Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 09, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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Psl gigantic
17 I make mention I
friday, at 10 a. m., we cover 100 feet of counter space, with a mag
nificent collection of eilks and commence one of our great silk ealea.
our west window has been filled with the goods for several days
there are thousands of yards in the lot taffetas, in every color, 19 and 27
inches wide peau do cygnes, black Bilk grenadines, etc;, goods, worth up
to $1.25 per yard, all to be Bold friday at 59c per yard.
the Roods are now, the colors re correct, the weaves are perfect and all will be sold with
our cuarant-"mony back if not aatlaflad a splendid opportunity for present or future, for
dresses, waists, skirts or petticoats no limit on quantity.
Notice, If you please, the great display In east window for Saturday's selling: hundreds of pieces of
beautiful ribbons, different widths and colors galore you'll be Interested, we promise you.
mention to such men as you know that we will have a sale of soft shirts Saturday.
10 o'clock,
friday morning, for
the silk sale
fifteen Hundred, Mostly School Children,
Visit the State Univeriitj.
Commercial Club of Tekamah Partici
pates and Mfmbfn Are Enter
talned by the Lincoln
Commercial (.lob.
(From a Start Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Neb.. June s.-(Speclal.)-
Oovernor Mickey, the slate officials, Chan
cellor Andrews of the state university and
Mayor Brown of this city today extended
an enthusiastic greeting- to one of the most
unique excursions that ever visited the cltv.
A crowd of 1.500 citizens of Burt county
came to Lincoln. Most of them were school
children. County Superintendent Brook
ings had charge of the excursionists and
the object of the trip was to enlarge the
views Of the young people in regard to
the state and Its institutions.
The first section of the excursion reached
the Northwestern depot at 10 o'clock.
There were 600 In. the party and the Te
kamah brass band headed the procession.
Street cars were waiting and without money
and without price the visitors were taken
to the state farm.
Governor Mickey welcomed the visitors
to the city and outlined the educational
advantages open to the young people of
"I want to see all you young folks well
educated," said he, "for if we can have
4" . "
Graduates from Varloos
Receive Their C'olloare
Neb., June ti (Special. Mt evening
In the grove north of the college the an
nual commencement play was given by
the Cherry Tie Dramatic club. The play
chosen this year was Shakespeare's "Mid
Summer Night's Dream," Kach student
did very well, showing careful preparation
and dramatic talent. Mr. George Netheny
In ruck was especially good, as was alsi
Mr. Stuart Hunter; 'as Bottom. Helena
was portrayed by Miss Ruth Myers,
Oretchen Hurst taking the part of Hermla,
while their lovers were George Sloan and
Charles Baskervllle. The queen of the
fairies was Allle Baker, and Miss Meda
Bresee as Oberon received repeated ap
plause. After the play, which was at
tended by many people from Omaha and
nearby cities and towns, all went to CJark
ball, where all participated In the "Junior
I'rom." The Elks quartet of Omaha ren
dered some very pleasing selections, after
which Miss Grace Kearns and Mr. James
Shelledy led the Prom. The decorations
were In the Junior colors, green and white,
and were pronounced by old students' as
prettier than ever before.
This morning at 10 o'clock the proces
sion, headed by the rreps left Clark hall
for the church, where the commencement
exercises were held. The students were
arranged in order of classes. As the first
ones reached the door they parted, form
ing an aisle, through which the seniors
and faculty passed to their seats at the
front of the church. The church was
beautifully decorated by the freshmen in
ferns and syrlngas. Dr. Phelps gave the
Invocation, then the college orchestra ren
dered "Angels' Serenade" by Braga. Mr.
Frank W. Throw gave the first senior
oration, "Four Voices of the Nineteenth
Century." The four voices were, Ruskln,
Emerson, Browning, and Tennyson. . The
second. senior, representative was Miss Cora.
Wigton, her subject, "Purposeful Power."
Miss Estelle Baird rendered Mozart's "Con
certo D Major (Coronation) Allegro." The
dean of the college, Prof. Sterenberg,
then awarded the prizes and conferred the
degrees. The athletic prizes were awarded
Ball Clayton Rice, Raymond Crossman
Charles Brown, James Shelledy, Edwin
Hart, Alvin Graves, Grant Benson.
Track champion Herbert Cleveland. Track
work William Kearns. Tennis champion
in singles Albert Everhart. In doubles
Everhart and Agncw.
The graduates from the commercial de
partment were Mae Kennedy, Archie M.
Smith, Morris Graves and Louie Kennedy.
Those receiving first grade state teachers'
certificates were Caroline Isnbello Baird,
Estelle Baird, Mary Covert, Rachel Fergu
son (life certificate), Albert Fisher (life
certificate), DeWItt Williamson, Jeanette
Fletcher, Helen Little, George Netheny,
George Sloan, Cora Wigton (life certifi
cate). The degree of bachelor of arts
was conferred on Rachel Ferguson, Al
bert Fisher, Jeanette Fletcher, Stuart Hun
ter, DeWItt Williamson, George Netheny,
George Sloan, Frank Throw, Cora Wigton.
The degree of bachelor of science was
conferred on Caroline Baird, Estelle Baird,
Alexander Cooper, Mary Covert, Helen
Little, Clayton Rice. Judge Howard Ken
nedy of Omaha delivered the address.
"School and State." Every word was full
of meaning and much thought was shown
The closing number of the program was
"The Parting Kiss" by the chorus.
This afternoon the alumni hold their
luncheon and this closes commencement
week, 1906, for Bellevue college.
Arrested . for nobbing: Store,
FREMONT, Neb., June . (Special.)
Sheriff Bauman yesterday evening arrested
Bernard Gestplrm on an east bound train
on the Union Pacific, the charge against
him being the larceny of a quantity of
goods from a store at Sidney. The prisoner,
him back to Sidney. The prisoner says that "
the store he robbed belonged to his brother
use for the lawyers and their many attend
ant evils.
Chancellor Andrews and Mayor Brown
DRCGGISTS WIn I'P COXVEXTIOtf I made speeches. Dr. Seward of Oakland
made an eloquent response.
In Addition to Itaslnesa They Have I The Commercial club of Tekamah par
Good Time. I tlclpated in the excursion, and many of the
YORK, Neb., June 8. (Special Telegram.) I financiers from that town were onter-
The large auditorium was packed to wit- I talned by the Lincoln business men at
nc&s the vaudeville show gotten up by the I lunch at the Commercial club rooms this
druggists attending the state convention. I noon. It was the Intention that before the
The York Ceclllan quartet. Miss Martha I afternoon ended the entire delegation
Dayton, violinist, and J. F. Gerke, violin- should be led through most of the prin-
lst of Seward; George Johnson of Lincoln I clpal business houses of Lincoln. The
and R. D. McFadtlen of Hastings; the negro I crowd was guided on all Its wanderings
monolngist and Mr. St. Martin of Wahoo, I by a corps of nearly twenty university
the song and dance artist, were encored I students.
and compelled to come back and do an- I In . the afternoon the asylum, the penl-
other stunt. I tentlary, the state house and the state uni
The closing business session of the drug- I verslty were visited. Tonight the party
gists was held at the court house at 9 I left for Burt county. Fair weather greeted
o'clock this morning. Hastings was se- I the visitors, but rain made the last part
leeted for the next state meeting. The I of the trip unpleasant.
following officers were elected: President, I The Tekamah quartet, comprising W. H.
Nels Hanson, Kearney; first vice presl- I van Cleve, E. W. Harding, F. C. Harding
dent, Dr. Symonds of Oakland: second vice I and F. E. Rlnqutst, supplied the musical
president. E. H. Dorrlt of Auburn; sec- I feature of the brief program. The unlvers
retary, Oscar Bauman of Grand Island; ty people served many big tubs of home-
treasurer, Carl Spelman of Sutton. The made lemonade and pots of coffee to the
following were recommended for examln- visitors during the noon hour.
ers on State Board of Examiners: Charles
Sherman of Omaha, F. S. Colwell of Pa
, , , a bath for four months. Mrs. J. A. Nord
The contests took place In the court I . . . - , .u.
Vnnsunl Divorce Case.
Alleging that her husband had not taken
house square and at the park. Prizes
were awarded in a ladles' egg and spoon
race, hoop throwing, ladles' tack driving,
ladles' throwing contest, and a twenty-five
yard foot race, shooting, children's race.
hoop throwing, base ball, scramble, fat ?erBonal hablt" that ahe could not Uvo wlth
of Raymond today got a divorce in the
court of Judge Cornish. Before marriage
she was a school teacher and has many
friends near Raymond. Before marriage
she avers her husband was neat, but after
wards he became so negligent about his
error by interlineation instanter. State, ex
rel. Saunders. against Kink; per agreement
cause advanced; hesrlng June Rrlcha
cek ssalnst Krlchacck, stipulation granted;
appellant given until July 15 to (lie briefs.
Following are rulings upon miscellaneous
Chicsgo, Burlington A Qulney against
Dawes County; on motion of appellant ap
peal dismissed at appellant's costs. Fre
mont. Elkhorn MlHsnurl Valley Hallroiid
Company agnlnst Dawes County; on motion
of appellant appeal dismissed at appellant s
costs. Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis &
Omaha Railway Company against McMnn
igal: motion of defendant for an extension
of time In which to file briefs on motion for
rehearing sustained; defendant given until
June 20 to file briefs. Connolly aRalnsl
State; motion of plaintiff for leave to file
amended petition sustained. Brandon
against Jensen; motion of appellant to
strike briefs of appellee overruled. Mc-Klnley-Uan
ilng Ixian and Trust Company
against Jolnson; motion of appellees to
strike appellant's reply briefs overruled.
Clifford ngnlnst Thun; motion of defendant
for additional time in which to tile briefs
sustnlncti. Ocrtng against School District
No. 2X; motion of defendnnt for leave to
file additional transcript sustained. State
ngalnst Jensen. State Against Anderson,
State against Sinclair, State against Nel
son, State against Hedlund, State against
Blair, State against l.aprath; motion of rie
fendant to strike pleadings of intervene
tlon overruled; ieove given to present ques
tion on final hearing; motion of defendant
In re time for answering sustained; defend
ant given thirty days to answer, yulien
berry against School District No. 6; mo
tion of appellees to advance overruled.
Omaha Street Railway Company against
Beeson; motion of defendant to dismiss
sustained unless briefs are filed by plaintiff
by July 6. State, ex rel. Grove, against
AfcOuIre; motion of plaintiff to advance
sustained; motion of plaintiff to amend
petition In error sustained. Searle against
Knights of the Maccabees; motion of ap
pellant to advance sustained; cause set for
hearing June 20.
The following opinions were filed:
New Omaha Thomson-Houston Electric
Light Company against Dent; on rehearing
former Judgment adhered to; Holcomh. C.
J. Chicago, Rock Island Pacific Railway
Company against Kerr; nfflrmed; Holcomh,
C. J. Stete Electro Medical Institute
ngalnst Plainer; reversed and remanded:
Sedgwick, J., Harnes, J. dissenting. Shelli-
ley against Hurley, nfflrmed: Sedgwick, J,
Farley against McBrlde: affirmed: Letton
C. Bankers' t'nlon of the World against
Mlxon; reversed and remanded; Sedgwick,
J. I hies go Northwestern Railway Com
pany against State, ex rel. Carr; reversed
and dismissed; Ames, C. Stroemer ngalnst
Van Orsdel; smrmed; Albert. C. Rogen
berg ngalnst Spreck; reversed and re
manded; Jackson. C. Hare ngalnst Daven
port: reversed and remanded: Duffle. C.
Knight against I.nncnster County: af
firmed: Ames. C. Robinson & Co. against
Ralph; affirmed: letton, C. Rleck against
Grlffln: affirmed: Oldham. C. Boettcher
against Lonenster County: affirmed; Al
bert, C. Omaha agnlnst Iewls: affirmed
Jackson, C. Werkerly ngalnst Taylor: af
firmed as to Putnam Company, reversed
and remanded as to oione nullfllng rem
pany and Sherman & Mcdlnnell Drug
Company: Ames, C. Main against Sherman
county: smrmed; Albert, C. Sehroeder
against Miunv revej-sen and remanaeo
T.etton, C West ngalnst Lungren; af
firmed; Oldhnm, C. Johnson ngalnst Hay
ward; affirmed; Albert, C Ford asralnst
Axelson; reversed and remanded with In
struction; Ames, C. Anthes ngalnst
Schroder: affirmed: Albert. C. Aldrltt
aenlnst Flelschnuer: sfflrmed: Letton. C
Burlev against Palmer: affirmed: Duffle,
C. Palmer ngalnst Sawyer; amrmed; tiid-
ham. c Ti ett against Hlett : amrmed
Ames, C. Beatrice against Ford: amrmed;
Duffle. C. Phelns against Wolf: Judgment
of lower court modified and cause re
manded; Bnrnes, J. Lamb against VII
son; reversed; Judgment rendered In this
court for plaintiff for J.-VSB.fiK and costs;
Letton. c. L.ndenux against Hiate re
versed and remanded: Holcomh, C. J. State
Electro Medical Institute against State
Tax Bolldlna- and Loan
Deputy County Attorney Matson, in an
man's race, blue rock shooting, and tennis.
The druggists and their wives are loud
In tirnltA nf the Antrtntnmitiit furnlahAil
being a Russian and unable to understand I thpm by Tork and the drugKjst8 o( thjs opinion filed with the county assessor, has
rjngusn, me snerin naa some uimcuuy in i Cny Tonight a grand ball is the last I aec'area inai Dunning aim iuan bhbuchv
imorming mm or me cnarge against mm. i event.
which he finally succeeded In doing In Ger
man. He had four large grips, which were Ynnna- Man Robs Companion.
also seized. These were, filled with a mixed OGALALLA, Neb., June 8. (Special.)
assortment of silks, handkerchiefs and Ralph Mowery and Elmer Farlow, two
Hons have no property that is exempt from
taxation. He Insists that the loans, lands,
mortgages and franchises must be taxed.
Medical Institute 'Decision.
While the supreme court holds that the
other articles of dry goods and some Jew- I young men traveling from the west look-1 State Electro Medical Institute of Omaha
elry. He admitted to the sheriff that he I ing for work, when six miles east of Big I cannot be licensed to practice medicine as
was me man wamea ana acKnowieagea I Springs sat down on the bank of the river a corporation, the corporation may make
having stolen the goods, the value of which to rest. Farlow. went to the river to get I contracts with licensed physicians to con-
was about $300. He boarded the train at I a drink and Mowerv fell asleen. Farlow I Hnet himtness and collect for its
Julesburg, Colo., and was ticketed to came back and slugged his partner and .ervtcea Suit was hemin In Douglas eountv
umana, inougn ne x-nuaoeipnia was nis after robbing him took his hat. He then to prevent the Institute from doing bus!
uf.uiwuuu. oneuiL nm ut vueymine cuuniy l rolled him over the bank Into the rlverl n. i thlrf tat Th Wnse . that
to the following young ladies: Basket ball- was potlfled, and Is expected here to take and came toward Ogalalla. Mowery finally the Institute does not assume to practice
crawled out of the river and went to a medicine, but that Its business is conducted
ranch, about
half mile distant, and re
ported the robbery. The ranchman went
east in pursuit and overtook Farlow about
solely by licensed physicians.
Indian Not Guilty.
TjidectuY a. fllnuir TnriiAn Hvlnir In Vairn
six mile. i west of Ogalalla arrested and paha county convlcted of horse Btealln&i
brought him to town. Soon Mowery came I
has secured a reversal of the Judgment.
also and confronted the slugger, who was He wa charKed wltQ steallnK BeveraI nead
wiring ma imi, mm uau iub uum.n oi nf hnr,pl, ,rom - i-r- na..,, whoro th
keys and some small change, taken from were belng Kraled Tne court mya R haB
.... pucKBlH ueiurn mm in ine faed tQ flnd a gclntlIia of evidence show
rlver. Mowery Is badly bruised about the ,ng that Ladeaux had possession of the
You know anyone In perfect health never "feels" at the stomach;
It's forgotten like any other part of a perfect running, machine.
No jar, no shock, no sensations at all; Just easy, pleasant, restful
work duty well done
head and face, but will recover In a short
stolen property, either actual or construc
tive. The evidence merely connected him
with another party, who was not tried
The court finds that the evidence would be
sufficient to support a verdict.
Dona-las Case Reversed
The case of Fred Sehroeder against John
Mrs. Louisa Cox, Who Is 105 Years Old, Sleeps
Like a Girl, And Says She Does Not Know
What It Is to Have n Pain or Ache.
AW JOT if s W i 1"?
Her Only Medicine Is
WHISKEY, "The Reuewer
of Youth."
Harrington, Maine. May 20, 1904.
Oentlemen-1 am l"i yenrs old. I am
well, without a pain or ache. I sleep ss
well as I did when I was a girl. I use your
whiskey and like it very much. Duffy's
Ture Malt Whiskey is the only medicine
I use. I get water from the well, brin In
wood, and do my housework.
Mrs. Louisa Cox.
4,000 Centenarians Owe Health and
Old Age to
Duffy s Pure Malt Whiskey
l ure mail v piKy, ll.e nn-wi rum l' L''iL-i,m a,,,l Inttnm nf nillllV
We will send you free a booklet containing portraits and letters ot many
people, and valuable medical iniormauon.
If you would bo strong and vigorous, and
able to enjoy the work and pleasures of life
to the fullest; if you would live to ripe old
age without aches and pains, take Duffy's
Pure Malt Whiskey ss directed and avoid
a 11 drugs. Doctors say It's the most power
ful aid they have In nghtlng and curing
dlsenses of throat, lungs and stomach, low
fevers and all weakening, wasting, nervous,
run-down, diseased conditions from what
ever cause.
It acts quickly and builds up the wholo
system. Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey is
used exclusively In leading hospitals. The
old rellabl family remedy of hundreds of
thousands for over fifty years Its purity
Is vouched for by chemists, and by the
fact that it's the only whiskey recognised
by the government as a medicine.
Every testimonial Is published in good
faith and guaranteed.
Be inrr yon cet the arennlnr Duffy's Pore Malt Whiskey, sold Wi bottles
only, hy all reliable drnitalsts and srorera, or dlreot. price f 1.UO. It Is the
only nhaolntely pnre mrillrlnnl Wills key and contains no fnsel oil. l.oolc
for the trade mark, the "Old C hemist," on the label, and be pertain the seal
over the cork Is nnlirnken. Duffy Malt Whiskey Co., Rochester, X. V.
popular with a large circle of acquaint
ances. TKCl'MSEH A warrant was sworn out In
the police court here today against Jake
Rife of Graf, charging him with the Illegal
salo of Intoxicating liquors. There are two
counts. Rife Is a young man employed In
Romberg's drug store at Graf. The papers
will bo served tomorrow.
HUMBOIJ3T The city council for the
first time In years passed upon two appli
cations for liquor license against which no
remonstrance had been filed and without
protest from anv source granted licenses
t 1 n T ..... I 1 IT"-.. 1. f tl.'.w.Lr
reversed and cause dismissed; Sedgwick. cpf.rut, gaioVms in the city.
T T.. T J I . HAH l
Following are rulings upon motions for market was robbed last Sunday night, yos-
rehearlng: U'May round mo checks tanen rrom ine
Shannon ngalnst Omaha: oral argument I i ( i.m,i . n!,..
j . . m ; i 4 I til 1 1 1 o rniauiiaiiiuriii i iir iurv no irui c"
"I"1 "." "J. .rr,,,,"P- sented the sum of about 60. The robbers
terson against f irst National Hang ot Mr.j , ...h k,,( tun
Humboldt; overruled. Quizenberry against I"',""" " . : -
School District No. 6; order overruling mo- I FAIRBURY -District court has been in
tion to advance vacated; leave given ap- session since Monday, Judge Kelllger pre-
r.lloo tr. flln nffidnv t nitnntpp nnrl mva biuiuk. .ire .Irak Kitiuu July viiuiuufitui
given appellant to file counter affidavit in the county In the last ten years was in
within ten rtavn. State, ex rel. Decker: session for three days and found one soli-
leave given Lancaster county to docket. Jary indictment. Carl Luts was held for
IiutKtii vuL.i.B at ii.u tuni. uuy e.eviion.
BEATRICE The case of F. N. Zlnn.
bpw a Tn f isa Aitfo Rmnnn naa nnr- charged with grand larceny, was called
chased the millinery business formerly " ,h? county court yesterday and con-
owned by Miss Dora Schenck. iuu u, Junp iHxne csre 18 on.e
BEATRICE J. T. Bail (than Of David jeaes that 71ni n lecuVed mjssessio of his
lty has purchased the hardware store of i fim' TJl ffil h.1" ? . Pi"
Cltv has purchased
W. N,- Farlow on North Fifth street.
horse In a trade while he was so badly ln
SEWARD The Board of Education has business!
voted to install a heating plant in the new
high school building. A Seward firm se
cured the contract.
WOOD RIVER The steady rain which
has been falling since early morning is Just
stltutlonsl, except wherein it may conflict
with the Interstate commerce law. 8moker
may Import cigarettes from other states
and smoke them, but tt is held unlawful to
sell or give them away. Mr. Lowry Is dis
charged. The state will tako an appeal, in
order to test the law.
Do you want the best natural mineral
water? Ask for Sheboygan.
Special Rates East Via Wabash n. R.
Call at Wabash city office. 1001 Farnam
street, or address Harry E. Moores, Q. A.
P. D., Omaha, Neb.
HARVARD Since June came in. little or
no rain has fallen und the weather has
been all that could be desired for corn
and winter wheat, both, especially wheat.
is oeen iainng since ear.y morning is just guowinK Kreat improvement as it is filling
hnt the corn and small grain needed and well under the inHuenpe cf cool weather.
is helping out the crop wonderfully
During the month of May, close to seven
WOOD RIVER Frank S. West. One Of I Inrhaa nf ruin on that was nf much rts
the largest stock breeders in Hall county, age to corn, causing much replanting and
has left for Europe, where he will buy a ioas with deluys in growing, but corn is
carload of young Belgian brood mares.
now gaining fast.
Denial Not Taken Seriously
FREMONT, Neb., June 8 (Special.)
RIght-of-Way Agent Averlll of the Great
Northern is out with an Interview In a local
paper denying that he has received a tele
gram stating that the road will come to Blum, Jr.. error from Douglas county
Fremont. In spite of this fact, negotiations reversed and remanded for a new trial. This
for a right-of-way along the route given In ' an action for malicious prosecution, In
yesterday's Bee are going on and the sur- wh'ch a little love affair flguers. John
veyors are here at work, and as the Averlll Blum, Jr., and Fred Sehroeder, Jr., cousins.
inn.i.n, i. a a -..or., ii. . living near tne vuiasre or Miliar in rtn.
. ... ... - .1 tumi to 1. i ... uii i nuiuru ub uui lu I - - - -
lies in tne proper selection of roorl and flrlnk, getting down to positively deny that the road will be built ta county, were rival suitors for the love
Nature's nrinclnles. ulentT of eood air. good water, and narticularlv In here this season, citizens are not dis- or Mary Kelsy, who afterward married
I . . . , . M. . I ..nunc. 2..l.wian. f n UA . .
juu.ib uimwiust. ' . . c.cillllB Ul AUKU81
9. 1900, while young Sehroeder was going
south of this city across the Platte, and
another one northeast of Hooper.
- HUMBOLDJ-Stcps are being taken by HUM BOLDT Promoters of the brick
the City Mutual Telephone company to piant for this point, after satisfying them-
praLl.clllljr It-umiu lin bjoiim, uiuuiib in I SClVCS S3 tO tne SUlWTlor CJUSllly OI tne
new switchboard, cables, poles, lines, etc. Humboldt clav for manufacturing Dur-
GENEVA The wheat Is heading and the I poses, have decided to abandon the project
fields look uncommonly fine. Oats are entirely for the reason that Investigation.
rather short ana also commencing to neaa I revealed the ract that tne expense ot man
nut. Corn Is uood and being well cultl- ufacturlns brick in the natural gas belt
vated. had become so light that the resulting
SEWARD A house on the Haielwood compctltoln would prevent a yard here
farm, south of Seward, was destroyed by irom paying ine investors.
fire Sunday evening. All of the contents COLUMBUS Columbus council No,
were burned. The house was valued at fl,000 Knights of Columbus, are planning for a
and was Insured. big day next Sunday. A class of about
LEIGH Mr. William Anderson and Miss sixty will be initiated and many visitors
Minnie Castorson were united In marriage will be here from over the state. The work
this Bftemnnn at 3 o'clock at the First will be done by teams from O'Neil, Omaha,
Lutheran church in Platte county. Rev. Lincoln. The candidates are brought from
Winter officiating.
several parts of the state, but many of
SEWARD While Mrs. W. B. Francis was the.m are from t.nlB cl'y- The council has
rtrivine a eow Into the barn Sunday after- 'rge ana suDsiantiai growin since it
noon the animal turned on her and knocked started about six montns ago.
her down and before she could receive nelp
severely Injured her.
WOOD RIVER M. C. Wlngert's barber
shop wus entered this morning during the
plenty of good food that will easily digest, and nourish and rebuild, turb'd over u; The indicate that a
- townsite will be established about five miles
uot ciog up,
A Food Expert
Newspaper Chance at Colnmbaa.
COLUMBUS, Neb., June 8. (Special.)
Hubert Burrus, who for the last six years
has been owner, publisher and editor of
understanding how the body worked upon food and what kind of lne latte Lountv Argus, has sold the paper
elements It required to rebuild Itself, used this knowledge In a skillful wlIli cte.. to B. B. Green of Louisville kv
way to produce a perfect food and called It
and will give possession July 1. Mr. Green
Is not an entire stranger here, being a
brother of Mrs. Richard Ramey of this city,
om' has been more or less In Columbus the
last year. Mr. Burrus has purchased a pa
per In a northern Iowa town, though he
says he does not choose to name the place
Just now.
Chamberlain Gives Bond
TECUMSEH, Neb., June 8. (Special.)
Charles M. Chamberlain, defaulting cashier
! uA nilA4 r... V 1 . . I T . ,.. .
There 1. the natural Phosphate of Potash and Albumen, from f t'm. ty7 has gwen 7 to Z?Z7t
which the lire rorces tnnke the sort gray tilling of nerve centers court in the sum of $30,800 to appear for
and brain, so brain fag and nervous prostration disappear for'the trlul on tha charge of embezzlement. As
iisor of tliniHvNuts a now Blana" lner are fourteen ln
User 01 UTBpeOiUlS. dictmenta against him rn,lr
1 " " VM. GlfillLrCII
Then again, In Orape-Mits the 6tarchy part of the Wheat and I indictments were quashed by the court
llarlev has been changed Into sugar by cooking at the factory, and, but tha "tate has filed '"formations in two
. " ' I counts covered hv lha mn.l,i,j
as that Is exactly the condition which starchy food; bread, cake, ments. Chamberlain is assisting Received
oatmeal, potatoes etc., assumes after the first act of natural diges- w- A. Campbell of the defunct bank in
tlon has taken place, so we find tJrape-Xuts has passed through
this process, outside the body and is therefore properly termed pre
dtgeeted, a tremendous help for those who are a bit weak lu digestive
'power, and so cornea
some matters of business.
The Old Joy
Barllna-ton Officials on Toir.
BROKEN BOW, Neb., June 8.-(SpeclsJ
Telegram.) President George B. Harris of
the Burlington, with other officials of the
road including J. N. Hill, son of J. J. Hill;
u. w. Itoldrege, c. E. Perkins, W. L.
Barnes, D. Willard and J. C. Blrdsell
stopped here at 7 o'clock on special train
of six cars while on a general tour of In
spection. The original intention was to stay
all night, hut at tlie last moment orders
were given to proceed to Seneca.
home on horseback he was shot at from a
clump of willows by the roadside. He tes
tified that he saw Blum's pony standing
there and saw a man with a white hand
kerchief around his neck In the bushes.
Blum admitted that he wore a white hand
kerchief around his neck that night. Sehroe
der caused the arrest of Blum on the
charge that he had discharged the gun at
him. Without the knowledge or consent of
Sehroeder the case was dismissed by one of
the county attorneys of Douglas county and
Blum discharged. Blum then brought an
action against Sehroeder for malicious
prosecution and secured a verdict and Judg
ment In his favor. Sehroeder appealed the
case to the supreme court on the ground
that testimony tending to prove that Blum
had threatened to kill him was excluded
by the court. The court holds that the ex
clusion of this evidence was prejudicial
The city of Omaha Is defeated In Its ap.
peal from the Judgment In favor of Cathe.
rine L. Lewis, who was Injured by falling
upon an Icy sidewalk. The evidence In the
case is held sufficient to Justify the submis
sion of the case to a Jury and the case hav
ing been so submitted and the Jury having
rouna tor tne piainun and a Judgment hav
Ing been entered therein, the court holds
that It should not be disturbed.
In the Supreme Court
In the supreme court June 6, 7, and 8. the
following are miscellaneous orders
Modern Woodmen against Plummer; stip
ulation granted: cause continued ta Sep
tember term. Gutschow against Washing
ton county; stipulation granted: cause sub
mitted on oners, coigrove against Pickett
plaintiff given leave to amend petition in
absence of the employes and all the razors hag been ,n U8e for oyer thlrty year, an(,
identity of the robbers. 1 has proved itself to be the most successful
TEKAMAH Over l.ouO tickets were sold remedy yet discovered ior Dowel com
for the Burt county educational excursion, I plaints:
WHICH leit nere tins nnfrmnii i ti.iu w...
return this evening. The lekamah Com
meroial club accompanied the excursion
BEATRICE The body of Lyman Wicks
who was drowned In Turkey creek near
of, health, with Its youthful glow and warm, keen pulse of vigor
and energy will come back. The years are forgotten, and so Is the
..h l.xt vnn'll VVflW -nii hD tA ,r Sulcld.
' - - -"J VORK. N.-h.. .Sn..l..l T-i
Rraln for atl the Important braln-buiMing elements are there in -miss Blanch Castile, daughter of Andy
tJRAPE-Nl. TS. Dozens of choice recipes for fascinating dishes Castile, who lives northwest of this city,
f..ind In tha nki? committed suicide this evening at o'clock
I Hh m t r I d tn iui ri'h b h. .i,..hni..
Jerome's drug store, but was refused, but
afterwards obtained It at Ryan's, saying
she wanted it to kill rats. Khs had ex
pected to graduate from tha high school
next week.
X Trial 10 days of GRAPE-NUTS proves.
' ThrVa a reason."
Ihara la no Roohalla Salt. Alum,
ima or Ammonia In food mad with
It make pur f.
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera, and
Diarrhoea Remedy
Needs no Introduction to the public. It
Smokers May Import Cigarettes.
INDIANAPOLIS. Ind., June 8.-Judge
James Leathers of the Marlon county su-
9k ,
J u
n-y 1 1 r til I , j o i j 1 u
DeWItt last Saturday, was found yeHterday K.'"...."... .; ,'".. VIZ."? ."t
Rim fe nt where It went nown "" V. w, " u,llcu I,,r
j. ....... - - ic,.rr.- I smoking a cigarette, that the antl-clgarette
Tne remains no uiitrreu ui. ucni. i .h lo.t l..l.l.l..r. I.
. . . . . Tl.l . -T7. T".- tT" I.-" A . . 1, n n . V, n V. I " -
ni'iA 1 IVIV. 1 . . ' . . id . nunr-n. nu lias
been In the drug business at Cortland for
the past twenty-three years, yesterday
. l I . . ... Lj . ., V. n W'Ulu. mk.. r.. .
BOIU ... Oiv.l .3 lu lu.uniu -, "..v. , w
cently arrived In this country from Qer
WYMORE The marriage or rTed J. Kel
ley to Miss Clarice Heumann occurred at
the home or tne or.ue 0 parents in 1.11a city
last evening at 8 o'clock. Rev. L. G. Parker
of the Methodist episcopal cnurcn cm
WOOD RIVER Perley H. Honnold. one
of the rural mall carriers of this place, and
Miss Ellen Johnson, daughter or w. a.
JnhnHon of Green River. Wyo.. were united
in marriage last evening, Rev. j. B. Leedom
BEATRICE Yesterday at U o clock at
the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. James Leury, occurred the marriage
of Miss Mary Monica Leary to Mr. Wil
liam Webster Luberger, Rev. M. M. Merkl
HEATKire The Rnatrlce fire denart
mi'iit held a meeting last evening and ar
ranged for the observance of firemen s me
moiial day, which occurs next Sunday.
The sermon is to be delivered by Rev. G.
W. Crofts of this city
BEATRICE At 8:30 o'clock in the evening
at the Episcopal church, in the presence
of a large number of friends, the marriage
of Mr. Robert Stratford and Miss Edna
Miller was solemnized. The officiating
clergyman was Rev. w. A. Mulligan
BEATRICE George C. Fuller, who has
been night clerk at the Paddock hotel for
tha past rew months, nas resigned his po
sitlon and will leave In a few days to en
ter the United States naval academy at
Annapolis. Mr. Fuller's parents reside in
TEKAMAH Hlland V. Btanfleld and Miss
Mvrlle Wlxer. both or this city, were mar
ried at the home of the bride's parents last
evening. The lirlile Is the eldest daughter
of George 11. ixer and tne groom is the
Junior member of the firm of Cornelius
HITMHOLDT Miss Pearl Bnethen and
Samuel Sloltz were united in marriage last
evening hi the home of the niide s parents,
Jake F. Snethen and wife, six miles east of
the city, the ceremuny being performed by
Rev. W. I.. Dlllow of the Evangelical
church at Dawson.
WYMORE The business men of the city
hsve raised a sufficient sum by subscrip
tion and will put the racetrack In nrst
class condition with the intention of holding
a racing meet here In the run. ine snarp
curves will be taken out of the track and it
will be made more level
FREMONT According to reports from
Hooper this noon the bodies of Foley and
Krai who were drowned in the Elkhorn
Tuesday afternoon, have not been recov
ered, though the search was still going on.
Folev was president of the recently organ
Ized Commercial club of lbs town and vsry
Showers In Nebraska and South Da
kota Today Cooler In West
WASHINGTON. June 8. Forecast of ths
weather for Friday and Saturday:
For Nebraska and South Dakota Show
ers Friday and cooler in west portion.
Saturday, fair and warmer.
For Iowa Showers Friday. ' Saturday,
fair in west; showers in east portion.
For Missouri Partly cloudy Friday;
showers In west portion. Saturday, fair In,
west; showers and cooler in east portion.
For Kansas Showers and cooler Friday.
Saturday, fair.
For Wyoming Showers Friday; cooler In
oast portion. Saturday, fair and warmer.
Local Record.
OMAHA, June 8. Official record of tem
perature ana precipitation Compared with
the corresponding day of the last threa
years: iiuh. iara. isxe.
Maximum temperature .. 76 83 83 72
Minimum temperature . .. &i Al W 62
Mean temperature firt 72 72 ii
Precipitation T .00 .08 .00
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal at Omaha since March 1
pnd comparison with the last two years:
Normal temperature 68
Excess for the day 0
Total excess since March 1 293
Normal precipitation 18 inch
Deficiency for the day , .18 Inch
Precipitation since March 1 7.70 Inches
Deficiency since March 1 2.70 Inches
Excess for cor period, 1904 61 inch
Excess for r period, 1903 1.08 Inches
Reports from Stations at T P. M.
Station and State Tern. Max. Rain-
of Weather. 7 p.m. Tern. fall.
Bismarck, rain M 82 1.71
Cheyenne, rain 76 80 T
Chicago, cloudy t! 66 .00
Davenport, cloudy 72 76 .00
Denver, cloudy 78 . &! T
Havre, rain &8 W .08
Helena, cloudy 50 .. .10
Huron, cloudy 62 73 AO
Kansas City, clear 78 82 .00
North Platte, part cloudy. 78 80 .01
Omaha, cloudy 72 78 T
Rapid City, rain 72 88 T
St. Louis, part cloudy .... 74 78 .00
St. Paul, cloudy .' 6N 70 .00
Salt Ike City, pt. cloudy. 70 74 .04
Valentine, clear 76 78 .64
Willlston. cloudy 72 78 T
"T" Indicates trace of precipitation.
L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster.
In order to close out quickly, we have grouped all our
two-piece summer suits which regularly sold for ?20,
$22.50, $23, 27.50, in one lot, and your choice as long
as they last at one 117'
price ! m J
We still have In these two-piece suits
17 !.- .iu u IS suits sire Iff
I, ,. , . suits size , 28
22 ' 1 suit size 8V
21 suits slxe 38 1 suit sixe 40
The sale In our clothing department will continue until .everything is sold.
Three-Piece suits. .$13 .SO to $J0.00 Men's and Women's Rain Coats at
Odd Trousers (3.60 to 17.00 fli.60 to 131.00
Pease Bros. Co.,