THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7. 190. V i i i i i y r t o m V f I a I t I I A GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Coniidertble Btrength Ehowi-All Liou Bold Above Yraterdiy'i Figurei. LEATHER HAS NO WEAKENING EFFECT tta Uri Crop Rrporl Favors the Oata Continue to Go I p Report Are ow of Oit Ttaor, I OMAHA. June C, 16. tA!!?r,-.wi ,rn'" In all linen of grain - Oood O'd not seem to nave .. enir1g effect whatever, as wheal ?A? h e'r.! vry 8In"11 Knd the "--t tt 2.o? .f1 the corn tr"P lute tends to bull the market. Ti.e Minneapolis casn wntat maiket Had a perceptible influence In "dvnre- Oats, which showed unex ITil, tr.nth j-estetday, gained further loaaj. and mis in spite ot the tact tnat me new crop conditions are refined as al most perleot. There la. however, a much smaller movement from first hands tnan mere im been. a.'"'1, "tarted olT out gc above yestei oaj July closed at k-c Scpiemoei at 2c and December at hie. The opening on coin was higher and It held firm through out the session. July closed at sic, old Juiy at oi',c, September at 4'c. old September at oo-,i; ana Decemlter at 4SV- Oats nn Ubed wiiu July at aic, September at 2eo ana December at Wk-. Bradstreet s report shows a wheat de crease ior the wnrid of t. fcXMM) bushels, a corn Increase of iv,uuu bushels and an oats OecreHge , 1,144. bushels. Omaha stout etc last decreasing and receipts are light. ,1 P'""1 clo! higher ou Wheat and cl higher on corn. Urop repoits 011 wheat are now mostly ot one tenor. They are favorable, sec tions which two weeks ago gave dis appointing reports, are now telling the opposite story. Texas advices say that me taw will have the large-si wneiit crop in it a history and threshing win start the latter nut ot this week. from today's Record-Herald: 'C H. tpncer ot 81. Louis was n re esterday. ha was one of tne foremost bulls on the last crop nnd was always an Important speculative factor as well as an Interesting persoiiaiitj. ne now declares himself an out-and-out bear, 1 know of no Important section where the wheat crop was poor lasi year ihat will not produce a large crop this year.1 said he. It is my aim never to deceive myself and 1 can see no good reason for believing that the winter wheat harvest will not 1 general within a week or two and marketing free very shortly thereafter, provided the weather holds good. In the northwest, and par ticularly the Canadian northwest, there is a big Increase in acreage and a fine crop prospect.' " Duluth has 1,713.000 bushels of wheat. Messages from there yesterday said that all but 900.000 bushels had been sold for shipment. It Is claimed that the largest holder there is selling wheat at prices much below the regular market to get It out of the way. The flour demand Is extremely dull. There is scarcely any export trade. Dealers will not buy any more flour than they must have from week to week or from day to day on the basis of or more for wheat, as long as they expect to see the Julv price at 80c or less. The first sale of wheat for May delivery I190S) was made yesterday at Chicago at 83c. Omamba (ash Prices. WHEAT No. 2 hard, 98Wc; No.iS hard. WIS!.-; No. 4 hard, wiGjKoc; No. 3 spring, 87c. CORN-No. 2, 47c; No. 3, 4c; So. 4. 45"c; no grade. 40a44c; No. 2 vellow, 47V; No. 3 yellow, 47ic;No. 2 white, 47Hc: No. 3 white, 47,c. OATS No. 2 mixed. 2!Hc; No. 8 mixed, 2Sc; No. 4 mixed, 2S"c; No. 2 white, 31c No. 3 white, i,c; No. 4 white, 30c; stand ard, 31c. Carlot Receipts. . , Wheat. Corn, Oats. Chicago . 4 612 341 Kansas City 78 85 27 Minneapolis 197 Omaha 1 jj 4 Duluth 17 Bt Louis 13 84 M Minneapolis Grain Market. The range of prices paid In Minneapolis, s reported by the Edwards-Wood com pany. U0-U1 Board of Trade, waa: Article. I Open. High. ( Low. Close. Yes'y. Wheat July... " Sept... Corn July... Sept... Dec... II 11 1 12 1 BOOH, 49Viu HI li 1 11 60, SO 60 4?V 46 46 1 IP 1 11 M 80S 60' 4934 ? 48 6 463, New. WEATHER IS THU GRAIS BELT Cooler In Western Ipper ana Sections. OMAHA. June 6, 116. A wave of cooler viuthr the upper Mississippi and Missouri valleys and western sections during the night, and . cooler weather will prevail throughout th . central valleys tonight. Light frosts oc I .-curred at points in Wyoming. Idaho, Ne i vada and Arizona. The wave of warmer weather has moved east and south over the Ohio valley and southern states. Clear weather prevails In the central val TJeya and west this morning. Showers were general In the upper valleys last night, ami Vieavy rains In the lake region, being espe cially heavy at points in Wisconsin anil Michigan. Omana record of temperature and pre cipitation compared with the corresponding day of the last three years: IflTH. 1803. 1902. Minimum temperature M 61 67 K Precipitation 00 . T .00 l.ut Normal temperature for today t8 de grees. Deficiency in precipitation since March 1, Mi Inehee. Excess corresponding period In 1904, 1.15 Inches. Excess corresponding period In 1803, 1 54 Inches. OMAHA DISTRICT REPORTS. 1 emn Rain. Max. Mln. Inches. Sky. Stations Ashland. Neb.... 83 SO .00 Clear Auburn, Neb 92. S3 .00 Clear Columbus, Neb.. 86 till .00 Clear Falrbury, Neb... 84 M .00 Clear Fairmont. Neb... 93 63 . 00 Clear fir. Island. Neb. 86 $2 .00 Clear Hartington, Neb. Jl N T Clear Oakdale, Neb.... 91 65 .00 Clear Omaha. Neb 92 Wl .00 Clear Tnaamah, Neb... 94 60 .00 Clear Carroll, la 92 0 .00 Clear Clarlnda. Ia 8S S3 .04 Clear Bibley. Ia 82 63 . 00 Clear Sioux Cltv, la.... 84 64 .00 Clear jaarai La-as, Ia.. 87 b .00 Clear DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. of Temp. Rain. Central. Stations. Max. Mln. Inches. Chicago. Ill 26 8 S4 .60 Columbus. 0 16 M W .16 Da Moines. Ia... 14 80 66 .10 Indianapolis, Ind. 11 8x 73 .04 Kansas City, Mo. 17 82 70 .02 Louisville, Ky.... 19 9 68 .00 Minneapolis 23 76 62 . Omaha, Neb lo 92 60 T St. Louis. Mo.... 11 80 73 .00 L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. Weather Bureau. i f4 L St. Loals Gesersl Market. ST. LOUIS. June . WHEAT Higher; No. red. cash, elevator. 84r; track, $10i4; July. 79c; September, 78c; No. 2 hard. llOJ'ilf. CORN Higher; No 2 cash. 6tc: track, HVac; July. 4Sh49Sc: September. 44V,c. OATS Firm: No. i cash. 31c: track. 3Ji f.c: July, 29c; September, lHc; No. 2 white, a;;1-. KIAIL'R Steady. Red winter patents. It &4.10. extra fancy and straight, 14 7S4 U S; clear. I3.of4.uO. TIMOTHY 8EEI' Steady. I2.Otvg2.s0. CORNMEAI-Steady. 32 60. BRAN Quiet; sacked, east track, VQ 77c H A V Steady ; timothy, 33 0013 00; prairie, t6 Oi"fi 60. IRON COTTON TIES-89c. . PAOGINO-B'.c. HEMP TWlNE-ty. PROVISIONS Pork. higher; jobbing, J1180. lrd, higher; prime ateam. $6 80. Dry salt meats, steadv: boxed extra shorts. $7 5". rlear ribs. 37.60: short clears. 17 62. Bacon, steadv; boxed extra shorts, S$.2; clesr ribs. ts.U'H: short clear, 38 50. POULTP V Dull; chickens. SHtflftr: springs, l&y.lo ;turkeyh. 11c; ducks, 110 J4c; geese, sc. J BUTTER Steady; freamery, lMT21c; Jairv. 15lRc. V EGGS Strong, 13c. caJ count. lfoelpts. Shipments Flour, bhls -V .M0 n.noo Wheat bu 14 0iiO 7,flnn Corn, bu V." . A Oats, bu '.0o0 100,000 Available Sapply of. Urala. NEW TORX. June .--SpRlal cable and telegraphio communication received by Bradstreeis show the follow Mr changes In available supplies, as comp.Wd with the laf t account : VI Wheat lTnitel States end tVnada. east of the Rockies, decreased 1.7T ' : afloat for and in Europe, decreased 1 7).n bu. ; total supply decreased 3.422. 01 Corn United 0 tales and Ca a, east of the Rockies, Increased MK.OOO bu Ost I nlted Htstes and Canada. et of the Rockies, depressed l.?44.". The leading decreases reported ht week are: 2..yi bu. In Msnitnhs. H5.on bu. at the f hlcsgo privste elevators, 7;.' bu. t Itilsrtlle. M,.(in btl. at Coteau. 66,m0 bu. at Portland, Me. I NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS CHKA'iO f;R4l m TROVISIONi Prlcea oa Hoard of Trade. CHICAGO. June 6 Reports of damns" to the whest rrop of Europe hsd a bulltsli effort on the whest msiket here todav. At the close the July option was up 'c. lorn is up ic. Cts show s gain of -c. Provisions are to l''c higher. Notwithstanding excellent weather condi tions throughout the Tnlted States a strong tone was manifested In the whest market the entire risy. At the opening July was up c to Ho st !7Sc to 7c. The firm ness was due lsrglv to unexpected Strength st Liverpool In the face of s de cline of lc here esterda. Reports of poor condition of the wheat crop of A istro Hungnry formed the basis of the higher prices in foreign grsln markets In addi tion a report that France was buying Amerlcsn whest hsd considerable effect on traders Early in the session there was some selling on bearish weather conditions in the southwestern ststes and becsusf of advices from Texas ststlng thst harvest Is well under way July eased off to 7'tl S7c. The market, however, quickly recov ered on active buying by a prominent com mission house. Increased primary receipts gave additional encouragement to bulls. During the last hour ot trading the market was extremely strong. The July option reached the higliest point for the day at 8V,c. The market nosed almost st the highest point, final quotations on July be ing at Wc. Clearances of wheat and' flour were equal to 6ti.5' bushels. The world's visible supply, ss shown by Mradst reel's decreased 3.4.OH) bushels, l'rltflarv re ceipts were bushels, against 3n2.2O0 bushels a year ago. Minneapolis. Duluth and Chicago reports receipts of 2io cars against a holiday last week and 246 cars a year ago. Sentiment in the corn pita was bullish. Offerings were very small and prices had to be bid up materially before holders would take piotits Bnmll acceptances from the country had s bullish Influence. Firm cables further augumenled demand for corn In this market. The close was at the high est point of the clay. Julv opened c higher at .Ti'Sc. sold between 60c and 51c and closed at the top. Local receipts were 612 cats, with 129 of contrsct grade. In sympathy with the strength of other grains a firm tone prevailed In the oats market. Trading was active, a feature be ing an excellent demand from shorts. Julv opened unchsnged at 31'c, sold up to Jlc and closed at 31So. Local receipts were 441 cars. Provisions were firm as a result of a fur ther advance in the price of live hogs. Pork and ribs were in good demand. The market closed strong with feptember pork up 10c at 113.10 Iard was up 2!&5c at $..otff7.S24 Ribs were 55r7c higher at $7.70 7.72H. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, none; corn, 167 cars; oats, 99 cars; hogs, 34.00O hend. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles.! Open. I Hlgh. Low. Close. Yes'y. Wheat July Sept. Dec. Corn !July JJulv Sept. tSept. 3Des. Onts Julv Sf pt. Pork Julv Sept. Lard Julv Sept. Ribs July Sept. I I ;snvv WtaWW 87 52. 81V'(i182Vifia. SlVa. 82'g 81; 82 I 81 I60S M ! o" 61 I i 4a 50 i 46 46647 I W 51'5V&,'ff 60 I 51 49' 601 4!', . 49, 49 49 49 46 46t 46tl4 ill! 31! 31l 31! S1! Sl'i 28'a' 28 1 28i 2S2W 12 75 I 12 82: 13 02 13 12: 7 40 I 7 45 7 7 7 62' 7 42 7 47! 7 67! 7 72! I 12 75 I 12 80 13 02 13 10 7 40 7 67 7 42 7 67i 7 42 7 62. 7 45 72: 12 72 IS 00 7 40 7 67 7 40 7 65 No. 1 tOld. JNew. FLOUR Steadv: winter patents. 4.20i3 4r; straights. $3.8054.1; spring patents, 34. 7064.70; straights. $3.90$5.00; bakers', 32.40 6 5 60. WHEAT No. 2 spring. 1.071.10; No. 3, ll.0tmi.0t; No. 2 red, ll.01fil.04. CORN No. 2. 62tGo3c; No 2 yellow, 64c. OATS No. I. 31c; No. 2 white, 32lS,'!3c; No. 3 white, 3132c. RYE No. 2. 75c. BARLEY Good feeding, 39 42c; Talr to choice faltlng, 46a49c. SEEDS No. 1 flax. 31.30; No. 1 northwest ern. 11.47. Prime timothy, 32.86. Clover, contract grade. ln.7ol 25. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $12.75 012. $0. iJtrd, per 100 lbs.. $7.3iV97.37. Short ribs sides (loose). $7.J7(7.60. Short clear sides i boxed 1. $7.267.60. Receipts snd shipments of grain and flour were aa follows: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 15,100 9.200 Wheat, bu 12.000 10.700 Corn, bu 3S.2"0 SS2.0110 Oats, bu 819.000 42,100 Rve. bu 4.000 S.Ouo Barley, bu 6O.611O 43.0() On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was easy; creameries, ltii&20c; dairies. 15(&lRc. Eggs, easy; at mark, cases Included, 14c; firsts, 14c; prime firsts, 16c; extras, 17c. Cheese, easy, 810c. Kansas City Grala aad Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. June 6.-WHEAT-Steady; July, 77c; September, 7SiS73c; December, 74c; cash, No. 2 hard. II w& l.u6; No. 3, tocfitl.uS; No. 4, TM&'jw; No. 2 red. fl.OOfi'l.Oe: No. 3. Scj$1.08: No. 4. siKfiOSc. CORN Firm; July. 46i?46c; September, 44c; December, 41r; cash, No. i mixed, 49fr49c; No. 3. 49c: No. 4, 49c; No. 2 white. 49c; No. 3, 48ig-4c. OATS Lower; No. z white, 3133c; No. t mixed. 31fe31c. RYE Steady; 66(cj7iic. HAY Steady; choice timothy, $9.5riS10.O0; choice prairie, $7 75K7.O0. EGGS Hteady; Missouri and Kansas new. No. $ whltewood cases included, 14c per dosen; case count, 18c per doten; cases re turned. c per doxen less. BUTTER Creamery, 16iS18c; packing. 13c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 4...w0 1K.400 Corn, bu 19.600 $9,600 Oats, bu 20.00O 5,000 Philadelphia Prodoro Market. PHILADELPHIA. June 6 BUTTKR Steady; extra western creamery, 21c; extra n-arhy prints, 22c. KGG9 Active; nesrby fresh, 15c loss off. Nearby fresh, 17c at mark; western fresh, !70riBc. at mark. CHEESE-Steady; New York full cream fancy new. 10c; New York full cream, fair to good, new. 84'jc; domestic Swiss, 11 en 4c. Minneapolis Grala Market. MINNEAPOLIS. June . WHEAT July, $1.12; September, Mic; No. 1 hard. $1 16; No. 1 northern, $l.lo; No. i northern, $110. FLOUR First patents. $6.7(vfi 80: second patents, $6.5Vdt.6(i; first clears, $4.0O4 10. second clears. $2.754j2.86. BRAN In bulk. $12.60. Daloth Grala Market. DULUTH. Minn., June A WHEAT-To arrive. No. 1 northern. $1 16; on track. No. 1 northern, $1 16; No. 2 northern, ll.os; Julv. 11.16; September, old, 86c; September, new. 61c. OATS To arrive and on track, 32c. Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. June 6 WHEAT-Ppot, nominal: futures Ann; July, 6s Kd; Septem ber, fis 7d- CORN Spot, firm; American mixed, 4s 7d. Futures, Arm; July, 4s 6d. Peorln Mnrket. TEORIA, Ills. June I. -CORN Slow ; No. 3 yellow, 51c; No. 3. 61c; No. 4, 60vtc No grade. 4c. OAT8 Strong; No. $ white, 31'p'34c; No. 4 white. 31c. near aad Molasses. NEW YORK. June -SI GAR Raw. teedy: fair refining. 3c; centrifugal, 96c test, 4c, molasses sugar. 3c; refined, steady; No. . 6.26c; No. 7. 6 2oc; No. 6. 610c; No. 9. 6 05c; No. 10. 6 00e; No. 11 4 in;; No 12, 4 H&c; No. 13. 4.75c; No. 14) 4 70c; confectioners A. 6 70c: mould A 2k-; cut losf, 6 56c: crushed, 0 55c- riwdered. $.86c; granulated, 6N6c; cubes 1(V NEW ORLEANS. June -SUGAR-Mar-kel quiet: open kettle S-S4r; open ket tle centrifugal. 4$4 16-lSc; centrifugal whites, 6c; yellows, 464 15-16c; seconas. 3Mc. MOLASSES Nominal: open kettle, 134? !c; centrifugal. 14c. Svrup, nominal. ?. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. June 6 -COFFEE-Market for futures opened stesdy. but st a decline of 5dj!0 points in response to lower Euro- ran cables snd large prlmarv receipts untpean houses m id here and there was scsttering liquidation from local sources Leading trade interests seemed lo grad ually be absorbing offerings, but prices con tinued to lose ground snd the close was easy at a net lose c.f H:k points. Sales were reported of U .000 bars Including: Julv X.ieV: September. .V&ti5.V; December" 7eV: January. 60c; February, 76r iv. March, -6.a6c; May. ( aic. Bpt)i toady. 7 Wo. ' Volume of Stlei Dwindle! and Valuei Art lg-in Lower. MARKET IN PROFESSIONAL HANDS Stock Transfer Tax teases Rooaa Traders to Operate for Wider Fluctuations t rop Report Is Eacooraalnn. NEW YORK. June . There was no more news to account for todaj's decline In siocks than mere waa for jesteraay s ad vance. 1 tie volumes of sales dwindled 10 a still smaller total and mid-summer dull ness prevailed 1 One ot the effects of tne stock iransier tax is to induce room traders to operate 'or a wider nuctuatlon than be fore, so that the changes of between saiej are less frequent than formerly. The Incentive to induce a movement ot prices is correspondingly groat. With tne maiaet strictly In professional hands the movement of one aay Is designed to secure a point of vantage lor a con trary movement the following day. The maraet represents a little less than this maneuvering among professional traders to move prices snd to afford opportunity for tneir agile ertorts to secure an advantage at each other's expense. Such news as there was today was not unfavorable to vaiues and there were some Items of ad vantage. The weekly crop report of tno weather bureau was regarded as distinctly encouragimf A dominant influence on the market was the decided weakness of Amal gamated copper. Many Intimationa were anoat in sjieculatlve circles belore the mar ket opened that a sharp upward move ment in the stock was Intended bawd on tne financial statment of the company published yesterday. Suspicions were en tertaineu mat a process of unloading was going on on the part of a recently active pool in tte stock. The effect was disquiet ing on pool Dictators In other stocks and the weasenlng effect spread by sympathy. The Equitable Life Incident took on some tevlved influence fur depression owing to the successive icquirenients announced from the directorate of the society by pei sons of influence in the financial world. Se curity maraets were arlected by the ru mor of the assassination of the tsar. What ever effect was produced here was purely sentimental, as tne operations In this mar ket 101 London account were not buih cient to pay for the expenses 01 cubllng. There was some disposition to look to the money market as tne possible cause ior some of the depression in stocks, notwith standing the great apparent ease of money The surplus reserve disclosed by Satur day's bank statement was at a low level snd large special transactions continue to make requirements on the market. It was reported today that it was under con sideration to postpone the Intended with drawal or an installment of government deposits with the National banks which had been set for July 1. 1 tie report at tracted attention because the present seem ing redundancy In the money market offers no apparent ground for such a measure for conserving Its resources. The market closed weak at tne lowest of the day. . , Bonds ..were dull and Irregular. Total sales, par value, $2,685,000. United States bonds were all unchanged on call. Following were the sales and range of prices on the Stock exchange today: Sales.Hlgh. Low. Close. Adams Expresa . Arnal Copper American C. & F do pfd American Cotton Oil do pfd American Express ... Amer. H & L. pfd... American Ice ctf do pfd American Linseed OU do pfd Amer. Locomotive... do pfd .119.100 9i 300 200 1.700 81 78 33 33 99 9 30 30 40" 1.500 47 3110 111 4f. 1U 243 78 32 :6 30 98 226 . 4 35 17 37 46 110 1,000 96 200 106 900 79 118 132 9: 10." 79 117 132 96 102 79 I11O 101 101 11 200 15(' lc'1 14 3,600 106 107 107 97 15.8U0 64 62 62 3.400 147 140 14rii, 1.0"O 194" 191 191 10,i0 173 171 171 17 ao 9i 40 26 67 34 186 9 43 180 875 27 86 42 39 3.1O0 41 39 100 26 36 300 34 34 1.800 187 186 nii) 10 10 500 49 4i MO 181 181 100 9.700 l,4iin 700 42 40 79 66 42 39 7 65 M0 173 173 172 9" 100 159 200 18 100 79 159 lt. 79 157 I84 7 75 American 8. & R 13.6o0 110 ! 109 do pfd l'" ii" Amer. Sugar Refln... 132 Amer. Tobacco p. c. Anaconda Mining Co. Atchison do pfd Atlantic Coast Line.. Baltimore & Ohio.... do pfd Brooklyn R T rBnaitlan Pxriflft r.nir.l nf N .1 400 202 301 l'.;9 Chesapeake & Ohio.. 2,6iiO 49 48 48 Chicago & Alton 200 3i S.- ,3 do pfd - 200. . 79 7'.' 78 Chicago G. W 1 .600 19 1" 18 Chicago N. W C, M St. P Chicago T. & T do pfd C. C. r. & St. L Colorado V. & 1 Colorado It Southern. do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Consolidated Gas Corn Products do pfd Delaware A Hudson. Delaware. 1 & W.... Denver Rio Grande do pfd Distillers' Securities. Erie do 1st nfd do 2d pfd 700 66 65 65 General Electric .... Hocking Valley Illinois Central International Paper. do pfd International Pump . do pfd .. Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd Louisville & N Manhattan L Met. Securities Metropolitan St. Ry.. Mexican Central Minneapolis & St. L. M . St. P. A S. St. M. do pfd Missouri Pacific Missouri, K. & T do pfd National Lead New- York Central... N. Y.. O. W Norfolk & Western.. do pfd North American Pacific Mail Pennsylvania Peoples Gas P.. C C. & Ft. L Pressed Steel Car.... 100 37 do pfd 00 91 Pullman Palace Car. Reading do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Republic Steel do pfd Rock Island Co do pfd Rubber Goods do pfd St. L. S. F. 2d pfd. St. L. Southwestern. do pfd Southern Pacific do pfd.' Southern Railway do pfd Tennessee C. & I Texas A Pacific... T . St L. & W.... do pfd I nlon Pacific 68 200 123 do pfd U. S Express U. S. l-eather 12.0fi 11 no prn U. S Resltv U. S. Rubber do pfd U. 8. Steel do pfd Ya.-Csro. Chemical 00 pt,i Wabash do pfd Wells-Fsrgo Express Westlnghouse Elec... Western Union Wheeling L. E Wisconsin Central... do nfd....t Northern raciflc ...... Offered Total sales for the day. 4f.rmo shares w YJ'. Mining; slocks. NKV YORK June t Closing quotations 2O0 24 24 23 48 100 25 26 24 2i0 56 56 55 800 14.1 142 142 400 164 1x3 163 4.f1 71 77 77 16. 010 120 118 118 M0 19 19 19 66 100 115 116 115 167 1.500 97 86 85 pin 26 25 26 2.3.10 6h , ;,fHt 500 45 44 44 2.400 140 issk, iivs 4.2IO 61 5" 50 7.000 S"t 79 79 92 400 88 88 98 36 6.200 134 131 131 100 lf loi ion 75 37 81 74.700 95 83 600 17 t.500 1.100 34" 300 101 2: 6" 62 30 861, 32 ; 57 2io 6fo 10. in 5 '00 . aw 200 mo 600 107 'ioo 3" 100 1047, 26 93 25. M0 26. M0 107 Ml 11 100 37 100 93 $.500 ISfi 3 80 23" 93 " 87 16 71 26 "o 31 Ml 63 " ? 61 119 3" 96 74 32 37 56 V 120 120 9-; 122 i 107 86 7 1"4 25 9" 13 M 18 37 ?n 140 92 15 a 46 182 16 26" 84" Ml 60 61 in" 96 IP 107 38" 1047, 25 92 107" 18 37 93 182 A4tm Con Alir t Broce Brun4wlrk Con . Comsiork Tunnsl 'en fl a V.. Horn Silver Iron Silver LMdvlll con .. . . o tiered. .0 . to . 3" . t . I .J lMM tit . i Uttl rhi ... onirlo Ophlr Pbfunii iPotoal av Slerr Sra4a Hope, . . Stnittr4 410 . t ,. 1! . 44 . i.3 .. 2i Foreign Financial. LONDON. June .-Monev was plentiful In the market today, large government dis bursements offsetting the ,sll for H. In exchequer bonds and repavmi nts to the hank of England. Discounts were w-enk Trading on the stock exchange was Inactive There wss some hesitation earlv in the dav pending the effect In Pari of the resignation of M Dersse ss French min ister for foreign affairs, but later the tone was cheerful, helped hv the s'eadier t. ing here Consols after an easy opening hardened on reitersted peace rumors' American were quietly supported at above parity In the forenoon. New Tork. On tario A Western ws the feature owing to dividend rumors The dealings were prin cipally professional The Improvement was maintained until the last hour, when prices reacted snd closed essx. Foreigners were easy early in the day, but closed firmer In symjiathy with the tone on the continent The Japsnese new loan, how ever, wss weak on Americsn selling Im perial Japanese government sixes of 194 were uuotcd at lc.l The Stock exchange will be closed June 10 and 12. Sew Yor Money Market. NEW YORK, June -MONEY On call easy. 22 per cent; closing bid and offered at 2 per cent Time loans, easy and d ill, fri and 80 days, $ per cent; t months, J$' 3 per cent. PH1ME MERCANTILE FAFER 3'S4 STERLING EXCHANGE - Firm, with actual business In bankers hills st $4 87 16 for demand and at $4 .tens for 60-dav hills; posted rate s. $4 8 and $1 88; commerclai bills, $4 84. SILVER Rar. 58c; Mexican dollars. 45c HONDS Government, steady; railroad ir regular. Closing quotations on bonds were: I'. rtf. i. ret 60 coupon I. 8 . res 4o coupon I . nev 4, reg 60 coupon V 8. old 4b. res . 00 coupon Am. Tntnr-co 4. ctfr 1"4 1. N unl 4 lM Minhatltn r 41 Mei l entrsl 4s .104 do 1st ine .181 'Minn A 8' L 4i do 4. ctm Ao-hlton gen. 4i. . do d) 4 Atlantic r. L 4i. B4I A Ohio 4li dO Central of (.a. It do lut Inc do li ln- 1" M. K A T 4. 104 I do t 1 N R R. of M c 44 N Y ('. g ', .114 N J r . k. ...103V4 No rclflc 4 ... . . 1 do . ..MS N. A W r n ...!04v o S. 1.. rfdg 4a . MS Penn conv. ISa . . .113 Reafltng gen 4. ...? 8t. L. at 1 M f lm 1"4 ;. 'W . . x 4i. ' . ., . .114 ...H5 ...77 . . . Il4a ... !"" .. .l"lt Thea A Ohio 4 . .1 st L S v St. 1. : P f. fg 4 K, Chicago A A. 34! 1 . H A Q n rrc. A St L. Chlisgo Ter 4s Colorado Mid. 4s Colo A So 4s Cuba 8s. ctfs D A R 0 4S ... Mat liters' Ser. hi ns prior lien 4S do gen. 4a F W A P C. la Hocking Val 4's Japan na. ctfa.... do 4'ta. ctfs ... Offered. 4t e'l 9esb"Srd A I, 4s . lu.'S Si F'Sr iflc 4 ... 4S..101 So ksrwsy it n Teuss P Is 7a iT . St. L. A W 4 MS fnlon rsrlllc 4s do conv 4s H'J If Steel ild 5a... Tt1 W'ahash Is IMxs dr, deb. B 84 -,, Western Md 4s UV -W. A I. E 4S ... Ill's Wis 1 entrsl 4s fsSI'-nlo Ind Ss. set A f kolo Ind 5s. set h . 8S . 2) .l."'Xj .111 li .Ui' . Mt 117S . tl . h . fMV, . Boston 8toekl nnrt Bonds. BOSTON, June 6 Call loans. 2'g.1 Per cent; time loans. 3B4 per rent Closing quotations on stocks and bonds were: Atchison adj. 4a do 4a Men. Central 4s Atchison do pfd Boston A Albany... Boston A Maine. . . Boston Elevated . . . . Klu-hburg ptd Mexican Central N Y., N. H. & H . 'Pere Marquette ... fnlon Pacific . Amer. Arge. Chem.. do pfd Amer. Pneu. Tube. . . Amer. Sugar do pfd Amer. T A T Amer. Woolen do pfd rinmlnlon I. A 8 Edison Elec. Illu Hi 84 (Adventure . ... 10a Allrues . 7a Amalgamated "it .Amerlcsn Zinc . toil Atlantic ?'.4S Bingham IT.", cat A Hscla .. lnfc-Xi centennial . . . . .14:1 Copper Range . 1IW rial? West ltit-S I'omlnlon Coal . ! Frsnslln ISO's Grance . 22f Isle Rorsle .. 8 Mass Mining . . . 4V, Michigan 1M Mor.ank 143 Mont. C. A C. 13? Joid rinmlnion .. Jr, Osceola !!. Kama 18S Quince . . 4 .. I'll .. 78 . . .. U .. LS ..4i0 1"4 .. Wi, .. us .. 81 General Electric Mass. Electric do pfd Mass. Oaa fnlled Fruit fnlted Shoe Main.. do pfd V. 8. Steel do pfd Westing, common . Bid "Asked. .17J 14 Rhsnnon Tsmarack Trinity f4!l'nlted copper 4:fl S. Mining.. 104 r. R. oil 8S'.s l'h SlVVIotnria .SiWtnona s2HslWolverlns II ' .. :.s .. 184 .. 8 .. 12V, . . 4 .. .. 24 .. 1 .. It .. e ..105 .. , .. 24 . . 2104, .. 10 .. 45V .. S .. ..ion OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Beef fitter md Oowi Dull and Drapry, with Prices Lower. HOG MARKET HIGHER, TRADING ACTIVE Receipts of sheep and Ltnbi Mod deralelr Heavy, sxlta l.ansbs Most in K Ideaee 1 radlns, Mow nan Draaaji, bnl Prirrs tend. SOL'TM OMAHA. June ti. li. Receipts were. Cattle. lios. bueep. omciai .ionao ,,u,t o.,is o.s.d Olllt lttl J ut-SQdy V.OKV lo.SAI ,ow -J. 1 li. 1. u i.-.lsxt li,ioa '.S.i l-..t C.'.'j, b.Ui) Two da.s this week . .l.M.s,' Same oms last weea i"..l oanie wk net ore p,'... Baiue tnre- woks so.. same anyt last ,e. ,.m atCJCil lS t'OH THE YEAR 1U DAVE. me iuliowihg labie shows the isrcelvls of cattie, uoaa sou stieep at Bouui oiusuia fur Liie eaij 10 Ual, with couipau lawus Willi ear; 1 lr4. tno. Deo. -'tle w,ie4 4ti.bA of t.. ""S" l."4o.s.' l.lev.wts "eep neiMJo taw, mo jo. -00 4 he lulluwint; table shuws mo avrc price 01 iiua ui boutn innana tor tne uuti ''! d with comparisons: Cate. I lftut. ,iu4.,i.iiW2.l(l.luV.lli. iiuy 1j May it, li. nay l. May A). May ii. May u. My ilay i. May 2a. -lay 2,. May j. May 2, .May ao. way i. June 1.. June z. June 3.. June 4. June 6.. June .. I 143-, -I ( V 1 1 I I e wl 1 u a I B I I I i wWi 1 e v . i 6 it. . I 6 lt 1 I O 4; .(ill . I ' It.-, ti t te 4 w, 1 iui J: 1 , Si, fl ul. 4 46 t lilt 4 41 1 t jit, 1 ti lo, 4 0 is 4 12 4 U, 4 00 4 tKj, 4 W i 04, a Ifu. "i2 I 11. I 6 iUi 1 SJ, 0 SO: A 1 , , 6 l,v, t ! , 0 1! , 5 2(' 4 st 4 4 4 4 4 01 s 5 ,.! 6 931 v,, u Ht D oa 5 76 b 7'.; Vj ' Ul tV 7 U, 1 to, 1 Ui: 1 bs, ( uo, I b Uu, t Hi I 1 'j1 7 UV 1 lu, ; u, 7 Hi, 7 13 m (; s ii, ,, t 111 t M, t l t 11. 1 m uv Ml D IV, w Ikl '3 I s ii (81 W, t UO 0 w( o 04 1 b to t v4 s ki b ut 1 b. w. t t2 4 at I 4 ilJ, 4 rfw b 00, DUi. i 95, 5t4 I9U j be 4 ou, a .1 4 J, a iu, 4 ss , 4 60, 6 70, a 11 5 70; 6 '.1, 4 M 4 M i w 60 a, a a m j London Stocks and Bonds. ION'DON. June 6. Closing quotations on stocks were: 14" . W . . 6K . ,1, . 4 . 4t. . 81 . tiki. Consols moner . . do account Anaconda Atchison do pfd Baltimore A nhlo Canadian Paclflc . 1 hes. & Ohio Chicago Gt W C. M A St. P... r Fleers D A R. 0 do pfd Ens do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Illinois Csmrsl .. lxmla A N'aak.... M , K. A T . M B-i S Y. Centrsl . ... ovNortols A- W 6' do pfd 81 T, Ontario A W ....104VPeor.syHanla .. HHslRand Mines ....161'4jReailng . ... pOH' do 1st pfd li"4 do 2d pfd ....177, Southern Hallsay 1" I do pfd .... SSH'Southern Psrlflc .. . ... 8iVnlon Psclfic 41 do pfd Indicates Sunday. The official number of cars of stuck Drought in today by each road wave: Cattle Hogs 8h p H'ses. v.. m. v pt. t ty g Wabash 2 Missouri Pncirk- Ry I'nion Pacific svstem 66 C. & N. . Ky 4 K. E. A- M. . R K 7R ('.. 8t. P.. M . AO Rv 2 ! B. A M. Ry 77 V., H. Ai y. Rv 4 C K. 1. At P. Ry., east.. 4 t-, K. I. & P. Ry., west 1 Illinois Central 1 Chicago Great Western. 1 Total receipts 208 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num- Der 01 nead indicated Buyers. Omaha Packing Co Swift and Company.... Cuduhy Packing Co Armour & Co Cuduhy Pack. Co.. K Swift and Company, St. J Swift and Co., country., Armour Co.. K C Vansant oi Co Lobman & Co ilill A Huntzinger Hamilton & Rothschild L.. r. Husz .12 M)jl S. Kteel . tAV do pfd .. is M lSis .19 1 Wabssh .. 1474,1 do pfd .. 2V, Spanish 4a SILVER Rar. firm, 26 13-16d per ounce. r.i iva 1 per cent. The rate of discount In the open msrket for short bills is 2 1-16 per cent, for three months' bills, 21-lti per cent. Tresasry Statement. WASHINGTON, June 6 Today s state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive nf the $15o,0o0.0() gold reserve in the division of redemption, shows: Available cash balance, $132 KOld, 69.2nr,,. Bank Clearings. OMAHA. June 6 Bank clearings for to day were 1.7i3(.if.79. and for tne corre sponding dale last year 11. 326. 53" So. XEW IOBK GENERAL MARKET o 1 4 64 10 S l'l 1 l 1 17 S7 2 1 4 6.. 11 1 S t 2 230 20 Cattle. . . . . 736 ....1.124 ....1.M78 C. l' 12U Hogs. D. 262 5.i2i 4.32 Sheep. 4!K 1.213 74U 2o7 12 Wolf Murnan Sol Degan J. R. Root & Co. Hulla At Kline ... S. A- S Other buyers 13 60 43 1 27 63 'is) 3 60 156 IS 428 Quotations of the Dar on Various Commodities. NEW YORK, June 6.-FLOL'R-Receipts, 26.762 bbls.; exports, 3.4D0 bbls; mar ket, dull and unsettled; winter patents, 4g5.i: Winter straights, X4.6o4j4.isl; Alin nesota patents. Jo.6X,(&6.i6; extra extras, 3.oo 3.75; Minnesota bakers, H75(i4.26; winter low grades, 13 25-33 60. Rye flour, tlrm; lair to good, $4.26y4.oo; choice to tancy, j-4.tnta 4.90, CORNMEAL Firm; fine white and yel low, i. coarse, ai.UK&l i;; kiiu dneu. ..00 2.H0 BARLEY Dull; feeding 44c c. i. f. New York; malting, 46jj52c. c. 1. f. Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts, 16.6V bu ; spot mar ket, firm; No. 2 red. 11.02. nominal, ele vator; No. 2 red, $1.04, nominal, f. o. b afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, $1.12 f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard. Manitoba, $1.04 1 o. b. afloat. In the face of bearish crop news Including the weekly bureau report wheat was firm and higher all day it reflected strong cables, lighter receipts, very firm outsioe markets and an advance in corn and covering ot shorts. Ijist prices showed Uc advance. July. S2"'-2c, closed at sjc; September. 8n(utio. closed at ikic, Decern la r, Sd,iis6c. closed at (6c. CORN Receipts. 1.075 bu.; exports, 61.U65 bu.; spot market, steady; No. 2, noc, ele vator, and fic f. e. b. afloat; No. 2 v'l low. 6Sc; No. 2 white, 6l"i The opilon market was quiet, but veiy firm, advan cing on heavy western covering and small receipts. The close was lc net higher. July. 66''afi6c. closed at 66c. OATS Receipts. 213.11m bu , spot market, firm; mixed oats, jfi to 32 lbs., 3f'B':t.'ic; natural white, 30 to 32 Ins., 3,tj31s.c; Clipped white. SJ to 40 lbs , 36-4ic. HA Y (Steady; clipping, tssJini-; good to choice. 77'esic. HOPS tsy; state, common to choice, 1Hm4. io'gZuv, is03, 2.'e2oc; oius, lial3c, ia cltic coast, lisH, 25i2c; lisia, 2Vj4c; olds, lifgl3c. HIDES Steady ; talveston. 30 to 26 lbs., 2K-; Caiifoiiun. .1 to 2o puunila, I.k- ; i exas dry. 24 to 30 lbs., 1C. LEATHER Slead ; acid, 24a2ftc. PROVISIONS beet, nnn; laiiuly, $13.5(1 I&14.0U. iiit-ss. ii.i'igil.,Vi; i."ci. i.irji.ovI iiai ket $12 5tsti i3 no; city exita India loess. 22.0Wj22.fcti. Cut meats. firm; pickled nt-ilitwt. 1 .?); ph-Kn-u sliouiaers. j'fiTK-; pickled hums. I"4il0c. Lsrd. steady; west ern steamed. $7.1&(0i36, nominal: refined, firm; continent. 7 4?,, southwest. $15. compound, $o.37'36.i)('. Pork, steady: family, 14.!s"Ol6 i; snoii en ir, i2 Urjj lorn, mess 113 $7m i3 87. TALLOW Steadv; city .$2 per rkg.i. 4ic; country ipkgs. free), 44c. RICK Firm; domestic iair tu extra, S$ 6l,c: Japan, nominal, Rl'TTER eak; street price, extra creamery. 2h4t21c. Official prices: Cream ery, common to extra. 1S'o2oc; reno. vated. common to extra. 14ialsc; western Imitation creamery, lRt.'EnPc; western firsts lRc POl'LTRY Alive. irregular; western spring chickens. 224i24e; fowls. 5c; tur keys, 12c. Dressed, easy: western broilers SOU36c; fowls. l(iri3c; turkeys, 1313 17c. Metal Market. NEW YORK. June 6 M ETALS A d. cllne was reptirted in the London tin mar ket, where spot dosed at liss 7s 6d snd futures at 116. Lo-ally the market eot tinued quiet, with spot held at $29 87t ' 12. Copper also was lower abroad closing 6d 17s 6d for both spot and futures' Locally the situation Is unchanged with lake and electrolytic quoted at lii ofl and casting at $14 76 Lead was higher In the London market, closing at 12 lts M but remained unchanged at $4 wd4 60 In' the local market Salter was unchanged, at 23 12s d rn Ixndon. hut continued weak in the New York market with spot lower at $5.80. Iron closed st 4s 4d In Glasgow and at 4s Ad In Mlddlesooro. Ik-sIIv- the market was quiet, with S.'o. 1 foundrv northern quoted at $'6 70717 60 No J foundrv northern at $14 2AfTl7firt- No 1 fotindr' southern at $16 7F,4M7 1K v0 1 foundry southern soft at $17 Of.'Sn.jg; j'o t foundry southern fet 1 25.rit 76 BT. LOriS. June -METAT.U-Lead steady, $4 434 r. Spelter, dull. $5 ot. Toledo seed Market. TOLEDO, June 1-45EED Clover; cash. aUikiri7J4J'a' yrimm Umotny, pnm Totals 6.225 15,653 4.283 CA'ITLE There was a good run of cattle here today, about 2o6 cars being on sale. There were in addition five cars of Cali fornia steers, consigned direct to a packer and not Included in the receipts. The gen eral quality of the cattle was good, some choice stuff being on sale. The cattle arrived in fair season and buyers were on the hill lh good time, hut the market did not open till late in the forenoon. Buyers were bearish and showed little Inclination to pick up the cattle. The general market was very slow and weak and shows a decline, in most cases of lO&l&t. Ttading was draggy, even on the good kinds, and It was wen along toward noon before anything of consequence was done. Sellers were obliged to make con cessions, as noted above, and even then found the stuff hard to move. The cow and heifer market was very little different from the steer trade, al though on some of the good kinds there was a little better feeling. There was no urgency to the demand, In fact there was little demand, and the market was slow and draggy. Buyers did not seem to want the cattle and forced a decline of about a dime Some saUs on good kinds were right around steady, but It was on stuff that Just suited the eye of the buyer. The grassv kinds were In poor demand and suffered the most decline. There was very little stuff sold till well along in the fore noon. The market on bulls, x-eal calves and stags felt the same decline as other classes of cattle and went off about a dime, with trading slow and draggy. As has been the cane for some time the supply of stockers and feeders was light. There has been a limited demand for this class of cattle for some time and today there was very little call for them. Prices were a little wenker and trading slo- and dull. Representative sales: BEEF STEER3. No 11... f ... 1 .. i ... 4... 4 .. ... 4 .. 4i... 4. .. li... 1... 10... it ... II... J4 .. 1. .. li .. 13 .. t .. n... 14... ;c, .. 17... 1!:... only stesdy to t higher. Representative snlea: N At. gh r Ms At. h. rr ? ll (1 I ITUj Si I 40 I l'l) V4 I . ITT 44 JM 14 I IIH . ... 1 ai 411 I N i ... I i;s ! t'! is" I fo ? in . . !,-(, M ! 0 a l jo 1.11 ::, I 4 III u, tf.J ... 1 ts-s M I?? lie. I fn H 47 . . I its 72 r-'l I r to 11 ae. t :i Ki .. 1 :o t- sng 4 I M 71 M S 111 44 its ... JI- 77 : 1M 4 4! 144 ... I :2S 77 174 $0 4 JO 47 Mil IS I ;sj M j-i . 1 to tit . 1 ISO S ( ffl 4 fTS t I HI M .' ISA I to SI 144 I !l, 7! 114 t' lit 74 140 Si I 71 1 aft 40 I M 4 ?4 ... I JH (,7 IM . I 20 41 14 II 4 t r, 1" l 71 is it 1 rt- Ml Wt S I 10 7 t.-4 ... I ?l s, 71 Ill IK I K 74 14 IS) I 211, si 172 40 I 1 7 IS7 . I Ki, 46 Ml ltd I 20 17 Ill in I t'st 214 ... I 10 71 U ao I as 71 141 . I llv, S ISO 40 IKS M Ill It I llv, tfti I U M4 ... I M IS1 ll 11' m us 10 1 2i u ri io i fts K) IM IN I tl It lit M I Mi, 14 I?i ... I VS ' 14 344 ... I 111, 40 213 M I US 170 ... lit 44 il . . I 21 S 47 Ill . . I Us 44 till SO I 2IWj 14 147 m li 201 40 I J.-, SO 2S1 110 I 23 10 T72 ... Ill 78 Ill 110 I 21 oi rtf, 40 I II 44 171 110 I 21 41 HI ISO I S4 ftl do I M Ill HO I 2t 70 til 40 I 21 S7 Sfi 14 i II 40 It7 to I It 43 147 i0 I 22 Mi 'it to I IJ 72 148 K I II 1-1 40 I II 77 01 ... I IS 77 IJI 110 I r is in 4 i2i to :? it" 121 l'l 100 10 I 21 it Ill 10 I II 0 240 40 III f IU 110 III 4 SM 12V I 2 41 ISI SO I Us I 120 ... I II M 144 ISO I ; 71 211 0 I II s 114 so 1 rt 47 Ill an I II 71 14 ion I 7! 2J1 44 1 21 70 so, ao in so too ao I ti i Hi tm 1 t; M ifi so 1 t: ti ... 1 it 71 lf.2 ... I tl 41 14 to I 11 7 114 0 III 74 Ill . . Ill 41 114 tO I 12 4.1 10 H in 74 24 120 I II f7 10 ... i 2i 71. 147 100 111 44 H ... I li 7F. 244 200 i a: 41 22 .. I if. is irs an 1 t; it t; 40 1 2s ,4 4 SO lit 71 lit .. (4 2l 110 111 47 !! 140 i If 7 o 40 4 1! 74 20 40 IIS it 177 144 I 11 71 til Hit; 17 171 ... I IIS 4 m 40 I li 44 144 120 III 13 14 ... IK I 174 . . in 42 i7 110 III 44 161 40 112 61 241 SO 114 41 2"t 10 I 12 72 Ml ... IN 44 242 0 111 2 ... Its 1 2.11 140 111 I2i ... I JS 1.12 t4 140 Its 41 0 . . in 4". 2t 140 I 12 4S HI IK m 47 173 tOO 111 4 Ml 40 I II ti Ill ... 122 ' 210 loo In to too SO I II 71 144 M I (t 74 211 110 I 21 41 ;ig ,, I 21 0 144 40 I 21 40 214 K 111 4 144 144 I 21 77 131 40 6 21 44 174 ... I 21 II 117 M I 15 70 Ill 40 I 21 34 157 ... I IS 4S 14 140 I It 41 H.I 110 I II 74 104 100 I 22 42 tM to I IS 04 24 ... I tl It 14 120 I 15 74 213 40 I 12 40 1 ... 71 1, . . I II 70 HI go 1 43 140 411 i 21 4 271 ... J( 43 141 ... I tu 44 213 . . i 25 SI IMI 40 111 44 lti I I 15 25 11 ... I It 7 Hi ... s h 44 171 IO0 I 51 77 241 110 I ti 74 U0 ... I 12 44 141 ... I 21 IS ISO to I 21 48 124 ... I i 71 12 120 l M 301 40 4 21 41 ttl 200 I 21 i0 tit ln 111 71 lf.J 140 4 27 ii 2U 40 (25 4? IM 40 I 21 73 tin lo j5 71 122 ... I 12 47 S1 ... is 44 214 200 I 74 nil 40 4F m to 12 l IM . . 71 1'S st I 12 17 t ... 17 it 222 100 I 22 IS 27S . . 7 41 M0 o III 14 211 ... 8 27 71 2HI 1K1 I 12 40 20 to I til 1 1.7 40 I 11 SHEEP There was a fairly good run ot sheep here today, the receipts, as has been the case for some time, consisting largely of shorn lambs; The market wus not In a very satisfactory condition, although, for the most part, prices ruled Just about steady. Buyers were in no hurry to pick up the sheep and trading was slow and dull. The condition of the market was due. In part, to the quality of the receipts. There was no strictly choice stuff In the barn and fair to medium kinds predom inated. On this class of stuff buyers have been Indifferent for some time and the draggy trading of today was no more than could be expected. In some cases sellers found it Impossible to get steady prices for their holdings and were compelled to let go at prices looking right around a dime lower. Some fairish western wetners and yearlings brought $4.75. while a bunch of clipped lambs sold for $6.60. Only a few loads changed hands early and It waa well along In the forenoon betort. anything like a clearance was made. Quotations for clipped stock: Good to choice iambs. 5.80ni6.oi.; tair to good lambs, 5.5i6.fiO; good to choice Colorado wooled lambs. b.8i7.16; good to choice yearlings, 5.U(4l5.1i; fair to good yearlinga. 4.7ofg"6-t; good to choice we, hers, $4 60434.80; fair to good wethers. $4 Ht54 60; good to sstiolce ewes, $4.ii4.60; fair to good ewea, $4.omrf 4 40. Representative sales: No. Av Pr. 3 western cull ewes 8i 3 50 1 western buck 2W 4 Ho S3 western feeding lambs 6 4 00 40 western feeder lambs M 4 25 11F western feeder lambs 65 4 25 2$ western feeder sheep Ki 4 60 13 native lambs 106 4 H0 I i;iS western lambs 71 6 26 I 107 western lambs 68 6 26 16 western lambt 6" 5 26 227 western lambs 72 6 60 l.r,9 western lambs 72 6 70 3 native lambs l'tf 6 00 2 western spring lsmbs 75 7 50 37 western eull lambs 61 4 50 4 western ewet 112 4 6" 41 western wethert 68 4 76 172 western shorn lambs 65 5 60 426 western shorn lsmbs 66 6 HO 4 western spring lambs 75 7 50 77 western ewes 82 3 75 lis) western lambs 64 4 60 j 601 western lambs 74 5 40 , buO western lambs 457 6 40 At. Pr No. Ar. Tr. ...113 4 00 11 1114 4 !S . 11,1.0 4 10 89 lOki 4 40 .1020 4 28 24 lilt 4 0 ...1260 4 21 146 4 4 . .1040 4 35 1 1114 8 00 ... 741 4 1 11 1174 I 10 . . 1 4 4f. li 1121 I It S4F, 4 10 17 1310 I 10 1072 4 ii 14 137i i 20 . .1042 4 64 li ltoi I 10 ...10S4 4 ii H4 I 85 ...loll 4 84 It 1411 4 10 1071 4 70 14 1S47 I ii ...III! 4 70 4 1471 I U lion 4 75 II 1131 I 40 1M)2 4 40 it 117 I 40 .. 1270 4 S '4 1414 i 40 .1244 4 IS 17.. 1414 I it .. .1147 4 ii BTELKS AND COWS. . SI I 7S 24 Ill 4 44 . l"2i 4 14 li 1001 4 41 ... 771 4 22 1111 4 14 .KITS 4 16 -3 1040 4 44 . 7:.0 4 40 21 If i 14 . . .1054 4 50 11 1347 i It STEERS ANT HEIFERS. ... 718 4 41 12 1144 4 70 cows .... It 2 40 20 til 9 ti . . .ins" 2 S'i i lr,a I 4o . . . .17 I 4.0 " 3 70 ... M I 4" 4 1117 I 71 .,, tm tm ! 15 I 40 . . 774 1 on 10 lull 3 so ... U.0 I do I list I 40 ...1"70 I 10 !l lfllt I fl .. loo I 14 12 111 4 00 .1112 16 1! 1I2H 4 OA ... l4 t Si 2 lt"0 4 00 .. . SMI I 10 1 1410 4 no ...40 I 44) 10 1107 4 04 .. 12H0 I 40 6 11S 4 10 . . .1230 I 10 3 l'4 4 11 . . . 472 S 10 f Illl 4 II ... 17 S 60 12 UNA 4 85 CUU'b AND HKlrliRS. ,...i:i id s 1.4 i lo HEIFERS . . . . t I 21 1 30 80 . . . .S 2 70 1 470 4 00 li.o 64" I On 4 .... I 26 4 . ... BT. LIP. 1 76 I so 1 oo I 46 I 46 1340 I 70 . too I 76 .1020 . . 70 . 1024 . ,1"1 41. . I ill I 76 HOGS There was here for a Tuesday il 446 4 10 4 10 1400 I 71 11k0 I 71 11.26 4 (M linn 4 on .1440 1230 4 00 4 10 460 SS3 me l:w 4 76 Z'S) 8 CALVES. I 16 1 .... 4 16 1 4 to 1 4 I . 220 100 lfi 710 174 STOt Ktkfl AND KEtnEKs I It I 80 I 66 I 71 I 71 760 . 171 .10) 10 . IDS . 440 . 34 I 74 I 00 I 00 I 00 I li I 60 414 I 40 WO I 64 4 47 I 71 1 V.') 74 2 I 74 4 it I 41 20 744 $ 10 I 6IC to 1 7uo 4 00 t i,7 4 00 441 4 04 a good run of hogs , over 2o0 cars bemu on sale. r-ariy reports from Chicago showed a rattier light run and prices ruling right around a nltkel higher. These reports gave sellers at ths point an advamssje and there was a good strong tone to the trading all througu ihe morning Buyers Bars out rt- Bitrl f her - c j . nisnd for the siuri. tm the upr.n,a; a fewH sales were maoe at right around steady prires, but' after the first round or two tl,t market strengthened and sales were mad at prices fully !V higher than veaterdav There was a fair activity to the trade and a clearance waa made In good season The bulk of the hogs sold todav at $5ilsfiS2S with the popular pries li ts ri the close prices dropped bark a little and there waa to Die weakness displayed, price ruling CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Dall and Aboat Steady Hoaa Fire Cents Higher. CHICAGO, June 6. CATTLE Receipts. 4.500 head; market, dull and about steady good to prime steers, $6.4off4 ,ifc; poor to medium, HMtr6.86; stockers and feeders 12 hlUnft 1st- on e I'r or. I. . ' 625; canners. $1.60S2.W; bulls. $2754j4.t)0. calves, $J.5UGj6.50. iiuuo-riroeipii toaay, jt.umi head; esti mated for lnti.iir.i,B. ftfxl k . , . .. .. -w. - , ,v. urau , uiarset, 6c higher; mixed and butchers, $6.15tio46 good to choice heavy, $5.8'jjS.46; rough heavy, $4.756.00; light. $5.306.46; bulk of sales, $6 35ii6.40 brlbhl'i A.NU LAMBS-Recelpts. 14.000 head: msrket f,.t i.n,u good to choice wethers, shorn, $4.76a")i; m liilAru, Blllirn. 4.UIKfl4nb- western sheep, shorn. $3.iVr-u4 66; native lambs. shorn ti FUViij; in- i-.,.i.u shorn. $4.5.i.35. " Kaaaaa 4'lti- Lire stork Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. June 6. CATTLE Receipts, lO.ouO head, Including 2.000 south erns. Market 6filno lower hoice export and dressed beef atsers. $5 25ift.()0; fair to good, t4.264jTi.25; western fed sieers, M lVa 6 i; stockers and feeders. $S.0ftM 60; south erns. 3.2G'6.0ii; southern cows, 2 onil no; native cows, 12.264 AO; native heifers, $3 23 Ce6 00; bulls. $2 7h4i"l.oO; calves 13 (lofi 6ft. HOGS Receipts, 12,000 head; market opened 6c higher; advance lost. Top, $540; bulk of sales, $5.80-96 S5; heavy, $5 3 i&o.3;; paeaera. I6.(g6 40; pigs and lights, to 2'np; BHEEP AND LAMRS-Recelpts. 4.500 head; market steady to loc lower; native lambs. $5 757.50; western lambs, $f,.7D,a7.X5 fed ewes and yearlings, t4.2tvjrj.5ii; Texas clipped yearlings, l4 7iVgi.25; lexns dipped sheep, $4.25i24.75; stockers and feeders, Jj.bO 47-4.00. t. Ioala Lire stork Market. ST LOrifi. Ho., June 6. CATTLE Re ceipts. 8.4s0 lu-ad. Including 5.000 Texans. Market for naMves weak; Texans lower. Native shipping and export steers. $4 wuQ 6(4'; dressed beef and butcher steers. $3.",6 ti.0. steers under l.irs) pounds. $3 .763 4. NO; stockers and feeders. $3lKjj4&o: rows and heifers, tl. 7696.25; eannert. 2 '"i2.50; bulls $2 vij3 SR; can es, $3 ""&, ; Texas snd In dian steers, $2.75134.75; cows and heifers $2 0154 00. H'.G Receipts. 11 ono head: market steady. Pig snd lights. t6fi'o5 35; packers, t4.ori6 36; butchers and best heavy. $5 25 f40. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recelpts 4 50" head, market steadv. Native muttons. $a 50 f4 75. lamb $6-f;; culls and bu'-ks ii'bv. stockers. $$ 'k8i3.25. Texans, $3;$ $4o. Mock la sight. Receipts of live stock at the six principal , . .. . . . . . . j v d r. y South Omaha Bioux City Kansas City fet. Joseph St Ixiuis Chicago Total head; market steadv. wooled lambs, $4 W. float llie lorli Market. SIOCX CITY. la. June 6-iSie.ll Tele gram ) CATT1 E - K-, eipts. i head; mar ket slow , stockers eteJi . 4eeve. $ '' 4 isi. cows bulls and niixeU. HXg4 , stockers and f. .l. rs, M vi tin calves and eMrllrgs. is wu i,i Hues rte.-ilits. 7.t' hr-ad.' market to higher, f iling at V.- 1Vu5 25, bufk cl aaiaa, 17S.2P. . - OM AH VtHOIKIALE MARKET. 4'oadltloa of Trade aad Maotatloaa oa taple and Fane Prodnce. EOGS-Receipts fair, market steady; cav dl-d stock, 15c. l.IK l'cl 1. TRV-llens. h'c. roostera, byi 6c. turkeys. l.;i&c. ducks, inc. BTTTER-Packing. stiH-k. l.ipl.7ic; choica to fancy dairy, lu2oc; creameiy, HtJdo; prints 42c KhKSH KISH-Trout. Pc: halibut, lie; buffalo (dressed), lc; pickerel (dressed), 6c, white bass tnressedi, 12c; Sunflsh, to; lrch (scaled and dressed i. !c. pike, Sc; catfish, lie, red snapper, h'c; salmon, 14e; craipiea. 12c; eel, 16c, bullheads, lie; blacat baas, ;; whitehsh idiesedi, luc; trot legs, per dog, sec, lobsters, green, i.e. boiled lobsters. 3m-, shad roe. 46c. HAY Prices quoted by Onaha Wholesale Hay 1'eHleis association. Choice, t.u; No. 1. th.oti; No. 2. $6ti; coarse. $5.iio. These prices aie for hay of good color and ousw ity. WRAN Per ton. tlS.Ou. TROPICAL FRUIT. ORANUEo-Bl Michael, all sites. U.7t 64.11; ex ira 1 u. i icy Mediterranean sweeia, ail sites, 4-ou, fancy navels, suta im, ltu. l,o, 2i. :n., 25. 4.1 25: sices MJ, Isk sis, V ib. seeoungs. nil six. s. Lr.Mo.NB i.imonlera. extia tancy, 270, 300, and ti sixes, $3.76, tancy, ;;ti, w and sites, 4J bu, choice, ., and -iu site. i.tu, . and W aises, $2.;'j;t no. DATES 1'er box nf 1-lb. pkgs.. t-.W; Hallowe en, In io-lo. ooxes. pc' lb.. 60. FiUS (.aliiornia. per lu-io. canon, iWt eier; unpolled Uniyrna, iour-crju, uc, five vrown, 2c HAN AN AB-l'er medlum-aixed bunch, tklt ti-i'. jumbos,. t2.5tsij3 00. I'lNLAlThtB- r iui luu, per crate ot 34. 30 and tfo sites. $a.(i, 42 sltw, $2 ,6. I'hl I l b Acl Mr.iAi.NB. APR1C u 1 1 Canioi ma, pi i 4-bekei ciate, ll.5ti. PLl'Aio California, per 4-basket crate, $1.4u. , PEACHES California, per 26-lb. box, ti.2t. CHERRIKS-Cahfornln. black, per l-lb. box. $1 1;,, wnltp. per h-it. box, $i.0u; aiia tourl, box ol 24-ijts.. MIHAM HM.ltit.6-mffsourl, per 34-uart case, 1 7fcii- mi. TANGi.Kl.NtJS California, per halt Bex, $ CK AN RERKI ES Jerseys, per crate, KM. (KObEHEKKIKS-Hox of H qts., $2.60. CANTAlAil'i'Lrj Mexican, per Ciait, ttkOO 7 5U. VEGE'i'AiiLwS. Tl'RNIPS-New. per doz., luc. (AKKUib-New, ptr tlcx.. 44-0. PArvei.N 1 I S Old. per bu., 4uc. WAX HEANtt per r-bu box, I6c; string beans, per ',,-,u. box, ,6c; bu. oox wax or si.'ing, I2.00W2.26. POiA 1'OeA- Home gicwn. in sacks, per bu., 3tic; Colorado, per bu., 4,,c, new pou tocs, ier bu , $1.10. wjs.aNS Navy, per bu., $2. CI. CUMBERS Per dot.. siiSc. PEAS-New, per bu. box. l.'.iit2.00. 'lUMATutD-r iorida. fancy, pel B-basket crate. t-l.Ao; choice, per 6-baskct crate, 42. Ti. btl.NACH-Per bu.. 50c. CABUAtiK Calilurnia in crates, per lb 3c. PEET8 New. per dox. bunches, 45c ONIONS New, per dox. bunches. 15c; Bermudas, K-r crale of about 6o lbs., RADltiHLS Hot house or southeto, per dox., 2uc. LETTL'C E Hot house, per dol.. 3640c; head lettuce, per do)! , 75c CAULIFLOWER St. Louis, per crata ot 1 doz.. $1.60. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Swiss, new, 15c; Wisconsin brick, 16c; Wlscot sin ltmburger, 15c; twlna, 134)14c; young Americas, 14c. NUTS vainuta. No. 1 soft shells, new crop, per lb.. 15c; hnrd shells, per lb., 13c; No. 2 soft shells, per lb., 12c; No. 1 hard shells, per lb., 12c; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb., 7c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 6c; Chill walnuts, per lb., DjlJV; almonds, soft shell, per lb., 17c; hard shell, per lb., 15c; ahellbark hickory nuts, per bu., $1.75; large hickory nuts, ier bu.. $1.50. HIDES No. 1 green, 7c; No. 1 green, tic; No. 1 silted, 64c; No. 2 salted. 7Wc; No. 1 veal calf. 10c; No. I veal calf, lc; dry salted. 714c; shep pelts, 26cfcl-00; horse hides. Il.50tjt3.o0. Wool Market. BOSTON", June 8. WOOL The wool rpsr ket continues in a strontr position TTksnrr" of the past week Indicate to traders that the large buyers believe the basis of prloes Is to run high. While the scoured basis of most of the sales recently made Is still largely a matter of estimate, such definite Information as Is obtainable shows clearlv the strength nf the market The scoured basis In this market is about 70f72c for fine clothing wool. 67fi'r for fine medium. Soifj) S7c for three-eighths and one-half blood and 2if65c for one-quarter blood. It la ssld thst very little fine staple wool will be made this year, as most of the wool will be sold In the orlglnnl bags without sorting Foreign wools are strong Pulled grades are acarce. The ranis In this market Is about as fol lows: Ohio and Pennsylvania XX and shove. 34i 35c: X. SlT3!r; No. 1. 3R'63!c; No. 2. SDtOc; flno unwashed, 24(&25c; one-quarter blood unwashed. 33'T34c; three-eighths blood. 33fft4c; one-half blood. 32fJ33c; tinwathed delaine. 271i?Sc; unmerchantable, 2ft(&20c; fine washed d. l iin'-. 37'g3Sc. Michigan Fine un washed. 22'a lc: one-quurter blood un wanted. 33ra4c; three-eighths blood washed, tttfi S3 V; one-half blood. 30n53c: unwashed delaine. 251 2c. Kentucky. Indiana, etc. Three-eighths brood. 3484Ve. Territory. Idaho Fine. 22iii2.V; heavy fine, 1tVgVe; One medium. 22i&23e; medium. QTic; low me dium, 2eVfi27c. WyomlntTFine. 2Kb?2c; heavy fine, l&'fllflc; fine medium. 22i923c: medium. 2ig27e: low medium. 2RiB27c. Utah and Nevada Fine. SfiflTc; medium, ISoJIOc; fine medium. 2L'it523c; medium. 2tilTI7c: low me dium. 27'&"2e Dakota-Fine. 2T??22c; fine medium. 2Ka22c; medium. 2fi'!j27c; low me dium. 20-7727C Montana-Fine. 24a25c: fine average, 21'ff23c; fine medium choice, Sfff 2c : average. 21'22c; staple, 27(52c; medium choke. 27-6 2c. ST. LOf'IS. June fi.-WC)OI-Steady ; me dium grades, combine; and clothing. 2Vi ftlc; light fine. 2Va-9c; heavy, a3224c; tub washed. 32f?42c. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. June . COTTON Spot closed dull: middling uplands. 8 40c; mid dling gulf, tffti-; sales. 1X3 bale. LIVERPOOL. June "OTTON-flpot In limited demand; prices 4 points lower; Amerirsn middling fair. 511d; good mid dling, 4.7d; middling. 4 Hid; low middling, 4 45d; good ordinary, 4 27d; ordinary, 4 lid The sales of the day were 7.000 bales, of which 600 bales were for speculation and ex port and Included t.7's American. Re ceipts, 2i.2nft bales all American. ST. IXHIS. Mn. June COTTON Quiet Middling. f-lir. Mules, eiSel hales; reelpts. list hales; shipments, 377 bales; stock, 48.783 hit leu. NEW ORLEANS, 1.. June COTTOM Quiet; sales. lO.i'w bales; ordinary. 64c; goon ordinary, k u-iec; 1II-I60; mhldliiig. H3-DW-: V-: middling fair. t-lSc. bales; stork. 111.413 hales lower middling, good middling. Keci-lrts. 4,41 Oils and Rosin. NEW YORK. June 8 Ol LS Cottonseed oil. firm: prime crude, nominal; prima yellow. 274j2e. Petroleum, steadv; re fined New York. $: Philadelphia and P.altimore. p;.K: Philadelphia and Balti more in bulk, $3 So. Turi ntlne, quiet, (W 5H)Uc. SAVANNAH. Ga., June t OIL Tur pentine, nominal, 7nr ROSIN Dull. A. B C. $3 SO: D, $3.90: K : F. $4.10; ij. 1415; n, $4 20; I. 14 3n; K, $4 4"; M. $4 50; N, $40, WG, $4.70; WW, $4 Ml. OIL CITY. Pa.. June . OIL Credit bal ances, $1 27 Certificates, no- bid. ghln ments. 72.4fir, bhls ; a vet-age, 77.C- bbls. Runs. 2f f.;0 bbls.: sverage. 5R.M1 bbls. Shipments. Lima. S2 073 lbla ; average, 72 -27. tiMs Runs, Limn. 4I8 bbl.; average. 43.230 Ca'tle. Hoj Sheer. 6)0 lo.4f J5ViO btxt 7.imo 1" X'"-' L.tso 4.f','i 1 726 11.42 1D26 t.fsW 11 rts) 4 art, 46"i 140O1 14. (4, K.nX 71,02 iVlS I. Joaeph LI. Itork Market. ST JOSKPH. Mo.. June I. CATTLE Receipts. 1.72S head; market mostly )0r lower Natives, I40085.75, cow and hel. r. tl.ttstjtf.. stockers and feeders. $2.ti 4 e75. HOGS-Recelptt. U Vi head: market strong 10 6c higher. Light $tt04f$a6; me dium and heavy, $T5 32u?4 1714 ' m SHEEP. AND LAM'68-Rcelpti1 i,2t Drr (iooda Mnrket. NEW YORK June 6 -DRY tiOODB A firmer statlstlcAl Pk'&;tlun la cvldnt in all sections of the dry good market with prices tending upward No actual advance have been reported djrlng the day. but buyers find II very dirncu'i to secure d liveries at anything Ilka autlsfacl my dates. Buyers are not operating extensively, but show a desire to cover themselves mora extensively in the future. Edwards-Wood Co lneorporated . . nJo Cfflce: Fll'h aad Robe, ktraatl iT f'AUL. niNN. DKAIelfta IN Stocks, Grain, Provision Ship Your Grain to Us Itraaieb OOice, 110-111 Hoar 4 of Tnaa BI4TK Onaaha. Neb. Telepkoao 86 M. 2l.'-2l4 Exclisnge fcldg.. South Omaha. Btll Phone an. lAdevetidsat 'Catena A i: A .' -1 . r 4