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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1905)
JX TI1E OMAnA DAILY PEE: THURSDAY, JUNE ir, 100.T OMAHA LOSES IN ME TENTH Tioi tka Score in Ue Eighth by Getting Throe Men Over the Pan. STARTS OUT THE TENTH WITH TWO MORE Mm Nolnn Goes Roirkr'i Men One Hrllrr, Honrttr, by Getflnay Three Aronnil the Circuit br Aldl of Home nan. DES MOINK.8, Jum H -With the score C to 4 In favor of Omaha and two Dps Moines men on hair and two outs, Wake field, the. big reserve catcher, lilt the ball over the center field fence. The game wan one of the most carefully played that has been Been here. Krrors were few and not costly, and from the start to the sensa tional finish both teams were playing fast, straight base ball. A base on balls, a sac rifice and three singles gave Des Moines three In the first, and the lead was main tained until the eighth, when Rourkca team went after Llcficld. Carter singled. Dolan singled, but was caught at second on Welch's hard drive to Phugart. Schlpke lilt for two bases, scoring Carter, and Freese scored Welch and Schlpke on a two acker tt-i left field fence. Gondlng made the final out. With the score a tie, neither team was able to land a run In the ninth, but In the first half of the tenth Martin walked to first, Freese singled and Gond lng'i double brought them both In. The game seemed safely Omaha's, but Long sin gled. So did Rossman, who was caught at second on Caffyn's drive to Thell. Then Shugait hit Into deep right, but Carter pulled the ball down. Towne, batting for McNIchols, hit safe, and Wakefield put the ball over the fench. driving In Long and Towhe. FreeBe was substituted for Henllno In the seventh. Score: DES MOINES. AR R. ....3 ...A ...A ...5 ....5 6 Oanley, rf llogrlever, rf.. Long, ss Hossman, lb... CafTyn, If , PhUKart. 2b McMchols, Sb 3 Towne 1 Wakefield, c 4 Lelfleld. p 2 H. O. A. E. 12 0 0 12 0 0 2 12 1 3 9 11 12 0 0 2 7 4 0 0 12 0 10 0 0 3 6 2 0 0 0 3 0 14 30 14 1 If. O. A. E. 12 2 0 3 6 0 0 3 11 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 4 6 0 2 14 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 16 3 0 10 2 0 16 t29 17 1 dropped fly bv Nobllt let In the only run made bv the locals. Five hits for the home team, (is against eighteen for the Indians, expltilns how the game was won and losi. Mott and Metsltt collided In the first In ning and the flrot baseman was knocked out for five minutes. With two out, New ton put up a tail fly a few feet In front of the plate and both Mcssltt and Mott went after It The men came together, with the result that no one caught the ball. After that three runs came In. The Indians made another trio In the fourth. Collins tripled, liaerwald singled, Weed hit for two bases and O'Hara also hit siife. Another block of three was made In the eighth on a base on balls, a sacrifice ami three hits The visitors scored their hist run In the ninth on two hits, a sacri fice and Collins' whittle. For the Millionaires, Mott made the cir cuit In the first inning and after that the locals got but one man as far as third. Molt s llv to center was dropped, he took second on Frlshee's sacrifice and scored on Dull lmnty's hit. Score: BlOl'X CITr. COLORADO B THINGS. R H.O A.E. R.H.U.A.E. Wffit. 2b .. U Hin. If.. Wilton, lb. Stt.rnaalf, lb. 1 Nobllt, rf 0 Collin, rt.... 1 llftl IWHld, C. 1 Yllleman,' p., 1 1 0 Mott. lb I 0 0 Frlshee. rf... 0 0 1 nitkr, 2b.... 0 C 0 tfelrbintr. lb D 1 0 Prnnell, rt... 0 0 1 Knnhe, If 0 0 0 Bader, aa 0 0 1 .lsllt, c. ... 0 1 0 Btlmmsll, p.. 0 Totata. .10 18 V tl I Totala 1 I 27 16 I Totals 36 7 OMAHA. AB. R. Thiel, bs 5 0 Carter, rf 5 2 Polan, lb 4 0 Welch, cf 6 1 Martin, 2b 4 1 Schlpke, 3b 5 1 Freese, If 1 1 Henllne, If 4 0 (lending, c 5 0 McCloskey, p 5 0 Totals 43 6 Ratted for McNIchols In the ninth. ITwo out when winning score was made. Des Moines 3 00100000 37 Omaha 0 01000030 I 6 Stolen bases: Thlel, Martin. Home run: Wakefield. Two-base hits: Dolan, Schlpke, Henllne, Oondlng. Shugart, Wakefield (2). Rases on balls: Off Lelrleld. 2; oft McClos key. 4. Hit by pitched ball: By McCloskey, 1. Struck out: By Lcifleld, 6; by McClos key, 4. Time: 1:43. Umpire: Schuster. Millionaire Are Easy. COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo.. June 14. The Millionaires continued their losing streak and escaped a shutout at the hands of Sioux City today by a halr'B breadth. A Sioux City 3 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 1-10 Colorado Springs ..1 00000000-1 Stolen liases: Newton, Starnagle, Dele hanlv. Three-base hit: Collins. First base on balls: Off Stimmell. 3; oft Vlllrman, 1. Struck out: By Stimmell, 3; by Vllleman, 3. Left on bases: Sioux City, 7; Colorado Springs, 4. Earned runs: Sioux City, . First base on errors: Colorado Springs, I; Sioux City, 1. Two-base hits: Weed, Nobllt, Frlshee. Hit by pitched ball: Weed. Double plays: Bader to Blake to Mott; Vllleman to Starnagle to Newton; Weed to Starnagle. Sacrifice hits: O'Hara. Newton, Nobllt, Baerwald, Frlsbee. Time: 1:40. Umpire: Mace. rienty of Hitting; In Game. DENVER, June 14. Denver won a hard hitting and Indifferently played game from St. Joseph by the score of 7 to S. The teams see-sawed in the lead and the free hitting kept the crowd In a good humor. Hoel skoetter and Perrlne played a brilliant Heldlng game. Fleming, Andrews, Mcliale, I'cirine, Muelskoutter and McGIlvray hit well. Denver scored In the first on Noyes' .bad throw to Douglas, followed by Belden's single, Hoelskoetter's single and McGIlv ray s homer to left. Two more came in on the second. Mclialu's single, Hurtzell's sac rifice and terrine s hit scored the tourtn run in the tilth. Denver's last three runs came in the seventh. Hoelskoetter hit and McUilvrav walked. Hickman s unexpecieu single scored Hoelskoetter and McHale's hit tallied McGIlvray. St. Joseph scored inree in me lounn. Fleming hit and reached second on Ran dall's error. He reached third on Hoel skoetter's remarkable stop over second and retirement of Lezotte, and scored when Mcliale dropped Douglas' fly. Andrews' two-bagger to left scorea ifougias ana (Julllin pounded in Andrews. Jones hit for two bases at the ODenlng of the fifth, was advanced by Ketchem, and Bcored on Flem- . .... . , . 1. .1 u . U .ltl. ing s ny 10 nanuan. in wie ia.iu, two out. Outllln walked and stole, scoring on Noyes' hit. Attendance, K). Score: DENVER. ST. JOSEPH. R. H.O. A.E. H.H.U.A.n,. ROSY CHEEKS Bright y and steady nerves are desired Dy every woman and they can be easily obtained without artificial means. Tha stomach must first bo made strong, toe blood pure and fuoc tlonal regularity established. The most successful tried lcl Q9 to do this Is - Hosteller's Stomach Bitters . Women who have tiled the Bitters acknowledge it to be tne best for all ills peculiar to their sex. A fair trial will convince yeu that it cures Nausea, Cramps, Dlxzlness, Fainting Spell, Poor Appetite, 1 Indigestion, Kidney Troubles, Dyspepsia and Bsoksohe. The genuine has our prlvste stamp over the neck. lea. n3STUT STOMACH DR. EVIcGREW SPECIALIST. Treats all fern it DISEASES OF MEN 18 Years' Kzperleoe III Venn In Onieai A sledlrsl Ksperl whose remarkable idwim has uevef been esvelled. Nearly 30,000 Cases Cured. VartcamU. Mrtroaala. B)oo4 Polaaa. ItHclar. Olsst. Iltmu DablUlr, Lw el aHnsgtk ana VlUllw. His Home Treatment lu vnuaBtlf ra keussiias at cun at rkrnl htrttxu, Kut, Klu7 u tUUv u( Uli M iim 4t aiuaU coat. tnu d nou.j k. m, trlMoi roui ul writ tor Kttkk uo,K . Urna ( UMtUMitl. MwlialB Mat la ita pa.ka Charsea Low Consultation Free OOoa Hour. a. at. t iO a. ta. i BuaOaia, I I. . U I . a Call or wrlta. bus 1M. Ode VI S. Utk St.. UlSttkA. N.k. MrHale, cf... Ill Hurijell, 3b.. 0 1 1 Itandlll, rf... 10 2 Helrirn, It.... 0 1 i Perrlne, 2b. ..Oil Horl.k'ter, til M'dllvray, lb 2 1 11 bucla. c 0 2 3 Hickman p.. 1 1 0 0 1 Ketchem, cf.. 0 1 0 Fleming, If.. 1 0 1 Lieintte, rf... 0 0 0 DcURlas, lb. . 1 6 0 Andrewa. 3b.. 1 b 0 Uulllln, aa... 1 0 0 Nnyea, 2b.... 0 0 0 Zlnran, c 0 1 0 Jones, p 1 Soudert, p.... 6 Total! 7 13 27 12 2 Totala 6 9 24 IS 1 Denver 1 2 0 0 1 3 0 0 7 St. Joseph ;.0 0 0 3 1 1 0 0 06 Stolen bases: Hartzcll, Perrlne, I,uiia, Hickman, Qulllln. Passed ball: Zlnran. First base on balls: Off Hickman, 2; oft Jones, 2. Struck out: By Hickman, 2; by Jones. 1. l'ft on bases: Denver, 5: St. Joseph, 6. Kirst base on errors: Denver, l; bt. josepn, i. Home run: racuiivray. Two-base hits: Andrews, Jones. Sacrifice hits: Harlzell, Ketchem. Double play: Hoelskoetter to McOUvray. Time: . 1:46. Umpire: Burns. Standing bases. Dnvls was the star at bat and on bases. Attendance, 1,200. Score: CHICAGO. WASIIINC.TON. R H O A K R.H.O.A C. none, rf... I I 4 0 Hill 3b t t I 1 Hnlm-K. If... I 1 0 I I C Junta, rf... 0 0 18 0 Callanan, rf.. I 0 1 1 Mullen. lb...O 0 I 1 0 Darla. aa t 4 I 4 1 Anderron, rf.. 0 0 4 0 Donahue, lb.. 0 1 7 0 0 Huelaman, If. 0 1 I 0 M. F'arland. e. 0 1 I 0 0 MM, 2b 0 0 2 4 Dur.don, lb... 0 lit 0 c.Mv. as...! 1110 Tannehlll, lb 0 1 1 0 1 Kilt reds', c, 0 1 4 1 1 YlU.h, p 0 1 0 1 1 Wolfe, p 0 I 0 4 Totala I 12 27 13 4 Total! I t 27 11 I Phlrngo 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1-6 Washington 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0-3 Stolen bases: Hill, F. Jones, Davis. Don ahue, McKarland. Sacrlllce hits: Holmes, Callahan. Donahue, Dunden. Tannehlll. Itrst base on balls: On Wolfe. 4; oft Walsh, 2. First base on errors: WashlnK tun, 4; Chicago, 1. Struck out: Hy Wolfe, 3; by Walsh, 6. Left on bases: Washing ton, 4; Chicago, 12. Wild pitch: Walsn. Time: 2:06. I niplre: Sheridan. Philadelphia Wins with Stick. FHIIADKI.1'HIA. June 14 The home team defeated Detroit today by good con secutive hitting. Both trams played fine ball. Attendance, 3,044. Score: PHILADELPHIA. DETROIT. 11. H.O. A.E. R.H.O.A.K. Hartml, If... 2 2 1 0 0 O'Learr, sa..O 0 0 0 Knight, 3b... 0 13 0 1 Coolry. cf....O 2 110 Davla lb 1100 Hickman, lb. 0 1 4 0 tl Lord, rt 0 1 2 1 0 Crawford, rf.. 0 12 0 0 Murphr. 2b.. 0 1 4 2 0 Donovan. lf..l 0 2 0 0 Hoffman, cf..O 0 2 0 0 Srhaefer. 2b.. 0 2 12 0 I'ro.a. aa 0 1 0 4 0 Lowe. 3b 0 0 I 2 0 Schrrrk, c... 0 1 1 Drill, c 0 14 10 Plank, p 1 0 0 1 0 Kllllan, p....O 10 11 Totals 4 I 27 11 1 Totals 1 24 I 1 Philadelphia 2 0001010 4 Detroit 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 I-ft on bases: Detroit, 6; Phlladeplhla, 6. Stolen bases: Donovan, Schaeffer. Two base hit: Lord. Three-base hit: Hartscl. Double play: Lord to Davis. Struck out: By Plank, 7; by Kllllan, 2. Bases on balls: Oft Plank, 1; oft Kllllan. 3. Time: 1:45. Um pires: Kelley and McCarthy. gtaadlaa of the Teams. Flayed. Won. Lost. Pet. Cleveland 41 27 14 .t9 Chicago 4n 27 19 ..W Philadelphia 45 2 1 .o78 Detroit 45 23 22 .611 Boston 21 22 .488 New York 43 18 25 . 419 Washington r 47 1 9 28 . 404 St. Louis 46 " 29 . 370 Games today: Chicago at New York, 8t. Ixiuis at Philadelphia, Detroit at Boston, Cleveland at Washington. GAMES IS AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Indianapolis Wins Two Close Finish Contests from S. I'snl. INDIANAPOLIS. June 14. Indianapolis won two games from St. Paul this after noon by ninth and tenth finishes. Attend ance, 7,500. Score: INDIANAPOLIS. ST. PAUL. R. H.O. A.E. R.H.O.A.K Lee, Marshall, Fox. Double plays: Doyle to Boyle; (remlnr to Fo to Freeman. Irft on bases: Toledo, ; Mlnnespoll", . Bases on balls: Oft Martin, 2; oft Hlevers, 1 Struck out: Bv Martin, 8; bv O'Brien, 2t by Slevers, 1. lllls: Off Martin, 9 In si In nings; oft O'Brien. in three Ininngs. Wild pitch: O Brlen. Passed balls: Clark. Mar shall. Time: 2:10. I niplre: King. Mllarankee Mine Both names. IOl lSVILI.K. June 14. Milwaukee won both games of a double-header here todiy. In the first the visitors batted Ftecher hard with men on bases, while McKay held Ihe locals saTe at all times. Louisville usd three pitchers In the second, all of whom were hatted hard. Attendance, 4,0"0. Heoro, first gome: LOl'ISVM.LK. R.H.O.A.K. R H.O. A E. Robinson, aa. 1 1 I i 0 Hallman If . . 0 0 I 0 1 (I Nelll, If... I I 2 0 OSulllran. 3b. . 0 0 2 1 0 MTi'j, r-3b 0 110 0 clar. cf 0 1 I 0 0 o nrlen. 21' . I 2 10 1 A Kerwln. rf...l 2 2 0 1 M. c mlrk.f 2b 0 1 2 1 0 Braehear, lb. 1 0 0 1 0 Hatem'n, r-Zb 0 1 1 0 0 Hester, lb I 2 12 0 0 ( lark. 3b 0 12 4 1 Shaw, c 0 I 4 1 0 Hevllle, r 0 1 I 1 0 Qulnlan, M.. 0 0 3 1 1 McKay, p.... 1 0 Sire her, p....O 0 0 10 'Wright 0 0 0 0 0 TotaH I 11 27 11 1 Totals I I 27 12 1 Batted for Stecher In ninth. Milwaukee 0 0300080 28 lxulsville 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 i Two-base hit: O'Brien. Home runs: Dex ter. Robinson, O'Neill. Stolen bases: Bute man, Clark. Sacrifice lilt: Kobinson. Basos on balls: Off Stecher, 2; off McKay, 1. Struck out: By Stecher. 3; by McKay, 3. Ixft on bases: lyoulsvllle, 4: Milwaukee, 1. Wild pitch: McKay. Passed ball: Bevllle. Umpire: Kane. Score, second game: MILWAl'KKB. LOt'ISVILI.B. R. H.O. A.E. R. H.O. A.E. Robinson, aa. 1 1 I a 0 Hallman, If.. 0 0 1 1 1 0 Sulllran id., o 1 0 Clar. cf 0 1 1 Kerwln, rf... 0 1 0 Brashear. 2b. 0 0 0 Doner, lb... 0 1 0 Shaw, e 0 1 0 Woodruff, c. 0 0 game and Harvard halted hard. Matthews making a nit every tune ne came to tne bat. Score: larvanl 2 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 6 'olumbla 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 llaieman, If.. 1 MCh an'r. rf 1 O'Brien, lb... 0 Hemphill, cf. 1 McC'mlck. 2b 0 Clark, lb 1 Bevllle, o..., 1 Hlcke, p.... 1 I 1 1 0 1 u I 1 1 7 I 0 1 I 112 0 qulnlan, ss... 0 1 . Wrliht. D....4. 0 Totals t 14 17 14 1 Kenna, p 0 0 Duiikle, p.... 0 1 C.rr, lb 1 Bruce, rf 1 MeCreery, cf. 1 Thonejr, If.... 0 Osteen. as.. . . 0 Farrell, 2b... 0 Frlel, lb 0 Roth, c 1 Reldy, p 0 4 2 1 0 2 1 1 1 1 1 I 0 12 1 3 1 I 0 Oeler rf 0 0 Hemrhlll, rf. 0 0 Wheeler, 3b.. 2 0 O'Brien, ss... 1 1 Marcan, 2b. .. 0 0 Flournoy, If.. 0 1 Keller, lb.... 1 1 Sullivan, c... 0 0 Besslons, p... 0 1 0 1 I 1 1 1 I 0 I 0 0 2 10 0 1 0 0 of the Team. Played. Won. Lost. Sioux City 41 28 13 Denver 44 27 17 Des Moines 38 22 . IS Omaha 40 19 21 St. Joseph 41 14 27 Colorado Springs 42 13 29 Games today: Omaha at Des Moines, St. Joseph at Denver, Sioux City at Colorado Springs. Pet. .683 .614 .679 .475 .341 .310 GAMES lH THE AMERICAN LEAGUE Boston Wins a Sharply Tiered Con teat from Cleveland. BOSTON, June 14. Boston took a sharply played contest from Cleveland today, 2 to 1. The visitors hit the ball hard, but the fine fielding by the home team kept the score down. Attendance, 9.322. Score: BOSTON. CLEVELAND. R. H.O. A.E. R. H.O. A.E. Selbarh, rf... 0 0 I 0 0 Jackson, If... 0 0 I 1 0 Psrent, SS.... 0 1 2 4 0 Bay. cf 0 0 12 0 Burkett, lf...l I 0 1 Flick, rf 0 1 0 I 0 Collins. 3b... 0 Oil 1 Lajole. 2b.... 1 0130 Buhl, cf 0 0 1 0 0 Bradley, lb..O 0 14 0 Orimshaw. lb 1 0 0 0 Turner, ss.... 0 14 0 1 Ferris. 2b.... 0 111 03tov.ll, lb...O 1(00 Crtger, c 0 12 1 0 Be ml., c 0 0 4 1 0 Tannehlll p.. 0 0 0 0 0 Rhoades, D...0 10 2 0 Totala I III I I Totala 1 4 24 It 1 Boston 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 Cleveland 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 01 Sacrifice hits: Bay. Burkett, Stovall. Two-base hits: Rhoades, Burkett, Ferris, Stovall. Three-base hit: Burkett. Stolen bases: Parent, Flick, Collins. Double play: Ferris to Collins. First base on balls: Oft Rhoades, 3. Struck out: By Tannehlll, 1. Time: 1:33. Umpire: Connolly. Kew York Wins from St. Louis. NEW YORK, June 14. After knocking Powell out of the box In the fifth Inning, St. Louis was again defeated by New York today. Hogg, who reliuved Powell, held the visitors uown to one hit. Home rum. by Dougherty and Conroy In the eighth in ning gave the home team the game. At-, tendance, 4,mi0. Score: NEW YORK. ST. LOUIS. Totals t 11 27 17 I ToUls 4 728 12 t One out when winning run made. Indianapolis 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 25 St. Paul 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 i Bases on balls: Off Reldy, 8; off Sessions, 8. Struck out: By Reldy, 1; by Sessions, 1. Wild pitch: Reldy. Two-base hits: Osteen, Reldv. Farrell. Three-base hit: Carr. Sac rifice hits: MeCreery, Wheeler, Sullivan, Reldy. Double play: Frlel and Farrell. Stolen bases: Bruce, O'Brien. Left on bases: Indianapolis, 8; St. Paul, 5. Umpire: Glfford. Time: 1:32. Second game: INDIANAPOLIS. BT. PAUL. R. H.O. A.E. , K.H.U.A.B. Carr. b 2 Brura, rf 0 MeCreery. cf. 1 Thoney, If... Osteen, aa... Farrell. 2b.. Frlel. lb.... Zalusky, c. . McGlll, p... Roth Cromley, p.. Totals.. 3 1 0 I 0 1 1 1 4 1 2 1 10 1 I 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Oeler. rf..... 0 0 I 0 Hemphill, cf. 1 1 t 0 Wheeler, 2b.. 1 1 0 0 O'Brien, aa. .. 1 0 1 0 Marcan. Sh... 12 1 0 Flournoy, It.. 0 11 1 Kelley. lb.... 0 1 12 0 Sullivan, c... 0 0 1 0 Ferguson, p.. 0 0 1 0 Totals 6 720 14 0 1 0 0 2 1 1 1 5 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 10 12 1 Batted for McGlll In ninth. Two out when winning run made. Indianapolis 3 00010001 1-6 St. Paul 0 1 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 0-5 Base hits: Off McCJill, 7 In 9 Innings; off Ferguson, 9 in 10 Innings. Two-Dase nit: Zalusky. Sacrifice hits: MeCreery, Bruce, Frlel. Flournov. Double plays: Osteen (un assisted); O'Brien and Kelley. Stolen bases: Wheeler. Marcan. Kelley. Left on bases: Indianapolis, 7: St. Paul, 6. Umpire; (ill ford. Time: 1:60. Kansas City Wins In Tenth. COLUMBUS, June 14. Hard hitting, by which Kansas Citv tied the score in tno ninth, was continued in the tenth, giving the visitors the third game of the series. Attendance, 1,802. Score: KANSAS CITY. COLUMBVB. R. H.O. A.E. R.H.O.A.K. Castro, rf.... 0s 1 3 0 0 Dsvls rf 0 110 0 Nancw. rf I' 0 1 0 1 Pickering, cf. 0 Masaey. lb... 2 2 16 1 0 Hulswltt. aa. 0 0 I (I 1 l.onsalion, ll. v 0 0 0 0 Klhm, lb 1 10 10 Wrlgley, 2b.. 0 4 0 10 0 Pierce, c 0 1 4 0 0 Barbeau, lb.. 1 1110 Ryan. c-2b... 1 0 0 11 Dernar, p.... 0 Rtckert, If... 0 Kranta. If.... 0 Donahue. 3b. 0 Bonner, 2b... 2 Butler, e 1 Downey, aa. , . 0 Eela, p 0 0 7 0 1 1 1 1 I 0 1 11 1 o o a 10 1 til 2 4 1 0 0 1 Total! 0 I 17 11 4 Milwaukee 0 4 0 4 0 0 0 0 08 Louisville 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Two-baae hits: Sullivan, Hlckey, Qulnlan, Hemphill. Home run: Clark. Stolen base: Sullivan. Bases on balls: Oft Kenna, 2; off Dunkle, 1; off Hlckey, 2. Double plays: Hlckev to O'Brien: Hlckey to McCormlck to O'Brien. Hit by pitched ball: McCor mlck. Hits: Off Wright, 4 In one and two third Innings; off Kenna, 6 In two and one third innings; off Dunkle, S In five Innings. Time: 1:62. Umpire: Kane. Standing of the Teams. Played. Won. Lost. Pet. Columbus 62 32 20 .618 Milwaukee A 62 32 20 .616 Minneapolis 62 31 21 .6M St. Paul 63 28 27 . 491 Indianapolis 48 24 24 .5J Kansas City 62 24 28 . 4(12 I.ouisvllle 61 20 31 .392 Toledo 60 18 32 .360 Games today: Milwaukee at Columbus, Kansas City at Indianapolis, St. Paul at Toledo, Minneapolis at Louisville. GAMES IN THE NATIONAL I.EAGIB Cblcasro Shots Oat New York In a Close and Exettinsc Conteet. CHICAGO. June 14. New York was help less today before Wicker's pitching, getting only three scattered singles and the last rcme or an exciting series went to Chi cago 1 to 0. Attendance, 10,600. Score: CHICAGO. , NEW YORK. R. H.O. A.E. R.H.O.A.K. Slasle. cf 0 110 0 Ponlln. cf.... 0 14 10 Srhulta, If 0 0 1 0 0 Browne, rf... 0 110 0 Malnney, rf.. 0 0 4 0 0 MrOann, lb.. 0 000 Chance, lb... 1 1 It 0 0 Mertea, If.... 0 0 10 0 Tinker, aa....O 1110 Dahlan. aa....0 0 110 Even, 2b 0 0 111 Devlin, 2b.... 0 1110 Casey, lb 0 10 10 Ollbert. lb...O 0 110 Kilns; c 0 0 S 0 1 Bowerman, e. 0 0 0 0 0 Wicker, p.... 0 10 10 MoOlnnlty, p. 0 0 0 1 0 Total! 1 I 27 10 I Total! 0 1 24 11 Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 ! New York ...0 OtlOOOOOO-0 Left on bases: Chicago, 6: New Yoni, 5. Two-base hit: Slagle. Three-base hit: Casey. Sacrifice hit I Tinker. Double play: Devlin to Dahlen. Struck out: By Wicker, 2. Bases on balls: Off Wicker, 8; off Mc Glnnlty, 3. Time: 1:60. Umpires: Enislle and Bauswine. Cincinnati Beats Philadelphia. CINCINNATI. June 14.-Both pitcher were hit hard, but Hahn was most success- ful in keeping his -safeties scattered. Trre of the Philadelphia', Xour hits were triples. Seymour, in centeraeld, accepted nine chances, the season's record for an out fielder. Attendance.. 2, mi. Score: CINCINNATI. PHILADELPHIA. R.H.O.A.K. R.H.O.A.K HugKlns. lb.. 1 Barry, lb 1 Kelley, It.... I Seymour, cf.. 1 Corcoran, as.. 1 Odwell. rf.... 0 Brldwell, 3b.. 0 Phelps, c 0 Habn. p 0 Fults, cf 1 0 Keeler, rf.... 0 1 Dougherty, It 1 1 Williams. 2b. I 3 Conroy, 3b.. . . 1 I ( 'has, lb 1 1 F.lberfeld, s. 1 1 Klelnow, c. . . 0 1 Powell, p 0 0 'Orth 0 0 K. H.O. A.E. H. H.O. A.E. The OPPORTUNITY of TODAY The opportunity for the man with Ilia means is probably better today lu the prairie sialics ot the boutiiweai than evur before in the iuslory of the ballon To be sure, there is not the vut open choloe of land for the home steads that existed In tno '70s The lands then taken up under Uovern menl laws are now prosperous farms and ranches There Is need ot more hands to develop the country. In the Southwest. Indian Territory, Okla homa and Texas, are vast areas of un improved land not yet producing the crops of which It is capable Prac tically the same thing Is true of the towns Few lines of business are adequately represented There are openings of all sorts for wideawake men Are you one? If you are interested, tell us what you want, how much you have to in vest, and we will gladly furnish the information, write for a copy of our paper, "The Cuming Country." Its free. Address Otorft Mortoa, CP. A T.4. I til. St.lMiia.Ma 8 xai au dlseaeea a Men: Varlcooele Hydro- i Weak. Nsrwoua Men, Kidney aud bladder Lis. easasv Stomach, Bowel Skin and Chronic Dta easea. anamination Free. Honeart Treatment Low Charges. Write for Infor. melton. 14 years In Omah Dr.. Siarlss & Setrlu, Uta and Douglas Omaha, ISaU 4 0 0 Stone, If 1 I I 0 0 0 0 0 Moran, 2b.... 0 0 14 0 2 0 1 Vansint, rf... 1 1 1 0 0 3 10 Koehler, cf... 1 I 2 1 t 0 10 Jonea, lb 11 I 0 0 7 11 Wallua. a.. 0 1 1 1 0 8 0 1 GleaaoD, lb... 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Sugden, c... 0 0 4 1 0 13 1 Way, p 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 'frisk 0 t 0 Hogg p 0001U ToUls t 24 1 0 Totals 7 9 27 4 Hatted for Powell In fifth. Batted lor Petty In ninth. New York 0 3001107 7 St. Louis 1 U 0 1 3 0 0 0 05 Two-base hits: Chase. Elberfeld. Three- base hits: Williams, Klelnow, Kohler. Home runs: Dougherty. Conroy. Sacrifice hits: Chase, Jlomn. Stolen bases: Conroy, Stone. Double play: Powell to Williams to Chase, lilts: Oft Powell, & in five innings; oft Hogg. 3 In four liiiiings. Left on bases: New York, 3; St. lxiuls, o. First on balls: By Pelty, 2. Struck out: By Powell. 3; by Hogg, 2; by I'eltv, 3. Passed ball: Sugden. Wild pitch: Powell. Time: l:io. L'mplre: O'Laughlln. Chleaao Beats Wsalilnitoa. WASHINGTON. D. C. June 14-Wash- Ington was unable to lilt Walsh today and Chicago won the third game of the series. The visitors hit Wolfe opportunely and by good bae running and successful use of the savi'inee got their runners around the Totals IliUll I ToUls 10 W 14 Kansas City 2 00100002 1-6 Columbus 0 12010100 06 Stolen bases: Klhm, Barbeau, Downey. Sacrifice hits: Nance, Frantze. First base on balls: Off Dorner, 3; oft F.els, 3. Two base hits: Congalton, Bonner (2). Butler. Double play: Hulswltt to Byan to Klhm. Hit by pitched ball: Pickering (2). Struck out: By Dorner, 1; by Kels, 3. Passed ball: Kyan. Wild pitches: Dorner, Eels. Time: 1:60. Umpire: Haskell. Minneapolis Wins Two Games. TOLEDO, June 14. Minneapolis won both games of a double-header from Toledo to day. Toledo batted hard In both games, bul could not bunch hits. Attendance, 2,su0 Score, first game: MINNEAPOLIS. TOLEDO. R.H.O.A.K. R. H.O. A.E. Jones, cf I I 1 1 0 Cllnsman as. 0 114 1 0 0 Gilbert, cf.... 1 1 Durrett, If. 0 Lee. rf V Demont. 2b 0 Doyle, 3b... 0 Boyle, lb... 0 Clark I 1 Sullivan, rf.. 1 Freeman, lb.. I 1 10 Coulter. If... 1 I 0 Schmidt, c... 1 Gremlng'r, lb 1 Foa, 2b I Oyler, aa 1 Stovall, p.... I 0 Camnlts, p. .. 0 1 0 1 4 1 0 1 0 1 t 1 II I S 1 0 Totals It 17 17 It 1 Totals I 14 17 15 Minneapolis 1 2 0 1 0 7 0 5 0 lii Toledo 0 0001110O-3 Two-base hits: Doyle, Oyler, Stovall, Schmidt, Gremlnger, Fox. Stolen bases: Cllngman, Camnliz, Jon's, Fox. Sacrlllce hit: Durrett. Double plays: Freeman to Oyler: Fox to Freeman. Left on bases: To ledo, 8; Minneapolis, f. . Bases on balls: Oft Camnitz, 3; off Stovall, 1. Hit by pitched ball: Fox. Time: 1:50. Umpire: King. Score, second game: MINNEAPOLIS. TOLEDO. R.H.O.A.K. R.H.O.A.K Jones, cf 1 1 I 0 Sullivan, rf.. 1 1 I 1 Freemaa, lb. 0 2 4 1 Coulter, If... 0 1 I 0 Marshall, o... 1 1 I 1 Gremlng'r. lb 1 1 1 1 Fox, lb 0 1 6 1 Oyler, aa 114 1 Bl.iera, p.... 1 1 0 4 O' linen Totals I IS 10 11 I ToUls.... 1 Cllngman. aa. 1 0 Ollbert cf. ... 0 1 Durrett, If... 1 1 Lm, rf I 0 Deraont, lb... 0 0 Doyle, 3b 0 0 Boyla, lb.... 0 0 Clark, c 1 0 Martin, p.... 1 p.... 1 1 I I 0 I 0 I 14 7 n:a it 4 One out when winning run scored. Minneapolis 1 01211101 0-fl Toledo 2 0200001 0-7 Two-base hit: Jones. Home run: Lee. Stolen bases: Lee, Sullivan, Gremlnger, Fox. Sacrifice hits: Cllngman. SuUlvan. 14 '" T' ' i?f f ' f 7N:; The Safe and Helpful Beverage GOOD beer helps the stomach to perform Its offices. It aids the digestion. The percentage of alcohol In good beer is very small. GOOD beer Wiener quenches the thirst and refreshes instant ly and naturally. Athletes drink Wiener beer when in training. They know that it is good for them. WLImIL WIENER BEER liMILWAUKL J The absolute wholesome: ess of Blat Beers is pre determined by the BlaU Method, months before it comes to yon. Pure, sparkling water hops barley malt brewed and matured in the good Blats way. The ideal home beverage. VAL BLATZ BREWING CO., MILWAUKEE Omaha Branch ' 1412 Douglas Street. TcL 1051 Dolan, rf I Delehanty. If 1 Canned, rf... 0 Tenney. lb... 1 W olverfn, lb 0 Noedham, c.- 0 Raymer, lb.. 0 Willis, p 0 ToUls. . 1110 Thomaa. cf... 1 I I 0 17 0 0 Oleason, 2b... 0 0 1 1 I I 0 Q Courtney, 8b. 0 111 100 Titus, rf 1110 1110 MrOee, If.... 0 0 4 0 110 0 lir.n.fleld. lb 0 1 1 0 10 11 Don I In. aa.... 0 0 11 0 110 Dooin. ....:. 0 111 0 0 1 Cerrldon, p..O 0 0 0 'DuBj 0 0 0 0 Totala 10 27 0 1 Totals I 1 24 Batted for Corridon In ninth. Cincinnati 4 1000100 6 Philadelphia 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 02 Two-base hits: Odwell, Hugelus (2) Three-base hits: Seymour. Thomas, Dooln, Titus. Stolen bases: Corcoran, Hugglns, Bransfteld. Double plays: Doolln to Ulea son to Branslleld, Courtney to OIasnn to Bransflpld. First base on balls: Oft Hahn, 1; oft Corridon, 4. 8truck out: By Mann, 1; bv Corridon, 3. Passed balls: Phelps (. wua pitcn: corridon. lime; i:a. urn pi re: Johnstone. Boston Wins from Pittsburg;. PITTSBL'RO. June 14. Pittsburg lost through miserably Blow work and costly errors. Willis was hit freely, but man aged to keep the hits pretty well scattered. Attendance, 7.W9. ecore: BOSTON. PITTSBCRO. R.H.O.A E. R.H.O.A.K Ab'tlchlo, aa. 1 1 16 0 Leach, lb.... 0 111: 0 0 0 0 Beaumont, cf. 1 1 I 0 I 10 10 Clarke, If.... 114 0 1 0 10 0 Wagner, aa... 0 1 1 5 I 0 II 1 I Howard, lb.. 0 10: 10 10 Clymer, rf.... 1 I 1 0 l 17 10 Rltcbey, lb... 0 111 0 110 Pelts, e 0 0 I t I 0 1 b 0 Hlldebrand, e 0 0 1 1 i Lynch, p 0 0 0 0 i I 4 27 17 1 Flaterty, p... 0 0 0 0 1 Moore, p o o o u i Carlsch 0 0 0 0 1 Totala t 10 27 10 Batted for Moore In ninth. Boston 8 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 06 Pittsburg 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 S Two-base hit: Rltchey. Three-base hit Ahhatlcchlo. Stolen bases: Leach. Clymer, Dolan. Double play: l-eacn 10 reiiz 10 Howard. First base on balls: Off Flaherty 2: nfr Willis. 2. Hit by pitched ball: By l.yncn, 1. . rnruca out; ny aiuorp, i; uy Willis, 7. Wild pitch: Flaherty. Hits: Oft Flaherty, i in nve ana a nan innings; un Moore. 2 In three innings. Time: l.w. urn plre. O Day. St. Louis 'Wins Third Game. AT. LOl'IS. June 14. By winning today game, 3 to 1, St. Louks registered Its third victory oi tne present series over Drvuhiyn. rtunleavv trlDoed over first base In tha sev enth Inning and wrenched his leg so badly that he was rorced to retire in tavor or Brain. Attendance, 1,100. Score: ST. LOl'IS. BROOKLYN. R.H.O.A.K. R. H.O. A.E. ghay. aa 1 2 1 i 0 Dotha, cf 0 1 1 0 o Shannon, It., 1 " sneraara, u. . e I i u v Arndt. 2b 1 I 1 1 1 Lumley, rt... 0 I I 0 0 Berkley, lb..O 0 If 1 0 Oek.ler, lb...O 0 110 Clarke, rf ... 4 10 0 Batch, lb..... 0 0 110 Punleavy. rf. 0 1 0 0 0 Malay 2b.... 11110 Burke. 3b.... 0 I I 1 0 ilabb. aa 0 0 14 0 Grady r V 0 0 1 0 Uereen, e 0 1 7 2 1 Eaan,' p 0 1 1 0 Ka.os, p 0 0 0 1 1 Brain, rf 0 0 0 0 0 Total! 1 IIIU t Totals I 10 27 II 1 St. Louis 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 S Brooklyn 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 Karned runs: St. Louis, 2. Two-base hits: Arndt, Shay, Sheckard. Sacrifice hits: Lumley, Babb, Double plays: Malay to Babb to Gessler, ' Batch to Bergen to Gessler. Passed ball: Bergen. Base on balls: Off Kgan. 1. Struck out: By kJuson, 4. Left on bases: St. Louis, 6; Brooklyn, 7. Time; 1.30. Umpire: Klem. MHtltllA IUM1H AC tOMPS TODAY rlhl, the Kerne Kntry, In Favorite at Two to One. NEW TOHK, June 14 Shecpshead. wllh he green stretches and splendid racing ourss reaching almost to the onshore. will witness the twentv-seeond running of he greatest of American handicaps to morrow the Suburban. Bright skies sre urecasted, a fust track probable, anil a goodly llflil of thoroughbreds will contend or the li.imi stake, nil of which gives promise of h record -hren king crowd to wlt- ii'ss the winning of the race that in trus country Is what the derby Is to F.ughtnd r the premier classic In other lands. Only welve iiorsns are ciinlca to go. it is a well-matched field, with the possible chance of any one of the card reaching the wire first. From Pel hi. the Iseene entry mat carries the Impost, to Ostrich with the rather Crlmmons on his back. The entries, with the probable betting, are: Horse and Jockey. Delhi (Murnsi Beldame lO'Nclll) First Mason (Booker) . Kngllsh 1ad tNlcol ... Had News (C. Kelley) . Allan A'TJnle (Lynel ... Grnslallo (Odom) Ad bell (1,. Smith) 'roper M. hnnpnl Miss Crawford (Balrd) . Ostrich (Crimmlns) Jacquln (J. J. Walsh) . Weight. Odds. 12R 2 to 1 ....1.1 ....US ....117 ....115 ....112 ....11 ....1"9 ....19 ....hifl .... 2 ....100 3 to 1 to 1 ID to 1 10 to 1 15 to 1 lo to 1 6 to 1 6 to 1 50 to 1 R to 1 20 to 1 upon. Pulllvsn and Hereford will leave for the const next week. OMAHA DAY AT MI9SOIRI VALI.RT Many Visitors and Horse to Go to Race Meet. Ak-Sar-Ben having officially Indorsed the proposition for Omaha day at the Missouri Valley race meet Thursday, June 29, the local men Interested In the meet are pre. paring to handle a large number of visitors at the track on that day. Secretary Tuthlll says tne management nas tne promise or owners that some of the best runners now In the west will be at Missouri Valley dur ing the three days or racing, mere are to be frve races a day and purses amounting to at least JfiOO are to be hung up each day. As Harlan, la., Is to have a meeting, the following week the owners or good sprint ers find enough encouragement to warrant them In bringing their horses to this sec tion of the country. A special train Is to leave Omaha on Thursday at noon and come back In the evening. T he officers of the association are Mayor James of Mis souri Valley, Fred Brown, a prominent real estate man of Harrison county; William Neuflnd, chief of the nre department and sunerlntendent of the Agricultural society for a quarter of a century, and J. A. Tut hlll ot Omaha. WITH THE BOWLERS. Tn the tournament games last night Rice and Walenz rolled the highest total, with 1,908. Beselln and O'Brien failed to equal their first series, but still have enough pins to keen them In the lean unless some team makes an unusually high score. To night the four Council Bluffs teams are scheduled and their games will be Interest lng, aa Ntcoll and Frush are now In second place: 1. Z. n. 4. ft. Welmer 192 197 162 151 202 904 65 99 Shanahnn ...105 169 152 168 139 133 65 798 Totals 297 368 314 319 341 1637 130 1767 1 9 1 A K Tnt Tin Tnt Schneider ...163 140 170 159 169 801 60 851 ...176 181 177 189 189 912 60 962 OPKMVO II AY AT MF.l.n (MB m Time Arranged tor Members and Friends. Saturday has teen decided upon as the opening day for the Omaha Field club and everything will be In readiness for the ac commodation of the 500 members and their friends. All of the modern games, which are at once an exercise, pastime and pleas ure to the participants and spectators alike, will be played on the opening day, ami the entry list Is large. The finals In the first handicap tennis tournament will be played off Saturday evening and a ball game will be played on the fine diamond of the club. Olbson has the links In per fect condition and there will be two golf contests, one for the club cup. 16 to qualify without handicaps, to he played off at match play without handicaps. The Foster cup will also be played for. 16 to qualify, with handicaps and match play to follow. MORSE HE IDS THE COR MUCK F.R , Elected (aptnln oj Base Rail Clnb for "text Benson. LINCOLN, June 14. (Special.) Clarence Morse, Nebraska university's star box ar tist for the last two seasons, has been elected to the captaincy of the CornhuskerS tor next year, tiis cnoice was unanimous, Morse's team mates recognising that his strong pitching Justly entitled him to an election without opposition. Morse's euo cess with the spit ImiII has earned for him In Missouri valley college circles the sou briquet of "Shesluo" Morse. Ills effective ness on the slab this season may le JudKcd from his record, which shows that his op ponents In thirteen games aversged only two runs to the game. Several league man agers have sought to coax Morse to make his debut In prolesslonal ranks, but lie will stick to college base ball for one more year end also will try out under Coach Boot It as a candidate for the foot ball team next September. Field Clnh Tennis Tourney. At the Field club courts last night the second round of the open handicap tennis tournament was plnyed, with the following result : Kohn beat Patterson, 1-6, -6, 6-2. Martin beat Dinning, 6-1. 9-7. West bent Hughes, fi-2. M Doherty heat Van Camp. 6-4, 6-2. Collet beat Dufrene, 6-1, 6-4. Pollard beat Battln. by default. Raymond beat I.aMore, 6-4, 6-3. Schneider beat Chambers, 6-3, 7-5. th rt eml-Flnals In Tennis. NF.W YORK, June H. -Alexander, Princeton veteran: llaikrtt, Yale's champion, and Hollenhauer, the Vermont champion of last year, today won their places In the semi-final round of the Metro politan championship. Summer coat And pants to order, 130. McCarthy Tailoring Co., J04 S. 16th St. The Beer That Made Milwaukee famous Fhone 91 3, Jos. Scblltz Brewing; Co., 719 South Otb Street. Omaba. DOCTORS FOR LMER Weber Totals Beselln , O'Brien Totals Rice ... Walenz Totals ..339 321 347 348 358 1713 100 1813 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Tot.Hp.Tot. ..170 180 196 192 171 909 40 949 ..164 168 149 211 159 851 75 926 ..334 348 345 403 330 1760 115 1875 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Tot.Hp.Tot. ..164 171 161 189 170 853 60 903 ..ITS 178 211 206 187 955 60 1006 ..343 348 372 388 357 1808 100 1908 Jockey C'Inb Organised. MISSOURI VALLEY. Ia.. June H.-fSne- clal.) The Missouri Valley Jockey club has been recently organized with the following officers: President, E. F. James; vice presi dent and treasurer, Fred Brown; superin tendent of track, William Freuflnd; secre tary. J. A. Tuthlll. Races will be held on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, June 28, 29 and .30. and SI. 600 will be awarded In prizes for speed. Sullivan and Brltt Mar Fight. BALTIMORE. June 14. On hehalf of KM Sullivan of Washington, his manager, Al Hererord or tnis city has accepted the offer of the Hayes Valley Athletic club of San Francisco, of a nurse of S15.000 for a twenty round fight with Jimmy Brltt In that city July 15. The question of weight seems to be the only Important one yet to be agreed Banquet Hall Cisrars The price Is 10 cents. just like any other dime cigar. Then the resemblance ceases. At your tobacconist CIGARS This Institution 1b established for the befleflt of Buffering men. For the purpose of curing the terrible diseases and weaknesses that destroy men's men tal and physical powers, making them unfit for work, study, business or mar riage, depriving them of social duties and pleasures of life and marital happi ness Men, don't delay if you want to be saved and restored to perfect health and strength, with mental and physical powers complete. Come to the men's true specialists and learn your true condition. Oct the right treatment first and be cured quickly, safely and thoroughly. We win make a thorough and scientific examination of your ailments, an examination that will disclose your true physical condition, without a knowledge of which you are groping in the dark, and without a thorough understanding of which no physician or specialist should be allowed to treat you. We want all ailing men to feel that they can come to this institution freely for an ex planation of their condition without being bound by any obligations whatever to take treatment unless they so desire. Men Who Need Skillful Medical Aid will find this institute thoroughly reliable, different from other so-called In stitutes, medical concerns, or specialists' companies. You are Just as safe In dealing with the Electro Medical Institute as with any STATE OR NATIONAL BANK. We cure quickly, safely and thoroughly. .stricture, Varicocele, Emissions, Nervo-Sexual Debility, Impotency, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, and all diseases and weaknesses of men due to inheritance, evil habits, self abuse, excesses, or the result of specific or private diseases. rntJCIII TtTiny rDCT It you cannot call write for symptom blank. LUtidULIAIlun rnCC Office Hours 8 a. m. to p. m. Sundays, 10 to 1 only. ELECTRO MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1303 Farnam St., Between 13th and 14th Streets, Omaha, Neb. itSfcau It Standing- of the Teams. Played. Won. Lost. New York 62 87 15 Philadelphia 48 28 20 Pittsburg 63 30 23 Chicago 64 29 26 Cincinnati 61 27 24 Bt. Louis 52 22 SO Boston 60 17 SJ Lruoklvn M 1 M Games today: Boston at Cincinnati, Brooklyn at Chicago, New York at St. Louis. Philadelphia at Pittsburg. Pet .712 .61 !637 .IS .4.3 .S40 .3uS game goathern League Games. At Atlanta New Orleans-Atlanta rvmtnnnfd: rain. At Birmingham Little Rock, 9; Birming ham. 6. At Montgomery Memphis-Montgomery game called end of fourth; rain. At Nashville fihreveport, S; Nashville, t. Harvard Defeats Colambla. CAMBRIDOK, Mass., June 14 Coburn's superb pitching was mainly responsible for the defeat of Columbia by Harvard today on Soldiers' Field, by a score of 6 to 1. Lur ing the six innings that he pitched, Coburn allowed but one hit. During the game he struck out ten men, six of them tn suc cession. Columbia played a snappy fielding h g aeid Eietyirin) eea TICKETS GOOD GOING IN TOURIST CARS June 17th Limit June 26th CHICAGO SERVICE Fast Day Leave Omaha 7:23 a. m. Afternoon Leave Omaha 4:00 p. m. Leave Omaha 8:05 p. m. Flyer Arrive Chicago 8:4? p. m. Express Arrive Chicago 7:20 a. m. Night Flyer Arrive Chicago 9:00 a.1 m. Returning Leave Chicago 6:00 p. m., 10:30 p. m., 9:1? a. m. Arrive Omaha 7:2) a. m., 1:55 p. m-. 10:53 p. m. Note the Fast Day Express Returning. Burlington train carrj' the highent grade of the long modern, high back wat roaches and chair cars (seats free). The Burlington's well known dining car service on all trains. Ticket Office, 1502 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb J 1 11