14 THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: RATUKDAY, JUNE 10. 1005. SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisement far tliea tomnin will be takes antll 13 in. for the evealaT edition and antll ft p. m. for the mornlnar and aada edition. Rate t 1-2 aa word flrat Inaertlont la a word thereafter. Nothing- taken for lea than 20 for the flrat Inaer tlon. These advertisement must be ran eoaeeeatlTelr. Adeertlaera, br reajnratlnar a nam bered cheek, ran have anawera ad. dreaaed to a numbered letter In eare of Tha Bee. Anawera ao addreaaed will be delivered an preaeatatlon of cheek. YOUNG THE BUMMER TERM iry UJ Him lflEli OMAHA COMMERCIAL AND COLLEGE WflVPN WILL SOON OPEN. CA'l ALUOCE AND INFORMATION FREE Classes In all dcpai tmenta. ROHRBOLOH BROS., 17th and Dougia. MISCELLANEOUS BOYLES COLLEGE Business, Shorthand, Typewriting. Tele graphy, formal auu hnnnmi. Ail summer atSKioiia. catalogue lieu. Address ii. U. Boylea, Pre., Hoy It a lildg., Omaha, Neb. R 9.i6 CITY SAVINGS BANK paya 4 per cent. R-937 TRY KELLY'S TOWEL SUPPLY. Tel. JO). it 938 EVE STRAIN relieved by expert optical treatment; glasses to tit; prices lignt. Bennetts. R-WJ ANTI-Monopolv Garbage Co. 621 N. 16th. Tel. 1779. H 940 LAUNDRY clmL8nThEsAuM LnUniVlV 1 Telephone 264. R-152 COT RATE railway tickets everywhere. P. H. Phil bin, lawi Farnam. 'Phone 784. It 943 STOVES REPAIRED Water backs, gasoline stove cleaned. Ommna Stove Hepuir Works. Tel. 90u. R-M195 OMAHA Safe and Iron Works make a sue dally oi lire escapes, shutters, doors and sales. U. Andreen, prop., 1j. s. lotn hi. K 1H4 PIANOS and household goods a specialty. 'Packing, moving and repairing by ex perienced men; lowest rates. Tel. 1625. Bcnmoller & Mueller Piano Co., 131.1 Far nam. R 946 OSCAR has returned and Invites his pa- ; trons to return. Mulliii'a, corner loth and Uavenport. K iju je ; THE OMAHA FOUNDRY Iron and brass castings. 8u2 Jackson. Tel. . 2442. K 846 ;' Fire Insurance at Cost. We want a live agent in every town In xseDrasKa. write lor particulars. COjajin.ii.CI Ai, jiU i Ual 1' inc. INSUR , A-NCE CO. ltit Farnam St. R-947 EXPERT piano moving; lowest rates. Tel lb2o. ochmoller at Mueller, 1313 f arnam. H Mm a Jy9 LiTEIN WAY PIANO, upright, slightly used, 22o; bargain. pertleld Piauo Co., loii Farnam. R 9ia tflGN PAINTING, S. PI. Cole, 1302 Douglas. it 1U1IM for sale miscellaneous JJOOSE leal ledger cheap. F 45, care Bee. W lul iTOK SALE, several scholarships In a flrst uiass slandaru school in Oiuaua, compris ing complete course in business, euoit nand auu typewriting, luuuo at turn uince. ) aol i'OK SALE, about DO feet ornamental gal vanized iron cornice anu ornamental lion posts suiiame iu, show winuow. Ay ply superintendent Bee uuilding. Q-M826 PULLEYS AND COUNTERSHAFTS AT A BAltUAlN ;0 pulleys, from b-lncli to 48-inch in dlam ter; a counter shaiis, complete. These are ail In first-class condition. W ti. triages, engineer nee JJuuuing. Q 112 HARNESS! HAHNLoo. ni.AES.S! An enuiess vunciy und at yutca iat can not ue uupucateU any where else. Joun .-oil u. uauloriu, &. . cor. luth aiul tunes dm. .iniancv) irom viaduct. W--102 t'XiK SALE, new and second-hand billiard auu pool tttuieo, uur uxiuies ol all kiuus rvsy pay mollis. Delia iur catalog ue. , - Di uiie v itik-u,inw-uiieiiutr, uj t. uin COMPLETE line new and id-hand fumi . ture. Chicago Furniture Co., mo Duugu, .Tel. 2020. , u lo. . RELIABLE POWER IN ut" uAcuki.mj iiAuiNES, vwoiuuuiLiib, aiways leaUy siigntiy uaeu engines cheap bend lor catalogue im prices. uuia OAS c.uiNii, Woitivy. i 1114 i-ainam Bl., omaha. g-674 ruitr. cmcaen, nog and lawn fence, iron mi n.- kienses. wire VvorKs "tli a. loth Su g-iiu AUTOMOBILES 1,0U) electric runabout i w wv, a.iw iiuuue, 4 passenger ' aleain, J&i; ii0 itumoler, xjjo; uau oius' twv. iicuiiauii, isia auu capitoi Ave J ' U-M76 Je.a 2D-H AND safe cheap. Delight. 1118 Far W luu WANTED MALE HELP MEN of brains and ability will find this a valuable medium to secure goou paj iu JHJfilioll!. ..II ,.r urllo fur KrtnWli.f WESTERN REF Ar HoND ASSN. (Inc.), Dept. B, 641-S42 N. Y. Lite itnig. B 518 14 yy j-j nr WI J-J A'X ?re very different as a usual tllins .rs-I a ;mi Don't get discouraged A Bee WANT GET want ad will supply your wants. Bee Want Ads do the business A trial will convince. mo ntiiT ciiDnieucn Dftnuiro WANTED FOR C. 8. ARMY, able-bodied TUn flLll I rununt.U HUUHU "Sugen.-oT Unned Va't'e-.o" goSa KOYAL HOTEL, European. 16th ft Chicago. Character and temperate haolts, wno sneak, read and write English. For in formation apply to Reciulting Officer, lath and Douglas Sts., Omaha; Lincoln, lth., or Sioux City, la. x o,o DEWEY, European hotel, 13th Farnam. E-U74 IF YOU are in need of a position call and VIENNA Hotel; pnvale dining rooms, cafe. 1.?- 'tvtl,,.;to;",l',v l'v 'fV wlth h FOR RENT, desirable froiit room. 1HE EXPER'l. 4Q1 N. . Life. ii-M gentleman; modern convenl WANTED Alcn and boys to learn plunib South 26th t. to single nlesces. 217 Ing trade. We cannot supply demand for KooMS an(1 boara graduates; l.oO to per la. Elfelit u ,aU lfin Cnlcago weeks coniph les course. Earn while . to per wek and tu si learning. Address for catalogue, coyne excellent co1 and cosy lurnlshed Bros. Co., Plumbing Schools, Cincinnati, roonl8 wltn or wUiout alcove, at the P., St. Louis, Mo. uioj i niogt reasonable price; meals close by. tuu- ir a.,niPtv of Phlla- """" "o-""- ueiuiua wnill.f mole luen w " and text books; good pay; pleasant work; I LARGE front room with telephone; de- no experionce neeueu. Aianuger, w slrable location. 1050 Georgia avenue. tint., umaiia. a i E MJJs iix DRUG stores bought and sold; drug clerke EAST front parlor and smaller room; mod uhii1,.I P. V. Knieat. 6UA N. Y. L B 908 ern conveniences. E 617 lOx t&S PERMANENT salary and expenses paid reliable i men outside oi tne my. voir pleasant work. Address A. W. South, 316 iNevllle B1K., umaiiii, i-veo. NICELY furnished room for one or two gentlemen. 211 So. 28th Ave. GOOD POSITIONS for GOOD MEN ftln'sivH nhtH Inn hlA thrnlicll US. W ES I ERN REF. & BOND ASS'N (Inc.), Dept. B, 641-842 N. Y. Lire. B-636 9 HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms; modern. The Lakota, 1B13 Howard si. . bloM 11 x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD WANTF.D Pattprnmakrr. Acnlv at Pax- ton ,t lerllng Iron Works, So. inn bu and L. P. tracks, city. owt a O. M. E., TEL. 611. MESSENGER AND BAGGAGE. F-97S WANTED Men. everywhere: good pay; to distribute circulars, adv. mutter, lacn Minis, etc.: no canvasslntt. Address na tional Advertising Co., 100 Oakland Bank Bldg., Chicago, 111. li Aiini iix CAPITOL IIOTEU 18th and Capitol Ave; large front rooms, with alcove, southern exposure; hot and cold water; family cooking; 'phone and modern Improve ments. WANTED Five good carpenter"; steady work and top wages to good men. Ad ores v;. w. way, rranann, r-u. B M546 llX NICELY furnished pleasant room, also ex cellent board; reasonable rates, ine itoae, 2020 Harney street. F 60S lax THEATRICAL singers and dancers, ama teurs and Drofesslona s. for parKS, car nivals, etc. Send $1.00 for booking fees. act, photos. Work guaranteed. Western Theatrical system, oes ivioines, la. B-Mu59 lOx TWO nice rooms with board. 2410 Cass. F M4U I'rx A NICE cool furnished room with first class board. 2418 Cass St. Fhone wua. F Alual lix PRINTER for country town; registered pharmacist, city. WeBtern Kef. &. Bona Assn.. Inc., 841 N. Y. Life bldg. B-M557 10 NICELY furnished front parlor, for two with board, to per week; also single room, 14.50 per week. 1S11 Capitol Ave. r .H311 14. WANTED A Rood sober man for steady wortc on a cattle ranch in tne sananius. A p ply 238 Bee bldg. B Mfj2 llx U N FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT 'i SftUTH rooms, arranged for light house keeping. 3210 Cass St. Q 764 WANTED FEMALE HELP FOR RENT Two. large, very nice rooms; walking distance. 4iu in. sjq bi. -jh 80 WORKING girls. Canadian office. 15th WANTED Girl to do general housework and Dodge. c VoU I lor lamuy or two; no wasiiing; reier- . I ences required. Apply 415 North 2uth WANTED A cook. Mrs. Joseph Barker, street. c hidi iix 1505 South 8th St. C 237 WANTED Girl to do plain housework, $5 FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES per ween. 42 uavenpon di. iaae nun- dee car. C 456 WANTED Cook; references required. 2211 St. Mary s Ave. C 4u2 llx THREE-STORY and basement. 10o3 Far nam; elevator. 314 First Nat 1 Bank Bldg. i ui GIRLS wanted. Burgess Shirt Co. C 513 WANTF.D Lady clothes lroner. City Steam Laundry, 211 So. 11th. C M526 10 . FOR SALE REAL ESTATE 1706 CANTON ST. 6-room house, city water, south front; nice shads trees, good neighborhood. Price, JmiO, easy terms. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, First Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 17S1. RE 6.W 11 Halcyon Heights Prices Advance A little over a month a no we started to sell that bunch of Halcyon Heights lots in the town of Benson. We said at that time that property was sure to Increase In value in mat neighborhood. Lots In the blocks north of ours were then selling for $). The owners are now asking loio. We sold one party a block of 24 lots and this week offered him 5U0 for his bargain. Out of the two diocks we sold solid at iioo per lot mere has been resold 8 lots for 160 each. Were we right? We have now ODened ud several new streets and are going to place on sale a new bunch of those good lots for flOO each, $10 down and $6 per month. These lots are Dotn east and west fronts and Slope just right from the front to the alley. They lie from one to two blocks south of the Benson car line. Call at the office for plats. A. P. Tukey & Son 444-5 Board of Trade Bldg. 'Phones Office, 2181; Residence, 6153. RE-614 FOR RENT HOUSES FOR the summer, furnished cottage, 6 rooms, all modern; piano, gas stove, lawn; on paved street. 3u3 Chicugo street; .u per month. l M61H 13x i-ROOM modern house, $30.uO. 642 8. uth St. 1 M2ra llx 2218 CHICAGO ST., 8 rooms, modern, $;ti; 3009 Webster St., eight moms, modern except fur. nice, $-0. Rlngwiut Urns., i.ulier block. D M03U 11 BARGAIN AND GOOD HOME. 7-room, practically new, all modern house, near West Farnam car line and conveni ent to markets, at 40th and Farnam; full lot, south front. This house waa built last year by a carpenter for a home and there Is nothing stinted in the plan or construction of the house the rooms are large and it is built right; $3,160 for quick sale. You better see this. HAJtRISON & MORTON. 918 N. Y. Life. Tel. 814. RE 639 11 MODERN HOUSE. CHOICE LOCATION. 2C14 St. Mary a Ave., good ten-room house, modern, every convenience, walking um lance, $4U. Uarviii Bros., 1604 Faruttm. L) M136 6-ROOM house, modern. Inquire 622 Park Ave. 2U14 Elm St.; $23. D M46j lOx 2701 DODGE St., 9-room house and bath, strictly modern and up-to-date; most de sirable; investigate if you desire a good home; good as new; rent $40. Call 2:. Dodge. Phone 6141. D 247 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS OUR INTEREST It Is as low as you will find sny where for our class of business .nd It is much loss than some will ask you. Wo charge nothing for making parrrs and our service is quick anil quirt. Our money is loaned on furniture, pianos, live stock and other chattols, and we loan to salaried people upon their own agreement to repay. We arrange your contract so you are obllgmed to pay only a small payment each month, and tell you in advance Just w hut the cost will be and give yuu the option of paying all you aro able to at any time, and the more you pay the less the cost will be. We are the oldest concern In our line In the city with many satlsiled patrons, and we think we can satisfy you. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. ll'J Board of Trade Building, 3w Bo. Kltti St. Tel. 229o. (Established 18U2.) X-276 BORROW MONEY WHERE You get it on Furniture, Pianos, Horses, Wagons, Cows, Salaries, etc., WHERE You get It on short notice. WHERE You get low rates and easy terms. WHERE Conildentlal and courtuoua dealings bring you back. WHERE Can you do better T PHOENIX CREDIT CO., Top floor. 633 PAXTON BLK. X-961 MODERN HOUSE. Brand new house, every modern convex lence. six rooms, reception hall, comblna tlon stairs, lawn, two blocks liimi Hum- I com park, 1616 8. 28tn St.; rent, m. GARVIN BROS., 1M FARNAM. U 834 MONEY loaned on furniture, salary, horses, etc.; half usual rates. Dr. Prlbbe now, room 214, at 2u9 S. 15th St. Tel. B2i64. X 9t2 CENTRAL, all modern, 7-room house. 220 N. 23d. D-381 l MONEY ,ottned salaried people and others without security; easy payments. Offices In 63 principal cities. Tolman, room "14, New York Life Bldg. X 963 SIX-ROOM modern cottagp, S2d and Cass Sts. John R. Webster, Board of Trade BldU. D 201 2910-2912 SEWARD ST. 2 neat 6-room cottages. Price, $1,500, easy term. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, First Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. 1781. RE-63J 11 WANTED A good girl for general house work; only two In family. Call 4232 Har ney St. v ewj x WANTED Girl for general housework: $5 per week. 6002 California St. (Dundee .Flare.) c-633 nx AGENTS WANTED BOOKER T. WASHINGTON, the world's greatest n?gro, has written an autoniog' WE have vacant a particularly desirable small onice, wnicn rents ior iv.iw per month. Price includes heat, light, water and Jp.nltor service. It is located on the fourth floor of The Bee building and la Just the hlng for any one wanting a nice little office in the best office building In town. R. C. Peters & Co., rental agents, ground floor, Bee Bldg. 1771 FOUR-STORY AND BASEMENT. BRICK BUILDING, 916 FAR NAM STREET. This building i 22xsa feet, four etorles GAS AND ELECTRIC FIXTURES. Wholesale and Retail. RUSSELL FIXTURE CO. W. L. eu'RGEbS, .danagcr. 818 So. 16th Street, Omaha. RE-M177 Je 80 raphy; sells like llKhtnlng: agents make . A", r""""'" 9,viry $10 dally; write for free outfit. J. L. Nlch- ana a oaae.i.e.n. .. ----- ols & Co.. Napervllle. III. J-M352 lOx WANTED SITUATIONS feet, is cemented. The celling over the basement haa a brick vault and iron Deain construction, making the basement fire proof. The first floor has a marble floor In COMPETENT male stenographer desires front and granolithic floor In rear. There position; highest references furnished, lis a large burglar-proot vault ana a power elevator. The upper floors nave windows on three sides. Address The Bee Building Co., C. C. Rosewater, Secretary, room 100 Bee Bldg. 1-690 BIG SNAP. On Georgia Ave., some line building lots to be sold quick. Cheapest thing in the city to buiid houses on. Don't fail to see us at once. They are bound to be sold within tne next few days to the party who will make the best otter. PAYNE, BOOTWICK & CO.. Sixth Floor N. Y. Life Bldg., Sole Agents. RE 6li 10 ciiAS- Williamson Co. - Mr' RE-m Address G 13. care Bee. A 636 13x BUSINESS CHANCES IF YOU wisn to buy or seil a Amain ties a real estate, consult L. S. SaF 034 and txio Bee Bldg. ness or ureau. Y 949 IF YOU want to buy, sell, rent or exchange real estate or business QL1CK see Comp- ton-waits co., oio raxton uik. x aoo I HAVE out blacksmith shoo. 60x50. and lot 60x100. with good tools, both iron and wood; only ahop in town; good trade, koou territory. Come and see or wruo H. A. Bunmau, Buffalo Gap, S. D. Y Wii IF you apply at once we can give any one aesiriug a mi go unicu space, utmost any arrangement tuey desire. This space is on the sixth floor of The Bee bulluing, with north light. R. C. Peters & Co., Rental Agents, ground floor, Bee Bldg. 1772 THE storeroom. No. 2912 Farnam St., only $15 per montn. inquire it. c. 1'eters & Co., ground floor. Bee Bldg. 1952 FOR SALE Only Anheuser-Busch saloon STOREROOM, 621 South 16th St. Clarke in county; guuu reasons. Aunrens c a, i Lowell, lam capitoi Ave. tr none a-t. care Bee. V M735 J10 I M196 .J L J A I J I.' J n flmaha Tvnawrl,., T." I. .. .. at 2i each; incorporation, JlO.uuO; $6,1. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE ' SECOND-HAND STEAM FITTINGS FOR SALE It ou wnt a bargain in sleum fittings call ': and tiok over the following supplies: id-inch Austin's horizontal sepaiaiur. L4-lnch Austin's vertical separator. ( l'neso have been taken out ou account of cuauges in our aieuui piuut uiiu urn m goou Lonailion. Auurtss lieu Buuulug -co., or see iv, 11. i,nufc;s, engineer mo Btug., Omaha, y ikii i3i0 bU YS good runabout automobile, guar . anleed in good running uruer; original vuat AUuress 114 Farnam St. . W 106 8HERWIN WILLIAMS CO. BEST MIXED PAUV1', Sherman & McCoiiueii Drug Co Omaha, (4107 100 oer cent profit on your investment. We will handle the best new typewriters on tne marKet. x too 25 PER CENT PROFITS Put your money in 1111 cut tie uusuiess; casn or time pay ments, we nave me nest rancn in ixe- W ANTED City loans. R. C. Peters & Co. W 9W CHEAP chicken fence, long fir timbers and telephone poles. 901 Douglas. W lut BECOND-hand phaeton fur sale, cheap. 1618 N. 17th Si. Q Mt4a LOST AND FOUND FOUND The right place to have your eyes lesion auu iiiteti rignv j?enueii s. Found 970 LOST Package containing four pairs kid gloves, neiuru iu j. i. uranueia & Sons for reward. Lost 4!H 9 LOST 2 checks payable to Chas. M. Ed wards. He warn if returned to joti N Hin Ml. Lst . olti 9x A LARGE black pocket book containing some papers ana cancelled notes. Frob ably lost on iC, St. P., M. & O. passes cer train arriving at Omaha. Thursday June S, at a 10 p. 111. A reward will be paid lor its return to 30tf Bee bldg. Loal M653 WANTED TO BUY BHONFELD.. the ANTIQUARIAN, K2J N Y. Life pays highest price lor books 1 at. ujs. n WE buy, sell or trade carpets, furniture ana stoves, isu 1,1 or wrue J. Levin. .Ilu K? . ,1 .... SQUARE PIANO In good condition. 1611 amain. Neni WANTED Good second-hand physician's operating chair; leather case preferred. Must be cheap. "Doctor," 611 Woodmen W orld bldg. N-J1S llx LAW AND COLLECTIONS JOHN M. MACFARLAND. New York Ufa bldg., rooms 104 and 319. lU ATTORNEYS everywhere. The New Snow Chursh Co., main A., N. Y. L. 'phoi.a 1311 W OMAHA COLLECTION CO., TeL 1275. 600 SlOg. MM FARM and city loans; lowest rates. W. H. ihonias, 1st Aai 1 uunu tiiog. lei. luis. W-9S1 braska. Call and get our booklot The I PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1520 Douglas. VT OBlci 11 vaikin auv, i.anu vvllluiauuil, aiy I W 9&3 liee xiug., vuiifiitt, i-eu. 1 mi is ullMTkn ( ' I f 1. n a n ti A waprant. w "."-rurcnaaer im i,a snares m-iv. Farnam Smith l Co.. 1320 Farnam St Gold Mining Co. s stock; gut edged; mar-I wuici net price uuvancing, out must sell tor cash, even at a sacrihee. Address Box MONEY TO LOAN-Payne Investment Co. 12i, Diagonal, la. Y M232 W 9&I AN EXPERIENCED man, well acquainted I GARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam. City loans 111 111, i-iij 1 i"uhi luirni a lew i ill lufiimi dollars and services in well established palng business that will stand rigid In vestigation, tiox. i, umana. Y-M522 Farm and Ranch Lands Nebraska, jvunsua, coiuiauu anu W yoming; low prices; ten years' lime. Land Dept. Li. P. H. It., Omaiia, Neo., Dept. "A." RE 9J3 2014 ST. MART'S, 10-room modern houso; attic, laundry; will paper and repair; walking distance. Only $40 per niontli. Inquire R. C. Peters 6c Co., ground floor. Bee Bldg. D M147 1922 CALIFORNIA, 10 rooms, modern, suit able for roomers. Inquire R. C. Peters & Co., ground floor. Bee Bldg. D-M426 4-ROOM house, 2314 Boulevard Ave. (south), block from South Omaha cur; in good condition; city water Inside; rent $s. Walter Breen, 416 Karhach Blk. D 454 NEW 7-r., modern, $19. 'Phone 4Urt. D-467 lOx 423 N. 29TH 8-room modern, Just newly I tainted ahd papered, large barn, elegant ocation. Sweet & Best, N. Y. Life. D-491 APARTMENTS TO LET. We are partitioning off two apartments In The Hamilton Apartments. 24th and Far nam; one suitable for family of two and one for bachelors. W. Farnam Smith & Co., Agents. 1320 Farnam. D 615 PERSONAL LARSON & JOHNSON Cut rates to all points. 14o6 Farnam. Tel, B 2113. Mem ber American Ticket Brokers' association. U-121 THE Salvation Army solicits cast-off cloth ing; In fact, anything you do not need; we collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th St., for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'phone 4135 and wagon will call. U-611 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies boarded and adopted. Mrs. Gurdell, 2216 Charles. Tel. 6311. U-122 WE RENT sewing machines, 75c week. We repair all makes of machines; second hand machines, $5 to $10. Neb. Cycle Co., Tel. 1663. Cor. 16th and Harney. U 122 OMAHA Stammerer Institute, Ramge Blk. U-124 DR. ROY, Chiropody, R. 2 & 3. 1506 Farnam. U 125 THEY believe It now. They buy Custer county lands. For further particulars, write Willis Cadwell Co., L td . Broken Bow, Neb. RE M9j3 KANSAS LAND. 108 quarter sections lh W'icnita county, $400 te 4'j0 a quarter. All good wheat and al falfa land. J. J. Stephens, Omana, Neb. HE 4 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. Good Iowa corn farm of 660 acres; 40 acres in cultivation, balance fine pasture; good Improvements, 3 miles fro mtown. Price, lu Der acre. Will take stock of goods, or good city property, as part paryment. J. P. Martin, Missouri Valley, la. RE 443 BUSINESS rpert' in Cnaha paying 8 pv cer.t net on $20,000. Will sell for 15.- 000. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1, New York Life Bldg. RE-M421 FOR SALE One block from street car. 2 bl cks from Armour & Co.; 3 houses, lot 75x160; city water, gas on street; all taxes paid to date; good Income property; will pay 10 per cent on purchase price. Seo uwne, W 1. Slw'e, 3019 R St., South Omaha. RE M409 10 FIVE-ROOM cottage, nearly modern, an ideal place; fino shrubbery in the yard; cheap. 3921 North 21st. Thos. W. Shil lington. RE-502 14x A FINE FARM 400 acres, very highly Improved, buildings alone cost $4,000; must be seen to be ap preciated; $42.60 per acre. A. J. larring ton, Wahoo, Neb. RE M548 12 at lowest rales; no delay; get our terms. I w ia LOWEST rates, city property; 6 P. C. on farms in eastern xeo. uenus, raxion nig. W t'Sli FOR SALE Meat market located In Cen- . . tral Nebraska; good location. Address G MONEY to loan on improved Omaha prop. 7. cam of Bee. Y M400 13 I erty at lowest rates. Thomas Brenan, room 1. New York Life Bldg. W &S7 SNAPS. 10-room boarding and rooming house, full BUILDING loans on residence property; 6 tuimge uik. of roomers; rent reasonable and Canltol Ave. 10-room house full of roomers near 18th per cent. W. B. Melkle, strictly W-9V modern; rent cheap; must be sold; party I LOANS on Omaha Improved property, or leaves city. On 19th St. C. O. Edllng. 619 N. 19th Bt Y 640 9 to build with; can pay It back in monthly payments. Hastings & Heyden, 1WIA Filr nsm St. W-MS79 WANTED Good second-hand physician's operating cuair; learner case preierrea. Must be cheap. "Doctor," 511 Woodmen World bldg. Y MS56 llx WANTED TO RENT FOR SALE Hotel furniture and fixtures; goou .'.no aay nouse, central Nebraska; low rent: population, 1,500. Address G 15, iimntia wpp. y mssi llx FURNISHED house In Dundee, Benson or Florence; best references. Auaress r do. Bee. K M529 llx CLAIRVOYANTS PATENTS H. A. STURGES, registered attorney; pat ents, traae mai lets successful. ents, trade marks, copyrights; no fee un til; M. 1. -11 e, umana. MADAME BUDDHA. Location I PS 1' A IRS 113 S. 16th St. Palmistry and Occult Science a specialty. tan ana oe convinceu. 8-174 900 MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, 1621 Leaven worth. S 954 SUES CO.. Datent attornevs. Washlna- lon. u. opposite u. H. patent omce. MME. BOYER; advice reliable. 210 N. 17th Advice and paient blanks fr. -901JyI (Center Hotel), half block N. W. post. office. 'Phone B-2547. B M421 lux MUSICAL E. RiCHTER. Voice Culture. The Art of Singing and Repertoire, announces that he will commence teaching in Omaha at the Woodmen of the World Bldg., room 512 on June 13. ISKio. Voice trials and advice tree every luesuay and Friday. 9-10 a. m. . M-541 12x MME. FRANCISCO, 1704 Capitol Ave.; hours I a. m. to Z p. m. B-M42U iox DRESSMAKING GOLDMAN Pleating Co.. 2u0 Douglas Blk. 1 I.-, 370 ACRES, Improved, very cheap at $27.50. A. J. Yarrlngton, Wahoo, Neb. HK-MMS 13 PIANO CLUB Just forming; 5oc and $1 weekly; pianos de livered immediately; piano lessons iree. Call for particulars, luil iarnam St. U-128 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sani tarium, 723 First Ave., Council Bluffs, la. TeL 774. U-626 'PHONE 701 and a man will call and tune your piano. $2. Perileld Piano Co., 1611 iarnam. U-127 M Af"iM PT I C treatment 6c bathe. Mm. asuiltu, lis N. la. 2d fl.. r. 2. TRY KELLEY S LAUNDRY. 'PHONE 36J0. u US WILL give worthy party shorthand schol aishlp in leading school and wait for puy meiu. Address C 66, Bee. U 12a DR. JACKSON treats successfully chronlt and neivous diseases. Call or wriie. Dr. Jackson, 418 N. Y. Lite Bldg., omana. consultation tree. u 130 FACTORY tuners and action regulators at lowest rates for reliable service. Tel. 16.J. bchmoller & Mueller, piano makers. U-131 TUB, vapor and alcohol baths. 720 S. 13th. U-132 bINGING Prof. Alex. C. Stewart, Euro pean dramatic tenor. Ladies' voice spe clalist. 'Phone Red4919. U M163 13x $30 RUPTURE CUL.ED-$30; no injections, no puin; absolute guarantee; we cure per. ruaneiilly; new method; call or write fur booklet. QUICK CURE RUPTURE Co., 611 WOODMEN WORLD BLDG., OMAHA. U Mli4 20X BEST umbrellas, lowest prices; repairing done. Boston cmureua Co., tco s. 10111. Tel. 1617. U M.b3 Jy31x FOR SALE FARMS THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER This agricultural Weulily goes to (0,000 homes 01' farmers and stock raisers, so It you have a good piece of land lo sell at a reasonable price you will find a buyer among tnem. The cost of an advertisement Is small 2 cents per word in sniaii type, or hu per inch if set In 'arg roe. FOR RENT HOUSES NO. 1234 S. 2Mb, b-room, modern houso, large and Leautllul yard, only i3o per month, inquire R. C. Peters 6c Co , ground floor Bee Bldg. D 747 IJMIlQPOn " parts of the city. R. ttwwbwc, f Biers 4( co.. Bee Bldg. u loo THE Omaha Van and Storage Co. pack, move anu store H. li. goods. Storehouse 1120 .24 N 19tn. Office, lallVs Farnam. lei. 559. D 1)9 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van & Stor age Co. Tel. 149s. Office, 1713 V ebster St. NO. 641 PARK AVE. 6 rooms, modern only 2ti a month. Inquire R. C. Peter & Co. D M611 A REFINED, prepossessing young lady 21 years ot age, who greatly admires the west, would like to correspond with an honorable gentleman of Integrity; object, matrimony; absolutely no trlflers need answer. Address, Miss W Elnilra, N. Y., Box 46.1. U-M 645 llx BOWEN'S MONEY Easy to get on furni ture, pianos, horses, cows. Plain note if steadily employed. 703 N. Y. Life. X 964 MONEY loaned on salary, furniture, Jow- eirv, nurses. jjuil ureen i.uan Co., 8 Barker Blk. X 966 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, lew- eiry, horses, cows, etc. u. t . need, 819 S. 13 X 866 ' MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. STAR I A) A N CO., 644 FAATO.N BLK. X 967 EAGI.E lyoan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. X 968 CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loan. Foley ixian to., idim nrnam at. A. turn CHATTEL and collateral loans. Union Loan & Investment Co. Tel 2904 . 212 Bee Building. X M194 POSTOFFICE NOTICE. (Should be read DAILY by all Interested. as changes may occur at any tuna.) Foreign malls for the week endlne June 10. llwo. Will close (PROMPTLY in all cases) at the General Fostoffice as follows: REGISTERED AND PARCELS-POST MAILS close one hour earlier than closing time shown below. Parcels-Post malls for Germany close nt 5 p. m. June 6 and 12. Parcels-Post Malls for Great Britain and Ireland are despatched by the White Star Line on Wednesdays ana ny tne American Line on Saturdays. An additional dmnmrh is made by the Cunard Line when a Cunard steamer sails on Saturday . later than the American iine steamer tne same day. The Parcels-Post mails close ona hour before the recular mails. Parcels-Post mails for BARRADOS and GREAT BRITAIN and IRELAND CAN- KUi oe registeroa. Regular and Supplementary mail close at Foreign Station (corner of West and Morton streets) nan nour later than clos Ins time shown below. (excpDt tiiHt HunnU mentary Malls for Europe and Central America, via Colon, close one hour later at Foreign station;. Transatlantic Mnlls. OATTTRnAV lim.-At ft m. frr PITDOBF per s. s. New York, via Plymouth and Chprhoui'K (Including Ireland when mw. ciallv addressed for this steamer); at 6:30 a. m. for EUROPE, cer s. s. Umbrla, via Queenstown and Liverpool; at 8:30 a. m. for BELGIUM PARCELS-POST MAILS, per s. s. Finland (also regular mail for Belgium when specially ad dressed for this steamer); at 9:30 a. m. for Scotland direct (specially addressed only), per a. a. Astoria. MEDICAL For Women Only Dr. Raymond's Pills, for delayed periods, absolutely reliable, per fectly safe; no danger, no pain, no Inter ference with work; relief brought to thou sands after everything else failed; highly recommended by all that have used thein. By mall, $2. Dr. G. G. Raymund Itemedy Co., Room 35, 84 Adams Si., Chicago, 111. -Ill PEN-TAN-GOT Prompt regulator for ladles; never fails; $2 postpaid. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. 112 DR. PR1E8 treats successfully all diseases and irregularities of women from any cause; experienced and reliable. Address with stamp. Dr. Pries, 1511S Dodge St., Omaha. U 113 HONORABLE retired physician will give advice free to weak men. Address Dr. Carl Kerby, P. O. box 227, Ben tile, Wash. MiW Je23x Pluno moving; lowest rates for reliable service. Tel. 1626. Schmoller & Mueller. 1 1000 uni ICCCIn all parts of the city. The a a w w w w (j, jr. ui avis Co., 60b Bee Bldg. u 1 PRINTING IN FAMILIES. Miss g;iiray,v phone A2766. y 912 PWINTirvr. J"-!..-uuru.L, cakds; ar- . titnio ut six ill. S. E. Cor. I.YNGbTAD Ut'1 8l "d CP',01 Ave. GREAT WESTERN PRINTING CO, 1611 tupltol Ave., Tel. 24o5; fully equipped,.iTr all kinds of printing M c,.vi, OSTEOPATHY Johnson Institute, 615 K'.Y. Life fildg. Tel.l6CI irt. juu.-s it. mcsick. Q.teoDathr Phv. . .. an' ,.rV1... KJai. I Ullr - X - LF.ARN dremaklng at home by mall. A full, complete and aclentlrtc cotirae In dressmaking taught by mall. Our tu denta Very successful. Send for cata ,lPfUa describing the course. Century 'Correspondence School, Des Moines, la. M 5oO Six FOR SALE HORSES WAGONS RUNABOUTS, wagons and carriages at freatly reduced prices. Johnson & Dan orth, southwest corner loth and Jp5n SHETLAND ponle for sale. 42d and Can- , r Htm. w .MfcM HOUSES, Inaura'nce. Rlngwalt, BarkerWk. FURNISHED FLAT In new apartment building for the summer. Address E W, Bee. D-M218 No. 4202 Hamilton St., e-room flat, only $7.00 per month. lr.qulrs A. C. t-ters & Co., ground floor Bee Bldg. D 867 -ROOM modern house, 2624 Dewey Ave., paved, $26.jo. G. E. 1 urklngton, btiS Bee. D-7u3 FOR RENT 7-room house; all modern. 2123 California St., $32.60; t-room. 620 N. 22d St., $22. Apply at 607 ti. lath SU D-M87I 4-ROOM modern Cat. 980 N. 27th St. li M654 Us DR. DE MARS, Frencn Tansy and Penny royal Pills, guaranteed. A sure oure for all female irregularities. Regular price, $2; our price. $1 per box. Beaton Drug Co., 16th and Farnam, Omaha. 348-Je9 $30 Rupture cured $30; no Injections; no pain; absolute guarantee; we cure per manently; new method; call or write for booklet QUICK CURE Itl'ITLKK CO; 611 WOODMEN WORLD BLDG., OMAHA. M-558 llx FLORISTS HESS & SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam. 991 L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. Tel. 1268. ti2 FOR EXCHANGE IF YOU do not find what you want In this column put an ad in and you will bug se IC Zr-Ui When You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw the ad. In The Bee. t R. C, close at 6 p. m. June" for des- Xatch per s. s. Linpres ot Japan. PAN. KOREA, CHINA and specially addressed mull for the l'HILIPl'INQ ISLANDS, via Scuttle, close at R p. m. June 7 fur do.,tUii per s. a. Kanagana Maru. HAWAII. JAPAN, KOREA. CHINA and 1 H I Ll all . r. islands, via Kan Fran cisco, close at 6 p. 111. June 12 for des iwitcli t er a. s. China. HAWAII, via San Francisco, close at I P m. June 12 fur despatch per a. s. Alameda. HAWAII, via Pin Frnnclsco, close at t fv m. June 17 for despatch per s. s. No-rRsknn. FIJI ISLANDS. AUSTRALIA (except west) and NEW CALEDONIA, via Van couver and Victoria, H. C, close at 6 p. m. June 17 for despatch per s. s. AoranKl. NEW ZEALAND, AUSTRALIA (except west), NEW CALEDONIA. SAMOA, HAWAII and FIJI ISLANDS, via Sun Francisco, close at 6 p. m. Juno 24 fur despatch per s. s. Ventura. (If tlin Cunard steamer carrying the British mail for New Zealand does not arrive In tlnm to connect with this despatch, extr.t mails closing at 6:30 11. m . 9:S0 a. m. and 6 p. m.; Sundays at 4 3" a. 111., 9 a. m. and 6 p. m. will bp m.ide up and for warded until the arrival of the Cuniird steamer.) PHILIPPINE ISLANDS and GUAM, via San Francisco, close nt 6 p. m. June 2j for riesiiHtrh tier IT. H. TrHnsnort. HAWAII. JAPAN, KOREA. CHINA and PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via Sun I run Cisco, close at 6 p. m. Juno 2ti for di s rtiuch ner a. s. Ivrlc TAHITI and MARQUESAS ISLANDS, vli San Frnnclsco. close at 8 p. m. June m for despatch per s. s. Mnrlposa. MANCHURIA (except Mukden, New- chwang and Port Arthur) and EAsn.iiN SIBERIA Is at present forwarded via Rnssln. NOTE Unless otherwise addressed, West Australia Is forwarded via h.urope. rew Zealand via San Frnnclsco, and certain places in thp Chinese provinces of Yun nan, via British India the quickest routes Philippines specially adilressei "via Europe" must be fully prepaid nt the foreign rates. I In wall Is forwarded via San Francisco exclusively. WILLIAM R. WILT .COX. Postmaster. Postofflce, New York, N. Y.. Juno 2. 1S. Halls for South and Central America, Weat Indies, Etc. SATURDAY (10).-At 4 a. m. for BRAZIL, per s. s. Capri, via Pernambuco, Rio Janeiro and Florianopolls (including Northern Brazil. Argentine. Uruguay and Paraguay when specially addressed for this steamer); at s:u a. m. (supplement' arv 9:30 a. m.) tor PORTO RICO. CURA. CAO and Venezuela, per s. s. Philadelphia (also Colombia, via Curacao, when spe cially addressed for this steamer); at 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA and COLOMBIA, except cauca and Masda lena Departments, per a. s. Sarnla (also CoBta Rica, via Llmon, when specially addressed for this steamer); at :at a. m (simnlementary 10:30 a. m. for NICA RAGUA (except East Coast), HONDU RAS (except Fast Coast). SALVADOR. PANAMA, lA,Ali ,UftB I. A CCA Utj PARTMENTS OF COLOMBIA. . ECUA DOR, PERU. BOLIVIA and CHILI, per 8. s. Seguranca, via Colon (also Guate mala when specially addressed for this steamer): nt 10 a. m. for CUBA, per s. a, Mnrrn Castle, via Havana: at 10 a. m. for GRENADA. ST. VINCENT, TRINI DAD, CIUDAD BOLIVAR and gciana, ..... - ii,,,.. c. 19 m irtT ARriRTC. TINE. URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, per s. s. Pnrd.slev; at 12:30 p. m. for CUBA (specially addressed only), per s. s. Curl- tvbn, via Matanzas. NOTICE Five cents per naif ounce IN AD DITION TO THE REGULAR POSTAGE, must be prepaid on all letters forwarded by the SUPPLEMENTARY MAILS, and letters deposited In the drops marked "LETTERS FOR FOREIGN COUN TRIES," af'er the CLOSING OF THE REGULAR MAIL, tor despatch by a par ticular vessel, will NOT be so forwarded unless such ADDITIONAL POSTAGE 1 FULLY PREPAID thereon by stamps. Supplementary Transatlantic Moll are 81so opened on tne piers or tne wnm- CAN. ENGLISH and FRENCH steamers, whenever Ihrt SHlllnKS occur at S:00 a. m. or later; and lute mall may be leposlted In the mall boxes on the pier of tha GERMAN LINES soiling from Hoboken. The malls on the piers open one hc.ur and a half before sailing lime, and close ten minutes before sailing time. Only regular postage (letters t cents a half rnm-ni U rpnnlred on articles mailed on the piers of the AMERICAN. WHITE (J l AR ana ur-KMAiv inea r-osu sieamers. double postage iretter lb rent a ball ounce) on 01 tier lines. Mnlls Forwarded Overland, Etc., Ex cept Transpacific. Malls (except Jamaica and Bahamas) ar forwarded daily to ports of sailing. Th CONNECTING mails close at the General Poslofflce, New ork. as follows: CUBA, via Port Tampa, ut !4:30 a. m. Mon day, Wednesday und Saturday. (Also from New York. Thursday and Saturday see anove.) MEXICO CITY, overland, at 1:30 D. rr.. and 10:30 p. m. dally, except Sunday; Sunday at 1:00 p. m. and 10:30 p. ni. NEWFOUNDLAND (except Parcels-P"st Malls), via. North Sydney at 7 p. m. toon- day, Wednesday ana baiurauy tuiso oc casionally from New York and Philadel phia. Wee anove). MlQL'ELoN, via Boston and North Sydney1, at 6.31 p. in. every oiner bunuay uune und 18. etc.). JAMAICA, v.it Boston, at 7:00 n. m. Tun day and Friday. (Also from New Ytirk on Saturday. See above.) COSTA RICA, via New Orleans, at 10:3 p. m. 1 uesuay. BRITISH HONDURAS, HONDURAS (East Coast) and GUATEMALA, via New Or leans, at 10:30 p. m. Monday. (West coast of Honduras is despatched from Now York via Panama see anove.) NICARAGUA (east coast), vlu New Or leans, at 110:30 p. m. Wednesday. (West coast or Nicaragua is aespatenna ironi New York via Panama see above.) PANAMA and CANAL- ZONE, via New Orleans, at 410:30 o. m.. Sunday (after 10:30 p. m and until sailing of New York steamer, mail for Panama and canal sons is held for the New York steamer see above). Registered mail for overland despatches clores at s:uu p. m. previous any. Tranapaelflo Malta, Forwarded Over land Dally. The schedule or closing of tranmaclfl malla ia arranged cn th presumption o their uninterrupted ovr!md tran-lt to por of sailing. The final cunnectlnt. mal1 (ex cent reulstered trauanaclflc mail- (lea patched via Vuncouver. Victoria, Tacoma ar Seattle, which close p m. previous day) clu at th general poaiothce. New York. a follow; JAPAN (except Parcela-Poat Mails) KOREA, CHINA and PHILIPPINE lMLAKwaw via vauuumver and vwuiri. POSTOFFICE NOTICE GOVF.HNMKXT NOTll'I-'S. OFFICE OF CHIEF QUARTERMASTER. Omaha, Nebraska. May 15, 1906 Sealed proposals, In triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will oe leceiveu neie mm i,y the quartermaster at run xsiourara, .-Nebraska, until 10 a. m. central standard tl.nu lunA IK 1M& fnr thp in itiHt rilct Inn nf one narracks, stone or frame, nt Fort Nio brara, Nebraska. Full Information fur nished on application to tills olflce, where plans and specifications may be seen or to the Q. M., Fort Niobrara, Nebraska. Envelopes to De marKeu -proposals (r Barracks Building." and addressed to J. E. Sawyer, C. y. M. M J SO J". 1U. li PROPOSALS FOR MULES AND RIDINO Horsps, Depot Quartermaster's Office, Omnha. Nehrnska. Mav 25. 1906. Sealed pro posals. In triplicate, will be received hera until 12 o'clock noon, June 12. 191, am) then opened, for furnishing 92 mulps and M riding horses. United States reserves th right to reject any or all bids, or porta thereof. Information and specifications fur nished on application. Envelopes containing bids to be marked, -proposals ior iviuiei and Riding Horses" and addressed to Cap tain Thos. Bwooe, Quartermaster. J-S-(---I'-lZ RAILWAY TIME CARD t'KIOTf STATION TENTH AND MARCY. I'nlna Paclflo. Leave. Arrive. Overland Limited a 9:40 am a 8:1S pm California Exprpss a 4:10 pm a 3:) am California & Oregon Ex. a 4:20 pm a 6:10 pm North Platte Local allium ai::rin Fast Mall a 7:65 am a 8:20 pro Colorado Special a 7:45 am a 7:44 am Beatrice Local fj 3:10 pm oi;ipm -Wabnah. St. Louis Express St. Louis Local (from Council Bluffs) 9 Shenandoah Ical (from Council Bluffs) 6 :30 pm 8:20 am :15 am 10:30 pm :45 pm Pacific, 2:30 pm Chicago, Rock Island & EAST. Chicago Limited a 3: Chicago Express a ( Chicago Ex., Ical... .oil Dps Moines Express. ...a 4 Des Moines Local Chicago Fast Express, .a 5:40 pm f-s 1 . Rock-v Mountain Llm'd.a 7 Colorado Express a 1 Oklahoma lexas .x.a 4 Colorado Night Ex. ...a 8 35 am :3d am' :40 am :30 pm 20 am :30 pm :30 nm .55 pm a 7:10 am a 8:60 pm a 4:30 pm bll :0O am a 9:66 pm a 1:15 pm a 3:30 am u 4:65 pm all:40 am a 7:25 am Cblcasjro Great Western. St. Paul & Minn a 8:30 pm St. Paul & Minn a 7:4.i am Chicago Limited a6:"ipm Chicago Express a 6:05 am Chicago, Milwaukee A 84. Paol Chicago Daylight Ex. ..a 7:55 am all: California-Oregon Ex. ..a 6:45 pm Overland Limited a 8:35 pm Des M. & Okobojl Lx...a cdo am Illinois Central. Chicago Express a 7:25 am Chicago Llmltea a cmipra Minn. & St. Paul .x..o cm am Minn. & St. Paul Ltd. .a 7:60 pin Chlcaaro A Northvreatern. ...all:30 am ...a 8:23 pm ...a 7:60 am ...a 8:00 am ...a 8:3S pm ...a 4:32 pm ...a 8:28 pm P.b 3:50 pm Local Chicago Fast Mall Daylight St. Paul . Daylight Chicago . Limited Chicago ... Local Carroll Fast St. Paul ..... Local Sioux C. & St, Fast Mall Chicago Express a 5:50 pm Norfolk & Ronesteei....a cw am Lincoln & Long Pine. ...b 7:10 am Casper & Wyoming.... e 2:50 pm Deadwood A Lincoln.... a 2:50 pm Hastings-Albion b 2:50 pm Missouri Pacific. St. Louis Express a 9:00 am K. C. & St. L. Ex all:15 pm Bl'RLIKGTOX STATION 10TII A MASOSi Burlington. Denver & California ... Northwest Express ... Nebraska points Lincoln Fast Man Ft. Crook A Plattsm'th Bellevue & Plattsm'th. Bellevue A Fc. June, linllevup Pnc. June Denver Limited Chicago Special Chicugo Express Chicago t Iyer Iowa Local St. Louis Express Kansas City A St. Joe, Kansas City A St Joe Kansas City A St. Joe Ijpavn. .a 4:10 pm .all :lo pm .a 8 :5o am h 2:67 pm b 2:52 pm n 1 Fill nm a 3:20nm :ni pm ,a!2: .a 7:2u am .a 4 :(-o pm .a 8 :id pin .a 9:15 mil .a 4:46 pm .alO:45 pm .a 9:16 am a 4:45 pin a 7:10 am a 3:55 pm a 7 :25 am alii. 5:1 pm all :) am a 6:45 am a 6:05 pm WEBSTER DEPOT 1 Bin A WEBSTER Mleaonri PaolBc. Nebraska Local, via I? ye. i"'v- Weeping Water b 8:oOpm bl2:3opna Chlragn, St. Paul, Mlnneapolla A Omaha. Twin City Passenger. .b 6:30 pm b 9:10 pm Sioux City Passenger... a I ! 00 pm all:20 am Oakland Local b 6:45 pm b 9:10 am A dully, b dally except Sunday, d dally except Saturday, e dully except Monday. OCEAN STE A81EHS. ANCHOR LiNB U. MAIL TAHKRa. HEW YOKK. WNDONUgllBt AND OLA8O0W. NBW YORK. GIBRALTAR AND NAPLES. urrior ccomrooltlon. gioslleut CuUtns. Th Comlort of PMiiiri trtullr Consider. Bln r Hound Trip Thkcts lud biwn New or nd Scotch, gngluh lrlh and ll rloclpl con uuei.ul oolnti t attmctiv rule. Seud (or boo ot Tours. For tickets or Brl Inloiui.tluu mn'l to nr locl geut oi to Aocbor Liu or to HKNLiEll"N UKOS. borl Anl. CBlca, J1U COHPAGniE GEI.ERALE TRANSATUANTIOUC rrnneh Line. New York to Paris. Ms Day Hulling Every Thursday at 1U a, tu. L Sivol Jun li L Ufoii July L llrelsgn Jun M. Iji S.vi.le JulX JJ. La Gcoii July L HrnuKn July Maw, uo'l.rn, (laanllo iwlu-scree and iprM .u.m.rl: uaval oiUc.ra' iun-o(r iHin. Comusiir'a v.tibull iralna. llors-Pans, 4 koui. Froiraslonsl orchmlrs ou ui.rd lwln-tiew ateoira. Hrr K. Mooi.s. Aaei.l W.iu it. H . Ibul lf"ia (trl. U.UI Ne. car Una .Ntioul p.us. A Hulbrlord. Atul C H 1. K H. at., llil p.ru.oi ktret. O. g. Abooit, Afeut Lu.ou Psuirt H. K. ALLAN LIN OTA L MAIL, ITBAUBIt MONTREAI. to LIVEKHOOU WMklf Salllb t. Lawr.iic kout. bortaat. ainootbeiit and uiu.l plrturvaqu. ggW AST TLillll.NK ThlrLg KCIItW lt.Agk( "Victorian" aud "Vtraiiilan"'U.iivu tobs Ac. TWIN K'llbW KTkAMKH TunlaUn" su "liavarlso" Id.Mi (Mia saaa. ...i, ,a aiiv IckaI .nt. Of I lUja A, 141.. 1.4 iACk-sON BLVD.. CAtlCAOO. S 1 I a 7:15 am '- a 7:56 pm Ir; , al0:30 am II 1 a 3:30 pm IK ill 00 pm II; a 3:10 pm r. a 7:35 am 1 a 3:20 pm al0:35 pm a 8:o am fl 1)10:36 pm H a 8:tx pm 1 j S:15pm fit! 8:30 am III 10:ia) pm fit 11:50 pm I 11 9:15 nm .s" 9:50 11111 J 7:05 am waH e 9:35 am 2:5n pm ' j. a 7:30 am - ' 1 I If 10:35 am 1 ' 10:35 pm ill e 6:15 pm 11 6:15 pin Iff' 6:16 pm HI1 a 6:30 am if ,' a 6:00 pm M ; r Arrive. li a 3.20 pm ft: a 6:08 pm Yl T a 7:4n pm IT, , lll2:OTi pill fi ' nln:U" ain jf f b8.32uiu lli V