10 flTE OMATTA' DAILY REE: RATt'lJDAY, .TUNE 10. 100r. Digest Purchase of Underwear and Hosiery Ever Made by a Western Firm Goes on Sale Today AN ENTIRE WHOLESALE STOCK AT HALF PRICE LADIES' a CHILDREN'S SUMMER UNDERWEAR MEN'S, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SUMMER HOSIERY 25c Hosiery at 10c and 12ic All the ladles', men's nnfl children s fast blark nnd fiincy colored hose, nil full soam Iphs, fine nndiienvy riWwd, all-over lace and fllk flnlHhed, mercerized and lisle thread and ma co cotton, worth up to 25c, go at 75c Imported Hose 25c and 35c All the ladles' imported hosiery from thin stock, Rueh as plain and fancy lisle thread, all-over lace, In Macks, knits, white and fancy colors, worth up to 73c, go at Boys' and girls "Black Cat" twenty-five cent hosiery goes at 26c-35c 12 c 25c Underwear at 6Jc and 12ic 6c-2c 26c-50c All the ladles' and children's cotton nnd lisle ribbed underwear, crochet neck and ribbon trimmed, worth up to iioc, go In two lots, at. $1.00 Ladies' Vests at 25c and 50c All the ladles' plain and fancy vests, In silk finished, mercerized and lace lisle, silk crochet trimmed, worth up to $1.00, go at Ladies' Washable Neckwear Consisting of New York manufacturer's sam ples and broken case lots of washable neck wear, made In all the latest lace and em broidery effects, including collar and cuff sets, worth up to 75c, on bargain square, each. 35c Wide Silk Ribbon 15c Here's a big sale of plain and fancy all silk ribbon, wide widths, worth up to thirty-five cents a yard, choice for . . . 25c All Linen Handkerchiefs 10c Ladles' and men's pure Irish linen handkerchiefs, convent hemstitched, In all widths of hemming, In sheer and medium weight linen, made to retail at 25c, 0 ftt - -4 ( 5c-25c Ladies' $2, $3 and $4 Girdles on Sale at 39c, 49c and 59c We purchased the entire stock of a designer and manufacturer of ladles' fine Girdles. These belts are exact copies of English and French novelties, made up on the finest two and three-tone ribbon they come In all the beautiful shadings of brown, blue, wine, green, red. reseda, Tfs M f ff black and white, and all made to sell at J2, $3 and up 1 If S'! to 4 each, but we will sell them Saturday at J J jm K J i $3.00 Clocks $1.00, $1.25 and $1.39 Searly 1,000 elorks, 86-hour timepieces, with alarm clocks In gold plate and art nuuvmt, uvauuiuiij' un-ui mvu wiiii mmmiures una flowers and other designs, each clock Kuaranted for a year, positively worth up to 3, go on sale Saturday m gnia pmte ana art $ J. L, BRANDEIS & SONS, BOSTON STORE SUMMER SANDALS Where Is the boy or girl that Isn't tickled to death when In possession of a pair of Barefoot Sandals? Just the thing for summer cool as no ahoea at all but feet pro jected as well as with shoes. H Sizes 3 to 8 .$1.00 Sizes 8ij to 11... 1.25 Sizes' 11 to 2... $1.50 . FRY SHOE CO. Sh and Douglas Sts. BEE OUR SHOW WINDOWS. The Lange Grocery Go, Fancjr large Pineapples, 7JC lTlbs fine grunulated Sugar J J QQ Fancy large Italian Prunes, in. 4 lbs for ;., I DC 18c 18c 18c 18c 18c 35c 13c .61c .7Jc ..7ic 61c Fine Beedtess Raisins, 4 lbs for. Fine Japan Rice, 6 lbs for Navv Beans 4 lbs for Tapioca 4 lbs for Sago 4 lbs for Teas all kinds, regular 60c, our price Tea Pnst Per I'ound Sweet Corn Per can Tomatoes S-lb. can Peas Extra fine Per can German Mustard Regular 10c. our nrlce Starch In packages. Defiance, Lily Gloss and Sioux, regular C. 10c seller, for Fancy New Potatoes Per peck Extra fancy ripe Tomatoes 4fli Per basket , wUfc Creamery Butter, any kind, and all leading brands, per l-lh. nackase Fresh Country Butter received 9flf riallv iwr lh tuw Irfinons Per dosen V'SK. Pt'RITY FLOl'R THE LANGE BEST every sack guaranteed. THE LANGE GROCERY CO.. o . uth t two rnoNES-i4ia-x;a. tbs Johnson & Goodlett Company. Our groceries, meats and bakery goods are kept up to the highest standard of excellence. You are losing time and money if you are not buying your supplies In those lines from us. If you cannot como call us up two 'phones 1575 and 4743. NEW POTATOES-Oood size je. and fresh, per peck BUTTER Fine, sweet coun- 11 try. per lb ....31c try, per lb OIL SARDINES Good domestic, per can.... PRUNES Fresh and Juicy, 4 lbs for .JC RAISINS Loose Muscatel, A per lb TC WASHING POWDER Large package JC CAKES Our famous 3-layer white, nut, orange, chocolate, caramel or cocoanut. the beat quality nnd best value In the west "tr each JUC TOMATOES Choice, ripe, ift fine, per basket JUE HOME GROWN VEGETA BLES. BERRIES SPRING CHICKENS LOWEST PRICES. Johnson & Goodlett Go. 20TH AND LAKE STS. GROCERIES. MEAT8 & BAKERY It 20c VERITHIN WATCHES We are agents for the Verlthln Watches In gold filled at $30.00, and solid gold at 0.00. They are open face with sliver and gold dials about as thick as a one dollar silver piece. Brown & Borsheim, Jewelers. - 22. 221 S. 16th St 15c fl a TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Address Omaha, Nek. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER rlM Tlateljr Articles. ( Paint Your Lawn and Porch Furniture It Is time you were brightening up your lawn scats, swings, etc.. with a new coat of paint. Lowe Bros.' Gloss Taint Is especially adapted for this kind of outdoor use. It plvcs a hard surface to Withstand the wlnrla nnd rain Dno coat gives a perfect gloss requiring no It is very economical and can be ap plied by anyone. lVr Half Pint 25c IVr Pint '44V I'er Quart " "ro We carry everything In paints used Myers-Dillon Drug Co. PAINT DEPARTMENT 14l M.rney Fhon 3429 t5he Quality Store Money Cheerfully Refunded MEN'S TWO-PIECE SUMA1ER SUITS IN GREAT VARIETY SHOWN HERE The New drays, Brown nixtures, Etc. In Half or Quarter Lined Coats. SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY Men's 58.50, $10.00, $12.50, $15.00 Suits STRAW HATS 50c 1.00-1.50 Yacht Shapes Summer Furnishings Specials for Saturday SILK PHIRTS-Bold elsewhere at 3.00 MOHAIR SHIRTS-tl.75 2.00 PONGEE SHIRT8-In steel 1 ff blue or tan colors aJV SOIESETTB SHIRT S Blue or cream, sold everywhere 1 for 2.00 1. AO Mohair Bosom Shirts Twill ROr backs OVW. Madras and Percale Shirts EHn Fast colors OVW Underwear Specials 35c Blue Under- IQc wear '"w Extra Quality Mercerized ' IQn Underwear Other good values at 76o, A EKr, 60c and OC Otis' Silk Lustre Underwear, sold ffi!1."6.' 1.00 Fancy Hosiery, $1.60-2.50 to suit the moHt enn fastidious OUW New colorings in Neck- OCf, wear, 60c and AnJKt SOLE AGENTS FOR Selz ST $3.50 Shoes Otkers at $ 1.23, $1.50, $2.23, $3 S & H Qreen Tradlnr Stamps. tj. v. . ASK FOR THEM. Cor. 14th and Douglas LSi nniiurn nnnn Exponents of Good Living. 28th and FARNAM STREETS Extra, fancy new Potatoes, uni form size, quality un surpassed, per peck " Fine Ripe Tomatoes, very choicest of the sea- fe eon, per basket AJC Homegrown Fresh Peas, pods well filled and very C weet, per quart Choice Florida Pineapples large, selected fruit and ex quisite flavor A each 1VC in Knox's Gelatine, cer tk...ia? J Walter Baker's Cocoa,, per can 23c Eagle Condensed Milk, can Mc Fnsh Boiling Beef ex cellent quality, per lb Prime Corned Beef, none A better obtainable per lb Swift's Premium Hams extr mild cured, sweet and 1"1 Juicy, per lb I3C Spring Chickens, dressed Ye. while you wait, each and upwards. Frpch Rnrinn I amh 1 ' " HI AMH0CK n 11 Hammock Sensation , tor baiuraay w 98c Hammock Sale Full le. clo woven HAMMOCKS, full valanoa and spread - rejulir $1.60valuea. Othara up to 14.95. 5 a r dv5 .THE 99 CENT STORE Vein's Outing Suits COATS AND PANTS. Homespuns, Blue Serges, WoolCrash's Worsteds, Gassimeres, mm YOUR CHOICE 50 DIFFERENT STYLES. WORTH UPTO $12.50. SIZES FROM 33 to 42. Guarantee Clothing Co. 1519-1521 Douglas St, 31 3l im . naiipi.u ..iinm iiinin.miiin)iiiiuinnww up wiimi nm,ijj ii,mnii Importer and Manufacturer, 1508 Douglas St. ILlnIR Y AT COST Hundreds of Graduation Hats and all our beautiful mid' summer Pattern Dress Hats in all th charming combi nation of colorings this season has so generously given us on Sale Saturday at Sensational prices. We show original patterns of the Tommy Atkins, Polo, Edna May, Tricorve, Charlotte and GaiDs borough. An Enormous Street Hat purchase enables us to place stylish, up-to-date ready-to-wear tailored and 6uit hats on Sale Saturday at Unheard of Prices. Hundreds of Children's Hats. Investigate, it pays. Don't Miss Saturday's Sales. See Ad on Page 8. liilMY UEm TUB HKLIABLB ITORK. Don't Miss Saturday's Sales. See Ad on ?ate 8. Jf'r fiirf f lira P ! n rl i n n flnkVtae fJt rrni i J j lj 1 1 Line. IIIUIIIIJ IIJI IJI..1 IIIUIIC V V If ynx do vour buin lion Satur day. A ffonoral t'loan-up f two proat clothing purchases, together with all broken lines from our own regular stock offer you unbounded opportunities for money saving. f 10 to ?15 Men's Suits, ?7.o0 and $10 Suits with quality and style character unequalcd at the price. Your choice of cassimeres, cheviots, worsteds (both fancy and unfinish ed), tweeds, Thibet s nnd many other fabrics in almost unlimited variety of color and pattern. All have pad l,dod shoulders and self-retaining hair cloth fronts, superior in style ifmd quality to anything offered else where nt the price n Cfl Clfl your choice Saturday . uU'lU Men's 2-picee Outing Suits nt $5, ?7.."0 and ?10 Light, medium and dark shades, gray and brown mix tures, plain colors and fancy mix tures in cheviots, homespuns, tweeds, serges, worsteds, etc., regu lar $7.r0 to $12..r)0C n PA values, Saturday 0"la3U"IU Men's Outing Pants iu stripes and fancy mixtures, well made- worth up to 4.00 special Saturday at 1.501-95-2.50 , $8.50 and $10 Youth's Suits at $5 and $7.o0 In ages from 13 to 19 years, come in blue serge, fancy mixed cheviots, worsteds and tweeds. Greatest snap ever offered at the price. Children's Knee Tant Suits In all latest styles and fabrics worth from $2.50 to $5.00 special Saturday at 1.50-2.50-3. 75 Ball and bat free with each boys' knee pant suit. HAVDEN BROS. t ; 10 STAMPS FREE Cut out. this coupon and bring It to our store and we will give you 10 Green Trading Stamps free In ad dition to those which go with your purchase of f0c or over. Not good after June 17. Murray & Co. waam ' 1 ' n Jim rv 49jicci! uauiug oidiiipa Constantly Gain in popularity. OMAHA'S SELECT MARKET Saturday's Sensations: 35c . .15c .12ic 10c 10c Dressed Spring Chicken, each Hind quarter Spring Lamb, per lb Fore quarter Spring Lamb, per lb , Prime Rib Roast, per lb., 1240 and Round Stenk, per lh , Prime Native Steer Loin Bteak, lOr- nor lh 12V4e nnrl '"W MURRAY & CO., 317 South Sixteenth Street Tel. 1744 Three Big Meat Bargains We're the people that have the bargains and sell only the very choicest meat money can buy. The reason we can I aiford this is because we buy In such large quantities. We have no competition when it comes to good meat at low prices. You can't get these prices, for the kind of meat, at any place but our store. SIRLOIN STEAK 4 01p SHOULDER STEAK Native Steers pound L-i Native Steers 3 pounds RIBPo:.s::?r. 12& ioc, 8c CENTRAL MARKETS, Wh and Harney Sts., i6th St. and Capitol Ave., 25c Telephone 2800. Telephone 1TKU. S. E. COR. 12TH AND FARNAM Saturday's Great Clothing r 111 I IIWUMI iriu I ira M i. ! i V LTerman Grosscup & Co., the largest St. Louis clothing manufacurers, sell us their entire surplus stock of Men's Outing Suits. We will have the entire stock on sale Sat urday morning and the prices we offer you these suits at are most astonishing. "SEEING IS BELIEVING." Every suit is marked in plain figures. Tour choice of any Her man Grosscup & Oo.'s men's Outing SIL'.BO Suits at Your choice of any Her man Grosscup & Co. 'a men's Outing Jl'i.W Suits at Voir choice of nny Her man Grosscup & . Co.'s men's Outing fll.00 Suits at Vour choice of any Her man Grosscup & Co.'s men's outing I10.C0 Suits at 6 5 5 4 .24 .98 .48 .98 Tour choice of any Her man Grosscup &. Co.'s men s Outing '$7.60 Suits at 3.74 The assortment consists of men's cutlng coats, with cuff bottom pants. In fancy cassimeres, fancy worsteds, serges and fancy mixed colors. We give the merchandise, but no trading stamps, and our prices are certainly In reach of everyone. 5.98 Tour choice of any Her man GrosHcup & Co.'s men's tli.OO Suits at Tour choice of any Her man Grosscup & Co.'s men's 9.60 Suits at l'our choice of any Her man Grosscup & Co.'s men's 9.00 Suits at 4.74 4.48 These throe numbers consist of men's complete suits, coats, vest and pants and we guarantee these to be the best values In tho city. Your choice of Herman Grosscup & Co.'s men's JS.OO blue serge double breasted coats at 2.98 Your choice of Herman Grosscup & Co.'s men's $4 do hlue sergo round cut coats at 1.98 gr3"--- - , 'ill rj DEPUTY STATE VETERINARIAN, H. L RAMACCIOTTI, D. V. S CITY VnTERITI ARIAJf. Offlca and Infirmary, tttb and Maaon 8ts., OMAHA, NEB. TUjbOM R .1 Michigan Summer Resorts Among the lakes and rivers of the East Coast of Lake Michigan Is the ideal country for a summer outing. Fishing, boating, bathing, sailing, golf, and above all, an ideal climate. Pure air and pure spring water. Ilealth and recreation. Booklets descriptive of these resorts mailed on application ,o Hi F. MOELLEIt, O. P. A., Pere Marquette Railroad, Union Station, Detroit, Mich. :- :- $1.00 Shirts, exceptional values. $1.50 Shirts, two dollar I CflHRIP AMY SHIRT BUT CAHN5 25c ..Ties, fifty cent values. Dl played In tfast W indow. ALBERT CAKN, 1322 Farnam Street. iuiuwvi I iw. . --. If " ' ' 1 A fine room with a vault heat light water janitor service in a fire proof office building for $18.00 The Bee Building.