the Equitable society, which I purchased from Mr. Hyde, and no other person or interest has contributed or has the rinht to contribute a single dollar towards the purchase of the stock. The policyholders with whom I conferred in making the purchase have had no connec tion with the inanaKement of the Equitable society and their connection with the tran saction was entirely advlsorv. The amount which I paid for the 502 shares of stock purchased from Mr. Hyde is $2,500,000. Mr. Cleveland's Appeal. The appeal of Mr. Cleveland to the pol- ' ' icyholders is dated in advance and, will be mailed to tne SOO.UW holders of Equitable Insurance. Tho letter follows: NEW YORK, June IS, 1905. To Policy holders In tne Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States: We, tne un uersmned. have assumed the duties ac credited by a trust agreement, executed by Thomas f. Ryan, wnereby a majority of tne stock of. tne Equitable Lite Assurance society has been placed in our hands as trustees for the purpose of voting in stock tor tne directors ot said society. It is provided In the instrument transfer ring the stock to us that we shall vote for seven (jut of the thriteen directors to be cnosen annually from the holders ot poll cles of Insurance In said society, and that these shall be desbsnated bv an exoression of their choice on tho part of the ooily of all policyholders whose policies have been in iorce at least one year. The selection of the six remaining dl rectors to be elected each year is left to our discretion as trustees. This ulan will result In finally giving to policyholders tlio privilege ot choosing twenty-eight to titty two persons, who will constitute the board ot directors. It Is also provided by said Instrument of transfer as a means of Informing us of the choice which the policyholders may make of the directors allotted to their section that said policyholders shall ex press their wishes to us on this subject by sending to our address annually before the first day of November at the office of the Equitable society. 120 Broadway. New York a written designation of the policyholders they desire to have elected as directors, we especially request all policyholders en titled to exercise this privilege that they make their wishes known to us within the time and manner mentioned In order that the plan Inaugurated for their policy-hold lug direclu.-t.hii may speedily reach the numerical proportion Of tho entire board, We have determined at an early dale to name policyholders to nil existing vacan cles. We therefore urge policyholders to notify us at once of their preferences In regard to these vacancies. The trustees hope they will receive a very general re sponse to this invitation. GROVER CLEVELAND, Chairman. MORGAN J. O'BRIEN, GEORGE WEST1NGHOUSE. Trustees The agreement between Mr. Ryan and the trustees practically outlines the author lty of the trustees in voting the stock and gives them full control over the 502 shares they represent. After explaining the details of procedure, as outlined in Mr. Cleveland's letter, the agreement says: Tho party of the first part shall be en titled to the dividends on the stock do posited by him under this agreement. COMPANY E WINS THE DRILL Captain Curtis Lindsay's Cadets Come In Winners Two Years la Succession. Company B, Curtis Lindsay captain, came out victorious last night in the annual competitive drill of tho Omaha High School cadets on Crelghton university campus. Its score was 84.86. The closest competitor was Company A, George Wal lace capnln. with a score of S2.5. All the other companies went below SO. Captain Castle and Lieutenant Guild of Fort Crook were the Judges of the drill. The evening began with a high wind, but this did not keep a largo crowd from at tending. The drill had not progressed far when the wind died down. A strange feature of the results was that the com panies won In order almost the exact re verse of that in which they drilled. They came on the field D, C, B, F, A. E, They won E, A, F. B, D, C. Company E has had the flag all this year and by virtue of ts victory last night will keep possession of It another year. Addison Mould Is the captain of Company B, Paul Beard of C, John Olney of D and Raymond Hayward of F. Herbert Potter, quartermaster sergeant of Company B. was the winner of the In dividual drill, in which five men from each of the six companies took part. He cap tured the high school gold medal. Samuel Millard, first sergeant of Company F, won second place and the sliver medal. KlaksUa Taika to Old Settler. PIK-whk, a. IX. Jans li. (Spriial Tele grain. The old settlrra of llnchea, Stan ley and sVaHy counties held their nrmi Jiarn; ua Marfan iaUvnd today. U was ItciTBtt ts xnenifeexa of the aaanciatioa and ar cited gaunt. Oongrrnamaa Kinksid of CT&mIH. one of the first settlers bare, Wmul U i Mr as ox too day. VILLAGERS AND ACTORS FIGHT Three Dead and Sixty Wounded Result of Broil la Hungary. BUD A, PEST, June 15. Three killed and sixty wounded are the casualties resulting from a fight yesterday between strolling players and villagers at Dereklgchas, Hun gary. The players promised to give an exhibi tion of cannibalism and a big crowd col lected, but when the players did not give the advertised exhibition the villagers be came threatening, whereupon one of the players became realistlo and bit a piece from one of the spectator's ears. A gen eral fight ensued, but the police ultimately restored order. Eighteen of the wounded i persons are suffering from serious injuries. CREDIT MEN0N AN OUTING Delegates to National Convention Spend Day Hunting In Ar. kansas Club Grounds. MEMPHIS, Tenn., June 15. Delegates to the Rational convention of National Credit Men were astir early today in preparation for an outing in Arkansas. A special train left the Union station at 9 o'clock bearing the visitors to Menesha, Ark., as guests ot the Menesha Outing club. A stop was made at Clarksvllle, where cotton gin was In full operation. The vis itors also viewed a large field ot growing cotton. The remainder of the morning hours were spent in hunting and fishing and it was shortly before noon when President Stand art called the convention to order In the Menesha club house for business. Mexican Hoad Increases Stock. BOSTON. June 15 The Mexican Railroad company voaay men a certificate of an in crease in Its capital from t4)i.4Ko.0ii tn lu. OuO.oOO. Of the new capital $21.12S,0u0 will be used, it is said, In acquiring additional proiierty from time to time as the directors may see fit. The sum of la.iVlO.OOO wii be expended In the purchase of the Mexican pacific railroad and $:.0"0,0U0 will be used lo liquidate income Donus. Crime ot Maimed Negro. CHICAGO, June 15. Jacob. Hart, who lost both legs and an arm in a railroad accident and who acquired the idea that In consequence his wife no longer cared for him, shot her dead today and fatally wounded nlinseir. i lie couple, who are tiegroea, leave two children. TEST MISSOURI'S FREIGHT LAW Railroads of State Bring Suit to Re strain Officials from En forcing Act. KANSAS CITY, June 15.-Sults will be filed in the federal court in this city to morrow by all of the railroads doing busi ness in Missouri to enjoin the State Board of Railroad and Warehouse Commissioners from enforcing the maximum freight rate law enacted by the last legislature. The law takes effect tomorrow. Similar suits will be filed in St. Louis and St. Joseph. The decision to oppose tne Din was reached at a conference between tho legal departments of tho various railroads after the traffic officials had reported that the enforcement of the rates would work hardships. The contention is made that the low rates are confiscatory and so unrea sonably low as to make It impossible for the railroads to comply with the schedule. The greatest reduction Is upon live stock. the reduction in some cases amounting to 26 and 50 per cent. The reductions in the bill also include commodities of almost every class. MANY FOUNDLINGS FOR WEST Infanta from New York House on Way to Texas at St. Louis. BT. LOUIS, June 15. Sixty-one infants. former inmates of the New York Foundling asylum, thronged Union station and con gested traffic for a time, keeping a corps of nurses busy. One baby, Joseph Brown aged $ years, fell from a car window Just before St. lxuts was reached and was in stantly killed. At Union station five babies succeeded tn crawling under waiting trains, but were rescued from their perilous positions. The Infants are being taken to Texas, where thsjr wil be distributed for adoption. MOODY AWAITS A LETTER Will Not State His Side of Case t'ntll Hearing from Mr. Harmon. WASHINGTON, June 15. Attorney Gen eral Moody today gave out the following statement regarding the retirement of Messrs Harmon and Judson from further employment on the matter of rebates found by the Interstate Commerce commission to have been given by the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway company to the Colorado Fuel & Iron company: There seems lo be no good reason why the exact point of difference between Messrs Harmon and judson and myse which led to their retirement from the case should not he made public and a complete statement will seasonably be made. 1 wroto Mr. Harmon some days acn, sueuestinu that If a statement of that difference should be made It ouKht to be one upon which we agreed and asking nis views as to how tho statement should best be made. This morn ing I received a telegram from Mr. Ham. on saying that my letter naa been received and that he was now answering It. Before making any further statement I shall await Mr. Harmon's answer. TWO MEN SERIOUSLY STABBED Prominent Kansas City Men Become Involved in Fight Over a Small Bill. KANSAS CITY, Mo., June 15. Howard Vrooman, a well known builder and real estate man of this city, and brother of Walter Vrooman, promoter of the defunct Western County Operative association, to night seriously stabbed Harry J. Sloops nnd J. F. Slojips, brothers, at their home in this city. Harry J. Sloops, who is a prominent real estate man and builder, was slashed trom the right ear to the chin, and his brother was cut from the left eye to the left car, which was almost severed and two fingers were badly cut. Neither man is fatally cut, but both are seriously hurt. Vrooman went to the Sloops' real dence and demanded $70, which he claimed was due from Harry J. Sloops. Sloops told him he would pay the bill when It was properly Indorsed by other Interested persons according to contract. Vrooman then assaulted Sloops with a knife, and .1. F. Sloops went to his brother's assist ance. .Vrooman was able, by the use of the knife to prevent the men grappling with him, and neither of the Sloops broth ers was able to protect himself from Vrooman's stabs. Vrooman was arrested. MEET IN WASHINGTON Russia and Japan Will Hold Preliminary Oonferenie in United States. ANNOUNCEMENT FROM WHITE HOUSE Official Statement of Benlt of Negotia tions Issued by Secretary Loeb. SELECTION RESULT OF A COMPROMISE Oiar'a Ohoioe Was Paris, While the Mikado Preferred Che Foo. CONFERENCE WILL MEET IN AUGUST Little Probability that Plenlpoten. tlarlea Will Get Together for Two Months Negotiating Protocol. JAPANESE SAVANT ARRIVES Man Who Desires Reform In Native Alphabet Speaks of His Work. BAN FRANCISCO, June 15.-1oyama, of Tokio, a member of the Roman Character society of Japan, is here. This society is really a government commission appolntod to make a report on the advisability of tho adoption of Roman characters In that coun try. While it Is not known when this com mission will make Its report, Mr. Toyama says it is the belief of well Informed Jap anese that within the next decade Chinese characters, which are now used in Japan, will be replaced by the least complicated Roman letters. "Roman characters," continued Mr. Toyama, "are being used by the society In all of its correspondence." The society Includes In Its membership many government officials and notables of the Japanese empire. REISER MAY BEJRAlN ROBBER Deserted Wife Saya He Wae In Bur lington. Holdnp In June, 10OO. DENVER, June 15 (Special Telegram) According to a statement of the former wife of Joseph Reiser, ho was one of tho men who In June, 1900, held up a Burling ton train near Omaha. Reiser was blinded a few days ago in San Francisco when a woman ho was living with threw lye in his eyes and then deserted him. Mrs. Reiser, the deserted wife, who lives in Denver, says: "I am positive that m husband robbed that train. He deserted me but a few days before tho robbery and was away for sev eral days during that week. He came back to Denver and seemed to have a lot of money. The description of tho robbor fits him perfectly. He even hinted, after he returned, that he had been doing some deed that meant Jail for him If captured." ST. LOUIS PRINTERS SUSPENDED Local Charter Recalled by Interna tional Union Because of Viola tion of Right-Hour Act. Indianapolis, Ind.. June 15. J. A. Jackson, president of the St. Louis Typo' graphical union, left tonight for St. Louis, carrying to the members of his organiza tion the ultimatum of the executive coun cil of the Typographical union that the St. Louis union must work out its own salva tion in the matter of a new contract and that a reinstatement In the International Typographical union will not be made until some satisfactory action is taken. The St. Louis union was recently sus pended for making a contract for a nine hour day for next year In defiance of the action of the International union declaring for r.n eight-hour day, beginning January 1. 1906. Former Official Kills Himself. FiERRE, S. D., June 15. (Special Telfc. gram.) James W. Morse, for eight years up to last January clerk of courts of this county, today committed suicldo In his home by blowing off his head with a shot gun, putting both barrels In his mouth and firing both of thein. uespondehcy on Re count of continual ill health is supposed to have been the cause of the act. FOUNDRY MEN ON A STRIKE New York and New Jersey Workers Go Out and Others Will Follow. NEW YORK. June 15.-A strike inaugu rated by the International Brotherhood of Foundry Employes against the New York and New Jersey Foundrymen's association has extended rapidly. There are 1,000 men out here and in the New Jersey plants. To day 1,000 brass workers will quit and 1,000 more, including the core makers,, will be put out by the end of the week. It is claimed every foundry In New Jersey will be closed by the strikers. Pardon for Murderer. PIERRE, S. D., June 15. (Special Tele gram.) Senator Klttredge appeared before the Board of Pardons today on the applica tion of Lambert Johns, who was sentenced for life from Charles Mix county on a mur der charge. The board recommended the pardon In this case, but left a number of others for further consideration. Movements of Ocean Vessels June 15. At New York Arrived: Deutsrhland from Hamburg; Patricia from Hamburg; Baltlo from Liverpool. Balled: Moltke for Ham burg; Fredrlch der Urosse for Bremen; La Bavoie for Havre; Cretlc for A lore At Liverpool Arrived: Merlon from Phil adelphia; lvernla from Boston. At Indon Arrived: Oxonian from Phil adelphia. At oiosgow Sailed: Buenos Ayrean for Boston. At wueenatown Sailed: Teutonlo for New York. At Avonmouth Arrived: Englishman from Montreal. At Genoa Arrived: Prim Adalbert from New York. At Hamburg Arrived: Astoria from Philadelphia. At Brisbane Sailed: Mlowera for Van couver. At San Francisco Arrived: City of Sydney for Ancon. At "s-re Arrived) La Toiiraine from tfew York, WASHINGTON, June 15 America's na tional capital has been seleotod as the seat of negotiations between the plenipotenti aries of Russia and Japan for a treaty of peaeo. The choice of Washington as the location of the peace conference marks another forward step In the negotiations toward ultimate peace In tho far east in stituted by President Roosevelt. Official announcement of tho selection of Washington was made by Secretary Loeb at the White House at 1:23 p. m. today. It was In typewritten form and read as follows: When the two governments were unable to agree upon either Cho Koo or Paris, the president suggested J he jtague, nut noin governments have now requested that Washington be chosen as the place of meeting and the president has accordingly formally notified both governments that Washington will be so selected. This statement was supplemented shortly afterward by a semi-official anonuneement that "after meeting and organizing, the plenipotentiaries of the two governments, if it should be found to bo uncomfortably hot in Washington, may adjourn the meet ing to some summer resort in the north, and there continue their sittings until such time as tho weather in Washington shall bo more comfortable." Result of a Compromise. Now that some of tho details of the ne gotiations, which have been pending for more than two weeks, are known, the selec tion of Washington is regarded as the only logical solution of the problem presented to tho belligerent governments. After the ac ceptance by Russia and Japan of President Roosevelt's proposition that they consent to consider tho question of peace, Russia Indicated Paris as the most desirable place for the meeting to negotiate a treaty, and Japan Indicated Che Foo. There the sub ject rested for forty-eight hours. Finally Japan declined to consider Paris, for ob vious reasons, and Russia objected to the holding of tho conference in any oriental ' city. Washington then was suggested aa a place where the belligerents could meet on 'equal grounds, undisturbed either by po litical or personal influences. As a means of facilitating the negotiations, the presi dent, suggested that the conference be held at The Hague, the seat of tho international arbitration tribunal and the location of the first session of the conference called at the instance of Emperor Nicholas of Russia. He indicated that for both practical and sentimental reasons. The Hague would be a most desirable place of meeting for trie plenipotentiaries. Further consideration of tho Bubject developed the practically un alterable objection of Japan to any Euro pean capital as a seat for the conference. It objected particularly to The Hague, be lieving that it was too far within the sphere of Russian influence, and for a similar reason it declined favorably to con sider Geneva. Until today, however, Jap an's Irreconcilable opposition to the selec tion of any European capital was not known definitely. At a conference which Kogoro Takahlra, the Japanese mlnlBter, had with President Roosevelt today, ha conveyed to the president the Japanese government's final refusal to consent to the holding ot the conference In Europe. Takahlra at White House. MlnlBter Takahlra reached the executive office at 10:45 a. m., and was ushered at once Into President Roosevelt's private of fice. They remained In conference for an hour and twenty-five minutes. Tha tin usual length of the Interview, held at a ' time when scores of people, many of them having previous engagements with the president, were awaiting an opportunity to see Mr. Roosevelt, understood that it was of notable importance. The confer ence was not pre-arranged, but the sig nificance of the advices which Minister Takahlra bore from his government in duced tho president to deny himself to all callers until the conclusion of the con ference. As he left tho White House, the Japanese minister declined to discuss tho situation in any way except to announce that the negotiations were proceeding fa vorably. Ho added that negotiations of this character constituted "a long Jour ney." The refusal of Japan to agree to the holding of the conference In Europe was communicated by President Roosevelt to the Russian ambassador and likewise cabled to St. Petersburg. While the presi dent did not act in the capacity of ar bitrator between Russia and Japan, he' was in position, after the conference with Minister Takahlra and his communication to Ambassador Casslnl, to formally an nounce the selection of Washington as the seat of the conference. Shortly before 8 o'clock this afternoon Ambassador Casslnl called at the White House by appointment and was received by the president in the bToe room. The presi dent explained to the ambassador the na ture of his interview with Minister Taka hlra and conveyed to him the personal as surance that the American government would do all In its power, which it properly might do, to afford the plenipotentiaries ot the two governments comfortable and con venient facilities for the transaction of their supremely Important duties. Delay of Several Weeks. In view of the selection of the seat of the conference It is expected that, within a few days at most, Russia and Japan will announce formally the names of their re spective plenipotentiaries. It Is deemed likely, also, that colncldentally with the announcement of the plenipotentiaries an agreement will be reached aa to the time of holding the conference. While the date Is not so Important a thing as the place It is of particular concern, especially at this season, not only to those who are actively to participate In it, but also to diplomatists generally who are accredited to this cap ital. A midsummer conference anywhere, so prolonged as a peace conference is likely to be, is not regarded with entirely pleas ant anticipations. It is expected, however, that the proposed conference la sea roe ly likely to be convened before the middle of August, and, perhaps, not until a later' date. It may be July L possibly a lUdh