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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1905)
V f, THE OMAIIA DAILY PEE: THURSDAY. JUNE 15. 1005. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Good Weather and Approaching Barrel. Are Bearish Fioton. WEAKNESS PREVAILS IN ALL LINES tale of . Wheat Drain In oarl Millluaj Demand la Pmall Caeh torn la Higher t Liverpool. 11 10; Feptember, new. He; September, old, c. OATS To arrive and on track, e. OMAHA. June 14. 19"6. The whole, lint of grain was Mk. Good weAther ana the nearnees of the harvest more than overcame the efforts of the bulls In their manipulations on icpoils of crop damage. Hoth wheat and corn opened lower and declined lower. A mcbSage was received by Sunderland & Lidike from P Louis to the effect mat thu lliBt car of new Missouri wheat hud been rna-keted theie. it brought 11.02. Tins Is a very earlv harvest. Wheat closed with July at M'.c, Septem ber at b2'c and December at 62 4c. July coin stood at 624c, old Juiy at 624c, September at 6"4c, old September at 514c December at 47o and old Oecember at 4.94c The trading1 was unmarked by bulges. July oats finished at 8040, (September at 2bc and December at 294c The milling demand tor wheat yesterday at all markets was email. Chicago had the report that damage o 20 to 40 per cent by Hesaian Hy has been sustained In Reward. York. Saline and Fillmore counties, Nebraska. Other had reports come from Texas. Minneapolis wheat stocks have de rt.ttiri iho.iajo bushels in (our days. Liverpool cabled that cash coin Is 24c hla-her. The market closed there with wheat Stl higher und corn VtH4c higher George Urban, a Buffalo miller, Is quoted is saying: wo couiu inane goou saies 01 flour If there should be a moderate break In cash wheat. I have a bid lor 8,'i00 bar rels of flour which will be good for a week, and as holders of cash wheat may be more anxious to get rid of it by that time, there Is a cluince of. doing business. There la plenty of wheat of ceitnin kinds at Buffalo, but we need some aorta of old winter to mix with the new crop." A Chicago trader is quoted in today Inter Ocean on the foreiKn market us fol lows: There Is Considerable talk here about our September wheat bring on a shipping basis to the Liverpool market. 1 think they overlook the f;.rt that only No. 1 hard spring wheat Is deliverable In Liverpool on their contracts and our No. 2 hard winter testing til pounds In only de liverable on Liverpool contracts at 4A.0 a bushel discount. Figuring on this and the lowest possible rate, which today is via Montreal from Chicago, the Liverpool market la relatively 6c a bushel cheaper than our markets. This Is figuring on No. 2 hard winter being delivered on September contracts at 2c discount In Chicago. Fig uring on Kansas City July wheat we are still further out of line for shipment via the gulf." Omaha Cash Hales. WHTSAT No. 4 hard, 1 car, e9c. CORN No. B' yellow, 1 car, 4Se; No; 2 yellow, 1 car, 48c. OATS No. , 1 car, 234c " Omaha titan' Prices. WHEAT No. 8 hard, 95"u97c; No. S hard, &rifi96c; No. 4 hard, tic; No. 3 spring, 96c. CORN No. 2, 4N4ci, No. 3, 484c; No. 4, 4T"4c; no grade. Wpc; No. 2 yellow, 4i';e; No. 3 yellow, 4(c; No. Z white, 484c; No. 3 white, 484c. OATS No. 2 mixed. 2?c; No. 3 mixed, 29V.c: No. 4 mixed. 2Se; No. 2 white, 3o4c; .O. 0 WllllC, DUV, WIIHC, W, aid, 304c. ' Carlo Receipts. . Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 3 225 9 Kansas City , 34 44 19 Mlnneanolls 103 . Omaha 4 33 6 Iluluth .....1 ' 2 8t. Louis i ..s.i, 13 40 23 Mloaieapolle Grain Market. The raftfre of prices paid In Minneapolis, as reported by the Edwards-Wood com pany, 110-U1 Board' of Trade, waa: - CHICAGO CRAI AD PROVMIOlS Feataree of the Trading and (losing Prlcee on Board af Trad. CHICAGO, June 14 lupld northward spread ol Harvest, operations caused weaa ihus in the wheat market here today. At tne close July wneat waa oft 4'u1c, corn Is dow n c, oats snow a loss oi Vu ii ; provisions were practically unchangeu. Weakness In the wheat market was in evidence from tne start. Notwithstanding uglier prices at Liverpool Initial quota tions here showed losses, July being down a snade at 864c. The main factor In the situation was tne continuation of excellent weather conditions. While there were slight rains In different portions of the southwest the precipitation was not Buttl- clont to delay harvest. The area of opera llona was said to be extending rapidly, in the northwest weather was favorable for the development of spring wheal. Weak ness became more pronounced as the ses sion advanced, a slump at Minneapolis nav In if a depressing eflect here. For July the lowest point waa reached at stisM'tc. The market closed weak with July down V3 c at 864c. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 37.SOO bu. Primary receipts were 166,900 nu., compared with 2bo,100 bu. i year ago. Minneapolis. Duluth and Chi rago reported receipts of K care, against 148 cars last week and 163 cars a year ago Sentiment In the corn pit was decidedly bearish. A number of factors entered into the hI (nation to account for the selling cressure. One of the main Influences, how ever, waa the liberal acceptances by fann ers of bids sent out by cash houses!, In addition recelDts were larger man esu mated and the fthlnblnc demand showed signs of abatement. The market closed at the lowest point of the day. July opened Wuvifce lower at 624'8624c, sold between filUc and &4e and closed at 624C. Iocal receipts were 225 cars, with 48 of contract grade. ruts wers weak. nartlv In sympathy with ther grains. Liberal receipts with a large percentage of arrivals or contract grane caused additional weakness. Long were the principal sellers. July opened un- hanirert to c lower at SOkiHsn-ic. sold on to Soiiivkc and closed at 30-V& 304c Local receipts were l cars. Prov Hlnns were a trine easier as a t-. nit of the weakness of corn. A fair de and from packers for lard, nowever. pre- ented any material decline, lvinerai re- elpts of hogs had a depressing eneci. ji Hi, r.1re Rnntomher rtrrrk was off a shade 112 Ki. Ird wa tincnana'i m 1.7. ttw Ti-Btln.Bted rrce nts for tomorrow; 1 orn, 7 cars; oats, 119 cars; hogs, 27,OrO head. Tho leading futures ranged as follows: Articles.l Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yea y. Wheat I July Pept. Deri. tJuly tJnly 9ept. Sept. tDeo. tts Julv Bept. Dec. Pork- July Sept. Lard- Julv Sept. Rlhs July Sept. Artlclee.l Open. Migfc.l Low. Close.l Tefy, July I 1 0741 1 0SV(, 107 I 107 I 1 07H Sept... 86V416SI ' 86SI 85H S54 i&tli 'Corn ( 1 July...) 6'iSI 62i4l 62H 624 Sept... 60 61 Bo 604 81 Dec... I 18 I 4831 47&l 47 4S No. 2. tOld. tNew. Cash quotations were as follows: F!.OUIU-Easy; winter patents. 4 204.SO; straights, l3.9CKfr4.10: spring patents -"T 70; straights, bkti. M.wr..w. WHEAT-NO.- 2 spring, tl.0Bfil.O8; No. 3, 98cfiJ1.05; No. 2 red. 97c. CORN NO. I. KR.C; INO. z yeiiow. mn.-. OATS No. 2. bOc.;No. 2 white, 2Hc; No. white, 30tt32c. RYE No. 1 78079c BARX.EV Good feeding, S942c; fair to choice malting. 4fii349c. . SEEDS No. 1 nax, i.a; sso. 1 normwrm. em, 11.43; prime umotny, tt.tu; raninct grade,' m.7612.2S. DDnvimitNil Mess nork. ner bhl.. 112.50 1165. Lard, per 100 lbs., r7.17ttS7.20. Short rlhs sides (loos). $7 7H7.60. Short clear sides (boxed), I7.87W . . , . . Receipts ana snipmenis 01 grain .m uuu were aa xoiiowe: New. B bid. WEATHER IN THE (illAIV BELT Light Showers In Hlssoarl Valley- Local Thunderstorms Coming. ... . OMAHA. June 14. 1905. Light and scattered showers occurred In the Missouri valley during Wednesday, and hevay rains were general in the extreme upper Mississippi valley and northwest. 1 ne weatner is generally clear this morn lng west of the Missouri river to the moon tains, except that thunderstorms prevail in iue macs: runs. v earner conditions con tlnue somewhat unsettled In the central valleys and west and are favorable for local thunderstorms In the valleys during tonight and Thursday, with no Important luauge in leiniit'iaiui e. Omaha record of temperature and nreel pltatlon compared with the corresponding uey ui me last inrea yearn: 1905. 1904. 1903. 1902. Minimum temperature,... 69 64 67 09 precipitation 00 .00 .00 .00 Normal temperature for today, 74 de grees. Deficient In precipitation since March 1, . "9 .11. lirm. Deficiency corresponding period In 1904, .22 of an Inch. Excess corresponding period In 1903, .13 of an, men. ; OMAHA PISTR1CT REPORTS. Temp. Rain. Stations. Max. Mln. Inches. Bkv. Ashland Neb.... dl . .62 . .19 Pt. cloudy Auburn Neb..... 92 so .00 Clear Columbus, Neb.. '.'4 68 .00 Pt. cloudy Fairbury, Neb... 94 69 . 00 Cloudy Fairmont. Neb... 92 61) .00 Ft. cloudy Or. Island. Neb. 91 B2 T pt. cloudy n&rmiKiuii, vi .in 1 lear Oakdale, Neb.... 94 6S .14 Pt. cloudy ..miana, .u pt 1 liouuy Tekaniah. Neb... 90 3 .00 Cloudy Carroll, la M W. .) Clear Clarlnda. Ia 91 til .00 Clear Sibley, Ia M 65 .00 Cloudy SloQX City. Ia.... 90 64 T Cloudy Storm Lake, la.. M tiO .00 Cloudy DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. of Temp. Rain . Central. Stations. Max, Mln. Inches Chicago, HI 2H Columbus. 0 17' Pes Moines,- Ia... 14 Indianapolis, Ind. 11 Kansas City. Mo. 19 Louisville. Ky.... 19 Omaha. Neh 15 St. Louis, Mo.... 12 M fin 60 2 L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. Weather Bureau. K2 88 Ki 90 8S 90 88 60 6H tS2 M .01 .00 .00 c St. Lonls General Market. ST. LOUIS, June 14-WHEAT-Lower N,ew No. 2 red sold II. 02: No. 2 red. cash elevator. 91c; track. ll.WCiil 0i; No. 2 hard rijijll.u6; July. ic; Beptember, ,Vc NO. 2 narn. i xna 1 no. CORN Steady; No. 2 ca.ih. BlVic, track 53c: July. olt ; December, 4'o OATS Steady; No. 2 cash, 31c; track SJid l.'sc, July, .9 , September, 2sc; No. white, 34c. FLO L" 11 Steady: red winter Patents 24.96an.lo; extra fancy and straight, U-'iXt 4.SS1; clear n.wui.(w. 'flMli Tl (iteadv: 12 OOfi'W. CORN MEAL Stead)', 12.60. PhAN Steady; sacked, east track. 75c. flAi-Hlcad); timothy, Is.otij lS.uu; prairie,' w. IRON COTTON T1E3-990. flAOGINO i-,C. IK.M." TWI.NK-t,C. . PROVISIONS Pork, steady; Jobbing, 11X66. ijara, steady; prime steam, yi.i.' Pry salt meats, steady; boxed extra short 17.80; clear ribs, 17.50; short clears, $7.7 Lacon, siealy; boxed extra shtiria, cloar rlhs. JS.-'S; snort clear. x so. POULTRY Chickens, lower; chickens, c springs. lVtilSc; turkeys, lie; ducks, 9cllc aeese. tK'iiiic. BUTTER Slow; creamery, ltk-fiOO'jc dairy, jnc'niic. EGGS Steady. 12ViC. case count. Receln's. Shipments Flour, bhls 5.t 9.0io noectt, tu ii.uu s.u Corn, bu 4.Oi0 tvl.t Oats, bu 23,0uO 51,0u0 Minneapolis firala Market. MINNEAPOLIS, June 14 FI.OUR-FIrs patents. rf 4Vn 50: second patents, 6.!tf IK: nrst clears, ii.unii.iu; second cicai ?v2.i. BRAN In hulk, lli:5f13.O0. WHEAT No 1 hard. 1112: No. t north ern. Ill"; No. 3 northern, 11.06; July, II 07'-, beptemiwr, hbtc. Liverpool (irala Market. LIVERF"0U June ll.-WMKAT-Ppot, nominal; futures, quiet: July, 6 ln'.d; Sep- tember, 6S s.d; leoeinrr. as ia. t OKN Mtxit, strong; American mixed 114d: futures, steady; July, 4s 4d; Sep te&Dcr. s va nnlnth drain Market. DULUTH. June 14 -WH EAT To arrive No. 1 northern 11 10. On track: No northern. 11. (M ukiq. .i Oi, Juli I I 8 2fi 14 8214 ' K24i M 82 i82V -A 182416 83 8fii' SfiTtl 8147 8r824f) 8J lit' S24-3V53ii5rV;5:HW&2"4.'8;1 rflHl 62 62HI 62 IsiHffH' 82 81 S' 8IV4 60iffl'4! 61S 6O'4:604T61 47S'S48:4bHW! 47S 47 3v?fl'4 3O4'30V.fj4l30S,"H 12 SO 12 (0 7 20 7 40 7 S7H 7 624 29 12 B2H 1Z 86 7 25 7 45 7 40 7 674 fflVi 12 47W 12 80 I 7 174 7 374 7 3R 7 60 294 634 5:s 614 bi v. 484 304 294 29H 12 B24 12 55 12 85 12 874 7 25 T 224 7 45 7 45 7 40 7 374 7 674 7 65 SEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Dead Level of Dulliess Net Relieved bj Any Notable Incident. PEACE DEVELOPMENTS WITHOUT EFFECT Disposition to Consider Progress ae Illusory Mock the Sam .lew Taken of the Equitable Settlement. NEW YORK. June 14 The dead level of dullness In today's stock market was not relieved by any noticeable Incident of In terest. The professional iraaers who in c n,nl-.i,AHrit nf nrli'.R MM R 111 f (11 U Tl Ol earning their dally bread tried during the morning to extend yesterday's decline. Ihey succeeded In wiping out ine opening ad vances, which had been made in sympathy with the firmer tone of the London mar u,.t hut ui that t, Clint the narrow dimen slons of the market again asserted them selves. It was seen thai the Immediate sell lng requirements had been met in yesler riuv'a nmrkitt and trailers thereupon worked for an advance. As they had the market to themselves they met with some success Thl HIH nnt aiirnallKe anv lmoortant HO' velonment reirardina the stocks w hluh moved on In the general situation. Yestcrdav s market was accepted aa u demonstration that no new Interest In stocks Is to l looked for as a result of the peace prospects or of the Equitable Life settlement. Developments regarding these subjects were therefore followed with rather languid Interest. There Is some dis position, however, to consider that tho seeming progress made In these matters Is Illusory. This finds expression In the opinion quoted from foreign observers that neither of the present belligerents has any real hope of peace as an outcome of the present negotiations. In the Equitable Llfo matter the presentation of the report of the state superintendent of Insurance Is awaited. No further steps In the plan seem to be Intended until the report appears and judgment on the efficacy and finality plan seems to await the same event. The stocks which showed any appreciable movement today were those which are readiest to re spond to nn Impulse In any direction owing to the remnant of professional speculative Interest retained in them. Dormant stock market pools arc thought to exist In one or two of these. Canadian Pacific was re sponsive to such conditions. Reading had some help from the favorable conditions re ported in the anthracite trade. Old rumors once more found circulation of mysterious developments to come regarding Union Pa cific. The New York Central statement of net earnings for the June quarter, partly estimated, was received with satisfaction, the balance availnble for dividends show ing an Increase of over 86 per cent over that for the corresponding quarter of last year. The dull advances of the day were well maintained and the closing was fairly steady. The strength and activity of the Japan ese 44s made the feature of the bond mar ket, wtilcn was otnerwise ouu ami irregu lar. Total sales, nar value. S3.29O.0U0. United States bonds were all unchanged on call. Following were the sales and range of prices on the Stock exchange today: Sales. High. Low. Close. reerve In the division of shows: Available cash balances, 570; gold. S70.693.577. rederpptlnn. I1J5.5M.- Seir lurk Money Market. NEW YORK, June 14. MON E Y On call. essv "4'ijI4 per cent; closing hid. 24 of fered at 24. Time money easy; sixty days, 3 per cent; ninety days, 84; six months. PRIME Mercantile paper. IU. per cent. STERLING Exchange steady with actual business In bankers' bills at 14. Wti4 87.05 for demand and at 14 fw.OMM V5 10 for sixty day bills: posted rates, 4 8and S4 88. Com mercial bills, S4.'74. SILVER Rar SSVc: Mexican dollars. 45'4c. HON DS Government, steray: railroad bonds. Irregular. Closing quotations on bonds were: OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Beef Steer. General! a Dime Lower, Good Cows Steady. HOG MARKET LOWER WITH TRADING SLOW Receipts of Sheep and Lambs Very Light, Here Aaaln Today with Prleea (Generally Steady . and Trading; Active. V. t. r.t it, rf. do ooupon VJ 8. Xb, res. do coupos V 8. ntw 4s, rg do coupon I' 8. old 4. rrg do coupon 4 illorklnf V.I. 4t. 4Vi J.p.n (, ctr ...104 .104 .104 I do 4V... rtt. 104 I, A N unl. 4.... .111 r. 4. .131Vi Mfi. Onir.1 4a.... .14 I do lrt Ine .lot Mlnn 81. L. 4. Am. Tnbsc-O 4a, Ctfa. U M . K T. 4l. do 6., ctfa. Alrhltnn gen. 4a... do adj. 4t Atlanllc ('. L 4a.. B. I. A Ohio 4..... do 3.a Central of On. 6a . do l.t tne do 2d Inc Che.. Ohio 4t Chicago A A. S C, 11. A q. a. 4a. C. R. I. A P. 4s. do col. ft. .115V do la ...1J4 N. R. R. of M c. ... Kit N. Y. C. IVa.. ...ina N. J. r i,.... ...104 No. P.clftc 4s ... do S. ...1H N. A W. c. 4..... ... ' O. 8. L rfdg 4a. ..,4 Penn. con 3V4.. ...1074 Reading gun. 4... ... II !. I. ft I. M. c ...lom St. U A S F. tg M SI. L 8. W. e. 4a. 4 'Seaboard A. L. 4... CCC. A 81 L. g 4...101H So. rarlflo 4a Chicago Tr. 4a ITX. So. Rallarar fta Colorado Mid. 4a 7SS Tel.. ft P. IB Colo. A Bo. 4a M T . St. 1. A W. 4b. Colo. Ind. i art A.. ro Vnlon Pacini? 4a 1!14 OH h4 1"4 .... 74 .... 14 .... M ....HH . ... S4 4. o ,...1'4 .... 77H!. .... t! ....ion . ...I0JV, K...11T 4b. '4 SOUTH OMAHA. June 14, 1905. Receipts were: Cattle. Hos. .Sheep. oincial .Monday 2.271 Official Tuesday 6.779 Official Wednesday 4,714 Mi.3 ' 14,.4 12.a7 1.102 1.1 4H 1.610 do a. set R S ruba tm. ctta 1W D. A R. O 4a lot niBtMlers' Seo. H.... 71 Erin trior Hon 4. inf1 do gen. 4. l F W. A I), c. la... IMS Offered. do conT. 4a V. 8. Steel d fa. Wabaah la do deb. R Wcatcrn Md. 4i... W AL K 4a... Wta. Central 4a... . te4 .1X1 .m .112 . 3 .111 . 724 Three dava this week. .U.7U 74.1 4.161 Three days last week... .16.iM3 8s li7 14.042 Same days week before. .16. 72 13 413 Hame three weeks ago. ..11.93" 89.i9 2S.806 Hame four weeks ago 11,5 lo.MH 13. 6M Same days last year.... 9.47 S2.428 1.7i2 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The followina table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared witn last year: 1906. 1904 Inc. Dec. Cattle 8S7.418 4-8.4.17 21.019 Hogs 1,134.376 1.219.996 tb.&it) Sheep 697,242 o67,33l 29,911 The followlnc table n.w. iiie average price of hogs at South Omaha fur tne last several days with comparlaona: Date. 1905. lO4.l03.130l.lS01. 11990.11899. Boston Ktneks and Bonds. BOSTON, June 14-rCall loans. 3S3'4j per cent; time loans, aWat per cent, (.losing s and bonds were: quotations on stock! Atrhlaon adj. 4s... do 4a Mcx. Central 4s... Atchison do pfd Do.ton A Albany Boatnn A Maine, ttnilon Elevated . Kltchburg pfd .... Mexican Central ... H (Adventure ...102 Alloue. ... 74 i Amalgamated ... 1:1V American Zinc ...lOSVAllarllc .lib . .17S ..144 Plngham Cal. A Herla. Centennial Copper Kange 20, Daly Weal do Amer. Anier. do Amer. Amer. do ,100 .123 . T2 . it Receipts. Shipments. 80,700 1 2.600 .... 11.000 21.000 ....276)00 R06.J09 ..2S1.000 .,, 251,40f T Flour, bbl Wheat, bu Corn, bu OhIi rin ....... Rye, bu,...(., a.uuu Barlev. bu .400 On the Produce exchange today the put ter market was steady; creameries, WHc; dairies. lRm7c. Kggs, steady; at mark, cases inciuaea, ic; nrai, niti i'in" firsts, 164c; extras. 17c. Cheese, easy, sstflOo. 6.70D HEW YORK GESEHAL MARKET (gaotatlona of Co the Day nmodltles, on Various NEW YORK. June 14. FLOUR Receipts, 12,315 bbls.; exports, 3,839 bbls. Market steady, with demand better for some grades: winter patents. 84.9005.26; winter straights,; winter extras, H.liVi1 S5; Minnesota bakers, xa.ii'u-t.lS; winter low grades, U.(M"u3.&6. Rye flour, steady; fair to good. S4.2o4i4.60; choice to fancy. S4.6J34.90. t OKNMlfiALr-r trm; nne wnite ana ei- ow. Slla: coarse. Il.124il.l4; kiln dried, 81.7502.90. 1 BARLEY Slow: feeding. 46c. c. I. f.. New York; malting. 46&!tfc c. I. f. Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts, Z3,7tu pu Bpot market barely steady; No. 2 isd, 11.06, nominal, In elevator;"! No. 2 red. S1.0i4, nominal, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, S114H, f. b., afloat; no. i nam .vjanuooa,, i. b, afloat. Options: Wheat opened steadier on firm cables and reacted and declined a cent during the day, cnieny in fluenced by bearish crop report, liquida tion and fine weather In harvesting dis tricts. Ist prices showed VaHc net de cllne; July, 90 15-16(&92c, closing at 9H.c; September, 86 7-16i87tiC. closing at 86c ueeemner. WMCueoc. ciosina at tow?. CORN Receipts, so.200 nu.; exports, bu. ciiwit market eaay; No. 2.600 in ele vator and noc. f. o. D.. anoax; iNo. 3 yellow enc: No. 3 white. )Uc. Option market onened easier on large receipts, rallied with the west, Dut weasenea again, cioenng va; So net lower; July, R77''uWVc, closing at &7c: Bentember closed at 6e,r. t)ATB Receipts, lia.ouu du. opoi maraei quiet; mixed oats, 26 to 32 lbs., 3fvt.'16t,c; patuial white, 30 to 32 lbs., 35ia37ViC elinned white. 86 to 40 lbs . 36v840c. HAl-Hteany; cupping, ov'Ht-ic, goou 10 choice. 77tM&82VtC.- HOPS Easy; atate, common to cnoice. 1904 crop. 24tf28o: 190S crop, 21iS23c; olds, 10 4il2c; Pacltlo coast. 1904 crop, 24T7c; 1903 cron. 2022c: olds. 10&12C. HIOEH ijuh; uaiveston. ju to a ids.. 20c; California, 21 to 24 pounds, 19c; Texas dry. 24 to 30 lbs., 18V4c. PROVISIONS Beef, steady: family. S13.50 14 00; mess, lll.ootfll.Bi; beef hams. 21.00fj ' &: packet. iiz.taKui3.ti extra nulla mess. 122.00422.80. cut meata, steady; pickled bellies, K 0rg9.o0; pickled shoulders. 15 60fo) 6.00; pickled hams, HMvsi0oO. l.ard. easy; western steamed, ii.iim'i z; nominal; re- hnrd, quiet: oontlnent. S7 86; South America, S8.15; compound, Io.stvi'tis.i. fork slow; family, Il4.nrvfiin.oo: short clear. I13.00ftfl5.00; mess. 13 XtiflS 874. TALLOW-Dull; city, 4tc; country, 443 S4tc. RICK-Firm: domestle. fair to extra. 3. ftbc: Japan, nominal. Ml n Kit rirni; street prices. extra creamery, 2O43J0V.C. Offlclal prices: Cream ery, common to extra. 17y.i&5te; state dairy, common to extra, lR'qlSc; renovated, common to extra, lSVgijlRHrc: western fac tory, common to extra. 131jff15'c; western Initiation eresmerv. 15tf18o-; llrsta. Wi7c. CHEESE Market steady and unchanged: new state full cream, small, white and colored, fine, 9c: new atate, fair to choice, $4atc; new state, large, white and col ored, tine. 94C. Ki"!C!S Steady ; western. 15'alSc. POULTRY Alive, steady: western spring chickens, 22lr23e; fowls, l.'lVc; turkeys. 12c. Dressed, steady; western broilers, 2&u"-'Sc; fowls, lOtiU'Vkc; turkeys. 13317c. Adams Express . Amalgamated Copper 18.21 79 34 34 loO 30V4 SOVij 243 34 97 SUH 93 225 40 5 36 18 40 474 1104 113V. 1344 97 1'84 824 102 1684 lu9 97 64 151 197 49 35 784 18S 192 4.200 lf. 173 1244 .w. .; - 174 .... 304 94 424 261, 800 424 41 100 '266 364 ioli io" 364 18'i 10 464 100 W4 104 lMi 100 380 3S0 3.9 30 2o4 24 8-h4 424 404 4 65-i 1764 1764 174 93V 1604 184 424 414 79 664 884 42'. 404 79 t6 1W4 19 160 18i 9 27 784 100 254 264 25 American C. & b... M do pfd American Cotton OH. do pfd American Express.... Amer. II. & L. pfd American Ice do nl'd American Linseed OH 100 18 18 do pfd Amer. Locomotive... 300 48 474 do pfd American S. & R 7,300 112, 1114 do pfd 200 11SV 11S4 Amer. Sugar Refin... 1,000 134 134 Amer. lobacco p. c Anaconda Mining Co. 1.4(0 104 103 Atchison 12,800 824 bl4 do Dfd Atlantic Coast Line.. 3.&0 159 I604 Baltimore & Ohio.... 2,700 lo9'4 1084 do pfd Brooklyn R. T 10,000 014 &374 Canadian Pacific .... 19,400 1514 1464 Central of N. J Cheasapeake & Ohio 500 50 494 Chicago At Alton t do pfd 100 784 764 Chicago O. W 2.0K) 19 184 Chicago & N. W "0 1934 193 C, M. dfc Bt. t Chicago T. & ,T do pfd. C, C, C. & St. L.... Colorado F. & I Colorado & Southern do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Consolidated Gas .... Corn I'roducts do pfd Delaware & Hudson. Delaware, L. & W...' Denver & Rio Orande do pfd SM) Distillers' Securities. tjno Erie 7.7K do 1st pfd 9(0 do 2d Dfd l.Suo General Electric 100 Hocking Valley Illinois Central 20 International Paper. 60O do pfd International Pump do Dfd Iowa Central do pfd 49 K. C. Southern 600 244 1 23'i 24' do pfd DO 55 65 64 Louisville & N 800 1464 146 146V4 Manhattan I. 200 VA 1634 163 Met. Securities 900 So 80 Metropolitan St. Ky. 9.300 1234 lU- 1224 Mexican Central 500 2U a4 104 Minneapolis & St. L 64 M., St. P. & 8. St. M 1174 do pfd 157 Missouri Pacific 200 9h 8S. 064 Missouri, K. or T J.) 284 28 284 do pfd 80O 634 634 National Ixad 444 N. R. R. of M. pfd.. hi 344 344 344 New York Central 5"0 HH4 1414 1414 N. Y., O. & W 7.900 62 .V4 51 Norffolk & Western. 400 804 80 804 do pfd 92 North American X 99 99 98 Pacific Mall li) 39 S9 38 Pennsylvania 8,800 1354 1344 13S4 Peoples Gas 101V P., C, C. & St. L 73 Pressed Steel Car 37 do pfd 914 Pullman Palace Car J3i Reading 47.500 96i 91 9i do lat pfd do 2d pfd Republic Steel H) 17V 174 do pfd frO 74 784 Rock Island Co I,2n0 274 274 do pfd UO 744 74V Rubber Goods 4i 324 324 do pfd I,2u0 y,2 101 St. L. & S. F. 2d pfd. 10 644 644 St. L. Southwestern do pfd , l'O 604 604 Southern Pacific- S.20u fiL'4 do pfd li 1194 1194 Southern Knllway..,. 2,100 314 31 i do pfd ... Tennessee C. I Texas & Pacific 1,910 834 T.. Bt. L. & W luo 38 do nfd Union Pacific ., do pfd , I'. S. Express U. S. Leather . do pfd U. S. Realtv U. 8. Rubber 3Vl do pfd 4iai V. S. Ste4 IS ln do pfd 13.fl"0 Va.-Caro. Chemical.. Si) do pfd Wabash do pfd Wells-Kargo Express .... Westlnghouse Elec Western Union I,'") Wheeling & L. E im Wisconsin Central... 1,4m do pfd Con Northern Pacltlc 7o) N. v., N. H. A H.. .194 Dominion Coal "Per Marquette .. Vnlon Pacific Amer. Arge. Chem. pfd Pneu. Tub... Sugar pfd T. & T Woolen pfd Ponilnlun I. & 8... "Kdl.on Elec. Illu. General Electric ... Man. Electric Maia. Uaa lulled Fruit United Phoe do pfd U 8. Steel do pfd Writing, common Bid AKkud F-ranklln flranby lale Koyale .... Maaa. Mining .. .. 4iyiichign ..U4l Mohawk ..136 I.Mont ('. ft C. ..140 .Old Dominion . . . 324. Oeceola ..1024 Parrot .. 11 Qulncy ..24b Shannon ..176 Tamarack .. IB. Trinity 3v. cnitea copper . lOtVl'. 8 Mining... Mach... 8SU B. Oil 11 trtah 47 I Victoria 4Vk 1 Winona 81 I Wolverine .... , .... t2 .... iJ .... .... li .... 2S .....IS .... 17 .... .... Kl, .... lb .... I .... o4 .... i .... 1 .... 1 .... 48 .... I .... 244 .... id .... 214 .... 1 .... ....106 .... 7 .... Z4 .... lh ..... in .... 14 :. t ..... ,....10Vk May May May May ftiay May May May May May May May May May May May May June J une June June J une June June Juno June June June June June June II.. 18.. 17.. 18.., 19.. 10.., 81.. 22.. 23.. 24.. 26.. 26.. 27.. 28.. 29.. 30.. SI. . & 144 I 32 7 12, 6 ' i 211 8 7 I 20 60 M 07 tl 2 I 81 I 28 4 621 I 7 IS. I 12, I 1W I 60 6 364 4 63 6 r 73 t U S 61 & 1W 4 4,. si, 7 12, I 5 101 S 6 t 234 4 46 I 27 7 111 S 73 I 4 41 S iMj 7 U7 6 67 6 CSj (UV, I 6 18j 7 03 t 63 6 W1 3 6 284 4 861 6 19, 7 O01 6 ul 6 01, 3 vi 6 164, 4 321 1 7 061 6 671 6 041 S 62 I 16 I 4 33 6 04; I 5 6l 6 ill 1 6d 6 184i 4 38 6 93 6 96i 4 99, 8 66 6 17 I 4 661 6 77 i 6 97 5 60 3 W) 4 99 6 721 i 0l 6 631 4 96 6 114! t 701 7 09) 3 62 4 90 S 60 6 17 1 4 63i 6 Wi 7 10, i 08; 4 S6 S 6J a '""it. 4; 1 7 Ul 0 m iii 1..I 6 13 4 1 4 5a 5 P.i 6 16U: 4 41 6 19 I 4 491 I 4 641 6 204f I 6 2241 6 631 6 24Si 4 68 5 204, 4 1,81 5 17 6 20: 6 7ia 4 88, 6 30 6 nil 7 07 1 ) 4 88 1 8 61 6 99, 7 1S 5 701 3 69 6 8i 161 0 'li 4 Ml 6 7Si 7 ?n 70, 4 911 3 68 6 77 7 151 6 71 4 94 3 6 7 18 5 75 4 95i 3 67 t 80 I 6 78, 5 02 3 60 4 69 6 85, 7 211 1 3 loi S bl 4 741 00! 7 26, 6 83, I 3 63 1 4 78 , 6 03 l 7 361 5 91l 6 001 5 S4 ' S 91' 7 ' o 4 . i H 55 5 164 4 81' 6 071 7 SO! 6 83' 4 86 3 64 I 4 84j I 7 31) 5 81; 4 85, 3 66 1. 7K I 1 1 HO I :s 1 4tt I 0 I ! I! 1 l(t I It 1 Hon 4 n 7 4J It! M :8 4 Kl 1 7M I It 1 1000 4 44 UL.1.3. t MO 114 1 ITtn I Tt 1 14W I ft 1 140 I 7 t 11W I SO 1 IMO I 78 I a I hn 1 17? I 71 1 1460 I TJ 1 1M I 7S I 1.10 I 71 1 1H0 I 7 i 1170 I t inn i s I I ITS I M 1 If-ftO I M I i?io I n l ifc J M 1 ims I on 1 nan I I 1411 IS I I HO I X) 1 1 1 10 I SI 1 !H'l 4 no 1 ltM i tl I H'.i 4 re l iro t 4 1 mo 4 no II t n 1 li io 4 no t 180 I M 1 II so 4 nn 1 1B.10 I 46 1 1730 4 60 8TAQ9. 1 1160 I M CALVES. I o0 4 00 I too I M 1 1J0 4 tO 1 160 60 1 70 4 60 1 170 6 60 1 to 4 60 1 140 i 60 I H0 I 00 1 I0K 6 60 1 110 t on 1 170 to I H in 117 I 60 t 1M 4 00 t 1ft 4 60 1 171 I 00 1 1HI t 76 I tit 6 tl 1 140 6 7 t 400 6 !6 1 140 I 71 1 IN III STOOKER9 AND FEEDERS. i in i ts a 4 oo 1 H0 I 40 10 7i 4 OS 1 046 I M 143 4 06 14 646 I tn t S.' 4 05 6 MO I 46 4 4 0 10 M0 4 00 tl 16 4 N 14 r3 4 00 11 7.7 4 U 1 60 4 00 clipped sheep, 4O0. vesrllngs, 14 8818 40: Tense cllrf't S4 2ivfi4 !', stockers and feeders, $2.M Innc City Live !lck Market. SIOUX CITY June 14-?.ioclal Tele, gram) -CATTI.K Receipts, head; mar ket 10o lower; stockers. steady: beeves, $3 ctl . 60; cows, bulls and mixed, S.'.76 4.75; stockers and feeders, SJ-Oofct 00; calves and vearllngs. l2 7iVii3 06. HOtlS-Receipts, i f-ti head; market 6o lower; selling. $5 10fl6.15; bulk of sales, Si 10. HI. Joseph l ive toeU Market. PT. JoSF.rH. June 14 CATTI.K Re ceipts, l.:,9 head: market stendv. ho higher: natives, S.1 .76W5.75: cowa and heifers, Sl.r''n 4 90. stockers and feeders, 12. 76414 65. HOGS-Receipts, 11.412 head: market weak to 5c lower: UkIH. S. 1 olio 224; medium and heavv. S6.20tiA.35; pigs, St o4 50. SIIFiKI AN1 LA M RS Receipts. J.000 head; market loc lower; shorn lambs. 86.16. (Mock In Sight. Receipts of live stock at the six principal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. South Omaha 4.714 12.1"7 Slout Cltv S"0 7'l Kansas City 6.5no 14.l St. Joseph 1.269 11.413 Pt 1iuls 3.5.10 1.200 Chicago 22,000 SO.f.J Sheep. l,61i) 6'io 3.000 3 V0 18,0iW HOGS There was another heavy run here today, about 166 loads being offered. The receipts so far this week have been liberal and the market, although ruling lower. Is In good shape. Buyers were out this morn ing early and were In a bearish mood. Bids on the opening were largely at SS.10. but only a tew hogs changed hands at these figures. The market arter the first round or two strengthened and the most of the trading waa done at a decline of about 24c. Sellers were slow letting go of their holdings at the decline, and as a conse quence trading was a little draggy. Heavy hogs suffered the most and showed tho greatest loss. Light hogs brought mostly 15.15. with heavyweights at So 124. Tho hulk of the hogs sold at S3 . 124175. 16, with the long string at the lower price. Repre sentative sales: Were Y-V Mining Stocks. NEW YORK, June. 14. Closing quotations on mining stocks were: Adams Con -0 Little Thief Alice bt Ontario 400 breece 20 Ophlr 4u0 Brunawlck Con 4 Fhoenlx 1 t'ometoi k Tunnel .... Potnsl 10 Con. Cal. & Va 140 favage oi Horn Sliver 10 Plerra Nevada 0 Iron Silver 100 Bniall Hopea ;5 Leadvllle Con 6 Bundard 126 Offered. Bank Clearings. Indicates Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was; Cattle. Hoes. Sheeo.H'r'a. C. M. & St. P. Rv.. .. 4 Wabash 1 ., ., ,. Missouri Pacific Ry.. 48 t nlon Pacific System. 28 C. & N. W. Ky., east. 1 C. & N. W. Ry., west. 33 --., Bt. M. tfc O.... 20 C B. & Q., west 64 C, B. & (J., eaat 10 C, R. J. dc P., east.. 8 C, R. I. & P., west.. .. Illinois Central 1 C. G. W 1 Total receipts ....201 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber or head indicated: 2 S3 I 6 66 15 38 6 1.. 8 .. 1 4 4 4 1 181 6 i OMAHA, June 14. Bank clearings for to day were 11,860,340.83, and for the corre sponding date laat year 11,398,889.94. Wool Market. BOSTON, June 14. WOOL Manufac turers snow a tendenoy to hold back on high prices at present ruling in the wool market. As far as any medium grades of wool are concerned the demand is strong enougn to warrant tne.oeuer tnat tnat por tion of the clip will sell at good prices. Pulled wools are In small supply. Foreign and territory wools ate firm, with trading moderate. Leading quotatlona are: Ohio and Pennsylvania XX. and above, 3vu35c; X. 321 33c; No. 1, 88(ji39e; No. 2, 39(40e; line unwashed, 2Vn27c; Vbkod. 34'a;ic; 4-blood, 32&33c: unwashed dettUne. 27U.8c: unmer chantable, 28b29c;1'flne Swashed delaine, 374? one, Micnigan t ine Tinwasneo. zo'uzoc; 4 blood unwashed, 333 34c; 4-blood, 33i(;34c; 4 blood unwashed. 3i&tt4c; H-'blood, 33(U34c: 4' blood, Mlc; unwashed delaine, 2526c, Kentucky, Indiana, etc. 44 and 4-blood, 31 i33e. Territory and- Idaho Fine, 22ti23c; heavy fine, l9(joc; nne medium, 22jj23c; me dlum, iiVd'iic; low medium, 26(3270. Wyom lng Fine, 21i22c; heavy fine, 18Q19c; tine medium, 2-'f)-Jc; medium, 2ry27c; low me dium, 26'g27c. Utah and Nevada Fine, 210 23c; heavy fine, 18'gl9c; nne medium, 13c: medium. 2a27c. oakota Fine. Zlra fine medium, 21ii22c; medium, 26'a27c; low medium, 26'p27c. Montana-Flne choice, 254)) 26c; fine average, 224i23c; line medium choice, 26fy27c; stnple, is7o; medium choice, 'it 'H.28C, BT. LOUIS, June 14. WOOly Steady; dlum grades, combing and clothing, 31'jc; light line, 244 u 28c; Heavy nne, 224c; tub washed, 3242 4c Omaha Packing Co.. Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour & Co Cudahy Pack. Co.. K. C. Swift and Company, from country Armour & Co., K. C... Vansant A Co Carey & Benton Lobman oi it Hill & Son L. Wolf Mike Haggerty J. B. Root & co Bulla Kline S. & S Other, buyers Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. bill 868 1,021 623 l,iK 3.141 4,123 3,669 179 846 476 60 473 268 183 Totals r ..3.663 . 13.000 . 1.600 nie- 26 20 14. 914 880-4 174 734 274 21 1014 b44 004 624 1194 31 9-i Cotton Market. NEW YORK. June 14-COTTON-Spot closed 6 points higher; middling uplands, s.ttie; middling guir, ..'"c; sales, none. NEW ORLEANS, June 14.-COTTON- Flrm; sales,. 8,7i8 bales; good ordinary, 74c; low middling, 84c; middling, 8c; good middling, 8 1-16c; middling fair, 94c; receipts, 4.463 bales; stock. 113.364 bales. LIVERPOOL. June 14. COTTON Spot In moderate demand; prices 12 points higher; American middling iair, 0.30a; gooa mid dling, 4.98d; middling, 4. Sod, low middling, 4 64d: good ordinary, 4.4od; ordinary, 4.30d. The sales of the day were 8,000 bales, of which 1,000 were for speculation and ex port and Included 8.7O0 American. Receipts, 4.000 bales. Including 800 American. ST. IX5UIS, June 14 COTTON Firm ; middling. 8 1-16C: sales, 79 bales; receipts. none; shipments, 962 bales; stock, 41,073 bales. S3 38 26,200 1234 1224 300 H U SS4 1034 2S4 944 344 38 1034 2:4 94 344 Kansas City Grata and Provlsloaa. KANSAS CITY. Juns 14-WHEAT-July, 764c; September 74c; December. 744c; cas a97. No. 3, h. No 4. 90-5 97c; No. I hard, s&tflKc; No. 3. 7iu93c; No J red, 969Sc; No. 4. 7txalc. CORN July. 4S4c; September. 464c; De cember. 4S4c; cash, No. t mixed. 60c; No. 8, 50c: No. S white, 6Uo14c; No. S, 6!4?61e. OATS-Steady; No. 2 white, 314'ij314c; No. mixed. 294c. RYF.-Steady. 66ia68c. HAY-Sieady; choice timothy, 196010,(0; choice prairie, S7.74j.O0. Rl'TTHK Creamery, 15HtriS4c;- packing. 13.c. E4IOS Missouri and Kansas, new No. S whltewtiod raaH4 Included. 134c; case count, 124c; caws returned, V less Receipts. Shipments Wheat, bu 26 Uai :9 "0 CiH-n. bu 22 ei- ' ."7 6.X) Oats, bu lS.OoO ll.tO.) Peoria Market. PEORIA. June 14.-OORN-fiteadv: No. I yellow. 84o; No, 3, 134c; No. 4. 624c; no grade. 61c. OATS-Eaay; No. I white. SJc; No. I While, 3le. 4 VVniKV-$Lla - 944 15 23 40 1864 94 15 214 44 1854 33 37 654 123 9i4 122 11 108 .a 38 I034 277. 944 844 10r 184 ss 235 16.14 94 15 224 48 lt 1864 tEx-divldend. 'Offered Totul aalea for the day, 265.400 shares I.oadon Ntock Market. LONDON. June 14. Closing quotatlona on si.'CKS were: f4iS Y. Central Ki . Norfolk W ! do pfd JH rmurin ft W li Pennivlvanla ..111 Hand Mine. .-U-4 Heading .. 611 do l.t pfd . 19 ' do :d pfd .. .. 17 Souihern Rllr ConMla, money .. do account .... Anaconda Atrklaos do pfd Baltimore A Ohio c.i adlan Pacific . Cba. A Ohio Chicago Ul. W ... C . at. A St. P .. DeBeera PAR 0 da pfd Erie do l.t pfd do id pfd llllnol. Central .. Lom ft S'a.h M . K. A T 17 do pfd Southern P.clOr Colon P.clRc .. do pfd V. 8 Steel..... do pfd Wntia.ii do DM '8pr.i.h 'a SILVER-Bar. steadv, 26 15-ld per ounce, MONEV-14 per cent. . ' The late of discount ia thu open market for short hills is 2 per cent, Xor three montiis nuis, 1 per cent . to 44 . 41 . 41 .H'. .IIS . 85- . 64 J 4 . a . 44 . 4 . i4 . 9 . IB . U 14 Trenaurr Metement. WASHINGTON. June 14-Today's state- rrent 01 tne treasury rmiancs in ine gen. raj Sana, xolunt v tut .io,iMJ,ouu gold Oil and Rosin. NEW YORK. June 14-OILS-Cotton- seed, firm; prime crude, nominal; yellow. S8c Petroleum, aulet: refined. New York. 10.90; Philadelphia and Baltimore, S6-&5. Tur pentine, dull and eusy, 624t3c. ROSIN tjuiet and steady; strained, com mon to trood. 13.40. OIL CITY. June 14. Oil. Credit hal- ances,, 61.27; certificates, no ma; snipmenis. 103,706 bbls; average, 62.192 bbls; runs, 82,- 4,jt bhls: averare. 66.449 bbls: shlnments. 8o.. 404 bbls; average, 69,780; runs, Lima, 4.440; averaae. 9.612. SAVANNAH. June . 14. 011 Turpentine firm. II 64. rosin Firm. A u c. T2H'aiio; i. S3.M?3.26; K, S3 2741? 3 30; F. S3.374; G, S3.374ti3.46; H, S3.60; I, S4.0ix.?4.10; K, S4.40; M, 11.50; WO, 14.70; WW, S4 80. Sugar and Molasses. NEW YORK. June 14. 8UGAR Raw. steady; fair refining. 34c; centrifugal, 96 lest, 4"4jC. MOiasses sugar, 4 jc. ne fined, steady; No. 6. 6.25c; No. 7, B.c; No. 8, 6.10c; No. 9, 6.05c; No. 10, 5c; No. 11, 4 9lc NO 12. 4.8oC: NO. 13, 4 iBC ao. 14, .n'C confectioners' A. 5.70c; cut loaf. 655c: crushed. 6.66c; powdered, 6.96c; granulated, 6 8f.c: cubes. .10c. MOLASSES Firm; New Orleans, good to choice. 3,fa.oe. NEW ORLEANS, June 14. HI OA K Quiet; open kettle, 341'4t4c; open kettle cen trifugal, 4'ic: centritugai wnites, sc; yei lows. 4arn4 16-16C: seconds, acme. MOLASSES Nominal; open kettle, H'Silc; centrifugal. Oil 14c. Hytup. nominal, 3ic Coffee Market. NEW YORK. June 14-COFFEEMarket for futures opened Irregular at an advance of 6 noints on one pos tlon. Dut generally unchanged to S points lower. Toward the close the market rallied sharply on cover ing and European demand and waa finally steady at a net advance of i.fio points. Sales were reported of 58.000 bags, Includ ing: July, 06'ov6 15c; September, 6.20i6 Sic; October, 68o(ri6.4oc; Decemlier, 6 .5iQ tl.'HV; January, 6.55c; March, 6 55fr.70c; May, 6 75c. 8pot, quiet; No. 7 Rio, 7Sc CATTLE There was a good run of cattle here today, about 174 cars being reported In. Of these twenty-seven cars were billed through, leaving 147 loads on sale. The quality of the receipts so far this week has been good. There was a good sprinkling of beef steers offered today and they Included some desirable cattle. Buyers were on the hill early, but were bearish and were slow In taking hold. The break In prices at east ern points and the liberal receipts here in fluenced the market and sellers were forced to let ko of their cattle at lower prices. There was little urgency to the demand and trading was siow and araggy. on some cattle that just suited the eye of the buy ers prices were Just about steady, but on tne general run or tne steers tne maraei went on about a aime. commoner Kinus, especially anything chowlng grass, were even worse than this and show a decline of lOfSloc. There was only a light run or cows and heifers here today and this fact was partly accountable for n fair demand. Good cows ruled generally steady and buyers seemed to want the stuff. While the trading was little slow mere was a netter lecunK on the cow stuff than on the steers. Common kinds, as has been the case for some time, were in poor demand and were 51110c lower. Tho market on bulls, veal calves and stags ruled a little lower today and trading was slow ana araggy. There was a light run of stockers and feeders here and the demand, as usual, was also light. Prices ruled about steady on the good kinds and looked lower on tne less desirable kinds. There were a few loads of western hay feds here that brought about steady prices. Representative aaies; t; rirEisKs No. at. Pr. no. at. i-r. 2 710 bU It till . .'J 4 61.0 uo .t u. . eu J Bi 4 1.) 17 1H" 4 M mo 4 00 S 1140 4 85 4 1134 4 10 10 1117 4 M SI 71 4 20 tu 1137 4 0 J 924 4 to 4 ISIS 4 0 IP 11D4 . 99 t0 1241 4 5 40 12)9 4 00 2 1140 6 00 14 Ml IVO I 6 00 Si 1304 t 00 21.... 18. ... 1... 20.... 11... S3.... 2. .. IS... 14... 6.... 13... s:.... is... 13.... 4.. IS... 1... 3 . 7.. 11.. li.. 10.. 24.. 8.. I.. 16.. 26.. 21.. 22.. 19. . .. 19.. 21.. 17.. II.. 14.. It.. 17.. 4.. 4 . 1.. 17.. 11.. I.. S . 4. AT. ... 710 ... er.o ... .42 ... S10 ...1134 ... 719 . . . 924 . . . 1:2 ...1047 ... vl ...1070 ...1039 ...90 ...1117 . . .103. ...10SO ...1101 . . . 107 ...948 ...P'26 ...C9 ...Utl ...1174 ...1164 . ,.12f.l ...1J40 ...1124 ...W4u ...1241 .. .h'70 .1174 Pr. a oo 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 10 4 20 4 20 4 25 4 24 4 35 4 40 4 40 4 45 4 45 4 60 4 50 4 65 4 40 4 40 4 60 4 65 4 70 4 70 4 70 4 75 4 16 4 75 4 75 4 76 4 15 4 to 17. 20. ..1240 ..1K0 . .133 ..1S4 ..1410 ..iaot ...U66 ...1334 ..1202 ..liso ..1265 .. .1.195 .1441 .1.103 .1288 Blt.KS AND COVVB. 87,4 .. 9:1 .. IV .1114 .. b.SO .. 40 ..1204 .HXI4 t li S 40 3 95 3 M 4 00 4 00 4 10 4 20 10. II. 11. 14 20. 23 4.. 17.. 734 .. 9S .1046 ..1071 . .1H7 . but. ..1144 HI Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA. June 14. RUTTER Strong. Extra western creamery. 28c; ex tra western creamery, nearby prints. 22c. EGGS Firm, nearby fresh, 174c loss off; nearby fresh. 164c at mark; western fresh, 174c at mark CHEESE Firm. New York full cream fancy, new, loc: New York full cream, fair to good, new, 941i9c; domestic swlsa, 11 He. Mllwaakee Grata Market. MILWAUKEE. June 14 WHEAT Steadv: Ko. 1 northern. II 12: No. 2 north! ern. 11 OMil.oS; July. 864;84e bid. RYE-Firm; No. 1. 83c. BARLEY Firm; No. Z, 614c; sample, 40$ 51c. CORN-Easler; No. I. 6443M4c; July. 62o asked. Toledo teeal Markrt. TOLEDO. O., June 14. SEET Clover, October, 15 78; prime altlke, f7.40; prime tlm othey. 11.60. t t 1 I t 1 1 I 1 t .... 1 4 1 I t 1 1 t 1 It 1 a 4 1 11 1 4 1.... 1 1 1 STEERS AND HEIFEltS. .... Bo0 3 60 21 l: . . . . 9S7 4 45 STEERS AND BULLS. 410 S 85 STEERS AND STAGS. ,...10i7 .. 945 ,. M ,. 960 .. 176 .. 7k5 .. 970 . . 4M .. B .. tlO ..1140 .. 916 .. 971 . . 94U ..1170 . .1017 . . 1074 ..11S0 . . 910 .1030 ,. ..11W ..1225 .. 9O0 .. 171 ..1OO0 .. 10 .. 1:0) .. 4.5 ..U','12 ..l'4 ..1190 .. 940 . 1IMI C'OV .. Ml .. 640 .. 71 .. 4o .. 4SJ .. 115 .. t' .. 431 .. 4M ,.84, I 10 6 io I 10 6 IS i It 5 15 i 16 I to t 20 5 20 5 20 6 25 6 25 5 40 6 45 6 60 6 60 4 25 4 40 4 n 4 40 4 70 4 90 4 90 I 00 I 19 4 60 It 1201 4 70 cowa t 00 4 1042 I 15 1 15 1 11S1 J RS 2 26 7 Ml I to t 25 1 1440 4 00 I 25 ! 96S 4 00 a m c 6t 4 00 I 35 14 994 4 00 t 60 1 1140 4 00 t 60 1 louu 4 00 a is 4 9511 4 00 t 15 1 1040 4 00 a 75 714 4 05 IU 6 ilk 4 10 t 90 ! 10.0 4 10 t 15 1163 4 10 8 Ou 1 1074 4 10 8 00 t 1370 4 15 I 10 4 1 1 tS 4 20 t 10 1 It70 4 to I It 1 1.41 4 20 8 25 4 1015 4 25 I 26 2 U 4 25 8 26 2 1130 4 15 8 46 10 1302 4 30 a 46 a 11:4 4 15 a 60 1 1600 4 25 I 50 1 4 33 8 60 I 1.150 4 40 I 40 1 110 4 40 3 14 4 1093 4 3 7t 1 Hen 4 45 8 76 II 1110 I 95 H AND HEIFERS. 4 10 He.lrr.n8. a ts a f 1 2 to 2 ko a 00 a r. a ts a 25 I 4 2. 11.. 12.. 23.! . 7S6 . 410 . I4 . M . 7'4 . 720 . .,! . 7"W .1044 a it 1 ts 4 Ou 4 '10 4 ' 4 0 4 26 4 26 4 a No 72 64 7f. F 0 6 64 64 44 79 44 f tl 74 51 64 33...... 64 . 45 6 44 67 61 40 74 12 M 64 65 63 76 , 74 69 64 62 47 49 77 43 47 12 70 , 49 6S 72 , 68 49 61 40 40 17 4 41 44 , tt 56 St 44 74 40 It.,... to 17 41 13t.... 121.... J!..... it 74 58 77 71 44 64 67 It 40 72:.... 16 40 40 61 (IS 70 70 7S 60 71 68 71 Av. ,.226 ..264 ..224 ..274 ,.!AI .271 .160 ..234 ..164.. ..197 .211 ..24 . 26 ..237 . 243 .171 .213 ..247 ..2F.S .244 ..246 .221 ..2S9 ..271 ..244 ..242 ..271 ..22 . .324 ..244 ..210 ...201 ..Jt ..241 . . . lot ..263 .247 ..233 ...217 ...23t ...221 ...217 ,.m ...294 .274 ..237 ..242 ..216 ...319 ...171 ...224 ...t'.6 ,..! ...t0 ,..244 v.23t ...240 ,..187 ,..111 ,..128 ...aoa ...244 ...270 .. IU ...266 ...248 ...2DQ ...211 ...227 ...234 ...241 ...178 ...134 ...211 ...244 ...241 ...2 ...284 ...23S ...313 ...243 ...245 .. .300 ...247 ...240 ...2S4 ...2S1 ...268 ...247 ...270 ...278 ...254 N. 79... 46... 40 . .. 35... 78.. (4.., 46... 64. 8HEEP- Pr. 6 10 6 10 6 13 i 12 6 12 5 12 I 12 I 12 t 12 6 12 I 12 t 13 6 12 6 12 6 12 t It I 12 6 1! 6 12 6 12 6 11 i II t II 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 t 11 6 12 t 12 6 12 8 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 t 11 6 11 t 12 6 12 t 12 6 12 I 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 i 12 t 12 6 II I 12 e 12 6 12 6 12 I 12 6 12 t 12 I 12 6 12 I II I 124 I 12 I 12 6 124 12 I 12 i 11 I 12 I 12 I 11 I 12 t 12 6 12 6 li! t 12 I 124 i 12 8 12 I 12 t 12 6 12 6 12 5 12 6 12 I 12 I 124 6 12 124 t It I 12 C 12 I 12 There were 8k. 120 10 140 140 200 140 140 40 . 10 to 10 10 320 to 40 40 10 to 0 'to 40 140 160 to 40 0 120 0 to 120 140 40 80 811 140 10 0 40 140 lto 120 140 120 120 40 140 10 840 40 10 100 too 80 120 60 40 10 40 SO 160 40 160 500 80 40 140 6 80 At. ...110 ...274 ...ttn ...147 ...136 .. .2V4 ...1X1 .28 ftk. 140 46 147 64 . . 61.. 7!.. 65.. 81.. 70.. 44.. 40.. 61.. 41.. 68 . 47.. 61.. 77.. !.. 71.. II.. 40. . 4?.. 44.. 81.. 69., H . 70.. 84., 44.. Tt.. 69., IS.. 4.. 13.. 89.. 60. . 76., 71.. 43., 89. . 76.. tl. 74. It 49. 49. 71.. 43. 71., 141 12. 78. 78. 80. 44. .7. 78.. 77.. 14.. 70.. 47.. 110. 140. 67.. 61.. 41.. 66.. 82.. 70.. 70.. 41.. 71.. 77.. 83.. 67.. 70.. 47.. l.. 78.. 65.. 62.. 77... 78... It... 281 2.'0 244 239 267 140 241 ISO 144 124 161 111 , 2t7 280 114 271 250 23 Hi 211 24T 120 221 217 120 210 24 234 218 217 227 224 204 304 189 234 234 186 ao2 253 157 110 101 t24 lit 216 240 201 265 124 0 2!t 228 Ill 110 140 149 ......127 ...240 ,..:m ...105 ...361 ..231 ..lit ...261 ...232 ,..124 ...247 ...201 ...204 ...206 ..120 ..111 ..too .261 .211 ,..204 ..219 ..Ml . .14 ..198 ..237 10 60 to 120 10 60 140 80 40 10 120 40 14 io 80 40 180 lot 10 to 40 204 136 80 140 80 40 40 40 120 120 140 40 Pr. I 12 I 12 I 12 I 13 I II i 12 6 1:4 t 12 I 12 t 11 I 12 I 11 6 12 t 12 t It I II t 12 I 12 I 12 t II 6 12 6 114 I 12 6 12 6 12 8 12 t 12 I 12 6 12 5 12 6 15 6 IS 6 IS 6 16 6 It 5 IS t IS I IS 6 16 I It I 16 5 16 6 16 I IS t 15 I 16 t 16 I 15 I II I 16 i 16 6 It I If I 16 I II I 16 I 16 I It I IS I II I IS I 16 I IS I 16 I II t IS I IS I 18 I It I IS I 15 6 IS I IS 5 IS 8 IS I 15 8 IS t It 8 15 6 15 I 16 6 IS I IS 6 IS 6 IS 8 II I IS t 16 I 17 I 17 I 20 only four cars on eale today, making for the three days a sharp decrease In receipts as coniDared with the corresponding three days of last week. The quality of the offerings, how ever, and the moderate receipts were fac tors In keeping the market well in lino. There Is a good demand for the desirable kinds of either sheep or lambs, and today, as has been the case all the week, buyers picked up the stuff in good season. Prices ruled generally steady and trading waa brisk. Most of the receipts were cleaned up before 9 o'clock. The market at all points is In very satisfactory condition, and although at some markets receipts are moderately heavy, prices are holding up well Some more of the Gibson lambs sold here today at 11.25. while some good weth ers sold at 16.26. A load of grass ewes were good enough to bring 14.35. Quotations tor cupped stock: Good to choice lambs. S6.O0&6.25: fair to good lambs. SVSofriS.OO; good to choice yearlings. tt.OVct 6.60; fair to good yearlings, Jt.75ti6.0n; good to choice wetners, I4.7ri'a5.25; fair to good n . . V. 1 'It... . T . . . l . . . I . . . ncuirio, ev.tut. 10, uuu hu cuuicc. ewes.; tair to good Representative sales: No. 8 western cull ewes 1 western buck 287 Oregon grass ewes.... 441 Oregon cull ewes 28 Oregon ewes 29 Oregon ewes 89 Oregon wethers 11 Oregon wethers 850 Oregon lambs 18 Oregon spring lambs.. Totals 38,583 76,379 32,61il OMAHA WlrOLESALK MARKET. Condition of Trade and Quotations oa Staple and Fancy Prodaee. EGGS Receipts, fair; market, steady. cnndled stock, lt'yloc. LIVE POULTRY Hens. 9tj10c; roosters, 5tjc; turkeys, 12'fil5o; ducks. 9c. BUTTER Packing stock, 13c; choice to fancy dairy, 17gl8o; creamery, 2utf21o; prints, 22c. SUGAR Standard granulated, 1621 per cwt.; cubes. 17.00 per cwt., cut loaf. , 46 per cwt.; No. 6 extra C, So. 16 per cwu; No. 10 extra C, 15.96 per cwt.; No. 15 yel low, 16.75 per cwt.; XXXX powdered, S6.W per cwt.; bar powdered. S. 40 per cwtj eagle tablets, 87.95 per cwt. FRESH FISH Trout, 9c; halibut. Ho; buffalo tdressedl. 8c; pickerel (dressed!. 80; white bass (dressed), 12c; sunflsh. 6c; peron (scaled and dressed). 8c; pike, 9c; catfish, loc; red snapper, loc; nalnion. 16c; crspples, 12c; eel, 15c; bullheads, 11c; black bass, 20c; whlteflsh (d'essedi, 10c; frog legs, per dog., 45c; lobsters, green. 27c; boiled lobsters, 30e; shad roe, 45c; bluellns, 8c, HAY Prices quoted hy Omaha Wholesale Hay Dealers' association: Choice, 87.00; No, 1. S'i 50; No. 2, So.oO; coarse. 85 00. These prices are for hay of good color and qual ity BRAN Ter ton. S15.00. TROPICAL FRUIT. ORANGES St. Michaels, all slges, S3.763 4.00, extra fancy Mediterranean sweets, all sizes, 83.60, fancy navels, sizes 1. 150, 1,6, 2011, S3.26; sizes 80, 96, 112, S3 .00; seedlings, all sizes. 1300 LEMONS I. Imnnlera, extra fancy. 270. 300 and 360 sixes, 14.25; fancy, 270, Sn) and 3o0 sizes. 83.60; choice, 24ii and 270 sizes. 64.50: 300 and 360 sizes, SS00M3 25. 4ATES Per box of 30 1-lb pkgs . Jtinllovae'en, In 7o-lb. boxes, per lb. 60. . r Kin California, per 10-lh. carton. 7i'd 85c: Imported Smyrna, four-crown, 12c; flva- crown, 12c. BANANAS Per medium-sized bunch, SL7S 5)2.26; jumbos, S2.5lij3.00. PINEAPPLES Florida, per crate of 24, 30 and 30 sizes, S3. 26; 42 alr.e. 13.00. FRUITS AND MELONS. APRICOTS California, per 4-baeket crate. S135. PLUMS California, per 4-basket crato. 11.36. PEACHES Texas, per 4-basket crate. SI: California, per 26-lb. box, S116. CHERRIES California, black. Der 8-b. box, SI-76; white, per 8-lb. box, Sl.16; Mls- aouri, box of 24-qts., J-'.oO. STRAWBERRIES Home grown, per 34 qt. case, SI 75Vu2 uo; Hood River, per case of 24-qts., S2.50. CRANBERRIES Jerseys, per crate, SI 60. GOOSEBERRIES Box of 24 qta., S-'.tiO. CANTALOUPES Mexican, per crate, S3.OOti4.0O. RASPBERRIES Red, box of 24 pte., S3; black, box of 24 pts., 12.00. BLACKBERRIES Case of 24 qta, 12.00. VEGETABLES. TURNIPS-New, per dot,., 15c CARROTS New, per dog.. 25c. PARSNIPS Old, per bu., 0c. WAX BEANS Per 4-bu.' box, 75c; string beans, per 4-bu. box, 75o, bu. box wax or string. S2.0OtT2.26. ' POTATOES Home-grown, In aacks, per bu., 36c; Colorado, per bu., 45c; new pota toes, per bu., 76c. BEANS Navy, pe bu., SJ.00, I -1 CUCUMBERS For dos 46ir75c. PEAS New, per bu. box, 1.2Sfl.S0. TOMATOES Texas, per 4-basket Crate, ,1.00. SPINACH Per bu., 60o. CABBAGE California, in crates, per lb., 3c; Mississippi, SI. 26tf2.25 per crate, ac cord In. to size. ONIONS New, per dog. bunches, 16c; Bermudas, per crate of about 60 lbs., 11.60. RADISHES Hot house or aoutbern, per doz.. ?oc. LETTUCE Hot house, per dox.. 3540c; head lettuce, per dog., 75c CAULIFLOWER Home grown, per crate of 1 doz . SI. 00 BEETS New, per dog., 80c.. : MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Swiss, new, 16c; brick, 16c; Wisconsin ilmhurger, 13OT14C: young Americas. 14c. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 scift ' shells, new , crop, per lb., 15c; hard shells, per lb., 13c; No. 2 soft shells, per lb., 12c; No. 2 hard 1 L .11. nAH IK 1 ')., - r. r, r n w. m Um,. !. 12c; small, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb.; 7c; J roasted peanuts, per lb., c; Chill walnuts, Fier lb., 2S134c; almonds, aofv shell, per li., 17c; hard shell, per lb.,- 16c; shellharlt hickory nuts, per bu., $1.76; l"rge hickory nuts, per bu., SI. 60. HIDES No. 1 ereen, IHe; 1 io. I green, Hc; No. 1 salted. 84c; No. J salted. 74o; ' No. 1 veai can, ioc; ino. z veai cair, c; ary salted, 7ft 14c; sheep pelts, 25ctS$!.0O; hoiee hides. Sl.5Oti3.00. Wisconsin 15c; twine, ewea, 14.0004.30. Av. . 86 . 160 . 64 . 66 . 88 . 104 . 108 . 100 . 69 . 62 Pr. 2 60 8 00 4 36 4 Io 4 60 4 75 t 6 25 6 25 6 60 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET t attle Tea to Twenty t enia .Lower Hogta Weak Lambs Ten Lower. CHICAGO. June 14 CATTLE RecelDts. 20,000 head; market 101j20c lower; good to rnne steers,; poor to medium, 4.00&5.4O; stockers and feeders, S2.75(u4.80; cows. l2.50U4.tiO: heifers. S2.a0tlfi.00: eanners. $1. 40(52. 9u, bulls, S2.5o54.25; calve. 3.00S.25. HOGS Receipt. SO.oott head; estimated to morrow. 24,000 hoad; market opened weak, closed steady; mixed and butchers. $5 -jog 5 4; good to choice heavy, 7 3oi6 374; rough heavy. I4.601i6.70; light, So.2"4to 374: bulk of sales. S6.30i5.35 SHEEP AM) LAMBS Receipts, 18,000 head; market steady; lambs. 10c lower; good to choice wetners. snorn, 14. 0000.20; Fair to choice mixed, shorn. t3.6O4i4.40; west ern sneep. snorn. 4inuo.ii; native lamns, shorn, 14.5036. io; western lambs, SS.OOtjtf -25. St. Louis Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. June 14. CATTLE Receipts, 8 5c0 head. Including: 1.800 head Texana: market for natives nnn; Texsns steadv: native shipping and export steers. Sicilf 600; dressed beef and butcher Bteers. S3.') Gil 55: steers under lbs., u.oofit.Mii: stockers and feeders, f2.60Q4.60; rows and heifers, 2.ui.itiB.M; eanners. S2.0oti2.5o; bulls, 2 5fKtt4 25; calves, S3 50y6.2: Texas and In dian steers, ij.itraa.uu; cows ana neireis, S2.0ofi4.0u. Htius Kereipts. l.aio neaa; market lower: pigs and lights. S4 9otui.2S; packers S4 50&6.26; butcher and best heavy, So laH 6.80. SHEEP AND LAM HS Receipt a, 3,ofl head; market steady; native mutton, 13.15'rf 4.75; lamba, Jo.GOyT 10; culls and bucks, S2.00 vj.iuti; siocaera, v.uou-.A), jexans, zjisv 4.06. Kansas City Live Itoek Market. KANSAS CITY, June 14 CATTLE Re- celpta. 6.500 head. Including 1.0X1 southerns Market for natives, etrany to 10c lower for aouthema strong; choice export and dressed rx-ef steers. I5.?50!6K: fnlr to good. 14.251)1 45; western steers, 14.464 GO; stockerj and feeders. S3.0ofS4 5i; southern steers. SI M mi; southern cons. S-.2604 w; nstlve c ws, r-3vtM: najive neirern. fo.2ati6.(u; buns f2.351i4 4ti; calves, S3 OOV5.75. HOGS Receipts, 14 Odd hei)'.. Market was steady to 6c loaer; top. 16 sc hulk of siles. t5 22'vli5.27i4; heavv, SVOOt', 'Jt: packers. S5.22 tin 271.,: pigs and lights. S5. Iff 5 90 SHEEP AND LAMBS -Recelpti, 6 J. 4 head. Market weak to if lower: native lambs. t6."i6 75: western lambs. IS 7yrf7.iO ltd ewe and ytarllnge, IUW.50, Texas Metal Market. NEW YORK. June 14 METALS Tn London tin market lost part of lta gain yes terday with spot closing at 137 17s 6d and futures at 136 10s. but the local market continued firm and closed at S30.36a'30.60. Copper was easier abroad, closing at 66 ror both spot and futures in tne lvonflon market. Locally no material change ap pear to be taking place. Some buyers are asking around 315,26 for lake, but gen erally sneaking lake and electrolytic are both quoted at 115. 00 and earning at 111.15. Lead was uncnangea at 4.13 111 inaon at S4 60tH.60 In the local market. Speller was also unchanged In both markets, .closing at 24 In London and at S5.36 locally. Iran closed at 49s 4d In Glasgow and at 46 44d In ATiddiesboro. morally iron was still rainer unsettled. No. 1 foundry ruirtliern ts quot ed at 816 6OO717.00; No, 2 foundry, pnrthern, S16.COtjl6.60; No. 1 foundry southern at 116.25 4)16.75; No. 1 foundry souibern, aoti, tin.j&w No. 2 lounury soumern at i. iwi . 4)17.00; ST. steady, 6.15. UUI3. June 14. METALS Lead S4.424tj4 474; spelter, steady, S6.104 Daslneaa on Bourse Boom. ST. PETERSBURG, June II. An enor- mnus amount of business was transact) on the Bourse today. There were some r. ul zatlons. but 4s continued to move up ward, closing 4 of 1 point higher than yes terday. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Deeds filed for record June 14 19u3, as furnished by the Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracter, 1614 Farnam street, for The Bee: F. I-eeder and wife to B. B. Stewart, part of lot 3. block 26. Benson f R. K- Schlndel and wife to N. D. Mann, lot 9, block 7, Spring I-ake Park N. D. Mann to A. E. Schlndel, same property O. W. Smith to J M Doherty, lot 4. block 7. Smith' add Omsha Realty company 1" K. Peter son, lots 5 to 8, Phelton's sub United Real E"tate and Trust com pany to H. Heal, part of taxlot I In sec. 3-14-13 Bridget Mullen to J. 11 Trennery, lots 12 to 14. block 7. Walnut Hill . II Rhode to R. F. fichcr, lots 14 and 15. block 1. Person & Berry's Lucv I Penny and husband to E. Hurt, part of lot k and 9, block 10, pBtritk'a 2nd Sheriff to Onu'ha Loan and Building eaaoiUUon. lots 1 and 3. block 457, Grand View 80 1 1 o 450 50 1 150 m 724 Edwards-Wood Co. (larorporated . rUlo Cilice: Filh aad Robert trt ST. HAUL,, ni.NN. ! DEALERS II Stocks, Grain, Provision Ship Your Grain to Us Branch Office. 110-111 Hoard ol Trade Did sr., Omaha. Neb. Telephone 8314. !1.'-214 Exchange Bldg.. South Omaha. BM 'Phone Ui, Indepaadeat 'Phong