TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY. JUNE 13. 1003. t GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Bulls Fight Against Weather aad Good GoTerotnent Crop Eeport THEY SUCCEED IN MAINTAINING PRICES Cera aad Wtnt (lose Higher, While Oat Arc a Little Wrak-loaa-trjr Offers of Cora Are Ur) Llaht. 4:,0to bushel Brlv. 1.007.000 bushel. decres vt 2200uO bushel. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS In crop OMAHA. June i;. 16. th fart of a favoiable government report and gml weather th bulla mad a strong effort to keep th" market up, na they Succeeded Wheat iarted off a lutla lower and e li aa low aa V.-c niter big Helling at Chicago, but the buna began bidding for July and ran t!,e priee up al moat a cent above jesterday. I'urn was alao off c at the etart, but manipulation helped It up. It cloac-d clror.g, S above yesterday. Wheat finished with July at fc-Sc, Sep tember at hzr. and December at 8aC July corn waa oJSc old July f-V. Sep tember boVc, old September c and De cember 47Sc. Oata were a little weak In near futurea. Julf cloned at 31c, September at 2s'c and December at 2!c. Country acceptances of corn bids aro fail ing to ahow Improvement. The hlKh bid Bent out Saturday by one Chicago house. 53c on mixed, track. Chicago, and 54c o.i yellow, brought acceptances of only 5.0 bushel and other houses are getting prac tically nothing. There were cl. alters fnr UtlHj bushela corn Chimero to Buffalo Sat urday. The world corn shipments for the last week were 3.79i.Ouo bushels; for the week before 2,996,ju0 bushels, las', year S,!i, 000 bushels. The Adams Grain company, through Its correspondent at Chicago, received the fol lowing from c. H. Thornton. Commercial hecord. Duluth: "The condition of So 5 on winter wheat calls for 4 '.""'. '." bu.heis. Spring wheat area at 17.l.i.'i acres and condition of 83.7 means :''v'0.oi bushels. This In much too low. both on area and condition. The northwest alone promise!. IA.Ono.0CO bushels, and balance of spring neat, w.i',o bushels. -The world wheat shipment for th vreek were ll.JSS.Km bushels, last week they were 12. MH. bushels and last year 10, 432.0()0 bushela. The oata situation Is thus summed up by the Chicago Tribune of tod.iy: "The trade Probably will not be disappointed at the government estimate of the oats crop. The total Is large, but this was anloipated In view of the excellent crop reports received Ijist week saw a fair, steady hardening of tne Julv futures. The buyinar was fairly Important and persistent. Net gains for the week were Sf for July, So for Septem ber and Se for December. The total area In oats, as per the government report, is about 2".t'.Wt,0ii0 acres, an Increase of 42.o acrea. or two-tenths of 1 per cent on the area sown, against 89.2 a year ago and 85 5 In June ol ims. From the Inter Ocean: "Late Saturday afternoon the wheat traders had the June v government iiRurpi lug wnicn invjr imu wen waiting the latter part of the week, and although the winter wheat condition was cut seven polnta under the May report a crop of 713.000.0n bushels was suggested, a yield second only to the humt-er yield of 1901, when the crop tipped the scales at i48.46ft.0fi0 bushels. The condition of spring wheat was high at 9:1.7. indicating 281.t8iO.uuu buahels, but only .3 over the June condition of last vear. heh the final yield was cut to 2Z7.000.OJio bushele by rust damage late In the summer. The Increase of 2 8 per cent In the spring wheat acreage, or a gain of 472.00O acrea. was a good feature, practically Insuring a larger crop unless direct calam ity conies later. The winter wheat condi tion of 85 6 on an acreage of 28.722.000 acres using sixteen bushels as par, suggests 432. tWl.ooo bushels', or 107.000.0i0 bushels more than harvested laat year, but only 74,000.000 bushels more than Indicated by the June report of a year ago. Omaha lash Sale. CORN No. 3. 1 car, 48c Omaha t'aah Prices. 1 WHEAT-No. 2 hard. &i)8c; No. 3 hard, 804595c: No. 4 hard, jiVc; No. 3 apring, ,c. I ,'iflV a ... V . Ji.. - V A IT,, no grade, 44c; No. 2 yellow, 4Vc; No. 3 yellow. 4Sic: No. 2 while, 4Sc; No. 3 white. 48tc. OATS No. 2 mixed, I9'c; No. 3 mixed, 13c: No. 4 mixed. 28c: No. 3 white. Sc: No. 3 white, 30c; No. 4 white, 29SC; stand ard. !c. Carlat Receipt, i-mcago a Kansaa City 49 Minneapolis 297 Omaha Duluth 12 6u Louis 15 CHICAGO GRA1S ASD, PROTISIORS Featare of the Trndlaar aad C1ota rrleea ea Boar 4 f Trade. CHICAGO, June 12 The government re port, showing a large Increase In acreage seeded to spring wheat, had bearish effect on the wheat market here today. At the close July wheat was off Sc. corn I vp We, oats are down hc and provision are 2Vilor higher. tireatest weakness In the wheat market was manifested at the opening. Under gen eral selling hy pit trader Initial quotation m juiy were on wic i -a1 ,; "l 8fic The main factor contributing to the depression was the showing of the govern ment report In relation to the crop of spring sown wheat. According to official statistics the acreage of prlng wheat la consiaeraoiy increased over that Of last year, in aoni tlon the condition Is riven at 93.7. Heavy exports from Russia gave the bears an ad ditional Incentive to aell. On tne oecune, however, shorts were eager buyers and In their haste to cover price were forced rapidly upward. After touching 8;vc shortly after the opening July advanced tta 87V S74c before the middle of the session. The close was slightly under Saturday s nnai quotations, with July at (e'S'B1c. Clear ances of wheat and flour were equal to 8. 2 bushels. The amount on passage In creased 224.000 bushels. Primary receipta were .W.anO buahels, compared with :A.s"io bushels a Tear ago. Minneapolis. Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 212 car, against 322 cars last week and 334 car a year ago. in sympathy with the weaKness or wnei the corn market waa somewhat easier early In the session. Increased receipts gave bears en additional reason for selling at the start. Sentiment quickly changed and mere waa active buying by a number of prominent commission houses. inrougnoui im i re mainder of the day a strong tone prevailed. A decrease of 1.1X0,000 bushels in tne viwinie supply, compared with an Increase of 398.000 nustieis last year, was a ouinsn im-n-i. Floods In Iowa were a further bullish In fluence Julv onened i.BV lower at MVit alc, sold between 61Hc and R2V: and closed at o2r. Ix-cul receipt were o cars, suu 115 of contract grade. Extremely heavy receipt created weak ness In the oats market. Arrlvaia toaay were nearly double the amount estimated. The government report. Indicating an In crease of 5.000.000 bushels In the total yield, red with last vear. was another weakening Influence. The volume of trading was quite large. July opened a shade to So lower at 31VQ31HC to in-c. sold oeiween 3",!31e and 31Sc and closed at 31c. Local receipts were Zis car. Provision were nrm on a moaeraie ae- mand from shorts. Strength of corn had considerable Influence. At the close Sep tember pork was up 10c at J12924, lard was up 2VsaSc at 37 45-67. 47V4 and ribs were 7xC higher at 37 Estimated receipts for tomorrow: wneai. 6 cars: corn, 39$ cars; oat, 327 cars; hogs. 23.000 head. The leading future ranged aa follow: Article ! Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Te'y. Selling Induced by Saturday' Bis Proei Too Kuch for the. Demait. EARLY VALUES YIELD DECISIVELY A the Day Progressed Prices Made one Reearerlea, bat Later Deallaaa Are Small In alae. shows: Available cash balance, 3l3,02.eiTe: gold, 370,122.325. Wheat July Sept. Dec. Corn aJulv bJuly aSept. bSept. bDec. Oats- July Sept. Pork- Julv Sept. Lard- July Sept. Ribs- July Sept. I I I 8VB6S sts-sh! 81C7- slfc! iBise 6"S 8O4'5-50T1etli 47. 4i!! 12 56 12 824 7 20 7 42W 735 7 (0 NEW TORK. June 12. The stock mar ket today did not fulfill the promise held out by Saturday s short market of a di vided demand and higher pricea for stocks. The selling attracted by Saturday harp rises in prices proved too much for the limited demand to absorb. The market yielded decisively and the first selling was followed by additional burdens of the same source. As the day progressed the pres sure relaxed and prices made some re coveries In a few stocka there was spe cial strength which offered a leadership for the rally. The later dealings showed a marked shrinkage In volume from those In the first hour, while the accumulated selling orders were being executed. The turn In the temper of the market had no P"'1!?' news developments to account for It. The fact waa quickly demonstrated, however, that the market was still strictly In professional hands. The holiday, which general abroad, deprived the market of one source of demand which might have been stimulated by the developments of peace prospects. The Influence was modi fied also by professed doubt from some sources of a substantial basis for the hope of peace. This feeling waa the result of opinion rather than of any actual occur ence that could be pointed to as changing the condition long In existence. The government crop report, which ap peared Saturday afternoon, proved to be the subject of such varying Interpretations as are common In the grain market at the critical period of the making of the crops. Notwithstanding the decline In con ditions of winter wheat the dimensions of the total crop Indicated an awakened spirit. This Was modified bv the surmises of possible deterioration since the date of tne government s estimate. Further re duction were reported In pig Iron Prices. but the iron and steel stneks were rela. tively firm all day and developed positive Strength In the later desllnes The ins. clal pressure against Amalgamated Cop per was connected In the minds of profes sional operators with a campaign having Ita source in Boston. The Metropolitan stocks owed their strength to inferences from the new auspice of the Equitable Life Assurance society. Discussion of that sublect was lesa optimistic than on Saturday and It was urged that the forthcoming report of the Btate superintendent of Insurance must be awaited to form a definite Judg ment on the new plan. There was much conjecture also touching the Identity of the syndicate to which the Equitable stocks had been conveved. The postponement of the call for return of government deposits from July 1 to July 16 promised relief from one possible emliarrassment of the monev market In connection with the half-yearly settlements. The tone of the weeklv com ment on traffic of railroad officials showed some conservatism. The efforts toward re- 31VVfrSI WS31 31ieS vfry,u ,ont"!u'(1 'hrough the latter Vsi 2S29 29 Part of tne da'. he movement was uinrniKi criiain ana tne mantel closed unsteady. Bonds were Irregu ar. Total sales nnr -alue. 31.310.000. United States 3s, regis tered, advanced V on call. The quotations on the New Vorlr Rt-lr exchange ranged as follows: ban. s.riigh. Low. l'loh Auams express Anial. Copper il.lsJU Am. Car cc Foun l.wu do preferred 4uu Am. Cotton OH IijO do prelerred American Lx'press Am. wide &. i. pfd.. Jw 4i' 4U', American Ice, cits do preterrea Am. Linseed Oil do preferred Iu0 Am. Locomotive 3,7oo do preferred 7ou Kew Verk Moaey Market. NEW YORK, June 12 MONET On call, easy at 26 2 per cent; closing bid, 2 per cent ; offered at per rent. Time money, easy; sixty days, 3 per cent I ninety days. 3V per cent; six months, 31 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 4' per cent TERLINO F.XCH ANOE Firm, with actual business In bankers bill at 34 47i for demand and at U l'8 4 8P15 for sixty-day bills; posted rates. 31.86 and 34 8s, commercial bllla. 14 84;&4MV PONDS Government, firm, railroad. Irregular. Closing quotation on Bonds were: V. . rf. Jm. r... 1"4 Hwk'ns Vil. 4v,t 0 coapoa l"4t Jsptn . ctt t do eoupen . . . V B. nw 4. I Ao coupon . . U a. ci 4s, I do rpwron . . . Am. Tobago m, ctfs do . etfs Atehtscn gen. 4a io sdj Atlantic C. L 4 Bil Ohio do I4i Central of C. it do lit Inc do 2d lnr ( hn Ohio 4v, t hksgn Ac A. C , B Q a. 4s. C. R. I A P. 4l.. do col. b CfC. a t L. f. 4a Chlrsgo Ter 4s.... Colo. Mid. 4a Colo. A So 4a Colo, lnd fa. set A do art B Cuha a. rtfa f R. 0 PlaiUlm' ser. Sa . Erie prior hen 4a.. do gen. 4a r. W i V. C. la. Offered. 104 ..104 .111 ..1M ,.104 . .10, d" 4S. rtfa .... L A N unl. 4a . . Manhattan r. g 4a Mea. Central 4a... Ao lat Inr Minn. at. L 4 7a M , K AT. 4a. MIS W . 1 .1"4 . 7- . 10 . 74j .141 115 1 do la N R R of M e. 4 to . 7 NT C. I a H l"! 4 N J C. fta .14V No r-nr a 10S . do la 7' t .U4 N W. r 4a lil . : o p L rfdg 4a 5W . M Pens. con IHa i"lt .1071a Fealing gen. -4a l"lt . tl St. L. I. M. e 1IH .lntH at. L. A B r. fg 4a. S II St. 1, 8 W HH Seacard A U 4 10114 So Pa'le 4a ; eo. Rallvay (a. . T1-, Teiaa A P la . H ,T . St. L A W. 70 . 4S .1M .101, . 7S . n .luV t'nlon Pacle 4a... do con. 4a C 8 Bteel :d h. Waharh la do deb D Western Md. 4a .. A L E. 4a .. Via Central 4a... II ... 17 4 ... : .. KOH ...HIS a.. . ..ioa ...124 ... Hi, ...117 ...74 ... M'4 ... 14 ... aa Boston Stock and Bond. BOSTON, June 12 Call loans. 3fl3S per cent; time loans, 3H5J4 per cent. Closing quotations on stock and bond were; 83 82j 6! 52W: Bl: 86H 86S'5,86i'"' 81 S2''a-,! VXB 81 H 82i ol7 61l52SAj,52H1' bl i.2vi 61 H 60S S"7 6"S oOSS , 5"S 7S, 47SI 47 12 62S 12 92S 7 47S 7 40 7 67S! 13 66 12 CS 13 2W 12 92WI 7 1 7 42S 7 S8 7 0 1 7 26 I 1 4iyv 7 40 7 S7S 12 66 12 82H 7 22S 7 40 7 32S 7 SO 46 49 19 2H' 34 JEW YORK GfenaSRAL MARKET taotatloa ob Varlooa ail V of the Day Comaaodltle, NEW TORK, June U.-FLOCR-ReceJpts, 18.89 ddib.; exports. 7,8iz pnis. ; steady ana uncnangeo, winter patents, 490.0 winter straights, 34.6xo48o; winter extra, 33.10C0S 66; Minnesota bakers, 33.7&'g4.16. win .ter low grades, IS.OuraS.&S. Ke flour, quiet fair to good. 34.594.60; choice to fancy. itMiat w. CORN MEAL Firm; flne white and vel- low. 3116; coarse, 31121-14; kiln dried tl.7&O2.0. B ARLET Dull ; feeding, V c 1. f. New Tor; malting. 4vab2c. c. I. f., Bufralo. WHEAT Receipts, 32.600 bu.; spot market Hrra; No. 2 red. 3i.o5 bid; In store. No. 2 red, 31.08S, nominal, f. o. b, afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth. 31.14S, 1. o. b. afloat No. 1 hard, Manitoba. II 10. f. o. b . afloat n marKet opened lower under lavorahie 'weather, heavy Russian shipments and lib eral northwest receipt Quickly recovering It ruled strong all day on bull support, un favorable southwest crop newa, a good vis ible supply decrease and the strength of com. A drop under realising left final price SlrSc net higher. Julv. S' Vs J2 l-lw eloaed 91Sc: fieptemlier, StyJisTc; closed g6S: December, ho'iisti jc, closed. 86SC : CORN Reo ipta h.i.fC5 hu. ; exports. 50.724 bu. Bpot imirlcet. firm: No. 2. fil-e. in ele vator. and -. I. o b., afloat; No. 2 yellow 63c; No. I wi.it'-. tiHtc. option market was ouiet, but nifcli stronger on flood news, .light fun" "fillings and western bull ii'P0;i. lifMr.g irregular at c net ad vance. Ji;:; o.ji.Sc; closed at ui',c OATt I-(-!',. t. 1S2.R( bu - exports. 2.VI PU. bpol iv.aiket steady; mixed oats. 2fi to 23 lbs.. JHc natural white, 30 to 32 lbs. 8aS$3TSc; Clipped whit. 36 to 40 lbs., 3S mat vjuiet: cupping, txmsjsc; good to choice. Tivc. HOPS Quret; I'M. 22ff2oc: Pacific coaat. jD'g-oc; jwa. .iv . oias. Jltoi3c. HIDt-S Dull ; Galvtston. 20 to 25 lbs JOo; California. 21 to 25 pounds, 19c; Texas ory. 24 to ju 10s., isc. PROVISIONS Peef. firm: famllv, 13 Sva 14.00; meas. ll.un 50; beef hams, t'l f,f3 sa.ov, auna. ai- "t 14. w, nxira jnuia mess 3J2."B o. tut meats, steady; pickled bellies. K'iTSSr; pickled ahoulders, bLft c; pit'Klea nann. iumiosc Urd. qulei; sHirm viraineu. ii.uljii. nominal: re fined steady; continent. 37.4"; SouthAmerica, 88 16: comiHtuna. o.oc. Pork, sten.iv family. r4rtvhl5 0: short clear, f lS.Otj 16 ' mess, 3lS.3:Vt"117H tallow Dull; tlty, 4Hc; country. RICE Firm: domestic, fair to extra, Oie: Japan, nomtnaL BUTTER Quiet; street creamery, 19tjl9f,c Official prices: Cream ery, common to extra, Kiso; state dairy, common to extra. 15Vnl9c: renovated, common to extra, l?.Vstjlt.Sc; western fac tory, common to extra. HS'ilSV; western Imitation creamery, extra, 17V: western imitation rreamerv. firsts, lSUfiijic. EGGS 8teady; western, ltf.lSc. POL LTRY Alive, quiet; western spring chickens, 24o; turkeys, ,12c; dressed, easv; western broiler. 2nJ jc ; fwls. l'tilSc: tur keya 13iil7c - CHEEafcu- Strong: receipts. 1.37 pkgs : new state full cream, small, while and colored, line new state, f ttr to choice S&m:: new state, large, white and col ored, fin. i4c. No. 2. aOld- bNew. Cash quotation were a follows: FLOCR Easy ; winter patents. 34.30tf4.30; straights. 33.9o4j4.10; spring patents. $o.0X9 6.70; straights. 33T&I06.OO; bakers. 32 40tja.0. WHEAT No. I spring. i 'pi.iv; io. , 9Scjl .08; No. 2 red. SSeJtl.01. CORN No. 2, mc; jno. j yenow, one. OATS No. 2. 30Tc; No. 2 white, S2U32Sc; No. 3. SlSQTCSC- RYE No. 2, 80c. BARLEY Good feeding. 39tg42c; fair to choice malting. 4ti49e. SEED No. 1 nax. 311R: no. 1 nortnwest- ern, 31.43: prime nmoiny, contract grade, 3U.7531Z.Z&. PR 1 lHIurss roTK. Li.srii-; iara. ner l(l lbs. ii littBi.i": snort rios butcs tloos. 37.307.40; short clear Bide (boxed), 37.25a7.S7S Receipts- sa arupngaciia 01 sjnuirana noux ere as follow: . . I . Receipt. Shipments. Flour, bbls 14.0 8.1(0 Wheat, bu 0.0o0 90, 700 Corn, bu 000 9S9.O00 Oat, bu 262.3O0 237.500 Rve hu 3.OO0 Barlev. bu 0.100 8.400 On th Produce exenange toaay in out ter market wa easy; creamerie. itvaic: dairies. 15iai7c. Eggs, steady; at mark. casea Included. 14c; nrst. 14-ic; prime firsts, 15Sc; extra. 17e. Cheese, easy, !3iuc St. Loot General Market. ST T.ori6. June 12. WHEAT Higher: No 3 ted, cah. elevator, S2c; track, 31.023 1.04; July. 80c; September, 8080Sc; No. 2 hard it IK'S 1 06. i-ORN Higher: No. I cash, 62c: track. vtn,i'- .lulv. Elc: December. 45Sc. OATS f irm; no. raan, aiv, oi 32c: July. 2Sc; September, ZSfcc; xs). 2 white Xlr 1- LUL ri Bteaay. jvea wimrr I'.ini'", ew 66.10; extra fancy and traighl, e4.i6tg4.90; clear. 4 Stffo-OtX TIMOTHY Steady : xz.tai'o'z.tu. COKNMEAL Higher; $2.80. rri Steady: sacked east track. 76c. HAY-8tead :' timtxhy, 38.Ou3ia.00; prairie. 36 K&9 50. IRON Conor iir-o two. BAGGING- Vte. HRMP TWINE 4M4c. . PROVISIONS Pork. higher: Jobbing; 313.72S. Lard, firm; prime steam, .70. Dry salt meat, stead v; boxed extra shorts. 17 far clear ribs. 37.50: abort clear. 37.75. Lacon. ateaoy; wxea eiira snuria, , clear ribs. 3SI8: short clear. 38 60. pnn.TRY-Fair demand: chickens. Sc: springs. I6(2rfc; turkey. 11c; duck. d 11c; geese, btgllc. Bl'TTER Easy; creamery, lfcgTlc; dairy. llwglTc. viiGfi fiteadv. 12V4c. cae count. Receipta. Shipment lLOtiO 8.("0 15.001) 66.000 . 85.0i 6.'0 39,000 3,0tf ol- 95 if.'H M 9.1. Am. smelt. & K f'g.. 23,700 7J0 l'"0 200 .. 4.tX .. ioo .. 5.6ta -8.200- lw 100 26,100 6.4U0 l'O 200 L5U0 100 100 1.4) 620. 4 5t 2,7uO vx ' 9i'.50tr l,7o0 600 100 "jo 10,700 20 2.3O0 42.1" 1,500 63S 4V 3S price, extra Kaaaai City Grata aad Provisions. KANSAS C1TT. June U.-WHEAT-Ftrm; July. 74c c. ntc: No I T?i9Sc CORN Firm; July, 4Sc: September. 40c: December, 4-u4"Sc; cash. No i mixed, 41'V e4ieVc; No. 3, 49c; No. 2 white. 5"c; No. 3. No. aabab i 1 1 i. June ii w liKAT Firm; 1. ; September. 74j74lc; recember, c: cash. No 3 hard. !usc; No. 3 9ii No. 4. 72453c; No. 2 red. 96pc; No, 3. 4UWf 5aT8 Ijower: No. white. fOWG.Tlc I mixea, sjjujf. aTOOS Lower; Mlsaourl and Kansas, new No. 3 white wood cae included, 13S-; case COunC12So; caar yeturned. S less BL'TTF.U 6 lead y; creamery, 15SJ18V'; packing, ljc. HAT Choice timothy, 3 601710.00; chok-a prairie. r.75?i80n RTEiTteady. K 506 70 Receipts. Shipments w neat, nu Cora, bu CUtl. bu Flour, bbl Wheat, bu Corn bu Oats, bu Milwaukee Grain Market. vtiAVAt-KEE. June 12. WHEAT- Hlaher: No. 1 northern. ll.lS9t.14; No. t northern. 31 51 OnS: July. 8SfiSe asked. RYIC Cne-half cent higher; iso. i. inc. BARLEY Firm: No. i, 61Wc; aample. 40 CORN One-half cent higher; No. 3, G64Sc; July. 62Sc bid. Mlaaeapoll Grala Market. MIVNRAPOLIB. June U WHEAT No. 1 hard. 81.13S: No. 1 northern. 31.11S; No. 3 northern. 81 07: Julv. 81.0: September. KVr FIil"R First patents, Re.50; aecond patents. 36 2tij6; first clears, 34.00t84.10 second clear. 32.753'2.85. BRAN In bulk. 312 6Q. Peoria Market. PEORIA. June 12 CORN Higher: No. 3 yellow, 63V; No. I. 53c; j,o. , 62c; no grade. 49.ejOc. A 1 ttigner; io. wnne, auc; eto. white 31VC. WHISKY-On the basl of tl W for fin ished good. Dalatk Grala Market Dl'Ll'TH. Minn . June 12. WHEAT To arrive. No. 1 northern. 81.11; on track. No. 1 northern. 11.11; No. 2 northern. $103; July, II 11; beptemoer. new, tic; September, old, 86c. OATS To arrive on. track, 31c OH aad Roala. NEW TORK. June 12. OILS-Cotton eed. firm; prime crude, nominal; yellow 2ij-29V,c. Petroleum, firm; refined New otk. k.si; r'nuaaeipnia and Baltimore, 8 Turpentine, unsettled. wstjMc ROBIN t. n set tied, strsined. common to good, ev OIL C1TT. June 12. Oll-Credlt bal areas, in,: snipments, uui dd:i ; aver ar. 7.9U bbls.; runs, ft,lT bbia ; aver are. 68.T8C bbls- shipment. Lima. 127.193 bbl ; average. 7.8oS bbl.; run. Lima, 10L 710 bbl; average 63.131 bbl. SAVANNAH. June 12 TERPENTINE Him. asisjc. RORIN-Flrm; A. B. C, 33 00; n. tais- w 33 M: F, 33r.t3 St': O, 33 3.qa S6: H. 13 50; I. 34 on : K, 84."; M. $4.60; N, 34 30; W. O.. M a; v . ., a sit. Si.2il A,.) ss.tjoa a id OiVt 34 ! i no Visible apply of Grala. NEW TORK. June 11 Th visible aupnly of grain Saturday. June 10. a complied by th New York Prtxljee exchange I as follow: Wheat. lv!i trt bushels. de crease of 1 bT7.00i bushels. Corn. 3.SS7.0V bushela. a decrease of 1h) bushels. Oats. " 3Ja.a) buswV a decressw of 4 i7o bueh- aim. Kj iVdru bua.leSA, a do prelerred Am. augar R'f'g.. Am. Tobacco, pfd. Anaconda Aim. co. Atchison do preferred Atlantic C. Line Baltimore A Ohio.. do preferred Brooklyn Rapid T.. Canadian Pacific .... Central of N. J Ches. & Ohio Chicago & Alton do preferred Great Western ..... Chicago & N. W... C M. & St. P C. Term. & Trans... do preferred C. C. C. 4St. L... Colo. Fuel & Iron... Colo. & Southern ... do 1st preferred... do 2d preferred... Consolidated Gas ... Corn Products ..... do preferred Pel. A Hudson Del.. Lack. A. W..., Denver & R. O do preferred Distiller' Secur... Erie do 1st preferred.., do 2d preferred... General Electric ... Hocking Valley .... Illinois Central International Paper do preferred International Pump do preferred Iowa Central , do preferred K. C. Southern ..... do preferred Louisville & Nash.. Manhattan L Met Securities Met. Street Ry Mexican Central .. Minn. & St. L.... M St. PASS. do preferred Missouri Pacific .... Mo.. Kan. & Tex.... do preferred National I -cad N. R. R. of Mex, pfd. N. Y. Central N. Y. Ont. W Norfolk & Western.. do preferred North American .... Pacific Mall Pennsylvania People's Gas P., c. c. at t. l..... Pressed Steel Car.... do preferred Pullman Pul. Car.... Reading do 1st prererrea do 2d preferred V. S. Steel do preferred Rock Island Co do preferred Rubber Goods do preferred St. L. 8 F. 2d pfd. St. Louis 8. W do preferred Bouthern Pacific do preferred Southern Railway .. do preferred Tenn Coal ft Iron., Texs A Pacific T.. St. L. W do preferred Union Pacific do preferred V. S. Express C 8. Leather do preferred I". S. Realty V. 8. Rubber ... do preferred V. S S'eel do preferred Va.-Car. Chemical. do preferred Wabash do preferred Wells-Fargo Ex" ... Westinehouae Elee. Western t'nlon Wheeling L E... Wisconsin Central . do preferred No-o-ern Pacific ... ntr-rea Total sale for the dy 40 4 111 114S 119 13d V, 9' loov 81 S 102 S 2"a 1S 151 S 40 47S IK'S 11LS 118 lo4 9s 80S 102S 15t 9; S 14s 4,000 5oS 48S 81 19S 195S 17&S 81 Is", 194 174S Atrnlaoa ad. 4a.. do 4a Men Central 4a.. Atrhlaon do tfd Beaton A Albaar Boston at Maine. . Boston Elevated . Fltrhburg pfd ... Milcan Central . N T.. N. H. A Pere Marquetta I nlon Farinc .... Amer. Arga. Chem do pfd Amer. Pneu. Tuba Amer. Surar do pfd Amer T. A T Amer. Woolea .. do pfd Dominion I. A 8 . Edison Eler. Illu General ElertHc .. Maaa. Electric ..... do pfd Maaa Uaa t'nlted Fruit t'nlted Shoe Marh. do pfd V. 8. Steel do pfd Weatlng. common Bid ""Asked. . .. H .Adrentura , ...10i-4 A!l"ue ... 74 Amalgamated ... ... IIS Amer Zinc . ..I0ia Atlantic ...26 Birpham ...lii fa I. Hecla.... ...157 'Centennial ...144 iCopper hange ... ... 10 ralr Weal H.ls" 'Komlnlon Coal ... M Pranklm ...Ii4 OranbT ii .lale Rorale ao Maaa Mining ... 4 Mlcnlsan 1S44 Mnhavk ....134 4 Mont C. A C. ....140 Old Dominion . U loareoia 1"! Parrot .... rot Qutncy !4ft Shannon 174 Tamarack KVa Trlnltr 81 i United Copper 414 C 8. Mlniri . 107;v 8. Oil M i Utah n4, virtoa 24 Winona 3 Wolrartna 81 3 .. 21 .. IS", .410 . . ' .. t .. U .. .. I .. S' .. IP .. 7 .. 44j .. I .. 25 .. o .. IH4 .. .. 74 . .108 .. 7 .. 2S .. 2k .. 10 .. 44 .. 1 .. ti ..104 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Best Beef Bteert ted Cowi Stedj, with Trading Slow, HOG MARKET STEADY TO SHADE LOWER Receipts of ha-ep and la m ba Very Light with Tradlna Active and Price Rnllac Steady to a Dime Higher, ale. Chicago reported a Mg run. Hh frlces Just about steady, and this fart ent a fair tone to trading here Buyer were out In good eeason and there was a fsir activity to the early trading. Ught hogs were In best demand today and price on these kinds ruled generally right around steadv with Saturday. Heavy nog were not so much In favor this morning nd buyers pounded the market for a decline of shout TV The bulk of the hogs old at IS ITS! fi. tops reaching IS . Th pop ular price wa to ITS. while ome load sold down to IS 18, nd other brought 85 .S The general market could best be dts.-rthed as heme ateadv to !c lower, with a little weaker tendency to the trad as the morning advanced. rtepreenttlv ales: T.JTo 5 49! 4 0 2.0C7 I.RTO TEAR t? 71 4 If 4 m 2 I'M 6 271 3 875 5.211 SW 4 1W 8:3 TO PATE. SOl'TH OMAHA. June 12. W. Receipts were: Cattle. Hog. Sheep. Official Monday 2.271 IO 1 eM Same day last week Sam week before Same three weeks ago. Sam four weeks ago... Same dav last vear RECEIPTS FOR THE The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared witn last year: 1906. 1904 Ino. ree. Cattle jtTROfi 4?i fiM at." Hogs i.inrSS 1.19J W Sheep 694.4S2 tW8.772 IS.7W The following table show the average price of hogs at South Omaha for tn laat everal day with comparison: Date. I 1906. 11904. 1M3. 1902.1901. ilO0.lS. Holiday In Eorope. BERLIN, June 12 No business was tran sacted on the Bourse today, owing to the observance of the Whitsuntide holiday. LONDON, June 12. All the London and Liverpool markets are closed today, this being Whit Monday. PARIS. June 12 The Whitsuntide holiday was observed here today and the Bourse was closed. 500 96S 6 10,7'JO 43S 41S 40O 2Ti 27S 4"0 6S & S"0 37S 37 800 188 18$ 7(0 10 10 1.40 49 47 4.4tt 182S 182 28S 8fV 43 41S 79S rs 178 isis iS 2SS - H '56S 147 164 S 81 S IMS 21 28S A 43 4A T9S 66S 174S iS 19 24 60 86 144 lo4S K, 12 iS M. 2,300 119 119S 2.400 &) 60 400 100 (.100 6,1'W i.iurt I.40O 400 28. 1,100 9S V 63 46 36S 14S 62 81 99S 39 138 107S :8 ttS 45 85 S 141 6-S 8"S X8S 13.')' K'lS 1.100 38S 3TS 610 4"0 ' Sl V 3.40 3 4i 4"0 M700 100 l'O V) 1 NO 12 "n V 7.2'tO 4- ,.. 1.1"! V ino 87.900 M O 61 l.ion 4rt Tm ' (tori 1 fcVI 10 91S 'IT7. 74S 28 75 8 ims 4S 119S S2S 97 79 rs 5S 124 94 91S 'ITS 2TS 74S SS 101 s 84S s tuS K 11SS 81H JT 6VS RI rs 123S OfcS s 36 I-''; '- ' 188 27v; ms lS iw'' rs 4S 1S Mi auS 40 '-a . dOS 94 41 a 3d 18 40 48S 110 118S 134 s 98f luo MS l--!' 7 64S l&XSt 199 50S 8oS 81 19 194 17oS 17S 30s S6S 43 27S 68 36 187S 10 48 182S 375 25S 88 4274 41S 79S 67 176 98 161 19 79 27 IS 4 24S 80 147S lt4 8 123S 21 64 ms vii 99 28S 44-; 3fv, 141'S 61 '8 6(: 9 35 1J574 lolS ,i 110 381, 233 9S7 91S 1-9 7S T3S rs 75 m M 26 no 63S 119S S2i4 9S ns .'S SH 12SS 1 im 107S 88 374 1-.S 2S l,t 18V4 8S 2 lff lMk ?T4 4V is May May May May Var May May May May Mav May May May Mav May May May June J une June June June June June June June June June June 16.. 1(.. 17.. 18.. 19. . to. . XI.. 22.. 23.. 24.. 26.. 26.. 27.. 28.. 29.. 30.. tl.. 1... 2... 3... 4... 6 .. ... 9 10.. 11..' 12..! I 14SI I 20 I 4 60 t 28 4 621 I 2oS! 4 62 8 . 4 4T I 23SI 48 I 41 I 23V 6 8 lSi 6 16 1 I8S1 6 17 t? 7 u 8 iw i 21 : 87 36 071 I tt t 23 t 81 1 T 11: 4 721 8 3 t 73, 8 111 s n is 10; 3 bs 8 731 I t 65 8 ITI 8 031 6 63, 6 081 S (2 6 ol, 6 Oil 3 t r: 8 M 7 1! 8 271 7 111 241 7 07 ( lSi 7 031 4 !l 6 19 7 08 4 Ml 6 1. i 5 liS 6 137,1 6 16, & 19 i 6 rr 6 2?7 R 24S s aos 6 17 I 6 20 1 T o&i K 87' 6 04 1 t 63 4 33i 6 04; I 6 611 6 04 3 68 4 38 5 93, 6 96' I 4 99. 3 j5 4 0 6 771 97, 6 V! lit 4 99 o 721 7 01 i 6 63. 4 9i I 6 70) 7 09 6 62i 4 901 J w 4 S3. 4 49, 4 53 4 4 4 49, 4 54 5 S3' 4 iS 4 ft 4 9 4 74 4 7 6 80, I 6 n 6 07. 6 99 5 H5 5 75 5 77. 5 80 ' 5 H5 6 to 8 03 I 5 ?9 6 08 4 8ai i 6 71 4 83 ' 3 8. 6 7 4 88 6 30 I 4 83, 3 5S I 8 58 4 83 4 fli 4 94 4 95, 6 o; 5 10 7 10, V1! 7 07' 7 13, 6 70 7ms 71 1 7 2,1, J 70' 7 151 6 71; 7 18. 6 751 5 78, 5 n h 91 5 89 5 on 4 i: ! 5 3 3 67 i 60 3 U 3 69 u 8r ( 47 14 f-C 04 74 70 7" at 17 7 ff Kl tt 8" in (4 f.1 at 4 as M hi 7 1 70 (1 41 7 f7 at IK 70 M 74 4 07. 7l Tf 7 to St. t At . HI . I4 . Mt . . . IM .. .. t4 . . . . a .. fl , . i ,. !1 .. T ...til .. ? .. tf-4 .. 140 .. t, .. M .. 181 .. Hi .. 141 . . ISO rt .. If ...ff'l . . ll ..in ...144 .. .. .?M ...?7 .. .! .. J'l ...JM .. t.H ...til .. 2M .. t!! ...171 ...! .. 142 .. Ill ..141 . . 20 ..tot .. IM ...127 ... IH .. :i! ..114 ...12 .. .mi .234 3 57 Indicates Sundav. The official number of car of stock brought In today by each road was: C . M. A St. P. Ry.... 1 5 Wo bash 1 Missouri raeific 3 V. P. System 44 29 C. & N. W. Ry., east. 4 4 C. & N. W. Rv.. west. 31 C, St. P.. M. 0 5 5 C B. Q., west 13 18 C, B. & Q.. east 8 C . R. I. & P., east 4 C, R. I. P.. west 2 Illinois Central 1 4 Chicago Gt. Western. 2 Total receipts 1"6 121 The disposition of the day's Bank Clearing:. OMAHA. June 12 Bank clearings for to day were tl.8ofi.94Tl 13 and for the correspond ing date last year 11,355.006. 40. OMAHA WlrOLESALB MARKET. Condition of Trade and notation on Staple and Faney Produce. EGGS Receipts, fair; - market, steady; candled stock,- 14'3'lSc. LIVE POULTRY Hen, 10c; rooster. 53 c: turkeys. i:'3ltc: ducks, loe. BUTTER Packing stock, 13c; choice to fancy dairy, 1718c; creamery, 20tg,21c; prints. 22c. FRESH FISH Trout, c: halibut. 11c; buffalo tdressed). 8c; pickerel (dressed). 8c; white bass (dressed), 12e; sunflsh. tic; percn (scaled and dressed), 8e: pike. 9c; catfish, 16c; red snapper. 10c; salmon. 16c; erapplea, 12c; eel. 16c: bullhead. 11a; black bass. 20c; whlteflsh (d-eaeed). 10e: frog legs, per do., 35c; lobsters, green. 27n boiled lobster. 30c; shad roe, 46e; blaerfVns, c. HAY Price quoted by Omaha Who1eale Hay Dealer' association i Choice. t7.00: No. 1. t6.50; No. 2, 16.00; coarse. 1500. These pricea are for hay of good eolor and qual ity BRAN Per ton. tlSOO. TROPICAL FRT.TT. ORANGES St. Michaels, all sle, 33.753 4 00; extra fancy Mediterranean, sweets, all sizes. 13 50: fancy navels, size 13h, 150, 176, 200, 33.26; size 80, 96. 112, 33.00; seedlings, all sizes. 13.00 LEMONS Llmonlera. extra fancv. no. 308 and 360 size, 14.26; fancy, 270, 3n and 3AQ sizes. U 5; choice. 240 and 270 sizes. 850: 3K) and 360 sites. 33 003 26. jJATES Per box of 30 1-lb pkg.. ttOO; Hallowe'en. In 70-lb. boxes, per lb. 6c. FIGS California, per 10-lb. carton. "i3 85c: Imported Smyrna, four-crown. Uc; flvi crown, 12c. BANANAS Per medlum-lzd bunch, $1.75 as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 313 548 541 Omaha Packing Co 343 1.1 Swift and Company 7:"2 1971 Cudahv Packing Co 411 lW Armour A Co 481 2.53 Cudahv P. Co.. country 77 Van Sant & Co 79 Carey A Benton 21 Hill 22 L. Wolf 87 J. B. Root A Co 83 Bulla & Kline 21 S A S 195 Other buyer 76 Total 2.293 8.597 No At 8k Pr Ne. At 8k fr 8 tat III 74 rl to ITS K III oa 141 ... I 174 I is 4 . . I i: I II 71 !JI M I 17 I II t. IT ... I ITS I 11 7 Ml I IT I 15 tl " 10 I 17 I IS II tT4 120 I ITS I II 14 IM 0 I to Ms n ... I r I it i VI 40 I l I 17S 44 tT ... I XI I ITS 00 IJ4 ... I I ITS 71 till r I 10 I ITS 74 tn 80S I IS I ITS I 411 . . It I KS 71 Ill 4 I 10 I ITS I" 80 I H I ITS Tl 121 V IM I 17S 7 t I K I ITS M 14 ... I 10 I 17S TT 224 ... I 20 I 17S M 247 4 I M l'S 74 241 110 JO I ITS 70 IU 40 I 10 I ITS M I to I ITS M Ill 88 8 10 I 17-, II 117 . . II I ITS II 21 I I" I ITS Tl t?l SO I JO I ITS 41 144 . . I 20 I 17s 7 r 120 I 10 I ITS 78 171 120 I 10 I 1S To 224 . . I 0 I ITS IT 124 111 I to I PS 41 2M . . I 10 I 17S 71 110 It 19 I ITS 17 24 . I M I 17S 47 221 so I t I ITS 118 W 18 I ITS 71 til 40 I 20 I 17s T 1' ISO I 10 I 17s ''7 44 I 0 I ITS 244 ... I 24 I ITS 14 t'H ... I to I ITS 84 101 . . I ft) I ITS 71 IM "0 I 24 I 17s If trl lfo 12 I 17s 74 2l 120 I to 8 17s 80 f 40 I Its I ITS Tl IM IN I Its I 17S 48 2"! 4" I 22S I ITS 11 f 40 I 22 S I 17S 7 I N IK I ITU 71 1IT 40 I ITV4 81111.1' There wa a 1 ght run of sheep nere today, about five cars being on sale Laatern points reported a good run with a strong market, and pricea at thl point were also better. A was noted Saturday, the big end of the receipts last week con slsted of medium and common kinds of sheep and lambs and there was very llttl if any. good stuff offered. The common kinds were In rather poor demand and there was a little weaker feeling displayed Pellera predicted a good, atrong market on anything choice, and theae predictions were verified today, when some choice stuff arrived and was picked up early at good, strong price. There wa a better feeling to the trade today and buyer wanted the tuff. The market w actlv and a clearance wa made early in the forenoon. The Olbson Pearly Nolan ahorn lambs, fed at Clark, brought (6 26. and a mixed bunch of wether and yearling sold for 4 85. (quotations for clipped tock: Good to choice lambs, fi.(g.25; fair to good lamba. I5.50ji4J.no; good to choice yearlings, J5 0f3 6.20; fair to good yearling. 34 75&6.00; good to choice wetners, itwxaH.so; rair to gooo. wethers. 34 2Mj4.50; good tn choice ewe. $4 8i4 50; fair to good ewe, t4.00fe4 30. Representative sales: No. 27 western cull lamb 3 western ewe 43 western yearlings 468 western lambs 8 western spring lambs .. 8 western ewes , 100 western cull lamb 7 western buck 200 western lamb absence of European cable and doa4, steady t an dvanc of I point on My. but generally unchanged to 6 polnta lower. Bale were reported of l.i bg. Includ ing July at l 16-ol 20. September at S 40; liecember at a-S 7 March at lUTa 4 80; spot, Rio, steady, 78e. Metal Market. NEW TORK. June 12 M ETAIA It be ing a holiday In market no cable were received and the local market ruled gen erally quiet. Tin wa a little firmly held, but continued quiet at I.' Oieao 86. Cop per situation horns no change, lake and electricity are quoted at llS.iO, and casting at 314.78. l.ed remains quiet, but steady at It.!, and smelter unchanged at ts ,V. Iron continued unsettled at the tone easy and the price generally lower, although ome dealers are still asking recent quo tation. No 1 foundry northern Is quoted at ll6 8t"S17on; No. 2 northern. llAor.fi t ry. No. 1 foundry southern at IIA2ei8l8 78; No 1 foundry northern soft at 116 2iu'l7.', No. t foundry southern at $16 7M? 16 28. 8T. LOllA, June 12 M ETA I Lead, firm, 34.X2S84.47S; spelter, firm, .1. Evaporated Apple and Dried Prnlta. NEW YORK, Jun 1J.-EVA PORATED APPLE Market wa firmly held for both spot and future. Common to good ar quoted at 14. 14T4. 14; prime at 6SfJc; choice at 4ftSc and fancy at "c CALIFORNIA IH1KD r KL 1 I ft rTune eem hardly so nrm a they were a tw day ago. but no change Is- reported on spot. Quotations range trom to so ac cording to grade Apricot remain dull with choice quoted at lofclOSf nd extra choice at 11c and fancy t 12iplV Peache also are quiet, with choice quoted t lotfif lose, extra choice at lowioXf. ana lancy t llStno Rals'ns show no fresh feature. lxKise muscatel are quoted at 48S seea raisin at 6SijVc. Il.n-Vl.li. and lxndon layi at Cc-tim- Av. Pr. ,58 4 00 ,90 4 60 .85 t 60 ,76 26 ,82 6 50 .88 t 50 ,87 4 25 ,112 4 26 ,68 6 26 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Of 24. S2 26. lumboa. t2.5Ofl3.00. PINEAPPLES Florida, per crate 30 and 36 sizes. 33.25: 42 size. 33 00. FRUITS AND MELONS. APRICOTS California, per 4-basket crate, 3135. PLUMS California, per t-baaket crata, 11.35. PEACHES Texas, per 4-basket crate, 31; California, per 26-lb. box, tl.15. CHERRIES California, black, per s-lb. box. tl.76; white, per 8-lb. box, 11.75; Mis souri, box of 24-qts., $2.00. STRAWBERRIES Home grown, per 24 qt. case, tl TS-IOO; Hood River, per case of 24-qts., 12.60. CRANBERRIES Jersey, per crate, tl.60 GOOSEBERRIES Box of 24 qt., 82.00. CANTALOUPES Mexican, per crate. t3OOu4.0O. RASPBERRIES Red. box of 24 pt., 33; black, box of 24 pts.. 32.00. BLACKBERRIES Case of 24 Qt , 32.00. VEGET ABIDES. TURNIPS New, pr doi., 25c. CARROTS New, per do.. 26c. PARSNIPS 0:d. per bu.. 40c. WAX BEANS Per S-bu. box, 75c; string beans, per S-bu. box, 75c; bu. box wax or tring. t2 00fl2.H. POTATOES Home-grown, In sack, per bu.. 35c; Colorado, per bu., 45c; new pota toes, per bu.. 75c. BEANS Navy, ner bu.. $200 CUCUMBERS Per doz.. 46fi-75c. PEAS New, per bu. box, 31. 25 160. TOMATOES Texa. per 4-basket crate, $1.00. SPINACH Per bu.. sue. CABBAGE California. In crates, per lb . 3c; Mississippi, $1.26-3125 per crate, ae cordlr.- to size. ONIONS New, per do, bunches, 15c; Bermudaa. per crate of about 50 lbs., $i.5o. RADISHES Hot house or southern, pen doz . LETTUCE Hot house, per do.. $3fi40c; head !ettuce per do,., 75c. CAULIFM1W ER-Home grown, per crate of 1 dum . tl 00 BtSETS New. per do.. 8V. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Swiss, new. 15c; brick. 15c; Wisconsin ilmburger, 13fl4c: young America. 14c. NUTS Walnut, No. 1 soft hell. new crop, per lh., 15c; hard ahells, per lb., 13c; No. i aoft shells, per lb., 12c; No. 3 hard shells, per lb, 12c; pecans, large, per lb, 12c; small, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb.. 7c; roasted peanuts, per lb.. Sc; Chili walnuts, per lb., liftlSSc; almonds, soft hell. per lb.. 17c; hard shell, per lb. 15c; ahellhaik hickory nuts, per bu., $1.75; Prge hickory nuts, per bu., $1.50. HIDES No. 1 freen. 7S; o. t green, Sc; No. 1 salted. 6So: N- salted. 7Sc No. 1 veal calf, 10c; !o. I veal calf, 9c: dry salted. 7ii 14c; sheep pelta, 2cfitl.00; hore hide. $150a3.00. 1.402 CATTLE There were 106 cars ot cattle on sale today, a rather light run for a Mon day. The receipts today show a decrease of about 4,800 head as compared with a week ago, and a small decrease ovr the corresponding day of last year. Consider ing the small receipts, good cattle were well represented. A fair proportion of the receipt con sisted of beef teers and there was some good stuff offered. Buyers were on the hill In good season, but did not take hold with much life. The commoner kinds, a has been the case for some day, were not In good demand and trading on these was slow and dull: In fact, trading on the good kinds could not he called active. Al though there was little urgency to the de mand, buyers picked the cattle up slowly at prices right around steady with the close of last week. Grassy cattle were in about the same condition as last week that Is. In poor demand and buyers were Inclined to pound the market. There was a fair run or cows and neirera on sale tonay and mere was a utile nener tone to the trading. On the good kinds buyers bid right around steady and most sales were made on this basis. Good kinds were in better demand than the common grades, which were hard to move at the rrlces. Trading was nomewhat slow and buyers were evidently not overly anxious for supplies. Grassy and half fat. warmed up stuff were very slow to move, as buyers were not Interested In anything showing grass Bulls, veal calves and stairs sold at about the eame figure aa the close of last week. there being no quotable change in prices. Only a few loads of stockers and feeders were "on sale today, and as ha been the case for some time, the demand was only moderate and Inquiry from th country very- small. Prices on the good kinds were a little stronger than at the close of last week, but -common gradea were no better than eteady. Representative sales: BEEF B TITERS. Cattle and Hogs Lamb and Xteady Sheep Stronsj. CHICAGO. June 12 CATTLE Re ceipt. 23.000 head; market Fteady; good to prime steer. $5.50i6.S5: poor to medium. $4.flt 6 40; stockers and feeders. $2.754.90; cows. $2 5iji4.0; heifers. $2-50i86 Oft; canners, $1.40 6 2.30; bun. i:'.ifiig4 40: calves, xa otg so. HOGS Receipts, 40 000 head: estimated ror tomorrow. 28. WO head: market steady; mixed and butchers. $553542S: good to choice heavy, to 35 40; rough neavy. $4 SO if 20: light, x5.&i6.4i'H: bulk or sale, to.30 65 87S. SHEEP ANO LAMBS Receipt. 18.000 head; market strong; lamb. 10c higher; good to choicer wether, shorn. t4 6oa5.J5: fair to choice mixed, shorn. 33.50114 40; west ern sheep, shorn. $4flO'a515; native Umbs. shorn, 4.ooa.50; western lambs, shorn, $5.00 ti .. Xew York Live Stock Market. NEW TORK. June 12 BEEVES Re. celpts. 3.S32 head: good and choice steers steady; medium and common. 104H5c off; nuns, lower; cows steany to snaae lower. Medium to prime eteer. $45'ff.90: bulla. $3.offi4.j; cows. 2.noa890; fat western. $4.5": exports tomorrow, 750 cattle, 3,600 quarters of beer. 'ALVEB Receipts. 8.621 head: veal. 25-rr fj"e lower; buttermilk, 26c higher: all old; veals. $5 f57 50: few choice and extra. I, ks; top, zm w; runs. 3 i"B4 60; nutter milks. $4.0f'i&6 (: dressed calve in fair de mand: city dressed, W10c. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. 16.171 head; sheep firm; yearlings almost nominal; gooa to choice lamna, iixaaic lower; other. JStiSOe lower; sheep. $4.0tV&50: lamb. 6S7S n. .90; three car choice, 18.00; general mar ket. 17 owr.76: fair to prime. HOGS Receipts. 11.388 head: higher; state hogs, $6.sTs3.90; 36 00. mrket loe few light. K9.40t chare. Wisconsin 15c; twin, Uo. At. Pr. No. At. Ft. 1241 4 10 14 1131 4 BS put 4 25 II '211 4 88 t 1101 4 25 14 DM 4 10 1 1110 4 14 1102 4 10 I !. Iff. 4 00 24 12S5 4 10 14 !7 4 10 IT K'KT 4 16 I 4 10 4 i:i I on t T 4 2B 2 120" I OR I 7(i 4 tt 4(' 1!0 1 II 11S4 4 40 17 !2)l I II 10 874 4 40 IM 1410 I 15 If 1221 4 41 14S4 ( 20 4 Ill 4 10 ! 1321 S 20 171 4 8" It 13 I 25 1 Ui 4 to 1 1424 15 1 1112 4 55 15 1220 I 40 IS 107 4 IS 17 ,. 1411 I 40 24 . !2 4 55 1 1210 3 41 If 1140 4 10 42 1454 1 40 21 111 4 76 tt. 1464 40 47 1154 4 71 45 14T4 I 70 12 111 4 10 STEERS AND COWS 4 Mt I 71 4 850 4 10 H 1114 4 0" 14 i 4 10 14 110 4 M 1 1021 18 COWS Wew YK Mtntna; toek NEW TORK. Jun 12 Closing quotations on mining loca were NEW YORK. June II - SUGAR Raw tedy; fair refining. tll-lc; centrifugal test. -inc; moias augar, 7-iac. Re fined, quiet; No W8 2fcc: No. 78Ijc, No. I. Il'ic; No. 8. ft.tfie; M. l. 6c: No. lL 4 t-c No It. 4 16c; No. 13. 4 75c; No. 14. 4 7V; Confectioner A. 171V, cut loaf, 8 86c; rruaneo. saac: ponaorea. c; granulated, 8 kv-: rubes lr. alia Coa Aitee Br i-a .. Bmuwt-k rom . Cevatark Tunnel Cob Cal A Va . Horn tiiTar Ira llTer L.1Uie Com .... Offered. .a .. at .. 3 .. 4 .. I .14 ..!e" .10 .. 4 Utila Oiler ... oixarto Orihir PtKBIa I Pot oat 8a rag Sierra Nevada nail Hoawe .. e'ardanl .. I .400 . 40 .. I .. 10 .. 41 .. S .. 21 ..1U MOLASHES Firm; ehr'ice. SToiriV. NEW ORLEANS Ouiet: ope-i kettl dccja4 l j centrtfus!. IVJ-kV. New Orleans, good to June 11 aUOAR SS4J4VC: open kettl centrifugal wtUl, ia. Treasary 9tateaarat. WASHINGTON. D C. Jure l!.-Today tatetnent of the treasury balances in the general fund eicljsiv of the I: j&.fvi (oI4 taaerv la to division of icdtinpUoa Wool Market. ST. I5TI8 Jun It WOOL Market steadv: medium grades, combing and cloth ing. ?Afl31Sc; light fine !4Sfj2c; heavy line. 7"i3tc; tuo waenea rfmic. BOSTON. Jun 12 -WOOL The Commer cial Bulletin aays of the market: The wool market is in a strong position and spot wool nave oeen ireeiy taxen Dy manurac turers at good price. Dealer are not de sirous of selling more contract until some rlellverle re made. Stock are Iltht for this time of the yer. The sale at Shalnko. Ore., on June I ha practically cleaned up that ftate. Huying is still going on act Ivelv In Ohio and Michigan. About 10 OOfl to 15 00ft bale have arrived here from the last London ale. Australian and South American wool are well cleaned ur and the new arrivals are now being awaited by purchaser Th foreign markets are very atrong and rising with only small stock on hand. Th shipment of wonj from Rostnn to date from December 2 104 ccording to the am authority, are 15ASI 10 pounds, agitnat 81.191 oa.2 pound t the same time laat yer Th teei-t were 128. 128 44 pound. galnat 51 448 941 pound for th same period last yr;ar. Elcln Batter Market. i-LOIN, 111.. Jun ll.-Bui!r o!d at 1S a pound on the Board of Trade todav. Thl 1 a decline of l rent from last treei-'s eantstlon. El for th week wr lil.rnr pound. 8... I. .. 11... i'.l 12... 4... I .. 4 .. 1... 1... I.. J.. I. .. 1... 1... 1 . I.. I . I . II. . It . 1.. I.. I . !.. 14 . t . I.. I.. I . 1. I.. .. I.. I . 1 . 1.. 1.. 1.. I . I.. I.. 1.. 1 . t.. I . 4 . 1 . I . 1 . 1 . .. I . I.. 4 . 1.. I.. 1 . 4 1.. 1.. 4 . 1 . I . I . ... Ill ...1050 ... 170 ...190 .. 1110 ...1054 ... 140 ...!'0 ... 165 ... 4i ...1110 ... HO ...1100 ... 110 ... (MO ...1070 ...1040 ... J4 ...loot ... T .... HI . . . .irrtl .... fJO .... 100 .... 430 .... 470 .... 127 .... 9K Ml .... 471 .... W ....1K0 ....1240 ...1140 1400 ...ill .,..117 ...1650 1110 lino I 00 I II I 15 I 50 I 75 I 76 I 15 I M I 00 I 00 I oo 00 I 25 I 25 25 I 15 I J5 I 40 I 40 I 10 I 10 I 50 I 50 HEIFERS. 14. . , I 4 I to t 40 I 5 I 85 I 71 I 80 t 8 I 10 t 10 I M I la 3 08 I 00 I to I II I u . .IIMI I H .1540 I 80 BULLS. .1230 8 e 17.! 1 CALVES. .. 840 ..lull . kM , .100 .. ir.0 .. 7s ..12 .. KM .. 170 ..1)40 .. IW .. 117 .. ITO . .1024 . .1(7 . . 1 10 ..IMS .100 ..1"S7 .. ISO .1210 ..1117 170 4V . 1k so . 747 .1004 ..-.410 . 171 .1410 ..14K) ..1540 ..IIJO ..1147 .1521 ..17(10 .1720 . 170 .1140 I W I 40 I 10 I 00 I 45 I II I 70 I 70 I 71 I 75 I 71 I 10 I 80 I 00 4 00 4 00 4 It 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 25 4 80 Kansa City Live Stork Market. KANSA8 CITT. June 12 CATTLE Re- celpts. 8.9O0 head. Including 4.5u0 anutherna: market steady to strong; choice export and dtessed beef steers. 35 0Cf6 76; fair to good, $4.2636.00; western-fed steers. $4 .26.65. to ; stockers nd feeder. tS.0rf4 60; southern steers. $3 floats 20: southern cows, $2 25-94 00; native cows, $2 2Kb 4-AO; native heifers, H 26 64 bulls. 8.' 8MJ4.26; calvea, St. 0006.60. HW.8 Receipt. 6.400 head: market steady; top. $5 35: bulk of aales, 16 $r85 32S: nes v v Z5 7VL4ifi V. and light. $6 2fa6.36. SHKEP AN It LAMBS Receipt. S.SOO head: mrket 10f!6c higher: native lamb, tl Offi 75: western lambs. tA On'57.00: fed ewes and yearlings, t4 2.vfi6.60; Texa clipped vearnnes. xfl.oano.ao; lexas cnnned sneeo. 33.46'a5 .00; stockers and feeders, $2 605J4 00. 8t. I.onl Live Stoek Market. RT. L"UIS, Mo , June 12. CATTLE Re ceipts. $.5o head. Including 2.800 Texan. Market steady, native shipping and ex port steers. $4.2Mi5 00; dressed beef and butcher steers. $3.5f6 40; steers under 1.000 pounds. $3.5tlr4.85; stockers and feeders. $2 50 rqtfio: cows and r.eirers. lz.ID(j-n: canners. I $;.0i2.50; bulls. tS SivaS Hi; calves. 14 085 75; I Texas and Indian steer. 33.0UfgS 00; cow and heifers. 12 0K53.7B. HOGS Receipt. 5.000 head. Market ateady. Pigs and llghta. 35 (ho 40; pack ers. 84 6"i5.4n; butcher and best heavy. $4.fVfl 42S- 8I1EKP AM) I.AMBS Receipt. 3 800 head Market steadv Native muttons. $3 80 tioOO; lambs. 5.fa6S6; culls. $2.03.00 stockers. $2.S'2 5u: Texan. $3.75&4.A5. Toledo feed Market. TOLBLKJ, June 12 SEED Clover, tober. 37 40; prime at ST.voti'I.IO; prime othy, $7.60. SUPREME COURT SYLLABI 128a. Horst against Iewls. Error from Madison. Former Judgment of affirmance adhered to. Holcomb, C. J. 1. Where difterent retail dealers la In toxicating liquors oentrlhute by the aale of liquor to the Intoxication of an Indi vidual which cause hi death, such deal era and the sureties of their bonds whlca are required by the statute may all be Joined aa defendant In one action to re cover for loss tf the mean of support by those who have suffered Injury by reaeon of the death of such Individual. 2. Where the plea of ultra vlrea la intro duced by a defendant corporation In It answer, facte not Inconsistent with tho allegations of the petition may be pleaded In the reply In the nature of an estoppel or to show that the corporation waa. under the circumstances, empowered to enter Into the contract, the obligation of which I sought to be avoided. 3. A brewing corporation Incorporated to do a general business of manufacture and aale of Intoxicating liquor and to erect suitable buildings for the carrying on of the business to buy. sell, lease, rent, ex change or otherwise handle real estate, and the execution of bond, lease, deeds, mortgages, etc., aa may be proper In con nection with the business may become obll- f rated as urety on a liquor bond or lcened dealer required to be given undei the law regulating the aale of intoxicating liquor where it appear that ucn under taking 1 given with a view of renting It real estate and building In which the bu lne 1 conducted nd to procure the sal of Its product through such licenses. 4. Evidence tending to prove mat ina minor cons of th deceased were required to devote all their time to the support ol themselve and the family of which they were a part and were unable to attend the public, school, held properly dml lble In response to evidence on the part of the defendant tending to show that no pecuniary loss had been sustained ny tnose claiming a right to recover for loss of support by reason of the death of the husband and father. 6. Other evidence a tn the payment or the debt of the deceased from th pro ceed of the products raised on the farm, held not erroneously admitted. 8. Expert evidence Is permitted where the facts under Investigation are 8tieh a that the witness is supposed from hi ex perience, skill and study to have peculiar Knowledge upon the subject of Inquiry, which Juror generally do not poes. 7. The Carlisle tbles of mortality or life expectancy Is properly admissible In evidence for the consideration of the Jury In determining the probable duration of the life of the deceased, the proper foundation a to age and general health being first proven 8. Declaration to be admissible a a part of the res gestae, must accompany and be so connected as to the part of the fact or transaction In controversy, and which tend to Illustrate or explain It. auch fct or transaction Itself also being- admissible In evidence. . Wher there are numerous assignment of error the reviewlnr court will conlder and discus uch of them oplv a appear to be essential to a proner deposition of the cause under review and to flnallv deter mine the matters Involved In the litigation. The fact that all aalgnmen of error re not noticed and commented upon In the opinion doea not Imnly that they have not been considered and given due weight In grrlvlrcr dec'Blon. 1.1782. Mason against Strickland. Appeal and error from Dawea. Reveraed and re manded, with direction. Letton, C. Divi sion No. 1. t. A party to a contract of sal of real estate for caah upon the delivery of the deed I excused from performance If the other party neglect or refuse to pay wnen the deed I readv for delivery and requet n extension of the time for payment. S. It Is optional with a vendor to rescind a contract of ale when the vendee fall to perform the same according to it term, and a demand for the return of a deed sent to the vendor' agent to be delivered upon pavment of the money, the same peraon being the agent of the vendee, together with a notice that the "deal la off." 1 an exercise of the option and a reclsslon of th contract. 3. Where the agent of a vendor receive a deed for the purpose of delivery upon pay ment of the consideration, without dl rlolnf that he Is also agent for the vendee, and placea the deed upon record after he has been notified by the vendor that the contract has been reclnded for non-performance, no legal delivery of the deed ha been made and the grantee acquire no title thereby. , IM 170 110 lot II 74 141 , 148 . 140 111 I 00 I HI I (-1 I 00 I w I II I 25 I 10 I tu I M 1 14 .. . no 180 150 II 180 200 10 120 111 I 10 I I 80 4 14 4 21 4 40 I 40 I 40 I 75 I 7 I 75 I 75 I ag I 15 I 4 00 4 00 4 at) 4 (K I 5 I li I !5 I 71 I 7 I 75 I 71 I 71 I II St. Joseph live gtoek Market. ST. J06EPH Mo.. June 12 -CATTLE Receipts, l.SiO head. Market steady o 10c higher. Native. $3 v-5.9o; cow nd heir- era. 3l.50tg6.10. stockera and feeders, $2 606 4 85 HOGS Receipt 5 240 head Market atront nd ateady. Light $5 2fr6.30; medium and heavv. 15.27Stt6.32S- SHEEP AND LAM trs Receipt. 2 080 head. Market strong. Wooled lamb. $7.10; ahorn lamb, $8.20. REAL ESTATE TRANSFER. Stork In Sight. Receipt of live stork t the lx prlnelnal wetern market yeterdy: cattle. Hog Sheep. oTO KEP.S AND FEEDERS. , 4K . 4 S0 852 400 1' 42 I I I 40 I II I 71 I M I IK) ..lua I It .. 11 I II loo 8r MO l4 I-XI 1 1 I w I 10 I 55 I 74 1 . I . 14 4. . 2 . . 11 . I . II.. I".. II.. 1-. 544 111 . 84 . 4'4 84-1 170 1U44 41 !7 8-X) I 70 It I H I I to I Kj 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 15 4 II 4 48 South Omaha 2.271 $.,$ 1.401 Sioux City 1 00 4.000 Kansa City 8 Soft ) S 3' 0 St. Joaeph 1 300 $.240 t.08) St I,ouis $ 600 I'M) 3.5v Chicago 23.000 40 000 11.000 Total 38.971 64.263 3831 Cotton Market. NEW TORK. June 12 -tVVTTON-Spot. closed quiet: middling upland. $.70e; mid dling gulf. 1 80c: sale, none. NEW ORLEANS. June 11 COTTON Steady; July, &VrtiSc; August, l2Mj0e September. 8 2.V&8 17C; October. 8 2ift8 2-; November. 8 2'i8 2ee; December, t.SHii hie; Januarv. 8 33:a 35c. BT. LOUlfa. Jun 11 ("OTTON-Mlddllng. 8Se; sale, none: receipt. 100 bale; hlp ment. 894 bale; stock. 42.421 bale. Deeds filed for record June 12, as fur nished by the Midland Guarantee and Truat company, bonded abstracter, 1814 Farnam street, for The Bee: Sheriff to Winnett W. Millvalne, lot 2. J. E. Rllev' ubdlvision ...$ 160 Antolne Tobla's to J. M. Tobias, her husband, lot 15. block 9. First addi tion to South Omaha 1,000 J. Flanagan and wife to Annie L. Waddeil, lots 4 and 6. block 5. Boyd . addition ' M J. Richardson. Jr . and w Ife to J. F. Frazier. lot 1 to 6, W. R. Ilomio'l ubdlvlalon , 1,200 W. T. Orr and wife to Barh H. Ben ton, lot 9 and part of lot 10, block X Paddock Place 1 Emma H. Orr and husband to same; lota t and 10. block i. Paddock Place. 1 A tne C. Van Camp to J. U. Vaa Camp. In' 8 to 8. block 1. Cottagt Park and other land I U. 8. National bank to Caroline Abe lein. lots 8 and 7. block ti, Albright's Choice 300 E. D Jones and wife to Ella Smith, lot 2. block 2. Halcyon Heights 500 Elsinor Place company to C. A. Blumherg. lot 27. Betisonhtiret 550 C. H. Brlggs and wife to J. Prltchard. part of tax lot 31. iws of wi L'-W-IS 260 Isabel Cornell to A R. McOarrrtles. lot 6 and . block 2. Isabel addition and other land $.000 J M Butherland and w-lf to O D. Sage, part of lot lot Otse's addition.. 360 G Forgan and wife to J. R. Kennedy, lot 18. Clifton Hill VM Iowa Land nd Lot compsnv to Anna C. Welch, lot 4, Brkow Place 475 W. F. Hoch t 1 to Brah Rice t 1 . lot It. block 8. Everett Place 130 R. M. Zug nd wife to W F. Hoch, lot 13. block 8. Everett Place 120 C. A. Kent and wife to B. D. Daley, . lot I block 3. Lake View 1.800 Ed Johnaton and wlf to J. Phlnney, lot A block t. Soring Lake Park.... 823 Michigan Mutual Uti Inauranc com pany to I. C. Helin oart of lot 24. block !. Armstrong s First addition.. 1.000 HOIS Tr.tre was a good run of hog fcr lor a Monday, about US car btinj 8n Philadelphia lrodae Market. PHILADELPHIA. Jun It Bl'TTER Weak: extra western creamery, -S' EGGS-Steady; wete;-rt fresh. l.tjl7S at mrk CHEESE Firm; New Vorta full cream, far.cy, 9Sc. CoWee Market. KETW TORK. June It -COFFEE-rMrkt for future opened steady at unchtntad vric, tu ti trifling urtAlld by U Edwards-Wood Co. (Incorporated I (lata Offlctr Fifth aad Roborts trstv ST fAUU fUlStt. D KALB.lt ID Stocks, Grain, Provisions Ship Your Grain to Us Hraaak OBeo, 310-1I1 Hoard of Tiado Qlac Onaaba. k. Telephone tlli ':i-?!4 Exchange fildg.. South Omaha. Biff 'aVtabaS & l4uai.l 'fuOSS 1