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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1905)
THE OMAflA DAILY PEE: TnUKSDAY, JUNE 15. 1003. tupsnilous iarpims Tliursslaij3 June 1 $160,000 Worth of High Grade Merchandise at Silks, Dress Goods, Wash Goods, Hats and Caps, Furnish ing Goods, Cloaks and Suits, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Carpets and Draperies, Millinery, etc., will go at prices far below their actual value. We secured them at a bargain and give our customers the benefit. the ine & Go, Stock Less Than Half Price. Superlatives only can describe the exceptional values of fered in this great sale, however, we will strive as much as possible to constrain ourselves tc bare, concise facts without dilation upon the immensity of the values offered. You should come early and get first choice. 15c Percale, SO ' 15c rrlntcrt Ba- Inchrs wide, I: "". tp'c"dl ,, new patterns at, eale price, yard ,, yard 6c 7c ; 10c Printed Ba- ! 15c Tokio Silk J tlBtes, all new " Finish Dress patterns, at, yd. ! Fabrics, at, yd. 4c 6c ! 6c Scotch Lawns, 12Vfec Chambray ;; , ., .,. Ginghams, all , good colors, great, be8tolor8 ttt, . snap at, yard yard 2c 5c j 19c French Ma- ' 18c Wide White dras Walstlngs, Organdies, at, ; at, yard yard 10c j 8c 8c Soft Finish ' 25c Persian ! Bleached Mus- , Lawns, 30 Ins. 11ns at, yard !' wide, at, yard ; 5c j 12c : ' 85c Snow White 8c Printed Wash Grass Bleached Fabrics, fast col- ! i Table Damask, I at, yard j on- at- yard ' i7yac 1 3c i 40c heavy cream Cllne & Co. 10c Table Linen, very i Suiting Crepes , cpeclal bargain- . our price, 22 I 5c ; 10c hemmed Cllne & Co. 18c ; ! ! - ItoJaJUai- tvMfllies " 1 Towels, great ; snap at . our price. 5c 5c "" i Cllne & Co. Cllne & Co. , $1.00 and $1.50 f l.Oo Fancy Cheviots, Mohairs, ' our price our price 69c j 69c Cllne & Co. u 50,000 yards of ! $5.00 and $3.50 ;; other Hue goods, Blnck and !! worth up to $3.50 Fancies at a yard, 69c j 69c 200 yds. Machine 10c Embroideries Thread, from great variety of Cllne & Co. u t design, choice, stock yard, :, ic 2y2c Cllne & Co. Cllne & Co. ! 76c Chemisettes ! 25c Ladies' Turn II.. . i Over Collars, choice Thursday, , .hoice TbursdnTi 25c 5c Hose Supporters, 75c All Over Cllne & Co's Laces, from the 1 price 15c, Cllne & Co. our price . stock, at yard, 5c 25c THE RELIABLE STORE. Every item quoted below is of rare, economical interest to all thrifty shoppers the magnifying power of our bargain offering make your quarters look like dollars Thursday or speaking more exactly four dimes will be worth one dol lar in almost every instance in this great sale. Come early and get the pick. Grand Bargains in Men's Furnishinas From the Cine 6 Co. Stock. All men's shirts from the great ptir cha.e that Bold at 75c and 'IfJr" $1.00, at OVC All high grade shirts that sold at $1.80, uch as Griffin, Monarch and ungora?1r.t.hf.5: u8c-75c $1.00 811k Lisle Shirts and ROr Drawers our sale price O J $1.00 Jap 811k Shirts and Draw- Q era our aale orlce vl J 76c Balbiiggan Shirts and $0c Balbrlggan Shirts and Drawers plain and fancy colors our is ale Drlce All 26c and 39c Shirts and Drawers sale price Men's Hose that sold at 50c and 76c, go at 25c and All 25c and 39c Hose will go at All 15c and 19c Hose will go at All lOo Hose will go at 39c ..15c 39c ..15c ..10c . 5c All Men's 60c and 75c Suspen- OSn ders In this aale at 3c and "f All 2no and 39c Suspenders, n go at 1VC Boys' Suspenders, worth 25c, (E at, per pair. 10c and OC 75c and 98c Men's Neckwear, In new est styles and colors At at. choice 40 39cand 60o Neckwear, 25C 25c Windsor Ties, wi at 7jC Ladies' Gloves and Corsets 98c 69c 39c , well 1.39 15c All $1.50 and $2 Corsets from me une & fo. stock All $1.00 and $1.50 Corsets, at All 75c Corsets and Girdles, sale price, 49o and Most of them high grade. Known hrnnils $2.00 Silk Umbrellas, with steel frames, at Ladles' Gloves In plain or lace llHle, worth 39c to 50o choice. Ribbon Bargains From Clint 0 Co. $1.25 Fancy Ribbons, at, yard Baby Ribbons, 2 yards for No. 6 Taffeta Ribbons, worth 6c, at No. 7 Taffeta Ribbons, worth 7c, at No. 9 Taffeta Ribbons, worth 9c, at No. 12 Taffeta Ribbon. worth 11c, at No. 16 Taffeta Ribbons, worth 13c, at No. 22 Taffeta Ribbons, worth 16c. at tv No. 40 Taffeta Ribbons, worth 19c, at No. 60 Tuffeta Ribbons, worth U3c, at No. 80 Taffeta Ribbons, worth 2uc, at $1.50 Fancy Ribbons t at, yard $1.00 Fancy Ribbons at, yard 75c Fancy Ribbons a at, yard 60c Fancy Ribbons at, yard 25c Fancy Ribbons iat, yard Stock. ..59c lc ...2Jc . 3Jc ...4ic ...5ic 6ic 74c .. 9ic lHc ..12ic 59c ...39c ...29c 19c 5c Ladies' Furnishings From the dine & Co. Stock LADIKS' GOWNS. DRAWERS, CORSET COVERS and CHIMESE Cllno & Co.'s price 60c to $1 sale IQr.r price Thursday LADIES' DRAWERS AND CORSET COVERS Cllne & Co.'s price SKc OQc our price Thursday KtJS LADIES' GOWNS. SKIRTS AND CHIM ESE Cllne & Co.'s price $2.50 QHc our' sale price ,u" $3 TO $3 GOWNS, SKIRTS AND CHIM- ESE-gale price f 50-1.98 Thursday I.cV l.CJ LADIES' IMPORTED LISLE VEST Cllne & Co.'s price 15c, 25c and fc 6oc sale price 19c, lac and "w LADIES' UNION SUITS Perfect Fit ting, plain and fancy colors Cllne & Co.'s price $1 our sale AQr price f W LADIES' LISLE HOSF In all the new lace effects Cllne & Co.'s price AQc 11.00 our sale price w All Cllne Sc Co.'s Ladles' SOc, 85c and SricJJlT.!.1' 19c-25c 2Ec Cllne Co. Hose 10c and ir.o Cllne & Co. Hose, for .124c 6c INFANTS' HOSE. In pink, blues, whites, blacks and tans Cllne & Co.'s price 15c and 19c Cp sale price, pair ,JW LADIES' SILK HOSE that Cllne & Co. sold up to $1.00 all new em broidered goods at, QQi pair, $1.98, $1.50 and 60o Boys' Balbrlggan Shirts 0c and Drawers at fcJW BOYS' SHIRTS In all new colors with separate collar and cuffs 4 Or. Cllne's price 75c sale price.... Boys' Shirt Waists In all colors Cllne & Co.'s 25c values lOp sale prlco Stylish Straw Hats From the Cline & Co. Stock 800 down Straw Hats In every Imaginable style and weave. Greatest bargains of the season. $2.50 SPLIT AND SENNIT YACHT STRAWS. In high and medium crowu aud rim i in great snap ot XmnfJ $1.50 Mackinaw and Sennit straws, In sailor Qfi shape, nobbiest summer stylos, at JOC $1.00 Fedora, Yacht and Negligee shapes, In Can- yf Q ton, Mackinaw and Split straw, at HtJG 75c Men's Sailors, In rough braids and Canton - C .braids great bargain ot DC 75c Auto Caps for men aud boys, in blue serge, fancy casstmere weave, corded and strapped tops ?n bargain at JJC Boys' and Children's Straw Hats, in Turban sailor or Mexican shapes 25c to 50c values g f g Millinery From the Cline & Co. Stock All the Hats, Flowers, Feathers and Ornaments from this great purchase will be placed on sale Thursday on our second floor In our millinery department and will be offered at the most ridiculously low prices. For Instance, all the Untrlmmed Hats, every new style Cn 1 ) Ca and shape of this season, will go at "lJymJ TRIMMED HUTS Trimmed Hats that Cllne & Co. sold up to $3.00, go at Trimmed Hats that Cline & Co. sold Up' to $5.00, go at , All the Trimmed Hats that Cllne & Co. sold Qfi OR C AH up to $15.00, will go at 4jO'J,JO'J.UU FLOWERS FLOWERS FLOWERS Thousands of bunches of Flowers every kind lQ imaginable will be on bargain tables at, bunch JC"IUC"1C $1.00 SAILORS AT 19c Ladles' Sailors, trimmed with silk rjbbaii bands and leather sweats ir thf.y are lighUyriHedJ:-ClIl. &'jCo.4&te lotlr price Thursday."; 98c .1.98 19c Rugs, Carpets and Draperies From Cline & Co's. Stock. Wool Smyrna Rugs, 25x53 ins. H Cp groat snap at 2,000 yds. Extra Brussels and xminster Car pets 10 to 35 yard lengths C Cr H fyn at, yard JJm I 9x12 Axminsters from Cline & Co. Q H C stock while they last 0 50-in. Roman stripe Tapestry 70 stupendous values at, yard J 2 Odd Lace Curtains, worth up to 'iOp $4 pair choice, pair Great bargains in Couch Covers and Rope Portieres. ; .: TT-TI .V-: 7 ' " Men's Boys' Clothing From the Cline & Co. Stock AN EXCEPTIONALLY FINE LOT OF HIGH GRADE GARMENTS IN VERT LATEST STYLES. Your Clothing Opportunity ALL MEN'S SUITS, worth up to .iv.w, in mis c it J.U ale ALL MEN'S SUITS, worth $.B0 and Ba5.e00..,,:..t.h'8 ...7.50 & 10.00 $6.B0 to $7M Boy's Long Pants f;.e",..!?..:h.1?.. ..3.75 & 5.00 $2.60 to $.1.00 BOYS' KNEE PANTS K?:.!?.1.1:'.:.. ,i.5o & 1.95 MEN'S OUTING PANTS, worth $3.00. price 1.50 CHILDREN'S WASH KNEE PANTS, Stupendous Cloak and Suit Bargains From the Cline- & Co. Stock The Ladies' Ready-made Garments from this immense purchase were all bright, new up-to-date goods of VERY SUI'ERIOR QUALITY. Every garment goes at tremendous price reduction. OVER 1,000 WASH SUITS from the Cline & Co. stock, worth more than the Cline Sicilians, 1.95 ACCORDION PLEATED SKIRTS from the Cline & Co. stock, in reds, blues, greens, browns, tans and whites, regular $6.50 AC WALKING SKIRTS from & Co. stock, Panamas, cheviots, serges, etc their price $0.50, our price LADIES' TAILORED SUITS from the Cllne & Co. stock, in 15 different styles, most beautifully designed their price $15.00 T rn choice i JU COVERT AND CHEVIOT JACKETS from Cllne & Co. stock, tans and blacks, $12.50, ' $15.00, $18.00 and $20.tHj values sale yf O C tJM price . .1. 2.25 double our price -$7.50, $5.00, $3.08, $2.08 and., Sicilian 42-gore Pleated Skirts from the Cline & Co. stock, material and workmanship the finest, T QC $0.50 values, ot JJD SILK SHIRT WAIST SUITS from the Cllne & Co. stock, exquisite cos tumes that sold at $.15.00, $45.00 and $50.00 choice during tn,"2Q QQ SILK SHIRT WAIST SUITS that sold 10.00 $15.00 AND $18.00 CRAVENETTE COATS from the Cline & Co. stock, sale price as long as they C Q C last D.JD Rousing Bargains in Seasonable Waists From the Cline & Co. Stock Women's $1.00 Waists, 29c Women's $1.50 Waists, 49c Women's $2.50 Waists, at Women's $3.50 Waists, at FROM 8 TILL 9 A. M. Women's House Dresses, $1.50 values. LQ choice O FROM 8:30 TILL 0:30 A. M. Women's Klmonas, fl at 19 c From 0 to 10 a. m. $6.00 Silk Underskirts, In all 1 AO colors, choice .J(j 95c 1.45 $1.25 Oriental AH Over Laces, from the Cllne & Co. stock, at yard, 39c $1.50 Shirt Waist Totterus from Cllne & Co. stock, ut, 59c Lemons, Lemons, Lemons Large Juicy Lemons, per dozen ........ 12c Plums, Apricots and Peaches Large Baskets Fancy California Apricots 30c Large Baskets Fancy California Plums 30c Large Baskets Fancy Texas Peaches 30c Get an Ice cold drink of Wild Cherry Phosphate or Root Beer FREE. TAKE HOME A BRICK OF ICE CREAM FOR 5 CENTS Vour Last Chance to Preserve Pineapples at These Ridiculous Low Prices. The Balance of the Car Goes on Sale Thursday. RpR-ular 8 l-3c size anywhere, our price Be Kt-gular 124c size anywhere, our price 7Ho Reg-ular 15c Hlze anywhere, our price Kic Regular 20c size anywhere, our price 12a Itgular 26c size anywhere, our price 15c SILKS. 400 fancy and plain fine silk dress patterns from the Cllne & Co. stock their price P QO was $12 our price, ench.J.,0 3(58 elegant silk suit patterns from the Cllne & Co. stock they sold for $18.00 our J PA price . J U Just 132 of the Cllne & Co. $1S.00 and $'5.00 Suit Patterns our very special price, 1 1 y jP each 1 1 D Fancy and plain Silks, 10 Ins. and 23 ins. wide, from the Cllne & Co stock their price 75c and TO 85c our price JOC Wash Cords, the 50c quality, T T in this great sale at, yd. . . JJC 25 pieces of Jap natural wash silk, 20 ins. wide the 30c and Q 45c value special for, yft..kJC Color Crepe de Chines, 24 Ins. wide the Cllne & Co. price M Q 85c our s, yard fOC Color and Black Taffetas, Teau de Soles, Peau de Cygnes, Messa- llnes, Loulsenes, In ll ins. 24 ins. 27 ins. and 30 Ins. wide for great deal less than half price. Cline & Co.'s prices were 50c, 75c 85c, $1 and $1.50 our prices, 33c.48c-55c-75c and $1 The greatest bargain of the season. $1.00 Shirt Waist Patterns from Cllne & Co's stock at 29c 25c Wash Belts, the greatest snap ever offered at 2lc ' Cllne & Co's. ! Cllne & Co'a. ; ! ll)c Organdies, ! $1.00 Imitation our price, Raja, our price, ! 10c 59c i ' Cline & Co'B. Cllne A Oo'b. 25c Organdies, ! 00c Fine BUk ; , Organdies, our price, our price, 12y2c j 25c Cllne & Co's. ' Cllne & Co's, . ; ffic Organdies, n 40c Printed ! ' our price, Crepe, our price, 15c 15c Cline & Co's. Cline & Co's. ; 25c Mohair Lus- ters, our price, , our price, 12l2c j 25c : ' , Cline & Co's. Cline Co's. 60c Embroidered & 75 Linen Suiting, , ; Voiles, our price, our price, 25c 35c Cline & Co's, Cline & Co's. 25c India Llnon, tiiac ' Madrass, our price, our price, 10c j 19c Cline & Co's. Cline & Co's. our price, 0ur price, J 8c 10c i Cline ACW ' Cline & Co'i. 25c Persian ' , ' ; Lawns, our price, our price, I2c 7c I All the Ladles' ! i All the Ladles' ' Fine Tan $3.50 , Fine Black $2.60 ' 1 Lace Shoes from and $2.00 Shoes II the Cllne & Co's. i from the Cline it stock Co's. stock 1.59 j 1.19 All the Misses' , , AH the Boys', " and Child's shoes Youths' & Little worth up i Oent's black and to $2.00, in tan tan shoes, worth and black up to $2.00 98c j 98c 1 ' All the Misses' A All the odds and Child's tan or ends of Women's black slippers, Slippers and Ox worth up to $1.75, i fords from the In two lots Cllne & Co. stock I 98c & 69c j 48c o Cllne & Co's. Cllne & Co'B. 59c & 75c fancy ; 60c & $1.00 Mohairs, ! Mohairs, our price, our price, 25c j 38c Cllne & Co's. Cllne & Co'B. $1.50 & $2.00 ; $1.50 & $2.00 I Voiles, colors, I Suitings, oub price, our price, 59c 69c JOPEKA WANTS WOODMEN Kauai Town Eai Oommeroial Club Solicit Location of the Headquarters, REMOVAL CONTINGENT ON TAX MATTER oTerelar Cleric Yates Smym Order Certainly Will Utr Nebraska, If lis lle.erire Knad Is Assessed. "Wt have had solicitations I cannot say tangible propositions from Bt. Louis, Kan sas City and Topeka," said Sovereign Clerk J. T. Yates of the Woodmen of the World rea-ardlng reports that these cities are con testing for 'the national headquarters of the order, now located in Omaha, but whose removal Is threatened It the stute authori ties porslsts in tho enforcement of the or der to tax securities that Is, the reserve fund of fraternal and beneficiary orders. The Topeka Capital dilates to the extent of two-thirds of a column upou the matter of that city securing the headquarters, and In the course of Its perambulation quotes J. W. Kaiser, state deputy of the order In Kansas, as saying: We will leave Omaha. That has been decided upon." Sovereign Commander Root, the head of the Woodmen of the World, Is out of the city, bat Saverelga Clerk Yates, next la authority and qualined to sveak with de 4 - clslon, said to a reporter for The Bee: I "We have not decided to leave Omaha, and will not decide unless the state au thorities Insist on the order to tax all our securities. We do not want to leave Omaha or Nebraska; have ho other reason for even considering the matter than that we cannot afford to pay U xes on our re-' serve fund. Our leaving Is entirely con tingent upon the final action of the state. I wish to say while on the subject, in reply to some competitors who have seised their opportunity, that the Woodmen of the World is not a tax-shirker and does not seek to evade the payment of taxes upon tangible property. We have always paid them without murmur or complaint, but what we object to solely is paying upon our reserve fund." Letter Topeka. The Topeka paper said after Mr. Kaiser's talk the secretary of the Commercial club there was Instructed to write to Sovereign Clerk Yates, inviting the order to go to Topeka. Mr. Yates received the letter Wed nesday morning. In effect It said: We learn you are contemplating the re moval of your headquarters because of ex ce.ilve taxation. e want to say Kunsaa luws do not provide a tax on the proptriy or reserve fund of fralernul orders. We think we can offer you belter inducements than any other city and hope you will con sider our claim. "I shall answer the letter at once," said Mr. Yates, telling them we have not decided to move unless the state board's order Is enforced. Personally I am for Omaha, first and last and would hats to sue the order compelled tn move. Of course if we do move all cities will be considered." All this talk ever the removal ot the headquarters had its origin in the resolu tion which the order adopted at its national meeting in Chattanooga on the appearance of the press dispatches saying the State Board of Equalization of Nebraska had de cided to tax the securities of this and other orders. Tho Million club of Bt. Louis, Mr. Yates says, really did offer to make a definite and tangible concession if the order would locate there and Kansas City com mercial bodies broached the proposition. What said. The Topeka paper says: Mr. Kaiser talked at length before the Committee, and said in part: "We have almost 4S,'" members and a reserve fund of two and one-half million dollars. We will leave Omahu. That has been decided upon. I live In Topeka now and 1 believe that this is the best place to be found for the homo offices. Our building in Omaha "is worth about $J50.(io. We can sell It now at a net gain of and It will be sold Hliortly aud a H50, structure erected in some other city. Kansas City announced sometime ago through the Kansas City Journal thut it had received the building, but that wus not the case. Cleveland, O , Is making a hard nght for It. Now there is no reason why this city should not get It, if it mukes the right kind of a fight. 1 am sure that we can swing Texas. Mis souri, Nebraska and Oklahoma right Into line for u, and It Is in these states that we have our greatest membership. "The building Is to tie rive stories high and fire proof. One hundred and twenty eight people are employed in it. If It comes here, it brings with it all of the muin executive officers, in which there would l at least nfly families. 1 think thut trie bet Inducement which you could offer would be a site. ThtU naturally catches the eje of prospective builders. STICKSEY'S LATEST MOVE Report of Increased Capital Meant New Lines in Nebraska. THEORY EXPLAINED BY PAST EVENTS Greitt Western Thouaht to Be Cos. templat ino Construction of Hoads Out Into This State. Swedish Student Concert Friday evening at Lutheran church, Nineteenth and Cass. The report that the Chicago Or eat Wes tern would increase its capital stock by $14,000,000 next September has started all sorts of rumors as to what the manage ment proposed to do with this money. The latest suggestion Is that it had in mind some extensions in Nebraska. President Btlckney always has looked with favor upon Omaha and Nebraska and he devoted considerable time and energy in building the gtxln exchange for Omaha the benefits of which his road will only re ceive Its ratio with the other roads. The Chicago Great Western Is deriving consid erable business from Omaha and Nebraska although It has practically no line of Its own In the state. It has a seven year con tract with the packing houses at South Omaha to get a large proportion of tho packing house products for the haul to Chicago which in the course of time will make this an Important section ot the old diagonal route. Blues the Chicago Great Westst n secured entrance into Omaha and since the building of its own terminals the road has had a large number of representatives In all of the neighboring towns securing business to Chicago and St. Paul. At one time there were said to be seven representatives ot the road In Ll.icoln in one day. It is thought this business which has been secured from' territory tributary to Omaha has grown to such proportions that would warrant the road In building a line of Its own Into the state. There was a rumor at one time that the Union Paclflo was Interested to a con siderable extent in this road and there was another rumor that the Chicago Great Wes tern was backing the Omaha, Lincoln and Beatrice line, but nothing has developed up to this time to confirm either of these rumors. Burlington's Innovation. The Burlington has decided to Introduce an innovation In the service of the $5 round trip rate to Chicago, effective Sat urday. It will allow passengers holding these tickets to use tourist sleepers upon payment of the regular tourist rates. Usually under cheap rates of this kind access to tourist sleepers Is nut possible. Frontier Das Carnival. The Union Paclflo has announced rates to the Frontier Days carnival and Grand Army of the Republic encampment to be held at Cheyenne September t. 4 and 6. Ac cording to the press agent the carnival will include. Indian dances, games and cere monies,' pipe smoking, bucking and pitching contests, wild horses, early pioneer scenes, roping steers, an army of cowboys and frontier heroes, hauling military reviews by detachments from Fort Russell, habits and customs of the red men illustrated by themselves, painted warriors, squaws, pap pooses, etc. The whole field and the track a seething vortex ot whirling horses and entangling ropes, wild horses and trained cow ponies, and enthusiastic and interested spectators, all mixed up in one vast animated and deeply fascinating picture. , MAUL Undertaking Co. Kst. 1S64. Tel. 5. COLANERI DENIES THE RUMOR Chancellor, of Diocese Says Bishop's Attitude Toward Father Bchell Is Not Chanced. Chancellor Colanerl of the diocese of Omaha says that the attitude of Bishop Scannell toward Father Schell remains un changed. The bishop Is now on a trip to Rome and will not return before August 1. "There is no truth In the report that Father Schell Is to be 'reinstated' as priest on the Winnebago Indian agency," said Chancellor Colanerl. "This diocese has no quarrel with Father Schell. He came here asking for a place and desired to try to work among the Indians. Bishop Bcsnnell gave him permission to do so. it might be said on probation. Father Schell is not un der censure for what he did on the agency, but his methods are not considered good ones by this diocese. What semi-official connection he had with the diocese was severed. He remains on the reservation the same as any other person has the right to. II accomplished little for the Indians spir itually, but stirred up a great deal of ex citement. There has been no change In hit status with this diocese." The report that Bishop Scannell would rescind the removal of Father Schell and officially commission his appointment at the Winnebago reservation came from Sioux City. RELENTLESS WAR ON WEEDS Campaign Begun by Hummel, Who Sends Ont Thirty Men, with Scythes. Three gangs of men tn groups of tea were armed with scythes by Street Com missioner Hummel Wednesday morning and sent Into as many directions of the city to cut weeds. Beginning with Thurs day, all the available city prisoners will be used for the purpose also. The street commissioner says that poor results are ac complished with the Jailbirds, who prefer the cool cells to the hot sun and healthy exercise In slaughtering the noxious growths. The city has appropriated $1.0n0 to do battle with the weeds. Last year more than twice this sum was spent. URS. WiXSLOW'S SOOTHE SYRUP ptUltlrvs It i u betra otod bj milionj of Mother, for thmir otuiarva wij tmlujubt rur ( i- m ir fr dUhf-iiifMov. .TWKllTY-tlFK CZNTa BTTL.